Electra Girl - A Rookie Mistake

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Gabriella sat on the edge of her bed in her small apartment just off campus of her college. She was only in a pair of black panties and a bra as she closed her e-mail. "Time to go fight some crime." She gets up and walks over to her closet. She sifts through her countless shirts and pants and pulls out a skintight yellow leotard. She opens a drawer next to her closet and pulls out a pair of skintight pantyhose tights. She slides on the hose and then slides on her yellow leotard over them. She puts on her black mask covering her attractive face and big brown eyes. She slides on a pair of long silk gloves and keeps her feet without any shoes.

She admired her body in the mirror, years of cheerleading and gymnastics gifted her with an amazing body and an affinity for tight clothing. Her dark skin and curly jet black hair accented her yellow leotard and black tights very well, and she couldn't lie she felt very sexy in her costume. She is no longer a 19 year old college student, she is now Electra Girl, a rookie superheroine gifted with the power of super speed.

She sprints out of her apartment building at the speed of sound and she takes off towards the sorority house just off campus. She gets there and approaches the head of the sorority, a tall pretty blonde girl named Sarah. "I got your call, what seems to be the problem?" Asks the young superheroine. "There's a burglar downstairs, we locked him down there but we think he might have a gun! Please help us Electra Girl!" pleads the sister. "I should really call for backup, I might not be suited for this type of situation..." says Electra Girl hesitantly. "No, you must understand, he has several girls hostage, god knows what he might be doing to them right now. As a girl to girl, you have to do this for us immediately!" says Sarah.

"Ok, I'll go in alone, wait here." she sprints into the building. As soon as she leaves Sarah picks up her cell phone and texts ( She's on her way, prepare the trap ). Electra Girl kicks down the door to the basement and sprints down inside. She see's 4 girls all bound back to back in the center of the room, they're each blindfolded and gagged with what appears to be pink silk. They cry out for help through their gags as they hear Electra Girl enter. "Hang on girls, I'll get you out in no time." But where is the intruder Sarah was talking about? She thinks to herself as she approaches the girls. She jogs towards them, but as she gets close the floor opens up underneath her and she falls into a pit lined with silk pillows and blankets. "Ahhhhhhh.... What the?!" Her fall is cushioned by the pillows but the hole is at least 20 feet deep and she can't climb out. Then all of the sudden Sarah appears at the top of the hole with several other sorority girls.

They're all wearing red shirts with their sorority symbols on it and tight white jeans and black high heels. "Sarah throw a rope down here quick!" says Electra Girl as she paces around her hole. "Oh Electra Girl, I don't think we will be doing that..." Says Sarah as the other sorority girls laugh evilly. "What do you mean?!" says a confused Electra Girl. "Oh silly Electra Girl, there never was a burglar, it was all set up for you to fall into our trap, and fall you did...." Says Sarah with an evil grin. Electra Girl glares up at her, "well I bet you didn't plan for this!" Electra Girl begins to sprint in a circle in the hole, creating a tornado. However before she can gain optimum speed to launch herself out of the hole, silk ropes shoot out from all sides of the hole and wrap themselves around her legs, binding them together.

"Noooo!" Says Electra Girl as she struggles to remove the ropes from her long, athletic, legs. "Hahahahaa silly Electra Girl, you're not going anywhere. Now I think it's time for you to take a nap." Says Sarah as she snaps her fingers and a girl in the corner of the room flips a switch on the wall. Suddenly the walls of her hole begin to slowly move inwards towards her. Electra Girl drags herself to the middle of the hole to buy time. She then looks at the walls of the hole and sees that they are dripping wet with some kind of liquid. Then a familiar scent fills her nostrils. "Choloroform!" Says Electra Girl as she struggles harder against her silk bonds. "Hahahahaha that's right Electra Girl, don't struggle and it will all be over quickly." Taunts the sorority leader.

The walls finally reach the struggling heroine, as they press into her sides. She is now sandwiched between the soaking wet chloroform cushions and is helpless to resist. They hear her muffled pleas for help as the chloroform fumes begin to drain her of her strength and consciousness. Her eyelids get heavier and her limbs feel like they each weigh a thousand pounds. Must stay awake, sooooo sleeepyyyy... She thinks to herself as the chloroform soaked cushions continue to squeeze her tight. "That's it Electra Girl, just relax and go to sleep...." Hahahaha." Says Sarah. Finally Electra Girl gives out one last moan of defiance and then she closes her eyes and falls into a deep sleep. "Good work girls, let her soak in there for another minute just to make sure, then we will prepare her for the next stage of our plan."
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Welp, mark me excited for the next installment.
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Thanks! Glad you like it. The next chapter isn't too far away.
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Nice start SF15, I like the uniqueness of the trap. Looking forward to seeing what the evil sorority has planned (BTW love the choice of villainesses).
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Electra Girl
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The girls all smile as they watch the walls of their trap retract back to their original positions revealing the limp body of the superheroine laying face down in the silk pit. "I told you girls that she would be gullible and fall for our trap, nice timing Amy with flipping that switch on the trap door." Says Sarah as she clicks another button and the floor of the pit rises up. The girls walk over to the sleeping superheroine and they flip her body over. "She's so beautiful, in her skintight spandex leotard and tights..." Sarah runs her hand up Electra Girl's inner thigh and over her crotch and breasts. "But we mustn't get sidetracked by her beauty, we must wrap her up and begin our to weaken her." The girls all nod and bend down next to Electra Girl and they begin to wrap her body from her neck to her toe in pink silk.

"I want her to be motionless, I want her wraps to be so tight that she can't even wiggle her toes, we don't want her getting free and being able to use her super speed." Says Sarah as she overlooks the girls. "Yes mistress." Says the girls in an almost zombie like manner. They wrap her body in layer upon layer on the form fitting silk, then they tied a decorative bow around her torso and they admire their handiwork. "Well done girls, now let's carry her to the other room." Says Sarah as the girls obediently pick up her cocooned body and then carry her into another room.

The room is mostly empty, a couple dressers and boxes litter the room and the floor and wallpaper is lined with pink silk. In the middle of the room is a long wooden board hovering about 5 feet above a large electric heater. The girls turn the heater off and they rest Electra Girl's body down on the board. They strap her body down with seatbelts and then Sarah walks in. She is now wearing a skintight black leather catsuit with matching boots and gloves. "Wake up the prisoner ladies" says the villainess. "Yes mistress." They walk over to Electra Girl and they wave some smelling salt under her nose.

The heroine slowly awakens from her deep sleep. Her big brown eyes flutter open and she begins to remember what happened. "Ughhhhhhh, where.... where am I?" She says in a confused tone of voice. She tries to move her body but her skintight cocoon keeps her firmly pinned to the board. "What's going on here!" She struggles harder against her wrappings. "Oh Electra Girl, what's the matter? You don't like your cocoon?" Says Sarah in a playful tone as she slowly walks over to the struggling superheroine. "Why are you doing this? I was trying to help you!" asks the superheroine.

"Haha, silly Electra Girl, there never was an intruder, it was all a part of our master plan to lure you here and capture you." Taunts the villainess as she runs her gloved fingers through the superheroine's black hair. "Get your hands off me!" She struggles harder than ever before. "Hahaha now now Electra Girl, you're in no position to be making demands. You seem to be recovering quite quickly from the chloroform. That must be your super stamina, well we have something you might enjoy." Says the vilainess with an evil smile as she snaps her fingers.

The sorority girls walk over to the dressers and they pull out large paintbrushes and buckets filled with a mystery clear liquid. They set the buckets down around the superheroine and they dip the brushes in the liquid. "What are you doing? What is that?" asks Electra Girl. "Oh it's just our special weakening baste, after soaking in that for a couple hours you'll be as weak as a kitten, and then we will be able to take over you mind and you will become our slave." Says the vilainess as she continues to gently run her hand across the heroine's dark skin. "You will never get away with this! I have powerful friends who will come and rescue me!" Says the superheroine as confidently as she can given the situation she's in.

"Oh you mean these superheroines?" Sarah pulls out Electra Girl's phone and shows a text sent to every superheroine saying * Hey I've got a lot of homework and studying to do for midterms, I won't be available for the next couple of days.* "No!!!" Says the frustrated heroine as she struggles with all her strength to break through her ultra tight wrappings. "Save your strength Electra Girl, you're going to need every bit of it." Says the vilainess as she leans in and gives the heroine a long, wet, passionate kiss on the lips. The girls then lift their brushes from the bucket and begin to brush the heroine's body with the wet weakening liquid. "Ughhhhhhhh, this will never.... work..." Says the heroine as the liquid soaks into her silk wrappings.

"Oh yes it will Electra Girl, and you were so nice to wear such a skintight outfit, your tights and spandex will absorb the baste and trap it against your beautiful dark skin. You're helpless to resist." Taunts the vilainess as her girls continue to soak every part of her body in the baste. "My powers....... I feel.... So.... Weak....." Says the heroine in a weakened tone of voice as she gasps for air. "That's it, just relax..... let the baste do its job and soon you will be ours." Says Sarah as she runs her gloved finger across the superheroine's forehead and picks up a bead of sweat. "No.... I have to fight it..." Says the superheroine. Sarah snaps her fingers and more sorority girls walk in carrying a rag and more silk.

"Gag her ladies, we don't want her calling for help." The girls force her weakened mouth open and they place the rag inside her mouth and then they wrap the silk around her mouth multiple times. "Mpmhmpmmmmm!!!" yells the superheroine through her gag. "Get comfortable Electra Girl, you're going to be here for awhile, hahahahaha" Taunts the villainess. Electra Girl moans through her gag as the juices soak into her skintight spandex and tights. Her struggling gets slower and weaker, until she goes limp. "That's it Electra Girl, just relax...." says Sarah as she turns to leave the room. "Let me know when she is almost ready for brainwashing." She says as she confidently walks out of the room, the sound of Electra Girl moaning and the hairs on the brushes rubbing against her silk cocoon fill the room, as she exits with an evil smile on her face.
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Another good update, I like the sexy villainess and EG's cocoon trap. I hope one of the superheroines ignores her text and falls into the trap as well :)
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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This just keeps getting better and better.

I wonder what the brainwashing will entail...
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Sarah, the sorority leader
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Meta Girl
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Lauren was walking back to her apartment after her 8 pm lecture on psychology. "Mr. Johnson has to be the most boring professor in the history of mankind...." She checks her phone and sees a new text from Gabriella. She reads the text and immediately suspects something is wrong. "Gabriella would never miss a lecture like this, and she is exempt for almost half of her midterms. I'd better run to my apartment and suit up and start looking for her." She runs to her apartment and throws off her clothes. She opens her closet and pulls out a green shiny spandex leotard and yellow tights. She slides them on over her pale skin. Then she places a green mask over her dark green eyes and brushes her thick red curly hair aside. She clips on her yellow utility belt and slides on her long yellow silk gloved and tall yellow leather boots. She is now Meta Girl, a beautiful superheroine gifted with super strength. She opens an app on her laptop and begins tracing Gabriella's phone. "Hang in there gabby, I'm coming for you."

Gabriella's arms felt like sludge, they lay limply in her wrappings as the juices continued to suck up her strength and will. Her arms and legs felt like they were made out of heavy concrete as she couldn't move them even an inch. The girls continued to brush her over and over again with the weakening baste. All of the sudden the girls heard a knock at the door and the voice of a girl. Electra Girl recognized the voice immediately, it was Meta Girl, her friend. She mustered up every remaining ounce of energy and strength left in her weakened body, as she tried to shout out. "M....Me....Meta....Girl...." was all she could get out in a very low and weakened voice, the girls realized what she was trying to do and they quickly pounced on her and began to gag her. "Gag her girls, don't let her call out for help!" says one of the girls as she grabs a rag and stuffs it in her mouth. Electra Girl struggled as much as she could but it was useless, the girls then secured her mouth with a pink silk bow and got in positions to ambush Meta Girl.

Meta Girl arrived at the sorority house. It was late at night on a Tuesday so no one was outside, she knocked on the door,"Alight ladies, the gig is up! Where is Electra Girl?" She says confidently as she gets tired of waiting and kicks the door down, and then strikes the classic superheroine stance. 2 sorority girls come walking downstairs wearing pink teddies and white tights. "Meta Girl, how can we help you?" They both say at once. "I know Electra Girl is here, I traced her phone." Says Meta Girl as she checks her surroundings. "Oh, she must have left her phone here the other night, we had a little party and she got sick and left." They say with a slight smirk. "Well I'm gonna have a look around." Says Meta Girl as she begins to search the house. While Meta Girl is distracted one of the girls pushed a button under one of the tables, triggering a silent alarm.

Sarah gets the alert and immediately calls 5 other girls to follow her. They all ascend the stairs to the upper level of the sorority house and they run into Meta Girl. "Meta Girl, so nice to see you! Why don't you come upstairs with us, Gabriella might be asleep in one of the guest rooms." She says with an inviting smile. "Ok" says Meta Girl as she cautiously follows to skimpily dressed girls up the stairs. "Why are you all wearing these outfits?" asks meta girl. "We like to feel sexy at all times, it's part of our sororities code." Says sarah as she opens the door and lets meta girl walk in first. Laying on the bed is a mystery person under a couple sheets. "Gabriella? Is that you?" Meta girl walks over and turns over the person, only to find that it's a stack of pillows. She whips her head around only to be met with a heavy roundhouse kick from the sorority leader. Meta girl stumbles backwards and falls onto the bed. Silk rope shoots out of the bed posts and begin to wrap around her arms and legs. Meta girl however is able to recover from the blow and she eventually rips off the silk ropes. "I knew you guys were up to no good!" Says meta girl as she charges towards the girls. She easily dispatches the 5 sorority henchmen. Sarah, their leader, however, is a skilled martial artist.

Meta girl uses her super strength to throw sarah through the door across the hall and into that bedroom. "Give it up bitch, and tell me where my friend is." Says meta girl as she picks up the leather clad sorority leader. "Ok ok! Just don't hurt me!" She says as meta girl lowers her to the floor. Meta Girl sucker punches her in the gut, "Talk!". "ow... ok ok!" Says Sarah as she stands up. She sees one of her sorority sisters coming to from their previous engagement with Meta Girl. Just need to stall her, thinks Sarah. "Let me call my girls and I'll tell them to release Electra Girl." Says Sarah as she pulls out her cell phone and dials a fake number. Creeping up behind Meta Girl however is the now fully awake sorority girl. In her hands she holds a large spandex blanekt. She throws the blanket it over Meta Girl and it wraps itself around her. "What the?!" she says as the stretchy blanket hugs her curvaceous body. Sarah then sprays Meta Girl in the face with a large pink cloud of dust. Meta Girl collapses to the ground and wiggles with all of her might and super strength, trying to break the grip of the spandex wrapping.

"Why won't it break?!" says the frustrated heroine. "Oh Meta Girl, that's our special ultra strong spandex fiber blanket, it's designed especially for you. You won't be breaking out of it anytime soon." Says the smiling villainess as she congratulates her sorority sister on a job well done with a long and passionate kiss on the lips. "That pink gas I sprayed in your face will put you to sleep Meta Girl, then you can join your friend Electra Girl in the basement. I'm sure she can't wait to see you." Says the villainess with an evil grin as she sits down on top of the trapped heroine. "No..... must....stay....awake....." Says the tiring heroine as her eyelids get heavier and heavier. "Vanessa, why don't you give Meta Girl here a kiss goodnight." Says Sarah as she watches her fellow sister take out a tube of pink lipstick.

The girl coats her lips with the bright pink lipstick and then straddles the helpless heroine's face with her leather gloved hands. "So close, yet so far Meta Girl, time to go nighty night...." She says as she leans in and kisses the redheaded superheroine on the lips. When she pulls her lips back from the heroine's, she sees that the heroine has already passed out. "Wow, this sleepy lipstick works like a charm." says the surprised sister. "Of course it does, I invented it myself, now go wake up the other girls, I want Meta Girl in a cocoon next to Electra Girl as soon as possible, other heroine's might be coming." says Sarah as she admires her newest captive.
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Another good capture SF15. Like how the first trap failed which allowed Meta Girl to break free of her bonds. The sleepy kiss was nice too, look forward to seeing how they cocoon MG.

Keep up the good work!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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You did a really good job with this one!
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Hi everyone! Sorry the the slow time on the update. School has been killing me with homework. I finally was able to work on a bit of my story recently and here is another chapter of the story. Please feel free to leave comments on what you think about the story. Enjoy!

"It's time," says Sarah as she walks over to the motionless cocooned body of Electra Girl. Unrwrap her girls, she's now weak enough to be effectively brainwashed," orders Sarah. The girls start to work on untying the tight and soaking wet wrappings holding Electra Girl's once strong body. Finally they finish unwrapping her and Electra Girl's exhausted body falls out of the wrappings.

She lands face down on the ground of the sorority basement. Her tights and spandex coated in the baste, she remains still on the ground, her labored breaths echoed in the room. Sarah confidently walks over and kneels down next to her face. "You started this nice probably thinking you were going to be studying for some silly lecture, or going out partying with some friends..... But instead you're here, now as weaker than a baby, about to be brainwashed into being a member of our sorority. You will be just like one of the girls, a mindless slave." Says Sarah as she snaps her fingers and the girls lift her body into the chair and begin to strap her arms and legs down to the chair with silk.

"Just relax Electra Girl, judging by your state, this won't last long." Says Sarah as she puts a pair of glasses over her eyes. Then they put headphones over her ears, and they press a button on a remote. Confusing images and flashes begin to flash in her eyes. Hypnotic swirls appear and she begins to moan and twist in her chair. "Just relax Electra Girl," Says Sarah as she massages her helpless body, taking extra care with her breasts. "no....." moaned Electra Girl. "Shhhhhhh....." Said Sarah as one of the sorority girls leaned in and gave Electra Girl a long wet kiss on the lips. "Just relax Electra Girl, let your mind go," Says Sarah as the soothing voice of Sarah plays on a recording through the headphones covering Electra Girl's ears.

Saying, Relax....... let your mind go...... you're falling deeper under our spell.......don't fight it........ Sarah notices Electra Girl relaxing back into her armchair. "Yes Electra Girl, that's it." A group of sorority girls walks in carrying the cocooned body of the unconscious Meta Girl. "Master, we bound her in your signature silk cocoon, just like you ordered us!" Says an attractive brunette sorority girl as she stands at the helm of a group of equally pretty sorority girls. "Meta Girl you're right on time!" Says Sarah as she walks over to Meta Girl. She orders the girls to strap her down to the board above the heater. Sarah waves smelling sauce under her nose. She slowly wakes up. Sarah nods and her sorotity girls begin to stroke their wet brushes over her long and athletic cocooned body.

"Ughhhhhh, what is this?" moans Meta Girl. "It's our way of keeping you weakened, we don't want you at 100% Meta Girl, that's when you're dangerous, we like you much better here at a nice 10%." Says the confident Sarah as she strokes her through her thick red curly hair. "You'll never get away with this!" Says the defiant Meta Girl. "Oh really? I think I already have!" Says Sarah as she directs Meta Girl's head so she is staring right at the motionless body of Electra Girl.

Her eyes staring off into the distance as the glasses flash and swirl. "You monster! What did you do to her?" Says a horrified Meta Girl. "Oh she's under my control now, and now she can help us take your mind too. And when we have both of your minds, you will act as perfect bait for us to capture more superheroines." Says the confident Sarah as she laughs evilly. "No!!!" Says Meta Girl as she struggles harder but it's useless against her tight bonds, and in her weakened state.

Sarah orders her other girls to untie Electra Girl and to remove her glasses and headphones. They untie her and her body sits still in the chair. "Rise Electra Girl, and say the code of our sorority" Says Sarah as Electra Girl stands up and perfectly recites the oath of Beta Phi. "Good girl, now come over here and kiss your friend Meta Girl." Says Sarah as she reaches into a nearby drawer and pulls out a vibrator. She slides the vibrator into her cocoon over her groin. It begins to vibrate as Meta Girl helplessly moans. Electra Girl walks over and bends down next to Meta Girl's head. She wraps her hands around her cheeks and begins to kiss her passionately on the lips. Sarah runs her hands over Meta Girl's breasts, as the other sorority girls continue to baste over her cocooned body. "It won't be long now Meta Girl, soon you will be ours too." Says Sarah as she picks up a brush herself and begins to brush over her breasts.

"Soak in it, feel every drop of it", The baste oozes out through the intermost wrapping and soaks into her green and yellow tights.. "No I can't end up like her! I can't let her down! I can't let the girls down and become your slave!" She panics and struggles harder against her rope bonds. "Struggle all you want Meta Girl, those ropes won't budge and the baste that is about to be brushed into your silk cocoon will soon drain you of your strength. She nods and the girls eagerly begin and start brushing over her cocoon with the baste. "Now I want you to roast in its juices and your skintight spandex and pantyhose outfit will soak it in and do the rest. You will soon be ours Meta Girl, you and Electra Girl will make quite the pair!" Says Sarah confidently as she massages her breasts. "No!!!" Shouts Meta Girl as the girls shove rags in her mouth and wrap her mouth with silk wrappings. "Shhhhh, just relax and let the baste do its work on your young, athletic body." Says the villainess as she lays down next to her captive and strokes her gloved hand over her exhausting body. "Such as strong girl, now so weak, what a shame Meta Girl...." Taunts the sorority girl as she brushes over Meta Girl's pussy. "Ughhhhhhhh...." She moans through her gag. The girls continue to baste over her body. "Everything is going according to plan!" Says Sarah with an evil smile on her face.
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Ahh, homework troubles, eh? I can sympathize.

I'm greatly looking forward to the next chapter, but please do take care of your real-life concerns first. :happy:
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Another great update SF15, love the predicament Meta Girl finds herself in along with EG now being hypnotized. Keep up the great work!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Meta Girl couldn't stand the feeling, so helpless, so frustrated, yet aroused. The girls work their brushes over her long body. "Please.....girls....you have to break free.... you have to stop....." Pleads the helpless heroine. Sarah laughs. "Oh Meta Girl, they won't listen to you, just like they didn't listen to Electra Girl here." Sarah paused and kisses the hynpotized Electra Girl.

She then turns and faces the horrified Meta Girl. "You will face the same fate as Electra Girl, you will become my hypnotized lesbian sex puppet. Just like the rest of the girls here." Meta Girl struggled with all might but couldn't even budge an inch.
"Why fight it Meta Girl, just relax and let the juices soak in," Taunts Sarah as she turns back and faces Electra Girl and they make out again. One of the girls, a voluptuous brunette, wearing a skintight black leather catsuit, leans in and kisses Meta Girl on the lips with weakening lipstick. "Majoring in chemistry allowed me to create various forms of weakening products. I'm sure you're familiar with the baste."

She pauses and runs a single finger over her torso and picks up some of the dripping diabolical juice. "Just relax and give in, soon your mind will be nothing but pudding." Says Sarah as she turns and leaves the room. The girls work over her body for the next hour, Electra Girl switching on and off with Meta Girl's body, and the other girl's.
Meta Girl was now gagged, and her eyes drooping and lazily staring off to the side. Sarah walks in to check on her progress, a little tipsy from drinking that night. "She looks excellent, nice and limp," she pokes Meta Girl's side. "I'd say we can move her on into phase two." says Sarah as the girls nod and begin to unwrap her.

As they untie the last bow and unravel her last silk bonds, she rolls off the table and lands on the ground, soaking wet with the baste. Sarah laughs and looks down on her helpless captive. "You superheroines and your tights, you just make the process that much more effective, soaking in all the juices and trapping it against your strong body." Says Sarah as she orders her girls to lift her body and to bind it to the chair.
They tie her wrists to the back of the chair and her ankles to the legs. "We're going to test a new method on you, seeing as you're the only person who knows you're here, we have plenty of time." Taunts Sarah. "Mpmmm," moans Meta Girl as she starts to feel her strength coming back now that she isn't constantly being basted down.

The girls strap a helmet around her red curly haired head and strap it around her chin. They slide a visor down over her face and Sarah flips a switch. The helmet starts to hum and flash and more groans from Meta Girl fill the room. Unknown to the sorority girls however, was the fact that Meta Girl's strength was returning faster than they had anticipated.

She could now feel herself at about 40% and she started to tear a bit into her bonds. Sarah doesn't hear the tear, and in her arrogance she leaves the room. "Call me when you have her hypnotized" She says as she exits. The sorority girls look over, but instead of a lifeless body looking back at them, they saw a struggling heroine. They react and run over to her. They're too late however as Meta Girl just manages to tear free of her bonds and stand up.

"I'm back!"she says as she takes the average sorority girls down with ease with a series of strong kicks and punches. She admires her work and dusts off her gloves. "Time to get some revenge."
She says as she takes a drying towel and rubs it over her costume, soaking up the majority of the weakening baste. She opens the door of the room, and sees a dark figure standing guard at the stairs. The figure emerges and it's a hypnotized Electra Girl. "Surrender now Meta Girl, and I won't have to hurt you," says Electra Girl.

Meta Girl gets in a fighting stance. "Electra Girl, I don't want to have to do this!" says Meta Girl, "but I will if I have to," Says Meta Girl as she charges towards the hypnotized Electra Girl.
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Woo! Time for some hot heroine-on-heroine action! :D
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Indeed another fun update, like how Meta Girl was able to break free and now faces her friend EG for a fight :)

Keep up the good work SF15!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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"You need to break out of this Electra Girl!" screams Meta Girl, as she doesn't notice a slight humming of fans starting up in the background. The set the fans to push small amounts of sleeping and weakening gas into the room.

Electra Girl and Meta Girl circle each other. "You are no match for Beta Phi Meta Girl." says Electra Girl as she zooms past Meta Girl at lightning speed and delivers a sucker punch to her gut. Meta Girl buckles over in pain as she is forced to breathe in a heavy dose of the gas. "That's it Electra Girl, keep stalling her," says Sarah. Electra Girl zooms past Meta Girl a couple more times, delivering kicks, leg chops, and punches to the flailing Meta Girl's body. She bends over momentarily in pain.

"My strength, it seems to be leaving me again, but how?" Says Meta Girl as she gets back up. "The longer you fight me, the weaker you will get Meta Girl," taunts Electra Girl as she zooms behind Meta Girl and bear hugs her body and slams her to the ground.
She then zooms away as Meta Girl tries to grab her ankle. "You can't catch me Meta Girl!" Says Electra Girl as she zoomes towards Meta Girl. This time Meta Girl sticks her arm out and close lines the hypnotized heroine. "Oh yeah?" Says Meta Girl as she leans over and picks up her body and throws her into the wall. She hits it with a thud and collapses to the ground in pain.

"You have to fight it Electra Girl!" Says Meta Girl as she walks over and picks up the heroine by her spandex. "Never!" Says Meta Girl as she kicks the heroine back into the room. She then starts to zoom around Meta Girl and start to flay her with more body shots. However this time Meta Girl feels substantially weaker and slower.
She sluggishly waves her arms as she tries to catch the speedy heroine.

Finally she collapses to the floor. Electra Girl reaches into her belt and pulls out a large white cloth and a bottle of chloroform. "I hope you don't mind if I speed up the process," says Electra Girl as she pours the chloroform into the cloth and then she clamps it across the weakened heroine's mouth and part of her nose.

Meta Girl couldn't move a single muscle now, her arms felt like 500 pound weights as she heard the door opening and applause of the sorority girls. They pile on top of the heroine and start to run their fingers over her body. "We got you!" "You're ours" "We won't let you get out again!" They taunt as they pull out more silk and start to bind her wrists behind her back.

Meta Girl is forced to take in another breathe of the chloroform's sleepy fumes. Her eyes droop as one of the girls runs her hands through her hair. "Beta Phi wins again, you're not going anywhere Meta Girl," As she kisses Meta Girl on the cheek as the sorority girls hands slide down her tights and start to rub her clit. She moans and breathes in more of the sleepy fumes. "Why do you still resist us, we will be victorious in our mission of creating a superheroine army, soon you will be one of us." Taunts Sarah as she watches the heroine's eyes flutter one last time and then ultimately close.

"Nighty Night Meta Girl, sleep tight!" Says Sarah as she turns to Electra Girl and gives her a big kiss on the lips as a reward for her good work. "Excellent work Electra Girl, I guess we know who the better of the two of you are now! Hahahahaha" Says Sarah as she runs her hands across Electra Girl's body. "Oh and girls, take Meta Girl into room C, I want to test out a new method of weakening her, a more effective one."

Orders Sarah to her sorority girls, as they nod and remove their hands from her helpless spandex and tights encased body. They lift her body up and take her down the hallway and into a secret room. Sarah then turns and faces Electra Girl. "And I think you deserve an even bigger reward Electra Girl," says Sarah as she runs a finger through Electra Girl's jet black hair.
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Another excellent update.

I can't wait to see how you top this one.
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A short and attractive brunette named April, wearing a skintight black spandex catsuit, stands up and gets the attention of the girls. "Ok ladies, now she escaped from us before, but we won't let that happen again!" She says as the sorority girls nod. "Now how can we keep her weakened so she can't break free when we remove her from her cocoon?" Says the April out loud.

A cute blonde in the back chimes in. "How about a mask?" "Excellent idea," They find a dust mask. "This will do" says the brunette, as she slowly drizzles chloroform over the mask. She smiles and ties it around the heroine's face. "Now let's get her nice and stiff. They take out large paint brushes and coat her whole body in a thick baste. The baste hardens. They then lift her stiff body and they place her on a board.

They strap her down with seatbelts and they pull off her hardened knee high socks. Then they pull of her tights, revealing her bare feet. The girls start licking her feet and sucking on her toes. "That's it lubricate those feet." Says the brunette. "Yes April," they all say as she lick her soles. A couple minutes pass and then April arrives with long feathers. "I want you girls to tickle her feet with no mercy for the next hour. We will break her will early, while she's at the peak of her frustration of being recaptured." Orders April.

"Yes April, they say as they take the feathers and eagerly await the signal. "Wakey wakey Meta Girl." Taunts April as she waves smelling sauce under her nose. Meta Girl's eyes weakly open. "Ughhhh, you.....fiends...." She mutters as April gives the signal. The girls start out slow, 2 girls run their feathers slowly over her wet feet. "Ha....hahhahahaha...." Laughs the helpless heroine as more girls join in. "Yes, that's it Meta Girl, laugh and breathe in more of the chloroform that is soaked in your mask. "No! Hahahahahaha....HAHAHAHA!!!" Laughs Meta Girl.

"Wow you are really ticklish, this will be perfect." Says April as she pours a small amount of chloroform over her mask. "Breathe...... just relax...." Her laughing gets weaker and more labored as her eyes droop and her struggling weakens. "Soon your mind will be ours Meta Girl, you've failed." Says April. "no.... I hahahahaha....have to....hahahahahaha....resist." Says Meta Girl hysterically. "Oh Meta Girl, I take it you won't last the full hour." Says April. "An hour?! hahahahaha No! hahahahaha You can't get away with this! Hahahahaha" She says as the girls brushes slow down.
"It's only a matter of time" Says April as she orders her girls to change from the feathers to their fingers. Meta Girl's laughter fills the room as Sarah and Electra Girl watch on from a bed in the corner of the room, wrapped in each other's arms.
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Liked the chloro take down from earlier SF15. I'll admit the tickling thing isn't quite my thing, so I didn't enjoy the last update as much but nice use of the mask to keep MG weak.

Will be interesting to see where things go from here.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I'm a great fan of tickling, so suffice it to say that I loved this update.

Wonder if there'll be a third heroine showing up any time soon...
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"I'll give you credit," Sarah runs her gloved hand up Meta Girl's ailing body. "you've held on longer than I expected, Electra Girl was much easier than you," Sarah leans in close to the gagged mouth of Meta Girl. " but just like her, you will break and become ours." Says Sarah as she kisses the chloroform soaked gag over Meta Girl's mouth.

She laughs and pulls away and injects her exposed neck with a syringe needle. She injects her with a special drug that will distract and fog her mind."You'll never escape us again Meta Girl." Says Sarah with an evil grin. She then signals the girls to begin phase two. They turn a wheel and the board holding the helpless heroine's body tilts up. They then reveal a pool filled with a green, foaming, goo. Meta Girl moans as she wiggles with what little strength she has left. "That's right Meta Girl, your body will now soak in this foam for hours on end, every minute you'll find your body weaker and weaker," Says Sarah as she starts to slowly lower the heroine into the goo.

"The girls that we tested it on described it as unbearable after the first 2 minutes. "Let's see how long you can last," taunts Sarah as Meta Girl's bare toes dip into the goo. Her toes go limp and a slow stream of fatigue comes over her lower legs. "mpmmmmm" moans Meta Girl as more of her body is lowered into the pool. "What's the matter Meta Girl? Is that chlorofoam mask keeping you from regenerating your powers? I guess that drug we injected into your system is keeping your mind distracted." Taunts the busty blonde villainess.

Meta Girl tries to focus to regain some energy in her arms before they are soaked in the goo. But the drug in her system keeps her mind in a confused and tired state. They pull the board away and secure her bonds, complete with a decorative pink silk bow wrapped around her torso. They lower the rest of her into the goo.

The goo is level with just below her neck. She struggles against her bonds with as much will power as she has left, but all it does is cause the foam to work faster and drain her strength. "Hahahaha, enjoy Meta Girl, see you in a couple hours!" Says Sarah along with the other sorority girls as they gather around her and taunt her. "Hold on ladies, I wan't Meta Girl to see this." Says Sarah as she hands a phone to Electra Girl. "Make the call slave" Says Sarah as Electra Girl dials the number of Beta Girl.

"Hello?" Says a cute brunette named Crystal, who is laying on her dorm room bed with the cell phone propped against her shoulder. "Beta Girl, it's Electra Girl, I need your help immediately, don't tell the other superheroines, only you can know, I'll explain everything when you get here, come to 2122 Baker Street." says Electra Girl in her normal voice as she then hangs up the phone.

"Electra Girl wait!" Says the brunette as she hears the click of Electra Girl hanging up. She immediately runs to her closet and rips it open, revealing her superheroine costume. "This will be my first big shot at impressing the superheroine league, plus she did say not to tell anyone, time to prove that I can fight alone." Says Crystal as she pulls out her spandex costume.

"You see that Meta Girl? This is where you'll come in to play, you will help Electra Girl and I in capturing Beta Girl," Says Sarah as she kneels down next to the pool that Meta Girl is soaking in. Meta Girl's eyes dose off as her body relaxes. "It's only a matter of time before your body is so helpless that you can't defend your mind from our brain control." Says Sarah as she runs her finger through her thick red curly hair.
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Now this was a fun chapter :)

Meta Girl dipped into weakening liquid, forced to watch as her friend calls another heroine into the trap, and knowing that she somehow plays a roll in the trap....excellent! Intrested to see what Beta Girl's costume looks like and what her powers are. What fate awaits her, a dip in the weakening pool?

Look forward to the next update SF15!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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So... has real life gotten in the way again, or are you genuinely tapped out of ideas now?

I could always help you with later chapters if it came down to it. This story's too good to just let die.

(Also, if there's a Beta Girl, does that mean there's by definition an Alpha Girl? Hmmm...)
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Yeah real life is kicking my butt right now, I just don't have enough time to dedicate to the story right now.

And I would love to bounce some ideas off of you! And yes I do have a character in mind for an Alpha Girl. :)
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New Chapter

Beta Girl observes from afar as countless sorority girls patrol their house late at night. This is definitely not how a normal sorority operates says Beta Girl who has never been to a sorority party before. Lily was a loner and she liked to be as invisible as possible. Lucky for her her power was invisibility.

After Beta Girl felt that she had scoped out the target as much as was necessary she began her approach towards the building. Donning a fully body blue cat suit made of shiny spandex like material. Long leather boots and matching silk gloves completed her outfit, a light blue silk sash around her fit waist.

Jet black hair fell just below her chin and thick black curls shaped perfectly around an underappreciated and beautiful face. Blue eyes that could stare through a person's soul stared at the first guard that she encountered. She recognized her, of all people to encounter first it had to be the co-captain of the local college's women's volleyball team. Tall and muscular the girl resembled a Norwegian amazonian. Unaware of the presence of Beta Girl she turned her back and began to look the other way.

Beta Girl took this opportunity to jump on the back of the exposed volleyball center and wrap her body around in a perfect sleeper hold. One of her hands pinning the sorority member's hand behind her back and the other firmly wrapped around her victim's mouth serving as a gag. This pattern continued for the next 15 or so minutes as the heroine patiently and silently made her way inside the sorority house.

Starting to fatigue from wrestling so many girls and staying hidden in unorthodox positions the young heroine considered pulling out. No she thought to herself. I can't abandon my friends! I heard Meta Girl's distress call and I know she needs my help.

She finally reaches a central room on the first floor were strapped down to a chair is the helpless Meta Girl. Four more sorority girls form a square position around the heroine and are armed with rifles. No problem says Beta Girl as she jumps into the room and puts the first guard in a headlock. Panicing the other girls begin to spray their ammunition at the first girl taking her down instantly. Only she wasn't dead, she was instead asleep, victim of not bullets but sleeping darts!

They want me alive Beta Girl thinks to herself as she charges at the next girl still under her invisible cloak. She punches her square in the face with perfect form and watches as she collapses to the ground in pain. The other two begin to spray in the general vicinity of the corner and nail Beta Girl in the lower leg with a dart. Her leg instantly locks up and becomes numb. She reaches down to remove it so she is no longer tagged but she is instead met by more fire from the remaining guards. Three more darts hit her in the chest and Beta Girl can begin to see stars.

"She's in the objective room! We've hit her with the sleeping darts! Requesting backup!" Says one of the sorority guards as 12 more girls come storming in. Spotting the struggling heroine who is so out of it that her invisibility power is gone they rush towards her. Beta Girl only sees a blur as she is tackled to the ground and pinned. After a brief struggle her vision fades to black and she is the next helpless captive of the sinister sorority!
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Welcome back SF15, nice to see this get a update.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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