
General discussions about superheroines!
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I've been thinking lately about what makes a good mask.

Some of them are really sexy and others are really bad. So I've been trying to figure out what makes a good mask.

I have a theory. I think a key factor is that a good mask needs to have space around the model's eyes. Whenever a mask is too close to the eye or changes the shape of the eyes, I think that's when you get into trouble.

Also... what kind of masks make for the best unmasking scenes. I kind've like very small masks (like domino masks), myself. But lately, I've been thinking about masks that completely cover the face (think spiderman). To me, complete masks like this are less sexy in general, but I think they are sexier when they are removed and you get to see the hair spill out and the beautiful face underneath. Very few videos seem to use full-face masks, though.

Anyone have any thoughts? :)
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TIEnTEEZ wrote:I've been thinking lately about what makes a good mask.

Some of them are really sexy and others are really bad. So I've been trying to figure out what makes a good mask.

I have a theory. I think a key factor is that a good mask needs to have space around the model's eyes. Whenever a mask is too close to the eye or changes the shape of the eyes, I think that's when you get into trouble.

Also... what kind of masks make for the best unmasking scenes. I kind've like very small masks (like domino masks), myself. But lately, I've been thinking about masks that completely cover the face (think spiderman). To me, complete masks like this are less sexy in general, but I think they are sexier when they are removed and you get to see the hair spill out and the beautiful face underneath. Very few videos seem to use full-face masks, though.

Anyone have any thoughts? :)
Haha, I've actually had this same thought process before and came to the same conclusion. Masks with big eye holes are the best because they are the most expressive and the most feminine. I think something about bigger eyes is equated to being youthful, which is why anime characters tend to be drawn with them, and this carries over somewhat to masks as well. I've always loved the Black Cat's mask:

I also agree with you in regards to the full-face masks. One big problem I have with them is that they tend to make the heroine look more masculine. One reason is that all of her hair is covered. I think the Batgirl style of mask is the best option to get the type of mask that can be "peeled" off.
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I've made my thoughts on this very clear in the past, but the Knightwoman mask used in Mighty Hypnotic's videos is my idea of the perfect mask.


:ybat: The eyeholes are the perfect size. (The large ones on the old blue KW mask made her look like an alien.)
:ybat: We see just enough of her face to appreciate her beauty.
:ybat: It's skintight, unlike the 60s-style hat worn in most Batgirl-themed videos.
:ybat: It has good coverage of the neck. For some reason, I really like the idea of the collar being pulled and stretched to expose the wearer's neck as she gulps at her impending unmasking.
:ybat: It has a hole at the back to allow the wearer's long hair to flow, displaying her femininity.
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Wow, that Black Cat mask is awesome - not to mention the rest of her. :)

Oh, and chokers rule!
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I think it was said on a different thread that it is much easier to draw a good mask than to get one to look good on a real model. I believe Mr. X said he used a full face mask he bought at a craft store and then modified it with an exacto knife to produce the masks he used in his videos at Danger Babe Central. They looked good.
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I'd love to see a full face mask but I also understand that it limits the expressiveness of the hero/ine. Still a forced kiss through the mask then another with their mouth exposed is a nice visual.
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The mask conceals the heroine's identity but is also a symbol...a young beautiful combat skilled woman,well toned atheltic body...along with the outfil it bestows the heroine her aura of boldness, mystery, beauty and strength.

For me the mask holes must be big enough to show the entire eyeball, so when the heroine is shown unconscious but still masked, an erotic duality happens:
the mask 'eyes' are open, apparently she is still awake in control, but her closed eyelids, relaxed face expression, soft breathing, and limp body clearly show that , despite her might, she's been overpowered, rendered unconscious, and is now helpless, completely unaware, defenseless at the mercy of the villains!


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