Silver Sable is Bummed Out

A darker, full bodied blend.
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And now for something a little different. As of this writing, this is the only Marvel/DC story that Dark One has written to not feature Wonder Woman at all. Variety, as they say, is the spice of life. Enjoy.
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Silver Sable is copyrighted by Marvel Comics. This is pure fan fiction and I receive no pay or other benefit from it except getting my jollies off. Please send all glowing praise and disgusted vitriol to [email protected].

Silver Sable is Bummed Out
By Pigboy

Silver Sable glanced up and down the nearly empty late-night street. Fierce blue eyes narrowed as full pink lips pursed in concentration. The coast was clear, with only a few clearly drunken and disinterested bums to be seen. Then she glanced up at the towering downtown apartment building before her. The fifteenth floor's condo on the northwest corner had some lights on. Silver smiled roguishly.

"You won't get away this time, Big Willie," she muttered. William Diggs, known as Big Willie, was a notorious arms dealer. He was rumored to have ordered the murder of a childhood friend of Silver's three years back. Silver had rarely enjoyed her job as much as she had when she'd tracked down Big Willie. She would truly enjoy turning him over to the authorities. "Predators like you always drop your guards in your own homes. That $250 thousand bounty is as good as mine."

Silver turned sharply on her heel and marched toward the dark alley between the apartment building and a parking garage. She gleamed almost brightly in the dim streetlight, since she was wearing her usual skintight chrome/silver full-body suit with white trim. It was made of a special synthetic fabric, lined with Kevlar throughout the torso to make it virtually bulletproof. Around her right thigh and narrow waist were white straps, holding chai - three-pronged, half-moon throwing projectiles. Her gauntlet gloves and tall boots were both white leather, as was the holster that her pistol rode in.

Silver was armed with a high-powered automatic pistol and her infamous chai. She was confident she wouldn't need any more than that to take Big Willie down. After all, he was a merchant, not a fighter. He was in for a big surprise.

"Hey, silver lady, can you spare a bit of change for a poor homeless man?" a gray-bearded black man asked.

The man wore grimy clothes were so dark that Silver almost couldn't see him leaning against the wall near the alley. At five-eight, he was about three inches taller than the gorgeous Symkarian bounty hunter was. Silver narrowed her beautiful blue eyes as she slanted a look of disgust his way. By the time she'd gotten within five feet of him, Silver had caught his foul scent.

"Get a job and a bath, vagrant," she said, then looked away dismissively.

"Ho! The little Chiquita put you in your place, Gus!" the much younger, but no less dirty-looking Hispanic man next to Gus hooted.

Now that she really looked, she noticed that there were a dozen winos just inside the alley and rummaging through a dumpster - well hidden in the night shadows, but close enough to listen in on her encounter. She'd never seen a motlier crew in her life.

"Shut up, José," Gus snarled. Then he turned back to Silver. "Hey there, bitch, who's your pimp? I have half a mind to hire your uppity ass and teach you some humility."

The lovely bounty hunter froze. She'd never been so insulted! He thought she was a whore! A streetwalker! A PROSTITUTE!

"No mere man is capable of teaching me a damn thing," she snarled, squaring off with the filthy bum. "Especially some unwashed piece of filth and chauvinism like you, vagrant." Her gloved hands balled up into fists at her sides. "I am no whore. I am rich, noble-born, and powerful. And you are no match for me, on any level."

Gus's dark eyes flashed angrily. He stood up a little taller, and puffed out his chest. Then Silver took a single step toward him, and the vagrant totally deflated. He knew that he was no match for a warrior woman in her prime. Too many years of too much booze and too little self-respect had left him unable to even protect his self-image from being trampled by the young beauty. His shoulders slumped, and he dropped his eyes.

"I didn't think so," Silver said haughtily, and turned away from him just as dismissively as before. Gus's collapse took the wind out of all the homeless men's sails. No one else seemed ready to challenge her. Her eyes raked across all of the now-deflated men. "You know your places, so I suggest you stay there, boys."

And with that, Silver strode into the dark alley and vanished from their sight.

"What a waste of five minutes," she grumbled darkly.

Silver Sable quickly marched down the night-dark alley to the back service entrance into the high-rise condo. She produced a key (which she'd paid a pretty penny for - illegally, of course) and unlocked the door. Slipping inside, she quickly called down the service elevator. She had a key for that too - one that would lock it in place once she got to Big Willie's floor. Silver would use the elevator to sneak Big Willie out of the building.

The 15th floor hallway was clear and dimly lit for night. The carpeted floors muffled her approach. Not that Big Willie could've heard her coming. She was the epitome of stealth, and Big Willie's apartment was truly rocking. His music was so loud that she was afraid one of his neighbors would call the police, who would arrive at an inopportune moment.

And that would be messy and troublesome. So she would work fast.

Reaching the ornate double doors, Silver pulled out a third key as her full pink lips spread into a roguish smile. Luckily for her, the building super was underpaid and not treated very well by Big Willie. By morning, she would be turning him in to the L.A. Police and collecting her bounty. And Big Willie would be spending the rest of his life in federal prison.

Unlocking the doors, Silver slipped into the apartment and closed the door. After locking them, she headed for the source of the music. It was coming from the living room, where she found Big Willie and his current fuck toy, porn starlet Tiffany Titts. Tiffany was a tall, statuesque redhead, with big fake tits and a spectacular body. And she had a face to make supermodels green with envy. At the moment, the drop-dead gorgeous porn starlet was straddling Big Willie - who lay on the floor - and riding his cock like there was no tomorrow. She wasn't wearing anything but a pair of black thigh boots and a dog collar.

Silver scowled at them. She despised seeing a woman debase herself. Of course, Tiffany was a porn actress, so she couldn't have had any self-respect to speak of anyway. Silver thought women like Tiffany degraded and devalued all women with their wild, wicked, wanton lifestyles and sexually servile ways.

"Enough!" Silver Sable snarled, stepping up to Tiffany and grabbing her long, silky red hair and dragging the screaming redhead off of Big Willie. She pulled Tiffany over to the living room door, and tossed her out. "Get out, bimbo. Buy some clothes and get a respectable job, whore."

Turning back to Big Willie, Silver smiled wickedly. He looked totally shocked, just sitting on the floor all naked and vulnerable. She pulled her nickel-plated pistol out and leveled it at his head. Big Willie's eyes widened in alarm.

"Hello, Little Willie," she said. "William Diggs, you are under arrest for jumping bond. I'm taking you back to L.A. to stand trial. On your feet, you pathetic bastard."

"I know you," he said, slowly rising to his feet. He was easily 6'5" and 300 pounds. No fat. If he hadn't been naked and she hadn't had a gun, Silver might have been a tiny bit impressed. Especially with his "equipment". Big Willie was aptly named. His cock had to be a foot long, and thicker than any dick she'd ever seen. "You are that Symkarian mercenary, Silver Sablinovia, of Silver Sable International and the Wild Pack." He looked her over appreciatively for a long moment. "I think we can do business. I will double the bounty if you just leave and forget all about me."

"No deal, sleaze bag," she said. "You are going down."

"No, you are," Tiffany said from right behind Silver.

Before she could turn around, Silver felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. At the same time, she heard a loud PANG! Tiffany had gone and grabbed a frying pan, and smashed Silver in the head with it.

"Uugghhhh," Silver cried, dropping to her knees.

Strength immediately drained from all of her limbs. She felt her heavy pistol drag her right hand down and down, until the pistol was pointing at the floor. Even her head lolled forward, too heavy to hold up. Seconds later, she felt the pistol pulled from her all-but-limp fingers.

"That was fucking awesome, girl," Big Willie said.

He then smashed the silver-maned beauty upside the head with her own pistol, sending the lovely Symkarian sprawling onto the floor. Then, both Big Willie and Tiffany proceeded to kick the shit out of her, leaving Silver unconscious at their unmerciful feet. Tiffany, strangely enough, only kicked Silver in the crotch and tits.

Big Willie found nickel-plated handcuffs in a holder at the base of Silver's back. He pulled the bounty hunter's hands back, and cuffed her. Then he rolled Silver onto her back and stood up to regard his prize.

"Damn, that was close," Big Willie said, and then grinned at Tiffany.

Tiffany grinned back. "And awesome fun. Now what?"

"We get out while the getting's good," Big Willie said.

"Why? She's helpless now," Tiffany said, a wicked look in her big blue eyes. As they looked the helpless platinum blonde over, lust filled the beautiful, redheaded porn starlet's eyes. "Pick her up and hold her erect. We'll have some fun with her."

Big Willie lifted Silver up easily. Her 125 pounds were nothing to him. So he easily held her shapely, slack body before him, as her head lolled about. Tiffany licked her full red lips hungrily as she looked Silver over.

"Wow, what a delicious morsel we have, don't we?" Tiffany said. "That silver catsuit really shows off her body. I likes it. I likes it a lot. So let's get her out of it."

Tiffany quickly figured out how to open up the front of Silver's shiny silver suit. In less than a minute, Tiffany had it open down to the edge of the unconscious beauty's lacy white thongs, which matched the lacy white pushup bra that Silver wore. First thing, Tiffany grabbed and yanked off that flimsy thong, revealing Silver's platinum blonde pubic mound.

"Damn, I guess it is natural," Tiffany said, surprised. "Go figure."

So the redhead removed the bra and admired Silver's perfectly shaped, and very natural, tits. Perfectly manicured hands began to fondle and knead the bounty hunter's tits. Soon, Silver began to moan and groan, her head starting to move about and her eyes starting to flutter at the edge of consciousness. So Tiffany upped the ante and sucked in one of Silver's pretty pink nipples.

"Ohhh," Silver groaned.

"Wake up, my pretty, momma has a present for you," Tiffany cooed. Soon, Silver's blue eyes fluttered open. She first locked her gaze onto Tiffany's hands, and then glanced up into her captor's face with a look of shock, disgust, and horror. Tiffany smiled wickedly, and brought her knee up brutally. It struck Silver in the pussy. Silver's eyes went wide, and then closed on overflowing tears. So Tiffany did it again, and again, and again. "Is the High and Mighty bounty hunter enjoying her present? Hmmmm?"

"I'll get you for this," Silver growled, blinking away tears.

"What are you going to do? Cry me to death? Or bore me to death with meaningless threats?" The porn starlet grabbed a handful of platinum hair and yanked Silver's head back. Tiffany gently traced Silver's shiny pink lips with her tongue, and then sank her lips into a deep, lingering kiss. Silver writhed weakly, groaning low. Then, finally, the bounty hunter bit Tiffany's lip to stop the unwanted advances. "Or maybe, I need to teach you a lesson? Yes, that's it. I'm going to put you in your rightful place, bitch."

Tiffany pulled Silver's outfit wide open, revealing the sexy Symkarian's naked tits. Silver gawked down at her naked tits and exposed pussy. Then she looked around desperately, until her eyes came to rest on her discarded, destroyed bra and thong. That was when Tiffany started twisting both of her nipples. Brutally.

"Ayyyyeeeee," Silver cried.

Suddenly, Big Willie yanked her costume down to her waist. He seized her by the hair and ran her head straight into the wall. Silver bounced off the wall, staggered, and fell to her knees. She struggled desperately to stay conscious. If she lost consciousness again, she just knew that she'd never escape whatever fate they had planned for her. She had to endure, and ultimately prevail in the end, no matter what horrors they forced her to experience.

Big Willie grabbed her head again and smashed it into the floor repeatedly, leaving her slumped over, still on her knees, ass high in the air, and totally unable to move. Satisfied, he uncuffed her wrists and started pulling off her gloves. Once that was done, she felt him start to pull her clothes the rest of the way off. Within minutes, Silver was completely nude. At that time, Big Willie cuffed her wrists behind her back again.

Silver Sable found herself barely coherent, with her ass in the air and her cheeks pressed into the floor. Then Big Willie moved up behind her. Tiffany snickered. Silver felt her legs pushed apart, wider and wider. She felt the arms dealer move up close, and remembered that he was naked. Remembered that he was hung like an elephant.

"Oh, shit," she mumbled.

Big Willie paused to admire his captive's beauty and vulnerability. Silver's face and body were as gorgeous as they came. That magnificent mane of fragrant, silky silver/white hair was spread about, letting Silver's supermodel face peeking through. And Silver understood what was about to happen. Her eyes were wide; her full pink lips were slightly parted and shimmering in the light. He swallowed hard, and his cock stiffened even more. Soon, those lips would be wrapped around his cock. And what a sight that would be!

First, however, he had to tame the uppity bitch. She was too full of herself. She thought that she was above them all. Silver Sable, legendary mercenary and bounty hunter, had to be brought back down and ground into the ground until she understood her proper place in the natural order -- serving men unquestioningly. Preferably on her knees or back.

He had to admit, Silver had one of the finest butts he'd ever seen. Her hips were very well rounded, not boney like so many women's were. They were very round, with enough meat to cushion the pushin'. Same for her butt cheeks. No fat. No cottage cheese. Just satiny soft and smooth skin, stretched over firmly muscled buttocks. A butt man's paradise. And between those perfect butt cheeks, down low, were her glistening, swollen pussy lips.

"Sweet," Big Willie said, his cock now almost rock-hard.

He reached down and caressed her pussy. Silver yelped and tried to rise up, but Tiffany placed a stiletto-booted foot atop her head and kept the captured bounty hunter down, where she belonged. Then Big Willie's fingers spread Silver's pussy lips, pulling a gasp from the sexy Symkarian's lips.

"Like that, do you?" Tiffany said, snickering. "I knew you were a major slut in denial the second I saw you."

"You don't know the half of it, Tiff," Big Willie said with wicked glee. "This bitch is already sopping wet. She wants me. BAD."

"I don't doubt it, lover," Tiffany said. "Just the sight of that foot-long hotdog got me to panting the first time."

"Then I won't deny her any longer," he said, taking hold of his monster cock. Big Willie guided his dick straight into Silver's pussy, and PUSHED.

"Ooooooo," Silver groaned.

"Oh, yeeeessss," Big Willie said. She was so incredibly tight, and hot, and wet. Just two inches in, and her pussy clamped down on his cock and stopped all forward progress. But it released its hold just seconds later, and he pushed in another three inches. "Damn, this bitch is tight."

"Oh my, that means she hasn't gotten any in a while, lover," Tiffany said. "So sad. Give it to her extra hard, since this is going to be her last night of pleasure, ever."

Big Willie pulled back a ways, and then slammed it home. That thrust pushed him four inches into Silver's hot, wet, quivery pussy. Pulling almost completely out again, he really rammed it home. He was ten inches deep with that thrust. Silver's whole body changed. It stiffened up, and a feeling of melted heat began to fill her belly. When he pulled almost completely out yet again, she moaned sensuously, and groaned loudly when he slammed back in. And now he was all the way in, too.

"Aaahhhhhhhhhhh!" Silver breathed.

"Wahoo! I'm fucking Silver Sable," Big Willie said.


"Hell, lover, you are fucking the shit out of Silver Sable," Tiffany said, watching in admiration as her lover rammed it home over and over and over. Silver was panting, eyes rolled up in her head. The porn starlet watched the beautiful bounty hunter's body changing. She saw Silver's nipples swell and harden. Soon, Silver's and Big Willie's combined love juices were running down Silver's inner thighs. It was too much to endure. "I want some of this."

Tiffany sat down almost directly atop Silver's head. She picked up the helpless platinum blonde's head and scooted in closer, so that when she released Silver's head, Silver's pretty pink lips came to rest on her throbbing pussy for a brief moment.

"Eat me, slut," Tiffany demanded.

Silver Sable, glassy-eyed and disoriented, blinked at the pubic patch before her, and then dropped her gaze to the engorged pussy lips below. Without a word of protest, Silver's lips parted ever so slowly as the sexy Symkarian lowered her mouth to Tiffany's cunt. Silver slowly, hesitantly lapped up Tiffany's leaking love juices, and then began sucking on the porn starlet's swollen pussy lips.

Tiffany lay back and enjoyed. Silver proved fairly skilled, and willing to learn more. So Tiffany spread her legs as wide as they would go, and reached down between her legs and spread her own cunt open for Silver. Then she coached Silver in the fine art of cunnilingus. Very soon, Silver was enthusiastically eating her out, but good.

It was too much for Silver. Too, too much. She couldn't handle this kind of treatment. Oh sure, she'd been captured before. Her captors had bound her tightly, and even stripped and/or fondled her tits and pussy. She'd even suffered through an occasional finger penetration of one orifice or another. But never anything like this.

Oh, shit, she is so right, Silver thought. I don't get enough sex. I'm being broken too easily. This isn't fair!

And she was folding fast, too. That incredible liquid heat now infused her whole body. She was at the brink of going over the edge. If Big Willie didn't cum fast, then she would, and she didn't want to consider her fate if that happened. And now Tiffany was taking her back to her nights in prison, eating pussy for cigarettes that she had to give to her "girlfriend."

"Mmmmm," Silver groaned as her tongue penetrated Tiffany's vagina. Then she ran her tongue up from the porn star's slit to the engorged clit. It was the largest clit Silver had ever seen, and she toyed with it a few minutes with her tongue, making Tiffany jerk, and gasp over and over.

"That's the spot," Tiffany gasped. "Go to town, Silver slut."

It wasn't easy for Silver. Big Willie's big willie was driving her crazy. He was ramming it home fast and furious. She could barely breathe, barely concentrate on the task that Tiffany demanded of her. Hell, she didn't even have the mental coherence to realize that she could've refused to cooperate with Tiffany. And after that brief stint in prison, it just seemed natural to eat pussy when helpless and captive.

That thought, and Big Willie's wild efforts in her cunt, pushed her over the edge. Silver Sable felt that climax coming. It was unstoppable, so she relaxed and let it come unopposed.


"Daaammmmnnnn!" Big Willie cried. "The bitch's cunt just started to spasm, and is quivering like a vibrator."

Big Willie lost his wad. He pushed in deep, released three spurts, and pulled out, spewing Silver's shapely rump with more milky cum. It was enough to push Silver over the top again.

"Ooohhhhhhhhhhhh, yyeeeeeesssssss," she groaned as another, lesser climax consumed her shapely body.

With Big Willie satisfied, Silver was able to concentrate on Tiffany's pleasure. With the porn actress holding her own pussy lips apart (since Silver still had her hands handcuffed behind her back) the overwhelmed celebrity bounty hunter and filthy rich Symkarian noblewoman used every trick she'd learned in prison, and followed Tiffany's directions as well, to bring the jaded porn starlet to a rousing climax.

"Now what?" Big Willie said, pulling Silver to her knees and pressing his semi-erect cock against her lips. Silver obediently opened wide and sucked him in all the way. He groaned, his cock instantly going rock-hard again when he saw her pretty pink lips wrap around his tool. "We can't let her go. Next time we might not be so lucky."

Silver began licking and sucking him clean. And it didn't take long before it started feeling very good. Damn good.

"Yes, you're right," Tiffany said. "It was her arrogance and complete disregard and disrespect for me that doomed her. If she had taken me seriously as a threat I'd be tied up and you would be on your way to the police." She flashed a big shit-eating grin. "But, damn, it felt good to conk her on the head with that frying pan."

"It was funny, too," Big Willie said, laughing. "Her eyes went real wide, then crossed."

Tiffany knelt behind Silver and reached around the bound beauty to cup her jiggling tits. She hefted them, feeling their weight. Then she squeezed them, digging her inch-long red nails into the satiny smooth, warm flesh. Silver moaned, but kept sucking Big Willie's super schlong. Her nipples were rock-hard, and when Tiffany flicked them with her hard nails, Silver gasped and jumped. That amused the porn starlet. So she began kneading and twisting the nipples, and watched as Silver grew more and more aroused.

My god, this bitch is good, Silver thought dismally. I can't concentrate on anything with her driving me mad like that.

Then one of Tiffany's hands dropped lower and lower, until it found Silver's silver-haired patch. Seconds later, the porn actress found the bounty hunter's aroused clit. And she knew exactly what to do. Exactly how to elicit the most pleasure possible.

"Mmmmmmm," Silver groaned. Tiffany began kissing her neck and cheek, and then thrust a hot, wet tongue deep into Silver's ear. "Hhhmmmmmmmm."

"You should've been a porn actress, Silver," Tiffany whispered in her ear. "You are sooo easy to arouse, and you respond so beautifully. Hell, you wouldn't even have to act, just react to sex. You're that good."

Big Willie's cock stiffened even more as the arms dealer watched the erotic girl-on-girl scene before him. Silver increased her efforts sucking him, knowing that he was about to cum again. Strangely, she really wanted to taste his cum. She wanted a big mouthful of his sweet love juices, and she prayed that Tiffany would never stop what she was doing, because the liquid heat had returned to her belly.

Silver had sucked enough cock to know that Big Willie was fighting a losing battle to keep from cumming too quickly. One little distraction and he would lose his battle and pop his wad. Silver knew that she could pick the moment, but she wanted to keep it going a little longer, because she feared that Tiffany would stop the moment Big Willie came.

After all, Silver wanted her orgasm, too.

It only took a few minutes before Silver felt herself going over the top. At that second, she began flicking the tip of Big Willie's cock with her tongue, and then sucked that cock in all the way in very suddenly. He lost it then. As her own climax ripped through her shapely body, Silver savored the taste and feel of Big Willie's cum gushing into her eager mouth. All the while, Tiffany continued to finger her clit and knead her nipples and kiss her neck.

"Aaaahhhhhhh," Silver groaned. She pulled herself off Big Willie's cock and got that late squirt of cum across the bridge of her nose. "Too good."

"Yes it was," Tiffany said, disentangling herself. Standing, she looked her lover in the eye and said, "I think it is time Ms Sable went bye-bye."

He nodded. "I agree."

Big Willie picked up Silver's pistol and turned to regard the sexy Symkarian. A single shot to the back of the head would do it. But what a mess that would make. So they would have to take her somewhere else.

"No, not that way," Tiffany said, mildly scolding him. She shook her head woefully. "They'd figure it was us too easily. No, I have a better way."

The redheaded porn starlet went to her purse and took out a syringe and a small brown bottle. After filling the syringe, she walked over to Silver and forced the platinum blonde to press her face to the floor again. That left the bounty hunter's rump sticking up into the air again. So Tiffany thrust the needle into that sexy flesh and injected the drug into their hapless captive.

"There, that'll put her in la-la land for a little while," Tiffany said, grinning. Then she put on a terribly fake sad face. "Poor thing is so out of it she might fall off the balcony. So sad."

She and Big Willie left Silver face-down on the floor as they collected all of the bounty hunter's clothes. They wiped every piece down to remove the fingerprints, and then stuffed them in a plastic trash bag. After throwing that away, they returned to find Silver sprawled on the floor, humming a nursery rhyme to herself with childlike glee.

Big Willie pulled Silver to her feet. Tiffany removed the handcuffs, because it wouldn't look like an accident if Silver was found cuffed. They wanted it to appear that Silver was participating in an orgy and taking drugs when she wandered out on the balcony and fell to her death.

"Wooo!" Silver said, and then giggled. "Everything's spinning. What did you do to me?"

"We're just making sure you feel real good the rest of your life, Silver," Tiffany said. "Big Willie, why don't you show her the view from the balcony?"

"Good idea," he said, walking Silver toward the corner balcony. "From fifteen stories up, we have a great view of the city."

"Oh goodie," Silver said, kind of slurring her words. It was so hard to stand up, much less walk. If not for his arm around her - cupping her tit, no less - she would've fallen down. "Can I sit down? Walking makes me dizzy."

"We're almost there," he said.

Silver was walked out onto the balcony. It was late, late at night. About one in the morning, to be exact. The night air was cold on her naked, sweaty body. She felt the skin of her tits tighten and her nipples start to harden again. Then Tiffany came up on her other side and took hold of her her arm.

"Look down there," Tiffany said, pointing almost straight down. "Isn't everything terribly small?"

Silver leaned over the railing, almost forced to do so by her captors, and looked where indicated. They were on the balcony, over the alley that Silver had used to enter the building. She could see the dumpster below, with the dozen or so bums she'd encountered earlier. They looked tiny. Like ants.

"Oopsie!" Tiffany said, as Silver felt herself pushed forward and her feet leave the balcony.

Before she realized what had happened, Silver found herself free-falling fifteen floors into blackness. It happened so fast that she didn't even have time to realize the danger and scream.



"Aawww," Silver moaned. Her eyes fluttered open. Blackness. "Am I dead?"

She couldn't move. If felt as if she were cocooned within cold wetness. But she could hear voices. Male voices. Muffled. Then the clanging of metal. Suddenly, her comforting cocoon began to shift uncomfortably. The voices became louder and clearer.

"It's a girl," a man said. At the same time, she felt a rough hand on her right thigh, just a bare inch below her pussy.

"Is she dead?" a vaguely familiar voice said.

"I don't know," he replied.

The darkness was suddenly lifted away. She realized that it was only a big black trash bag on top of her. How funny! Silver giggled.

"She's alive," the first man said. He was a grubby-looking redhead with missing teeth and a filthy face. "Hey, Gus, I think it is the silver lady that messed with you earlier."

"Gussy," Silver said, and giggled. "I know Gussy poo. Too. Hoo hoo."

A gray-bearded, craggy black face - Gus's - appeared over the top of the dumpster and looked down at her. She laughed at the sight of him, though she didn't know why she thought it funny. He reached a gnarly, rough hand down and caressed her left tit almost lovingly. Silver arched her back to press the exposed tit firmly into that hand, and giggled.

"I think she's fucked up on something good," Gus said.

"I'm good, already, Gussy boy," Silver purred, slurred. "I'm real good. I'm the best at everything! Wanna see?"

Silver rose up, a little sore. She glanced around at the contents of the dumpster. Nothing but big, squishy black of garbage. Very soft to lie down on. Very cushiony. Then she glanced up the tall building above, knowing in the back of her mind that there was something important about it. But then she shook her head. Several hands reached down and seized her arms and right tit, and pulled her to her feet, then out of the dumpster.

"Whoa there, boys, there's enough Silver for everyone," she laughed. "Don't break off your own personal piece."

They laughed. Glancing around, she noticed that they appeared quite nervous and antsy. So strange. But none of them could take their eyes off of her naked body.

"Oh, I'm naked," Silver said, finally realizing it. "Why don't I have clothes?"

"Because we're having an orgy," Gus said quickly.

"Really?" she said, looking him over. "But why are your clothes on?"

"Because you are so eager to get started you showed up naked," Gus said, and the others laughed nervously.

That kinda, sorta made sense. Because, Silver knew her body was hot and sweaty, and HUNGRY. Even drugged, she understood that urge, that base need. But wasn't she just having sex? It was so hard to think, to remember...

"Well, is anyone going to join me?" she said.

Gus immediately started pulling at his stuck pants zipper. She laughed at the way he struggled. So eager. So horny. Like her. So Silver knelt before him on the cold concrete, and pulled his shaking hands from the zipper. She pulled and pulled on the zipper, and finally seized it in her teeth and ripped it down.

"YES!" the bums cried.

Silver Sable pulled out Gus's massive, black cock. It was huge. His dick reminded her....wasn't she just being fucked by that cock? Or was it another really big one? Wasn't it.... white? So hard to remember, but who cared?

The foul stench was strangely intoxicating. Silver took the semi-erect cock in hand and guided it to her eager mouth. Very quickly, the assembled bums watched an impossibly beautiful platinum blonde suck Gus's monstrous black cock deep into her mouth.

"Mmmmm," both Gus and Silver moaned.

Silver only took his cock head in at first. She spent several minutes giving him intense head. Gus was quickly trembling. And before he knew it, he couldn't take any more.

"On your back, bitch," Gus demanded, pulling his cock out of her mouth and forcing her onto her back. Silver's legs naturally spread wide, and Gus moved in between them quickly, his pants down around his ankles. First thing, Gus couldn't help but grab her gorgeous tits. He squeezed and caressed them for a long moment, but then his other head called out, and he had to listen. Silver found his cock again and guided him straight into her waiting pussy. Gus was there on business, and just plunged straight in with wild abandon. "Wahoo! I'm fucking the uppity bitch!"

"Oh, god! You're a BIG boy, Gussy," Silver cried. "Oh! Yes, that's it. That's how to do it. Oh! Oh! Oh, my.... OH!"

"Fuck her, man!" José called. "Fuck her good, Gus. You teach her who the man is."

Silver took up that call herself. "Oh, yes, Gussy, show me who the man is. Show me Big Gus. Ohhhhh, yes."

"Who's your daddy, bitch?" Gus demanded as he pumped in and out, deeper and deeper. Gus wasn't as long as Big Willie was, but he was a bit thicker. Silver definitely felt his presence. "Tell me, who's your daddy?"

"You are," Silver gasped. "OH! Yes. You're my daddy! OH, You're... oh...! You're my daddy."

It wasn't often that Gus had cause to use his cock for anything other than peeing all over himself. So given a drop-dead gorgeous woman and the opportunity to fuck her, he was too excited and too aroused to last long.

"Oh, Jesus!" Gus cried as his hot cum gushed deep inside Silver's cunt.

Silver rocked her hips, squeezed her vagina muscles, and milked Gus utterly dry before she let him go. Then the redhead who'd first found her all but jumped atop her. And he fucked her even faster than Gus, finishing up before she really started to get into it.

"My turn," José said. "Roll her over."

Silver was lifted up to her knees and turned to face José. He stepped up close and dropped his pants. His dick was already hard. Silver smiled and took it in hand, guiding it straight into her pretty mouth. Jose gasped and straightened, stiffened, when her mouth enveloped his very underused cock.

"Oh, Mother of God, that feels good," José said. "That's right, silver slut, just like that. Keep that up, sweetheart."

"Mmmmm, uhmmmm," Silver said, smiling around his cock. It felt strangely good to please a man. Especially a man -- MEN -- who enjoyed her body and efforts so enthusiastically. She vaguely recalled that she rarely took the time to please men anymore. "You taste good, mister."

He didn't really taste good. In fact, he tasted even fouler than Gus, and she hadn't thought that anyone could taste that nasty. But the foul stench and taste was sexually exhilarating. She knew that the men were well below her on every level -- socially, economically, etc... -- and that fact was firing her libido even more.

With one hand wrapped around the base of José's cock, Silver brought the other up and raked her long, pink nails through the coarse hair of the bum's scrotum. José groaned. So she gave his balls a little squeeze, and he groaned louder, his cock stiffening. So she pulled off his cock, and sucked in one of his sweaty balls. It tasted even nastier than his dick had.

"Mmmmmmmm," she groaned sensuously. That liquid heat feeling infused her body again, especially intense in her pussy and groin area. "Hmmmmmmmmm."

Silver sucked on one ball, then the other, and then returned to his cock. José didn't last long after she'd sucked him all the way in. His climax was explosive, filling her mouth completely and even puffing out her cheeks. Silver had to swallow three times to get it all down.

"Damn, Sugar, your balls are working overtime there," Silver said, licking her lips.

A pair of big black men then waddled up to her. Silver was forced onto all fours. Both men were even older than Gus. And fatter. She idly wondered how homeless men became fat as one fat cock was shoved up her pussy and the other was pushed into her ready mouth. After that, she didn't have time to think much.

Those two men were in it for the long haul. It took her thirty-five minutes of fucking and sucking to finish them off. After that, another two men took their places. And two more after that. Those bums fucked Silver Sable behind the dumpster from 1 a.m. until 10 a.m. the next day. Every one of them enjoyed at least five turns with her, and Gus actually managed to get eight.

By the time the bums had been fucked out, Silver had been left a mindless sex machine. She didn't know up from down, right from wrong. She was mindless and insatiable. And she was kept that way for virtually the next three days. The bums kept her, with one or more dallying with her, at any given time. But after the third night, she lost her novelty, and stronger, darker needs began to consume the bums.

"Hello, Gus."

The sexy Symkarian mercenary opened her eyes. They were behind a different dumpster, five blocks north of the spot where she'd fallen into their hands. It was late afternoon. She was on Gus's lap, back to his belly. His massive cock was firmly up her bunghole, and she'd been bouncing up and down it for a good fifteen minutes. Gus's sexual endurance had improved dramatically since acquiring her.

Silver smiled uncertainly at the newcomer. She understood that he was her future. Her fate was about to be sealed. She sighed, resigned to her fate, and closed her eyes to savor the pleasure Gus's cock gave her.

The man before them was tall and heavy-set. He wore a deep maroon suit and a fancy maroon hat with a jaunty feather. A ring adorned every finger, and numerous necklaces hung around his neck.

"Hello, Mack Daddy," Gus said.

"This the girl you spoke to me about?"

"This is her," Gus said. "Her name's Silver. When I met her she was wearing a silver bodysuit, but that's gone."

"Is she on drugs? She seems a bit glassy eyed," Mack Daddy said.

"Yeah, we keep her on crack," Gus said. "But we can't afford that any more."

"Yeah," José piped in. "We can't keep her fucked up and get booze for ourselves."

"So you want to sell her to me," Mack Daddy said, nodding. "Good choice. I can better utilize a hot babe like this than you can. She's just being wasted back here with you boys."

Wasted? Silver thought. There were twenty to thirty vagrants (she was never coherent enough to figure out how many) keeping her occupied full-time. And she was having fun. Though she had a tough time remembering her previous life, she did know that it wasn't all that much fun. Very little real physical pleasure, though a lot of pain and exertion. And danger.

"Do you know who she is?" Mack Daddy asked. "Is she anyone important?"

"No, just some high price call girl, I think," Gus said. "She got tossed into a Dumpster after fucking her john. She was covered in his cum when we found her."

"I see," Mack Daddy said, grinning fiercely. "So she's already well-trained in the business. Good."

"How much will you give us for her?" Gus said.

"Well, I was going to give you two hundred, but seeing as she's so pretty and already a working girl, I'm going to up that to five hundred," Mack Daddy said magnanimously. The bums' eyes all bugged out greedily. "Just think how much booze and burgers you can get with that kinda money?"

God, sold for booze money, Silver thought miserably. How humiliating.

But Gus thought otherwise. He was so excited that he climaxed deep inside her bunghole. Silver moaned and wiggled her ass, milking him of every drop. Mack Daddy watched with approval.

Pulling out five one-hundred-dollar bills, Mack Daddy made a big production out of paying Gus. Gus promptly pushed Silver off his now semi-flaccid cock and straight at Mack Daddy.

"Oh!" Silver cried, startled. Mack Daddy grabbed her left wrist and yanked Silver to her feet. "Oh!"

The gaudy pimp wrapped a thick arm around her waist and pressed her close, enjoying the feel of her firm tits pressed against him. Silver felt disoriented, so she clutched at his maroon suit and buried her face in his chest. His large, beringed hand caressed her back as he turned and guided her toward a flashy pink-and-maroon Cadillac limo.

"Is Silver your real name or your street name, honey?"

"It's my real name," she said.

"Silver what?"

"Just Silver."

"You're not American, are you?"

"No, I'm a European," she said.


"Close enough," she said.

"Not very talkative," Mack Daddy said as he opened the back door. There was a driver waiting behind the wheel. A tough-looking man rode shotgun.

"Do you really care?" Silver asked as she sat in the middle of the seat.

Mack Daddy sat beside her, and the limo left as soon as he closed the door.

"You understand what just happened?"

"You bought me from them," she said. She glanced out the window, at the "working girls" at the corners. "I belong to you now. And you are a pimp."

"You don't have a choice in the matter," he said. "I own you."

"I know," she said, bowing her head.

He unzipped and pulled out his huge cock. "Show me what you can do."

The legendary Silver Sable spent the next hour answering the pimp's every yearning and dark desire. She left him satisfied in ways none of his other girls could. From that moment on, she became his favorite.


Six months later.

Silver was walking down the street in a silver bustier, white leather miniskirt, and white thigh boots. Silver bangles adorned her left wrist, and large silver hoop earrings hung from her ears. She had a sassy strut and an alluring smile for all the men she passed. The sexy Symkarian was Mack Daddy's most profitable, most popular girl, and the pimp's acknowledged favorite in and out of bed.

Life was good.

The End
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