The Silver Seeker and Golden Girl in The Eyes of Aphrodite

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Wanted to play around with a mother daughter hero team. While I'm having a bit of writer's block with Ghost Cat I decided to work on this instead and it came together pretty well. The spoiler below is a list of relevant fetishes. Comments and feedback are appreciated. Thanks for reading!
The following story contains bondage, knockouts/sleeping gas, mind control, corruption and lesbian sex including forced orgasms, group sex and mother/daughter incest.
Part I

Ada Conners is a bold and beautiful adventurer and archeologist. One day on an excavation in Egypt she stumbled upon a brilliant golden puzzle box. While she celebrated her discovery with her colleagues the box was stolen along with her daughter Abigail. Refusing to leave the matter to the authorities Ada developed a costumed identity and went out in search of her daughter.

But Abigail Conners wasn’t just a helpless captive. Using her incredible intellect, she solved the ancient puzzle box and was rewarded with a divine blessing by the God Thoth. Given magical mastery over mind and memory Abigail used her newfound powers to make her escape just as her mother broke in and attacked her kidnappers.

With Ada’s brawn and Abigail’s brain the two were quickly reunited and upon discovering her mother’s costumed antics Abigail begged Ada to continue, only this time with Abigail as her sidekick. Now the mother daughter duo fight crime as the Silver Seeker and Golden Girl!

The Seeker Cycle parked behind the Blackpool Museum of Science and History. Its namesake heroine was nowhere to be seen, instead it was her trusty sidekick who dismounted the bike. She was a gorgeous brunette with her hair done up in a pair of pigtails by golden bands. She had pale skin, a freckled face and bright emerald eyes. She was dressed in a golden leotard with bronze padding on the sides that clung closely to her shapely form. A Bronze belt hung from her waist loaded with gadgets, most of which were her own design. Her legs were bare save for golden boots stopping just below her knees with matching gloves on her hands. A shimmering bronze cape hung from her shoulders and stopped just below her rear and a golden mask covered most of the freckles on her face.

The heroine proudly walked into the museum’s back entrance and headed for the office of the Head Curator. The grey haired and bespectacled woman waited for her with a tall and grizzled detective standing next to her desk.

“Ms. Hartford, Detective Grayman, what do you have for me?” Golden Girl said confidently.

“Ah, Golden Girl, how nice of you to join-“

“Where’s Seeker?” The detective asked, gruffly cutting off the director.

Golden Girl did her best not to let her irritation show. Detective Grayman wasn’t the biggest fan of her and her mother’s vigilante antics and was even less happy with the “Gaudy Golden Brat” that would steal his shine from time to time. “Silver Seeker is occupied at the moment, but I’m happy to help.” She said before she turned back to the curator. “You said you received a message meant for us?”

“Not just any message I’m afraid.” Ms. Hartford explained as she handed the heroine a blue envelope. “It seems to be a challenge.”

‘A challenge?’ A look inside the revealed a simple note written in blue pen a with a black lipstick mark at the bottom.

‘My Dearest Silver Seeker,

You are cordially invited to my heist of the Eye of Aphrodite this Saturday at Midnight. If it’s not too far past her bedtime, your usual +1 can attend as well.


“The Sapphire Sorceress.” Golden Girl hissed as she crunched the letter in her hands. The villainess had been a particular thorn in the dynamic duo’s sides. When she wasn’t trying to make off with magical artifacts, she was often busy flirting with the Silver Seeker a fact that often-left Golden Girl nauseous.

“Easy on the evidence, kid!” Detective Grayman barked as he snatched the letter away from her.

“I’m an adult!” GG shot back, happy with herself for not mentioning her real age while she was at it. At eighteen and an accomplished crime fighter she was starting to get fed up with being treated like a child.

“Uh huh, call me when you’re old enough to drink.” The detective shot back.

GG fumed in silence, neither wanting to confirm or deny anything about her identity with an answer. Thankfully Ms. Hartford gave her a reprieve from the awkward silence. “Do you know why she would call you two out like this? I know she’s a famous thief, but I’ve never heard of her announcing her crimes in advance before.”

“If she’s being this cocky it’s not without reason, she thinks she has something up her sleeve we can’t deal with.” Golden Girl said. ‘That or she’s planning on stealing something she thinks we can’t deal with.’ She thought. “What exactly is the Eye of Aphrodite?”

“The Eye of Aphrodite is an extremely valuable ruby, one of a pair, though the other was sadly lost years ago.” The curator explained. “They were once featured in the eyes of a marble statue in the Goddess’ temple. It was said they would glow whenever a visitor to the temple gained Aphrodite’s favor and onlookers would be overwhelmed with … amorous urges before she would take them as her consort.

“That sounds like something the Sapphire Sorceress would want, she’s always looking for new ways to manipulate people.” Golden Girl said. ‘Pretty sure I know who her first target would be too.’

“If this thing really is magic, we should move it to a different location, replace it with a fake until we can catch the broad.” Grayman suggested.

“I don’t think that will get us very far, Detective.” Golden Girl said. “The Sorceress has her own magical senses and would likely catch on to a fake. Also, it’s not like she hasn’t gotten moles into the police force before. If she’s coming when she says she is I think we-“

“The force is clean as a whistle!” The detective shot back. “Just cause some old witch got the drop on us once doesn’t mean I need to take strategic advice from a kid.”

Golden Girl was quickly reaching her limits with the detective. “Yeah, I’m sure the academy gave you plenty of training for dealing with magical super crimes.” She shot back, voice dripping in sarcasm.

“Why don’t we hold off on the planning for now.” Ms. Hartford suggested. “This message was intended for Silver Seeker after all.” She turned to Golden Girl. “Thank you for coming to see us, please pass this along to Seeker and we can make our next move from there.”

Golden Girl held back a sigh. The curator was being nicer about it than the detective or the Sorceress, but it still felt like she was being looked down on. If she could earn the divine blessing of a God, why couldn’t she earn the respect of some people? Despite her frustrations she managed to stay civil with the older woman. “Very well, I’ll let the Seeker know about this and we should get back to you shortly.” She said before making her exit.

When Golden Girl arrived at home, she went up to her room and dialed up her mother. The older heroine was half the world away, back in Egypt on another expedition. Ada had offered to bring her along, but Abigail had opted to stay home under the guise of spending time with her friends. In truth she had wanted to try her hand at solo heroics for once, her super sight had led her to a couple of break ins, helped her stop a mugging and a rape, but those were all mediocre criminals. For the Sorceress she wouldn’t mind having her mother as back up.

“Hello Abi!” Her mother said. Despite the late hour on her side of the globe she still greeted her daughter warmly. “How are you, darling? The house is still in one piece, I hope?”

“More or less,” Abigail joked, “another wild party might bring her down though.”

“Just as long as you’re happy living on the streets.” Her mother replied dryly.

“I’ll manage, hey are you alone right now? There’s a SS and GG situation I need to talk to you about.”

“What is it?” Her mother asked, her tone becoming serious. Ada listened quietly as her daughter explained the details until she got to the time of the planned heist. “Saturday? Damn…”

“What’s wrong, I thought you planned to be home by Friday anyway.”

“There’s a heavy storm coming into Cairo.” Her mother explained. “We’re expecting hail and lightning. Flights are already being cancelled and I doubt mine is going to be any different.”

Golden Girl frowned at the news, but her head quickly filled with hope. The Sapphire Sorceress was a pain, but she was hardly invincible. What if she brought her down alone? “You know, with the museum’s permission I might be able to set up some traps for the Sapphire Sorceress. With the homefield advantage I could-“

“No.” Her mother said firmly.

“But mom-“

“No buts!”

“I’m an adult, I can fight crime by myself!” Abigail insisted.

“The fact that you’re an adult is all the more reason I don’t want you anywhere near that pervert alone.” Ada countered.

“I’m pretty sure I’m not her type. Considering what she’s planning on stealing I’m probably safer than you would be.”

“You listen to me, Abigail Miranda Conners.” Her mother said. The use of her full name never boded well. “I know that you’re getting older, and I was willing to turn a blind eye to your solo hero antics as long as it was just petty crooks…”

Abigail blushed “You know about that?”

“I can still read the local news online darling, but that’s not the point. The point is I’m your mother and as long as you live under my roof and use my money to fund those gadgets of yours, I get to put limits on your hero work. I forbid you to take on the Sapphire Sorceress alone. Am I clear?”

“Crystal.” Abigail huffed.

“It’s for your own good Abi, I’ll try to get out of here early if I can, but if not then we’ll catch up with her later. Let the museum and the police know we may be unable to catch her in the act.”

Abigail collapsed against her bed in defeat. “Will do. Anything else?”

“I love you.” Her mother added warmly.

“Love you too, bye Mom.” Abigail said as she hung up. It was so unfair! She had beaten men into submission, invented dozens of gadgets and solved crimes that would have left Sherlock Holmes dumbfounded. What did she have to do to earn some respect? It didn’t take long for her to reach the obvious answer. Swapping her civilian phone for what she affectionately called the Golden Line she made a call and altered her voice ever so slightly. “Hello, Ms. Hartford? This is the Silver Seeker…”
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Part II

Saturday night found Golden Girl lurking in the shadows of the Greek History exhibit of the museum. Convincing everyone that her plan was the Silver Seeker’s wasn’t difficult. People already mistook her for her mother over the phone from time to time, with actual effort behind her voice she was practically a perfect double.

Supposedly the Silver Seeker would keep watch from outside the building while Golden Girl set up her defenses and waited inside. With her gear in place and the museum closed for the night there was nothing for her to do but wait. As she waited, she studied the eye of Aphrodite. The blood red ruby may have seemed ordinary if beautiful to the average person, but with Golden Girl’s enchanted eyes she could see a powerful aura emanating from the gem.

‘It’s definitely enchanted, even if the power is dormant without a wielder.’ She thought. ‘It also seems like it’s being drawn towards something, maybe the missing eye?’ If the museum let her borrow this one, she might be able to use it as a compass for the second. ‘I just need to make sure we don’t lose this one first.’

Golden Girl checked her phone for the time. It was only a minute from midnight. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. ‘Don’t worry, GG. You got this. This time you’ll put that awful witch away for good.’

Awful as she may be, Golden Girl had to admit the Sapphire Sorceress was punctual. At the stroke of midnight, the sound of shattering glass resonated through the museum shortly followed by the confident footsteps of a woman in heels. It wasn’t long before the Sorceress was in her sights. She was a tall woman, at least twice Golden Girl’s age with ghostly pale skin and bright blue eyes. Her long flowing hair was dyed a deep navy and her pouty lips were painted black. She wore a dark blue dress with a black leather corset that emphasized her bountiful chest and a slit up the side to reveal sexy legs wrapped in tattered black tights. In her left hand was a small black wand and her right hand was aglitter with gold and silver rings all of which radiated with their own magical auras.

The villainess didn’t seem to notice the heroine, her attention drawn to the ruby the moment she entered the room. “Well, aren’t you precious,” She spoke, her voice just above a whisper as she approached the gemstone. “You know red really isn’t my color, but I think I can make an exception for you.”

“I think you’d look good in orange.” Golden Girl said as she emerged from her the shadows. “Maybe we can trade that dress for a jumpsuit.

The Sapphire Sorceress jumped slightly when she first heard Golden Girl, but by the time she turned around her face showed only a relaxed smile. “Ah Golden Girl, I see the Seeker decided to bring you along. But where is my silver soul mate?”

“My plus one couldn’t make it.” Golden Girl replied dryly. “I’m taking you down myself tonight.”

The Sapphire Sorceress laughed at that. “Aren’t you the brave little heroine tonight? I expected you girls to show up but taking us on by yourself takes guts.”

“Us?” Golden Girl said in confusion. She had known the Sorceress to employ henchmen and spies from time to time, but she didn’t see any with her tonight. Activating her magical vision, she quickly looked around the room only to see a sapphire aura lunge at her from the side. Golden Girl just managed to roll out of the way and backed up to put the Sorceress and the mysterious aura in her view. She noted with some concern that there more than one of them. “What was that? Who’s there?”

“Aww, looks like my invisibility charms weren't good enough to get past those golden eyes of yours.” The Sorceress pouted. “You might as well show yourselves, girls.” Golden Girl watched in awe as nine women materialized in the room. Each was dressed in a tight black bodysuit that fit their athletic forms like a second skin. Matching mask with triangular ears attached at the top covered their faces and they all wore the same lipstick as the Sorceress. “Meet the Nine Lives, my new crew of kitties. Every witch needs a black cat, you know.” The Sorceress pointed her wand at Golden Girl. “Girls, see to our cute little friend here while I secure the Ruby.”

“As you wish, Mistress.” The cat girls said in unison as they stalked towards the outnumbered heroine.

Golden Girl had been outnumbered before, but nine on one was bad odds even with her powers and the Sorceress lurking in the background wouldn’t make things any easier. Luckily, she had come prepared. “Let’s see how you kitties like this!” She said as she pressed a button on her utility belt.

Down each end of the hall a turret came to life and targeted the intruders. Each fired a cartridge that quickly opened to reveal a golden net that flew directly into two of the cat girls.


Wrapped in golden ropes and knocked off their feet from the force the captive cat burglars could do little more than struggle and curse. As the turrets prepared a second volley Golden Girl turned her eyes towards the Sorceress. Near the ruby’s display case she was out of the turrets’ line of fire, but that didn’t mean she was safe. “And as for you Sapphire, why don’t you get some shuteye?”

Another button press activated a gas container she’d hidden behind the ruby’s display case. The Sorceress spun towards a hissing sound only to find her face filled with a thick sweet-smelling smoke. “What! What are you…” Her speech became slow as she stumbled back against the wall. “I… feel… strange… tired…”

“Mistress!” The Nine Lives cried as their boss feel l to her knees. They turned on Golden Girl with furious eyes but were forced to dodge as the net guns fired again. One of them wasn’t lucky enough to escape and in less than a minute her ten foes were down to six. “Cloak yourselves!” One of the cats cried before going invisible.

The rest did the same and suddenly Golden Girl’s net guns had no targets to fire on. But that didn’t mean she didn’t have more tricks up her sleeves. “Going invisible is a nice trick, mind if I give it a try?” She said as she pulled a smoke bomb from her belt.

Slamming the ball into the floor the entire hall was quickly enveloped in a dark gray smoke. That left the cat girls sputtering and coughing. With their auras shining through the smoke Golden Girl had no trouble approaching one cat and punching the air out of her. Another solid blow to the jaw sent the woman on her back. Another cat girl tried a blind charge towards the sound of the scuffle, but Golden Girl merely side stepped and stuck out her foot letting the woman tumble to the floor. She jumped towards the others, raining a fury of blows down upon the criminals until the smoke began to clear and Golden Girl was left to face the biggest of the nine. Even in her boots she only came up to the woman’s chest.

The woman lashed out at her with her long legs, but Golden Girl blocked the blow. ‘She’s not bad,’ The heroine grunted as a wave of pain shot through her arm. ‘But the bigger they are…’ Her thoughts were interrupted as the cat girl she tripped earlier attacked from behind. “Hey! Let go!” She cried as the woman caught her in a full nelson.

“I don’t think so, get her, Liger!” The shorter henchwoman cried.

Before the bigger woman could beat her senseless Golden Girl stared at her aura, hoping she was looking her in the eyes. Her own eyes started to glow gold and she felt her mind connect with her attackers. In that moment she took hold of it striking at her memory with her magically enhanced will.

“Wha- where am I?” The cat girl asked as she came to a stop. “Why can’t I see myself!”

“Get a grip Liger, I need a hand here!”

“You sure do!” Golden Girl grunted as she yanked her arms down and weakened the criminal’s hold. She was able to get a hand into her utility belt and came out with a taser she thrusted into the side of her attacker.

“Aiiiee!” The cat girl cried before she crumpled to the ground.

With another henchwoman dropped Golden Girl turned back to the dazed giantess. “That just leaves you.”

“And me.”

“What?” Golden Girl spun around to see the Sapphire Sorceress suddenly wide awake with her wand pointed right at her. She tried to dodge, but a blue beam of light was already flying towards her, and it struck her straight in her chest. “Ugh! What… the…”

The question died on her lips her body going rigid as the blue light enveloped her. She tried to struggle against it, but she barely had enough mobility to blink and breathe. ‘Damn it! I have to break free!’

“Poor Golden Girl, you were so close.” The Sapphire Sorceress teased. “Unfortunately, for you, when you work with as many potions and drugs as I do you develop a couple of immunity spells. Now let’s wrap this up.” She snapped her fingers sharply. “Have you come to your senses yet, Liger?”

“I… I think so, Mistress.” The cat girl mumbled.

“Good then see if you can take care of those turrets so I can move. Then you can get to work freeing the others. I think you’ll want to start by taking her belt.”

‘No!’ Golden Girl thought. If she lost her belt, it would be almost impossible for her to defeat them even if she broke free of the spell.

Yet she was powerless to stop the henchwoman as she sauntered up to her. While she took care not to look the heroine in the eyes this time, she happily reached around Golden Girl’s waist and took her belt. “You won’t be needing this anymore.” The cat girl teased. “Now let’s see, which button was it…” It took a couple of tries, but eventually the turrets at the end of the hall powered down. “There we go!”

“Good, now take care of the others while I deal with Golden Girl.” The Sapphire Sorceress said as she climbed to her feet. She eyed the heroine like a spider staring at a trapped fly, malicious joy and greed gleaming in her eyes. “You know, for a moment there I thought Silver Seeker would ambush us, but if she hasn’t showed up by now you must really be on your own. A brave move, not a particularly bright one though.”

Golden Girl blushed in shame. It was true, she’d bitten off more than she could chew and now she had no idea what would happen. ‘This is so humiliating. I should have listened!’

“Honestly if I had to deal with only one of you tonight, I’m glad it was you. You’re the real reason I came here after all.” Golden Girl didn’t understand. Wasn’t she after her mother? The Sorceress predicted the reaction. “Confused? I’ll explain it to you later, but for now I think you’ve earned yourself a little nap.”

The heroine stood in petrified horror as the Sapphire Sorceress embraced her from behind, one arm grabbed GG’s breast, holding her close and groping her at the same time. Golden Girl felt disgusted by her tough, but the molestation was the least of her problems as the Sapphire Sorceress held another hand in front of her face. She noticed a silver light emanating from one of the rings on the witch’s fingers. The ring dissolved into a cloud of gas that enveloped the Sorceress’ entire hand before she clapped it firmly over Golden Girl’s nose and mouth.

It only took one whiff of the powerful fumes to make Golden Girl’s head spin. ‘Sleeping Gas! Have to fight it!’ she thought. Her shallow breaths helped a bit, but frozen as she was there was nowhere to run. ‘This stuff is… too strong… I… can’t…’

“That’s it, just let yourself drift off. Aren’t you exhausted?" The Sorceress cooed in her ear.

Golden Girl couldn’t deny that. The fight had already winded her and now her eye lids grew heavy, fluttering desperately as she tried to will herself awake. ‘Mom… someone… help me…’ She thought. But there would be no help. She had already advised the police and night security to keep their distance for their own safety and without the Silver Seeker to back her up, she was all alone in the clutches of the insidious woman. ‘She’s… got me…’ she admitted as defeat and sleep finally took their hold over the heroine.

The Sapphire Sorceress held her hand in place for another minute after the heroine’s eyes shut before releasing the girl from her spells. Powerless in slumber, Golden Girl slumped against her captor who delighted in caressing her feminine frame. “Sleep tight Golden Girl.” She said before turning her eyes to the Eye of Aphrodite. “I have such fun plans in store for you.”
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Very cool story, curious to see more of it
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valugi wrote:
2 years ago
Very cool story, curious to see more of it
Thank you, I plan to continue/finish it this week.

Edit: Actually I forgot Elden Ring came out this week so it may be a while before I post the next one.
Neophyte Lvl 5
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When can we expect more of this story?
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Mikeunmaskem wrote:
2 years ago
When can we expect more of this story?
Thanks for the interest, I recently beat Elden Ring so I have my free time back, currently four pages into Part 3 so hopefully it should be out within the week.
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ThatOnePervert wrote:
2 years ago
Mikeunmaskem wrote:
2 years ago
When can we expect more of this story?
Thanks for the interest, I recently beat Elden Ring so I have my free time back, currently four pages into Part 3 so hopefully it should be out within the week.
Seek Fingers, But Hole.
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Do you have unmasking (s) planned?
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Been a while!! Have you forgot about adding more???
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Mikeunmaskem wrote:
1 year ago
Been a while!! Have you forgot about adding more???
Hey there, still interested in continuing this story, but as you may have guessed I'm in a bit of a creative slump right now. Not sure when I will pick this one back up, but it is on my to do list.
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Please do not forget. It is a great start of story. Maybe a compromise situation where one or more are unmasked and problems escalate.
Posts: 62
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This is a great story. Any plans on finishing it?
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This one showed so much potential. I was really anxious to see where it would go. It is a pity it died in the tracks....
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