Gen V

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That looks fun I will check this out for sure xxxxx
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Looks good, but I don't see any costumes. Hard to tell what it'll be like, if there's any undue messaging because of the setting (a university campus!) or if it's just the same decadent insanity that The Boys is. I haven't read the "We Gotta Go Now" arc this is based on, so I don't know how much "G-Men" material they actually have to draw on. I'm guessing they made a lot of it up.

One thing, though, Marie probably *should* go with her friend's suggestion of "Bloody Marie" because there isn't one in comics.
"Coagula" on the other hand is one of the earliest transgender superheroes in comics (Doom Patrol, 1993) and I'm betting that the writers dropped that
shout-out in there on purpose.

Apparently, one of the varsity heroes is going to be a "gender-shifter". I guess my question is, is "Jordan Li" going to be a shape-shifter in general (in which case, essentially Beast Boy) or is "their" power simply going to be the ability to shift from one specific male body to one specific female body, and back again. Which isn't a very useful power at all, other than maybe to experience two different kinds of sexual intercourse. I hope there are many jokes about it: "Hold on guys, wait one second! Before we go into battle against our foes, I need to become....a girl!"
Last edited by shevek 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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My guess is, based on the main series, it will be 80% blah blah blah and very little action and "evil corporation" doing stuff that doesn't make sense "for profit".
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It is said that Jordan Li is dense and indestructible when he is a man, while the woman is agile and throws energy rays, that is, he can be similar to the Hulk and Captain Marvel.
Why couldn't Jordan Li learn to code?
Because He/She is non-binary. :lol:

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argento wrote:
9 months ago
It is said that Jordan Li is dense and indestructible when he is a man, while the woman is agile and throws energy rays, that is, he can be similar to the Hulk and Captain Marvel.
Why couldn't Jordan Li learn to code?
Because He/She is non-binary. :lol:
Very funny! But actually, I think it's a misnomer that this character is 'non-binary', because that implies that 'they' are neither sex, i.e. they don't participate in the recognition of the fact that there are two sexes because they are outisde that paradigm, hence 'non'.

Someone who can switch between two sexes recognizes that there two sexes to switch between. So that would make them a Sequential Hermaphrodite. It's a term that exists in the animal kingdom, like for fish that can make the switch between male and female.

Another term that might make sense is maybe "super-binary", which means they transcend the split by being both.
It's also very interesting that they didn't lean into the masculine or feminine traits we normally associate with gender split - they
both look quite similar and indeterminate - either a homely girl or a feminine boy, depending on how you look at it.

I much rather prefer a character like the Malibu Universe's Mantra, who was a real dude that transformed into a super-sexy heroine and back again, and felt uncomfortably about it at first, then got used to it and even reveled in it. I would think that would be the ultimate dream of autogynephiles anyway - the ones they are trying to appeal to by including a sexually ambiguous character. I mean, they'd rather be a woman full-stop, wouldn't they, rather than this halfway measure.
Last edited by shevek 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Is this out yet?

The Boyz series really in many ways for me is better than the comic.
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Yes, it's out. I got through EP1 which was...a lot. They were setting up all the characters and subplots so it was information-dense and I had to pay close attention and re-watch some scenes, plus with constant buffer-wheels on "the thing", it took me about two hours to watch an hour show.

Much like The Boys, there are basically no "stars" in this, other than maybe Clancy Brown.
I wouldn't consider Patrick Schwarzenegger to be a star - he hasn't been in much yet.
I think maybe this savings on star power allows them to spend more money on effects and production.

So, much like The Boys (because it's all the same people involved), this is a combination of industry-wide wokeness (tons of DEI-style references), CW Network sexiness (every single actor in it is very attractive), and the usual ultra-gore (the horror element to keep it edgy and alt). And yes, of course, there's the evil corporation doing stuff, what did you expect?

After all, they are trying to appeal to everyone ("all four quadrants" demographically, as Professor Brink says in one scene) so that's why The Boys is so popular. But there are going to be Easter Eggs in this too - for example, there's a reference to the very first transgender superhero, Coagula, tucked into the script.

Nobody's in a costume yet (and I don't know if they will be), but the central character around which much of the story is based, Bloody Marie (Marie Moreau) is a gorgeous and shapely black woman who is apparently not lesbian because she is shown admiring boys. Best shots of her is when she is wearing extremely tight spandex pants on her way to a drug party (which has disastrous consequences).

I think this is the sexy black female character that both Starfire and Naomi could have been in their respective DC-related TV shows, but didn't quite make it there. She's very naive and learning as she goes, and the viewer learns with her. It's a good process.

Other than that, it's violent and sexy superheroes going to college and solving an evil corporate mystery, as far as I can tell.
Double points go to Lizze Broadway as Emma/Little Cricket. She has a compact but very fit body with tight abs and would look gorgeous
in a costume.

Two questions that I have:

1) If Marie's power is to manipulate not just her own blood but the blood of others (as shown by the scene at the party) why can't she just stop people in their tracks by coagulating their blood and knocking them out? She could have done that to Luke, for example. And there are scenes where she drains herself of a lot of her own blood - how does she does that without passing out from lack of oxygen? I'm not 100% sure the producers thought this whole "hemokinesis" thing through. But we'll see.

2) There's a scene where Little Cricket is riding an enormous (relative to her size) penis. It's fully there, shown to the viewer. So...
- I really thought the dude was going to cum all over her - I mean, that would have made perfect sense in the humorous nature of the scene - but there was no male orgasm. Are they not allowed to show that in Rated R?
- When Emma is in the bathroom transforming into Cricket (I won't tell you how) she is shown naked, but we don't see any breasts or vagina.
In Rated R, is it somehow OK to show a man's entire cock and balls, but *not* to show a woman's cunt and boobs? If so, seems a little sexist of a rule.

Alright, I'll try to catch up on the other three EPs which are already out as soon as I can - stuff I gotta do today!
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Well I was right about two things:

1) Marie can indeed harm people by manipulating their blood (not just hers). Nuff sed on that, it's disgusting, you'll just have to see it.

2) By Episode 4 (which I just finished) the #BlackGirlMagic woman is indeed...a lesbian.

This show is chock full of perverse gore, often played for humor *and* shock simultaneously, which is I guess just how people like The Boys.

Also, there are more penises shown, full naked female bodies, and a full side depiction of a boy fucking a girl,
but still no boobs or vagina, as I noted earlier. hashtag #doublestandard I guess.

That's it for tonight.
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shevek wrote:
9 months ago
argento wrote:
9 months ago
It is said that Jordan Li is dense and indestructible when he is a man, while the woman is agile and throws energy rays, that is, he can be similar to the Hulk and Captain Marvel.
Why couldn't Jordan Li learn to code?
Because He/She is non-binary. :lol:
Very funny! But actually, I think it's a misnomer that this character is 'non-binary', because that implies that 'they' are neither sex, i.e. they don't participate in the recognition of the fact that there are two sexes because they are outisde that paradigm, hence 'non'.

Someone who can switch between two sexes recognizes that there two sexes to switch between. So that would make them a Sequential Hermaphrodite. It's a term that exists in the animal kingdom, like for fish that can make the switch between male and female.

Another term that might make sense is maybe "super-binary", which means they transcend the split by being both.
It's also very interesting that they didn't lean into the masculine or feminine traits we normally associate with gender split - they
both look quite similar and indeterminate - either a homely girl or a feminine boy, depending on how you look at it.

I much rather prefer a character like the Malibu Universe's Mantra, who was a real dude that transformed into a super-sexy heroine and back again, and felt uncomfortably about it at first, then got used to it and even reveled in it. I would think that would be the ultimate dream of autogynephiles anyway - the ones they are trying to appeal to by including a sexually ambiguous character. I mean, they'd rather be a woman full-stop, wouldn't they, rather than this halfway measure.
I don't remember what you edited, but it seems to me that this "I much rather prefer a character......" I didn't know that character, but I did some research and it's really amazing!
A warrior named lukasz dies and magically his soul is placed in a woman's body and he falls in love with her soul, which exists itself.
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Anyone still watching this? A lot of plot movements were packed into Episode 6:

- Emma (Little Cricket) and Sam have sex. Actress Lizze Broadway has a tight little body, not traditionally beautiful but you wouldn't turn it down by any means. Anyway, we've already seen her fully naked in Episode 4 when she grew to giant size at that wild party.

- The kids spend an episode inside the freaked-out mind of Cate. Guest appearance from Soldier Boy. Interesting to see that Cate was kept in her bedroom for NINE YEARS out of fear of her touching anyone.

- We find out the purpose behind The Woods (secret lab below the university) and it's a really "sick" one motivated mostly by Indira's need for revenge on Homelander for killing her parents. More details when you watch it, I don't want to spoil the reveal. Actress Shelley Conn (Indira Shetty) is gorgeous, hard to take your eyes off her, but believe me, at some point in Episode 7, you will!

In Episode 7, the kids make a plan to fight back against the conspiracy. There's always one of those conspiracies in The Boys.
Claudia Doumit returns as Victoria Neuman in order to tie Gen V back to The Boys main series.
Victoria winds up having the exact same powers as one of the kids from the campus, I won't tell you which one, you'll need to watch to find out.

There's a good amount of political references in this episode.
- Victoria as "AOC" having the ambition to run on the presidential ticket as VP
- "Supe Lives Matter"
- Victoria finds herself cornered or 'cancelled' by student protestors in a Riley Gaines green room situation
- Victoria and her running mate Singer are called "socialists" by the conservative Vought commentator Cameron Coleman, who could be considered
kind of a Tucker Carlson type.

Only one more episode to go - everything has to be resolved and I'm assuming that at least one of the college kids gets to go on to the next Boys season, probably Marie Moreau. Looking forward to some sort of showdown.
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Just watched season finale episode... to say I'm perplexed is an understatement, for me it looked like an half-trainwreck :confused:
Of course I guess all the cliffhangers that were ignored in this last episode (Victoria, the virus etc.) will be forwarded to The Boys S4, making this series mostly useless all in all.
Last edited by helstar 7 months ago, edited 3 times in total.
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One thing I was thinking about with the main show is why would Vought make super beings like Homelander and not have some off switch. I get they tried to mentally control him but that's shaky at best.

In a twisted way Homelander is probably what is necessary for this world. A benevolent Homelander like Superman would not be scary enough to obey. Lesser supers would walk all over him cause he can't kill. And looking at what Homelander has done he's really only messed up other supers and keeps them in line. Yes he kills an occasional civilian but he's not out mass murdering dozens of them, except out of incompetence like the airplane. Take Homelander out and a power vacuum is created and more malevolent supers step in.
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It's super disappointing that the whole world of The Boys became pretty much exactly the thing it was mocking with the MCU etc. I'm not about to do the prior course reading to be all up to speed for season four of The Boys.

Also seasons ending on a bum note has become something of a running theme for this franchise, which is also kind of lame.
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I think Gen V is supposed to introduce the next season of The Boys. I thought it was pretty good. It is an anti-hero universe, the danger being, your main characters become so unlikable people stop watching. That's why The Boys have Star Light/Hughie pairing. If it was just Billy and Homelander trading murder sprees, it would get old fast.
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Didn't this show just sort of feel like a 'some stuff that happened' soup? I'm really not a fan of this style of 'random shit' story telling.
Figure out your plot, figure out what story you want to tell and write TOWARD that... one minute we're supposed to be worried that cate is villain, then we're in her mind trying to rescue her... then Cate IS the villain...
Make up your fucking mind Gen V, THEN start filming, not before.
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Femina wrote:
7 months ago
Didn't this show just sort of feel like a 'some stuff that happened' soup? I'm really not a fan of this style of 'random shit' story telling.
Figure out your plot, figure out what story you want to tell and write TOWARD that... one minute we're supposed to be worried that cate is villain, then we're in her mind trying to rescue her... then Cate IS the villain...
Make up your fucking mind Gen V, THEN start filming, not before.
Seemed to be some member-berry thing kind of like Fear the Walking Dead.
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