SG & The Broker : Brokers Revenge Chp 8-11 The End

A darker, full bodied blend.
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If you are new to this story it begins here ; ... 39&t=22860



The blonde woke, the sedative had worn off and she found herself in a slightly new situation, she was in the same suit, in the same position, but a monitor was in front of her and beneath each of her restrained hands was a keyboard, each hand was over a different half. Between to the two keyboards she could touch all the keys that she needed.

The red head was waiting, she had not slept and she was eager to find out what she wanted to know.

CAPTOR: Good morning whore, so, tell me !

The blondes breathing was steady in her snorkel …. in …... out … out …...

CAPTIVE: I will tell you, but I want to tell you in person !

The red head rolled her eyes, dumb bitch!

CAPTOR: I want ? I warned you what would happen if you tried to negotiate, you want to go with the breath play all day ?

CAPTIVE: Even if I told you now you could still do that to me anyway, and even if you didn’t it would be something just as bad.

The red head considered this problem, she had unleashed many unpleasant experiences on the blonde so it was no wonder the blonde felt she had nothing to lose. The red head realised she may have to finally break her rule of not meeting with her captive.

CAPTOR: Very well but our meeting will come at a price.

CAPTIVE: I have nothing left to give you ! To my name I had my powers, and you took those from me. I had my clothes, you took those too. I had pride and dignity, and you are slowly destroying them as well. I have earned the right to talk to you.

CAPTOR: Earned the right ? You still talk defiantly, you've not learned anything?

To the blonde it hadn’t been obvious, but it was true, she was bound, she had been tortured, beaten and humiliated and yet she was still fighting for something, even if it was just to have the opportunity to meet her tormentor.

CAPTIVE: My defiance is all I have left.

The red head paused thoughtfully.

CAPTOR: Well then, that is the price you will pay, surrender your defiance, you will be obedient, you will not resist, at least you still have your word. Only you can take that away from yourself. Do I have your word ?

The blondes eyes fluttered as she contemplated the final transaction, the final little piece of herself that she was going to sell, just to meet her captor. Her breath faltered and the red head smiled as she could see the blonde calculate the price.

CAPTIVE: The price is very expensive.

CAPTOR: For what you are getting I consider it cheap.

CAPTIVE: What if I decide to decline ?

CAPTOR: Your desires may go unanswered if you do, and you may never discover my identity.

CAPTIVE: I understand, I will do as you say.

CAPTOR: Then I will sedate you.

CAPTIVE: I understand.

When the blonde woke up she on her side on the floor, the clear catsuit was still on her, though she was unhooded, the snorkel was gone. She felt cold and discovered that she was wet inside her suit, and slowly the chilly feeling she had when she had received an enema was present. She was clean inside and out.

She noticed the back pack on a table in front of the chair frame that she had been receiving her punishments. Alongside the backpack was a myriad of chains and metal restraints and metal flasks.

The red head watched on her video feeds waiting for her prey to commit herself to bondage willingly. She clacked away on her keyboard and hit return.

WMV31 <Play the audio file downloadable at the bottom of the page>

The blonde glanced at the heap of metalwear on the desk, sighed and began to figure out how to put it all on. The ankle cuffs seemed very sturdy and the chain between them permitted only a pace about two thirds of normal, she wouldn’t be running in these. The belt was cleverly designed, it did indeed only have one lockable position and she had to breathe in slightly to make it reach. The flying link that fed off the belt had a pair of sturdy cuffs and she carefully ratcheted them. She was surprised to discover that the ratchets of the cuffs had been ground down, only once they were tight on her latex covered wrist did the locks engage. The attention to detail was scary.

The blonde stood more to the centre of the room and tugged at her restraints to demonstrate they were on and waited. The blondes heart pounded while she waited to discover who her captor was, was it really a woman as she guessed, or would she be surprised.

CLUNK CLICK SNAP ….. The bolts of the sliding door undid.

WHOOOOOOOOOSH... the door slid open and ….

The purple clad red head walked in on her leather boots and crossed the room directly towards her prisoner, a metal flask in one hand.

“Well hello superbitch !” said the red head as she loomed closer

“But …!?” the blonde said in surprise.

The red head, with an obvious pent up anger closed her right hand into a loose fist and slapped the blonde with the back of her hand.

The blonde was knocked off balance for a moment and ended up nearly going to ground. The red head clutched her hand which she had hurt delivering the blow and it prevented her from maintaining an attack. The blonde recovered herself and stood up straight, her eyes stinging close to tears.

“Why ? …. what did I do to you to that was so terrible to justify ...” the blonde glanced at the instruments of torture in the room … “to justify all this ?”

“You have screwed up most of my life until now, and you want to know what you did ?!” the red head spat the words.

“I didn’t screw up your life, you had started to do that yourself” the blonde answered back.

“You don’t even remember my name !” the red head said accusingly.

“Selena J Walsh ….” the blonde said sadly …. “it was a long time ago, you were just ...”

“Just what .. an ugly duckling teenager ...with braces and greasy hair ….?” said Selena.

“I remember you more as a gifted teenager ….” the blonde said, trying to show she could see some good that was within her tormentor.

“Oh yes ...” Selena said mockingly … “gifted ! Thanks so much for that …..”

“What happened to you …... you were never like this ?!” the blonde pleaded.

“YOU made me like THIS ! SATISFIED ?” The red head said in a rage before she took a deep breath and settled herself.

“I was just a dumb teenage girl who got setup and instead of rescuing me you fed me to the wolves!” Selena continued.

“I don’t understand ?” the blonde frowned as she glanced at her restraints.

“When I told you I was hacking that computer network, I thought I was doing it to save Kyles life, I really thought they were going to kill him !” Selena explained.

“Oh Selena not THAT again, there was no Kyle, he never existed, he was someone you made up!”
the blonde protested.

The red head allowed a small smile to escape, as she turned away from her captive. “No, he wasn’t a lie …..he was real but instead of finding him you just outed me as a criminal, a liar.” Selena said calmly.

“Well even so, I still tried to speak up for you, I told them you could be useful!” the blonde said apologetically almost.

Selena turned and walked back to the table and she trailed her finger along the edge of the surface past the instruments of torture that remained. She opened the backpack and installed the flask she had been carrying ...

“Oh and they made use of me ….. do you have any idea what they did with me ?” Selena said with a calmer voice now.

The blonde looked downwards and shook her head. “What ?”

“They told me if I pleaded guilty they would recruit me into a new covert ops program, they wanted hackers, people like me, to help back them up during some missions overseas.” Selena explained as she picked up the backpack and motioned with her finger for the blonde to turn around.

The blonde reluctantly turned away, glancing over her shoulder, “Well, at least you had an opportunity to serve your country, you had a chance to redeem yourself” the blonde tried to convince Selena.

The red head raised the backpack and placed it against the little metal studs embedded into the blondes catsuit. “Oh and I so loved the training ….. so much fun … have you ever tried to do math while your brain is slowly deprived of oxygen ?” Selena said sarcastically.

“And yet its acceptable to block off my air” The blonde asked, confused, just as the backpack hissed, docking to the suit and locking on.

“That was the point …..everything I’ve done to you is what happened to me …...all of it ….!” Selena said angrily. “I joined that shitty spy program because they said they were going to throw me in jail for 20 years if I didn’t !”

“So …... what happened ….. why am I here....what happened ?” asked the blonde , confused.

“I will explain”, said Selena as she glanced upwards “Computer : Initiate startup sequence”

WMV32 <Play the audio file downloadable at the bottom of the page>

As the computer read out its status in the background the red head continued. “The team I was with got uncovered and I fled, the only way I could get out was in a sewer. I waded up to my neck in crap to get out and when I reached the end of the tunnel I had to make my way along the edge of a desert. I was burned , very very badly….”

“So … all this … is just to teach me a lesson, or are you in it if the money from your crime syndicate friends ?” the blonde said in disbelief as she turned to face Selena.

“The money ? Pah … that was just to keep you guessing, there’s no syndicate you fool. YES all of this is to teach you a lesson! To make you feel weak and powerless as you did to me when you just swept me up and condemned me to decades of misery” Selena said, her finger pointing accusingly.

“ And you know what the big joke was, when I made it back, when I thought I was back with people who were going to protect me, they said they were cancelling the program I was in ….. and that I still had to serve the jail sentence I had been given when I pleaded guilty.”

“Oh Selena, I’m so sorry … that’s wrong ...” the blonde felt somewhat responsible for what had happened to the red head.

“And worse was this …...” Selena unzipped her catsuit and slowly revealed her chest and stomach. The skin was slightly red, slightly mottled and scarred.

The blonde reached out with an arm, only to be snatched back by the chain that held her.
“Oh my god, is that what happened to you in the desert ?”

“Its only just healing now ….. thanks to this special suit I will almost be good as new ….. but its been years to wont know what it is like to have a man look upon you in revulsion …... the all beautiful, all powerful, super, perfect girl !”

The blonde looked dejected , perhaps she had made a mistake after all.

“Now you are my prisoner and I intend to punish you until I am satisfied.” Selena said coldly...

“Computer ! Punishment program Selena zero-one!”

WMV33 <Play the audio file downloadable at the bottom of the page>

The blonde staggered forward slightly, a look of shock on her face. Selena caught her forearm and supported the blonde who fell against her captor weakly.

“Oh my god … what are you doing to me ….?” panted the blonde .

The red head looked the blonde in the eyes. “So far I have demonstrated my will over your body, have I not ? I control how you breathe, what you eat, what you drink, you cant even piss without my permission. Now you have offered to submit, to be subservient to me, in order to just have the privilege of meeting me. Well, here I am, and now you pay the price. To show my dominance over you I am pumping my shit into your whore body. And you are going to be a good slave and take it.”

“But ...oh god ...” the blonde stammered.

WMV34 <Play the audio file downloadable at the bottom of the page>

The red head glanced up to the source of the voice.

“Now you are marked as mine ….” the red head said as she lazily drew her hand which she had formed as a claw and dragged it down the blondes latex covered sunburnt chest before relaxing her fingers, the palm of her hand resting on the blondes lower abdomen. She could visibly see the swelling and could feel the slight bulging under her hand. This was her true and final victory and her captives ultimate humiliation.

“Please … make it stop …....” the blonde begged.

The red head smiled, victorious.

“Computer, play message Kyle Zero-One !”

A TV screen flickered to life. A young man, in his late twenties, appeared on the screen. His eyes were red with tears and glanced off in one direction like he could see someone off camera. He held up a piece of paper and begun to read.

“My name is David Sanderson, I am 29 and was born in Boston, today I am making this recording to make a confession …...7 years ago I was part of a crew of identity thieves and my alias then was Kyle Sanderson. Part of my role was as …... please, don’t make me read this …..” a handgun appeared from off camera.

“Oh god … ok ok .. … on one occasion my role was to make a girl . Selena … fall in love with me so that she could be made to use her computer skills to hack data for us ….she wasn’t that cute and was easy to date …....and …....they pretended to kidnap me to get to her ….”

The blonde watched on defeated. Her crime was there in front of her, she had punished an innocent and now she was being punished back for her error.

“I didn’t make him up, I never made him up, he used me, my country used me, and all you did was help them....... now you are mine!” Selena said as the recording ended....... “so now you are going to tell me …. what was it that you wanted to tell me here on the mat ?”

“Its so trivial now ….” the blonde shook her head. “I’m so sorry .. I’m sorry ….”

“Tell me !” Selena ordered … “You gave me your word ….. now OBEY!”

The blonde looked at the red head. “That thing ….. the thing you did to me, the other day .. what was it ?”

“What thing ?” Selena asked, puzzled.

“You put that buzzing thing between my legs and ...” the blonde said meekly.

“THAT ? Oh god, you’ve not had an orgasm before ?!” mocked the red head.

The blondes face told Selena everything she needed to know. “Oh jeez, you super powered virgin! Pathetic, and you gave your word to be a slave just to know that, an orgasm ?”

“Don’t you understand ?! I cant , well ….. I couldn’t …... this body ….its normally too strong ….its not my fault ….” protested the blonde .

“Welcome to MY world…..” the red head growled . “Even watching you suffer hasn’t been enough, despite my best efforts. Unfortunately for me, the nerve endings in that area were damaged by sunburn after my jaunt in the desert, my skin will heal but the nerves cannot.” the red head said angrily.

“If you let me restore my power I can help you ..” the blonde said tentatively.

“LIAR” Selena retorted.

“No .. I …..wait ..” said the blonde defensively.

“Computer Punishment program Zero-Nine !” …... the red head looked accusingly at the blonde . “You want an orgasm ? Fine … lets see if we can give you the most humiliating orgasm ever! I’m going to have my piss sprayed over your clit until you cum you lying little bitch ...”

WMV35 <Play the audio file downloadable at the bottom of the page>

The blonde began to buckle as the pressure within her body began to dissipate and discolored water began to flood from her groin down her legs. The blonde bucked and quivered and the red head held her restrained hands and supported the blonde from falling.

“Go ahead … orgasm when you are ready …. when you are done I’m going to sedate you and you will never see me again …..” Selena said cruelly.

“But I CAN help you …..” the blonde pleaded, twitching at the edge of an orgasm.

“You’re going to cum and then I am going to leave you with this suit and the darkness …. you are my slave and you gave me your word …..” the red head said intently.

“Give me my power and …... oh...god don’t make me cum yet ...” the blonde said in panic trying to bury her thigh into her crotch and prevent the orgasm that approached.

“No, I’m never giving you your power back ….. this is it for you ...eternal punishment” Selena taunted.

“How will you know I’ve learnt my lesson …. if …... ngggggg ….oh god oh god ….” the blonde buckled but Selena helped her stay up on her feet.

“that’s right little slut …. once you cum the program will administer the dose ….cum little slut .” the red head taunted her prisoner

“You’ll never know if you own me if you don’t let me go …..” the blonde said before finally falling to the inevitable humiliating orgasm.

WMV36 <Play the audio file downloadable at the bottom of the page>

For the blonde the world fell into the darkness and Selena was left alone to contemplate everything that had transpired. She felt in one way that she had achieved everything and more. The blonde was defeated on all levels. Her power was gone, her freedom taken from her, and now she knew she had to accept the blame for what had happened. Yet now there was something new to be had, the blonde was a slave, a slave to her new sexual needs, and a slave to her word to be obedient, yet to prove it the red head would have to indeed let her go.

The red head wanted it to be true, it excited her, imagine letting her nemesis go and still having power over her. But each time she dared herself to find out something it became more and more dangerous, what if the blonde broke her word, she had already proved herself unreliable. No, it was better knowing the blonde was locked up in the chamber, being subjected to more humiliation.

The red head looked about her and began to prepare the chamber with its heat lamps and cameras, cables and hoses to confine her guest of honour.


Slowly the blonde began to come too. The air echoed down the hoses with every breath she took and the familiar sensations of the plugs in her body began to make themselves known. The chamber was dimly lit apart from the familiar monitor that allowed her to see the various camera views of her body.

The blonde sobbed quietly, it was over, she was in darkness, powerless and hooked up to the infernal machine on her back.

WMV37 <Play the audio file downloadable at the bottom of the page>

The blondes head tipped slightly forward as her fate sunk in. Her breath accelerated in fear and she began to cry. It was only a week ago it seemed when she could fly as free as a bird, run as fast as a missile, lift incredible weights, endure incredible temperatures high or low, even survive in the vacuum of space, and now she was restrained to mere steel inside a latex prison. Her breathing continued to echo down the tubes but she just wanted to die.

WMV38 <Play the audio file downloadable at the bottom of the page>

The blondes body tensed up, the regular pattern of abuse had begun, food pumped from one orifice to the next before being fed it and no doubt expelled all over her body. Then some music began, Ave Maria, by Schubert, a soul lifting beautiful piece, ironic to be accompanying her torture.


The blonde woke up, she was shivering and the ice cold enema took her breath away, the cold was like a kick to the stomach it was that chilling. Her mouth clenched around the snorkel and she prepared herself to start all over again. The previous day she had been immersed in her own expulsions for half the day, the day before that she had been forced to drink her own urine over and over again while the heat lamps kept her sweating all day. The days before that she couldn’t even remember.

The enemas stopped and the blonde waited …..... and waited …..she was exhausted and didn’t care what was to come, she was just waiting for the day she would finally die from the horror that was her life, all hope was gone. Ave Maria had filled her ears almost continually since it first started save for a few hours when she slept and she waited for it to commence with her torture.

CLUNK …....

The lights in the chamber came to life and the blonde raised her head weakly, her eyes struggled with the brightness of the light, she had been condemned to darkness for days now. A dark shadow entered her field of view and soon she could feel the restraints on her arms becoming undone, her legs were free and with nothing to bind her to the frame she began to slide off into the arms of the dark shadow and then she blacked out.

First there was darkness, then as her eyes began to open there was the light. Her arms were free, her legs were free, her body was free, in fact she felt naked but she didn’t care. It was heaven and she didn’t want to move, she was so content with the sensation of freedom. She felt warm and in fact the surface of what she was wrapped up in was warm, and slightly fluffy. She began to stretch out with her limbs but she had no enthusiasm to raise herself, she had given up caring for now.

The shadowy figure marched over to the centre of the chamber. The room was more or less empty, a few heat lamps stood at a respectful distance, their warm glow keeping the blonde just comfortable. She was wrapped in a lambskin, her head on a soft pillow, her sweat soaked hair trailed out behind her. The blonde stayed passive, head down , eyes only slightly open, tired, uncaring, defeated.

The shadow stopped at the blondes head and crouched down. The shadow gently brushed the blondes hair away from her ear and began to whisper.

“Can you hear me down there ?” asked the shadow.

The blonde barely nodded her head.

“You said you could help me ?” whispered the voice.

The blonde nodded again … “but only if I have my power back …..”

“Have you learnt your lesson now ?” questioned the whisper, calmly, almost with compassion.

The blondes bottom lip clenched up, a lazy tear escaped from her eye running over her nose as she nodded.

“Remember, I have taken everything from you, the only thing of value left now is your word ...... if I let you go, will you help me …...?” asked the whisper.

“Yes, you have my word ….but only if you help me too ….” the blonde whispered back.

“You don’t need help to get your power back .. just get to the surface … the sun will do the rest ..” said the shadow, their voice still low.

“No …. not that …...” whispered the blonde weakly.

“Then what ?” asked the shadow, a hand gently coming the blondes long hair with its fingers.

“When I’ve become arrogant …too overconfident.... punish me again …...” the blonde said without looking up.

“Why do you want to be punished again ?” whispered the voice.

“Its the only time I have felt alive ….” replied the blonde .

“If fixing me means breaking you … that’s what I will do ...take this” said the shadow, pressing something into the blondes hand.

“Thank you ….” whispered the blonde .

Six weeks later and Selena’s mobile phone had remained silent. Selena had bought it and its identical twin, each had only the number of the other programmed into it and the broken blonde had the other.

Selena had been patient, and her patience hadn’t run out yet, she was biding her time, she knew that every minute the blonde didn’t make contact it was burning at her that her word was being broken. That the very fibre of her morality was being tormented was enough for Selena to know that eventually the call was coming, it was only a matter of time.

And then it happened ….

“I am sorry but now I am ready ….” the text said.


The blonde floated down to the ground within the abandoned factory and gazed about her to see Selena step out from the shadows. The blondes breathing shallowed a moment as her body recalled its punishment and her heart raced.

“Kneel, now, bitch” Selena said as she crossed towards her prey clicking her fingers and pointing to the ground.

The blonde dropped onto her knees, her red cape draped over her shoulders.

Selena was wearing tight blue jeans and a white t-shirt, her skin now seemed totally normal, the scars she had incurred after her escape in the desert had healed at last, only the nerve damage remained.

“You look well ..” added the blonde .

“I am free from my prison at last” Selena said, as she looked admiringly at her bare arms.

“The suit that you were wearing …....” started the blonde .

“I borrowed it...” Selena began, the blonde looked disappointed

“You stole it !” the blonde uttered but Selena shot her her stern glance.

“Always leaping to conclusions …..I’ve returned it ...” Selena said containing her temper, “Now come with me …..” the red head said and began to turn away.

The blonde began to rise to her feet …

“NOT LIKE THAT … CRAWL ...” Selena commanded.

The blondes eyes fluttered in fear and excitement and she begun to crawl behind the redhead who reached a steel trapdoor in the ground, lifting it to reveal stairs down.

They arrived at a steel door which Selena swung open to reveal the darkness beyond. She reached for a lever on an large electrical box and flicked the switch.


The lights revealed a new chamber. Familiar smells, familiar objects and familiar fears struck the blonde though there were a few unfamiliar objects in the room.

“Come ...” Selena said as she strode confidently into the chamber.

The blonde crawled steadily behind her tormentor until they reached a massage bed and Selena placed herself on the edge looking down the length of her long legs at the blonde on her hands and knees.

“What do I need to do ...” asked Selena.

“I need to be able to touch the area affected …. you need to take your clothes off and ...” the blonde looked at her grime covered hands, “I need to wash these”

“Over there ….. you may walk …..” Selena pointed to a doorway as she picked up some towels and begun to unbuckle her belt.

The blonde began to walk away … “You didn’t tell me, but I gather you had escaped from prison …..”

The red head glanced at the blonde , nervous at the turn of the conversation.

“Yes, I escaped and I started a new life ….” Selena said.

“To get revenge against me ?” the blonde asked as she turned on the tap and began to wash her hands.

“Not revenge, but justice …I’ve become resourceful....” Selena said curtly.

“Why did you let me go ?” asked the blonde as she begun to dry her hands.

“Are you always this full of questions ?” snapped Selena ….. “I let you go so you could put things right …. pay for your mistake ….”

The blonde approached the red head now laid out on the massage bed on her back, a bottle of oil in her hand which she held out for the blonde to take.

“I need to feel out your nerves, with my touch I can sense everything, your heart ….” the blonde began to pour the oil over the red heads body...... “I can sense every muscle and the nerves that control them, even the flow of blood ...I cannot bring back the dead, but I can sense the living, even influence it ….”

Slowly the red head became a shimmering oil covered form as the blonde mapped out and traced in her mind the flow of signals through the red heads body.

“You lost a lot of feeling all around here …..” the blondes hands swirled around the red heads stomach “and … here ...” lower and lower her hands descended.

“Now that you know I am a fugitive, what will you do ? ...” asked Selena occasionally frowning as she felt odd sensations in regions which had been rendered numb.

“Nothing” said the blonde whose hands slowly drifted over the prone red heads stomach. “I have decided something …. crime ….. I am not dealing with crime any more ….I will help with disasters and accidents, perhaps terrorism, but not crime …..”

“Now I can feel you, just about …..” frowned Selena. The blonde began working with her hands, focusing, sensing, reorganizing.

“So you will stay out of my affairs ? I intend to make a fresh start with my life, I have already used my talents to erase my past, and I am starting my own business …..”

The blonde glanced at the red head, suspiciously.

“Oh … wait ….” To Selena it was like stepping out from the darkness into the light, her sense of touch began to return.

The blonde smiled as she circled closer and closer into the red heads most intimate spot.

“Oh finally ….” the red head began to tense up in her stomach muscles as finally her clit begun to awaken. It was a feint sensation but the most she had experienced since she was the near dead teenager in the desert.

The blonde seemed focused on her healing efforts but managed to ask “What sort of business ?”

“The information business, a broker of knowledge, I have become very good at finding things out, there are people prepared to pay for that kind of service …..” Selena replied, her face revealing that her sense of touch was slowly returning.

The blonde , satisfied at her progress stopped her work.

“It was working why are you stopping ?” Selena protested.

“A little at a time …. if I force it I could damage you …. but you might be able to … you know … with some effort, it wont be as easy as you like but …..” the blonde said bashfully.

Selena reached down and touched herself and for the first time in what seemed like forever she could feel herself.

“And you, have you managed to cum again?” Selena asked.

The blonde shook her head …. “Once I had my power back I ….well …. I couldn’t ...”

The red head sat up and began to wrap her body in towels chuckling almost evilly. “Poor super bitch cant cum with her powers and I cant cum without her having them …..”

“Am I done now ?” Asked the blonde defensively, she didn’t wish to be in her tormentors company much longer.

“Did you not wish to be put back in …..?” the red head asked, her head nodding in the direction of the bondage frame.

The blonde looked nervously at the steel frame, her arms wrapped around her body in fear.

“Was it the irritation cream that bothered you …. or when I force fed you …..perhaps the icy cold water was what broke you ?” taunted the red head.

“May I go ?” asked the blonde stepping slowly backwards.

“You know, there are people who fantasise that they could make you powerless by forcing an orgasm from your body …. and they have it the wrong way around ….” continued Selena.

“Please ?” begged the blonde .

“They didn’t realise that in order to make you orgasm they had to make you powerless first.”

The blonde glanced at the exit of the room.

“You may go on one condition ….” smiled Selena

“What ?” stammered the blonde .

“That after I mention the suit, the enemas …. the breath control, making my mark inside your body, after torturing those super tits of yours …keeping you soaked in your own piss …. if you can show me you are still dry under that skirt, you can go ...” Selena pointed provocatively between the blondes legs.


The blonde woke up, she was in the frame again, almost naked, she was wearing some kind of plastic underwear and she felt that she was in her boots. For once Selena had left her head exposed, a relatively easy start, though she was in the darkness.

To her shame, when she had revealed what was going on under her skirt she knew Selena understood her better than she understood herself. The power Selena had over her was incredible, especially since she had changed from being a torturer, someone taking revenge, into someone who was almost like an owner, a mistress. Selena certainly seemed to be getting more out of the new situation, it actually seemed more healthy for her mental state to be doing all this for sexual pleasure.

The blonde panted in fear and excitement, what was coming next?!

WMV39 <Play the audio file downloadable at the bottom of the page>

As the message ended a monitor flickered to life and she was bathed in its glow. She could see the cameras, one on a tripod almost at point blank range between her legs, the other capturing her face, her expressions.

Then it began … the videos.........bondage videos …... torture videos …....

The warm tingle of excitement began to form and the blonde felt the inevitable begin to happen.
In another room the red head slowly began to play with herself, slowly turned on by the blonde whose body began to betray herself, the slow drip of cum pooling in the plastic clear diaper. For the first time in a long time Selena could feel real pleasure from touching herself.

“That’s right little slut …. teach me how to break you again ...”

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This was a very captivating psychological and physical endurance test. And the ending was believable and brilliant. Thanks.
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Millenium Member
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Thanks, Im glad it turned out ok for you !
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
Elder Member
Elder Member
Posts: 461
Joined: 20 years ago

Outstanding story!!! Excellent finish. :joker:
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