Batgirl's Psychologist

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The scene at the gentlemen's club Superheroine HQ is finished. I posted the full sequence in the previous post (there's a bit of overlap as the first part was posted earlier).
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Awesome. Keep it up. I hope she comes back as Batgirl
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* * *

Barbara and Eva decided a post-strip club debriefing in Eva’s office was necessary to properly conclude the night. Eva had plied Barbara with a few more drinks after her Gold Club escapade, and it was a tipsy and tripping Barbara who walked unsteadily alongside Eva from the strip club to the office and bounced her way onto the office couch, eagerly waiting for Eva to strip her. The two had been less-than-discreet in playfully touching each other throughout the walk back to the office. Laughing as she reclined on her back with her feet in the air, Barbara gave Eva easy access to her womanhood. And much as Ms. Marvelous had earlier in the evening, Eva accessed Barbara’s womanhood repeatedly, lavishing sexual attention all over Barbara Gordon.

When Eva was finally finished pleasuring Barbara, two sat on the couch and Eva began to inquire as to Barbara’s experience with the stripper.

“So how about that Ms. Marvelous?” Eva asked seductively.

Barbara described her time in the Gold Club in vivid detail, relishing the memory and sensation of Ms. Marvelous exploring her body and punishing her for being a bad girl.

As Barbara described her experience, Eva’s earlier desire to possess Barbara sexually intensified itself to a desire to possess Barbara emotionally as well. A new wrinkle to her plan was needed. But for now she would enjoy the physical thrill of banging Barbara; the emotional possession of Batgirl would take more time and manipulation.

After Barbara finished recalling her sexual dalliance with Ms. Marvelous, the two women lay naked next to each other and began playfully throwing out various superheroine stripper ideas for Barbara’s new venture. The two giggled in drunken bliss, shouting out various names.

“Sex-girl!” Shouted Barbara.

“How about Super-slut?!” Eva giggled as she tickled Barbara’s clit.

“G-Spot!” Blurted out Barbara as she spread her thighs to give Eva more room to maneuver around her womanhood.

“Ultragirl!” Suggested Eva as her fingers slipped into Barbara’s pussy.

“Ultrawoman!” Barbara pulled away facetiously from Eva as she emphasized “woman”, and she slapped Eva’s bare ass in feigned offense.

“Ultra-Babe!” Eva leaned in and kissed Barbara. She let herself take on the role of a subservient lover as she intoned the words as an adoring fangirl. The act was part manipulation, part seduction. And admittedly, Eva enjoyed briefly setting aside her mastermind enterprise and psychologist persona in order to just enjoy fucking Barbara Gordon.


“Wonderous Woman!”


“Dominatrix Daredoll!”


“Gold Avenger: The Goddess of the Gold Club!”

“Mmm, I like that one,” Barbara purred as she returned Eva’s kiss. She squeezed Eva’s body tightly against hers, reveling in the feeling of Eva’s sumptuous breasts pressed firmly against her own voluptuous tits.

Eva leaned back between kisses. “Or what about—

“Just shut up and do me,” ordered Barbara. Eva’s fingering already had her on the verge of climaxing once again. Embracing one another, the two slick bodies slipped up and down against one another, grinding out another powerful pair of orgasms as they fondled one another into sexual bliss.

The night of sexual attention had the desired effect on Barbara Gordon, alias “The Gold Avenger”. Between bouts of pleasuring one another, the two lustful ladies elaborated on Batgirl’s soon-to-be stripper superheroine persona. The costume would be a shiny gold unisuit with an especially high cut and a thin strip of fabric covering her womanhood and an even thinner strip designed to slip between her firm glutes at the slightest shaking of her ass; gold thigh-high boots with stiletto heels; and a golden mask of the same shiny metallic fabric, smaller than her Batgirl mask, covering only the top portion of her face. At Eva’s behest, Barbara agreed to have her hair dyed metallic blonde as a final touch. Her gimmick as the Gold Avenger would be satisfying only Gold Club Members: by presenting herself as a stripper only serving the most exclusive of members, she would make herself available to Gotham’s highest rollers and thereby access those most likely to be connected.

As the idea became more of an inevitable reality during her subsequent session, Barbara had to address the most significant complication in the plan. “What about my identity? I can’t just walk in as Barbara Gordon.”

“I thought about that. You’re literally going to apply as the Gold Avenger; you will never reveal your true identity. And as a perk for the business, you can offer to take your pay only in the form of tips—no need to fill out any forms.”

Eva seemed to have everything worked out. In fact, she even had a connection with someone in the fashion industry. Within a week, Eva had four sets of the Gold Avenger costume delivered to her office. When Barbara opened the box containing the costumes, she felt a small thrill of excitement. She held the gold unisuit in her hands. The feel of the cool metallic fabric was titillating to the young superheroine. She was reminded of the first time she donned her Batgirl uniform, yet this time she felt a greater sense of erotic excitement at the prospect of wearing the Gold Avenger costume.

“May I?”

“Please do,” urged Eva. She smiled as she watched Barbara strip out of her Batgirl uniform and slip into the Gold Avenger costume. The fact that Barbara was not wearing any underwear was not missed by Eva. Barbara had been consistently giving in more and more to her sensual urges, and the feeling of being naked beneath a skin-tight costume while out in public was a powerful urge of hers—ever since her involuntary arousal and climax at the City Hall rally.

Barbara was impressed by the quality as she modeled the costume for Eva: the form-fitting outfit was of the same caliber as her Batgirl uniform. Yet the metallic gold material left very little to the imagination: the high-cut unisuit with the thin strip of fabric between her thighs exposed practically all of Barbara’s firm ass, and the skin-tight quality of the material along with its metallic shine revealed the perkiness of Barbara’s nipples and the contours of her womanhood. Then there was the matter of her breasts squeezed up beneath the unisuit, practically popping out and showing more cleavage than Barbara would have liked. Yet as she moved about the room, she found the costume sturdier than she anticipated: bouncing on her feet to check the integrity of the unisuit, Barbara’s breasts stayed firmly in place.

Despite the costume’s support and stability, Barbara was uneasy wearing the outfit. The high-cut unisuit with the excessively thin strip of gold fabric barely covering her womanhood made her self-conscious, the even thinner strip of fabric slipping between her firm glutes made her ill-at-ease, and the thigh-high boots with stiletto heels made her uncomfortable and walking exceedingly difficult. As Barbara wobbled about the office in her Gold Avenger costume, she looked over at Eva for support and encouragement. Eva lavished Barbara with compliments and adulation until the Gold Avenger started to become a reality. And after Eva finished fucking the Gold Avenger good and hard—there was no way Eva could pass up taking Barbara Gordon wearing that incredibly sexy outfit—the superheroine stripper became a definite reality. When sweaty, disheveled and satisfied Barbara Gordon finally left the office with the package under her arm, Eva smacked the future stripper on her ass and reminded her to practice her maneuvers with the new boots. “I want to see you in action as the Gold Avenger during our next session, okay babe?”

* * *
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New section added, as Barbara Gordon prepares to take on a second masked role in the name of justice...or something along those lines.
Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated, so feel free to make note of any grammar issues, areas in need of improvement, missing details, etc. And as the story is constantly evolving, adding your thoughts and ideas serve as inspiration so feel free to add your thoughts.
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* * *

After two weeks of daily practice in her apartment and four training sessions in Dr. Kinsey’s office, Barbara mastered her mobility in her new boots—her gymnastics background served her well. After performing two of the dance routines she and Eva had choreographed to Eva’s satisfaction, the two decided the Gold Avenger was ready to present herself to the public. Eva called up the club and set up the initial meeting, essentially serving as the Gold Avenger’s manager.

The Gold Avenger arrived at the club a little after 1 AM on Thursday morning. She walked by the bouncers who could only ogle the sexy blonde babe in the gold mask, skimpy gold unisuit and fuck-me-boots who strutted past the line of gawking men waiting to be allowed entry. Once inside, she made her way to the bar and asked one of the bartenders for the manager.

“Maurice is in his office.” The bartender indicated a door at the top of the stairs to the side of the strip club’s main stage. He watched in profound appreciation as the Gold Avenger marched up the steps and knocked at the door.

“Come in,” a voice from inside the office beckoned.

She opened the door and walked inside a surprisingly elegant room with a carpeted floor and ornate wooden panels on the walls. A man sat behind a large mahogany desk. Behind him was a bar with a variety of expensive liquors and framed photos of beautiful women dressed as superheroines on display.

“Shut the door and have a seat,” said the man.

The Gold Avenger shut the door and sat down. She felt uneasy sitting in the chair—the thin gold strip of fabric on her backside was tightly wedged between her glutes and the cool sensation of the leather chair on her bare ass made her feel all-the-more exposed. The awkward sound of her butt sticking to the chair as she shifted around added to her self-consciousness.

“You come highly recommended. And from what I can see, the recommendation was quite accurate. So what’s your deal ‘Gold Avenger’? Why do you want to work at SHQ?”

Barbara had rehearsed her lines and delivered them smoothly, giving her reason for becoming a stripper and her rationale for staying in character. The manager seemed satisfied with her story, and her insistence on staying in character at all times received no pushback. Dr. Kinsey had apparently been correct in her conclusion that staying off the club’s books and being a cash-only employee would be well received.

In actuality, the manager was only half-listening to the Gold Avenger. Most of his attention was focused on the tight gold fabric firmly clinging to the Gold Avenger’s tits: her nipples were poking out against the shiny fabric and her breasts were practically bursting out of the unisuit. He was jerked out of his trance when the door abruptly burst open.

“Why is Lexxie scheduled for the main stage tonight?! That’s my spot!” A woman dressed in a blue star-spangled thong, a red-and-gold top, red boots with a white line down the middle of them and wearing a golden tiara stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

“I’m in the middle of a meeting!” roared Maurice. He rose from behind his desk and stalked over to where the woman began backing out the door. Meekly, she tried to continue her protest.

“I paid for my spot tonight, and I deserve—”

“Look here princess, you paid for the main stage on Thursday night, but I decide which 30-minute blocks you get. You’re still on for the three 30-minute sessions.”

“But the 10-11 hour is the prime spot and everyone knows it!”

“Look Wonderbabe,” Maurice lowered his voice, which seemed all-the-more menacing. His huge frame towered over the scantily-clad superheroine stripper. “You’re hot stuff but Lexxie is our number one draw. Unless you’re willing to do step up your game to her level, you’ll have to work around her performances. Now if this is a problem for you…”

Maurice let his voice trail off, letting Wonderbabe decide what his implied threat might entail. She hesitated.

The Gold Avenger watched the two. “Wonderbabe” seemed to have something more she wanted to say, but she was clearly intimidated by Maurice. There was something familiar about Maurice—something in his mannerisms—made her a bit apprehensive. What was it about this man she recognized? Had she focused less on the sexy blue star-spangled thong covering the shapely curves of Wonderbabe, she might have noticed the bear tattoo on Maurice’s arm. Maurice clearly shared the Gold Avenger’s taste as he squeezed Wonderbabe’s ass before pushing her out of the room.

“So that’s how our scheduling works, but we can address that later. What I need to know is what you can bring to the club. It’s one thing to look hot in a sexy outfit like yours, it’s another to strut your stuff on stage to bring in the money. Show me what you’ve got.”

The Gold Avenger proceeded to perform the two dances she had choreographed with Eva. As she completed her first routine, she sensed Maurice liked what he saw. Her second routine confirmed it.

Maurice was impressed. Few strippers could maneuver as well as this woman did wearing six-inch stilettos. Her body was amazing—her tits were stunning and real! And that ass! For a moment, he was distracted by the thoughts of what he would do to Gold Avenger’s ass. But that would come later.

“Not bad Gold Avenger, not bad at all,” Maurice complimented her as she finished the second routine and returned to her seat. “So what’s your weakness?”

“Excuse me?” The question caught Barbara off-guard.

“You know, your weakness. All our superheroines have a weakness, something to bring in more action for the club.”

Barbara was flustered and threw out the first superheroine trope she could think of: “I guess something like Gold Kryptonite…” her voice trailed off as Maurice rolled his eyes.

“Seriously? Can you come up with less of a cliche? We already have both a Supergirl and a Superiorgirl using that concept.”
Barbara thought a bit more. “What about something like a golden lasso?”

Maurice sighed. “It’s a wonder you even came up with a semi-original superheroine character. Look, we need a weakness the men you’ll be stripping for can use. Our clientele wants to watch, not work. They need to be able to weaken you when you’re giving them a private dance without props.”

Barbara bit her lip. She had not thought through the private dance scenarios; she had figured on gaining information from the strippers and primarily strutting on stage or performing on a pole.

“You’re plenty hot, so we can use something simple. Let’s just go with an old classic: when your tits or pussy are fondled, you grow weak. It’s one of the more popular ‘weaknesses’.” He raised his hand as Barbara opened her mouth to protest. “And don’t worry, they won’t touch you beneath your costume. But obviously you’re going to have to let them grope you a bit.”

The idea made Barbara sweat a bit. Part of her was titillated by the idea of men lusting after her as she performed her routines on stage, but part of her was still hesitant at the idea of being so overtly sexualized.

Maurice quickly moved on with the interview, not giving Barbara time to consider what sort of groping she would eventually endure. “Now I’m assuming this isn’t your first rodeo. You have stripped before, right?”

“Of course!” Barbara insisted.

Maurice sensed the woman was lying, or at least stretching the truth. She was probably one of those conceited college chicks who teased guys in bars with their provocative dancing and thought they could cash in on their looks and dancing skills by stripping at a fancy gentlemen’s club. But Maurice knew how to manipulate such women, and he was definitely going to take full advantage of this novice’s naïveté. Despite her competence in performing the dance routine, her reactions to his questions revealed her to be a neophyte when it came to stripping.

“Then you know management needs to sample the goods before we put you on the stage. You have a great floor routine, but I need you to show me how you plan on entertaining our more exclusive members.” Maurice moved his chair away from the desk and sat back.

“You mean you want me to…”

“You know what I mean,” Maurice had a faint smile on his face as he gestured for the Gold Avenger to join him on his side of the desk.

For the next few minutes, the Gold Avenger proceeded to give Maurice an incredibly awkward lap dance. Barbara tried her best to blend coy and sexy as she rubbed and thrust her body against Maurice, but she became awkward and insecure when she saw Maurice’s erection begin to push against his pants. Barbara lost her focus and stumbled, almost falling on Maurice before regaining her balance.

“Now show me what you can do for our more exclusive members,” said Maurice as he began unzipping his pants.

“You don’t expect me to—”

“I expect you to finish me off if you ever want to strip here. So either you start sucking or start leaving.”

The Gold Avenger was not about to be debased in such a manner! She moved away from Maurice, giving him a look of clear disgust. “I am the Gold Avenger. I am not about to debase myself in such a way for you or any of your ‘exclusive members’.”

Maurice realized he had pushed things too far too fast with this woman. Despite her protest, she was definitely new to the stripping circuit. In time she would come around to putting out for bigger tips. But for now he would entertain her delusions. This babe was too hot to let her get away.

“Fine. At least show me how you can properly finish off a lap dance.” Maurice needed to have some release, and he desperately wanted a piece of the Gold Avenger! There was something about her he found irresistible, and her sudden haughty manner made him want her all-the-more.

Throwing her hair back, the Gold Avenger practically strutted back to where Maurice was seated. ‘The Gold Avenger will have her way,’ she thought to herself. She could read the desperation and desire in the man’s face—she had grown accustomed to seeing it as Batgirl and would be seeing it even more frequently in the months to come as the Gold Avenger. This man was clearly not in the habit of being refused or rejected; she would manipulate his arrogance into acquiring what she wanted.

It took less than a minute of Gold Avenger grinding her ass against his crotch before Maurice climaxed. He tried to cup the superheroine stripper’s breasts as he came, but she deftly avoided his pawing hands as she finished her seductive dance routine.

“So when should I show up tomorrow?” the Gold Avenger asked coyly as she moved away from Maurice who was busily cleaning himself.

As much as he wanted to put the stripper in her place, he was still too distracted by her allure and his climax. “11 o’clock. Have your music mix ready and be prepared to show off your assets.”
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Newest section added. Barbara has taken on her Gold Avenger persona and applies for a position at the Superheroine HQ strip club.
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It is with much anticipation, as I wait for tomorrow’s 11 O’clock hour to arrive! ;)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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* * *
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Barbara’s first night as the superheroine stripper Gold Avenger went better than she anticipated, and the experience fed her ego immensely. Barbara had used the same degree of preparation, planning and focus for her performance at the strip club as she used for a night of crimefighting as Batgirl. Using her gymnastics background, Barbara performed a seductive combination of athleticism and eroticism in her pole routine. The performance was so remarkable, even some of the other strippers had to pause and watch. Even Eva, who had accompanied Barbara to the club as support, was impressed.

But Barbara revealed her inexperience in the transition from the pole to the stage. To the amusement of many, Barbara was so focused on her dance performance she forgot to make herself available to the outstretched arms desperate to touch her body while slipping a ten or twenty—even an occasional C-note—into the mesmerizing skin-tight gold outfit tightly hugging that stunningly sexy body.

One of the strippers, dressed in an alluring black unisuit with a gold lightning bolt on her chest, pulled her aside between sets to help her out.

“Don’t forget why you’re here. The first night on stage can be overwhelming. You’re plenty hot babe. Just relax and crawl around on the edge of the stage where your fanboys and fangirls can give you some appreciation.”

“It is a bit nerve-racking out there,” said Barbara. She extended her hand to her newfound friend. “My name’s Bar—I mean, Gold Avenger.” She smiled awkwardly.

“Miss Marvelous,” the woman winked and smiled back at her. “Don’t overthink things. Go out there and have fun turning those people on. Just remember your goal: take their money in exchange for allowing them the brief thrill of being close to their sexual fantasy.” She playfully smacked the Gold Avenger on the ass before returning backstage to prepare for her set. “And welcome to the team!”

Miss Marvelous’ advice helped. Dancing and prancing off the pole was difficult for the Gold Avenger, and her moves were stiff and awkward. Nonetheless, her sheer sexuality was a powerful magnet, and those near the stage were drawn to the vision in gold.

Though the club’s rules were explicit about touching the strippers, a few patrons were a bit liberal in placing bills beneath the Gold Avenger’s costume. And a group of young stockbrokers from Gotham’s prestigious Stratford Oakmont out celebrating their hostile takeover of Knab Technology took quite a few liberties with her: she had her nipple pinched and breasts groped a few times, and several hands squeezed her firm butt cheeks—one broker even slipped his finger slipped beneath the metallic gold fabric and almost found its way up her pussy!

But when Barbara returned to her apartment and counted up her take for the night, she found herself distracted by the total—over $2K in less than three hours’ work! Despite being a real-life superheroine, Barbara Gordon was a young woman with a healthy ego and expensive tastes. The financially successful night at the club—along with the ego boost from clienteles’ comments—served as the catalyst to Ms. Gordon’s enthusiastic venture into stripping.

Despite the late hours working at the club, Barbara managed to balance her stripping hours with her shift at the library and the occasional late night escapade as Batgirl. She even felt a sense of satisfaction for seamlessly integrating her new role as the superheroine stripper Gold Avenger into her weekly routine.

Barbara embraced her role at Superheroine HQ within her first month stripping at the club. She derived a sense of pride in the way customers clamored to her stage when she hit the floor. Whereas at first she felt put off by the men ogling her on stage, she quickly came to cherish their hypnotized gaze.

And it did not take long for the Gold Avenger to become one of the most popular strippers at Superheroine HQ. Barbara’s gymnastics background and athletic body made her a natural pole dancer, her gorgeous curves and seductive style made her irresistibly alluring to the clientele, and her luscious lips and metallic hair made her a blonde bombshell notwithstanding the gold mask hiding the upper portion of her face.

Only Ms. Marvelous—Lexxie’s superheroine stripper persona—generated as much attention and adulation as the Gold Avenger. And as Lexxie and Barbara hit it off, so too did Ms. Marvelous and the Gold Avenger hit things off on stage. But their dynamics in the club’s most private rooms were the things fantasies were made of.

* * *

Becoming the Gold Avenger was an exciting process, but neglecting Batgirl began to affect Barbara’s psyche. Despite her athletic background, Barbara had some growing pains in transforming herself into a high-end stripper. Pole-dancing was relatively easy for her to master, but dancing and stripping in a seductive manner took some serious practice. And despite her encouragement, Dr. Kinsey was quite critical with Barbara; she would constantly reproach her moves. “You’re dancing like Barbara Gordon at a bar; you need to perform like Gold Avenger at a strip club!”

Barbara decided to take a week off from work and her Gold Avenger training in order to satisfy her Batgirl alter-ego. Her frustrations at being new and awkward at stripping needed to be balanced with the satisfaction of being prepared and skilled at crimefighting.

The week was gratifying. The first few nights were standard fare for the superheroine—mostly low-level criminals—but towards the end of the week Batgirl felt a lingering lack of satisfaction despite her successful crimefighting. She realized what it was when she found herself near the Midtown Repository. The sexual stimulation from Ms. Marvelous at the club and Eva at her office had been deeply satisfying, but Batgirl became overwhelmed by a powerful urge to have a man’s cock shoved up her pussy. She wanted to feel a man cumming on her, manhandling her!

But the week provided no opportunities, intentional or otherwise. Batgirl was never in any real peril, and none of the criminals she went up against were remotely attractive. In fact, she had to try something she had never tried before: she decided to present herself. All she had to do was find someone attractive and athletic enough to satisfy her sexual needs.

On Friday night, Batgirl made her way to the Financial District and entered the Stratford Oakmont building. After a successful week, many Oakmont stockbrokers spent their money and nights either in Superheroine HQ’s Gold Club or celebrating on the top floors of the Stratford Oakmont building with some top end superheroine strippers for a late night of drinking and debauchery. The depths of their depravity was legendary, which was part of Batgirl’s inspiration to insinuate herself into their revelry.

Batgirl parked her motorcycle in a discreet corner of the underground parking lot. Removing a code grabber from her utility belt, Batgirl used the device to gain entry into the Stratford Oakmont building. Having already hacked into the security system, Batgirl had the bottom floor camera system on a three-hour loop from the previous night. As no one would likely be on the ground floor during that time, Batgirl would be able to enter the building without any risk of being recorded or seen. She walked over to the lobby where the security system was located and shut down the cameras on the 19th floor. Barring some extraordinary event, it was highly unlikely anyone would check Friday’s security footage. And even if the footage was checked, the odds of the 19th floor’s footage being closely scrutinized was practically nil—the floor was merely a collection of offices and cubicles.

Confident in her clandestine caper, Batgirl made her way up the stairs to the 19th floor. It was a perspiring but excited Batgirl who quietly walked through the 19th floor. It was silent with only the dim glow from the various electronic devices, but she could hear bass from music being played on a floor above. As she climbed the flight of stairs to the 20th floor, music and loud voices became more distinct. Through the small window of the stairwell door could be seen a group of about 20 people drinking and talking in raised voices over the blaring music playing in the background. Some of the superheroine strippers from Superheroine HQ seductively danced alongside the stockbrokers. Batgirl even recognized a few of them from her visit to the club with Eva. She was mildly disappointed to find the Gold Avenger was not present, though a part of her was glad to see the Gold Avenger was too good to be pimped out to wealthy stockbrokers.

‘Time for a little role-play.’

Batgirl threw open the door and walked into the room with her usual flair. “Good evening,” Batgirl greeted the astounded onlookers. “My apologies for interrupting your party, but I need a few strong men to help me out.”

Batgirl stood in her power pose and looked over the stunned group.

“When did Superheroine HQ get a Batgirl stripper?!” one of the stockbrokers exclaimed.

“I’m glad they did! She’s fucking hot!”

The superheroine strippers glared at Batgirl. When had SHQ hired this stripper? And were they expected to split their tips with her?!

“Batgirl is going to be pissed to hear about this,” sneered one of the strippers.

“Who cares?! It’s not like she’s got a trademark on being Batgirl.”

Batgirl looked over the stockbrokers and pointed at two men who looked to be in their mid-20s and in good physical shape. “How about you two? Can I count on you boys to assist me?” The two nodded eagerly and she gestured for them to follow her. Neither man was about to refuse the amazingly accurate Batgirl model.

The three made their way back down to the 19th floor where Batgirl led them into one of the empty offices. She sauntered to the window overlooking the Financial District and turned around to face the two men, a sly and seductive look on her face. The dim light of the moon highlighted Batgirl’s curves as she stood, hands on her hips in a power pose, looking over the two men.

“How can we help you out ‘Batgirl’?” asked one of the men. The stripper looked so convincing as Batgirl, the two men were fully prepared to lend a hand with some sort of physical procedure.

“Are you both serious about helping a superheroine out?”

The two nodded. The alcohol and late night celebrating had made them quite suggestible and they had bought into Batgirl’s superheroine persona; they were soon rendered intoxicated by Batgirl’s request. Batgirl unbuckled her belt and dropped it to the floor.

“Then I’m going to need you both to give me a proper fuck.”

“Are…are you serious?!”

Batgirl smiled coyly.

The indecent request temporarily removed the Batgirl illusion. “I thought we couldn’t hook up with Superheroine HQ strippers outside of the Gold Club.”

This surprised Batgirl. She had assumed the club would encourage such “activities” both in and out of the club in order to maximize their profits. Though she was pleased to learn of the club’s standards, at the moment she was frustrated—she needed to get off!

Batgirl decided to build off the men’s ironic fantasy of being with the superheroine—she literally just needed to be herself.

“Look boys, being a superheroine is hard work and sometimes we need a little release.” Batgirl removed her boots and yanked down her skin-tight black pants, placing the boots and folded pants on the office desk. She now stood before the two men wearing her top, mask, cape and an alluring bright yellow thong. The two guys were still standing and staring.

“Are you saying you’re not interested in this?” She walked up to the two men, standing so close to one of them that her breasts pressed up against his chest. Then she suddenly reached down and cupped their crotches. “I thought you two would be up for the challenge of satisfying Batgirl,” she whispered coyly as she gently fondled their manhood.

The suspension of disbelief was complete. Both men frantically began to disrobe.

“Now two rules before you fuck me: the mask stays on at all times, and no tearing my uniform. Other than that,” Batgirl paused to let her words sink in, “anything goes!”

The men nodded eagerly as they stripped naked.

And anything did go. At first the men took turns fucking Batgirl, but watching one another sexing up the superheroine was such a turn-on that neither man could wait for long. And then Batgirl startled them. “Don’t sex me up like a superheroine, fuck me like a Gold Club stripper!”

That was all the motivation the men needed to give Batgirl what she wanted. The superheroine found herself on all fours giving one man a blow-job while the other fucked her from behind.

Occasionally she had to restrain the two stockbrokers, and at one point she had to be forceful with them when one of the men almost ripped her top as they tore it off her body. The men were surprised by her strength, which served Batgirl well: the guys became more comfortable manhandling Batgirl knowing she was strong enough to handle it.

At one point, Batgirl was shoved up against the large office window—wearing only her mask, gloves and boots—and fucked from behind. Looking down on Gotham, she wondered if anyone in the opposing building could see what was happening. A part of her wanted someone to see what was being done to her. What would Gotham’s citizens think if they could see their revered masked superheroine being forcefully fucked in an office building by two strangers?

As these thoughts went through her head, she reflected back to her first session with Dr. Kinsey and how reserved she had been. Two years ago, Batgirl had been a virgin superheroine. And now? A former Penthouse centerfold, Batgirl was having her pussy fingered while being fucked in the ass with her naked body pressed up against a giant window in the center of Gotham’s Financial District by a complete stranger!

‘I used to be such a good girl,’ Batgirl smirked as she thought to herself. And in contrast to her reflection, she pushed out her ass and ordered the man to be more forceful. “Fuck me harder! Punish me!”

Gripping Batgirl by the back of her cowl, the man shoved her head rudely against the window and began taunting her as he thrust himself as hard as he could against Batgirl’s naked ass.

Taking his cue from Batgirl, the man responded to her order in an equivalent tone: “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to be limping tomorrow Bat-slut! Now shut up and take it bitch!”

“Yes! Give it to me hard! Fuck me for the slut I am!” Batgirl panted, loving the way the man was taking on his role as Batgirl’s punisher: forcefully fucking her and treating her like a whore.

At that moment, the two men were convinced it truly was Batgirl being deservedly fucked in the office room. The role-play had become real for them, and Batgirl was doing her best to maintain its reality. Grasping the mouthy superheroine by her mask, the man fucking Batgirl from behind rudely slammed her head against the window and shoved her body up against the glass. It might have been painful for Batgirl had the pleasure of being manhandled and fucked to climax not been so overwhelmingly satisfying. With her head pressed against the window and her body repeatedly pounded against the glass, Batgirl released another powerful orgasm.

Batgirl was made to cum many times that night. After her fourth orgasm, she thought about calling it a night. But it had been such a long time since she had a hard cock up her pussy or in her ass! And though both men had already climaxed, the thought of fucking Batgirl sped up their recovery time. Her fifth orgasm—and her sweetest climax—was when she stood between the two men, her legs spread out to allow maximum access, let both men fuck her like the threesome she had many months before in Dr. Kinsey’s office. Whereas the previous time the threesome was a blend of eroticism tinged with violation, this threesome was pure sexual pleasure. She was pressed between the two men, one penetrating her pussy while the other fucked her up the ass.

“Do me at the same time,” panted Batgirl. “I want to feel both of you inside me at the same time.”

The two complied, and Batgirl squealed in sexual ecstasy as she felt both men penetrating her synchronously.

The combination of hearing Batgirl’s moaning and feeling themselves repeatedly entering Batgirl’s body brought both men to the heights of sexual climax. Batgirl sensed their bodies were on the precipice of orgasm. Hers was also on the verge of climax.

“I want you both to cum inside me now!” Batgirl blurted out.

The two men thrust into Batgirl one last time. She felt both their cocks deep inside of her. All three bodies shuddered, and then she felt the warm embrace of orgasm. The three of them stood pressed up against one another for a moment, then the two men slipped out of Batgirl’s body and stumbled back. One steadied himself against the desk while the other slumped on the couch. Batgirl staggered to the large office window and steadied herself against it, catching her breath and savoring her sexual satisfaction.

It was a little after 2 AM when Batgirl decided to call it a night. The two men were exhausted. One was leaning against the office desk and the other was sprawled out on the office couch. Looking for her skin-tight pants, she saw the man by the desk was distractedly fingering them.

“I’m going to need that back,” Batgirl smiled at the man.

“This is some high quality costume!” said the man as he handed over the pants.

“Thanks,” Batgirl murmured as she pulled on her pants and slipped her feet into her yellow boots. She felt immensely satisfied yet quite sore, and she gingerly made her way to the office door.

“So…um…how can we see you again?” Asked the man on the couch.

Batgirl paused. She was about to suggest asking for her at Superheroine HQ, but that would be as the Gold Avenger.

“Maybe I’ll have to come again for another visit. In the meantime, thank you for a very satisfying night boys,” Batgirl smiled at the two men as she quietly opened the door and walked out. Though she had planned on taking the stairs, she was exhausted and sore and the thought of walking down 19 floors was unappealing. In her current state of mind—relaxed, satisfied and with her guard down—Batgirl opted to take the elevator to the garage.

A thought came to mind as she waited for the elevator doors to open. She was surprised she had not already considered it: Batgirl could get laid any time she wanted! It was an arousing thought and one she would consider at length, though for now she wanted to relax back at her apartment: Batgirl had been properly manhandled and fucked, and now she needed some recovery time.

Batgirl was in a state of reverie as she exited the elevator into the building’s underground garage. Walking to her motorcycle, she noticed a second motorcycle parked beside hers. Despite the warm feeling of sexual bliss, Batgirl’s detective mind was sharp as ever. That motorcycle was not there when she arrived a little after midnight. All the strippers had already arrived before her and the stockbrokers were already on-site. Looking over the bike, Batgirl noticed a painting of a snarling cat on both sides of the frame. The painting triggered an embarrassing memory: her unfortunate night at the Gotham Repository.

A closer inspection of the motorcycle revealed it to be a woman’s bike. Perhaps the bike had nothing to do with the theft at the repository, yet the bike being parked beside the burglars’ delivery truck seemed to be more than mere coincidence. Had there been a third person involved in the heist?

Batgirl’s curiosity and her sensual satisfaction inspired her to investigate. Even if poking around the building proved fruitless, she might find another two brokers to pleasure her.

After an hour of stealthily sneaking about the building, Batgirl decided to hide in the garage and wait for the motorcycle’s owner to return. She was not quite sure what she would do when the woman appeared, but she needed to catch a glimpse of her.

Batgirl did not have to wait long. Hidden in the shadows, Batgirl watched and waited.

Before she knew it, a masked woman clad in a black catsuit was striding across the garage to the black motorcycle with the painted cats. The woman was so stealthy and silent that Batgirl barely registered her presence.

A closer inspection of the woman revealed her mask to have a subtle feline-theme, a perspective undoubtedly influenced by the image on the motorcycle. Two protrusions designed to look like cat ears had some sort of device implanted in them; the black catsuit, though tightly clinging to the woman’s curves, was made of a sort of kevlar material designed to blunt impact without restricting motion; the black boots were military-grade, more utilitarian than aesthetic. She wore some kind of tech goggles and a small black rucksack.

Batgirl felt an urge to confront the woman, yet she did not even have a pretext to detain her. All she had was the coincidence of seeing her bike outside the Gotham Repository. And between the soreness from her night’s antics and her post-coital comfort, Batgirl was in no condition for a serious conflict.

A moment later, the woman was gone.

Batgirl felt a pang of shame. The woman exuded a professional and highly-trained demeanor, which contrasted sharply with Batgirl’s lustful reason for being at Stratford Oakmont.

But why was that cat woman in the building? The thought stayed with Batgirl long into the night, longer than the sweet sexual satisfaction of being banged by the Oakmont stockbrokers.

* * *
Last edited by sugarcoater 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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New section added. For anyone reading it, please feel free to give feedback and any issues regarding style or grammar as I'm looking to work on improving my writing style.
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That some risky behaviour by batgirl. Will be fun to read more as her risky behaviour extends to her strip club endeavours.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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* * *

At the end of her first month stripping at Superheroine HQ, the club’s owner—John Redner—made an overture to the Gold Avenger to suggest she consider working in the exclusive Gold Club section of the establishment. She would hesitate at first. Based on what she had gleamed from the select superheroine strippers who worked in the GC, almost anything could happen in those private rooms. Yet she would find Mr. Redner’s offer quite lucrative…

The Gold Avenger pulled up in her new motorcycle—Barbara Gordon had to purchase a second bike in order to avoid any connection between herself and the Gold Avenger—and dismounted in her new Les Tien sweatsuit. Though she enjoyed creating a commotion by arriving at the club in her Gold Avenger regalia, the cooler fall weather and the practicality of riding a bike in a ridiculously skimpy skintight outfit necessitated a change. Nonetheless, the sexy stripper in the gold sweatsuit with white lines along the sides wearing an enigmatic gold mask was still quite the site.

The strippers had been urged to enter the club through the front entrance in order to create more interest, and the Gold Avenger was more than happy to comply. She relished the women’s stares and men’s ogling as she strutted past the people waiting in line, though the looks she received wearing her sweatsuit were not as intense as when she walked in wearing her skimpy unisuit and thigh-high boots.

The Gold Avenger exchanged a few polite words with the bouncers, then made her way into the club. She waved to the bartenders as she worked her way through the early evening crowd to the locker room in the back.

A note had been taped to her locker. It was from the owner of Superheroine HQ, John Redner, and it requested her presence in his private room overlooking the club. The Gold Avenger tucked away the note in her sweat pants’ pocket. She then opened her locker and pulled out her thigh-high gold boots and gold gloves. Slowly she took off her sweatsuit, meticulously folding it and carefully placing it in her locker.

“You okay?”

The words startled the Gold Avenger. She was lost in thought as she mulled over the meaning of the note. Miss Marvelous gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “What’s going on G? You seem out-of-sorts.”

The Gold Avenger closed her locker. “I had a note from Mr. Redner taped to my locker. Do you know why Mr. Redner would want to see me?”

Miss Marvelous shook her head. “I couldn’t say, but it’s probably something good. After all, you’ve been a huge hit on the main stage.”

The Gold Avenger nodded. “Thanks babe. See you on stage in a bit.”

Though she had seen most of the club, the Gold Avenger had never been inside Mr. Redner’s private room. For that matter, she had actually never before met Mr. Redner. Maurice did all of the managing and scheduling, and the lead bartenders took care of all the food and beverage orders.

It was an anxious and apprehensive Gold Avenger who walked up the stairs to the private office and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

The Gold Avenger stepped into a luxurious room with two leather chairs on either side of a large coffee table. Framed photos of various superheroine strippers lining the walls caught her eyes. As she looked around the room, she noticed a more lavish bar than the one in Maurice’s office was situated in one corner. In the other corner was a work desk with a desktop computer and two large monitors. The wall between the bar and the desk was a large glass window overlooking the club with a clear view of the main stage. The stage lights were situated just above the window, preventing anyone from getting a glimpse inside the private room.

Mr. Redner stood by the window, a drink in one hand as he looked out onto his club. As the Gold Avenger walked into his room, he gestured to one of the leather chairs.

“Have a seat.”

The Gold Avenger sat down and crossed her legs. Despite being scheduled to perform on the stage below in less than a half hour, she was self-conscious in her skimpy skintight outfit.

“Thank you for seeing me before your set; I don’t like being made to wait.” Mr. Redner walked over to his chair and sat down. He looked to be a man in his mid-50s, tall, fairly good-looking and in reasonably good shape. His dark hair and chin stubble was flecked with grey.

Mr. Redner’s appearance and attitude exuded an aura of authority, and it reminded Barbara of her father. She wished she had not worn her Gold Avenger costume to see Mr. Redner. Squirming in her chair, she tried to avoid thinking of how she appeared.

Mr. Redner slowly sipped his drink, carefully taking his time to look over the anxious stripper before continuing. “You’re no doubt wondering what prompted me to request your presence tonight. I wanted to personally offer you an opportunity to be one of the exclusive Gold Club Superheroines.”

Mr. Redner watched the stripper carefully to gauge her interest. She was uneasy yet intrigued. He placed his drink on the coffee table and directed his full attention at the woman.

“This is a privilege offered to a select few of our very best superheroines. It is not something frequently offered, nor is it for everyone.”

The Gold Avenger breathed more easily with the understanding she was being complimented instead of criticized. “What does this privilege involve?”

Mr. Redner took another sip, letting the question linger to build up the stripper’s interest. The inquiry was more than the obligatory question required of a vague offer, it was an inquiry of interest and intrigue. He knew she would accept the offer.

“The opportunity to make at least five times what you are already taking in, as well as being one of the club’s top models.”

“What would that entail?”

“Besides being one of the exclusive Gold Club superheroines, you will also be one of our promotional models. You will be one of the faces,” Mr. Redner smiled, “along with your golden mask of course, for our club. We want the Gold Avenger to represent us in our community outside the club. You would attend various Gotham social events as the Gold Avenger. You would need only indulge in whatever is going on at those events, and for your efforts you will receive a five-figure bonus for each event.”

Barbara Gordon was transfixed. Five figures?! Just for going to a party?! Already she was thinking of what she could do with that kind of money. Yet she noticed Mr. Redner had not mentioned what being an exclusive Gold Club superheroine required. And Mr. Redner held off on the specifics, focusing instead on describing in great detail all the perks—financial and otherwise—involved in being a model and spokeswoman for the club.

“Now if you are interested in being one of the exclusive Gold Club superheroines, we need to make sure you are properly trained. So what do you say? Shall we make the Gold Avenger one of Gotham’s most famous and exclusive superheroines?”

Mr. Redner description of the Gold Avenger as the club’s newest spokeswoman had a hypnotizing effect on Barbara Gordon. The glitz and glamour of the position appealed to Barbara’s ego, and the opportunity to mingle with Gotham’s elite—which would certainly include high-level criminals—intrigued Batgirl; the lure of money had become a powerful draw for Barbara Gordon, and the belief she could pry key information from clients with criminal backgrounds was a convenient deception for Batgirl.

“I’m in.”

“Good. I’ll schedule you for your training sessions with Maxine starting next week. She will help you prepare for your new role as a Gold Club superheroine.” Mr. Redner stood up and extended his hand.

“Thank you Mr. Redner,” said the Gold Avenger.

* * *
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New section added as Barbara Gordon accepts a position at Superheroine HQ that will help her finances and her criminal investigations.
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When you can see and read in this amazing story how Barbara Gordon will be wearing a super outfit rubber gum, highlighted by her yellow leather syokie tight gloss boots,
and I have a nice idea for Dr. Kinsey wore the same super outfit as batgirl to get Mrs. Psychologist and Batbara together to make Batgirls lsbian sex orgy couples clothed in their super outfit
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One can only imagine what lies ahead for BG. Great story.
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Great addition,I hope we'll see more of Batgirl soon
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* * *

“When do we start?”

The Gold Avenger stood inside the empty Superheroine HQ. A short blonde woman stood beside the bar looking over the stripper. She indicated for the Gold Avenger to follow her. “We start now. Come with me. We have an hour before the club opens so we can practice in one of the Gold Club rooms.”

Before showing the Gold Avenger a variety of strategies to further excite her clientele, she emphasized Superheroine HQ’s business model: “What makes our club unique is we cater to our clientele’s lust for power as much as their lust for hot women. This is not easy, and we have turned away scores of beautiful and sexy strippers because they could not create a maintain a superheroine ethos.

“When you take a client into the Gold Club, you need to give them that fantasy. This means you need to maintain an aura of power even as your client believes he or she is dominating you. This involves both verbal and physical acting. We also insist our superheroines maintain a regular training regimen,” Maxine gently caressed the Gold Avenger’s arm, “but that doesn’t seem like something we’re going to worry about with you. Now let’s get started.”

Pointing at the cardboard on the floor, Maxine ordered the Gold Avenger to lie down on it.

Lying on her back, the Gold Avenger looked up at Maxine.

“Now make me desire you. Make me lust for you.”

The Gold Avenger gave Maxine an alluring expression as she seductively moved her hands over her body.

“Not bad, but you need to come across as both helpless and sexy.” Maxine kneeled down beside the Gold Avenger and spread her legs out. “Flash them some of that gold pussy of yours while writhing on the floor.”

The superheroine stripper arched her back and spread her legs. The metallic golden fabric tightly covering the Gold Avenger’s body glistened in the private room’s dim light.

“Now make me want to taste it,” ordered Maxine.

The Gold Avenger thrust her hips up, pushing her crotch towards Maxine and stretching the thin gold fabric even more tightly over her pussy.

“Good,” Maxine purred as she gently caressed the Gold Avenger’s crotch. The vibrations from Maxine’s finger rubbing the stretched fabric pulsated through the Gold Avenger’s pussy. The sensation was intensely arousing. Maxine smiled as she watched the Gold Avenger’s nipples beginning to press out against the skintight golden fabric.

“Give me more. Flash me a pouty look. Let me know how much you want me to satisfy you.”

The Gold Avenger seductively licked her lips and gently moaned.

“Let me hear you get off.” Maxine rubbed the Gold Avenger’s crotch more vigorously. “You have to either get wet or make your client think you’re getting wet. You need to be able to arouse yourself in any situation.”

The rubbing became more intense, and the Gold Avenger inhaled deeply as she felt Maxine’s fingers all over her.

“Now make me believe you’re climaxing as I taste you,” Maxine ordered. She pulled aside the thin fabric clinging to her wet pussy and moved her lips to the Gold Avenger’s quivering womanhood. Maxine’s tongue entered the Gold Avenger to the sound of the Gold Avenger’s sensual moaning.

Maxine was not disappointed—though she was the club’s mistress and working with the superheroine strippers was her job, she unexpectedly found herself powerfully aroused by the Gold Avenger. Maxine felt an irresistible urge to see the Gold Avenger orgasm, then make her return the favor.

There was no need for the Gold Avenger to fake anything. The young stripper was already on the verge of climax before Maxine’s tongue slipped in and out of her pussy and flitted over her clit. The Gold Avenger creamed in ecstasy as Maxine got her first taste of the Gold Avenger.

Under Maxine’s tutelage, the Gold Avenger was shown how to come across as vulnerable without appearing weak, how to be at the mercy of a man without compromising her superheroine ethos, how to be submissive without being servile. Maxine gave her a whole new set of skills and tactics she would use both in the privacy of the Gold Club and in her own sexual escapades. She learned new ways to pose in order to create more of the superheroine peril fantasy; she was taught how to further accentuate her curves, to make her body irresistible to patrons.

The Gold Avenger was a special treat for Maxine. Throughout the week, she took full advantage of her authority over her stripping apprentice. During her training sessions, Maxine regularly stripped the Gold Avenger down to just her mask and boots and then had her way with the superheroine stripper.

And Maxine was a special privilege for the Gold Avenger. During the week with Maxine, she took full advantage of the opportunity to expand her sexual repertoire and practice her newly learned skills on the strip club’s mistress…as well as enjoy several deeply satisfying orgasms.

When the Gold Avenger arrived at the club on the last day of her week-long training with Maxine, she was surprised to find Miss Marvelous waiting alongside Maxine in the Gold Club room.

“Hey babe,” Miss Marvelous greeted the Gold Avenger. “I’m going to be working with you today.”

“Looking forward to it Lexxie,” the Gold Avenger smiled. “I was ho—”

“Call her Miss Marvelous,” interrupted Maxine. “Even in private, you need to consistently use your stage names.”

“Sorry,” the Gold Avenger corrected herself. “I’m looking forward to it ‘Miss Marvelous’.”

“You’re going to need to work on the verbal aspects of your scenarios as much as the physical aspects. When you two work together, your clientele needs to be under the illusion of two superheroines in combat. The more you use each other’s superheroine name, the more the illusion becomes real. At first it will seem forced, but trust me: your fan boys will eat it up.”

The two superheroine strippers nodded. Though she had heard the tired trope repeatedly during her seven months at the club, Lexxie knew better than to roll her eyes at Maxine. As for Barbara, the point was one she should have anticipated as she was already accustomed to referring to herself as Batgirl when she was out fighting crime.

“Good. Now let’s begin.”

The day’s training session focused on choreographed scenarios between the two superheroine strippers. Various fighting maneuvers, grappling sequences and restraint tactics—all designed to be visually stimulating to viewers—were practiced and perfected.

Both Maxine and Miss Marvelous were surprised by the speed with which the Gold Avenger picked up the choreographed combat. The entire process came easily for Barbara: her grappling skills as Batgirl crossed over smoothly to the sensual techniques as the Gold Avenger. Barbara merely needed to channel her sexuality into the exercises, and working with Miss Marvelous made that process effortless. Miss Marvelous’ smoldering sexuality inspired the Gold Avenger’s best work.

Even Maxine was impressed by the way the two women instinctively moved together. “I’m going to suggest Mr. Redner get you both working together next week.” Maxine smiled. “You two are going to be quite the show.”

* * *
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New section added as Batgirl's evolution as a superheroine stripper continues. But Batgirl will soon reappear as the Gold Avenger will be privy to some significant information from her "work" as a superheroine stripper when Sal and Carmine (some of Gotham's most powerful criminal figures) insist on a private performance from the Gold Avenger and Miss Marvelous.

And for anyone taking an interest in the story, you are officially deputized as unofficial editors. Feel free to share thoughts, ideas and corrections.
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Great additions, been loving the story interested to see where's it going, can't wait to see the Gold Avenger interact with Sal and Carmine Falcone, (maybe even some female criminal figures :D)
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Good chapter sugarcoater.
Looking forward to B's work at the gold room.
With what Dr. Kinsey did to set up and prepare Supergirl earlier, will she too be nudged towards a career change like this, or was she just a tool to get Batgirl to embrace her wickeder side?
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It would be nice if Dr. Kinsey, she did
sexy Supergirl alluring Superior Girl wearing a white rubber gloss super outfit highlighted by her white leather high tight gloss boots lined with pink krypton plates with a golden S symbol and golden inserts, a white rubber gloss cape and a white rubber gloss mask making her a Gold Club stripper ... r_Girl.jpg
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* * *

Batgirl’s big break came several weeks after her last training session with Maxine. She and Lexxie began headlining in the Gold Club shortly after their session together, and the two of them were an enormous success just as Maxine had anticipated. It did not take long before two of Gotham’s more notorious bosses requested the Gold Avenger’s presence for a private session.

“You have a special request in Room Seven. Carmine and Sal want to see you and Lexxie perform ‘Ms. Marvelous’ Cum-uppance’.”

Barbara nodded nonchalantly, but inside she felt a thrill of excitement. This was what she had been waiting for! If she played her cards right, she might be able to insinuate herself into Carmine and Sal’s more intimate conversations. And to top it all off, “Ms Marvelous’ Cum-uppance” was her favorite routine: she and Lexxie had practiced it extensively as it was one of the most requested—and most satisfying—superheroine scenarios.

“Find Lexxie and head on over to the HJA. And make it extra special—those two are some of our more valuable guests.”

“I’m on it,” said Barbara, licking her lips as she skipped off to find her partner. When she and Lexxie were performing their superheroine confrontations, the two were rarely acting when the choreographed fighting transitioned to the more erotic groping. In fact, the two had made a game of who would cum first, with $200 of their night’s tips going to whoever could hold off the longest.

The Gold Avenger found Miss Marvelous pulling on her boots in the dressing room. “We’re on tonight.”

Miss Marvelous smiled as she looked up at the Gold Avenger. “What room and sequence?”

“The Cum-uppance in the HJA.”

Miss Marvelous licked her lips and adjusted her mask. “Looks like tonight’s going to be extra special.” As she stood up, she reached out and squeezed the Gold Avenger’s ass. “And I’m taking home the two-hundred tonight.”

The Hall of Just Ass, more commonly referred to as the HJA, was one of club’s two high rollers’ room. It was not uncommon for the strippers who worked the room to walk away with four or five thousand dollars in tips, nor was it uncommon for the strippers who worked the room to do more than merely strip…

Carmine and Sal looked up from where they were seated in large leather chairs facing the small stage as the two superheroine strippers entered from opposite sides of The Hall of Just Ass. Carmine raised his glass to salute the two superheroines preparing to enact their choreographed fight on the private room’s stage. Miss Marvelous stood on one end of the stage, hands on her hips in her power pose. On the other side, the Gold Avenger stood with her legs shoulder-width apart and her arms crossed over her chest.

“This club isn’t big enough for the both of us Gold Avenger!” Ms. Marvelous proclaimed, pointing at her scripted nemesis.

“What do you think you’re going to do about it Ms. Marvelous?” taunted the Gold Avenger.

“I’m going to put you in your place. Ms. Marvelous is the alpha babe here!”

“We shall see about that!”

The two superheroines moved towards one another. When they were within a few feet of each other, they began their choreographed fight. Kicks and punches were thrown at surprisingly high speeds, and the two strippers smoothly and seductively maneuvered around them.

While the two strippers performed the first part of their act, Carmine and Sal talked business. Barbara could just barely make out what they were saying—the Gold Avenger was too busy fighting off Ms. Marvelous to properly listen in on their conversation. Nonetheless, she managed to catch a few details, including a rendezvous at Gotham Harbor scheduled for the 21st of next month. She was on the verge of catching a few key details when the groping portion of her act with Lexxie began. Once she felt Ms. Marvelous’ hands on her body, the Gold Avenger lost all focus on the conversation—her attention was directed at the sexy superheroine trying to have her way with her!

Carmine and Sal abruptly halted their conversation. Though they had seen plenty of strippers perform, they were captivated by the sexually charged scene unfolding before them: the blonde bombshell Gold Avenger seductively tussling with the dark-haired beauty Ms. Marvelous. The metallic gold of Barbara’s costume clashed beautifully with Lexxie’s shiny black outfit. The sight of Lexxie in her sexy Mr. Marvelous outfit—the skin-tight black unisuit with a large golden lightning bolt covering her chest and descending down to just above her womanhood, thigh-high black boots and arm-length black gloves—clashing with the excessively high-cut gold unisuit, knee-high gold boots and arm-length gold gloves of the Gold Avenger’s outfit was mesmerizing.

And there was a strong chemistry between the Gold Avenger and Ms. Marvelous. Barbara had been smitten when she first saw Lexxie’s pole dancing performance as Ms. Marvelous (and being fucked by Ms. Marvelous in the private room had only intensified her infatuation), and Lexxie had been quickly seduced by the blonde bombshell with the gorgeous curves and athletic body tightly covered by a thin gold unisuit. The sexual connection between the two superheroine strippers was hypnotizing.

It was Sal who finally broke the trance with a question.

“So what’s so revolutionary about this new product?”

Carmine reluctantly looked away from the performance and pulled out a small silver box, the size of a fancy cigarette case, from the breast pocket of his suit and placed it on the glass table.

“How about I show you?” Carmine picked up the box and walked over to the two stripper superheroines locked in combat. Ms. Marvelous had one of the Gold Avenger’s arms pinned behind her with one hand and had the back side of the Gold Avenger’s unisuit in her other hand, giving the Gold Avenger a massive wedgie—the fabric was buried between her muscular glutes and stretched tightly over her practically exposed pussy. The Gold Avenger was desperately fighting back. She had reached behind her and was forcibly massaging Ms. Marvelous’ womanhood, one of the few “weaknesses” of the club’s most powerful superheroine.

Flipping back the latch of the silver box revealed a bluish-white powder. “Watch this.” Carmine grinned as he blew the powder into both women’s faces.

Ms. Marvelous hardly reacted. She was accustomed to the high-end clientele using various illicit drugs and had occasionally been invited to indulge with them. But neither Barbara nor Batgirl nor the Gold Avenger had any experience with any illicit substance. Had she not been distracted by Ms. Marvelous’ hands all over her body, she would have attempted to evade the bluish-white cloud enveloping the two of them. But as she was in the thrall of Ms. Marvelous’ loving hands, she could only moan in pleasure as the powder enveloped her.

“It won’t take long for you to see why this product is revolutionary,” said Carmine.

A moment later, Ms. Marvelous and the Gold Avenger felt a tingling sensation coursing through their bodies. The white substance had entered both women’s blood streams and its effect began to manifest itself: a surge of adrenaline coursed through their bodies and the slightest touch incited a powerful arousal; every sexual sensory was heightened to a degree neither had felt before. Both superheroine strippers felt their bodies brought to orgasm, yet neither climaxed. The sweet sensation of orgasm continued even as neither women began to cum! The two bodies were in the grips of a powerful orgasm that continued to extend itself in the sweet ecstasy of sexual bliss.

Neither stripper was play acting now, Ms. Marvelous and Gold Avenger were in the enthralling grip of lust. In a passionate embrace, the two superheroines tumbled to the floor in each other’s arms. Between ravaging kisses, the Gold Avenger had spread out Ms. Marvelous thighs and pulled aside the bottom of her unisuit. After one more deep kiss, the Gold Avenger spun around and straddled Ms. Marvelous’ face, placing her crotch just above Ms. Marvelous’ eager lips as her own lips enveloped Ms. Marvelous awaiting pussy. Lexxie was a highly skilled stripper, but nothing in all her years’ experience prepared her for the shared sexual bliss she would enjoy with Barbara that night. Ass-to-face and face-to-ass, both superheroine strippers proceeded to give themselves the most magnificent oral sex either had ever experienced! The two went down on each other for over 10 minutes, neither stopping as the two were experiencing the longest continuous orgasm they had ever enjoyed. For the moment, the two were no longer Lexxie and Barbara—they were Ms. Marvelous and the Gold Avenger—and they were lost in the thrall of sexual bliss, completely oblivious to the two men watching them pleasuring one another.

“So what am I seeing?” asked Sal.

“What you’re seeing is the impact of Exxxtasy on the brain. Exxxtasy blocks the release of serotonin during climax and dampens the activation of the hypothalamus without affecting the activity in the thalamus. It also dulls the activity of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex for a period of 60-90 minutes, shutting down logical reasoning. In simple terms, our new substance extends a person’s climax indefinitely and renders them incapable of thinking straight.” He pointed at the two women going down on one another. “By now one of these two bitches should have climaxed, yet their still eating each other out!”

Sal seemed interested but hesitant. “So what’s the applicable use of the substance…aside from the obvious entertainment purposes?” He asked as he gestured towards the two superheroines going down on each other.

“First off, it gives a better high than the current line of stimulants on the streets and has a more powerful addictive element. Second, and perhaps of greater value, is its use in controlling the person using Exxxtasy. With reduced logical functioning, the user is easily manipulated—they become highly suggestible and can be convinced to do almost anything so long as they are under the influence.”

Sal looked a bit apprehensive. “Maybe we should table our discussion until…” He glanced over to where Ms. Marvelous and the Gold Avenger were going down on each other.

Carmine waved him off. “Please. These two supersluts aren’t about to say anything. They don’t even know what we’re talking about.” And to make the point, Carmine stood up and walked over to where the two superheroine strippers were still pleasuring one another.

“The Exxxtasy is so powerful, once someone is in the grip of an orgasm, they are rendered essentially unconscious to any non-sexual stimuli.” Carmine stood over the two women, then abruptly reached down and pulled back the Gold Avenger’s mask! Barbara had her face still firmly in Lexxie’s crotch, and Lexxie had her tongue still playing in Barbara’s pussy; she was completely oblivious to what Carmine had just done to her!

“Gold Avenger’s gimmick is she’s never seen without her mask. You think she would let me unmask her if she were in her right mind?”

Sal nodded. He was suddenly quite interested in Carmine’s Exxxtasy and its potential uses.

Carmine released the Gold Avenger’s mask. Barbara was so focused on pleasuring Lexxie—as well as her own pleasure—she remained oblivious to what had nearly befallen her as she continued to give and receive pleasure.

While the two strippers satisfied one another, Carmine and Sal completed the arrangements for the initial exchange. Their business concluded, the two men sat back and watched the women groping and squirming in ecstasy on the small stage of the exclusive room.

The night’s script had the Gold Avenger coming out on top, and the effect of the Exxxtasy served to reinforce the outcome: under the spell of the chemical, Barbara was in a trance-induced state in which she fully embraced the identity of the Gold Avenger, Superheroine Stripper. Despite Ms. Marvelous’ skillful manipulation of her womanhood, under Dr. Kinsey’s tutelage Barbara had become adept in erotic arousal and sexual stimulation—using a variety of sensual techniques, the Gold Avenger gradually rendered Ms. Marvelous into a quivering and helpless heroine. She lay on the floor exhausted, holding herself in sweet satisfaction.

The Gold Avenger, disheveled and panting, stood over the fallen Ms. Marvelous who was moaning in profound pleasure. “That will teach you to trifle with the likes of the Gold Avenger!”

But as the Gold Avenger turned to face the two applauding men, she suddenly felt naked. As she put one boot on top of Ms. Marvelous and hit her power pose, she knew something was amiss: the two men were staring at her in more than her clients’ usual amazement.

“Damn! The Gold Avenger is fucking beautiful! I always thought she wore the mask because she had a sexy body but an average face. She’s gorgeous!”

“Oh my god!” Barbara gasped as she was suddenly aware of being exposed! Her mask had been pulled over her forehead, revealing her face to her two clients. She quickly turned away from the two men and yanked down her mask.

“Don’t worry Gold Avenger, we won’t let anyone know you revealed your secret identity,” laughed Sal.

“Yeah. Now get over here superheroine.” Carmine reached out and grabbed the Gold Avenger by her arm and yanked her onto his lap. As she sat on his lap, he proceeded to run his fingers along the thin gold fabric covering her suddenly throbbing womanhood. 

Sensing neither man had recognized her, Barbara Gordon focused on playing up her character; any significant reaction at being unmasked might lead to the men focusing on her secret identity.

“Oh no! You’ve found my weakness!” The Gold Avenger squealed. “Please don’t!” She tried to deliver the lines as they were meant to sound, and they came across fairly well.

As Carmine continued to rub the stripper’s metallic costume, the Gold Avenger began moaning in sexual pleasure. He turned to Sal while continuing to “weaken” the superheroine stripper. 

“You really think this costumed bimbo picked up on anything we discussed? Look at her!” 

Batgirl had been warned about the invariable insults that would be flung her way. After all, many of the clients’ fantasies involved verbally humiliating superheroines. But this was no fantasy. This man was insulting her!

And yet, despite her irritation and despite her intent to learn more about the men’s plans, her pussy was throbbing. The Exxxtasy was still coursing through her system and she felt an insatiable lust. She needed more sexual attention! Her mind was conflicted and she was having trouble focusing on both maintaining her role as the Gold Avenger while accomplishing her purpose in gaining information. If she could only...

“Hey! Aren’t you supposed to be pleasuring me?! What do you think you’re doing?”

The Gold Avenger had moved from pretending to pull the man’s hand away from her crotch to pressing his fingers against her pulsating pussy. 

“If you want me to give you that kind of attention, it’s not going to be with my fingers,” Carmine sneered as he pulled his hand away from her. 

She knew what Carmine meant, and she was not able to resist the overwhelming urge to feel the man inside of her. It was the work of a moment for her to unzip his pants, pull out his manhood, yank aside the thin strip of gold fabric between her thighs, and lower herself onto the man’s erect cock. She creamed as she felt the man penetrate deep inside her wet pussy.

The scene was erotic on multiple levels: it was the Gold Avenger being taken by a powerful businessman, yet it was also Barbara bouncing up and down on an arrogant misogynist’s cock and Batgirl being fucked by a mob boss!

Unfortunately for Batgirl, as she was being fucked in the guise of the Gold Avenger, her sexual desires combined with the effect of the Exxxtasy almost rendered Batgirl incapable of recalling any information of value. She just remembered how good it felt having Ms. Marvelous’ tongue exploring her womanhood, and how badly she needed Carmine’s stiff cock up her pussy. But Batgirl’s dignity was saved by catching the key detail of some seemingly important shipment on December 21 at the Gotham Harbor: the superheroine was able to convince herself she had to engage in sex with Carmine in order to be privy to such information.

The incident with Carmine and Sal was a defining moment for Batgirl. Barbara found herself developing a sort of split personality: she was the same proud and allegedly virtuous superheroine known as Batgirl who fought crime and kept Gotham from falling deeper and deeper into crime, but she was also the hot blonde bombshell known as the Gold Avenger who stripped for money and kept the Superheroine HQ at the top of Gotham’s most prestigious gentlemen’s clubs. The two identities were incongruous. And to add to Barbara Gordon’s troubles, the two secret identities began to manifest themselves at inopportune times. Barbara debated going on one of Batgirl’s recon missions dressed as the Gold Avenger; Batgirl debated going to Superheroine HQ and putting on a special performance; and the Gold Avenger debated revealing herself as Barbara Gordon to give Miss Gordon the recognition and adulation she deserved.

But the one consistency between all three identities was a strong sexual lust: Batgirl indulged in semi-regular midnight visits to the Stratford Oakmont building; the Gold Avenger allowed her VIP clientele to take more sexual liberties with her; the previously reserved Barbara Gordon began wearing more revealing and alluring outfits to work.

* * *
Last edited by sugarcoater 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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And a new section has been uploaded as of August 17. As always, I appreciate reading your thoughts and feedback. Batgirl is getting closer to returning to the forefront, but Barbara first has to gleam some information she can use from her role as the Gold Avenger. Now she finally has some information she can use.
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Loving it! The way the Golden Avenger & her cohort were brought under the spell by the new mystery powder, with GA so easily being unmasked, such intrigue moving forward. Can’t wait to read more of BG being used by the very criminals she hopes to take down. Can’t wait for the next spicy chapter!
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Love the way this story is going. Mob bosses, a new highly addictive drug...Babs slowly sliding down. So many possibilities...
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nice little tease of things to come, the idea of Barbara being drugged on the job excites me
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Great story I hope Batgirl would be in lead again now
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* * *

Barbara’s success as the Gold Avenger had one major flaw: the time commitment and late hours took away from her training sessions. Unfortunately for Batgirl, her superheroine ego would not allow her to acknowledge her physical deficiencies. The deficiencies manifested themselves when the Gold Avenger unexpectedly came face-to-face with the mysterious woman she had seen at the Stratford Oakmont building.

It was the first Thursday in December and the Gold Avenger had a private session scheduled with Carmine after her opening floor routine. Once she finished on the floor, she went to Maurice’s office where he handed her the key to the private room along with an envelope.

“Carmine’s in the Tight Ass Tower waiting for you,” Maurice told her as he gave her the envelope. She nodded and walked back to her locker to stash the envelope, then quickly hopped up the stairs to the club’s exclusive third floor. She opened the door and stared at an unexpected sight.

“What the fuck is going on here?!”

On the floor was her client—bound, blindfolded and gagged—and standing over him with a riding crop in one hand and a smartphone in the other hand was a woman wearing an unzipped catsuit, military-grade black boots and a familiar-looking black mask. She was half-heartedly whipping the man with the riding crop while scrolling through the smartphone.

“Who the fuck are you and what are you doing with Car— with my client?!” the Gold Avenger thundered.

The woman in the catsuit quickly removed a device connected to the smartphone, slipped it into her small black rucksack and turned to face the Gold Avenger.

“Hello Goldie, I’m just keeping your man distracted for you.”

Was this a new superheroine stripper? Surely she would have been told about her! And why was she going through her client’s smartphone?

Deep into her Gold Avenger identity, Barbara did not initially recognize the woman as being the same woman in the Stratford Oakmont garage. Batgirl had seen her before; the Gold Avenger was seeing her for the first time. She stood with her hands on her hips, blocking the room’s only exit.

“I”m going to need you to—”

The Gold Avenger never finished her command. With almost blinding speed, the woman in the catsuit caught her with a vicious kick to her midsection. As she doubled over in real pain, an uppercut caught her jaw and knocked her to the ground. Before she new what had happened to her, she was on her back with the woman in black straddling her.

“Back off Goldie. You just play at being strong. Don’t mess with someone who actually has real strength,” the woman hissed in the Gold Avenger’s ear. She had a firm grip on both the Gold Avenger’s wrists. Try as she might, the Gold Avenger could not break free. She struggled and wriggled in the woman’s clutches.

“You…fucking…bitch! I’m going to—”

“You’re going to what? Eye-fuck me? All you’ve done so far is stare at my tits.”

The Gold Avenger’s face reddened. Despite her predicament, she could feel an intense warmth from the woman’s crotch firmly pressing against hers, and admittedly her eyes were staring at the two gorgeous breasts practically bursting out of the tight catsuit. And when she felt the catsuit rubbing against the thin fabric covering her womanhood, the Gold Avenger wished the woman would overpower her! She tried to goad her into doing so.

“You can’t do this to me!’

“Oh but I can. I can even do this to you!” The woman abruptly reached out and pulled back the Gold Avenger’s mask.

“No!” Barbara gasped as her face was exposed.

“Oh my!” The woman smiled in genuine shock. “So the Superheroine HQ’s Gold Avenger is the prim and proper Barbara Gordon! Now isn’t that a treat?”

The woman’s surprise at discovering the Gold Avenger’s identity caused her a moment’s pause, which was just the break Barbara needed. With one arm free, she quickly drove a fist into the woman’s face. Though the material was made of kevlar, Barbara’s blow stunned her. The woman released the mask and scrambled to her feet.

“You throw a good punch Goldie, but let’s not get carried away. You’re a superheroine stripper Ms. Gordon, not a superheroine.”

Barbara rearranged her mask and maneuvered herself into the doorway to block the woman’s escape. The taunt stung almost as much as her uppercut, and the Gold Avenger was not about to let either go unpunished—the insult needed some sort of retaliation.

“Looks to me like you’re some wannabe stripper looking for a pole. Who are you supposed to be? Catgirl? Pussycat? Felina Style? Ladyca—”

The Gold Avenger was once again rudely interrupted, this time with a crescent kick to the head. She stumbled through the doorway before falling again to the ground. The woman grabbed ahold of the top portion of the gold unisuit and yanked the Gold Avenger to her feet. The superheroine stripper was shocked by the woman’s strength. She felt herself lifted off her feet. The already thin strip of shiny gold fabric between her legs was stretched so tightly it felt as though it might snap.

Still holding the Gold Avenger off her feet, the woman leaned in and planted a firm kiss on the Gold Avenger’s lips. She was somewhat surprised at how good it felt to kiss the superheroine stripper—and a bit more surprised by the vigor with which the Gold Avenger returned her kiss—and she allowed herself a moment to suck on the stripper’s lips as her fingers gently caressed and stroked the tightly stretched fabric barely covering the Gold Avenger’s womanhood. The vibrations of the woman’s hard fingernails against the sensual gold fabric was arousing to both women.

The Gold Avenger moaned in pleasure. There was something powerfully captivating about this beguiling woman! And the way she toyed with her was unlike anything she had previously experienced.

“Do you like it when I touch you…Barbara?” whispered the cat burglar between kisses. She subtly emphasized Barbara’s name as she pulled her fingers away from the superheroine stripper’s crotch.

“Yes…please don’t stop,” begged the Gold Avenger. Her mind should have been on the veiled threat of the woman exposing her identity; her mind was focused on getting the woman’s fingers to slip beneath the fabric stretched tightly over her aching womanhood.

“If I continue, will you let me slip out of here?” The woman began once again rubbing the fabric, now wet with the Gold Avenger’s sexual anticipation.

“Yes. I promise I won’t try to stop you,” the Gold Avenger panted. “Just…please keep going!”

The woman laughed at the Gold Avenger’s desperate plea and pulled her exploring fingers away from the stripper’s womanhood and quickly zipped up her catsuit.

“Maybe next time babe,” and she leaned close to the defenseless Gold Avenger and whispered in her ear. “And you can call me Catwoman.”

Still holding the Gold Avenger by her top with one hand, she gently caressed the Gold Avenger’s breasts with her other hand. As she pinched her erect nipples, Catwoman gave the superheroine stripper one last kiss. “Definitely next time Ms. Gordon,” she said with a wink. "You can go play with your client, now that I’ve got you…” Catwoman reached down and firmly squeezed the Gold Avenger’s soaked crotch, “…all wet and warmed up for him.”

The Gold Avenger gasped, half in pain and half in pleasure.

Catwoman tossed the addled stripper back into the Gold Club room and disappeared down the stairs.

As the Gold Avenger scrambled to her feet, she heard Catwoman yelling from downstairs.

“The Gordon Avenger needs a little help upstairs!”

By the time the Gold Avenger made her way down the stairs and onto the club’s main floor, Catwoman had disappeared.

Barbara had a hard time falling asleep that night. She had been able to play off the bondage as a new part of her act—Carmine certainly was not about to complain, certainly not after the Gold Avenger let him fuck her in that tight ass of hers that night—and no one seemed to have heard Catwoman refer to her as “the Gordon Avenger”. And even if they did, who would think Barbara Gordon would be the woman behind the golden mask? The name was hardly unique.
Two aspects of the night’s events bothered Barbara. The first was how easily Catwoman had incapacitated her. The woman moved faster than anyone with whom she had previously tangled. And then treating her in such a condescending manner! Granted, there was no way Catwoman could know she actually was a superheroine, yet she wanted to prove to Catwoman that the Gold Avenger was no mere stripper.
The second aspect was how Catwoman was able to resist the allure of the Gold Avenger. And she had promised not to try and stop her! The Batgirl ethos began to manifest itself, which led to a sense of shame for both her willingness to let Catwoman escape in exchange for sexual attention as well as being so easily dispatched by her. Had Barbara Gordon been more introspective, she might have felt some shame for the Gold Avenger being on all fours and taking it up the ass from a 56-year-old mob boss. But Dr. Kinsey’s coping technique allowed Barbara Gordon to separate her identity as Batgirl, the caped crusader of Gotham, from her role as Gold Avenger, the blonde bombshell stripper of Superheroine HQ. The sexual escapades of the superheroine stripper were thus successfully suppressed and allowed Barbara and Batgirl to retain her sense of dignity.
But the matter of Catwoman exposing her secret identity was infuriating! Though no one at the club made the connection, Catwoman knew the Gold Avenger’s identity. Barbara was hypersensitive to being exposed, especially after her debacle with Nyessa. And though it was merely Barbara Gordon’s lascivious lifestyle and not Batgirl’s crimefighting crusade, she absolutely wanted to maintain her civilian virtue. Neither the Gold Avenger nor Barbara Gordon could do anything about Catwoman’s violation, but the Batgirl most certainly would!

* * *
Last edited by sugarcoater 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Another section added. I appreciate the feedback and comments--thank you Flirty, Bob, Raven and Addicted--and any suggestions as to improvements to the writing style or observations of anything from grammar errors or irregularities in the timeline are always appreciated.

And speaking of feedback, I will be bringing Batgirl and Catwoman to the forefront in the next section. Simply put, things come to a head at Gotham Harbor.

If I may also ask: what aspects do you all like? I ask because I enjoy the story for the sake of writing it, but I also appreciate the opportunity to craft the story to people's tastes and interests. There are also great ideas I had not considered, and reading them helps me think of further ideas as to where the story can go.
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I propose that in the following part, Batgirl won the fight against Catwoman, after which Barbara assumed the role of Mistress Batgirl, giving Catwoman a tight bond with rubber ropes, and a BDSM-style bow-bent suspension with yellow rubber straps attached to steel rings on steel winch ropes. After which Mistress Batgirl begins to fuck a huge yellow rubber 1 meter dildo attached to her belt and starts to fuck a deep rubber pussy and a huge deep rubber butt lined with rubber condoms implemented in a rubber Catwoman super outfit, driving the sexy Cat into deep states of ecstasy and orgasms. Finally, Mistress Batgirl deepthroat Catwoman, making Catwoman her sexy feline ally in the fight against crime, and her sexy second girlfrend in a Supergirl love threesome.
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What I like about this story is that it feels like a mature version of something that might actually happen in a comic , being a superheroine can be stressful I can see why Barbara would need a therapist, this therapist just happens to have a Alternative motives ( who wouldn’t tbh it’s Barbara Gordon) I’m interested to see where your going with catwoman and what it leads to with Barbara, maybe she enjoys it? Maybe she gets defeated, maybe she needs another doctors help and Dr Kinsey suggest she visit Dr Jonathan Crane?

As for improvements the story has been great so far, if I think of anything else I’ll edit it in later ( love the superheroine HQ)
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Your story is becoming more and more interesting as it is progressing I can't wait for the new section.
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Thanks to those who have left feedback. I have a few segments written that need to be revised and organized. But here are a few developing plot lines:

1. Batgirl and Catwoman clash at the Gotham Docks
2. Dr. Kinsey helps Supergirl with her romantic interest with a co-worker who is friends with Supergirl’s civilian alter-ego, but with an ulterior motive involving Batgirl and the Gold Avenger.
3. Batgirl develops a taste for Exxxtasy, which leads to some very aberrant behavior.

I appreciate the interest based on the posts here. Please feel free to throw out characters and ideas as I like deviating at times from my vision of where things eventually go. I like the plan of incorporating Dr. Crane for a few reasons, and I’m currently drawing out a few possible plot lines involving him.
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sugarcoater wrote:
2 years ago
Thanks to those who have left feedback. I have a few segments written that need to be revised and organized. But here are a few developing plot lines:

1. Batgirl and Catwoman clash at the Gotham Docks
2. Dr. Kinsey helps Supergirl with her romantic interest with a co-worker who is friends with Supergirl’s civilian alter-ego, but with an ulterior motive involving Batgirl and the Gold Avenger.
3. Batgirl develops a taste for Exxxtasy, which leads to some very aberrant behavior.

I appreciate the interest based on the posts here. Please feel free to throw out characters and ideas as I like deviating at times from my vision of where things eventually go. I like the plan of incorporating Dr. Crane for a few reasons, and I’m currently drawing out a few possible plot lines involving him.
mmm that sounds interesting
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sugarcoater wrote:
2 years ago
Thanks to those who have left feedback. I have a few segments written that need to be revised and organized. But here are a few developing plot lines:

1. Batgirl and Catwoman clash at the Gotham Docks
2. Dr. Kinsey helps Supergirl with her romantic interest with a co-worker who is friends with Supergirl’s civilian alter-ego, but with an ulterior motive involving Batgirl and the Gold Avenger.
3. Batgirl develops a taste for Exxxtasy, which leads to some very aberrant behavior.

I appreciate the interest based on the posts here. Please feel free to throw out characters and ideas as I like deviating at times from my vision of where things eventually go. I like the plan of incorporating Dr. Crane for a few reasons, and I’m currently drawing out a few possible plot lines involving him.
Ooooh, number 3 sounds perilously delicious! Can’t wait!
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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* * *

Batgirl was able to do something about Catwoman’s violation just a few weeks later. Unfortunately for the superheroine, she found the difference between being able to do something about her violation and succeeding in doing something about her violation to be substantial.

From the Gold Avenger’s very personal and private interactions with Carmine, Batgirl had been able to confirm the shipment on the 21st was Exxxtasy. This information was precisely what she had wanted to uncover, along with her luscious breasts, when she started stripping at Superheroine HQ. Now she could move forward with her plan. By catching Carmine and Sal transferring the product, she could take out both bosses for at least seven years. The resulting vacuum in Gotham’s criminal hierarchy would cause massive chaos throughout the underworld, giving Batgirl and the Gotham P.D. the chance to permanently disrupt organized crime—the dysfunction caused by a lack of leadership would make it much easier for the authorities to pick apart the crime families.

Barbara Gordon’s tech skills along with her father’s access to Gotham City documents uncovered an irregularity in the unloading schedule for Pier 13 on December 21st. Consequently, the night of the 21st found Batgirl perched on one of the loading cranes overlooking Pier 13 at Gotham Harbor.

Wrapping herself tightly in her cape to block out the frigid wind coming off the bay, Batgirl crouched at the top of the pier’s loading crane and scanned the dock using her night-vision goggles. As the night wore on, the cold dampness began to creep over her. Batgirl’s skintight costume became wet and slick as a thick fog crept up from the bay and slowly enveloped the docks.

It was a little past midnight when she heard the sound of a cargo ship’s horn in the distance. Several minutes later, a large freighter appeared through the fog. Two tugboats gradually eased the freighter into the dock.

Men suddenly appeared on the dock and the glow of lights in the distance indicated approaching vehicles.

‘Finally some action!’ Batgirl adjusted the focus of her goggles and tracked the vehicles as the approached Pier 13. Five SUVs entered the loading area and parked in a semi-circle. Figures emerged from the vehicles and gathered almost directly below Batgirl’s perch.

‘Perfect,’ the superheroine thought to herself. ‘Now to get these lowlifes on camera.’ Batgirl removed a small videocamera from her utility belt. She was so intent on fastening the camera to one of the crane’s beams that she did not notice a shadow abruptly pass over her.

Batgirl suddenly heard a faint creak from the beam above and looked up just in time to see Catwoman descending upon her! The superheroine was barely able to lift an arm in time to partially block the boot aimed at her head. Stumbling backwards, Batgirl caught herself against the side of the jib. Before she could regain her balance, Catwoman leveled her with a powerful kick to the abs. Batgirl felt her boots slip on the cold metal and fell to her knees. A moment later she was tumbling backwards from a sharp left cross.

Batgirl’s reactions were dulled by the cold, and her night vision goggles restricted her perisperhal view. Nonetheless, she was not about to let Catwoman humiliate her as she had humiliated the Gold Avenger. She tore off her goggles as she scrambled away from the oncoming Catwoman.

“Sorry Batbabe, but I can’t have you spying on my client,” Catwoman smiled as she picked up Batgirl’s videocamera where the superheroine had dropped it. She placed it in her rucksack as Batgirl shook her head to clear her mind. The frigid night air helped, and Batgirl prepared to exact some righteous retribution for both herself and the Gold Avenger.

“Alright Cat—” Batgirl caught herself before she risked revealing her real identity, “—lady, you got lucky surprising me like that, but it’s on now!”

The two masked women squared off on the beam. Catwoman advanced menacingly towards Batgirl. Her impression of the heroine was less than favorable: she saw Batgirl as little more than some bimbo with a minor athletic background who got off on putting herself in precarious positions and dangerous debacles; there was no way this twit was any real threat.

Catwoman’s assessment of Batgirl changed as quickly as Batgirl’s right hook smashed across Catwoman’s face. The punch stopped Catwoman in her tracks; Batgirl’s side kick sent her reeling backwards. She steadied herself against the jib’s metal railing.

A younger Batgirl would have taken a moment to gloat over the turning of the tables. The more experience Batgirl knew better than to underestimate her temporary advantage over Catwoman. She was all over her, pummeling the dazed villainess with blows energized by her rage for Catwoman’s humiliation of the Gold Avenger and exposure of Barbara Gordon. Catwoman was on all fours trying to crawl away from Batgirl, but the narrow beam offered little in terms of escape routes. Desperately she tried to block the blows raining down on her as she tried to slide and slither away from Batgirl.

Catwoman’s endurance impressed Batgirl. She had thought the woman would be incapacitated by her first few punches, yet still Catwoman refused to stay down. As she looked down on Catwoman trying to wriggle away from her, she caught site of the glow coming from the vehicles below. The fog had muffled the sounds of the scuffle, but if Batgirl did not dispatch Catwoman soon she would miss her chance to catch Carmine in the act of drug trafficking.

“Time to put you down Catlady!”

Batgirl leapt in the air and dropped a Superman punch down on Catwoman’s head. The villainess dropped to the cold metal platform.

‘That should do it,’ Batgirl thought to herself. She rummaged through the unconscious woman’s rucksack until she found her videocamera. Though she was tempted to go through the other items in the rucksack, the time was getting away from her. Batgirl rushed back to her initial vantage point and affixed the camera to the beam. Once she confirmed the camera was recording, she pulled out a phone and made a call to the Gotham P.D. to report an incident at the Gotham Harbor.

‘And now to distract myself until Gotham’s finest arrive,’ Batgirl thought to herself.

Barbara vividly remembered how Catwoman had humiliated her at Superheroine HQ. Now she would even the score; her nemesis was helpless. It was time for the bat to play with the cat. Batgirl strutted over to where Catwoman lay motionless. She picked up the villainess and propped her against the guard rail of the jib.

Despite her anger towards the woman and the beating she had unleashed on her, Batgirl found herself captivated by this mysterious woman in the tight latex bodysuit with distracting curves and a previously cocky attitude.

‘I’ve got at least 10 minutes before the police arrive.’ Batgirl’s fingers caressed Catwoman’s curves. The vibrations from the latex transported Batgirl to the night in the Gold Club and how it felt when Catwoman had pressed her body up against hers.

Batgirl could not help herself. “How’s this for ‘next time’?” she whispered in Catwoman’s ear, confident the woman was out cold.

For the next few minutes, Batgirl amused herself by toying with the helpless Catwoman. It was not long before she felt herself getting wet. Catwoman’s sensuous moaning as Batgirl played with her body served to further excite the superheroine, and Catwoman’s voluptuous tits demanded her attention!

“You need to let these babies get some air,” said Batgirl as she fingered the hoop attached to the zipper on the front of Catwoman’s skintight catsuit. It was with a profound sense of pleasure that Batgirl slowly and seductively unzipped Catwoman’s costume. The cold air was slowly bringing Catwoman back to a mild state of consciousness, but she offered little resistance as Batgirl reached two gloved hands beneath the tight material and pulled free the two luscious breasts that had so captivated the Gold Avenger a few weeks ago.

“Mmmm, now let’s allow these kitties to breathe,” leered Batgirl as she fondled Catwoman’s breasts.

The freezing wind coming off the bay hardened Catwoman’s nipples, which Batgirl began flicking playfully as she taunted the seemingly helpless woman.

But Batgirl wanted more. She pulled the zipper on the front of Catwoman’s outfit all the way down past her hips. Then she slipped a gloved finger down the front of the costume and cupped Catwoman’s crotch. Her glove was cold and slippery, but Catwoman’s pussy was warm and wet. Batgirl began to coax an involuntary orgasm from Catwoman.

Catwoman had been thoroughly defeated by Batgirl, but she was still conscious enough to be infuriated at what Batgirl was now doing to her. This sorority chick with a superheroine kink was playing with her—making her cum! Catwoman was not about to let this wannabe superheroine slut who flashed her tits in Penthouse make her orgasm! And yet…there was something to this masked woman that really turned her on. Part of it was Batgirl’s ability to hold her own against her, and part of it was Batgirl’s arrogance. And though she did not recognize it at the moment, Catwoman would come to begrudgingly respect Batgirl. The two were mirror images of one another reflected across a blurred line of morality.

The mutual respect between the two women was intertwined with a mutual desire to dominate, and on this night both Batgirl and Catwoman would enjoy a brief yet enthralling taste of things to come.

As Batgirl’s gloved fingers slipped in and out of her pussy, Catwoman’s defiance turned to desire. Moaning gently and puckering her lips, Catwoman let her head tilt forward towards the eager Batgirl. The young superheroine could not resist. She leaned in and forcibly kissed Catwoman. Sucking on her lips and fingering her pussy, Batgirl gave Catwoman a powerful orgasm on the top of Pier 13’s loading crane.

As Catwoman soaked herself in sexual bliss, Batgirl pulled her fingers out of Catwoman’s pussy. “Glad to know I can make you cum. Now you won’t mind if I leave you here while I take care of those boys down there,” said Batgirl. She wiped off Catwoman’s cum on her own chest and crotch, then she winked at the weakened and defeated woman. “A little something to remind me of you later.”

Though Batgirl intended help the police catch Carmine and Sal in the process of transferring the Exxxtasy, she could not help but linger on the crane. She had Catwoman completely helpless! The woman was barely conscious—her tits were hanging out of her tight black costume and her crotch was soaked with her cum—and she was slumped against the jib’s top beam unable to resist anything Batgirl wanted to do to her. The temptation to blow off her mission and have her way with Catwoman was intense. ‘She is so fucking hot!’ She became aroused again at the thought of Catwoman straddling her, grinding her skintight latex outfit against her wet Batgirl costume. Batgirl pressed her crotch up against Catwoman’s and slowly began to grind her hips against Catwoman’s.

Batgirl imagined herself with Catwoman alone in her apartment. The thought was entrancing! An inspired idea suddenly came to mind. Batgirl yanked off one of Catwoman’s gloves. Taking the dazed villainess’ exposed fingers, she scanned each of them with the miniature biometric fingerprint scanner she had in her utility belt. She returned the scanner to her belt, but she hesitated in pulling Catwoman’s glove back on the woman’s hand. Batgirl was intensely aroused by the thought of a one-on-one rendezvous with Catwoman.

‘I’ll just get off real fast, then I’ll take care of Carmine and his boys.’ Batgirl grabbed ahold of Catwoman’s bare hand and slipped it down her pants. “Finger me,” she whispered. Catwoman’s semi-conscious state made her docile and suggestible. Batgirl soon felt Catwoman’s fingers smoothly slip inside of her. Batgirl leaned back to allow Catwoman to press her fingers deeper into her womanhood.

“Now make me cum,” Batgirl cooed in Catwoman’s ear.

And Catwoman did. A sweet orgasm shuddered through Batgirl’s body as she felt herself soak her skintight pants.
But even as she basked in her post-climax euphoria, Batgirl maintained her focus using Dr. Kinsey’s technique of using contrasting experiences to avoid allowing herself to fall into temptation. And the temptation to stay on the crane and use Catwoman as her fuck-toy was nearly overpowering. Batgirl forced herself to focus on the humiliating memory of Carmine fucking her as the Gold Avenger, and she was thus able to pull herself away from the delicious Catwoman. It was time to get down to business, and time to put this sexy distraction to rest.

Batgirl pulled Catwoman’s hand out of her crotch and stepped back to look over the exposed and defenseless Catwoman. “Guess you’re meow match for Batgirl,” the cocky superheroine grinned as she prepared to unleash a devastating spinning crescent kick.

And the kick would have leveled Catwoman. Yet Batgirl’s boot never connected with Catwoman’s head. Just as she spun around to execute the move, Batgirl just could not help herself—she had to check out Catwoman’s gorgeous tits one last time. The last-second glance caused her to lose just enough focus to miss the kick, which would not have been an issue had Batgirl’s boots not been wet due to the cold and fog. Batgirl tumbled head over heels into the beam against which Catwoman was leaning and smashed her head against the cold metal. The superheroine was knocked out. She lay unconscious, sprawled out on all fours before a severely beaten but semi-conscious Catwoman.

Batgirl groaned as she felt her body being dragged on something cold and wet. The shooting pain in her head made it difficult for her to get her bearings. Her eyes could see a thick fog between bright yellow beams as her head bounced on the hard metal beneath her. The chill of the night air abruptly brought everything back to her. ‘Catwoman! What is she—’
Before she could react, Catwoman had Batgirl firmly in her clutches: her legs were wrapped about Batgirl’s arms, leaving Catwoman free to apply the chloroformed cloth to the superheroine’s face. Her vision began to blur as she could not stop herself from inhaling the soporific substance. The desperate naked fear of Catwoman unmasking her flitted through her head a moment before Batgirl once more slipped into darkness.

“I’m not taking any chances with you Batgirl.” Catwoman pulled out some ropes from her rucksack and proceeded to hogtie the unconscious superheroine. For a moment, Catwoman considered pulling back the superheroine’s mask. But her curiosity was mitigated by her respect for the masking lifestyle. Batgirl was a formidable nemesis, but one deserving of respect. And besides, the woman beneath the mask would be nowhere as interesting as the woman in the mask.

Once she had Batgirl firmly secured, she carried the superheroine to the hook block and attaching her to the hook. Then she walked over to the operator’s cab and lowered the hook to the dock where Carmine and his crew stared in stunned surprise at the site of a hogtied Batgirl descending upon them.

Catwoman had already made her way down the crane by the time the hook block had lowered Batgirl onto the dock. She unloaded the restrained superheroine and dragged the hogtied Batgirl across the dock to where Carmine and Sal stood beside their vehicles as their men—who had been transferring containers from Carmine’s truck to Sal’s speedboat—ogled the beaten Batgirl and the curvaceous Catwoman.

“Told you I was a sound investment. She was waiting for you and your boys.” Catwoman tossed Batgirl’s tiny videocamera to Carmine. “She recorded your transaction on this, though she didn’t have time to upload the video.”

Carmine dropped the videocamera to the ground and crushed it beneath his shoe. Jerking his thumb towards his Escalade, he gestured for Catwoman to drag the bound Batgirl to the vehicle.

“Toss her in the back once we’ve moved all the product,” said Carmine as he looked over the remains of the videocamera. “I’ll let the boys decide what to do with Batbabe once we’re done here.”

“Have one of your boys do it. You paid me to keep an eye out for any unwanted guests, not to stand around until you boys are done with your deal.” Catwoman extended her hand. “I want the second half of my payment—I earned it!”

Carmine did not like Catwoman’s tone, but she did look like she had been put through the wringer. ‘Better to keep her happy. No telling when I may need this sexy bitch for another contract,’ he thought to himself. He reached into his coat pocket, pulled out an envelope and handed it to Catwoman.

For a moment, Catwoman hesitated. She did not want to leave Batgirl in the hands of pigs like Carmine Falcone. Though the superheroine would likely be a thorn in her side if she continued as a crimefighting vigilante, she did not deserve to become the fuck-toy of felons.

“Is there a problem Catwoman?”

Carmine was becoming impatient. The shipment needed to be unloaded, the funds needed to be transferred, and Batgirl needed to be explored. He did not want this cat burglar with questionable business ethics watching any of it.

“We’re good.” Catwoman stashed the envelope in her rucksack and walked away from the hogtied heroine. She quieted her conscience with the thought that if Batgirl had what it took to be a superheroine, she would figure a way out of her current predicament. And didn’t the cocky bitch deserve a taste of humility after what she had done to her on the crane…even if she did enjoy it?

Nonetheless, Catwoman found herself glancing back to where the small group of men surrounded the helpless heroine.

‘I hope you’re the real deal bat-babe.’
Last edited by sugarcoater 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Newest section added. I went over it a few times, but I may have some areas still needing some revision. As always, any and all feedback are greatly appreciated. And thanks to those of you who have shared your thoughts, suggestions and reactions--it helps motivate me to continue writing and sharing this story.
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Time for some fun with Exxxtasy. Lots of it. Who wouldn't want to get a superheroine addicted to it and then unmasked. Talk about the ultimate power over Batgirl.
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Great addition, I notice at the part where you wrote “As Catwoman soaked herself in sexual bliss, “ you had bat woman instead of batgirl, I liked how you lead me to believe batgirl was getting the upper hand but at the end catwoman turned the tables, interested to see what happens next
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bobcashman wrote:
2 years ago
Time for some fun with Exxxtasy. Lots of it. Who wouldn't want to get a superheroine addicted to it …..
I completely agree!
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RavenClaw wrote:
2 years ago
Great addition, I notice at the part where you wrote “As Catwoman soaked herself in sexual bliss, “ you had bat woman instead of batgirl, I liked how you lead me to believe batgirl was getting the upper hand but at the end catwoman turned the tables, interested to see what happens next
Excellent catch! I think I was writing "Catwoman" so often I mistakenly changed Batgirl's identity. But that made me think about incorporating a Batwoman character at some point...
Thank you again for the heads up as I do want to make this story a quality endeavor. You are hereby deputized as an unofficial editor of "Batgirl's Psychologist". You shall be granted all rights and privileges with the honor.
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bobcashman wrote:
2 years ago
Time for some fun with Exxxtasy. Lots of it. Who wouldn't want to get a superheroine addicted to it and then unmasked. Talk about the ultimate power over Batgirl.
It just so happens that there will be some fun for Batgirl with the Exxxtasy. A while back--and I shudder to think what "a while back" means in terms of years--I started a little story in which the Riddler uses a drug-addicted Batgirl for his own pleasures while in prison. The story never quite took off, but I may use a few elements from it for this story. If there's any interest, I can post the ramblings I came up with. It's not an actual story but a collection of sequences being put together for a story that never happened.

But this is all to say that Batgirl will have some serious issues with the Exxxtasy in the months to come, and it starts with Carmine giving the Gold Avenger her own supply as a thank you for her extra attention to his needs.
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sugarcoater wrote:
2 years ago
Thanks to those who have left feedback. I have a few segments written that need to be revised and organized. But here are a few developing plot lines:

1. Batgirl and Catwoman clash at the Gotham Docks
2. Dr. Kinsey helps Supergirl with her romantic interest with a co-worker who is friends with Supergirl’s civilian alter-ego, but with an ulterior motive involving Batgirl and the Gold Avenger.
3. Batgirl develops a taste for Exxxtasy, which leads to some very aberrant behavior.

I appreciate the interest based on the posts here. Please feel free to throw out characters and ideas as I like deviating at times from my vision of where things eventually go. I like the plan of incorporating Dr. Crane for a few reasons, and I’m currently drawing out a few possible plot lines involving him.
I love reading this great story, can't wait for the second point
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Excellent catch! I think I was writing "Catwoman" so often I mistakenly changed Batgirl's identity. But that made me think about incorporating a Batwoman character at some point...
Thank you again for the heads up as I do want to make this story a quality endeavor. You are hereby deputized as an unofficial editor of "Batgirl's Psychologist". You shall be granted all rights and privileges with the honor.

This story has to be one of my favorites that I’ve read, I just love the time and care you take to make this what it is, I’ve read a bunch of fanfics like this and they don’t even compare in quality to this, mostly it’s joker or some guy going at it with Batgirl or another superheroine, this one on the other hand, multiple characters are involved which helps keep it fresh, I can’t wait till the next addition
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sugarcoater wrote:
2 years ago
Thanks to those who have left feedback. I have a few segments written that need to be revised and organized. But here are a few developing plot lines:

1. Batgirl and Catwoman clash at the Gotham Docks
2. Dr. Kinsey helps Supergirl with her romantic interest with a co-worker who is friends with Supergirl’s civilian alter-ego, but with an ulterior motive involving Batgirl and the Gold Avenger.
3. Batgirl develops a taste for Exxxtasy, which leads to some very aberrant behavior.

I appreciate the interest based on the posts here. Please feel free to throw out characters and ideas as I like deviating at times from my vision of where things eventually go. I like the plan of incorporating Dr. Crane for a few reasons, and I’m currently drawing out a few possible plot lines involving him.
That sounds interesting, especially #2 and 3 there
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RavenClaw wrote:
2 years ago
Excellent catch! I think I was writing "Catwoman" so often I mistakenly changed Batgirl's identity. But that made me think about incorporating a Batwoman character at some point...
Thank you again for the heads up as I do want to make this story a quality endeavor. You are hereby deputized as an unofficial editor of "Batgirl's Psychologist". You shall be granted all rights and privileges with the honor.

This story has to be one of my favorites that I’ve read, I just love the time and care you take to make this what it is, I’ve read a bunch of fanfics like this and they don’t even compare in quality to this, mostly it’s joker or some guy going at it with Batgirl or another superheroine, this one on the other hand, multiple characters are involved which helps keep it fresh, I can’t wait till the next addition

Thank you very much for those comments RavenClaw; they inspire me to put forth more creativity and effort into the story.
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Can’t wait for the next installment!
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With Catwoman gone, Carmine ordered the men to continue transferring the containers. Once his SUV was unloaded, he pointing at the trussed up superheroine. “Lincoln, put her in back.”

Lincoln, one of Carmine’s more trusted body guards, lifted the bound and unconscious superheroine. Normally silent and dispassionate in carrying out orders, Lincoln displayed a rare deviation from his customary stoicism. As he carried Batgirl to the SUV, the sensation of the sleek rubbery material enveloping the muscular yet curvy superheroine brought forth a strange desire he could not repress. Cradling the unconscious superheroine in his arms as he carried her towards Carmine’s Escalade, he shifted his hold so one hand cupped Batgirl’s firm ass. Just before lowering her into the back of the SUV, he pressed his index and middle fingers firmly against the material stretched tight between Batgirl’s powerful glutes. A barely audible moan escaped Batgirl’s lips as Lincoln’s fingers pushed into her ass. The sensation of something firm pressing the rubbery texture inside of her brought forth a tremor of arousal despite her unconscious state—Batgirl’s bondage sessions with Dr. Kinsey still resonated deep within the heroine’s consciousness.

Once Lincoln dumped the heroine in the back, he took one more liberty with the restrained superheroine by surreptitiously groping her breasts and rubbing her crotch before closing the hatch. Then he walked around to the driver side and climbed into the vehicle.

Carmine had finished his dealings with Sal as Lincoln pulled up in the Escalade. “We can arrange the specifics for the next shipment at the club.” The two dons shook hands and parted ways. Sal’s crew dispersed as Carmine lit up a cigar and looked over the docks. With the business completed, it was time to consider the treat awaiting him in his Escalade.

“Open the trunk,” ordered Carmine.

Lincoln popped open the trunk. Carmine walked over to where Batgirl—hogtied and helpless—waited for him in the back of his SUV. An idea came to him as he looked over the heroine. Carmine examined Batgirl’s utility belt. Finding one of the pouches on the belt empty, he reached into the pocket of his suit and pulled out several small vials and placed them inside the belt’s pouch.

“What’s the idea?” asked one of the man standing beside Carmine.

“A possible contingency plan. When we’re done with Batgirl, she’s going to deserve a little treat. And if she decides to treat herself to it, we may alleviate ourselves of the Batgirl Problem for quite some time.”

Carmine snapped close the pouch and shut the trunk. “Now let’s—

But Carmine’s order was abruptly interrupted.

Suddenly the night was lit up with flashing red and blue lights. Sirens pierced the air as Gotham P.D. squad cars descended upon the harbor.

“Use the contingency plan!” Carmine shouted as he tossed his cigar and jumped into the Escalade. “Get all our men to Pier Seven!”

Sal’s crew was already speeding out of the docks in their speedboats, with Sal leading the way in his Fountain 47 Lightning. Carmine’s crew scrambled to their vehicles as the squad cars moved to blockade the port’s lone entry and exit point.

Carmine and his crew sped along the docks to the pier where three speedboats waited for them. As the police formed their barricade, one car sped after Carmine’s SUV towards the end of the dock.

The narrow path between the warehouses offered Carmine an escape plan. “Dump Batgirl out the back. That should give us the time we need.”

He popped open the rear door as Lincoln climbed into the Escalade’s cargo space where Batgirl lay hogtied. Despite the urgency of the moment, Lincoln was loathe to lose the opportunity of playing around with the Batgirl.

“Do it already!” Carmine shouted. They were fast approaching the pier where Carmine’s boats waited.

Detective Ashleigh Kaine was closing in on Carmine’s Escalade when she suddenly saw the hatch open. She gripped her steering wheel tightly in anticipation of gunfire.

“Holy shit!” She swerved while slamming the breaks of her Mustang as a hogtied Batgirl was suddenly tossed from the back of the SUV. The car skidded sharply—almost flipping—as Ashleigh swerved desperately to avoid hitting the helpless heroine. But though she managed to maneuver around Batgirl, she could not pull out of the skid in time to avoid smashing into the steel siding of a warehouse wall. The Mustang tore through the siding and came to rest against a stack of wooden crates.

Detective Kaine’s adrenaline was surging as she gathered her bearings. Then she slowly opened the door and stepped out. Assessing the damage while removing the debris from her car, Ashleigh realized her car was still drivable—most of the damage was cosmetic. She would need a new windshield and the front lights and fender would need replacing, but the vehicle was otherwise still in good working order.

Ashleigh ducked through the gaping hole in the warehouse wall and walked over to where the bound Batgirl lay on the ground. She whistled in amazement as she saw how close she had come to hitting her.

“You are one lucky heroine,” murmured the detective as she knelt down next to the unconscious Batgirl and checked her vital signs. Batgirl’s costume was torn up and her face showed some bruising, but otherwise she seemed to be okay.

The detective made a move to begin untying Batgirl from her bondage, but suddenly an image flit into her head: a disheveled Batgirl, wearing only her mask, hogtied on the floor with a ball gag in her mouth. Ashleigh stopped loosening the ropes and looked over the unconscious heroine.

Batgirl had been used to help Carmine escape. Didn’t Batgirl owe her something for ruining her chance to put Carmine behind bars? And what about the damage she had caused to her car?

Ashleigh was also miffed that, despite having given Batgirl her private number, the heroine had chosen to report Carmine and Sal’s dealings to Commissioner Gordon instead of her. She could have exposed Batgirl—even unmasked her—when she found her in bondage at The Gotham Hotel. Batgirl definitely owed her something!

Detective Kaine patted Batgirl’s ass appreciatively before picking her up and carrying her to where the Mustang was still smoking amid the wreckage. Popping open the trunk, Ashleigh gently placed the bound Batgirl in the back of her car. She removed a sports bra from her gym bag and shoved it in Batgirl’s mouth. Then, after checking to make sure the superheroine could still breath, Detective Kaine gently closed the trunk and got back into her car. Slowly, being careful to avoid any bumps on the dock’s weathered terrain, she drove back to the police barricade at the harbor’s lone access point.

Had she used a squad car instead of her Mustang, Detective Kaine might not have allowed herself to indulge in her impromptu plan. But as the damage was to her personal car and not her squad car, and as there was no crime scene to investigate and her report would not be due for another 24 hours, Ashleigh left the Gotham Harbor after answering a few questions and offering up a quick explanation of how she had crashed into the Pier Seven warehouse to avoid the gunfire from the fleeing SUV. With the trussed-up superheroine safely restrained and unconscious in her trunk, Ashleigh drove to her home on the outskirts of Gotham.
Last edited by sugarcoater 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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New section added. As always, feedback and proofreading is very much appreciated.
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Great addition, loved the swerve can’t see what’s in store for Babs
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Well that was an unexpected twist, though I love the fact the drugs were placed in her pouch. Should add some drama and fun. Hopefully, we don't have to wait another week or two for the next installment!!
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