Batgirl in video shocker

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Damian Jackson was a junior sales assistance of a large clothing store chain in Gotham. After working for nearly five years in the store, he was moved to the women's clothing department. Within a few weeks, he had constructed a devious plan with the aid of a colleague who worked in-store security to spy on women as they used the store's changing room.

Hiding a new-style slim line security camera inside two of the five store's female dressing rooms, he and his friend captured hours of secret footage of women undressing, which they have used for their own pleasure.

On the morning of the 25th November, there was a fire on the basement floor of the shop. The speedy evacuation of the building was made even quicker by the appearance of Batgirl, who helped elderly and disabled shoppers reach safety quickly.

Moments after the fire, Damian dismantled the hidden camera before any police/firemen could find it. He took the device with the last disk home.

Two days later, Helen, Damian's elder sister, a rookie at Gotham City Gazette was looking for news. She wanted to be a famous journalist, but not just any kind of journalist, Helen wanted to be on the level of Lois Lane, Vicky Vale, or Cat Grant. She has investigated Louie the Lilac in the past, but to be a Pulitzer winner she should post a shocking article revealing something unknown, but she didn't know what.

Tired of getting nothing and bored, she arrived home. Helen decided to watch some movies but she had already seen the ones she had several times. So she went to her brother's bedroom and pick up the first disk she found in Damian's drawers. She saw that the same was unlabeled. She introduced the disk inside the video player and turned the TV on.

For her big surprise, it was about Damian's last hobby. There were at least what she estimated to be 2 hours or more of his voyeur activities.

She was about to turn off the TV when she started watching the last part of the video with the day of the incident images. Moments during the fire, the tape revealed a redhead woman getting into one of the changing cubicles. Unfortunately for her, it was one of the cubicles with a hidden security camera.

Pulling off her smart business jacket and white blouse she revealed a black skin costume with the familiar bat logo. The skirt was discarded to be changed for the tights and quickly her heels are swapped for the knee-high yellow boots. Finally, a mask is pulled down over her head and upper face and she pulled her gloves upper her forearms. She then dashes out of the cubicle.

It all happened so quickly that she could not react. Then, that last part she saw left her breathless. She had a startling video revealing the secret identity of costumed crime-fighter Batgirl. She finally saw the unmasked face of Batgirl. She might have been looking upon the secret identity of Batgirl, but it was still a secret. Who the hell was she? She had no clue as to whom her face with such sweet and angelic look belonged.

Helen devised an evil plan to get even better batgirl close-ups without a mask. In minutes she took her coat and her purse and headed to the Gotham police department. Upon arrival, she asked for being received by Commissioner Gordon. Minutes later she was inside his office when an unexpected visitor also entered.

"Hello, Daddy. Hello, Chief O'Hara," said Gotham librarian Barbara Gordon as she entered her father's office.

"Hello, Barbara," responded her father, the Police Commissioner. "There's someone here I'd like you to meet. Barbara, I'd like you to meet Helen Jackson, a reporter for the Gotham City Gazette. Miss Jackson, this is my daughter, Barbara."

Helen turned around and suddenly she froze. She was completely surprised and hesitating about what to do.

"Very pleased to meet you, Miss Jackson," a smiling Barbara said, shaking hands with the reporter.

Helen had just conclusively identified Barbara as the woman in the video!!! She found out that BATGIRL was BARBARA GORDON!

"Li-Likewise, I'm sure," replied Helen finding her voice and staring fixedly at Barbara. "I was just talking to your father about setting up an interview for me with one of Gotham City's best-known crime-fighters--Batgirl!"

"Batgirl!!?", exclaimed Barbara. "Why Batgirl? I didn't know she gave interviews. And besides--how would you find her?

"Ever since my reporting broke up Louie the Lilac's black market orchid ring, I've been itching to do more crime-type stories. I thought profiling Batgirl might be a good place to begin. As far as knowing her true identity, I don't think anyone knows that. Do you, Commissioner?"

"No," replied Commissioner Gordon. "That seems to be one of Gotham's best-kept secrets. As far as I know, no one knows who is behind the mask of Batgirl. Certainly, I don't know who she really is."

Helen thought to herself and looked at Barbara as if to say, 'Keeping secrets from Daddy, eh?' "That would have been the story of the century! Imagine--discovering Batgirl's true identity!--I'd win the Pulitzer!"

"And Gotham City would lose its best crime-fighter!" exclaimed Barbara.

"Don't you all realize that unmasking her would end her effectiveness--not to mention putting her life in danger?"

"Relax, Barbara," said her father. "It sounds like you're speaking for Batgirl herself!"

Barbara quickly realized that if her vocal protestations kept on, they might draw attention to the fact that she was Batgirl!

"Anyway, Miss Jackson," continued Barbara, "How do you plan to meet with Batgirl?"

"I was going to as your father to contact her with the Bat-signal then tell her to meet me at my apartment 12-C at the New Gotham building. I figured a private conversation would be best," answered Helen.

Apartment 12-C, eh, thought Barbara. I think I'll pay a visit to Miss Jackson and give her an interview. After all, she did break up that black market ring. I'll do it as a favor--one crime-fighter to another.

After saying her goodbyes, Barbara hurried to her own apartment and entered the bedroom. Reaching under her vanity, she pressed the button that swung the wall around 180 degrees, revealing her costume. She quickly undressed, revealing a startling figure. If Daddy only knew, thought Barbara, as she donned the purple skin-tight outfit. Combing her long, red hair, she then pulled the Batgirl cowl on, masking her true identity.

Pressing another button, she revealed the secret freight elevator that housed her Batgirlcycle. Mounting it, she glided down to the street level, exited through the secret doorway, and headed to the New Gotham building.

Meanwhile, in apartment 12-C, Helen Jackson was preparing for Batgirl's appearance. She was not going to spoil a chance to get more evidence to prove Batgirl's identity. She could hardly believe that the mild-mannered Barbara Gordon was a heroine. Entering her bathroom, she placed the mini-camcorder behind some bottles on a shelf that overlooked the sink. "If things go as planned, I'll see your unmasked face again before this night is out!" thought Helen.

Re-entering the living room, Helen was shocked to see Batgirl already there, standing in her trademark stance, legs apart, and hands-on-hips.

"Batgirl!! How did you...?" cried Helen.

"Simple. I used my Bat-rope and came up the side of the building. I didn't want to attract too much attention," said Batgirl.
"Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance. Shall we begin?" asked Helen.

Both women took seats on couches on opposite sides of the coffee table as Helen Jackson began the interview.

"Tell me, Batgirl, how did you become a crime-fighter?"

"Well, I can't go into too much detail without revealing my true identity, but suffice to say I wanted to help rid Gotham City of its criminal element and thought that working from behind this mask would be most effective."

"I see," replied Helen. "So, does anyone know who you really are? Has anyone seen Batgirl unmasked?"

"No, and no one must ever see me unmasked! To do so would end my crime-fighting career! Not to mention putting my life in jeopardy! All the arch-criminals I've put away would seek their revenge on me if they knew my true identity! It MUST remain a secret!" answered Batgirl.

The interview continued with Helen asking innocuous questions that would not raise Batgirl's suspicions. Finally, the interview drew to a close.

"Batgirl, you've been a most fascinating subject! I've enjoyed this tremendously!" said Helen.

"It's been my pleasure, Miss Jackson," replied Batgirl, as she got up to leave.

"Um...Batgirl...could I ask one favor? I need a photo to go with my story. I have my camera right here. Could I take one quick photo?" asked the reporter.

"I guess so," said Batgirl, sitting back down. "Is this all right?"

"Perfect," replied Helen. "Except...I hate to mention it but I know you want to look your best for your many fans. If I could just hairspray a couple of stray hairs back in place...?

Should I take more time when getting ready? thought Batgirl. "Ok, I guess it won't hurt."

Helen picked up a conveniently nearby can of hairspray and moved toward Batgirl. As she rounded the coffee table, she "accidentally" tripped, at the same time spraying the aerosol contents in Batgirl's face!

OOOWWW!!" cried Batgirl as the hairspray hit her eyes.

"Oh my God, Batgirl---I'm so sorry! It was an accident! Are you alright?" asked Helen.

Batgirl pressed her hands to her eyes as the hairspray continued to sting. "I'll be all right. I just need to wash this spray out of my eyes. Where is your bathroom?"

"Right this way," replied Helen, leading the masked crime-fighter to the bathroom. "Can I help?"

"No, thank you. I'll need to remove my mask! I'm sure you understand..."

"Of course, Batgirl, I understand," said Helen. "I'll be here if you need me!"

As Batgirl closed and locked the bathroom door, Helen's motion-sensitive mini-camcorder clicked on and began recording! Silently it recorded as Batgirl moved to the sink. After removing her gloves, she placed a hand on each side of her cowl and slowly lifted it up, unmasking herself! She put the cowl on the side of the sink then washed the hairspray from her eyes. After drying her face, she reached for the mask that hid her Barbara Gordon identity.

At the same time, Helen sat on her couch, barely suppressing a wide grin. Her plan was working to perfection! Once Batgirl left, Helen would retrieve the minicam, downloaded the file and watch Batgirl removing her mask! What a scoop!

Even the Police Commissioner doesn't know who she really is! As for his daughter Barbara, what an innocent she is! She has no idea how cutthroat the newspaper business is! Stories like this put you on top. Poor Barbara. She probably should stop being Batgirl, thought Helen.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the apartment door. Who could that be? She wondered as she crossed the room to open it. Whoever it is I've got to get rid of them fast so I can see Batgirl unmasked!

Opening the door, she saw a familiar face holding a revolver at her heart!

"Louie the Lilac!" cried Helen.

"Yes, Miss Jackson, it's me! And I've come to pay you back for your stories about me! Prepare to die, Miss Jackson!" cried Louie.

Before Louie the Lilac could fire, Batgirl's Batarang came flying across the room, knocking the gun from the villain's hand.

"Batgirl!!" exclaimed Louie. "I don't know why you're here, but I want no part of you tonight!" With that, he turned and fled down the hallway and disappeared down the stairs.

"Miss Jackson, are you all right?" asked Batgirl.

"Yes, I'm fine...Thanks to you. saved my life!" exclaimed Helen.

"I'm glad I was here to help. Your interview was certainly timed right. Well, if you're all right I should be going..." said the masked crime-fighter. "Thank you, Helen" replied Batgirl, "Goodnight."

Turning to the window, Batgirl climbed down the Bat-rope, mounted her Batgirlcycle, and headed home.

Once Batgirl left, Helen went to the bathroom and retrieved the minicam, watched the video, and saw Batgirl removing her mask! And she had all her unmasking recorded.

However, Helen was feeling very miserable. She brought Batgirl with false pretenses. She didn't want an interview. She wanted to learn her true identity for getting the Pulitzer Price and literally hold her secret identity in her hands. But Batgirl has already saved Helen's life. It wouldn't be fair.

Helen realized that exposing Batgirl's identity would end her crime-fighting career. She can't take advantage of that and harmed Barbara. Her identity would remain a it should!" Finally, Helen decided to burn all the videos, choosing to destroy any evidence of the secret identity of Batgirl.
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Not bad. Cleanly written with a touch of suspense.
I do wonder why Helen needed a second unmasking video when she already had the first one from the changing room.
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Someone stumbling onto the secret identity of a superhero and then being tempted to take advantage of it is a very good premise for a peril story.

There are a few bits of raw writing advice I might give though. For one thing, I've noticed you switch tenses between present and perfect tense quite a few times, and from the way it occurs I don't think it's stylistic. Something to watch out for. Also, some of the descriptions are a bit clunky:
"Hello, Daddy. Hello, Chief O'Hara," said Gotham librarian Barbara Gordon as she entered her father's office."

That is WAY too long. Ultimately you can't just stuff an introduction into one sentence like this - it doesn't scan well. You need to slow down a bit, set the scene, be a little more descriptive.
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