Perils of Enhancegirl: A Chloro Compulsion

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Hello and welcome to the third Enhancegirl adventure. This is another two parter, so if people enjoy this half, I'll post the second half in this topic. Hope you have fun with this one!

Part One: A Mesmerised Maiden

"Their cover is a carnie act? You've got to be kidding me," Sophie said, crossing one slender leg over the other. "Next you'll be telling me that Old Man Caruthers was the monster all along." She took a sip from a cup of iced coffee, a relief from the heat of the summer afternoon.
"Don't be sarcastic, freckles," May said, the blonde reporter pouting with offence in a way that made Sophie unsure as to whether or not she was joking. This was not an unusual feature of their encounters. "I'm serious! We've got a hundred massive payments all going to offshore accounts that my oh-so-clever friends tell me connect to The Circle of Sensation."
"Okay, first thing," Sophie began, adjusting one of the straps of her cream summer dress, "that's a stupid name for a circus. Second, why do you think that the No-Law Gang are behind it?"
"Because these payments are coming from everywhere, hot stuff, and I do mean everywhere. High finance, low finance, local businesses, multinationals, even some pretty disreputable organisations. That's the No-Law Gang through and through! They target anybody, good or bad, rich or poor, they don't care." Sophie leaned back, stretching her bare arms.

"This is, like, real thin, May," she said. "This is a big story. If you really had something, you'd print it."
"It's all circumstantial," May explained. "The transactions are all routed through dummy corps, but apart from that it all seems legal. I even found tax records, and in these kinda businesses that's hard enough to find for regular business, let alone shady stuff. If I printed this, I'd end up working for the Herald!"
"You already work for the Herald," Sophie said drily.
"Proving my point: I literally can't imagine how bad it would be for my career."
"I'll look into it," Sophie said. "But I swear, you have, like, gotta stop writing these puff pieces about me!"
"Oh, come on, freckles. Don't you want the good people of Seacouver knowing about your heroic exploits?"
"The people of Seacouver know crap when they smell it. Mariko Asakura's rescue wasn't anything like how you described it!"
"You're the one who said Spectra didn't want to be mentioned." May mimicked Sophie, crossing her legs. Using her own variety of power dressing, she was wearing a sharp, grey blazer atop a matching skirt, showing off her legs. She found that a little distraction was a useful thing in her line of work.

Still, compared to the loose summer clothes Sophie wore, May looked a little overdressed.
"She just sticks out like a sore thumb wherever she goes..." Sophie thought, getting up. Her dress' hem brushed her knees as she rose from her seat. "I'll do it, May," she said. "Just...stop calling me a "flame-haired warrior for justice". Please." May sighed.
"Ahh, if you insist. But you know our readers really go for stuff like that. You heroes and heroines are modern goddesses! You deserve to be described appropriately." Shaking her head, Sophie walked off, her dress swaying around her slinky hips as she went.
"Oh, I hate to see them go," May said, observing the pretty redhead as she sauntered off, "but I love to watch 'em walk away..."

That evening Sophie found herself, to her chagrin, with a ticket to The Circle of Sensation, which - as luck would have it - were in Seacouver as part of a tour. The largest theatre in the town was actually near the outskirts, which is where The Circle had set itself up.
"Unlike any sensible town..." Sophie thought, as she and an excited crowd milled inside. It wasn't exactly packed to the rafters, but it was a respectable draw. As the lights went down, Sophie wasn't exactly bursting with enthusiasm. The show started with a brilliant flash from the stage, before performers, dressed in elaborately coloured outfits. It was all very exciting, with lasers flashing from one side of the auditorium to the other, while trapeze artists flew along with them, in perfect synchronicity.
"Choreography's not too bad, I guess," Sophie thought as the lights danced over her charmingly freckled face, "but it's basically just a regular circus act...they've just seen Blue Man Group one too many times." Faintly entertained, Sophie sat through the first half, but during the interval she excused herself. Using the crowd for cover, she slipped through a door marked "Authorised Personnel Only." For Sophie, going where she wasn't supposed to was generally a good start to an investigation.

She slipped in, hearing two women speaking French around a corner. These were two of the performers, and Sophie did not have time to hide. Fortunately, they did not turn the corner, but continued walking straight. Sophie stealthily followed after them. She was looking for the dressing rooms, hoping to catch a conversation pointing her in the direction of the No-Law Gang, or something that convince her that her evening had not been entirely wasted. The two French women did not spot her, and were leading her exactly where she wanted. However, they passed by a much larger dressing room, one which they hurried past in a very nervous fashion, like someone superstitious holding their breath as they drove past a graveyard.

This caught Sophie's interest. A large star on the door read "Meredith Rodriquez".
"Why were those two so scared?" Sophie's intuition told her that this was worth looking into. She waited for the French women to turn a corner, then tried to go in.
"Ah, damn it..." she whispered, finding it locked. Ever resourceful, she took a hairpin from behind her ear, and began fiddling with it in the lock. Try as she might, though, she couldn't get it to budge. Sophie Scott wasn't much of a lockpick. Her alter ego, however...

Sophie glanced from side to side, making sure that no-one was watching.
"Enhance," she whispered, aware that her change into her superpowered form came with a bright flash. Bright, but mercifully brief. When the light faded, Sophie was transformed, her loose summer dress replaced with the tight, revealing gold outfit of Enhancegirl.

With her superhuman senses it was child's play for her, as Enhancegirl, to pick the dressing room lock. Alas, as she entered the dressing room, it seemed that it had been pointless as well. It was empty of people, thankfully, but it seemed just to be a dressing room. Sophie began looking around for something that might indicate criminality, but all she found were some sequinned outfits, make-up: all the things a stage performer would need; even a mirror surrounded by light bulbs.
"Oh my god, they actually have these things," Sophie said. As she looked at it, though, she saw the door open behind her.

"What do we have here?" a moderately tall, dark-haired woman walked in, wavy brown hair falling down her back. Turning round in surprise, Sophie could only think of one word to describe the woman who'd interrupted her snooping, and that was voluptuous. She had a very ample chest, curvy hips. She wore a sequinned outfit much like the ones in the room, a glittering blue dress with long slits revealing her fishnet-tight covered legs underneath.
"Oh, I'm - uh -" Realising her outfit would not be too out of place in a circus act, Sophie elected to bluff. "I'm a new act."
"Really?" Meredith - surely the name on the dressing room door belonged to this woman - said. "How fascinating." There was a hint of an accent, but Sophie couldn't place it. Her surname suggested Spanish, but that wasn't it.
"I didn't mean to barge in, lost," Sophie said. She realised that she was being incredibly unconvincing. "Damn it, May, if I get arrested for trespassing 'cause of you, you're going down with me!"
"I'm sure you did," the woman said, sitting down on a couch against the side wall. "And what is your talent, I wonder?" A long smile, somehow thin despite her pillowy lips, drew slowly across her face.
"I'm an escape artist," Sophie blurted out. Certainly her powers would have made her very proficient at such things. "God knows I've been tied up enough times to have got some practise," she thought, recalling - among other things - her experience with fellow heroine Spectra, both of whom had been captured by a gang of thugs.

"How very interesting," Meredith said. She had fixed her large, purple eyes on Sophie's. "Sit down." Sophie found herself doing as she was told, taking the seat in front of the mirror, turning it so that she was facing the other woman.
"I'm sorry about barging in," Enhancegirl said, unable to take her eyes away from Meredith's. "Those have gotta be contacts," she thought, but her superhuman vision told her otherwise. The woman's eye colour really was purple. "Look, I'll just get going now."
"No, I think you're going to stay," Meredith said, still keeping her eyes on Sophie's.
"Yeah, okay," Sophie found herself saying, atonally. "That was weird," she thought. "I sounded like a zombie."
"I must say, I feel very fortunate," the dark-haired woman said. Her eyes truly were piercing. "Such an attractive young lady paying me a personal visit? I am very lucky indeed." She stood up, and walked over towards Sophie, who remained in her seat. Meredith ran her hand through Sophie's red hair.
"Could you please not do that?" Enhancegirl said, embarrassedly moving Meredith's hand away.
"Don't be coy," Meredith said. "You've clearly come here for a purpose. What could it be if not to give me a little pleasure from your beauty?"
"Listen, lady, I'm not here for...that," Sophie said. This woman was not reacting to someone barging into her dressing room exactly as Sophie had expected.
"Then why are you here, my dear?" In the vast majority of cases, when two people are talking, the listener will keep their eyes fixed on the speaker, while the speaker's eyes will wander as they orate. It was very disconcerting for Sophie that Meredith was not observing this convention. Her eyes had been locked on Sophie's since she'd come in.

"I - look, I just want to go -" she said, beginning to feel very uncomfortable indeed.
"No, no dear," Meredith said, turning Sophie's chair so that she was facing the mirror. Standing behind the redhead now, she was still looking straight at her, her gaze reflected in the mirror. "You invited yourself in, so now you must be comfortable." Brushing Sophie's hair out of the way, Meredith took placed her hands on the skimpily dressed superheroine's soft, uncovered shoulders.
"Hey, lady, I -"
"Shhh...just relax..." Pressing her hands into the exposed skin, she began to massage Sophie's shoulders. The freckled femme was indignant at Meredith taking such liberties, but she found it hard to remain very angry.
"Oh man...that is kinda...relaxing..." Sophie thought, still not having been able to break Meredith's gaze. She hardly blinked. Indeed, the feeling of Meredith's long fingered hands pressing into and rubbing her bare shoulders was quite pleasant indeed. Meredith's fingers pressed into Sophie's shoulder-blades, and lower still, feeling the curve of her back.
"Just feel at ease, my dear," Meredith said, "just feel the tension flow out of you. Listen to the sound of my voice...look into my eyes..."
"Hey..." Sophie said, beginning to feel a sort of floating sensation in her body. "What...what are you..." But despite her broken interrogatives, she didn't offer any actual resistance. She didn't look away - couldn't. She was just getting more and more relaxed.
"That's it, dear," Meredith said, "just let that warm feeling wash over you. Be still, my ravishing redhead..." Sophie found that she was not just feeling relaxed, but positively somnolent. Her eyes were half-closed, her body filled with the warm feeling that Meredith had described. "Now," Meredith said, leaning in to whisper into Sophie's ear, "just...give it up." With those last three words, Sophie's mind went completely blank. She was just cognizant enough in the last moment to offer a plaintive "No!" But it was too late. Meredith snapped her fingers, and Sophie went completely limp, her head lolling to one side. She was already in Meredith's grip before she realised that the voluptuous woman was putting her into a trance. She might have avoided the whole situation had the star on the door given Meredith's stage name: "Mesmeredith."

At once Meredith's manner changed. Whereas before she had been slow, almost sumptuous with her movements, she suddenly became quick, and sharp motioned. She locked the door, her purple eyes narrowed almost to points. Sure that she would not be interrupted, she relaxed a little, but was still on edge. She opened up a drawer in a large chest, a trick drawer which one could not open unless one knew exactly how. From it, she took out a large quantity of white, nylon cords.

Taking Sophie by the shoulder again, she pulled her off the chair, half-throwing her onto the ground, where she sprawled, her body still limp. Her eyes were half open, but she made no attempt to resist. She watched, apparently content, as Meredith placed her arms by her sides, before slipping rope underneath her, winding it around until it made a circuit, pinching Sophie just under her bare shoulders. Meredith was by no means finished. She made one circuit after another, moving down Sophie's body, leaving gaps of a few inches. And as she went down, and more circuits were looped around Sophie, her slender arms were pulled tighter and tighter against her sides. As Sophie felt - and her enhanced senses let her feel very well - rope pushing her breasts up from underneath, she could no longer move her arms away from her body above her elbows. Not, indeed, that she tried.

By the time Sophie's wrists were snagged against her hips, Sophie was already tightly bound in a spiral of white cord. The length of rope finally exhausted, Meredith simply produced another. Sophie's legs were splayed out on the ground, so Meredith had to pull them straight before binding them, too. Rope went around Enhancegirl's slim, yielding thighs, above and then below her knees, and around her calves, before anchoring her ankles. With a tight yank, Sophie's long, bare legs were snapped together, leaving her feminine body wrapped in yards of rope, yet still with as much revealed to anyone who cared to look as before.

"Alright then, my dear. Let's find out what the hell you're doing here." She snapped her fingers again. Sophie did not emerge from the trance, but she awakened from her comatose state. She was entranced, but no longer limp. She shifted a little in the tight ropes squeezing against her curves, but did not fight. "Who are you?" The hypnotised heroine did not answer. Meredith initially took this for resistance, but it was merely confusion. Scenting the possibility, Meredith rephrased her question.
"What are your given and surnames?"
"Sophie Scott," the redhead replied, her voice not droning exactly, but very faint, as if her tongue was only lightly tripping over the syllables.
"Any other name?"
"Enhancegirl." Meredith had cocktail of feelings at this revelation: alarm, fear, excitement, suspicion, and even a touch of delight. She knew the name from the Herald, from May's journalism. Without realising it, Mesmeredith had hypnotised and captured a superheroine. Now the long-legged, fair beauty was bound and helpless before her. She smiled,
"You're a superheroine?"
"Yes..." Enhancegirl said sleepily, her green eyes looking almost plaintive as she unquestionably revealed everything to her mesmeric captor. Her shoulders, squeezed more tightly by the ropes than they had been by Meredith's roving hands, gave the slightest of wriggles.
"There is a little fight in her, perhaps," Meredith thought. But it hardly seemed to matter. "Why are you here?"
"A journalist named...May Springtide...from the Herald...she thought this company was...connected to the No Law Gang." Meredith had to restrain laughter.
"The No-Law Gang? Oh dear me, no," she said. "I would never dirty my hands -" She stopped herself. There was no point explaining things to the mesmerised maiden.

The interrogation continued, but Sophie had little more information to reveal. Her investigation had hardly started, after all. And it might all have ended there, had the hypnotist not thought that she might well run into Enhancegirl again, and it would be prudent to be prepared.
"Would you say that you had any weaknesses?"
"Yes..." Enhancegirl said. Her eyes narrowed a little. "I...I don't..." Astonishingly, she was actually fighting against Meredith's control. "Don' say...please..." Meredith was forced to feel a bit impressed, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She knelt down by Enhancegirl, who lay so vulnerable in the loops of rope, biting into every contour of her supple figure, visibly pinching the skin of her uncovered legs. Meredith began cupping Sophie's pert, soft breasts, gently squeezing them with one hand as she traced an infinity symbol on Sophie's bare thighs with the other.
"Tell me, my sweet super," she said, like a lover asking a favour. "Tell me." The hypnotised heroine's brief, though valiant attempts at resistance could not take the combination of authority and arousal that Meredith was forcing onto her.
"My powers..." she said, the hypnotic trance still making her seem drowzy, "make me...sensitive"
"Spit it out my dear," Meredith said.
"Chloroform..." she said at last. "When I'm...transformed...just the smell of it makes me dizzy..." Meredith grinned cruelly, as Enhancegirl finally revealed her weakness.

"Very interesting," she said. "A most unfortunate vulnerability for a young beauty in your line of work." She glanced at the cabinet from which she'd taken the ropes, recalling the pretty French gymnasts she'd introduced to its contents a few days before. The European girls could no longer remember it, of course, but they were still nervous every time they walked past her dressing room. Her grin still maintained, she leant down to whisper into Enhancegirl's ear. Having spoken for some time, she withdrew, though not before planting a kiss on Sophie's slender neck, leaving a red lipstick mark on her creamy skin.
"Now sleep, dear," she said, "and forget."
"Ooh...oooohhh..." Sophie whimpered, as her eyes fell shut. Within seconds, she had done as the hypnotist had commanded, and had fallen into unconsciousness.

"Huh?" Sophie stopped in the middle of the street. "What the hell?" Though after a few seconds she knew where she was, she had absolutely no idea how she'd got there. The last thing she could remember was going to that circus performance...and now here she was on one of Seacouver's busiest streets. It was the middle of the day. She was wearing the same dress as she had the night before, but she could tell that she'd changed her undergarments. For one thing, she was now wearing a translucent pair of stockings, the day being not quite as warm as the previous one had been.

Sophie tried to remember what had happened after the circus.
"It didn't pan out," she thought to herself suddenly. Again, she couldn't quite tell in what way May's lead had failed to pan out, but there was a comforting air of finality about the thought, and she kept going.

"What am I doing here?" she thought, still rather disturbingly forgetful. "Damn, I must'a got really drunk last night or something. Oh gawd, I hope I didn't do anything I'll regret later..." She checked her phone to see if there were any clues there, and - lo and behold - there was a conversation in text between her and May.
"Couldve sworn I was onto somethin," one of the texts read in irritatingly broken English, "thnx neway, frex!" A later one red "cops got tip bout jewel heist. loox like fuzz has this 1. wanna help tho?" Sophie had apparently responded simply: "Yes."
"Wow," she said, reading the uncharacteristically terse response. "Either I was really hungover this morning or May really pissed me off. Or both, I guess."

Suddenly, Sophie heard a loud bang.
"Oh my god!" A civliain screamed. Sophie looked round and saw smoke coming out of a storefront, with a group of masked men rushing out of it, duffel bags clutched in each hand. As bystanders panicked, she put two and two together. These were the thieves she'd been told about. The men bundled themselves into a waiting van, and put pedal to metal. The van, with speed and ferocity of acceleration belying its ordinary appearance, smashed through two police cars. The cops had been waiting for the thieves to strike, but hadn't been prepared for their audacity.

"Damn it!" Sophie looked around at the bystanders. All eyes were fixed on the van. Certainly no-one was looking at Sophie. She decided to risk it. After all, her secret was less important than these people's lives, and the thieves were certainly dangerous. "Enhance!" Fortunately for Sophie, by the time people heard her change-word, her body was surrounded in light. When the obscuring flash faded, her body was once again clad in the tight golden outfit, and the mask which concealed her identity.

The van swung around, its driver seeing more cops approaching. This meant it was now coming directly towards Sophie. It came right at her, clearly intent on knocking her down, when Sophie suddenly dropped onto her back. The van went over her, and for a moment, people thought she'd been crushed. The driver certainly did - with some regret, as the man was no killer by nature - but they were of course mistaken.
"Okay," Sophie said, clinging onto the bottom of the getaway vehicle, wind whipping through her hair, "maybe this is not going to turn out to be Enhancegirl's finest hour..." Her powers gave her no increase in strength, but she did have the sensitivity of touch to feel where would be a solid point to hold onto, and which might fail to take her weight, with just a prod from her finger.

Dodging speed traps and the like, Enhancegirl found herself clinging there for twenty minutes, before the van finally pulled into an alleyway.
"Alright, boys, let's move it!" Sophie heard an officious voice bark. Six pairs of heavy footsteps trooped out of the back of the van. This was Sophie's chance.
"Hey, boys," she said, emerging from underneath their vehicle, putting her hands behind her back in a mockingly flirtatatious pose. "You do know about the whole "do not steal" thing, right? 'Cause I'd hate for you to have to go to jail over a simple misunderstanding." They turned around, levelling their weapons at her. Some bore pistols, others automatic rifles.
"And who are you supposed to be, goldie?" the tallest man said. He was bald, with piggy eyes, and a thick neck. He seemed to be their leader, and he had an ex-military sort of vibe. "Another super?"
"Hey, guys!" another said, with a nasal voice. "Don't you read the Herald? This is, eh, what's her face! Upgradegirl!"
"That's Enhancegirl," Sophie replied. "You know some people in my line of work put the first letter of their name on their costume to remind people. Me, I thought you guys were getting a bad rep. You're not all brainless thugs, I thought. Guess I was a little optimistic. Oh well. I guess warriors of justice are meant to be naive."
"Are you done talking, honey?" the bald man said. "Run along before I decide to pull the tr -"

The thief had not noticed that Sophie had kept a souvenir from her time beneath his van, a piece of metal which had broken off in her hand. Her girlish poise had been partly to hide it, and once the thief's leader said "run along", she'd hurled it, with near perfect accuracy. He had been interrupted because the piece of metal had struck him in the temple, knocking him down.

"Boss!" the others cried out. All of them began firing. But they did not know with whom they were dealing: Enhancegirl's superhuman vision had already allowed her to assess the make, model and condition of the guns of each man, as well as the trajectory of each bullet. She performed an astonishingly acrobatic front flip, sailing over the path of the bullets, landing right next to their fallen leader. The sensible ones stopped firing when she got that close, but even the fools could not hit Sophie. She scooped the piece of metal from the ground with her foot and, flicking it up, performed a spinning kick on it that sent it flying towards the only man with an automatic who was still shooting. He too fell.

"God damn it!" one of the others said, throwing down his gun and drawing a tonfa. He swung it with some skill, managing to block two of Enhancegirl's retaliatory strikes. But he was only human, and Enhancegirl was, well, enhanced. She could feel the patterns of air currents of his arm's movements, making her able to predict his moves almost completely. She dodged a lunge, he went too far, and Enhancegirl plucked the weapon out of his hand. A slender leg shot out, tripping him, causing him to crash face first in the van.

"I'll get you!" the smallest of the six yelled, coming forward with another man. They both came at her firing pistols, but she dodged each bullet with grace. When they both paused to change clips, Enhancegirl swatted the guns out of their hands, before knocking each to the ground with the stolen tonfa, able to detect from their movements their most vulnerable spots - for the shorter man it was in the hip, the taller in the right knee.

"Ooorrrghh!" They groaned, both knocked to the ground. The last man threw his pistol to the ground, and began running off. But Enhancegirl was not about to let any of them get away from her. She hurled the stolen tonfa, and hit him in the ankles. Falling, he struck the side of a large, metal bin, stunning him, precisely as Enhancegirl had intended.

"I think Cougarman actually put his whole name on his costume," Sophie said casually, continuing the conversation now that the thieves were defeated. "Can't really blame him, though: everybody kept calling him 'Pumaman.' That'd be enough to make me, like, drop the whole big-cat theme completely."
"Urrghhh..." the short man groaned, hauling himself back onto his feet. "What the hell...are you, lady?" For Enhancegirl, moments like these were what made her superheroic career so very engaging. A heist foiled, six armed men defeated with her skills and smarts. This was no two-bit crew either: these men were hardened professionals who had performed dozens of such robberies, not that the heroine knew it. She stood over her conquered foes nonetheless, slightly regretting that her costume did not have a cape to billow dramatically in the wind.

"I'm...not done...yet..." the short man said, reaching for his own mêlée weapon, a pair of nunchaku.
"Clint, for christ's sake," his taller partner said, "don't be stupid. This chick's a f***ing badass!" Enhancegirl smiled.
"So happy you noticed," she said, flicking her hair playfully. She was on top of the world at that moment.
"Look, Upgr- I mean Enhancegirl!" The nasal voice criminal quickly corrected himself, fearful of incurring her wrath. "We got a lotta jewels in the back of that van! Let us go, and you can have half!"
"She's a super, Frank," Clint's partner said . "She ain't gonna take a bribe, so just give it up." Suddenly Sophie's eyes widened, as if in shock. Her arms, which had been cockily akimbo, fell to her sides. She then knelt, staring straight forward with that wide eyed, rabbit-in-headlights look still on her face.

"What the -?" Clint was, needless to say, confused. "What are you doing?" The most obvious explanation was that it was some kind of trick or trap, but why bother? She'd already won.
"My...weakness..." Sophie found herself saying, her thoughts scattered, unable to think of anything really, except of what she was compelled. "You can...defeat me just have to dose me with'll put me out in a second." Those thieves that she had not knocked unconscious looked at each other quizzically, to say the least.
"Why the hell would you tell us that?" Frank said. "What are you trying to pull?"
"Please..." she said, half whispering. "Drug me...knock me out..." The kneeling maiden still stared straight forward. To Miguel, the man who had tried to dissuade Clint from getting the tar beaten out of him again, it was as if she was being compelled to tell them.
"Yo, Frank," he said, "get the chloroform from the truck." The crew did occasionally use the stuff to ambush bank managers and the like, but it was considered a dated form of heisting. Still, Frank did cautiously follow Miguel's instruction, fetching a jar of the clear liquid. He could easily have just taken the van and driven off, but Enhancegirl made no attempt to stop him. "Give it here." He did so, and Miguel grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket, which he kept as an environmentalist affectation. He unscrewed the jar, and soaked the handkerchief in the sweet smelling liquid.

"So," he said, approaching the kneeling redhead carefully, "this chloroform...this'll keep you unconscious?"
"Yes..." she said, already beginning to feel the effects of the cloth, which was still several feet away, so sensitive was she to its effects. "It''ll make me totally...helpless..." Still half expecting a trap, Miguel moved slowly. But the closer he got, the clearer it became that this was no trap. The strength and confidence of Sophie's sparkling green eyes had faded completely, even her initial shocked look had been replaced with a drowzy, submissive weakness.
"Mmphh..." she mewed, as Miguel clamped the damp handkerchief over the mouth of the pretty girl kneeling at his feet. Her senses were assaulted by the sweet odour, her slender body immediately overpowered and overwhelmed by the drug. She became limp within a half second. By the time that second had finished, her eyes had shut completely, and she collapsed in a heap onto the ground, having allowed herself to be drugged into unconsciousness.

"This is just weird," Clint said. "She was kicking our asses two seconds ago."
"I know," Miguel said. "But she's out cold now, so let's get the others back onto the truck. Here's not safe anymore: her super-friends could show up or something."
"Heh," Frank looked down at the narcotised redhead, at her long, bare legs, her perky breasts, her slinky hips...she was a gorgeous young woman, and her lovely body was completely defenceless. "Maybe she has a fetish for letting big, burly men knock her out," he suggested, not apparently aware that he did not meet his own criterion. "Y'know, now that we've got her here..."
"We don't have time for that crap," Miguel said, taking the lead. He chucked Clint a roll of electrical tape. "Wrap her up. That stuff knocks her out, but we don't know for how long. We don't want her coming after us."
"Got it," he said.

Three men hauled the two unconscious ones into the back of the van, while Clint busied himself with the chloroformed girl at his feet. He turned her on her front, roughly pulling at her slim, white arms. He held them together at the wrists while pulling away some tape, before sticking it to her left wrist. He then began swiftly wrapping tape up her arms, binding them up tightly, the strong tape clinging to her skin, and holding her limbs together. He then moved up to Sophie's shoulders, sticking tape just under her collarbone, before beginning to spin it around her. Not merely did he spin the spool of tape, pressing against Sophie's body with its sticky embrace, her spun her too, turning her over and over and over on the ground, every turn encircling her more in the tape.

He was taking Miguel's instruction to "wrap her up" literally. Her plump breasts were covered by tape, then her midriff. The tape entwining her slumbering form gave Sophie's arms a double layer of bindings by the time it reached her belly button, which was almost visible through the tight gold dress. It certainly was not visible once it had disappeared under the black tape. Her hips covered, Sophie then found her thighs being bound, the acres of delicate skin of her bare legs rapidly vanishing under circuit after circuit of tape, the long limbs squeezed ever more tightly.
"Don't get me wrong, girlie," Clint said, "you've got some real pretty gams, but we can't have you wriggling away." Sophie was now effectively mummified in tape, her lithe body tightly squeezed from all sides in the sticky substance, leaving only her soft, white shoulders uncovered.

"Mmph..." she bleated gently, as Clint pressed a single strip of tape over her lips. More than one of the villains had half a mind to carry off the heroine, who had so strangely allowed herself to be defeated.
"She'd be a real submissive little kitty," Frank said, practically licking his lips at the thought. But even he was not entertaining the idea completely seriously. They were jewel thieves, not kidnappers. The latter business had a way of becoming dreadfully complex. So the villains hopped back into their truck, and sped off, leaving the mollified, mummified maiden lying wrapped up and unconscious in the alley.

"Miss? Miss?" Sophie heard a voice from above her, calling her back to the land of the waking.
"Mmmmphhh...mmmphhh..." she moaned, her eyes fluttering open and shut as she weakly began to return to consciousness. She felt very warm, like she was wrapped in a tight blanket. As her vision returned, she looked down at herself.

"MMMMPPPHHH!!" she screamed through the tape gag, her vigour restored by her indignation. "NNMMMPHHH!! Whhh thhhmmpphh HMMPPHH thhd mmphh uphhh tphhh tmmmphh?!" She thrashed on the ground, wriggling desperately in the tight, black bonds which squeezed almost every inch of her. " did this happen?!" The last thing she remembered was standing triumphantly over the fallen thieves. The next minute, she was waking up bound and gagged, not merely bound, but wrapped in layer after layer of tape. Even with her powers, she could not feel a weakness in her bindings. She was helpless.

"Miss, are you okay?" A young girl of about sixteen stood over Sophie.
"Nmmmphhh! Immphh nhh mmm-khhmmphh! Hmmmphh mpphhh!" Sophie barked through her gag. The girl, realising that Enhancegirl needed help, rifled through her purse for something sharp, finding a small pair of nail scissors. She knelt next to the bound heroine, and began snipping away at the tape.

It was a laborious process. The tape was thick, and the scissors were not very sharp. Sophie had to simply lie there, waiting for this civilian to free her from the tape which held her in such strict bondage. She could taste the faint vestiges of chloroform on her lips.
"Mmph..." she whimpered, realising that her weakness had been used to subdue her yet again. Gradually, her supple legs emerged from the cocoon of tape, then her hips, then her torso.
"RMMPHHH!" Sophie growled, leaping to her feet the instant the tape had come away from her collar. She had not noticed that her arms had a second layer of bindings. "Mpphh cmmphh mmphh!" she moaned, still bound.
"It's alright," the girl said, cutting away those bindings as well. Her hands free, Sophie ripped the gag off.

"Ugh!" she groaned. "What the hell happened to me?! I am gonna find those assholes, and I am gonna rip them new -" She contained her wrath, realising that the girl was still standing near her. "Oh...I'm sorry," she said, feeling a little bad for the girl who, after all, had rescued her. "Thanks. You were, like, a really big help."
"Don't worry about it," the girl said, smiling. "Hey," she said, as Sophie began hurrying away, "you're Enhancegirl, right?"
"Yeah," Sophie said. "Uh...don't do drugs," she said, before quitting the alley.
Last edited by Damselbinder 9 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
Posts: 40
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nice! I hope you keep going with this story
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
Posts: 174
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Very good work!
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Neophyte Lvl 5
Neophyte Lvl 5
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Joined: 12 years ago

I just wanna add... I love the subconscious triggers and how she keeps waking up not realizing what happened. Definitely an awesome peril concept :)

This is the second half of Enhancegirl's encounter with the villainous Mesmeredith. Enjoy, and please tell me what you thought!

Part Two: A Chloro Compulsion

"Aaaahhhh..." Sophie sighed, sinking down into a hot bath. "The best way to forget your problems..." she said, letting the warm water wash over her. Her red hair was white with soap, a delightful smell of patchouli oil wafting around the bathroom. She thought back to the day's events despite herself, unable to figure out what on Earth had happened. Normally when she was chloroformed she'd have some recollection of being grabbed, but there was nothing this time. One moment she'd been victorious, the next she'd been wrapped up and helpless. Indeed, this was the second time that she'd had such a confusing loss of memory in a relatively recent space of time. She relaxed back in the water, trying to put it out of her mind. Indeed, she felt compelled to put it out of her mind. But as the warm feeling of the bubbly water washed over her, Sophie was put in mind of a similar feeling, a sensation of warmth flowing through her...a pair of violet eyes...

Sophie shot up, straight out of the water. She paused only to wrap a small towel around herself, covering her more sensitive areas. She walked out of her en suite into her room, walking over to the door that connected it to the rest of the dorm and locking the door.
"I must forget...I must...," she said again under the influence of post-hypnotic suggestion. She rifled around in one of her drawers, looking for something she'd hidden there the previous night, just after she'd returned from the carnival. It was a vial containing an all too familiar drug. She unscrewed the lid. In her civilian form the mere smell of it would not render her unconscious, but she was about to make that point moot. Her day's clothes lay in a crumpled pile on the floor, and she picked up one of her stockings from the ground. She folded it up, before dampening it with chloroform, and hiding the jar back in her drawer.

"Mmph..." she whimpered, as she pressed the drug soaked stocking over her own mouth. She could smell the powerful odour of the chloroform, as well as the scent of her own body, lingering on the stocking which had spent the day clinging to her soft skin. Her lithe, half-naked body was dripping wet as she began to feel the chloroform's effects on her, for the second time that day. This was a slower process, though. Gradually she felt her long, moist legs begin to lose their strength, felt her own mind becoming groggy.
"Mmmmpphhh...mmpphhh..." she moaned through the drug soaked stocking, the heady scent enrapturing the red-haired maiden. "I can't be allowed to remember," she thought. "I have to be punished...I have to make myself weak...I...I..." Repeating in her mind the hypnotic suggestions that Mesmeredith had left her with, Sophie forced her weakening arms to hold the stocking over her mouth, knowing only to obey the will of the one who had ensnared her mind. Steam rose from her bare skin, from her legs and shoulders, from the tops of her breasts, making the hypnotised girl feel light headed all the faster. "I obey..." she thought, as she finally lost too much vigour to keep holding the stocking. Her arms fell to her sides, and her fingers ceased to grip the stocking, which dropped down.
"Ooohhnnn..." Sophie moaned, standing perfectly still, drugged and compliant, her green eyes opening and shutting as she stood. But she did not stand for long. Her pretty knees buckled, and she collapsed onto the ground, the towel wrapped around her midsection precariously close to revealing her smooth-skinned body completely, her wet legs haphazardly folded one over the other. She fell unconscious, having been compelled to chloroform herself into helplessness. Had she been consciously aware of it, nothing could have been more humiliating.

"What the...?" Sophie awoke in her bed. This was nothing unusual, but once again, she could not remember how she'd got there. "This is getting really weird..." At the very least, Sophie had apparently not left her apartment. "I musta crawled into bed after -" She could just about remember taking a bath, but nothing afterwards. "I need to see a doctor about this or something," she said.

And, later that day, she did just that. Unfortunately, the doctor was not of much use. He tested her for this and that - blackouts a serious enough symptom to be worthy of his efforts - and, though some of the tests would take time to run, there appeared to be nothing wrong with her.

So Sophie walked back confused. If nothing was physically wrong with her, then what was the cause of her blackouts? She strolled through the streets with her head down. She wore a shorter dress this time, showing off about half of her thighs. It was sky blue, with two straps meeting at her neck holding it up. Confident in her own attractiveness, Sophie tended to feel more comfortable in shorter outfits.

"Hey, get back here!" Sophie turned her head to see two men running down the street, one evidently chasing the other. The pursued man was very skinny, like a stoat, and he had a balaclava on. The other man was fairly old, and was doing quite well keeping up with the younger, who had roll of cash visibly bulging from his pockets. Clearly, Sophie had stumbled onto the aftermath of a robbery.

Eventually the older man tired, but by that point Sophie had given chase. Athletic, she began to close the distance between herself and the robber.
"Hey, lady, he's got a knife!" the older man said as Sophie ran past him, her sandals slapping against the ground.
"Don't worry, old timer!" she said back, not breaking her stride. Unfortunately, she couldn't yet transform, as there were quite a few people looking, many of whom were looking right at Sophie, particularly since the hem of her dress flapped up quite significantly as she ran.
"Great," she thought, running at full speed. "Can't change, and I'm getting ogled." The robber ducked into an alley, into which Sophie followed him. This was a boon to the redhead, partly because it gave her cover to transform, and partly because it was a blind alley, which led into a solid brick wall. Sophie could hardly believe her eyes when she saw that the robber was attempting to scale the wall, and failing spectacularly.

"Hey, genius," Sophie said. "Unless you're, like, Arachnolass' evil, stupid twin brother or something, I don't think that's going to work."
"Get back, lady!!" the robber practically shrieked, whipping out the aforementioned knife. "I ain't afraid to use this, so back the f*** off!"
"Calm down, guy," she said. "We don't want you poking yourself in the eye with that thing." She grinned, and opened her mouth to speak her change-word.
"Just give it up!!"

With those words, the robber was surprised to see a very strange change in the woman facing him. It was not her change into the gold clad heroine Enhancegirl, but a transformation of a very different kind. Her eyes widened, as with the jewel thieves, her arms dropped. She even brought her legs together, standing in just about the most passive pose one could imagine.
"Hey, what the hell?" he said, getting closer to her. "What's going on? You were a cocky little thing a few seconds ago. What happened? Cat got your tongue?"
"Please..." she said, " have to make me weak..."

Sophie stared straight forward, her eyes fixed on the wall that the robber had been intending to climb.
"Make me breathe in chloroform..." she said. "Or...halothane or...while I'm like doesn't matter how...just make me drowzy...make me helpless..."
"Whoa whoa whoa," the man said, "you're saying you want me to dose you?" He smiled an idiotic grin.
"Please..." Sophie said. As she begged the criminal to drug her, Sophie's eyes widened further for a moment, almost imperceptibly, and her muscles tensed slightly. The criminal didn't recognise it, but even in her trance, part of the feisty redhead was still fighting. It was, however, losing badly.

The criminal didn't quite know what to do. He didn't have anything to drug her with, but for whatever reason this flame-haired, long legged damsel was virtually prostrating herself before him.
"Hey, uh, sure thing, gorgeous," he said. "I'll drug you. Just, uhh...lie down on your back first." Sophie meekly obeyed, laying herself on the hard concrete, staring straight up into the sky. "Great, great," the thief said, admiring her body, her hips, breasts and bare legs. "In fact," he said, "why don't we get a better look at those gams of yours?" He bent down, and took the hem of her dress. He pulled it down, towards him, making it tight, before tearing it with his knife, making a long, jagged slit right up to Sophie's waist. Her dress torn, Sophie's legs were completely exposed, as was her black underwear. Still she did not resist, did not even react as she was exposed. Rough hands grabbed her thighs, squeezing and stroking them. Sophie was turned over, her breasts pressing against the concrete of the dank alleyeway, another slit cut in the back of her dress this time, showing off her firm behind. That too was squeezed, and even smacked by the lascivious crook.

"Ha!" he laughed, as the demure damsel did not try to stop him, merely giving a soft whimper as she was spanked. "Man, you are just gonna let me do whatever I want, aren't you?" But before his hands could sully Sophie's body once more, the thief was sent flying back by a blast of white-hot energy. "YAARRGHH!" he cried, as the energy seared him.
"Perhaps you would not be so keen to place your hands on one who was capable of fighting back, you wretched slime," said a tall, dark haired, silver clad woman, her dark green eyes piercing, and furious under her domino mask.
"Hey, hey," the crook said, "she asked me to!" But he was struck by another searing blast, its wielder tapping into the infrared side of the spectrum of light over which she had power. "Yaaaaggghhh!"
"Your filth will not be permitted in this city. Seacouver is under the protection of Spectra." A catwalk model in her civilian life, Spectra could not resist posing dramatically, putting her hands on her hips, and putting one long leg in front of the other, a pose of confidence and strength. Mariko Asakura had been a superheroine for longer than Sophie, and she considered herself a force with which to be seriously reckoned.

"Scum," Spectra spat, as she turned her attention to the woman face down on the floor, her dress torn. "Madam," she said, turning her over, "did he - you!!" She started, recognising Sophie as Enhancegirl, the heroine with whom she had been captured not too long ago. She was looking straight up into the sky, an unreadable expression on her face.
"I...I..." Sophie bleated. Spectra craned over her, fixing her eyes onto Sophie's, the eyes of the former a dark, forest green, Sophie's lighter, like sparkling emeralds. Sophie blinked. "Spectra?" she said. Her surprise snapped her out of her reverie, and she leapt to her feet. "What are you doing here?"
"Coming to your aid, it seems," Mariko said. "Although how you were overwhelmed by such a sickening wretch, I do not know."
"What are you talking about?" Sophie said. "I wasn't -" She looked to her right. The thief was groaning in pain on the ground.

"I'm guessing you did that," Sophie said. "You know I probably could have taken him."
"I would have thought that," the Japanese heroine rejoined, "but he had you at his mercy."
"Uh, I don't think so," Sophie said. "You swooped in before I had a chance to do anything." Spectra looked puzzled.
"Did that slime crack your head on the pavement? Enhancegirl, you were lying on the ground, completely motionless while he did that." She pointed judiciously towards the lower part of Sophie's dress.
"What are you -" Sophie looked down, finding her dress torn right up to her hips, both at the front and back. She gave an embarrassed yelp. "What the hell?! When did..."

Spectra shook her head.
"I'm beginning to think that I misjudged you, Enhancegirl," she said, affecting a superior tone. "After our last encounter, I was sure that you were actually fairly capable. I don't often misjudge, but it seems this is one of those times when I have."
"Look," Sophie said, stifling a quick anger that rose within her, "you can stand there and be smug all you want. I do not remember that guy doing that to me. And don't say I hit my head, 'cause I get the strange feeling that that might still hurt!"
"Look," Mariko said, "you're not what I would call the most experienced heroine in this city. Everyone in our trade suffers some embarrassing early defeats." Mariko thought she'd been speaking a mediating tone, but came across as exceptionally patronising. "If your pride can't take the bumps and bruises that this profession can mete out, then you ought to give it up sooner rather than later. What?"

Between the second to last and last sentences of Mariko's lecture, something strange had come over Sophie. Had there been anyone present who had seen it before, they would have recognised it instantly. Sophie herself had been there, of course, but then she wasn't in a position to be self-aware.
"Enhancegirl?" Mariko saw the strange, half alertly frightened, half glazed expression in Sophie's eyes, and was alarmed. "Has something happened? Sophie!" Mariko raised her voice, a little awkward with Enhancegirl's first name. She considered the use of first names between supers a serious breach of etiquette. But Sophie did not respond, even at the use of her first name. Her initial shock at seeing Spectra had shaken her out of her mesmeric trance, but that would not work again.
"Please..." Sophie almost whispered. " know..."
"What? What do I know?" Mariko asked, her sharp eyes narrowed to a diamond tip.
"My weakness...just...make me smell chloroform...I'd kneel at your feet..." Every few words was broken by a breathy pause, making Sophie seem almost as if she'd already been dosed.
Mariko was intensely alarmed at this change in Sophie's personality, not for an instant considering the possibility of a joke. She had absolutely no idea what was happening, but suddenly Sophie's insistence that she'd had no idea what the criminal had been doing to her was painted in a very different light.

"Sophie, snap out of this!" Mariko barked. It had no effect.
"Please...just drug me..." Sophie ignored all outside stimuli. Only the stimulus planted with in her moved her to do anything in her trancelike state.
"There is something seriously wrong with her," Mariko thought. "It's like she's been hypnotised!" She had a thought. In her present state Sophie was a danger to herself. She could easily cause herself to be kidnapped in her condition, so Mariko elected to perform a pre-emptive rescue. "Sophie," she said, "you..." She hesitated. "I can't believe I must say this..." Sophie waited meekly for her to gain her composure. "You must come with me, now are to be drugged."
"Yes..." Sophie said, following along instantly, her compulsion to be chloroformed into unconsciousness at every available opportunity making her instantly amenable to Mariko's orders.

", yes...good," Mariko said. She'd noticed a house with a vacant sign on the opposite side of the street. Just before she emerged from the alley, she realised that the silver clad heroine leading along a pretty redhead in a torn dress would be a very strange sight for any bystanders, and it was the middle of the day to boot. ", Sophie," she said. She pointed at the door of the vacant house. "Go there, now, and wait outside the door." Wordlessly, Sophie obeyed, crossing over. One or two people noticed her ripped dress, but not enough to draw much attention.

"Alright," Mariko muttered to herself, stepping out of the alley. Though Sophie had drawn few stares, Spectra drew none at all. Using her powers over light, she'd rendered herself invisible. Though a useful power, bending the light around her made her blind, as well as rapidly draining her powers, which required that light enter her eyes to work. It was only her experience on the catwalk that made her able to walk in such a straight line without being able to see. Uncloaking, Spectra found to her relief that she was standing before the right door, as was Sophie, and used her recharged powers to open the lock, walking inside.

"Inside," Mariko said, her brusque manner unwittingly making her effective in directing the mesmerised maiden. Sophie humbly obeyed yet again. The heroine hurriedly closed the door behind them, and led her into the stripped-down house. Finding a thinly cushioned couch, she prompted Sophie to sit down while she pondered her next move.
"Sophie, you must..." Again Spectra hesitated, already recoiling at the distaste of words that were not yet on her tongue. "You punished for your failure in the alley." She was effecting the manner of a domineering Mistress. Sophie seemed so unnaturally passive that that was all Mariko could think of to control her. "For your...incompetence, you will be drugged."
"Yes...I failed..." Sophie whimpered, readily picking up on Mariko's choice of words in her suggestible state. "Punish me...knock me out..."
"One one condition: you answer my questions." Sophie did not respond directly. Mariko hoped that this was a sign of acceptance. "When did this happen? Where did you first start wanting to be drugged?"
"Last...last night...Seacouver Arena..."Who did this to you?"

She seemed not to understand. Mariko tried again.
"Who was the one who made you desire to be drugged?" This question was too direct for Sophie to just avoid, but something was holding her back.
"I...I..." she said, her eyes widening even further, as if panicked.
"Tell me," Spectra insisted. "A name!"
"I...mustn't..." Sophie said, almost shaking, her last crumbs of resistance rattling within her. "I don't..."
"You must," Mariko hissed. "You must tell me a name!"
"It's not...I can't..." Mariko, looking for some further lever to use, recalled when Sophie fell under the trance in the first place, and tried to remember exactly what she'd said.
"Sophie," she said, leaning in close. "You must give up the name. You must give it up!" Frustrated, Mariko was in danger of losing her carefully crafted composure.
"I...can't..." It didn't matter that Mariko had used the trigger word again. Her cruel hypnotist had made sure that she would under no circumstances reveal her name.

But Sophie was, if nothing else, a cunning young woman. Even hypnotised, her will subsumed by another's, her agile brain still worked. She could not reveal Meredith's name, but that didn't mean she couldn't reveal anything.
"Her...eyes..." Sophie said, struggling to get the words out, her arms trembling as she forced them to issue from her lips. "Violet...violet eyes..." Mariko froze cold.
"What?!" she almost screamed, but Sophie's noble resistance was exhausted. Her trembling stopped, her eyes once again going blank. She would reveal no more.

But she didn't have to. Mariko had been told all she needed to be.
"Hypnotra!" Mariko had never encountered the villainous mentalist, but she had heard her name spoken of in heroic circles. She'd once tangled with Indigo Titan, one of California's most powerful heroes, her irresistible violet eyes hypnotising him into becoming her personal bodyguard. She'd only been defeated by a minor heroine whose telepathic powers made her immune to the abilities of Hypnotra, or Mesmeredith as she now called herself. To hear that she was in Seacouver, up to her old tricks, was grave news. "I must stop her," Mariko said. She had her name. She even knew where to look. The only problem was Sophie herself. For all she knew Sophie might warn Hypnotra, or even try to fight her directly. Now that Mariko thought about it, she didn't know exactly how she'd defeat an opponent with Sophie's powers.

There was only one thing for it. Mariko would have to make sure she couldn't leave, and for the second time the tall, willowy heroine contemplated binding Sophie. "I am not going to make a habit of this..." she thought, feeling guilty for the previous occasion, where jealousy and pride had prompted her to drug, tape up, and humiliate the redhead heroine, who to Spectra's luck had yet to find out about the incident.

The only problem then was that Mariko could not see anything she could use to tie Sophie up. She even poked into the other rooms, a little concerned that Sophie might wander off. But she still found nothing in the empty house. Just as she was thinking about knocking Sophie out with some kind of blunt force, a thought occurred to her.
"Spectrum is Red," she said, transforming back into her civilian state. She was clad in a thin, black halter dress, a satin scarf lightly wrapped round her neck, and sheer, black silk stockings covering her long, lithe legs. Again with little relish, she kicked off her heels, and peeled the stockings from her legs, revealing her smooth, tan skin. She then took Sophie by the shoulders, and turned her around.

"Put your arms behind your back," she commanded, and Sophie obeyed. Mariko then took one of her stockings, and began tying it around Sophie's wrists. The sheer fabric had to be wound round several times to bind Sophie's wrists tightly, but with her captive so pliable, it was simplicity itself for Mariko to do this, pulling back Sophie's shoulders with the surprisingly restrictive bindings. Mariko then knelt down, and like a tailor taking a fit her hands brushed against Sophie's legs which, though not quite as long as Mariko's were soft, supple and very appealing to this with an eye for feminine appeal. Mariko was not such a one, though she was aware that she must have looked it. She stretched the remaining stocking as much as she could without risking its tearing, before wrapping it several times around Sophie's ankles, binding her ankles together, as well as the bottom third of her slim calves.

Now tied up, Sophie's bound body was sat on the thinly cushioned couch, Mariko being almost gentle with her. Sophie wriggled a little, not expecting that she would be restrained in such a way. Her thighs shifted against each other, given quite a lot of wiggle room given that Sophie's legs were only bound around the ankles. Still, as Mariko realised, once Sophie had activated her powers it would be easy for her to escape. She needed to be prevented from doing so.
"Imaimashi!" she cursed, realising that she would have to part with her scarf. She took it off, and twisted it around a few times, making the thin fabric as thick and strong as she could. That done, she pulled it between Sophie's lips, muffling her voice with a thick cleave gag, tying it off behind her head.
"Mmphh..." Sophie whimpered gently.

Sophie, trussed up in Mariko's stockings, sat meekly where she had been put, looking up almost pleadingly at Mariko, still waiting to be chloroformed as she had been told that she would be.
"Understand," the Japanese beauty said, "that this is the only option available to me." She was not quite apologising, and she left Sophie bound, as well as hypnotised, in the vacant house, while she kept the heroics to herself.

An hour had gone by when Sophie finally snapped out of her trance.
"MMMMPPPHHH!!!" she screamed immediately, finding herself again waking up somewhere with no idea as to how she got there, and once again tied up and gagged. She thought back to the last thing she remembered: Spectra's face. "She did this to me! That arrogant, stuck up...I'm gonna REALLY get her for this!" The thought even crossed her mind that Spectra had been responsible for her blackouts. Had Mariko not been quite so haughty when dressing her down, she might not have incurred Sophie's wrath, but - Sophie assured herself - the leggy catwalk model was going to pay for what she'd done.

"Mmmrrmmpphh!" Sophie growled, wriggling against the silk that kept her in bondage. "Dhhd shhhmm thhmmphh mmhhph mmp nnhh hrrmmpphh STHHMMKHHMMPHHS?!" Sophie protested loudly through her gag, seeing the black material wrapped around her ankles. She tried to stand up to find some way of freeing herself, but she was too vigorous, and she fell forward onto her front, her torn, sky-blue summer dress doing practically nothing to protect her modesty as she writhed about on the floor.
"Ooohh, I don't care what powers she has," Sophie thought, incandescent with rage. "When I get my hands on her, she is going to be lying at MY feet, and she is going to be tied up in MY stockings..." As if she had been overheard, Sophie hastily added the disclaimer: "And NOT in a sexy way!"

Eventually, thrashing around with such violent fury, Sophie managed to wriggle so furiously that the knot binding her gag to her head, which had in all fairness been tied somewhat unwillingly, came a little loose. With just enough room to do so, she pushed the twisted scarf out of her mouth with her tongue.
"ENHANCE!!" she cried out, never having done so with greater fury. Seizing upon her powers like bloodhounds would seize a steak as her torn dress was replaced by her tight, gold uniform, she was able to feel just from the pressure against her wrists the kind of knot the bindings were tied in. She managed to use her fingers to pull in just the right spot to undo them. Her hands free, she quickly untied her legs.

Leaping to her feet, she was almost out the door before she realised that she didn't actually know where Mariko had gone. She cursed under her breath, then over her breath, before she realised that she had the way to find her. She picked up one of the discarded stockings from the floor, and - somewhat hesitatingly - smelled it. To a normal person it wouldn't have smelt of much, but to Enhancegirl, it contained a smorgasbord of scents. There were the lingering traces of soaps, expensive perfumes, all the products that Mariko used to keep her oriental skin so supple and soft. There was also a unique smell, an extremely subtle one, that was the delicate, natural scent of Mariko's body. Even that, like everything else about her, was refined and feminine.

However, to Enhancegirl, again the bloodhound, it was her trail of yarn, left by an obliging Ariadne-of-the-nose. Even a dog would not have been able to follow it for long, but Enhancegirl was no animal. She swung the door of the vacant lot open, and dashed out, not realising that she was following the scent back to Seacouver Stadium.

As Sophie got closer, though, the sense of a faint familiarity was hard to break. She knew the streets, yes, but it was more than that.
"Feels like I've only just been here," she muttered to herself. Nearing the stadium itself, she passed through a throng of people coming out. A matinée had just finished, the only performance of the day. She drew quite a few stares from people who recognised her outfit, but she focussed only on following the scent.

She was finally distracted when she came into the theatre's lobby, and found herself in another strangely familiar environ. "What the hell?" The sense of deja vu was overwhelming, yet Sophie could not for the life of her place it. Shaking her head, she continued following the scent, through a door marked "Authorised Personnel Only" (again familiar) down a narrow corridor ("I must have been somewhere like this before..."), and into a hall with dressing rooms on both sides.

She passed two French women, who didn't look at her as though she were particularly out of place, given her outfit.
"Okay, this is getting weird," she said to herself, able to remember details of the performers' faces that could not possibly be in her mind in any other way than memory. She followed Spectra's scent, still, but she was very confused. At last she came to a door, a door with a large golden star on it, a door with the name "Meredith Rodriquez" emblazoned on it. She put her hand on the doorknob, and a feeling of immense dread seized her.

She couldn't open the door.

She wouldn't.

She mustn't.

"Why...why can't I...?" She suddenly felt a strange compulsion. A compulsion to leave the place immediately, to forget that she'd ever been there and to do...something to herself when she got back. Sophie's will might well have failed there, but she was pushed on, partly by her keenly inquiring mind, and partly with a little help from Spectra, and not just her compulsion to get even with the heroine. Spectra's questioning, forcing Sophie to confront the thoughts that had been placed under locka and key, had made her conditioning more malleable than it had been. With what turned out to be enormous strength of will, Sophie turned the handle, and entered, not noticing that the pins in the lock had been burned clean away.

Suddenly it all fell into place. The sight of Meredith's dressing room was too familiar, and Sophie's hypnotic conditioning failed to protect her from the truth for any longer. She remembered everything: Meredith hypnotising and tying her up, being conditioned to let villains chloroform her on the trigger-word "let it go", even being conditioned to chloroform herself if she got too near the truth. She remembered doing so, and how the jewel thieves and the masked robber had managed to defeat her. She even remembered Spectra's interrogation. Her hypnotist had been to sure that Sophie would never discover the truth, and had not prepared her suggestions in such a way that they could survive the harsh light of reality. Sophie's conditioning was broken.

"Spectra!" she said, her emotion towards the haughty heroine suddenly turning from rage to concern. She caught the scent of her sometime ally, fearing that the jade-eyed damsel would be, or had already been, mesmerised. She rushed down the corridor, pushing past the occasional performer.
"Mon dieu!" one of the trapeze artists exclaimed. "Elle est fou, la femme d'or!"

But Sophie paid them no attention. She dashed forward, going towards the back of one of the smaller stages, currently unused. She could tell that Spectra was close, possibly in grave danger.
"Spectra!" she cried out, alone on the empty stage.
"Right here, my dear." A chill running down her spine, Sophie recognised the voice of the woman who had brought her under her thrall. She turned around slowly, fearing the state in which she would find her fellow heroine.

Sophie turned, seeing an attractive, dark-haired woman, blindfolded, her arms tied behind her back. Only, this woman was not willowy and tall, like Mariko. Nor was she Japanese. She was white, and she was not slender, but -
"Voluptuous," Sophie repeated. She had almost not recognised her without seeing her violet eyes, but this was Mesmeredith. She was the one who had been defeated, and captured.

"Enhancegirl?" As for Spectra, she was standing behind the blindfolded hypnotist, unmolested. She had triumphed. And she had done so entirely without Sophie's help. "What are you doing here?!" There was a note of alarm in her voice which prompted Sophie to annoyance - but under the circumstances Spectra was right to be suspicious.
"It's me, Spectra. The conditioning broke. She can't control me anymore."

Spectra looked at her, their green eyes again meeting.
"Give it up," she said simply, studying her face for a reaction. But Sophie's eyes did not go wide. Her arms did not fall to her sides. Spectra breathed a sigh of relief, as she realised that Sophie's words were true.
"You haven't heard the last of Mesmeredith!" the bound villainess cried out. "You will both be mine, d'you hear?"
"Your talk won't avail you without your eyes," Mariko said. "You weren't to know, Enhancegirl," she said, as she led Meredith away. "Don't feel embarrassed that you were ensnared. Even some of the best were taken in by her at one time," Saying that, not-so-subtly dropping the hint that Sophie was not among "the best" she walked across the stage with her defeated opponent, leaving Sophie in centre stage. Spectra's strides were long, her face proud, and her bearing almost regal.

"I guess..." she said to herself, "she really is better at this stuff than I am..." Her despondent thought was interrupted when the hypnotist tripped in her heels, falling onto the ground.
"Hey, help me!" she demanded. With a scoff, Mariko hauled her back to her feet.
"Spectra," Enhancegirl said, swallowing her pride.
"Mm?" Mariko's face was a mix of triumph and irritation.
"I..." Sophie looked down at the ground. She had run into some distressing situations before, certainly, but never something like that. She'd been totally mollified, and humiliated. That she still could feel like a superheroine at all, rather than a mere damsel in distress, was only due to the fact that, at last, she'd been able to free her mind. "Thank you."
"Think nothing of it," Mariko said. "That's what we heroines do." Mercifully, her body language indicated that by 'we', she meant herself and Sophie. Almost grateful for outside confirmation, Sophie breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed she had a lot to learn.

Right! This is the final part of Enhancegirl's third chapter, a secret ending of sorts. Please tell me what you thought! There might be a new chapter in the works soon, so I'd be eager to know what you guys like and dislike. Enjoy!

Part Three: A Moonlit Beauty

"Utsukushi..." Mariko thought to herself as she observed a pale, crescent moon through a wide window, unobscured by any offending cloud. She turned away from it, as her black dress fell to her feet. Immensely pleased with herself from the day's victory, Mariko was on Cloud Nine as she let down her hair, before slipping on a translucent, black nightdress. It was frilly around its hem, which seemed as if it hardly dared obscure her long, tan legs at all, and similarly around the shoulders, the edges of which it just about clung to, still exposing Mariko's slender neck and the soft expanse of skin above her breasts.

As the victorious maiden basked in the moonlight, she drank in the light. Though her powers were not active, she still had a kinship with luminescence, each kind giving her a different sensation as it touched her. This light was calm, a moon demure yet strong, much like Mariko thought herself. As the luminous moon cast its silvery rays upon her, like a Queen doting gifts on a favourite servant, Mariko closed her eyes and smiled, opening the window.

She walked over to her plush bed, her slinky hips swaying from side to side and swaying the nightdress along with them. Through the thin, translucent material, Mariko's strapless black bra, and frilled lingerie were almost completely visible. A trained eye could even make out the brand. Mariko lay down on her bed, crossing one leg over the other, playfully caressing herself. This was not vanity. Like a tigress exalting in her own strength, Mariko was exalting in her beauty.

She certainly had every right to be proud. Mesmeredith, or Hypnotra as she'd once been known, had been a dangerous foe for the entire superheroic community. With Indigo Titan under her control Hypnotra had caused a terrible crisis.
"Thank the stars for Insyte," she said, again remembering the heroine who had, against all likelihood, finally defeated Hypnotra. Now others would thank the stars for Spectra, for preventing Hypnotra from once again amassing power and servants.

Already the articles praising Seacouver's favourite adopted daughter were being hastily printed, Enhancegirl's part in the tale being left out even by May's Herald. Spectra's fame was only growing, her mastery of her powers increasing every day. Having recently perfected the art of creating a focussed light beam, to be used as a kind of blade, Spectra's next project would be to master the art of invisibility, to be able to cloak herself without blinding herself. Even in her modelling career Mariko was meeting with success after success, her pride matching her tall stature. It seemed to Mariko as if there were nothing she could not do.

Mariko preferred to live alone, to have solitude to develop her abilities. She was a frequent hostess to keep up appearances, but the fine house was empty, barring Mariko herself. This was, perhaps, unfortunate that night. For up the ivy that grew thick on her outer walls climbed a figure, whom the moonlight did not reveal to anyone. She was also climbing straight towards Mariko's bedroom window.

For a moment, Mariko's perfectly trimmed eyebrows furrowed, as she heard a rustling beneath her window. But when she saw a figure appear in the moonlit window, an intruder, she was becalmed. When the intruder climbed in, Mariko had not tried to stop her. She did not scream, shout, or lift so much as a finger in objection. She did not move an inch, and she certainly did not transform.

Even as the intruder approached her, she did not move. Even as the intruder touched her on the thigh, Mariko did not move. She turned her green eyes towards the woman, but that was all. Mariko was motionless.
"Oh, you are a truly lovely creature, aren't you?" said an obscurely accented voice. "Such exquisite fragility..." Beckoning with her hands, the intruder had Mariko stand. She did so passively, her arms by her sides, looking straight forward, until the intruder touched her chin to turn her face towards her. Mariko was taller than the intruder, but also much more slender, and looked the more delicate of the two.

Mariko felt her wrists gently taken, and crossed behind her back. There was a momentary pause, before the model felt silk sliding over her wrists, thin silk straps that not only slid past her wrists, but were wound around them. As the straps went round again, and again, it became very clear what was happening: Mariko was being tied up. And she was not even trying to fight.

Once her wrists were tightly tied together in silk, Mariko felt hands reaching round from behind her, feeling for her somewhat small, but perky breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze before they were squeezed again, this time from below by silk, three circuits of straps tied around her torso. Mariko felt her elbows drawn against her back by the straps, as her arms became almost impossible to move. Not that she tried to move them.
"There..." the intruder said, stroking Mariko's bare shoulders from behind, "isn't that better?"
"Yes..." Mariko sighed, "better for me to be bound...better for me to be helpless..."

Mariko felt hands on her thighs once again, giving a charming blush as her lissom legs were caressed. There too, she felt silk, encircling her delicate ankles just above her dainty feet, drawing her legs close together. Having been close, her legs were then pressed as together, as tight against each other as the dark blue bonds were tight against Mariko's body. The bonds felt soft against Mariko's supple curves, but her long, naked legs felt even more silky against each other than the silk which bound them so close.

Now the oriental maiden was bound hand and foot, very much trussed up. She was still completely submissive, standing perfectly still, except when her captor elected to move some part of her body for her, when Mariko was obliging. She felt a hand squeeze against her right shoulder, and another gripping her bare left thigh. Suddenly, Mariko was lifted into the air, carried like a bride. The tall, long-legged maiden gave a minuscule, soft moan as she dangled in the arms of the shorter woman, draped across her arms.

"Mariko," said the intruder, happy to feel Mariko's body against her own, "do you, right now, believe yourself to be a heroine?"
"No..." Mariko sighed again, every word she spoke to her captor seeming a relief.
"Then what are you?"
"I am..." the proud, haughty beauty said, "...a damsel in distress. I am bound, and weak...and I will be helpless unless...someone comes to rescue me." She spoke these words with a surrendering tone, not quite pleasure, and not quite dismay. At any rate, she gave another feminine blush.
"Will anyone rescue you?" the intruder said, smiling.
"No..." Mariko replied, her sparkling jade eyes wet and plaintive. Her bound body still hung in the air as if floating, her shoulders and her legs reflecting the pale moonlight. "You've captured me...I can't get away..."
"That's right." She placed Mariko down on the bed, and began running her hands all over the captive damsel's body. She stroked at and squeezed her much-admired legs, her hands feeling every inch of the acres of exposed skin that Mariko's short nightdress laid bare for her captor to fondle and caress.

"Ooh," Mariko mewed, as she felt a kiss planted on the outside of her right thigh, then her left calf. She moved up Mariko's body, planting kisses on her shoulders, her neck, and her soft cheeks. Her captor's lips left a red lipstick mark wherever they touched, as if marking Mariko as belonging to her and her alone. She then, taking full advantage of the Japanese beauty's helpless submissiveness, kissed her on her rosy lips, the trussed up damsel so much in thrall to her captor that she did not offer the slightest resistance as her tongue was stroked by her captor's, at the same time that the intruder's hands travelled back down to her lower body, stroking and groping Mariko, smudging the lipstick marks that she had made on Mariko's smooth, moist legs, which shifted gently against each other, and the straps that held the maiden in bondage.

"To whom do you belong, Mariko?" the helpless heroine's voluptuous captor asked.
"To Mesmeredith..." she said. For indeed, her utter submissiveness, her instantaneous defeat by this intruder - Mesmeredith herself - had been arranged hours before. In the instant that Meredith had fallen, the blindfold had slipped off her eyes for an instant, at the same time that she was asking Mariko to 'help her'. Their eyes met in a mirror, just for an instant, and from then on, Mariko was hers, her confidence having caused her to drop her guard completely. What had taken minutes for the lovely redhead Sophie had taken half a second for Mariko. That wasn't quite enough for all this, of course. As she was being led away, Meredith had had to give further instructions, her voice being all she required once her target had fallen under her spell. She'd told Mariko to loosen her blindfold before she was arrested. Told her to await her that night. Told her to behave just as she had done.

"Now, my damsel," Meredith said. "Look into my eyes." Mariko did so, the strength of her jade eyes suppressed by the power of Meredith's purple ones. "You will rest now, Mariko. Rest and forget."
"Yes...I will forget..."
"Now sleep, my long legged lass...sleep..." Mariko found herself totally compelled by her captor's eyes and voice. Her pretty eyes began to close, her body as bound by Meredith's will as by the silk straps she had tied around Mariko's sylphlike curves.
"Sleep..." Meredith urged, and Mariko was defeated. She gave a long, soft sigh, and swooned, her head falling back against a pillow.
"I shall come again another night," Meredith said, "but until then, forget that you are mine. Though whether you remember it or not, Mariko, you are mine." With that, she left. Quitting the house the way she had come, she left the oriental beauty in a hypnotised slumber, her lithe body wrapped up in ropes, her great triumph ruinously reversed upon her, her great victory in reality a crushing defeat. And though she was bound, and daubed with the lipmarks of her lascivious captor, when she awoke, the proud heroine would have no idea. As she'd admitted to Meredith, Mariko was now helpless and, without rescue, was all but certain to remain so: an unknowing damsel in distress.
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The story's nice, I'm just a little confused. One minute the villainess is led away, tied up and blindfolded, then suddenly she's sneaking in the heroine's bedroom window?

Ah, perhaps that wasn't entirely clear. Basically, by loosening her blindfold (as it mentions Spectra did) Mesmeredith was able easily to escape the police when she was arrested. Then she came for Spectra that night.
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Spoke with Damsel a little, and got some input on Spectra's look.

Dropping the emblem on the chest went a long way to making for an easier render.

Since EG and Spectra are friendly i thought i'd add them together for this render.


Very nice! It's really fun seeing people interpret these characters in different ways. I'm really honoured you chose to lend your talents to my creations, Mr Kitten!
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Ms. Actually but its all good.

My apologies! Anyway, your renders rock!
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Any more stories coming? :)

I've just started on another Enhancegirl story, but it'll probably be a while until it's done. I don't suppose there's anything in particular you'd like to see in a new EG tale, is there?
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Hmmm, let's see, I'd like:
EG and Spectra to fall in love
A villainess turn Spectra into a puppet for her evil plans, including chloroforming EG and robbing a highly-secured bank, like Fort Knox-level secure
EG use her own weakness against the villainess and free Spectra with a kiss

Any of those strike a liking?
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Damselbinder wrote:I've just started on another Enhancegirl story, but it'll probably be a while until it's done. I don't suppose there's anything in particular you'd like to see in a new EG tale, is there?
Can't wait for more Enhancegirl stories~~So many wonderful plots in your story.Just like to see more and more chloroform of EG :yahoo:
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I like!

I want to read more!
Jenn (aka Flirty)

Thanks, FBN! May I ask what you liked about it?

And in response to Wheelie915, someone using Spectra as a puppet against Enhancegirl might not be entirely outside the bounds of possibility?
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Glad to hear it :)
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Wheelie915 wrote:Hmmm, let's see, I'd like:
EG and Spectra to fall in love
A villainess turn Spectra into a puppet for her evil plans, including chloroforming EG and robbing a highly-secured bank, like Fort Knox-level secure
EG use her own weakness against the villainess and free Spectra with a kiss

Any of those strike a liking?

I have to admit, i would rather not see EG and Spectra falling in love. The whole two Superheroine Lesbian thing is just done to death. I think your plot works with them being close friends. Any romantic interest perhaps 'suggested' to Spectra while she is a puppet could work, and when the adventure is over, they have that awkward, situation between them to explore.
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Monthly Poll at my DA came up 'Bondage', which seemed to fit Mariko's situation. The quote isnt exact (due to space issues), and i used rope instead of silk, but the sentiment is about right. I did notice as i was doing the captions that Mariko's eyes were suppose to be green... :blink:

Will have to fix that the next time i consider doing one of these.

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