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I'll try to write an unmasking scene (for either a villainess or a heroine) over the next few days. Would you be open to having your villain rewritten as a villainess? I know lizlettersby said she would want a strong female antagonist and I would personally feel more comfortable with girl/girl peril.

I guess the big question is whether we'll be able to go for a 2 girl or 3 girl video? There are several options open to us:
Two models
Villainess captures and converts heroine. Converted Heroine then overpowers and unmasks the villainess.
Male villain captures and converts heroine. Heroine then goes on a mission to unmask one of her former allies.

Three models
Vilainess captures and converts heroine. Converted heroine then captures a former ally. Unmasking of second heroine and/or the villainess.

Bearing in mind that we would probably only be paying for a single day's shooting and we don't yet know whether the tub scene is achievable, is there a particular "deal-breaker" in your script - something that absolutely can't be altered?
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If we go 2 models, I do prefer the male villain, I thought a demasking is better on a heroine opposed to a villainess, but that's not the important part to me so I will leave that up to y'all. If we go 3 girls I don't, mind a female villain as much. And like I have said before, the rest of the script is just something to get the ball rolling. If the "dunking scene" is changed or forced to be changed (due to money, safety, time) too much, that's pretty much my only deal breaker. If they dont feel they can pull it off i understand, I would just rather shop the script around to see if anyone else can pull it off. My main idea is the dunking. Everything else was just my way to the dunking. I thought the script was pretty simple but good but by all means If there's something that can be changed or fixed, Im all for it. That being said, the parts I like most about the rest of the script are the injections, having the girl powerless on the villains lap while he whispers in her ear, and the debooting. Are u cool copying a d pasting? Or do u want me email u the script in word?
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Also, I would like to get an idea of how many people are still in based on this script, so we can start thinking cost per person.
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I like the script and as long as the price is right I am still in.
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DrObiCaffi wrote:If we go 2 models, I do prefer the male villain, I thought a demasking is better on a heroine opposed to a villainess, but that's not the important part to me so I will leave that up to y'all. If we go 3 girls I don't, mind a female villain as much. And like I have said before, the rest of the script is just something to get the ball rolling. If the "dunking scene" is changed or forced to be changed (due to money, safety, time) too much, that's pretty much my only deal breaker. If they dont feel they can pull it off i understand, I would just rather shop the script around to see if anyone else can pull it off. My main idea is the dunking. Everything else was just my way to the dunking. I thought the script was pretty simple but good but by all means If there's something that can be changed or fixed, Im all for it. That being said, the parts I like most about the rest of the script are the injections, having the girl powerless on the villains lap while he whispers in her ear, and the debooting. Are u cool copying a d pasting? Or do u want me email u the script in word?
In which case, we would probably need to consult MH about achievability. I can't see there being any problem with Supergirl (in tights and debooted) tied/chained/strapped to a bondage table. I can't see the injections being a problem as long as nobody expects to see the model injected with a real needle. I can't see there being too much of a problem with Supergirl getting her costume drenched as it only takes a small volume of liquid to drench a costume. Supergirl tied/chained/strapped to a bondage table which is hoisted up on ropes/chains and then lowered in a large volume of water, however, is a complex stunt. That could be a problem.


There may well be ways in which the illusion of dunking could be created in the editing suite (using the series of close-ups and reaction shots I described a few posts ago) but to actually show the lowering of a bondage table into water would probably cost a lot more than the $150-per-model MH is charging.

Bear in mind that this genre is all about illusion. We all know that Helen Slater can't fly and we all know that Yvonne Craig probably couldn't win a fight against a gang of large men using dance kicks as her main tactic. However, we suspend our disbelief because the flights and fights are MacGuffins to draw our attention to a beautiful body in action. In the case of your script, is the "money shot" seeing Supergirl's drenched costume clinging to her body or seeing the mechanism that causes her drenching?
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This looks sweet! SG looks very helpless in this one....nice! Purrrfecrt target for the hitatchi!
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The whole sequence is important. I understand it could be difficult to pull off and like I said I want no model in any unsafe situation, so if it can't be done i completely understand. But just about anything else in the script has been done before, so I don't see the point in paying all the extra $ for a custom when I can see all that on clips4sale for a lot less. I don' t want to be a "party pooper" but at this point it looks like we only got 3 people interested anyway. You are right, this is about illusions so it seems to me that it could be pulled off somehow. My thought was if there was something that could be used like a slide, drop that right in the pool, someone could slowly lower the model in via the "slide" for the close-up. When in the tub, the model doesn't need to be securely bound or even at all so that she is free to move if needed. Then when lifted or slid out we can have her tied up agan. I tried posting to the admin to see if this was something he could pull off but got no response.
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MH wrote in his offer....
I have been adding new crew to my productions, lighting, filming, BTS, so you get the benefit of a production crew for your custom, and I will absorb the extra costs. The deal here is that I get to release the video at a future date.

If it's something that is more sexual then it will cost more, but again, I will work with you to help with that cost.

We have some of the hottest girls in the industry out here in CA, so we can make your dream happen!

I have a 3000 square foot studio with the following:

30 x 20 Green Screen
Living Room Set
Bedroom Set
Wrestling Room/Dungeon
Jacuzzi/Spa Set
Maybe the spa set can help pull our scene off???
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With a nice shallow SPA SET, we might be able to strap a model onto cheap, light plastic tabletop and lower that in at a fairly moderate slope. Thoughts?
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Well spotted. The answer was in MH's original offer all along.

Maybe the heroine doesn't need to be bound to a hard surface? A couple of bondage spreader bars on the ankles and wrists would give the same level of immobility for her without the all the weight and surface area of a rigid tabletop. We would still get the key shots of the heroine's bound feet entering the water.

I imagine the easiest way to get the model into the spa would be for a villain/henchman (or two) to physically lower her into the water. (Then they could be on hand if the model needs assistance.) Any sort of rope/chain mechanism would take a lot of preparation.

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I'm still on-board.
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Let me know when you guys are ready and finalized and then we can figure out the best way to shoot it.
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U heard (read) the man, how's the rest of that script commin? Gettin' excited...
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Hey folks,

Sorry I've been absent for a while. Things have been crazy at work and the holidays have not helped. I just wanted to let you know that I am still here!

I also wanted to say that I like a lot of the peril discussion going on, although it's started to sound like there is going to be very limited sexual play. I think, for me, that a sexual component is a deal-breaker. That's not to say it has to be real or anything, I'm fine with simulated/groping, although I would like a few moments (namely between the women) where it gets physical and intense, even forced).

If we decide to go with no sexual content, or only a few moments of clothed groping, I would still be willing to pitch in price-wise, because the peril situations are really kinky and worth it. But it'd be hard for me to agree to go in equal if there's no sex scene of some sort. It would all depend on what the final price comes to.

I know it's a huge debate on the forum, and everyone has their own peril vs. porn philosophy. But I believe that a movie which I'm paying to be custom-made should transcend the traditional boundaries of a pure peril video. And I would reiterate MH's original offer:

MightyHypnotic wrote:

If it's something that is more sexual then it will cost more, but again, I will work with you to help with that cost.

Just wanted to be on the level with everyone. Sorry again for disappearing for a while. And if it's too late to add my say, I understand if you'd want me to back out. Just let me know what works best for you all at this point!
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Based on what you have already written and what has already been suggested, here's a basic outline for our film:

The Supergirl-style character Argon Girl (in her secret identity) sees a news report online about the escape of the male villain. She uses her secret comminicator (I was thinking a wristwatch would be more superheroiney than a cellphone) to contact Knightwoman. Crucially, the two women only refer to each other by their superheroine names because they don't know each other's secret identities. The ladies have a small disagreement over who's going to tackle the male villain.

Transformation with Argon Girl taking off her glasses and pulling her blouse open to reveal the diamond logo on her costume.

Argon Girl confronts the male villain at his hideout. They fight and he seems to be defeated until he injects himself with something (Kryptonite serum) which increases his powers. The villain defeats Argon Girl, injects her with the serum and then dunks her in a tub/pool of a formula which will convert her to the dark side. (Staying as close as possible to DrObiCaffi's idea.)

If it doesn't add anything to the price, could there be simulated sex after the weakened AG has been pulled out of the pool? We see a disgusted expression on AG's face as we hear the grunts and squelches of the villain either thrusting away or stood back wanking over the bound heroine. For further humiliation, he places a pair of glasses on her face and reveals that he knows her secret identity. Finally, we see a shot of white goo flying into AG's face, landing on her glasses and dripping down into her mouth.


After the final stage of the transformation (another injection) Darkside Argon Girl is born. She takes off her glasses and we see her eyes glow green. (Do we also want to see her strip off her standard uniform and don the black costume at this point?)


Darkside Argon Girl can then either:
A) Kill the male villain and fly off to take revenge on Knightwoman.
B) Follow the male villain's order to track down and reveal the identity of Knightwoman.

Darkside Argon Girl contacts Knightwoman to lure her into a trap. Transformation with KW zipping her boots and pulling on her gloves and mask. (Do we want to see a clear shot of KW's face before the mask goes on?)

When she arrives, KW is horrified to see her old friend has turned evil.

Darkside AG assumes she will be able to use her X-Ray vision to just see through KW's mask. When she attempts this, we get a brief POV shot of KW almost naked (stood on tiptoes because her high heeled boots are now invisible) wearing just the mask and tights. KW gloats about the X-Ray-proof lining in her mask and tights to protect her identity and her modesty.


Darkside AG goes back to normal vision (with KW restored to full costume) and resolves to unmask the heroine "the hard way". However, seeing KW's hot body has made Darkside AG extremely horny and she plans to have a little fun with the heroine first.

KW presses a button on her utility belt which activates a Kryptonite forcefield. Darkside AG backs off and it seems for a moment that KW is safe. However, Darkside AG then uses her heat vision to make the belt red hot. KW frantically unfastens the belt before it burns her. Once it's on the floor, the green glow of the forcefield flickers out. KW is now helpless.

Darkside AG grips the defiant heroine's wrists and forces her to kneel. She grabs the collar of the mask and it looks for a moment as if she's going to rip it off. Instead, she merely exposes KW's neck and injects her with just enough serum to make her super-horny.

Hot girl/girl sex scene. (I would personally prefer the costumes to stay partially on with leotards never fully removed and the tights either ripped open or pulled down to thigh-level. However, I'll happily go along with whatever the group decides.) Darkside AG stokes KW's face and slightly teases and stretches the mask during the sex, but it doesn't come off - yet.

After KW has been brought to a truly super climax, she returns to her old defiant self. Darkside AG decides to finally unmask the still-panting heroine, so she (and the world) can see the face of the once-virtuous heroine who has just acted like a hot porn star.

KW's mask is gripped from the top and either pulled back like a hood (if it stretches that much) or pulled off altogether. If I'm right about the zipper at the back, the unzipping and loosening could be part of the torture. If possible, the whole thing should be captured in a single medium close-up with one continuous and clear shot of the mask being pulled off the model's face.

After a nice and slow reveal, Darkside AG recognizes the socialite billionaire instantly. (Bliss Payne, Prudence Jane, Chrissie Crane or any other name that sounds vaguely like Bruce Wayne.)

Final shot of the news website on a computer screen, as seen by AG at the start. It's now showing a photo of the unmasked KW.

Is this basic story outline acceptable to everyone? I (and everyone else) can add dialogue and make any alterations depending on the specific requests of contributors.
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I like the outline. My notes/questions for the last part are:

1. Are we %100 on Argon Girl? I'm not crazy about the name but that's not too big of a deal.

2. I definitely like the different costumes for the super girl character good and evil (typical and a darker one) but I was wondering what you guys thought about a DARKER blue like Superman 3 or SHAKESHIFT did a Super Girl transformation where as a heroine she is in a typical lighter blue and red then once transformed, she has a darker super girl outfit. I think I would prefer that to a black if MH has a cheap solution.

3. Will KW be bound at all during sex/unmasking? That's all your guys' call, I'm just curious, never going to turn down more bondage. :-P

I also wanted to say that I like a lot of the peril discussion going on, although it's started to sound like there is going to be very limited sexual play. I think, for me, that a sexual component is a deal-breaker. That's not to say it has to be real or anything, I'm fine with simulated/groping, although I would like a few moments (namely between the women) where it gets physical and intense, even forced).

If we decide to go with no sexual content, or only a few moments of clothed groping, I would still be willing to pitch in price-wise, because the peril situations are really kinky and worth it. But it'd be hard for me to agree to go in equal if there's no sex scene of some sort. It would all depend on what the final price comes to.

I totally understand lettersby, it doesn't make sense to cough up extra money if you don't get what you want out of the video. There are DEFINATELY places where more/different sex can be involved. I did write a sex scene so I am on board with sex. It's just not the deal breaker for me so to save the money to not have it is fine with me. But I think I would prefer to have the sex scene if we have enough people chipping in or if it the sex doesn't drive the price up too much. Maybe you could write out what you would like to see from the girl/girl? Or is the sex scene I wrote enough to keep you involved?

5. My original Idea for the script was always for the Transformation of Super Girl to backfire on the villain so I definitely like the idea of her killing the villain then moving on to make KW pay for abandoning her. To make the story a little deeper, what are your thoughts on there being a little conflict in Super Girl's decision to act against kw? Instead of just pure evil and all out go get her... maybe they yell at each other a little, maybe cry " look what you've done to me!" kinda thing? That's just some random thought though, I'm all good with her just being pure evil and go get KG if no one like it.

6. I take it KG is a batgirl-type? I love me some Bat girl. What's your batgirl costume thoughts?
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The main problem with a group effort on a fetish video is that there are so many types of fetishes. I'm afraid that this will be an example of "After all is said and done, there is a lot more said than done." I hope you prove me wrong and come up with a great video.
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I'm just going to chime in here and say I was never really totally sold on the name ArgonGirl. First off it's a mouthful to say, it doesn't roll off the tongue like Supergirl. So if you want a different name then by all means, go for it..I was just fiddling around with the table when I came up with that. ScandiumGirl sounds better, for petes sake! :)
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DrObiCaffi wrote:I like the outline. My notes/questions for the last part are:

1. Are we %100 on Argon Girl? I'm not crazy about the name but that's not too big of a deal.
I personally don't mind what she's called. MH tends to stay away from the actual DC names, so anything like Supremegirl, Superiorgirl or even ScandiumGirl would be fine.
DrObiCaffi wrote:2. I definitely like the different costumes for the super girl character good and evil (typical and a darker one) but I was wondering what you guys thought about a DARKER blue like Superman 3 or SHAKESHIFT did a Super Girl transformation where as a heroine she is in a typical lighter blue and red then once transformed, she has a darker super girl outfit. I think I would prefer that to a black if MH has a cheap solution.
I'm easy with any variation, just as long as there's a visible (to the dark side) change in Supergirl's look.
DrObiCaffi wrote:3. Will KW be bound at all during sex/unmasking? That's all your guys' call, I'm just curious, never going to turn down more bondage. :-P
Bondage would be nice. I'm happy to have Knightwoman bound during the sex and unmasking if that's what others want.
DrObiCaffi wrote:4. I totally understand lettersby, it doesn't make sense to cough up extra money if you don't get what you want out of the video. There are DEFINATELY places where more/different sex can be involved. I did write a sex scene so I am on board with sex. It's just not the deal breaker for me so to save the money to not have it is fine with me. But I think I would prefer to have the sex scene if we have enough people chipping in or if it the sex doesn't drive the price up too much. Maybe you could write out what you would like to see from the girl/girl? Or is the sex scene I wrote enough to keep you involved?
Good call. I'll be happy to go with whatever Liz writes.
DrObiCaffi wrote:5. My original Idea for the script was always for the Transformation of Super Girl to backfire on the villain so I definitely like the idea of her killing the villain then moving on to make KW pay for abandoning her. To make the story a little deeper, what are your thoughts on there being a little conflict in Super Girl's decision to act against kw? Instead of just pure evil and all out go get her... maybe they yell at each other a little, maybe cry " look what you've done to me!" kinda thing? That's just some random thought though, I'm all good with her just being pure evil and go get KG if no one like it.
Nice idea. I would really like to see Supergirl as a messed up psycho after her conversion.
DrObiCaffi wrote:6. I take it KG is a batgirl-type? I love me some Bat girl. What's your batgirl costume thoughts?
Knightwoman is a more senior Batman/Batwoman character. I love the skintight spandex mask (and that's my one big deal-breaker) but I don't mind whether she's dressed in either the "old school" costume...


or the slightly more revealing costume.


I'm easy about the color of her tights. I know some people prefer purple and others prefer tan.
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A dealbreaker for me would be for KW to be willingly unmasked/self unmasked. The mask must be forcibly removed, whilst she is in a weakened/vulnerable/defeated but very much aware of what's going off state.

It would be quite good for her to be betrayed by someone she knows but not necessary.

I'm not particularly keen on sex scenes to be honest, but if you want that I suppose I'll have to accept it.
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Unmaskee wrote:A dealbreaker for me would be for KW to be willingly unmasked/self unmasked. The mask must be forcibly removed, whilst she is in a weakened/vulnerable/defeated but very much aware of what's going off state.

It would be quite good for her to be betrayed by someone she knows but not necessary.

I'm not particularly keen on sex scenes to be honest, but if you want that I suppose I'll have to accept it.
Oh, she will definitely know about it when her mask is pulled off and she won't be happy. :smart:

If the sex scene isn't really your thing, I did suggest that KW's costume should stay mostly on during the sex. That way, after that scene is done, she will still be recognizable in her Knightwoman costume if you want to skip straight to the grand unmasking.
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I was nervous about the same problems viking. I am very surprised how well we've all worked together without ever meeting each other though. I've definatley gone from doubtful to EXTREMELY EXCITED! Props to all!
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Unmaskee, is the sex scene u don't like the girl girl, or the transformation scene sex with the heroine and villain? And is there something specifc u don't like?
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One thing to remember is that graphic boy/girl sex would mean hiring a professional shagger such as T.J. Cummings to play the male villain. This would raise costs considerably and it may limit our choice of models as a lot of the best models MH uses will only do girl/girl.

If we can get a guy at no extra charge who will do as much fondling/groping as the girl(s) will allow, this would certainly be a cheaper option. Besides, the actual villain/heroine sex could always be simulated with creative camera angles, sound effects and maybe a bit of white goo.

I would personally prefer to spend the "sex budget" on girl/girl sex, anyway. Of course, I'll go along with whatever the group decides is best.
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viking wrote:The main problem with a group effort on a fetish video is that there are so many types of fetishes. I'm afraid that this will be an example of "After all is said and done, there is a lot more said than done." I hope you prove me wrong and come up with a great video.
I have been pleasantly surprised by the responses, so far.

We have pretty much unanimously decided on tights/hose without the old "hose vs. bare legs" debate. The core perils of weakening, conversion and unmasking all seem pretty sensible. The only small issue is deciding where everyone stands on the level of sex in the video, but I'm confident we can reach a solution which will satisfy Liz's request for a girl/girl sex scene and give Unmaskee a meaty in-costume unmasking scene which can be watched on its own.
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With regard to sex scene I just find it detracts from my belief in the situation I guess. It just becomes average porn. As soon as sex becomes involved I just simply lose interest.
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Unmaskee wrote:With regard to sex scene I just find it detracts from my belief in the situation I guess. It just becomes average porn. As soon as sex becomes involved I just simply lose interest.
Would restructuring the Knightwoman scene help? At the moment, KW is screwed literally and then screwed metaphorically by the unmasking. This could always be juggled around so we get several minutes of unmasking peril before the sex. That way, you can stop watching after the unmasking.

I'm easy about whether the sex scene takes place with or without the mask. What do others want?

If the unmasking does happen before the sex scene, I thought maybe it might be fun to have the Supergirl villainess briefly put on Knightwoman's mask as a way to mock the exposed heroine.
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Could the girl/girl sex scene be more believable if it was more forced... "this waht he did to me; now i'm gonna do it to you," kind of thing? And I do like the idea of the sex scene taking place after after the demasking but again, that's all up to ya'll.
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Ok! Thanks for waiting you guys. I'm finally posting my vision for the sex scene. I want it to emphasize Supergirl's psychological demise, which would work better if it comes after the unmasking. Here's how I envision it:

1) Once SG has brutalized and weakened KW enough, she goes about the unmasking, toying with KW, pulling at the mask, then letting it fall back into place, etc., etc. Finally she does a long, slow unmasking as KW begs her not to, holding on to her mask, twitching her head away from SG's hands. But she is no match for SG in her weakened state and at last the mask comes slowly off.

2) SG stands back with an evil look. At first it seems as if her job is finished, as though she is getting ready to leave KW in this state. But then she starts eye KW's body. She looks at parts of the KW costume that are ripped, revealing the supple flesh beneath. SG's face changes from a look of triumph to a look of hunger...

3) Slowly SG begins sliding her hands up and down KW's body, caressing every groove and crevice. Then she slips her fingers in some of the tears in KW's costume. She grips them and tears them open some more. (This will let us see some skin while still leaving the majority of the costume in tact.) In the meantime, KW cries in fear, begging SG to stop and saying things like, “Please.... haven't you destroyed me enough already?”

4) Eventually SG goes for bigger game. She tears open KW's costume so that her ass is exposed. She spanks KW, as well as groping/sucking/licking her ass cheeks as well as her pussy. Then she moves to KW's breasts, similarly tearing open the costume (or simply pulling it down) and then proceeding to grope/suck/lick and worship the breasts. KW continues to squirm and struggle, begging that SG stop. SG pulls down her own top and force feeds her breasts to KW.

5) When SG has bored with this, she stands up over KW. KW breathes a sigh of relief, believing her ordeal to be over. But instead, SG begins to tie the heroine up. She ties KW's arms straight behind her back. Then SG whips out a strapon. She kneels next to KW and rubs the strapon over the heroine's face. Then SG stands up once more and slowly, sensually straps on the dildo.

6) From there, we see how demented SG has actually become. She begins getting rough with KW's body. Breathing heavily in anticipation with a look of determination on her face, she throws the heroine onto her stomach and voraciously continues to suck, lick, and slap her body. Then she takes the strapon and lines it up with KW's pussy. “God no!” screams KW. SG thrusts viciously into KW's pussy and begins mercilessly fucking her doggy-style [this will probably be simulated, of course]. She grabs the arms that are tied behind KW's back so that she can pull the heroine harder and harder onto the cock.

(Preferably, we'll get a few different shots of the sex scene – some from behind both girls so that we see how fiercely SG is going at KW; some that show KW's face in fear and pain and SG's behind her, laughing and moaning in the pleasure she gets from feeling so empowered over another heroine.) SG continues until KW is forced into a screaming, thrashing orgasm, during which she continues to cry in protest and denial. Afterwards, the heroine lays there like a tenderized lump of meat, defeated and barely conscious.

7) SG states that now KW will slake her lust. She leans over KW and begins kissing her on the lips. As she does this, she reaches down and unties KW's hands and orders the heroine to finger her. KW complies, too weak to put up any resistance. SG moans loudly, her eyes rolling back into her head. Then she crawls forward and positions her pussy over KW's face, demanding that KW satisfy her orally. She sits up vertically over KW at first, massaging her breasts as she gets eaten out. Then she leans forward on the ground as she inches closer to climax. We see her face contorted in pleasure and her moans growing louder until she can no longer hold back. She grinds and pumps her hips forward against KW's face and has a mind-shattering orgasm.

****Note: here I have thrown in one last twist to the plot. I know it's late in the production, so we can nix it if we want. But as I was writing the sex part, this came to mind, and I wanted to see what you guys thought.****

8) Supergirl lays to the side of KW, panting exasperatedly, her eyes closed, with a soft smile of contentment on her face. Because she untied her foe for the sake of her own sexual pleasure, KW is actually free and even though the heroine is fatigued, she knows this is her only chance to undo the horrors she has endured. She takes the opportunity to crawl, weakly, back towards where her utility belt had earlier fallen on the floor. The belt has cooled off by now (which we can show through visual effects, i.e. it is not glowing red like it was when SG used her heat ray on it).

9) SG, still blinded by her own climax, is unaware of KW's attempt for redemption. She lays there moaning contentedly, softy rubbing her breasts and pussy with her fingers. KW succeeds in reaching the belt and with what strength she has left, she reattaches it and reactivates the kryptonite forcefield. Immediately, SG's moans of pleasure turn into moans of pain. Still laying on the floor, her eyes pop open, wide with fear. “What?! How did you...?” Then looking at KW with her utility belt back on, she cries, “NO! God no, please!”

10) As SG squirms on the floor, KW starts to feel overcome by the turn of events. Although she started out just wanting to escape SG's evil clutches, now that she is the one in control, her motives begin to change. She kicks SG around lightly as the villainess's powers drain. SG attempts to crawl away, but she can barely put up a fight as the effects of the kryptonite grow stronger.

11) Eventually, KW starts to take out her feelings of betrayal on SG sexually. She repays the spanking and the roughhousing, tearing off parts of SG's costume. KW pins SG to the ground and licks her breasts, neck, and begins voraciously kissing the evil heroine. (From here, I'd like to leave it open. Should KW put on the strapon and repay SG point for point? Or should she merely have SG eat her out? What's your guys' opinion?)

12) When KW is finished using SG's body and repaying her in kind, she stands up over SG, panting. SG continues to moan in pain. The kryptonite has made her so weak that she does not have even the strength of an ordinary mortal at this point. KW says, “I'm sorry it has to come to this, Supergirl. But you are simply too dangerous to be allowed to stay in our world.” She wraps her arms around SG's neck and twists, putting a tragic end to the heroine and villain, all in one.

13) KW then takes the camera that SG was using to expose her secret identity and destroys it. [We can make this part of the storyline work if, instead of a live stream, SG was merely using a camcorder which she planned to later send to the news media or upload to the internet.] She pulls her costume back on, weakly. The last thing we see is KW pick her mask back up and warily place it on her head before heading out the door, looking sorrowfully back once more at the fallen body of SG before she walks out.

PS - I don't mean to prolong our custom even further. But one of my biggest fetishes is switch / power reversals. If it's ok with you guys, I'd like to include it if we could. But I'm open to hearing the group's opinions on this. And also, let me know how the sex scene feels to you.
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Im fine either way, this all your guys' show after she is transformed.
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I love the structure of the sex scene, but a lot depends on how realistically everyone expects it to be performed. I would be very turned-off by convincing screams of torment and agony during the sex as this would be much, much darker than the stuff I usually watch.

As long as it's no more authentic and gritty than something like Superheroine Central or Paris Kennedy's videos, I'll be happy.
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Hope everyone had/is having a happy holiday season, just checking in to see what the next step is to get this show rolling. I would think we need to write up the post transformation portion of the script so we can combine the 2 scripts and get a final draft. Then we can concentrate on picking models and costumes. How does that sound? :supes:
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Sounds good. I'll be happy to write up the scene I outlined with Supergirl confronting and unmasking Knightwoman. Maybe Liz could then take over and write the sex scene and Supergirl's death?

One thing I thought was that KW could have been the superheroine who originally caught the male villain. Perhaps he very nearly defeated her and that was why she was so keen for SG to handle him this time?

Here's a very brief prologue which can shot at the same lair location as SG's transformation:


Lair Set

Male villain fighting Knightwoman. He blasts her with a bolt of electricity and she falls to the ground. As the still-conscious superheroine lies twitching, the villain kneels down and begins stroking her nylon-clad thighs. We hear a faint crackle of electricity as he runs his hands over her body.

The villain unclasps KW's cape and then pulls it away to reveal the back of her leotard. He slides the zipper down and and runs his finger along the thin stripe of exposed pink flesh (with the crackling sound effect). He pulls the leotard down from KW's shoulders and then stops, realizing he's forgotten something...

Villain: Oh, the things I'm going to do to you. But I should really get to know you first.

He grips her mask.

Knightwoman: [grogilly] No! Get off me!

Without hesitation, he pulls the mask back and fully reveals KW's face.

Villain: I don't belieeev...

KW suddenly sprays something into the villain's face. He falls to the ground and passes out.

Knightwoman: Sweet dreams, creep. You'll wake-up in a cozy little cell with no memory of my identity thanks to good old amnesia spray.

KW pulls her mask back on.

Knightwoman: That was too close for comfort.


Office Set

A beautiful young woman is at an office desk, looking at a computer screen. She is wearing a white button up blouse, a dark skirt and tan tights. She adjusts the glasses on her face when she clicks on a link to a news story...
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Sure. I guess anything that adds a little more peril can't be bad! :-P
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I like this nes prolog for the script I think it definatly adds to the story.
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So here's a revised and expanded outline before we write the final script. Is there anything else we need to alter?

Knightwoman is floored by an electricity bolt shot by the male villain. While she's reeling from the attack, the villain seizes the opportunity to grope and unmask KW. Fortunately, the exposed KW defeats the villain with a dose of amnesia spray.

Sometime later, Supergirl (in her secret identity) sees a news report online about the escape of the male villain. She uses her secret comminicator (I was thinking a wristwatch would be more superheroiney than a cellphone) to contact Knightwoman. Crucially, the two women only refer to each other by their superheroine names because they don't know each other's secret identities. The ladies have a small disagreement over who's going to tackle the male villain.

Transformation with Supergirl taking off her glasses and pulling her blouse open to reveal the diamond logo on her costume.

Supergirl confronts the male villain at his hideout. They fight and he seems to be defeated until he injects himself with something (Kryptonite serum) which increases his powers. The villain defeats Supergirl, injects her with the serum and then dunks her in a tub/pool of a formula which will convert her to the dark side. (Staying as close as possible to DrObiCaffi's idea.)

If it doesn't add anything to the price, could there be simulated sex after the weakened SG has been pulled out of the pool? We see a disgusted expression on SG's face as we hear the grunts and squelches of the villain either thrusting away or stood back wanking over the bound heroine. For further humiliation, he places a pair of glasses on her face and reveals that he knows her secret identity. Finally, we see a shot of white goo flying into SG's face, landing on her glasses and dripping down into her mouth.

After the final stage of the transformation (another injection) Darkside Supergirl is born. She takes off her glasses and we see her eyes glow green. She strips and dons a darker version of her costume.

Darkside Supergirl kills the male villain and flies off to take revenge on Knightwoman. She has been driven mad by the conversion and blames KW for putting her in that position.

Darkside Supergirl contacts Knightwoman to lure her into a trap. Transformation with KW zipping her boots and pulling on her gloves and mask. (Do we want to see a clear shot of KW's face before the mask goes on?)

When she arrives, KW is horrified to see her old friend has turned evil.

SG assumes she will be able to use her X-Ray vision to just see through KW's mask. When she attempts this, we get a brief POV shot of KW almost naked (stood on tiptoes because her high heeled boots are now invisible) wearing just the mask and tights. KW gloats about the X-Ray-proof lining in her mask and tights to protect her identity and her modesty.

SG goes back to normal vision (with KW restored to full costume) and resolves to unmask the heroine "the hard way". However, seeing KW's hot body has made SG extremely horny and she now plans to have a little fun with the heroine once the mask is off.

KW presses a button on her utility belt which activates a Kryptonite forcefield. SG backs off and it seems for a moment that KW is safe. However, SG then uses her heat vision to make the belt red hot. KW frantically unfastens the belt before it burns her. Once it's on the floor, the green glow of the forcefield flickers out. KW is now helpless.

SG grips the defiant heroine's wrists and forces her to kneel. KW's mask is gripped from the top and either pulled back like a hood (if it stretches that much) or pulled off altogether. If I'm right about the zipper at the back, the unzipping and loosening could be part of the torture. If possible, the whole thing should be captured in a single medium close-up with one continuous and clear shot of the mask being pulled off the model's face.

After a nice and slow reveal, SG recognizes the socialite billionaire instantly. (Bliss Payne, Prudence Jane, Chrissie Crane or any other name that sounds vaguely like Bruce Wayne.) The whole unmasking has been captured on camera.

Girl/girl sex scene (as described in Liz's post). SG is dominant for the first half until KW retrieves her utility belt and reactivates the Kryptonite forcefield.

KW kills SG and destroys the recording of her unmasking. She pulls her mask back on and leaves.

Possible final twist: A close-up of the 'dead' Supergirl's hand twitch.
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Sounds good to me. I like that Super Girl is not dead, I actually kind of like the idea of Super Girl winning, but since she is evil now the GOOD Super Girl actually loses. Does that make sense? I'm also good with the twitching hand too though, doesn't matter that much to me.
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Maybe the twitching of 'dead' Supergirl's pantyhosed foot would be a little sexier?
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Just watches dark knight rises and thought of another scenerio I'd like to fit in if possible. :::::: ATTENTION! SPOILER ALERT TO DARK KNIGHT RISES::::::at the end when miranda reveals herself to batman she stabs him and starts revealing her plot. Bane eventually gets up and starts tieing batman up but he doesn't even put up a fight. He was so injured but most importantly stunned by the revolation that he didn't even put up a fight as rapped a rope around his neck. I couldn't help but think how hot that could be if was a heroine instead of batman. What if evil supergirl and our male villain do something similar to kw. Once bound then ESG can kill the dr and we proceed to the rest of ojr script. I hate to throw in another curve when we are trying to get a final draft done but I couldn't rseist. Esg could pretend to obedient to the villain and call for kw. Kw goes after thhe villain and esg interferes. Then after inflicting pain on kw she is stunned while the villain ties her up. Once bound esg kills kw and you guys know the rest? Too much too late? What do ya think?
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It could probably be done without too much hassle. The main structural alteration would be delaying the death of the male villain until after Knightwoman has been lured to the lair.

Maybe Supergirl could see the villain tie-up the stunned (and possibly injured) Knightwoman and get flashbacks to her recent ordeal? In a state of confusion and fury, she snaps his neck like a twig.

The killing of the villain could then be the thing that shocks KW back into action. She now realizes just how evil her friend has become.
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I like it I like it
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I like it I like it
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Hey all,

1) I'm fine with postponing the male villain's death in order to accomplish the additional scene DrObi is hoping for.

2) I think we should work to include HA's male simulated sex scene in which SG winds up with a cum covered face. He seems to really want this included, and I would find it pretty hot myself. After we send a script to MH, we can see what is worth the price and what can possibly be cut. But we might as well include everything in the original script. We won't know what the price will look like until after we send it, anyway.

3) Let me know when we're ready to finalize. I'm swamped with work at the moment, so it will take me a bit of time to write a script version of the sex scene. But I'll get started once the outline is a go.

4) Now that we have a lot of the storyline settled, should we start thinking of things like models? Or is this something we should figure out after MH has read the script and can offer suggestions about girls who would do this sort of story? I'd love to hear If anyone has specific models in mind, so we can see where the audience preferences are heading.

5) And finally, based on the final outline HA detailed above, could we get a tentative list of folks who are thinking about pitching in for the custom cost? This isn't something anyone will be held to, but just a way to see where we at price-wise.

Things are coming together everybody! I'm getting excited!!!
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I agree lettersby, We should make the tweaks suggested to my original script, write up the official demasking, and girl/girl scene and send to MH, THEN worry if we need to cut anything. And yes, it would be nice to get a tentative count (U can count me in BTW) on who I in so we get our
costs closer to what they will be for everybody!
2) I think we should work to include HA's male simulated sex scene in which SG winds up with a cum covered face. He seems to really want this included, and I would find it pretty hot myself. After we send a script to MH, we can see what is worth the price and what can possibly be cut. But we might as well include everything in the original script. We won't know what the price will look like until after we send it, anyway.
Can we just use what I wrote after the dunking for this scene?

As far as models, I don't have anyone specific. I guess I would just like to see some options then maybe we all vote. I think the natural options/choices are a blonde for SG and darker or RED for KW. I would also like to help pick the costumes as much as possible.

I am excited too. Who's in????
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I am in. I agree with using a blonde for SG and black hair for KW.
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Well, I'm in. :smart:

DrObiCaffi's betrayal scene will be a great addition. It gives us that magic moment when the heroine loses control and her whole world starts to crumble around her.

We may need to check with MH on the availability of models. My "dream team" would be Randy Moore as Supergirl and Kendra James as Knightwoman. I would be happy with most of the gorgeous girls MH uses, though.
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lizlettersby wrote:Hey all,
2) I think we should work to include HA's male simulated sex scene in which SG winds up with a cum covered face. He seems to really want this included, and I would find it pretty hot myself. After we send a script to MH, we can see what is worth the price and what can possibly be cut. But we might as well include everything in the original script. We won't know what the price will look like until after we send it, anyway.
DrObiCaffi wrote:Can we just use what I wrote after the dunking for this scene?
I'm not too concerned about Supergirl's "facial". I just added that shot as a finishing touch to make the climax of the simulated boy/girl sex seem more hardcore without shooting actual semen into the model's face.

It just seemed like a nice way to visually represent SG's ingestion of the villain's seed (which is actually an innocent edible substance squirted from an off-screen container). I'm easy if others would rather he comes inside her, though.

One thing I would like to add is a little identity peril for SG. Even if it's just a single line of dialogue with the villain letting her know he's discovered her secret. It really "ups the ante" when the villain can violate the heroine's personal non-super existence.
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HA, that can be easily added in during a number of spots...

When he has her on his lap before he binds her

When he has her on the table b4 the dunking

After the dunking b4 the sex

Or when u said adter the sex.

Im fine with any of those.
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Came across this video on CLIPS4SALE and dug the costume, mainly the idea of tan tights under the black tights. Mad hot for me. Any chance you fellas would dig something like this for Knight Woman?
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While we are at it, these are th tights I was hoping to see our Super Girl in...
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DrObiCaffi wrote:COSTUME THOUGHT....

Came across this video on CLIPS4SALE and dug the costume, mainly the idea of tan tights under the black tights. Mad hot for me. Any chance you fellas would dig something like this for Knight Woman?
Yeah, absolutely! I love the look of two layers of nylon.

While the bottom layer should probably be tan, I'm easy about whether the top layer is black or purple. I guess it depends on which version of the Knightwoman costume we use and how the tights coordinate with the gloves and boots.

The only thing is I would like both layers to be pulled down or ripped open enough to give us a good look at her knightminge.
DrObiCaffi wrote:While we are at it, these are th tights I was hoping to see our Super Girl in...
Those look fine. Do you have any preference on how much (if at all) they're removed or destroyed?
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