Say What??!! New Costumes??

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Christina Carter
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Geez…what is going on around here??

Lets start with this ridiculous article that I was sent two days ago via a fan…


Alright, someone forgot to tell me I no longer am with us..and I haven’t been since august 2014! What kind of friends and fans are you?? You just keep on letting me As you all know, I am alive and well. I’m not ghost writing.

Here’s another WTF?! from today… did you see the new Wonder Woman and Super Man Costumes they have come up with?? Let me share them with you…



What do you think about this???

My thoughts….. Wonder Woman has WAY too many clothes on…and Super Man is WAY to casual.

I really think they need to stop fucking with the costumes. I mean really???? Why do they keep trying to change what we love?

Speaking of Super Heroines.. I shot with Candle Box yesterday. This one is at the moment called “Hush Money” featuring Cat Woman and Bat Girl..


I know you are probably frothing at the mouth waiting for another Super Heroine release…it’s coming… I have my editor working over time. I’m hoping to get one out for you mid-week…cross your fingers :) .

OOOhhhh…one more WTF?! before I let you go.. and no one is allowed to get offended over one is allowed to get all winy pussy like on me.. I’ve dealt with people with this issue..

OUD.. Opiate usage disorder. They had a commercial about this on the radio when I was stuck in traffic on La Ceinega today.
Are you kidding me?!?!
Is this a new polite way of saying drug addict???
If you have this “disorder” your in luck.. They have new drugs for you!! Seriously, they said they have a new drug for this. ???????

I was laughing as I was driving home from Trashy Lingerie over this…pretty soon everything is going to be a disorder…and there will be a pill for it.

Okay, I’m done…

Night loves! :)

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Superman just looks like a builder. That's just pointless. :no:

'Look! Up in the sky!'
'Is it a bird?'
'Is it a plane?' -
''s some sort of construction worker without his hard hat and high-viz jacket...'

(Incidentally why is everyone so surprised that you.might see a plane or a bird flying? You crazy yanks....) ;)

That death story thing is just really creepy -shocking journalism.
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The new DC costumes, or "costumes" in the case of Superman. Although, you could argue wearing a superman t-shirt like pretty much every guy these days is kinda the perfect cover X-)

DC need to stop trying to please everyone! They need to focus on creating a strong core brand - with good writing. Interest in the characters and storylines should be a by-product of a great brand.

As things are they're not only loosing core fans, but gaining few new subscribers too - what is even the point?!
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I suspect your fan did the mock-up for a laugh. There's no sign of that article appearing in the L.A. Now section of the L.A. Times during August 2014. Plus the font is different and they don't put periods at the end of headlines. ... cal/lanow/

I quite like the new Wonder Woman costume. But I'm imagining the thigh fabric as opaque nylon. :D
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DC continues to cover up their female heroines, censor (and apologize for) covers and teeshirts and anything else feminist complain about, yet at the same time they make a Magic Mike cover showing their male characters as actual strippers. The shows they make, like Arrow, are mostly about the way the actors look with their shirts off. They have become a company that is anti boy, anti heterosexual male, and anti anyone who dislikes double standards. If you enjoy beautiful women with great legs, DC is not for you. If you like ogling men and boys, though, DC is for you.
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isn't Marvel also doing the same thing to their female characters?
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Do not get the complaints about shows like Arrow showing ripped guys. I swear comic fans are insecure in their manhood or something.

First thought regarding shirtless scenes in Arrow was, "Damn u ripped, bro!" - not "OMG a shirtless dude, the horror!!!"

Women are objectified in comics, and often turned into damsels - men, not so much.

SHIP fans have had something of a golden age - a change to that really isn't the end of the world ... not that it's changing. The boobs are just getting a little less ridiculous ... and surely there's porn for that kinda ridiculousness
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Marvel sucks too and also allows itself to be bullied by SWJs and feminists, but that doesn't excuse DC. DC's censorship has been stronger, its double standards more obvious, and it has been going on since the mid 2000s when feminists and a bullied DC ruined Supergirl. DC comes off as anti-boy and anti heterosexual male in both its double standards (e.g. Arrow and JL males as strippers covers while pulling a Catwoman cover) and its words, calling characters we like "porny, sluts" (looking at you, Igle and Palmiotti), using feminist propaganda words like "objectification" and "male gaze," and even going on the attack against teenage boys before censoring Supergirl (looking at you, Bedard). DC has gone out of its way to demonize perfectly natural and healthy heterosexual fantasies for males while very much marketing their male characters as sexual fantasies for women.
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Swampy, I'm pretty sure it is you who are insecure in your manhood just as feminists are insecure with their physical appearances and therefore attack anything that is a fantasy for men. The obvious double standards bother me. Fake issues like 'objectification' bother me. If you somehow argue Magic Mike and Twilight are okay and different but a Superheyroine in a short skirt or Sucker Punch are evil, you shouldn't get to call yourself a man. Feminists, progressives, and the gender studies crew have certainly brainwashed you. Does being an honorary, offended woman get you lots of action?
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Come on now chaps let's avoid personal insults and keep it friendly. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, except when they disagree with me. :whistle: ;)
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You are right about the personal insults, Tallyho. But being told I'm 'insecure' in my manhood because I defend things I enjoy and do not appreciate them being censored by people engaging in obvious double standards will get my anger up. It seems one must allow himself to be bullied by the SJWs and feminists and put up with censorship on behalf of their feelings or else be called 'insecure.' I cannot stand feminists, identity politics, and collectivism. I cannot stand censorship because some sensitive person is offended. I think feminists making up terms like objectification, rape culture, male gaze, toxic masculinity, etc. is extremely sexist, hateful, and harmful to men and women. I'm going to defend myself, my beliefs, and the harmless hobbies I've enjoyed from SJW takeover. I'm not going to say 'oh the poor young women with body image problems is offended by my heterosexuality. She can censor everything I like so she is comfortable.'
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And Swampy somehow didn't seem to get that I hate the double standard and the censorship. I could care less about Arrow. I'm not the target audience, so let others enjoy it. But if the same people are marketing male characters that way or enjoying those male characters while continually reducing the sex appeal of female characters every time a Jezebel blogger throws a tantrum, I'm not going to buy the products and I'm not going to shut up.
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Hypocrasy thy name is....

Complain women are getting less sexy, but men are getting more sexy....

Strong female characters are a good thing, no need to complain about that. Them not running around in bathing suits, as much - they still do, not a bad thing.

Being aggressively defensive over something you love experiencing change in the long run will likely lead to more harm than good.

I mean, look at the state of the comic book industry......................
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Sorry, Swampy, but you are the hypocrite. You think think Magic Mike and shirtless DC male scenery is fine, but hyperventilate over the poor women if a comic book, video game, or commercial looks sexy to actual men. As I said, I don't care about the sex appeal of the males, but I hate the double standards. Any sexy female in the media will have a large amount of jealous, offended leftists squawking and people apologizing and censoring. Yet it's a never ending feast for women and no one is allowed to judge them.

The state of the comic book industry is terrible. The products are garbage. The reason is people silently letting politically correct, easily offended collectivists police people's hobbies. That and guys who are enablers and somehow think women are so weak that they cannot handle sexy women in the media.
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Christina, I had no idea that article was out there and I read it thinking it was real. That was a horrible feeling and I am so, so thankful. I'd normally care but f the're alive!!!! Woohoo!!!
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teech22 wrote:Christina, I had no idea that article was out there and I read it thinking it was real. That was a horrible feeling and I am so, so thankful. I'd normally care but f the're alive!!!! Woohoo!!!
so thankful it's not true!
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Ok the NEW looks...GRRRR SUCKS! Really wish some women and men would come togather and start a comicbook company that could rival the main stays(DC and Marvel). Yes I know there are some independents on the shelves but they really cant compete with the powerfull 'OLD GUARD". I am so tired of reboots, crappy costume changes or non-costume looks, and PC based story lines. ITS FANTASY!!! ITS EXTREME NONREALISTIC FICTION!!!! ITS SUPOSED TO BE SEXY AND OUTRAGOUS REGUARDLESS OF THE GENDER!! If I had the writeing talent, cash and really talented partners I would be rocking the boat as much as I could.
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lol, when did i say i didn't like women being sexy in comics?! Certainly didn't think i'd said that!

Absolutely fine with women being sexy in comics - and they generally are..

What i did say is it's fine that women are slightly less overtly sexy in comics. Mainstream comics are generally aimed at a younger audience while they also have a.. more mature audience.

There are plenty of adult titles out there.

As i said in my previous post, no shortage of porn.
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I can see why folks get angry about comic book characters being redesigned, but it's an inevitable part of the industry now. It reminds me of when the new Star Wars films came out, everybody I know hated them, but kids love them. Why? Because they were aimed at kids. Fandoms like this are not designed to service the same customers in perpetuity, comes a point when they just cut you loose in favour of somebody else.

It sucks, I mean nobody wants to be what amounts to dumped by the creators of a comic book series or movie franchise they've loved since they were kids, but that's how these things work now. Your money is good until it isn't, and when it isn't, they look for somebody else to sell to.

For the record though, that Superman costume is craptastic. I think it might be the worst superhero costume I have ever seen.
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Lol, isn't thy name "hypocrisy" and not "hypocrasy"?
But as to the debate, I want to shout at DC, "Who freaking cares?!" Let fans be fans. If sexy outfits sell, sell sexy outfits. Stop prematurely worrying over a minute segment of the population. If the concern is truly a feminist concern, how about doing something about the way women are treated in the Middle East? Let fans have their fill of unrealistic male and female physiques. We like it! And we do understand that they aren't realistic obviously. How dumb does DC think their fans are? Quit pandering to the crowd that probably doesn't even buy their material.
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Can't wait for the new video!!!
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"OUD.. Opiate usage disorder. They had a commercial about this on the radio when I was stuck in traffic on La Ceinega today.
Are you kidding me?!?!
Is this a new polite way of saying drug addict???
If you have this “disorder” your in luck.. They have new drugs for you!! Seriously, they said they have a new drug for this. ???????"

I thought this was the most interesting part of the post!

Holy LMFAO!!! Sounds like you think like me, something like this would set me off into a firecracker of laughter also!
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swampy170 wrote:Do not get the complaints about shows like Arrow showing ripped guys. I swear comic fans are insecure in their manhood or something.

First thought regarding shirtless scenes in Arrow was, "Damn u ripped, bro!" - not "OMG a shirtless dude, the horror!!!"

Women are objectified in comics, and often turned into damsels - men, not so much.

SHIP fans have had something of a golden age - a change to that really isn't the end of the world ... not that it's changing. The boobs are just getting a little less ridiculous ... and surely there's porn for that kinda ridiculousness
I point out the shirts off scenes to illustrate the absurd hypocrisy of the PC crowd. On top of that this is not a zero sum game. NO ONE has to go in the closet so someone else can come out. As far as racy and golden age of SHIP... where? We've been on a steady increase into prudishness since Baywatch was canned. Where is the SHIP in any modern movie? TV show? Its not like Agents of Shield is pouring out tons of scenes. Its a desert as far as I am concerned.

WHY do things have to change for SHIP fans? I am all for ladies having their shirts off stuff but that is NOT mutually exclusive.
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I have a feeling these "new costumes" are only temporary. Some of these are so drastically different like superman and batman (no cape or cowl for batman?) that it looks nothing more than a publicity stunt.

It makes me wonder who they are trying to get with these gimmicks. People who don't read comics in the first place and never will. I think the comic industry is in a decline because they try to get so mainstream that they alienate their core fans for people that will never pick up the comic and are just content with the movies. Then again they should wonder why the movies were so popular in the first place.
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dajinx1 wrote:I have a feeling these "new costumes" are only temporary. Some of these are so drastically different like superman and batman (no cape or cowl for batman?) that it looks nothing more than a publicity stunt.

It makes me wonder who they are trying to get with these gimmicks. People who don't read comics in the first place and never will. I think the comic industry is in a decline because they try to get so mainstream that they alienate their core fans for people that will never pick up the comic and are just content with the movies. Then again they should wonder why the movies were so popular in the first place.
The movies aren't popular because of comic book fans. Look at Guardians of the Galaxy. Nobody had ever heard of the comic book before the film came along and it was -huge-. The Avengers Assemble movie was huge and the Iron Man movies were huge and before the movies came along these were really pretty obscure comic book characters*. Comic book movies are like hippos, the comic books themselves are like the little birds standing on the back of the hippo. It is the hippo that people notice.

As a result of this publicity stunts are to be expected. Comics sell a small fraction of what they used to in their heyday. Really small circulations, made profitable by having lots of titles with very specific target audiences. Getting attention is how they have to do it, I mean how the else is anybody supposed to know they're alive. A new costume, a hero gets gender-swapped or dies, that's news beyond the really tiny audience for the comic. That's why it's done.

*The Hulk was perhaps the exception, but only because of other movies and TV shows.
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Of course I knew it was never really in the paper, I'm positive I would have gotten some kind of visit from detectives or someone like that. Plus, someone always has to identify the body, and I am sure my family would have said something to me about I'm pretty damn positive it was written by the same dude that sends me the exact same story of what he is going to do to me, the only thing missing is him offing himself as well at the end to see what I went through. Weird.

Anyway, I love all the comments and post about the new costumes... lets see what they really do....beside agitated everyone and get them up in a tizzy.

The shoot I did with Candle should be released this coming weekend!! Stay tuned!!

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Yeah comic books just hold onto copyrights at this point.
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Something else to consider with the costumes for comic book characters is that the whole ranges that DC and Marvel put out are vast. Even if you see a character changed dramatically from what you thought they look like, or should look like, chances are it's just short term deal. The idea that comic books might some point grow up into a proper art form seems to have fallen by the wayside, instead companies just pump out dozens of the things to see what sticks.
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No problems with WW's costume tbh. I don't mind fully clothed heroines in catsuits/bodysuits etc, and am a fan of the thigh high boots, armor bits and so on, looks perfectly sexy to me. Captain Marvel's new costume is better to me than the old monochrome black. Supes dressing like a civilian though is dumb... and is that blood dribbling from his fists? People were complaining that Man of Steel turned him dark O.O wtf is this?
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I would say go create another amazon character and leave WW as she was. I kinda hate captain marvel's new costume too.
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ywf wrote:I would say go create another amazon character and leave WW as she was. I kinda hate captain marvel's new costume too.
I'd like them to put her hair back to normal. The newer ones at least just show she's got like, shorter hair than before and don't pin it up in that ATROCIOUS mohawk...

Other than that, her new costume is more dynamic than the old one, one they'll put up on the big screen without to much alteration unlike the black leotard which would have been changed all over the place, and feels more like her original uniform than the whole lightning bolt thing (which never was a Captain Marvel symbol to begin with)

The road to not ticking off fans of superheroines AND carrying Hollywood's politically correct motif begins at character conception. There's enough SHiP films with ladies in catsuits to show we don't mind at all as a collective its the changes that piss people off not the costumes and Hollywood still hasn't really figured that out.
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ViridianIV wrote: and Hollywood still hasn't really figured that out.
Oh they have. This is a big F*CK YOU to the people they think are scumbag nerd fan boys. "We're gonna ruin your shit".

Again more money for us adult vendors.
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Mr. X wrote:
ViridianIV wrote: and Hollywood still hasn't really figured that out.
Oh they have. This is a big F*CK YOU to the people they think are scumbag nerd fan boys. "We're gonna ruin your shit".

Again more money for us adult vendors.
I choose to see it with more optimism than that. I feel like they pretty much just do whatever they think will appeal to the broadest overall spectrum, and that 60% of the time their inability to emphasize with the common human being means that they get it wrong. Truthfully there haven't been enough superheroine centralized films for them to even have adequately done much by way of focus testing.
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I don't have that faith. If they were profit driven they wouldn't abandon the core fans. I've heard Microsoft for example routinely referred to their customer base as "angry young men" and "people we don't want as customers". I think Hollywood is also too insulated and inundated by people with bizarre political agendas. If anything its the Asian American Doll syndrome.

Basically so worried about offending someone that the female characters become bland nothings who always win.
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Ooh, DC made a change. "Things will never be the same again!"

Well, we know from history how that's utter bullshit!


Next year, DC will bring in costumes which look like these:

The comics heroes/heroines will correspond with the DC Cinematic Universe. Any "change" in the meantime is just a short-term ploy to get news sources talking about the comics.
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Can't get my head around how crap that new Batman costume's ears are. Has anybody involved in designing it even seen a bat? Is it meant to be a fruit bat? Might as well call him Mr Cathead.
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Dogfish wrote:Can't get my head around how crap that new Batman costume's ears are. Has anybody involved in designing it even seen a bat? Is it meant to be a fruit bat? Might as well call him Mr Cathead.
I think he's supposed to evoke something of a mix between the old 60's Batman show and the recent Arkham stuff... but yeah they should make his ears a little longer.
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As South Park put it. "Its Adam Sandler and some penguins... or something... whatever... you'll go see it... fuck you."
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Dogfish wrote:Can't get my head around how crap that new Batman costume's ears are. Has anybody involved in designing it even seen a bat? Is it meant to be a fruit bat? Might as well call him Mr Cathead.
I think this Batman is supposed to be modeled after Frank Miller's "Dark Knight Returns"
batman-dark-knight-returns.jpg (21.73 KiB) Viewed 7013 times
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Tuathal wrote:
Dogfish wrote:Can't get my head around how crap that new Batman costume's ears are. Has anybody involved in designing it even seen a bat? Is it meant to be a fruit bat? Might as well call him Mr Cathead.
I think this Batman is supposed to be modeled after Frank Miller's "Dark Knight Returns"
Ah, so it's Frank Miller's fault. Like Zack Snyder's career. ;)
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:yes: Just about everything Zack Snyder does is influenced by Frank Miller, so yeah pretty much. :yes:
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The Wonder Woman costume looks great until you get to her forearms. Then its all WTF. Are they retractable? Why is she Wolverine? Did the Greeks use Katars?

Superman on the other hand needs to give a fuck on what he's wearing. Looks like he just picked it up off the closet floor.
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