Crime Does Not Pay

Superheroine Video Reviews By The Fans!
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 245
Joined: 12 years ago

Title: Crime Does Not Pay Producer: Cory’s Superheroine Adventures

Length: 23 minutes ( available in 3 parts or as 1 clip) Cost: $ 22.99

Starring: Cherry Poppins (Sadie Holmes) as Wonder Woman

Store Link: ... rtingpoint

Fight scenes: 3
There is a brief fight scene (1:10) at the start. No visual or sound effects are used. Action consists of Wonder Woman throwing/pushing villains onto couch.There are no punches, kicks or wrestling holds. Scene does get three people involved.

Sexual Content (nudity through hardcore): 9
Majority of this video is devoted to sexual content. The content is well shot and delivered. There is extensive oral sex that is nicely done. Different positions are used. Wonder Woman has sex with only one villian not the other villain. There is no three way and no anal sex.

Sexual Tension (Sexual appeal without nudity or beyond): 4
Keeping Cherry Poppins in costume helps here. There is a fun and sexy drinking game. Some good fondling happens before sex. Cherry Poppins does look good in the costume.

Peril: 5
There are some well done depowerment and capture scenes that fans of the iconic TV series fans will approve of. Wonder Woman is threatened with a gun when she is too weak to deflect bullets. Binding her wrists with the lasso is a good touch but not really explored. Wonder Woman is threatened during sex.

Players attactiveness and acting: 9
Cherry Poppins beauty, sexiness and overall looks make her great choice to play Wonder Woman. She plays the role with a lot of enthusiasm and spirit. She uses some very nice facial expressions, changes in tone and body language that supports her changing role as powerful heroine to helpless heroine to sex toy.

Her choice of nail polish hurts her look. She does need to work on her fight skills and might want to invest in a First Season WW DVD to research the Wonder Woman character some more. Overall a very nice job in this role.

Plot/Dialogue: 6
As a general note part 1 has most of the super heroine stuff. Parts 2 and 3 are mostly adult content. Cherry Poppins do make an effective effort at staying in character with costumes, action and some nice dialogue in parts 2 and 3. Story line is pretty simple and predictable. Some lines do get flubbed.

Sets, Equipment and Props: 5
The only set is the typical living/apartment room. The few props there are effectively add to the story. The gun, golden lasso, spray cannister and shot glasses are put to good use.

Quality of shooting, editing, scoring and visual/sound effects: 4
Movie is shot with basically point and go. There are some nice shots. Film is not rushed. The movie is shot with little to no editing. Dialogue problems and low quality fight scene result. There is no scoring, visual effects or sound effects.

Character Accuracy: 8
Wonder Woman is played reasonably well with strength and helplessness through debelting. No bullets and bracelets or use of golden lasso beyond basic bondage. Tiara removal is nice. Some of the dialogue mistakes undercut the portrayal. Probably would have been a good idea to remove bracelets before threatening with a gun. Basic character is accurately portrayed with some errors and omissions. Helps that Cherry Poppins looks the part and plays it seriously.

Costumes: 7
What costume gives up in accuracy it makes up in utility. Although cheap and low quality, the skirt and top work well for sex and fondling. The boots are not standard issue but show off actress’ beautiful legs. The cape is wrong but looks good on the actress. Other basic Wonder Women equipent is there. Costume complements Cherry’s beauty and meets basic expectations.

Lasso is not correctly positioned on character. Bracelets, belt and tiara are cheap and should be replaced with adjustable upgrades that could be used on multiple actresses. Male costumes are uninspired.

Total score 60

All scores are out of 10 points. Max score 100.
80 or higher is a recommended buy.
60 – 79 I enjoyed the clip(s). There are some weaknesses. You decide.
40 – 59 I enjoyed some aspects of the clip but it has some major problems. Really depends on particular fetishes you enjoy and are looking for.
39 or lower Don’t waste your money
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