Some ideas I’ve had that I wanted to see what kind of interest…

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Neophyte Lvl 2
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As the title says, I’ve had a few ideas. Maybe stories, maybe customs eventually.

Here’s one to start:

1.)superheroine is injected/gassed, she manages to fight through it and defeat the villain. The following days, she notices herself feeling weaker. She finds after interviewing the incarcerated villain that the only thing that will return her strength is semen.

She starts with men from work(in her day job). She continues her nights as a heroine but as she builds a tolerance, she starts occasionally using common thugs to fill her need. It becomes a real addiction and she spirals… how much deeper will she fall?
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Might be quite expensive to film this custom since it would seem to require multiple male actors. As a story though it could work. Good luck with it.
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I generally like the idea too. As a story it would be interesting to develop but as is my way I'd play it slower. Perhaps as an element of cruelty make the it so the addiction was genetically tagged to the villain. Does she break him out to solve her addiction. Go through the humiliation of have to make special visits to prison? Perhaps the villain might be too worried that being in prison he could be made to provide samples and get no direct fun from it? Maybe the villain was indebted to someone higher up - and it's THEM that the genetic tag was set to? Or - as it's me like and I like F/f domination, the villain who injected the heroine was a woman - and just wanted to have cruel revenge on the heroine (or her alter ego?) bu sending her down an unpleasant pathway.

As the good Doc has said though - as a custom it might be tough to pay for the assembled talent - but I can imagine a main producer could do it - but of course, you would need them to want to.
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Well, I do have a story quite like that starring Supergirl. Supergirl and the Package Not saying you can't do yours. It is different from my vision after all, and ideas are free. Just thought you might be interested.
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