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It was a serene day in the city. Citizens hurried about their business with out giving thought to what was going on unseen all around them. Then Suddenly a little girl shrieked and pointed to the sky. A fiery object could be seen streaking towards them. Some began to panic fearing a meteor strike or a falling air craft in flames but others remained calm. They were used to the sight. All were relaxed when the object streaked by and every one caught a glimpse of the fire haired beauty in the tight yellow form fitting suit at the center of the flames. One of New York’s most beloved heroes was on the job! Probably racing to stop some crime or save some innocent. What ever it was it was in good hands. But Angelica was not so calm. She was worried about her friend and ally. He had been missing for days and then suddenly set of his trouble beacon. She held a device in her left hand that was tracking that beacon to his location. She was weaving in and around buildings and trees through the city into the largely unpopulated waterfront area. In the current economy this area had become shut down and deserted. She followed the signal to one of the largest warehouses in the district. She had no time to check doors and windows for a way in, she simply extended her right hand and gave off high temperature microwave pulse that melted a hole in the wall large enough for her to fly right through. She search the warehouse until she found what she was looking for. In the center of the building in a small cleared out area was Spider-man, laying face down and motionless. She hesitated for a moment wondering what happened to him and who had done it. She wondered if it was a trap of some sort. She elevated as high as she could and took a good look around but ultimately had to hurry to check on her friend. She landed next to him and checked for a pulse as she called his name a couple of times. He didn’t answer but his pulse was strong and steady. She was about to take him to help when she heard the foot steps. She looked up to see a dozen men in funny green suits and masks carry high tech energy weapons rushing to surround her.

Their leader spoke “Surrender peacefully mutant and you won’t get hurt!”

As she rose up from Spider-Man’s side and an aura of microwave heated plasma started to glow around her she replied “You’re kidding right?”

After a brief stare down the leader spoke again, this time barking orders to his men “Take her down! Now!”

They opened fire with their energy weapons but They were easily blocked with walls of flames. She returned fire with a few fire balls taking out two of the men and then launched herself into the air. She blasted a crate at the bottom of a stack, toppling the rest and taking out 3 more men. Then she disappeared into the warehouse. The men split up to track her down. A foolish mistake! A high speed fly by and 2 more men were knocked out. She fried the straps holding a bundle of pipes together and took out 3 more. The leader and his right hand man were all that were left. She came up from behind them to fast for them to react and grabbed them by the collars of their uniforms. She took them on a high speed fly around the warehouse and then finished by doing a loop de loop and launching them into another stack of crates!

She hovered over the dazed men and said “which one of you boys wants to tell me what this is all about?”

The right hand man rolled and tried to reach for his weapon but a fire ball exploded between him and his weapon throwing him back and knocking him out. She landed and took a few steps towards the leader.

“You better start talking!” she said. “What’s this all about?”

“The extinction of all muties bitch!” replied the leader.

Disgusted she kicked him in the face knocking him out. Standing there in a wide stance with her hands on her hips she looked over her handy work and scanned for anymore men. Then she turned quickly and ran to Spider-Man’s side. As she knelt next to him he seemed to be coming around.

In a very weak shaky voice Spidey said “I tried to worn them, I really tried.”
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“Warn them? Warn them about what ?” She asked.

“ I told them they were no match for you Angel.” he answered.

She smiled and started to help him up. ”Lets get you out of here.” She said.

“I told them it would take more than a dozen men.” he said in his weak and shaky voice but then his voice became stronger and bolder. A voice that definitely wasn’t Peter Parker’s. “I told them they had no shot at taking down Firestar!”. She looked at him in shock but before she could react he grabbed her arm and said “That’s why my elaborate ruse!” As soon as he grabbed her she was hit with a large electric shock. She let out a loud scream and crumbled to the floor, unconscious before she landed.

Sometime later Firestar began to wake up. She was groggy at first. She just laid their letting her eyes roll around to take in her surroundings. She was in the back of a large heavily armored van. There were benches on either side where several of the men from the warehouse were sitting. On the floor next to her was a discarded Spider-Man costume. It looked like the real thing but there was one major difference. On the belt was a large capacitor that was wired to the finger tips of the right hand glove . The one he grabbed her arm with. That was obviously what they used to knock her out. As the feeling started to come back to her body she realized that she was securely bound in rope and gagged with a bandana holding something in her mouth. She was amazed she didn’t notice it right away but her body was initially to numb to feel the rather invasive ropes that not only bound her ankles and wrists but also encased her breasts and put quite a squeeze on them, Her elbows were bound together behind her back which forced her to thrust her chest out and put it on display. If it wasn’t for the extremely thorough gag job that they had applied to her mouth she might have let out a little chuckle at the stupid notion that ropes and cloth could hold her, Firestar, captive! She waited a couple more minutes letting all her strength return and all her feeling come back. Then she decided to make her move. She tried to jerk herself up to a sitting position but that was when she realized that there was yet one more rope binding her. It was cinched around her waist and ran through her legs, across her private parts and up the crack of her bum where it passed under itself , through her wrist bindings and down to her ankle bindings. It was pulled taught so that any little movement from her arms or legs would pull on it and cause it to dig in and slide along her pussy! It was a strange, unexpected, powerful feeling that made even this veteran super heroine let out a little yelp that turned the head of several of her captors. They smiled and laughed at the heroine. A couple of them began to drool and bulges appeared in most of their crotches. The man on the edge of the bench to her left slid down to the end and leaned over her smiling and leering. Finally he reached down at her while saying “Hey there gorgeous, need a little help getting up?” Then he grabbed a fistful of her hair and violently jerked her up to a kneeling position. She let out a muffled but loud yelp as it both hurt and caused her crotch rope to dig it’s way in deep. The men all laughed at her and the one holding her by the hair said “ They like it when you squirm for them, squirm for them some more!” Firester then realized this was the voice of the man from the Spider-Man costume. She glared at him angrily as several thought passed through her head. Thoughts like what she wanted to do to him, where was the real Spidey, and how did they get his trouble beacon. The man over her didn’t notice or didn’t care though, he just repeated himself “I said squirm for them!” and with that he jerked her forward by her hair and made her walk on her knees a bit causing the crotch rope to violate her once more. Additionally she walked herself right into his free hand which found her breast and began fondling and kneading it!

“NO WAY!’ Thought Firestar to herself. “NO WAY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME!!!” and with that she ignored all that was happening to her and all the strange overpowering sensations she had lost her self in since she first tried to move and concentrated on her powers. She tried to ignite herself and free herself in one powerful burst. Had it worked she probably would have taken out every one in the van at the same time, but it didn’t. There was one more binding she was unaware of. A collar with a small electronic box attached to it and when she tried to use her powers it gave her a strong electric jolt! No where near as powerful as the shock from the warehouse but enough to stop her efforts to free herself and make her writhe in pain to the delight of her captors. The man holding her by the hair laughed at her and said “You don’t wanna try that again!” then he jerked her head forward and began rubbing her face in his crotch while still feeling up her breast with his free hand. Firestar was dazed and in pain. She knelt there like an obedient slave for a few more minutes while he continued feeling her up. When she could stand the humiliation no longer she decided to try again. She concentrated hard, she ignored the shock from the collar and tried to fight through it. The man released her and backed away a bit stating “I guess you gotta learn the hard way!” The collar magnified it’s output and Firestar eventually couldn’t take it any more. She fell to the floor writhing and convulsing in pain. Her reaction lasted several minutes and her captors seemed to enjoy every second of it! She was barely able to stay conscious. When she stopped her hair was grabbed again and she was once again jerked to her knees and once again he began fondling her breast as he told her “ I told you not to try that again. That collar will hit you harder and harder each time darlin. Now I’ve never seen any one free themselves from one of those things but I have seen a couple of damn fool muties kill them selves being to stubborn to give in. It would be a shame to see such a hot piece of ass as you go to waste.”
Last edited by knottyguy 12 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Firestar was exhausted and spent and felt as though she had been thoroughly humiliated, but she was wrong. That was when one of the other men moved up to the other side of her and knelt on the floor next to her. He grabbed her ass with one hand and her free breast with the other. Then a third man approached her . He knelt in front of her and started tugging on her crotch rope. He seemed to get off on watching her reaction and hearing the little sounds she made each time he pulled it. She endured 20 minutes of this and once again thought that she had been thoroughly humiliated but once again she was wrong. Another man got up at the far end of the van and came towards her. He stood over her watching her as she wondered what he was going to do. There was nothing left for him to grab on to was there? Then he pulled out a large knife and said “lets get this mutie bitch’s clothes off!” The man in front of her moved out of the way while the two on the sides griped her to hold her still. The fourth man reached down and grabbed a bunch of her uniform. He stretched it out and reached down with the knife to begin cutting it off but just then a squeal came over a speaker mounted in the corner of the van. Firestar looked up to see it and a small camera mounted under it. Then a voice came over the speaker box. It was the voice of the leader from the warehouse. He must have been in the front of the van watching the whole time. He said ”That’s enough. Leave the acquisition alone. If she’s damaged, or even worse soiled, it would put the project on hold indefinitely! The director won’t be pleased with that!” The men moaned and went back to there seats but the man holding her hair jerked her up and put his lips to her ear.

“Your going to really enjoy the project!” He told her” and when it’s done, as the one who captured you I get fist dibbs on your hot little ass!” and with that he shoved her down and back into the corner where she first woke up.

Firestar could do nothing but lay there defeated and humiliated. Her mind began to race. Who are these people? Where were they taking her? What is this project they spoke of? Was there any hope for her to escape? Where is Spidey and what have they done to him. If he can’t save her could anyone else? Would anyone else even be looking for her? These and dozens of other questions raced through her mind but all she could do was wait for the answers!

To Be Continued!
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Sargeant 1st Class
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wow - great story - I always liked Firestar!
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flagonforge wrote:wow - great story - I always liked Firestar!
Thanks, she's one of my favorites. There is more coming when I get the chance.
As knotty as I wanna be! http://www.clips4sale.com/store/10033
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