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General discussions about superheroines!
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The other night, I was thinking about some old sites, and wondered whatever happened to them. The bad news: many of them are gone. The good news: many of them were preserved in the Wayback Machine. I thought I'd pop a few down below for those of you who might be (relatively) new on the forum. They're mostly story sites, but there's other content as well.

Admittedly, I did not check for the best capture date, and some of them may be older URLs. I would definitely invite everyone to share your favourites in the thread.

Aurora Universe: ... tners.html ... (note the guest sites)

Kara's Pocket Universe: ... index.html

Tooshoes: ... tners.html ... (some sites are archived)
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Whoa: Lost George Perez art probably not available anywhere else but preserved on the Wayback Machine's record of Superheroine's Demise!
I don't know if anyone owns full-blown versions of this art? ... gpfree.htm

Here is the front page of Superheroine's Demise preserved, and there's Perez art right in the middle as well! ...

Here's the page where Superheroine's Demise showed the dozens of superheroine characters they had.
Looking at this page was my very first exposure to SHIP content back around 1999.
One look at the variety of tight & shiny costumes, and I was hooked!
Forum members, this is an important part of our history. ... urnew1.htm

Thanks for looking this stuff up, Masmune!
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I remember back in the day I was so geeked out to get that Superheroine's Demise membership. Folks growing up today can't possibly know how important that website was to our fledgling little community back then. You simply didn't have the genre's resources back then that you have today, and many of the ones you might have had might not have been as easily accessible through search engines as sites would be today. Superheroine's Demise loomed large amid our little community. I loved the diversity of the kinds of material on Superheroine's Demise, video clips, photo stories, SHIP art, stories, and the costumes were first rate as well.
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I think superheroine demise was my gateway to superheroines and women in spandex suits. I think a while back I tried to locate some old photosets from Superheroine's demise and superheroine dot com to no avail. I think I did find the original owner on DA though, but he has not put anything up of lately.
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Superheroine's Demise was definitely... formative. I was also a big fan of Metro City Heroines: ... /menu.html.

They had this great Addie Juniper Supergirl video called "Power Play" but I can't seem to find it on their old title list: ... title.html

Here's an old photo:
IMG_5552.JPG (4.09 MiB) Viewed 5327 times
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Wayback, I didn't even know that existed. It's interesting even for me to see those old pages and images. I was walking down memory lane yesterday and found some messages and posts here and there asking what happened to my site - (superheroines' demise)

I enjoyed hearing the posts from people who said they enjoyed the site back in the day. I built and launched it in 1998. F#%k that's a long time ago. When we launched there was no youtube, no free porn video sites posting our material without permission and nobody else really doing this stuff on a regular basis. That's not true, there was one site called or but the updates were sporadic and only lasted a short while. Just for grins I'll explain what happened to the site.

I started it because I am a fan of the genre and had a girlfriend at the time willing to make it come to life. Her name was Wren Andrews. (model name) She wasn't a model but an exec. at a big company at the time. We didn't think that one through. Once you put yourself out there, you have put yourself out there and as the wayback machine website has proven, it never will really go away for good. But the response to the initial free area was good so I had a lightbulb moment to make it a subscription base model in a time where people were principally opposed to paying for it because the internet was supposed to be free. To some extent that's still the case, ie. youtube, xvideos, flickr, deviantart (more on them in a minute) etc. Problem was, models were not free, equipment albeit rudimentary compared to today - was not free, sets, hosting, studio, etc. were not free. I think we launched at like 10 bucks a month for everything. As a paying member there were no tiers. You sheckled out 10 you got weekly updates and everything I had produced and posted prior. That always stood. Then Dano launched superheroinecentral about 5 months after and his model gave you content from something like 10 weeks back or so (I could be wrong). He launched that one at 20 a month, so I was like, why are we 10 - and eventually the site ended up at 30 a month but again, for everything I ever produced. You got it all. Granted, I didn't use or quite frankly have access to penthouse or hustler models. But, I liked the girl next door type of look for superheroines because they to me were believable in the roll. After all, they are supposed to be real people turned into virtuous, flag waving, truthful, freedom fighting superhumans so the college girls I hired fit the bill for me. I advertised in the local university newspaper classified section and they came flooding in.

I moved to Baltimore Md and opened a studio in a 100,000 square foot old broom factory that was now mostly derelict but rented the first floor out to me. At that point I started using the new sites like to find models. That was a good resource. You can't imagine some of the nonsense I went through at first trying to find models. Baltimore was the peak of the site - especially with the sets, my enthusiasm, the creativity and the fun it was to produce the stuff. Everything changed when youtube came around. I just didn't have the time to keep tracking down all of the pilferred material that would be posted to other sites without permission. Membership went down steadily over the next few years and I got to the point where I was doing it just because I liked bringing the fantasy to life in those pictures and videos and the artwork of artists like George Perez and Rifferus who would generously create stuff for us.

Couple all that with the fact that I was contractually obliged to split revenue 50/50 with a partner who's sole job was to make sure I received 50% of the net revenue and it just wasn't tenable. I had no idea how to build websites in 98 and no knowledge of how to make a paying based model. My partner claimed he did. He was an old college buddy. I was Darkshade...forgot what we called him. He actually flew out and appeared in a couple videos with Wren. Anyway, with dwindling revenue I tried to keep it going with other sites like,, (yeah that was a stick it to the great name that dano came up with). In the end, those sites did much less membership and I was tired of doing everything and only getting paid for half. Then the third party billing companies started charging massive annual fees (like thousands) for mastercard, visa, discover, etc because we were "high risk" vendors. People will probably say shut up and quit whining and to an extent they are right because it was a lot of fun but it was more the principal of the fact that it was my creation and my work that sustained it. My partner, little to my knowledge had started another business (unrelated to what I did) and was now doing even less for our business. I told him I wanted out of the non compete and he flat out said no. That's when I lost my shit. I moved again and started paying another photographer to produce material with my direction. I would send him shot for shot scripts/directions, costumes and props and stuff and he did a great job. (those were the shana jolie days). That was great because even though I was paying him well, I wasn't doing everything. But everything ran its course with him and they moved and no longer had access to the outdoor locations they were shooting.

I opened a clips sudio which is still there. It's nice because even though it's a 60/40 split all I had to do was produce material. Wasn't a game changer but it was a decent supplement and made me feel better about things. Still, at that point for 10 years or so, this was my job. In the time of I had started a family and had to support that so alas a real job was inevitable. Which is why I should stop whining because nothing was better than producing superheroine in peril fetish content, working without a boss, commute, and all the stuff that goes along with that.

Met a hell of a lot of nice people along the way and produced a ton of material all of which I still have. Someone mentioned that I sold all the content to a buyer on this or another thread. I never sold the content or rights to the content other than selling it to paid subscribers. Nobody ever approached me to buy it all so I'm not sure where they got that idea but that didn't happen. But, the thought dawned on me to me make the material available for sale again (I have kids in college - holy shit) so when deviantart (which I have been a member of for years) introduced a subscription based format I tried it. I was working my way to putting up all the material I have shot through 2022 which was incredibly tedious because they only allow you to upload one photo at a time and post low res. videos in mp4 format. For some reason you can most the HD versions in the free area, but subscribers and producers for subscribers can only upload or download one format (mp4) in 320x240. They offered a way to put up HD videos on a special download type of fee but 99 out 100 times it wouldn't work. (just got error messages). And I didn't realize how much actual content I had. A couple hundred thousand pics and videos and art. And then, someone got pissed that I was posting too much content. Could have been a competitor, disgruntled past member, bible thumper, who knows - and flagged me to Deviantart and they unceremoniously banned me and kicked me off because my material was (porn). Not sure if you've seen some of the stuff on deviantart but there is stuff up there that makes my work look tame - so based off what I saw and the filters we could apply to racy content, I thought I was fine. Nope.

When I started doing all of this it was in a much simpler and much better time for it. We are literally condemmed for the content we produce but many in society be it credit card companies, web hosts, government, right wing or left wing extremists. To the right folks, I am producing pornography and that's bad. (I thought the right would be the ones that take me down but they are pretty simple - it's either pornography or it's not). But, to the left folks in todays world - what I am doing is much worse because you can't look at a kitten the wrong way today without offending someone, much less create images of superheroines (females) being defeated) Back in the day when all those people left and right were at church or busy with protesting something - I was cranking out stuff that people enjoyed seeing and was doing it under the radar of what is today's hyper woke society. If you could have ever been a fly on the wall in any of my shoots, everyone was laughing and having fun. Certainly nobody was ever pushed to do anything they didn't want. Quite the opposite - in my more risque work it was often the model who would suggest we do something. I remember Erin Davis saying, I think we should have Redwing tied up and then the villain puts a mouse in her butt and then freaks out when the mouses tail breaks off. Far be it from me not to make that - which obviously it wasn't a real mouse and did not go in her butt. It was fantasy, make believe and I tried to create the most unthinkable scenarios that many of you out there imagine would actually happen to a superheroine caught by an insane super villain. What's he gonna do, tie her up strapped to swinging pendulum - explain his plan to take over the world - and then say "sorry I can't be here to watch your demise) and then leave? Hell no, he's going to put a mouse in her ass and watch!

Sorry for the long winded and late reply. Not even sure if anyone will see this but it's therapeutic to write down the words. I should probably just delete this and go about my daily activities but those are boring and I have always enjoyed deviating from the mundane of daily activities by trying to bring my twisted fantasies to life.

formerly Darkshade of
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Thanks for the history of your sites!!!
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Do you think ud ever go back and try repening the site again?
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villainofsooperhero wrote:
7 months ago
Wayback, I didn't even know that existed. It's interesting even for me to see those old pages and images. I was walking down memory lane yesterday and found some messages and posts here and there asking what happened to my site - (superheroines' demise)


Sorry for the long winded and late reply. Not even sure if anyone will see this but it's therapeutic to write down the words. I should probably just delete this and go about my daily activities but those are boring and I have always enjoyed deviating from the mundane of daily activities by trying to bring my twisted fantasies to life.

formerly Darkshade of

Not only do we see it, but we offer the most profound respect and gratitude. Or, everyone on this Forum should - yes, even MH.
You're the reason we are all here, either directly or indirectly.

I remember stumbling randomly upon SHIP content in a period where I only had a dumb-terminal in my house in the late 90s, and so my only access to the complete pictorial Internet were the computers at Kinko's, because the college ones had filters. I mostly used those Kinko's computers to do graphic design for my promotion business (design a flyer and get it printed, all in one place) but I remember one night happening upon a SHIP site, and it instantly awoke my childhood interest in superheroine TV shows and George Perez and Marv Wolfman comics from the late 70s/early 80s.

I think with a tiny bit of Internet searching (I don't even remember what the dominant search engine was at the time? Maybe Yahoo?) I found there were three options: SHIB, and SHC. I didn't use any credit cards at the time, so there was nothing I could buy. So, I would download and print out screenshots from all three (I still have all of these stored in a box!).

Sure, SHC had the voluptuous models, and SHIB had links to tons of superheroine cartoon stories (including those of Mr. X, I believe!), but your site floored me, because one of the first things I saw was the huge photo collage of all of the superheroines in their colorful costumes - you must have had 100 by then, or more!

Yes, they were girl-next-door, but they were all colorful, tight and sexy. And you know what your approach reminded me of, most of all? DIAL H FOR HERO! Yes, as a young impressionable lad, I was amazed by the way ordinary schoolgirl Vicki Grant could simply turn a dial and become an incredibly sexy superheroine in a tight costume with amazing powers. I kept thinking to myself, as a hormonal pre-t**n does: sure it's nice that they're fighting evil in Fairfax, but Chris and Vicki must know they look super hot to each other - why aren't they making love to each other in those tight costumes or becoming sexually stimulated by their superheroic change? (Much later, China Mieville would address this in Dial H, but he only ever did in weird woke ways, as the time period for that was beginning). In much the same way, you kept 'dialing' sexy superheroine costumes out of your obviously fertile imagination in Baltimore, and the fantasies that young lads in the 80s and 90s had harbored were finally realized.

So yeah, that was how Sooperhero clicked for me, and I'm sorry that I never bought anything back in those days but I didn't have the ability to do so.
I remember seeing your re-appearance on Deviant Art recently, and I definitely 'watched' you over there. It's very weird that they gave you a hard time, because of course there are tons of fetish-based superheroine creators there (one of them just hired me for a custom) and endless XXX content as well. Sorry for your troubles at DA, let us know if you get reinstated.

Incredible respect to you, and since you're here, instead of 'deleting' (no! don't do that!), why don't you post the link to your C4S store, so we can go over there and explore, and everyone can check out (and hopefully purchase) a sample of what they missed if they weren't there 25 years ago
(I was! and I have the printouts to prove it!).

And yes, the above posters are correct: if C4S isn't floating your boat because they take 60/40 (that's the same percentage Diamond Distro takes for comic books, btw. And both are 'monopolies' of a sort.) then maybe it's time to reopen your site and take nearly 100% (minus Paypal fee or whatever). We do! And I'm sorry if it's a sticking point for someone, but so does Logan. I bring Logan up because he still probably does pretty well just recycling his decade or so of old content. You could do the same, or even save up enough money from sales to eventually start producing new vids again.

Finally, I want to say that I identify even more with your efforts, now that I saw your tales about posting advertisements at the colleges. That's important for us, too, because no matter how you slice it, you can't just keep mining a small circle of friends, or a music scene or theater scene, when finding actresses to do this. Ultimately, if you want to stay local for cost reasons, and you don't live near a huge model community like in LA or FL or alt-PDX, then you need to go to the universities. Our newest four actresses, in fact, are all affiliated with a single area university, and all of them are incredible! Alex from NewPhx did the exact same thing back in the day. So, nothing's changed in that respect, and the Internet hasn't made it any easier to find talent if you're *only* hiring locally. It just takes time and persistence.

[P.S. So glad you mentioned Rifferus. I liked his art, but I was even more glad to see him step out in person and act the villain in the Paris Kennedy and Alex Bettinger videos! I think he's left the SHIP scene quite a while back. He hasn't posted to DA in 10 years either.]

[and P.P.S. Thank you also for saying what I've been saying on this Forum for many years: Right Wing anti-Prurience crusaders are certainly bad for the scene, but Third-Wave / Intersectionalism turned out to be a whole lot worse, not just for us, but for everyone in pop culture!]
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It was great to hear from Villain. I was an early subscriber to his site. The wait for a new update to come on Fridays was almost unbearable. He never missed an update. That is repect for his customers. Most of the times the stories were split in 2 chapters and the first one always ended with a cliffhanger. I remember I used to go to the site on Thursdays and type the URL he would probably use for the pictures in next chapter of the story to try to access something in advance. He normally would upload the individual photos one day before posting the full story. I cannot forget a Christmas story with Wren Andrews where the superheroine ended up naked tied in Christmas Tree lights. That was a Happy Christmas for me! Even after all these years I remember that Christmas because of Villain's material. I do not have enough words to thank him for the amazing memories. I hope his efforts were rewarded with some wealth. He was a pioneer and I wish he had the financial reward he deserved. I am glad that I have all the material he released stored in a portable hard drive. From time to time I revisit Chamelia, Zara, Crusader and other amazing superheroines to remember the good old days. Thanks again for the wonderful memories!
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Thank you for the feedback and nice words. I was a member of this forum many years back but that was several computer crashes ago and I didn't remember the user/pass so I created a new one to discuss and reengage with some like minded people.
I have posted a lot of the videos I've produced at ... erheroines

Someone asked if I'd ever do the site again. I would like to because I enjoyed doing the stories with the pics but again, the third party billing
companies were getting out of hand with what they would allow and what they wouldn't. I can open a site and make it available to everyone for free and
that would be ok, but put it behind a paywall where you need a credit card and it becomes a problem. Mainly for the merchant account people and credit card companies.
Neil who created the clips site is really smart. His merchant accounts are overseas and protected by that countries laws. Same reason I guess people put money
into offshore banks and whatnot.

I still have all the original html and photos and videos, graphics etc. I'd just have to figure out the best way to do it. Not sure it would fly with paypal. I looked at patreon and considered it but the nice thing about deviantart was that it had such a huge existing following of superheroine in peril type of content and any samples you post are very easy to find. Thanks again for the kind words. Put a lot into this stuff over the years. It means a lot.

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I think you mean this series? I forgot about this one.

Image ... ef=_tumblr
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villainofsooperhero wrote:
7 months ago
Thank you for the feedback and nice words. I was a member of this forum many years back but that was several computer crashes ago and I didn't remember the user/pass so I created a new one to discuss and reengage with some like minded people.
I have posted a lot of the videos I've produced at ... erheroines

Someone asked if I'd ever do the site again. I would like to because I enjoyed doing the stories with the pics but again, the third party billing
companies were getting out of hand with what they would allow and what they wouldn't. I can open a site and make it available to everyone for free and
that would be ok, but put it behind a paywall where you need a credit card and it becomes a problem. Mainly for the merchant account people and credit card companies.
Neil who created the clips site is really smart. His merchant accounts are overseas and protected by that countries laws. Same reason I guess people put money
into offshore banks and whatnot.

I still have all the original html and photos and videos, graphics etc. I'd just have to figure out the best way to do it. Not sure it would fly with paypal. I looked at patreon and considered it but the nice thing about deviantart was that it had such a huge existing following of superheroine in peril type of content and any samples you post are very easy to find. Thanks again for the kind words. Put a lot into this stuff over the years. It means a lot.

Good to see you here! I am heading out for a bit but I will send a more detailed follow up response when I get back.
In the meantime, if you remember at least your username or email address you used originally, I can look that up and help you get back into your account.

Also, take a look at Gumroad as a possible vendor to sell your content. It's good for now.
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YOOO!! You’re the mastermind behind The pioneer of SHIP genre is here!! It’s good for you to be here, man.
villainofsooperhero wrote:
7 months ago
Wayback, I didn't even know that existed. It's interesting even for me to see those old pages and images. I was walking down memory lane yesterday and found some messages and posts here and there asking what happened to my site - (superheroines' demise)

I enjoyed hearing the posts from people who said they enjoyed the site back in the day. I built and launched it in 1998. F#%k that's a long time ago. When we launched there was no youtube, no free porn video sites posting our material without permission and nobody else really doing this stuff on a regular basis. That's not true, there was one site called or but the updates were sporadic and only lasted a short while. Just for grins I'll explain what happened to the site.

I started it because I am a fan of the genre and had a girlfriend at the time willing to make it come to life. Her name was Wren Andrews. (model name) She wasn't a model but an exec. at a big company at the time. We didn't think that one through. Once you put yourself out there, you have put yourself out there and as the wayback machine website has proven, it never will really go away for good. But the response to the initial free area was good so I had a lightbulb moment to make it a subscription base model in a time where people were principally opposed to paying for it because the internet was supposed to be free. To some extent that's still the case, ie. youtube, xvideos, flickr, deviantart (more on them in a minute) etc. Problem was, models were not free, equipment albeit rudimentary compared to today - was not free, sets, hosting, studio, etc. were not free. I think we launched at like 10 bucks a month for everything. As a paying member there were no tiers. You sheckled out 10 you got weekly updates and everything I had produced and posted prior. That always stood. Then Dano launched superheroinecentral about 5 months after and his model gave you content from something like 10 weeks back or so (I could be wrong). He launched that one at 20 a month, so I was like, why are we 10 - and eventually the site ended up at 30 a month but again, for everything I ever produced. You got it all. Granted, I didn't use or quite frankly have access to penthouse or hustler models. But, I liked the girl next door type of look for superheroines because they to me were believable in the roll. After all, they are supposed to be real people turned into virtuous, flag waving, truthful, freedom fighting superhumans so the college girls I hired fit the bill for me. I advertised in the local university newspaper classified section and they came flooding in.

I moved to Baltimore Md and opened a studio in a 100,000 square foot old broom factory that was now mostly derelict but rented the first floor out to me. At that point I started using the new sites like to find models. That was a good resource. You can't imagine some of the nonsense I went through at first trying to find models. Baltimore was the peak of the site - especially with the sets, my enthusiasm, the creativity and the fun it was to produce the stuff. Everything changed when youtube came around. I just didn't have the time to keep tracking down all of the pilferred material that would be posted to other sites without permission. Membership went down steadily over the next few years and I got to the point where I was doing it just because I liked bringing the fantasy to life in those pictures and videos and the artwork of artists like George Perez and Rifferus who would generously create stuff for us.

Couple all that with the fact that I was contractually obliged to split revenue 50/50 with a partner who's sole job was to make sure I received 50% of the net revenue and it just wasn't tenable. I had no idea how to build websites in 98 and no knowledge of how to make a paying based model. My partner claimed he did. He was an old college buddy. I was Darkshade...forgot what we called him. He actually flew out and appeared in a couple videos with Wren. Anyway, with dwindling revenue I tried to keep it going with other sites like,, (yeah that was a stick it to the great name that dano came up with). In the end, those sites did much less membership and I was tired of doing everything and only getting paid for half. Then the third party billing companies started charging massive annual fees (like thousands) for mastercard, visa, discover, etc because we were "high risk" vendors. People will probably say shut up and quit whining and to an extent they are right because it was a lot of fun but it was more the principal of the fact that it was my creation and my work that sustained it. My partner, little to my knowledge had started another business (unrelated to what I did) and was now doing even less for our business. I told him I wanted out of the non compete and he flat out said no. That's when I lost my shit. I moved again and started paying another photographer to produce material with my direction. I would send him shot for shot scripts/directions, costumes and props and stuff and he did a great job. (those were the shana jolie days). That was great because even though I was paying him well, I wasn't doing everything. But everything ran its course with him and they moved and no longer had access to the outdoor locations they were shooting.

I opened a clips sudio which is still there. It's nice because even though it's a 60/40 split all I had to do was produce material. Wasn't a game changer but it was a decent supplement and made me feel better about things. Still, at that point for 10 years or so, this was my job. In the time of I had started a family and had to support that so alas a real job was inevitable. Which is why I should stop whining because nothing was better than producing superheroine in peril fetish content, working without a boss, commute, and all the stuff that goes along with that.

Met a hell of a lot of nice people along the way and produced a ton of material all of which I still have. Someone mentioned that I sold all the content to a buyer on this or another thread. I never sold the content or rights to the content other than selling it to paid subscribers. Nobody ever approached me to buy it all so I'm not sure where they got that idea but that didn't happen. But, the thought dawned on me to me make the material available for sale again (I have kids in college - holy shit) so when deviantart (which I have been a member of for years) introduced a subscription based format I tried it. I was working my way to putting up all the material I have shot through 2022 which was incredibly tedious because they only allow you to upload one photo at a time and post low res. videos in mp4 format. For some reason you can most the HD versions in the free area, but subscribers and producers for subscribers can only upload or download one format (mp4) in 320x240. They offered a way to put up HD videos on a special download type of fee but 99 out 100 times it wouldn't work. (just got error messages). And I didn't realize how much actual content I had. A couple hundred thousand pics and videos and art. And then, someone got pissed that I was posting too much content. Could have been a competitor, disgruntled past member, bible thumper, who knows - and flagged me to Deviantart and they unceremoniously banned me and kicked me off because my material was (porn). Not sure if you've seen some of the stuff on deviantart but there is stuff up there that makes my work look tame - so based off what I saw and the filters we could apply to racy content, I thought I was fine. Nope.

When I started doing all of this it was in a much simpler and much better time for it. We are literally condemmed for the content we produce but many in society be it credit card companies, web hosts, government, right wing or left wing extremists. To the right folks, I am producing pornography and that's bad. (I thought the right would be the ones that take me down but they are pretty simple - it's either pornography or it's not). But, to the left folks in todays world - what I am doing is much worse because you can't look at a kitten the wrong way today without offending someone, much less create images of superheroines (females) being defeated) Back in the day when all those people left and right were at church or busy with protesting something - I was cranking out stuff that people enjoyed seeing and was doing it under the radar of what is today's hyper woke society. If you could have ever been a fly on the wall in any of my shoots, everyone was laughing and having fun. Certainly nobody was ever pushed to do anything they didn't want. Quite the opposite - in my more risque work it was often the model who would suggest we do something. I remember Erin Davis saying, I think we should have Redwing tied up and then the villain puts a mouse in her butt and then freaks out when the mouses tail breaks off. Far be it from me not to make that - which obviously it wasn't a real mouse and did not go in her butt. It was fantasy, make believe and I tried to create the most unthinkable scenarios that many of you out there imagine would actually happen to a superheroine caught by an insane super villain. What's he gonna do, tie her up strapped to swinging pendulum - explain his plan to take over the world - and then say "sorry I can't be here to watch your demise) and then leave? Hell no, he's going to put a mouse in her ass and watch!

Sorry for the long winded and late reply. Not even sure if anyone will see this but it's therapeutic to write down the words. I should probably just delete this and go about my daily activities but those are boring and I have always enjoyed deviating from the mundane of daily activities by trying to bring my twisted fantasies to life.

formerly Darkshade of
Just a man who loves powerful ladies in skintight spandex. Tight is right.
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villainofsooperhero wrote:
7 months ago

I still have all the original html and photos and videos, graphics etc. I'd just have to figure out the best way to do it. Not sure it would fly with paypal. I looked at patreon and considered it but the nice thing about deviantart was that it had such a huge existing following of superheroine in peril type of content and any samples you post are very easy to find. Thanks again for the kind words. Put a lot into this stuff over the years. It means a lot.

I use a combination of subscribestar adult and surfnet for my main site. another place to look at is Pixiv.
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All those years you were there in Baltimore!!! I could have become a model YEARS ago if only I had known!!!!
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Mr. X wrote:
7 months ago
I use a combination of subscribestar adult and surfnet for my main site. another place to look at is Pixiv.
Pixiv doesn't allow images of real people. And by real people I don't mean people who exist in the real world, I mean people regardless of whether they are dressed as fictional characters or not. I got caught earlier this year by one of the Pixiv moderators. Got a nice little message from them telling me to read their T+C's, and all images in my account that looked like photographs (even if they depicted characters flying, or fighting giant robots, or shooting lasers out of their eyes) had been set to private in a way that couldn't be reversed. Only the images that had been treated to make them look like cartoons or illustrations were left untouched.

Not that I was too bothered. I'd only experimented with Pixiv because DeviantArt had been losing audience for a while, with several members (including myself) seeing a sharp drop off in visitor stats corresponding exactly with the switch to their divisive Eclipse makeover in 2020. Patreon seems to be the popular platform for making money from content at the moment. It's notable that several of the better known superheroine artists on DeviantArt (Manic, etc.) are only using DA as a showcase to drive people towards their Patreon channels.

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five_red wrote:
7 months ago

Pixiv doesn't allow images of real people. And by real people I don't mean people who exist in the real world, I mean people regardless of whether they are dressed as fictional characters or not. I got caught earlier this year by one of the Pixiv moderators. Got a nice little message from them telling me to read their T+C's, and all images in my account that looked like photographs (even if they depicted characters flying, or fighting giant robots, or shooting lasers out of their eyes) had been set to private in a way that couldn't be reversed. Only the images that had been treated to make them look like cartoons or illustrations were left untouched.

Not that I was too bothered. I'd only experimented with Pixiv because DeviantArt had been losing audience for a while, with several members (including myself) seeing a sharp drop off in visitor stats corresponding exactly with the switch to their divisive Eclipse makeover in 2020. Patreon seems to be the popular platform for making money from content at the moment. It's notable that several of the better known superheroine artists on DeviantArt (Manic, etc.) are only using DA as a showcase to drive people towards their Patreon channels.

Pixiv also won't allow AI art not that its an issue now. Surfnet is good for a subscription or store. They don't ask questions.
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Forgot to mention that my favorite Sooperhero actress was probably Chloe James - gorgeous blonde with a perfect voluptuous body - in her roles as the likes of Golden Star and Nightengale.
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Very cool of you to share.
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Well I started a patreon site to reload all the material/content from my old site ( as well as a lot of new stuff that never made it there. I'm going to put up everything but although it's easier to load content than deviantart it still takes time. Miss the ftp days of superheroines demise. Currently I have over 6,000 photos plus artwork and videos and will be loading new stuff regularly to patreon. It's worth a look see and has a decent amount of free stuff so far.
You can find the new site at

It's been a while since I really posted anything here at the forum. Lost my old username. But, I'll post some stuff in the applicable forum here.

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villainofsooperhero wrote:
7 months ago
Well I started a patreon site to reload all the material/content from my old site ( as well as a lot of new stuff that never made it there. I'm going to put up everything but although it's easier to load content than deviantart it still takes time. Miss the ftp days of superheroines demise. Currently I have over 6,000 photos plus artwork and videos and will be loading new stuff regularly to patreon. It's worth a look see and has a decent amount of free stuff so far.
You can find the new site at

It's been a while since I really posted anything here at the forum. Lost my old username. But, I'll post some stuff in the applicable forum here.

What was your old username?
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MightyHypnotic wrote:
7 months ago
villainofsooperhero wrote:
7 months ago
Well I started a patreon site to reload all the material/content from my old site ( as well as a lot of new stuff that never made it there. I'm going to put up everything but although it's easier to load content than deviantart it still takes time. Miss the ftp days of superheroines demise. Currently I have over 6,000 photos plus artwork and videos and will be loading new stuff regularly to patreon. It's worth a look see and has a decent amount of free stuff so far.
You can find the new site at

It's been a while since I really posted anything here at the forum. Lost my old username. But, I'll post some stuff in the applicable forum here.

What was your old username?
Welcome back Villain!

I did a search for ' *vil* 'and found this from 11 years ago...


Seems villain4u is the old username.
the Scribbler

If U C Xmas tree on TV show
it's Xmas Activism! :christmas:

If U C attractive brunette in a movie

it's Dark Haired Women Activism!

Be very careful!
Don't B indoctrinated!
Cover your eyes! & ears!
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Yep, that's it. Thanks.
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Sorry to sound like a fanboy, Villain, but I just loved your site back in the day. I remember being so excited to get that first membership to your site, so eager to see what was inside that paywall, your site really was one of my first introductions to this community. The aspect I enjoyed about your content the most was you weren't in a hurry to get to the main course, so to speak, you took your time, you played all of the beats, all of the drama, you didn't rush to get from A to Z in your videos, stories, or online comics, you took your own damn time in getting there, which added to the excitement, drama, and suspense of your content. So much content nowadays is in such a rush to get from A to B that they often skip over some compelling drama and suspense. I look forward to subscribing to your Patreon.
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I think it was Wizard (vladiviz?) who impressed that on me and he was right. We worked together on a Wren Andrews photo comic called Ultragirl that really hammered that idea in. Develop the characters but at the very least have them establish that they are super-powered by kicking someone's ass before the tables turn. It makes the peril that much more satisfying if the superheroine has proven she can kick some butt before being the kickee.

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Do you need to know the exact URL to use the Wayback Machine?

I’m curious if I could still find a multi-part story called Blood in her hands on the Electra Woman and Dyna Girl Fan Page.
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villainofsooperhero wrote:
7 months ago
I think it was Wizard (vladiviz?) who impressed that on me and he was right. We worked together on a Wren Andrews photo comic called Ultragirl that really hammered that idea in. Develop the characters but at the very least have them establish that they are super-powered by kicking someone's ass before the tables turn. It makes the peril that much more satisfying if the superheroine has proven she can kick some butt before being the kickee.

I'm coming out of the shadows to say longtime fan. Back in the year 2000 or there abouts I googled women in tights and the first thing that came up was sooperhero. Been on this journey ever since. So much my own Deviant art page is somewhat inspired by some of your old works. Was more than happy to subscribe on DA and was devastated to see the puritan patrol got to you. Or at least that's what I'm assuming. Happy to be a patreon sub and can't wait for more
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villainofsooperhero wrote:
7 months ago
Well I started a patreon site to reload all the material/content from my old site ( as well as a lot of new stuff that never made it there. I'm going to put up everything but although it's easier to load content than deviantart it still takes time. Miss the ftp days of superheroines demise. Currently I have over 6,000 photos plus artwork and videos and will be loading new stuff regularly to patreon. It's worth a look see and has a decent amount of free stuff so far.
You can find the new site at

It's been a while since I really posted anything here at the forum. Lost my old username. But, I'll post some stuff in the applicable forum here.

Hey Villain, looks like the Patreon page is under review. Hope it’s going ok and you can get your page back.
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PartsUnknown wrote:
6 months ago
villainofsooperhero wrote:
7 months ago
Well I started a patreon site to reload all the material/content from my old site ( as well as a lot of new stuff that never made it there. I'm going to put up everything but although it's easier to load content than deviantart it still takes time. Miss the ftp days of superheroines demise. Currently I have over 6,000 photos plus artwork and videos and will be loading new stuff regularly to patreon. It's worth a look see and has a decent amount of free stuff so far.
You can find the new site at

It's been a while since I really posted anything here at the forum. Lost my old username. But, I'll post some stuff in the applicable forum here.

Hey Villain, looks like the Patreon page is under review. Hope it’s going ok and you can get your page back.
Thinking the same thing. Was looking to sign up but it seems to be under review
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