Superheroine Weakened

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Minx climbed slowly into the abandoned warehouse through an open window. She was wearing her signature full body purple skin tight catsuit, with a pair of black thigh high leather boots, black gloves, a black belt, and a purple mask.That's odd, why would he leave the window open like that? It's almost like he wants me to come in, she thought to herself. She slowly crept through the warehouse looking for the villain she had been tracking. Where is he, she thought to herself. Then all of the sudden she felt something wrap itself around her ankles and wind itself all the way around her legs and stopped at her hips. "What the?!" she yelled aloud as she was then grabbed from behind by the villain she had been tracking and she felt a wet rag being pressed against her mouth and nose. She recognized the smell immediately, chloroform. She tried to reach up and remove the cloth but the wrapping had reached her arms now and stopped there. She was now mummified in a cocoon of some kind of silk cloth with a chloroform rag across her mouth and the man she had been tracking had her right in his hands. "hello Minx, so nice of you to pay me a visit, I hope this chloroform cloth doesn't make you feel too sleepy, it would be a shame if you were to fall asleep in the arms of a villain you came here to capture, don't you think? hahahaha" taunted the villain as Minx's muffled screams in defiance only made him laugh harder. She felt her strength leaving her body as the chloroform's fumes drained her of her strength. She felt her eyes getting heavier and heavier and she slowly began to slump back into the villains lap. She felt him getting a boner as it pressed into her spandex encased ass. Finally she let out a moan announcing her defeat as she fell asleep in the villains arms. "sweet dreams Minx, soon your mind will be mine." said the villain as he picked her up and carried her into another room in the warehouse.
A couple hours later Minx woke up from her chloroform induced sleep. She remembered being ambushed by the villain she was tracking and him putting her to sleep with a chloroform cloth. She studied her surroundings and realized she was tied down to a metal spit over a heater with what seemed like seatbelts. She couldn't move as her body was still groggy from the chloroform. Then the villain walked in and said "well well well, what do we have here. Minx all tied up on my special spit." "What do you want from me?!" Minx responded in defiance. "I want the activation codes to the superheroine base." "I'll never give them to you!" Minx said angrily. "Maybe you won't now, but after I'm done brushing your skin tight catsuit with my special strength sapping baste you will be so weak that I can then hypnotize you... Then all of your secrets will be mine, and I can use you to lure other superheroines into my trap." Said the villain with an evil grin. "You'll never get away with this," said Minx as she struggled to get free of her bonds. "Hahaha, I'd save my strength if I were you, you're going to need every bit of it while you're soaking in my weakening baste." He said as he pulled out a thick paintbrush and dipped it in his strength sapping solution.
He started with her breasts as he slowly lathered her spandex clad breasts with his weakening solution. "Ughhhhh" moaned Minx as she felt her strength leaving her body. "That's right, soon you will be so weak you won't even be able to scratch your nose. Oh wait you can't already!" Taunted the villain as he motioned to her bonds. He basted the rest of her body slowly and carefully, making sure to get every spot of her catsuit. He took great care with her long legs and groin. Once he finished he stepped back to admire his work as he listened to the moans of Minx as the baste absorbed what little strength she had left. "Now your skin tight catsuit will do the rest of the work, it will absorb all of the baste and trap it against your body like a sponge. In a couple hours you will be completely helpless and I will then control your mind." Said the villain as he ran his fingers through her hair and then wrapped a chloroform soaked pink silk cloth around her mouth like a gag. She quickly passed out as her body was too weak to resist the sleepy chemicals.He then left to room to prepare for his next stage in his evil plan.
He came back a couple hours later and saw she was still asleep and according to his computer hooked up to her body, her strength was critically low at only 1% strength. He laughed and removed her sleepy gag. She slowly began to stir out of her slumber. "Ughh I'm sooooo weak..." Said Minx in a weak tone of voice. "Time for me to take control of your mind." Said the villain as he strapped a helmet around her head and connected it to the computer. He typed on the computer for a brief moment and then a computerized voice said "mind control program initiated... Estimated time of mind control 10 seconds" then he watched as Minx struggled with what little strength she had left to remove the helmet as it vibrated on her head and quickly began to take over her mind. The computer counted down "10...9...8...7....6...5...4...3...2...1... Mind control complete" the villain then looked over at Minx and saw her blankly staring at the ceiling. "Minx who is your master?" Asked the villain. " you are my master." Said Minx. "Excellent... Now tell me what are the codes to the superheroine base?" Said the villain with an evil smile. "They are 4-5-8-9-1-3-2-6-7." Said Minx. "Very good, you have been very helpful to me minx, soon I will either destroy or capture all of your little friends and make them slaves like you, hahahaha. But first I want you to come lay in bed with me. I've never had sex with a superheroine before..." Said the villain as he untied her and walked with her back into his bedroom.

Please leave a comment below about what you liked about my story, and ways I can improve it. Thanks.
Last edited by Superheroinefan15 11 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Staff Sargeant
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This is a pretty cool story. It looks like you based it on the pictures. Nice.

To make your next story better? The first thing you can do is break it into paragraphs. It makes it much easier to read. The second thing is describe the heroine. I know you also posted pictures, which is really nice, but it's no substitute for, "The heroine paused, sleek muscles tensing within her skin tight purple costume as she scanned the area..." or something like that. Third, describe the capture! You can't have sex without foreplay, can you? To a lot of us, that's the foreplay to a story like this. Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the advice. I'll make sure to make my next story more descriptive, organized, and with better foreplay.
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Staff Sargeant
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There you go, you're getting the idea! You want to use block paragraphing, though, because this forum doesn't read formatting and indentations. Check out some other stories to see how we do it.

Don't think you have to come up with complicated plots. Starting out you want to keep it simple, just like you're doing. As you write more stories, you'll probably want to take it further, flesh out the heroine's personality, but you're doing just great.
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Thanks for the support!
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Sorry I didn't comment sooner.

Centurion said everything I would have. Love the idea of a superheroine being slowly weakened and drained of her power. Hope you have some more superheroines being captured and weakened. If you want to add pics, best way is just upload it as an attachment.

Anyway hope you feel like adding some more, good start!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Its very good.
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Too bad it never continued
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