HockeyGirl: Spydra, Once Bitten

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Hi all,

If you are new to my work then you can happily read THIS story in it's own right. If you are reading my SG & The Broker series too then this story merges into that series after United We Stand. The recommended reading order is here in the SG&The Broker section.

Anyway - here we go with the first few chapters to get the thing going.


The nurse glanced nervously back up at the ceiling lights as their normally reliable bright light dimmed almost to nothing before returning to normal. It was 2am and the emergency room was relatively quiet as most people were riding out the tail end of the hurricane that had glanced off of the coast. The torrential rain continued to lash down and the winds whipped up power cables and phone lines and threatened to rip trees and their roots from the earth.

The nurse glanced up as she saw the familiar yet unwelcome sign of blue flashing lights bathing the area by the entrance, an ambulance had arrived. The nurse on the receiving station pressed her intercom button.

“Doctor Lambert for Triage .. Doctor Lambert for Triage” she said as she spoke into a microphone and then went to hold open the door for the incoming paramedics and their new patient.

Just as she got to the doors …....


The doors burst open and recoiled closed as two medics pushing a trolley carrying a screaming woman, evidently pregnant, stormed in. By then, Doctor Lambert, entered the receiving area, stethoscope in hand, his free hand closing his white coat around his body. He had been napping during the lull of his gruelling shift and his mind began to reboot to run his drills.

“What have we got ?” Lambert started, as he grabbed a clipboard that was lying along side the patient.

The paramedic began to recite the status of his patient in a typical 'patient is x and y and z' formula.“We've got a … female.....22 years old…... 20 days short full term …... arachnid bite trauma which has induced labour …A Positive.... bp has begun to elevate, respiration elevated ….. the other one is.....”

“Other one ?” Lambert said surprised glancing back towards the entrance.

“Yeah, shes 21, pregnant, shes 30 days short full term, arachnid bite trauma and induced labour ..AB Positive …..”

“What the hell ?” Lambert began to imagine the scenario that led to these circumstances but quickly started to plan his treatment. “OK . Do we know what bit these ladies …..”

The young woman on the trolley was in considerable pain, her eyes bulging as she drew her knees into her chest, the muscle spasms becoming ever painful. She began to summons the force to squeeze out with a grimace …. “Wid .. Widoooooow”, the words literally wheezing from her mouth.

The lights dimmed once more just as the reception doors slammed open and the second trolley arrived with the second pregnant woman also suffering severely from the pain of the spider bite and the onset of labour.

Lambert glanced at his watch like he was mentally logging the time.

“OK, we need two I.Vs of Diazepam and Ketorolac set up and then I want two sets of 2.5CC Latrodectus M-AV ready on hand”

By now several orderlies were helping to get the woman to cubicles.

“Oh, and give the on-calls a heads-up and get me a toxicologist, this is going to be a difficult set to deliver.” Lambert said as he began to make notes on the first sets of charts.

The nurse nodded “Right away doctor” as she spun away to arrange the medications and make the calls.


“ # birthdaaaay dear Lauraaaaaaaa, haaaaaappy birthdaaaaaaay to yooooooooooooou #” ended the famous song over the slightly tinny speakers of the laptop.

Laura, her shoulder length red hair framing her smiling slightly freckled face looked into the webcam of her laptop , her father and aunts slightly blocky, slightly choppy faces looking back at her.

“Thanks Dad, thanks Lizzy !” Laura blushed.

“Hey did you get your present?” asked the man on the feed.

“Oh sure, its perfect !” she stepped backwards away from the laptop , revealing the upper part of her body, the oversized hockey shirt of her home town somehow flattering her while revealing nothing at the same time. Her slim legs appearing from below like she was in short dress.

“That looks great, Im glad it arrived on time …. so … how are your courses going ?” the male voice asked, the change in subject punctuated by the sound of curiosity in his voice.

Laura rolled her eyes slightly, she knew this birthday call was going to become an interrogation about her classes, but it wasn’t so bad especially as she knew that things were going well.

“Its going great, my assignments keep getting good grades, I’m really looking forward to the next semester.” Laura replied honestly, Dad was going to be seeing the report card which she was sure was going to be good so there was no point in lying.

“And you Dad ? What has been happening, have you been feeding my fish ? And hows Abigail ..?” Laura teased by tagging on the name of the nice new neighbour which provoked a knowing glance between her Dad and her Aunt.

“The fish are fine, I cleaned their tank yesterday” replied the voice …. “And Abbi is OK”

“Oh, Abbi is it …...” chuckled Laura

“Laura you’re a tease …... let your father be.....if they want to , you know ….” the aunt hinted. “Anyway, I see what you did there changing the subject ….... do you know where they are taking you tonight ?”

“Oh, well Ive been asked to dress smart casual so I think Ive narrowed things down to a few cool places” Luara smiled glancing off to one side at something off camera.

“Well anyway … Im glad you’re having a good day, your mom would be proud, now have a great time out with your friends and we will talk again soon, ok ?” Dad said, his face and the Aunt almost coming together looking into the webcam.

“Thank you ….. call again soon” waved Laura into the webcam and then the call ended.

Laura carefully popped closed her laptop and noted the time. She had a couple of hours to get ready at least and considered her wardrobe options for the night ahead.

“What shall I wear for my birthday” she thought.


It was an odd place, neither a bar, nor a restaurant, certainly not a club, the music was cool, not too cutting edge, not too old, not too loud but enough to create atmosphere. The table, almost at coffee table height, but as long as the two sofas that sat either of it facing each other, was covered with drink glasses, and bowls of food to share.

“So how did you find this place ?! Its really cool ….” Laura said as she glanced around at other parties set up in a similar manner with young 20 somethings, even 30 somethings, just relaxing.

Angela, nodded in agreement, reclining into her boyfriend, Mark, his arm resting on the back of the sofa behind her, his other hand resting on her stomach.

“We were out one time and just sort of stumbled onto it ...” Mark said then promptly placed a kiss on top of Angelas head.

Sophie, sipped from her glass, her other hand resting along the top of her boyfriends leg, one of her feet lightly tapping in time to some music. Mitch, her boyfriend offered out a bowl of food towards Laura

“So ….. did you get lots of presents ?” asked Mitch as Laura took a hot potato wedge from the bowl.

“Apart from you those you got me ….. well .. my dad sent me the Hockey shirt I wanted”

“Cool … when we get back to the dorms youll have to show us ..” Sophie said, planting her glass onto the table before pulling away a slice of pizza and putting it onto her small plate.

Angela cast Sophie a quick glance then … “I need to use the ladies room ….” then began to rise from the sofa.

“Oh … me too …..” Sophie said and began to follow.

The remaining men picked up their glasses and drank, the code of camaraderie between abandoned boyfriends while their better halves went off to talk about them.

“Oh …. ok ….” Laura frowned, unsure if she was meant to follow or not.

“So, when the break comes up are you going anywhere ?” asked Mitch into the open.

“Oh Angie and I are going over to her folks for a week …...” Mark started.

“Wooah …..” Mitch joked.

Laura shot Mitch a glance ….. “Hey it doesn’t mean anything …..” she said in Marks defence.

“Hey its not like we are getting married or anything ….” Mark said shaking his head, a big grin on his face.

“Sure buddy … but ….a week with the folks ….. you sure ?!” Mitch rubbed it in a little.

“Well Im going back to my Dad for a bit” Laura deflected heat from Mark … “and then we are off to his lodge for a few days, just me, him, the dock, the lake, the fishing, no course work, no deadlines, no ..”

“, no internet …. and no dating !” joked Mark, completing Lauras sentence.

“Hey I was just defending you ...” protested Laura under a laugh.

“Well .. you know …...” started Mitch , pointing with a potato wedge at Laura before it plummeted to its death inside his mouth …. “you need a boyfriend eventually ….. we cant keep being 2.5 couples forever …..”

“Yeah, and its a pain to split the bill !” Mark joked.

Laura smiled as she took another sip of her drink.

“Hi, I'm Neyra, Ill be your server for the remainder of the evening, is everything ok here, can I get you anything ?” the tall attractive black mid 20something asked, her intense brown friendly eyes scanning the faces of the three guests on the two sofas.

Mitch and Mark cast each other a glance, the secret code of “another beer buddy?” passing between them.

“Could we have another round of drinks and some more of those wedges …that would be great.” Mitch asked

Neyra scribbled on her pad. “Oh and I understand its your birthday, congratulations” she winked subtly at Laura as their eyes met.

“Oh ….thanks ...” gushed Laura back at the beautiful waitress.

“OK . Ill be right back with your order birthday girl ...” Neyra spun around and went.

Laura realised her heart was fluttering somewhat, was the waitress hitting on her ? Laura went to place her glass back on the table and …..


Laura had placed the glass down and as her hand moved away she had somehow dragged the glass over the edge of the table.

“Oh you ok ?” asked Mitch as he reached for a napkin.

“Ill go get something to clean up” Mark said rising from the sofa to head to the bar.

Laura looked down onto the floor, the glass had broken quite cleanly into only a few pieces as it hadn’t fallen very far.

“God Im sorry, how did I manage that ?” Laura said, puzzled.

“It was just an accident …..” said Mitch as he wiped the floor with a napkin, the glass had been practically empty.

Mark returned with a dustpan and brush and quickly the trivial mess was gone.Sophie and Angela promptly returned and took their places at their partners side just as Neyra showed up with more drinks.

“Your one is on the house …. don’t drop it !” Neyra cautioned Laura, her tongue momentarily poking out at the younger read head mischievously.

“Oh …. thanks ….. Ill try …. Im so sorry …I don’t know what happened!” Laura said as she looked down at the palm of her hand like it was to blame.

“You should see the container for broken glass at the end of a weekend …. yours isn’t the first … and it wont be the last.” Neyra added as she collected up empty bottles and the few dirtied napkins then headed away.

“What did we miss?” asked Sophie as she glanced between the group.

“I spilt my drink !” Laura confessed. “Ill be right back, ladies room” she added as she rose from the sofa and went to the ladies room.

“Is she ok?” Angela asked concerned.

“Yeah, it was odd, like the glass was glued to her hand, she just tugged it off the table ..” Mark said as he sipped his drink.

“She really needs to get dating and loosen up a little.” Sophie said as she reclined back into Mitch, his free hand firmly clutching his drink.

In the rest room Laura, flushed the toilet, opened the cubicle and washed her hands. She looked at herself in the mirror and wondered what guys thought of her. She was wearing a nice black dress, not too short, not too long. Did they not think she was pretty ? She thought she was, but she had doubts, it wasn’t like she was drowning in admirers but to be honest there wasn’t anyone who she could say she admired back. In fact, she couldn’t say she was drawn to anyone at all...but ..her heart ran into a quickening pace as she remembered Neyra winking at her and she felt herself blush again.

Laura shook her head and placed her hands under the hand drier only to find it unresponsive. No amount of changing hand position under the sensor would make it work and then she noticed the paper towel dispenser. She gripped the first sheet and pulled it out and began to dry herself but found the paper shredding to bits as it seemed glued to her hands.

“What the !?” Laura exclaimed as she found herself having to rub her hands together vigorously to shed the paper from her skin. Tiny little rolled up shreds of the dark green paper began to rain into the basin and the red head had to nudge the lever tap with her forearm to make it run again and wash the fine green papery bits away.

“What the hell is this ?” Laura said stressed as she managed to finally wash her hands clean again, then realising she was back to square one.

“Screw it..” she exclaimed and waved her hands in the air a moment to dry them off as best she could.

Just as she was done she thought she could sense someone approaching the other side of the door and recoiled back but then ….. pause...pause...pause..


another woman entered the ladies room and had accidentally flung the door open with more force than necessary.

“Oh sorry” the woman covered her mouth in surprise seeing Lauras shock… “These doors usually feel like a tonne to push open ..I thought it was going to be harder...”

“Its ok, I kind of did the same..” replied Laura as the door slowly swung back on its hydraulic door ram. “This is turning into a weird night” she thought to herself then took the moment to sneak out while the door was still closing.


Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 8 years ago, edited 31 times in total.
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Here is the next chapter - hope you like.


The late teen or early 20 something blond was breathing slowly in and out, her breath causing a momentary damp spot on the floor before evaporating away. In …... out … …...out.

Her left hand was trapped under her waist against the floor, her right arm trailing freely towards her legs, one of which was slightly bent at the knee. The soft white cotton catsuit hugged her body not too tightly, the reinforced stitched in panty line just visible. Her bare feet, with only a slight hint of dirt on the soles occasionally twitched.

Her free hand began to stir and moved away from her body striking the base of a wall and the dull pain of lying on the bare hard floor began to make it self known.

She moaned a moment as she began to come too, the hard pressure of her bones against the floor began to bite at her skin and she started to roll onto her side, her knees rising to her chest. Her eyes fluttered and slowly she began to awaken to her new situation. It was quite light in the white walled room she was in and and it hurt to see.

She reached out and didnt recognise anything she was touching.

“Whaa ?” she muttered.

She slowly rolled onto her knees and began to rise, one hand shielding her face for a moment, the soft hum of the lighting above piercing into her brain.

Slowly, bit by bit she began to permit more light into her eyes and she realised she seemed to be inside a featureless white room. The walls and floor seemed smooth like marble and she soon realised there appeared to be no doorway at all.

“HE..ouch ...” she touched her forehead, the pain of calling out stabbed into her eyes.

“Hello ?” she tried again, a little more quietly.

There was a pause and the girl found the total lack of sound, the eerie silence, quite unnerving.

The girl looked down on herself and noted her change of clothes, it was disturbing to think someone had stripped her and redressed her in this semi-revealing outfit but after a momentary touch of her own soft flesh she felt relief in being able to believe she had not been assaulted in her sleep.

“What the fuck is this bullshit ?” she said as she walked up to a wall and slowly ran her finger nail around the edge feeling for a door. Her soft pitter-pattering feet patrolled the perimeter as she studied the walls and her heart raced as she quickly realised there appeared to be no escape.

She decided to be rational, and licked her finger making it a little wet and checked for a breeze. While there seemed to be cool air falling from the ceiling space high above, hidden by the glare of lights overhead, there didn’t seem to be any seams in the wall.

“HELLO ?” she yelled, overcoming her pain.

Again she was met only with silence.

“IS ANYBODY THERE?” she screamed, wincing in pain.

More silence.

“OK ….” she said to herself then begun to systematically bang on the walls looking for hollowness, weakness, anything to suggest a way out.

In a control room a figure in a white lab coat punched a button and a 2 by 5 array of screens came to life.

The figure began to cycle through each of the 10 small images on, putting them on to the larger main screen above, the white suited blond number 101, she was tapping the wall, seeking escape. Subject 102, a curly haired brunette was sat in her red catsuit in the corner, she had been awake a while and had resigned herself to waiting. Another red catsuit wearing girl numbered 103 paced her cubicle, and on it went as the figure went through them all up to number 110.

The figure knew that soon the tests would begin and they would know if they had the right subject.


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Hi all, hope you enjoying how this is playing out, please leave a message !

Chapters 5-7 next.


Laura hopped off her mountain bike and chained it to the lamp post outside the store then entered. She glanced down at the piece of paper with the number of the printer cartridge she wanted and headed in, the electronic bell sounding off as she entered through the heavy swinging double door.

“OK . Cartridges, cartridges, cartridges,” Laura said to herself as she passed along the rows of stationery. The warm smell of paper, envelopes, cardboard and crafting materials filled the air. She paused a moment as she saw the racks or pens and pencils, this was her stationery fetish in full flow and she had to contain herself.

With a strong conviction not to blow her money on yet more beautiful paper and pens the red head turned the corner and found the racks of cartridges. There amongst the myriad of options was the one she had been looking for, the one that had been holding her up on printing that file she had been working on. She snagged it and turned around and …....

“Oh ….. hi …...umm Neyra ….. right ?” Laura said her, her voice slightly shaky.

“Oh, hi birthday girl …... well … not today but ….. did you have a good day ?” Neyra asked, her warm smile and friendly eyes looking down slightly on the shorter red head. Neyra had a basket which was full of art paints and some large format paper.

“Oh yeah …. it was great ….. I liked … loved it.....oh Im Laura.” Laura gushed.

Neyra looked down on Laura, noticed the black spandex cycling shorts hugging her body with the loose fitting t-shirt on top.

“You off on an adventure ?” Neyra followed up.

“Oh just for this” Laura showed the cartridge. “And you … you’re an artist ?”

Neyra giggled, “Its complicated … Im waiting tables just for pocket money, I have my real job starting soon, but in the meantime I just like meeting people so ….. but yes in my spare time I draw …. a lot ...”

“Oh cool ….” Laura smiled, then began to realise something “so ….. I wont see you there much more again ?”

“Well, if you had called me ...” Neyra looked down coyly.

“Excuse me ?” Lauras heart skipped onwards several beats.

“No its ok ….” Neyra began shaking her head.

“No, I dont understand …..” Laura cut off the apologising Neyra.

“I . well … I had made a note on the back of the bill, for you to call me ….. I want to draw you...” Neyra blushed.

“Me ?” Laura seemed puzzled.

“Well, you have an interesting ….. man that’s lame … I mean …. you’re good looking and ..I love your hair and those freckles ..I thought you would be a cool subject to draw..and I was hoping you could sit for me ….... if you had time …...” Neyra said, struggling to find her words.

“Oh ...ok …... thanks...I dont know what to say ….” Laura said, surprised at the unexpected turn of events.

“I know …. Ill give you my cell number …... and …..oh... you can see some of my work online, Ill message you the address ok ? If you like my stuff we can sort something out.” Neyra said as she pulled out her cell phone.

Laura summonsed her phone and the pair began to exchange contact details.

“We must of missed your note, the guys wouldn’t show me the bill and paid for everything ….” Laura explained.

“No its cool, I understand ….” Neyra said with a subtle shake of the head .. “OK . Done …. Ill text you my details after Im done here and …. hopefully Ill see you on my canvas soon !”

“Sure …..” Laura smiled back up at Neyra.


The blond had been patiently waiting for something, anything, to happen. She had lost track of time but it seemed that she had been in her white cell for some time. Then, something began to change, the floor slowly develop some colour, like it was being lit from below, the floor being divided into 4 sections, red, blue, green, yellow.

Then the message played out from a speaker above, beyond the glare of the overhead lights.


The blond frowned but she decided to play and walked over to the green zone.

“TESTING IN 5,4,3,2,1”


The blond felt the shock through her bare feet and then her hands as she crumpled to her knees. The shock while not life threatening was extremely unpleasant, she didn’t want to experience that any time again soon.

“Motherfucker …..” she groaned as she pulled herself up to her feet.


The blonds eyes misted.

“Why are you doing this ?” she yelled as she looked around her hoping someone was listening.

“Im not some fucking lab rat ! Please ….... someone talk to me !!” she begged.

“CHOOSE SAFE COLOUR ZONE NOW” played the message.

“oh fuck oh fuck …..” said the blond as she looked at the floor again “OK …. lucky yellow ...”

The blonds bare feet pitter pattered onto the yellow area and waited.

“TESTING IN 5,4,3,2,1”


The blond looked down and realised she hadnt been shocked this time. That was a relief but with only a 1 in 4 chance of getting things right each time she didnt want to play this game too much.


“shit shit shit …. again ?” the blonds arms crossed over her body in fear. Perhaps she could game the system, she looked at the corners of the room.

“Perhaps ...”

She walked to a corner and tried to brace herself to the plain wall avoiding the floor but slid down.

“Fuck …..!”

“OK …. its been blue and yellow …..... lets go back to green ….”


the blond padded over to the green zone and awaited her fate.

“TESTING IN 5,4,3,2,1”


The blond shrieked as she felt the shock through her feet and she dropped to one knee again as she convulsed in reaction to the voltage through her body.

“Please …. why are you doing this !!” her bottom lip trembling as she began to sob.


In the control room the figure watched as the 10 subjects on the little displays each reacted to the experiment.

A chart appeared on the main screen, listing off percentages. After a mere 3 tests Subject 101 was on 33%, 102 sadly was on 0% and so on. The best subject, 107 was on 66% but the figure in the control room knew that 3 tests were hardly sufficient to make a judgement. Perhaps with enough stimuli the main test subject, number 101 would eventually prove to be the right choice. But for now at least one of the control group was statistically better and they were a nobody runaway orphan, unlikely to be who the figure was looking for.

On the screen the 10 test subjects did another set of electrically induced dances and the statistics updated once again.


Laura hit the print icon on her document file and heard the reassuring sound of the little printer in her dorm room come to life. Finally she could get it printed off and handed in ahead of the deadline.


The familiar SMS morse code of her cell phone sounded. Laura reached over and scooped up the mobile, popping it open to see who the message was from. It was from Neyra as promised and she clicked to read the message.

“Hi Laura – check out my art at.....” started the message.

Laura bit her bottom lip at the name of the site but opened up her browser and checked the page.To her surprise the art work that greeted her on the main page looked amazing, all sorts of styles and themes were there but she remembered she was looking for the work of Neyra, and began to search around.

Finally she found the page she was looking for and noticed there were several collections. She opened up a folder marked Anime and chuckled at the various fun works there. There was a Cartoon folder and Laura was taken with the comic book style covers that Neyra had mocked up. In amongst the portraits folder where some pencil sketch type work. Some portraits had been coloured, some were just outlines, some were young women, some older people, men, women, couples, some very abstract, some very detailed.

Laura wanted to comment on some of the work and realised she had to sign up so she followed a link and quickly created an account. Slowly working through all the boxes she eventually had the account created and had a user name.

She went back and thats when she noticed the “mature content” button. She rolled her eyes a moment but decided to go for it and discovered more folders under Neyras art work. Did she dare see what might be hidden there? Her finger hovered over the trackpad a moment before deciding ..then CLICK

The art hidden within the folders truly was worthy of the word deviant, cute things bound in rope, straps, chains, positions she hadn't even begun to imagine, contraptions, and scenarios. Her 19 year old hormones began to run into overdrive and she found herself laying back against the headboard of her bed, one hand playing furiously over her cycle shorts, the other clicking from one work to the next. Her eyes sometimes closing as she imagined herself in one predicament or the other, this truly was an awakening experience.

After a little time she realised how moist she had become between her legs, even her forearm which lay lazily on her crotch seemed to feel a little ….. wait …. Laura looked down and noticed as she lifted her arm away from her groin that there was this sticky white strand like mess pulling out from between her wrist and crotch.

“Oh … jeez” Laura blushed embarrassed and rose from her bed, she needed to shower and cool off …. a lot !

She pulled her arm away and realised how strong the stringy white mess was, it seemed to grip everything it touched except for her own skin and she found herself having to carefully scoop up the white thick stringy mess. Was that her imagination or …. with her clean hand she checked what she thought she had seen, was the source of this stuff actually in her wrist ?

She tore away and the string peeled off so she could look more closely at her skin. No she must of imagined it, there didn't seem to be any way she could have sweated this stuff out of herself, surely. She glanced down between her glistening thighs, there was the source for sure. Then she remembered the incident on her birthday and her incredibly sticky hands, maybe just coincidence?

"Why am I even thinking about this? ......" she said to herself as she rose from her bed to get cleaned up.

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This is developing slowly but I'm intrigued. Your ability to set a scene is very good. I look forward to reading more.
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Thanks DrDominator, Im hoping to get to where my heroine discovers herself soon but it just would feel rushed to have it just instantly happen. Hope you have the patience to stay with it and thanks for your support.

And now here is chapter 8


Neyra laid out her pencils, her sketchpad was ready, blank, waiting for the intriguing red head to be translated from the real world and become immortalized on paper. She glanced at the clock, it was almost 8pm, excitement built for the tall athletic woman. She was in her white figure hugging jeans and a baggy sleeveless white halter top which contrasted against her dark skin. The clothes bore the random coloured spots from all the painting that she had done...this was her 'art wear'.

The tap on the door announced Lauras arrival and the tall woman strode confidently to her door and let her latest model into her apartment.

“Hey ….. thanks for coming ….” Neyra said in her friendly way. She noticed the plastic carrier bag in Lauras hand and her short but athletic frame inside her tight jeans and leather jacket.

Laura looked the woman up and down for a moment noting her slight muscular build, her height, and her overwhelming beauty, particularly her semi-short spiraled affro hair which seemed to be chaos and order at the same time.

“No, thank you for inviting me ….” Laura said as she noticed the picture frame lined passageway from the door.

“Let me take your jacket ...and lets see what we can do for you ...” Neyra gestured with her toned arm into the room beyond.

Laura moved on as she peeled her jacket off revealing the plain white t-shirt underneath and found herself inside Neyras studio, poster sized images lined the room, mostly comic book cover mock ups.

“If you'd like to sit here …..” Neyra seductively trailed her finger over a stool then walked to her arm chair, the sketchpad waiting on one arm, the tray of pencils on the other.

“Here ….. oh ….. ok …..” Laura said slightly nervously as she hopped onto the stool, her feet trying to find a comfortable position , her plastic bag rolled up on her lap.

“So … Laura ...” smiled Neyra at the red head who was on her pedestal, to be absorbed by her eyes, probing, sensing. “I take it you saw my stuff ….. is there any..”

“Yes ! . I mean …..I loved it all …..but ...well ...” Laura blushed looking down a moment.

Neyra laughed gently. “Its ok …..”

Laura looked up and bit her lip … “I really really like the comic book stuff …. I don't know if you can do it … I could try and pay you or something …. it would be for my Dad ...”

“Oh ?” Neyra smiled “Tell me …” she sounded intrigued.

“Well, I … see...” Laura began to unfurl the bag ….. “I'm kind of the son my dad didn't have ….. he really looked forward to being able to teach him ice hockey. Ive kind of been interested but Im never going to be that hockey kid ….” as she pulled out the hockey shirt she had wanted for her birthday.

“Oh ok …. so …. some hockey themed comic art” nodded Neyra as she considered the idea.

“I was thinking , you know, an action pose, a cool kind of tag line ...” Laura said enthusiastically.

Neyra nodded and grabbed her pad. Laura hadn't noticed but by talking she had started to loosen up and the real face of the cute young lady Neyra had seen in the bar began to re-emerge.

“Oh ...” Laura said as she sat up, realising she had become a little slumped in her seat.

“Ah aaah … just relax ….. talk ….” Neyra said as she glanced up at her study.

Laura blushed …. “so … did you have something in mind …. for yourself …. I mean ? Really you wanted me to be be in something that you wanted for yourself ….. right ?”

“Uh huh …..” said Neyra thoughtfully , her pencil dancing over the forming image.

Laura frowned at the lack of response.

Neyra glanced up and saw her expression and giggled... “sorry .. I was away there …. usually I just go where my mood takes me … Ill probably end up with a pencil portrait, shoulders up….but I like your idea ….. it gives me direction ….. sometimes I just freeze and have no idea what to put on the paper.”

“Did you want me to put this hockey shirt on, or ….” Laura asked.

“Oh its ok, we can get to it later, just toss it down….. you can strike your pose later HockeyGirl!” Neyra glanced Laura over again, taking in the lines of cheekbones, the contour of her eyes, the distribution of her freckles and the subtle shades of her hair.

Laura chuckled at the name … “HockeyGirl” …. sounds like a super heroine.

“I'll be great ….. I'm sure your dad will love it !” Neyra grinned.

“So.... you said you would be starting your real job sometime soon …. what will you be doing ?” Laura probed, in a way she was hoping it would be something that would allow them to keep in touch, she seemed a really cool older friend to have.

“Its office work, with a construction firm, they are expanding, I start soon” said Neyra a little lost in her sketch work.

“OK … cool” Laura nodded approvingly.

Neyras tongue emerged slightly from between her lips in thought … “So ….your Dad will be getting the cover for HockeyGirls latest adventures ….. I will have some nice sketches to add to my collection ….. is there anything that you want to get out of all this ….”

“Me ? I …...” Lauras eyes fluttered, her heart raced.

Her imagination went into a whirl as she recalled Neyras other art. She imagined her ink rendered self on her knees at Neyras feet, a leather strapped harness the only thing protecting her modesty as the vibrating toys stuffed into her body remorselessly pounded at her inner flesh. Neyras tight grip on her leash attached to the padlocked chrome collar around her pale skinned neck reminded her who she belonged to. Beneath Hockey Girls spread knees the puddle of cum awaited as the angry pointing finger of Neyra ordered her to lick it up.

In her mind Laura could see the comic book cover ;

“Hockey Girl, Slave of Neyra The Enchantress !!”

Neyra glanced up at the red head and was puzzled.

“What the ….Laura, you ok?”

Laura flinched, escaping from her fantasy, and it was then that she felt it. She could feel an odd sensation between her skin and her clothes and she discovered that her t-shirt had pulled itself tight to her body.

“Oh my god” Laura said as she noticed how her lack of bra had been so revealed by the shirt that now clung tightly to her body, her nipples slightly erect.

Laura gripped at her t-shirt and begun to tug it from her skin, at first it was hard to peel it off, but not painful, but it was like unwinding cellotape, it was that kind of attraction almost.

“Its like static or something ….” Laura said, confused as she found she couldn’t free her fingers.

“Weird …. do you want a hand …?” Neyra offered as she began to rise from her seat.

“Please ….yes....... errr … …............” Laura said with confusion.

Neyra stood by her study her hands unsure what to do.

“Let me free your fingers … and ..” Neyra said warmly.

“Please ..” Laura said weakly as the towering figure helped the red head peel her fingers away from her t-shirt.

“See ...just relax ….” Neyra said calmly as Lauras hands dropped and gripped the edge of the stool …. “even super heroines need sidekicks ...” she said with a smile.

Laura looked down over her upper body, her breasts practically on show thanks to her new “skintight” condition.

Neyra teased the bottom of the t-shirt away from Lauras abdomen, slowly separating it higher and higher … until the she was parting the fabric from beneath the girls breasts.

“I think you should be able to finish now ...” Neyra said glancing at the red heads nervous face. Although she wasn’t undressing the red head, just tugging the t-shirt from off her skin it was a line she wasn’t sure she should cross.

Laura was in a whirl, she wanted Neyra to keep going but she was embarrassed by how her body seemed to have let her down. Laura focused and raised her hands again and finally managed to tug her t-shirt so it was once again loosely hanging over her body.

“There must be some odd static or something going on in here …. or …. maybe your shoes with the carpet … I don't know …” Neyra tried to make sense of what just happened as she returned to her seat.

“I'm sorry …... that seems to be happening a lot lately ….” said the red head confused.

“Well you are young woman, your body has just gone through some big changes, but don’t be ashamed, you have a great figure ….” Neyra said as she began to sketch again.

“Thank …... thank you ...” Laura replied shyly, no one had ever complimented her like that before.

“So .. you were saying, the artwork for you ….” Neyra asked as she looked up at the red head.

“ HOCKEY GIRL, SLAVE OF NEYRA THE ENCHANTRESS ...” blurted Laura with a blissful relief. It was like a sudden burden had been lifted from her body.


The lead of the pencil snapped onto the sketch pad causing some powdered graphite to settle on the artwork, then Neyra saw Lauras t-shirt almost implode back again onto her body.

“Aaaahhhhh !” shrieked Laura as she too saw the phenomenon occur in front of her eyes then covered her mouth for a second in embarrassment.

“OK ….. I …. I think Ive got enough for today ...” Neyra said with fake calm, not sure what to do apart from fold her sketchpad closed.

“Yes … I think … I think I should go …... I …......I didn’t realise the time ….” Lauras words stumbled as she covered her upper body with her arms and rose from the stool.

“I... we ….. another time …..” Neyra said as she led Laura down the corridor who had begun to cover up again with her jacket.

“Yes …. OK …lets …. another day.....” Laura fumbled and before she knew it she was back out in the street.



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Time to revisit our mysterious lab rats in the test chambers in chapter 9.


The figure returned to the control room glanced over the updated statistics from the first set of tests. The group of poor young women had been through the test around 500 times in between breaks and the results so far had been most unsatisfactory.

Subject 101, the main test subject had scored 28%, slightly ahead of average, subject 107 was in front though with 30% and the subject with the sorest feet and lowest morale had only 22%. The figure was resigned to the fact that, for this test at least, subject 101 didn’t seem to be a winner. Many of the regular “red suits”, the orphan runaway strays, the unwashed, the uncared for, were doing better than her.

“OK ….. time for test 2 ...” thought the white coated figure as they looked over the screens.

The blond was resting, she was mentally exhausted. For a while, from somewhere, after she had been drugged by some kind of gas, there had appeared a toilet, some food, some water. She had taken it all gladly, but now, here she was again waiting, in her white cell.


The blond raised her weary head, the floor of the room had divided into 3 coloured sections, Green, Yellow, Red.

The blond, scared of the pain inflicted in the first test moved into the green zone and held her breath. She didn’t want to be shocked again. She had been reduced to tears sobbing her heart out the first time around but she learned that it would do her no good. Whoever ran the tests were cold and uncaring, they just carried on remorselessly.

At one point she had given up, crouched in a corner, and suffered four or five shocks before she realised her captors didn’t care, the cycle would continue anyway. She wanted to die, then she wanted to live, she fought, she tried to cheat, leaping into the air to avoid the first few seconds of pain but eventually she found herself playing her unseen hosts game all over again. And now, here she was, stood in the green zone as instructed.


The blond waited and waited and then it began to happen. The floor started to tilt downwards at the red zone, the green zone remaining upper most. The blond crouched onto the floor, then ended up prone as the gradient got steeper and steeper.

“No, … no …...... no no no …...” begged the blond as she began to slide.

Gradually she began to slide into the yellow zone, she could feel the tingle of electricity in her body as she slowly drifted down slope towards the red zone.

“Please …..” she begged as she tried to haul herself up the slope with her bare feet and hands. Eventually she lost her battle and drifted into the red zone as the the incline became more and more severe.


The blond convulsed in pain as she drifted down into the pit of the red zone.

“RESETTING TEST …. REMAIN IN THE GREEN ZONE” the automated message sounded out. The floor began to reset and the blond found herself in a heap in the red zone, the floor once again level inside her cell.

“FUCK YOU …..........!” cried the blond as she crawled into the green zone once again.

The figure looked at the statistics once more, Subject 101 was no more and no less likely to be able to remain in the green zone than any of the other subjects.

“AGAIN” thought the figure in the control room and re-ran the test watching the inevitable fate of all 10 young women play out, each planting themselves at the top of the slope, each slowly sliding downwards to the inevitable electric shock waiting below.

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Poor ladies ..... hope they get out of there soon. In the meantime it seems Laura has problems of her own, and as for Neyra, what should she do about that strange new friend of hers ? Lets find out !


Laura woke up in her bed, sunlight streamed in through a crack in the curtain. It was a late Saturday morning and Laura felt she had barely slept, kept awake by her shame and humiliation in the studio at Neyras. She had slept naked in fear of wearing anything that might get stuck to her, her clothes during the evening before had randomly become a clingy writhing creature with its own will. At least her jeans which were already close fitting hadnt become a problem although when she had returned to her room they had proven to be a little resistant to being removed.

Laura rose from her bed, a silhouette against the glare of the sun piercing the room. “OK, clothes ..” she thought to herself. Well, her jeans didn't seem to be a bad bet again but what to wear topside. Well, a bra this time would be a good idea, and perhaps if she went a little layered, something close and thin under something loose, perhaps she could avoid the clingy clothes peril of the night before. Laura looked at her wardrobe and realised she just might have the thing to help.

Across town and Neyra worked intensely on the big poster sized comic book cover. She had felt really down after her encounter with the plucky red head from the night before. Neyra had been embarrassed for the girl, the whole “Slave Of The Enchantress” thing, well, that was just a bit sudden, the clothes thing was weird and …. and ….. yet now Neyra felt awful. This kid needed help, and when she tried to help it seemed to work yet she just gave up and more or less kicked her out. Neyra knew people, and Laura was on the cool list yet couldn’t quite fathom why, it was just a gut thing.

Hung up on a hanger was the hockey shirt that Laura had forgotten in her rush to leave. Neyra was studying the shirt, the textures, the detailing, the stitch work, that little logo, the font of the lettering, how the light dispersed over the colours, this comicbook cover was going to be kick-ass! Neyra glanced at her sketch of Laura from the night before, she had managed to get a fair amount done from the neck up, that would do as a reference for now, but she really wanted Laura back to get it nailed down well.

Neyra could hear the kettle begin to whistle in her kitchen and decided to take a break. She had been at her work for hours but knew well the benefits of standing back, pausing, letting her eyes look again afresh. She rose from her seat at her easel and went into the kitchen to make her favourite tea. Laptop open on the counter top she checked her mail and then visited her account on the art website smiling as she noticed some nice comments about her work. The she noticed her new “friend”, the user name was generic but the profile gave Lauras first name.

With some curiosity Neyra looked at the art that Laura had been marking as favourites. Of course much of it was the black beautys works, it was how Laura came to be there after all. Neyra noted how the comic book stuff seemed to have caught Lauras eye the most, but ….

“Oh .. I see” said Neyra quite dryly.

Dotted amongst Lauras favourites was the occasional bondage image, more the fun stuff than the sinister, but there was certainly a mistress and slave theme running through her choices. Neyra had of course drawn a lot, her comic work often threw up some peril art and sometimes she would just draw a scene without the comic elements, but it seemed it had pressed certain buttons in her impressionable new friends mind.

Neyras heart drifted off to a warm fuzzy pleasant place imagining that the wild and free red head might have a crush on her.....especially if it might be like …..

Neyra tilted her head looking at one of the next favourite images, a bound naked super heroine, gripped by her hair, grinding herself against the out stretched boot of her captor, her torn outfit, cape and boots discarded on the floor, her striped flesh telling of the encounter with the whip in her tormentors free hand. This picture wasn’t drawn by Neyra but it certainly showed the world Laura was slipping into.

Would being “Neyra The Enchantress” be such a bad thing ? Neyra let out a feint smile and glanced at her brewing tea, then back at the studio. She bet herself she could knock out a fast digital sketch on her PC before even her tea got cold, she could see exactly what she wanted in her mind...if she dared.

Heart racing, Neyra scribbled with her digital drawing pad and watched as her digital work came to life. This was a powerful medium though she much preferred the physical to the virtual, the feel of the pen, the brush, the smell of the paper. Digital was clean, sometimes uncommunicative, but it was still a skill and she loved how she could play without consequences, just as much as she liked the physical art and the permanent consequences of every touch.

Then, it was done. Her slightly caricatured self in a long red dress, legs slightly spread, wielding a wooden staff planted to the ground, its head adorned with a glowing magic crystal. Coiled in her free hand which she was using to point ahead was a chain that ran into the foreground. At the end of the chain on the floor was an open collar with an open padlock at its side, waiting, daring for someone to put it on.

She captioned it …... “NEYRA – THE ENCHANTRESS”


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OK - regrettably these may be the last chapters for a couple of weeks while I am on holiday, if I get a chance I may write more in that time but we shall see. I hope you like the developing relationship between Laura and Neyra and hope you can finally see Lauras true "superheroine" self, Hockey Girl after all is just a diversion.


Laura had thankfully navigated the Saturday afternoon without incident. Or so she thought at least, she had been wearing her sports under-armour underneath her regular clothes and it seemed to help. At any rate she had so far not had any sticky hands, wrists, or weird clothing attraction.

“Be one with the teflon !” she willed herself.

Laura had plucked up the courage to share lunch with her friends, Sophie and Angela and was now returning to her dorm. She had a phone chat date with Dad and was never late.

“Oh shit... Dad …... my hockey shirt ….....” Laura cursed herself but at least she knew where it was and she trusted Neyra, just ….. it meant bugging her again.... DAMMIT.

Laura returned to her dorm, took a deep breath and exhaled …. slooooooowly.

She found her laptop, opened it up and loaded up the video phone program, the hard drive clicking away as the contacts list appeared. Dad was online at least and so she made the connection. The faux ringing tone played for a moment and then her dad appeared on the screen, her mini self appearing in the bottom corner as her own webcam sprung to life.

“Hi Dad ..” Laura said even though it was a little downbeat, just raising a smile.

“Hey . Laura ….. listen, Im really sorry to spring this on you ...” her Dad looked worried.

“Oh …. what’s wrong ?” Laura was concerned.

“Look … the Police are here …. Im sorry … its about Jen ….... she’s missing …..” her father said sadly.

“Oh god …... when did this happen ?” Laura said shocked.

“Look, if you could just talk to the detective …..Ill pass her over ..” her father slid out of view then a detective fell into shot.

“Hi .. Laura ….. Im sorry you’re finding out like this …... we had your address for here ...” the detective apologised.

“What happened ?” begged Laura.

“Please, Miss, we are trying to piece that together now ok .. so please .. I want you to think ...has she contacted you recently, phone, email, anything ?”

“No, not for a while, we both kind of had our heads down since we ended up in different places, we tried to apply for the same ones but …..” Laura shook her head.

“Ok …. so you’re not aware of any boyfriend issues or, with the family , anything like that ?” asked the detective as she scribbled in her notebook.

“No, well, Im not aware of any boyfriends and …. well ….. she and her Dad are so close …. its more or less the same with me and my dad ….. since the accident.”

“Its okay honey, Ill tell them ….” her father could be heard off screen.

The detective nodded as she looked off camera a moment.

“OK … are you aware of any places she would go to …. if she were in trouble …. you know, a sort of safe haven ….” asked the detective.

“Well .. you’re kind of there already …. if I were in trouble ….. if it was something I couldn’t..... didn’t want to go to dad with ….. I would be at Jens house ….I guess she would be at my house .” Laura said, her face lined with worry.

“OK …. thank you for you time …if she makes contact with you …..” begun the detective.

“Yes, sure , Ill let you know ...leave your card with my Dad and Ill get the details after” Laura said trying to be helpful

“Laura, I need to go, I should go see Tod, Ill text you the detectives details there, but we can chat properly later, is that ok ? Im sure its going to be ok honey …” her father tried to reassure her.

“OK ...tell him I’m thinking of them” Laura tried to buoy her father. Tod and her father had been united together in the simultaneous joy and grief that came with bringing Jen and Laura into the world.

The conversation ended and Laura quickly checked her mail account to make sure nothing from Jen had been overlooked. Sadly nothing was there that she had missed and after several visits to various forums she knew Jen visited she concluded there was nothing there to give a clue to the whereabouts of her friend......puzzling.

She decided to text Neyra, she didnt want to just show up at her place, but she wanted to get her shirt back and hopefully as painlessly as possible. She didn't want to go through the events of the previous night again, although her clothing plan seemed to be holding together. Hopefully this odd condition she had would pass away soon.

Her thumbs tippy-tappied over the virtual keyboard of her cell phone and soon a message was flying across the ether to Neyras phone. Laura waited patiently for a reply and wasn’t disappointed when ….


“About start evening shift – @home 2230 – need u2 pose HockeyGirl! cu l8r ?”

Lauras mood lifted slightly, Neyra still seemed warm to her, maybe her weirdness hadn’t put off her arty friend after all. Laura texted back, she agreed, she could hang out late as tomorrow was Sunday.

On the subject of art Laura tabbed back to her browser and checked in on the art site, she wanted to look through more of Neyras works. Next ….. Next …....Next ….... Laura slowly cycled through the pages of Neyras collection, then stopped.

“Oh – Em – Gee” Laura said under a whisper – her mouth gaping with each syllable.

Before her, the Enchantress , not how she had quite imagined, but, there she was, the comic book villain of her desires. Neyra, the towering goddess, her slightly comic rendition of herself in a scarlet dress, her commanding finger pointing at the collar now on the screen sat in Lauras lap, the chain leash ready to drag her off.

“What does it mean?” Laura thought to herself.

“Is it a joke, a code, just some way to tell me that we are ok ….?” Laura shook her head, she didnt know but she could imagine. Her heart raced knowing she had just agreed to meet her, did Neyra think she had seen the picture before agreeing to meet?

Laura decided rather than text Neyra again she would put a private message to the art website instead.

“Just agreed to meet you and NOW I see you’ve drawn The Enchantress … practically as I imagined.......gulp!”


Neyra arrived back at her apartment still in the black trousers and white blouse she had worked in and she walked into her bedroom and stripped off, she wanted a shower before Laura arrived. They had agreed to begin again at 11pm, it was quite late but Neyra was keen to push on, her artistic hunger ready to be fed once more.

Clean and dry she put on some grey yoga pants and loose tracksuit top and noticed she was just about on time, the red head due to arrive any moment. Neyra filled the kettle with water and got the tea making process in motion and then there was the tap at the door.

“Hey …. come in …....tea .. coffee ?” asked Neyra

“Oh no , Im good ….” said Laura a little nervously.

“come on …... lets get you a hockey stick …... !” Neyra laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Laura walked up the corridor to the room at the end and entered, the familiar stool was stood to one side, the sketchpad and pencils waited. To the side was a large easel which was covered with a light cloth.

“Oh, is that the poster under there ?” asked Laura into the passageway, Neyra had gone into the kitchen.

“Yes …. AND NO PEEKING !” Neyra said as she silenced her whistling kettle.

Laura took a moment and walked around the edge of the room studying the poster sized comic work more closely.

“OK .. I know its not ideal , but ...” Neyra entered the room, tea in one hand, the other grasping a broom handle, the head of which had been unscrewed, decapitated, probably waiting in a closet in the kitchen.

Laura giggled and accepted the handle. “Yeah, this’ll work ….” she stood at ease as Neyra eased into her seat with her sketchpad ready to get the feel of the pose.

“You said you had some interest in hockey already, is that right ?” Neyra asked as she attempted to put her friends mind at ease.
“Oh sure, I played a bit with the local little leagues when I was young, but you know, you grow up and the boys start getting big …. and rough ….” Laura said as she began to prepare for a back swing with her fake hockey stick, cautiously making sure she had the space which she certainly did.

“Yeah, just hold it there ….....” said Neyra as she swiftly tried to get a fast outline down. … “oh ….your shirt …. put it on !”

“Oh yeah … right …..” giggled Laura as she set the broom handle down and took her top off revealing her under-armour top.

“Woah …. nice abs ….....” Neyra frowned ….. “do you like … work out ?”

Laura paused as she held her hockey shirt in one hand looking down on herself. She didnt really seem to recall having made the effort that much but the under-armour seemed to suggest she had developed some strength there, even in her arms.

“Oh … well …... not really …... I guess ….” Laura said, confused by her apparent strength.

Neyra glanced down at her work and continued to sketch as Laura tugged on her hockey shirt and resumed her pose. There was silence for a while as Laura held her stance and only the sound of graphite over paper could be heard.

“So …... what’s new with you ?” asked Neyra, breaking the momentary lull.

Lauras mind turned itself to the events with her friend, Jen, who had gone missing.

“I kind of had some bad news ….” Lauras face revealed her change in mood.

“Oh …?.” Neyra looked up, her hand pausing on the paper.

“My best friend, back home …... she’s gone missing ….... the police were asking me questions” Laura said her eyes looking downward.

“Oh , wow , I’m sorry ….. has she been missing long ?” Neyra asked with concern.

“They gave me the impression it just happened …..... but …... I guess if the police are involved …. I just hope she’s ok ….” Laura replied, trying to think things through.

“Well …. hopefully she’s just gone off with someone …..... it can happen” Neyra said hopefully, trying to keep her friends mood up.

“Hopefully …..” Laura echoed Neyras words.

There was silence for a few moments as Neyra resumed her work taking in the stance that Laura was holding. It was just a broom handle but in Neyras mind it had momentum, it had pace, it was going to smash the little black hockey puck to victory – Hockey Girl was going to slay her foes and win the battle on the ice.

“I ….” began the pair in unison.

The pair giggled and each offered the other to start.

“I .. I saw your new picture …... on the site …..... did you see ?” asked Laura nervously.

“Oh …. I hadn’t seen ….. you commented or ….?” Neyras question hung in the air.

“Oh no .. I ….... PM'd …...” Laura answered, slightly hesitant.

“I hope you didn’t mind …..its just …....what you said …...I thought it might be what you were looking for ...” Neyra said a little shyly. She genuinely didn’t know for sure what the red head was looking for, push too hard and she might run in terror, not feed enough and she might think she was uninterested.

“I ….. no .. HockeyGirl …... she …...she needs a villain …....” Laura deflected.

“I know …..” Neyra bit her bottom lip. She understood Lauras message, coded as it was... “the enchantress” she added as she looked up at Laura.

And so it was ….. the artificial heroine, HockeyGirl, and the Enchantress were on the same page. It wasn’t in the real world yet but as the pair glanced across at each other as artist and model they knew that their drawn equivalents, their digital inked manifestations,were set against one another and the enchantress had already cast out her collar.....would HockeyGirl fall under its spell ?

Laura felt that tingling sensation again throughout her body, the under-armour pulling itself to her skin more than ever.

“Oh man ….. I thought I had ….” Laura groaned.

“What’s wrong ….?” Neyra asked as she looked up only to see Lauras oversized hockey shirt start to pull towards her body.

“Fuck ….. why does this keep …....” for the first time Lauras mood swung from nervousness to anger.

“Hey its ok …...” Neyra tried to calm her friends mood her pencil falling to rest by her side.

“I’m sorry .. I cant …....” Laura dropped her broom handle and spun away “for fucks sake ….. why does this …..” she began to raise her arms in anger and then it happened.


With the force of a high powered bow, two sets of white sticky webbing flung forth from Luaras wrists and shot down the corridor striking the back of the front door. Laura fell back on the recoil and looked at what she had done, the two coarse rope like lines extending from her wrists to the door.

The pair looked down the corridor slack jawed then glanced at each other in disbelief.

“Oh ….... okay …...ummmm” Laura said with a little calm at her totally unexpected predicament.



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Hi all,

After a rainy day I've managed to put a few chapters together on my tablet, a bit difficult to type but I think it's turned out ok. If you have any comments about this story please leave a message.


"Ummm, help.....please?" Asked Laura with a slightly worried voice.

Neyra had already gone to aid her younger friend and knelt by her side reaching out to Laura's forearms.

"What's happening to me" Laura's worried face looked up at Neyra who seemed fascinated by the white web like material linking her front door to Laura's wrists.

Neyra remained silent a moment in thought then looked to Laura with a question of her own.

"When did this all start? How long has this been going on?" She asked as she unwisely touched the white web, noting it's stickiness.

" birthday...I think .... the stuck to my hand and dragged it on to the floor... I think" Laura said weakly as she tried to remember.

"Do you want to see a doctor .... I...." Neyra said but she didn't sound like she trusted her own words.

Laura looked at the web again...."and say what? Neyra, I'm losing control of my body.... "

Neyra remembered how Laura had flung out the web which almost seemed like a deliberate act, but she conceded that the clingy clothed moments seemed involuntary.

"I think maybe you do have control, but, I don't think you know what your new buttons do or how it works ...." Neyra said wisely.

"But, what is it, and why?" Laura wondered trying to keep calm.

"I don't know, but ....ok....let's just get it into the's like a spiders web, but I don't think you're going to be growing eight legs or anything ..." Neyra reassured her friend.

"And my clothes? Why do things just keep sticking to me?" Laura said, some calm coming into her voice.

"Well..... I think, if I remember right.....the way spiders stick to anything isn't a gel, nothing gooey like that.....I think it's like electrical attraction.... It's like a charge thing ..... we did say about static before ...." Neyra explained, realising some of her theory fit as it tumbled from her mouth.

Laura felt some relief which evaporated as she realised what it all meant, she was some kind of mutant or freak, different. Neyra could read her friends face and moved to crush any negativity and hugged her friend.

"It's going to be ok, we're going to figure it out and put you back in control....but first ...." Neyra motioned with her head at the web extending out the room into the hall and beyond.

Laura repositioned herself and looked at her wrists, how could she disconnect herself. She remembered the spasm sensation she felt when the web fired off, surely there was a similar way to release herself.

Neyra remained crouched at Laura's side .."now focus ... Is it a muscle, a thought, a emotion...."

Laura flexed her fingers as she sought some unseen muscle or to trigger a nerve but nothing. Laura was left shaking her head in frustration but a friendly squeeze on the arm by Neyra encouraged her to keep trying.

Neyra watched the red head cycle through a subtle change in facial expressions then....


The web disconnected from Laura's wrists and Laura yelped with delight and Neyra hugged her tightly in celebration.

"So....what did you do?"Neyra asked enthusiastically.

"Slamming doors, scissors, guillotines, swords....just thoughts like that...should I try and do it again?"

Neyra glanced at the white rope mess on the floor.

"Ok....but not here..........come on, I know just the place...." Neyra said rising to her feet.


The blond slowly woke once again. The surface she was lying on felt slightly soft and warm from her own body heat but it was dark and she could only feel out her new surroundings. Suddenly in the darkness a gentle stirring moan could be heard.

The blond froze for a moment, should she reveal her presence? She decided to stay silent and used her hands to explore more. Her hand went further to her side then downwards towards the floor. She felt what seemed like a mattress then beneath that a smooth plastic like bed base, no legs, just a smooth solid raised block. Her hand continued onwards to the floor and she felt the same kind of surface she had felt before during the tests.

Her hand recoiled and she drew it back next to her body as she tried to get accustomed to the darkness. Her ears scanned for every little sound and she became aware of someone breathing close by, the sound of someone turning over on a bed. She realised she was surrounded by more people and that scared her a moment, who were they, we're they going to be friendly or hostile?

She considered how she could hide but all her ideas and plans quickly evaporated when....


The fluorescent lights overhead kicked into life and the reality of the situation was revealed to all. The blond found herself on a bed on a white plastic block, surrounded by 9 other young women of a similar age. She was in a white close fitting vest and shorts, a black wrist strap on one arm and a nylon collar with a black plastic block moulded to it round her neck. The others were similarly dressed but in red, some still on their sides sleeping, others semi-upright, they too had been silently plotting in the darkness.

The few who were awake shielded their eyes a moment then glanced between themselves.

"Hi...." said the blond hesitantly, breaking the silence.

One of the others raised their hand in acknowledgement.

"Did you..... Did you have the tests as well? ....." another girl asked.

A series of nods and agreeing grunts followed as the uneasy standoff of the darkness melted away.

"This strap says. .... One zero seven C G " one girl said as she began to analyse her situation.

"Mine says one one zero C G " said another.... " what does yours say? " she followed up.

The blond looked at her wrist .... "One zero one T S" she said without thinking.

"T S....? Mine ends with C G like the others .... Why are you in white and we are in red?" One of the other girls asked.

The blond looked at the others in the room and realised it was true, all of them were in red except her.

" I don't know...first I was in a room getting electric shocks for not staying up a slope or guessing a colour and god knows what else and now I'm here with you." The blond explained as slowly more girls came too.

Although there was no hostility in the room the blond suddenly felt alone despite the others around her. She wasn't a 'red' , she wasn't a 'C G' she was different from all the rest and she could feel their eyes on her. Why was she special, a 'T S' dressed in white?

The questions built up in all their minds but then there was a moment of panic as the floor began to turn from white to yellow. Their conditioning from the tests told them that often the yellow zone separated safe green areas from the shocking red and they peered around anxiously for danger.

"PROCEED TO GREEN AREA" the automated voice ordered.

The girls glanced about and noted a doorway open up in their white walled cell, the floor beyond glowing green. One of the girls stepped off of her bed and stepped into the corridor and glanced each way before seeing what she thought was the next destination.


The room with the beds transitioned to an ominous red colour and collective panic set in as the other nine women pitter-pattered with urgency to the exit. Eventually they were all in the passageway and the blond looked back once more as the doorway closed behind them.



Laura stood behind her taller friend, peering around the taller woman as she begun to unlock the shiny padlock and chain securing the gate to the chain link fence securing the abandoned building. It was the dead of night, Saturday had drifted to Sunday by a few minutes and no one was around in the remote part of town.

"I don't understand.....why..." Laura began.

"You'll see ..." Neyra smiled as she swung the gate open and the pair entered "go inside, I will lock up behind us ...."

Laura hesitantly walked up to a wooden door and entered. Inside she realised what interest Neyra had in the derelict building. Inside it was evident the roof had gone and had been cleared away. The building was merely a shell with four walls, the interior illuminated with the floodlighting of other neighbouring structures.

The interior walls were a tapestry of graffiti and suddenly Laura realised she was seeing another medium of Neyra's art. Laura flinched as she heard a noise but it was Neyra who had followed her in.

"What do you think of my wall art?" Neyra asked.

"It's amazing!" Laura replied as she took in the view from the bare concrete base floor.

"Thanks......." Neyra approached and stood in the center with Laura. "It's private, the walls are safe, it's lit, it's perfect. You want to can do it here.....learn about your new ......"

"Problem?" Laura cut in.

"Gift" Neyra suggested, shooting Laura a glance..."see if you can do the cling-thing again....what do you think will trigger that?"

Laura blushed which was evident even in the oddly lit concrete arena.

"What?" Grinned Neyra.

"Don't you get it? I think the only time it has happened has been when I've been thinking of you!" Laura confessed.

Neyra was left speechless which Laura read easily.

"I met you and I got stuck to the glass, I went to the bathroom and ..." Laura explained then saw Neyra was still open mouthed.

"'s you!" Laura said confidently.

Neyra blinked but she knew it couldn't be. "I think you're wrong, just try and focus again, like you did with the web.....get down to your under armour, you might get to the wall easier."

Laura tugged her sneakers off, then her jeans and top until she was left in her under amour and thin socks then put herself to the wall. With her hands pushed against the wall she tried to summons the attracting force of before.

There was a pause as Laura cycled through some thoughts, but with Neyra stood there it felt impossible to get into the headspace required.

"You ok?" Neyra asked after a minutes inactivity.

Laura's head bowed for a second in resignation then looked over her shoulder "stage fright" she said.

Neyra shook her head with a smile and walked to her friend planting herself directly behind Laura placing her hands on her waist.

" thought scissors and cut the" Neyra said softly into the young woman's ear.

Laura closed her eyes for a second, a glimpse of a hint of a vague flash of a fantasy entered her mind, the hairs on her arm standing on end, the cool attraction of her clothes making itself known.

"Keep talking ...."Whispered Laura.

Neyra frowned, she didn't know what the red head needed.

Laura sensed Neyra's hesitation and bit her lip...."tell me about the enchantress....the picture"

A feint smile appeared in the corner of Neyra's mouth and she settled herself, she was prepared to do or say anything if it helped Laura come to terms with her new abilities.

"Drawing myself....that was easy, Laura, the dress, the staff, the pose....that was all just fun...." Neyra said, trying to put Laura into whatever headspace she needed ...."but the collar ..."

Laura exhaled with excitement and drew in a breath with a flutter in her heart.

"The collar .... I went to the pet store Laura ...the enchantress wants a pet....on a her feet... " Neyra teased, the pet store was a lie, but a sexy forgivable lie.

Laura's head dropped one more time as she felt the magic starting in more ways than one.

"It took time, but I found a collar to draw ...just to go around HockeyGirls pretty neck.."

Neyra could see the under armour pulling into the red heads body but she had one coup de grace to make ...her hands moving onto Laura's shoulders.....

"If you were HockeyGirl"Neyra said, her hands closing in on Laura's neck.... "That collar would belong just here." Neyra's hands slid onto the shorter girls bare neck and closed around her throat lightly.

Laura wrenched herself forward and flipped around putting her back to the wall and climbed upwards. With her knees slightly bent her soles to the wall, her back and palms making contact with the brickwork she paused.

Neyra blinked as she stumbled back in surprise, the black clad red head looking down on her.

Laura looked down and realised she was doing it..whatever it was.

"Don't think, just do....climb Laura" urged Neyra.

Laura crossed one arm over her body flipping her facing the wall and climbed. Without thinking she realised she could plant a hand then release from the wall at will. She relaxed and finally felt her under armour release it's grip but she wasn't afraid, she knew her hands hands and feet would keep her firmly to the wall, suddenly it all seemed obvious, almost easy.

Neyra watched in amazement as Laura traversed the wall approaching a corner.

"Wait ...." Cautioned Neyra "do you think you could do the web thing from there to the next wall?"

Laura paused then extended an arm towards the next wall and ....


She fired out a web and it stuck fast to the next wall. Laura tested its strength and wondered if she could swing across the corner.

"Should I?" She asked down to Neyra who now was many feet below.

" I don't know, if it feels ok, try it." Neyra shrugged.

Laura took a breath and swung across the internal corner and then anchored herself to the wall, her heart racing from the leap of faith. Neyra covered her face with her hands, she couldn't believe what she saw but she was impressed.

"Do you think you've nailed that now ?" Neyra asked smiling.

Wide eyed Laura, a huge grin on her face nodded enthusiastically as she shot off another web and swung off onto the opposite wall, the confined space echoing with her laughter.

"I'll take that as a yes!" Neyra replied with a light giggle...."come on.....time for some target practice" she added as she recalled some discarded some beer cans just outside.



The blond and her new found comrades made their way up the green corridor and found themselves in some kind of central hub, there was a salad bar and water bottles in the centre, small dining tables dotted around , several table soccer games, and many sofas with tables and board games.

"Hey look, food" said one of the red clothed girls.

"Great, I'm starving" said another.

The blond studied her surroundings wisely and thought for a moment.

"They must be expecting more than just us, look how much seating there is,how much food there is...."

One of the others picked up a pre packed salad and some fruit and put it on a tray and sat at a table.

"She's right" agreed another as she peered at the food options.

"So?" added another.

"Well.....they might be able to tell us what's going on!" The blond suggested.

One of the red topped girls noticed the corridor floor way they had used turned red then a door closed while yet another door opened into the hub.

"Shit .... Where does that go ?" exclaimed one of the girls as the floor appeared green.

Some of the group looked down the corridor wondering what to do for a moment but then they saw more figures approaching.

"There are more ...." Exclaimed the blond as more young women in red approached.

As the others approached the murmuring became louder.

"Newcomers ....." Said one of the new people and soon there were over a hundred young women in the hub together.

The blond noticed there seemed to be a leader of the large group who came forward, she was in red.

"Hi I'm Sam ..... or seven four C G ..... you must be ,ummm, one zero one through to one one zero......right?"

There was a collective mix of nods and "yeah" and "yes" in reply.

The blond looked around and finally saw some other girls in white and immediately felt safe, no longer the odd one out.

"Do you know why we are here ?" Asked one of the blonds group.

Sam shook her head "all I know is it's like some kind of experiment. One of us is in white, the rest in red. We think we are being tested in groups of ten, when this all begun there was only numbers 1 to 10, and slowly there were more of us. I was in the seventh group, you are in the 11th group to arrive."

"Oh, fuck ...." Exclaimed the blond ...."C G, the control group ... that means .... T S... Is that like a test subject, or trial study you think they've injected me with something ?" She began to panic.

Sam shook her head, she didn't know. "Well if they did I'm guessing it's not done what they want yet ..... But all the other number ones, they seem ok"

"Number ones ?" asked the blond.

"Yes, all the people with a number ending in one, they are in white, and are marked T S.......1, 11, 21,'re 101...right?" Sam added.

"Yes...I'm 101.....but why us?" the blond wondered out loud.

" I don't know but I bet you weren't a hitch hiker or staying in a Y or on the streets." Sam said,

The blond tried to recall her abduction ...."no... I was on campus ..."

Sam smiled as she recognised the same pattern. "Basically, if you're a nobody, you're in red, but if you have a roof over your head,just average or fairly rich, you end up in white. There's only one poor kid in white over there and only one or two girls from moderately well off family's in red." Sam continued.

"So how long have you been here?, have you seen anyone else? Asked the blond.

" I think a few days, there are no clocks and no windows, we just follow the lights in the floor .... The first ones think they have been here about 5 days but they can't be sure.... But no, no one has seen anyone else"

" many more do you think there will be ?" Asked the white topped blond.

Sam smiled knowingly "well there are only enough extra beds to house you and one more group of 10 ...... After that I don't know what will happen"

The blonds heart sank. Whatever was happening to them was a mystery and she was worried about how it might all end. Sam could see her new friend's heart sink just as she had seen it happen to everyone else and tried to change the subject.

"So...what's your name anyway, I'm not calling people by numbers..." Sam said.

"Oh me?..." the blond answered surprised...."I'm Jen .."


Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Neyra stood to one side and tossed an old beer can in the air like a clay pigeon on a skeet shoot and Laura let fly with another variation of the web she was learning to fire off. A small burst let fly and snatched the can out of the air, trapping it against the wall with other targets that she had taken out mid flight.

"Nice shot ...." Neyra called out.

"Woah.... I.... I think I'm done.... I don't feel so good..." Laura felt a little woosie.

Neyra dropped the next tin can target onto the floor and she jogged over to Laura placing a supporting hand on her back.

"You ok ... What's up?" Neyra asked, a little concern in her voice.

"I....I .....don't know ... just ...."Laura's brow furrowed with confusion.

"Shhhh listen to your body .... think ....what do you need ?" Neyra said,settling her friend.

Laura's eyes glanced about like she was looking for answers..."thirsty..need sugary water god I need a cheeseburger!"

Neyra looked at the webbing that Laura had shot out during their testing of her new found abilities and realised that all that stuff, whatever it was, represented calories and water .... It had to come from somewhere, and Laura was running low.

"Well it's really late, I could drive you to that burger place on the way back to campus or we could eat at mine....." Neyra began.

"Yours ... Could I crash at yours?" Laura said weakly.

"Ok, sure , let's grab your other clothes and get you into the car" Neyra said nodding.

Half an hour later the pair were back at Neyra's apartment. The web that had trailed out into the corridor had decayed over the last few hours and now there was only a wet line on the floor which was gradually drying.

Neyra went into the small kitchen as the exhausted Laura collapsed on a sofa in the living room to the side of the studio, her eyelids battling to stay open.

Neyra pulled a pizza from the freezer and put the microwave into action then carried a glass and a large bottle of cola from the fridge to the flagging read head.

"Drink up..." Urged Neyra and Laura measured out a glassful of the sugary drink, only to see Laura start gulping it down gratefully.

"Could I have more, please?" Laura asked groggily, she really was in strange state.

"Oh sure ... take all..." Neyra began only to see the red head grab the bottle and gulp down the rest.

".....all you need" Neyra finished.

Laura blinked rapidly as she gradually felt her normality begin to return, only to burp loudly causing her to cover her mouth in embarrassment. Neyra was shocked at the momentary lapse in the red heads manners but realised she must of been desperate for sugary fluids and forgave her.

Neyra sat next to Laura and wrapped an arm over her shoulder and Laura's tired head leant onto her mentors arm.

"We'll get some pizza into you and then we should sleep, it's getting on towards 3am.....ok?" Neyra said fighting off a yawn.

"Ok...just give me a blanket and I'll crash on the sofa......" she said as she patted the sofa arm.

Neyra looked at Laura with her warm eyes. "It's ok you know, you can sleep in my bed if you want. We are adults and I don't bite .... Well not much" she smiled.

"Oh .... I....." Laura faltered.


Neyra glanced towards the kitchen, the pizza was done. Neyra gave Laura a friendly squeeze and rose from the sofa and went into the kitchen.

Laura's tired mind was struggling to focus but she knew once food hit her stomach she should be asleep quickly. Neyra's offer seemed innocent and friendly and she desperately liked the idea of crashing out in the safety of her company.

Neyra returned, a plate of sliced up thin based pizza in her hand and placed it alongside the red head.

"You eat up while I get you some PJs sorted" Neyra said calmly then went off to her room.

Laura devoured slice after slice of pizza, her web casting had consumed a lot of energy and her body craved calories. The pepperoni didn't stand a chance and when Neyra returned several slices had already gone. Neyra wasn't surprised by what she saw and put down some clothing and bedding next to the tired looking Laura who looked back up at her gratefully.

"Here, this is the best I can do, some shorts and top, they'll be a little big on you, I'm pretty tall.... but it's only for a night, change in here when you're ready. ok I'm heading to can either sleep here...or my room is just down the corridor ." Neyra ruffled the red heads hair then turned away.

"Thanks Neyra, thanks for everything..... I was starting to feel like a freak and....well you made me feel normal again." Laura said with some sleepiness in her voice.

"Hey dont worry about it …... its ok" Neyra said and turned away.

Laura finished her food the stripped out of her clothes putting on the silvery grey coloured satin shorts and top. They were a little large for her, more to do with Neyra's height than anything else, Neyra was tall lean and athletic while Laura was shorter yet a little muscular and the shorts hung a little loosely off of her body to the extent she wondered if she was a little exposed where they were loose. The top wasnt so bad but the thin shoulder straps were for someone a little broader than her and they tried to drift off her shoulders.

Resigned to her clothings limitations she considered where to sleep. She liked Neyra a lot and oh those pictures she drew, how her fantasist side wanted to be part of it all but her shy side restrained her. She took a deep breath then decided, she wanted to share the black beauty's bed.

Laura left the living room turning the light off behind her and entered Neyra's bedroom. Neyra had already changed and slipped into the middle of the large double bed, the feint glow of her laptop the only illumination in the room as she read.

"Oh.. Chose the comfy option huh? Come on, put your head down and sleep, you must be exhausted, I know I am" Neyra smiled seeing Laura enter.."it'll be time to get up again soon" she joked.

Laura nervously pulled her side of the duvet up and slid into the bed and curled up a little defensively but facing Neyra. "I should text people tomorrow, let them know where I am...." Laura said, her eyes fluttering closed.

"Sure, I have a shift tomorrow but in the early evening, not so late as Saturday, so I can take you back to campus when you want." Neyra said as she clicked away on her laptop.

"Cool........thanks........ What are you reading?" Laura asked opening her eyes, glancing at the other woman.

"Oh just checking comments on my pictures on the site....and looking what my friends have drawn, what they've seen and liked....." Neyra said as she scrolled on "I try and clear my messages each day"

"You can see what other people have liked?" Laura flinched a moment.

"Yes ...." Neyra said without thinking and then realised Laura's source of nervousness.

"Does it bother you I've seen what you have favourited, I think there's a way to hide it if you want?" Neyra said calmly.

"Jeez that's ...... I was just.....I'm not ..... I don't want you to think..." Laura sat up slightly.

"Laura..... I'm not judging you and...... Look it's all ok, people get attached to an image for all sorts of reasons....there are all sorts of reasons you might have chosen one picture or are some of my favourites...." Neyra turned the screen slightly.

Laura blinked to clear her slightly blurry tired eyes to see a panel of half a dozen images.

"Let me this one.... The seconds counting down on the timer...the helpless heroine....the dynamite.....I'm not into blowing people up, it's just the peril of the moment without the consequences ........ And this one, I'm not into burying people alive in concrete, but look at the expressions.... The villain, victorious, the heroine defiant but frightened.... that's good expression capture.....understand?" Neyra tried to explain to her confused companion.

"I know what you's like a view into my head....I wish I hadn't left myself open" Laura said.

Neyra clicked away and pulled up the images that Laura had chosen.

"Well, I see you like the comic yours truly and .... Some of my peril stuff.....the bondage stuff is all fun.....ticklish huh?" Teased Neyra as an image of a bound girl being tickled on the feet appeared.

"Oh please.... Yes I'm a little ticklish, it's just cruel without cruelty...." Laura defended herself.

"And these ones.....?" Neyra teased as a series of collar and leash themed images appeared.

The pair made eye contact and Laura could feel Neyra's warm gaze ooze into her soul stripping her of her darker secrets and she did the only thing she could to protect them.....

"Well why did you draw that one, why did that other artist draw this one... " Laura deflected as she drew herself nearer to Neyra and the laptop. Neyra realised the impasse they were in, neither wanting to reveal too much to the other about what was driving them beneath the surface.

Neyra tabbed away from the webpage to her photo collection and pulled up a photo of herself and a young man, cheek to cheek smiling into the camera, a selfie at a festival.

"What do you see....?" Asked Neyra.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Laura asked a little shocked, up till now she seemed to have exclusivity in Neyra's life apart from her work.

"Was....he turned out to be an ass-hole.....and basically tried to tell me what I could do, who I could see, what my career path should be...." Neyra said, a hint of hurt in her voice.

Neyra searched around her folders and picked out another photo, another guy, another place, another selfie.

"Oh he looks kinda nice ...." Laura said cautiously wondering what his fate was.

"Yeah he was ok....but....I think I overcompensated after the other guy, this one was....well too soft. He's straight but he wanted us to ....experiment if you know what I mean to the point that I ended up screwing him....more than the other way around...understand?"

"Oh my god....that's mean the strap on type stuff........" Laura paused for thought.

Neyra smiled as she saw Laura compute what it all meant.

"Some people's expression of love is just different, and no he isn't gay, just he liked his women to be strong.....but for me a weaker man..... that doesn't really work for me at all" Neyra explained.

" finished with him too..." Laura concluded.

"Uh huh..... But....I did learn some things from him...there were some pleasures he gave me that only a weaker partner....or a partner eager to please would give and I loved them very much....and those usually came while I held the leash and he wore the collar. I'm not some hardcore whip wielding mistress or something but certainly there was an interesting spark there for me....but...not with a weak man. That's why I draw some of the things I me....."

Laura realised it was her turn to share.

"I don't know what to say..... I only have had .....jeez.....I've only had a feeling towards one person and that was when you..." Laura blushed..."you do something to me..... but I'm not....."

"You're not a lesbian?" Asked Neyra openly.

Laura felt bad for protesting, she always had defended other peoples right to be whatever they were but now she felt she to had deny her own orientation because it might be a bad thing. Laura paused for a moment and realised her hypocrisy.

"I don't know.....I'm .....I guess I'm worried about my friends, I'm worried about dad....." Laura continued.

"I understand..... I had the same worries before my first relationship with another girl but I was fortunate that everyone accepted it.." Neyra confessed as she opened another image showing her with another woman, the pair smiling happily into the camera. "We aren't together anymore, we broke up on good terms but she had to move away, life's like that"

Laura wasn't that surprised at the revelation but she swam in all sorts of strange emotions knowing she was in the bed of a now self confessed lesbian.

"You talk about your dad a lot and I get you are trying to make him proud.....but your mom?" Neyra said changing the subject.

Laura shook her head gently ..."no.... she died during the birth....I didn't know my dad has been awesome though, he's worked hard, paid for my education, took care of me with my aunts help.....but..."

Neyra rubbed Laura's arm gently. "There's no substitute I guess, is there?"

Laura shook her head again as she looked blankly in thought "my dad has been great but there have been times when..... well times when it would have been good to have a mother...times when a girl needs someone to ...explain things....that used to be awkward for dad....I think that's why Jen and I get on so well"

"Jen....that's your friend who is missing? She lost her mom too?" Neyra shuffled in bed as she sat up more upright, interested in this new facet of her friend.

"Our moms were friends, they met during their pregnancy with us....and they were together when there was some kind of accident, we were born almost at the same time, but I was a little premature....Jen less so...but our mothers died" Laura explained.

"Jeez that's terrible, I'm so sorry....." Neyra felt awful for the girl.

"It's ok.....I'm fine....I'm sure Jen is fine too.....look the collar, the leash thing.....the reason I like it....I think part of it is just being wanted, being safe, being protected.....being someone's special thing.....being kept in line, not that I'm bad....just....." Laura fell silent mid sentence, she had confessed enough.

"You're a good person Laura, don't worry........come on, let's get to sleep." Neyra said as she closed up her laptop and putting it to one side.

Laura slid herself back down deeper into the bed and was cast into the darkness and she felt Neyra settle in alongside her. Now Laura was at ease, some cards had been put on the table and each knew the other a little more.

Neyra turned on to her side aware that Laura, poor motherless and now super powered Laura was right by her. Testing the water she placed one arm over Laura's waist, slightly worried at rejection and her heart sunk as she felt the red heads hand reached for hers, thinking she was going to be politely dislodged.Neyra's heart then skipped a beat as Laura's hand lay on top her own,keeping her close, her friendly gesture had been accepted.

"Neyra...." Laura asked into the darkness.


"Did you really....really visit a pet store...." Laura asked..... thinking about what Neyra had said to her.

"No.... I just said it to help you get the cling-thing going...I'm sorry."Neyra whispered.

"No, it's Ok...I guess I kinda knew that..." Whispered Laura as the last of her energy ebbed away.

The pair drifted to sleep and so began their gentle twitching and turning as their bodies carried them through the remains of the night


Jen closed the lid on the now empty plastic container that had contained the salad she had eaten and glanced about for where to dispose of it. Sam who had taken time to sit with her while the newcomers settled in pointed out the trash receivers.

"You're lucky, the earlier ones had to figure this all out, this hall has to be spotless when we are done ....or..." Sam tugged at her collar.

Jen frowned, "What....the collars.....they're shock collars?"

"We can be zapped individually or collectively...if this place is left a mess random people get zapped until it's tidy....we all make sure each other has kept things in's the same with beds... they have to be made after each sleep period....oh yeah and your bed is allocated, you'll see." Sam explained.

"Do we have showers here?" Asked Jen as she rose to throw away her rubbish.

"Yes, before the sleep period..we all have to do it...or..." Sam continued.

"More shocks?" Jen asked , but seeing Sam's expression she just rolled her eyes ..."great...." then moved away to the trash can.

Sam cast an eye over the large hall area with its pristine white walls and surfaces and satisfied herself that the newcomers had learnt the example set by the others. She knew that this period was coming to an end and she hoped that the sleep period could be reached with no more discomfort.

Jen returned to the table now empty handed and sat down.

"So.... Were you a hitch hiker or staying in a Y" asked Jen, referring to Sam's earlier comment.

Sam nodded, "Not the highlight of my life, I was sleeping dad ran away when I was little, my mum was doing ok I'm older there was friction at home......I had to get out....I was trying to hitch to my grandparents....and I am!"

"I was on campus at university, I remember a van but it's hazy after that and..I barely remember anything." Jen explained..."jeez what day is it?"

Sam shook her head, "I'm not sure, why?"

Jen paused in thought like she was concentrating on something, estimating the passage of time..."no it doesn't matter"

"All our body clocks are off, no one knows the time or the day, usually all new comers have already been captured, drugged, tested, knocked out some more, then arrive in the reception room, then arrive here and after all that no one knows where they are." Sam explained.


The automated voice echoed off the white walls and all the women looked instinctively upwards.

Sam sighed and clapped her hands together..."ok newbies, pay attention...we've got to make sure this place is clean..." she said loudly over the hubbub of the hall.

Other girls were getting the litter stowed away some more pulled out cleaning supplies from a cupboard and began cleaning down tables as others swept the floor, all of whom had urgency in their steps.

"How long does it last...this clean up period?" Asked Jen as she collected a cloth and began to wipe down a table.

"We tried to count out the time, we think it's about six or seven minutes" replied Sam as she swept crumbs into a pile and picked them up on a dust tray.

The girls began to clean through the hall like a plague of locusts before returning the cleaning materials to the central storage locker and began to assemble near the passageway they had entered by.

Jen looked at Sam " so we don't go back the way we came in?"

"No, you came in from what we call the reception room, only newcomers come in from there, you'll be showering then sleeping at the other end with us" Sam answered.


"We guess someone looks over the room on cameras or something to make sure it's clean in here....if we are ok then we pass onto the showers" Sam explained.

"How strict are they?" Wondered Jen aloud as she looked around for any sign of the elusive 'they','them'.

"So far it's just been about tidiness, someone dropped a wet wipe cloth once and it was seen and .... Zap...." cautioned Sam.


The corridor floor changed to a safe green while the eating area transitioned to yellow and the young women moved onwards leaving the hall behind them. Walking about five or six abreast they all arrived near the shower area.

"So how does this work?" Jen asked Sam as they filed in to the next room.

"There's a hatch for laundry at this end, and there are about 30 double cubicles, the water is on a timer, you get about seven or eight minutes then dry off with a towel, DONT take more than one, there is only one each...then there is a stack of fresh tops and shorts at the other end, check your size and don't be wise and take the wrong colour, 'they' know. One girl tried to go all limited edition white and got zapped, and another time some smart ass took a size up from her own...." Sam explained.

"What happened ?" Jen said containing a laugh.

"Well the the girl had been wearing a size small but took a medium, so one of the medium size girls took a set of large and so a bigger girl found there was only one set of size small left over. There was nearly a riot over that.....we all got shocked until we sorted it....the poor girl was basically in a thong and boob tube until she was reunited with her size."

Jen, hand over mouth stifled her amusement and Sam tried to act cross though she saw the funny size too even though the experience had been painful. The pair shuffled on as the young women entered the area near the cubicles and began to strip off, tossing their clothes into small hatches that lead to who knew where.

Some of the prisoners hugged their own bodies protecting their modesty as they each took a towel and moved on to a cubicle. Jen and Sam followed on with the routine and soon the pair were together in a shower cubicle together. Sam showed Jen how the shower worked and soon the pair were washing themselves down, carefully trying to respect the others privacy. Sam had evidently gone through this routine a few times and by now had learnt to clean and rinse herself down in the limited time and noting Jens slower pace offered help.

"Try and rinse off if you can, you've not got long left...." Sam said as she directed water from her own shower head at Jens back washing off soapy water.

Jen shot Sam an accusing glance, but managed to raise a shy smile in response as she looked back mischievously.

"Hey !” protested Jen slightly and splashed Sam back in response and soon the cubicle was filled with the shrieks of laughter until suddenly there was silence.

In the control room the figure zoomed in on the camera feed and observed as two young women began to kiss passionately only to kill the feed.

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Laura, her heart racing, pounced onto the prone Neyra who was shielding her face with her crossed arms. The red head grabbed her preys arms and prised them far apart and put her face close to the beautiful black woman’s cheek and with a sudden lunge pounced onto her victims throat and plunged her teeth into her soft vulnerable throat.

“Noo!” cried Neyra as Laura felt her fangs plunge through the soft flesh.

Laura’s body flinched and she woke from her sleep only to find herself in unfamiliar surroundings and quickly realised that she had awoken exactly where she was meant to be, in Neyras bed. As Laura’s eyes began to focus she could see she was alone, a vacant spot at her side told her that Neyra had gone for whatever reason and Laura began to recall all the events from the day before,how she had been struggling with her condition, then sitting for more drawing, then the discovery and mastery of her mysterious new powers.

Laura sat herself up and rubbed her eyes as her senses tuned in to what was going on. Down the hall she thought she could hear Neyra humming some tune over the sound of running water, a shower probably. There also sounded something like a washing machine running in the kitchen. Laura looked down on herself and realised she was still in her borrowed clothes, the satin shorts and matching top. One of the shoulder straps clung onto the side of her shoulder and she repositioned it once again.

Laura rose from the bed and carefully made her way to the bathroom door and tapped.

“Neyra ….?” Laura asked out lout.

“2 seconds …. almost done...” Neyra called back.

Laura backed away from the door and returned to the living room and realised her clothes had gone. She had been wearing her black under-armour under her jeans and top in a bid to counter her clingy clothing problem the previous few days and now she was left with only her loaned pyjamas. The she remembered the washing machine was running and her pattering feet carried here to the kitchen where she discovered her clothes spinning and spinning inside the washing machine, occasionally tumbling onto the portal glass amongst the soapy suds.

Laura found her cell phone on a kitchen counter and picked it up, it had plenty of power left and and she furiously began to put together text messages to her friends so they wouldn’t be worried about her, and another to her fathers cell so he wouldn’t worry and asked if there was any word on Jen. She was careful to word everything so the recipients would have no doubt it was her who sent the messages and soon she was browsing her social pages to catch up on other events.

Eventually Neyra appeared in a pale blue silk robe, her hands vigorously rubbing a towel through her hair.

“Hi .. how are you feeling now ?” asked the tall slender woman, her warm kind eyes beaming.

“Great, I was beat last night …... I guess I just needed some fuel …...thanks so much for everything …..I was a mess yesterday but today …....I just feel so in control ….. its great !” Laura gushed. She really had been feeling lost but Neyra had helped nurse her though her problems.

“Oh, your clothes are in the wash, I thought you wouldn’t want to shower then get back in to dirty clothes so …..” Neyra started, pointing at the machine with a free hand as she paused from drying her hair.

“That’s OK, thanks …..... have you been up long?” Laura asked.

“Only long enough to put them on to wash and have shower …. go on, you take your turn while I sort myself out, there is a spare robe in the bathroom …... we'll make plans after, there is plenty of time”

“Oh, OK ...” Laura replied meekly then turned to leave.

Neyra glanced over her shoulder as the shorter red head pitter pattered out the room to the shower and the door closed. Neyra looked at the washing machine and noted how much time was left to run and moved into her studio. The easel still stood under its cover and she peeled back the light fabric to reveal part of the comic art she had done. Hockey Girl was mostly drawn in, stick drawn back, ready to blast the little black puck into the net. Neyra smiled a little as she considered the tag line she was going to put in the bottom right corner. She let the cover fall back into place and saw the stool which the shy red head had been sat on nervously previously and her sudden 'Enchantress' outburst.

What was Neyra going to do ? She liked this kid, but she was a bit young, still a little immature, a little vulnerable, maybe even needy, yet somehow she was also tough, and with these new abilities very very interesting. Neyra had dated a strong willed man and didn’t like it in the end, and the submissive man …. bah .. that didn’t work for her either although he did show her some things that might translate well with a woman … her last partner had been a woman which was OK but her ex girlfriend was never going to go for anything that Neyra secretly wanted to do ….. but Laura ….... she was experimenting.

If Neyra just went on and finished her drawings of Laura, then went on to her new job the two might not really have another chance to bond again. But then again, Laura was young and she should continue her studies without a slightly controversial relationship and all the distractions that could bring. She didn’t like the idea of being hated by Laura’s father for being the distracting, lesbian and black (oh the scandal!) cradle snatching reason for his daughters academic failure. Neyras mind spun in a vicious circle, one side considering Laura’s future and the other her own. Perhaps though ….....

Laura lathered up the small sponge and worked over her arm, circling up and up to her shoulder then across the top of her chest. Her mind wandered as she considered what she was going to do next. Would Neyra want to help her more or perhaps she thought Laura was far enough along the path to figure out her own abilities on her own. The sponge was passed into the other hand as she began to circle down her other arm towards her wrist. At any rate, she hoped she had finally gotten her body back under control and could concentrate on just getting through her courses with no more stress. The sponge worked its way down Laura’s chest, soapy circles smearing away with the water as she descended towards her groin.

Laura thought of the delicate balance of the mental game that she and Neyra had been playing. Was it that neither of them was going to force the others hand. Perhaps that’s what Neyra wanted, perhaps trying to coax more out of her mentor might push her away though she had wanted her to take the lead, even if it was only just a little. She closed her eyes a moment as the sponge drifted between her legs.

Neyra, her long red dress hugging her tall lean frame stood in front of her.

“When I take you back to campus, you are going to take this bag ...” Neyra said confidently holding in front of her a purple canvas duffel bag, a black thin rope tying off one end.

Laura’s mind flowed over with ideas …. what should Neyra tell her to do ? And why did this bag come into the fantasy ?

“take this bag to your dorm, you are going to go to your underwear draw and put every last thing in here ...don’t forget anything !” Neyra explained.

Laura’s face creased up in a frown, her teeth biting into her bottom lip, the water flowing over her as she rubbed furiously between her legs in the fogged up cubicle.

“then you are going to come back to my car and give me the bag …...understand ?” Neyra asked slightly menacingly.

“Yes Neyra, I will …..” moaned Laura, just above the sound of the showers loud efforts.

“Yes what ?” Neyra asked, looking down at her.

“Nghhhhh....yes mistress..........oh yes oh yes oh yes …...” panted Laura as she tipped herself into a small yet intense orgasm and her forehead settled onto the glass, eyes still firmly shut as she tried to regain her breath.

Neyra covered her mouth and retreated away from the slightly opened bathroom door and gently pushed it closed without Laura noticing. She hadn’t seen the fantasy itself but she heard her name, she heard the word mistress, and now she knew she wanted to play Laura’s game, even just a little, just to see how it would turn out. She needed to challenge her, test her, but nothing heavy, something symbolic, nothing too easy, but not what might be crushingly hard either.

Laura’s heart raced as one eye opened sensing something, but she saw nothing and so began to regain her composure, recommencing her route of showering herself clean. Neyra returned to her room and began to think, what should she try, what kink to explore, what would make her happy, more importantly, what would put Laura in the right place. She was a little tomboyish, smart, a bit athletic, feisty, what could she do to her that would be just right?
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Jen and all the other girls had moved on from the showers and were now inside some kind of holding area. When the last of the girls had reached the room the corridor from the shower area became bathed in the red glow of the lit floor, the area was now out of bounds.

“What happens now ?” Jen asked quietly, the murmur of the young women filled the air as other newcomers also asked of their veteran companions what was to come next.

“Down there is a corridor” Sam pointed at a currently blank wall, Jen had seen these solid walls become passageways before so she wasn’t surprised. “We think its random, we aren’t sure, but basically we get paired up and we have to share something like a cell, there’s a toilet, water, a bed, real basics but no privacy” Sam said a little sadly.

“Fuck this, this totally sucks …...” Jen groaned.

“The announcement will start in a moment, pay attention for your number, they only read it once and if you go to the wrong place ......” Sam whispered.

“Let me guess, more shocks?” Jen rolled her eyes.

“Shhh, its starting …...” Sam replied.




And on it went, the automated announcement continued and slowly the group dwindled down and Sam and Jen were still waiting with a few other women.


The pair looked at each other surprised, their eyes flashing and then said good night to the few remaining women before heading down the corridor on its green glowing floor. The pair followed the signs leading to the row with cells 50 to 60 and turned the corner reaching the door.

“See that block thing ….. its like a lock.... put your wrist strap to it …... like this …..” Sam put her arm out against a black solid plastic block set into the door.


“Now you …...” Sam urged.

Jen reached out with her arm and …


The pair pushed the door open together and then pushed it closed behind them.

“We have to close the door then engage the lock again with our wrist bands from inside to show we are here ….. forget to do it and .. well you know the drill.” Sam cautioned as she glanced about the cell. Everything was as normal, two single beds were at the sides of the room, toilet and sink were in the corner and not much else.

Jen took in the bleak reality.

“I keep expecting the cameras and film crew to show up, tell us we’ve been on some kind of game show or something …..” Jen said dejectedly.

Sam managed a weak smile, she remembered how so many others had said the same thing a day or so ago, or however long it was, time was not easily judged any more.

“I know …... I guess we have to keep going until …..” Sam’s words hung in the air, she didn’t want to contemplate whatever the 'until' brought with it.

Jen sat on the side of one of the beds, her hands gripping the edge of the simple metal frame, the firm mattress barely giving as she settled onto it.

“How long do you think we have …... to sleep, I mean” Jen asked her more experienced friend.

“I think 'enough' about describes it best, I think its probably a nice 8 hours, the lights will slowly begin to dim and then it’ll be dark...but there’s a light on a time switch by the toilet” Sam explained.

Jen noted the button between the sink and toilet and noted its height so she could press it in the darkness.

“So do we have to do more tests or what ?” Jen asked as she repositioned the collar around her neck a little.

“I think we all did one set, you know, the guessing game, the slope … one has done it again, only the newcomers …... now, enough with the questions, I’m tired.......” Sam said as she glanced at the bed beside her.

“Well …. I only have one more …..” Jen asked, her eyes flashing mischievously.

“OK ….. lets hear it ….” Sam said a little reluctantly.

“Do these beds push together ?!” Jen said shyly.

Sam’s eyes widened in surprise.... “Hell, I don’t know but I know I’m going to try !”

Sam pulled at the metal frame and it screeched a little as she began to slide it closer to Jens side of the room.

Jen crawled over the surface of the two joined beds and tugged at Sam’s arm, pulling her onto the bed with her and Sam pounced onto Jen forcing a kiss onto her mouth.

“I’m only doing this for you, Sam .. I like you …....” Jen confessed.

“But ?” Sam predicted.

“If you tell anyone what I’m going to tell you Ill kill you !” Jen blushed.

Sam frowned, her head cocking to one side as she looked down on the blond haired girl … “Umm, OK …. what ?”

“I like girls, tough girls, you know ? …..I mean, I fantasize …. oh jeez ….........” Jen paused with embarrassment.

“Oh . I see ….....” Sam giggled

“Please .. don’t laugh at me ….” Jen said nervously wondering if she had confided in the wrong person.

“No, I’m not …..” Sam said, realising she had been tactless ….... “I’m laughing because you think I’m some kind of wild alley cat ….and I’m not … come on .. what’s the deal ….”

Jen looked up at Sam who loomed over her ….. “Sometimes when I’m alone.. … you know....”

“When you’re horny and need to play …....” grinned Sam.

Jen nodded, “uh huh …... to get myself off ….. I often think about a tough girl just having her way with me...not like forever or anything …. just...”

Sam nodded back, “I get you …. and you’re in luck because …. I’ve only dreamt of being in charge...”

Sam was smart in most ways, street smart, smart in the classroom, smart in life, and she knew what she was going to do to make the girl beneath her happy and she knew how she would make Jen make her happy too.

Sam’s face transformed from the happy smiling person into something more serious and she placed the palm of her hand over the mouth of the blond below her and inched her body forward on her knees.

“Is this what you were thinking, rich bitch ?” Sam said as her knees came to rest on Jens upper arms, pinning her there.

Jens eyes went wide as she managed a nod … “hefffff” she managed to force through her mouth.

“Good answer” Sam said as she leant backwards so she could place her other hand on the girls shorts covered crotch, her hand starting to massage the girls pussy. Jens knees raised up a little and Sam’s hand slapped at them.

“Keep them apart ….keep the soles of your feet together.” Sam ordered and Jen happily complied as she splayed her thighs apart, bending her legs so she could clamp the soles of her feet together.

“Good then …..” Sam released Jens mouth and placed to fingers against her lips. Sam obligingly opened her mouth and wisely Sam slid her fingers into Jens mouth. Slowly her finger nails disappeared inside …. then the first joints of her fingers..probing deeper.

Jen moaned as she closed her eyes, Sam’s stimulation between her legs caused her body to respond, the sensation of wetness forming between her legs while her mouth was slowly filled with Sam’s two fingers.

Sam smiled as she could see the effect she was having on her friend and her hand retreated from between the girls legs and planted itself around Jens throat. Jens eyes opened in fear but Sam merely smiled her friendly smile as she looked down admiringly on the blond and Jen felt at ease, the pressure on her throat not become any harder.

“Its OK princess ….. I’m not going to hurt you ….... much …..” Sam said with mock menace. Sam slowly drew her fingers out of the blonds mouth and just as she was thinking about speaking Sam released her throat only to introduce her other fingers to the girls mouth. Jen relented again and Sam slid in slowly up to her knuckles.

Jens eyes strained as she felt Sam’s fingers probe deeper into her mouth and then she broke out into a moan as Jens wet fingers of her other hand slid in under the waist band of her shorts and curled onto her soft vulnerable and now wet pussy. Sam’s fingers began a firm circular rubbing that only a girl can understand how it feels and Jens eyes closed for a few moments as she took in these new feelings.

“That’s right pretty thing …...... I’m finger fucking you at both ends …...don’t forget to say thank you”

“Hnnk oooo ….......” Moaned Jen through Sam’s hand.

Sam, satisfied she had gathered Jens juices, pulled her hand from the girls shorts while her other hand retreated from Jens mouth. Sam illustrated to Jen the sticky mess on the end of her fingers before introducing them to Jens mouth while her other hand went in search of the sticky mess now forming between Jens legs.

Jen clamped her mouth shut and shook her head.

Sam smiled …. “What’s up rich bitch ….not good enough for you ?” before sucking her own fingers clean of Jens cum.

“I’ve not ….. I don’t know …..” Jen said in confusion.

Sam’s hand reached down and grasped Jens face. “Well, I’m giving you a chance to know what its like because …... in a minute Ill be riding your pretty princess face …... and you WILL eat me out ….”

Jen bit her bottom lip and nodded ….. “OK …..”

Sam’s other hand, now laden with Jens cum escaped from Jens shorts and a finger was now laying siege to her mouth.

“Open …. just a little ...” Sam tapped with her index finger and reluctantly Jen opened up.

Sam, victorious, slid in her finger, Jens distaste written on her face.

“Good girl, I know its hard the first time ….. keep going...” Sam said a little reassuringly.

Sam slowly worked her other finger in and soon she had the submissive Jen licking every digit of her hand clean. Jens eyes looked upwards to see Sam looking down at her into her eyes like she was studying her soul.

“Good, now you get naked and into a comfy position while I strip off.......” Sam winked as she rose up from of the blond and began to peel off her clothing.

Soon Sam was back in position her pussy hovering inches above Jens face, Sam’s shins pinning Jens forearms to the bed.

“That’s it, offer me your tongue …...” Sam urged as she slowly lowered her soft flesh to the young woman below. Jens tongue extended from her mouth and Sam dropped onto her palms, lowering herself slowly until....

“oh god that’s good ….... come on …... lick it …..” Sam commanded and Jen began to eagerly tease Sam’s slit with her tongue. Sam’s head flopped forward onto Jens stomach for a few moments as she began to regain her composure and realised she should begin to pleasure her friend and let her own tongue descend gradually down Jens lower stomach and found her clit with her tongue.

Jen went almost rigid for a moment as she felt this new sensation and soon the pair were eagerly pleasuring eachother in their sixty nine position just as the lights began to slowly fade out in the room.

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Its been a while since Ive had time to write, but I didnt want to leave poor Laura, Neyra, Sam, Jen and the rest hanging so heres some more of "Once Bitten".


Laura dried herself off with a towel and pulled on a robe that hung on the back of the door, her host had been thoughtful it seemed. The redhead checked herself in the mirror, she felt slightly flushed and maybe even a little tired from her orgasm in the shower and had worked to get herself clean once again.

Her feet dry, Laura stepped out into the hallway and listened for her host, Neyra and heard the sound of cutlery in the kitchen and so she homed in on the noise.

“Oh, there you are” smiled Neyra as she placed some spoons on a small table alongside some bowls and a box of cereal. Two glasses of orange juice stood ready and there was a small jug of milk standing to one side.

Laura froze mid step, just for a split second as she took in the sight of Neyra who was stood in red jeans and a tight matching shirt which hugged her lean figure. Neyra wasnt big breasted but the shirt showed off what assets she had. It wasn’t the red dress as Laura imagined but …..

“You ok … ?” Neyra smiled as she glanced in Lauras direction.

“Oh … no .. yes …. Im ….... Im fine ...” Lauras words stumbled out of her mouth as she resumed her steps to the table.

Neyra circled around one side of the table, drew out a chair and sat down and Laura did the same.

Neyra offered out her hand “have some cereal ….” she suggested and Laura took the box and poured some of the flakes into her bowl and passed the box back, promptly pouring some milk from the jug to top off her meal.

“So ….” Neyra started as she begun to pour some cereal into her own bowl. Lauras eyes glanced up at Neyra, almost hanging off of her every word.

“....I cant help feel …. you know …...that there is a little ….” Neyra continued, delicately.

“Yes …...” Laura replied, she could almost forsee it all, yet daren't trust her instincts.

Neyra paused, she kind of understood this girls odd power, its presence, but she couldn’t yet say what it was. She could only frown as she distrusted how fate seemed to be playing along nicely for her.

“tension … you feel it too then ?” asked Neyra.

“Its about the pictures, I … I dont know what to say ...or do....” apologised Laura then picked up the glass of orange juice, if only so she could delay, think a little, before speaking more.

“Well …... how about …....... you let me speak and see what you think …. ok” Neyra said with her warm smile.

“Ok …..” Laura answered as her glass returned to the table.

“Well …. the first thing is … above all else, you have to continue your education …..” Neyra started.

Laura agreed, there was nothing that was going to come before that, her dad had worked hard and she owed everything to him.

“Second ….... you offered to pay me something …. for the comic art, for your dad ...but ….I don’t want your money ….. I want something else …..” Neyra said a little reservedly as she sought to feel her way through the topic.

Lauras head cocked to one side as she began to take in Neyras words, her pupils dilated, her heart quickened slightly, her breath shallowed, the adrenalin began to flow.

“Wha...what would you like from me ?” Laura asked, but in her heart she felt she knew the answers before the beautiful woman was going to tell her, her senses seemed to foresee what lie ahead.

“Well, what would make me happy, what might make you happy, is if the enchantress …. if I finally found out what would happen If I put that collar around your neck..” Neyra confessed, quickly taking a sip of her drink to calm her nerves.

Laura froze, this was it, she was being reeled in by the enchantress and she didn’t mind a bit, she craved the attention she predicted she was going to get, she didn’t know what it would be, but she trusted this woman.

“This is a …... well … opportunity to play …. you’re not tied to me, nor me to you …. understand …. I just think this would be good …... good for us both …... just to get it out of our system, understand ?”

Laura nodded gently, the enchantress, the woman in red, was taking charge of her, perhaps like the missing mother she needed in childhood, or the missing lover she so far had never met.

“Oh .. ok …...... what …....... what would you want me … us … do?” Laura ventured.

“I have ideas ….... ideas that my ex boyfriend introduced to me …... and ideas of my own …....I just want you to … try ….....most things will be here ….....some things … out there.” Neyras eyes seemed to almost toss the imaginary 'thing' outside her front door, Laura knew that Neyras hold over her would extend outdoors as well as in.

“When ….... when do you want to start ?” asked Laura.

BOOMBOOM her heart thudded.
Her senses felt the cool air on her shoulders.
Laura looked down, her bare breasts exposed to Neyra as her robe fell into a puddle around her waist on the chair.

“Well ….. if I said now …... and if I said ….....” Neyra began.

Laura sensed Neyras words and she gently shrugged off the robe and let it fall from her shoulders and let the sleeves run down her arms. The two looked into one anothers eyes. Neyra marvelled at the almost magical quality of the girl in front of her.

“......strip.......wait ….can you …. can you read my mind ?! ….” Neyra asked.

“No …... but …...sometimes I can sense something about to happen …...” Laura replied.

“Are you ok ….. I was at least expecting you to say something ….” Neyra said, the red head now naked waist upwards in front of her.

“God yes …..” Laura broke out into the tiniest grin.

Neyra studied Lauras body, the parts she could see at least, her modest breasts, her slightly muscled shoulders and arms, even what looked like the top row of a six pack on her toned stomach, then there was the dappled freckles that ran across her shoulders.

“And no one notices you ….. why ?!” Neyras question was more a compliment and Laura could only blush as she looked down in slight embarrassment.

“Well I guess you notice me!” Laura replied shyly.

The pair resumed munching on their cereal and Laura gradually relaxed into her situation, the gentle sloshing of the washing machine filling the air with sound as her clothes continued to wash.

Neyra built up her courage before leading onto her next move, now second guessing herself knowing that the red head seemed to know in advance what she was about to say. Then she realised how it might be to her advantage that Laura could reject something before she even suggested it, and then her mischievous side seized on an idea.

Neyras head lifted as she took up her glass of orange juice, her eyes focused on the girl whos head was down, preparing to shovel up another bitesize mound of cereal on her spoon. Laura blinked and she could sense something, she felt uneasy, no, something else, she couldn’t understand the sensation but she knew something was imminent.

In Neyras mind the cute pink collar sat around Lauras neck, the little metal name tag disc catching the light, a gold coloured bell tinkling softly, with the pink nylon leash lying across the table. Laura struggled to raise the spoon to her mouth and let it fall back to the bowl a moment as she tried to regain control over herself her eyes fluttering as she could feel herself being turned on by an unseen force.

“Collar!” announced Neyra bluntly only to see Laura flinch.

Laura realised instantly what had been happening, Neyra was teasing her new senses, her sense of danger perhaps.

“You mare … is that what you were building up to ….. oh …...” Laura glanced down and noticed a slight wetness between her thighs, her face revealing what had happened to Neyra whos heart fluttered a moment.

“Its ok …... “ Neyra rose from her seat and seeing Laura also starting to rise placed her hand on the red heads shoulder …. “No, its ok ….Ill take care of it ….”.

Laura bit her lip as Neyra returned, paper towel in hand and reached down between the red heads thighs, slowly and provocatively cleaning up the small sticky pool.

Laura tracked Neyras path as she tossed the used paper towel into a bin and returned.

“Ok … come with me ….” asked Neyra as she tried to mentally bottle up what she had planned.

The naked Laura rose from her seat and walked behind Neyra back to the bedroom. Laura sensed she would be on the bed, on her back very soon but she couldnt understand what was going to happen to her at all.

“Hop on, on your back …..” Neyra requested, her voice calm. She wasn’t ordering, she was asking.

As Laura hopped onto the bed, back turned to Neyra, Neyra opened up a draw of her dresser, her body shielding what she pulled out from the draw.

“OK ….. I want you to just relax …... don’t get weirded out ….just ...” Neyra began.

“Ohhhhhh.....” moaned Laura …... “do it do it do it .. please … just put them on me ...…....” she begged.

Neyra glanced over her shoulder and the naked Laura, legs splayed, began to touch herself as she managed to raise her head. Neyra spun round, taught between the thumbs of both hands was the elasticated waist band of a small pull up diaper.

Laura, her eyes confirming to her what her senses had just begun to warn her about let her head fall back onto a pillow. “Ohhhh fuck …... how … what ….. are you doing to me ...” she moaned in ecstasy.

Neyra was surprised by Lauras reaction but approached the bed moving herself alongside the redhead, letting her cheek rest on the younger girls shoulder, looking back down along the younger womans naked body.

“You …. are special … …...different …....” Neyra started as she teasingly drew the diaper along Lauras stomach, letting her take in the feel of the material against her skin …. “with your sporty body your tight jeans and leather jacket …..”

Lauras face clenched up as she could feel an orgasm approach and Neyra was happy to let her continue as she led her on with her little monologue. “So …. just for a while... Im going to make you into my little girl …. youre going to wear this ….. you dont have to use it …... just wear it ….. for me” she whispered.

Lauras body shuddered as she climaxed, and Neyra brushed her hair away and placed a kiss on the girls forehead. Neyra left the diaper alongside Laura and drew part of the bedcovers over the exhausted girl and then stood up.

“Just relax there for a bit and Ill see you soon” Neyra said softly and Laura simply nodded as her breathing began to slow to normal.

Half an hour later and Neyra, chores completed, was sat taking in coffee as she worked on the comic art for Laura. And that’s when the red head returned, naked save for the pull-ups she had been given. They werent bulky at all, more like thick panties than anything else, but Laura walked in a little shyly, one arm around her middle supporting the elbow of her other arm as she bit on the the joint of her thumb.

Neyra let a tiny smile escape as she tracked the young woman enter the room.

“Well they fit well considering ….” Neyra said, admiringly.

“Why do you even have these ?” Laura protested subtly.

“Oh .. well …... they were for my ex, but we screwed up the order, he was never going to fit those... and I didnt get round to sending them back” explained Neyra.

“My clothes ….. are they ….” Laura began to ask timidly, she felt vulnerable in her new found situation.

“Oh they are in the drier, I dont think your under armour is going to go well over those, but you should get away with wearing your jeans over the top.” Neyra said, glancing between Laura and the artwork she was busy adding detail to.

Laura nodded meekly as she considered what to do next.

“If youre cold, I can get you a t-shirt …..” Neyra said kindly. She wasnt some strict domme, just there was some things she felt she wanted to try, and right now having the cute red head in her compromising situation was exhilarating.

“No ... Its ok … Im fine …..umm mistress...” Laura answered tentatively.

The two locked eyes for a moment and Neyra resumed her work.

“I guess today we should get you back to your dorm when your clothes are ready, and I can get on with my shift, if you like we could go to my secret tagging ground afterwards, you can practice your skills !” Neyra suggested.

“Cool …. but … I cant stay too late....I have lectures tomorrow morning ..” Laura cautioned.

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It has been a while but its time to add another chapter.


Jen and Sam were naked and intertwined on their makeshift bed of their small cell, the light level slowly rising. Sam began to stir first, her fingers coming back to life, then her legs which slowly stretched out. Her mind, her body, had become accustomed to the cues of her new life, the change in the lighting triggered her to awaken.

Slowly Sam lifted her head and she discovered the cute blond with whom she had made love to the night before. First it had been rough and tumble play, she had dominated her friend first but that quickly dissolved and the two had scissored away at one another up to their satisfying exhaustion.

Sam brushed the hair away from Jens face and placed a kiss on her cheek then began to sit up. It was time for another day of the same old routine, or so she thought, she couldn’t be sure, but she rose to her feet anyway and made her way to the sink which was now just visible in the slowly illuminating room.

Jens arms stretched out and she let out a low moan as she begun to stretch out. Then she remembered where she was and her arm began seeking Sam. Jens eyes opened in surprise to not find anyone and then flipped herself over onto her back, her eyes struggling with the dim light.

“Hey,its ok, Im here …....good morning .. I think.” Sam said with her confident voice.

Jen sat up and began to let the memories come back to her as she studied Sam who ran some water from the tap and washed her face in cool water.

“Morning .. you sure …..?” groaned Jen, she didn’t have a clue of the time though to her it felt early.

“You’ll get used to it I guess ….” Sam chuckled in reply, although she didn’t really know how long they would be trapped there.

On the edge of the sink Sam saw the usual two plastic wrapped packages and broke one open, inside was a small tooth brush and a something resembling a large tablet. Sam popped the tablet into her mouth and felt it begin to foam up and got to work with the tooth brush.

Jen, observed, curious. “Oh neat ….”

“ugh huh ...” replied Sam as she scrubbed away at her teeth.

Jen plucked up her shorts and vest and got dressed and soon Sam finished with her teeth and let Jen take her turn while she too got dressed. Sam realised that while this was all new to Jen it would soon become tedious, being a prisoner, the automated systems tending to their needs preventing outside contact. But then again, someone must know they were there, but how many people, and why were they there!

Sam watched Jen clean her teeth in her skimpy shorts and top and smiled as she remembered the innocent girl let her take charge of her.

“So, if it all goes the same we will get let out, shower again, have breakfast, then have recreation time until who knows when...then exercise time. Sometimes we have to give orientation to new groups who arrive, evening meal, shower then bed ….”

Jen rinsed her mouth with water and turned around as the lights continued to raise in power.


“Oh what now ….” moaned Jen

“Come on, help me strip the beds”

Soon the pair had stripped the beds down, folded the blankets and had their rooms 'inspected', by camera they presumed, and then had proceeded to the showers. Jen and Sam had stuck together and soon were quickly showering eachother before finally getting a fresh set of clothing before breakfast.

Jen and Sam made their way to the food hall and collected a tray and some breakfast then found a table and sat down.

“The organisation for this place must be huge, there must be so many people in on this, these meals, these clothes ...” reasoned Jen.

“Yeah … thats what we were thinking too but so far we havent seen anyone ….. theyre clever, we are always herded together. There could be an army of people working in the shower block, or the cells and we would never see them.

Jen finished her drink, her breakfast consumed and she took Sams now empty tray and cleared away before returning.

“Want to play some table football …..?” asked Jen

“Sure, why not …...” Sam smiled as she rose from the table and the pair made their way to one of the many games tables.

The pair had barely got started on their game when....

“Crap …. what the hell is that ?” Sam said aloud.

“God, whats happening ?” Jen said as she rose from her stooped position over the table.

The floor at one end of the hall, the area near the doorway from the reception corridor, turned blue.

All the girls began to observe the floor changing colour, one end the usually safe green, the other blue and the area in between an ominous yellow and they naturally began to retreat into the green area.


The voice ordered ominously and a few of the young women begin to clutch the arms of their colleagues as they worried about what was going to happen next.

SUBJECT ….....

The voice droned on as the list of subjects continued to be read out. Nervously, a few women began to break out of the large group and made their way into the blue floored area.

“They are taking a 'white', and the 'Twos' ...” noted Jen

The room filled with shrieking and moaning as panic set in, some of those who had been called were hesitant to go, and of course their friends were reluctant to let them. Slowly the segregated group began to form together save for one hold out, a girl in red shorts and top.

“Where are you taking us !” she shrieked.


The shock collar began to fire off and the girl fell to the ground.

“Fuck …...” she moaned as she tugged at the shock collar.

Sam approached the girl and crouched down by her side.

“You've got to go …... before they start doing all of us !” Sam urged.


Six more girls including the hold out clutched their necks as they fell to their knees, the shocks taking their toll.

“Someone help me get her with the others …...” Sam begged.

A few girls grabbed the 'hold out' by her forearms and dragged her over to the blue zone with the others. The 'hold out' could only thrash her legs in protest before she was gently set down and her escorts returned to the larger group who looked on.

The segregated group of 10 women looked at each other nervously and the larger group looked back, the emotions varied. The 10 were envious of the ones left behind, while the ones left behind showed relief, although was it possible the 10 were about to be let go ?

The yellow floor dividing the two groups transitioned to the dangerous red colour and then the passageway that opened up to the reception room opened, the unlucky 10 walked on and soon the door closed behind them again, they were gone.

The remaining women looked on, some crying, they were scared. Some of them had known stability for several days now and this was a new event, they had all done the tests once and then been kept prisoner, now what was happening ? The hall was full of murmuring and worry, sobs and tears.

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Clothes dried Laura had redressed ready to return to campus. She had been right, the close fitting diaper was hidden beneath her jeans although her underarmour certainly wouldn't go over the top so she kept them off. Laura had no intention of using the diaper, that wasn't her at all, but somehow she was turned on by its imposition upon her, the symbology alone was very strong in her head.

Soon Neyra would start her shift at the bar and so she set down her pencils and re-covered her art work on the easel. The plan was to return Laura to campus then go on to her workplace, perhaps followed by another trip to her tagging ground and practice testing the redhead's strange new powers.

Noting that Laura had some left over clothing which was unsuitable for her current predicament, Neyra went to a cupboard and pulled out a bag. It was her favourite purple canvas duffle bag which had some black cord closing the top. Tossing the clothing inside she put it to one side ready for her charge to collect and prepared to leave.

Laura had been in the kitchen catching up on email using Neyra's laptop, she was particularly hoping to hear any news about the fate of her childhood friend, Jen, but was saddened to see nothing had changed. With a sigh she closed the laptop and found herself looking at Neyra, dressed and ready for work.

"Ready to go ?" Neyra asked.

"Uh huh ...."

"OK .... come on, let's get you back .... your other clothes are in here ...." Neyra said as she tossed the duffle bag at Laura who caught it.

Suddenly it seemed to Neyra as if she had tossed a bag of anthrax at Laura, her eyes wide in surprise or fear as she examined it.

"Whats up ..... allergic to purple ?" Neyra quipped as she swept up her car keys from the kitchen counter top.

"No ... its just ........never mind, it doesn't matter......" Laura said. She had already conceded enough about herself for one day. Confessing that she had fantasised or at least foreseen Neyra running off with all her underwear inside the very bag she now held would be going too far.

Neyra just smiled, the young lady in front of her was full of quirks and it was pointless trying to investigate all of them. All that mattered now was that they were set on a course of getting their sexual itch out the way.

"OK - let's go ..." Neyra said heading towards the door.

Soon the pair were riding in Neyra's car crossing town, Laura sat with the purple duffle bag on her lap wrapped in her arms almost defensively.

"If you want to practice tonight, bring some liquids with you, something sugary perhaps, keep yourself topped up." Neyra suggested.

"Sure .... I guess I'll have to figure out a diet ..... if doing all that stuff is burning through calories I'm going to have to crank up my intake ..." Laura said glancing at Neyra who kept her eyes on the road.

"Although you don't seem to be doing too much wrong, you're looking fit right now ..." Neyra said innocently.

"Neyra!" yelped Laura.

"What, I'm just saying, that's all" retorted Neyra with a grin.

"Which way are you going ?" Laura asked as she suddenly felt uneasy about her unfamiliar surroundings.

"Oh, I'm taking us west on eleventh then north on Winters .... why ?" Neyra replied. Sure this area was a little on the wrong side of the tracks but there wasn't any need for concern.

"No ... no..... go...on third ...... or ......." Laura stuttered as she suddenly had a sense of something being very very wrong.

"Third ... but ....that will be snarled up now ...." Neyra said glancing at her passenger.

The pair looked at each other for a split second before Laura understood her feelings but now it was too late. Looming in from their left a white van pulled out from a side street blocking their path. All Neyra could do was slam on the brakes sending the two women lunging forward until their seatbelts snatched back at them, the sickening squeal of rubber on tarmac filling the air.

"Loooook out..." Laura managed as the pair saw the white van get bigger and bigger in their view.

Somehow the car stopped just in time, coming to rest just short of the van which refused to move.

"Hey .... what the hell! Are you blind ?!!?" Neyra began as she unbuckled herself from her seat and stepped from the car.

"No ...Neyra ... just let him go .... you ... don't want .... oh ..... god......" Laura glanced around herself and saw that another van had stopped very close behind, its balaclava wearing occupants hopping out.

"What the hell do you think you are doing !?" Neyra yelled in protest at the unseen driver on the far side of the first van.

"Neyra !!" yelled Laura to no effect. Her friend was already yelling and didn't hear her passenger's call.

"Ney....oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck ..." Laura said as she first fumbled for her cell phone, and then when she failed to find it in time just hopped out the car in pursuit of Neyra who had started to look in the side windows of the van in their path.

"Neyra!" growled Laura more firmly as she approached Neyra from behind.

Neyra spun around and saw the threatening sight of the men and pulled Laura defensively close to her side. Little did she know a second group of people were now emerging from the first van, the trap had been sprung.

"What the fuck is this !! Are you after money or .....? Shit if it's me you want let the girl go ok?!...." Neyra said, recoiling defensively as the group of half a dozen men approached.

"Take them down" said a calm male voice, he sounded like he felt in control.

One of the approaching men reached behind his back and pulled out what looked like a pistol then began to take aim when...


Laura fired a thick rope like web at the gun wielding man and then yanked back flinging the weapon away. Laura was surprised as anyone at what happened but suddenly she felt empowered and planned her next move.

"It's her !" was collectively said as the men froze a moment, the realisation hitting hard for everyone.

"Run, it's me they want ....." Neyra screamed.

"Get her !" was the next cry as the men closed in.

With a firm punch Laura sent the nearest thug flailing to the floor, her body mass moving through the punch and transitioning to an elegant back kick sending a second man tumbling into the white van from where he had come from. Reaching onto her shoulder from behind a third thug found his body weight being used against him as she he was hurled over Laura's shoulder, flying into the group of men in front of her.

"Stop!" ordered one of the men and Laura, who was about to deliver another blow to yet another man, froze in terror.

Neyra, her eyes wide open in fear was held from behind, gun to her head, its silencer almost as big as the weapon itself.

"Do you want her dead ?" asked the man with the gun, his glaring menacing eyes looking coldly at Laura.

With a face that acknowledged defeat Laura put up her hands as the fallen men began to rise to their feet.

"Take her ...." said the gunman, indicating with his head at Laura which prompted two men to grasp Laura firmly by the forearms.

"What do you want?!?!" Protested Laura as she felt the zip lock restraints being engaged on her wrists, now powerless to do anything.

"You .. of course .... spider-freak! Inject her ...." Ordered the gunman while keeping a firm grasp of Neyra.

"Don't, please " begged Neyra as she watched the needle plunge into Laura's neck. Neyra tried to pull free to no avail and the drug was pumped into Laura's neck.

"What the .... why are you doing this ?!" screamed Laura as she felt the sting of the needle and its contents.

One of the thugs produced another syringe and approached Neyra, preparing to give her her own dose.

"What the fuck are you doing ?" asked the gunman, his grip still firm on Neyra.

"But she fits the profile ..... sure shes a little older than the others but ..." protested the thug with the needle ready to go.

"You idiot .... we've found our spider. ..... they won't need to do the tests any more..... so no more labrats !" replied the gunman.

As Laura began to struggle to stay awake she drowsily listened to the conversation, taking it in, though unable to do anything about it.

"Please ... let her go .." screamed Neyra.

"Oh shut up ......" the gunman said nonchalantly as he pushed Neyra to the floor.

"Laura .... you've got to..." Began Neyra as her arms reached for her friend.


The heartless gunman fired two rounds from his silenced pistol at Neyra's head sending a vivid sea of red into the tarmac behind her and her lifeless body slumped back to the ground.

"Neyra !" yelped Laura.

"What, I'm just saying, that's all" said Neyra defensively as she glanced at her passenger.

Laura flinched as she suddenly found herself in the car again and on the move.

"Where are we ? Which way are you going ?" Laura asked as she suddenly felt uneasy about her now familiar surroundings.

"Oh, I'm taking us west on eleventh then north on Winters .... why ?" Neyra replied.

"No ... no..... go...quickly, get up Ferguson to third...... or ......." Laura stuttered as she suddenly had a sense of something being very very wrong.

"Third ... but ....that will be snarled up now ...." Neyra said glancing at her passenger.

The pair looked at each other for a split second before Laura understood her feelings but now it was too late. Flashing through Laura's mind was the premonition but now she felt she knew what she had to do.

"I won't get you killed this time ...." Laura thought.

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Neyra, her tight dark spirally curls framing her face inhaled, then exhaled, her warm breath revealed on the cold floor as a brief film of condensation on the floor. Her limbs were splayed as if she had been dragged to the room then dumped without care, and now in her moment of awakening she began to twitch as her mind crawled back to the present.

Slowly as her mind felt the cold hard floor beneath her she began to draw in her legs and arms closer to her body and then with a sudden flinch snapped open her eyes. Immediately her mind went into whirl as it sought to resume where it had been abruptly paused. With a rapid crawl she head into the corner of the room ...

"Oh god oh god oh god ..... Lau... Laura .......LAURA ? Oh my god ... where ....." Neyra said aloud before raising a hand to her head. The headache she had seemed to pierce right through her eyes.

Backing herself into the corner Neyra rose to her feet.

The men, they had ambushed her car with two vans, stormed them, grabbed them, they barely put up a fight. Then there were the guns and then the needles. The memory made Neyra reach up and rub her neck which revealed the tender spot on her flesh from the needle.

"What the ...?" Neyra said as she looked down at herself and realised she was in her new red attire. A little under size it held her body firmly, a little short in the torso the stitching flossed between her labia and revealed the hemispheres of her behind. Neyra touched herself just briefly and in her heart she knew she hadn't been assaulted physically but it bothered her she had been stripped and redressed.

Now Neyra focused on the matter at hand, finding out what was happening and getting out.

"What is this !? What have you done with Laura !" yelled Neyra into the air as she walked forward slightly into the chamber.

"If this is about me ... let her go .... you know my father will ..... TALK TO ME !" Neyra continued.

The silence was deafening and what seemed like an age passed by with no response. Neyra looked about her and began to search for a way out. The walls seemed seamless, and tracing her fingers around the perimeter revealed no obvious edges to the smooth, cool marble like surface.

High above, the glare of lights made it impossible to tell what potential avenue of escape was in the ceiling and Neyra was resigned to having to stay put until someone came to let her out.

Then it happened, the floor began to emit colours from below, red, blue, yellow, green ....

"What the...." Neyra said as she spun around in a circle near the center as the zones began to illuminate.

"CHOOSE SAFE COLOUR ZONE NOW” ordered a voice from out of the blue.

"Safe zone ..... what the .....WHAT safe zone ?" said Neyra under her breath.

"TESTING IN 5 .. 4 ....3 ....."

"No no no no no ... I don't ..." began Neyra in protest.

"2 ....."

"understand ......" she managed to finish saying.

"1 ....."


Stood with her feet straddling the green and blue zones Neyra was rudely informed of her mistake, the shock passing into her lower limbs.

"Oh fuck ....." Neyra said as she crumpled to her knees, the shock just ending as her palms touched down to the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCK !!" Protested Neyra who looked back down at the glowing colours. What colour had she been standing on ?

"This is fucked up ..... I'm not some lab rat !!" growled Neyra into the nothingness above.


"No no no no ..... not again ......" Neyra said as she looked anxiously at her choices before choosing yellow.

"Please please please please ....." Neyra pleaded as the timer counted down from 5.


With her eyes closed and gritted teeth, Neyra in anticpation of another jolt opened one eye and realised she had chosen well, this time she was right. She did the obvious math in her head, she was going to be wrong most of the time, three quarters of the time in fact unless there was a pattern to understand. If the safe colour was random she was looking to be in considerable pain most of the time the experiment ....wait.

"It is an experiment ..... but ..... why ?" Neyra thought to herself.


In an identical cell Laura looked down at the floor. Her instincts had been right, yellow had been safe, if she just kept on trusting herself she would make it through this nightmare. The very first test she hadn't understood what was happening and had received a shock, despite the best advice from her instincts but now she was starting to understand everything.

"Hmmm.... Blue ...." Laura thought.

"TESTING IN 5 .. 4 ....3 .....2......1"


Neya danced and danced on the blue panel as the clicks sounded out the reason for the pain in her feet. By raising her knees high one at a time she could maximise air time and reduce her pain but she was going to get exhausted fast.

"Oh jeez .... THAT FUCKING HURTS ! What do you want me to do ... be fucking psy......." Neyra said as she froze.

"Oh my god ... It . its a trap .... they ..... they are looking for Laura .....oh my god ...... she ... she's got to fail ... she..... she's got to fail bad....!" Neyra thought to herself. All the little things she had learnt of the cute freckled redhead, Laura - Hockey Girl, and somehow predicting little dangers just before they happened was one of them.


Laura looked angrily down at the colours on the floor and confirmed her choice and now she waited for the timer while she used the dead few seconds to contemplate what had happened to Neyra.

"I hope I did the right thing .... I .. I just had to stand there and watch as they took us .... it was the only thing I could to to protect her ...." Laura's mind thought as she replayed in the unwinnable scenario through her head over and over.

"TESTING IN 5 .. 4 ....3 .....2......1"

Unseen by each other Laura and Neyra looked down at the glowing square of colour beneath their feet and prayed.


The shadowy lab coated figure looked along the array of monitors and the bank of readouts and ritually looked down the list of results to find the performance of the latest test subject, the red headed young woman, number 111-TS or Laura.

With a flicker the computers refreshed the screens and updated the statistics, the end column being the basic success statistic.

"Now let's see ......."

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In the main hall the air was filled with the chatter of the young women who occupied it. Some were eating, some playing table football or air hockey while others sat in groups talking. The group who had been taken away had returned some time before but they recanted their tales of more tests and gave their advice on how they dealt with them.

They assumed they were going to have another group snatched away from them, now that the test chambers were empty and the plan seemed to be that they were going to all be put through the mill a second time.

"It's hard to relax knowing they can just take us whenever they want .." Jen said despondently to one of the 'red' girls who had recently returned from the last batch of tests.

"Well hopefully they will leave the 'two' group alone for a while ...." said the curly haired brunette girl. Her name was Maria and she, like the others, had sought to try and avoid becoming just a number though every now and then she would respond to "SeventyTwo".

"How was it ?" Jen asked, placing her hand on the other girl's upper arm.

"It was fucking bull shit .... that's how it was ..... climb out the hole before you get zapped .. it was like 10 feet deep...."

"You're kidding ....." Jen exclaimed.

"Honestly ..... I lost count how many times I got shocked, and it went on and and on ....what the fuck is it all for - and what is this colour bullshit about ....." the red clothed girl said, her hands gesturing between their red and white attire.

"I'm sorry, I don't know ..... the shocks.. they hurt me too and I don't know why they want me to guess a colour or stay on the ramp and I am dreading this climbing test you're talking about ...." Jen said trying to console the other girl.

"Well - at least they keep us clean, fed, and we have a safe bed , I guess it's been the best few days of my life just recently ...." the young woman said. Taken from the road hitch hiking, having been on the run from her abusive step father, life hadn't been the best it could have been.

"Yeah... listening to a lot of the talk here it ... it's made me realise how lucky I have been ..." Jen said meekly. For her, life had been trouble free save for the absence of her mother, especially in those more awkward years of transforming into a young woman. Now, here she was surrounded pretty much at a ratio of ten to one by the "have not's".

"Do you think there will be any more groups ?" Maria asked as she played with one of the curls in her hair.

"Sam said she thought there was room for another group ...." Jen answered, her eyes looking up and away as her she recalled what Sam had said.

"Oh Sam, yeah she was in my group, she's cool ......" Maria answered almost causing Jen to blush.

"Yeah, she's been great ..." Jen gushed which triggered Maria to glance back at her with seemingly knowing eyes.

"Oh I mean ... you know, explaining how things work ......" Jen said trying to cover herself.

Sam was playing table football across the hall and Maria glanced over to her just in time to catch Sam smiling back, presumably at Jen only to look away when she realised she had been spotted. Jen could read Maria's face and Maria knew it, there was something going on between those two.

"Please ... don't tell ....." Jen blurted.

"Relax ... jeez, it's not like you are the only one ..... but I won't say anything careful huh ... we don't know how long we will be here together ....." Maria said wisely.

Jen glanced about her, doubtful of the existence of these others but felt heartened to know she might not be alone. Being different by wearing white was enough as it was without any more complications.


Laura woke with a start in the pitch black room and froze, aware of a presence nearby. Listening, analyzing, thinking, Laura decided it was safe to try and figure out her new situation and summonsed the courage to speak.

"Who ... who's there .....?" Laura whispered.

"Nhghhh....." groaned an unfamiliar voice, a female's voice.

Laura's head turned as she slowly tried to get a bearing to the voice and reached out a hand only to discover she was laying on some sort of raised island. What lay below ? How far down was it to the floor ?

"He...hello ..." Laura ventured once more.

"Who .... who's that?" asked another voice from another direction. The voice seemed just as nervous as Laura was.

Laura snatched her head around to the new source of sound. There seemed to be more than one person in the vicinity.

"My .. my name is Laura ....." Laura began - her eyes desperately trying to resolve the world hidden in the pitch black room.

"I.. I'm Drew .... c...can you see anything ...."

"No .... it's like I am on some platform ..." Laura explained as her hand nervously slid down the side of the raised platform wondering what lay below.

"Oooh my head ....." groaned a new voice in another direction.

"Shit ... there are more here ?" Drew said in surprise.

"Hello ?" Said a new voice nervously.


Suddenly the fluorescent lighting began to flash into life the flashes of light like lightning, revealing the scene to everyone in the room for a brief moment before the lights became fully illuminated.

Laura found herself in a room with nine other young women, some were barely awakening while others were laying sat on their side. All dressed in tops and shorts there was silence a moment as everyone took in the sight of everyone else, sizing each other up. Laura suddenly remembered her friend and panned her head around looking for ....

"NEYRA!" Laura shrieked. "Oh thank god .." she said as she lept from her platform to the floor and went over to Neyra who was laying prone.

Neyra stirred as whatever drug had been used on her started to wear off and was promptly greeted by Laura who gave her a firm embrace.

"Oh thank god you are ok ...." Neyra began to say as her mind rebooted.

"What the hell is that ..." Laura said as she noticed a collar around Neyra's neck then realised she had felt the same thing on herself, her hands rising to her throat confirming she wore the same thing.

"They ... they didn't touch you .. did they ?" Neyra began.

"No . I ... I'm fine ..... honestly ....... I woke up in some kind of cell and then the shocks started ...." Laura began.

"Oh shit .. the tests ...... they are ..." Neyra began to blurt before shutting herself off.

"Shh .. I know ......." Laura's eyes flashed angrily at Neyra a moment.

The relief Neyra felt was evident on her face and her "oh thank god" only confirmed it.

"On the ramp I scored a fat zero and the colour choice I was about one in four ...." boasted Laura quietly.

"So .... now what ?" Neyra wondered aloud as she began to haul herself to her feet.

"Yeah, so now what, 'whitey' ..... are you meant to be like the leader or something ?" growled another young woman, her distinctive looks revealing her Japanese lineage.

"What did you say ?" Neyra stabbed back, shocked at the inference.

"Well....'Red' .....explain to me what the colour deal is ....Red...Red...Red ...Red...Red....WHITE...Red ...Red ...Red ... me... Red ....need I go on?" the Japanese girl said as she pointed to each person in the room.

Neyra was smart and she realised straight away, perhaps somehow "they" knew Laura was the person they were looking. Laura's stomach churned in fear a moment as she realised that she was probably part of something bigger than she could have imagined.

"I dont know, maybe they ran out of red ....jeezus, we are all in this together so cut her some slack, she doesn't know any more about this than you do..." Neyra said in Laura's defense as she took in Laura's attire her eyes flashing in surprise.

"What ?" Laura frowned.

"You'll figure it out ... just .. I .... I'm sorry ....." Neyra said apologetically.

"Wha .... oh ......" Laura said as she glanced down at herself. On her top was a small patch with a green cross and a capital I in one corner and her shorts, unlike everyone elses had a subtle stitched in panty line.

"Oh for fucks sake ....." Laura protested her eyes rolling.

"I'm sure they will figure it out you don't need them ....." Neyra said in a conciliatory tone. Being kept diapered was meant to be a secret domination but whoever had captured them had assumed she had some medical issue and had planned accordingly, and so her non-existent condition was now on display for everyone to know.

Now as the questions whirled and everyone was awake the floor began to transition to a familiar yellow shade prompting concerned voices.

"PROCEED TO GREEN AREA" announced the automated voice as an opening passageway with a green lit floor began to be revealed.

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Jen and Sam disposed of the plates and plastic containers that had held their evening meals and walked back to one of the little islands of sofas and tables. Maria was there amongst the myriad of young women talking and giggling among themselves.

"This is going to be a drag if this carries on for much longer" Sam said glancing around her.

"You think?!" scoffed Jen. "We've played some of these games to death already ... I wish they gave us some art stuff or something .... I could at least get creative while I am stuck in here ... even making license plates would be a change .."

"Hey, we're abductees, not prison inmates .." Maria laughed.

"I know but .... I can only whip your butts on table football so many times .." Jen joked.

"Oh.. really!" Sam exclaimed here bright eyes shining mischievously. Sam had an image of Jen on all fours on her bed while Sam wickedly flicked her own rolled up vest top at Jen's behind.

Sam emitted a thoughtful "Hmmm" as the image faded.

"What?" Jen frowned.

"Oh ..nothing .." Sam replied noting Maria's watchful eye.

"Oh ... look ........ the floor ....." a voice exclaimed as their area went from its harmless plain white to green.

The hall erupted onto a mixture of groans, shrieks and protest as a distinct perimeter of yellow formed at the edge of the hall and red beyond that as the opening formed to reveal the corridor that led to the test chambers.

"Oh . it's a new group!" said a voice.

"New group !!" could be heard being murmured and the young women collected at the edge of the green zone to see the new arrivals.

The new arrivals approached nervously into the hall, their movement almost like a flock of sheep being herded into a pen. The floor changed to the safe green colour ahead of them and encroaching from behind was the ominous red glow. The young women had almost been conditioned to avoid the menacing crimson colour and so they exited the corridor before it was finally closed off.

Gradually the floor of the hall was restored to its neutral white colour and the two groups were left looking at each other. The hall was silent for a moment before one of the newcomers finally broke the silence.

"Please .. tell me this is reality TV or something ....!" said a voice.

"I wish ...."
"SHE wishes you mean ..."
"We hoped that too...."

Those were amongst the many replies as the gap slowly closed between groups.

"Where are we ...... why are we here!?" the new group began to say.

"Are they looking for us ...... does anyone even know where we are ?" was the unhelpful answer back.

Some girls found it incredible that their situation wasn't on the news. It was quickly becoming clear that neither group knew much more than the rest, the ones inside had done the same tests the newcomers had and the world outside didn't even know of the missing people and their plight.

"J .. Jen?" piped up a voice. "Is that ...... shit .... JEN!"

Jen who's head had bobbed up and down over the shoulders of the crowd had been spotted.

"Laura ..... but ..... how .. why .......?!" Jen replied astounded.

The cluster of people between the old friends parted, sensing the reunion and Jen and Laura merged in a tight embrace overlooked by dozens of others, Neyra and Sam included. Sam hovered at the edge of the pair's personal space and then caught sight of Neyra who had noticed her. Neyra read Sam like a book, she looked to be left somewhere between envy and spurned. Neyra realised she would probably have felt the same except that she knew of the missing Jen and her special friendship with Laura. Evidently poor Sam had not had the benefit of this knowledge.

Sam, was momentarily left speechless. Her normally self confident aura evaporated as she felt irrelevent compared to this Laura character. Eventually Jen and Laura broke their embrace and a tsunami of questions flowed out of their mouths.

"The police are looking for you, are you okay?"
" Is my dad ok, he must be going nuts?"
"When did you get here?"
"Why are we here ..... what's going on?"

Sam and Neyra watched on as the dialogue streamed forth until the pair ran out of breath and their watching friends finally managed to cut in.

"Hey ..... I'm Neyra ... Laura's friend .." Neyra said, hands on her hips, sensing an opportunity to speak.

"Oh ... hi .. I .. I'm sorry ... and this is Sam ... she ... she's been helping us ..... oh god there is so much to tell ..." Jen replied, suddenly conscious they had excluded the others.

Sam leant in and gave Laura a peck on the cheek, her eyes analyzing Laura and Jen, trying to read what the deal was between them. Neyra watched Sam absorb the situation and knew that she was starting to calm down. Neyra wasn't sure if she liked Sam yet but she was smart enough to know that Sam's boat of emotions had been rocked by a big wave and she needed time to reset her sails.

"Come on, let's get you some food and then we can talk ...." Jen said as she turned back to face Sam, totally unaware of the waves she had just made.

"Food .... great ....... I'm starving .." Laura said enthusiastically.

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It must be some huge criminal organization behind all this. The expense of running a project like this would be immense. What would be worth the millions it is costing them to fund such an endeavor? Certainly it can't be just the pleasure of smoking out one meta-human? They must have an end game in mind that will create billions in revenue. Maybe we'll get to see the head honchos behind all this soon? In any case, it's an interesting story albeit a bit scarce on peril.
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Neyra's plastic spork plunged into the pre-packed salad, impaling a mix of tuna and lettuce before it was promptly devoured all the while listening to Sam explain all that they knew.

"...the ones in white like Jen, and Laura, they seem to be the focus." Sam continued.

"But, we've no idea why, I'm scared they did something to us, like a drug trial or something .." Jen said as she played with her wrist strap with its serial number reminding her of her 'TS' status.

"Oh ... I doubt that ...." Laura said trying to reassure her friend, she doubted their captors were testing drugs on Jen, it seemed more likely it was Laura they were looking for with their tests.

"Really? We can't really be sure about anything..." Jen replied despondently.

"Well, surely you must of talked about this, I mean, the TS group, don't they have anything in common?" Neyra asked.

"Well a bit ... I mean ...... not in depth ...." Sam shrugged.

"Well, surely it can't be a coincidence that Jen AND Laura are here, they know each other from before and they are in the test group ... assuming that's what it means .... or trial ... whatever" Neyra said, glancing between the young women at the table.

"How do you know each other, were you at the same schools or something?" Sam asked.

"Oh we've known each other for like forever - we're practically sisters ..." Laura gushed prompting Neyra to put her hand on Laura's back. While to Laura her relationship to Jen was a positive thing Neyra knew that it had come at a cost, they had been united due to the death of their respective mothers when .....

"Wait ... the .. the accident ...... your mothers ....." Neyra said pausing a moment.

"Oh ... yes .. Laura and me ... our mothers died in labour, they were friends and had been together when there was an accident. The doctors managed to save us but ......." Jen said with sadness.

Neyra saw that now Sam had finally found her place again, placing her head on Jen's shoulder as she gave an affectionate hug. Sam now realised Laura wasn't a rival, she was a sort of sister.

"I'm sorry ..... " Sam said as she tried to find some words.

"It's ok .. it happened .... it's dad, both our dads that we feel sorry for most .." Jen said provoking a nod from Laura.

"So ..... wait ..... that means your birthday .... it's the same day right?" Sam asked with a frown.

"Yeah, it's just been ....." Laura replied.

"But ... I thought I remembered someone else saying ... ......." Sam trailed off as her eyes scanned the hall for someone.


Soon Sam had gathered all the white clothed women together around one of the bigger tables.

"I don't believe it, it's that simple, you're all born within a day of each other!" Sam said.

"OK but what does it mean?" Laura said, how shared birthdays could link them all didn't make much sense.

"Maybe ... maybe it's something to do with something that happened when you were at hospital ..... or while your mothers were carrying you ..." Sam pushed.

"We all ready know we weren't born in the same hospital, we were born in different places" said one girl.

"OK, well, how about medications, were your mothers on anything during the pregnancy..." Neyra asked, trying to think outside the box.

The question provoked a few scoffs but Neyra's glare made them stop fairly quickly.

"I mean LEGAL ..." Neyra tagged on just for clarity.

"My mom had asthma ...used to have an inhaler...."

"Mine had high blood pressure, used to take meds for that ..."

Neyra glanced around the group and noted a fair few were dismissively shaking their heads. No strong leads were coming out of that line of inquiry, perhaps it was something else.

"Well, can anyone else remember anything special about what was happening when they were born ?" Neyra asked, keen to find a link between them all.

"Well ...... there was this one thing ...." piped up one girl, pausing as she felt everyone look at her.

"I ..I remember when I was smaller, if I screwed up or was naughty, they used to say they could take me back and get the boy instead...." the girl continued.

"What boy?" Sam asked.

"Well, when I ... well ... WE were born ...... there was this epic storm going by ... bridges were out, roads were closed ....." said the girl, her vivid green eyes looking amongst the group.

"Oh .. yes .... what was it .... Hurricane Gloria ..." piped up another girl which prompted others to talk over one another in agreement - apparently it had been a big inconvenience to their births.

"Well, apparently some central hospital was cut off and so they started taking women in labour to smaller local hospitals .... it was a mess. Doctors who were meant to be on hand couldnt be there and the paperwork was a disaster ...... my birth went without problems but the paperwork that came with me was for some boy ...." the green eyed girl explained.

"Wait .... I mean .... you're definitely sure you're ....." began one of the other girls.

"Oh no worries there, I was definitely given to the right parents was just the paperwork was wrong was sorted out... but sure there were times they wish they had got the boy that went with the paperwork, not the other way round ..." the girl said with a light laugh.

Neyra listened intently to the young women, trying to take in all the little side comments as well as the green eyed girl's tale.

"What ..... what if .......they are looking for just one or a few people....they know WHEN they were born more or less, and they know roughly where, more or less .... that's why you were chosen....this paperwork problem they had back then .... it must of stopped them from figuring out who was who...." Neyra said.

Laura's heart sank as she contemplated the theory. She had been endowed with some strange abilities, she didnt know how, or why, but she had them and someone who knew she had them was trying to weed her out of the group.

Sam glanced around the group in white sat at the table, she had assumed that they were collectively ignorant of why they had been picked out with this odd status. Now though Neyra's theory presented a different possibility, maybe only a few or just one was different somehow, the other white clad women dragged along for the ride merely by virtue of being born on the same day as the target.

Sam glanced at Neyra who she suddenly considered to be her closest ally. Neyra was smart, thought outside the box, and had managed to help unlock what she considered to be the first real lead in their situation. Sam trusted Jen of course but .... what if?

The young women in white chattered amongst themselves as they recanted their tales of what their parents used to tell them about their births as Sam gestured with her head at Neyra.

"What is it ?" Neyra asked as Sam led her away from the others.

"If .... if you are right ..... one of them may know they are different somehow - they just might not be telling..." Sam said.

"Or...they might not even know .... it was just a theory .... and besides, what help does it give us if they did know?" Neyra said defensively.

"Well .... maybe when they figure out who it is we can finally get out of here .." Sam said.

"And .... what if it were Jen ..... then what would you do ? What happens if they decide they want to do experiments on her ..." Neyra said assertively yet quietly. She knew for sure Laura was a target and for all she knew Jen could be caught up too. Then again, all of them could be some spider-woman type about to reveal some hidden power, she didn't know.

"They already are doing experiments and on ALL of us." Sam retorted.

"I am just saying, it could be the tip of the iceberg, and who is to say we aren't all going to be killed once the experiments are over, or do you think they are going to allow a hundred women out to talk about secret tests being run in some underground lab?" Neyra said, trying to keep calm.

"So ... we're fucked ... is that it ?" Sam said, a hint of realisation in her tone.

"Yes, I think we are fucked ..don't you think the people who can run all this have money and power?" Neyra replied in resignation.

"Well......what are we going to do, we can't just wait here to .." Sam checked herself, her voice had been rising. "To.. get killed .." she whispered.

"We have to wait, look for weaknesses in the system so we can escape.... but if our theory is right we need to help keep whoever it is hidden until we figure out what we are going to do, deal ?" Neyras dark eyes looked into Sam's looking for her answer.

"OK ..... ok ......but ...... we can't wait forever .... " Sam cautioned.

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The evening free period ended and the women got ushered towards the showers, the ritual of stripping, depositing their clothing into the chute and then showering being repeated once again. By now the majority of young women had gotten accustomed to their routine though for the newcomers this was their first time.

Laura and Neyra entered their cubicle and glanced at the big push knobs which would unleash the shower water then looked at each other. This was their first moment of privacy they had together since they were taken, so much they wanted to say yet felt that it might be unsafe to do so.

"I .... I'm scared ..." Laura said which prompted a reassuring expression from Neyra who reached out her arm. Laura did the same and Neyra gently held the tips of Laura's fingers in her hand. Laura felt Neyra's serenity run through her and managed a smile in thanks.

"What would HockeyGirl do if she was in this adventure? She'd be ok I bet ..." Neyra said reassuringly in their code as she studied a liquid shower gel dispenser and the chrome knob that set the shower temperature.

"I ..... I hope so ....and.....The Enchantress?" Laura said as she squeezed some gel from her dispenser, her hand resting on the push knob of the shower ready to unleash the flood.

"She ..... would probably wonder why HockeyGirl let herself get captured ... her slapshot can be pretty effective ...." Neyra said as she finally forced down the knob on her side of the cubicle to start the water.

Laura looked down in shame a moment, she knew she had capitulated to their captors but that was only part of the story, Neyra hadn't had the benefit of Laura's foresight. Resistance would have resulted in Neyra's brains being splattered over the road, executed.

"The Enchantress knows that HockeyGirl can tell when to take a shot ... it would have been an own goal if she had tried ...." Laura said before striking the push knob on her side, starting the jet of timed water.

"How bad was it...?" Neyra asked, glancing over her shoulder to see Laura enveloped in soapy suds.

"She was in overtime was Sudden Death ...." Laura said as she glanced back at Neyra who's head dropped. She had been troubled that Laura hadn't even tried to do anything despite her new found talents but now she thought she understood, one or both of them would be dead if Laura had resisted.

Laura mentally tallied off the passing of time, and knew their privacy might not last much longer and suddenly from behind Neyra found herself enveloped in an embrace as kisses landed on her shoulder blade and made their way onto the soft flesh of her neck as Laura rose a little on her toes.

"I .. I'm sorry I dragged you into this ..." whispered Laura to Neyra's ear, barely audible over the sound of rushing water.

"Hey .... we chose to try this together .... remember?" Neyra said turning her head slightly. With a pat of her hands on Lauras forearms which were wrapped around her waist Neyra spun around and the pair let the shower water cascade over them, Neyra leaning in for a kiss which Laura rose to accept.

Laura's heart raced as she felt Neyra expertly test her mouth with her tongue, the sexual tingle erupting down below in response and the cute freckled red head recoiled a moment wide eyed. Neyra's eyes flashed as she realised what they had done, Laura's first lesbian kiss. The pair gauged each other before Laura decided she liked it and lept back in for more, melting into Neyra's body as the slender black woman's arms settled low on Laura's waist, her hands coming to rest on the top of Lauras behind.

In the control room the figure in the labcoat watched studiously across the camera feeds and made some notes on a clipboard. The pretty, pale skinned red head, One-Eleven, had been captured while in the company of the athletic black beauty One-Sixteen, and it was a bonus she had been brought in, their relationship would be easy to exploit.

One-Oh-One, the one called Jen also seemed to be getting on very well with Oh-Seventyfour, the one called Sam. Their relationship seemed to be in the order of, what's the current saying, a fuckbuddy? Not too clingy outside of the sleeping quarters but.....

A quick glance of the feed from the showers revealed Sam and Jen scissored into one another on the tiled floor. Sam had Jen by her hair, pulling the blond into a kiss as the pair ground their soft flesh at one another while shower water rained down on them.

"You could have at least waited for your beds.." thought the figure before looking away with a roll of the eyes.

The figure looked at the computer generated tables for the sleeping allocation, its complex algorithm crunching the numbers. The array of girl's in red, served two key purposes. The first was to act as a control group during the experiments, a group of similar yet ordinary people to compare against the potentially special test subjects.

Their second purpose was to serve as a selection of people the key test subjects could become friends with. Over time the little sensors embedded in the shock collars and wrist bands had been mapping out the social groups of the young women in the facility. The ebb and flow of their movements, who they played games with, who they sat with, who they ate and drank with, who they chose to shower with....

As time went on, the sleeping allocation had begun to optimise pairings based on friendship and trust, to reinforce their bonds. Each one of the girls in white now had what the system considered to be a 'best friend'. The special friend they did almost everything with, and with few exceptions that friend was someone dressed in red. The system had thrown up all sorts of alarms when One-O-One, Jen and One-Eleven, Laura met but now the system was stable again. Even better, the latest important arrival, Laura, already had a 'best friend', Neyra, no time needed to let her settle in and make a friend from scratch.

The trap was set ...

Eventually the young women dried themselves off and collected a fresh change of clothing for the night. Sam had cautioned everyone to take their appropriate size and colour before being segregated and now they stood in a large group waiting for their numbers to be called.

For Laura getting redressed had been a problem, her fresh clothes being the only unique set there. With the slim lined diaper pre-inserted into her shorts, and a unique small green cross on her top, it was was something that had not passed "giggle" free, much to her annoyance.

There was a low murmur as the newcomers were reminded how the room system worked but was silenced as the ritual of announcing rooms and their occupants began. One by one the pairings were made and they went on into the corridor, sometimes seen off with a "goodnight" or "see you tomorrow" by those who remained behind.

Logically most of the women were stood waiting with the person they would ideally want to be with, another factor absorbed by the algorithms and of course after several full days the system knew who wanted to be with who.

Jen, Neyra, Sam and Laura loitered close together and Sam's eyes narrowed hearing her number called. Jen focused as she listened to the following number and smiled upon hearing that it was hers. Sam had begun to notice that the first few nights the pairings seemed a little random but as time went on she was being paired up with friends ..... and now ... a special friend.

"We will see you tomorrow .. right ?" Laura asked nervously. While most of the others had gone through this ritual at least once before, for Laura and her group it was their first time.

"Uh huh ... and don't worry , if you do anything wrong, you'll know !" Jen said tugging at her collar.

"Oh great .." groaned Laura.

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Laura peered into what was going to be her overnight cell first then looked over her shoulder to her roomate who followed behind.

"Well?" queried Neyra.

"It's a bit basic" Laura said as she entered cautiously into the room followed by Neyra who was looking in over Laura's shoulder.

"At least we have a bed ..." Neyra said noting that they were singles.

"Don't we have to lock this ... with the wrist strap now ?" asked Laura as she looked at the lock mechanism by the inside the door.

Neyra nodded and the pair presented their wristbands to the lock and heard the firm clunk of the mechanism lock the door for the night.

Unknown to each other, both women considered the proverbial three hundred pound gorilla in the room, the subject of the beds. Of course they had slept together innocently once before but their situation had changed things and neither wanted to presume what the other wanted. Incisively Laura and came up with a diplomatic solution.

"Would mistress want a double bed or is she happy as is?" Laura said in a false English accent.

Neyra let out a light laugh, the whole concept of mistress and slave was not totally her scene but Laura had created this mantle for her and she didn't feel uncomfortable with it. The idea of being The Enchantress in the world of Hockey Girl also seemed oddly exciting, nothing like the sexual adventures with her boyfriends or her last girlfriend. Being able to use The Enchantress as a proxy in the relationship with HockeyGirl meant she could test the water whenever she wanted.

"Oh of course, but will you be OK on the floor at my feet?" Neyra said seriously in reply prompting the red head to pout and Neyra to grin.

Ice broken again the pair lifted one of the basic beds and placed it along side its twin and formed a double.

"There is no light switch?" asked Laura as she glanced around the bare room.

"No, they are controlled by 'THEM'" Neyra said as she walked to the far side of the bed, peeled back the cover and slid in underneath.

Laura glanced around the bare room with its basic amenities and lack of privacy and dwellt a little on the grim situation.

"Come to bed will you before the lights go out .." Neyra said with her warm voice.

Laura snapped out of her thoughts and spun around and peeled back the covers and eased herself into the bed.

"What a day ....." Laura groaned as she flopped herself down next to Neyra who was on her side facing Laura.

"I've no idea how much time has passed since we were taken ...." Neyra said.

"I wonder if anyone knows we are missing ......" Laura followed on.

"I guess it doesn't matter, there were over a hundred women here when we arrived and some have been here days, someone must be starting to notice by now ..." Neyra reasoned.

"What do you think will happen to us?" Laura asked hopefully.

"I don't like to think about it .... " Neyra began.

"But .... we should ....." Laura cut in.

Neyra paused thoughtfully as she considered the endgame.

"Well, whoever is in charge is prepared to kidnap people, they aren't afraid of doing anything illegal. They seem to be testing something or someone, and when they've learnt what they want they wont need us anymore. Your guess is as good as mine if they will want to let us live or not......" Neyra said.

"What ... what should we do ....." Laura asked as she noted the lights dimming.

"Laura .... I think ....we will know ..... you will know....when the time is right .... just like in the comic ... HockeyGirl knows when the time is right to shoot .." Neyra hinted.

"I hope you are right ...." Laura said as the last light finally faded into darkness.

Laura felt Neyra's guiding hands hint at her to turn her back to the tall black skinned beauty and felt her lean athletic arms wrap around her, crossing over her chest and gently holding the red head's breasts through her vest top.

"Oh .." moaned Laura as she sensed Neyra take gentle control.

"I'm sorry about the whole diaper thing being so public ....." whispered Neyra.

"It's ok ..... I'm getting used to it ......." Laura answered in an equally lowered tone.

"I understand ..." Neyra replied, as she placed a kiss on Lauras neck.

"Why did ... what is it about them that ...." Laura struggled to say.

"You're the tough little tomboy type and I wanted to ..... well .... knock you down a little ....just very gently .....and I guessed nothing would be more humbling than putting you in a pair ..." Neyra said as she released one of Laura's breasts and let her arm swing down to let her hands fall on the waistband of Lauras shorts, highlighting her plight.

Laura's heart raced knowing that Neyra had been calculating in her treatment of her, and to feel targeted and controlled was oddly a turn on for her. Neyra wasn't oblivious to the change in Laura's breathing and she could feel the freckled red heads's heart with her hand still gently enclosed on her breast.

Neyras index finger teased at the waistband of Laura's shorts and the red head didn't protest, merely letting her uppermost arm reach behind and let lay along Neyra's side and thigh, passively enjoying Neyra's exploration.

Neyra sensed Laura's consent and with the tips of her fingers tugged back the waistband and slid her hand gently inside, lower and lower, arriving at the fuzzy frontier protecting Laura's soft delicate flesh.

"Are you ok ?" Neyra asked as Laura tensed up.

"Yes .... just ...... no one has ....... it's ....jeez .... whatever base this is, no one has wanted to go that far ....." Laura whispered.

"Well in that case .." Neyra said as her hand pushed downwards the last few inches and came to rest on Laura's tenderest flesh.

"Oh ....." Laura said melting at Neyra's touch.

Neyra grinned as she felt the soft ripples of Laura's pussy and the slight moistening of her slit under her fingers. Neyra gently flexed her digits to give young Laura some stimulation then let her hand be still to let her become accustomed to her presence.

"There ... how's that .. not the end of the world, is it?" Neyra said kissing Laura's neck some more.

Laura merely shook her head while her unseen wide eyes and bitten bottom lip told their own story.


The next morning Laura and Neyra woke to the gently increasing light in the room. It took the pair a moment to remember where they were and while it was unsettling to realise they were still prisoners at least they were in each others company.

Neyra, recalling the advice of others was keen to get up quickly. So far she had avoided the unpleasantries of the shock collar and wanted things to stay that way. Being up quickly and out on time to get a change of clothes, have a morning shower and breakfast would help avoid any unwanted shocks.

Rising on her side Neyra placed a kiss on Laura's shoulder, the red head turning her face towards her with a knowing smile. Neyra had been allowed free reign of her body during the night, breasts, thighs, inside her shorts, and for a moment inside of her intimate flesh too, she had fully accepted Neyra as her significant other now.

Neyra leant downwards and placed a firm kiss on Laura's lips and then rose from the bed to use the washbasin. On the basin was two little sealed plastic bags with the disposable tooth brush and a little tablet which Neyra had been told was the toothpaste. With a frown Neyra popped the tablet in her mouth and it began to foam up ...

"Oh...oghay" Neyra managed to say in surprise as she began foam at the mouth before brushing her teeth with the little plastic toothbrush.

Laura drew herself up from the bed and walked over to Neyra and wrapped her arms around her waist from behind, her head resting on the taller woman's back. The pair enjoyed each others warmth a moment and Neyra placed her free hand over the top of Laura's which overlapped her waist.

"Thank you ......" said Laura.

"Yughr gelcome" managed Neyra as she finished brushing before rinsing her mouth. She knew what she was being thanked for,it was the gentle experience of the night before.

"Your turn ...." Neyra said as she returned to the beds, dragging one of them back to their original position while Laura began to clean her teeth, foam emanating from her mouth.

Laura was lost in a trance as she contemplated the logistics of the place again. Someone was cleaning these places, putting supplies in the room, toilet paper, fresh tooth brushes and the tablets as well as cleaning. The catering alone seemed to be a big deal, a hundred and twenty mouths to feed, three times a day, change of clothes twice a day .....

Unseen from behind, Neyra studied Laura's outline, the way her red hair settled on her freckle dappled shoulders and the contours of her slightly muscled bare arms and legs. Neyra admired the way Laura moved, the grace as she rose on tip toes in concentration, the way she tossed her hair with a flick of her head, The Enchantress for a moment was herself enchanted.

To think she she had been serving Laura drinks just like any another customer a few days ago and now she was some sort of magical enigma. In front of Neyra the young woman who could fire spiderwebs from her wrists, climb walls and at times see the future was now the meek, shy and humble girl, just like any good alter-ego of a superhero.....wait!

Laura gasped just as she rinsed her mouth clean, she had sensed "something" and span around to find Neyra right in front of her.

"Wha......." began Laura only to have Neyra's silencing index finger placed to her lips causing the red head to lean back against the washbasin, hands grasping the rim as their eyes locked.

"Laura ...." whispered Neyra "I don't think you're some experiment ... I think you are a meant to be a superhero ...we are going to need you to BE that hero......when the time is right"

"But ..." Laura said weakly, her head shaking in denial, her eyes fixed on Neyra.

"I know ....right now you're not. But .. if you're not the superheroine right now ..." Neyra continued to whisper, one of her dark skinned hands contrasting against Laura's white shorts as she cupped Laura's padded crotch.

"....then you are the shy, weak alter ego instead..." Neyra said as her kind eyes bore gently into Lauras gaze, one of the red headed girl's legs trembling.

Laura nodded weakly. Her senses were screaming, she was just some student hiding her secret powers, and now The Enchantress was in control and what The Enchantress wanted was ....

"Oh you want me to........" Laura whimpered, her eyes still locked to Neyra's.

"Uh huh ......" Neyra said, her hand rubbing the diaper into Laura's crotch.

"Wh...why ...." Laura mouthed, barely a sound escaping.

"Because, the more you accept your alter ego the easier it will be to become whoever it is you are really meant to be ......" Neyra said calmly.



Laura leant in to Neyra, one hand raising to cover her own face, the other holding on to the taller woman on top of her shoulder as she finally found the strength and willingness to disgrace herself for The Enchantress. Neyra held Laura by her crotch and felt the hot release as the red head peed herself, the diaper rapidly absorbing her shame.

After a few moments Neyra sensed Laura was spent, the red head pulling herself tighter into the tall, lean, dark skinned woman as if it could help hide herself from the world.

"Hey .....its're ok ...understand?" Neyra said in a warm reassuring tone, she had humbled the heroine-to-be and now it was her role to help her back up again.

The pronounced nodding of Laura's partially obscured face told Neyra what she needed to know. Only the young woman's pride was hurt, a hot shower and a change of clothes and she would push past this little test without problems. Finally though Laura had had a real taste of her desire, being "Hockey Girl - Slave of The Enchantress" and she was going to toughen up brilliantly, Neyra was sure.

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The fine mist of shower water cascaded past the dark skinned eyelid as it slammed shut in surprise then opened again just as quickly. The dark brown of Neyra's eyes barely contrasted against the pure black pupil which widened in preparation to capture the source of her delight. The optic nerve was firing every fine detail back towards the brain, aiding it to make sense of what was happening to cause such sensations.

Running down a spiral of Neyra's hair one of the infinite beads of water ran to towards the tip, spiraling, spiraling, lower and lower until it grew and grew, waiting to break free. The weight of water weighed down Neyra's locks until finally the droplet, like all the others fell, this one running onto her forehead then down the side of Neyra's nose like a tear, past a flared nostril which drew in another adrenaline fueled breath.

The droplet reached Neyra's top lip, her mouth slightly parted to reveal her perfect teeth which teased at her bottom lip. Sliding free, her bottom lip popped forward as Neyra emitted a moan, her head tilting back to let loose a lung full of air. The moan was chased out by Neyra's tongue which gently settled on her top lip threatening the little droplet which recoiled, slowly running along the ridge of her top lip then down to her jawline.

Her head tilted back, the droplet ran the path of least resistance along Neyra's jawlinen towards her chin which swayed with the pleasured turning of her head. The little drop of water was in danger of being flung off with Neyra's pleasure induced movements but clung on. The route down Neyra's neck was smooth, her skin taught as her head tilted back, the droplet moving on easily.

The droplet dwelt a moment as it got caught in the pool shaped trap at the base of her neck, the collarbones and sternum conspiring to delay its passage. A deep breath, a gulp, a moan, all encouraged the drop to overcome the incline in its path and drop onto the center line which led towards Neyra's cleavage. Down the drop flowed until it encountered a finger which lay across its path. Neyra's right hand, palm downwards rested on her chest like it was there to help contain her heart which beat like drum.

The droplet ran the line of Neyra's index finger, walking the tightrope of Neyras black flesh of the back of her hand and the paler shade that marked the frontier of the other side. The droplet ran onwards to the tip of Neyra's finger then made the leap to her ring finger then off, landing on the top curve of her breast.

The droplet hovered like it was in a moment of gravity free weightlessness, left or right, it could flow either way but fate chose for it. Following the curve towards her cleavage the droplet accelerated as it ran on landing on the tip of Laura's thumb of her right hand, its palm cupping over Neyra's breast.

The droplet could fall into the V formed by Laura's thumb and first finger never to escape but destiny chose for it to run the other way and into the groove of Neyra's cleavage and onto the soft channeled center line of her abdominal muscles. The droplet paused and lunged as Neyra's muscles convulsed in ecstasy, the droplet sometimes threatening to climb into one of the few horizontal lines marking a muscle in her lean flesh.

Downwards the droplet ran as it encountered Neyra's bellybutton, taught and shallow. The sphere of water played teasingly at the edge, skipping over the small crater, momentarily landing half in, half out before lazily spilling forth. Down it ran, like its infinite comrades, all following their own paths, this one running into the neatly kept jet black fuzz. Catching on the first hair, the droplet began to tumble down, ricocheting this way and that, left and right but always downwards then free.

The droplet touched the edge of Neyra's soft vulnerable flesh, tracking just to the side of her clit hood, then between her labia, downwards towards ...

Laura's tongue swept up along Neyra's slit one last time and attacked her clit, the droplets of water from the shower caught by her tongue entering her mouth. Laura's face was buried into Neyra's crotch and all the tall black beauty could do was moan in ecstasy, one hand on her own chest, the other helping support herself leaning back against the tiled wall. Neyra's long legs were buckling but Laura was there to help keep her up, one of her hands gripping one of Neyra's breasts while the other snaked up between Neyra's legs to rest on the small of her back.

"Oh god oh god oh god .... you .. are .... ..... oh god oh god .."


Maria placed her breakfast tray down onto the table and took her seat. At her table were Jen, Neyra, Sam and Laura but Maria barely looked up when she said hello to them.

"Hi ....." Laura said warmly in reply as she peeled off the lid of a small yogurt pot.

Maria sensed something in Laura's voice and looked up to see Laura smile back at her. Maria in that instance could see it, the confidence, the self belief, the .......

Maria let out a weak smile as she took a sip of fresh orange juice, swallowing it down.

"You know .." Maria began. "...It's strange, I have a good friend...had ...before I ran away.. .... we do a lot together, I know her genuine laugh, her fake laugh .. I know when she is sad ..... I knew when she is hiding something .....I knew when she is frightened and when she is mad .... and she can probably say the same about me too."

"I'm sure you'll see her again ...." Jen said as she took a mouthful of cereal from her spoon.

"My point is ...... I remember a day that she changed .... she was suddenly different, she was just chilled, she wasn't worried about who liked her or not, she didn't worry if she was thought to be cool or not ..... she had this air of not worrying any more .... not like superiority but ....."

Neyra looked knowingly at Maria, she understood what Maria meant and a sideways glance at Sam confirmed she knew what Maria meant too.

"........ it was only later that I understood what she had been feeling .... not having known it for myself at first .....the same feeling I get from you too ...." Maria said casting a glance at Laura.

"Busted - first timer !! " Jen smiled, casting a permissive glance at Sam who put her hand on Jen's back in reply.

"But....." Laura began confused.

Maria glanced at Jen and wondered if she had told Laura about Sam. She knew Laura and Jen were best friends since childhood, surely they would know ... wouldn't they?

"Wait .....hang on ......Jen ?!....What?..Sam??!" Laura continued before the table erupted into giggles.

"Oh apparently not .." Maria thought to herself.

Maria shook her head dismissively while she contained her laughter seeking out the next piece of breakfast to devour. Jen and Laura were now united in a new way and no longer was it a secret.

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One of the girls passed Neyra the cautionary note that had been left with a stack of blank paper and some art supplies. Someone it seemed had been listening, the art supplies were there to give the young women something new and different to do but the printed note ordered that any work was to be left behind and the assortment of supplies to be returned at the end of each period.

Several of the women got to work on their own little ideas and Neyra, with an approving nod from Laura found herself a plain pencil and set herself to work. She looked forward to being able to draw again, just to help her pass the time, and quickly she chose a quick project she wanted to do.

Convincing Sam and Jen to sit for her, Neyra tried something she hadn't done for a while, caricatures. Quickly Neyra's right hand got into the flow of expressing her subjects as bobble headed exaggerations but somehow making them recognizable. Soon oversized heads sat on petite bodies dressed in their respective colours and beneath that their names and serial numbers. Interest quickly brewed and Neyra soon had a group of women stood over her shoulder watching her every little move as she somehow converted simple lines into oddly accurate yet exaggerated representations of the women in front of her.

Gradually something like a queue began to form and Neyra had a cluster of about a dozen girls sat nearby politely waiting while talking and laughing, wondering how their pencil drawn selves would look. Eventually Laura came back to the ever popular Neyra and looked at what she was doing. The girls had admired their illustrated selves for a moment but reluctantly left their picures behind on a table with the others.

"Perhaps they will let us have them, afterwards?" was an often heard comment which made Neyra cringe inside, she daren't even contemplate an afterwards, she felt that was wishful thinking.

Laura leafed through the pieces of paper, admiring Neyra's handy work, it was pretty good and she recognised several of the people quite quickly.......

"Oh no no no ....." Laura said as she saw the edges of one sheet of paper slowly begin to burn, the white sheet curling and blackening as it began to become riddled with holes.

"Laura .. are you ok ?" said a voice.

Laura blinked and saw that the everything was normal again, the paper and the drawing restored to normality.

"What .... oh ....... yes ..... I ...... I'm fine ...." Laura said raising a nervous smile to the young woman who had spoken to her before putting the paper back down in it's neat stack.


The automated voice was met with howls as the women noted the floor changing colour from its usual white to becoming divided into various coloured zones.



The voice carried on with it's monologue but what was quickly apparent was that the special ones wearing white were the ones being summonsed.

Laura's heart raced as she dreaded the moment her number was going to be read out. Laura knew her number would be the last to be read out if the order continued and slowly made her way to Neyra who was easy to see in the small crowd, standing a little taller than just about everyone.

Sam walked up to the edge of the green zone and watched the women dressed in white reluctantly move towards the blue zone and found Jen looking upwards as she listened intently to the announcement as it read out the numbers.

"They are taking all the 'One's' , the whites ...." Sam murmured.

"This is new ... what .... what's happening?" said another voice. It was well known that up until then the tests were attended by nine reds and one white, whatever this was about was different from before.

The sense of panic in those being left behind was obvious. There was a real sense that the white dressed women were important but there was envy in both zones, those who would much prefer to be left behind with the women in red and those in red who really wanted to be with the special ones, the ones in white.


"I ... I have to go ....." Jen said, numb with fear.

"Be .. be careful please ...." Sam said trying to brave for her friend. The pair locked eyes a second and with a tug Jen pulled Sam closer and leant forward placing a kiss on Sam's cheek. Sam let out a weak smile then watched as Jen turned away and walked to the blue zone.


Laura's heart raced as she heard her number and Neyra glanced at her, giving her a nod before placing a peck on Laura's forehead.

"Take care ...I will see you soon" Neyra said though she was afraid it was a lie.


"What !?" shrieked a woman. The assumption was that only the white clothed women were leaving and now they were taking some of the 'red's' too.


Some women held their hands on their heads, completely at a loss as to what was happening. What sort of test was this going to be? What was going to happen? Were they being let out, or were the women left behind going to be let out ?




"Kelly? But ..." one of the white group said looking back into the red pool of remaining women.

Sam looked about her as the numbers belonging to red dressed women continued on and then she understood. Kelly was a good friend of one of the group in white, they were in the same room last night and Zero Five Zero her name was Tanya, she was Amanda's friend, a girl in white and they were always playing air hockey together or platting each others hair.

Sam, realised what it all meant .... "fuckers...." she thought to herself.

Taking a deep breath Sam channeled the adrenaline flowing through her body and stepped forward out of the crowd. Bravely she walked, voluntarily crossing the divide towards the segregated group of women.

"SAM? What are you doing ... you .. you can't come .... " Jen pleaded, Laura at her side as they watched events unfold together.


Sam rolled her eyes, her number was called, she was right.

"How ..... how did you know ...." Jen asked, begging to understand what was happening.

"It's blackmail, Jen, it's fucking blackmail......" Sam said angrily.

The numbers kept on being called until Neyra heard her number too, One-One-Six. Neyra walked from the massed ranks of women and crossed the open space towards Laura. Neyra was the twenty fourth and final person summonsed and now the corridor behind them opened up.


The shrieks, booing and angry voices filled the air in protest at the unseen tormentors who ordered the segregated group away and with the sealing of the passageway the twenty four women were gone.

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Laura opened her fluttering eyes and tried to make sense of where she was.Laura was sat slumped in a metal chair, her wrists enveloped restraints holding her to her seat, a screen or monitor in front of her. Beneath Laura's right hand was a simple keypad and she eyed it suspiciously.


A moan from Laura's left caused Laura to turn her head and she saw Jen in a similar looking chair. Jen was starting to stir, recovering from whatever gas they had used to knock them all out with.

"Jen.. psssst" Laura whispered sharply.

"Who .. who's there? Oh ...... Laura... is that you ?" said another voice from beyond Jen's position.

Craning her neck Laura realised that there were more women lined up in a long row. Little did Laura know but all the white clothed test subjects were lined up together.

"Oh Laura you see Sam ... or ... any of the Red's? " Jen groaned as she came to.

"No ....I am at the end of the row ... and if they aren't at the other end then I don't know where they are" Laura said as she strained her neck looking around herself.

Gradually the line of women began to wake up and soon were quietly chatting with one another, all wondering what was coming next. More tests no doubt but what? None, of them knew and the speculation ran rife.



The sinister robotic voice read the command and then the screens in front of the women came to life.



"Oh not this shit again ...." Jen groaned as she glanced down at the keypad which now glowed with the now familiar colour scheme.


Laura looked at her keypad and had a sense of emptiness, she couldn't get a read off the keypad at all. If there was a danger there her senses weren't able to see it.


"Fuck!" Laura protested as she randomly chose an option.



The shock seemed to start at one wrist restraint and pass through Laura's body to the other and was quite painful. It seemed the majority of the dozen women were hurt and a chorus of grunts and whelps filled the air.



Laura looked at the keypad, her finger hovering over a key, suddenly her instincts were yelling at her to press the yellow button instead.

"Oh finally, there you are ...." Laura thought to herself.


Laura tried to do the maths, a seventy five percent chance to be wrong, if she was to stay hidden she had to bite the bullet.


"Fuck it ..." Laura snarled as she hit the red key against her instincts best advice.



"owowowowowwwowwwwww" Laura protested as she and a large proportion of the others were shocked.


Laura looked down at the keypad and let her index finger loiter.


"Come on come on ..... which one ...." Laura thought to herself, her senses completely oblivious once more to the choice to be made.


"Relax relax relax ...." Laura thought as she focused on her breathing.


"Dammit ..... ok blue" Laura said to herself in resignation. Again her senses let her down and she was forced to choose randomly.



Glancing along the line Laura saw the women flinch, twisting and turning in their restraints as they were administered their dose of electrical punishment.

"So much for blue ...." Laura said with sarcasm to herself.


Laura looked down at the keypad, her aching arm protesting as her index finger loitered above the coloured keys.


Drawn by her senses which seemed to return again Laura prepared to hit the yellow key.

"Shit .. where am I up to .... I .. Ive been shocked 3 times now ... yeah ... I think I can take this one off for free ..." Laura thought. She wasn't keen to be shocked any more times than she needed to be and so she permitted herself to use her power.


Without any more hesitation Laura stabbed the yellow key and waited.


Laura closed one eye and heard the tell tale clicks from Jen's seat and glanced to her childhood friend who swore at herself.

"Fuck .... fuck .....fuck .." Jen shouted.

"Hang in there Jen ...." Laura pleaded.

"Its the fourth damned time in a row ...." Jen growled.



Neyra looked through the panel at Laura with helpless eyes wondering if she knew what was truly happening.

"They don't see us, they don't hear us ......" Sam confirmed. Sam was sat next to Neyra and opposite Jen. The women in red were sat opposite their "best friend" and in similar chairs with screens and keypads.

Unknown to Neyra the screen they had in front of them gave a lot more information than what was given to their friends sat opposite.




"This is horseshit ....." Neyra protested.


"We've got to try ... we are guessing for them, this time" Sam reminded Neyra.

"Fine ..... red then ...." Neyra said.


" ......" Sam agreed.
"Why copy ?!" Neyra blurted.

"They survive together, or they fry together...." Sam responded quickly before ....


Neyra's body tensed up as she felt the shock run through her, her aching limbs protesting as the shock subsided.

"Neyra .... you ok ......" Sam asked as she saw her comrade take the brunt of the shock.

"Uh huh .... how did we do ....." Neyra responded, shaking her head to shrug off the tension still left in her body.

"Our girls took a hit ..... you did too ..... but .... I dodged again ........ Jen hasn't let me get hit yet ...shes three out of three for me ....."

"But ......." Neyra looked down confused as she tried to take in the statistics on her own screen.

"I don't know how but she's saved me three times, she's useless guessing for herself but for me shes guessing great ...."

"Oh my god ....." Neyra said aloud as she realised. What if Jen was special too .....


In the control room the figure noted with interest how the test was progressing. The new control software was working well and the newly configured test procedure was already yielding some very very interesting results.

Test subject ONE-ZERO-ONE, Jen, had so far scored a hundred percent perfect in the new empathy test although she was scoring zero for herself. Although Jen didn't know it, the test alternated between protecting her friend and herself and although she was letting herself down just like all the rest she was excelling at protecting her new best friend, Sam.

The lab coated figure pondered the probability that ONE-ZERO-ONE hadn't fully developed her abilities, or perhaps would never develop them fully, she was after all the product of an unintended experiment.

"Ah well, may as well let it play out ...." the figure concluded as they studied the progress of the test.


"Say that again ?" Neyra shook her head.

Sam looked over her own screen once more to double check the source of Neyra's confusion. They had done eight tests now and the stats were updated.


"Yeah .... she's at four for four now ..."

Neyra looked at Sam, had Jen confided anything to her she wondered. Had she confided anything to Laura even? Surely they both would be trying to keep their powers secret so why was Jen doing this? Then again, was Laura capable of performing this feat too?

Neyra's brain whirled at a dizzying pace as she was throwing the math around in her head as well as all the implications.


"Which one now?" asked Sam

Neyra had been lost in her own fog and now it was their turn to choose a colour for their partner once again.

"Fuck I don't know, Green maybe ?" Neyra said in panic.


"Ok . green ......." Sam replied, striking a key on her pad.


Neyra took a hit again as she felt the wrath of the shock running through her body.

"Dammit Laura ....... give her a break .." screamed Sam. She assumed that Laura's chances were as good as anyone elses at guessing correctly but compared to her luck from Jen she couldn't help feel Neyra deserved better fortunes.

"Ohh god ... kill me ...."growled Neyra, she didn't really want to die, it was said with gallows humour but she really hoped Laura would at least guess right just once in a while.

"Either this thing is broken or it's rigged or something, there is no way she is guessing right for me, five times in a row .... I can't guess jack-shit at the moment and she is a hundred perc......oh.......... fuck ....." Sam cut herself off and looked with shock at Neyra.

Neyra's eyes flashed their warning "DON'T SAY A WORD!" they ordered.

Sam now felt a sense of desperate helplessness. Jen was betraying herself, SHE was the one 'THEY' were looking for, she was the reason for all their suffering. Was she a mutant or an alien or something? Regardless of what she was, someone had gone to a lot of trouble to uncover her and now there she was revealing her mysterious ability.

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The figure had stood watching mesmerized by Jen's results as they came in, occasionally going to the water cooler only to return enthusiastically to their spot to see the latest statistics.

ONE-ZERO-ONE TS - Jen - 100 percent perfect.

A click of a key and the figure pulled up a zoomed image of Jen as she looked down at her keypad making another choice. This time it was a choice for herself, the figure folding their arms as they saw Jen get shocked only to shake her head in protest.

"Your journey is not quite over..... but theirs is...."

The figure clicked away from Jen and glanced over the array of other women in the test chamber.

" will live on ... for now...."


TEST COMPLETE - said the robotic voice in the test chambers, the air filling with the sound of relieved sighs.


With a pneumatic hiss the wrist restraints popped open and the women discovered they were finally free of the torment. Many flexed their aching hands before starting to rise, their legs exhausted from all the electrical stimulation they had received and a few stumbled as they tried to rise to their feet.

On the opposite side of the facing wall Neyra and Sam and the other red clothed women could see their partners through the one way panels. Neyra hoped that she and all the others would be reunited soon though she feared for Jen. If Sam had been fed the truth then Jen's performance would stand out a mile.

PROCEED TO THE GREEN ZONE - announced the automated voice.

The floor space began to light up red with an area beyond an opening corridor illuminating in green and it was evident that both sets of women would be united in a holding area together. The aching limbs of all the women carried them in single file and slowly they began to get collected together.

"Jen!" cried Sam as she saw her friend emerge into the green spaced holding area with all the rest.

"Sam? Oh my god, are you okay, what did they do to you ... we 've...." Jen began to say.

"We . we saw it all .... we could see you through the wall ....... we figured you couldn't see us.."

The fact that one group had been able to watch the others began to spread amongst the women, and complaints and boasts abounded about how some of them had performed.

"They were making us shock each other ..." was the next rumour to spread.

The women who were in white of course had not been told anything of their results and listened intently to how they had faired.

"What ?" Laura asked as she was reunited with Neyra.

"Half the time we chose, we were choosing for each other. Im sorry .... I ..... I didn't get many right ...." Neyra apologised.

Laura now understood why her powers only seemed to help her every other test. Half the time she had no control over her destiny and so she had felt nothing when confronted by her choices.

"Laura .. listen .. carefully ..... it's about Jen ....." Neyra began to say, catching the attention of Jen and Sam who were stood close by.

"Wha..what about her?" Laura asked, glancing between the remainder of their quartet then back at Neyra.

"She ..... she aced part of the test ......." Neyra began.

"What do you mean , I aced it ?" Jen demanded.

"Jen ..." Sam began as she took one of Jen's hands into her own. "You ... well every time you chose for me ..... you ..... you got the answer right never let me get hurt .."

"I ... I don't understand ...I ....." Jen frowned.

The women groaned, they had just dealt with one test and some could barely walk, their limbs exhausted from the shocks they had endured.




Slowly a small circular spot, large enough for one woman appeared, waiting for her to take her place.

"Jen .... oh no ..." Sam mouthed without making barely a sound.

"Oh god . what .. what ....what is going to happen to me?" Jen asked, her eyes misting.

PLEASE REPORT TO THE BLUE ZONE NOW - insisted the robotic voice.

Jen saw the small pool of women part and revealed the way up to the small round circle of blue light which waited for her. In the opposite direction the green zone extended away and slowly the the safe area began to retreat from the blue circle, encouraging the women to move away.

Jen gulped and with a tear running down her cheek she stepped into the void and reluctantly took her place on the blue circle as the main body of women turned their back on her and retreated. Only Sam, Neyra and Laura bravely remained on the green frontier.

"What are we going to do ?" Neyra said, her tone determined, angry. She sounded like she was at the point of rebellion, confident that this was a key moment for all of them.

"What CAN we do" Sam answered, a sense of helplessness in her voice. The shocks, the conditioning, they had all taken a subtle toll on her. Follow the colours, she would be safe, disobey and she would be punished. Go to the hall, eat, play, be safe, stray out of bounds and suffer the consequences.

Laura's heart thumped like a drum as she watched the passageway open behind Jen, the coloured blue zone encouraging the young woman to make her lonely journey. Glancing back at the other women as they shuffled away Laura had a sense of foreboding ..... a sense of...


Laura woke with a gasp, her mind trying to put together how she had gotten wherever it was she found herself now. The air was so cold, the feeling of goosebumps ran over her flesh, even Neyra who was by her side felt un-characteristically cold.

"N..n....n.....neyr..." Laura barely managed to say, she was so weak from the ...

"They...gassed us" Laura struggled to think to herself. They had all been sent to their sleeping quarters after Jen had been separated from the rest of the group and...

"We've ....... got to get away" Laura said drowsily to herself with her inner voice.

Slowly pushing herself up, turning her head, Laura saw she was in a pit, above her the clear cold sky.

"Ney..ra....let's ....go" Laura barely managed to say as her flailing limbs failed to help her get up.

Finally her eyes settled back on Neyra, her lips blue, her cold dead eyes looking blankly forwards, her body lying like a rag doll with her limbs at impossible angles. Laura flinched away from Neyra then with her almost drunk like vision realised she was lying on a heap of bodies, twenty, thirty, forty.

"Oh .... oh god ....." Laura sobbed as she weakly reached for Neyra's head, turning her now vacant dead eyes to face her, willing it all to not be true.

"Please .. you can't be dead .... I ... I love you ....." were the words Laura's mind ordered her mouth to say without success.

Suddenly from above the sound of a bulldozer roared into life and the sunlight was momentarily blocked as the bright yellow bucket of the machine tipped in another group of bodies chased by a rain of burning paper sheets, one surviving leaf fluttering down and settling by Laura.

"That's the lot ..start it up....." said a voice.

Laura glanced at the sheet of paper, a sketch drawn by Neyra, the images of Sam and Jen slowly scorching away. Above her Laura heard the noise of what sounded like a generator or a compressor or ... a pump?

"Nghoo..." Laura managed as she raised a weak arm and focused on firing out a web. Perhaps if she could ...

PFFFFShhhlll plp plp plp ......

Laura felt a pitiful squelch of liquid ooze from her wrist, barely coalesced, it was nothing more than a fine stringy slime. Laura was so weak she could barely even make a web, let alone propel it from her body.

From above a shower of liquid gasoline began to cascade down from what Laura assumed was the source of the noise. The liquid and fumes overwhelmed Laura before she could even begin to react, her drugged mind unable respond, adrenaline or not.

"Right, light her up !" were the last words Laura heard as she saw a lit rag drop from over the edge of the deep pit.


"What are we going to do ?" asked a determined Neyra.

"What CAN we do ?" replied Sam, resigned to seeing Jen be taken away.

"NOOOOO......!!" Laura raged as she saw Jen pass out of sight into the new corridor beyond "FUCK .... we've got to stop her !!"

Raising her hands to her neck, adrenaline thundering like a steam train through her veins, Laura began to wrench at the collar around her neck.

"What are you doing !!" Sam exclaimed, taken aback by Laura's sudden change of demeanor.

"Can't you TELL ...... it's over, it's all over ......." Laura said, frantic at what she had seen in her vision.

Neyra glanced towards the corridor where Jen had passed through, she had thought the same but now Laura was behaving like the moment in the car when they were caught. That moment when she had sensed danger was coming.....

"You've seen something !" Neyra exclaimed.

"Don.... Don't go to your rooms .... fuck .....why wont this thing .....Grrrrrrrrr rrraaaaAAAHHHHHHHH" Laura growled as she yanked firmly with what seemed almost superhuman strength, ripping the collar from her neck.

Laura could see the door in the distance slowly sweeping closed behind Jen, the wide aperture shrinking every moment.

"What?" Neyra said in confusion.

"DONT GO TO YOUR ROOMS, RESIST, FIGHT, BUT DO.... NOT.... GO !" Laura said as she yanked the wrist strap from her arm.

"How did you do that.....Laura, fuck ....!?" Sam exclaimed as she saw a red band of skin develop on Laura's neck where she had wrenched the collar free.

"Take these .... hopefully they'll think I am with you ....." Laura said as she turned away from Neyra, her arm stretched behind her, collar and wrist strap in hand. Laura looked intently ahead, focused on the task ahead.

"But where will you be?" Sam said glancing back at the others who were leaving along the corridor.

Neyra had a moment of clarity, she knew one day Laura would become something special, and this was her moment, but the door opportunity was closing right before their eyes. Once closed it would be closed forever.

"She will be saving US !" Neyra said as she put a hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Fuck ..." Sam said feeling hopeless. The green zone was receeding away, she had to follow, as did Neyra, and Laura was now on her own set path.

"Come on - we have to stop the others .. we mustn't go to the rooms" Neyra said firmly as she walked away purposefully after the others.

Sam looked at Neyra then back at Laura only to see she had gone, a tell tale shadow just passing through the closing door before it finally shut.

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Laura made her way into the new, previously unexplored corridor and found she was in somewhere much more different than the areas that had previously been revealed. The walls were concrete and rough, strip lighting overhead with plastic cable ducting running in all directions.

Laura looked about for Jen but could not see her so cautiously proceeded ahead. Reaching an intersection Laura noted some signs.

Laura cocked her head as she listened to her tingling senses which all seemed to contradict one another. Laura felt that Jen would have been taken to SPECIAL PROJECTS while CENTRAL CONTROL seemed to hold the fate of the others left behind. Laura was torn but if Jen was one of the keys to this whole mystery then she had to be rescued first.

"Special Projects it is ....."

The corridors were silent save for the buzz of the light fittings or the hiss in what she presumed were gas pipes. Laura cautiously tiptoed onwards listening for voices, or counting the steps back to the door marked janitor supplies. She need not have worried though as it seemed she was pretty much alone.

Arriving at a T junction Laura was confronted with the predicted choices;


"I guess I go right then ......" Laura said to herself as she turned a corner only to be confronted with a door.

"Locked .." noted Laura with a subtle turn of the handle and a gentle push. Laura studied the lock, it appeared to be a simple key in the handle style mechanism. Very sloppy, having a very secure exterior only to have this weak underbelly beyond that.

With a slight snarl in her face Laura wrenched at the handle and sheared out the lock, it was an abrupt, blunt, but very effective attack. With a subtle crunch the door swung open relatively easily and Laura entered into what look some sort of lab.

Laura glanced down in wonder at her hands, she had become very strong over a short period of time it seemed. Inside, all sorts of large laboratory analysis equipment occupied the room, a handy sign indicating what they were overhead.


"What is all this stuff ......." Laura wondered to herself as her bare feet pitter-pattered carefully across the pristine tiled laboratory floor.

Much of the equipment looked new , Laura noted the new smell of the equipment and saw that in places the protective clear stickers over their LCD panels were still in place, ready to peel off.

Laura glanced around the room and noticed several doorways leading off and went to check if Jen was there. Cautiously she approached one room and peered through the doorway. In the room were racks and racks of clear plastic boxes , many empty, some not.

"Are those bugs ?" Laura asked under a whisper, noting one box seemed to be teeming with something looking like centipedes while another looked like it had small beetles.

Laura turned away and approached another doorway and saw through the glass panels set into the doors that it led to some kind of lecture room or something similar. Around the edge was tiered seating and in the center a glass chamber. Laura felt drawn to the room and carefully swung open one of the double doors and slid insi...

"SHIT!" exclaimed Laura under a sharp whisper and dropped to her knees, fortunately unseen.

Inching along the floor up to the knee high wall which supported the glass inner chamber, Laura finally got into position and peered over and down into the room below. This room seemed like it was some kind of observation room for the activities that would be carried out down below. And down below .......

Jen was naked and restrained in some kind of examination chair, legs spread and restrained, as were her arms and wrists. Her breathing was racing, as was her unseen heart and the reason for her situation was the figure stood in front of her.


The man, silhouetted by one of the spotlights spoke, "Well, finally here we are ...One-Oh-One...."

"Please ..... let me out ..... I .. I'll do whatever you want ......" Jen pleaded.

"Please, do you think this is about what I want? This is a job, work, science, I am not driven by petty wants ...." The warm voiced figure said as it moved forward closer to Jen, its face revealed.

Jen gasped as the figure moved into the light, an older man, in his fifties perhaps, an albino, pure white hair, white eyelashes, white eyebrows, eyes devoid of practically any colour, perhaps slightly pink.


Laura was frantic, how could she get down there? What were they talking about?

Laura made her way around the edge of the glass observation room to get a better view of what was going on and came across a small control panel, it was for the speakers in the observation area, hooked up to the microphones in what was the working area below.

With a wince Laura flicked the switch hoping to get the desired result and flinched when she heard voices. It had worked but it was distressing hearing the voice of Jen pleading.


"Wha...what are you going to do to me .... why are you doing this?" Jen said as she struggled in her bonds, the medical grade restraints holding her firmly to the chair.

"YOU, young lady are very very special, we have been waiting for you for a long time .." Albino Man said with a raised eyebrow, his hand resting gently on Jens forearm.

"I don't understand ....." Jen said as she continued her struggle.

"Well, of course, this path was not meant for you .... you are accident.... a mistake ...." Albino Man replied.

"Fuck you!" Jen growled back.

"Oh, don't misunderstand me, I am sure you are a product of a sound, happy family but the traits bestowed upon you were not meant to be yours .."

"What traits ?"

"Oh like your empathy to others ..... did they not tell you..... you saved your friend, Oh-Seventy Four from a most uncomfortable shock session"

Jen glared in reply, the others had told her that this had happened although she hadn't really sensed anything, it wasn't an intentional thing she had done.

"I didn't even know what I was doing ..... I .... I didn't have any control .. it was just luck ... I .." Jen retorted, she was desperate to be free of her current exposed predicament.

"Oh, well that can happen ..... and that is a good sign ...." Albino Man said in a patronizing tone as he looked down at the naked Jen, her eyes pleading, her tears evident.

"It ... it is?" Jen shook her head.

"Hmmm, perhaps I should start at the beginning .... you see .... when the world of genetics was new, it opened up many possibilities ..... and of course the military, they were thinking,perhaps they could create a better soldier..."

"A soldier ... but ...... I'm just a regular girl ...... why ......" Jen pleaded.

"Oh yes, just a girl, but, those scientists, they thought, if they could harvest the traits of other animals, breed out their imperfections while keeping their more desirable aspects, it would be possible to create a soldier. Perhaps as obedient as an army of ants are to their queen, with the ability to move with speed, perhaps over great distances, resistant to sickness and disease, or breathe underwater..... or fly.......some of those traits might actually be hidden within you .....!"

"I ..... I don't understand ... how ..... how did I ....." Jen asked weakly.

"Ah yes ..... the incident ........some time ago, we think near the time of your birth .... there was a storm, it flooded our old laboratory, a specimen escaped, an arachnid ...... a black widow spider. Oh we searched and searched for that spider, unknown to us it had made it's way down a sewer pipe and on to who knows where."

"A spider . but ..... Ive never even seen a black widow ....." Jen shook her head in fear.

"No, but your mother did...." Albino Man said coldly.

"That....that was the accident?" Jen said, calming a moment, she had never been told of what the accident had been, only that her mother and Laura's had been together and had passed away in labour.

"Yes ..... the spider bit her ..... and you were born. We discovered a child had been born to a spider bite victim but with all the chaos at the time it was impossible to figure out who the child was. The bite you see, and the engineered venom it carried was meant to be a mechanism for infusing a set of traits into a volunteer subject."

Jen remembered back to the story of the girl being threatened to be replaced with the boy documented in the paperwork her family had been mistakenly given. The storm had truly caused some chaos around the time of her birth, masking her identity and Laura too.

"So.. you have been testing us all , to figure out which one of us it was?" Jen said wide eyed as she noted Albino Man gently shrug off his white lab coat. Jen realised that perhaps Laura shared the same fate as her but as the man in front of her didn't know she decided to play along with his ignorance to protect her.

"Yes, I knew you might not even know of your abilities, without a guiding hand, MY guiding hand, you probably won't unlock your own secrets, and even if you did, you probably would try and avoid here we are with 12 women, all born around the right time, all from the right area....all we could do was test for the right one"

"And the others?"

"Oh don't worry about THEM, they'll be gone very soon now .." Albino Man said as he thoughtfully thumbed the key and ID card about his neck.

"Why did you need them ?! Sam, Neyra, Maria .... all the others ..... why ?" Jen sobbed.

"Oh I've listened in from time to time, I know you all understand the concept of a control group, they are just there to make sure my experiments were not flawed....oh but of course they WERE VERY useful as friends to care about, friends we could EXPLOIT to find your other hidden talents ....." Albino Man said as he pulled his sweater over his head revealing his torso and ....

"Oh my god ..... what ...... what are you !!" Jen shrieked, if she could have recoiled in her seat she would have.

Unfurling from Albino Man's torso two pairs of oddly formed human like arms appeared, the limbs seemingly skin coloured, with muscle and bone, just like a human arm, yet segmented like a spider's and terminated with rounded off stumps at the end.

"Oh, you see, I am what we call 'Tier 2' , back then when we thought we knew all there was about genetics we thought we could DO ANYTHING. I volunteered, eager and excited to be some super soldier. BUT we were WRONG .... this ......." Albino Man said, glancing at his extra limbs ...

"This is the lesson that taught me that we need time to refine, purify and perfect the traits before we pass them on. You, are Tier 4, your arachnid donor was Tier 3.... and your Arachnid offspring will be Tier 5 ..... "

"Off .... offspring, arachnid offspring?" Jen wriggled in her restraints, watching Albino Man unbuckle his belt.

"Jen ...... may I call you Jen ......this line we are creating is not perfect yet ..... and YOU, I am afraid, carry at least one undesirable trait ........ your EMPATHY, although it is in its final stages of eradication it is still a weakness and has to be bred out."

"When has caring for someone been a weakness !" Jen retorted.

"When we restart this program, when your young are ready, we will be striving to create super soldiers here, obedient, powerful, relentless killing machines. They will serve without question, and they will serve without mercy, there is no place for them to feel compassion ....."

"Like you !" Jen snapped back.

"Yes , JUST like me ..... don't you see ...... I AM the ONE that will ERADICATE the last remnants of undesirable traits like your pitiful EMPATHY, and I will keep breeding it out of our offspring until there is NONE LEFT !"

"Oh my god ....... you truly are a monster ..... you're not even remotely human... !"

"Oh I am human enough ....... human enough to still be compatible with your physiology ... though I am afraid your offspring ..... they are likely to consume you at birth ....." Albino Man said as he tilted his head, dropping his slacks to the floor.

Albino Man's barbed penis unfurled and he placed himself between Jen's restrained legs. Grabbing Jen at her middle with his thumbs sitting into Jen's flesh, he used Jens protruding hipbones to hook on to then leant over his prey.

"I am afraid this will be quite painful but over quickly."

"Yeah, I bet, mother fucker ....!" Jen said through gritted teeth.

"Wha..." Albino Man began

Jen snarled and headbutted her attacker striking Albino Man squarely on the bridge of his nose with a crunch.

"Why you !" Albino Man said as his four extra appendages planted themselves on strategic points of Jen's body, one pushing her forehead back down onto the foam padded chair. Albino Man glanced down between his legs and willed his vicious probe to harden, the spines bristling, ready to help help dig into his prey's flesh and unload his wicked cargo.

"STOP !"

Albino Man stumbled backwards, his feet shuffling trapped in his pants that were about his ankles.

"Laura !" gasped Jen, twisting her head about her to set eyes on her friend.

"Well, if it isn't One-Eleven ...... and how did you escape?" Albino Man said regaining his composure.

"Laura ... he ......hes going to .." Laura stuttered.

"I know, I HEARD EVERYTHING ...... we are getting out of here !" Laura replied as she glanced back at Jen while trying to keep her eye on the monster in the room, his six upper limbs posturing aggressively.

"Oh, I'm afraid Jen here is not going ANYWHERE, and YOU are powerless to do ANYTHING ....!" Albino Man said, a pair of his spare limbs drawing up his pants while his hands re-did his belt buckle.


Laura's senses screamed at her to get out of the way and with lightning reflexes she lept to one side as, from Albino Man's belly button a stringy web like material flew forth at where she had been. Laura clung to a wall about 6 feet from the the ground and looked back at where she had been.

Had she stayed where she was she would no doubt have become pinned to a wall under a mountain of webbing and at the wicked man's mercy.

"Oh .... IMPRESSIVE ...... VERY IMPRESSIVE appears I have misread the situation entirely.." hissed Albino Man his multiple limbs clapping together.

"Oh my god .. Laura .. you .... you too ?!" Jen said in surprise.

"Yes ... me too ......and neither of us are going to be HIS breeding stock ..." Laura said as she confidently dropped back to the floor, adopting a low, splayed stance, ready to spring.

"Well, you seemed to have embraced your traits, HOW did you learn to do that ?" Albino Man asked as he cautiously kept Jen between himself and Laura. He sounded genuinely interested to know her secret.

Laura studied the monstrous man trying to estimate the danger she was in. With his extra limbs and powerful web ability he seemed very capable of overcoming her and she didn't yet know the full extent of what he could do.

"By myself ......." Laura said confidently.

Laura guardedly closed the gap to Jen, her eyes fixed on Albino Man who was figuring out his opponent.

"You are a liar, I see you have the ability to climb, and interesting reflexes or perhaps even ..... a pre-cognitive ability ..... self preservation perhaps?" Albino Man teased.

Laura's eyes betrayed her, her pupils widening hearing Albino Man coax at her with his knowledge of what she was capable of doing.

"Ah ..... so ...... you've started to experience those .......GOOD......" smiled Albino Man before his face turned to a snarl.


Laura found herself strapped to a chair alongside Jen, the pair struggling in their bonds as the fully naked Albino Man looked on, the key dangling about his neck.

"I am going to TAKE you FIRST, One-Eleven ... while my spines are still sharp and hard ...."

"NO - DON'T!" Jen growled.

"You bastard ..." Laura moaned, her head twisting this way and that, her resistance ebbing.

"Oh I am afraid so ...." Albino Man said, teasing his vicious looking penile shaft being careful to go with the direction of the barbs, the bulbous dome engorging by the second.

Laura flexed her wrists in her bondage, wiggling this way and that, trying to force the cuffs further up her forearm before she made her last gasp move.

"That's right you old bastard ....take me first ...." growled Laura, putting Albino Man into her sights as he angrily approached her, preparing to get between her restrained legs.

With a twitch of her wrists Laura let forth her web and was surprised it was more like a watery spray more than the thick web she had anticipated.

"Oh . my poor creature ...... did I not tell you ... the diet we have been feeding you in your confinement was laced with a suppressant ..... you will find your web to be most ineffective..." Albino Man said as placed the tip of his shaft to Laura's soft vulnerable flesh and began to push himself into her.

Laura shrieked as the Albino Man glided into her body, the smooth spines easing the passage forwards deeper and deeper. Albino Man using his six free limbs and pulled against Laura's body allowing him to get the deepest reach inside of her.

Laura writhed knowing the monster was about to deposit his load into her body, the alien semen and her ovaries destined to create a deadly payload of arachnid laden eggs which would eventually hatch then consume her.

"I regret .... One-Eleven that ... while I have been granted these spines which guarantee no other creature could overwrite my endowment to you .... my human qualities still require, shall we say ...... rhythmic stimulation ..." Albino Man said coldly.

"FUCK YOU!!" Laura Shrieked.


Jen observed Laura drop almost into a trance, her hands falling to her sides weakly.

"LAURA ...... Wake up Laura ......." Jen begged.

Albino Man also seemed to be in intense concentration, his gaze looking beyond both of them to nowhere.

"LAURA .....LAURA ........." Jen repeated, what was the man doing to her ?

Jen thought hard, he had mentioned her ability to see the future, pre-cognitive, he called it. Was he somehow hurting her by using that skill against her?

Jen watched on helpless, her childhood friend, her best friend, the one she confided everything in slowly falling under the man's spell and yet Jen felt ..nothing? If she was supposed to be some empathy hobbled failure why did she not feel any fear for her friend?

From Laura's wrists two thick webs fired like they were slung from a crossbow to the floor, anchoring her to the ground, the crotch of her diaper padded shorts moistening in defense of the phantom barbs in her nightmarish vision. Now, the static pull of her climbing ability began to run out of control, her clothing pulling ultra skin tight to her body.

"She's fine but .... he's mind fucking her......... I ......" Jen's head flopped back to the chair, her eyes rolling into her head.


"LAURA .......LOOK AT ME ..." Jen commanded.

Laura, face clenched in agony shook her head, refusing to look her friend in the eye, the evil Albino Man rhythmically working back and forth, maybe only a centimeter at a time carving viciously into her body with his wicked spines.

"LOOK AT ME!" Jen commanded Laura a second time.

"I .. I ......." Laura sobbed, as she writhed in agony in the chair.

"THIS ... IS .... NOT ....... REAL ....!" Jen screamed at Laura.

"But ... oh god oh god ..... he ......" Laura whimpered.

"SHUT UP!" Albino Man grunted at Laura


"Can't...can't break free ....." Laura cried.

"Laura ...... relax ......... let go ....... the only danger you are in is if you actually believe this is real ..... LET GOooooooo !!!"

Laura looked up at Albino Man who stood over her and focused on letting go of what she had been told was a false vision. Albino Man grunted as he drew himself backwards, his spiney probe digging into Laura's soft flesh before he pushed forward back into Laura's body.

Laura's mind whirled, how could this be happening? And then she remembered, this HAD happened before. Not the times when the danger was real, something that would happen if she didnt change course, but the times when someone thought about acting against her ... a hollow threat ......

Laura blinked, in front of her a cereal bowl, the sound of a washing machine gurgling as clothes tumbled around inside. The sense of 'something' about to happen screaming in her head, turning her on, her nipples hardening at the sexy threat. Her spoon slowly rose to her mouth, her hand trembling as a new vision came to her.

Neyra knelt down by the naked Laura, the pink nylon leash coiled in one hand, the pretty pink collar with the cutesy bell tinkling against the "Kitten" name tag in the other. Laura blushed as Neyra in her skintight red catsuit gently collared her neck and clipped on the pink leash before revealing a buttplug with its cute fluffy tail attached.

"COLLAR!" Neyra blurted - breaking the spell and leaving Laura sat in a pool of her own cum at the breakfast table.

"Oh !! Of course !" Laura exclaimed to herself inside her head.


Laura broke free of her trance to see Albino Man ahead of her, surprised to see Laura escape from his mental assault. Laura realised she had used her webs during her trance, but they were fine!

"Dammit ....How did you ......?!" began Albino Man.


Laura fired off another volley of webbing at Albino Man who's larger bulkier frame failed to escape untouched, the limbs down one side of his body getting knotted together.

"Oh you're back ......" gasped Jen as she lifted her head off the back of the padded chair, still restrained.

Laura began to unbuckle Jen one strap at a time, one wrist, then her forearm, then her upper arm.....

"Work on my legs, I'll free my other arm ....." Jen urged Laura.

"You will NOT escape ...." Albino Man protested as he fought to free himself of the webbing, writhing on the floor.

With a few last tugs Laura freed Jens legs as she released her other arm and her torso and lept from the chair.

"We've got to go!" Jen said as she saw the flailing Albino Man gradually release himself from his web like trap.

"Go ahead, follow the signs to the main intersection, wait for me there ..." Laura urged Jen.

"Wha .... what will you be doing ....?" Jen asked, torn between staying and running.

"I'm going to get that key!"

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This story is a treat. It features an original character with a strange name and powers that really have nothing to do with hockey, and everything to do with spider powers. Good intriguing character work and evil scientists. What more could one want?
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A naked Jen fled the chamber leaving Laura and Albino man behind her, the double doors swinging back and forth until they settled closed. In neat pigeon holes were various hospital gowns and scrubs and instinctively she swept up an armful of items from the section marked in her size. Without even looking at what they were Jen began the hunt for signs to the Main Intersection that Laura had mentioned.

Back inside the chamber Laura and Albino Man faced off against one another.

"I should have known ......... the 'special needs' kid would cause me trouble .." Albino Man said as he brushed away the last of the webbing that had momentarily incapacitated him.

Laura didn't rise to the bait, her focus was on the key about Albino Man's neck. With a flick of her wrist Laura fired off a short blob of web at Albino Man who, now aware of her threat managed to dodge, not before realising that Laura capitalised on his awkward movement on his two feet and closed the gap.

"No you don't!" Albino Man grunted, reaching out at Laura with his four handless limbs, enveloping her as he delivered a blow with a fist from his human arms.

The blow landed into the side of Laura's face, striking her cheek bone. The battling pair were pulled face to face by Albino Man's extra arms and with no room to fight his swing was limited and Laura's arms were pinned closed to her body unable to defend herself.

A second firm blow landed from the other side against Laura's head and she knew she had to do something, and with only a few options open to her she took her chances. With gritted teeth Laura raised her knee, smashing into Albino Man's groin causing him to rock forward a little. As his head tipped forward Laura crashed her forehead into Albino Man's nose which Jen had already smashed once before causing him to cry out.

With searing pain in his head and below Albino Man released Laura from his grasp, recoiling from her attack. As he stumbled back Laura reached out and ripped the key from his neck, reveling in seeing his anger.

Albino Man wiped his bloodied nose and realised he would have to raise his game if he was going to defeat his opponent. With a shudder, with a grimace, with the popping of his shoulders in their sockets Albino Man dropped to the floor, his joints crunching as he ....

"What ... the ..... fuck!" Laura was gobsmacked as Albino Man was no longer a four limbed human with extra appendages, he now transformed into something very much spider like. His former arms now his forelegs reached out aggressively as his six other legs scuttled his body closer and closer. This was a nightmarish vision and for a moment Laura froze as Albino Man, his head tilted back on his neck looked her in the eye.

Laura's senses were screaming at her what to do and somehow she found herself back flipping until she was halfway up the wall, her body facing into the center of the room, her palms and soles of her feet holding her fast. Albino Man transitioned from the floor to the wall below her and scuttled up at an alarming pace.

Laura gasped as she saw the monster close in on her, one hand snatching for her ankles.


With a blink of an eye Albino Man hauled himself up level with Laura, his hands pinning Laura's forearms to the wall. The pair were now about 15 feet up the wall, Laura's back holding her in place.

Laura curled her torso and put her knees into Albino Man's stomach and tried to force him off but his middle limbs pushed her back while his regular human feet helped him grip the wall. With a wicked grin Albino Man unleashed his web from his belly button, drowning Laura's middle in his silky web and binding her to the wall.

"Gah ..get off meeeee!" exclaimed Laura.

"AT LAASSSSSSST " hissed Albino Man as his middle limbs, no longer engaged in battle with Laura began to hack at her shorts and vest, ripping them from her body.

"You have FAILED will not make it to the control room in time ....." Albino Man said, his face in concentration as his limbs began to remove his trousers again.

"They're not going to their rooms to be gassed like rats ...." Laura growled as she sought escape. Tumbling down below fell Albino Man's trousers, his lethal looking member pulsing, ready to drive into Laura.

"Oh you think they will hold out? I know those collars won't stay fully charged forever, but your friends need to eat, need to drink ...... who do you think arranges those deliveries .... and after I turn the heating on to full and the last one dies of thirst in a few days time, do you think I will care that I didn't gas them in their sleep?"

Laura knew it was true, blood pounded through her brain, the rage building inside at her defeat. Neyra, Sam, Maria, that girl with the funny laugh, the pair always doing plaits with each others hair .... the table football girl who always seemed to win ... the grumpy Japanese girl, they were all going to die because of her.

"You are a MURDERER ....." Laura growled.

"I AM YOUR CREATOR !" Albino Man said as he glanced down the gap between them both and saw his alien shaft ready to go, its spines bristling. Both knew he would destroy her soft flesh when he finally removed himself from her body.

"Noooo" Laura screamed with a volcanic fury and with her head, about the only part of her able to move pounced onto Albino Man's forearm, gripping his limb with her teeth.

Laura thought she could almost feel the pumping pulse of her blood in her jaw, she gripped so hard. The sensation was almost like a mix of pleasure and release, like an orgasm, the head rush of ecstasy rising as Laura felt her teeth puncturing the monster's skin.

DUM DUM ..... Pulsed Laura's vengeful heart.

DUM DUM ..... Albino Man's eyes widened as he felt an alien sensation.

DUM DUM ..... Laura's canine teeth seemed to quiver, like a reflex as she bit deep.

DUM DUM .... The tip of Albino Man's spiney shaft touched the entrance of Laura's pussy.

DUM DUM ..... With a gasp Albino Man's jaw went slack, his eyes rolling back.

Laura sensed Albino Man go limp and released his arm in surprise! On his arm where she had bit him a pair of pulsing red puncture marks glistened with venom. The half man, half spider went cold, his teeth chattering in his head as his middle limbs began to curl up into his torso and he started to slip from the wall.

"You can........ do ................that?!?" Albino Man gasped.

"You're my CREATOR, you tell ME! !" Laura growled, spitting her words into his face.

With his last breath Albino Man tumbled back away from Laura to the floor below, landing with a crash near to the various examination tables and chairs.

Laura tore at the web that held her to the wall and lept down once she was free. Below, Laura found the body of Albino Man, his limbs curled into his body, still and lifeless. Laura prodded his body to check for any signs of life but only noted the sound of fizzing. From his head a foul-smelling foam began to appear, from his ears, his eyes, his nose, his mouth, it almost seemed Albino Man was dissolving from the inside.

"Oh god .. what did I do?!" Laura covered her nose with her forearm then spun away out the door in pursuit of Jen, the vital key clutched in her hand.

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Yikes! One does not want to get on Hockey Girl's bad side, that's for sure. Nor does one want to be Albino Man's mortician. Not an open casket I'm thinking. :sick:
This was an exciting chapter. Nice job.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Yeah, I think they will be needing a bucket for the funeral - luckily I think that will be a "rage" type kill ability so no one need be too worried if they get a playful bite!
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Laura ran naked from the horrific scene, the terrifying images of the dissolving Albino Man pursuing her in her mind as she fled the lab and into the long concrete corridors beyond. What had she done? It seemed only a few days ago that she had been celebrating her birthday and now she just murdered someone!

Laura's bare feet pounded onto the concrete, she was running hard and fast with everything she had. Making the last turn at a junction Laura saw Jen who had been waiting at the main intersection. Now redressed she stood in a puddle of clothes that she had quickly scooped up as she ran away.

Laura stumbled to a halt , her heart thumping, her lungs demanding air. Leaning forward and looking down Laura planted her hands on her thighs, her body at the edge of retching.

“Oh my god .... are you ok?” Jen asked as she stood at Laura's side, putting her hand on Laura's sweaty back. Laura hadn't noticed yet but her face had been grazed by Albino Man's punches and her front was covered by welts where his handless limbs had shredded away her clothes.

Laura, could only nod as she maintained her position head down, gulping in air.

“Is he coming after us ...?” Jen asked as she looked nervously beyond Laura, back to where they had come from.

“No ....” Laura just barely mustered as she raised her torso, hands to her side as she continued to breath heavily.

“Are you sure ?!” Jen double checked.

“He .... he's ........ dead ........” Laura managed to get out between gulps of air.

Jen's eyes looked into Laura's then back down the corridor then back at Laura. Laura could read Jen's unspoken question in her eyes. “How?”

“He ..... he fell .......we were fighting .... he was on top of me ..... and I bit him ..... and .... he .... he fell ... I killed him.” Laura managed before her face contorted and the tears came.

Jen dragged Laura into her and embraced her tightly. “He ... He was going to kill you..... and me ..... all of us were defending yourself.......”

Laura continued to sob for a moment but Jen was conscious of time passing “We have to go ....I think the others are in danger ...”

Jen could feel Laura's nod, which was good, she needed Laura to focus on what was at hand. Albino Man had said some menacing things about the fate of the others and she needed Laura to worry about them now.

“Take this ...” Laura managed as she wiped her eyes with one hand while offering out the key with the other. She had gripped it so tightly it had left dents in her palm. Jen opened her hand and Laura placed the key into it.

Stooping down Laura rifled through the pile of clothing and just grabbed the first thing that fell to hand, it seemed to be something like a blue runners speed suit and pulled it on quickly.

“Ready?” Jen checked.

“Yes .... let's go” Laura replied as she led the pair off towards the control room.

Making several turns they finally arrived at the control room doorway. It was a set of double doors with glass panels in the upper half. Beyond that was the control room which seemed to be divided into two sections. On the left which was signed “Male Detention Center Control” a uniformed man sat in front of a bank of screens, his hand gently dunking a biscuit into some hot beverage before snaffling it down.

A pair of white cables snaked into his ears and an iPod sat on his control desk. Humming away he seemed almost oblivious to his surroundings save for what he was watching on the monitors. On those monitors Laura and Jen could see he was observing a group of men in what appeared to be in a room very similar to the main hall where they had been kept. On the other side was the “Female Detention Center Control” room, the monitors blank , no one at the helm.

“Do you think that's it ?” Laura asked Jen.

“On the right, yes you think we should talk to that guy?”

“I ... I don't know .... if we can avoid him then great ..” Laura replied.

“OK, let's get in there ...” Jen said.

Cautiosly the pair opened the door and crawled into the right hand room keeping below the height of the partition wall between the two sections. One by one the girls began to power up the monitors wondering what it was they might find.

“Look at this ....” whispered Jen.

On the screen was a schematic of the layout where they had been held. On the plan there were white dots, accompanied by the all familiar ID number they all carried.

“That .. that's Neyra .... and Sam .......” Laura exclaimed in a whispered tone., seeing their numbers with the accompanying dots which moved just a little on the screen.

The dots seemed to be gathered in the main hall although several had gone on to the showers and even more waited obediently in the holding area waiting to be allocated a sleeping quarter for the night. A status message to one side of the action seemed to indicate several things.

The system appeared to be set to AUTO and the current program seemed to be for the prisoners to be allocated a bed. Meanwhile, the white dots in the main hall intermittently flashed red while a message about NON COMPLIANCE appeared. Evidently Neyra had convinced the others not to go to bed as ordered though some had obviously decided not to resist.

Jen continued to turn on more screens and the truth was revealed. A camera monitoring the mainhall captured the other abductee's plight. Many of the young women were writhing on the floor as they were administered shocks automatically by the system and Sam and Neyra were amongst them.

“We have to do something” the pair murmured, almost in unison.

Laura glanced at the screen and noticed the monitor was touchscreen. Noting the icons by what were doors and passageways Laura cautiously dabbed on one with her finger.


“Great!” Jen groaned. “How do we get out of THAT?”

Laura's eyes scanned over and over the screen looking for the offending menu setting or icon but couldn't see it. Jen craned her neck and managed to get a view of the control panel which the keyboard was set into and then she saw it. On the panel, a raised keylock barrel inset into a rotary switch which was pointing at AUTO.

“Found it ..” Jen said with her hushed tone.

Jen kissed the key in hope then with the help of her guiding eyes peered at the control console while she inserted the key.

“It fits!” Laura said as she watched Jen twist the key in the lock. CLUNK!

MANUAL CONTROL indicated the screen along with the status of the collars. The shocks had stopped!!

“Better !” Laura said, almost forgetting the guard sat in the next room, drawing a glare from Jen.

“OK, let's try again” Jen whispered. “If you open that door .... get them to this corridor, it's marked EXIT-GENPOP whatever that is'll have to take them there, to that passage, down to that door then out .....” Jen explained.

“OK ..” Laura replied and then began controlling the first nearby door.


“Look ....” Jen started to say “They are pointing at it ..... they see it ...”

Laura glanced between the cameras and the dots, it was working although they all stood up to the doorway threshold and stopped.

“Fuck .. it's the corridor, it's red ....” Jen said as she changed camera view, tracking the women.

“Fuck ..... ok .... ummmm” Laura found another icon in the corridor schematic and selected green, enabling them to move forward again.

Getting a hang of the controls Laura used the touchscreen to coax the women who had been near the showers or waiting for rooms to head to the same place, the corridor and the door which seemed to be the exit. Laura waited patiently as the dots scurried along the map until they were all rounded up in a corridor waiting for the last act to set them free.

“I hope GENPOP is something good!” Laura said with a nervous glance at Jen.

“Me too .....”

Laura's finger hovered over the icon to open up what was the last doorway and pressed it.

“What are you doing HERE !” The security guard said, stood at the entrance to the room, his hand pulling out a nightstick from his belt.

Laura and Jen, transfixed on their escape had not even seen the guard discover them. Their only question though was, was he in on this conspiracy or not?

“Perhaps you should see us out .....” Laura repied.

The guard's fists pumped in concentration, contemplating some unknown dilemma but neither Jen or Laura needed powers to understand what he was going through, they understood everything. If he was guilty he would have to reveal his complicity in the conspiracy, or bust it wide open by letting them out. If he was innocent then handing them over should be easy.

“Get up ! Where did you get that Key.....Where is Doctor Lawrence .... ?” the guard demanded, changing tack.

Laura frowned as she realised his voice was familiar, frighteningly familiar.

“Oh shut up!” - He would have been the gunman that killed Neyra!
“Light her up !” - He would have been the man that incenerated them all !
“Get up!” - The here and now!

Jen and Laura exchanged glances and rose to their feet and then back at the guard.

“I know you !....... You were with the ones that took me and....” Laura began.

“Look out !” Jen screamed as the guard, realising he had been recognised swung his nightstick at Laura. Laura had sensed his imminent attack too and begun to duck as his swing passed by harmlessly.

“Run!” Laura shouted as she rammed herself at the guard who was off balance.

Shoving the guard over Laura took flight after Jen and the pair fled down a corridor chasing the signs that lead to whatever GENPOP was. Their thighs pumping the two young women found the end of the corridor and a stair well that went up.

Up and up they went, a cacophony of noise growing louder and louder as they approached the top.

All the women were gathered there, the reds, the whites, and now Laura's distinctive blue, all inside a barred off area inside a larger drab gray room. There were windows and sunlight and ... people ..... regular people!

“LET US OUT , LET US OUT” screamed the women up against the bars.

A man in a suit and carrying a briefcase looked mistified as he approached. He had been at the head of a queue talking to someone sat at a desk inside some sort of glass walled cubicle. Visitor Registration said the sign above the cubicle while nearby a large sign read :

“Who are these women ? I thought this was a male only facility ..” asked the suited man with a frown to a guard who was also approaching.


“I .... I don't know !” replied the guard in confusion as he began to speak into his walkie-talkie prompting a stream of gargled radio chatter.


“What do you mean .... you've been ......Holy ..... ...... I know her .......” the man in the suit said as he saw the distinctive Neyra standing tall over most of the women.

“Where are we ?” pleaded one of the women.

“Tell the WARDEN ... the A.D.A. wants him here RIGHT NOW and I want the police here and the frikking FEDS ..!” demanded the suited man.

“Yes sir !” The guard said as he began to relay a new set of messages.

“Just hang on, we are going to sort this out !” The suited man said as he raised a calming hand to the pleading women.


“We don't yet know how the women came to escape but all are said to be safe and .....”

“The assistant district attorney who happened to be at the jail at the time had this to say .....”

“The two women who were missing in what the police named the HockeyGirl case have been ...”

“...... the underground facility was partially damaged in a fire but many of the areas remain intact ...”

“....apparently the prison was mostly automatic with little human intervention .. Police say that ...”

“ .... the experimental underground facility was officially holding only Male volunteer prisoners.....”

“a representative for GDS said while the women were held inside their facility it was too early to spec...”

CLICK ! - The television screen went black – powered off.

“So, suggestions?” asked the man at the head of the table.

“Criminally ? As your lead counsel I think I can say we can contain this .... you have already eliminated the on site risks, the snatch squad and so on, there are no leads back to us.”

“And what of that freak, the albino...... Lawrence wasn't it?”

“Before he was eliminated the guy who cleaned up said Lawrence was dead....he was end of line anyway....”

“True .... but the research, is it safe?”

“The cleanup man destroyed local data in the fire, but we have backups here. The other teams were already starting to lose faith in the arachnid element of the program anyway.....but the research might help them”

“Where was he up to anyway ?”

“He was meant to be resolving that mess .... from Hurricane Gloria ...”

“Ah ! THAT.... I don't suppose we know if he found the right one?”

“The last full backup was a day before the fire ...and the last one was interrupted when the fire took place...from what we can tell he hadn't found the one he was looking for ... and now we probably never will ....”

“Very well ......... civil liabilities ?”

“They CAN prove the girls were in our facility, BUT they CAN'T prove we took them and they CAN'T prove we knew ........ we are going to settle ..... it's going to cost but we ARE going to settle, our contingency will cover it ....”

“How much are we talking, realistically?”

“A hundred and twenty women? Several million a shot ..... you're talking up to a billion liability there easily..... that woman ... Nora... Neera .... well whatever .... her father is quite well off and well represented ... he is going to be taking this on as a class action for all of them .....”

“A billion huh's not like some of them aren't going to be celebrities anyway ..... that kid ... what's her name .... the one in the picture the police released with the comic book cover .....HOCKEY GIRL...that picture is everywhere!”

“We could start eliminating them ....”

“NO .... you seriously think we can get dirty with that lot again? We are settling ... celebrities or not, they will drop from view eventually and the whole thing will be put down to some creeps into abducting young women”

“OK, it's agreed then? “

“Yes – besides – once the contracts come in for Auto Prison installations from the Justice Department a billion dolllar expense will be nothing important”

“Then, ladies, gentlemen .... we are done”

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Laura's heart raced as she paused at the entrance to the police station. She knew what to say, she, Jen, Sam and Neyra had got their story straight but the thought of somehow saying something by mistake haunted her.

“Laura, it'll be ok ..... just tell the truth and it will be ok, remember YOU are the victim ...” her father said as he placed a protective hand on her shoulder.

Little did he know the words that were meant to sooth her mind only served to heighten her nerves, the truth was the last thing she wanted to come out. The only real victim of the event ended up being the vile half man half spider, the Albino Man who she had somehow ...

“Oh god ....” thought Laura as she recalled seeing his liquidized internal organs oozing out of his head.

Once inside the right people were found, coffee was made, a conference room prepared and a detective assigned to take her statement. Laura took her seat and waited, her senses subtly telling her something was ... not wrong ... not off ... just .... that there was a presence.

Laura glanced about the room, her father taking in the view from the window. Laura listened to her senses and turned her head and noticed the mirrored glass panel that occupied part of the wall to one side. That was where the presence resided and she stared right into it for a moment.

“Okay ....I'm good to go .....” the detective said as he returned, pen and paper in hand causing Laura to turn her head and focus on the matter at hand.

The questions began with the kidnapping, easy enough, though Laura was cautious to retell what actually happened and not the version in her vision, the one where Neyra would have died. The detective wanted to know about their voices, their heights, their descriptions, the vehicles they had.

On and on it went, questions about the tests and their daily routine, only to break for a short rest now and then,the detective apologising for keeping the session so long. However Laura accepted it needed to be done and the detective still had about thirty more women to interview during the remainder of the week.

“Do you recognise these ?” asked the detective as he reached for something.

Laura's heart raced, what were they going to be?

“Oh .... those ....... yes .....” Laura said, nervously as the bagged items were produced.

“This is the collar and ID tag they gave you right ?” the detective scrawled in his notes.

“Uh huh ..I think I was One One One ....” Laura answered meekly.

“Managed to get them off huh ?....... We cut the others free of theirs but ...” the detective let the point hang in the air a moment but Laura didn't rise to the bait.

The detective glanced at Laura then down at the pad. He knew when someone was holding back and Laura certainly was.

“What happened, how did you get them off?” the detective asked like it was an innocent question but it wasn't.

“The strap, its kind of like a thick heavy duty rubber so ..I started to work a nick into them.. you know, with plastic knives from the mess hall. When I realised Jen was in trouble I managed to tear them off, I must of weakened them......” Laura said, it was the story she had agreed with Jen, Neyra and Sam.

Laura's father watched on dutifully, casting a suspicious glance at the question.

“Could you tell me about the encounter with the man in the laboratory ..the one you saw after you managed to get these off” The detective tapped the bag with one hand, his pen waiting to write more.

“Well it wasn't really an encounter, Jen had been taken there and I snuck her out .... he went out and I let her out of the chair... you see... there were restraints.......” Laura explained, moving uncomfortably in her chair as she spoke.

On and on the questions went, picking at little details, seemingly irrelevant to Laura's father but subtly dangerous to her cover story but she had plausible lies to cover up with.

“This is just a minor thing ..... all the girls ..... when they came out, were wearing these ... you see these ... this is a photo of what you had all been wearing ..... but you had this on ...this blue athletics gear ... where did that come from ?” The detective asked, his pen hovering on his pad again.

“Oh ... that ....... well the last experiment they put is in went on for hours ...I ...pissed myself in the chair I grabbed the the sports gear after I rescued Jen from the lab....” Laura explained.

“Ah yes ... you were the one that was kept in diapers right ?”

Laura looked up, incredulous at the question “Please ... that was just .. you know ... they made a mistake”

“Look , detective, please don't embarrass the girl .... shes been through a lot ....” Laura's father complained, albeit subtly.

“No, I understand ...I'm sorry Laura ...... this is just for completeness ....... we want to get these guys, right?” the detective replied as he continued his notes.

The questions continued and Laura explained how they had used the computers to help get the others out. In Jen and Laura's version the key was already in the control panel, avoiding the need to explain where they got it but beyond that their story realigned with the truth.

“...... and after I bumped the guard over we ran for our lives following the GENPOP signs ... and that was that ...” Laura said, sounding relieved.

“Okay ......” the detective said as he finished scrawling his notes, his eyes quickly scanning back over the page.

“Is she done now? .... It's been hours .....” asked Laura's dad, his hand resting on Laura's shoulder, her innocent eyes looking up at him.

“Yes, we're done but I think you can appreciate this is a complex case ...” the detective said as he spun his notes around to face Laura.

“Yes of course .. you know , I'm just ..... it's hard watching her go through this hour on end far she's spent more time in police stations than whoever those basta.. excuse my language ...whoever they are...”

“I understand, but a bit of effort up front can save a lot of time later, Laura ..if you could read through that, take your time, and when you are ready sign off for me .... can I get any of you a drink in the meantime ?” Asked the detective.

“Sure .... could I have some water ......” Laura replied as she looked down at the sheets of paper on the pad, the detective's scrawl retelling her truth's and her lies.

“I'll have a coffee sugar .... thanks ...” Laura's father said as he rubbed Laura's back affectionately, reminding her that he was there for her.

“Sure ..... I will be back shortly ...” the detective said as he rose from his chair, leaving the conference room.

Laura used the tip of the detective's pen that he had left behind and used it to track across the sheets of paper line by line, checking what he had written matched what she said as her father diligently stood by her side.

In a side room the detective entered, and saw the back of an FBI agent stood at the one way mirror watching Laura and her father as they worked through the detective's notes.

“Good job .... so what do you think?” asked the FBI man.

“Her story matches the others but ......I think they are lying about something .....whoever the man was .... he tried to do something to her , or that other girl, Jen ...I don't know what but ....I think he had Laura naked and that's why her clothes didn't match .......” the detective explained, his tone bitter.

“I agree ........but ....... that's a painful thing to talk about for a young woman ... I think psychologically she isn't going to expose herself to that revelation while we don't have a suspect ...understand ?” the agent explained.

“Oh of course .. I get that would be like being attacked all over again and for what?..That's psych 101 stuff...” the detective acknowledged.

“So ....” the agent began.

“Look, I'm a father too ...... I'm not going to put her through the mill to find out what the guy did... we've got his description, nothing we learn about the attack is going to make him magically reappear ... if he shows THEN Jen or Laura might open up but ....... for now I'm not doing it ..” the detective explained thoughtfully.

“Good, I'm glad we are on the same page ...get her signature and let her get back to her life..... she quite possibly saved that other girl, maybe all the others too by getting them out.... she's a real hero...” the agent said.

“Sure, of course ...I'm just getting them some things from the vending machine while she signs off, can I get you anything”

“Do they have any Twinkies, I'm feeling nostalgic all of a sudden” the agent replied as he studied the cute freckled redhead, Laura through the glass, his eyes and mind probing at the young woman.

"Sure Agent McGee...." the detective said before leaving the room.

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3 Months Later

Laura's father glanced at his daughter then back at the road, the GPS announcing each turn as he drove. Laura was in her hockey shirt and skintight jeans, her eyes bright and her smile gleaming. Neyra's father had invited them over, he apparently knew of his daughter's friendship with Laura though she didn't know the full extent of what he knew.

“Laura ...I ....” her father began before faltering.

“Dad ?”

“I ... I want you to know ... before ..... before we arrive..... there is something you ... “ he said, struggling for words.

“Dad .... What ?!” chuckled Laura at her fathers fumbling.

“I just want ... need... you to know .... when you went missing .... well the police had to go digging into your life ..... and Neyra's ..her father and I spoke a bit while you were ... you know ....gone...and .........”

Laura glanced at her father as he struggled to say whatever it was he was trying to convey.

“Well, they had to check your email .... web activity ....I just wanted you to know ..that we saw stuff ......” Laura's fathers head seemed to gyrate on his shoulders as if was trying to the throw at her whatever it was he was implying.

“Daaad ! Just say it !” grinned Laura

“I just wanted you to know that we both know, Neyra's father and I ....about .... things ...ok...and we are ok with it.....”

“Wow ..... you're really that open minded – I thought you'd be upset about me liking Neyra keeping me on a leash ... “


Laura's father brought the car to a screaming halt in the quiet, leafy suburban lane.

“Dad?!” Laura exclaimed.

“LESBIAN .. Laura ..... I meant about being ...Lesbi ...oh never mind .......” her father shook his head “Look ... we're happy for you both ...and we both love you to bits.. ....just ...... you know ...gee're allowed to keep some stuff to your self! ” he finished, the car pulling cautiously away.

Laura cringed, burying herself into her seat in silence.

Her father glanced sideways at his silenced daughter and decided to strike. “Talking of keeping stuff to yourself .... I've a confession to make .....”

“What now?” Laura wondered, sensing he was building up to something.

“It's Abbi ... err Abigail ..... “ he mumbled.

“Your NEIGHBOUR? Wait .... YOU'RE DATING !” Laura exclaimed, thrilled.

“Just started .... Why should you youngsters get all the fun !” Her father answered, tongue in his cheek.

“Oh my GOD !!That's great –she's really nice ... !” Laura grinned looking her father in the eye

“Careful .... we could end up double dating sometime ....” He said with mock menace in his tone.

“Daaaaad ..... Nooooo !” Blurted Laura laughing.

The car proceeded onwards, the sound of Laura's laughter filling the inside as he told of plans to embarrass her with stories and old photos when the double date came. The pair now had cleared the air, kinky secret revealed, father and daughter were one again.


Soon Laura and her father were at Neyra's palatial family home and Neyra dragged Laura off for the house tour while the two fathers stood over a gently sizzling barbecue on the terrace overlooking the pool. The two men spoke and drank and laughed as they talked about their daughters.

Neyra's father was successful in the world of construction, and his cherished Neyra was destined for great things. But first she was earning her right of passage, she had started out working more lowly jobs, like her father had when he had started out. Waiting tables and bar work had made his education work and so it had for Neyra too.

Neyra was well grounded with the real world, where she had lived without privilege. Now she was ready to begin work with the family firm, her drawing skills were particularly useful and Neyra's father had hopes she could help turn client ideas into a visible creation well before any architect could.

Meanwhile in the house the women went from room to room on the impromptu tour.

“And this is my room .......” Neyra said as she glanced about the corridor.

“Neat ....” frowned Laura looking for whatever Neyra was looking for.

“Gah I can't wait me show me show me....” Neyra exclaimed

“Ok ok ok .....” Laura said with a giggle, slowly lifting her hockey shirt, the one that now seemed pretty famous having first been in Neyra's art in the papers, then on TV, then in the interviews after their rescue when people insisted Laura wear it.

Neyra with a ravenous hunger encouraged Laura back against a wall, diving into a kiss, her hands holding Laura's head.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” was Laura's only reply, their lips locked together.

Neyra broke the kiss and grabbed the bottom of Laura's shirt and began to raise it up over her head. Laura crossed her arms above herself while she gulped in some air, Neyra's first attacking kiss having robbed her of a chance to breathe.

Raising the bottom of the shirt so it started to reverse inside out Neyra stopped once the neck line snagged on Laura's nose leaving her mouth uncovered but her eyes obscured by her shirt, Laura's arms pinned by her shirt above her.

Laura panted, blindfolded and vulnerable, her senses had warned her but she ignored them, she was safe.

“Wow ... this is ...... awesome ......” Neyra whispered planting her index finger on the neckline of what lay beneath. Dark red and blue, the textured web patterned catsuit under Laura's clothes seemed to somehow enhance her subtle musculature, her flexing abs revealed with every panting breath. Neyra let her index finger circle downwards, teasing each breast a moment, causing Laura's nipples to harden.

“So ..... behind Laura is Hockey Girl ..... and behind Hockey Girl is .......?”

Laura bit her lip as Neyra's hand gently teased down the zip of her jeans and let herself in to rest on Laura's cameltoed crotch.

“Maybe you could decide ....” Laura struggled to say as Neyra teased her through her catsuit down below.

“Hmmmmm Pet-Girl?” teased Neyra as Laura squirmed under her hand's attention.

Laura scoffed weakly at the suggestion, a nervous smile smile appearing.

“Wet-Girl? “ Neyra teased again, sensing that in one way it wasn't a lie. Laura gasped in mock horror but Neyra's mere suggestion made it a self fulfilling prophecy.

“Please .... I've got the whole evening ahead and you're going to make me all wet and clingy down there..” Laura begged gently which only served to turn on Neyra even more.

“Fine ...... im thinking .. Spydra ....... and that's my final offer ...” Neyra said seductively as she gently removed her hand from inside Laura's jeans and held it to her face, breathing in Laura's scent unseen.

“Thank you ....” Laura answered sweetly.

“Come on Hockey Girl, The Enchantress needs to eat ! .....” Neyra said, releasing Laura and letting her shirt back down, hiding the newly christened Spydra underneath.

“Yes Mistress !”


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Nicely done, sir. I look forward to more Spydra adventures. Or should I still call her Hockey Girl? :huh:
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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