Wonder Carmen Part 3 "Wonder Carmen VS The White Slavers"

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Wonder Carmen VS The White Slavers
Part 1
Bedroom Nightmare

Note: This is the third part in a series. Read Wonder Carmen "How It All Began" and "Wonder Carmen In Miami" first.

Carlita looked at Carmen lying deeply unconscious in her red costume. She was totally hot with her cleavage popping out over the top. Carlita bent over and pulled on the costume above Carmen’s breasts. The costume top easily folded down completely exposing Carmen’s awesome breasts. Carlita left it that way for now. Then she pulled the two darts out of Carmen and put them on the nightstand.

The darts injected the remains of their dose on removal. Carmen would go under even deeper now. Carlita turned her attention to Carmen’s legs next. She found the look of Carmen’s boots and pantyhose very erotic. No girl in Miami ever wore those, especially her swimsuit models. She would definitely change that starting with her own slaves.

Carmen unzipped and removed one of Carmen’s boots. It felt heavy! Carlita realized that there was lead in the toe.

“I wouldn’t want to be kicked by that!” Carlita thought. She removed Carmen’s other boot and placed both boots in the closet. She had seen Carmen run. Hiding the boots would help slow her down if she tried to get away.

Carlita had her own secrets when it came to controlling the girls. The dart guns and chloroform were good for discipline and capture of course. But the real secret to making them her willing sex slaves was in the drawer of her nightstand.

It was a drug called scopolamine. It only came legally in seasick patches now. Carlita, through her own sources, also had it in bottles with eyedroppers. It was developed in Germany during the war to be used as a truth serum. It had powerful hypnotic properties. It was also caused rapid unconsciousness when a larger dose was used.
Carlita had the regular seasick dose in her patches altered and made stronger. She had the patches changed too. If they were pressed on, they would release an extra dose and cause sudden sleepiness when needed. If a girl attempted to remove her patch, it would fully inject on removal. She would pass out within 10 seconds and sleep for 8-10 hours.

It could also be given orally. One or two drops would knock out a 200 pound man. It was totally devastating to the skinny and petite swimsuit models. If one drop was put in their drink, they would pass out in 10-15 minutes and sleep for several hours. Carlita preferred to put a drop or two directly on the tongue of an unruly model though. It worked in about 5 minutes that way, and would keep her out for the entire night!

Carlita called them her “love drops.” If a new girl was bad, she soon learned what it meant when Carlita said that she would have to swallow even one of those, let alone several as her punishment. The girl knew she would quickly be out like a light for a long time to come, and Carlita could do anything she wanted to her! Some weren’t sure they would ever wake up at all as they passed out. The conditioned regular girls would willingly swallow the drops when asked though. Since these were used to render the girls unconscious for transport to the secret spa, most girls eagerly took them and couldn’t wait to wake up there!

When an unconscious captured girl was chosen to be a slave, Carlita put a patch on the back of her neck under her hair before she woke up. Most didn’t find the patch right away. Carlita could press on it, if a girl made trouble, and make the girl drowsy and compliant. If Carlita pressed on it a second time it would fully inject and the girl would pass out almost instantly.

The normal dose in the patch made the girls docile and totally open to all her suggestions. They had no means to remove it without knocking themselves out. They would wake up with a new patch installed and be severely disciplined if they even tried that option!

Carlita had the perfect system for white slavery. The lasso would somehow make it even better now. Carlita lifted Carmen’s long, shiny, brown hair out of the way and placed a patch on her neck.

It was several hours before Carmen awakened. Her eyes slowly came into focus, but something was wrong. She still felt like she was drugged. Had they sedated her with something while she was out? Whatever it was, it was working. She could barely move and didn’t seem to care.

Suddenly Carmen had a rude awakening! Her special boots were off and were nowhere in sight. To Carmen’s further dismay, Carlita was standing over her holding the golden lasso! Carlita helped Carmen sit up on the bed. Then she placed the lasso around Carmen’s chest. To Carmen’s dread, her costume had been folded down exposing her breasts. Carlita now tightened the lasso around Carmen’s bare chest just below her breasts.

Without even knowing it, Carlita had placed Carmen in her most vulnerable position. Carmen would now be forced to reveal all and do anything that she was told! Carlita started asking questions one by one,

“How is it that you are so strong and Amanda, the one you call Cora, is so weak, if you both came from the same island? Carlita asked.

“I’m wearing a special belt.” Carmen blurted out.

“You mean this gold one?” Carlita asked while undoing the buckle.

“Yes!” Carmen answered as Carlita slipped the belt off.

“So without this, you are no stronger or faster than Cora?” Carlita asked.

“That’s right.” Carmen strained not to say.

Carlita tossed the belt on the dresser.

“Can you get up or run away with this lasso around you?” Carlita inquired.

“No.” Carmen replied.

“If I leave you alone here, can you take the lasso off of yourself?” Carlita asked.

“No.” Carmen answered.

“Ok, so we’ll just leave it around you for now then.” Carlita answered to Carmen’s dread.

“Are there any other secrets for you to tell me?” Carlita asked smiling.

“My boots are special.” Carmen struggled not to say.

“Yes, I know about those. I have put them away in a safe place.” Carlita said.

“Is there anything else?” Carlita asked.

“My-My Pantyhose” Carmen blurted out struggling and out of breath.

“What’s so special about them?” Carlita inquired.

“They help me run faster.” Carmen helplessly answered.

“Oh well, we’ll just leave those on you for now.” Carlita said. “You won’t be doing much running without your boots and with this lasso around you!”

“Superman’s weakness was kryptonite.” Carlita said. “Suppose you were wearing your belt, boots, and pantyhose and had control of your lasso. With all your strengths and powers in place, how could you be defeated and captured?”

“I can be chloroformed from behind.” Carmen answered in a struggling voice. “If it is placed over my face, I cannot resist inhaling it. I can’t use my powers to fight it off. The chloroform puts me under very quickly. Once I’m under, my belt, boots, and pantyhose can be removed. The lasso can be put around me then too.”

“That’s good to know!” Carlita answered. “You know, I have some chloroform right here. Why don’t we try it and see how quickly and deeply you go under?”

Carmen was beltless, bootless, sedated by the patch, and had the lasso on her in the most potent place. She could do nothing but watch Carlita soak the white washcloth with chloroform. Carlita held the cloth on Carmen until she was nearly out, and then suddenly pulled it away.

“Are the other girls from your island also especially vulnerable to the chloroform?” Carlita asked.

“Yes.” Carmen said. She was barely conscious now.

‘I see,” said Carlita, as she placed the cloth over Carmen’s nose and mouth once more. Carmen passed out within a few seconds. Carlita held the cloth there for a minute or so and put it down on the table.

“Amanda; please come in here now and bring Michelle with you.” Carlita called out.

Michelle and Amanda were Carlita’s latest bedroom slaves. Amanda was a stately, very slender, and blond with blue eyes. She was actually Cora of course, but Carlita had her drugged with a patch and had conditioned her. Michelle was a petite swimsuit model with long shiny brown hair. She was only about five two and had small but perky breasts. She too wore a patch on her neck, and was under Carlita’s control.

Both girls wore Carlita’s skimpy designer bikinis. Amanda’s was red, and Michelle’s was blue. They also wore high heeled sandals with strings tied around their ankles similar to the ones Carlita had given Carmen.

Carlita had conditioned the girls to have sex with each other for her amusement. They also saw to Carlita’s needs as well. They had resisted at first, but were plied with Carlita’s “love drops,” chloroform, and hypnotic conditioning. Now they did what they were told and were perfectly happy about it.

“Or were they just pretending?” Carlita thought to herself. She would use the lasso and see! Carmen was deeply under and stripped of her belt and boots. She wouldn’t miss it for a while.

After the girls entered the room, Carlita told Michelle to sit on the edge of the bed. Then as Amanda stood watching intently, Carlita placed the lasso around Michelle’s chest, right below her tiny bikini top. Once again, Carlita had unknowingly used the lasso in the most powerful way!

Carlita had always suspected that Michelle like women as much as men. She also never fought and resisted being put to sleep with the chloroform like the other girls all did. Now Carlita could know for sure what was going on inside Michelle’s pretty head!

Michelle was already looking at Carmen’s sleeping form on the bed with wide eyes. Carlita began the questioning.

“Do you find her attractive?” Carlita asked.

“Oh yes!” Michelle exclaimed. “She looks especially hot when she’s unconscious like that.”

“Do you prefer women or men sexually?” Carlita asked bluntly.

“I like both, but I guess I like women a little more.” Michelle answered. She sounded like she was out of breath. She was straining not to answer, but the lasso made her reveal all.

“How come you never struggle or say no when I give you chloroform?” Carlita asked next.

“I love being put to sleep!” Michelle answered. “I have fantasized about it all my life!”

Carlita already had her answers. But she decided to ask one more question to possibly enhance her control of Michelle.

“Is there any secret wish or very private sexual urge that you have?” Carlita asked.

Michelle was uneasy now. She didn’t want to answer. The lasso was doing its work though.

“I have always wanted to put a woman to sleep and have erotic sex with her limp body!” Michelle blurted out stuttering.

“Is that the only thing?” Carlita answered smiling.

“No.” Michelle answered struggling again. “Then when she wakes up, I want her to put me to sleep and do the same to me!” Michelle said panting.

“So if one of the girls is bad, would you like to be the one to chloroform her instead of me?” Carlita asked.

“Oh my God yes!” Michelle answered with wide eyes.

“If I let you do this, will you be forever loyal to me?” Carlita inquired.

“Yes!” Michelle answered.

Amanda was scared to death now. She had watched poor Michelle spill her guts out and reveal her innermost secrets to Carlita with that lasso around her. She knew she would probably be next! If Carlita didn’t like her answers, she may be punished severely or even killed! Now Carlita had removed the lasso from Michelle and was holding it her hand.

To Amanda’s relief, Carlita didn’t put it around her. Instead she asked her to lie on her back on the bed next to Carmen. Then Carlita handed the chloroform bottle and a white washcloth to Michelle.

“Michelle is going to put you to sleep and make love to you now.” Carlita said, “Then when you wake up, you are going to put her to sleep and make love to her while she is under.” She added.

Amanda wasn’t thrilled with the idea of being put to sleep with chloroform. At least Carlita couldn’t question her while she was unconscious though. As she watched Michelle lovingly soak the cloth with the chloroform, she relaxed and waited to be put to sleep. Then she thought about the idea of putting sweet Michelle to sleep and having her way with her afterward.

“It just might be pleasant at that!” Amanda thought to herself. Amanda had only been with women so far, and just didn’t know sex any differently yet.

Michelle had the cloth over her face now. Amanda inhaled without resistance. To her surprise, it was much more pleasant when she didn’t struggle and try to push the cloth away. In fact she felt delightful sensations as the room became far away and she slipped into that delightful void.

As Amanda slipped deeply under, Carlita put the lasso back on Carmen in the same place it had been and secured it tightly.

Wonder Carmen VS The White Slavers
Part 2
Bedroom Dreams

After Amanda passed out, Michelle left the cloth over her nose and mouth while she slowly untied, unraveled, and removed Amanda’s shoes. Then she finally removed the cloth and put it aside. Michelle lifted Amanda’s limp body into a sitting position and untied the string behind her neck.

Amanda’s large breasts popped out from under the G string like top. Michelle gently sucked on her nipples for a few minutes first. Then she reached behind Amanda’s back and pulled the other bow undone. Michelle tossed the top on the floor with Amanda’s shoes and lowered her limp body back onto the bed. Rather than untie the bows on Amanda’s bottom, Michelle simply pulled the skimpy bottom down over her shapely legs and off.

Michelle was drunk with her new found power now! Her lifetime fantasy had suddenly crossed over the line into reality. There would be no going back for her. Michelle ravaged Amanda’s limp body everywhere and in every way possible for over an hour.

Carmen woke up slowly. She felt dreamy and sexually aroused. The drug in the patch had firmly taken hold while she was under and unable to fight off its effects. She was still helpless with the lasso around her, but she wasn’t worried. She had to remain the helpless victim until she finally woke up in the secret spa where Nadia was hidden anyway.

Carmen noticed that Carlita was looking intently to the other side of the bed, rather than at her for some reason. Carmen turned her head to see what was happening there. Cora was lying helpless, both naked and unconscious, next to her. A beautiful young model in a skimpy blue bikini was apparently having sex with her!

Carmen was never into women, but the sight of the young model making love to unconscious Cora was definitely arousing her. Carmen remained silent, but watched intently.

Carlita happened to notice Carmen’s arousal! She suddenly had an idea. Carlita grabbed the top of Carmen’s costume and pulled it down and off. It slipped over the silky pantyhose easily. Then Carlita pulled Carmen’s pantyhose down and carefully off. Carmen could do nothing to resist with the lasso around her.

Carmen watched helplessly as Carlita tossed her costume and pantyhose aside. Now Carlita was suddenly holding a silver wand with a cord attached. It was a vibrator! Carmen gasped in fear as Carlita pushed a button and the device started to hum. Carmen placed the device on the bed and gently pulled Carmen’s tiny red panties down and off.

Carmen and Cora were both naked now. Even worse, Carmen still had the lasso tightly around her. As Michelle pleasured Cora’s limp body, Carmen applied the vibrator to Carmen’s most vulnerable spot.

Carmen was already aroused and wet! The touch of the vibrator sent her reeling instantly. The lasso dissolved any possible ability to hold back or resist. Carmen’s hips were writhing in pleasure as she watched Michelle and Cora and felt the relentless stimulation of the magic wand.

After a few minutes, Carlita pushed the button and the vibration speeded up. Within seconds Carmen was losing all control. Carlita spoke now,

“You are very excited watching them aren’t you?” She asked.

“Yes!” Carmen gasped.

“You are about to cum now aren’t you?” Carlita asked.

Carmen tried to say “Yes,” but the word never came. She was suddenly screaming out loud. The lasso prevented her from holding back anything! She exploded and the climax went on for what seemed like forever.

Carlita pulled the device away and let Carmen catch her breath. Then she put it back where it had been. Carmen started to hump all over again. It happened quicker this time and lasted even longer. Carlita continued the process 3 more times.

Carmen was totally sated and exhausted now. She lay dazed on the bed as Carlita approached her holding a small bottle with an eyedropper.

Carlita helped Carmen sit up. Then she asked Carmen to stick out her tongue. Carmen was only able to comply due to the lasso.

“These are my special love drops.” Carlita said. “Since you have been a good girl, I’m going to give you three.” Carlita said.

Carmen helplessly swallowed the drops as soon as they were placed on her tongue. They tasted salty and slightly bitter. Then she remained in an ever so dreamy state for a few minutes as she soon fell back onto the bed. Cora was awake now. She stood up and Michelle took her place on the bed. Cora was soaking the chloroform cloth now and placing it over Michelle’s face. Carmen watched Michelle slip deeply under. That’s the last thing she remembered.

Carlita took the lasso off Carmen while Amanda stripped Michelle slowly. Amanda was still naked and Carlita was getting aroused watching the two girls. Just as Amanda removed the cloth from Michelle, Carlita slipped the lasso around her. As usual, she pulled it tight just below her breasts.

“Did you like putting Michelle to sleep?” Carlita asked.

“Yes!” Amanda answered.

“Does it excite you to make love to her when she is helpless like that?” Carlita inquired.

“It excites me very much.” Amanda stuttered out, trying not to answer her.

“Has Carmen discussed any escape plans with you?” Carlita demanded.

“No.” Amanda answered truthfully.

“That’s good.” Carlita said. “If she does tell you of any secret plan, you may go along with her on one condition. Without her knowing, you must come to me and take love drops before you leave. Do you promise?” Carlita asked her.

“Yes mistress.” Amanda answered obediently.

To firmly plant the suggestion, Carlita reached behind Amanda’s neck and pressed on her patch. Then she removed the lasso and told her to make love to Michelle.

Carlita eagerly watched as Amanda worshiped Michelle’s limp body. Carlita could see Amanda getting sleepier by the minute. After about an hour, Michelle started to wake up.

“It’s time now,” Carlita thought. She told the girls to help each other get dressed. While they dressed each other, Carlita dressed Carmen. She put her back the way she was, including her boots and belt. She wasn’t worried at the moment. Carmen would be out for at least eight more hours from the drops, combined with her patch.

Besides, Carlita had the lasso and now knew Carmen’s weakness to chloroform. Every guard had a tranquilizer dart gun. Then there was the secret patch on Carmen’s neck that she could press on if needed. Once Carmen was ready, Carlita asked Michelle and Amanda to sit on the bed next to each other.

Carlita had the bottle of love drops. She would give them to the girls in a special way tonight. Carlita pulled Amanda’s suit top upwards and exposed her breasts. Then she applied several love drops to each of Amanda’s nipples.

“Michelle, I need you to suck those drops off of her before they get absorbed by her breasts.” Carlita demanded.

Michelle obediently took Amanda’s left breast in her mouth. She licked and sucked on the nipple until all the drops were gone. Then she did the same to Amanda’s right breast.

Carlita fixed Amanda’s bikini top and then pulled away Michelle’s top. She applied several drops to each of Michelle’s nipples too. Then she ordered Amanda to suck them off. Amanda complied quickly. When she was finished, Carlita fixed Michelle’s top as well.

“Ok, you girls lie on your sides on the bed and kiss each other now.” Carlita ordered.

The girls needed no more encouragement. They started deeply kissing each other. Carlita packed her things in a small bag. Then she called Juan.

Michelle was deeply kissing Amanda when she suddenly passed out. Amanda’s patch had been pressed earlier by Carlita and she succumbed to the drops much quicker as a result. Michelle was elated to have her limp again. Michelle pulled Amanda’s helpless mouth all the way open and probed it deeply. Then, after just a few minutes, Michelle suddenly passed out too.

Juan and two other men soon entered the room. Each one picked up one of the girls and threw her over his shoulder. While he was there, Juan asked Carlita for a bottle of her special love drops and some neck patches. Carlita gave them to him, and watched him eagerly put them in his pocket. Then he carried Carmen away.

“Put them in the van and take them to the spa.” Carlita ordered, as they carried the limp girls down the stairs. “I will follow in my car.”

It was time for the girls to have Carlita’s special beauty treatments!

As Carlita drove to the spa, she couldn’t help but wonder. While Juan always used darts, chloroform, as well as roofies in drinks to capture girls, he had never used gentle controlling methods like the patch and love drops once he had them! He usually beat them, bound and gagged them, threatened to sell them, or simply killed them when they didn’t comply with his wishes. Could he be sweet on this Sara? Or was he up to something else? She would ask him to give Sara a few love drops and bring her to the spa tomorrow. Then she would use the lasso on her!

Wonder Carmen VS The White Slavers
Part 3
Day Of Beauty

Sara woke up unusually fresh. She was naked and alone in Juan’s king sized bed. She got up, looked through the large glass doors, and admired the palm trees and the beautiful water. Sara decided that she would get dressed and sit outside. As Sara pulled her tiny string bikini bottom up over her slender legs, she remembered the night before.

Juan had been much more gentle and attentive than normal. The sex was better too. He used to be rough with her. Sara’s 95 pound swimsuit model body was no match for Juan’s 250 pounds of “street gang like” brute force! Juan was very handsome though, and he had a way with women, even ones that were captives. Last night Sara had experienced that side of Juan.

Sara moved her long, silky, blond hair aside and tied the bow on her bikini top string. Then she slid a glass door open and slipped outside onto the patio. Sara picked a chaise lounge by the pool, sat down, and spread out her legs. The sun felt warm and wonderful. Juan had promised her a day at Carlita’s secret spa today.

Sara had never been to the spa, but had heard a lot about it. Its location was so secret that all the girls were put to sleep for the trip there and back. They woke up in a place that was so peaceful and luxurious that they thought they had died and were in heaven. They were pampered and beautified like never before. They came back feeling relaxed and wonderful. Sara couldn’t wait to go!

Suddenly Juan was standing over her. He kissed her deeply and told her it was time for her day of beauty. Sara was expecting to have the chloroform cloth put over her face, but was delightfully surprised. Juan was holding a small bottle with an eyedropper. He asked her to stick out her tongue.

“These are Carlita’s special love drops!” Juan said as he placed several on her tongue. “Just swallow these and enjoy the sun until the car gets here.”

Sara swallowed the drops and Juan went inside the house. Then she sunbathed as she was told. As she sat on the lounge her fantasies about her upcoming spa visit gradually overtook her. She imagined herself on a massage table. She was naked, lying on her back, and partly covered by warm towels. A really handsome young man was standing over her. He ever so gently massaged her all over. His strong hands were between and under the towels to enable him to massage her skin directly.

The love drops were working now. Sara was getting giddy and drowsy, and the more sexual side of her fantasies was taking over. Suddenly the man in her daydream took a small towel, carefully soaked it with chloroform, and ever so gently placed it over her nose and mouth. If it were any other person, Sara would have struggled, but for this guy she wanted to be put under and rendered helpless.

He looked into her eyes lovingly, as held the cloth there. Sara returned the gaze, and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. As she breathed normally, and studied his clean shaven face up close, she could hear the tropical birds, running water, and blowing palm leaves sounds around her get dull and distant. The image of the man’s beautiful body was getting fuzzy now too.

Before Sara could slip away into the delightful abyss, he pulled away the cloth. Then he pulled the towels off of her, exposing her naked body completely. Sara didn’t care. She was in a state of intense arousal and total surrender. The man untied the belt on his white robe and let it fall. He was naked and was mounting her now. Once he was in position, he started deeply kissing her.

Sara had always wanted to experience a total body and soul surrender to the right man. She had never been able to melt away and be “totally his” enough to satisfy her fantasy while fully awake though. Now she had found the elusive way to make it happen! She was barely awake and could not move at all. He was in total control. All she could do was experience pleasure. She wasn’t capable of any worries about interruption, birth control, or anything else. Sara was in pure heaven!

Sara’s daydream was suddenly interrupted, as she slipped deeply under from the love drops. The reality of her gradual sleepiness and eventual pass out had intertwined with her daydream. She would have real dreams now, for at least 8-10 hours. Then she would wake up at the spa on a real massage table!

When Juan came outside later on, Sara was sleeping peacefully. She was an awesome sight with her eyes gently closed, her mouth half open, and her silky blond hair sprawled on the back of the chair. Her string bikini, that barely covered anything, didn’t hurt the image either. Juan picked her up gently and cradle carried her to his car. She was totally limp, like a rag doll. Her skinny body was light as a feather in Juan’s strong arms.

Juan placed Sara on the front passenger seat and carefully placed the seatbelt around her tiny body. He reclined the seat slightly so her head would rest better. Her bare feet were sinking slightly into the car’s lush carpet. As Juan closed the door, he looked at her face once more. Even though she was unconscious, he could swear that she was smiling! Juan didn’t know about her daydream, and merely thought it was his sexual prowess that had caused her smile. He proudly walked around the luxury car, opened his door, and began the road trip to the spa.

Carmen woke up gradually. She felt like she was still in a dream and her feet would not touch the ground. When she returned to earth, and her eyes came into focus, a beautiful young woman was putting scented oils on her bare breasts and upper body. Carmen was naked and only partly covered by towels. Her costume elements were nowhere in sight. The woman had long, shiny, brown hair and deep baby blue eyes. She was the spitting image of her mom!

Carmen knew in a heartbeat that she had finally found Nadia! Then she looked around. The place was like nothing on the planet. Massage tables shaded by tiki roofs nestled among palm trees. There were pools and hot tubs all around. The outside areas were beyond imagination in beauty, but the buildings were even more so. Most were replicas of Spanish missions. Then in the distance there was a huge estate.

Now Carmen considered the practical side. She would have to find her costume parts. Then she had to be sure that Cora was there as well. After those little details, she would have to find her way back to her boat. This would be difficult, considering she had no idea of where she was!

Perhaps she would just steal one of their boats and leave from here, wherever that was. Being on the side of good, she would try to rescue as many other girls as she could too. This was a lot to take on! Carmen knew that they had tranquilizer guns and chloroform. She also knew that Carlita’s special love drops had knocked her out quickly. Carlita would have the lasso for certain as well!

What Carmen didn’t know was far more dangerous. The patch on Carmen’s neck was sedating her at all times, weakening her resolve. It could also be pressed on by Carlita at any time. Any boat of the Velez’s would certainly have a tracking device, since they were used to haul drugs! They could be followed all the way to the secret island!

Then there were the other girls. Michelle was Carlita’s willing slave now, and loved to use the chloroform on women. If Carmen tried to rescue her, that could backfire. Cora was also programmed to ask for love drops after she heard an escape plan. Not only would Carlita use the lasso on her and find out the plan, but Cora would be unconscious for at least 8 hours and would have to be carried limp on the escape.

Sara was a wild card too. She was getting closer to Juan. Carmen would certainly try to rescue her. Juan was way more dangerous than Carlita!

Carmen had no choice for the moment but to enjoy her beauty treatments. She would not bother to tell Nadia who she was, and that her mom had sent her. That would be too dangerous, and if Carlita used the lasso on her, she would find out everything!

Carmen enjoyed a massage, a mud bath, a bubble bath, a shampoo, manicure, pedicure, and complete hair styling. All was done outside in the tropical air and setting. By the time Carmen was finished with all her treatments, it was getting dark. She was given a tiny red string bikini to put on and told to wait on a bench.

After about 15 minutes passed, Carlita showed up in a golf cart. Carmen was told to get in with her. Carmen sat next to Carlita and the cart was quickly turned around and headed for the estate.

Carmen was led by Carlita up the stairs of the fine home and into the largest and most exotic looking bedroom she had ever seen. Once inside, she was then ushered to a chair near the glass doors that went out onto the balcony.

Carmen looked outside. There were several docks with boats. There was also a gate with guards. Beyond the gate, was a road that led into what looked like a woods. Next Carmen studied the room. The door had a keypad lock. She could not escape that way without knowing the combination. She would have to jump from the balcony. That would require her complete costume.

“You are my guest for the evening.” Carlita said. “If you behave, you will be treated well. If not, you will be sorry.”

“Where are my clothes?” Carmen asked.

‘I have them here.” Carlita replied. “You will have to earn each item back one at a time. I will be keeping the lasso for myself though”

“What would I have to do to earn each thing?” Carmen asked with fear in her voice.

“For each item, the challenge will be different.” Carlita said.

Carlita pushed a button near the bed, and within a minute Michelle and Amanda (Cora) were in the room. They were both dressed in the same bikinis and shoes that they had on in Carlita’s home bedroom. Carmen was relieved to see that Cora was also there at the spa. Now she just needed to do whatever was necessary to get her costume back.

Carlita ordered Amanda to lead Carmen to the large king sized bed. Then Carmen was ordered to remove Amanda’s shoes. Carmen slowly untied the strings and unraveled them from around Amanda’s slender ankles. Then she slipped the shoes off and tossed them on the floor. Now the challenge was to begin.

“You two will wrestle to try and remove each other’s bikinis.” Carlita said. “The first girl to end up completely naked will be put to sleep with chloroform and enjoyed by Michelle. The other will get a reward.”

“Let the games begin!” Carlita shouted.

Before Carlita had even finished the order, Amanda had already pulled the bow on the right side of Carmen’s tiny bikini bottom undone!

“Why you little bitch!” Carmen complained, as she grabbed Amanda’s wrists in each of her hands and climbed on top of her. Carmen was sitting on Amanda’s waist now. In order to untie any of Amanda’s strings though, Carmen had to let go of Amanda’s left wrist to free her own right hand.

Carmen reached behind Amanda’s back and undid the bow there completely. Amanda’s breasts were free now, as the top was hanging loose around her neck. Before Carmen could feel like she was ahead of the game, Amanda had finished pulling Carmen’s right bottom string apart. Now Carmen’s tiny bottom was hanging loose, only tied on her left side.

Carmen let go of Amanda’s wrists and grabbed her hair in one hand and untied her other top bow with the other. Then she tossed Amanda’s top on the floor. Carmen was so intent on what she was doing, that she didn’t realize that her own bikini bottom was also on the floor until she saw Amanda’s top fall there.

“It’s still a tie!” Carmen thought to herself in frustration. Carmen reached around Amanda’s left side and untied her bottom string. Amanda was getting feisty now and put her strong hands around Carmen’s neck. Before long, the tiny bow behind Carmen’s neck was undone and her breasts were popping out over the skimpy top.

As Amanda did that, Carmen’s hands were not idle either. She had untied Amanda’s other bottom string and had the suit pulled off of her. She tossed it on the floor in triumph.

Carlita, pretty steamed up from watching the cat fight, finally said,


“OK Michelle, you may put Amanda to sleep and have your way with her now.” Carlita ordered next. Then she reached in a drawer and pulled out the tiny red panties that went under Carmen’s costume.

Carmen quickly put the panties on, but was forced to finish removing the bikini top and hand it over to Carlita.

Michelle had the chloroform cloth on Amanda now. Amanda didn’t struggle at all. Carmen watched her beautiful eyes start to flutter rapidly. As Carmen watched Cora drift off into a deep sleep, she wondered what her next challenge would be.
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This is quite a entertaining story and I hope you will continue it. Normally I don't much care for "it was all a dream" plot devices but you set it up so well I went along for the ride.

You certainly like your chloroform KOs. Nevertheless, yours is the only story I've ever read that gives a solid justification for why an Amazon would so readily succumb to a rear attack by a lone man with a cloth. Kudos for that!!

Keep up the good work. Your plotting logic is excellent. I wish there were a bit more sexual peril, but then I always do. :tongue:

Looking forward to the conclusion.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Loved it - can't wait for the next installments!
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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I had read this story, but always expect a continuation hope it continues, as it is very good history
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I agree with Dr. D, I never have been a fan of "ha ha it was all just a DREAM"

I do have a question, When I saw "white Slavers" I pictured at least ONE male in there. I am curious why you choose to keep the story purely homosexual? To not deal with the pregnancy issue? maybe you hate males? just curious.
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While Carlita is in charge of some of the operation, she is the wife of the male owner. Her nephew Juan is also a player, as he is drugging and controlling his new slave. It is only heavily girl on girl thus far. Don't forget, Carmen also had sex with the DEA guy in Miami.
I stopped continuing this story a while ago, due to a general lack of interest anyway. The numbers here, and on other sites, are weak, and hardly justify much more effort. I mainly write sleepy stories, and the readers here appear to be more into the rough and tumble combat. This series is kind of out of place here.
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Love the story. Very sexy. When can we read next part? Also, I could not find part 1
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Millenium Member
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Jackbond wrote:Love the story. Very sexy. When can we read next part? Also, I could not find part 1
I believe this is part one here ; http://superheroineforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=24737

There is also a story index (gracias O-W!) , by writer, forming inside a sticky near the top of the stories forum if you want to check out other works.

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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It is doubtful that I will be in the index anytime soon, with the few stories I have done and the limited number of views!
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Millenium Member
Millenium Member
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Im sure that O-W will get to you on a future update, I think I only had two stories in the regular section at the time and got included in the list. As its a forumnites voluntary effort to make the list I'm sure you'll understand why you may have been missed until now...

For the relative times your stories have been posted your views don't look bad. Views don't really tell you how well your story was received. Give a story an eye catching title and it'll get a lot of views but it says nothing about how long that view lasted...or what people thought of your story even if they read it all the way through.

Id love to have a rating system here like at BDSM Library for example but I don't think we will see it. What you should be happy with is to get comments, you can work your butt off and no one will say a word...frustrating!
My avatar courtesy of https://www.deviantart.com/sleepy-comics

My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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