Supergirl Stories

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Location: Phantom Zone

Hey folks,

I'm new to the forum and thought I might share a favorite story of mine as a means of introduction. I'm wondering if people know of other stories by this author? Was there a sequel? I'm also hoping for some recommendations - other Supergirl stories that people enjoy. I'm particularly interested in stories where Supergirl is overwhelmed by a stronger opponent - sadly they're hard to find (at least good ones). Well here's hoping that you all enjoy.

P.S. this particular story can be found at:

Supergirl vs 681

Arriving in Silicon Valley to investigate a series of techno-crimes,
Supergirl is unaware that soon she will face the most powerful
adversary she has ever known. 681 tries to prove that when your
number's up, not even Supergirl can stop it...

The man was foolish, Supergirl thought.

He wasn't the thief who had been raiding companies throughout
Silicon Valley over the last few months, but he was a thief all the
same. Supergirl gently dropped from the clouds towards the industrial

The man was competent, she had to admit. He had already disabled
the security locks on the side door. Now he was working on opening it.
He glanced behind himself and returned to work. She resisisted the
urge to giggle. Nobody ever looked up.

Supergirl's red boots landed on the pavement with a small click. The
man whirled around, gun drawn. Supergirl finally released her laugh.

"I'll just take it that is a gun in your pocket and yes, you are happy to
see me."

The man couldn't take his eyes off of her chest. So much the better. It
was amazing how easy it was to distract even the most competent of

She could tell his heart wasn't really in it, but he fired the gun several
times anyway. She deftly took care to catch the bullets. She didn't want
the fool getting struck by a ricochet.

"All right, you know that's not going to work," she finally said, and
the man ceased firing. The gun dropped to the ground.

Supergirl walked towards him on slender legs, her tiny red skirt and
cape ruffling in the wind. The man couldn't take his eyes off of her.
Her red boots clicked and clacked on the ground until she was right in
front of him. She was much taller than him, his eyes were level with
her breasts and he was taking in a full view.

"Enjoy it, friend. Where you're going, you'll only see it in pictures."

Supergirl grabbed the mands arm and lifted him up into the air at
blinding speed. They soared high into the clouds before Supergirl
turned towards the police station. It wasn't her mysterious techno-thief,
but it was a start.

* * *

The night watchman didn't even notice that she didn't belong there
until she was right in front of him.

She was amazing. Long, slender legs and perfect hips. Not that he had
time to look, as he was busy taking in her awesome breasts. She wore a
tight fitting green costume. On her arm was the number "681."

He finally stood up from his desk, knocking over his chair in the
process. "Can I help you, miss?"

681 eased up and stopped in front of the perplexed guard. She put her
arms on her hip and fixed a mischevious grin on the guard.

The guard looked her costume up and down. "You some sort of
superhero, miss?"

681 laughed. She grabbed the guard by the shirt and easily lifted him
into the air. "Super, yes," she purred. "Hero, never."

The guard struggled for his gun. 681 easily took it from his hand and
crushed it into a ball of metal. The guard stared in horror.

681's gaze turned cold. "You like my body, little man?" She released
her grip and the guard collapsed to the ground. He struggled to get to
his feet, but a high heeled boot from 681 stepped on his shoulder,
stopping him on one knee.

681 leaned forward, her pussy stopping just a few inches from the
guard's nose. "Do you like what you see, little man?" The guard
couldn't resist nodding. She was the most amazing woman he had ever

681 took her knee off of the guard's shoulder. The guard started to get
to his feet, but a quick boot to the crotch put him on the ground,
writhing in agony.

681 stepped forward, a grim look on her face. The guard looked
through bleary eyes and stared as 681's slender legs stepped into view.

"Most men like my legs," 681 continued, kicking the guard in the gut.
The guard howled in pain as ribs snapped. "They're nice and long,"
she said as she continued to kick the fallen guard.

The guard held his ribs and writhed on the ground. 681 lowered down
in front of him, her hands cupping her breasts. "Most men like my
breasts. They're just the right size, don't you think?"

The guard wasn't paying attention. He spit out blood onto the ground.
681 leaned forward and grabbed the guard by the hair, dragging his
head an inch away from her breast.

"Lick them," she commanded. The guard groaned and shook his head.
682 grinned. "Most men would die to touch my body, and you

She brought the guard's head down in a flash, headbutting him in the
process. The guard howls a last time and crumples backwards onto the
ground, silent. 681 studies the fallen man and smiles. She steps
towards the laboratory doors.

"At least you're consistent."

681 couldn't prevent herself from jumping. She silently cursed herself
for the weakness and turned around.

* * *

It was the last scream that allowed Supergirl to pinpoint which
building the noise was coming from. The thief had been hitting
microchip manufacturers along the industrial park, and the path
indicated a pattern. She had reasoned that this factory might be the
next target, and it turned out her suspicions were correct.

Unfortunately she had arrived too late for the guard. A quick x-ray
revealed broken bones and internal bleeding. She heard no heartbeat.

The strange woman turned around to face her. Supergirl stood in her
power stance, her arms on her hips.

"You're coming with me, stranger."

681 broke into a grin. "Why don't you just fly away, little birdie, before
I have to clip your wings."

Supergirl could hardly believe it, but the strange woman turned away
from her and continued walking towards the laboratory. She was
ignorning her. Supergirl rushed forward, appearing in front of the
nonplussed 681.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Supergirl purred. 681 continued walking
towards her. She was as tall as Supergirl, if not slightly taller. Her
breasts stopped an inch from Supergirl's own. She could almost feel
electricity passing between them.

"Careful, little girl," 681 whispered. "If you're smart, you'll leave. If
you stay, I promise you will end up on your knees."

Supergirl stared at 681, surprised. The woman actually believed what
she was saying, there was no doubt about it. She shook her head
slowly. "Just who are you?"

"Your master," 681 responded.

Supergirl had had enough. She snatched 681's arms in her own. 681
yanked her arm back, and a surprised Supergirl was pulled forward
with it, careening out of control. Supergirl crashed through the
laboratory wall and into the parking lot.

Supergirl was on her feet in an instant. The crash hadn't hurt at all,
she had merely been cast off balance. She turned and saw 681 step
through the rubble. Supergirl x-rayed 681's suit and saw millions of
wires and microchips implanted throughout the suit.

"An augmented strength suit. Sorry, but that's just not going to cut it,"
Supergirl said, walking towards 681. Supergirl grabbed 681's suit,
attempting to rip a chunk out of it. To her surprise, the suit wouldn't
give under her strength.

681 gave her a coy smile. "If you wanted me out of my clothes,
sweatheart, all you had to do was ask."

Supergirl angrily reached towards 681 and grabbed her arm again,
preparing to take her into flight. But 681's feet remained on the
ground. 681's free arm quickly grabbed Supergirl's arm and swung
the maid of steel into an arc and sent her crashing to the ground on
her ass, knocking the breath out of her.

The princess of power gasped in surprise and looked up at 681, who
was standing in front of her and mimicing her power stance. Supergirl
didn't expect 681 to have so much raw power. "Did that hurt,
princess?" 681 taunted. "I'll let you in on a secret," she continued,
and before Supergirl could process what was happening, 681's fist
was balled up in her hair, yanking Supergirl to her feet with a small

"You haven't seen anything yet," 681 finished sweetly.


In the last segment, Supergirl was investigating a series of techno-
robberies in industrial parks throughout Silicon Valley. Minutes after
nabbing a hapless car thief, Supergirl catches the mysterious woman
known only as 681 robbing another high tech business. Supergirl
confronts the cocky robber, but 681 proves to be more resistant than
Supergirl could have expected...

Supergirl grabbed 681's arm and tried to carry her into flight.

But 681's feet remained on the ground. 681's free arm quickly grabbed
Supergirl's arm and swung the maid of steel into an arc and sent her
crashing to the ground, knocking the breath out of her.

The princess of power gasped in surprise and looked up at 681, who
was standing in front of her and mimicing her power stance. Supergirl
didn't expect 681 to have so much raw power.

"Did that hurt, princess?" 681 taunted. "I'll let you in on a secret," she
continued, and before Supergirl could process what was happening,
681's fist was balled up in her hair, yanking Supergirl to her feet with
a small yelp.

"You haven't seen anything yet," 681 finished sweetly. Still holding
Supergirl upright by her hair, 681 pulled back and sent her other fist
crashing into Supergirl's face. Supergirl's legs instantly went wobbly
under the power of the blow, but 681 kept her standing with the grip
on her hair. Supergirl's dazed eyes struggled to focus as 681 took her
time measuring Supergirl's face for a handful of powerful punches.
Each blow seemed to be more than Supergirl could handle. After
three, her lip was bleeding and her cheek was turning a puffy blue.
Another three punches and Supergirl's face was drooped forward, her
chin slumping to her chest. 681 was pleased with how easily she was
dispatching the so-called princess of power. She sent another punch
Supergirl's way, this time letting go of her hold on Supergirl's hair.
The punch sent the maid of steel skidding across the ground on her

Supergirl's chest heaved for air as she spun onto her stomach, trying
to crawl away. Supergirl could feel herself chocking on liquid in her
throat and spit. Her watery eyes focused briefly on the clots of blood
she coughed up. She was in bad shape, and she still didn't even know
what she was dealing with. 681 strutted up behind her, planting her
high heeled boot onto Supergirl's ass and slamming the maid of steel's
pelvis into the ground. Supergirl howled in pain. 681 stared down at
Supergirl's cape with its curvy "S" print. She spit on it, then yanked
the cape from Supergirl's back and sent it into the wind.

Supergirl spun around, hooking 681's leg and sending her to the
ground. In an instant, Supergirl was on her feet, scrambling to get
away. Supergirl stumbled uncertainly, her legs wobbly from 681's
punches. 681 bounced to her feet and was behind Supergirl in an
instant. She wrapped her forearm around Supergirl's neck and
dragged her close to her body. 681 tried her best to control herself
when she felt Supergirl's tight ass slam into her pussy. She resisted the
urge to rub herself against the maid of steel. She settled for pushing
her lips across Supergirl's neck and stopping at her ear, where she
took a brief playful bite of Supergirl's earlobe.

"How does it feel, slut?" 681 asked huskily. "You could have anyone
you wanted. You thought everyone was your own toy. How's it feel to
be the toy?"

681's free hand wandered down Supergirl's stomach, rubbing against
her super pussy and sliding underneath her short skirt. Supergirl
squirmed in 681's grip, trying desperately to break free. Tears
streamed down her face. 681 was violating her, and Supergirl couldn't
accept it.

681 recognized that Supergirl wasn't fully dominated yet. She
violently shoved Supergirl forward, sending her face first to the
ground. 681 stepped forward and kicked Supergirl's midsection.
Supergirl doubled up in pain.

Again 681 grabbed Supergirl by the hair and yanked her to a standing,
but wobbly, position. 681 paused briefly to admire her handiwork. The
once proud Supergirl swayed before her. Her hair hung in sweaty
tatters. Her chin drooped to her chest, which heaved up and down in
exhaustion. Supergirl's normally tight blue shirt hung loosely around
her breasts, the "S" symbol dirty and muddy from the fight. Tears ran
down her cheeks, and the bare skin 681 could see showed many bumps
and bruises.

"Don't tell me you're finished already, slut," 681 scolded. "I don't
even think you lasted a minute. Hardly the definition of "super," now
is it?"

Her taunt succeeded in goading the maid of steel. Supergirl swung her
fist, but 681 swatted it away easily. In a flash, 681's fingers dug into
Supergirl's throat as she easily lifted the princess of power into the air.
Supergirl's red boots dangled a foot off of the pavement, her toes
kicking, trying to find footing. Supergirl's eyes moistened as her
hands pawed uselessly at the iron grip choking the air out of her lungs.

"I know what you're thinking, slut," 681 purred. "You're wondering
where the kryptonite is."

681 suddenly released her grip, and Supergirl crashed to the ground,
gasping for air. Her magnificent breasts heaved in desperation. She
was on her knees, as 681 had assured her she would be. Soon she
would be on her knees willingly. 681 knew that patience was all she
needed. Her lips curled into a cruel smile as she watched the maid of
steel regain her breath.

"I don't need any kryptonite to tame you, bitch," 681 said. Her hand
roughly grabbed Supergirl's chin and yanked her head up so that
Supergirl's burning, hateful eyes were staring directly into 681's.
"You've finally run into your master."

Supergirl leapt to her feet, pushing at 681 with all of her might. 681
gasped in mild surprise as she stumbled backwards. Gathering
confidence, Supergirl sent a powerful fist into 681's stomach, doubling
her over. With no hesitation, Supergirl's knee connected solidly to
681's forehead. The blow knocked 681 back into a standing position in
time to see a blur that was Supergirl's fist. The blow knocked her back
another couple steps, but did not send her down.

Supergirl pressed the advantage, stepping forward to swing another
blow. 681 quickly shook off the cobwebs and deflected Supergirl's
blow and following with one of her own, smashing into Supergirl's
jaw. Determined, Supergirl swung back and connected as well. The
two titans stood toe to toe, exchanging punches.

Supergirl's last punch glanced slightly off of 681's jaw, allowing her a
small smile. Wasting no time, 681 jabbed Supergirl in the neck,
forcing her to stagger back a step and grab at her throat. 681 stepped
into it and swung two, patiently measured backhanded slaps. The first
stunned the maid of steel. The second smashed into Supergirl's lip
with enough force to send drops of blood scattering to the wind.
Dazed, Supergirl didn't even see 681's boot strike forward and
connect with her midsection. She landed on her ass, her short red skirt
bouncing up into the air and wafting down gently.

681 swung her long, sexy leg in a swift arc upwards, her toe smashing
into Supergirl's chin and slamming her onto her back. Supergirl's
proud breasts heaved up and down, her legs showing no life and her
arms flailing unnoticed at her sides. 681 brushed herself off,
smoothing the farbric along her costume. Her hands rubbed slowly
over her crotch. She was getting quite excited, especially at the sight of
Supergirl laying at her mercy.

681 stepped forward, one high heeled boot playfully running
underneath Supergirl's tiny red skirt. The toe hovered underneath the
soft farbric, rolling from side to side as Supergirl moaned softly on the
ground. 681 gently pushed her toe down, pressing it onto Supergirl's
wet pussy. Supergirl's moan exploded in a mixture of pain and
longing. Blood from her lip ran down her cheek, curling around and
dripping to the pavement.

681 stopped playing with her boot and straddled the girl of steel,
lowering herself to her knees and rubbing her own pussy hard into
Supergirl's pelvis. Supergirl's back arced in pleasure, her eyes closed.
681 rolled her body forward, a small gasp of pleasure escaping her lips
as her breasts pressed into the firm and magnificent breasts of
Supergirl's. 681 continued to lean forward until her face hovered just
slightly over Supergirl's face. 681's lips breathed over Supergirl's
face, her lips gently rubbing against Supergirl's quivering, desperate
lips. 681's hand slowly traveled up Supergirl's side, starting below her
skirt and settling into a firm and almost painful grip of Supergirl's
rock hard nipple.

The cruel smile returned to 681's face as she pulled back, to
Supergirl's dazed but undeniable disapointment. 681 cruelly slapped
Supergirl's face, her palm leaving a red mark on Supergirl's cheek.
Supergirl's eyelids fluttered. 681 slapped her again. The cheek began
to turn black and blue. Supergirl's eyes snapped open, but no longer
were they filled with fiery anger.

"If only the world could see you now, whore," 681 said, her hand
violently gripping Supergirl's breast. "They'd see what a pathetic
tramp you are. You're no match for me. You're not even worthy of my
attention. You're no girl of steel."

681 was enjoying her verbal taunts of Supergirl. Supergirl's eyes has
moistened again. 681 could see the confusion in them. But behind the
confusion, she saw the beginnings of something else. She smiled in
pleasure at what she saw.

"Now open your mouth, bitch."

Supergirl's jaw quiverred, and Supergirl defiantly kept her mouth
closed. 681 patiently swung her hand and slapped Supergirl's face
with enough authority to snap her head to the side. "Open up," 681
teased. "Or I'll stop holding back. And then I'll really hurt you."

Supergirl's eyes widened in terror and stared at 681's confident smile.
Supergirl's quivvering jaw slackened, and her lips spread apart
tentatively. 681 smiled approvingly. "Wider," she coaxed. Supergirl
complied. 681 leaned forward and spat, a long stream of salavia
dripped down and landed in Supergirl's mouth, splashing against her
chin and cheeks. Supergirl's hand rose to try and wipe it away, but
681 swatted the hand away.

"Leave it," she commanded. "You can't wipe yourself without my
permission, bitch."

681 rose to her feet, watching Supergirl fight the desire to remove the
spit from her face. The saliva rolled down her cheeks, mingling with
the blood. Supergirl's hair clung sweaty and dirty to Supergirl's face
and neck. Supergirl was beginning to show signigicant damage. 681
nodded approvingly and stepped backwards. She was aware of
Supergirl's eyes rolling over her body, studying its seductive curves.
She was almost ready.

"On your knees, tramp," 681 commanded. Supergirl rolled onto her
stomach, her breasts rubbing against the dirt and mud, soiling her
proud "S" on her chest. She wearily pushed herself up with her weak
arms and slumped into a kneeling position, her fantastic ass pressing
into the heels of her red boots. Her arms hung lifelessly at her sides.
681 frowned.

"I didn't tell you to be beaten yet, Nothing girl," 681 scolded. "Kneel
up straight. Lift that ass up."

Supergirl complied, wincing in pain as her weak legs straightened, her
back straightening. Her eyes flashed obediently at 681. 681 stepped
around Supergirl slowly, her long leg rubbing against Supergirl's
breast and cheek. 681 stood behind Supergirl. She bent down, lifting
the rear of Supergirl's red skirt to expose her naked bottom. 681's
other gloved hand struck with blinding speed, forcing Supergirl to
shriek in pain.

"Did that hurt, Supergirl?" 681 moaned. "Don't collapse just yet. I'm
not even close to being finished."

"Please..." Supergirl struggled, 681's spit still visible on her cheek and
chin. "Please...."

681 pushed Supergirl face first into the dirt and dug her heel into
Supergirl's back. "Please what, bitch? Stop hurting you?"

"Who...who are you," Supergirl managed.

"I told you who I am," 681 answered patiently. `Now say it."

Supergirl shook her head. "No. I won't."

681 smile grew wider. Supergirl wasn't finished just yet. So much the

"Stand up." 681 commanded.

Supergirl struggled to get to her feet. 681 impatiently yanked Supergirl
to her feet by the hair.

681 grabbed Supergirl's face in her hands and brought it close to her
own. Leaning in, her moist lips hovered just a hair above Supergirl's.
"Well, princess," 681's hot breath tingled Supergirl's lips. "Your
overrated ass is mine. And now I'm going to tear it off." And she
kissed her, 681's tongue thrusting into Supergirl's wanting mouth,
twisting and probing and dominating.

And before Supergirl could be satisfied, 681 pulled back and thrust her
arms forward, sending Supergirl skidding backwards against the

681 let out a ferocious cry and charged the princess of power.
Supergirl desperately tried to crawl backwards to safety, her ass
bumping and dragging through the dirt and mud. But she wasn't
nearly fast enough for 681.

681 swung and slashed at the maid of steel. Supergirl's body went
limp nearly instantly, but 681 did not let up. Supergirl's body was
completely manhandled as 681 rained physical abuse on her. Her
costume was barely holding together, its stiching giving way in most

After a few moments of intense torture, Supergirl screamed in a
mixture of terror and pain. 681 allowed her to sink to her knees before

Panting and nearing a climax, 681 eyed the thoroughly destroyed
Supergirl before her.


Supergirl raised her shaken jaw and stared into 681's eyes.

"You are my master," she said. No pain or defeat in her voice. Only
acceptance. Complete, total submission to her master.

681 could no longer contain herself, bursting forth with pleasure and
excitement. She rubbed her palm over her crotch, enjoying the
eruption. Supergirl sat obediently, waiting for her master to finish.
When she did, 681 stared down at her humilated opponent.

"Sorry, babe," 681 said with genuine remorse. "But I've got to go to

Supergirl continued kneeling obediently as 681 stepped forward and
slammed her fist into the former princess of power's face, knocking
her unconscious instantly. Supergirl's battered body folded to the

681 smiled and started to walk away. The body behind her, all she
could see was the world before her. And no one stood in her way.

In the last segment, Supergirl was investigating a series of techno-
robberies in industrial parks throughout Silicon Valley. There she
encounters the beautiful 681, who appears to have some kind of
power-enhancing suit; more power than Supergirl can take, as it turns
out. Supergirl is brutally beaten and defeated by 681...

Supergirl continued kneeling obediently as 681 stepped forward and
slammed her fist into the former princess of power's face, knocking
her unconscious instantly. Supergirl's battered body folded to the

Supergirl awoke feeling battered and bruised, which was not a
sensation she was used to. Her blurry eyes strained to make out her
surroundings. She was outside the laboratory. She could see the ruined
wall where 681 had tossed her aside... garbage.

Supergirl shook away the thought. She groaned and crawled onto her
knees. Her hair clung in sweaty tatters around her neck. Her blue shirt
hung loosely around her breasts. One of the sleeves had almost
completely given way, the stiching torn. Her tiny skirt was hardly

Supergirl allowed tears to run down her face.
681 had thoroughly dominated her. She remembered being on her
knees willingly, accepting 681 as her master. Anything to stop the
beating. Anything to get a chance, an opening for escape.

Supergirl wondered if she was being honest with herself. She had
given herself to 681, but she didn't really remember trying to come up
with a plan for escape.
She thought of 681's long legs and breasts pushing against her own...

Supergirl roared in a mixture of pain and desperation. She rocketed
into the sky, soaring high into the heavens. She raced far and fast,
hoping to outrun the thoughts that clung to her like the bruises.

* * *

681 flipped through her survelliance monitors, hardly looking at the
screens. Her eyes were fixated on
the sight of the so-called "princess of power" kneeling before her,
begging her mistress to stop. The corner of 681's lip curled up in
pleasure at the memory.

She always knew that Supergirl could be taken. She just didn't know
how completely it could be done.

681's hand slid down to her crotch and she rubbed the nagging ache
absently. She was looking forward to seeing Supergirl again. It was
only a matter of time.

* * *

Supergirl tore what was left of her costume off of her body and sank
into the bathtub. Her bruises had already almost healed only a few
hours after the fight.

Supergirl tried to work out what 681 was after with her robberies. If
only she could figure out what her plan was, then she could stop her...

An involuntary shudder shook Supergirl. The thought of meeting 681
again was terrifying.
She had been like a little child in 681's hands. 681 had torn her down,
physically and mentally. Her mistress was unbeatable.

Supergirl sat up, realizing what she had just thought. Without making
a consious effort, her mind had identified 681 as her mistress.
Supergirl shook her head in disbelief.

* * *

Supergirl found 681 in a wharehouse, rifling through boxes. She
strode forward confidently.

"Round two."

681 turned, bemused. She caught Supergirl's fist with her hand and
squeezed. Supergirl howled in pain.

"On you knees, bitch."

Supergirl obediantly got down on her knees. 681 nodded approvingly.
"Good," she said. "Now what do you want?"

Supergirl looked up at her mistress' face with longing eyes. "You," she

"You disgust me, tramp," 681 said. "If your fans could see you now."

681 stepped forward menacingly. Supergirl fell backwards onto her
ass, her hand outstretched. "No..."

681 ignored her. She grabbed Supergirl's head and twisted it violently
to the side, snapping it. Supergirl went limp...

...and she sat up straight in her bed, stifling a silent scream. She
panted, the sweat washing away the nightmare. She lifted out of the
bed and flew across her domicile, landing in the kitchen. She poured a
glass of water from the sink and drank it quickly.

She was no match for 681.
She had no hope of beating her mistress. What was she going to do?
Supergirl didn't know.

* * *

681 inspected the machine in her underground base. Using
technogology pilfered from Silicon Valley, the machine was nearly
complete. Only a piece remained before she controlled the most
destructive weapon on the planet.

"Nice hardware."

681 slowly turned to see Supergirl standing before her. She allowed
herself a smirk. "What are you doing here, little slut?"

Supergirl smiled and glanced around. "You had to be taking your
stolen items somewhere. It was just a matter of tracing your steps, then
using my x-ray vision to locate your facility.

681 sidled towards Supergirl, her legs slowly and deliberately criss
crossing as she walked towards Supergirl. "And what are you x-raying
now, little girl?"</font>

Supergirl resisted the urge to step backwards. She flashed an uneasy
smile and put her hands on her hips. "You won't catch me off guard

681 laughed and stopped in front of Supergirl. Her hand snaked out
and firmly grabbed Supergirl's breast. She leaned close, her hot breath
filling the maid of steel's ear. "You want it, don't you? You want me to
pull that flimsy skirt from your body and lick you all over. Just ask.
That's all. Just ask."

Supergirl fought back a tremble. She opened her eyes and pushed 681
away from her. "You're under arrest."

681 laughed. "Really? Well then, come and get me."

Supergirl stepped forward, directly into a roundhouse kick from 681.
The kick sent her spiraling upwards, crashing through the ceiling and
popping out above ground.

Supergirl crawled to her knees in the mud, rubbing her aching
jaw.</font></font> She glanced back at the hole and saw 681 bound

"You just don't seem to learn, do you, slut?" 681 said, sounding bored.
She reached down to yank Supergirl to her feet. Supergirl spun her
legs, taking 681's out from under her. In a flash, Supergirl straddled
681 and began raining a barrage of blows to her face. Supergirl didn't
dare hold back.

681 squirmed between Supergirl's thighs, trying to break free.
Supergirl's fists rained down again and again, and spots of blood
scattered through the air. Supergirl felt 681's legs flip up and grab her
around the neck. 681 yanked Supergirl away from her body, kicking
her across the field.

"You bitch!" 681 screamed, wiping the blood away from her lips and
nose. Supergirl stumbled backwards, tripping in the slippery footing
and landing on her ass in the mud 681 strode towards her confidently.
"Now you're going to die, little girl."

Supergirl rocketed into the air, taking flight. 681 shot up into the sky
after her, quickly catching up to her and grabbing her ankle.

Supergirl twisted in the air, trying to break free. 681's hold on her
ankle would not break. With her other hand, 681 reached up and
grabbed Supergirl by the shirt, balling up the "s" symbol in her fist.
681 roared in anger and held Supergirl above her head, finally
throwing her down with frightening speed towards the ground.

Supergirl struggled to regain control, but momentum slammed her
several feet into the earth. She gasped for breath, trying to pull herself
to her feet. Like a piledriver, 681's feet slammed into her back,
slamming Supergirl back into the dirt. Mud and dirt filled her mouth,
silencing the maid of steel's cry.

681 grabbed the maid of might's golden hair and yanked her from the
ground. 681 delivered a pulverizing shot to her face. Blood erupted
from Supergirl's nose. 681 slammed a fist into Supergirl's ribs.
Supergirl shrieked as she felt one break.

681 yanked the beaten Supergirl towards her, both hands holding her
by the shirt. Supergirl's toes dragged through the mud, her legs
dangling without strength. 681's lips hovered above Supergirl's.

"You know you want it. Just say it. Say it, and maybe I'll let you live.
Say it."

Supergirl's mouth quivered, then finally she spat into 681's face.
"Never," she said through steely teeth.

681 roared in anger and ripped Supergirl's shirt in two, tearing it from
her body. She whipped Supergirl around, taking the torn segments of
her shirt and binding her arms together. She turned the trussed up
Supergirl towards her and slapped her in the face with punishing
authority. Supergirl sank to her knees.</font></font>

"Now say it. I am your mistress."


681 kicked Supergirl's chin, knocking her flat onto her back. 681
straddled the beaten maid of might and cupped her own breast in her
hand, holding it towards Supergirl's mouth. "Go on," 681 encouraged.
"Suck it. You want to."

Supergirl spit on 681's breast. 681 roared in anger and lifted Supergirl
above her head. An instant later, Supergirl's back slammed into 681's
outstretched knee. Supergirl howled in pain, her back felt like it was
shattered in a thousand places. Through the pain, Supergirl smiled.
"Never," she repeated.

"So this is some kind of moral victory, little miss blondie?" 681 said.
"That doesn't do you much good when you're dead."

"No," Supergirl groaned. "But by now the police have seized your

681 turned in the direction of her base, for the first time hearing the
police sirens. She turned back to Supergirl, her eyes blazing. "You
fucking slut."

Supergirl kept grinning. "Your suit must have some kind of limited
power supply. I'm guessing that it's in your base. How much power do
you have left in the tank?"

"Enough to kill you," 681 said, reaching forward and grabbing
Supergirl's neck.

"Maybe," Supergirl allowed. "But then? Enough to break into the
police and recover whatever energy source you use? Enough to stop
other superheroes from trying to catch you?"

681 wrung her hand in frustration. She stared at the bare chested
Supergirl, her hair hanging in sweaty clumps, her face brusied and
bloody. And smiling in triumph. 681 released her hold, dropping her
to the ground.

"This isn't over," 681 said bitterly. "You may have some sick kind of
moral victory right now, so enjoy it." She bent down, leaning close so
that her eyes stared directly into Supergirl's. "But we both know that I
can take you anytime, anywhere. And soon, Supergirl, I'm going to do
just that."

681 swung a fist and crashed into Supergirl's jaw, knocking her
unconscious. 681 strode away angrily.

* * *

Supergirl lay in her bathtub, easing her bruised but rapidly healing
body. She had stopped 681's plan and refused to submit, but still she
felt uneasy. Someday she'd have to face 681 again, and she wouldn't
have the same way out. She still didn't know anything about her, or
what her suit was or where it came from.

Supergirl closed her eyes and eased back into the water. They were
troubling questions. But they could wait for another time.
Echoes of Destruction -
Alert Station -
Lost in the Swarm -
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Classic oldie stories, when the internet was young.
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I'm also interested in stories, pics and videos where Supergirl is overpowered and defeated by a more powerful opponent. I remember this 681 story from years ago. At the time I was in regular email contact with SGirl 911. In fact, it was I who suggested that name. She originally called herself Supergirl9 or something like that. I suggested adding the emergency services number to the end - either because Supergirl was required to deal with an emergency or - the more sinister - idea that Supergirl HERSELF might be in need of assistance! ;-)

We swapped many stories. I wrote them for her and she for me. That was about 15 years ago, I think.

So I'm interested in contacting people who have a similar interest.
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If you go to the Diana the Valkyrie site there are lots of Supergirl and Wonder Woman stories; one particular writer who focused on Supergirl is named Joniar and I liked his(?) stories in particular.
EvilBilly :twisted:

"In the words of Socrates... I drank what?"
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I can't tell you how surprised I was to see this story here :) With respect to Sgirl911, this isn't that writer's story -- it's actually one of my old ones! I'd be amazed if anyone had more of these, because I lost them all a really, really long time ago. It felt strange reading it again. I really appreciate that someone held onto it -- thank you!

-Team Munich
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You mean like Replacement Target, Supergirl vs 681 and Replacement target pt 3. Plus a photo story called ww vs brutalia. Allof which are on my hard drive. I wish there were more.
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tmon wrote:You mean like Replacement Target, Supergirl vs 681 and Replacement target pt 3. Plus a photo story called ww vs brutalia. Allof which are on my hard drive. I wish there were more.

Well get with Munich and see about posting them. If they are written as well as '681' then that would be awsome.

btw, I have been looking for an old Supergirl story 'Project Powerman'.
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TeamMunich wrote:I can't tell you how surprised I was to see this story here :) With respect to Sgirl911, this isn't that writer's story -- it's actually one of my old ones! I'd be amazed if anyone had more of these, because I lost them all a really, really long time ago. It felt strange reading it again. I really appreciate that someone held onto it -- thank you!

-Team Munich
Munich! I always wondered what happened to you!
We never spoke and I doubt you remember, but I was one of the other guys having a subsite on Mike's website. ("Kara's Pocket Universe", featuring my crappy photomanipulations). I was a big fan of your writing. As I remember it you just suddenly stopped?

I believe I have all your writings from stored. 19 HTML files in total. Seems to be five original stories (one unfinished) and five short stories based on chats. PM me an email address if you want them, or let me know if you are ok with them being "reprinted" here.

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ksire_99 wrote:btw, I have been looking for an old Supergirl story 'Project Powerman'.
I guess you're thinking of The Powerman Program?

That one IS from SGirl911... and I found it in my oldest backup! It's dated november 1996! It's a true classic. :)
I haven't seen her around since the 90's. I hope she won't mind it being posted here.

(Unfortunately, I think I used some ancient HTML to text converter back in the day. It did a bad job and some words are joined together that shouldn't be. Still, it's readable.)

SGirl911 wrote: The Powerman Program

This story contains material of a sexual nature. It has explicite
descriptions of sex, bondage, violence, and non-consentual sex. If
you are at all offended by this kind of story. DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!!!!!!

Supergirl is copyrighted by DC Comics. This story is written for
the sole purpose of entertainment and is not written for profit and
cannot be transmitted, reproduced or otherwise traded for profit.

The Powerman Program

Linda Danvers ducked into a hidden alley off the central parks lake
in mid-town Metropolis. Pulling at her silk blouse, she carelessly
ripped the front open and tore at her pants - stripping to Supergirl.
She had been feeling claustrophobic all day and a wave of nausea
had swept over her just then - she had to get out of her street clothes.
Only as Supergirl, could she take on the world. Her nausea quickly
passed as she looked at her gorgeous body, huge full tits that stuck
straight out, big silky flowing bright red cape which unfurled into
the wind. Her great red boots. The last thing she did was rip off
her brunette wig to reveal her true self - SUPERGIRL! Supergirl
turned and strutted out of the alley. It was a Saturday and luckily,
no one was around to watch her crazed stripping. She wouldn't have
been able to control herself if anyone had been there, her feelings
were so intense just then. She looked down at the street numbers
on the curb and then turned to look across the street. New You,
Inc. She had been invited by the owners to try out a new isolation
chamber, something ultra relaxing, and perfect to eliminate her stress.
Something they called the PowerMan program. ((What the hell?)),
Supergirl thought, and walked in the front doors. She felt herself
being surveyed by Saturday's lone employee.

"Hi, I was told you'd be dropping by. My name is Mike and I run
the PowerMan program. If you haven't read anything about it, it's
like an isolation tank... only we've introduced some groundbreaking
autohypnosis routines into it. You'll love it. My company owns
the patent. Enjoy, it's right back through that dressing room area.
You might want to put on a cut-off T-shirt or something, so you won't
get your costume stained. Pick something out. When you're ready,
let me know and... I'll start the demonstration.

15 minutes had gone by, and Supergirl stood in the dressing room,
wearing a cut-off tee-shirt which gave her the appearance of wearing
a bikini. She really hated all these clothes and decided to pull
her Supergirl costume back on. She stood in front of the mirrored
changing area, and lifted the cut-off T over her head, her magnificent
tits pushed out, stretching her "S" on her wild curves. Supergirl
smiled at her looks. She was a looker with a 24 inch waist but with
strong perfect 44D breasts. Most men couldn't concentrate at all
when they met her. "They get instant erections," Supergirl unknowingly
said out loud. She would tease them because of their lack of willpower
- they wished they could get their hands all over her, feel her out
- not in this lifetime, thought the Girl of Steel. But if she ever
wanted any one of them, she could have them. She loved her power
and her ability to exert them over other men. And women too. Although
she got jealous of women better endowed and more powerful than herself,
in fact she got off on such women. She showed preferencein rescuing
the ones with really long muscular legs and bigtits because she could
lift them to safety, their bodiespressed up against her own, exciting

"Supergirl" Mike called. You have one hour starting nowJust go inside
the chamber there and secure the door. Supergirl proceeded inside
the chamber. She stuck in her headand looked around. It was kind
of claustrophobic lead-lined and sound dead. You could scream in
here and no one would hear you outside. That turned Supergirl on.
There was a recessed area in the center, filled with a goey liquid,
obviously the isolation tub. Supergirl stepped in, beingcareful
not to snag her cape on the door. She spun the camlock and heard
it clicking, sealing her in. More clicks and cams rolled around.
So much fuss just to make a quiet environment.

Outside, Mike flipped a computer screen onand an inside view of the
chamber appeared modeled in 3-d. He announced over the PA system.
Now supergirljust lean back in the tub and the PowerMan system does
itall for you. I'm turning out the chamber lights now. Are you
in?Supergirl touched her boot to the multicolored liquid and clung
to the lycra, almost crawling up her leg in a colorful syrupy haze.
Supergirl shivered with eroticpleasure as she lowered her tight butt
into the liquid and felt it seeping into her costume, around her
thighs, underher sleeve cuffs. Beneath her lycra thong.It felt wonderful.
Supergirl kept her cape out of the liquid and draped it back behind
her head, and lowered herhead to rest on the edge of the recessed
area. She felt herbody tingling as the soothing liquid, seeped down
her cleavage and got itself over every inch of her costumed body.

At the control station, mike set a switch to automatic and left the
booth and appraoched the chamberin a leather chair, he sat, luxuriously
and putting his handsto his temples, flexed his muscles and began
to project a dream image into Supergirl's head. Mike always had
a specialability, beyond his vast powers, kept in check most of the
timeby his need to like Supergirl, maintain a secret identity,he
had the power of mental projection. He could impose his thoughts
into the realms of others, often with very successful results. The
strongest of minds couldnot resist. He was also physically dominant.
More thana mere terran himself. HE had the power. The power to
destroy Supergirl.

Inside the tank, three minutes had elapsed and Supergirlwas starting
to get claustrophobic.

"NNNNN" she thought, as her skin started to crawl from being locked
in this small vessel all alone. And thenfor no apparent reason,
she felt like she was being watchedand looked around. There was
obviously no one in the tankwith her, but she felt violated for some
reason. This wasn't very relaxing at all, it was making her paranoid.
And then she started to get feelings of lust - some sort of sensation
- making her - <<>>HORNY!!! It was so foreign to her. She was trying
to relax, but something was exciting her libido.... almost uncontrollably.
Supergirl started to gyrate her hipswithout really realizing it and
before she could say "Great Krypton" the Girl of Steel let out a
moanand suddenly her hands were on her tits, squeezing and massaging
her amazing breasts.

Outside the tank Mike smiled and evil satisfied grin. and whsipered
to himself. "Supergirl, that's the last mistake you'll ever make.
Today will becomefamous, renowned for this isthe day Supergirl of
Metropolismysteriously disappeared. Photos and video would bereleased
periodically proving to the world that she had not merely left, buthad
been kidnapped, and sexuallydominated. The world's mightest female,
now permentantlyin bondage, displayed for the world to see. Metropoliswould
hope for her return, but even when she made an occasional appearnce,
her super heroics would always end in a public display of failure,
of carelessness, of extreme hypocrisy and arrogance,the legend of
Supergirl would pass into history without making an impact. History
would not record hergood works, only her domination. PowerMan would

Inside the chamber, the timer clock read 45 minutes remaining in
session. The girl of Steel was already aware that she was being artificailly
controlled, She felt invisible hands creeping over her whole bodysqueezing
her obscenely. And then she felt a steelycock, ungrabbable, butyet
there, pushing through hercostume... penetrating her nether lips,
making her cum,making her, Supergirl, uncontrollable, and unbelievably

Supergirl tried to lift herself from the chamberand its wet mudbath
like pleasure goo. But she didn't havethe willpower. She felt like
she was being fuckedby the most powerful man on the planet, pleausring
her making her willpower melt like butter. She couldn't resist.
She just couldn't!

45 minutes later, the Girl of Steel, groggy, totallyspent, and unsure
what had happened, passed out while lifting herself out of the tank.
She was unsure how longshe was out, but when she came to, she felt
much better.And her energies were back. She shook the cobwebs out
ofher head and emerged from teh tank. It was dark outsidebut Mike
was still there.

Mike turned to her. You fell asleep. I didn't wantto wake you.
You looked exhausted. Like you could use the sleep.

"You probably don't remember anything... Hellow there...Is there...
something wrong, Supergirl?" Supergirl nearly stumbled and her breasts
bounced freely under her tight "S" topand she grasped them as if
they ached when they moved.

"Mmmm" hangover I think. Don't know why... Supergirl considered,
as if she were recovering from a massive migraneall of a sudden.
"Sorry, Mike, I... I don't know what's wrong with meit was horrible
- like I was totally out of control...Don't worry, it didn't have
anything to do with yoursystem." Mike looked at Supergirl
curiously and narrowed his brow.

"Supergirl, you know I absolutely stand behind my system. I guarantee
you're satisfied."

Supergirl glared at this guy, he had no idea what she just went through
and she wasn't about to tell him. She could remember way too much
of the experience now that she was out of the tank. The memories
were starting to flood back. Her brain wouldn't allow it to be surprsessed
that easily!

"Well, I'm not, and I won't be coming back! I gottaget my street
clothes, outta my way!" Supergirl pushed Mikeroughly aside as she
disappeared into the changing area. As soon as she could draw
a curtain, Supergirl'shands flew up to her breasts and between her
legs. She had to masturbate.... the mudbath pool had been too much
for her fragile will. She was so horny... ((Can't stand it!))

She turned to make sure no one was watching and found herself with
a gasp - face to face with Mike, who stood very close before her
now wearing a very skin tight black lycra costume. "HOW!!!!??
- WhO ARE YOU. Great Krypton watching me! Supergirl saw how fine
a speciman of the human race this man was, musclesbristled in tight
cords over his body. And the tight blacklycra... Supergirl orgasmed
and couldn't help groaning as Mike noted her lusty activities.

"Supergirl. I said I guarantee satisfaction, and that's exactly
what I meant." "Great Krypton, who the fuck do you think
you are watching me dress!!!! Get out of here - !"

"I'm sorry, 'Girl of Steel' but you just broke the rules.You dare
talk back to a superior!"

"Yeah right, If I wasn't Metropolis' first citizenwith a reputation
to keep up, I'd crush your skull right here! "Oh, don't hold
back, SuperBITCH, I won't!" Mike slammed Supergirl across the face
with the back of his handthe tendons of his muscles cleanly searing
the skin of the former Maid of Might. Supergirl collapsed on the
floor writhing in pain, cluthing her cheek. "My face!!!! Fuuuuck!
Hurts so bad..."

Supergirl quickly scrambled to her feet as she saw theadvancing powerful
lycra encased legs "I am PowerMan, Supergirl... I guaranteeresults!
Surrender to me now, and live. Resist, and becomemy slave for eternity."

"How dare you!" Supergirl screamed((Gotta clear the building... flying
upwards, feet leaving theground, fists penetrating the roof... I'm
free, I'm - somethinggrabbing mythighs!!!!))) Supergirl was
no more than four feet off the groundas at the speed of thought,
PowerMan's impossibly strongarms encircled Supergirl's torso, immobilizing

Supergirl's eyes went bezerk when she spotted between PowerMan's
legs, a huge erection was growing.The lycra allowed his penis to
rise hard and throbbingthe lycra moving like a liquid around it,
allowing it to buldge the costume out without restraining...
"Great Krypton - what are you doing!!!!! You can'tdo that... I'm
Supergirl. Invulnerable! How is your costume doing that... I -
You're so fucking big... I can'tGotta get out of here!"

Supergirl struggled, but PowerMan held her very tightly, crushing
her to him.

And started to pull her slowly towards him.Supergirl... you will
need to address me in the futureas your master. Failure to comply
will result in pain, suchas you're about to experience. Pain like
you've never feltbefore. Pain a Supergirl can't endure.

Supergirl tossed her head forward at supersonicspeed head butting
PowerMan, but there was only a dull thudas it was Supergirl who hurt
herself, nearly whipping herhead fully back - dazed.

"Uh... don't understand, can't be... you can't be this powerful,
my strongest blow.... "

PowerMan merely grinned at Supergirl and pulledher slowly towards
him. Towards his black lycra coverederection and Supergirl felt
it press against the thin bluestrip of Supergirl costume covering
her vagina, thankful that she had protection.

But suddenly it was pressing like sharpened steel againstherpussy,
stretching her costume - and then as she struggledwildly she heard
a noise that made her shriek and PowerManlook even more determined
and in control - the sound of her costume ripping, first a small
rip, then a definitebroad tearing as his penis ripped a hole through
herindestructible blue Lycra crotch and <<>>into Supergirl's pussy.
Deep into Supergirl's wet crotch.

Supergirl's head pitched back and her lips pursed intothe shape of
an "O" as she screamed at the top of her lungs.This man was in total
control, working her, making her do whatever he wanted - controlling
Supergirl - and it frightened her. She was being held helpless,
a huge male erection <<>> so hard, and hewas so tall, that it was
<<>> "Lifting me off the ground!!!!!!" Supergirl shriekedas
her entire weight was pressing against his hot throbbingerection.
And as she twisted and writhed to get free, shestarted to cum from
the rubbing. "Can't resist!!!! Gonna cum!!!!!!" she yelled!!!!As
Supergirl began to hump like a bitch in heat, she felt PowerMan's
arms wrapping tighter around her shoulders, making her cleavage more
pronounced, distoring her "S"

"GAAAH" She screamed as she felt her life being squeezed outof her...
((He's too strong.. killing me)) "Blacking out...."

Supergirl started to shake involuntarily as her eyes rolled up into
her head as she was driven to unconsciousness.

PowerMan pulled the voluptuous Girl of Steel off his massiveerection
by her cape and let her dangle in front of him.He was pleased with
his newest slave. Supergirl would haveto be conditioned, and he
knew exactly how. PowerMan lifted the girl of Steel higher in the
air, then brought his lips tohers and tongued her mouth. Supergirl,
barely cognizant, had to kiss back. Her lust was incredible, overriding
her veil of unconsciousness. PowerMan tossed Supergirl into a heapon
the floor in the corner. Taking out a pair of glowing green handcuffs,
he locked two around her wrists, and a greenband around her neck
and secured it to the wall. He stooped down to Supergirl's slightly
undulating form and whispered to her. "Toygirl... I have
some very special plans for you. Plans to transfer your superpower
resources to me... Unfortunately there are side effects. Your body
will become a lifeless husk in the process. A voluptuous female
form who's mind and body will be dominated, in total submission to
me...I will present you before the public. They will see your weaknesses,
that you were never a supergirl.... only an imposter and I'll let
them have their way with you. You will not be able to resist.

Supergirl, one eye crept opened, blasted out a weak but painful blast
ofheat vision which seared PowerMan's shoulder.

"HHHHHNNNN!!" He yelled as he gritted his teeth and backhanded Supergirl
with several successive, repeated smacks to the face <<WHAP>> <<WHAP>
> > <<WHAP>> knocking the Girl of Steel senseless, her head pitching
back in unconsciousness, body limp, completely dominated, nearly

PowerMan had the power, the power to DESTROY SUPERGIRL.

Her will would be subject to his.

His mere thoughts were enough to force Supergirl to strip off her
secret identity and masturbate in public enough to make her fall
to her knees and reach out in desperation with her hands, as she

If you have any comments to make about this story, you can mail [*]SGirl!
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Thats it! :thumbup:

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Thank you!!!! :supes: :supes: :supes:
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twd32 wrote:I believe I have all your writings from stored. 19 HTML files in total. Seems to be five original stories (one unfinished) and five short stories based on chats. PM me an email address if you want them, or let me know if you are ok with them being "reprinted" here.

Hey, nice to see you. I think I just got busy and by the time I got back around to online, it seemed like some of the early "pioneers" had either left or went on to become the main players in town. I felt like I wasn't really needed anymore.

I'm totally fine with you posting stuff here for others to enjoy. That would be really cool -- thank you :)
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Cool! I'm going out of town for a few days, but I'll try to get something up early next week.
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Yes post them please. I got online just as they were disappearing from the net.
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Hi TransformerMan,

I just wanted to thank you for posting Powerman Program, I'd been looking for that story forever!!!

I also really enjoyed KPU. It was a cool site.
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Ok, here we go. Posting TeamMunich's legendary Supergirl stories from the dawn of the Internet, originally published on Mike's Champion's Page. They've been on a CDROM in my drawer since 1998. I've only ever seen his "681" published elsewhere. If that's the only story of his you've read you're in for a treat. The rest is of the same high standard.

Posting in what I believe to be the original publication order. (I'm leaving out 681, which came first.) First out, an unnamed three-parter featuring Supergirl and Wonder Woman.

Part 1:
TeamMunich wrote: .1: hunter and prey

Supergirl and Wonder Woman have crossed paths before and have had success as a team. But one old adversary thinks they have found a way to beat the duo, and Supergirl and Wonder Woman are about to discover that not everything about them is invulnerable...

Wonder Woman yanked on the chain and dragged Supergirl into the room. Supergirl, her costume torn and dirty, stumbled as best she could with her arms and legs shackled together. Wonder Woman yanked the chain down and Supergirl dropped to her knees. Beneath a black cloth hood you could hear her moan in pain.

Wonder Woman planted her red boot onto Supergirl's back and pushed her chest first onto the floor. Her heel dug into Supergirl's back as the maid of steel writhed in pain. Wonder Woman held the chain out to Colonel Tucker.

"Your prize as requested, Colonel," Wonder Woman purred.

Colonel Tucker smiled and grabbed the chain holding the mighty superhero. "Was it much trouble?"

Wonder Woman smiled and sat down in the chair in front of Tucker's desk. She propped her long, sexy legs on top of his desk and absently ran her golden lasso through her hands. "Does it look like it was trouble?"

Colonel Tucker pulled on the chain, returning Supergirl to a kneeling position. He yanked the black hood from her head, spilling her golden hair onto her neck and back. Supergirl squinted at the sudden light, ducking her head in a useless effort to hide her face. Her lip was swollen and bloody, her cheek puffy and bruised. Tucker smiled. "The girl of steel," he mused. "Not so super now, eh?"

Supergirl glowered at her captor. Tucker raised a hand as if to strike her and she instinctively flinched, falling backwards onto her ass on the colonel's floor.

Tucker erupted in laughter. "You've done more than capture her," he commented. "You've broken her."

"She's kryptonian," Wonder Woman countered. "You think you can simply slap some handcuffs on one and ask them to come with you politely?"

A day earlier, Linda Danvers walked out of her history class on the college campus. Even as a brunette, Danvers had an intoxicating beauty that was difficult to ignore. Though she could never be mistaken for her alter ego, there were plenty of men and women alike that desired to get underneath her clothes.

Linda's short miniskirt attracted plenty of attention as she walked down the school hallway. She picked her skirts so that they barely covered enough, and every step of her long legs exposed just a hint of her magnificent ass. She was a crowd stopper, and she knew it.

She walked into her apatment when she heard a small thump behind her. Linda casually glanced backwards and was startled to see Wonder Woman walking towards her.

"Supergirl, you're coming with me," Wonder Woman said.

Linda stumbled backwards. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me," Wonder Woman said, throwing her golden lasso around the disguised maid of steel.

Supergirl was startled to find that the tingling lasso immediately aroused her. Her breath quickened as she stared at the tall Amazon warrior pulling the rope, dragging her not so unwillingly towards her.

"You are Supergirl, aren't you?"

"Yes," Supergirl said, her lips wet, hungrily desiring to touch Wonder Woman's. Supergirl slid close to the Amazon. "Yes, I am Supergirl."

Wonder Woman leaned forward and tore Linda's blouse open. All she found was Linda's bare breasts, not the red "S" she expected. "Sorry," Wonder Woman said quickly, closing Linda's shirt.

Supergirl smiled coyly and let her shirt fall open again. "Don't you want to touch them?" she asked, her lip quivering. Wonder Woman stared into Supergirl's eyes. Her hand reached forward and softly took hold of Linda's left breast. Supergirl moaned in soft pleasure, her tongue running over her lips.

Wonder Woman squeezed for a second, and Supergirl's soft moan erupted in a pleasant shout. Wonder Woman yanked on her lasso, bringing a willing Supergirl into her arms. Wonder Woman's tongue probed the princess of power's mouth.

Supergirl struggled to touch Wonder Woman's body, but the lasso restricted her movement. Wonder Woman quickly removed the lasso, flinging it to the other side of the room. Supergirl's arms, now free, reached up to massage Wonder Woman's breasts.

Wonder Woman grunted in pleasure. That quickly changed. Supergirl's iron hands squeezed punishingly hard on her breasts. Wonder Woman gasped in pain and sank to her knees.

"Okay," Supergirl said, her pleasant smile turning cold. "What the fuck is going on here?"

Wonder Woman gasped for breath. "You're under arrest," she managed.

"On whose authority?" Supergirl commanded. Free of the lasso's power, Supergirl was in control. And though she still desperately wanted to run her tongue along Wonder Woman's body, she couldn't afford to have it lead to her imprisonment.

Wonder Woman wouldn't answer. Half naked, her clothes torn, Linda Danvers towered over the fallen Amazon, applying the pressure. "Well, there's an easy way to figure this out."

Supergirl released her grip on Wonder Woman's breasts. In an instant, she used her super speed to recover the golden lasso on the other end of the room. Before Wonder Woman could catch her breath, Supergirl spun around her with the lasso, binding her.

Wonder Woman shook her head in suprise and shock. "Where am I?" she said.

Linda stared at the Amazon, confused. Wonder Woman stared at the half naked Linda, then quickly looked away. "Sorry," she mumbled, embarassed.

Supergirl was stunned. It was as if Wonder Woman was looking at her for the first time. Could it be some kind of mind control. Supergirl leaned forward and grabbed Wonder Woman's jaw, turning it towards her.

"Who sent you?" she demanded.

Wonder Woman couldn't answer. Her confusion showed clearly through her eyes. Linda smiled sweetly and tilted her head. She decided to ask another question.

"Do you," she asked, running her finger along her own naked breast. "Do you find me to be sexy?"

"Yes," Wonder Woman said, unable to stop herself from saying it.

"Do you want to touch me?" Supergirl asked, taking Wonder Woman's hand and applying it to her breast. Wonder Woman's hand gripped Linda's breast with desire.

"Yes," Wonder Woman said hungrily.

Linda stripped off the rest of her clothes and tackled the Amazon onto her bed. There were questions yet to ask, and she still didn't know what was going on. But that could wait.

Supergirl slumped in the corner of the Colonel's office, a small pool of blood collecting on the ground. The colonel gazed at the fallen hero.

"I'll be interested in hearing the details of your report, Wonder Woman," he said. The undamaged Amazon smiled back at him, her legs propped up on his desk.

"Our mutual master will be most pleased," he continued. Supergirl fought back the urge to cry.
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Part 2:
TeamMunich wrote: .2: dominated

Supergirl and Wonder Woman are about to discover that not everything about them is invulnerable. Wonder Woman, acting on mysterious orders from Colonel Tucker, has confronted Supergirl. While Supergirl lays broken and battered on the floor, Tucker awaits Wonder Woman's...

"Our mutual master will be most pleased," he continued. Supergirl fought back the urge to cry.

Supergirl slid off of the bed. A silent Wonder Woman lay sleeping in her bed. Supergirl lifted herself into the air, hovering across the room so as to not make any noise. Wonder Woman's red boots and blue shorts were tossed casually in a corner. Supergirl's lips curled in a smile at the memory.

"What happened?"

Supergirl turned to see Wonder Woman sitting up in the bed. "I was hoping you could explain," Supergirl said.

"I can't remember," Wonder Woman said in anger. "I was at Fort Contik. And then I was here."

"Trying to apprehend me," Supergirl reminded her.

"Why would I do that?" Wonder Woman asked.

Supergirl shrugged and picked up Wonder Woman's clothes. She tosses them to the Amazon princess. "Well, we've got to figure it out."

Supergirl walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Wonder Woman sat up in the bed and stretched. She reached for her clothes, noticing her own golden lasso tied around her waist for the first time. Wonder Woman casually untied it.

Supergirl stepped out of the bathroom, washed up and dressed in her costume. She looked around the room, not seeing Diana anywhere.

"Looking for someone, bitch?"

Supergirl spun around, meeting an Amazon punch with her face. Supergirl was proppelled backwards through her apartment wall, crashing into a parked car on the sidewalk.

Supergirl shook her head as pedestrians shouted and ran from the scene. Supergirl groaned and looked up. Wonder Woman's red boots filled her vision as the Amazon landed on her chest, burying her deep into the wrecked car.

Supergirl squirmed in the twisted metal, trying to break free. The metal wasn't too much for her, but she wasn't getting out fast enough to get on the offensive. Wonder Woman grabbed Supergirl by the "S" on her shirt and yanked her clear of the auto.

Wonder Woman's arm didn't stop, lifting Supergirl out of the car and swinging her over her head to smash down on the street behind her. Supergirl's ass pounded into the pavement, cracking it.

Supergirl gritted her teeth. She didn't want to hurt Diana, especially since she seemed to be under some kind of mind control. Supergirl shrieked in pain as Wonder Woman grabbed fistfuls of her hair and yanked her to her feet.

Wonder Woman spun Supergirl around and punched her in the stomach. Supergirl doubled forward with the punishing blow. Wonder Woman quickly spun her around again and booted the maid of steel directly in the ass. Supergirl flew through the air, landing fifty yards down the street on her shoulder and face. She slid for twenty feet, tearing up street as she went.

Supergirl wearily lifted her head and saw a man watching the fight with fascination. He noticed Supergirl looking at him and smiled. "She's really kicking your ass," he commented.

"Thanks a lot," Supergirl muttered. She crawled to her knees.

The Amazon's golden lasso flew through the air and wrapped around the princess of power's neck. Supergirl gasped for air as the lasso's power quickly incapacitated her. On her knees, her costume torn and dirty, Supergirl's hands swatted uselessly at the iron bond around her neck.

A tug on the rope dropped Supergirl back on her ass. Wonder Woman slowly pulled the struggling Supergirl towards her, her ass dragging along the street every inch of the way.

Wonder Woman finished pulling in the fallen maid of might. She jerked Supergirl to her feet, loosening the lasso slightly. Supergirl sucked in as much air as she could.


Wonder Woman stared coldly at Supergirl. Wonder Woman slowly measured Supergirl for punches, landing fist after fist to Supergirl's chest and arms and face. Supergirl remained on her feet, but her knees wobbled and her legs looked ready to buckle.

Wonder Woman paused a moment. Supergirl spit blood onto her own chin. "Diana, you have to fight it. Whatever is controlling you... You have to fight..."

Wonder Woman rocked Supergirl with a pair of punches. Supergirl momentarily lost her balance and stumbled. She remained on her feet. "Please.... Please, don't...."

Wonder Woman slammed another fist into Supergirl's face. Supergirl's eyes blinked and a tear streamed down her cheek. "Please.... This can't...can't be happening..."

Wonder Woman easily lifted the battered Supergirl into the air above her head in a military press. Supergirl's eyes squinted weakly as she stared at the sun. Her arms dangled lifelessly at her sides.

Wonder Woman brought Supergirl down with punishing authority down on her outstretched knee. Supergirl's breasts pushed forward, her mouth wide in a silent scream. Wonder Woman applied the pressure to Supergirl's chest and pelvis, forcing her body to remain locked in it's twisted position.

Finally Wonder Woman released her fallen foe. Supergirl crumpled to the pavement, her body still. Wonder Woman smiled thinly in grim satisfaction. She lifted the fallen superhero in her arms and walked off.

Supergirl slumped on the floor, whimpering. Colonel Tucker smiled as he closed Wonder Woman's report.

"You've done well, Wonder Woman. Our master will be pleased," he said.

Wonder Woman twirled her lasso in annoyance. "And where is our master?"

"Right here."

Colonel Tucker lept to attention. Wonder Woman slowly got to her feet and turned to see who was standing in the doorway.

She was striking and easily over six feet tall. Her black hair draped her naked shoulders. Wearing only a strapless negligee, the woman slowly lowered herself before the defeated Supergirl. The woman grabbed Supergirl's jaw in her hand and roughly inspected the maid of steel.

"She is more damaged than I would like," the woman said sorrowfully. "But nothing a nice shower won't clean up. And then she belongs to me."

Wonder Woman and Colonel Tucker watched as the Dominator stood up to face them. "You have done well, Wonder Woman," the Dominator said. Wonder Woman nodded silently at her accolade. Supergirl remained slumped on the floor, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings.
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Part 3:
TeamMunich wrote: .3: a bird in the hand...

In our first chapter, Wonder Woman confronted Supergirl and the maid of steel got the upper hand by enveloping the Amazon in her own lasso, freeing her from some kind of mind control. But then Wonder Woman accidently was released from the lasso, reverting to her programming and pummeling the princess of power with ease. And now both heroes are captives in the hands of the mastermind behind it all, the mysterious Dominator...

Supergirl shuffled into the bedroom, her arms and legs shackled. Her costume had been completely torn from her body and she had been hosed down by soldiers. Her bruises and cuts had healed, but her eyes stayed focused on her bare toes. Wonder Woman's lasso was tied around her neck, dangling down the front of her body.

"Wonder Woman may have taken too much out of you," the Dominator mused as she walked behind the maid of steel.

The six foot tall beauty fondled Supergirl's wet hair. She tugged at the hair briefly. "Indestructable," she said. "A girl so mighty that not even a hair can be yanked from her head."

Supergirl's body tensed as the Dominator ran her hand along her back. The Dominator's black leather glove came to a rest on Supergirl's perfect behind. The glove creaked as her hand tightened, gripping the princess of power's ass.

"Quite firm," the Dominator commented. "Maybe my pet amazon didn't take quite everything out of you."

The Dominator slowly pressed her body up against Supergirl's back. She was at least six inches taller than Supergirl. Her large breasts pushed into Supergirl's back. Her pelvis rubbed into Supergirl's bottom. The Dominator ran her gloved hands along Supergirl's hips and belly, moving forward to work the release on the manacles that bound the maid of steel's arms together.

The shackles dropped to the floor with a loud clang. The Dominator's hands ran along Supergirl's belly, moving up her body and cupping her breasts. Supergirl moaned softly, her hand weakly lifting to try and push the Dominator away.

The Dominator smiled at the resistance. She gently gripped Supergirl's wrist and pushed her arm back to her side. The Dominator's mouth dropped to Supergirl's neck, her lips rubbing against the princess of power's warm neck. The Dominator took a playful bite of Supergirl's earlobe. The maid of steel moaned again, louder this time. Her head tilted, her lips reaching for the Dominator's hand on her shoulder.

The Dominator pressed her glove to Supergirl's face. Supergirl sucked greedily on her fingers, moaning softly as she did so. The Dominator gently pulled her hand away from a disapointed Supergirl.

The Dominator slid her hand down Supergirl's belly. Her gloved hand reached the top of Supergirl's pubic hair and stopped its progress, pausing to play with the tufts of blonde hair. Supergirl bit the bottom of her teeth and closed her eyes. She could feel the Dominator's smile just inches above her neck.

The Dominator's hand plunged downward, her fingers reaching inside the maid of steel. Supergirl yelped in surprise and pleasure, her legs rubbing together, her thighs clamping down on the welcome intruder within.

The Dominator stroked her hand, pushing her pelvis harder into Supergirl's ass. Supergirl rubbed her own ass hard into the Dominator, grinding, enjoying the sensation.

"So this is what you like, is it tramp?" the Dominator whispered huskily into Supergirl's ear, taking a harder bite of her earlobe as she finished. Supergirl grunted her confirmation.

"Wonder Woman's lasso has done amazing things to your senses," the Dominator continued. "Your will now belongs to me. If you could even control your own thoughts, you'd no doubt want to know what my nefarious scheme is, why it is that I brought you to me."

Supergirl continued to work her legs and bottom, her mouth hungrily grabbing the Dominator's free hand, sucking its fingers. Supergirl's breasts heaved up and down, her nipples sticking out rock hard. The Dominator's hand worked up and down furiously.

"This is my plan, bitch," the Dominator breathed. "I've watched you fight criminals, always running around in your tiny red skirt and your pouty lips. And I wondered what those lips would feel like."

The Dominator pulled her wet hand from Supergirl's pussy. Supergirl moaned in disapointment. The Dominator spun Supergirl around and pushed her shoulders down, planting the main of might on her knees.

The Dominator spread her legs and gripped Supergirl's hair, pulling the princess of power's lips to her pussy. Supergirl's tongue licked and probed what was before her. The Dominator closed her eyes and arced her back, resisting the urge to scream at the pleasure.

The Dominator came, and Supergirl eagerly licked as much as she could. The Dominator's chest heaved up and down, her lips quivering as her body shook, trying to catch her breath. Supergirl remained obediantly on her knees, her lips and chin wet.

The Dominator played absently with the lasso tied around Supergirl's waist. "Soon this won't be necessary," she said. "Just ask Wonder Woman."

Wonder Woman lay motionless on the table, her clothes torn from her body. Colonel Tucker pulled his pants on hastily, his face flushed.

"I've wanted to do that for years," he grunted.

Wonder Woman slowly sat up, her eyes blinking.

"The Dom said I couldn't touch you," Tucker mused. "But why should she have all the fun? How many times do you have an obediant Amazon at your fingertips?"

Tucker laughed at the thought. "Maybe not fingertips," he quickly corrected himself. "But definately a tip of some kind."

Tucker laughed and pulled on his boots. On the table, Wonder Woman slowly felt her torn shorts. Her hands balled into fists. She turned to Colonel Tucker.

Tucker looked up at the Amazon. "Not finished yet? Geeze, what does it take to get a princess off? I don't know if I have enough left for you, darlin'."

Wonder Woman slid off of the table. Her red boots tapped along the concrete floor as she approached Tucker. Tucker finished tying his boot and looked up at the Amazon princess. "I told you, I don't..."

Wonder Woman's hand snapped forward and grabbed Tucker by the throat. In an instant his boots were a foot off of the ground. Tucker weakly fought Wonder Woman's iron grip around his neck.

"You degenerate SLIME," Wonder Woman bellowed. "How dare you defile my person?"

Wonder Woman whipped Tucker across the room and against the opposite wall. Tucker slammed into the concrete wall with enough force to make cracks in it. Tucker screamed in pain and fell to the floor.

Tucker held his right arm, which had absorbed the brunt of the blow with the wall. "You bitch," he spit. "You broke my fucking arm!"

Wonder Woman slammed her boot heel down on Tucker's hand. Tucker howled in pain as she snapped his fingers.

Wonder Woman yanked Tucker to his feet by his hair. "Your arm?" she sneered. "You're worried about your arm?"

Wonder Woman pushed Tucker away from her. The amazon's long, sexy leg connected directly with Tucker's groin, sending him into the air and causing his head to crash into the ceiling. He fell to the concrete floor, gripping his privates and crying.

Wonder Woman kicked him again, this time in the face. Tucker's nose exploded in a burst of blood. Tears streamed down Wonder Woman's face as her memories slowly came back to her. Her capture by Tucker and the Dominator. How the Dominator used her own lasso against her to force her to submit. How after days of torture, Wonder Woman had submitted to Dominator of her own will, without the aid of the lasso.

Somehow Tucker's rape brought down the walls in her own mind. She was in control again. The thought of her surrender to the Dominator was appalling to her. She would never willingly give up to any foe, no matter what the pain or torture. But she had, though her lasso had had a considerable amount to do with it.

Wonder Woman brought her heel down again and again on Tucker's body. Her boot was soaked in blood. Tucker was hardly recognizable laying on the floor. But his chest heaved up and down. She forced herself to stop the abuse. She had broken many of his bones, but he'd live.

Wonder Woman whirled around, her mind focusing on only one thing. The Dominator.

Supergirl slept in her master's bed peacefully, her slender body lovingly wrapped around the Dominator. The Dom stroked her pet softly. Though her personal pleasure was the main goal in breaking Supergirl, there were other benefits to consider. Once Supergirl was completely under her control, she would use the maid of might to committ crimes for her.

The Dominator's lip curled at the thought. Breaking Supergirl was one thing. But turning her to evil filled her with excitment. She wondered what Supergirl's new costume could be. Maybe a tight black miniskirt, she mused.

The door to her bedroom flew off of its hinges. The Dominator watched Wonder Woman stride confidently in the room. Supergirl slowly opened her eyes, her body stretching as she woke.

"Dominator," Wonder Woman shouted. "Your ass is mine."

"Now this is a pickle," the Dominator said. "Pet, would you do something for me?"

Supergirl turned her hungry lips to the Dominator, hovering just inches from her mouth. "Anything, master," she breathed.

"Kill the bitch," Dominator commanded.

Wonder Woman tensed as the maid of steel flew from the bed. She braced for the impact, but Supergirl's fist bored into her gut and sent her crashing through the concrete wall.

Wonder Woman groaned as she sat up in the rubble. She saw her lasso around Supergirl's waist. If she could only get it off...

"Supergirl, listen to me," Wonder Woman began.

One of Supergirl's long, sexy legs stepped through the hole in the wall, quickly followed by the other. Still naked, even Wonder Woman paused for a second to appreciate the sight.

"Supergirl," Wonder Woman continued. "You must listen."

Supergirl smiled and hunkered down to her knees. She propped her elbows on her knees and put her hands underneath her chin. "I'm listening," she said sweetly.

Wonder Woman sighed. "You've got to help me."

"Done listening," Supergirl said, swinging her fist at Wonder Woman's surprised face. Wonder Woman's face snapped violently to the side, her tiara flinging from her hair and flying across the room.

Supergirl gripped Wonder Woman's breast and yanked her with a yelp to her feet. Supergirl slapped Wonder Woman's face three times in quick succession, first with her left hand, then with her right and finally with her left again.

Wonder Woman's eyes blinked in confusion as Wonder Woman struggled to remain conscious. Supergirl smiled and yanked the wobbily Wonder Woman towards her, enveloping her in a bear hug.

Supergirl squeezed relentlessly, her breasts pushing back Diana's own. The maid of steel shook her captive foe from side to side, shaking what was left of the amazon's senses. Wonder Woman's arms dropped lifelessly to her sides.

Supergirl leaned forward and gripped Wonder Woman's lower lip with her teeth, biting down and drawing blood. Wonder Woman yelped as her eyes snapped open.

"Don't fall asleep yet," Supergirl purred. "I'm not done playing."

Supergirl released her suffocating grip on Wonder Woman and let her body slump to the ground. Supergirl turned her back on Diana and took a few steps away.

Wonder Woman crawled to her knees, her breasts heaving up and down as she gasped for breath. She looked up as Supergirl turned around, swinging her boot into her face.

Wonder Woman snapped onto her back from the blow. In an instant, Supergirl straddled her body. The maid of steel tore what was left of Wonder Woman's top off and gripped her breasts.

"Look at these," Supergirl marveled. "These are quite a sight. Do you mind if I just have a little taste?"

Wonder Woman weakly protested as Supergirl plunged downwards, her mouth sucking on Wonder Woman's breast. Supergirl bit hard on the Wonder Woman's rock hard nipple, causing the amazon to shout.

"Sorry," Supergirl said with a sexy grin. Supergirl sat up, still straddling Wonder Woman. She yanked Diana to a sitting position by grabbing her hair, then wrapped her legs around Wonder Woman's midsection.

Supergirl's legs tightened, punishing Wonder Woman. Diana's gasped for breath. With what little strenth she had left, Wonder Woman fumbled behind Supergirl's waist, struggling to undo the knot in the golden lasso.

Supergirl's thighs tightened, causing Wonder Woman's hands to fall from the knot as unbelievable pain washed through her body.

"Now little toy," Supergirl purred, "It's time to die."

And the grip became even stronger. Diana fought from blacking out as her hands struggled against the knot. As darkness washed over her, she became aware that Supergirl's tongue was violently probing inside her mouth, Supergirl's lips pushing and pulling on Diana's own.

Wonder Woman's hand struggled uselessly with the knot. Diana's body screamed in pain. She wouldn't give up. She wouldn't surrender. But darkness took her.

The Dominator lay on the bed bored. "Are you done playing yet?" she shouted.

Supergirl's head poked through the hole in the wall. "Yes, master," she said.

The Dominator rolled over and lay her head on the pillow. "Then come over here and give your master a back rub."

"Yes, master," Supergirl said, stepping through the hole. Supergirl walked to the bed and gently straddled the Dominator's back. She began rubbing softly.

The Dominator grunted in satisfaction. "A little lower."

Supergirl's hand lowered to the Dominator's waist and squeezed. The Dominator yelped in pain. "Watch it, cunt!" she scolded. "Too hard."

Something soft landed in front of her. The Dominator opened her eyes and stared at the golden lasso laying before her. The Dominator's eyes widened. "This is not good," she observed.

"You can say that again," Supergirl said, digging her hands into the Dominator's skin. The Dominator screamed in pain, tears running down her cheeks.

Supergirl dragged the Dominator off of the bed and to the floor. The whimpering Dominator slumped on her knees, her back in unbelievable pain.

"A mere mortal should be careful when dealing with a kryptonian," Supergirl commented. "Or at least you can learn to tie a better knot."

The Dominator whimpered in reply. Supergirl smiled at her defeated foe, then stepped forward, spreading her legs.

"And besides," she said. "It's rude to leave something unfinished."

The Dominator leaned forward and accepted the first part of her punishment. Supergirl bit her lip, enjoying herself. She would be taking the criminal to jail soon enough. "Consider this your last meal," Supergirl said through her panting breath as the Dominator worked on her knees.

Supergirl carried the battered Wonder Woman in her arms. Diana's eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of Supergirl above her.

"I'm...alive?" Diana asked.

"You didn't think I just was a one night stand, did you?" Supergirl teased.

Wonder Woman laughed uneasily, wincing as she felt a pain in her back. "Don't try to move," Supergirl advised. "I, uh, beat you up pretty good."

"I seem to recall that you owed me that," Wonder Woman replied. "Where are you taking me?"

"It looks like you could use a few days home in bed," Supergirl replied. "Which is where I'm headed."

Woder Woman smiled and sqeezed Supergirl's hand in thanks. Supergirl smiled down at the Amazon.
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Next story features Supergirl and what think is another original character - Spider - and.. 681!

Part 1:
TeamMunich wrote: .1: web is laid

Thief and grifter Spider is back in town, and as usual Supergirl won't know which way is up until she has completely untangled this web of deceit. Love can make you do some wacky things...

Light twinkled off the side of the diamond. It took up the entire palm of his hand and appeared flawless.

"It's priceless," Lord Tembor said softly, watching his guest's eyes carefully. As expected, they were all on the diamond. He titled his head slightly, noting that his butler had arranged the bottle of champagne beside the bed. Tembor allowed himself a slight smile.

He reached his hand out towards her, offering. "Would you like to hold it?"

A tiny gasp of surprise and pleasure. Silky gloved fingers carressed his own before resting on the precious jewel. The hand brushed against it, stopped, wavered and pulled back.

"I shouldn't," she said.

Tembor finally let his smile surface. "It won't bite, my dear. Please. I insist."

"My dear lord, I am uncomfortable holding so much in my own hand," she said.

"You should get to it," Tembor responded. "I suspect that many...great things will be in your hands before too long, sweet Rebecca."

Rebecca smiled coyly and turned to face the bed. Her long, raven colored hair fell across her shoulders. "I see we have champagne."

"Allow me to pour you a glass." Tembor placed the diamond back onto it's silk case and quietly shut it. He left it sitting on the table, his safe door still open. "Make yourself comfortable."

Tembor walked across the room and picked up the champagne. As he popped the cork, he heard the small sound of fabric falling to the floor. He gazed over his shoulder and watched a naked Rebecca slip between the sheets.

Tembor poured, sitting on the bed and holding out the glass to his guest. "An elegant drink, for a sophisticated lady," he said softly. Rebecca smiled and sipped the glass, her eyes never leaving Tembor's.

Tembor loosed his bowtie. The diamond always worked. He felt Rebecca slide close behind him, her fingers reaching around him, unbuttoning his shirt. Her hands swiftly slid down, loosening his belt.

"What other great things can I hold," Rebecca whispered huskily in his ear. Her hands slid down his pants. Tembor smiled.

The diamond was worth every penny.

The door burst open. Tembor turned, startled. Four masked men stormed into the room, automatic weapons held in front of them.

"How dare you? Do you know who I am?" Tembor declared.

Rebecca shrieked and scrambled out of the bed. Automatic weapon fire erupted, and Rebecca fell to the floor.

Tembor watched her die with annoyance. "God damnit," he breathed. "That really fucks my evening."

One of the masked men strode towards Tembor. The lord glanced over at his safe, realizing it was still wide open. The gunman noticed the look.

"We don't want your riches, pig," the man said. "This is revenge."

For the first time Tembor felt afraid. "Revenge? What could I have possibly done to you?"

"How about Afghanistan, 1996?"

Lord Tembor recoiled in fear. "No! That wasn't my fault!"

"Right," the gunman grunted. The others poured kerosine throughout the hotel suite.

"Please don't kill me," Tembor begged, slipping to his knees.

The butt of the automatic weapon cracked into his cheek. "Don't snivel," the gunman said. "It's unseemly."

The gunman removed a book of matches and held out one single match in front of Tembor's terrified eyes. With a quick strike, a tiny flame dropped to the kerosine soaked floor.

The gunmen retreated as the room erupted in flames. Tembor shouted in terror and scrambled towards the door. Suddenly he stopped, turning and staring at the diamond case on the other end of the room. He stepped towards it, but flames quickly seperated him from the riches.

Tembor cursed and turned to the door. A single grenade rolled between his legs. Tembor yelped and scrambled out of the room. He made about twenty feet down the hallway as the room exploded behind him, lifting him up and sending him sailing down the hallway.

Tembor shouted in horror at the blast. His flight immedietly stopped as he slammed into something. Instead of falling to the floor, he felt two confident arms holding him off the ground.

"Just relax, sir," a voice said. "I'll get you out of here."

Tembor looked up at the most amazing woman he'd ever seen. "Supergirl..." he breathed.

Supergirl smiled and swiftly carried him to safety. Tembor managed to stop staring at Supergirl's breasts long enough to recover his wits.

"The girl! Rebecca! They shot her! She's still in there!"

Supergirl quickly lowered Tembor to the ground. "Stay here," she ordered. "Ambulances are on the way."

Supergirl flashed down the hallway in a moment, stepping into the hotel suite. A blast of frozen breath doused the fire. Supergirl studied the shattered room. It was empty.

Supergirl used her x-ray vision in confusion. There was no one there. She turned and studied the empty safe and the burnt remains of money within.

"My diamond!" Tembor shouted, standing in the doorway.

Supergirl turned in irritation. "I thought I told you to stay back," Supergirl scolded.

Tembor stepped into the room, heading for the safe. "All my valuables, destroyed!"

Supergirl watched Tembor moan over his fortunes. "What about the girl? Aren't you worried about her?"

"Right," Tembor said casually. "Well, she couldn't have survived this."

"I don't see any signs of her," Supergirl commented.

"Must have been blown to bits," Tembor remarked. "Thank god this is all insured."

Supergirl turned and stared at the lord. "A human life is never insured, sir."

Tembor gulped and stepped backwards. "Thanks, um, Supergirl. I owe you one."

Supergirl nodded absently, walking to the balcony and steping outside. "I mean it," Tembor repeated. "Anything. Anything at all."

She felt his hand rest on her shoulder. Supergirl turned to him, pushing his hand from her body. She stepped off the balcony and soared into the air.

Supergirl studied the exterior of the apartment building. There was a ledge on the side of the hotel. You could easily step onto it from the balcony. Supergirl hovered along the balcony, turning the corner of the building. She could hear the sirens of police cars and ambulances approach.

The building beside the hotel was at about the same height as the ledge. It was only a few feet jump from the ledge to the rooftop. Supergirl continued along, studying the surroundings.

She found a rope hanging off the side of the adjoining building. It led to an alley. Supergirl scanned with her infrared vision and found an emissions residue trail still lingering in the air.

Supergirl rushed after the trail, quickly catching up to a silver van bumping along the road. Supergirl pulled up beside the van, using her x-ray vision to gaze inside. What she saw startled her.

Supergirl tore the roof off the van in an instant. The van screeched to a halt. Supergirl stared down at the raven-haired beauty sitting naked behind the wheel of the vehicle.

"Geeze, give a girl some privacy, why don't you?" Rebecca said.

Supergirl lowered down to the street, leaning against the van door. "So that was all a set up. The goons with guns."

"The lord does have to believe that it was a freak accident," Spider replied.

"You robbed that man. What did you get?"

"A diamond worth something like a couple hundred million bucks," Rebecca said.

Supergirl shook her head in irritation. "You're not keeping it," she said.

"Is that any way to treat an old friend," Rebecca teased.

"We're not getting into this, Spider," Supergirl said crossly.

Spider grinned and reached out the window, running her hand across Supergirl's cheek. "Why don't we decide that in the morning?" she whispered.

Spider's hand slid down from Supergirl's face and rested on her breast, gently squeezing it. Supergirl glanced nervously up and down the street. No one was in sight.

"What am I going to do with you, Spider?" Supergirl groaned.

"Hopefully, the same thing as last time," Spider said, pulling Supergirl's face towards her and pressing her lips onto the maid of steel. Supergirl reponded, her own hands reaching up to carress Spider's face.

"You're not going to keep that diamond," Supergirl panted between kisses.

"Whatever you say," Spider responded, her hands working the princess of power's breasts.

Supergirl yanked the door of the van off its hinges in irritation, tossing it to the street. The naked Spider slid off the van seat, wrapping her legs around Supergirl. A small backpack hung on her.

Supergirl lifted Spider up into the air, soaring into the sky.

Spider grinned at the rush of air, lowering herself so that her lips could suck on the cloth fabric protecting Supergirl's chest. Supergirl moaned in pleasure, carrying Spider through the window and into her own apartment.

"Why is it," Supergirl asked as Spider pulled down her tiny red skirt, "that all the real sexy women have to be bad guys?"

Spider continued to strip her, pulling off her leotard with her teeth. She was on her knees before Supergirl, her tongue pressing into Supergirl.

Supergirl shut her eyes, enjoying the sensation. "You're giving back that diamond," she breathed.

She felt Spider nod, but Spider kept her mouth busy with Supergirl. Supergirl sank backwards onto her bed, Spider sliding on top of her.

Supergirl lazily opened her eyes and watched Spider take some of her clothes from Kara's closet.

"Where are you going," Supergirl yawned.

"I have places to go, baby," Spider replied.

Supergirl sat up in bed. "This can't go on, Rebecca. I haven't seen you in almost a year. And you promised me you wouldn't go back to stealing."

"This is hardly stealing," Spider said, pulling on some of Kara's clothes. "It's all insured."

"That stunt at the hotel could have killed somebody," Supergirl said angrily. "And you're giving that diamond back."

Spider sighed and sat down on the bed, her backpack on her legs. "Kara, do I tell you how to live your life?"

"You don't have to," Supergirl replied.

"Look, this is my last job," Spider said. "Just look the other way."

"I've heard that before. And you know I can't do that."

"I was afraid you'd say that," Spider said sadly. "This is bigger than just me making some money this time, Supergirl. There's some big time muscle behind this. And I got to play ball. So just back off."

"If you're in some kind of trouble, Spider..."

"Don't even say it," Rebecca laughed. "You can't help."

Spider walked to the door. Supergirl was blocking her path in the blink of an eye. Supergirl held out her hand. "The diamond, Rebecca," she said.

Spider reached into her backpack and rummaged around. "Are you sure about this, Kara?" Spider asked.

Supergirl nodded. Spider wearily pulled it out of her purse and slapped it into Supergirl's palm.

"That's better," Supergirl said. "Now..."

Supergirl shook her head in confusion. Her shoulders slumped. "What...what's happening..."

Spider released her grip on Supergirl's hand, exposing the lump of kryptonite she placed there. Supergirl stared down, startled. She dropped the kryptonite, trying to step back from it. Her naked ass slammed into the wall.

"Please, Rebecca..." Supergirl begged. "Get...get it away..."

Spider gazed sadly at the maid of steel. She bent down and picked up the kryptonite, holding it out in front of her.

"I'm truly sorry, Kara," Spider said softly. "But I can't let you stop me."

Supergirl slid down the wall, slumping to the ground. "Please...please stop it...Rebecca..."

Spider watched Supergirl fade fast. She pushed past Supergirl and stepped out into the hallway. "Forgive me," she said quickly. "And please don't get involved. I'm not the only one in this. And others won't be so kind."

Spider quickly escaped down the hallway. Kara struggled to her knees, trying to get up to follow. But the kryptonite's effects overpowered her, and Supergirl crashed face first to her apartment floor, unconscious.
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Part 2:
TeamMunich wrote: .2: web thickens

Supergirl discovered the grifter and former lover Spider had just hijacked a rare diamond. When she confronted her about turning it in, Spider turned on her friend, a lump of deadly kryptonite in her hands...

Supergirl's head throbbed as she slowly became aware of where she was. She was naked and slumped down beside the door to her apartment. She groaned and tried to push herself to her feet. Her arms were too weak to lift her. The kyrptonite was still affecting her.

Supergirl let herself lay on the floor. How long has she been like this? How long was she out?

Supergirl strained to look over at the clock on the wall. It had been twelve hours since she had discovered Spider in the van. Spider had spent the night, the two had made love. And then this brutal attack.

Supergirl felt tears streaking down her face. How could Rebecca have done this to her? Where had she gotten the kryptonite to do it?

These were questions she was going to have to answer. But for now she was too weak to even lift herself off the floor.

Spider, wearing her grey bodysuit with black arms and leggings, sauntered into the underground facility. Dr. Benjamin, a tall man with messy hair and thick glasses, set down his clipboard as she entered.

"You have the diamond," he said in excitement. Rebecca reached into her backpack and brought out the massive gem. The doctor greedily plucked it from her hands.

"You were gone all night. I was getting worried," Benjamin said, taking the diamond to a worktable. "Dr. Baker was thinking of sending one of his, um, agents."

Spider frowned at the doctor's words. "There's no need to involve them," Spider said. "I ran into a little trouble, but it was nothing I couldn't handle."

She slowly set the kryptonite down on the worktable. Benjamin stopped work and peered at the glowing green rock over the tips of his glasses.

"It worked then?" Benjamin whispered.

"It dropped her quick," Spider said confidently, but suddenly she felt very cold. Kara trusted her. Trusted her as much as any superhero could trust a thief and a con artist, that is. She didn't like conning her own friends, let alone a lover. But...

"You had no choice," Benjamin said, finishing her thought. Spider met Benjamin's bemused gaze. "Don't worry about it Spider," he continued. "You'll get what's yours. Just as soon as I've examined the data..."

Spider roared in anger and swung her fist into Benjamin's face. The doctor slammed to the ground and slid across the floor, his glasses flying from his face, miraculously intact.

"You said nothing about waiting," Spider roared. She strode towards the frightened doctor, stopping in front of his glasses and raising her boot above them. "We had a deal."

Benjamin waved his arm in desperation. "Don't! You crush them, I can't get my work done and you don't get out of this any faster," Benjamin blubbered.

Spider frowned, slamming her boot down to the ground. Benjamin yelped and squinted at her feet. The glasses sat intact inches in front of her. Benjamin reached for them.

Spider's heel slammed down on Benjamin's hand, pinning it the ground.

"OHMIGOD," Benjamin howled, sweat pouring off his face. "You're hurting me!"

Spider twisted the heel, staring at the doctor in anger. She bent down and scooped the glasses up off the floor. She yanked her heel free from the back of Benjamin's hand.

Benjamin whimpered and cupped his bleeding hand. Spider swayed the glasses before him, swinging them playfully.

"Get your readings done, doctor," Spider warned. "I'm not a patient woman."

Benjamin wrapped part of his shirt around his wound and nodded quickly.

Supergirl pulled on her costume slowly. Her powers were returning slowly, but a dull throbbing sensation still ran through her body.

Supergirl closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nostrils. Her toes slowly, an inch at a time, hovered off of the apartment floor. Sweat poured down her face and her jaw clenched as she tried to stay airborne.

After a few moments, her boots slammed back to the floor. She let out a tired breath and wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Almost," she whispered. "Almost."

Spider paced as Benjamin wired the diamond into a complex machine set onto a table. Spider stopped and stared at a large insignia on the wall depicting an eagle with dark red eyes. Below it was the legend "EAGLE DIVISION."

"You guys are always tinkering," Spider commented. "Not enough weapons in the world?"

"No, never enough," Benjamin muttered absently. He winced as his hand twisted while working. He rubbed the bandaged wound absently. "Too many superheroes running around, not enough weapons designed for them."

"It must be a man thing," Spider mused. "You can't stand being less powerful than anything."

"Checks and balances," Benjamin corrected. "The United States goverment sees it as just another arms race. Nothing personal."

Spider examined the kryptonite rock. "What possible good is this, then? Why do you need a balance for someone like Supergirl?"

"On our side today," Benjamin mumbled. "Who's side tomorrow? What if she disagrees with the President's policies?"

"And if she does, then what? Are you the president's version of the gestapo?" Spider asked bitterly.

"I am a patriot," Benjamin said defensively. "Which is more than can be said about you. A liar and a thief."

Spider shrugged. "It's a living."

Benjamin sighed and examined his machine. "All right. Now I just need to run a diagnostic."

"Why don't I help?" a female voice asked.

Spider and Benjamin turned, surprised. Benjamin recoiled in terror as he watched the woman step forward, her green and yellow costume clinging to her impressive figure. The numbers 681 were stenciled onto her sleeve.

"Why, Dr. Benjamin," 681 said playfully. "Still playing with your little toys?"

Spider turned from the terrified doctor to the stunningly beautiful newcomer. 681 turned and looked her over, contempt dripping from her eyes.

It took most of her strength for Supergirl to remain airborne. Her X-Ray vision scanned the ground below, searching for any sign of a trail. She knew it wasn't likely to turn up Spider. But she didn't have much to go on.

A scream alerted her to some activity a block away. Supergirl turned in mid air and soared towards the scene of a robbery.

A handful of masked thugs crowded inside the bank, machine guns in hand.

"I want everyone to just stay calm," the leader commanded, signaling his men to move into the safe. "This will all be over in a moment."

The masked man near the door felt a rush of air behind him. He spun around, staring directly at the unbelievable chest of the maid of steel. Supergirl took advantage of his slack jawed reaction and plucked the gun from his hands.

"Oh, shit!" another thief grunted. The leader turned and saw Supergirl blocking the door.

"Put down your weapons," Supergirl commanded.

The leader sneered and yanked the trigger on his weapon. The bullets slammed into the princess of power, knocking her from her feet.

The bullets didn't penetrate her, but she was weak enough that the force of them surprised her. Supergirl tumbled backwards, slamming her head into the wall. She felt so weak and helpless. Stars danced in her eyes.

"I got the bitch good," the leader barked. "Get our stuff."

Supergirl struggled to her feet.

681 stepped menacingly towards Spider. "Tell me, little pawn," 681 purred. "What does the good doctor have that you so desperately need?"

Spider stood her ground. She didn't know who this tall beauty was, but she wasn't going to back down. "Go fuck yourself," she spit out.

Benjamin phsyically recoiled at the words. 681 stopped in her tracks, actually surprised. She turned towards the doctor. "She doesn't know anything about me, does she?"

The doctor shook his head slowly. 681 smiled and turned back to Spider, her teeth in a shark's grin. "There are many parts of Eagle Division. Some are more proactive than others."

681 stopped inches in front of Spider. They were about the same height. Spider could feel that her nipples were just millimeter's from this strange woman's. Her body tingled with the energy passing between them.

"What do you want, Tia?" Benjamin whispered. 681 kept her eyes focused on Spider.

"Shuddup, doc," she whispered. "I'll get to you in a second."

Spider's eyes squinted, then she was dropping to a hunched position, just missing the massive punch swinging over her head. Her legs kicked out, catching 681's legs and taking them out from under her.

681 yelped in surprise and crashed backwards onto the floor. Spider pinned her down with her body, swinging her elbow down and planting it on the woman's neck. 681's eyes bulged out in shock.

"Maybe you should just go," Spider whispered.

Supergirl was on her knees when more bullets flew her way. The volley caught her in the shoulder, twisting her around.

The leader strode towards her, gun blazing. Supergirl's cape and skirt was being obliterated under the gunfire. "Not so tough! Not so tough!" he yelled.

Supergirl steeled herself and tried to maintain her ground. The tactic played right into the robber's advantage. His gun clicked dry and he gripped it, slamming the stick of the gun into Supergirl's head.

Supergirl crashed backwards, nearly unconscious from the blow. This was impossible, Supergirl thought desperately. She was Supergirl. She couldn't be beaten by some mere man.

"Not so tough, are you bitch?" the man said in delight. He grabbed Supergirl by the shirt, balling up the red "S" in his hand and yanking the surprised princess of power towards him. He saw the terror in her eyes and smiled.

His head slammed forward, connecting with Supergirl. Two more headbutts followed, dazing Supergirl.

"St-stop...please..." Supergirl begged. The man responded with another vicious headbutt. Supergirl's eyes were glazed.

The man's head came forward again, but stopped before connecting. Suddenly his lips slammed down on Supergirl's and he pulled her towards him, his tongue probing her mouth. Supergirl's eyes widened in shock.

The man pulled back, Supergirl hanging limply in his arms. "You liked that, didn't you slut?" he whispered.

Supergirl couldn't comprehend what was happening to her. This couldn't be happening. "Pl-please don't hu-hurt me..."

The man sneered and reached down and tore off her tattered red skirt. His strong hand gripped her throat, holding her upright as his other hand reached between her legs. She felt his fingers pulling away the blue spandex, his fingers brushing against her wet pussy.

The man smiled in pleasant suprise. "You ARE enjoying this," he said. He gripped the spandex and tore it free, leaving her exposed.

He pushed her back towards the wall, his strong body pressing against her heaving chest. He leaned in and pressed his mouth against her again while his hand frantically worked his zipper.

Supergirl couldn't breathe. The man was holding her neck, and he was blocking her mouth with his own. Her nostrils flared desperately, her weak arms flailing uselessly at him, trying to push him away. This couldn't be happening. She could hear the startled reactions of the people inside the bank.

The leader pulled out his rock hard cock, a full ten inches. Supergirl felt the tip of his penis brush against the hairs on her pussy. Her sweaty ass slapped backwards onto the wall, searching for an escape. Her eyes widened in terror.

The man pushed his penis into her. His mouth released from hers, finally allowing her to breathe. She let out a long, gasping moan as he thrust his hips forward, pushing into her. She felt his hips slam into her pelvis again and again.

"N-no! NO! Get off...offame..." Supergirl moaned, her arms pushing at this strong man.

"Come on, man!" one of the other thieves shouted. Thugs with duffel bags of money rushed past.

"Al-almost done," the man grunted, his hips pushing back and forth. Supergirl's head slumped forward to his chest, her hair hanging in sweaty tatters around her shoulders. Her boots were actually off of the ground, her body pinned to the wall as he pushed himself into her.

The man could feel himself about to cum. He pushed in harder and faster.

Supergirl's eyes darkened.

The man felt her tense up beneath him. His cock started sliding less easily. Frantically, he tried to pull back.

Supergirl stood up straight, her eyes blazing in anger and hatred. The man yelped in pain, yanking himself out of her. He stumbled backwards, trying to put his cock back in his pants.

Supergirl let out an ear piercing scream. All the windows in the bank shattered. The leader clutched his ears as blood started to drip out of them.

Supergirl's fist slammed into the man, snapping his spine immedietly. The masked man lay on the ground, paralyzed.

"Oh, fuck," one of the other robbers shouted. Supergirl turned towards them, feeling her full strength seeping back into her abused body.

"All of you," she roared. "All of you are mine."

The men shouted in alarm as Supergirl swept onto them, fists flying.

Spider looked down at 681. She could see the woman's eyes darken in anger. And then Spider was flying through the air and smashing into the wall.

The power, she thought. It was incredible. Maybe even more than Kara...

Spider had no time to think. 681 grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet.

"Time for some serious girl talk," 681 said, her eyes blazing in anger. And then her fists went to work.
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Joined: 15 years ago

Part 3:
TeamMunich wrote: 3: caught in the web

Grifter and former lover Spider is back and town, and so far it's been nothing but trouble for Supergirl. Spider produced kryptonite to fell the maid of steel, and the effects of the kryptonite kept Supergirl powerless in a horrifying encounter with some bank robbers. Things went no better for Spider; she took the stolen diamond to the mysterious Eagle Division, where she encountered an unexpected visitor: the villain 681...

Snapshots from a nightmare.

Powerful fists driving into her face and chest.

That mocking laugh. Her feeble skills, pushed to the maximum. All hopeless. That fucking laugh!

Blood dripping on the floor. Her own. A blurry look at a terrified Dr. Benjamin, gripping his hand. A closer look shows that in fact he no longer has a hand. Just a bloody stump.

Benjamin begging for his life. The tall, slender woman slapping his face with his own removed hand. Blood trails, his own, splashing on his bent glasses.

Snatches of their conversation. Pleading for freedom. "I don't know where Dr. Baker is!" The woman (monster!) holding the diamond, taking it away. No! The diamond, her ticket, her desperate need...

Darkness sweeping over her again. More screaming wakes her. The lab in a shambles. Fire. Benjamin held up by her arm. Being shook violently. 681 screaming. "TELL ME WHERE IT IS! TELL ME WHERE IT IS!"

A final, furious blow. Her fist swings backhanded towards Benjamin's face. His head torn off from the blow, bouncing across the floor.

More darkness.

Shouting. Fire extinguishers spraying around her. Men in white lab coats scurrying around the lab.

An elderly man with a graying beard peers down at her. An assistant next to him. His face can't disguise his horror at what he's looking at.

"Is that a woman?" the assistant asks incredulously.

Spider wants to sob, but her broken body won't respond. The elderly man leans down, a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. "Even the most careful spider," the man said in his thick german accent, "Can be caught in their own web, eh?"

Supergirl stood over her bathtub, her torn and dirty costume barely hanging onto her body. Her eyes stare vacantly at the wall.

Her hands work without feeling, quietly tearing the costume off her body and dropping it to the floor. The water from the bathtub is overflowing, spilling out onto the floor. The water streams around Kara's feet. She doesn't seem to notice.

A dirty hand on her shoulder. That raspy voice. "You ARE enjoying this," the thief cackles, his hand reaching between her legs, his fingers pushing inside of her, his breath warm on her neck...

Supergirl's eyes snapped to the overflowing tub. She bent forward and turned the handles, ceasing the flow.

Wearily she sank to the floor, finally letting the tears come. The police had stared at her when they arrived. The criminals had been beaten severely. Three were in shock trauma, one was unlikely to survive. His penis was found shoved in his own mouth.

Eyes on her, her ripped skirt. Her body, soiled and abused. Bank patrons questioned by police couldn't look her in the eyes. They wanted a statement. Supergirl flew away.

What had happened to her? The kryptonite that Spider had used on her wasn't like anything she had experienced before. She had been exposed to kryptonite before, but normally her powers returned quickly once away from the substance. But her powers did not return for a long time, and then they seemed to get used up simply by flying across town. The encounter in the bank sapped her dry, leaving her exposed and....

Supergirl shuddered, rocking back and forth and letting the tears roll down her face. What had happened to her was unspeakable.

Spider entered her thoughts, but Supergirl cast her aside. Whatever was going on, she couldn't get involved. Her powers were unpredicatable. She was too vulnerable. Better not to get involved. Better to just sit inside.

In the dark.

Spider's eyes flickered open and immedietly were filled with liquid. Her body shook as she tried to gasp, but the tube in her mouth prevented it.

Slowly she forced herself to relax. She opened her eyes, getting used to the liquid. She examined her surroundings. She was floating naked in some thick, yellowish liquid. Her body was bruised, and her skin looked very raw in many places. But nothing appeared to be broken.

A gentle rap from her right. She craned her neck. The elderly man tapped his silver cane handle against the glass. He was smiling.

"Hello in there, little Spider," he said mirthfully. "You look much better than we found you, eh?"

Spider nodded as best she could. The man smiled at the effort. "Two days," he continued. "Then you out, eh? We have much talking then."

Spider felt her eyes drooping shut. The rapping at the glass forced them open.

"I think you want to see someone," the man said. He stepped aside, and a man in a lab coat pushed forward the small wheelchair. The girl, no older than eleven, pressed her hand into the glass.

Spider felt like her insides were screaming in joy. She weakly pushed her arm through the liquid, pushing her hand towards the child's. Their fingers brushed together, seperated only by the glass.

"Mommy!" the girl shouted. Spider's eyes fluttered closed, relieved.

Pizza boxes littered the floor. Kara lay in bed, the shades offering no light in her cluttered apartment.

The TV was on, but the sound was on mute. Kara stared without seeing the salesman cut a tin can in half with one of his knives.

Kara adjusted her position a little. She closed her eyes, her body effortlessly lifting from the bed and hovering. She lowered down, her eyes opening in satisfaction. It had been a day since the bank. Her powers seemed unaffected.

Her mind was already starting to sneak into her depression, telling her to get out of bed. So far she had managed to ignore the thought. But it was getting more persistent.

She was probably going to win that argument, but curiosity was starting to get the better of her. There was something lying on her floor next to the door. It was pushed half under her telephone stand. Something dropped, then fell there.

Her superior vision could see that it was there, but her angle was all wrong to see what it was. She'd only find out by going across the room and picking it up. But that involved breaking her bed exile, and she wasn't sure she was prepared to do that.

But she had had enough of the salesman and his knives. Wearily she snapped off the TV. She rolled her body out of bed, her bare feet touching the floor. She shuffled over to the door, wearily bending down and picking up the paper.

It was a photograph. Kara gasped in recognition at the face of the eleven year old girl pictured.

"Sarah," she whispered.

"Sarah Arachs, please."

The receptionist looked up at the brunette standing in front of her. "And you are?"

"Her aunt," Linda explained. "Linda Danvers."

The receptionist nodded, then paged through her directory. Linda tapped her fingers along the counter anxiously.

It was starting to make a little sense. Spider would never attack her so viciously, not without a good reason. Obviously it had to do with Sarah. Something about Sarah.

"I'm sorry, that patient is no longer with us," the receptionist said.

Linda felt her chest tighten. "She's not...she's not, um..."

The receptionist's eyes widen, realizing how her words could sound. "Oh no," she quickly said. "Transferred. Last week."

Supergirl soared through the clouds. This involved Spider, all right. The first transfer site ended up just being the first link in a long, convulted chain. Someone was moving Sarah, and doing it so it would be hard to follow the trail.

Supergirl was on link fourteen now, and hoped she was nearing the end. She could understand Spider being careful, especially when it came to her daughter. But there were limits to how careful you could be before you started being insane.

Supergirl felt herself starting to worry. What had Spider gotten involved in?

681 scooped Spider up from the ground, her fist balled up in her spandex top.

"You don't know what you're dealing with, little girl," she purred. The fist came towards her, blindingly fast. Spider's hands snapped up, grabbing hold and using 681's momentum to carry her forward. 681 stumbled off balance, her fist smashing into the thick concrete wall.

Spider rolled clear of the encounter, trying to look for a weakness. There was no way she could take this woman blow for blow. If she hit her the way she hit that wall, it was over.

"Enjoy that miss, you BITCH," 681 roared. "You can't dodge me forever!"

681 was red hot. 681 scurried behind some equipement. 681 yanked tables into the air, hurtling them across the room. Systematically destroying places to hide.

"When I get my hands on you," 681 said. "I'm going to pluck your fingers off, one at a time. If I want, I'll make you eat them," she continued, a horrific smile on her face.

Spider was running out of hiding spaces. 681 continued wrecking havoc. A table smashed over. A large aerosal canister rolled towards Spider's hiding space. Spider considered, then scooped it up.

"You know what people do to spiders," 681 sneered, turning towards the last spot Spider could be hiding. Her lips curled in an evil sneer. "They crush 'em!"

681 roared in anger and lifted the large cabinet into the air, exposing her prey. Spider lifted the aerosal can and fired, a lighter held underneath the nozzel. A blast of flame enveloped 681.

Spider scrambled past as 681 shouted in pain. The cabinet forgotten, she drops it to the floor. 681 pats her body quicky, trying to put out the flames. Her hair caught fire, and 681 shrieked in surprise.

Spider got to the main door. She tugged furiously, but it wouldn't budge. Spider looked down and saw that the metal had been twisted, fused with the hinge. This door wasn't going to open with anything less than explosives.

Spider whirled around, looking for another option. Instead she was face to face with a singed, and very unhappy 681.

"Naughty girl," 681 breathed in a menacing whisper. Spider didn't even see the first punch, but she felt herself land on her ass. She kicked her feet, pushing herself frantically backwards. But 681's hands reached forward, plucking her off of the ground and dragging her nose to nose.

"Ever peel a banana?" 681 whispered. Her fingers dug into Spider's arm. Spider screamed in absolute pain as he felt this monster ripping her very flesh off.

Spider was still screaming as she became aware of the white room around her. The elderly man sat quietly in front of her, a grave look on his face.

Spider blinked, instinctively reaching for her arm. Her skin was intact, if a little sore. She looked back at the man. "How long was I under?"

"Long enough," the man said. "You were able to remember almost everything," he continued. "So. She lives."

Spider rubbed her hair in frustration. "I...I don't remember what this is," she reluctantly admitted.

The man smiled kindly. "I'm Dr. Baker," he explained slowly. "An associate of Dr. Benjamin."

"You're with Eagle Division," Spider said.

"I am Eagle Division," he corrected. "What you saw, was an accident. A freak occurence."

"That was a monster," Spider said, her voice breaking.

Dr. Baker frowned, taking a slow breath. "Number 681. Many numbers before, many after. But one strange anamoly."

Spider pounded her fist into the table. "What the fuck did you people do? That thing is out of control!"

"681 can probably be properly re-assimilated into the project," he said, managing to sound reasonably sane. "I may be able to reason with her."

"I won't let that happen," Spider said, cutting him off. "I appreciate what you're doing for me, but that monster can not live."

"The deal you had with Benjamin," Baker mused. "He said he could make your daughter walk again."

"In exchange for the diamond," Spider finished. Her eyes darkened as she stared at the amused look on Baker's face. "A lie?"

Baker wearily pushed himself to his feet. "Try not to resist," he advised. "You're a nice woman, and we had to correct your injuries, eh? We needed to know what you know."

Spider watched as Baker rapped his silver cane on the door. "But now we know what you know," he continued. "And what you know you can not know."

The door unlocked and swung open. Spider acted without thinking. Her body lunged across the table. Baker spun, shocked at the abruptness of her speed. Spider pushed him aside and was past him in a beat, pushing herself down the hallway.

"You can't escape!" Baker shouted. "We have your daughter!"

Spider turned the corner, her eyes frantically searching for an answer. She had to find Sarah. She had to find Sarah and get her out of here, because Baker means to kill them both.

She could hear shouts around her. She bounded around a corner, nearly running into a squad of white lab coats with machine guns. Spider flipped backwards, avoiding the gunfire.

Spider yanked the panel off a ventilation shaft, pulling herself up and into it.

The pursuing squads met in the middle of the hallway, confused. Baker pointed the loose panel in the celing. "The ventilation shaft!" he shouted.

Spider crawled through the shaft quickly. Machine gun fire roared below her, holes appearing in the shaft behind her.

Spider punched at another panel, curling down and dropping into a small room.


Spider spun around. Sarah sat in her wheelchair, alone in the room. Spider couldn't believe her luck. "Sarah!"

The door burst open. Men in lab coats pushed in, their guns trained on Spider. Spider clutched Sarah in her arms. "Close your eyes, baby," she whispered.

Gunfire erupted. The sound seemed to last forever. And then, impossibly, Spider opened her eyes. A familiar red cape blocked her vision.

The guards stood slack jawed as Supergirl stood in her power stance, standing between Spider and them.

"You guys really are hard to track down," she said wearily. The guards raised their guns threateningly, but Supergirl merely cocked her head. "Come on, guys," she said. "You think?"

The guards turned and ran. Supergirl turned to Spider. "Are you all right?"

Spider smiled in relief and stepped forward, planting a kiss on Supergirl. Kara felt herself resist for a moment, then she was hugging Spider and Sarah in her arms.

"Hold on," she said, lifting them up through the hole she had drilled through into the installation. Supergirl, Spider and Sarah emerged above ground just as the sun was setting.

"Now get out of here," Supergirl said. "I'll take care of these clowns."

Spider smiled and nodded. "They said they could make her walk," she explained softly.

Supergirl shook her head. "It doesn't matter. Just leave."

Supergirl didn't wait to see them go. She dove back down the hole.

Baker limped quickly through the installation, assistants in lab coats running around him. One assistant hurries beside him.

"We're ninety percent evacuated, sir," the assistant shouted above the noise. "All essential technology has been lifted," he continued.

The two shuffled into a large underground hanger, the heart of the installation.

"All but one, I should hope," Dr. Baker said. He limped towards a work table, his hands resting on a solid lead box.

"Stop right there," Supergirl commanded.

Baker resisted the urge to smile. "Make me," he said, lifting the box cover.

Supergirl felt her powers fading fast. She stumbled backwards, her eyes wide.

Baker whirled around, the glowing green rock in his hand. "I read about your latest exploits," Baker cooed, limping towards the fading Supergirl.

"Get away," she choked out.

Baker swung his arm, crashing the rock into Supergirl's face and sending her sprawling to the floor.

"Not quite kryptonite," he lectured. "But a close synthisis. It seems to actually be a little different. Not as deadly. But more painful. And more...lasting," he finished, holding the rock over Supergirl's head.

Supergirl clenched her teeth, unbelievable pain washing over her body. "St-stop it!" she nearly screamed.

"I think not," Baker said. "You've already seen too much. Eagle Division must remain pure."

"And besides," he continued. "It's only a matter of time before we have to remove all of your kind."

Supergirl never felt such extreme pain in her life. Her entire vision seemed cloaked in green. Baker stood above her, laughing.

Supergirl clenched her fists, rising to one knee.

Baker backed up a step uneasily. He stepped forward, determined, and brought the rock down in an arc at Supergirl. Supergirl's fist snapped up, catching the rock in her own hand.

Supergirl gritted her teeth as her hand felt it was going to burn off. She lifted herslef up to her feet. Baker looked at Supergirl, terrified. "This is impossible!" he shouted.

Supergirl roared in determination. She yanked the rock from Bakers hand and hurled it with what was left of her strength into the sky. It smashed into the ceiling, shattering into dust.

Baker turned and started to limp away. Supergirl grabbed his arm and pulled her towards him. He flailed his arms wildly. "Help! Help!" he shouted as loud as he could.

"Shut the fuck up," Supergirl grunted, swinging her powerless fist into his face. It was enough to put him down and shut him up.

A red alarm began to flash. Supergirl stumbled on her feet. Her legs felt like they were jelly.

"Warning," a metallic recorded voice intoned. "Installation destruction in two minutes."

Supergirl stumbled towards the door, shuffling as fast as possible. Her powers were completely gone.

"One minute, thirty seconds."

Supergirl sprinted down the hallway, putting everything she had into her weak, damaged body. An EXIT sign flashed over a door.

"One minute, twenty seconds."

Suprgirl pulled open the door. It was a stairwell. Supergirl looked up. It was at least eight flights of stairs. She didn't think she had any strength left in her legs.

"One minute."

Supergirl began bounding up the stairs. She tried not to think, her body screaming in protest with every step.

"Thirty seconds."

Supergirl tripped on a step and tumbled down, smashing her knee onto the staircase. She roared in pain.

"Twenty seconds."

Supergirl couldn't even get up. She looked up. She wasn't even halfway.

"Ten seconds."

Supergirl closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. She clenched her fists, summoning up what was left of her strenth.

"Five, four..."

Supergirl's eyes snapped open.


Supergirl soared into the air, flying upwards at blinding speed. Below, explosive packed into the wall set off, flooding the installation in flames.

Supergirl roared in pain and defiance as she soared out of the installation, emerging into the night air. Below her, the ground shook, then sank down as the installation collapsed on itself.

Supergirl fell down to the ground with a crash. She felt like she couldn't even breathe.

Supergirl never felt so tired in all of her life. She closed her eyes and concentrated. But her body remained on the ground. She opened her eyes in fatigue.

She was all tapped out. Supergirl crawled towards some bushes, hiding herself from view. Then she sank into a deep sleep.

She awoke four hours later. But her powers were still gone.
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Thanks for posting Teammunich's 'lost' stories.

It would have been a tragedy if they were not resurrected :cry:
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Wow thanks for sharing the lost team munich stories.
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This is amazing...thanks to all.

Also, Munich/Team Munich, I'm a big fan. I know you wrote Supergirl vs. 681 many years ago, but honestly it remains one of the best. I can't wait to read your other stories.

Echoes of Destruction -
Alert Station -
Lost in the Swarm -
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And here is the final(?) showdown with 681.

Part 1:
TeamMunich wrote: .1: from very bad to even worse

It's been a bad year for Supergirl. It started with a horrific beating, mentally and phsycially, against a mysterious foe known only as 681. With barely any knowledge of the Eagle Division and their attempts to curtail superpowered beings, Supergirl has no idea what's in store for her...

Superman was on his knees, as she had assured him he would be.

His jaw hung slack. His eyes stared blankly at the ground in front of him, his arms hanging lifessly, his knuckles resting on the pavement. Beads of sweat covered his forehead, his hair was sticky and wet.

The long, sexy leg stepped in front of him. Superman slowly lifted his head and looked up at his opponent. Tall, with a striking figure and a skintight costume. Her long black hair hung down on her shoulders. The only identifying mark on the costume was the number "681" on her shoulder.

Her gloved hand ran through his hair. His head rolled along with the movement, little strength left in his powerful body.

"How now, little pet," 681 purred. Her fingers curled onto his hair, pulling it hard enough to make the man of steel wince.

681 hunched down in front of her defeated opponent. She leaned forward, her warm breath and pouty lips just millimeter's from Superman's. He couldn't believe he actually did it, but Superman leaned forward, lips reaching to meet this woman's, wanting to feel her tongue inside of his mouth.

But 681 wasn't about to let him. Her head pulled back, just enough to let him know he was unwanted. He moaned in frustration and his chin sank down to his chest. His shirt was torn where his red "S" normally would be. 681 had torn it off to mock his pitiful performance.

681 leaned forward, her tongue licking a trail of blood off Superman's chin. Her tongue just carressed the side of his lips, making the man of steel shudder in anticipation.

"I guess wimpiness just runs in the family," 681 said, the words cutting into the last son of Krypton. He had never been so humiliated. He still didn't know exactly what had happened.

It had started earlier that morning. Clark had just finished a story for the Daily Planet when he had gotten an anonymous tip that someone was hitting high tech R&D firms up and down Metropolis. The robberies were being hushed up, the caller explained, because none of these companies wanted to admit to losing sensitive materials. Today's stock market was quite unforgiving.

Clark looked into it, and sure enough, there had been a score of unusual incident reports from police around these companies. About the only place that wasn't robbed yet was STAR Labs. Clark knew a good hunch when he saw one. And minutes later his wedding ring was carefully tucked away in his apartment drawer and he was patrolling the skies over STAR.

It was raining as the sun went down over Metropolis. Through years of training, Clark could actually feel the raindrops on his body, but it wasn't always a welcome feeling. It was really pouring, and his costume was soaked. His cape hung from his back like a slab of concrete. Not that it mattered to him, but it didn't look too fashionable.

Clark didn't have Batman's patience for this kind of thing. He wasn't the brute thug that some of the criminal element thought of him, but that didn't mean that he enjoyed hanging out in the rain and waiting for a criminal that might or might not show.

That's why he didn't even see her approach, or hear the ruckess with the security guard. Not until the ear-piercing subsonic alarm for STAR Labs went off, alerting only the man of steel that something was terribly wrong.

Superman was inside the lab inside of five seconds. A gigantic hole was blown in the wall. Superman scanned quickly, but didn't see any wrecking equipment. Or explosives, he quickly noted. He could be facing a superpowered opponent. It wouldn't be the first time.

Superman was surprised to find the woman so blatantly going about her business. He stopped in his tracks, the rain dripping off of him and forming a puddle on the floor.

681 turned, bemused. "I see I've got you all wet," she purred.

Superman was startled by her brazen attitude. The skintight costume she wore left very little to the imagination. Superman allowed a look at her stunningly perfect ass for a moment, then realized Lois was unlikely to approve. That didn't stop a quick x-ray, though. He immedietly saw the wires crisscrossing beneath the suit.

"An enhanced suit," Superman observed, his red boots clicking on the ground as he walked towards the woman. "Won't do you much good with it taken off."

681 turned to face him, her hands resting on her hips seductively. "Why, Superman, I'm not that easy," she laughed. "At least you could buy dinner first."

Superman couldn't believe she was being so cocky. He reached forward and took her arm in his strong hand. "You're coming with me, missy," he said.

681 grinned mischeaviously and moved closer to Superman, her large and perfect breasts pushing into the red "S" on his chest. Superman grunted in surprise, stepping back quickly. But 681 stayed press close to him, her hand pushing up and down and massive chest.

"My oh my," she moaned. "You are a specimen," she whispered. Her gloved fingers brushed lightly across Clark's lips, then traveled down his chest, over his stomach. Superman gulped as her fingers slipped playfully underneath the top of his red tights.

"That's enough," Superman said quickly. Her perfect body was pressed into his, her nipples rock hard. This woman was stunning, and her hand wasn't completely unwelcome...

681 closed her eyes, her pouty lips open in a small, breathless "o" as she pushed her hand down the front of his tights. Superman shuddered as her fingers wrapped around his erect penis. Her gloved hand stroked up and down briefly. Superman almost doubled over with the eruption of senses.

And then Superman's eyes opened in shock and pain. His mouth opened in a silent scream. 681 smiled cruelly as she lifted him up into the air, her hand clenched in a fist underneath his tights. She held the man of steel above her head effortlessly. She twisted Superman until his face was directly above her own.

"What kind of girl you take me for," she scolded. Superman could only gasp in surprise.

681 wound up and threw the man of steel across the lab. His body smashed through tables and equipment. Superman ended up against the wall, curled up in a fetal position, his hand holding his aching privates in unimaginable pain.

"I know what you're thinking," 681 said as she stalked towards the wounded last son of krypton. "You're thinking of how much it hurts. Well, trust me Superman," 681 continued, towering over his rocking body. "You haven't felt pain yet."

"Get on your knees."

Superman rolled to his feet, standing up to 681. She had surprised him, to be sure. But the pain was already starting to be a distant memory. Nonetheless, he feigned pain. "N-never!" he said through clenched teeth. This woman was too cocky. It would be her downfall.

681 sighed. "Either you're on your knees the hard way or the easy way," she explained. "I prefer the hard-"

Superman let loose with a punch, knocking 681 off her feet and depositing her on the floor. Before she could recover, Superman let out all the air from his lungs. 681 was pushed backwards by the wind, her hands desperately clawing at the floor to stop her momentum.

681 yelped in pain as the wind slammed her against the wall. Ice wrapped around her stunning figure, pinning her.

Superman sighed and started walking towards the prone figure. "Can the act, lady," Superman said. "You may have caught me off guard once, but that won't work again."

681 struggled uselessly at the iron-like bonds. The freezing temperatures of the ice was turning her lips blue. "Y-you'll pay for that, you bastard!" she shouted.

681 swung her head back against the wall violently. The wall buckled behind her. Unable to break free through the ice, she broke free through the concrete. Superman sped forward, alarmed.

The ice crashed to the floor, no longer holding 681. Superman bounded through the hole in the wall in pursuit. A pair of hands wrapped around his eyes from behind.

"Peek-a-boo," 681 whispered. Superman felt her legs wrap around his waist and start to squeeze. Her hands clawed at his throat, cutting off his air supply. Superman stumbled back a few steps, shoving himself back at the shattered wall.

681 grunted as Superman tried to knock her off, slamming her back into the wall. Her grip loosened with each blow.

Superman slammed back, and 681 fell off his back. He leaned forward, clutching his red throat and gasping for air.

A swift kick to his ass propelled him forward and crashing to the floor. He rolled to his left as 681's high heeled boot smashed down, just missing him.

Superman swung a fist, but 681 deftly ducked it. Both of her fist lurched forward, slamming into Superman's gut. The man of steel doubled over, his chin quickly meeting 681's knee as she brought it striking up. Superman straightened out in a hurry, dazed.

681 landed a quick series of blows, nailing Superman in the arms, chest and stomach. Superman swayed on his feet under the onslaught, his arms weakly trying to deflect the blows. But they were too fast and too powerful.

Rocking from the repetition, Superman didn't even notice the small pause as 681 reeled back, measuring his face with one, solid fist. It struck, and Superman soared off of his feet, crashing to the ground. He felt the fight quickly slipping out of control. His head hurt and his body ached all over. He wanted to get to his feet, but his legs just wouldn't respond.

He looked up through dazed eyes and watched 681 stalk towards him. He raised in arm in protest, trying to back away. "St-stay away," he moaned.

A long, sexy leg swung up, connecting on his chin and slamming him onto his back. His head connected with the pavement, making a solid thudding noise. 681 straddled him, pressing her crotch down on him, rubbing back and forth slightly. Superman couldn't disguise his rock hard penis underneath his tights.

681 traced the scarlet "S" on his chest. "My, such a big, strong man," she purred. Her fingers dug down into the corner of his symbol and began to tear. Superman gasped in protest as the symbol of his power was torn from his chest.

681 held the large "S" in her hands, turning it over and examining it. "Not so super now, are we big boy?" she asked, wadding up the symbol and shoving it into Clark's mouth.

Superman couldn't breathe. 681 was off of him and dragging him to his feet before he knew what was going on. A vicious knee to his groin was followed by a vicious headbutt. The blow nearly knocked Superman senseless. A fist to the gut hit the man of steel with enough force to dislodge the fabric jammed in his mouth.

"Yo-your power...unbelievable..." Superman managed to say. His hands roughly grabbed for 681's breasts. She looked down, momentarily surprised.

"You want some?" she whispered.

Superman's hands crawled up her chest, his fingers digging underneath her collar. He pulled with all of his might, trying to tear the costume.

681 tried to dislodge him, sending repeated blows to his face. But Superman hung on. He concentrated, tiny red beams shooting from his eyes and pressing into 681's costume.

681 shook with the blast and muffled a scream as she felt her skin burn. The blast started a tear, and Superman's strong hands tore the top of her costume in half, 681's magnificent breasts spilling out.

681 gasped in surprise. She leveled the man of steel with another punch, and this time he couldn't hang on. He fell on his ass with a thud, staring up at 681's naked chest.

Before Superman's horrified eyes, he could see tiny electrical strands from the torn edges of the costume snaking across 681's chest. Quickly, the tear began to repair itself.

Superman shook his head in fear. Before him, 681's costume returned to perfect condition. She looked down at Superman, her eyes blazing in anger.

"Always discipline a naughty pet," she said icily. She grabbed Superman by the throat and lifted him into the air, his red boots dangling off of the ground.

Swinging the last son of krypton in an arc, she sent Superman crashing into and through a concrete wall. She reached through it and grabbed his hair, yanking him back towards her. Superman was helpless as she rained rights and lefts down on him, pouding the man of steel until finally he screamed in pain and frustration.

681 backed up, taking quick breaths as her chest heaved up and down. Superman cowered on the floor in a fetal position, blood streaking from his face, his costume in tatters.

"Now," 681 said, trying to control her breathing. "KNEEL IN FRONT OF ME!" she commanded.

Superman shook his head. "N-never!"

681 wound up her leg and sent a vicious kick into Superman's midsection. Blood shot from his mouth. He clutched his side in agony.


Superman pushed himself up on his knees. He hung his head in shame. 681 laughed at the sight before her. The laughter echoed into the night air.

Kara shouted as blood streaked down her leg. "Dammit!" she howled.

Kara threw the disposable razor across the bathroom in disgust. She splashed water against her leg, examining the cut.

It had been two weeks since her encounter with Eagle Division, and still her powers were gone. The strange synthetic kryptonite had wiped them out, though she had found enough left in her body to escape the compound.

A small part of her worried that maybe that burst expended all the power left in her body, and she was now powerless forever. She didn't think that was likely. She was alien. Her body was naturally attuned to having superpowers. Whatever the kryptonite had done to her, it couldn't have changed the DNA makeup of her body.

Or could it? Kara sighed as she got dressed, pulling on tight shorts and a white t-shirt. She knew so little about Eagle Division, or about the fake kryptonite. And from what Spider told her, someohow 681 played into all of this. And Supergirl certainly couldn't face her, not in this condition.

Kara looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. Linda Danvers stared back at her. She played briefly with her brunette hair and sighed.

"Get used to it," she told herself. "You might be looking at this face for a long time."

Linda walked out of the apartment complex. It was early in the morning, and only a few joggers were running by. Linda tossed her backpack onto her shoulder. Through a pair of binoculars, the man watched her walk down the street, stumbling for a moment as she nearly tripped over her own feet.

The man set down the binoculars and picked up a walkie talkie. He pressed the button. "She's on the move," he whispered.

Linda could feel her legs aching. She had been going to classes and keeping busy for the past two weeks, and she had never realized what a toll they took on her legs. Having superpowers sure made the little stuff no problem.

Linda sighed and took a bite of her candy bar. She chewed slowly. Who knew what was going to happen to her metabolism if she was stuck like this. Being Supergirl meant she never had to worry about what she ate. But as Linda...

Linda nervously took another bite of the candy bar and stopped, turning to look at her reflection in a store front. She frowned at what she saw. Her normally trim and fit figure was looking a little, well, slightly less than trim. Her muscles were noticeably less firm. Not so bad you'd think she wasn't slim, but still, it wasn't a good sign.

Linda groaned and started to turn away. But something in the reflection caught her eye. She turned back, startled. The window reflected a church. And on the church steeple...

Linda turned, horrified. Strapped to the church steeple was a badly beaten Clark.

Supergirl stepped out onto the church roof. She had put on her costume, even though she was feeling less than super. But it was vital to keep up appearences.

She stepped carefully across the roof. One wrong step now could be fatal. She looked up, still uncomprehending the sight before her.

Superman was hung on the crucifix, his arms and legs chained to hold him in place. His costume was a tattered mess. Blood streaked from his face. For a moment Supergirl was sure that he was dead. But then she could see his chest rising and falling and she knew he was only unconsious.

Beaten unconscous.

Who could have done this? Supergirl reached over and lifted Clark by the chin. "Clark!" she said. "Can you hear me?"

Superman's eyes fluttered open. He stared blankly at Kara.

"What happened?" Supergirl shouted.

Superman shook his head weakly. "No chance..." he moaned.

"Who did this to you?" Supergirl asked, fear balling up in her stomach.

"I was...l-like a her hands," Superman managed. "Sh-she...tortured me...the pain..."

Supergirl worked at the chains, slowly managing to undo them. "I'll get you down from here."

Superman shook his head in fatigue. "We have away," he said. "Be-before she can...can come back..."

Linda freed Superman's arms. He nearly collapsed forward, but Supergirl held him up. "Clark, I can't do this without you," she said forcefully. "You need to help me."

Superman sobbed and shook his head. "I can't...I'm not...not st-strong enough..."

Supergirl slapped his face with punishing authority. Superman's eyes snapped open and he stared at Kara with fear.

"Stand up straight, bitch," Supergirl shouted, hating herself for doing it. "I want your ass off of this cross."

Superman obediently stood up. Supergirl leaned down and undid the chains at his feet. It was 681, all right, she thought. She had dominated him the same as she had dominated Supergirl.

Supergirl's face softened as she stared at Clark. "We're getting out of here now," she said quietly.

"How touching," a familiar voice laughed behind them. "A family portrait."

Supergirl slowly turned, face to face with 681. Again.

681 shook her head at Superman. "I can't leave you alone for five minutes, you gotta get in trouble?"

Superman shuddered in fear, stepping backwards. "Do-don't hurt me!" he said quickly.

681 raised her fist playfully, forcing Superman to sink to his knees, cowering. 681 waved her hand in disgust. "Pathetic wretch," she said casually, eyeballing Supergirl. "I had to stick him here while I finished some business, all the day cares were closed," she explained breezily.

"So, nice to see you again," 681 purred. "How you been? Everything good? Gosh, how long's it been?"

Supergirl straightened up, her eyes showing nothing but confidence. She couldn't show weakness. Inside, her stomach was knotted up in fear and apprehension. This woman had beaten her like a dog.

"That's right," 681 said, snapping her fingers as though she just remembered something. "Last time we were together, I promised to kill you."

The man's hands tightened around the binoculars. His sweaty hand grabbed the walkie talkie. "She's here," his voice said, breaking. "Code red."

Supergirl summoned up all of her courage and fixed 681 with a cool stare.

681 balled up her fists, a smile creeping on her face.

"Eagle Division," Supergirl said casually. 681 paused, a moment of uncertainy crossing her expression.

"What about it," she sneered.

"I know all about it. I know about you," Supergirl said. She actually managed to look at her fingernails, as though she was that disinterested in the woman standing before her. Inside, her mind was telling her to run like hell.

"You don't know nothing."

"I know about the suit," Supergirl said, taking a chance. "I know it's weaknesses."

681 laughed. "Bullshit," she said. But Supergirl was relieved to see fear in her eyes. Not a lot, but enough.

"Care to find out?" Supergirl asked, cracking her knuckles.

681 looked past her to the cowering man of steel. "Too bad you didn't let putz here in on your so-called secret," she said menacingly. "That's good information to get around."

Police sirens wailed in the distance, getting closer by the second. 681's eyes flickered nervously towards them and back to Supergirl.

"Let's say I cut you a break," 681 said graciously, spreading her arms. "I'm in kind of a hurry, and I don't really need to kill you today." 681 stepped past her and grabbed the terrified Superman by the hair. "But I am taking my dork prize."

Supergirl's arm shot out without thinking, grabbing 681 by the arm. "Don't," she said in a steely voice.

681 looked into Supergirl's eyes, searching. Supergirl held her breath, staring down her enemy. Being Supergirl was equal parts attitude, equal parts strength. She was just severely short on one end.

681 sneered and pushed at Supergirl. Supergirl tumbled backwards onto her ass. She managed not to grunt and she hit, struggling not to look alarmed as she nearly fell off the roof.

"You want to stop me, just try," 681 said as she plucked Superman into her arms and flew into the air. "See you later, sweetheart," she called mockingly.

Supergirl watched helpless as 681 soared away with Superman in her arms.

681 held the quiverring ball of fear in her arms, glancing backwards nervously. Supergirl wasn't following.

681's forehead burrowed in concentration. Something wasn't right. Supergirl wasn't going to just let her walk away with the defeated Superman. 681 only grabbed him to take this fight somewhere else, away from meddling police. She was confident enough fighting the maid of steel, but having to fight and deal with god knows who else...

But Supergirl wasn't following. 681 started to turn in mid air, then stopped.

She wasn't following that she could see, 681 realized. Of course. Supergirl must be following discreetly. She wants to know where the hideout is. She wants to find out what's going on.

681 sneered and took off at lightning speed. Just see if she can catch up, 681 thought. This wasn't over yet for 681. She still had a score to settle with the cape.

Supergirl groaned as she stepped down the staircase to the church steeple. This was going from very bad to even worse. 681 had Clark totally destroyed, and now she was taking him to who knows where.

Supergirl's mind raced. There was no getting around it. It was time to call in the reinforcements. She couldn't handle this one alone. Maybe Wonder Woman...

She heard the noise behind her, but her dreadfully human reflexes simply weren't good enough. The hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her in tight. Supergirl struggled, her hands trying to tear the iron grip off of her waist.

The man's other hand snaked around, shoving a thick cloth hankerchief over her mouth. Supergirl grunted, sucking in the poisoned air. Immedietly the church hallway swayed around her, sickeningly off balance.

Supergirl's struggles weakened as the man held the clorophormed hankie over her mouth and nose. Her chest heaved up and down, her breasts barely filling the costume as it hung loosely on her body.

Her arms weakly swatted at the grip holding her, but she felt herself sinking deeper into the man's arms. Her eyes fluttered shut, her head rolling to the side as the man kept the cloth over her mouth and nose.

She couldn't let herself go under, she told herself. She concentrated mightily, trying not to succumb to the chloroform. But it was a hopeless effort.

The man slowly lowered the unconscious Supergirl to the floor as she was knocked out by the cloroform. Her super body sprawled on the floor her pouty lips spread apart, her eyes shut. Her chest eased up and down as she let out small, sleepy breaths.

The man sighed and pulled out his walkie talkie. He pressed the button. "Target aquired," he said.
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Part 2:
TeamMunich wrote: .2: problem multiples

Rendered powereless by a synthetic kryptonite compound created by the mysterious Eagle Divison, Supergirl is adjusting to life as simple Linda Danvers. But events beyond her control are dragging her back into the role of a hero. Just as Linda discovered a terrified and beaten Superman, she was face to face with dangerous foe 681. But Supergirl stared down her opponent, intimidating her to evade a fight. The victory was short, as Supergirl was soon abducted and clorophormed unconscious...

Supergirl was beginning to think that this really wasn't her year.

She woke up with a blinding headache (another foreign experience for her once-invulernable body). She groaned loudly and looked around. It was nice, as far as cells went. Soft bed. No windows.

Supergirl looked up casually at the security camera, it's little red light on. She shrugged her shoulders. No sense getting worked up, she wasn't going anywhere.

Supergirl leaned back on the bed, sighing. A few weeks ago it would have been a simple matter to bust out of here, to find her captors and kick their ass. But not since that strange kryptonite robbed her of her strength.

She was beginning to doubt her powers would ever return. And if her captors had any brains in them, and if they really wanted her dead, they would do it while they had the chance.

In short, there was nothing she could do about it. Yet. Supergirl feigned exhaustion, but her eyes flickered around the room taking in details. The pillow beneath her head. The knob on the sink. A light bulb hanging in the ceiling. All potential weapons.

Her head sank into the soft pillow. Maybe the pillow wasn't a weapon, she thought.

Heavy bolts slid away and the door slid open. Two armed guards entered, flanking a thin, tall man in a lab coat. He clutched a clipboard, watching her warily.

Supergirl remained on her back, tapping her fingers in boredom. It wasn't likely, but it was worth a shot. Heroes ran on more guts than most normal people would guess.

"Your goons can wait outside," she said casually. "Their guns are useless, anyhow."

The man shook his head nervously. "I don't think so. Our observations show that you're quite powerless."

Supergirl smiled and sat up, sliding her legs to the floor, her red boots clicking down. She resisted the urge to laugh as the three captors backed up cautiously.

Supergirl stared them down. "Powerless, huh?" She shook her head in amazement. "And you need those two big men to protect you from little old me?"

But the man didn't take the bait. "I'm not that stupid," he said. "You may be powerless, but that doesn't mean you aren't dangerous. In fact, that's the only reason you're even here."

Supergirl was finding it hard to think with the two guns aimed at her. She had always found guns ridiculous and contemptable. But she had never lay under the threat of one. It wasn't a feeling she was used to, or one that she found to be liking.

"You have my word that if they leave, I'll listen to what you have to say and you will come to no harm," she said confidently. "Furthermore, I promise I won't try and escape."

The man considered the statement, cocking his head. "That's your solemn promise?"

Supergirl nodded her head.

The man thought about it, then gestured to the guards. "You can leave us."

Supergirl let out her breath slowly. Maybe Clark didn't like to lie, but she wasn't above it.

The man stepped in front of her. "I'm Dr. Emile Colby," he explained.

Supergirl nodded, sliding over on the bed and patting it with her hand. Colby smiled, then stepped over, sitting down next to her.

"Why have you brought me here, Dr. Colby?" Supergirl asked. She leaned back casually, playing with the edge of the pillow in her fingers.

Colby hesitated, taking in Supergirl's form. He had never been this close to the maiden of might, and she was a sight to behold. His eyes flickered over her magnificent chest, then back to her dancing eyes. "I, uh, I brought you here to discuss a problem."

Supergirl felt his eyes on her body, sneaking looks at her chest, her long legs. Supergirl felt a smile at the corner of her mouth. She stretched out her leg, letting her red skirt ride up her thigh just a little bit more. Colby noticed, his breath getting more labored. Behind her back, Supergirl eased the cover off of the pillow.

Colby snapped his attention back to the girl of steel. "Yes, a problem. A mutual problem." Colby fumbled with his clip board, pulling out papers and photographs.

"Who do you work for, doctor?" Supergirl asked quietly.

The doctor shuffled his papers, searching for the right one. "This project started with Eagle Division..." he mumbled.

Supergirl had the pillow case over his head before he could react. He shouted in surprise as she yanked the man to his feet, firmly holding the pillow case tight around his neck. She swung him into the wall, slamming his body.

Colby's cries were being choked by the pillow case and her grip. Sueprgirl yanked the doctor close to her, quickly lifting her knee to his crotch, then headbutting his covered head. Colby sank to the floor, moaning.

Supergirl kicked open the door to her cell. In the hall, the two guards with guns raised them quickly. Supergirl stared them down.

"Go ahead," Supergirl said menacingly. "And when those bullets bounce off of me, I'm going to walk over there and kick your ass."

The guards took a quick, nervous look at each other. Then they turned and ran down the hallway. Supergirl smiled, walking behind them, looking for an exit.

Supergirl rounded a corner and stopped in her tracks. Blocking her path was a tall woman in a familiar costume. But this woman was blonde.

Supergirl backed up, nervous. "What's going on here?"

The tall blonde walked towards her, the yellow and green skintight costume molded to her impressive figure. On her shoulder was the only identifying mark: "592."

Supergirl turned and ran the other direction. She slammed into what felt like a brick wall and landed with a surprised "oof!" on her ass. She stared up at another woman, this one a brunette. The number "602" was imprinted on her green and yellow costume.

"Supergirl, you must stop this," the woman marked 602 said reassuringly.

Supergirl kicked herself backwards, getting to her feet. The woman marked 592 was behind her again. But now there were three more women with her, all with different numbers.

Supergirl turned, panicked. But she was surrounded. "All of you...the same as 681?" she asked, worried.

Colby limped through the wall of women, rubbing his sore crotch. "The same suits, Supergirl," he warned. "And with no powers to speak of, how long do you think you'd last?"

Supergirl considered the odds, feeling overwhelmed. Just one of these women had been enough to completely dominate and humiliate her, breaking her will like it was paper mache. How could she survive?

Supergirl wanted to collapse from the weight of the situation. But suddenly she felt an eerie calm within her. She looked around, composing herself. She straighted up, her hands on her hips. Her power stance.

"If you wanted me dead, I already would be," she declared. Colby's eye darted away, and Supergirl felt a small measure of control returning to her.

"All this power in the room, but you need me," she continued. "You need Supergirl to help you."

Colby looked around, rubbing his sore crotch absently. He finally looked Supergirl in the eyes. "Will you listen to what I have to say?"

Supergirl considered, then slowly shook her head. "What is it that you want?"

Clark awoke to another day of what had become his own personal hell.

His body lay spread eagled on the floor, his costume torn and dirty. His uniform was soiled, his arms and legs shackled to the walls.

He could break them easily, of course. But if he did, his mistress would punish him.

Superman closed his eyes and tried to erase that thought from his head. But it was too late. After a week of torture and abuse, his willing mind had finally sucumbed to the inevitable. He was merely the plaything of his mistress. Further resistence was futile.

But he still tensed up, trying to rally his weakened mind as the steel door swung open.

"Good morning, pet," 681 sneered as she came in. Superman tried not to look, but his eyes inevitably took in the long sexy legs of his captor as she walked around him, examing him.

"Another sleepless night, I see," she said casually, kicking his side with indifference. Superman shuddered at her boot's touch.

681 straddled the man of steel and slowly sank down, pressing her firm, tight ass onto his abdomen. She leaned forward, crossing her arms on his chest, resting her chin on her arms. She looked into her captive's eyes.

"And why hasn't the might man of steel broken these pitiful bonds?" she inquired, teasing him. Superman turned his head in shame, feeling tears in his eyes.

Clark could feel her finger on his chest, slowly pressing into his invulnerable body, circling playfully, absently.

"I don't see any kryptonite in here," 681 continued. "And yet here you are, helpless as a baby."

"I-I wo-won't...won't break," Superman blurted out too quickly. 681 smiled softly.

"Baby, you're already broken," she whispered. Superman looked at her, stunned. How could she know? He hadn't said...

Superman sank his head back to the ground in disgust. He hadn't needed to say anything. His panic at her suggestion told her all that she needed to know.

681 knew it too, slowly sitting up and patting Superman on the chest where the "s" symbol normally would be. Clark could still remember her tearing it off his costume and stuffing it in his mouth.

"So go ahead and say it already," 681 said.

Superman shook his head wearily. Not so much defiance, but more of a token gesture.

681 laughed and got to her feet. "Maybe you're concerened about what will happen next," she said, slowly walking over to Superman's legs. She hunched down and slowly undid the shackles from his legs.

"All your life, truth, justice and the American way," she said, unfastening one leg, then the other.

"But baby, the American way is capitalism. Greed. Taking what's yours, at any cost."

Superman shook his head weakly. "America is no-nobler...than th-that..."

681 undid his hands, but Superman still remained spread eagled on the ground. 681 slowly started to pull off his red boots.

"Nobility is a state of mind," 681 intoned, plucking off Superman's boot and dropping it over her shoulder. "Can not criminals have nobility as well?" Off came the second boot.

"Criminals...are n-not noble," Superman responded.

681's hands slid up Superman's legs, her fingers slipping under the waist of his tights and tugging them down. "Criminals are the most noble, baby," she said as she slowly slid the tights off of the man of steel. His rock hard penis, freed of its restraint, stood up straight in the air.

"And what is a criminal?" 681 continues, finally pulling the rest of the tights off of his legs, flinging it across the small room. She leaned forward, grabbing the man of steel's hair and pulling him with a groan to a sitting position.

"Who decides what makes an act criminal?" 681 philosphized. "Those in control." She took Superman's shirt and pulled it above his head, completing the stripping of the last son of krypton. She balled up the dirty shirt and tossed it aside.

681 took Superman's jaw in her hand and held his face in front of her. "You have enough experience to know that those in control are not always right," she said.

Superman nodded weakly.

681 smiled. "Soon, you too will be branded a criminal," she said sweetly. "But we'll know better. We'll know that at heart, all criminals are really heroes. Heroes against a corrupt power base."

Superman nodded, his lips quivering.

"Now what do you say, my pet?" 681 patiently asked.

"What do you want me to say, mistress?" Superman asked submissively.

681 smiled at the desired response, finally granting the last son of krypton the kiss his body so desperately craved. She wasn't surprised that he came instantly.

She had that effect on people.

Supergirl sat at the table, listening patiently.

"Eagle Division wasn't always intended as a supehero deterrant," he was quickly explaining. "But it took on that role, as R&D made it possible."

"You designed the suits," Supergirl said, cutting to the chase. "And now you've got someone in one, out of control."

Colby rubbed his eyes quickly. "There was no way of knowing the suit would have that effect," he said quickly.

Supergirl looked around at the half dozen girls standing around in similar costumes. "They don't seem crazy."

Colby stood up and walked along them. "The suit is bio electric in nature. It's not so much wires and fabric, as it is a malleable....organism," he said, fumbling for words. "It's not easy to describe."

Supergirl stood up and stood next to Colby as he gestured towards one of the women, marked 478. 478 nodded, and then the costume started to ripple.

Supergirl watched, fascinated, as the costume started to slide off of the woman. Slide off wasn't right, she quickly saw. The costume was removing itself from her, actually pulling out of folicles in her skin.

"It's actually part of her," Supergirl marveled.

Colby nodded. "The suit bonds with the wearer. All of these agents only wear the suits for up to two hours at a time. Any longer, and the suit becomes harder to remove."

Supergirl nods, understanding. "It becomes a part of the wearer."

"If you're not careful," Colby agreed. "Which is what happened to 681."

Colby walked along the line of women and sat back down. "The project ran smoothly, from its humble beginnings in the 100 series, which were just partial enhancement suits, to the 600 series, which were full body outfits."

"But something went wrong," Supergirl observed.

"Tia Janko went wrong," he said wearily. "She got hungrier and hungrier for the power the suit gave her. She ended up wearing it for days at a time, until we tried to get her out of the program."

"But that didn't work," Supergirl said.

Colby shook his head wearily. "She was insane, she killed ten of our agents. The suit she has was the most advanced in the 600 series. It's stronger than any our other agents wear."

Supergirl shook her head, irritated. "Don't you do psychological profiles?"

Colby nodded in irritation. "She passed with flying colors. But once she was exposed to that power, she changed."

Supergirl nodded, sitting down. "Now what does this have to do with me?"

Colby coughed nervously. "Well, we hoped you could help us stop her."

Supergirl laughed out loud. "I don't know if you noticed, doc, but your pals at Eagle Division already saw to it that I'm out of the superhero business."

Colby stared at her gravely. "I can get you back in."

Supergirl felt her heart skip a beat. Her powers back?

Colby gestured her to follow him. "Ironically, when we first found out your powers were gone, we thought things had gone from bad to worse," he explained, leading her into a lead lined room.

Supergirl looked around casually as Colby turned the handle on a huge steel door built into the room.

"But the lack of your powers means that this is possible," he said, opening the door. Supergirl's jaw dropped.

Hanging in the door was a full bodysuit. Instead of green and black, it was red and blue. And on its chest was her "S" symbol.

"We've made some special modificiations," he quickly explained. Supergirl stepped forward, feeling the material in her hands. She examined the sleeve, where she found the number "712" written in its side.

"The 700 series. Completely experimental," he said. "In theory, stronger than 681's suit. But of course, who knows what she's been doing to herself to improve it, to boost it."

"Your invulnerable skin would have made wearing it useless," he went on. "It couldn't bond with your skin. But since you're powerless..."

Supergirl held the costume in her arms. A strength augmenting suit. Like 681's. Only potentially stronger.

Colby cleared his throat nervously. "I know you had trouble beating her the last time, and I can understand if you don't want to try again, especially since last time...."

Supergirl cut him off with a wave of her hand. "Get out of here."

Colby stood there, jaw slack, unsure.

Supergirl sighed. "So I can change?"

Colby nodded quickly. "Oh, of course. Yeah." He shuffled out of the room.

Supergirl held the costume in front of her. She could feel it trying to blend with her vulnerable skin, a slightly sickening feeling. Supergirl took a deep breath and slipped out of her costume.

Colby looked up in surprise. His jaw dropped.

Supergirl stood in front of him, the skin tight costume leaving nothing to the imagination. Her perfect breasts displayed the prominent red "S," her long legs stood apart, her hands on her hips.

Her power stance.

"Let's kick some ass," she said defiantly. Colby smiled in relief.
Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
Posts: 37
Joined: 15 years ago

Part 3a:
TeamMunich wrote: .3: armageddon

Still powereless by a synthetic kryptonite compound created by the mysterious Eagle Divison, Supergirl adjustment to life as simple Linda Danvers is sidetracked when she discovers a terrified and beaten Superman. Evading a fight with the powerful 681, Supergirl couldn't prevent being abducted by Dr. Colby, who reveals that it was his division that created the power suit worn by the villain, and that he has an entire army of such suits at his disposal. Colby convinces Supergirl that only her savvy and heroic tendancies can help end the threat of 681 once and for all...

Page one of two:

Supergirl still couldn't get used to the suit.

The metallic fibers were sunk into her flesh, which was not a comfortable feeling. She wasn't used to anything penetrating her skin, let alone millions of tiny tendrils.

Supergirl glanced to her side and saw two of the green and gold clad women slip closer to the warehouse. The only way she could differentiate them was by the number on their arms. At least her own costume was red and blue and her familiar "S" symbol rested on her chest.

But the skintight costume was even more revealing than her own. Her hands reached down for the hundredth time, slowly running over her ass. She hadn't been working out as often since her powers were gone. The last thing she wanted when she faced 681 was to run into the room like a bouncing ball of Jell-O.

"Team one, beta pattern," a quiet voice broke in over her headset. Supergirl adjusted the tiny device hooked over her ear. Her lips breathed into a slender microphone extended in front of her face.

"Copy, executing," Supergirl whispered.

Supergirl looked over at the two warriors across from her and made a silent signal with her hand. One of the women nodded back, then slipped down the grassy slope towards the warehouse.

Dr. Emil Colby had determined that this was 681's most likely hideout. 681 had not been very careful about hiding her whereabouts. She was stronger than any of Colby's warrior soldiers, and had trashed both Supergirl and Superman. Why bother hiding?

Supergirl clenched her fists. This time was going to be different. Her costume was the new 700 series, stronger than 681's. Supergirl smirked as she imagined the surprise on 681's face, the look of terror as she pounded her bitch face into the ground over and over and...

Supergirl shook her head, shaking away the anger. She had to focus. You couldn't fight angry. Supergirl slowly made her way down with the rest of the team.

681 couldn't believe how bored she was.

A week in this dingy warehouse, and nothing much to show for it except a broken man of steel. She almost had to laugh. Someone like Lex Luthor lived their entire lives hoping for such a moment, but 681 had trashed Superman only as an afterthought.

She knew her silent partner would approve of his beaten presence. 681 had hoped it would make him work faster. But it had not. And now the windbag stood in front of her, talking nonstop about what he could do with the right tools.

"Are you closer?" 681 finally asked, cutting off the unending dialogue.

Metallo straightened up, his metal frame creaking. The mechanical arms spread wide, his robotic face actually appearing to be surprised. His red eyes blinked, a human response for an inhuman creature.

"I can't work with this crap," his metallic voice intoned, gesturing at a pile of techno gadgets purloined by 681 from factories and labs across the eastern seaboard. "An artist of my caliber..."

"You're not hired as an artist," 681 sneered menacingly. "You promised you could enhance the suit. I spared your pitiful life, and now for almost three months you have sat there and complained..."

"I can not work with this," Metallo emphatically said, pouding his metal fist onto the table. "These are like using butcher knives for surgery. That suit you have is sophisticated harware."

681 stepped forward, and was pleased to note Metallo stepped back slightly. She stepped forward, her long and slender body stopping face to face with Metallo's towering frame.

"I'm tired of your excuses," 681 said softly. "You have one day to show me your value, robot. Then I start using you for spare parts."

Metallo leaned forward, his red eyes widening. "Let me kill Superman," he said quickly. "And I will give you what you want."

681 shook her head. The green glow could be seen underneath Metallo's breast plate. "That statement suggest you are holding out on me," 681 warned. "And that wouldn't be a good thing."

Metallo leaned back, tapping his metal fingers on the table in irritation. "You are a cold bitch," he moaned electronically. "I shall get to work."

681 nodded approval. Metallo spoke up behind her. "And then I kill Superman."

"No," 681 replied. "He's too valuable to us alive."

Metallo managed a hollow laugh. "I shall enjoy watching him surprise you," he said. "And then you'll be begging me to kill him."

681 turned, gazing over her shoulder at the metallic monster. "We'll see," she said softly.

Supergirl stepped quietly over the roof and hunched down beside a skylight. An empty room lay below.

"I'm going in," Supergirl whispered into the microphone.

Supergirl eased open the skylight and dropped to the ground below. She looked around quickly, but it was a small office and there were no windows.

Supergirl stepped to the door and pressed her ear against it. At a time like this her x-ray vision would come in handy. She could simply look to see if anyone was on the other side. She listened, hearing nothing.

The maiden of might eased the doorknob, twisting slowly. She pushed against the door, pushing it open inch by inch. She peeked through the door, seeing nothing.

The door snapped open in front of her, a metallic hand striking forward and wrapping around her surprised throat, cutting off her scream.

"Well, what have we here?" Metallo said in delight, pulling Supergirl through the doorway and lifting her into the air by the neck.

Supergirl kicked her legs uselessly, struggling to speak into the microphone at her lips. But Metallo's grip was too stong, cutting off her air.

Metallo cocked his head, noticing the microphone. He reached forward and gingerly plucked it from her ear and examined it. "Friends of yours?" Metallo said with a small metallic laugh. He dropped the headset to the floor and stepped on it, the hydrolics in his leg WHIRRRRING as he did so.

Metallo examined the proud red "S" on Supergirl's heaving chest. "My favorite sight in the world," Metallo cried in triumph. "And your achilles heel."

Metallo's breastplate swung open, bathing Supergirl with the full exposure of his kryptonite heart. Metallo laughed cruelly.

"Can you feel it, slut," Metallo beamed. "Can you feel your life seeping from your body, your strength fleeing your pathetic body?"

Metallo laughed cruelly. "Your life ends today, bitch."

His laugh cut short with a surprised grunt. He looked down. Supergirl's gloved hand was wrapped around his kryptonite heart. He looked up at her face, stunned.

Supergirl smiled at Metallo and winked. She jerked the kryptonite out of his chest and held it in front of his face.

Metallo's grip released and Supergirl dropped to her feet. He stepped back, his metal limbs barely functioning.

"Th-that'" Metallo said, his eyes dimming.

Supergirl fought the urge to rub her aching throat. She didn't want to show weakness. She held the kryptonite in her hands, useless against her already powerless body. Whatever that synthetic kryptonite had done to her, it had changed her body chemistry so that she truly was human. For the first time, she actually was glad for it.

Metallo struggled to switch to his backup power supply. Supergirl tightened her grip around the kryptonite, shattering it in her hands. The kryptonite crumbled, raining down to the floor.

Metallo, straightened, defiant. "I...k-k-kill you..."

Supergirl wound up, holding her fist in the air. Metallo stared at it, his unweildly body unable to respond. Supergirl slammed forward, knocking Metallo's upper body clear off of his torso. The chest and arms skidded along the warehouse floor. Metallo's legs stood where they were, planted on the ground.

Supergirl allowed herself a small smile. First time to test the suit and it had the desired effect.

"Now, that wasn't a very nice thing to do," a familiar voice sneered behind her.

Supergirl turned, facing 681. The two opponents stood ten feet apart, eyeballing each other.

"Do you know how hard it is to find a reliable appliance in this consumer frenzied over-flooded marketplace?" 681 querried.

"Enough games," Supergirl announced. "This ends today."

681 looked her up and down. "Nice suit, but the trick don't fly." 681 stepped forward and wrapped her hand on Supergirl's collar. "This can't bond with your invulnerable bod..."

681's eyes widened in surprise as she tugged on Supergirl's costume, unable to rip it off. Supergirl smiled at the confusion in 681's face, then slammed her fist into it.

681 fell backwards to the ground, sliding ten feet. Supergirl towered over her, hands on her hips.

681 wiped blood off of her lips with the back of her gloved hand. She looked up at Supergirl with contempt. "You don't have any powers," she said with regret. "On the rooftop, you had no powers?"

Supergirl nodded, smiling.

"I could have peeled the skin off your body at my leisure," 681 continued, shaking her head. "And now I gotta face you in this thing."

"No," Supergirl corrected. "There's no escape. You're not facing me."

681 looked up as a dozen green and gold warriors stepped forward from the shadows, surrounding 681.

"You face all of us," Supergirl finished. It was over. 681 was beaten.

But 681 only smiled. "Colby got you into this," she said confidently. "But Emil was always an idiot. He never saw the big picture. I always have."

Supergirl's smile dropped from her face slowly. Why wasn't 681 scared? Was she crazy?

"You don't think I knew this day would come?" 681 said with irritation. "Pet, explain it to them."

Supergirl didn't see what hit the warriors, but a wind blew past her and there was women laying all over the room. Supergirl stepped back, eyes widening as the rapidly moving object came to a stop.


681 stood up, beaming at her creation. Superman stood bent over, his back arched, an almost feral look about him. His hair hung in sweaty tatters, his face unshaven. He was naked except for a tight pair of leather shorts and a thick dog collar around his neck.

His lips spread into a cruel smile.

"What did she do to you," Supergirl breathed, stunned at the sight. 681 rubbed her hand over Superman's back, rolling down and squeezing the man of steel's ass.

"I released the real him," she said. "And now he'll do anything for me."

681 held up her hand underneath Superman's nose. He leaned forward, greedily licking the back of her hand.

"Kill them, pet," 681 said decisively.

Superman picked up the nearest woman and lifted her struggling into the air. He tossed her with extreme force into some reinforcments.

Supergirl stepped forward, moving to help the soldiers. 681 stepped in her path, slapping her palm into Supergirl's chin and dropping her to the ground.

Supergirl struggled to her feet, and was helped by 681 yanking her by the hair. 681 held the princess of power's face to her own and sneered. "700 series, huh? Emil is nothing without me. I've made improvements to my own costume over the last year. Let's see who did better."

Supergirl didn't even see the punch hit her in the face, but she felt like her body was going to shatter in a million pieces. At first guess, she'd say 681 had done the better job.

681 stalked towards her, hands balled up in fists.

"I promised, little princess," she shouted. "This time you die."

Supergirl felt fear grip her heart. She turned and tried to claw to safety. 681 slapped her boot down on Supergirl's ass and pinned her to the floor.

681 leaned down and casually slapped the back of Supergirl's head.

"You're so pathetic," she laughed. "Killing you is almost too easy."

Supergirl felt hot tears on her face as 681 jerked her up to a kneeling position. Her confidence was shattered, her vulnerable bod aching.

681 yanked her hair and jerked her head back. 681 leaned forward and spit, saliva slowly dripping down and splashing on the princess of power's face.

"You may have the suit," 681 said. "But you're no fighter."

681's hands drove into Supergirl's shoulders, dropping her to her hands and knees with punishing force. "All your life, hiding behind your powers," 681 said.

"P-please..." Supergirl begged.

Another punishing blow. Supergirl fell flat on the ground, no strength in her arms.

"Thinking you're so sexy, so perfect," 681 continued, walking along Supergirl's side and swinging her foot hard into Supergirl's side. "I know the truth. I know what a powder puff you are," she shouted.

"'t hurt...hurt me!"

Supergirl tensed up as the boot drove into her gut again.

"I AM YOUR MASTER!" 681 shouted in triumph.

Supergirl could feel her will slipping away. She looked through teary eyes across the warehouse, watching Superman beating on the soldiers. None of their suits were as powerful as 681's, and Superman was attacking with an unholy vengeance.

It was over. They had lost. She had lost. Supergirl closed her eyes, wanting to die.

Another boot slammed into her gut.

And Supergirl felt pain all over her body. But her mind focused. 681 kicked her again. Supergirl felt the full force of the blow land in her gut, then spread out evenly through her suit, spreading out the pain and lessening it.

Supergirl's eyes snapped open. The suit was absorbing the majority of 681's punishment. She had gone down more out of being psyched out than by being phsycially hurt.

Supergirl summoned up all of her courage. 681's boot came towards her, and Supergirl reached up, catching the boot in her hands.

681 looked down in shock, struggling to free her leg.

Supergirl twisted the leg, taking 681 off of her feet. Supergirl got to her feet, defiant.

681 stood up, standing toe to toe with Supergirl. "It's pointless to fight," 681 said. "You know you can't beat me."

Supergirl smiled. "Round two."

Supergirl sent a small jab at 681's shoulder, tapping it. 681 looked down in surprise, then laughed. "Is that the best you got?" 681 laughed.

Supergirl went to work, sending a series of quick jabs to 681's suit. 681 staggered on her feet as Supergirl stepped into her, punching her quickly on the shoulders, chest and stomach. Her arms moved with blinding speed, the enhanced suit making her faster.

Supergirl watched the confusion on 681's face as the barrage sent her into retreat, but Supergirl did not let up. Wearing the suit showed her why her super powered blows against 681 had been so useless. The suit evenly distributed the blows throughout the suit. Supergirl could have wound up all day when she had her powers, and she would never have tired 681 out.

But Supergirl had an idea. If the suit could take a major blow in one spot, could it take a hundred small blows all over? Supergirl kept the punches flying, knowing that 681's suit couldn't possibly keep up with the attack.

681 roared in pain as she swatted at Supergirl, trying to defend herself. Her suit rippled in spots as it struggled to compensate for the energy being directed at it.

Supergirl didn't relent, and a spark erupted on 681's shoulder. Supergirl slapped her hand forward, gripping the affected spot of the power suit and yanking at the fabric.

Supergirl tore a chunk of 681's costume off, holding it in front of 681's stunned face. The tiny electrical fibers twisted off from the torn fabric, searching for the rest of its suit. The fabric sparked and flashed, energy seeping from it.

" d-did you do that?" 681 asked stupidly. Her costume was torn below her left breast, exposing the pale skin on the curve of her breast. Her skin was pasty and white, with blood dripping down from where the suit tendril were torn from the flesh.

"It's over, 681," Supergirl declared triumphantly. 681 staggered backwards, clutching her torn costume. Supergirl stepped forward, grabbing the edges of the tear and ripping it wider, tearing chunks free.

"Very good, Supergirl," Dr. Colby said behind her.

Supergirl turned, surprised. Colby smiled gently at her, a small remote control in his hand. "You have defeated her," he said.

"What are you doing here?" Supergirl demanded. She glanced nervously back at 681, but she was swaying on her feet, dazed.

"Taking back control," Colby said menacingly, pressing one of the remote control's buttons. Supergirl gasped as she felt her costume constrict, locking her into place. She struggled to move, but nothing was happening.

"What are you doing?" Supergirl demanded.

Colby ignored her question and walked up to 681, surveying the damage. 681 glared back at him. "Colby, you mother fucker," she hissed.

Colby smiled. "All good things to those who wait," he said softly. "I told you that you worked for me," he said. "Now you will come back with me, and follow my orders."

"Never!" 681 screamed. "I'll kill you first!"

"In your damaged condition, I hardly think that would be possible," Colby said, laughing.

Supergirl struggled against her suit, now a prison. "What is the meaning of this?"

Colby turned and smiled at Supergirl. "Shut up, bitch," he said cruelly. "I've had it up to here with your 'I'm better than you are' attitude. You are nothing. Powerless."

Supergirl glared at Colby. She wanted to rip the weasel's head off. But the costume was preventing it.

"I immedietly saw that my division could be used for profit," Colby explained, running his hand through 681's hair. "681 was my favorite soldier. Ruthless, cunning and violent."

681 snarled and spit into Colby's face. Colby smiled and absently wiped it off. "But she got it in her head that she didn't need me," he continued. "So it was time to pound some sense into her."

Supergirl struggled in her suit. If only there was some way to deactivate it...

"I'm offering you a chance, 681," Colby said. "Come back and work for me. We'll give you a new suit. And as a bonus, I'll let you snap Supergirl's neck."

681 frowned, thinking about it.

"You don't have any options," Colby reminded her.

681 nodded once, very hesitantly.

"Good girl," Colby said. "And now it's time for your reward."

Colby turned to Supergirl, smiling. Supergirl struggled in her suit, no way to move, no escape. 681 limped towards her, more than enough power in her battered suit to kill her if she choosed.

A dark shadow fell across the three of them. Colby turned, curious. A snarling Superman gripped him by the throat and lifted him into the air.

"Kill you..." he snarled, a primal rage.

Colby's eyes filled with panic as he tried to speak. "!"

681 slumped to the ground, fatigued. She watched with a cruel smile on her lips as Colby struggled. "Die, you stupid fuck," she whispered.

Colby snarled and fumbled with the remote. He pressed a button, and suddenly Supergirl could move again.

"HELP ME!" he shouted.

Supergirl walked towards him slowly, considering. She wanted the prick to die, he had tricked her into helping him in an evil plan. But she couldn't let Clark kill someone in his condition. He wouldn't be able to live with it.

Supergirl stepped between Superman and Colby, stretching them apart. Colby fell to the ground, rubbing his throat. The remote fell underneath Supergirl's boot, and she promptly smashed it.

Superman snarled and backhanded Kara across the face. Supergirl gasped in surprise and tumbled to the ground. She started to get up, but 681 was on top of her, gripping her hair and pounding her head into the pavement.

"I'm going to kill you, cunt!" 681 screamed in rage.

Supergirl pushed 681 back, getting to her feet. Superman flew at lightning speed behind her, grabbing her around the stomach and pinning her arms to her side.

"OOOOfffffff!" Supergirl gasped as Superman squeezed the life out of her.

681 stepped up in front of her, smiling. She delivered a handful of punches to Supergirl's face and shoulders, each with punishing authority. Supergirl struggled to defend herself, but Superman was keeping her arms secure.

"Clark, you ha-have to...fight...through this..." she gasped.

Superman squeezed harder.

"Sorry, blondie," 681 said, viciously striking her again and again. "He's on my team now."

Supergirl couldn't keep her surroundings straight. She couldn't breathe fast enough with Superman gripping her so tight. And her head was being snapped right and left with every one of 681's blows. Though 681's costume was severely weakened by Supergirl's earlier attack, it still had enough power to hurt her.

"Cl-clark...stop!" Kara begged.

681 swung another vicious blow, and sparks erupted from Supergirl's costume near the shoulder. Supergirl howled in pain as the suit tore open from the blast, exposing bare flesh.

681 siezed the opportunity, grabbing the costume and tearing a large chunk from it. Supergirl felt the tendrils of wire tear out of her skin and screamed.

"It's over, bitch," 681 crowed. "Nothing can save you now."

Supergirl struggled through the pain. Suddenly, Superman's grip weakened. Supergirl rolled her head down.

Metallo gripped Superman by the leg, having dragged his legless body across the warehouse to where the three were standing. Metallo clutched what was left of his kryptonite heart in his hand, his backup systems powering him.

"I ain't going down alone, Superputz!" he shouted in his metallic voice.

"NO, you fool!" 681 screamed.

Superman released Supergirl and stumbled to his hands and knees, the kryptonite washing over him. Metallo dragged what was left of his body up the man of steel, pressing the chunk of kryptonite into his flesh.

"Time to die, Superman!" he sneered.

Supergirl stood up in front of 681. The two stared each other down, both their costumes torn and losing power. Supergirl hauled off and slammed a fist into 681's face, knocking her back to the ground.

Supergirl leaped on top of her, sending a series of punches into her face. 681 snarled and deflected some of them, slamming a fist into Supergirl's gut and rolling her over. 681 straddled the maiden of might and pummeled her face.

Supergirl lifted up her legs, hooking them around 681's shoulders and snapping her away from Supergirl's body. Supergirl stumbled to her feet, wiping the blood from her lips.

681 rushed her, clawing at what was left of her power suit. The two women stood toe to toe, ripping at each other's costumes. Soon the two stood nearly naked.

Supergirl lashed out, kicking 681 in the gut. 681 doubled over. Supergirl grabbed her hair and hurled her into the wall. 681 crashed through the weak drywall and disappeared into darkness.

Kara rubbed her sore face, feeling bruises beginning to form. She stumbled forward, peering through the hole in the wall. She saw nothing.

"Give it up, 681," she said weakly, stepping through the hole to pursue. "This ends here and now."
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Part 3b:
TeamMunich wrote: .3: armageddon

Page two of two:

Metallo pounded his metal fist into Superman's face, bloodying his lip and nose. "How's it feel, loser?" Metallo shouted.

Clark grunted as another fist slammed into his face. His mind raced. Where was he? What was happening? He remembered 681, the torture. His willing defeat to her.

Another metal face crashed into his face. Superman spit out blood.


Superman felt the waves of kryptonite pain washing over his body. Metallo was killing him. But if he was going to die, at least he would in his own mind.

Not that he would let it come to that.

Superman reached up and weakly worked at the thick leather dog collar around his neck. He fumbled it loose,

Metallo grinned with his metal teeth. "Oh, what's the matter? Collar too tight?"

Metallo's fist, clutching the kryptonite, slammed into the man of steel's face. Superman whipped the dog collar around Metallo's hand, pulling quickly and tightening it in a loop. Metallo stared at it stupidly as Superman held it tight, then yanked.

Metallo's hand tore from his metal body and flew across the room, the collar still wrapped around it. The kyrptonite tumbled out of Metallo's detached hand and rolled down through a crack and beneath the warehouse floor.

Metallo screamed in rage. Superman felt his strenght begin to return.

And then God help Metallo.

Kara limped through the dark warehouse, ascending a staircase. She gripped the guard rail tight. Her body felt sore from head to toe. Without the costume, she was completely powerless. She was naked and alone, and had already taken a severe beating from 681 and Superman.

Kara pushed through a door at the top of the warehouse and stepped onto the top floor. She took two hesitant steps.

She saw the movement behind her, but couldn't turn fast enough. Still, the two by four hit her in the shoulder instead of the head because of her reaction.

The two by four snapped in two as it struck her. Supergirl tumbled from the blow, stumbling several feet before slamming down on her side to the floor. Her hand snapped out to stop her fall, but it landed square on a nail sticking out of the floorboards, impaling her hand.

"AAAAiiiiiiiiGGGGGGGGHHhhhhhh!" Supergirl howled as she felt the rusty metal slide into her palm.

681 ran up, kicking her in the gut. Supergirl clenched her teeth and jerked her hand up, tearing it off of the nail. She clutched her bloody hand.

"What do you think is going to happen," 681 sneered, sending another foot into her face.

"You're going to lose, just like last time," 681 said. "You can't beat me! You're powerless! You're a whipped bitch!"

Supergirl spun her leg around, taking 681 off of her feet and depositing her on her ass. Kara crawled to her feet, stumbling backwards.

681 was up quickly advancing on her.

"I'm a trained killer," 681 said, sending a vicious kick into Supergirl's exposed stomach and driving her backwards into the wall. Kara felt her naked ass slam into the concrete wall, knowing there was no escape.

"You're nothing," 681 said, measuring Supergirl for a quick headbutt. Then a knee to the stomach. And driving her elbow into Supergirl's chin.

Supergirl would have sank to her knees, but 681 slammed her forearm into her neck, pinning her to the wall. 681 leaned in close, her face a hair away from Supergirl's. "You need your powers to win, and even with those you couldn't touch me," she hissed. "And I want you to know that even know, even with my powers gone as well, you're nothing to me."

"And now you will die."

Supergirl summoned up what was left of her strength and brought her knee up, slamming into 681's stomach. Supergirl ignored her impaled hand and pushed at 681, hurling her off of her body.

Kara felt a second wave of adrenaline wash over her. It was time to teach 681 who was boss.

But as she felt her weak arm drag softly in the air, missing 681's face by a mile, she knew that she had nothing left in the tank.

681 easily avoided the pathetic blow, smiling the entire time. She reached up and grabbed the arm as it passed her, yanking Supergirl forward. 681 twisted the arm behind Supergirl's back, twisting it.

Supergirl felt herself snapped around, her arm twisted behind her.

"O-oh' don't...."

681 snapped her arm, breaking it. Supergirl screamed in pain and terror, her right arm useless to her.

681 spun her around again, slamming into her face with another fist. Supergirl staggered backwards, trying to defend herself. Her right arm wouldn't respond to her. Her left arm flailed uselessly.

She stumbled backwards into the a set of large glass windows. 681 lashed out, her foot slamming into her ribs. Supergirl felt two of them snap. She had trouble breathing.

681 came in close, wrapping her fist around Supergirl's broken ribs and squeezing her side, teasing.

"OOOOOhhhhhhhWWWWGaaaaaahhhhhh!" Supergirl screamed as 681 cruelly inflicted more punishment.

"You see how easy it is," 681 whispered. "How easy it is for me to kill you?"

Supergirl knew it was all over. 681 had beaten her. "Pl-please...ti-time out...don't this..."

681 squeezed harder. "Such a fragile thing, the human body," she continued softly. "I'll bet you never knew that, did you?"

681 gazed at the sun setting through the windows behind Supergirl. "Twilight time," she whispered.

Supergirl's mind raced. Maybe if she got on her knees and begged 681 to spare her. Maybe if she could please her mistress in some way, maybe the pain would end.

Kara's eyes closed, defeated.

And she felt disgusted. Her eyes slowly opened, staring at 681's triumphant smile.

"I've won," 681 sneered. "Why don't you just admit it?"

Supergirl summoned up what was left of herself and spit into 681's face.

681 stood there, the saliva dripping down her chin. Her eyes darkened in anger.

"You...will never...defeat me..." Supergirl hissed.

681 slowly wiped the spit form her face.

" Supergirl."

681 frowned. "If I can't defeat you," she whispered. "I'll just have to settle for killing you."

681 slammed her fist forward, but Supergirl ducked. 681's fist slammed through the window. 681 howled in pain, clutching her bloody fist, shards of glass sticking in it.

Supergirl grabbed 681 around the waist with her left arm and yanked her backwards. 681 stumbled with her, unable to stop the momentum.

The two crashed through the windows. Kara grabbed hold of the ledge with her left arm, her broken right arm hanging loosely at her side.

681's hand wrapped around Supergirl's leg, dangling. 681 looked down, hanging sixty feet above the ground.

Kara felt her fingers slipping under the weight. She didn't have much strength left.

681 grabbed onto Supergirl with her other hand, trying to pull up her body. "When I get up there," she snarled. "You're really going to pay!"

Kara wearily kicked her leg, swinging 681 into the side of the building. 681 struck the side with a thud, her fingers clawing into Supergirl's leg.

"You bitch!" 681 shrieked.

Kara swung back and forth, her hand slipping from the ledge.

681 slammed into the building's side, losing one of her hand's grip on Supergirl's leg.

"You'll kill us both!" she shouted in anger.

"That's one idea," Kara said weakly. The weight on her leg was pulling at her broken ribs, the pain was incredible. A few more seconds and she would pass out.

Her leg swung again, and 681 slammed face first into the wall with a mighty thud.

Her hand slipped, struggling.

"No!" 681 shouted, terrified. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

And her hand lost its grip.

Supergirl's eyes were closed and she didn't see the fall. But she heard the deadly thud below. She opened her eyes weakly and saw 681 laying twisted on the pavement below, a pool of blood circling her body.

Kara sighed, not feeling victorious at all. Her body was wracked and broken. She struggled mightily, trying to pull herself up.

And her hand slipped from the ledge.

Nothing was holding her up, and for the first time Supergirl felt Earth's gravity at a dangerous height.

And then a hand shot out the window, wrapping around her arm, catching her.

"OoooFFF!" Kara grunted. She looked up to her rescuer.

And saw Dr. Emil Colby.

Colby held the maiden of might in the air, dangling her by her left arm.

"Interesting," he said quietly. "If I had let you fall, then you would had died a triumphant hero, having defeated your nemesis."

Kara looked up, tears streaming down her face. She could hardly keep her eyes open through the pain.

"But," Colby continued. "If I drop you, then I've beaten you."

Colby smiled.

"I like that option," he said, releasing his grip.

Supergirl watched Colby's face shrink as she plummeted backwards to the pavement.

The last thing she felt was the strange sensation that her power of flight had returned. And then darkness. She didn't hear the thud as she landed.

Superman grabbed Colby from behind, holding him tight. He stared into Colby's contented, smiling face.

"I see you took care of Metallo," he commented.

Superman nodded. Metallo was in at least a hundred pieces in the warehouse below. But still functioning. Superman was no killer.

"This all worked out very well," Colby said. "I got rid of my main opposition, and now you'll kindly take me to jail."

Superman shook his head in wonder. "Why does that make you so happy?"

"Because one of my agents will see to it I don't stay there," he said, laughing. "Your nobility is your achilles heel. You can't kill me, so off I go, soon to be free again. And when I'm back, it will be without three major obstacles: Metallo, 681... and Supergirl."

Superman gripped him tight around the neck. "What are you talking about?"

Colby pointed out the window. When Superman looked, he almost wanted to forget he wasn't a killer.

The image would haunt him the rest of his life. Supergirl laying on the pavement, laying on top of 681, her body twisted in a grotesque shape. And Colby chuckling softly beside him.

Superman was back in his costume, standing in the hospital hallway. Inside the operating room, the doctors were doing their best to save Supergirl.

She had fallen on 681's body, it softening her fall, but not by much. When Superman first found her, her pulse was erratic and weak. He had her in the hospital in seconds. The doctors said she had broken bones, internal bleeding, and was in shock.

681, however, was very dead.

Superman paced in the hallway. What had Kara been thinking? Without her powers, facing someone like 681.

Someone that had defeated even him, at full power.

Superman shuddered at the memory. He had given himself up to her. He didn't know what he would tell Lois. He had not been...himself. He could barely remember the feral personality he had exhibited in his fight with the super soldiers.

He remembered beating them badly, tearing their power suits off of them like peeling bananas. None of them had the level of power that 681's augmented suit had had, and to make it worse his own power levels were dangerously high on adrenaline and rage.

Now the whole lot of them was in jail. Colby had just smiled as they put him in the lock up, still laughing. God help Colby if he ever came after Superman. The way he was feeling right now, he'd rip his head off and piss down his neck.

Superman looked up as a doctor hurried out of the operating room, sweating.

"What is it?"

The doctor rubbed his hands, nervous. Suprman felt the rage building quickly within him.

"Tell me goddammit! Is she dead?"

The doctor quickly shook his head. "No, no... It's worse."

Superman shook his head in disbelief. "What is it?"

"Her powers are returning slowly," the doctor said, wiping the sweat off his brow. "There's no way to tell, of course, how long until the powers are completely returned..."

"Isn't that a good thing," Superman asked. "Her powers come back, her body heals."

"Not exactly," the doctor explained. "You see, she still has broken bones and internal bleeding. Already her skin has toughened to the point that when we make an incision, it heals in a matter of minutes. We can't operate on her.

"And if we can't get inside of her, we can't repair the damage. And when her powers return, she'll be stuck with the damage," he said.

Superman stood still, his jaw slack.

"There's no way she can survive in that condition, super powered or not," he said softly.

Superman struggled to find his voice. "Wh-what do we do?"

The doctor fixed Superman with a level gaze. "That's what I'm out here talking to you for, Superman," he said softly. "I'm open to suggestions."

The two stood in the quiet hallway, staring at each other. They needed an answer and fast.

Or Supergirl would die.

Whoa, that's not the end of the saga! Coming labor day weekend, Ashes begins. A broken Supergirl lies between life and death while her friends concoct a desperate strategy to save her body. It's a race against time and the elements, and a spiritual odessey as Supergirl finds herself in both heaven and hell, a pawn in a war of good and evil. And the only one she can trust is... Lady Death? Ashes stars on Labor Day weekend, and you won't believe what happens next!
Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, that is the end of the saga.

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Here is the last story fragment I've got stored. It's the first piece of a story that I think was intended to run in parallel with the planned Ashes story (the continuation of the Supergirl arc).

This one features Wonder Woman.

Part 1 (the only one):
TeamMunich wrote: The Replacement Target:
segment.1: New girl in town

Superman asks Wonder Woman to watch over Metropolis as he and other heroes concoct a desperate strategy to save the maiden of might's life. Wonder Woman quickly discovers that plans originally layed for Superman and Supergirl...are now layed for her, the replacement.

Diana Prince, the Amazon princess, pulled on her tight dark blue shorts. She smoothed out the fabric, running her long fingers over the white stars.

She took a quick moment to check her own reflection in the mirror. Her thick, curly black hair draped on her naked, athletic shoulders. Her perfect breasts were held in place under her tight red and gold stapless top. She ran her fingers along her golden lasso, noting that is was firmly attached to her belt.

And then Diana was soaring through the air, the morning visit still fresh in her mind. A gust of wind awoke her from a particularly pleasant dream, and floating above her bed was the man of steel.

The Amazon groaned. Clark didn't often use the phone. Why dial when he could fly to where you were faster? Diana noted the early hour on her clock. She looked up at Clark, wondering what the big hurry was. Her mouth opened to ask, but Superman's appearance left the words hanging on her lips.

Superman looked distracted. His hair was touseled and his eyes couldn't stay focused on any one thing. His hands were shaking.

Diana was fully alert instantly. Clark was scared.


And whatever could scare him... "What's happened?" Diana asked quickly, stepping out of bed.

Superman didn't even react to the six foot tall, naked beauty standing before him. He only ran his hand through his hair, tugging at the thick black hair.

Superman shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. His trembling lips could only manage a hoarse whisper.

"It's Kara."

Wonder Woman eyes widened. The look on Clark's face...

"Is she dead?"

A short, hollow laugh came from Superman. He clamped his eyes shut, leaning back, his head facing towards the heavens. His hands were clamped so tight, Diana expected to see his own blood dripping from them soon.

"She should be," he finally said. "She's hurt so bad..."

Wonder Woman stepped forward, wrapping her arm around the man of steel and drawing him close. Superman let out a sob as he pressed against the Amazon, sinking to his knees.

Diana knelt down with Superman, holding him tight. "Just calm down for a minute," she whispered. "Tell me what happened."

Superman tensed up immedielty. He shook his head and rose to his feet. "No time," he said quickly. "Time is the enemy, time is the...the..." Superman shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

Finally he opened his eyes and stared into Diana's. "I have to leave. Kara's life depends on it. I need you to watch Metropolis while we are gone."

Diana nodded quickly. "You can count on me."

Superman nodded and exhaled.

"But is there something I can do to help..."

Superman was gone in a flash, the speed of his departure knocking Diana back off of her feet and dropping her to the ground. The sound boom shattered every window in her high rise apartment.

Diana clamped her hands over her ears as the boom echoed, shaking the room. "Clark..."

But Superman was gone, faster than she could see where he had gone. And now Diana flew above Metropolis, her eyes scanning the area.

She had subbed in Metropolis for Superman before, but this time felt different. The way Clark had looked, she wasn't sure when he was coming back. Or in what condition he would be in when he returned.

No sooner was she in Metropolis than she heard the first scream.

"Superman! Help me!"

Wonder Woman honed in on the source and moved as fast as she could.

Jesse Trapper stepped backwards. He was having a very bad day.

The long legged woman stepped towards him. If you could call it a woman. The black and white costume that covered her six foot frame was definitely feminine, with shapely legs and perfect breasts. But her white, hollow eyes and shock white hair, combined with the skull face, made for a creature more beast than beauty.

"Hey, why don't we talk about this?" Jesse said quickly.

"Talk?" The woman's voice cut into Jesse, making him wince. It felt like shards of glass slicing into his brain.

Jesse clamped his hands over his ears, moaning. "Jesus, lady..."

The woman's hand shot towards him, gripping his arm tight. The thing dragged Jesse towards her, the horrific white face filling his vision.

"Talking is exactly what I had in mind," the thing said.

Jesse didn't know what he had done to earn this thing's wrath. When the woman got into his cab on fourty-eighth street, he hadn't payed any attention. She was wearing a large hat and a trenchcoat. She had been slumped in his back seat. Maybe a heroin user, Jesse had thought. Some kind of freak, but not some supervillain.

When he had driven her to the location and she got out without paying, he should have just shrugged it off. It happened every so often, you shouldn't go making a federal case out of it. But for some reason he couldn't let it go.

He chased the thing into this store and watched as a man died in front of him. The woman had opened her mouth, and the man standing in front of her just...melted. Jesse wasn't going to forget watching the blood seep out of every pore on the man's rapidly disintigrating face.

But watching this woman in front of him slowly open her mouth, Jesse realized he might forget it after all. Because he was aiming to be next.


Jesse looked over the thing's shoulder and saw Wonder Woman standing there. It occured to him later that it was the first time he had seen the Amazon and not gotten an erection. And that's when Jesse realized that he was so scared, for a few minutes he had even forgotten about sex.

"What're you doing here, bitch?" the Banshee wailed. "Where's the Superman?"

"Getting a taco," the Amazon said slowly. Wonder Woman stared down the Silver Banshee, stepping forward cautiously. This thing had ko'd the man of steel on more than one occassion.

But Superman was vulnerable to magic. Wonder Woman was not.

The Banshee opened her mouth wide and screamed. Wonder Woman winced, the force of the scream nearly knocking her off balance. She may not have a weakness to magic, but that didn't mean she was immune to pain.

The Silver Banshee could see the scream wasn't going to finish her. But Wonder Woman was off balance. So the Banshee stepped into her, swinging a massive punch at the amazon's face.

"Aiigggghhh!" Wonder Woman shouted as she stumbled backwards, tripping over her own feet and crumbling to the ground. The Banshee stepped in, swinging a long leg into Wonder Woman's stomach and taking the wind out of her.

Wonder Woman gritted her teeth, trying to regain the advantage. But the Banshee was dropping her heel onto her again and again, punishing Wonder Woman with blow after blow.

The chair shattered as it struck the Silver Banshee's back. But she didn't flinch. Jesse held the wooden splinters in each hand, staring stupidly at what used to be a chair. The Silver Banshee slowly turned, her eyes staring over her shoulder at Jesse.

Jesse shrugged and dropped the remains of the chair. "No hard feelings?"

The Silver Banshee's hand shot out, wrapping around Jesse's neck. Without effort he was yanked up off of his feet. His legs kicked, trying to find footing as his air was cut off.

The Banshee stared at him with disdain. Her mouth opened to scream.

And Wonder Woman's hand wrapped around her face, pressing on her lips. The Silver Banshee dropped Jesse to the ground, struggling to shake the mighty warrior from her back.

Diana held tight. She could only stop the Banshee from shouting for so long. Eventually she had to do something.

The Banshee ran backwards, slamming Diana into the thick concrete wall. Wonder Woman's ass pounded into it, cracking the wall and shaking the room. Her hands slipped away from the Banshee's back.

Silver Banshee pulled free, spinning and pounding at Wonder Woman in the midsection with rights and lefts. But Wonder Woman wasn't some rookie pushover. She deftly met the Banshee's attack, deflecting many of her blows and pressing forward with her own attack.

Wonder Woman jabbed the Banshee's shoulders and chin, knocking her backwards. Wonder Woman gritted her teeth and kept the Banshee off balance.

"How's it feel, spook show?" Wonder Woman grunted, swinging her leg around in an arc and slamming into the Banshee's gut, doubling her over. Wonder Woman's hand grabbed her golden lasso and let it fly, wrapping around the Banshee's body.

Diana sighed as he pinned the Banshee's arms to her waist. She pulled tight, pulling the dazed Banshee towards her. Wonder Woman looked down at Jesse on the ground.

"Are you all right sir?"

Jesse looked up at the princess, rubbing his neck absently and smiling. "A-okay, ma'am."

Wonder Woman felt the need to smile back. It was infectous. And she stared down into the man's almost clear blue eyes.

"Beautiful moment," the Silver Banshee said wryly. "I hate to interupt, but this lasso makes me tell the truth, correct?"

Wonder Woman turned to Banshee, surprised. "Yes."

"The truth is I'm going to kick your ass," the Banshee said. And then her hand snaked up and grabbed the rope, yanking a surprised Amazon princess, tightly holding the other end, directly towards her.

The Silver Banshee slammed forward with a punishing headbutt that nearly dropped Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman's hand slipped on the lasso, her eyes dazed.

The Banshee's head slammed forward again, and Wonder Woman dropped the lasso, stumbling backwards into the wall.

The golden lasso slid down Silver Banshee's long legs and dropped to the floor. The Banshee stepped out of it, grabbing Wonder Woman's neck and pinning her to the wall.

Diana struggled weakly as her oxygen was cut off. Her legs kicked uselessly beneath her. Silver Banshee leaned in close, her horrific visage staring directly into Wonder Woman's.

"I am woman," Silver Banshee sneered. "Hear me roar."

And then her mouth opened and she screamed. Diana's eyelids fluttered as blood dripped from her nose and ears. The Silver Banshee was screaming, louder than before. Her gloved hand was wrapped tight around Wonder Woman's neck, not allowing any oxygen in. The Amazon princess' body felt like it weighed ten tons.

The Silver Banshee had won. Wonder Woman was going to die.

The golden lasso wrapped around Silver Banshee's neck. Jesse hung off of her back, pulling tight. The lasso cut off the Banshee's scream, and her hand loosened around Wonder Woman's neck.

Wonder woman's lips trembled as she felt the pressure lighten. Her quivering chin dropped, her desperate mouth sucking in precious air. Her hands pushed weakly at the Silver Banshee's arm, trying to break free.

Jesse hung on the Banshee's back, the lasso tied in loops around his hands. The Silver Banshee finally released her hold on Wonder Woman and reached up, trying to slip her fingers underneath the lasso.

Wonder Woman slid down the wall, gasping for breath. She reached up, tentatively touching the trickle of blood running down her ears.

The Silver Banshee's fingers struggled at the lasso around her neck. Jesse held as tight as he could, his legs wrapped around the Banshee's waist.

The Banshee struggled. A single finger slipped under the lasso, giving her an opening. Jesse tried to pull tighter, but the Banshee was too strong for him.


Silver Banshee looked up at a bloody, tired looking Wonder Woman. She only saw her for a moment. And then she saw a blur of motion that looked like her fist.

Jesse shouted as the Banshee fell backwards, landing on top of him. Jesse opened his eyes and slowly released his grip on the lasso. He looked up at Wonder Woman, who was standing over the fallen supervillain.

"Glass jaw," remarked Wonder Woman, rubbing her own fist in satisfaction. She took her red boot and pushed the Banshee off of Jesse, reaching down to help him up.

Jesse stared, unable to help himself, at Wonder Woman's breasts as she leaned down to him. His hand still gripped the golden lasso in his hand. "God, you're sexy," he remarked, his mouth working before he could stop it.

Wonder Woman helped him to his feet and laughed. Her slender fingers took the lasso out of his hand. "Not so much truth all at once, okay?" she remarked, laughing. Diana looked the man up and down and smirked. "And you're not too bad yourself."

Jesse felt himself blush and hoped it wasn't obvious. Of course, if she looked down it was going to get even more obvious.

"Thanks for the assist," Wonder Woman remarked, turning to survey the ko'd Silver Banshee.

"I should be thanking you," Jesse mumbled. "She was about to do that scream thing to me when you stopped her."

Wonder Woman turned back to Jesse, her body only inches from his own. She stared deep into his eyes. "What's this all about? What happened?"

Jesse couldn't take his eyes off of her. How could anyone fight this beauty and keep their mind on it?

"Are you in shock?" Wonder Woman asked, her hand settling Jesse's shoulder to steady him.

Her touch felt like electricity. Jesse almost did faint, but he shook his head. "I'm fine, fine. Are you okay?"

"Time to die, Superman." a mechanically filtered voice said.

Wonder Woman turned, startled. A tiny model helicopter hovered in the shattered store window.

"What the hell is that?" Jesse asked.

Wonder Woman shook her head. A tiny figure was attached to the helicopter, leaning out the window with a tiny toy megaphone in its hand. The voice came from the toy figure.

"You may have thwarted one of us, Superman, but you can't stop all of us!" the mechanically filtered voice shouted. The helicopter hovered menacingly towards them. "And I've got a surprise up my sleeve!"

A tiny panel opened undnerneath the helictopter. A green glow filled the room as a tiny chunk of green rock was slowly lowered on a little toy rope and pulley.


The mechanical voice laughed maniacally. "How does it feel, man of steel?" it shouted in glee. "Not so tough now, are we?"

Diana turned to Jesse and shrugged her shoulders. The helicopter swooped towards them. Wonder Woman reached up and grabbed one of the deadly blades in her hand.

The helicopter itself began to spin madly as Wonder Woman held the blade in place. She could hear the tiny mechancial voice still laughing as the chopper spun round and round.

Wonder Woman shot out her other hand, smashing the helicopter into pieces.

The Toyman frowned and shook his remote control in frustration. He slapped his palm against it in frustration.

"What the hell is wrong," he groaned. "Of all the stupid times to malfunction..."

The shattered helicopter remains dropped to the ground in front of him. The Toyman froze, slowly lifting his head and looking back over his shoulder.

Wonder Woman stood behind him, absently tossing the chunk of kryptonite up and down in the air.

"Oh, this won't do at all," the Toyman groaned, shaking his head. "What are you doing here?"

Diana smiled. "Still playing with toys at your age?" She looked at the little bow-tied man with curiosity. The Toyman appeared to be working with the Silver Banshee. What kind of team up was that? It seemed more than unlikely, but everything seemed to point to it.

"This isn't what I had planned for at all," the Toyman shouted in frustration. "I've been lied to. All those careful plans, careful designs. This won't do at all."

The Toyman shook his head, puncuating his remarks by pressing a large red button on the remote control.

The explosion knocked both of them off balance. Wonder Woman watched the building seperated between them, her half crumbling down, the foundations blown away.

The Toyman watched Wonder Woman fall with the rubble, still shaking his head. "Have to get some other toys, most unexpected this is."

Wonder Woman struggled to regain herself, but the rubble rained down around her. She craned her neck and saw Jesse standing on the street, looking up in shock.

And a large chunk of the building was sailing down towards him.

And she didn't know if there was a damn thing she could do about it.

For just a moment, Wonder Woman wondered if every day was like this for Clark.

To be continued!
.. but it wasn't.
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It's kind of surreal to re-read stories and not remember them right away ;) I had completely forgotten all of this, but reading it again brought it all back in a hurry. Thank you so much for posting, I really appreciate it!

I feel like I'd write them so differently today ;) lol

So maybe it's time to finish those two stories, even though a good... 12? 15? years have passed. Blows me away to think about it.
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[So maybe it's time to finish those two stories, even though a good... 12? 15? years have passed. Blows me away to think about it.[/quote]

That would be very cool :thumbup:
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Yes it's time please!!! :)
TeamMunich wrote:It's kind of surreal to re-read stories and not remember them right away ;) I had completely forgotten all of this, but reading it again brought it all back in a hurry. Thank you so much for posting, I really appreciate it!

I feel like I'd write them so differently today ;) lol

So maybe it's time to finish those two stories, even though a good... 12? 15? years have passed. Blows me away to think about it.
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i am looking for story titled SUPERGIRL ENSLAVED BY SLAVER

hottest story i lost track of some twenty years ago
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