Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

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Supergirl Captured by the Mob

Part 1A --- A Surprise Attack

This story has been posted over at the Wizard's Lair for quite some time now but I thought those who haven't ventured there might be inclined to read it if I posted it here for you. I hope you enjoy the intrigue and would love to get feedback about this work.

Note: All characters and names are property of DC Comics. This story is simply meant as entertainment and should be read only by consenting adults of 18 years or older.

Linda Danvers has been following top Mafia boss, Carmine Vega for three months, trying to gather evidence to put him behind bars for life for murder. Now, on a cool evening in May, following a tip, the persistent girl reporter has shadowed the crime kingpin to an old factory in Soho where he’s supposed to meet with Tony ‘The Wire’ Bonano, the head of another Mafia family, to work out a protection racket on their common turf.

Dressed in a burgundy mid-length slit-skirt, matching jacket, ruffled white blouse and matching burgandy pumps, the cagey brunette hides in the shadow of a garage doorway of the building next door.

Carmine’s long black limousine has pulled into the factory parking lot where it now sits on the tarmac flanked by two mid-size gray sedans. Leaning against each sedan are two burly bodyguards a piece wearing dark suits and sunglasses. An eight-foot high chain-link fence topped with thick coils of razor wire surrounds the parking lot. The fence gate is open now, awaiting the arrival of Tony Bonano’s car.

Up the street, a red Testarossa screeches around the corner. It roars loudly down the blacktop towards the factory, then swings hard into the gate and comes to squealing stop next to Vega’s limo. A tall, dark Italian climbs out of the sport car and walks over to the back door of the limo. Its blackened window slides down and Linda sees the silver-haired Carmine lean forward to talk to Tony the Wire. She focuses her attention forward to hear every word.

“Why you gotta be so flashy?”

“Hey, that’s my style,” Tony says with a smile. “You got a problem with that?”

“Don’t get hot.... uh, where are your men?”

“They’re around.”

Linda is surprised to hear that and looks all around for other faces in the night but sees no one. Was Tony lying or were they all that well concealed? How many men did this guy have in the area, she wondered.

“Let’s talk business,” Carmine says. “Get in.”

“It’s healthier out here,” Bonano counters. “Stretch your legs. Enjoy the night. I’m gonna make you a rich man.”

Linda focuses on the conversation.

“Is that right. How you gonna do that?” Carmine stays in his car and talks through the half-open window.

“First, I’m gonna clear out the dead wood and troublemakers around town so I got a clear field to work on. Then, you and I are going to move in nice and polite on all the big businesses on our mutual turf with a little deal they can’t turn down.”

“What kind of dead wood you talking about,” asks Vega.

“Supergirl,” Bonano says with a very self-satisfied smile.

Linda’s eyes widen in surprise.

“You nuts?” Vega blurts. “How you gonna do that? I hear she’s like a steel wall, totally impenetrable.”

“Interesting choice of words. But hey, Carmine, we all got weak spots. Even famous fuckin’ Supergirl.” Tony says with an evil chuckle. “Believe me, I know a few things and I’m telling you we can take out this gullible, over-confident little cocktease! Trust me when I say, Carmine, that this super cunt is like a wall only in one way. She’s got a nice, big crack. A crack that you can stick your dick into! That’s right. Fuck the famous Supergirl! It’s not impossible.”

“Come off it,”snorts Carmine derisively.

“Look, I know it’s hard to believe, Carmine, but I’m here to tell you that we really can get under this famous teenage bitch’s pretty little red skirt and get her precious pussy hot, slippery and poised to please!”

“Give me a fuckin’ break, Tony!” Carmine scoffs.

“It’s true,” Tony snaps back. “Get out of the fuckin’ car for a second, would ya’, this is important.”

Vega gets out and draws himself up to his full height and stares straight at this flashy prick’s face. Could he actually do what he claimed?

Tony puts his arm around Vega’s shoulders and leans in.

“Okay, Carmine, here’s the dope. According to my sources, Supergirl isn’t nearly as intelligent or as invincible as she wants everyone to think she is! She has weaknesses, like kryptonite, for example. You heard of that, right? And she has patterns of behavior that can be exploited. And she’s just like any other female in the all-important way: She’s got tits and a cunt and a clit that you can stimulate. You strip that girl of her super powers and you’ll find out real quick that there’s nothing so special about what’s between that busty blonde’s long, pretty legs. Big shot heroine or not, I’m telling you that I know a way that we can get to this bitch’s snatch and tease it until little Miss Wonderful’s silky costume panties get damp and sticky from her own cum!”

“Tony, please!”

“I’m telling you the truth, Carmine. I can make Supergirl so horny, so wet with desire that she’ll get down on her pretty little knees and give out blow jobs on demand!”

“This is bullshit!” Carmine starts to get back in his car but Bonano grips his shoulder.

“Carmine, Carmine, Carmine,” Tony shakes his head and earnestly looks Vega directly in the eye. In a conspiratorial whisper he says, “Listen, this little lady puts on her costume panties one leg hole at a time. But I’ll tell you one thing, my friend, they’ll be coming off her both legs at once -- stripped off in nothing flat -- when I get hold of her. Before you drive off, just think of this for a second: your long-time rival reduced to a whimpering helpless girl with her pubes pointed right at you. Ready for fucking.”

Linda seethes with anger at the vulgarity that this thug is using to describe her and his plans.

“Gimme a break, Tony.” Carmine is getting pissed, too. This guy is all talk.

“Hey, have faith, Carmine,” Tony vows. “I’ve got a trick or two up my sleeve that will outsmart even Supergirl.”

“Yeah? How the fuck did you get so smart about her?” sneers Carmine.

Linda concentrates closer than ever to the conversation. Had one of her friends given some information away on her?

“Paid informants. Cost me a pretty penny, too. But I’m coming into this deal prepared to take it to the limit. I want this deal between us to work and I’m backing my play with all I got. You just got to agree to share the turf like we talked about.”

“Mmh.” Vega nods, skeptical as always.

“I’m tellin’ you, I’ve got blondie covered, Carmine. Before that big-breasted slut knows what’s hit her, Supergirl is gonna get a nasty surprise that even she won’t be able to handle!” Tony grins evilly.

Linda shivers at the smarmy description used about her and focuses her hearing in a tighter range so she won’t miss a word.

“Look, Tony, you always did have a good line of BS, but I ain’t buyin’. There’s too much at stake. We need to take a low profile on this plan.”

“Low profile? What good’s a low profile if we’re in jail ‘cause Superslut charges in and blows the whole scheme to bits? We gotta take action and make it stick.”

“There’s so much downside if it doesn’t play.” Vega frowns.

“Downside, huh. Carmine, tell you what. I personally guarantee it! I’ll put up $100 grand – no risk on your end at all. I prove to you that this dumb bitch ain’t indestructible. She goes down I get a $100 grand in addition to the split we’re working on between our two territories. You know the bounty on her is ten times that. She don’t go down, you walk away with a clean 100 G’s. It’s a no-lose proposition for you!”

“You make a tempting offer, Tony.”

“I’m tellin’ you, I know what it takes to knock the gullible little pussy to her knees. I’m putting Supergirl’s brain on ice. She’ll be so stunned she won’t know what hit her. I’ve got all the inside dope I need! With my plan, those famous powers of her won’t have time to come into play! And then her silky costume underpants come off and Tony Bonano gets to stick his prick up that greasy tramp’s cunt! And you too, Carmine! Imagine wetting your wick in Supergirl’s blonde bush!”

Linda stifles a growl of anger as she listens to this filth coming out of Bonano’s mouth.

“I got it all planned, Carmine. Little Miss Super Sunshine is gonna have her pretty little costume skirt pulled up and her panties pulled down so fast, she won’t know what hit her. Then I’m going to spread her legs in the air and gag her wiseass mouth shut. She won’t be so high and mighty after I get her in that position. Just let me handle her. Everything’s already set. When she ain’t suspecting anything, we take her out. Simple and quick! Then we conduct business in real style.”

“You’re really full of shit, Bonano. How are you gonna hit her? You forgetting about her super powers?”

“Fuck no. Like I said, I got the bitch covered. I’ve been working on this stuff for a year now. Be cool. I’m gonna dominate Supergirl like she was one of my own stable whores. She won’t know which way is up! I’m gonna fuck with that girl’s head like she was a fifteen year old bus terminal runaway. And then I’m gonna drive up under the dumb cunt’s skirt, fuck her cute little ass and ride her all over the room if I want, pulling on her famous cape, squeezing her lovely tits and belting out ‘Home on the Range.’”

Even Carmine has to laugh at this visual.

‘The beautiful thing is,” Bonano gets serious, “from the very second I outsmart her, and the so-called brilliant Supergirl won’t have the strength or smarts left to do shit about it! So, come on, Carmine, she is only just a girl. Show some balls, huh!”

Carmine bristles at this and begins to say something when suddenly, from behind Linda, a pair of powerful hands suddenly grabs her arms, pins them to her side and spins her around.

“Hey!’ She’s blurts out as she’s spun roughly around. Linda is staring straight into the wide, round nozzle of a very strange dark gray weapon with a large cylindrical reservoir. A tall pale man in a gray suit points the strange gun in her face, five inches from her nose. Behind her, a bearded man in a blue suit grips her biceps in a steely hold. She doesn’t want to blow her secret identity, so she decides to play this out and see where it goes. Tony and Carmine stop their conversation and look over. The pale man next to the thug holding the gun on Linda speaks steadily.

“Eavesdroppin’ ain’t healthy, lady. Don’t move a hair now or you’re...”

Even as a gaping Linda Danvers is berating herself for focusing her attention so much that she let these two goons sneak up on her, the tall pale man holding the gun unexpectedly pulls the trigger. A thick, gooey stream of glowing green sludge suddenly splurges out of the gun’s nozzle and drenches the beautiful teenager’s face with a foul smelling, greasy muck. The green sludge completely blinds the startled girl, clinging in heavy clumps all in her nose and inside her open mouth.

“AULLLGGKK!” Linda gags loudly as she yanks roughly away from the bearded man. She takes a step forward and doubles over, her head swimming in dizzy confusion. Rao, no! Kryptonite! Sick...I’m going to be sick!

To be continued...
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I have been following this story since the beginning at the Wizard's Lair. It is my favorite!!!

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Thanks Ksire_99. It's been a joy to write and I look forward to completing it over the next month or so. But meanwhile, those who want to see from the beginning how both Supergirl and Wonder Woman are moved along a long and arduous road from a noble superheroine to a crack addict and a heroin addict, respectively, follow along and feel the perils they undergo and the actions they're willing to take.
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It's here !
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Chapter 1-B

“...heeh...haaakk...whaaullk...huuhhnnn....” The bewildered girl gags violently, barely controlling her esophagus. She finally gets herself under control and tries to spit out the nauseating green sludge but it coats her throat. Sickened to the pit of her stomach, the brunette wavers in the middle of the street in gasping confusion. She reaches up to her face to try to scrape away the disgusting scum from her eyes with both hands but the bearded assailant behind her suddenly reaches down and grabs Linda tightly by the neck and straightens the bent teenager back up with a harsh jerk. The surprised brunette’s neck is arched far back before she can clear away the slime coating her face. The bearded man’s other hand reaches around and grabs her breast, squeezing it hard while pulling her body close to his obviously muscular physique.

“Come to Stevie, pretty lady. Your tits need a good feelin’ up!”

“Whuh?” Linda blurts in dismay. The blinded teen’s left hand grabs out behind her head in a flash and catches the wrist holding her hair.

Not today you don’t, she thinks. Instinctively, she’s about to twist hard on her unseen assailant’s arm to break it when the pale man with the gun slams the nozzle with all his might into her stomach.

“OOOOFFF!” Linda’s mouth drops open with a gasping wheeze as she helplessly releases the man’s wrist in a spasm of pain.


In that instant, as she’s drawing a deep wheezing breath, the pale man’s strong hand grips her jaw and the cold muzzle of the gun is suddenly forced past the blinded girl’s teeth.


The gun is suddenly fired and a huge, thick glob of glowing green muck shoots down her windpipe, clogging it up entirely.

“WHULLGGGKK! AULGK!” Linda manages to yank away from the bearded man’s hands and reels away in the dark, trying desperately to clear out her throat. She grabs at her neck and coughs hard. Bending over deeply at the waist, she sticks her finger down her throat to try to clear it. Her body starts to shake. The gagging teen is going into toxic shock.

“You got her good on that one, Randy,” the bearded Stevie shouts.

“Jesus, is this bitch strong!” The tall pale man named Randy says. But despite that, the green sludge plastering the beautiful girl’s face and coating her throat is obviously having its effect. The stunned teenager wavers dumbly in the street with her hands on her knees gagging loudly.

Across the street, the two mafia kingpins watch the swaying girl closely. Bonano is nodding, approving the action.

“Who’s that?” asks Carmine.

“A nosey reporter I set up for a little lesson in humility. If she’s who I think she is, she’s in for a very long night!”

Linda’s eyes tear and sting under a thick coat of foul green gel that almost seals her lids shut. She feels unthinkably sick. She’s barely able to stand up. Bending over numbly between the two men closing in, shaking with fever, arms now crossed over her stomach, the famous teen hero is blinded by putrid gel all over her face. She’s trying desperately to control violent, lurching stomach spasms.

“...oohhhh...who....who...the hell....are you....people?” A grimacing Linda Danvers groans loudly.

“Do it now,” shouts Randy and Linda suddenly feels someone grab her shins and yank them out from under her. The blinded girl pitches forward into the moonlight, her hands flying forward as she lands hard on her stomach in the street. All the wind is knocked right out of her.

“UNNGGHH!” Sickened by the glowing gel she’s been forced to swallow, a stunned and bewildered Linda Danvers lies face down, sprawled out on the pavement with her long legs spread out behind her. Her hair is a disheveled mess. Her burgundy skirt is ripped wide apart at the slit and is hiked up to mid-thigh in complete disarray. Through the rip in the skirt, red silk panties gleam brightly in the moonlight. Her blouse is splattered with glowing green blobs and her chest rises and falls with great heaves as the confused girl tries to draw a clean breath.

The choking gunk in her throat overwhelms Linda’s senses however and the numb teen’s right cheek thuds to the pavement, her thoughts jumbled in barely-conscious bewilderment as Randy steps up unobserved behind her.

Things are happening much too fast for a staggered Linda Danvers now. She is too stunned and sick to realize that Randy is kneeling between her legs, pulling up on the hem of her skirt. The dazed brunette feels a draft as her red silk panties are exposed but is too disoriented to react in time. Quickly, Randy grabs the waistband of the bright red underpants shining in the lamplight and immediately pulls down on the shapely brunette’s panties. The stunned teenager’s soft rounded buttocks are exposed to the cold air.

“Whooaa...whah ..a..ya...dooin....” slurs the bewildered teen.

“Just following the plan, girlie. I’m making a special deposit in the Linda Danvers First National Twat Bank.”

The bewildered teen starts to twist her head around when she feels a cold metal object thrust between her cheeks.

“HUUNFFF! Hey…don’t…” The grunting teenager doesn’t have the time or awareness to respond to the harsh jab of the cold nozzle in her crotch. The steel tip of the deadly gun is shoved deeply into the depths of her panties and the gun’s trigger is quickly pulled.

A thick, jellied mass of glowing green sludge suddenly splurges out of the gun. It fills up the stunned brunette’s underpants with a slick paste of glowing green ooze in less than a second. Within her panties, the drenching rush of gloppy muck surrounds the shocked teen’s buttocks and squeezes between her thighs with a gummy wetness that disgusts the bewildered girl. A thick glob of the slime has even squirted into her vagina.

“EEEYUUGGKK!” Linda pulls forward with a horrified jerk, scrambling to her knees. Her panties snap back the tall Randy backs off and watches.

“I’m told that thick, sticky green load stretching out your sagging panties is the perfect way to degrade and defeat you, Princess.” Stevie leers at the shapely, overwhelmed girl before him.

The anguished brunette starts to stand up, but then the full effect of the deadly slime flooding her bright red underpants overcomes her senses and rocks her head back in blunt astonishment.

“...oh my...GGUUUHH...” Her eyes roll up and the overwhelmed brunette fall harshly to her knees, wavering there in a half-lidded daze.

Linda can’t breathe and she feels sick to her stomach. Her silky red panties sag heavily between her quivering thighs as she wavers in place on her knees in confused impotence. The bright red underpants are now dark and wet, filled with this devastating thick green kryptonite muck. Contained within her bulging costume pants, her crotch and rear are surrounded by this greasy slime that is completely incapacitating her.

Overcome, the stunned reporter abruptly falls on all fours and wavers on her hands and knees before the pair of grinning hoodlums, feeling sick, woozy and horribly weak. Her panties sag like she dropped a fat load in them. She sways in stupid incomprehension as her attackers stand by grinning.

“Feeling nauseous, soiled and confused, aren’t you, Miss Danvers,” Bonano calls out from across the street.

Must get away from here… fast!

“What’s the top news story for tonight, news girl?” Randy jeers. “NOSY REPORTER’S PANTIES AND SPIRITS SAG WITH HEAVY LOAD OF GREEN SLIME.”

Forcing herself, Linda wobbles unsteadily on her knees, trying to stand up when an overpowering shock wave of dizziness crashes behind her eyes. Sick and dazed, the unsteady teen twists around and falls hard on her back with her knees in the air, her thighs flopping open and her mouth agape in stunned helplessness. A thick puddle of glowing slime squirts out of her underpants, forming a small green pool between the heels of her shoes.

“Just can’t seem to focus, Linda, my dear. Can you?” Bonano calls out with glee.
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Wow ok you were not joking this is intense!!!!!!!!!
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JessSupergirrl wrote:Wow ok you were not joking this is intense!!!!!!!!!
The Dungeon section here is more for darker 'intense stuff' , the regular stories section is lighter but the only way to judge a story is on a one by one basis. Even authors can have a range of intensity from story to story so don't judge an author or the forum by one work, just find the stuff you like and enjoy!
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!

Thanks a lot Abductorenmadrid I will keep looking round there is soo much to look at!!!
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Like the story so far, waiting for more.
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Thanks for the comments one and all. Now we continue...

Surprise Attack - Chapter 1-C

Linda Danvers lies in the middle of the suddenly quiet street, a senseless ravaged wreck. A streetlight shines down on her inert form.


The greasy, soiled crotch of her now dark red silk panties is clearly exposed under the torn, rumpled skirt. It is bulging with lumpy clumps of thick green muck, the fabric gleaming with the sheen of the glowing green gel. The messy load slowly oozes from between her legs, pooling out from a small gap in the leg bands of her panties. It steadily grows into a glowing green puddle on the street under her stunned body.

“....OOHHHHH....” The groaning brunette lies in the open street totally exposed and stunned into submission. Her arms are splayed beside her and her bare knees and thighs thrust up through the torn burgundy skirt. She twitches and jerks with helpless spasms. The misaligned crotch of her bright red, damp underwear gleams slickly in the lamplight. A patch of pubic hair gleams in the yellow glow.

“That rang your bell, didn’t it, cunt. Give it to her again,” Stevie says.

“...nuhhh...” rasps the frightened, dazed teenager lying on her back in the street, straining to try to sit up. “..nuhh...w..wait...d..d..duhhn’t..”

But once again the gun is aimed and fired, this time at the sluggish girl’s chest. The front of her bright white blouse is suddenly drenched in bright green slime. The fumes from the glowing gunk coating Linda’s breasts make her even woozier.

“...oohhhhhh....” she moans weakly as Randy kneels down beside her. He puts his odd gun down, grabs the girl’s collar and pulls up the feeble, slime-faced teenager to a sitting position. Then, without missing a beat, he begins to quickly massage the gooey substance all over her chest.

“...duhnnt....nuhh...stuuppp....!...” Shaking lips plead to no avail. "…”

She is too tired and weak to fight off his rough, roaming palms. She slumps against him, her hands limp at her sides, her head nodding dully like a bobble head doll as his hands surround her firm young tits, smearing the vile goo around the smooth shape of her jutting breasts, working the thick salve into the damp fabric of her white blouse.

“You gotta learn the rules, lady. Even famous reporter bitches like you are not allowed to sneak around in the dark on Tony the Wire’s turf,” Randy sneers as he continues to coat the round firmness of the sagging teen’s large breasts with vile smelling ointment. Meanwhile, his accomplice Stevie holds the struggling girl’s ankles, pinning them to the ground.

“...ughhn....don’ it....” mumbles the nauseous girl. But Randy continues to fondle the swooning teen’s pliable breasts through the thin material of her wet, clinging blouse, carefully surrounding this gorgeous teen’s jiggling tits with a thin, deadly coating of slick shiny gel.

“Too bad, Miss Danvers, but I got strict orders to thoroughly grease up your jiggling jugs with this filthy knockout gunk and that’s what I’m gonna do!” He pops a button on her blouse and reaches in to smear more gel on her bra when he sees a flash of bright blue material.

The surprised hood stops for a second, shocked at what he thinks he’s seen, then hastily yanks the blouse out of the weakly protesting girl’s burgundy skirt, anxious for a better look. He crudely rips the fabric apart, popping the buttons in all directions. There, under the slime-covered white blouse is an astonishing sight: Supergirl’s world famous red and yellow diamond insignia surrounded by the shiny blue material of a tight leotard top. The famous emblem is slick with shiny green film of oily slime and the shape of the young teenager’s breasts are clearly revealed by the damp fabric, right down to her nipples. The attacker supporting the limp female freezes in total surprise for a second.

“Holy shit! These are Supergirl’s tits I’m smearing with slime!” Randy blurts out.

‘WHAT!’ Stevie shouts, leaning in. He’s astonished to see Randy reach under the neckline of what looks like Supergirl’s bright blue costume blouse and smear the deadly salve directly over the slumping teen’s soft young breast, coating her nipples with the glowing green slime. After a moment he withdraws his hand with a leer.

The cool ointment makes the young teenager’s nipples grow stiff. They poke tautly against the darkened, slippery blue material of her famous tunic.

“Is this really, Supergirl?” The two assailants speak simultaneously.

This is a truly incredible sight! Here she is, the famous Supergirl, sitting in a slumped stupor in one man’s embrace while the other holds her ankles and leans forward in shock. Her round, full breasts are clearly accentuated by the wet fabric of her costume blouse. Her protruding nipples are explicitly defined through the thin, slimy cloth as she wavers before him in a nodding, helpless daze. And the wonderful thing is, the mighty Maid of Steel is unable to do anything more than sag against his shoulder in an incoherent poisoned stupor.

“Is that really her?” Stevie asks again.

“I thought Supergirl was a blonde.” Says Randy.

“Must be a wig and that green junk must be kryptonite! Holy Shit!” Stevie blinks in wonder.

“I can’t believe it. Look at this bitch’s bodacious boobs. And me, I felt up the strongest fucking bitch in the universe and she was too weak to do anything but drool and whimper like a helpless baby!”

“Look at her, Randy’ echoes an astonished Stevie. ‘She’s wasted. She can’t do nothin’ but sit there like a fool.”

“Say, what’s it feel like to be the famous Maid of Steel and still get yourself all felt up, Supergirl?” Randy jeers.

“ dis.....tuh....meee....” Lifting the babbling girl’s chin, a leering Randy looks into the frightened eyes of the wobbling brunette who leans against him in an impotent stupor. Bubbles of spittle break on the confused teen’s trembling lips.

“What’s the matter, Supergirl?” Stevie taunts as he reaches forward with one hand and sticks it under the girl’s torn and filthy burgundy skirt. He grasps the slick smooth crotch of the Maid of Steel’s red silk panties. ‘Is this nasty green slime filling up your precious panties making you all sickie-wicky?’


“Stop? You must be joking, bitch. We’ve turned you into our very own soft and squeezable little boy toy, girlie,” Stevie growls as he massages the thick gooey slime in between the legs of the slumping teenage champion. He draws his palm in a long, slow swipe against the shiny crotch of the vanquished girl, sliding the toxic paste against the bulge of Supergirl’s pubic bush and high up under her skirt to the top waistband of her panties. The slippery green sludge completely coats the sagging girl’s underpants, waist and breasts now. Now, gripping her by her shoulder with his left arm, Randy begins to slide his right hand all over and around the defenseless girl’s torso, too, smearing the drenching, disabling salve all over the weak and helpless Supergirl’s body at will.

"..nnnuhhhhhhh......" the world’s most powerful teenager drools and blubbers weakly in the street as her breasts, stomach and groin are roughly groped, fondled and smeared with thick, greasy green kryptonite slime that totally disables her. The two thugs are grinning like baboons.

“These big soft tits of yours are now the exclusive property of Tony ‘The Wire’, Stupidgirl,” says Randy as he palms her chest from inside her tunic. His right hand rubs all around inside the elastic blouse of the nodding girl, distorting the famous emblem and stretching out the bright blue fabric as he squeezes and caresses the rubbery breasts of the dazed teenager. His hands roam deep within Supergirl’s costume top coating her full soft breasts with the slippery green slime.

Meanwhile, Stevie’s hand slides up and down her thighs before pushing between her legs. His palm strokes the cleft of fabric between Supergirl’s legs, rubbing her crotch vigorously.

“This warm furry vagina is also his, champ,” Stevie announces. “And once Tony gets a new toy, he doesn’t let it go until he’s tired of it or it breaks. And if I know Tony, he’s going to pop your cherry and break you good, cunt!”

“...can’ me....” moans a defiant Maid of Steel dumbly.

“I don’t see you doing anything to stop me, bitch!” Stevie chuckles. “Not with this thick, sticky load of poisonous green glop filling up your pretty panties and sucking all of your precious super powers out of you.

“And the moment you can stop me from feeling up these plump sweaty tits of yours, I’ll respect you, Supergirl,” Randy says. “Until then, I’ll just keep smearing this gunk all over your radical bod as much as I want.”

Supergirl groans as the stench and poisonous radiation of the kryptonite gel inundates her nostrils. She gags loudly as Randy’s burly hand cups her breast and squeezes it slowly then fondles it in methodical small circles that get larger with each pass around her nipple.

Nobody had ever overpowered the mighty Maid of Steel like this before. A few times in the past she had been weakened by bits of kryptonite fragments hurled at her by her enemies. Even had been knocked on her back by a thick bat fashioned from a long block of the deadly element. But this, this was something far more deadly and insidious. There was no quick recourse, no instant response like a blast of super breath that would disperse this sickening layer of scum that was being smeared all over her body like some toxic car wax. No maneuver that would eliminate the sickening sagging load of glowing green gel stretching out the crotch of her costume panties. This was complete sexual humiliation and nothing she could think of would dispel this horrific paste.

“Forget trying to fight back, bitch,” Tony calls out from across the street, echoing her thoughts. “You can’t fight the nausea and disabling capability of my Kryptonite Subjugation Sludge. That’s deadly, radioactive green dust from your home world, darling. I’ve suspended it in a thick adhesive gel that’s designed to cling to your body like glue, immediately eliminate your super strength and overwhelm you with nausea, cramps and muscle fatigue. Would you like to order a couple of jars of it for your night table at home, Supergirl?”

The humbled teenage heroine is absolutely devastated by the deadly goo clinging to her. It’s toxic fumes and nauseating radiation prove far too much for her to endure. With a jolt, her head rocks forward out of his grip and she vomits all over the front of her blouse and into the lap of her burgundy skirt.

“...uuhh...wuURAAGAALLAAHH...oohhhhh....” She moans as vomit bubbles break on her lips.

“Shit! Look at this sorry bitch lose it!” Steve says with awe, having backed off just in time to avoid being splattered with puke. Randy, too, has released the captive brunette and is leaning away from her slightly.

Completely debilitated and dumbfounded, the woozy teenager’s dull blue eyes roll up under her lids and her whole torso falls forward into the puddle of puke in the lap of her skirt. She then rolls over on her side into an unconscious heap in the middle of the street, her legs spread apart and her rumpled, gel-soaked panties showing clearly under her dress, brightly lit by a nearby streetlight.

Shaking his head, Randy says to himself. “Un-fuckin-believable! The strongest bitch on the planet -- the so-called all-powerful Girl of Steel -- puking right before me. And she falls for the simplest sneak attack in the world!” He suddenly shouts orders to other henchmen hurrying over from Vega’s limo..

“John, Eddie, pick up this overrated heap of super shit and bring her to Tony’s place. He’s gonna want to hose her down and fuck this pussy, good.”

With another shake of his head, Randy murmurs aloud, “I can’t believe it! A successful hit on the one and only Supergirl. That Tony is a genius! And these very hands were feeling up her tits, reaching up under her skirt and groping her super twat like she was just some slutty 42nd Street teenage cocksucking alley whore. It’s just totally un-fuckin-believable!”

Back in the parking lot, Tony winks at a gaping Carmine standing at the car beside him. “What are you so surprised at Carmine? Like I told you before, it’s really quite easy to get under the famous costume skirt and reach right down into the softly scented silk panties of the almighty Maid of Steel and caress her snatch. You just have to know how to drain her super powers. When you do, a little careful planning and, as you saw, she’s weak and helpless as a baby kitten. Now, I’m going to show you exactly how to humiliate this overbearing little bitch! This is just the beginning, Carmine, my friend. Next stop, we’re fucking the drugged up and helpless Maid of Steel every way you can imagine!”

‘Tony. What can I say. You’ve earned your 100 G’s. Big time!”

End of Chapter 1

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Wow omg are you all writers on here something you mzke it sound soo real!!!!!
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Thanks for the feedback people. I hope you enjoy this next section.

Part 2A -- A Near Escape

Supergirl slowly gains consciousness face down in a warm patch of light. Her Linda Danvers burgundy outfit, disguise wig and contact lenses have been completely stripped off. Now she is only wearing her familiar red, yellow and blue costume. The red and yellow insignia on the front of her blue blouse and the crotch of her red panties are heavily encrusted with the dried residue of kryptonite gel. It has formed into a shell of glowing green crystals that shine brightly in the dusty beam of light pouring through the barred window in the wall of this large cell. Jagged green shards of the toxic paste obscure the famous red and yellow ‘S’ insignia on Supergirl’s chest. They poke into the soft tissue of her breasts and scrape against the inside of the limp blonde’s thighs as she starts to stir.

The teen’s expression is dark and drawn. Feeling drained, nauseous and very confused, the exhausted blonde sluggishly awakes to find herself laying face down on a cold stone floor.

“...ohhhh....” she moans aloud as she shakes her head, trying to free herself from the stupor of a drugged sleep. It only makes her feel more sick.

“..ughnn....where am ...I...?” She moves to stand up but finds she can’t. She looks up to see that her arms are spread out over her head and bolted to steel plates in the floor by thick steel manacles around her wrists. Turning her head, she glumly registers that her legs are spread wide apart and her ankles are also wrapped in bright metal shackles bolted to identical steel plates embedded in the stone floor.

“Oh...what is this...I...can’t believe...’ she scowls. ‘...Rao...i...i’m...chained to the...damn....floor....”

The groggy girl then notices that a thin, clear hose extends from a hole in the wall and runs along the floor to her feet. Following it with her eyes she realizes with surprise that the hose runs up the back of her bare legs and disappears under her short red skirt. Only then does the perplexed blonde feel the probe that has been inserted into her vagina.

“..what’s this....what the...hell's...going on here?” Supergirl murmurs in numb confusion. The kryptonite crystals have so scrambled her thoughts that she isn’t thinking very clearly. She senses danger though and gives a hard yank on her wrist bolts, expecting to snap them apart. They don’t! The dazed blonde belatedly realizes her super strength is gone. These thick clusters of glowing green crystals clinging to her blouse and panties are kryptonite! They’ve drained off her super powers. She can’t break the tight shackles surrounding her wrists or ankles!

Must get free of these miserable crystals!

Just then, the sound of a motor kicks in. There is a second’s pause and then the shackled heroine feels a pulse in her groin. The sensation confuses her momentarily then fills her with cold fear. She suddenly recalls the entire attack that brought her to this desperate situation and begins to struggle against her restraints.

“What is...oh Rao...No!” The shackled girl blurts out her fear and gives the steel manacles the hardest yank she possibly can. They don’t budge an inch. Unable to escape, the grimacing Maid of Steel turns her head, looking immediately for some way to free herself when she sees a bright green light slide out of a hole in the wall and move toward her through the thin hose. It flows through the transparent tube and travels slowly along the floor.

Oh Rao! What is that? More liquid kryptonite? I’ve got to get out of here somehow! I can’t let that vile stuff weaken me anymore.

The frantic blonde teen yanks with all her strength on the shackles pinning her to the floor. It does no good. She is simply too weak!

Supergirl watches with a grim mix of fear and anger as the glowing green light pushes steadily up the tube. She frantically tries scraping her pelvis rapidly against the floor but cannot dislodge the hose stuck up her skirt! The light continues to approach, now riding over her calves, filling up its clear tunnel, sliding directly at her.

“Damn it, you bastards,” the blonde dynamo yells. “You’ll pay for this!” Her vow makes her feel no better though as she watches with dread while the menacing glow passes though the hose draped between her legs. Soundlessly it disappears under the hem of her famous short red skirt.

The very next thing Supergirl feels is the sudden surge of a warm liquid gushing up into her vagina.

“YOU SICK PERVERTS!” she squeals. “You bastards, where are you? Show yourself!”

There’s no answer, only the warm solution that slowly ebbs into her body, washing into her feminine crevice. Some of it overflows, draining out into the crotch of her red costume panties and soaking them with what she knows is slimy green kryptonite. They were actually pumping her vagina with this heinous poison!

“...NOOO!..STOP THIS... STOP THIS...NOW...” Helplessly bolted to the cold stone floor, the famous heroine pulls and strains in anger.

The speaker in the ceiling suddenly squawks to life. “Is there a problem, Supergirl?”

“YOU PSYCHOPATHIC PIGS! YOU COWARDLY CRETINS!” She screams furiously as she yanks with all her might on the arm and leg manacles pinning her to the cold stone floor. They hold her tightly without the hint of a shake. The powerful teenager’s body is shaking all over with her desperate effort to free herself. Her large, wide breasts shake and jiggle within her famous blue blouse. Every desperate yank on her restraints sends shimmying waves through her soft flesh. Her chiseled calf muscles quiver like those of a nervous racehorse. And her soft, round ass wobbles and shakes beneath her thin, silky costume skirt as she jerks and struggles in vain to escape the warm solution pumping into her loins.

“...STOP THIS...NOW...Y...YOU.. BARBARIANS...STOP THIS BEFORE I..I... ...UUUGHN!!....Before I....ghet....oohhhh....uhhh....’fore....i...uhhh...i..umm...eehhhr...”

The captive blonde’s entire body shudders with a sudden wave a nausea that sweeps through her.

“.....oohhh...ummm...what was i...uhhh...before...UNGGH....huh..i..i...mean ...b’ ...uh...uh.....uuunnnggh!” Her eyelids flutter and her breath wheezes out of her in a soft grunt as her chin thumps to the stone floor. The mighty teenage powerhouse feels sick, weak, humiliated and confused.

“Ohhh, what’s the matter, you incompetent cow? Feeling defenseless and disoriented, Supergirl? Nauseous too, aren’t you? You’re overwhelmed with a dizziness that makes you want to puke your guts out any moment, right, my dear?

“....GHHAAAALGKK..” As if to answer, the world famous Maid of Steel opens her mouth wide in a retching spasm of sickly nausea but manages not to vomit. Yet.

“OH, And let’s not forget that horrific weakness you’re feeling as well, Supergirl! There’s an all-encompassing tiredness that is sapping your strength, nullifying your will and scrambling your brain, bitch! Your having trouble organizing your thoughts, too, aren’t you, blondie? Well, your complete subjugation seems to be right on schedule!”


“Hmmm, just can’t seem to coolly assess the situation for weak points, can you, lassie? Can’t put that flimsy blonde brain to work to figure out an escape. No, I’d say that the mighty Maid of Steel is feeling much too weak and helpless to handle this nasty dilemma of a degrading, poisonous cunt flushing, Isn’t that right, champ?”

The sprawled teen hears the speaker blare loudly overhead but is too disoriented to reply.

“You really don’t have to bother trying to answer me, sweetheart. Do you know why? Has your awesome Kryptonian brain managed to figure out yet what are we doing to you, Supergirl?” The sinister voice barks from the steel grill in the ceiling.

“...t...trying” she slurs dully in response.

“Correction, you pathetic bitch. We’re succeeding at subduing you. That’s right, my dear. Escape isn’t in the cards for the pretty superheroine tonight. No, tonight we’re fucking you over big time, gorgeous! In fact, you may be interested to know that we’ve just elected you Miss Congeniality, Supergirl. Because your orifices are going to be filled with pricks in one way or another all night, bitch!”

Although she feels weak and humiliated strapped down to the floor like this with her body being so blatantly violated, the weakened teen glowers with anger at this filth. She gathers herself together, focusing her mind and her courage. She calms herself down while directing her anger. Her heroic nature is coming to the fore.

She suddenly snarls bravely at the voice in the ceiling. “That’s not going to happen, Tony. That is you, hiding under some rock with a microphone, isn’t it, you slug? Tony ‘The Wire’ Bonano. Big time hood.” She’s working at the manacles now, her resolve returning as she tests their strength and tries to distract him so she can escape. “Well, I can handle any perverted stunt you can dish out, buddy!”

“Is that so, Supergirl! You can handle anything, huh? And you’re just so cock sure of yourself, too, aren’t you.”

“I’ve fought your type before, Bonano. You don’t scare me.” Supergirl looks around the room for escape routes as this vile liquid slowly presses into her body. Much of it puddles beneath her on the floor, soaking her skirt, her belly and creeping up to her breasts. Nevertheless, her anger is building into a small reserve of strength now.

“Not scared, hmmm? And I suppose you’re not the least bit concerned about your current predicament, champ? Even with an unknown liquid being pumped up under your pretty little skirt. Even as it drenches your pretty red costume underpants and fills your tight young pussy with power-sucking muck?”

“It’s not unknown to me, Bonano. Okay, so you got your hands on a batch of kryptonite. Well, I’ve faced worse, you pathetically sick hoodlum.”

The group of men crowded into the control room eye each other nervously. Carmine, Stevie, Randy and Tony are all frowning now. Could Supergirl escape this trap? It seemed impossible but this blonde beauty had pulled off innumerable impossible feats before. She seems so confident. Maybe she could get away....

The Maid of Steel lies face down, now calmly stretching her leg and arm muscles as she pulls her wrists and legs tight against the steel bands. They would be incredibly difficult to break but maybe not entirely impossible. She has to quickly roll herself against these kryptonite crystals and crush them into dust particles. That way, they won’t be nearly as lethal. The liquid slowly oozing into her crotch is weakening her steadily but she still may be able to fight it if she’s got the will and the time. She has to keep the voice talking and distracted while she makes her move quickly though. Another dizzy spell like that last one might not be one that she could recover from.

“You’re telling me that you don’t feel even a little fear given the fact that we’ve compromised you and pinned you to the floor of a jail cell, Supergirl?” The voice has a tinge of concern mixed in with incredulity.

Good. The determined blonde thinks to herself. Scare them a bit.

“You’re not scaring me one bit, Bonano,” she shouts, twisting hard to grind a particularly large crystal on her hip into powder.

“Not scared, huh. And you claim you’ve faced worse than this? I sincerely doubt it! And naturally you’re not the least bit upset or shamed by the degrading symbolism of a fat rubber hose delivering a thick, sticky semen-like load of poisonous kryptonite up your snatch, are you, darling,” drawls the voice on the speaker, now getting stronger with conviction.

“You demented thug! My virtue and my dignity can stand up to any of your foul schemes, Bonano. Whatever disgusting kryptonite solution you’re trying to subdue me with won’t work. And no matter how you attack me, no matter how many tools of death you have,” snaps Supergirl, “I will prevail! You know I’ve beaten your type before. I’ll do it again.”

“Use the other stuff, Tony,” Stevie says with a jittery voice. “The stuff you told us about. She’s gonna get away. She’s still too strong.”

Supergirl resolutely continues to crush the crystals clinging to her blouse against the floor of her cell. In a few moments more, the dust will not be so toxic and she may well be able to break her shackles and take care of this bastard! She presses her torso hard against the floor, rapidly pulverizing the crystals stuck to her chest and pelvis. Imbued with a combination of surging adrenaline and fear, a tiny measure of her strength is returning. It’s a fight against time now. But it’s one she believes she can win.

“So the famous girl hero thinks she can still win,” Bonano purrs into the microphone, trying to undermine this bitch’s confidence while building up his own. “Even when she’s shackled and weak and tired.”

“I have confidence in myself, Bonano. That’s more than enough to deal with you,” responds the defiant heroine as she wriggles and slides faster now, gaining confidence from the fight.

“Tony. Come on, don’t play around,” says Carmine Vega

“Yeah, well, I wouldn’t be so fucking sure of yourself, champ!” The speaker snaps to life again. “I’ve got a very good reason to be confident myself, my dear! That’s because I know something you don’t.”

“God, how childish can you be, Bonano?” She steadily crushes the crystals under her. In fact, she’s damn sure she feels their effect weakening on her. The liquified kryptonite oozing into her is too slow to be as effective as Tony thinks. Her plan is working! She just has to keep this thug talking. “You’ve got a secret and you won’t tell me. Grow up, you pitiful slug.”

“A brave front to the last. But really, my dear, the fact is, I do have a secret. A biggie! I know that your virtue and your dignity and your tight little cunt have to endure something you’ve never faced before. Something that not even you can handle, my dear young Super Twit.”

In the control room, Bonano turns a new valve and a second glowing white solution mixes into the tube pumping the glowing green solution through the hole. Slow and steadily, it moves up the clear hose across the floor toward the writhing determined Maid of Steel.

“Something I’ve never faced? That’s unlikely. Especially since I’ve faced just about every foe you can think of, Tony. And yes, even foes with kryptonite!”

The comment about her ‘cunt handling something she’s never faced before’ concerns the shackled teen but just then a particularly large chunk of crystal gives way beneath Supergirl’s pelvis and is quickly ground to powder. She feels a small surge of strength flowing into her tired muscles. The Maid of Steel is excited that her plan is beginning to work. She had a real chance here! In fact, she’s only a moment or two away from breaking the shackles. She feels she almost has all the strength in her she’ll need.

What the Maid of Steel fails to notice is the swirl of milky white liquid flowing within the glowing green solution in the thin tube snaking from the hole in the wall across the room. Only a yard or so away, it inexorably creeps toward its target.

“So, Supergirl, you’re telling me that at one point in your long career you’ve successfully defended yourself against an attack that employed kryptonite?”

“That’s right, Bonano! Even kryptonite – dozens of ways: fashioned into bats, clubs and even bullet-sized slingshot pellets. The stuff’s been sprayed and even dropped from vats. I’ve overcome them all!”

In just seconds now, she will use all her might to break these manacles and take these men to jail for decades if she has anything to say about it!

“Really? And have any of these attacks employed a total saturation of your precious cunt with a Deutronium-enriched alloy of synthesized liquid kryptonite, my dear?”

“WHAT?!” The shocked blonde beauty foolishly blurts out her alarm as her head jerks up in surprise.

“...Did you say...kuh...kryptonite...deutronium...alloy.?...a...flow ME?”

Bonano’s eyebrows pop up at the sudden quaver of fear in his pretty blonde captive’s voice. His lips curl up in a slow smile. The shaking ashen-faced Supergirl is obviously deeply unnerved by this news. Fantastic!

The men looking at the screen in the small control room lean forward with eager expressions. Everyone there heard the nervous, shaking stutter in Supergirl’s shocked response and liked the implication. The group feeds on her fear with satisfied smiles.

“...but...that...that...can’t be....” Only a foot away, the milky white substance mixes with the green flow and passes over her calf in the plastic tubing draped over her legs.

In her jail cell, Supergirl knows she is feeling weak and she knows they’re using some form of kryptonite sludge to subdue her, but she had never expected them to have a concentrated version of a liquefied Deutronium-enriched kryptonite alloy! This alloy generated a radioactivity that was considerably stronger than basic kryptonite! The last time she’d faced this element, she’d almost died!

The distracted blonde teenager is frozen in confused fear. How had they synthesized this much? They couldn’t have! She would have succumbed sooner, too! There was some.... some slight of hand going on here. It hadn’t been Deutronium kryptonite alloy before. She was sure of that!

“’re...lying.....Bonano...” Supergirl snarls, slowly applying her tremendous strength to the manacles. She feels them starting to give. “I’m weak...its…true..” The Maid of Steel’s voice gets measurably stronger now. The time is now or never! “But. I’m not quite as weak AS YOU THI......HHUNNGHH!”

The mighty teenage heroine’s entire body suddenly jerks in pain as the first wave of deutronium liquid inundates her vagina. Straining impotently against her shackles, the grimacing teens feels every ounce of super strength drain away in an sudden swoon of nausea and confusion. She


“Now you really feel the effects of my nasty stun cum, don’t you, darling? Feels like a stunning punch to your gut, doesn’t it, you pathetic whimpering bitch?”

“...cuh....caa...can’” But it was! She knew it. She’d felt this overpowering, relentless exhaustion before! This deadly and effective solution now inundating her....her body....must now really be exactly what Bonano claimed it was. Deutronium kryptonite alloy! Th...this....this ....this is a disaster....

“You heard right, sweet thing. In fact, right this moment you’re now experiencing a crippling, four-ounce-per-hour infusion of a synthesized Deutronium-enriched kryptonite alloy up your pussy. Did you really think I wouldn’t come prepared to kick your sorry ass all over this room when I wanted to, Super Snatch?”

The shackled heroine looks at the milky white swirls in the puddle surrounding her, recognizes the smell and effect of this deadly gunk and begins to stammer out loud.

“..b...but...t..there isn’t that..m..m...muh...much...kryptonite... .d..d.. Deutronium...alloy... to the...the...universe....never this..i..mean...not thought...that.. mean...OWWW!”

A second harsh spasm of pain and weakness sweeps through the captive blonde and her head drops to the floor with a sickening thump. Supergirl’s awareness of the addition of Deutronium to the kryptonite base of this solution is the ultimate blow to her confidence. Drooling in a bleary daze, she feels the terrible toll this poison takes on her body already!

A mistake! This has to be some kind of sick mistake! No one had ever created more than a few teaspoons worth of this element in a lab anywhere. Never!!

“I’m afraid you did hear me right, Supergirl. Lots and lots of warm, syrupy, crippling Deutronium-enriched kryptonite surging into your innocent soft young teenage twat.”


“Really takes it out of you, doesn’t it, princess? Drains your strength. Makes you sweat like a fat stinking warthog and makes you want to puke your guts out, right, sugar?” The satisfaction virtually drips from the voice in the speaker. “Man, you should have been cunt flushed like this a long time ago, bitch! I’d have saved millions.”

“!..." Supergirl yelps as a stinging spasm of pain grabs her pelvis and grinds her with ten seconds of pure agony. Her face clenches in horrific torment, her eyes shut. "AAAAAARRGGHHH!!!"

It takes a full minute to regain enough strength to talk again. " did you get...i..i...mean...n..not... ..poss’ble.. th..this.” she stutters, stunned and helpless as a new wave of pervading weakness and the horrific realization of the true futility of her position takes its toll.

“Indeed. So very much more of this stuff than you ever thought you’d have to face, isn’t that right, you incompetent moron! That small half-ounce spray that Lex Luthor attacked you with years ago nearly killed you, sweet cheeks. But now we’re talking pints of the stuff. Is that why you look so shocked, so pained and so sickly, Supergirl?.”


“Never thought you could be beaten did you, bitch? Well, I’ll clue you in, champ. You can be beaten. Quite easily as it turns out. In fact, we HAVE beaten you, bitch! You can credit it all ...wait a minute. Let me get this right.” Bonano takes out a piece of paper from his shirt pocket and reads, “...our brand new ‘dynamic extrusion process’ we’ve just developed in our labs. Let’s see, I’m sure you’ll want to know this. It’s an advanced ‘microsynthetic transformation procedure.’ Anyway, the guys tell me that we can reproduce in large batches all the properties of Deutronium-enriched kryptonite that you find so intolerable, my sweet.”


“You want to know who to thank? That would be a team of scientists working around the clock under my direction. Quite a project but it was worth it to see you try to defend yourself against this devastating sliming: Kryptonite times ten. Impressive, huh?’

“...t...teh...tenfold....???” The sick blonde’s eyes go wide with dread.

Ten times?!! This alloy has ten times the radiation effects of kryptonite?...b..but...

“....t...t...there’s no way to fight that!” Supergirl says aloud, not even realizing she has blurted her despair out loud. She feels herself beginning to panic despite herself.
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A Near Escape -- Part 2B

‘That’s right, cuddles. No way to fight ten times the impact of the deadliest element in the universe as far as you’re
concerned. And it’s being pumped right up your precious pussy, Supergirl. Now that ought to drain the yellow pus out of that boil of a superior attitude of yours!”

All the men in the control booth cheer and high five each other as they realize they’ve destroyed the strongest force for good on the planet. They are going to be very rich with no Supergirl in the way.

“....aaulgkkk....ooh...ohh....oohhhhhh...” The mighty blonde gags in sudden disgust at his words, overwhelmed with nauseous horror at first, then depression at the realization of her predicament.

“Next,” Tony continues with obvious pride, “we distribute this poisonous mixture in a thick liquid polymer base with a high adhesive factor. We wanted to make sure it would cling to your tits, your skin, your costume and inside your twat like glue in order to eliminate your super powers in the most efficient manner possible. And as you can see, it all works quite effectively. Pretty impressive, huh, champ?” The voice is filled with sneering delight..

“’’ much... p...p...p..pain...painful..deu...duh...deutronium ..k...k....krypto...kryptonite!” The shapely teen’s eyes dart in every direction, terrified by this development. She has lost all her composure.

“It’s all quite real indeed, Supergirl!”

“ can’t be...haalgckk....ohhh....ha...happen...auulwwgkk.... huuu.... UNNNGH!”

The slow, steady flow of liquified kryptonite passing between Supergirl’s muscular thighs suddenly overwhelms the horrified girl with a secondary wave of nausea and fatigue. She’d been afraid this was coming and there’s nothing she can do to stop it! Her body drops into the puddle with a wet slap. She lies there, numb and silent, engulfed by a wracking urge to vomit and an overwhelming weakness generated by the devastating solution inundating her crotch. The horror is made doubly worse by the despair of this nightmarish new truth confronting her.

....finally happened! ...I’ve ....met....a criminal with the tools and ....and....and....the tactics to beat me. He....he...surprised me against his...his deadly sludge....!

Supergirl gags and groans, realizing she’s been dealt a devastatingly humiliating defeat for the first time in her life! One from which she will probably never recover!

“Yes indeed, everything is happening, Super Slut. All exactly the way I planned! I’m afraid you’re discovering that your oh-so-stupendous super powers are just no match for my nasty kryptonite death slime!”

Supergirl’s mouth drops open with a stunned gasp. “Ohhhh...” Never felt so weak....

The blonde’s beautiful blue eyes roll up under her lids and her chin drops to the floor with a hard thump. The mighty heroine involuntarily shivers from her boots to her jaw. Between her thighs, the blonde teenage champion feels the hose sending slow surges of warm liquid against the walls of her vagina. Liquid Deutronium Kryptonite. Still steadily pumping into her. Draining her power. Filling her. Killing her.

Now that she grasps the noxiously fatal nature of the pulsing gunk flooding into her vagina, Supergirl’s confidence is absolutely obliterated. She moans loudly again in spite of herself.

“OOHHHHH...” She can’t begin to fight all this deadly kryptonite! Not all these crystals. Not all this lethal, sticky poisonous muck! It will combine to nullify all her strength and make her weaker and weaker with every minute. She groans again in horrified anguish as she lies in stunned confusion on the cold stone floor, flooded with panic now for the first time in her life. She has no idea what to do.

“Gosh, Supergirl, that mournful sigh tells me all your pompous heroic bravado just vaporized like a tiny cloud in a blazing hot sky. I guess I know a little more about how to dominate you than you figured, sugar! Seems like you’re not the invincible heroine you thought you were.”

“....n...not...ih....ih...invincible....?..” parrots back the badly disoriented blonde heroine.

‘That’s right, you pathetic doormat. You’re just an ignorant young twit. A dumb little cheerleader for the status quo who’s about to become a lowly whore for my amusement.” Bonano looks around the room to his cohorts. Clicks off the microphone and says, “Operation Morale Blast is underway, gentlemen.”

“Well, Supergirl, right about now, I’d say you’re beginning to appreciate exactly how a common whore feels when a john climbs on her body and fucks her hard.” The voice from the ceiling speaker taunts with a haughty laugh. ‘So, how do you like the sensation of being ejaculated into like a helpless bimbo, Supergirl?”

“…c...can’t....I...i…uh...can’t...believe...this!” The desperate girl moans as she squirms feebly on the floor, trying to dislodge the hose. But firm rubber straps hidden in her costume panties circle around her crotch and hips to hold the torture tube tightly between her thighs. She feels the slow pulse of toxic liquid steadily forcing itself against the walls of her vagina. It fills the cavity between her legs. It leaks all around her groin, pooling beneath her and being absorbed by her costume. Her knees knock against the cold stone as her crotch throbs with the steady flow of the bright glowing green muck. Supergirl’s eyes flutter weakly as she continues to succumb to the green gook oozing through the hose strapped to the crotch of her securely bound body.

Through the years, with all of her super powers, the blonde heroine never imagined this sort of devastating sexual abuse could ever happen to her, but the tight steel bands around her wrists and ankles keep her securely pinned to the floor with no recourse whatsoever as poisonous green kryptonite sludge is pumped through the clear hose directly under her costume skirt.

‘m...must...try to break awa.. UNNHH!’ The blonde is suddenly knocked into a stunned silence as a third intense wave of nausea sweeps through her. Her chin drops to the floor and her eyes glaze over. There is no way for her to escape this! She lies in a sluggish stupor now as the deadly gel courses through her cervix and into the passages of her Fallopian tubes. Now paralyzing cramps and nausea take hold of the blonde dynamo. She gags and shudders in feeble bewilderment, groaning and writhing on the floor, unable to escape the hardened steel manacles that pin her to the floor.

Nobody had ever witnessed Supergirl’s very femininity so suddenly and brazenly turned against her in such a devastatingly degrading way! The inspired strategy of totally saturating her sexual organs by pumping a crippling liquefied kryptonite concentrate up the surprised heroine’s skirt was a stroke of brilliance. The tightly restrained teenage heroine could not possibly escape this horrifying trap. With her body flooded with kryptonite and her uniform saturated with it, no matter how much she struggled and cursed, she’d never be able to muster the strength to break out of the steel manacles pinning her to the floor!

The plan displayed a malevolent genius that could not be denied! What’s more, the devastating effect of this unique strategy was immediately obvious! No man had ever rendered this beautiful and powerful teenage heroine so completely helpless so quickly. Gagging loudly in heavy retching spasms and sweating profusely as she lay helpless in steel shackles, the mighty Maid of Steel was now nothing more than a haggard and confused teenage girl strapped down to the floor, ready to be violated.

“ done.....” moans the defenseless blonde beauty.

No foe she’d ever faced had turned her female physiology against her in such an invasively humiliating manner! She was sick with horror. Overwhelmed with shame. Destroyed by self-pity. Double-crossed by her serene confidence in her own strength.

“I’ve filled your precious costume panties with the one element that sickens you to the core, my inept young friend. And now that I’ve put you in your place, bitch, I’m gonna take full advantage of it. Every possible way I can dream up, Supergirl!” Bonano crows. He had convincingly disciplined the once mighty Supergirl at last. Her body was his playground now!

“!” she calls out in sudden, panicked desperation, her plaintive voice echoing loudly in her own ears. Suddenly, the speaker on the cell wall scratches to life again.

“Help? Not going to happen, Supergirl! You’re in this alone for the long haul, beautiful.”

And still the mighty teenage heroine feels the flow of deadly gunk washing into her with a relentless flow, flooding her shapely body and soul simultaneously with weakness and despair!

The struggling blonde’s bright red silken panties are now soaked with the glowing green muck. The toxic sludge pours into the Maid of Steel’s body, collecting in debilitating pools within her. She tries to concentrate to block the debilitating nausea but there’s no way she can succeed.

“I...uhn...oh no.. ooooh....this impossible! Can’t...” Suddenly, the pumping fluid stops dead. There is a fifteen-second pause and the listless girl feels a soft tug of suction as the hose in her vagina has its gel withdrawn.

“Impossible. Nothing’s impossible when you plan long and hard enough, blondie,’ the intercom squawks. ‘Even the delightful spectacle I see before me: The beautiful and famous teenage superhero, Supergirl’s, lithe, athletic body is helplessly stretched out in shackles on the floor of my own special jail cell with a fat pantload of kryptonite death gel!”

…uh…kryptonite…flood...maybe...over… Supergirl thinks groggily to herself. She weakly lifts her heavy head to look around for any possible way to escape. What she doesn’t see is a tiny green pellet come shooting through the hose. It disappears under her skirt, shoots deep into the center her vagina and lodges there. Supergirl’s head snaps back on her shoulders in a painful spasm of excruciating concentrated toxic poisoning from the pellet shot into the center of her pelvis.

“AIIEEEEAAAHH!” Unable to control herself because of the pain, the tortured teenage girl shakes and bumps violently in the restraining bolts for more than 20 seconds.

“We’re just making sure you don’t get the wrong impression, champ. We thought you might feel that there was a slight chance you could escape,” The voice pauses for dramatic impact. “There isn’t!”

Totally disabled now, Supergirl’s head falls forward again onto the hard floor, slapping into a large gelatinous puddle that has formed under the debilitated blonde. Her chin thumps and rocks against the floor from the pain in her groin.

“g...god...don’t ... it... hur...!”

“Of course it hurts, blondie,’ a disembodied voice chimes in. “It’s meant to. Not even the likes of you, Supergirl, can tolerate a concentrated kryptonite attack like this.”

“” groans the blonde teen.

“It’s all true, blondie. We’ve completely humiliated and disabled you so you’re too weak to defend yourself, sweetie.” Staggered and numb by the combination of poisonous green muck and deadly krypto-pellet inundating her crotch, the blonde drools in a dazed semi-consciousness.

“” A broken and pleading Supergirl’s head falls to the side as she is so overwhelmed by weakness that she can’t continue her sentence.

Despite her desperately mumbled pleas, the deadly toxins that have been pumped up under Supergirl’s silk skirt continue to work their destructive force on the most powerful female on earth. Her soft round ass quivers weakly as the tiny but lethal kryptonite pellet spreads an exhausting weakness throughout her body. Her breasts press into the expanding puddle of glowing green sludge beneath her and the fabric of her bright blue blouse, shiny red skirt and sopping wet panties are now dark and slick with the glowing poisonous slimy mixture surrounding her.

The mighty Maid of Steel lies in helpless daze in the deadly gelatinous puddle of kryptonite deutronium alloy that has totally destroyed her. She feels completely humiliated by this brilliantly conceived onslaught. There is no hope left in her at the moment. Only fear!

Suddenly, driven by absolute panic, Supergirl’s head comes up with a start and she gives the shackles a sudden final desperate yank. She strains with all her might against the metal bands that pin her wrists and ankles to the cell floor. They do not budge one iota.

The only result of her pulling at her restraints is that the hidden pump has been reactivated. The motor kicks in again and once again, a surging dose of thick kryptonite sludge gushes through the clear hose. Once again the blonde female champion feels a sudden rush of warm, sticky gel surge against the walls of her vagina.

“..oohhhhh.....d...d...don’” The famous blonde’s cheek slaps loudly into the puddle on the cold stone as she succumbs to the overwhelming sense of weakness.

Lying shackled to the floor in a deep pool of the deadly radioactive gel and covered head to toe with it, the captive blue and red costumed teenage girl whimpers and shakes in abject misery.

Suddenly, the door to her cell opens and Tony the Wire walks in.

“Well, well. Look at what we have here. The supposedly invulnerable Maid of Steel is helplessly bolted to the floor whimpering like a pathetic little puppy while a thick kryptonite sludge is being pumped underneath her famous costume skirt,” Tony says in a sneering chortle, kneeling down to taunt the shackled teen at his feet.

“And just how do you feel, Supergirl, now that we’re exploiting your one tragic weakness to its utmost? Feeling completely helpless and depressed I’d say with a rubber hose pumping strength-sapping Deutronium-enriched kryptonite up your precious pussy, aren’t you, blondie? Well, that’s the superhero business. Up one day and down the next.”

“’t get away...with this...Bonano...” slurs the captive blonde. A superheroine to the last.

Tony kneels down beside the prostrate girl as puts his mouth to her ear, whispering with icy delight. “But of course I will, dollface. Because the only person in the whole world who could have possibly stopped my plan, Supergirl, is you!

“But, sadly for you, even though you’re putting up a brave front, with our flexible hose of death running lethal liquefied kryptonite directly up into your cunt, sweetie pie, you’re much too sick and much too weak to break out of the reinforced steel shackles pinning you to the floor here.”

“..w..will...geh...g..get away...somehow...”

“No way in hell, bitch. Nuh uh! Not this time, blondie,’ The heinous thug slowly hisses in the teenager’s ear with a hostile conviction born of previous disappointments. ‘This time, there won’t be any fancy last-second escapes, Supergirl. This time there will be no strategic mistakes made by your adversary for you to exploit. This time out, you’ll find that things are much too well planned for you to slip away from us. These heavy steel manacles are bolted to two-inch thick steel plates embedded in solid rock, for example. They will see to it that there’s no way for you to crawl away.”

A feeble yank on her wrist shackles confirms the horrible truth to the stunned blue and red costumed blonde lying in the slowly expanding warm green lake.

“And of course there’s our highly-toxic kryptonite vaginal probe. It will continue to pump our deadly liquid kryptonite alloy up that pretty young vagina of yours and drain all your strength and nullify all your intelligence. It’s true! I know you feel it! You can’t think things through clearly. You can’t fight the panic. You can’t plan shit. Everything’s much too deeply inserted into your lovely body to counteract, my dear. There’s no margin of error here for you to slip through this time, sugar. This time out, everything’s right up against you and inside you and around you. A relentless glowing deathtrap!”

“...nooohhhh....” The demoralized blonde exhales with breathy despair.

“No, this time out there’s no room for the mighty Maid of Steel to maneuver. No hope for the pitiful kryptonite-soaked Supergirl!”

“.....uuhhnnnn....” The feeble blonde groans in agony as the lips of her captor blow the hateful words directly into her ears.

“You see, Krypto Cunt, we’ve learned all our lessons very well. No mercy. No leeway. No let up. None whatsoever.”

“’scape...?..” murmurs the stunned blonde.

“Correct! And now, you’re going to learn a lesson of your own. You’re going to learn that not even the mighty Supergirl can withstand the devastating pain and suffering caused by...oh, I’d say by now half a gallon or so...of radioactive Deutronium-enriched kryptonite jelly sloshing around her vagina and drenching her precious panties and skirt and costume blouse and cape.’

“” Quivering lips and a tear slide out of Supergirl. Her muscles felt like useless broken rubber bands.

“That’s right, champ,’ Contino nods. Still kneeling beside the trapped heroine, he pats her rear end with several soft slaps that cause her cheeks to wobble and the slimy load in her pants to shimmy noticeably.

‘We’ve ordered up plenty of sticky warm Krypto-Cum to destroy you, Supergirl! It’s true. And it’s doing it too! Right this moment, you’re suffering through an unending barrage of pelvic cramps, nausea, wrenching stomach pains, blurred vision, shortness of breath, confusion and total physical exhaustion. Maybe even a new heart murmur. No, I’m afraid that you’re in no shape whatsoever to stop anything. I’m certainly going to get away with all my plans, Supergirl.”

Reaching down, Tony grabs Supergirl’s hair with his left hand and pulls her upper torso up off the floor, then reaches down with his right hand and squeezes the helpless, drooling blonde’s breast.


“Oh, yes, and on top of everything else, I’m also going to enjoy dominating you sexually, little lady! That’s right, Super Skank, I’m going to FUCK you, Supergirl. I’m finally going to have the pleasure of sticking my cock into that tight little cunt of yours, bitch!’

‘...uuuuhhhhnnnnnn.....’ the blonde droops pathetically as Bonano holds her by the hair and mauls her breasts, squeezing and blatantly defiling the famous red and yellow “S” shield that the world had come to trust. The girl’s eyes have rolled back into her head and her mouth gapes open in an incoherent stupor.

“You see, Supergirl, you are trapped in a small sound-proofed jail cell more than two-hundred feet below the street. You are hopelessly bolted to a cold stone floor, face down in a great big kryptonite puddle that’s drenching every fiber of your garish little costume and surrounding you with strength-sapping rays. Even your furry blonde snatch is inundated with a highly toxic kryptonite pellet. Well, actually, by now that has just about melted in the heat of your mighty cunt as it is fabricated to do, but it did its job. Don’t you think?”

“’ mumbles the devastated teen in meaningless protest.

Bonano drops the whimpering teen back down to the floor with a sneer.

“You know, dimwit, as powerful and brilliant as you may think you are, Supergirl, even you can be reduced to a whimpering, helpless teenage girl, my petulant blonde friend. All it takes is the powerful debilitating effect of a nice, thick radioactive kryptonite douche.”

“....nuh....nooooooooo.....” The grimacing Maid of Steel lets out a long, low, pitiful groan as despair pours into her soul from the smiling thug kneeling beside her.

“That bright little girl in burgundy who thought she was so smart up there in the dark corner took a nasty fall, didn’t she gorgeous? She wasn’t quite up to task of being the hero she thought she was, now isn’t that right, you little tease?”

“...heroes....have....ways.....B’nan...ohh...” gasps out the defiant teen.

“Sorry, cunt. Not this time they don’t In fact, right now, to prove the point, I’m going to shoot a little of my own warm, white cum juice right up your sweet soft ass, Supergirl!”

“...wha...NOOO!” The Maid of Steel shrieks in a sudden peal, stunned and terrified at the same time.

“Oh yes indeed, Supergirl. And you won’t be able to do jack shit about it, little lady, because I’m in full command here. You may be praying for me to kill you, cunt, before this day is done! Now let’s get the party started! First, I think I’ll pull up your skimpy little costume skirt here to show off your sopping wet kryptonite filled panties.”

Reaching over, Tony the Wire yanks up the sludgy wet fabric of Supergirl’s short skirt, pulling it sharply away from her trembling buttocks.

“DON’T!” the once-mighty blonde blurts out a surprised gasp as her famous costume skirt is jerked up to reveal her red costume panties, slick with oily kryptonite gel. They’re plastered to her smooth round buttocks which tremble noticeably the grinning Mafia don is pleased to see.

Tony leans in toward the blonde and murmurs softly, “Is that surprise and fear I’m hearing, sugar tits? Yes, I think so. I guess you’ve never had a man pull your skirt up, huh, champ? No man’s ever been confident enough to approach you from behind, take your lovely smooth neck in his hold and hike up your skirt just so in order to avail himself a good long, lingering caress of your soft, sweetly scented, beautifully curved rear end, have they, Supergirl?”

Eyes closed and mouth half open in a dulled, drooling stupor, Supergirl moans in sickened dismay as she feels Tony’s palm confidently smooth slowly over the silky red rise of her panties. His hand curves slowly around the rise of her soft young cheek. Next, the long deft fingers push between her thighs and slide slowly along the crease of the panties covering her vagina.

“....uuuhhnnnn.....” The mortified heroine groans in pitiful despair at this demoralizing abuse of her body.

“Such an unexpected and degrading experience for such a lovely and famous heroine, isn’t it?”

“’” The girl’s eyes well up with shame.

“Think again, bright eyes! This is just the beginning of many exciting new compromising sexual positions coming your way, beautiful. Now, I’ll just drop this sopping wet rag of a skirt and see what’s going on inside your pretty panties here first. Okay?” Tony’s patronizing tone is heavy with delight. He drops the skirt against the girl’s back with a wet slap of material.

His hand glides up the trembling girl’s thighs now, sliding up to the super heroine’s drenched costume panties clinging tightly to her ass. The bright red underpants conspicuously define the steep curves of the Maid of Steel’s firm round cheeks. Her heaving buttocks quiver noticeably under the stretchy fabric of her slick red panties. Wet wrinkles, highlighted by the light in the cell, accent the cool shadows that fall between Supergirl’s thighs. The mighty teenager’s buttocks are shamelessly featured within tight costume panties drenched with kryptonite solution. The cameras zoom in on the beautiful Maid of Steel’s round sensuous a shocking spectacle of unseemly sexual exhibitionism.

“Boy, your panties are awfully wet, Supergirl. I can see every single curve and dimple of your magnificent ass, sweetie, right down to the tiny crease of your pussy from behind, blondie. Its all very revealing!”

This would be an appalling show of weakness and sexual degradation that any female would be horrified to be so shamefully subjected to. To have a super heroine, especially one as modest as Supergirl, shackled to the floor and have her skirt yanked up and her rear end shown off within her soaking wet, clingy panties is an unbearably humiliating nightmare! The mighty blonde heroine whimpers in mortified defeat.

“” she whimpers.

And immediately, it gets worse!

Bonano places his two hands on the stunned heroine’s buttocks and, once again, rubs the sopping wet underpants in opposite directions, massaging the soft, protruding cheeks firmly as he smiles broadly.

“You know you’ve really got a gorgeous ass, Supergirl. Tight, round and dimpled. Very inviting.” His hands dip between her legs and slide down to grasp the insides of her shaking thighs.

“....oooohhhhh.....” The limp figure moans weakly as she feels her legs roughly yanked apart against her will. Then, from just above her head, she hears the relentless taunting of her assailant softly murmur to her.

“I’m really going to enjoy fucking you in this low-class cheerleader’s outfit of yours, Supergirl. It’ll be very arousing to hold your limp, slippery body in my arms and dominate you body and soul, knowing that I’ve completely obliterated all your awesome powers.”

The mighty heroine gives a tiny squeak of despair at this prospect even as the waistband of her costume underpants is gripped by Tony Bonano.

“But first, let’s take a look at my ingenious mechanical Super Heroine Cunt Fucker!” Tony looks over at the clear hose that runs through one of the leg bands, pressing flush against the blonde’s inner right thigh. It pulses slightly with each succeeding cycle of the pump in the wall. After each pulse, a flush of liquid green and white gel spreads out from under Supergirl’s crotch and the puddle in which the decrepit girl lays grows a bit larger. The exhausted teen can only lie amid the poisonous soup and try to remain conscious.

“Well, my special super powers neutralizing device seems to be working very nicely. Let’s take a closer look at it, shall we, Supergirl.” The good-looking thug tightens his grip on the waistband of Supergirl’s slippery red underpants.

“You know, I just bet you heard me say to Don Vega you were going to lose these panties of yours both legs at a time, Supergirl. Didn’t you? Well, here’s where it happens, bitch!” With a sudden yank, Tony pulls the blond heroine’s silk underwear down off her hips, stripping it away from her rear end and all the way down her thighs to the backs of her knees.

“NOHH!” She gasps in surprise and then begins to sob with shame.

Her soft, round tush wobbles before the grinning hoodlum in the lamp light of the cell. Strapped to the stone floor of the tiny room with her arms and legs outstretched and her famous red costume skirt pulled up and away from her rear end, the mighty Maid of Steel lies bare-assed before Tony the Wire Bonano, with the glint of her blonde pubic hair peeking through her legs, helpless to defend herself in any way.

The Mafia Don grins from ear to ear at the beautiful prize spread out before him.

“Well, lookee here. I just pulled down the pretty little costume panties of the famous and mighty Supergirl and she couldn’t do a fucking thing about it!”

“” Supergirl begins to weep. A wash of shame, torment and nausea drain her of all her resolve now. Tony beams at his prize below him. She is now little more than a pathetic, confused blonde teenage girl bound to a stone floor who can be abused at will.

“Looks like blondie here’s not the all-powerful female hero she thought she was. That’s right, go ahead and cry like a baby, sweet cheeks. With the way we’ve got you securely shackled here bare-assed and too stunned to escape, that’s all you’re going to be able to do, slut!”

Tony looks down closer to examine his clever hose hook-up girdle carefully.

“Now let’s just see what gives here.” A wide rubber strap circles the limp teenager’s waist while two rubber straps circle her high upper thighs. A fourth rubber strap, fastened to both the waist and leg straps, fits snugly between the teenager’s legs and presses a circular rubber connector tightly against her crotch. It grips the clear hose on one side and a long vaginal probe on the other. The wide holes in the probe’s rounded tip are now flooding the girl’s violated vagina with greasy kryptonite gel.

“How do you like my collection of toys so far, cunt?” chortles Tony as he softly pats Supergirl’s slimy ass. “A special kryptonite sludge gun to knock you on your sorry ass and this rubber kryptonite bondage harness to keep you out of trouble for as long as I want.”


“Oh, What’s the matter, Supergirl? Is my nasty little Supergirl Cunt Fucker sucking all your strength out of your muscles? Feel too weak and helpless to pull out of these forged steel manacles? Is the sensation of your tight young twat helplessly gripping the death probe making you frustrated and depressed? Is there a gorge of sickening nasty vomit creeping up your gut? Those pretty blue eyes of yours seeing double? Is it getting hard to breathe? Well, I suppose that should be enough krypto-cum to keep you under control. Right, sugar cunt?”

The helpless girl bolted to the floor beside him is too numb to respond so Tony reaches down and squeezes her nipple beneath her soggy blouse’s insignia until the groggy virgin yelps in pain.

“YEOWW!....OH...Yes!...yessss...stuuuppp...diss....” The demoralized, helpless blonde begs the grinning Bonano who’s shadow darkens her very being.

“I thought so. Okay boys, cut the pump!” Yells Tony and the hose stops pulsing.

‘There, blondie. I did you a favor by stopping that nasty green gunk from being pumped up your hole, now you do me a favor by being a real easy lay. Okay?” Tony laughs. “As if you have a fucking choice!”

End of Chapter 2
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Millenium Member
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When I visualise this writing style, and I'm open to comments, is that it's a very colourful rich style. You know the Dick Tracy film, with Warren Beaty I think, it's like that, or even the Micheal Keaton Batman stuff, though ironically it could be Sin City too. It's just full of strong voiced characters and colour, I can see that rich green kryptonite sludge in my mind.

My stuff has been de coloured, it's Ronin, it's The Dark Knight, that's why DrD's stuff can be fun for me to escape to !
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Thanks abductorenmadrid. I'm glad you're enjoying my work. Anybody else care to chime in? Is this too severe even for the dungeon or are you finding it hot? I appreciate input. It give me some direction for the future.

Anyway, here's the next installment of Supergirl's peril.

A Terrible Pleasure - Ch. 3-A

Tony Bonano leans closer to the listless blonde superhero bolted to the floor beside him and pulls the connector out of the Pussy Fucker. As he does this, he keeps his thumb pressed tightly against the loose end of the hose. With his free hand, he un-straps the deadly appliance strapped around the dazed blonde teenager's waist, taunting her with a haughty chuckle as he does.

“Man, you were so fucking overconfident, Supergirl, it was hard not to laugh out loud as I described to Carmine in the parking lot what I was going to do you, bitch! I knew you were there all along, sweet cheeks. You followed every clue I sent your way, right up to the end. You were so predictable, my lovely blonde squeeze toy! You walked right into my trap. Of course, I had to keep you distracted with all that nasty talk about what I was gonna do to you so my boys could sneak up on you.”

“Well, my big-breasted beauty, now your days as the lovely and virtuous female superhero flying around in her colorful and inspiring uniform are over for good. I've got big plans for you, Sugar Tits. You're about to learn firsthand what life is like on its grimy underside. The side you never paid any real attention to, sweet cakes.”


“You're about to become a lowly whore, Supergirl. That's right! For one full year, starting now, Super Cunt, you're out of the superhero business. Instead, you're working for us as a bought and paid for prostitute, bitch! You'll be using your beautiful body to perform endless sessions of fucking, gangbanging, blowjobs, deep anal penetration and a long list of highly unique, perverted sexual favors for my special list of privileged Mafia dons. Then you'll hand over the money you get paid to me and I give you a small stipend to keep you in makeup, french fries and feminine hygiene products. That pretty much describes the term 'whore', don't you think, sweetie?”

“.....i....i...'lll...never do” hisses the angry heroine.

“Of course you will, you arrogant cunt.” Tony's spittle flecks against Supergirl's ear as he leans behind her head and growls at her. “I've got plenty of very compelling methods to guarantee you do. Trust me on that, sweet pants.”

“...can't time....” murmurs the defiant teen through a grimace.

“Oh, I won't have to. With my methods, you'll do it all very willingly, champ. And I'm talking about you performing all the normal and all the very abnormal party tricks that your average whore is required to do, Super Twat. You'll be wrapping your luscious soft lips around long hard cocks and sucking them off ‘til they spew white jism down your throat, all over your face and splattered across your pretty pink nipples. You’ll certainly be gang-banged – in the ass I’m guessing – countless times, no doubt. I'm going to love watching you take rock hard penises way up your tight little teenage rear end for gosh knows how many sessions.”


“Oh yes it can, darling,” interrupts the looming Mafioso, lording his domination over the dazed but defiant heroine. “Oh, and let’s not forget all the warm golden showers you’ll be getting. That'll be interesting to see you sitting on the floor, shackled tight to the cell wall, dazed and helpless in your colorful little superhero costume as men pull out their schlongs and spray your hair, face and body with shining arcs of rank yellow urine. What a cute little piss pot you’ll be!”

He’s not going to kill me. But this...this life will be hell!

“Hmmm. I guess a few of the guys will probably want to subject you to some of their favorite sadistic nipple torture games. Others will force you to endure humiliating enema infusions. In short, anything you're paid to do, champ, you'll do! The money comes out and you go to work.”

“!” A hard knock on the back of Supergirl's head by a steel rod that Tony's has produced from a nearby table stuns the blonde dynamo badly. A small string of drool hangs from the battered champion's lower lip as Tony Bonano coos menacingly in her ear.

“You know what my secret is Supergirl? You're not just going to be any whore, my noble young friend. I'm turning you into a crack whore! That's right! In one short week you're changing clothes and lifestyles, blondie. You're transforming from a beautiful world-renowned powerful female champion of all that is good and decent to a dim-witted, corrupt, greasy-haired, cock sucking drugged-up street slut who has no other purpose but to offer up her soft mouth and tight pussy exclusively for members the mob!”

“...not...possible...” the prone girl grumbles.

“That's what they said about this hit, bitch. And look at you now, Super Cunt. You're strapped down in my personal jail cell with your teenage twat filled up with debilitating kryptonite and no way to escape! No, this is a done deal, blondie. And you're going to have a specially designed uniform, too, my friend. You'll be stuffed into an overly tight, cheap, tawdry-looking, stiff and semen-stained knock-off of your awe-inspiring Supergirl blouse. Easily ripped and simple to strip!”


“That's right, Supergirl. And your little costume cheerleader skirt will be a shoddy knock-off, too. One that’s so short it shows off your cute little ass with just the slightest wiggle. Of course, it, too, will be easy to rip off you, not to mention, filthy with humiliating cum stains from men who've pumped you silly in your famous little costume against your will.”


“Wait. You haven't heard the best part. Underneath the brief little tease of a skirt will be your very own original red costume panties. That's right, these once impenetrable silky red panties of the famous Maid of Steel! Sadly though, these form-fitting little red beauties, a colorful reminder of your once mighty status, will be heavily soiled front and back with their own collection of pungent spunk stains from the endless spewing by Mafia men who have cunt-waxed and butt-fucked the illustrious Maid of Steel for the price of a cheap suit!”

“” The droopy-eyed teen heroine shakes her head in stunned horror at the picture painted by the leering Don.

“And to start the festivities, I'm sticking a folded flipper of five one dollar bills in between your tits, Supergirl. Just like a common bar stripper, you're going to perform for me. I want to watch you swallow this kryptonite cum, little lady!”

Tony reaches under Supergirl’s blouse and sticks the crinkling green bills far up her slippery, slime-covered tunic. You can see the outline of his knuckles as he slides the slim fold of money under the world famous S insignia and pushes it between her wobbling breasts. The tension of her boobs pressing together along with the sheen of sweat and sticky krypto-slime between them holds the folded bills in place. The humiliated teenager whimpers in shame.

“…this…is…not…right…not fair….”

“There. And now that we've established your lowly status, let's have some fun.”

“...WHUHH??!! NO...YOU CAA....AAGKHH!!....”

With the sudden move that is Tony's trademark, he has reached quickly around Supergirl's head and seized her chin. He holds her face up and squeezes down hard on the paralyzed blonde's jaw. The painful pressure forces the impotent blonde to open her mouth wide.

“WWAAUGH!” As the sprawled teen's eyes bulge in shock, Tony sticks the hose past the quivering lips.

“Oh I certainly can turn you into a whore, Supergirl. It's going to be child's play actually. And it starts now, you pathetic blonde moron! We're going to see how you like your first taste of being a whore, Supergirl. Swallowing cum, sweetheart!”

He laughs and then removes his thumb from the end of the thin clear tube. A large measure of the deadly kryptonite gel squirts into the panicked gagging girl's mouth. It floods against her tongue that she's instinctively pushed back into her throat. For the moment, this prevents the sickening green pool filling her mouth from sliding down her throat.

“NNEKKGGH....” Supergirl's eyes shift rapidly back and forth trying to search for a way out as she desperately yanks helplessly at her shackles.

Mustn't swallow his disgusting slime!

Tony roughly pins her jerking head in place against his hip with one hand and clamps shut the bewildered teen's lips with the fingers of his other hand so she can't spit out the sickening gunk.

“Oh, what's the matter, Supergirl? You don't want to swallow my kryptonite cum load? Too shy, huh? Oh, I get it now! You're trying hard to be a good girl, aren't you? Proper female superheroes don't swallow cum on the first date. That's it, isn't it, doll face?”

Tony leans over and hisses in the struggling blonde's face now. Cold and merciless, “Well, I hate to burst your bubble, sweet thing, but as of now, you're no longer the famous Maid of Steel. You’re not daddy’s precious good little girl anymore. Now, bitch, you're nothing but another lowly, addle-brained street whore who answers to me. Now I’m your daddy. And Daddy expects all his girls to swallow! So do it!”


“Here’s lesson number one, slut! From now on, you swallow whatever comes out of any kind of hose that's shoved past your pretty, cherry-red painted lips, bitch. Flesh. Rubber. Whatever happens to be the cream soup of the day is going in your mouth and down your throat. Hear me, Supergirl? As of now you're just another low-life bitch in my stable of bitches.”

“....eghhh....nhuhhh.....whun't......whun't.....” The grimacing heroine protests through clenched teeth.

“Yes. You will. You have to darlin' because I just stuck my money in your tits for the pleasure of watching you swallow, Supergirl. And the customer is always right!”


“I guess I'll just have to change your mind for you then, blondie. I certainly can't neglect your training as one of my hard-working stable whores, can I, Super Twat?”

With a sudden jerk, the grinning hoodlum tilts the horrified teen's head far back with two fingers still holding her lips tightly shut and his other fingers keeping the tube shoved in her mouth. With his other hand, Tony uses his cold, vise-like fingers to pinch the blonde's nostrils shut. The panicked girl's eyes bulge wide with horror as all her oxygen is closed off.

“Come on, Supergirl. Swallow it now. Swallow the nice sticky green kryptonite cum like you're supposed to!”

“NNNNIIHHH....HNNGHHH....” Whining in helpless misery, the powerful figure's shackled torso rocks and yanks in panic, securely bound to the cell floor by the unyielding steel cuffs circling her wrists and ankles.

“Come on, angel face, swallow the whole, sweet clumpy cum load for your favorite pimp. Just like a common skid row whore!”

Supergirl's head pulls and shifts in vain as Tony holds her face tightly in his grip and refuses to give the pretty blonde's head any slack whatsoever.

Unable to breathe, the blue eyes of the panicked teenage heroine flutter and shake and slowly slide up under the lids in a swooning falter.

“Yes, alright. Now I believe we're getting somewhere! Now Supergirl is about to master the first essential skill expected from a prostitute: swallowing a greasy spunk load from a paying customer, no matter how repulsive! Good. You are going to swallow that green cum, aren't you, Super Slut. You're going to open up that throat nice and wide and swallow it all for the paying customer, aren't you, Supergirl.”

Helpless to resist her body’s desperate need for oxygen a second longer, Supergirl lets out a painful wheeze, opening her throat for air. Immediately, the oozing green slime rushes down her throat in a thick clumpy mass, forcing the helpless teenage girl to gag in choking humiliation.

“Ahhgggg...ahrggggkkk....eechhhkk....iillggkkkkk..” The prostrate teen jerks and gags on the floor in helpless disgust.

“YES! GREAT! OKAY! Now that's the obedient cum-swallowing hooker I knew you could be, Supergirl.” Tony continues to hold the hose in the teen's mouth as she spasms helplessly in her shackles. He lets a slow steady flow of green muck drain down the pinned heroine's throat. “Suck it all down. That's right. That's my girl! Give me my five dollars worth of degradation!”

“...whllkkk...eehgkkk...haaagk...” Supergirl continues to buck and jerk in her manacles on the floor, her body writhing and shaking in total helplessness. Despite all her struggles, the mouthful of foul clumpy slime continues to slither down her throat and nauseates her to the point of near vomiting.


“That's my Super Whore! My very own pretty, cum-loving female super hero clad in her cute little costume skirt. Why she's even letting her slippery red panties show alluringly from behind like a common tramp.”


“You know, all the big shots told me there was no way I could get the mighty Supergirl to swallow kryptonite jism. Well, they don't know you like I know you, sweetie. They don't know how much you love to suck cum, Supergirl. And you swallowed it all, blondie, just as I knew you would. Just like any cheap hooker with five bucks jammed between her tits would. Well, I knew you had the talent. I just had to find the right amount of folding motivation for my very special Super Slut. Right honey?”

After thirty endless seconds of futile straining and struggling, Supergirl feels Tony release her head. He quickly stands up to admire his handiwork.

“That should make you think twice about sneaking around Tony Bonano's turf, eh, you pathetic blonde bimbo?”

Overwhelmed by her desperate effort to cough out the nauseating muck, Supergirl is barely aware that Tony has circled behind her. He straddles her jerking form and is kneeling behind her bumping and writhing ass. He slides his knees eagerly forward between the jerking muscular legs spread wide apart on the floor before him.

“...egkkk....he...hepp...hraggkk...” Supergirl continues to choke out the thick disgusting slime, coughing up thick clumps of green ooze as her body bumps and grinds in a wild fit of nausea and panic. Her pubic mound with its dirty and matted blonde hair slaps with repeated jerks into the puddle of green sludge beneath her. Her soft round ass wobbles like Jello now as she gags in choking bewilderment under the smiling don.

Kneeling behind the blonde beauty, Tony silently exults in how quickly he has made the world's most powerful girl his helpless captive. With her famous costume skirt peeled up to her waist and her soggy underpants hanging on the backs of her knees, the soft round mounds of Supergirl's buttocks jiggle and shake invitingly before him.

Man, this bitch really does have some gorgeous ass! Just then, he spots a sudden gleam of pink between her thighs. Ah, there's my prize!

Underneath the comely blonde's jerking pelvis, shifting and undulating before his eyes are the bright pink folds of Supergirl's once unassailable vagina.


The wrinkled pink oval opening bobs and weaves before him, well greased with strength-sapping kryptonite gel, absolutely vulnerable to his slightest whim. This was almost too beautiful to be true. But he'd really done it. Supergirl's glorious cunt was about to be his!
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A Terrible Pleasure - Ch. 3-B

Tony unzips his fly and takes his long hard penis out of his underwear. It stands rock hard in his palm. Has he ever been harder? He doesn’t think so. Quickly lowering himself, he places the tip of his penis against the unsuspecting teenager's slimy crotch. Supergirl slowly turns her head. Her pale blue eyes are half-lidded with druggy bewilderment. Her mouth is slack, her tongue draping out slightly as a thick clump of green kryptonite slime slides down her chin. She feels the prod of something hard, warm and greasy crowding against the lips of her vagina.


Ignoring the horrified girl's blubbering plea, Tony thrusts his hips forward against Supergirl's beautiful naked buttocks with a sudden fierce shove.

“GUUHNNFFF!” The blonde champion grunts loudly with a shocked grimace as she is jolted forward. She feels Tony's long, hard member drive deeply into her vagina. Shoved past her already broken hymen, the hot, wide staff of male flesh presses against her inner walls, quivering with a repulsive repetitive throbbing.

“” The shocked girl strains her neck around in dumbstruck horror within the steel manacle to see behind her. The view confirms the horror story she already knows to be true. This sadistic Mafia thug had just roughly violated her from behind!

The struggling teen feels her two round buttocks being pulled apart by powerful hands as Bonano pushes his large hard penis slowly and deeply between her wobbling cheeks. Her beauty. Her innocence. Her confidence. All violated!

Just then, Tony reaches up with one hand and grabs her by the hair, tilting her head far back and grinning in her slack, bewildered face.

“Surprise, surprise, Supergirl. We've already begun Step Two in your training to be a whore, my young friend! A man's stiff, hot boner has just been forced into your pussy, penetrating your supposedly invulnerable body. Now you're going to go to school on pleasing a man with a dick in your cunt! All ready?”

“...wait!...don't!...noooo....please.....ohhhhh!” Tony easily slides his prick back and forth with a sudden urgent stroke, driving deeply into the stunned teenager's soft slick crack. “NOO! Don't! stop...I beg you...OOOFF...”

With a driving thrust of steely male heat between her legs, the ashen-faced blonde has the breath knocked out of her.

“Beg all you want, bitch. But Lesson Two has already begun, you careless slut. Learning to accept a man’s long, rock-hard dick!” Tony lets go of her hair and presses both hands firmly down against Supergirl's hips. “Let me show you what I mean!”

The horrified heroine feels Tony's strong hands pinning her hips to the cold stone floor as his hard penis slides slowly out with a slow drawing motion.

Tony’s warm breath feathers against Supergirl's neck as he leans into her. He taunts her softly, “You see, Supergirl, you may have been the most powerful female on the planet, but even you couldn't defend your fuzzy little twat when I wanted in!”

“” The confused blonde pleads. Sick and helpless, the pinned teen heroine suddenly coughs up a large clump of green gel that smears against her cheek as Tony pushes her face against the floor.

“Everyone just saw how easy it was for me to get you to swallow cum, bitch. We’re videotaping everything here today, you know. And now, they saw how quickly I could hike up your little skirt and pull down your silky little panties, sweetheart!”


“Afraid so, Supergirl. And now, everyone's taking notes on just how easy it is to fuck you from behind, my dear. A long hard slow fuck of the pretty teenage heroine in her famous costume on a cold stone floor.”

“” the faint, helpless girl moans.

“You see, Super Cunt, it was simplicity itself to force you into serving as my very own pliable sex toy. All it took was a sudden dousing with kryptonite and you're now nothing more than a dumb, submissive slut who will eagerly submit to my every sexual whim exactly as I command.”

“'t....” she protests.

"Yes, I can, sugar. Whatever I want, Supergirl, you'll quickly do: Sucking cock. Fucking for hours. Licking my balls. Whatever suits my pleasure. You're my very own little boy toy, blondie, for as long as I desire. Pretty nifty arrangement for you to be part of, don't you agree, Sugar lips?"


“Oh, what's the matter, sweetie, are you starting to miss those awesome super powers of yours, champ?”

“” whimpers the helpless girl.

Bonano then starts to rock his pelvis against the gorgeous teenager's ass, to build up a steady rhythm. His hips rock back and forth slowly against the smooth rear of the prostrated teen as her hands twist and strain helplessly in the floor-mounted steel cuffs.

“Those cuffs are polished steel with solid titanium ingots for bolts, sweetie. You can struggle and strain all you like, blondie, you're not breaking out of them, I assure you!”


“Come on, hero. Take my big dick. Live a little!” The teenage wonder feels the enormous, pulsating heat of him push into her with a sudden jolt, deeply filling her void.

“...AAHH!” a breathy gasp bursts from the vanquished female followed by desperate groans “..OHH...OHHH....oohhhhh.....”

The Italian hoodlum beams with joy as he savors the sensation of this helpless heroine's vaginal warmth tightly surrounding his rock hard cock. His palms press against the back of Supergirl's thighs, his own pelvis pressed up tight against the warm bottom of her buttocks.

He draws himself slowly out of her pussy.

“What a soft, warm, slippery vagina you have my dear! It's such a pleasure to thrust my cock deep in the middle of your oh-so-tight yet yielding love muff!”

Bonano continues to slowly withdraw his prick from deep within the loins of his helpless costumed adversary. He's thrilled with her ineptness, delighted at her misery and excited by her vulnerability. Payback was great!

The toes of Supergirl's bright red kryptonian boots scrape and kick the floor for leverage that does not come. Bonano pulls the famous teen's skirt down over her sopping wet ass and massages her butt as he eagerly thrusts his dick into the shackled Maid of Steel once again. His hard maleness drives to her depths, throbbing with pleasure from the friction of her tight young cavity.

“....if...i....ever get...out...of...AYEE!” Her pelvis shifts and jerks up and down in pain. She's desperate to escape but his palms press her hips to the floor as he thrusts his sword of desire high up under her soggy, clingy skirt, dominating her slick hole with his prick and his will.

“Clam up cunt! You're just an easy fuck without your famous superpowers.”

“....WRULGGKKKKK..” A wave of nausea sweeps through the teen and she flops into the puddle with a thick slap. Woozy and bewildered, Supergirl can do nothing. With the deadly deutronium-laced kryptonite flooding her body and surrounding her, the ingenious and resourceful teenage heroine is too sick and confused to prevent this sadistic hoodlum from shoving his huge, throbbing penis in and out of her exposed vagina at will.

“....can''re....g..getting 'way with....this....” the helpless blonde admits in a slow hopeless whisper.

“Really? Well, believe it, sweetie. This is how world-famous female super heros learn humility and sexual submission, my dear, at the hands of Tony the Wire!”

Pressing her pelvis down again with his hands, the young Mafia don rocks back and forth against the blue and red clad teenager's bare ass, savoring his sexual conquest of this mighty champion with sensuous, slow, patient undulations of his hips.

“Oh yeah, that's the soft, super pussy I've been looking forward to sticking it to for so long!”

“....ohhhhh...."”the weakened blonde dynamo groans in abject despair as the Mafia kingpin takes his pleasure from her slippery femininity.

His dick continues to slide in and out of the warmth of her tight, greasy vagina with quick, purposeful strokes. He fills her vagina with glowing need and withdraws. Fills and withdraws. Once and again. Over and over. His pumping, driving, rock-hard penis dominates her body, taking her on short dizzying intervals at the edge of consciousness and back until she gasps for release.


“You are one hell of a fun hero to fuck, Supergirl! Lean. Tight. Incredible figure. Sensitive in all the right places. A prize piece of ass! By the time I'm done training you, I'm going to make a million bucks as a pimp for the one and only cock-sucking, dick-licking, Don- fucking Maid of Steel!”

The teenage wonder grimaces in misery as this taunting S.O.B. pins her body to the floor and takes his pleasure from her. With barely a pause, he thrusts himself against her backside, sliding his hands up her thighs and along the sides of her slippery blue costume blouse.

And then his hands slide up over the famous insignia of her uniform blouse and encircle her breasts. He squeezes the fullness of her tits, compressing the smooth orbs into fat wads of flesh as he whispers in her ear.

“So much humiliation. So little strength. The mighty Supergirl is felt up while being fucked. Who would have expected this?”

Tony's member surges into her vagina, dominating her with total sexual control. It stretches her femininity to a startling width before quickly pulling his dick from her inner realms. Despite herself, sick and helpless as she is, Supergirl feels the hint of pleasure amid the torment. Bonano is well endowed and the repeated friction of his cock sliding in and out of her vagina is starting to create a new sense of horror in the blonde teenager. This can’t be feeling good!


And yet again, a rush of tight friction between her legs, 9 inches of hot muscle pulsing within her and then nothing. Now rushing inward, grinding and rotating. Now slowly, meticulously drawn out to feel the sensation of quivering flesh against flesh. His hands fondle and maul her breasts even as his huge fullness returns again and again, penetrating her to the very core. Then gone for a flash and then back with a rushing thump. And all the blonde heroine in the famous red and blue costume can do is moan and grimace and whimper as she is subjected to insurmountable rounds of pleasure and pain on this cold stone floor.

“This pitiful bitch hero is nothing without her super powers, nothing except a prize piece of ass,” thinks Bonano, exulting in the exquisite heat and moisture of her quivering loins.

“...nghhkk....” Supergirl gags in sudden revulsion, unable to control her pelvic muscles as a wave of nausea from the glowing puddle of kryptonite surrounding her sweeps through her yet once again. Her vagina promptly contracts involuntarily along the length of his stiff prick. Holding him tight along the full length of his cock with quick fluttering muscular spasms that make Tony gasp with pleasure.

“YES! That's my girl! A warm, wet love squeeze as good as any whore I've ever had! Man, you're good, bitch. You're a real pro!” Tony's hands slide off the sluggish teen's breasts and slide all the way to her ass. He squeezes the frail teen's rear end with unreserved delight, the fingertips dimpling her cheeks with humiliating familiarity.

“And now, to continue your training, I'm going to shoot you up with a little crack to give our lovemaking a sense of heightened sensuality.” Tony sits up on his haunches and reaches into a small pouch on his belt and pulls out a syringe.

“” groans the struggling blonde.

“Give it a rest, Supergirl. You're our very own cute little boy toy for good, sweetie. We own you, doll. Anyway, you're going to love this!”

Kneeling over the prone blonde, Tony squirts a little of the serum from the needle with practiced efficiency. He presses down hard with his palm on a whimpering Supergirl's head, forcing her face harshly against the floor. He carefully places the point at a pulsing vein in her neck.

“Steady, lassie. I don't want to hurt my new stable whore.”

“....p...puh...p...please....d...d...duh..don't...” begs the pinned teen.

But then the needle actually pierces the now vulnerable skin at the neck of the slack-jawed girl wonder and the plunger is slowly and steadily pushed as Tony murmurs in the wide-eyed blonde's ear, “Shhhh...sweetie. It's all part of your training.”

“...c...crack..won't...'” Supergirl hisses through clenched teeth. At least I have that solace.

The needle is withdrawn carefully and replaced in the belt pouch. Tony leans down and nibbles on the cringing heroine's ear, blowing soft words into her head.

“Wrong again, dumpling. With an inert Kryptonite base solution and an enriched Deutronium catalyst mixed with the heroine and cocaine, we believe you'll find it our little drug to be a very effective cocktail indeed.”

Dear Rao, could this be true? No, they were trying to psyche her out.

“...don't...b'lieve...yuh....” mumbles the teen.

“You won't have to wait long for proof, honey. And this is primo stuff, too, Supergirl. You'll be hooked before the day's out! In a week, you'll hike up your skirt in a New York second to dry hump any Mob don I ask you to right in a picture window on Times Square for a chance to shoot up just a drop of this juice!”

“'re full of it....B' may be rape me...b..but...but!!”

Without warning, the blonde beauty bound to the floor under a grinning Tony Bonano goes suddenly limp and shivers with involuntary delight. A warm brain-numbing tidal wave of erotic pleasure sweeps through the Kryptonian's brain in an overwhelming surge.

WHAT IS THAT??!! The proud teen had never experienced such an all- encompassing rush of pleasure in her life. No thoughts come, other than an erotic flow of warm liquid filling her brain...relaxing her body completely.


“I see you're enjoying the crack, Supergirl. Lives up to its reputation, doesn't it?”

This was wait....horribly was...not ....not to be believed.... uncontrollable....she....she....couldn't resist just lying here and letting the warmth flow through her.....such...such...ecstasy..!....

“...whuuuuuhhhh....” A thin line of drool dribbles out of the blonde's mouth onto the cold stone floor. Her eyes flutter in sublime pleasure. A long slow sigh blows out through her slack mouth.

“Once again Supergirl badly underestimates her enemy...and pays the price.” Bonano gloats loudly as he bends forward and slides his hands around the doped girl's breasts, fondling them slowly as he circles his hips to grind his penis within the sluggish teen's tight pussy.

“.....ohhhh....” she moans is surprised pleasure.

Her body is liquid excitement. A puddle within a puddle. Juices and salves and was all beyond her limited experience.

She feels Bonano thrust his hot penis into her sweaty, exposed crotch. But this time it felt smoother...and EXTREMELY pleasurable!

And there once again, revealed to Tony through the spreadeagled legs of the struggling teenage heroine, the blonde girl's vaginal lips gleam pink in the light, gripping his member tightly as he withdraws.

“” she whimpers in confusion.

Tony shivers with the pleasure he's drawing from this gorgeous wench's body, her ample breasts jiggle beneath her within the disheveled costume blouse. Now the blonde teen's nipple thrust against her costume blouse with obvious arousal. Every hard thrust by the smiling Mafia don makes her skirt flap up slightly, even as the don's hands squeeze and fondle the fullness of her tender breasts.

“....huuuuhhhnnn...” Unable to defend her body, Supergirl moans in a whispery exhalation of surrender, her body violated at will by her merciless adversary. Waves of pleasure waft through her brain, signals sent by hypersensitive erogenous zones that Bonano is carefully stimulating. Supergirl licks her lips and involuntarily hikes her rear to bring this man’s penis deeper within her.

“So, this is what it feels like to fuck the strongest girl in the world,” Tony announces to the room. The cameras in the upper corners catch every angle as the Mafia hood plays the innocent girl’s body like a violin.

“Look at that. She’s moanin,” says Stevie. “She loves it. The cracks got her goin’ good!”

“You’re such a quick study, Supergirl. You’ll be top girl in my stable in a month easy,” he chuckles with a throaty murmur in the prone heroine's ear. His fingers tickle and flick and circle her nipples endlessly through her blouse. His full, throbbing cock gyrates in, out and all around her vagina with a relentless rhythm that the blonde, blue-eyed superheroine’s body begins to respond to with small gyrations of her own. The silent, recording cameras capture forever the unimaginable scene of the beautiful bare-assed blue and red clad teenage heroine bolted to the floor in a deep, glowing green puddle being steadily and continually pumped from behind by Tony “The Wire” Bonano.

In years to come, this astonishing video displaying the sexual humiliation of Supergirl will be known simply as “The SG DVD!”

Now Tony picks up the pace with sudden fervor. He thrusts his hips forward and back with joyful insistence against the beautiful blonde's crotch. The pumping penis dominates Supergirl's spirit with unrelenting power.

"HNNF...OHHH...GUHHHNN....HUUGH...WOOONFFF...." The helpless blonde teenager grunts loudly as she is violated with repeated jolts of Don Bonano pumping his member between her cheeks, driving to her womanhood.

The overwhelming combination of Tony’s continuous stimulations matched with the crack create a wave of intense pleasure that Supergirl has never had to face before. Her head bobs in helpless ecstacy and she pants in hard short bursts as Tony holds her body tightly against his and murmurs in her ear.

“You’re going to cum, aren’t you, champ?”


“Will! And right now, too, my drugged up little Supergirl.”

With a final squeeze of her breasts and a quick sudden jerk of his hips, Tony drives deeply into the Maid of Steel and rotates his hips one more time. It does the trick.


Supergirl’s neck arches back, her eyes flutter behind her lids and her brain floods with a rush of unfathomable joy. Her orgasm completely overwhelms the incoherent blonde. Her entire body quivers uncontrollably in Bonano’s arms and her juices flush through her pussy and drain down her thighs. This is too much for Tony and he, too, cums in a full, powerful jet of warm semen within his soft and helpless prize.

“YES...YES...” He yells in triumph. He hugs the warm, soft superheroine as tightly as possible, milking his own orgasm and totally dominating the gasping girl. The two of them stay entwined on the floor breathing heavily for a full minute.

Finally, Supergirl mumbles softly, “....whuh....dear rao....what...was...THAT!”

“That, my nubile young enchantress was your first involuntary orgasm. The first of many I am confident you will be experiencing in my employ.”

Supergirl’s eyes fill suddenly with water and tears rush down her cheeks as her body goes limp from exhaustion, pain, and a new-found bottomless sorrow in her soul.

“...that...was....a....terrible...terrible...pleasure....” she breathes softly and faints dead away in Bonano’s embrace.

“Welcome to your own private hell, Supergirl.” Bonano slowly pulls out of the unconscious teen and with a satisfied sigh, slowly stands up. “The pleasure is all mine!”
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Unreal DrDominator9 do you also write for people in the movies then as it sounds like it!?
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JessSupergirrl wrote:Unreal DrDominator9 do you also write for people in the movies then as it sounds like it!?
Sadly, I do not. :sad: Although I'm willing to offer my services to producers who are interested in my many plot ideas, especially for Supergirl videos. I do think in a very visual way. Anyone interested can send me a private message.

I'm glad you're enjoying this series, although I feel like I may be corrupting you and drawing you to the dark side. :crazy: Your innocence is entrancing. :yes: And now I sound like a total perv. :laugh:
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Well you definitely should write for them and how do you mean my innocence is entrancing please explain????????
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I simply mean that there is a naivety to you that is quite charming. And there's not a lot of that sort of thing on this forum so it resonates among the many members. Which is why Evil Spider is keen to get you in his web and others enjoy interacting with your messages. And now I am one of your converts as well.
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Ok well I really don't mean to be naive I am just new to all this!!!!!!!!! And how do you know about Evil Spider's web do you know him and what happens to someone here who gets caught in it he won't tell me?
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Well, I don't know him personally but I'm guessing that what happens to SG in my most recent chapter is pretty much what he has in mind for you if he gets you into his web. So I'd be careful around him and many others lurking in the shadows.
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Thanks for the tip I have to say this is soo cool on here and there is sooooooo much to look through it will take me ages!!!!!
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Best SG story I've ever seen, would be great if you managed to get a producer on board to make a video for your ideas. I think it has the potential to be an extremely successful project.
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Thanks, JJ. I'm certainly open to the idea.
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Drugs! Those are some mean villains there, I only hope SG will be free of addiction if and when she is restored !
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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The Best Laid Plans and All That
Part 4-A

It’s just past one in the morning as Tony Bonano walks into the control room of his hideout with a wide smile and starts shaking the hands of the group of deliriously happy men standing there. He had just accomplished the impossible. He’d taken down the one and only Supergirl, drugged her with crack and fucked her silly. Then, and this was the best part for him, he’d made her climax despite herself. Of course his climax wasn’t bad either, he smiled to himself.

The laughing, beaming men reach out and pull him into their circle congratulating him with cheers and toasted glasses of champagne they’d had waiting in the nearby fridge.

“What a day this is,” Randy says.

“Historic,” replies Carmine raising his glass.

“The money alone from the video of this...” adds Stevie.

“Plus,” says Tony with a twinkle in his eye, “the money we’ll make from our Superwhore in there.”

“Is that true about being able to train her with crack, Tony?” Carmine looks earnestly at his fellow Mob brother.

“Absolutely! The bitch may be Supergirl but her body chemistry obviously still reacts to our crack serum like any other female, thanks to the kryptonite's influence. And gentlemen, I know how to handle females. She’ll take on the habit and I’ll be her exclusive pimp. The job’s below my station, but it’s a pet project I’m actually looking forward to.”

Carmine nods toward the cell in the next room.“How much you figurin’ to charge to tap a famous piece of ass like that?”

“Hell, I guess anybody who wants to fuck Supergirl would put up five grand for a couple of hours. That adds up pretty quick. Ten grand or more for the sick shit they’re gonna want. We don’t want to price her out of the market. But the thing is, and I’ve thought this through, I want whoever pays for her to give us the money up front, but when they’re done with her, they’ll be instructed to throw just a few bucks her way: five, ten or twenty dollars at the most.”

“Why pay her at all?” Randy asks.

“Because I want that snotty bitch in there to feel like the lowest piece of shit on the planet. She’ll be torn up inside by having to whore herself out for her habit, but when some lowlife tosses a mere five spot her way, she’ll die a little more inside. Always remember this boys, that young blonde passed out in there with her panties pulled down to the backs of her knees is still a superhero....”

“Yeah, right,” scoffs Stevie.

Bonano’s famous reflexes take over before Stevie can even blink. He’s eye to eye with the wide-eyed young hood and Stevie’s shirt collar is tightly bunched in his fist.

“Let’s be real clear here, Stefano,” Bonano says with icy coolness. He only uses Stevie’s full name when he’s mad and Tony’s certainly on the edge of that now. “I appreciate your many skills but you can be a tad reckless. Our shapely little friend in there would love you to be reckless. She’s praying for it, I’m sure. Reckless is very, very, very bad.” Tony pauses, thoughtful for a moment. “How bad, Stefano? How about having your balls fried to popcorn by her heat vision if you’re not careful around her? Or maybe, I don’t know, reaching into your chest and pulling your heart through your rib cage like she was picking up a stuffed toy off the shelf at The Disney Store.”

Stevie gulps loudly. “Okay, Tony. Okay, yeah. I get it. Careful. Real careful 24/7.”

“That’s the good lad,” Tony says, releasing the sweating hood and smoothing out his collar. “You gotta remember this: even after all that girl has been through, from the surprise degrading sliming on the street to that thoroughly humiliating fucking in there, she still thinks of herself as a superhero. I know their type. They’re always trying to come out on top. When she wakes up, the first thing she’ll do is start planning how to escape."

"Even after all she's been put through?" Randy is surprised to think that would be true.

"I guarantee it, Randolpho," Tony nods at his big enforcer. "Now Carmine and I will be going in there to make it plain as day to her that “coming out on top” is definitely not where she’s going to be. And, over time, I’ll have to break her down carefully and make sure she stays broken in every way possible. The small change laid out on her dresser, stuffed in her bra and thrown on the floor in her face as her john walks out of the room is just part of keeping it real for the soon to be famous Whore of Steel. Everybody get that?”

The men all nod in agreement and Tony draws Carmine aside for a moment. As Randy and Stevie figure out if they can come up with five grand for the privilege of sticking their cocks in Supergirl as a two-fer, Tony hands Carmine a device from a nearby shelf.

“Here, take this. We’re goin’ back in there and fucking Supergirl from both ends. You said you always wanted to face fuck that arrogant cunt and that little gizmo will keep her from biting your dick off! Put it like this over her lower teeth and it’ll open up and keep her mouth wide open for you. Don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly safe. That deutronium-kryptonite slime is keeping her weak as a kitten. In the mean time, I’ll be fucking that sweet tight pussy of hers.” Tony smiles widely as he leans toward Vega in a conspiratorial whisper. “Let me tell you, Carmine, if her mouth is anything like her twat, you’re in for the thrill of your life. You’ll love fuckin’ this piece of ass, I promise you that. Now, just to keep her in her place, I want to try to cum together. Me in her pussy, you in her mouth. The humiliation of this is important. If it don’t happen, it’s not the end of the world for us, but if it does happen, it could be the beginning of the end for little Miss Miniskirt in there. The loss of all her hope is what’s gonna keep her down.”

“You got it, Tony. I never knew you were such a planner. Truth is, I always thought you were more flash than substance. I’m not usually that far off in judging people. You got talents you’ve been hiding, my boy. I’m proud to be associated with you.”

“Thanks, Carmine. That means a lot coming from you. Now, I’m going to go in and assess the situation. Make sure she’s not too feisty. We can’t give this twat a moment to think or she’s liable to come up with a surprise or two I haven’t anticipated. She’ll be coming down from the first dose of crack right about now and I’m not going to give her another one for a while. I want her to know she’s nothing but property to us. And I don’t want her to enjoy this mini-gangbang of ours one bit. She’s got to learn that she’s defeated here and a double rape certainly should make that point. So you come in when I give the signal. Make sure the boys have all the camera and recording equipment cued up for our next session, okay?”

“Sure thing, Tony. I’ll watch for the signal. Have fun.”

“Always, my friend. That’s the point of all this, isn’t it?” Tony grins.

Supergirl wakes up with a jolt as her rear end is whacked with the short metal rod Tony has taken off the nearby shelf.

“OWW,” she yelps as her head comes up off the floor and she turns it as much as possible within the slack neck manacle to see what hit her. Just as she does, Tony drops down hard on her ass in a kneeling position, whips the bar across her throat and pulls her head back.

“Miss me, honey cunt?” Tony says, keeping one hand on the bar and sweeping the palm of his other hand through the puddle of glowing greenish-white slime. He smiles down at the wide-eyed blue and red clad blonde shackled beneath him.

“Bonan....ULGGKKH...” Tony’s palm cuts off her remark as it smears the thick, foul-smelling muck all over her face. The noxious sludge clogs her nostrils, coats her lips and eyes and drips off her forehead.


Not even pausing, Tony scoops up a second handful of slime and yanks Supergirl’s head back again with the rod at her throat.


The hand in her face scrapes down against her gasping mouth and a wide swath of krypto-slime drops down a shocked Supergirl’s throat. Too confused to react in time, the blue eyes of the blonde heroine bulge in horror as she swallows the thick disgusting mix.

“Well, Supergirl,” Tony leans over and sticks his face a mere foot away from the girl’s own face. “ I’m pleased you learned your lesson about swallowing everything that comes your way. That’s wonderful progress.”

“...Agghh...haaacckk...wrullghh...” Supergirl manages to cough up a small clump of greenish ooze that dribbles down the corner of her mouth but the remainder has drained into her stomach to work its evil there.

Pulling the bar away from her throat, Tony raises it up over the gagging blonde’s head and brings it down hard with a short chopping motion.


The blonde’s eyes roll up and her head drops into the puddle on the floor like a wet beanbag. Tony lifts the limp form by her collar and reaches around to squeeze her nipple as hard as he can through the sopping wet blue fabric.


“Good, you’re not totally unconscious, sweet buns. So we’re going to have some more fun, Superslut.” Tony backs off the naked tush of the moaning teen and centers himself once again in a kneeling position between her legs. Sitting on her bare ass and tormenting his helpless captive has made Tony stiff as a board and he pulls his penis out behind the unwary girl.

Supergirl’s head aches. She extremely nauseous. She feels like she has no energy reserves. In fact, the puddle of kryptonite she’s soaking in is beginning to generate severe cramps through her pelvis. Suddenly, the memory of the crack-induced orgasm returns and the groggy teenage heroine groans in absolute misery.


“Done? Why I’ve created a cottage growth industry for the Mob, Supergirl. In fact, with your help, we’ll be on the cover of Fortune Magazine,” Tony leans down and nibbles on the blonde’s right ear. “especially if you’re as good with my friends as you were with me, bubble butt. Let’s see how good you are the second time around, shall we?”

“DON’T DO IT,” shouts the pleading girl. She can feel his palms press against her sticky thighs and the small warmth of something poking against her nether lips. Immediately she jerks hard against the restraints pinning her to the floor. In a sudden frantic move borne of total desperation, Supergirl twists her hips to try to get away from this brute’s sadistic assault.

“Why you little minx. You’ve still got some fire in your belly, huh. Let’s see if we can put that out, shall we?” Tony puts his cock back in his pants and, with only a moment’s pause, reaches over to a low shelf and picks up a plastic turkey baster with a large white rubber bulb. “Wasn’t sure if I would need this, but my motto is ‘Be Prepared.’ Guess I’m just a boy scout at heart.”

He squeezes the bulb at the baster’s top end and puts the tip into the puddle beside the struggling heroine beneath him. It pulls a steady stream of slime into the baster, creating a greenish glowing tube in the process. Tony lifts it up and looks at the tube with a smile.

“I really admire you, Supergirl. All the pain you’re in. All the cramps you’ve probably got. All that overwhelming weakness and still you fight the good fight. I can see why you’re called a superhero. Too bad it’s not going to do you any good.”

Another crushing chop against the back of Supergirl’s head with the steel bar near at hand stops all her struggling in mid twist. The blonde’s mouth drops open and her head flops to the floor with a thump. Tony reaches down, slides his palm under the chin of the dazed teenager and lifts her head up slightly. He looks down to see Supergirl’s eyelids fluttering weakly, with her mouth dropped open and groaning with a soft sigh,
as she tries desperately to hold onto consciousness.


“Such a true champion. Let’s see what we can do about that fire.”

Tony places the end of the turkey baster against the back of Supergirl’s tongue and squeezes the bulb. The full measure of slimy green death slides out of the glowing tube and down the helpless teen’s throat.

“...hllghkk....eegkk...” The fluttering eyes continue even as the girl’s body shakes and jerks with an involuntary spasm at this assault.

“You want another? Of course, sweetie.” Bonano repeats the process, drawing the slippery solution into the tube of the baster and putting the open end into Supergirl’s gaping mouth. A quick squeeze and another portion of vile lumpy sludge drains down the quivering girl’s throat.

“...ggaggkk....whuulggh....shtop...dhis....phleeeas....” The gagging helpless blonde champion barely gags out her begging plea.

“That enough slime to quench your fire, nipples?” Tony leans back, shocked that this girl can even talk after taking two shots to the head and two full basters full of krypto-slime. Is there no end to the inner strength of this cunt? I got to be on my guard every second with this bitch!

“..feel...sick...woozy... “

”I would think so, sugar buns. You’ve just had double portions of the soup de jour and you’re still ready for more.” Tony fills another baster’s worth of the gunk from the puddle by his knee, tips the teen’s head back and brings the tip up to Supergirl’s mouth. Grimly, the blonde dynamo puts all her effort at keeping her mouth tightly shut, her lips firmly pressed together. Tony can’t get the tip through the thin, pressed pink lips of the determined girl.

“Games? You want to play games. Fabulous. I love games. Let’s play Nipple Hockey, darling. Reaching down with his left hand, Tony leans against the pinned teenager’s damp body writhing beneath him, reaches around and grabs Supergirl’s breast through her blouse. Massaging it roughly and quickly, he feels the nipple against his palm and centers right on it. He squeezes it and rubs it to bring the erogenous button to full attention. Supergirl grimaces as Tony keeps the baster tip pressed hard against her unyielding lips.

“The object of Nipple Hockey, sweet thing, is to shoot the nipple into the goal. The goal is imaginary of course, but I know right where it is so I’ll just flick this little pink wonder again and again until I score, okay?”

“....nnnghhh....” Supergirl shakes her head weakly but is too sick and weak to put up much of a fight other than keeping her mouth clamped shut.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” With that said, Tony lines up the girl’s nipple against the fingernail of his third finger and says, “Bobby Orr sees an opening, lines up the shot. He shoots!” Tony flicks his finger as hard as possible using pressure against his thumb.


“Mmphhh!” Supergirl’s eyes water from the stinging shot to her nipple. She keeps her mouth shut but tries to cripple Tony by suddenly raising her rear and trying to knock his balls back to third grade. She doesn’t have the leverage, strength or aim to succeed, but Tony is still amazed at this girl’s toughness. Still, he can’t let her know that.

“Uuh, uhh, Supergirl, that’s the wrong game you’re playing. We’re not doing Pin the Tail on the Donkey. That comes later. But wait, now it’s Mario Lemieux who’s got a shot.” Another intense flick of the finger.


“Ennnhhh” A whimper and a grimace but Tony still can’t force the tip into the struggling girl’s mouth.

“Marty Brodeur is putting on some kind of show out there, Jim” Tony mocks with fake color commentary on his gruesome game. “Uh oh, here comes Sidney Crosby down center ice, he winds up big time, and he shoots hard right to the middle of the crease!”


“OWWW!” Supergirl yelps helplessly in pain at this harshest flick yet. The baster is forced into her mouth, pressed against her tongue and the syrupy glowing green slime floods into her mouth and down her gullet.

“HE SCORES,” Tony yells in triumph as he pulls the baster out and tosses it on the shelf. That ought to be enough of that!

Supergirl goes pale as she coughs and gags, bringing up only a small portion of the slime forced down her throat. Her whole body shakes and trembles, her eyes going fruitloops through the disheveled hair in her face.

“....hulgkk...sick....can’t...breathe...too much...gonna be...HAWLLGGKK.” Her eyes have stopped pinballing but her body’s gag reflex takes over and Supergirl, for the second time that day, vomits violently. It shoots in a greenish brown arc from her raised face outward onto the floor two feet away.

“Whoa. Didn’t expect that, blondie.” Kneeling behind her, Tony still holds the retching teen’s head up, at arms length and leaning back away from her. A second gagging hack from the teen brings forth a spew with less force this time. The greenish puke floods out of her mouth, down her chin and neck and into and all over her top, oozing over the bright red and yellow insignia.

“This is not what we expect from our superheroes, my dear. Tsk, tsk.” Changing his plan on the fly, Tony decides to use this incident to initiate a different round of humiliation instead of the planned double rape. Still holding her chin up with one hand, he uses the other to gather up a palmful of the spew with a swipe of his hand against Supergirl’s chest. Slowly, he smears it against the girl’s top, feeling the drooping tits hanging beneath the famous logo. Then he brings his hand up and smears the vomit all over the limp girl’s face.

Though barely conscious, Supergirl reacts violently to the smell and texture of her own vomit pushed into her face. Her mouth opens in a loud hacking gurgle and she pukes again, flooding out against the hand Tony holds out inches from her face. The hand deflects the puke all over the front of Supergirl’s costume. Now the celebrated emblem is completely obscured by Supergirl’s own puke. It gleams greenish white in the lights. Tony lets the helpless blonde’s head drop to the floor as she continues to heave weakly in absolute misery.

“GHAGKK....HWULLGHH....HHURRRLKK.” Thick rivulets of greenish puke drain from the devastated teen’s mouth and puddle against her slack cheek pressed against the cold stone floor.

“You know, I was just starting to respect you, toots. But this...I don’t know. This isn’t remotely like anything I’ve ever heard any superhero doing before. Never read a news report anywhere: ‘Batman Tosses Cookies at Enemies and Faints’ or ‘Green Lantern Goes Green and Ralphs in Failure at Crime Scene.’ Not even your cousin, ‘Superman: Up, Up and Aw...God, What a Mess!’ No, I’m afraid this is one for the books, sugar pie. And we got it all on tape!”

“....uhhgghh.....” Supergirl moans in abject disgust at her position. This...bastard...he’s ruthless. I don’t have a chance.

Tony brings the small steel bar rod up over the unwary blonde’s head for one more time. Just before he swings it down, he says. “Stay put, dollface. I’ll be back.” And suddenly stars explode in her vision, her head drops to the floor with a painful thud and nothing but blackness rushes toward her.
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

The Best Laid Plans and All That
Part 4-B

Back in the control room, Carmine consults with Tony.

“Change of plan, huh?”

“Had to, really. You saw how it went down. I didn’t realize this stuff was so sickening to her. Luthor didn’t exactly give me an instruction manual with his formula. Took his money and ran. I think Superman was after him and he had to go into hiding on short notice.”

“That fuckin’ Lex Luthor,” Carmine grunts. “Criminal genius. Total asshole.”

“Hey, don’t stress it Carmine. Anyway, this works for us. It’s got to knock the crap out of her self-respect. I mean, jeezus, puking all over her shirt like that. Fouling the very symbol of her pride, her power. If I didn’t have to clean it up so we could fuck her, I’d keep her lying in her own waste for a few days just to take her ego down a few pegs. But we got a schedule to keep, so I’ll have Stevie clean her up...carefully. And we’ll have a go at her in few hours. Don’t worry, you’ll get your knob waxed by the Maid of Steel. Enjoy the anticipation.” He pats Carmine on the shoulder and goes over to his two henchman talking in the corner of the control room, sipping on coffee and eating doughnuts.

“Hey boss,” Randy nods. “We caught a lucky break. I was controlling the swivel mounted camera and had it pointed right at the bitch just as she upchucked. Captured both upchuck scenes, first in close-up on her face and the puke, and I zoomed out just in time to get the whole mess streamin’ over her tits. Classic.”

“That’s fantastic, Randy!” Bonano’s face lights up like a Christmas tree. He turns to Stevie and says, “I know it’s a shit detail but you’re the one who’s got to clean up all that.”

“Me? But...” he stops and decides to bite his tongue. He was already in enough trouble. “Okay, sure. No problem. But how? I mean, that slime is what’s keeping her helpless, right? I don’t want to clean up so much that she gets strong again. I’m guessin’ she’s got a temper.”

Bonano bursts out laughing. A huge hearty laugh that infects the whole team. Everyone begins to laugh. Even Carmine is laughing so hard he’s coughing like he’s going to lose a lung.

“..guessin’ she’s got a temper,” Bonano is actually weeping tears he’s so exultant, not just by the remark but by the overall success of his plan so far.

“I’m just sayin’....” Stevie grins, enjoying his moment in the sun. He hadn’t seen the boss laugh this hard in years.

Tony embraces Stevie by his shoulders and pokes his finger in the young man’s chest. “Stevie, I like the way you think. Not just the ‘temper’ thing, but looking out for the angles regarding the cleanup job. We’ll go over the whole process and make sure there are no surprises and nobody gets hurt. And, when things get back on schedule with Supergirl’s training, I’m going to give you a ‘free dip in the pool’ shall we say. Anyway you want her!”

Stevie’s face goes almost slack at this. “No, no way. Really, Tony? No kidding?”

“You earned it. You too, Randy. You boys handled her capture as well as I could have hoped. You both earned your shots at the world’s prime piece of ass! Now let’s plan how to handle Little Miss Toxic Waste in there.” Tony guides Stevie off to the side to discuss details as Carmine nods his head thoughtfully. This Tony was a good leader. Tough when he had to be while still inspiring loyalty. This guy could be another John Gotti.

It’s 2 a.m. and a wired Stevie Frazano kneels next to the inert form of the unconscious blonde teenage girl pinned to the stone floor of this cold jail cell. The large puddle of puke and deutronium-infused kryptonite has been completely cleaned up. Supergirl has even been hosed down, her costume clean but soaked completely through. Every curve and dimple of the beautiful teen’s remarkable body is obviously accented by the tight clingy fabric. Beside the limp form is a small open tub of the greenish-white sludge. With the turkey baster filled with glowing kryptonite in one hand, he gingerly puts the tip into a clear lucite dildo and squeezes out just enough to fill the sexual toy with three ounces of the thick mixture. He puts down the baster then carefully screws in the stopper in the end of the dildo and smiles as he holds the glowing item up and looks down at the wheezing body beside him.

What a body! I’m going to be fucking your incredible body real soon, Supergirl.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts and remain focused at the task at hand, Stevie picks up the small steel discipline rod that Tony had used earlier and raises it over Supergirl’s head. Then reaches over and lifts up Supergirl’s sopping wet miniskirt and watches for any flinch or movement whatsoever. Tony’s instructions were to clobber the cunt if she made any threatening moves, but the only movement is the labored breathing of the helpless blonde lying on the floor in steel bondage cuffs. Stevie notices her eyelids look a little greenish in the light. Even her lips a little. Moving closer, he leans over the prostrate form and pulls aside her left buttock. Not even a whimper as the famous teen’s balloon knot is revealed.

I think I may even just buttfuck you one day, Supergirl. Me, Stevie Frazano from Bensonhurst, shoving it up your sweet little rear end while you rock back and forth on your hands and knees and beg me to go deeper..

Carefully now, the cautious young man palms the dildo and swipes his extended forefinger into the tub of green gook and brings it slowly up to Supergirl’s anus. His other arm is still raised over the teen’s head, trying to detect any motion. Looking. Looking. Nothing.

His finger rubs the slippery goo against Supergirl’s loveknot with a quick little rotation and Stevie pulls his hand back immediately, arm poised.

“.....whhhsssss.....” A breathy whisper of a wheeze but nothing more. Tony told him he had to make sure Supergirl’s ass was well lubricated with the krypto-slime because he thought she’d be damn tight down there. It would be difficult to get this dildo up her rear. Stevie might have to use a lot of force. The fact is Tony didn’t know. “Just be ready with the discipline stick and she won’t be able to hurt you.”

Reaching over with his finger he swabs Supergirl’s butthole more thoroughly now, rubbing it firmly all around the area and poking his fingertip into her ass and wiping it around in a circular motion. Boy, she is tight! Incredibly, though, the girl simply continues to wheeze in a stunned stupor.

Reaching into the bucket to take a larger, thicker dollop of slime onto his finger, Stevie repeats the application, Smearing it generously all around between her cheeks. He slowly works his finger into Supergirl’s rear end. It’s like trying to put on a pinkie ring or something that’s way to tight. He forces it forward an inch at a time but it’s tough going. He’s not sure he’s gonna be able to get this dildo up this bitch’s butt at all, it being so damn tight. He swabs his finger around trying to lubricate at least as far as he’s gotten.

Supergirl’s eyelids begin to flutter, but after all she’s been subjected to, she’s still a long way from being conscious. Her brain records an uneasiness but little more.

Stevie doesn’t see the eyes move but he’s pleased to have now finally inched his finger past the second knuckle into Supergirl’s ass. He gives it a good roundhouse swipe and then slowly pulls it out with the softest pop of involuntary Kryptonian muscle.

“Man, this ain’t gonna be easy,” he whispers. Still cautious but with confidence now, Stevie rubs the smooth rounded tip of the glowing lucite dildo all around in the tub of glowing goop, then moves the dripping device over to Supergirl’s tush. He puts down the rod and pulls apart the smooth rounded ass cheeks of what was once the most powerful female on the planet. With a ‘Here goes nothing’ shrug of his shoulders Stevie pushes the smoothed tipped dildo hard against Supergirl’s anus. It goes a mere inch and a half and stops dead.

“Oh boy,” the nervous man says. “This may be trouble.”

“....uhhhnnn......” Supergirl groans as she slowly makes her way toward consciousness.

Stevie’s eyes go wide with near panic. The bitch was wakin’ up.

“Come on, you mutherfucker. Get in there!” Stevie lowers his body, puts his palm against the end of the dildo and drives his hand forward with a harsh grunt, pushing with all his might.

The 8" lucite tube jumps forward another four inches up the teenager’s anal cavity and Stevie is rewarded with a harsh grunt in response from the body stretched out before him.


“Yes! Almost there,” he proclaims in triumph.

“...ooohhhhh....” The groan tells Stevie he’s out of time. Climbing quickly on top of the prostrate blonde, he forces his full weight against her, grabs her breast with one hand, reaches down to the dildo and pushes it with a rotating circular motion to make the most of the lubrication, then drives it the full remaining length deeply into Supergirl’s ass.

“WHUGGH!” Supergirl’s entire body jerks as her ass receives this irresistible attack.

“How’s that feel, SuperAss?”

“....nughh......oooohhhh.......” The blonde teenage champion groans aloud as she comes to full awareness. What had just happened? Where was...oh no....Bonano! But that wasn’t his voice. There was a heavy unknown person on top of her. He was squeezing her breast! And there was something else..a pressure inside her..almost felt had to go to the bath....YEEOW!”

The sudden searing agony in her rear is like nothing she’s ever been subjected to her entire life.

“AIEEYYAAHH....OWWW....RAO....MAKE IT STOP.....PLEASE....STOP...” Supergirl cries and pleads in tortured agony. They’re killing me. This is it. It’s all over!

The Maid of Steel breaks out in a full sweat all over her body as she thrashes helplessly within the manacles. Stevie can barely hold on as she spasms like an epileptic in full Grand Mal seizure. She bucks and flails but he holds on like he’s riding a bucking bull machine.

The speaker blares to life. Tony at the microphone shouting at Stevie.

“Club her, Steve! Knock her out with the rod! NOW. We overdosed her. HURRY!”

The bucking teen, undergoing the worst torment of her career, twists her body wildly under Steve as his head rocks back and forth like a bobblehead toy. He’s suddenly thrown to the side from a unexpected twist in the opposite direction. Landing face down, he’s on the opposite side of the jerking, flailing teen from the steel rod he needs so desperately. Her fingers are inches from his face but she’s too tormented to notice she could probably poke his eyes out with a flick of her fingernail.

He rolls away in panic, leaps up and over the gyrating body and lands on the other side of her. Snatching up the rod, he swings it like a tennis backhand and connects low and hard at the base of Supergirl’s skull. Not enough follow-through. It probably saves the young superheroine’s life.

She goes slack in an instant. And a large bubble of spit breaks on her lips as saliva oozes into a puddle under her lip. She’s out cold.

The door opens and Tony strides in with a determined rush toward the shocked and frightened Stevie.

“Tony, it was her...I didn’ didn’t tell me....I tried to...”

“Stefano,” Tony puts his palm up to silence the trembling man. “I know. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. We don’t know enough about this stuff we got from Luthor.”

The relief on Stevie’s face is palpable. He shakes his head, a nervous chatter breaks out of him, “Wh...whuh...what a ride....Oh good lord....I ain’t never been so happy and so scared in such a short period of time. First I did it, you know, nailed it all the way up her asshole just like you wanted. But then she starts screamin’ and like goin’ apeshit. I didn’t know....I’m sorry Tony.”

Tony motions to Randy and Carmine who walk into the large cell together to look the scene over for themselves. Tony pats Stevie’s shoulder. “Randolpho, take Stevie out to the bar and get him a drink. He needs a double or two.”

“Tony, it’s quarter to three in the morning.”

“What? Is it really? Right. Okay, fine. I got a bottle of Jack Daniels and a couple of glasses in the bottom draw of the red file cabinet in the storeroom. Here’s the key, Randy. Sorry there’s no ice, Stevie.”

“Ice? Oh hell, don’t worry about it Tony. And thanks.” The two walk away buzzing with nervous energy. Stevie babbling away and Randy nodding, repeating, “I know. I saw. I know.”

Carmine stands over the prone blonde shaking his head. “Were you watching the monitor? Did you see how close this cunt’s hand came to that boy’s eyes?”


“She’s a piece of work. We really gonna be able to handle her like you think, Ton?”

“It’s a hell of a fuckin’ learning curve, I’ll give you that. But the payoff, Carmine. The payoff is limitless.”

“What if we just ice her. Right here. Right now. We can still go on with our plan. Split the turf. Without her around, we’ll be in clover. The risk is pretty high here, Tony.” Carmine is looking down at the blonde with a grimace. “Pretty damn high.”

“Look, right now, I’ve got to handle this dildo problem. There’s too much of that junk in there. I’m going to cut it in half.”

“How do you know if that’s going to be enough to hold her. This don’t seem like an exact science here, Ton. I’m frankly worried here.”

“I know, Carmine. Look, refill that gun we used up on the street. Make sure it’s got the deutronium and kryptonite in there. The combination works ten times faster on her. You cover her while I drain out some of this glop from the dildo. She comes to or starts any shit, any shit at all, Carmine, and you douse her good. We’ll check out how she reacts to a half dose and take it from there. Sound alright?”

“So you’re sure you don’t want to kill her right now?” Carmine gives Tony a cool look, the meaning of which is clear. If something went wrong, ‘it was all Tony Bonano’s idea.’ But the payoff is so huge.

“We can do this, Carmine. Look, you still got a rim job comin’ from this obnoxious slut. I’m telling you, let me worry about the details. You just stay ready with that gun.”

“Okay Tony, we’ll play it out your way. Why should you be the only one to get his whick wet?”

Tony smiles. Carmine did have a set of balls after all. And, if Tony had anything to say about it, Supergirl was going to get the product of Carmine’s nuts spewed all over her pretty face.

In the end, it worked out beautifully. The fucking blonde cunt stayed out cold throughout the whole operation. Carmine had the special gun trained on her and even Stevie and Randy were standing nearby, each with a small bucket of glowing green slime ready to sling all over the troublesome bitch’s head and body.

None of it was necessary. Tony removed the dildo, poured out half into Stevie’s bucket with a sly wink, and then shoved the turkey baster into Supergirl’s butt and greased her good. After that, Tony put the tip of the dildo as far as he could into the girl’s loveknot and rammed it home with a rubber mallet. It only took two wallops. And not even a grunt to be heard. Fact was, Tony was worried that Stevie’s backhand might have done permanent damage to the dumb blonde floozy. Couldn’t tell until she woke up. And who knew when that would be?

One final test that Tony thought of, before they all went to lie down for a few hours, was the anal retraction test. He wanted to be sure he hadn’t overlubed the girl’s butt, so he tried to pull the dildo out after it had been deep inside her for five minutes. He gripped the end and tried to pull the dildo out, but to his delight, the blonde’s sphincter wouldn’t release it. Not with even a good hard tug. He was pretty sure the dose would be okay, too. He’d gone easy on the mix, only a few drops of deutronium, mostly krypto-slime.

With the whole procedure done, Tony leaned over and pulled up Supergirl’s sopping wet panties, arranging them neatly over her soft, amply curved rear end. All the better to help keep the deadly dildo in place. Patting the oblivious teenager’s rear end and rubbing her buttocks with both hands, Tony smooths out the last wrinkles from the famous heroine’s bright red underpants. Then he stood up with a yawn and a satisfied smile.

“Randy,” he said, “tie in the motion sensors in Supergirl’s jail cell here to the central alarm system like I showed you. If she moves out of the tolerance range I set, we’ll know about it. But I don’t expect any trouble. I think the all-powerful cunt of steel here will be too tired, helpless and weak with a butt-full of kryptonite to pose any problems. Right now, I want everyone to get a few hours shuteye. You know where your sleeping quarters are. Christ it’s 5:15. We’ve been playing with our young toy here for about twelve hours. I want everyone to be sharp. We’re up at 10:30 a.m., gentlemen. See you all in about five hours. Good work, I guess..”

End of Part 4-B
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Poor SG, far too much goo for one heroine to overcome !!
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Yes, well, AEM, I'm afraid there is a lot more K in her future before things get better.

Endless Humiliation
Part 5-A

At 8:30 a.m., unknown to the mafia hoods snoring away in their sleeping quarters nearby,
a gaunt wheezing Supergirl stirs in her jail cell. A long mournful moan fills the silence. The ragged blonde’s eyes open, staring ahead in blank confusion from under heavy lids. Her head sways slightly side to side as she looks dumbly ahead at a white cinderblock wall through stringy, filthy hair hanging in her face. She feels cold, terribly weak and completely bewildered by her condition. The back of her head is ringing with pain. What happened? Where am I? Why am I on the floor? Who did..?

“OH!” A sudden wave of dizziness sweeps through the stunned teen and she puts her head on the floor sideways to try to regain her equilibrium. It doesn’t work. “..whut... the... hell...” The wave crashes behind the eyes of the uncomprehending heroine and sweeps her consciousness away with the softest of grunts as pale greenish eyelids slide closed in the early hours of the morning.

Water! Cold water is splashing against her lips and flowing down her throat. Supergirl gags momentarily, an involuntary reflex.

“Easy there, Randy. Not too fast.” Tony says. The water disappears, only two or three cool drops remain on her lower lip.

Supergirl licks her lips and opens her mouth like a baby pleading for more. It comes again, this time a little more slowly as she feels the plastic of the bottle knock against her teeth. She continues to gulp the sweet elixir of life. Tony smiles at the scene. The bitch for the moment was being more compliant.

“Enough,” he says and the water is removed. “Thanks, Randy. “Get back on the equipment. I’ll call you when I need you.”

As the sound of footsteps retreat, resignedly, the young blonde opens her eyes. She knows exactly the situation. She can do nothing. She looks at Tony Bonano sitting in a chair pulled up three feet away from her. He’s leaning forward, watchful but smiling.

“How are we feeling, princess?”

“...I feel...whunderfhul.....yuh...lowlife...punnkhh...”

“Great!” Tony is genuinely relieved. “I have to say, you had us a little worried, nipples. Our pal Stevie gave you quite a shot to the head. I was afraid you were going to be even stupider and more clueless than before. Which would be going some. I think the next step down is officially classified as moron.”

“...yhou’d know...” Supergirl mumbles numbly. There’s no kryptonite puddle anymore! But she still feels the presence of the deadly element; all through her in fact. She feels extremely weak, slightly nauseous and is having trouble staying focused. Bonano was rambling about something about lucite, but there’s a harsh pressure in her rear that she can’t ignore...something foreign in there!

“ that’s why I wanted had to check that the dildo wouldn’t be too easy for you to expel with a contraction of your...Gosh, am I boring you, Supergirl?” Tony realizes the groggy blonde before him isn’t paying attention to him. Her head is rolling gently on her neck, her tip of her tongue droops slightly over her teeth and the girl is drifting in a fog of confusion. He’s not sure if it’s from the shot to her skull which he’d treated this morning or the dildo filled with kryptonite shoved up her ass, but he’s please to see the famous Maid of Steel was going to be easier to handle this morning.


“Try to keep up, Supergirl. You’re becoming a cliched blonde joke here. As I was just telling you, we had to keep your powers from coming back after we cleaned you up from all that krypto-slime so we slid a nice long dildo filled with kryptonite up that cute little tush of yours. How’s it feel, champ?”

“ you....will...when I get....”

“Out of here,” Tony cuts her off. “Yeah, right, that’ll happen.” Tony quickly leaps the distance between himself and the prone teenage girl pinned to the floor, squats down and picks her chin up in his palm. He leans a foot away from her startled eyes. “You’re not going anywhere, Little Miss Pukeface! Is that a new superpower of yours? Vomiting at your enemies?”

“....wh..what..?” The disoriented teen tries to pull her self together, to focus, to fight this all-encompassing weakness. Did I really vomit?

“Tell me you don’t remember upchucking all over that famous emblem on the front of your costume, Pukergirl”

My god, I did! Twice or more, now that she thought back.

“And I know you’ll never forget how I did this, you greasy skank.”

Tony reaches down, slides his arm below the prostrated girl hero and squeezes her breast, then slowly rubs it and slides his hand all around the front of her shirt, once again crushing and disfiguring the bright red and yellow insignia, just as he had the previous night. This brings back the muscle memory to the flustered blonde champion. Her face goes crimson as Tony whispers at her.

“All that puke. All that humiliation. I don’t know how you can live with yourself, Supergirl. Especially since it’s all recorded in high-speed digital format!”


“Completely helpless and overmatched, just like you are now, Supergirl. So let’s not have anymore bullshit from the mighty heroine about how she’s going to escape and bring justice down on our heads. Does this feel like justice, you egotistical bitch?”

With one hand still holding her breast, Tony makes a fist with the other, reaches over and
thumps it against the shocked girl’s buttcrack. This forces the dildo slightly higher up the young teenager’s rear

“Unnghh!” Supergirl’s eyes blink in a flash of pain. And then Tony flicks hard against her nipple.


“Remember Nipple Hockey, sugar tits?’ The wincing blonde’s memory is yanked back to Tony’s other earlier torture routine. Her resolve and self-confidence crumble with the thought that this lowlife had been able to make her yelp and thus swallow that disgusting green slime. Even now she has to fight the image just to keep from getting sicker than she already was.

“Of course, I’m sure you’ll remember the special feelings you have for me when I do this, my charming little slut.” Tony’s hand slides under the elastic waistband of Supergirl’s panties and he slowly palms her crotch, sliding his forefinger up against her dry vaginal lips.

This bastard won’t stop. He just won’t let up! I don’t have a clue how to beat this man!


“No, you don’t remember cumming together like lovers. Or no, you don’t want me to fuck you unless I buy you dinner, flower and chocolates. Or no, I shouldn’t try to fuck you until I get you juiced up on crack again so it’ll feel oh so wonderful to have my penis between your thighs.”

Crack? Oh, Rao, now I remember the crack! How he drugged me...needle in my neck... He violated me...held me down... forced me to climax...made me feel things I didn’t want to...and yet...couldn’t resist...bad things...very bad that I shouldn’t have felt... shouldn’t have needed....shouldn’t have liked very much.

Tony watches the side of Supergirl’s face and realizes with a thrill that he’s gotten her to relive last night’s many degradations, just as he had hoped she would. The horror, shame and unending disgrace is carved into the teen’s features like something out of Dante’s inferno. This was perfect! He watches closely as the display of horror plays so obviously across this blonde’s strained and tear-streaked face.

My god...all that...that pleasure...I remember the feelings...the thrill of his size...the heat and the movement....his hands on me...all over my breasts...squeezing...just like powerful...unyielding.... sooh hot...I was so.....FUCK!...this pig abused me... destroyed me...and I liked it...I...liked it.

Tears are streaming down Supergirl’s face as she stares into the past, a broken, tarnished, helpless victim. There’s no way to win here. The famous teenager is starting to feel panicky and totally overwhelmed. He’d been ahead of her every single step of the way. Every single step.

“Or is it maybe ‘No, I can’t believe Tony how lewdly and whorishly I’ve behaved in the short time we’ve known each other. Which ‘no’ is it, Supergirl? You have to be more specific.”

“...not me...not really...” the blonde murmurs softly, trying to retain a shred of dignity.

“Oh it was you, Supergirl. All you. You just have to be reminded.”

Tony continues teasing the girl’s nipple and rubbing her pussy, but, dry as it is, she only twists in uncomfortable pain.

“...uhhn...” Leaning back a bit, Bonano continues to watch the blonde’s face. Her eyes are dull and lifeless, staring straight ahead. She’s just trying to endure this humilation for now.

Time to ratchet things up a bit, Tony thinks to himself.

“Well, as fun as our conversation has been, I think it’s time we began the next training session, Superwhore. This one is called ‘Taking Twofers.’ You’ll love it.” He starts to pull away from the haggard teenage girl lying in arms, when she grips his wrist. He pauses, still embracing her full breast in one hand and cupping her crotch with his other..

“...t..tony...don’t..puh..please...listen....” Supergirl’s desperation is obvious in her stutter. She can’t go through any more abuse. Not now. Maybe not ever. “ want...or need. Anything. I’ll get it for you. And...and...never bother you...or your ‘family’ again.. I...i...”

“That’s quite an offer, darling. Get me money, girls, a nice car? What are we talking about here?” Tony wants the draw out the girl’s humiliation, reinforce her hopelessness by making her put it in her own words. He slowly begins to fondle her breasts and rub the soft hair of her bush, keeping his fingers out of her snatch for now. “Tell me what you’d do for me.”

“...i...don’t...know...” Supergirl’s trying to imagine what a man of Tony Bonano’s stature would want. She’s having trouble concentrating though. Between his roaming hands and the
all pervasive weakness from the debilitating dildo forced inside her, she’s completely baffled.

Surprisingly, Tony offers a thought. “Would you rob a bank?”

“No. That’d be wrong.”

“Well, this isn’t much of a real offer is it?”He twists her nipple a bit to make his point.

“..well..okay...yes....i..guess so...long as no one...gets hurt...”

“That would be your department, toots. What else. Would you Fort Knox?”

“...if that’s what you want...” If he lets me go to rob it, I can get help.

“Interesting. How about big oil. Would you take out, I don’t know, Kuwait, and make me the head of the country there?”

“What, no. I couldn’t do that.....uunnhh...” Another squeeze on her nipple and a sudden squeeze of her pubic mound. Tony’s enjoying this surprising turn of the game.

“...buh...but...i...i..could steal..a..supertanker...for you...filled with oil, you know...lots of oil...millions worth of oil for you.....” The blonde chatters nervously, trying any opening she thinks will work. “ could sell it...the oil...and....I ..i...could steal more than one for you... oil tanker...I you could sell all that oil....”

“Yes, oil tankers. I know. I get it, Einstein. What about killing someone. Would you...”

“Absolutely not!” This time Supergirl cuts Tony off.

“Oh, nobody who’s like a good guy or anything like that. There’s just this mob guy who runs a child pornography ring, and I really hate that kind of filthy shit. I’m sure you agree with that. You’d be doing the world a favor, really.” Tony waits for her answer as he strokes her pussy with soft tickling fingers with one hand and circles her nipples slowly with the other.

“’t...not really....”

“How about break his legs or make him a paraplegic so he can’t do his child porn thing anymore.”

“...still wouldn’t be right...” the girl blinks in confusion, sighs with despair at all this.

“And child pornography is right?” Tony strokes and fondles away, smiling widely behind the perplexed teenager’s head as he holds her tightly in his arms. This was great! He was overwhelming her with both a moral and physical dilemma. The bitch might blow a circuit and come around to his training a lot faster.

“ course..child porn is...d‘spikhable..” she slurs. “..but maiming a man...gosh.. ...i..can’t do that... still worse...i..mean..i.. uhh...feel..its wrong...put a man in a wheelchair..uhh.. for life...of course...well...uhm...child porn...that’s...uh...really, really bad...but .i..i...don’t know.. ..not sure greater..evil..not sure of anything... anymore...STOP THAT!”

“Stop what, precious?” The young don grins as he squeezes her tit and jiggles her Mound of Venus simultaneously.

“Stop fondling me! I can’t think straight with your hands all over me like this.” Supergirl, though pinned to the floor, squirms roughly in Tony’s arms. He suddenly realizes from the completely lucid sentence she’d just spoken that her anger has triggered a flow of strength he’s got to deal with quickly. The dildo was still working, he knew. Her superpowers certainly weren’t coming back, but she could make it uncomfortable if he didn’t change tactics here right now! So he does. He pokes two fingers into the opening of her vagina, finds her hooded clit and squeezes down with all the pressure he can.

“AAIYHEE!” Supergirl squeals in agony as her head snaps back in a sharp intake of breath. If Tony hadn’t been prepared and pulled himself immediately away from the jerking teenager just as he squeezed her love button, she might have knocked his own head clear into tomorrow. The fast-moving Mafiosa immediately yanks his hands out of the girl’s costume and stands up. He quickly reaches for a spray bottle on the shelf nearby even as Supergirl shakes off the painful torment he’d just inflicted. She looks around, see’s him standing there on her right. He’s holding some kind of bottle. Instinctively she uses her heat vision to burn his hand so he’ll drop it.

Except there’s no heat vision, of course. And the bottle’s now in her face and he’s pulling the pump handle on it. A mist of greenish fog suddenly engulfs the blonde’s head. It covers her face and hair with a fine greenish sheen.

“Ecchh...aughh....You bastard. Why can’t you fight again....damn you...T..Tony...” Supergirl shakes her head to try to clear it and keep her sudden surge of angry strength going, but the mist burns her eyes like a sack of onions had been rubbed in them. Her face feels numb all over and rushing flood of lightheadedness makes the helpless blonde lower her head in nodding swoon. With her forehead against the cool stone, Supergirl mumbles in despair. “...never were gonna let me go...were...yuh...”

“Nope. I was playing you. Wanted to see just how low the moral guardian of the planet would sink just to save her lousy ass. Admit it, Holier-than-Thou-Girl, you were seriously considering breaking Mr. Child Porn’s spine, weren’t you.”

“...playing for time...just like you...B’nano...” grunts the dizzy teenager as she gasps for air through the misty droplets covering her drawn and frowning face.

“Didn’t do you much good, did it, sugar slit?”

“...almost got you...”

“Yeah, right. Maybe, if you’d had the heat vision I saw you just try on me. But old Tony had turned off the power down below long ago, hadn’t he, you poor thing. With his good old reliable kryptonite dildo stuffed up your little skirt like a happy ray of glowing sunshine.” Tony reaches down to the dizzy, panting teen and puts his palm on Supergirl’s wobbling ass and strokes it slowly. “Except this little number glows green instead of yellow and that makes all the difference, doesn’t it, beautiful?”

“....bastard....” mumbles the grimacing teen as her sensitive rear end is stroked, fondled and squeezed as if she were no more than a brainless rubber love doll. She’s lost all her energy yet again. Unable to even keep her head up, the overwhelmed blonde slumps lower to the floor, her face on its side now as she groans from the pain. This mist covering her face was burning like some sport cream from hell.

“Slut.” Tony says firmly and then calls out. “Randy, come in and help me get our pliable little fuck toy on the table for her training lesson.”
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This is unreal you are totally destroying her does she ever fight back and win?
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JessSupergirrl wrote:This is unreal you are totally destroying her does she ever fight back and win?
Occasionally, yes. But it's a very tough road for Supergirl throughout the training sessions. Until they feel she is under their control by needing the drugs, they keep her on a very short leash and link the drugs to needing sex. Fortunately WW comes to try to rescue her. I'll bet you can guess how that goes for her. :no:

Thanks for the feedback, Jess. It's what keeps us writers writing and is appreciated greatly. You rule. :thumbup:
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Hi cool ok well you are seriously good at writing I give you that! Loads of you on here are good and it's awesome I can read your stuff on here. I would LOVE to be Supergirl one day so watch this space!!!! And thanks for saying I rule although don't know why lol?
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Endless Humiliation
Part 5-B

As soon as Randy comes through the door, he tells Tony that Carmine and Stevie left for a short trip to Dunkin’ Donuts.

“Swell, I’m getting this cunt ready for the blow job of his life and Carmine’s out getting a Deluxe Sprinkle Mix. That man’s got food issues. What the fuck, let’s do this while the spray’s got her weakened.”

Tony squats down and, with his special key, releases the leg manacles holding down the limp blonde. First the left leg, then the right. “Okay, hold her arms, Ran. I’m releasing the left manacle in 5...4...3...2...1...” Click. The manacle opens and Randy presses down with all his might on Supergirl’s left wrist.

“....owww...” she groans.

“She’s pretty out of it, Ran. You don’t have to put that much weight on it,” Tony says, moving over to the right arm manacle.

“You sure?” Randy looks skeptical. “I once saw a picture of her holding up a fucking airplane, Tony. A jumbo jet.”

“Was she sporting an 8" anal dildo filled with kryptonite at the time, Randy?” Tony positions the key at the second manacle and looks at the lad’s careful pondering expression.

“Couldn’t tell, the picture wasn’t really an upskirt kind of shot.”

“I’m guessing she wasn’t, Randy. Now focus please!” He nods at the manacle, waits a moment for Randy to get his head in the game and turns the key. The second manacle opens with a springy click and Tony moves to the neck collar, the final bondage cuff holding Supergirl on the floor. Randy’s pressing down on both of the girl’s wrists with a slightly less pressure than before. Then he see’s she’s actually got a little puddle of drool under her mouth and relaxes somewhat.

“Okay, here we go with the last one,” Tony says, a bit nervously. “Be ready, just in case. I don’t think she’s faking it but with this bitch, you just never know.”

“Great.” Randy looks just like he did back in eighth grade when his mother told him he was grounded him for a week.


Tony raises the neck bar and swings it over. Without hesitating, he scuttles backward and takes hold of Supergirl’s ankles. “Okay. Lift on one. 3...2....1." With less effort than expected, the two men hoist the limp form off the floor and carry her over to the special table that had been set up this morning while the Maid of Steel was still unconscious. Placing her on the padded table, the two men start to reach for the leather straps at either end when the blonde girl rolls over and falls on the floor.

“Christ, I thought we had her centered,” Tony says, squatting down to take her arms. “Randy, grab her legs and let’s get her back up.” Randy squats by the blonde’s legs, looks down at them admiring their beauty, letting his glance slide up to where the flawless thighs disappear under that famous skirt. When he looks up, Tony’s face is contorted in a soundless scream of surprise and agony. Supergirl’s fist is retreating from Tony’s crotch and her beautiful leg is flexing at the knee to give Randy a shot to his own nuts.

He thrusts himself backward immediately and the weakened heroine grimaces in anger that she was too slow from the kryptonite dildo to take both men out at once. Watching Randy rise in the corner, she crab walks back to the wall behind her and then, leans forward onto her knees and, using the wall pulls herself up to a standing position. Tony is curled up on the floor nearby in agony, trying to catch his breath and regain his manhood. Neither are coming quickly.

“You don’t look so hot, Supergirl. That dildo working its magic.”

“Don’t try to psyche me out... Randy, is it? You haven’t got the talent for it.” Supergirl stalls to build her energy back from the exertion of the last minute. She’s got almost no reserves thanks to this damn dildo. The dildo! I’ve got to pull it out.

“I’ve got the talent to take you down, bitch. Hey, what’re you doin’.” Supergirl reaches down and starts to pull the crotch of her panties to the side when Randy immediately bull rushes her from across the room. Seeing the hulking thug cover the distance in merely three bounds, the blonde has to raise her hands to get ready to defend herself, so the fabric at her crotch snaps back in place, holding the dildo still securely within the frustrated teen.

She sidesteps his charge with a surprisingly graceful twirl considering her condition. Randy rams into the concrete wall, bounces back two feet and lands hard on his butt, a bit stunned. While the twirl was magnificent, the spinning motion is murder on the inner ear of the dazed and weakened teenage heroine. She stumbles sideways two steps in one direction and three more in overcompensation in the other. Unfortunately, this brings the disoriented blonde right next to the sitting thug, who’s looking right up at her. Randy launches a swift jab upward, his fist slamming hard into Supergirl’s stomach.


“OOOMMPHHH.” Her eyes bulging in shock, the blonde exhales every breath she’s taken in the last week and collapses down to her knees, her arms clutching her stomach. There’s two seconds delay before the famous blonde heroine can even begin to start the wheeze to bring air back into her body. In that time, Randy has grabbed the girl’s left forearm and won’t let go. The two of them are on their knees on the floor, barely two feet apart.

“HEEEZEEE!” Drawing a painful gasping gulp of air into her lungs, the overmatched teen tries to wrench her arm away from Randy’s grip so she can stand up and take on this guy in a more evenly matched duel. Once again, however, with a tube filled with glowing kryptonite forced up her ass, Supergirl doesn’t begin to have the strength to accomplish her plan. She can’t pull away from this hulking bastard’s grip. In fact, in trying to desperately yank herself away, the courageous heroine actually pulls herself into a second devastating short arm punch to her gut.

“HUUNNGG” The blonde wonder from Krypton collapses over Randy’s arm, doubled up in breathless silence for the second time in less than a minute. Weak, woozy and shaking with
nausea, the once mightiest of all teenagers moans in abject terror. Can’t get away from this huge SOB!

“HEEEZEEE!” Once again, gulping air, Supergirl slowly starts to straighten up and face her hulking foe. That’s when an uppercut drives under her sternum, knocks her breathless for a third time while sending her reeling backward in a graceless backward flop. Randy’s arm stops her short, and she hangs backward and away from him, almost sitting on the heels of her boots, her knees akimbo, her one arm limply hanging at her side, her other stretched out and held by a widely grinning Randy. Her eyes are at half mast, staring out in droopy incoherence due to this horrific beating

“WHHOOOP’ The bleary teen gasps for air yet again. And yet again Randy clenches his fist and draws his prey forward with a yank.

This punch he launches directly at Supergirl’s face. She sees it coming and throws herself frantically to the side. Her free arm stops her from crashing face first onto the floor. Fortunately, the punch misses but a now loudly wheezing Supergirl feels herself yanked upward and back toward Randy. He’s still gripping her arm and his next blow is actually a hard stinging forehand slap to her right cheek. It jerks her head sideways, brings a scarlet rush to her face and completely stuns her. It even stops her in mid-wheeze. She blinks a few times in a blankly stupid stare at the man looming on his knees before her. The stunning slap has left her without any fighting tactics whatsoever. That’s when her arm is yanked and she’s pulled to the left and totally off balance. She puts her palm on Randy’s chest to steady herself but this leaves her face unguarded. The backhand that rocks her head sideways is harder than the first bitch slap. It sends Supergirl reeling helplessly to her right, only to be pulled back yet another time by her captured arm. Both cheeks glow a bright red and the now feebleminded and vulnerable Supergirl’s head revolves in small circles before a smiling Randy.

“Yeah. Bitchslapping is exactly the punishment a whore like you deserves,” Randy says and delivers a third and final powerful bitchslap to Supergirl’s right cheek this time. As he lets go of her arm, the helpless blonde heroine falls head over heels into the padded table. Her feet actually rest on the table top, her back is on the floor and her chin is tucked into her chest.

“...uugghhhnnnn...” The senseless teen tries to focus but the room is spinning and she’s totally depleted from the vicious beating she’s just taken. Randy stands up and looks over toward Tony. The man is uncurling slowly, groaning loudly himself.

Randy walks over to Supergirl’s splayed figure, grabs an ankle with his right hand and drops to his knee. He delivers a thundering punch to Supergirl’s groin. The blonde’s head snaps up, hits the table leg and drops back to the floor in a senseless flop. Randy throws her ankle to the side and her legs also flop to the floor, splayed out in opposite directions. The picture of defeat.

“That one’s for Tony, you pathetically incompetent cunt!”

Randy steps back two feet, looks over at the spreadeagled girl and jeers, “You’re the famous all-powerful superheroine that everyone’s so afraid of, huh? Well, you don’t look like no fuckin’ champion world beater now, Supergirl, with your legs spread, drool puddling on your tits and blood dripping off your split lip. To me, girlie, you look like a whore whose been set straight by her pimp. Guess I do have the talent to take you down, Supercunt!”

The teen hero simply lays in unconscious obliviousness as automated cameras record her demeaning position. Randy looks over to see Tony feebly trying to straighten out to a standing position.

“Table,” he motions with a limp wave of the hand at the sprawled girl on the floor.

Immediately, Randy goes over to the senseless girl, slides his arms around her waist and hoists her up and over his shoulder. Before he unloads her onto the padded tabletop, Randy reaches up under the blonde’s short skirt and slides his hand under the elastic legband of her silky red panties. Feeling for the anal dildo, Randy presses it a bit deeper into the teen’s rear, although she hadn’t had the chance to withdraw it more than an inch or so before his bull rush.

“....huuhnn...” It’s only a whispered grunt but Randy takes no chances. If she’s awake, she’s a threat to him. Inside, for all his talk, he still harbors an immense fear of this girl.

He runs toward to the opposite wall and, lifting her off his shoulder as he races forward, slams her body back first into the wall. Supergirl, though barely awake, grimaces in agony as first her back hits hard cinder block and then the back of her head in a whiplash. If it had been the lower part already bashed by Stevie, the Maid of Steel might have died right there from a severe concussion. As it was, the blow to her back and head knock her senseless. She slides down the wall halfway, both knees bowed outward and her arms limp at her sides. Randy stops the slide with a strong twisting grip of the front of Supergirl’s blouse. The emblem is crushed in his grip, the fabric pulls tight against her breasts as she hangs there against the wall in a mindless, sluggish fog as Randy looks her over. Her mouth hangs open, her eyes have rolled up into her head so virtually only her whites are showing. She seems helpless enough.

“....uhhhh....” Unaware of her surroundings, the barely conscious teenage heroine moans in distress. Randy takes that as an excuse to drive a devastating kidney punch to Supergirl’s side.

“YEOWW...uuunghh.” Supergirl is actually brought back to breathless consciousness by this painful jolt. She wrenches sideways away from Randy and collapses on the floor, curled on her side and coughing up a splatter of blood.

“....ohhhhhh....suh...stupphhh....” She pleads, bright red lips drip spots on the floor beneath the anguished teen’s face. “”

“Do I, Supergirl? Do I. Or maybe you need another shot to shut your fucking mouth once and for all.” Randy draws his fist back as the horrified teen tries to cover her face and side, not knowing where the punch would land. She just knew it would probably finish her for good.


Randy turns his head and sees Tony leaning with one arm braced against the wall and the other cupping his nuts. He’s drawn and miserable and angry as hell. Randy sees a look of deadly menace in those eyes and snaps to, instantly.

“Sorry, Tony. Sorry. I just thought she was still a threat.”

“The table, Randy. Now.”

“Sure. Sure thing, Tony.” He quickly picks the wilted, defenseless girl up off the floor by her armpits and, in a quick kind of clean and jerk, puts her face down on the table.

“Straps,” Tony commands, breathing slowly and steadily again, getting his wind back, his nerves and his stomach, which had been knotted like a macrame plant hanger.

Randy fits the limp girl’s ankles into the thick leather straps positioned at both back corners of the table. The he straps her arms into those at both front corners. Blood and drool from Supergirl’s mouth are dripping onto the slightly rounded padded table top and sliding off the edge onto the floor.

Tony walks over to the restrained superheroine and lifts her head up by the hair. He looks into a defeated adversary’s face. Amazingly, Supergirl is still conscious, and to his delight, all that Tony can see in those twitching, darting eyes is absolute fear. Randy’s beating might actually have saved him a few training steps. Thankfully, he hadn’t killed her. Have to give that kid a talking to, even though he probably had saved his life.

“Almost did get away, didn’t you, my little blonde dildo-tamed concubine.” Tony strokes the quivering teenage heroine’s cheek gently, possessively and the wide-eyed girl flinches at his touch. “And you played possum so well. Even faking the drool. Nice touch there. Surprised the hell out of me,” he snarls. “But that’s not fake drool now, is it, princess. Not fake blood either, I’d say. Looks like our boy Randy here beat the living shit out of you, Supergirl. So, where’s all that famous indomitable spirit now, sweet buns? Where’s that incessant ‘can do’ attitude you champions of good are always spouting?”

“....don’” Supergirl whimpers, copious tears mixing with the blood and drool that puddle on the floor at Tony’s feet.

“Don’t do what, Super Wimp?” He continues to keep his face in hers. Staring her down.

“...don’t do...anything....I ..i...can’t...can’t take it...anymore.. I’m yours...” She hangs her head in shame, but Tony yanks it up and stares coldly into her frightened orbs.

“I know you’re mine. That’s the point of all of this, you stupid bimbo.”

“...yes...i...know...but no more...beatings...”

“You don’t have a say in it, slut. Anyway, the beatings are done for now. But my friend Randy here,” he gestures to the earnest man standing beside him, “he’ll be around to make sure you stay in line, okay, little girl. You gonna stay in line for this nice man?”

“...absolutely...” The quivering heroine blurts, looking at Randy with little girl anguish at his mean temper. Don’t want this man mad at me again. Ever!

“Okay then, well let’s move on to our lesson. ‘Taking Twofers’ as I said.” Tony moves over behind the nervous blonde strapped to the table and pulls the legs of the table apart in an open V. “You’re going to be learning how to handle two men at once, sexually satisfying them both. Now there’s three orifices and two men in this training session so there’s a choice to be made here by one of the men. Cunt, mouth or ass.” He pulls the front of the table apart into a matching V shape and grins lewdly down at the girl strapped before him.

“...oh...rao....” Supergirl moans without thinking.

“Problem, Superslit?” Tony grabs her hair, lifts her head and gives her a menacing stare. Then jerks his head in Randy’s direction and rolls his eyes over there to freeze Supergirl’s blood.


“Good. Now, I wasn’t going to use lubrication during this training session to teach you a lesson in discipline, but well, I’d say that you learned the importance of discipline in our recent unplanned training seminar just now. So you get to be well-oiled for this session. Isn’t that nice?”

Supergirl stares into the middle distance trying to pull on mental reserves for what’s coming but she’s just so exhausted and scared that she bursts out crying.

“Haven’t you had enough. Bonano...Tony. I...i...don’t think I can live through this abuse. I think I might die. You duh...don’t want that. N..not really. I...I’m good to you dead, right.” The blubbering begging teen is looking up at Tony with tear-stained cheeks and absolute subservience in her eyes. She blinks away the tears and says again, softly, “I’m not worth anything to you dead, Tony. Please don’t hurt me again.”

“Did you get all that Stevie? Did you get her begging for her life in that pitiful, groveling whine. Tell me you got that.”

The intercom clicks loudly. “We got it, boss.”

“Great!” Tony reaches down and pats the horrified blonde on her ass as he stands over her, sporting a cold hearted smile and giving her a soft butt a slow, lazy caress that’s anything but loving. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about anything that the bad old Tony might do, precious. You’re Supergirl. You can take anything I can dish out. Remember?”

The blonde on the table slowly lays her head and continues whimpering miserably in front of her triumphant captor. Tony motions for everyone to leave the room with him for a moment.

“I’ll be back, darling, in just a few minutes. Don’t miss me too much, kay?”
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I suspect some of these individuals won't be long for this world if SG gets her empowered hands on them.Sleep with eyes open guys!
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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I will be back and posting more of "Supergirl Captured by the Mob" after June 1st when I return from a work assignment. Thanks for your patience and support. :thumbup:
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I am so looking forward to more of this story.
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Thanks. On my way home from my work week away and will post either very late tonight or tomorrow. I'm thinking of posting a double-length chapter since it's been such a long wait for this one. That okay, people?
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A Very, Very Bad Day for the Blue and Red
Part 6

Carmine is munching contentedly on a Bavarian creme doughnut as Tony walks into the control room.

“What the hell happened to you, Carmine? What were you thinking? I’m setting up Supergirl for our special gangbang training session and Randy tells me you and Stevie are out buyin’ doughnuts. I could have been killed in that room!”

“Take it easy, Tony.” Carmine takes a sip of coffee and looks down at the floor.

“Take it easy? If my boy Randy doesn’t come through for me in there and knock that inept little tramp around like a bounce-back rubber punch toy, I’m history.”

“Yeah,” Carmine agrees, “I looked over the tapes just now. You were lucky. Both of you.” Carmine quietly takes another bite of his doughnut.

“That’s it?” Tony steps back, raising his palms in the air. “No big deal? Tony goes off to jail, don’t sweat the details. Tony gets his liver removed by the Maid of Steel, call for the dialysis machine and get him a glass of Coke? I’m a little disappointed here, Carmine.”

“Look, Tony. This is your project and I didn’t want to get in the way. Frankly I thought I had more time before the, you know, training thing with you, me and Goldilocks in there. But I’m tellin’ ya, it wasn’t anything on purpose. I sure never thought the fucking twat was gonna spring that shit. She even surprised you, Tony. You gotta admit that.”

Tony nods at this, acknowledging his mistake.

“I mean, fuckin’ a, Tony,” Carmine says with a measure of admiration for the blonde heroine, “the girl’s got a dildo that’s frankly bigger than my junk filled with kryptonite shoved up her ass for more than an hour. Who the fuck figures her to even be able to stand up, much less nail your nuts to the wall. How they feel anyway?”

“Tiny, Carmine. Like tiny fuckin’ raisins. But give me a little more time and I’ll be more than ready to show that bubble-butted, overrated international cock-teaser exactly how foolish she was to piss me off. Steve and Randy,” he turns to the two men huddled in the corner trying to look inconspicuous during Tony’s angry venting. “Be sure to load fresh discs in the recorders. This could be a long session and I don’t want to miss an angle on this. And Randy, thanks again. But next time, try not to kill the goose that’s going to lay our golden egg. I’ll be out when I’m ready to go.” He goes into the hallway leading to the sleeping quarters to rest up.

The bitch should be taking my cock right this second. The timing’s perfect. She’s a nervous wreck. Her spirit’s shot. She’s weak from the dildo, she’s scared of her own shadow thanks to the beating Randy laid on her. But fuck it, I couldn’t get it up right now if my life depended on it. FUCK!

Tony slams the door to his sleeping quarters and stretches himself out on the bed to relax for a while. In the cool jail cell, Supergirl lies strapped to the table under subdued lights. It’s been ten minutes since Tony Bonano and his pale, over-sized henchman Randy left her alone. She is fully awake, though exhausted and weakened by her ordeal. However, the blubbering blonde teenager that Tony patted and humiliated with his palm is no longer in evidence. A determined blonde teenager with a furrowed brow and firmly set jaw has taken her place. Clearly, a true superhero.

“Okay, Kara. It’s time to pull it together," she softly murmurs to herself. "You lost it big time there and you know it. Crying in front of your mortal enemy. Whimpering like a baby. That’s over. You’ve got to suck it up, girl and think. You almost got away two times since these bastards captured you. That’s good. Keep trying to escape. You always find a way, Kara. You know that. Show them you’re nobody’s toy when they come back in here. You be steel, Kara. You be exactly what you are: the Maid of Steel."

After an hour, Tony looks at the Oyster Rolex on his wrist, admiring the gleam of its pearly white face. He feels like himself again. Ready to take on the world, especially one naive little blonde powerhouse in his world. The one he’s strapped to a table in his own headquarters.

“ Okay, gentlemen. We’re just about ready. All recording equipment is on. We’re set to go. Everyone knows their job. Carmine: just like we planned it, I’ll give you the signal and you come in after I warm up our shapely little friend. Naturally, any trouble comes up, everyone comes running.” Tony looks at everyone surrounding him in the control room and gives them a confident smile.

“Guys, this is not just going to be an historic afternoon, it’s going to be an immensely profitable one for everyone here. Supergirl is going to be fucked in her tight little pussy and her gorgeous little mouth simultaneously for the first time in her well-chronicled life. And we are going to capture it on record for the world to see. At only 39.99 for DVD! It’s one p.m. by my watch and I’m going in. Stations everyone.”

The door to the jail cell opens and Tony Bonano walks over to the special padded table he had moved there that very morning. On the table lies a motionless Supergirl strapped tightly to its top with her arms and legs stretched wide apart and held securely by wide, heavily reinforced 6" wide leather straps at the wrists and ankles. The once mighty heroine’s cape hangs unceremoniously off to the side of the table, Tony takes in the view, admiring this girl’s incredible body. Firm breasts bulge beneath her prone shape, only slightly flattened from the straps pinning her down. Her soft, beautifully-curved ass bulges invitingly beneath her bright thin silky red skirt. He notices there’s no heavy panting, no obvious big wet sweat stains under the arms, around her breasts or in the prominent ass crease showing in her skirt.

“Right,” he says softly. The girl had obviously had time to collect herself. He’d have to back up and remind her body and mind that every inch of her belonged to him. Ah well, it was a dirty job but somebody had to do it.

Looking down, Tony notices that the puddle of blood and drool and small streaks of sweat on the floor beside the table have dried out now into rust colored spots. Tony checks the buckles on each restraint, carefully circling around the table before he comes to the front and leans down to look in his beautiful captive’s face.

“Hello, Supergirl. Ready for more fun?”

“Your concept of fun is sick and twisted, Bonano.” Cool as ice. Matter of fact. Bravado without being overbearing.

Yup, there’s lots to do here. She’s got her game face on again. Well, let’s change that right away.

“Ah. Got our nerve back, have we, champ?” Tony starts circling the table again but the blonde teenager doesn’t even look around. Tony shakes his head. He had this cunt beaten only 90 minutes ago and now she was back to being the ice queen. Well, ice could be melted.

“Stevie,” Tony calls out. “Bring up the audio segment we discussed. Let me have Foxtrot Alpha.”

“Yes, sir” The intercom clicks and a moment later clicks again. Over the speaker comes the sound of Tony’s voice, husky and a little breathless.

“And now, to continue your training, I'm going to shoot you up with a little crack to give our lovemaking a sense of heightened sensuality.” Tony sees Supergirl’s eyes get wider at this audio playback. Then narrow back down.

“” Supergirl’s voice, desperate and halting comes through the speaker.

“Give it a rest, Supergirl," says Tony's voice through the speaker. "You're our very own cute little boy toy for good, sweetie. We own you, doll. Anyway, you're going to love this!”

Standing behind the grim-faced blonde at the side of the bondage table, Tony reaches over and slides his palms over Supergirl’s silky red skirt. He feels her body tense up beneath his hands momentarily.

Over the speaker, Tony is cooing, “Steady, lassie. I don't want to hurt my new stable whore.” In the cell Tony squeezes and mauls the prone teenager’s soft, pliable tush hidden beneath her skirt, He then lifts the skirt up and draws it over her back exposing her gleaming red panties. Tony slides his palms under the elastic legbands and continues to squeeze and fondle the famous blonde champion’s buttocks at his pleasure without any resistance from the slowly breathing Maid of Steel.

“....p...puh...p...please....d...d...duh..don't...” The Supergirl in the speaker implores softly while the one on the table calmly centers herself, trying to ignore the crude molestation of her body.

“Shhhh...sweetie. It's all part of your training,” the Tony on speaker says. “And so is this, SuperAss,” Bonano in the jail cell says to the motionless teen as his roaming palms prod, caress and circle the famous teenager’s softly curving ass.

“...c...crack..won't...'” Hearing her speak this sentence, Supergirl grunts in disgust at her earlier naivety. And that’s when Tony suddenly stops fondling this helpless girl’s gorgeous ass and pulls down her panties with a snap of his forearms.

“Hey! What are you...” Supergirl blurts, then stops herself in mid sentence. Steel. I am steel.

“Wrong again, dumpling,” The speaker blares. “With an inert Kryptonite base solution and an enriched Deutronium catalyst mixed with the heroine and cocaine, we believe you'll find it our little drug to be a very effective cocktail indeed.”

“...don't...b'lieve...yuh....” Supergirl sets her mouth in grim determination as she hears herself trying to be brave last night.

“But the crack did work didn’t it, sunshine,” Tony gloats behind the determined blonde heroine. “We both know how well it worked. You can’t deny that. Stevie! Stop audio.” Tony reaches into a hidden drawer in the table and removes a lead bag from it. “And now I have something that’s going to work very well, too, Superslut.” He walks around to the front of the table so the resolute young girl before him can get the full effect of his presentation.

“More kryptonite toys, huh. Bonano. You’re not going to break me again. You do realize thaa....UGHHH.”

Tony withdraws a glowing green collar from the lead bag and holds it in Supergirl’s drawn and grimacing face. Formed of the same lucite as the dildo forced up her rear, the collar is two half arcs filled with liquid kryptonite slime.

“Oh, I think I can break you down easily enough. It’s a question of knowing just the right techniques, blondie.” He fits the collar around Supergirl’s neck while he’s speaking and snaps it shut with a scarily definitive thunk.

“You won’t defile my spirit again, thug. You can kill me. Torture me. My soul is mine.” The blonde feels the deadly collar working its devastation on her body, but calms herself and puts the pain in another compartment in her mind.

“Wow, have you been taking drama queen lessons from Wonder Woman? You sound just like that stuck up Amazon twat.”

“We are soul sisters who know that lowlifes like you can never truly defeat us when we’re determined to succeed.”

“We’ll see about that, Supergirl. I’m a very determined fellow myself..”

“You don’t know shit about determination, Bonano.”

“Aren’t you ever tired of being wrong, you stupid cow?” Tony twists a small knob on the collar and a thread of white deutronium drifts within the glowing green collar now.

“AAGHHH!” Supergirl jerks in agony within the bondage straps.

“I think you’ve forgotten just how effective this deutronium-kryptonite slime can be, you overconfident skank.” Tony moves behind the struggling, gasping teen now. Walking into the V of the padded table where her crotch jumps and slaps against the tablepads, Tony takes the familiar short tempered steel rod from a second drawer in the table and, without warning, jabs the writhing young girl’s bruised kidney that Randy had pummeled earlier.

“GHUNNFFF” Gasping in pain, Supergirl takes two short breaths and once again puts the sensation within a locked room in her mind. She’s doing everything she can to compartmentalize the pain. But Tony attacks her other kidney with equal barbarity, jamming it hard against her side, giving the blonde no time to marshal her resources.

“OHHH” More breaths, more rooms to put the pain.

“...can’t...capture my...spirit...Bonan....OWWW!” The rod smacks against Supergirl’s ankle this time with a sickening thwack and there’s no room this pain can fit in.

“...ahhh....ohh...owww....” Supergirl is panting rapidly, trying to control herself, her pain, her resolve.


The other ankle is struck. and Supergirl’s eyes fill with tears at this. She lets out a keening shriek of anger.

“ tod...UUGNNN.”

Tony raps the aggravating bitch on the head with the rod in a place not already wounded and it sends the girl down a dark gray hole. She sags on the table in a senseless stupor. Not completely unconscious but completely inert.

“Fuckin’ bitch. I knew I should’ve fucked her when I had the chance.”

Tony leans forward and peers between Supergirl’s legs. Carefully he pushes her left buttcheek to the side and reaches in to grab the dildo poking out from the girl’s asshole. Getting a firm grasp of the end of the dildo with his fingertips, Tony slowly pulls on the lucite tube. It does not want to come out. Supergirl’s sphincter is holding on tight to its new prize.

“Hmmm. I may not have to take out this mother. Let’s try this.” Delicately positioning his fingertips on the tiny screwtop set into the end of the tool, Tony twists slowly and is able to turn the top slightly. His fingertips are sweaty though and Tony has to wipe them on his pants so he can get a better grip. He twists the screwtop again and it loosens even more. One third twist and it comes off. All the greenish slime inside the dildo slides out as well onto the edge of the table pad, down the crux of the table’s lower V and onto the floor.

Tony quickly plucks the turkey baster from the drawer in which the collar was kept and opens another drawer on the inside of the V just to his left. Snapping off the lid of a small container within the drawer, Tony fills the baster with pure green kryptonite sludge and calls out, “Randy, I need your assistance. Now!”

The befuddled Maid of Steel knows something important is going on but she’s so weak and sore she can’t think what she can do about any of it. A soft sigh whispers from her tortured body, her throbbing sides. She retreats into the gray hole without another peep.

Randy comes running in and Tony instructs him to lift up Supergirl’s ass just enough so the angle will prevent the krypto-slime from slipping out of the lucite dildo when Tony fills it with the baster.

“I can do that,” Randy says. He’s been watching the monitor from the control room. He knows this girl is clocked and won’t be any threat over the next two minutes. And that’s all it takes for Tony to fill the lucite dildo with a fresh infusion of kryptonite. From a separate tiny tub he adds a slightly higher dose of deutronium this time. Tony carefully screws the top back into the dildo and pats Randy on the back.

“Thanks, Randy. Did you enjoy groping her butt while you were holding her?”

“Wasn’t the worst part of my day,” the young man grins and retreats back to the control room.

Within the jail cell, Supergirl is pulled harshly from her near comatose state by a horrific twisting pelvic cramp, followed by a shooting pain in her butt.

“...hooaahhh....owwwww....” This pain is less than the instant, relentless agony she’d felt when the dildo was first put inside her hours ago. But with the collar added in, it was all much, much worse than the background weakness she’d become acclimated to.

“Welcome back, sugar plum. Still feeling super superior?”

“’” Waves of pain were washing through Supergirl’s body now. From the collar at one end to the dildo at the other, the two devices are multiplying the weakness within her by a factor she cannot cope with.

“Well, if I can’t have your spirit, I’ll have to settle for your body. Would you relinquish that to me, Supergirl?”

“...don’t know...what you’ AIYEEEE....ohhhhh...raoooo....”

There are no rooms left at the inn for Supergirl to send this pain away to. Once again she has been overwhelmed by Tony’s evil tools. Supergirl’s steel has been melted down to worthless slag in the forge of Tony Bonano’s cruelty and hate.

“...puhleeze...make it stop....”

“So now are you’re willing to barter with me, Assfuck girl?” Tony walks around to the front V of the restraint table. He calmly leans against the table, arms crossed, looking down on Supergirl’s jerking blonde head, thoughtfully watching his tools work their destructive magic on the helpless girl superhero.

“” the delirious teenager can’t handle this crossflow of searing pain. Shooting pains in her rear, followed by pounding searing headaches, total body sweats and gut wrenching stomach and pelvic spasms. Once more, she begs her tormentor in whimpering sobs. “...whuhdoo..i...haftoo doo....”

“Why, I want what I’ve always wanted, Supergirl. I want your body. Will you give it to me willingly?”

“ ...mean.....uuugghhhh.....”

“Oh, you want to negotiate, huh. Swell, let’s do lunch. I’ll wait here why you think up demands.”

“...huh....don’t under...OWW....god....sthup...stopp....this....”

“Your body, idiot. Tell me you’ll give me your body willingly for whatever I want and I make the pain go away. Yes or no, Supergirl?”

“ kind....of sex...”

“More negotiating?”

“...i..can’t...shouldn’t....GEEYAAAHHH!” Supergirl screams as a horrific cross current of toxic radiation from the dildo and collar combine to shatter all her hope, all her resistance.

“Any kind of fucking sex I want, you stupid, incompetent trollop.” Tony grabs the sweating, thrashing blonde by her damp, stringy hair, squats down before her and gets right in her face. “That’s the deal, superwhore. Take it or leave it.”

From the depths of her rear, another stinging shard of agony lances through the once mighty heroine. She gasps, grunts and cries out loud. “Yesss....OWW....okay...whatever you want...yes...pleezuh ....stop ...the pain....i’ll to stop the pain....”

“I have your word on this as a superhero?” Tony holds her head and stares at his conquest. Her irises are drifting like tiny balloons under her lids. Completely unfocused, delirious with pain.

Tony slaps the blonde in the face with a short quick swipe of his hand. She nods forward but he yanks her by the hair and, staring straight at, repeats himself, “I said, Supergirl, do I have your word as a superhero that you’ll let me use your body anyway I want?”

Groaning and whimpering and pleading for mercy, Supergirl says, “Yes” about 15 times in a row. Tony lets her head drop to the tablepad. The blonde is awash in tears, sweat, drool and mucus, eyes downcast. That’s when Tony reaches over to yet another nearby drawer and pulls out a cloth and bottle from within. He pours a generous amount of chloroform into the rag and, squatting before the unwary teen, presses it against Supergirl’s nose and mouth.

The surprised, gasping teen, awash with pain and desperate for air, can’t begin to fight this new attack. The blonde’s beautiful legs twist and strain as the sweet-smelling chloroform fills her lungs. The panicked girl’s shiny red boots thump and scrape in desperation within the thick leather straps. But there’s no escape possible today. The Maid of Steel’s wrists chafe and twist against the unyielding leather as she futilely attempts to wrench away from this cloying, dizzying sweetness pressed firmly against her face. Tony Bonano shakes his own head as he holds the back of Supergirl’s head with one hand and the chloroform cloth with his other, keeping it firmly centered on the girl’s face as her head shakes and quivers in his relentless grip. Kicking, flailing and mewling within the cloth, it takes a full minute before the defenseless teen’s struggles slowly fade to worthless spasms and involuntary jerks. Finally, the blonde’s bulging eyes roll up in her head and with a quiet, mewling grunt, she slumps heavily onto the table to which she is helplessly bound. Totally unconscious, the blonde superhero mouth hangs open and her breasts rise and fall with a slow rhythm on the padded table before the incredulous Mafia boss who’d finally made her succumb.

“Fucking A! This bitch is unbelievable!” Tony stands up and throws his arms up in the air in exasperation. “She’s got this kryptonite collar sucking every ounce of superpowers out of her, not to mention another batch of the stuff stuffed up her goddamn skirt, she’s been beaten to a pulp, humiliated time after time over the last day and a half, and still this fucking cunt puts up a helluva fight against the chloroform. She really is from another planet. Nobody on earth could do what she’s done since we nabbed her. Fucking superheroes.”

Tony turns and faces the prostrate blonde, watching the immobile form in undisguised fear, anger and admiration. Even though this powerless teenage girl lies in slack-jawed insensibility before him with her sweaty hair hanging in her face, her cape dangling off the table like a rag, her skirt hiked up and her ass exposed from her panties being caught in her buttcrack, Tony can’t help but feel cautious at this incredible dynamo he’s subdued.

“I’m going to have to add a little something extra to the next training session to make sure blondie doesn’t go back on her word about givin’ it up to Carmine and me. Fuckin’ Supergirl! Sheesh! Randy, come back in here, please.”

Tony Bonano goes through the procedure once again with Randy’s help. He removes the dildo’s cap, drains out the deutronium mix and replaces it with a baster full of straight krypto-slime. It will be more than enough to keep her docile during the coming training phase no matter what kind of promise she made. The collar is removed, replaced within its lead shielding bag and put back in the table’s drawer.

“Excellent.” Tony glows, “Everything’s back on schedule. I’m fucking this pussy again in about an hour. Carmine,” he shouts, “We’re back on. Get that nasty tool of yours ready for the most beautiful, most compliant and most helpless cocksucking slut on the planet.” The exultant Mafia don heads into the control room for a glass of Jack Daniels.

* * *

At 3:00 Tony and Stevie are about to head into the jail cell, with Tony giving the nodding young hoodlum some final orders. “Make sure she gets enough of that bottle you’re holding. She’s been through a lot and we need to keep her hydrated for the training session with Carmine and me.” The two men walk into the jail cell and over to the table on which the girl is strapped.

“Sure wish I was getting of piece of this blonde’s ass,” Stevie says, standing over the unconscious teen.

“It won’t be long, Stevie. I assure you. This lesson and the next one are going to clearly teach our shapely young heroine here just what it means to be a whore. Between the crack and the kryptonite, she’ll be doing anything I ask. So start thinking about how you want to play with the famous Maid of Steel. She’ll be eager to please, I assure you. Now, give her that bottle and let’s get things underway. Easy though, don’t want her to choke.”

For the second time that day, Supergirl is brought back to consciousness with a gagging sputter as liquid refreshment is poured down her throat. The bottle is withdrawn momentarily and Supergirl rasps softly, “...more...”

A sweet tasting juice this time, it cools Supergirl’s fiery throat and brings her back to the world of the living. Her eyes slowly open in sluggish bewilderment. Stevie keeps the bottle tilted just enough and the blonde teen eagerly sucks down the slightly tangy juice.

“That’s a special vitamin-enriched juice designed to keep your strength up, your electrolytes balanced and reinforce your mental activity, Supergirl,” Tony declares. “Can’t have you looking like crap while you’re one of my stable of whores, can I?”

Supergirl finishes the bottle and Stevie takes it out of her mouth. He delicately wipes her mouth with a napkin and then turns to head back to the control room and the recording equipment waiting for his expert touch..

Supergirl’s eyes shift toward Tony who is seated in his chair facing her from three feet away. He’s leaning back with his legs crossed and his hands locked behind his head. There’s a very self-satisfied smile on his face.

“You remember our deal, don’t you, Supergirl?”

“...hmm.....whut...??” She still feels the profound draining weakness of the kryptonite dildo glowing steadily within her anus. All her incredible powers, all her hope, all her energy and even all her crafty resourcefulness are totally blasted away by the glowing tube inserted deep within her. She looks across at Tony in a lethargic stupor.

“Our deal, Supergirl. Hello in there! You promised you would willingly let me use your body any way I like. You won’t put up a fight. In fact, you’ll be totally submissive. If you’re not, you’ll be given a very nasty deutronium-kryptonite enema you will never, ever forget. You ready to comply, bubbles?”

“...ys...” The softest whisper slips from the girl’s lips.

“What was that, hot lips? I couldn’t hear you.”


“YES SIR!” Tony barks and Supergirl jerks in startled surprise. She looks at an expectant Bonano, staring coldly her way. She looks at him in exhausted fear for a moment then frowns.

“...yeah, yeah....okay Tony....” she finally acquiesces in sluggish embarrassment as she lowers her eyes and sighs. And then Tony sighs loudly himself. Standing up, he walks the short distance to the table and the girl before him. She doesn’t even look up. In fact, she doesn’t see the thin black cord suddenly pulled out of Tony’s pocket until it’s dropped under her chin. She does feel the harsh garrotting tightness surround her neck as Tony pulls her head back while walking off to the side and behind her. The thin black cord presses into her neck so tightly that her flesh slightly overlaps its edges.

“AUWGK.” Supergirl tries to take in a deep breath of air. Nothing reaches her airway. Behind her, Tony kneels down, keeps his grip tight on the choke cord and speaks calmly to the wide-eyed teen struggling desperately within the straps on the table.

“Now, really Supergirl, you know my nickname. You know what I like to do to the men and women who have misbehaved or gotten in my way. You know I don’t have all the patience in the world and yet you’re so stupid that you force me to prove to you my skill with a rope.”

The Maid of Steel’s eyes bulge with panicked bewilderment. She hadn’t expected this. She was expecting a sexual humiliation. I pushed him into this!

The angry Bonano continues to hold the cord as tightly as possible as his cold cruel voice pours into her ear and into her soul.. “Maybe I ought to say ‘Fuck it’ and choke you to death right here and now. Be done with you for good, you troublesome cunt.” Continuous pressure keeps the jerking blonde’s airway totally shut. Her swollen tongue now helplessly lolls out of her mouth as she gasps for the oxygen that will not come. Pinned down on this unrelenting bondage table, assfucked by an 8-inch kryptonite dildo and stripped of every single superpower she has, Supergirl can do nothing to prevent Tony from venting the full measure of his anger. “Maybe you’re just not worth all the trouble and danger, blondie. That’s what my partner thinks. Maybe he’s right” The whine of a camera zooming in for a closeup is masked by the loudly wheezing, struggling teen caught hopelessly in the unyielding leather straps. The dizzy and horrified heroine sees tiny black dots floating before her. She is very close to passing out. And from there...

True, absolute fear fills the helpless heroine. There are not going to be anymore second chances here. I’m going to die here. He’s not going to let up...not getting any way...

Beneath Supergirl’s jerking pelvis a sudden rush of urine drains into her panties. It dampens them considerably then pools quickly within a small depression formed in the cushion. In only a moment, the urine overflows the pad and falls to the floor with an attention-grabbing splatter that causes Tony to look down. He suddenly smiles. The already red-faced girl is too frightened to care about the embarrassment of pissing herself, that is, until the cord suddenly goes completely slack and Supergirl’s airway opens with a cold and searing harshness.

And then Tony announces loudly to the room. “Well, well. The mighty Maid of Steel just pissed herself if I’m not mistaken.” With one hand loosely holding the thin black cord, the mafia don kneeling behind the loudly whooping scarlet-faced blonde slowly and dramatically slides his other hand under the famous teenager’s skirt and palms the crotch of her drenched, soiled panties. “Yup! She definitely peed in her pants. Another first for the famous female champion.”

Gagging and wheezing the helpless blonde can only suck in air as her muscles tremble and shake from the absolute fear that overwhelmed her mere moments ago.

“What’s the matter, hero? So scared you couldn’t stop yourself from making wee-wee?” Tony is antagonistic, triumphant and mockingly abusive. This bitch has played beautifully into my hands! She’ll never live the video of this down! I hope the boys got that little demonstration of total fear.

Still gasping and wheezing, the disgraced girl’s eyes fill with water. Tears drip to the tablepad and slide off to the very floor where her shame has formed a small golden puddle. Rasping out in a choked pathetic whisper, the blonde champion pleads, “...what...d’ju...want....”

“All I want, Supergirl, is for you to call me ‘Sir’ and for you to clearly admit defeat by letting me and my friend Carmine fuck you. Can you do that? Will you do that?”

“...yessir...” she mumbles through her tears.

“Better. Much better. All my girls call me, sir or Mr. Bonano. Not Tony. Not unless I give permission. Got that, whore?”

“...yessir...” a small bubble of clear snot pops in Supergirl’s nose as she tries to regain her equilibrium. But there’s so much humiliation here. There will be no more escape attempts by me! No stupid blonde who can’t control her fear enough to stop herself from wetting her underpants is getting out of this hellhole Not today. Probably not ever. I’ve lost everything.

Supergirl sighs deeply in utter defeat while the warm dampness between her legs eats away at her self-respect like acid.

Tony couldn’t be more pleased with himself. He really hadn’t planned to choke the exasperating bitch, but she got him so angry with her defiance that he’d lost control. He didn’t think he would have actually choked the blonde to death, but she thought he would. She was so certain and so afraid that she’d pissed herself. A perfect humiliation that he hadn’t even thought to try. Now she was so disgraced and so submissive, he could easily proceed with his training session without nearly as much concern as he’d had before. Things were going even better than planned. Supergirl was a mere shadow of her former self. Her training was going to proceed as planned. She would be his whore for a long, long year.
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I've been lurking for a few weeks, and so far have enjoyed both this story and your Wonder Woman peril story. They are well written and very descriptive. I look forward to the next installment.
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For all the indignity the heroine is put through, no matter how far she drops, you just know that in the absence of the green goo, the magic will be back! You really know how to build the roller coaster ride of resistance and defeat!
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Thank you fluidMetal and AEM for your kind comments. Feedback like that inspires me to keep writing and to keep thinking up new ways to put beautiful heroines in dire peril.
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Carmine Joins in the Fun
Part 7

“Okay, Supergirl. I’m going to release you from the table now because I have your word that you’ll let me do whatever I want with your body. So behave, cunt. You don’t have the strength to manage an escape from this place with that 8" kryptonite dildo shoved up that short little costume skirt of yours. You know it and I know it. So just lie there nice and quiet like until I’ve undone all the straps.”

Tony Bonano was in complete control of Supergirl now. He’d beaten her down in every possible way he could think of since he captured her over a day and a half ago. And now she was knee-deep in her training to be a willing and active member of this large stable of whores. Everything was going according to plan.

After unbuckling all the straps, Tony pats the depressed girl on the rear and says, “Alright, Superwhore, I want to take off your cape so I get the best possible view of your body while we’re doing the big nasty. How do I take it off?”

“...tiny hidden hooks under the collar...” she says meekly. He finds them easily and undoes the ingenious little mechanism. Pulling the cape off to the side, Tony tosses it over the nearby chair with an air of total disdain.

“Okay, stand up and walk three feet that way,” he commands. Slowly, the dejected blonde pushes herself off the table pad, twists her hips and slides her legs over so they dangle off the side of the table. She sits there a moment, fighting a dizzying swoon. Tony sees this, smiles and takes hold of the blue fabric covering Supergirl’s bicep. “Easy there, tiger. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

He helps the disoriented teenager get to her feet, her knees nearly buckling in the process. Tony holds her up by her arm and Supergirl shakes her head slightly to regain her composure and her balance. When she straightens up a little more, Tony says, pointing down, “Be careful, Supergirl. There’s a little puddle of your piss right there that you don’t want to slip in.”

A sudden small intake of breath is the only verbal response from the girl, but Tony is gratified to see her face redden deeply as she steps over the shimmering yellow spot of her own urine. Then, pulling the girl to a stop in the middle of the room, Tony says, “Great. Now I want you to remain standing there while I get behind you here and cop a feel.” The surprised blonde’s eyes go wide and her body flinches involuntarily when, after just a moment, Tony’s hand reaches around from behind her to squeeze her right breast.

“Easy there, champ. You know the rules.” Her jaw set in a grimace, Supergirl relaxes her shoulders slightly as Tony’s hand squeezes the breast into a fat fleshy wad. He nuzzles the nape of her neck with his nose, breathing softly against her skin. Supergirl stands silently in his encircling arm, unmoved in the least by his attentions. Tony then slides his hand under Supergirl’s shirt and slides it up until he is holding her bare tit in his sweaty palm. His hand fondles and rubs her ample breast in slow patient circles.

Does he actually expect me to get excited by this pitiful sexual blackmail of his?

“Squat a little, sweetheart.”

“What?!” Supergirl exclaims in surprise.

“Squat down a bit, slut. I want to put my hand down your pants and I want your vagina a little more accessible.” Frowning, the proud teen squats down, only to feel Tony grip her breast and pull her back up with a jerk. “Not that much, you dumb bimbo. I want to be able to easily tickle your clit.” Supergirl lowers herself literally and figuratively. Tony’s hand reaches down past the belt buckle at the front of her skirt and slides his hand deep into the teenager’s red panties. His fingers slide through Supergirl’s feathery soft blonde bush, stroking it gently as they pass. Finally, practiced fingers slide between the squatting blonde’s nether lips and find her small, rubbery clit within its hood. He begins to rub the nub in tiny circles as his other hand continues to massage the fuming teen’s breast.

High-speed digital video cameras catch the entire demeaning scene but Supergirl, despite her humiliation, sighs and says, “Is this going to take long, Mr. Bonano?”

“Maybe not as long as you think. Why, you got someplace to go, slut? Is there a job at some pole dancing strip bar you have to get back to?” His fingers and hand continue to manipulate the girl to no noticeable effect.

“You didn’t say I had to like this, sir. Just that I had to give myself to you. Getting off yet?”

“Ladies first.” Tony pulls his hand out of his captive’s panties and from under her shirt. “Stay right there, chuckles. Don’t move. Don’t turn around. I think we need to up the ante a little.” Going over to the table, Tony back looks quickly to make sure the girl is obeying his command. He takes in the view with a self-satisfied leer. Supergirl stands there slumped in dejection. Her blouse is pulled out of her skirt in sloppy disarray, her belt sags forward, loose and uncharacteristically low on her hips, and her silken red panties have been pushed down so they can be seen clearly drooping below the hem of her skirt. With her hands hanging limply at her sides, the earth’s most beloved heroine merely looks straight ahead in a confused fog of despair and exhaustion. She is swaying slightly, dizzy from the kryptonite dildo no doubt but still somewhat in command of her body. For now.

Tony pulls out a bottle of KY lubricating gel from a drawer in the table and walks back to the silent and frustrated teen. “Maybe this will help get you more in the mood, Supergirl.” He liberally squirts both palms and all his fingers with the slippery gel, then, once more, reaches into her costume and begins to massage her erogenous zones. Fingertips glide around her nipple in one case while tickling her clitoris in another. Still, the disgusted girl is able to easily withstand this humiliating sexual attack. There was no pleasure to be had here.

“You can use all the gels in the world, Mr. Bonano,” Supergirl’s voice drips with sarcasm at the use of his name, “but you’re the only one who’s going to be demeaning themselves today.”

“Once again, Supergirl is so sure of herself,” Tony chuckles, continuing to manipulate the famous teen’s most sensitive spots. While the heat of the friction is building, the arousal factor seems to be nil. “Hmmmm. Bend over, slut. In fact, get on your hands and knees.”

“Yes, sir.” Supergirl is almost taunting the angry Mafia hood. He actually seemed to expect her to get off on this crude, insistent manipulation. Still dizzy and slightly dazed from the anal dildo, she carefully lowers herself to her knees and then tips herself forward until her palms rest on the floor.

All the while, Tony has continued holding her breast and clit. Now he kneels beside her and says, “Yeah, that’s better. Now I’ve got a better feel for the situation. We’re going to party now, my precious little jism pouch.” Oily fingers continue to circle, rub and slide against Supergirl’s parts, causing merely heat but zero passion. She uses her anger like a shield. He will not degrade me. I am better than that.

“You know, Mr. Bonano, I have to tell you. You’re mysoginistic abuse is certainly not scoring any po...OOHHH” Supergirl eyes suddenly widen and her pelvis jerks as an electric thrill suddenly lights up her G spot. Her head drops and she takes a short quick breath to regain her composure. Where did that come from?

“What was that, blondie?” Tony smiles for the first time in a while. Things are beginning to turn.

Covering her lapse, Supergirl replies, “I said your hatred of women is a nasty character flaw and a definite turn....OOOH.” Another spiking tingle in her loins catches the stunned young teen in an embarrassing little grunt of pleasure. And now her nipple, despite her disgust at this thug, is hardening and getting much more sensitive at the hands of this persistent bastard.

“You’re not.getting....uhhm...excited here, are you, princess?” Tony asks quietly in the confused girl’s ear. “I mean, it’s okay if you are. Even superheroines are allowed to experience the joys of the flesh now and then.” Tony rubs her nipple between his fingers, quickly rolling the nub against his tips in one direction then another--like rolling a matchstick.

“AHH” Supergirl gasps in wonder. This was so strange. His fumbling manipulations shouldn’t be causing such intense sensations. Her breasts aren’t nearly as sensitive as this. It usually takes much more attention to get them....

“WHOA!” Another gasp bursts from the compressed lips of the perplexed blonde as her nipple sends a signal flare into her brain. “....ohhhhh....” What the hell is happening to me?

“Sounds like our lovely young ice queen is starting to melt,” Bonano crows. He then takes his hand out from under Supergirl’s blouse, pausing a moment to enjoy the sight of his captive posed beside him, wavering on her hands and knees with her breasts wobbling beneath her. The dazed and bewildered blonde’s right nipple conspicuously tents the bright blue fabric of her blouse. In fact, the girl’s sudden arousal is so blatantly obvious that Stevie in the control room zooms in for a closeup on the girl’s nipple. He then pans to her face as the overstimulated teen slowly licks her lips with an unconsciously erotic pass with the tip of her tongue.

“This bitch is gettin’ worked up now,” Carmine says with pleasure, his eyes boring holes in the monitors before him.

Next, Tony takes the hand that had been working so effectively on her breast, and slides it slowly up Supergirl’s thigh until his long fingers are positioned right at her crotch. Even as his one hand is shamelessly stretching out the bright red fabric of her panties as his fingers gently flick and rub her clitoris, the heavily-oiled fingers on his other hand begin to delicately stroke the crease where her thigh and crotch meet, forcing Supergirl to focus her attention entirely on her groin. Tony’s unwavering attentions there quickly become far more than she can begin to resist in defiant silence.

With her head overwhelmed by a rush of unyielding pleasure from her loins, the stupified blonde collapses on her forearms and pants heavily as Tony strokes and caresses her crotch without a break.

“That feels like pinwheels spinning in your cunt, I’ll bet, Supergirl.” The girl’s snatch is awash with her juices now and Tony slides his forefinger deeply into her unresisting hole.

“Mmmm...haahh.....” she purrs as this new sensation, and the famous Maid of Steel pushes her pelvis against Tony’s hand so his finger can drive deeper into her. She gives her head a thrilled little shake and once again erotically glosses her soft pouted lips with her tongue.

“I seem to be getting you more excited than you expected to be, aren’t I , nipples?” The mafia don is enjoying this sexual domination of his comely prize. He’s especially delighted at the alarm and confusion he sees crossing Supergirl’s sweaty face now and again between the throaty little gasps of pleasure. Tony knew what she would be thinking. She had obviously thought she’d be able to withstand his mauling and fondling hands. She was Supergirl, after all, and anal kryptonite dildo or not, she was not going turned on by a Mafia thug like Tony Bonano in the least. He snickers softly to himself. What a naive little jerk.

Of course, the shaking, moaning and panting teenager now so clearly aroused beside him never suspected that the fruit juice she’d so eagerly drunk had been laced with the most potent aphrodisiac formula ever created. It was a state-of-the-art potion from a research project by a cohort of Tony’s who liked to be called The Chemist. The potent brew contained everything necessary to not just render a woman totally receptive to sexual stimuli, but to actively seek it out. The mix employed a powerfully-effective hyper-synthesized combination of South American herbs and anise, along with a concentrated liquified pheromone additive, plus a newly discovered hydrolized oyster compound; all suspended in a near tasteless alcohol base. Mixed in with a sweet juice, it just gives it a slightly noticeable tang that packs a huge wallop in 15 to 30 minutes depending on the constitution of the unsuspecting victim.

Tony had been worried this Superbitch was impervious to the stuff, and when more than 20 minutes had passed since she had eagerly downed the stuff and the haughty cunt hadn’t begun to respond to his manipulations, he thought he’d be forced to dip into his crack supply to keep the training going. But now he knew he had this girl’s activated libido in the palm of his hands. Certainly at his fingertips.

The moaning blonde teenager gasps twice in quick succession as Tony circles his thumb against the throbbing knob of her clit. “ to stop that...i..can’t...can’t handle the f...feel...feeling...”

“But Supergirl, you agreed to let me do whatever I want to your body, remember?”


“Never thought you’d succumb to your body’s need to experience pleasure? Now isn’t that a little naive, my dear?”

“....never...felt so....soo....ohhhh.....” Losing her train of thought, the helpless blonde’s ass now droops under Tony’s constant stimulation. Her powerful young thighs are sticky with trails of her feminine lust. Her panties have long since been inundated with the scent of her absolute arousal. All the wet darkness inundating her crotch has totally subverted any scent of urine that had been there.

Suddenly, Supergirl falls flat on her belly, and rolls over under the shocked Mafia don. Before he can react, the famous Maid of Steel reaches up, grabs the horrified man by his ass, rises up directly under him and kisses him with a wide open, searching wet mouth. Her tongue entwines with his and she pulls the breath from him with a passion and a burning desire that she can no longer control. Immediately, Tony’s cock swells to a rigid stiffness that makes him a little heady with his own passion. He lowers himself against the writhing, panting blonde and she settles back against the floor, still kissing him even as one of her hands leaves his face and travels quickly to his crotch. She feels the hardness there and moans with pleasure at the tool she has at her beck and call. Who is the predator and who is the prey in this scenario?

Tony unzips his pants and Supergirl eagerly pulls the large cock from out of his underpants. The camera catches the incredible moment as Supergirl moans with unrestrained debauchery as she lies back and spreads her legs for her Mafia conqueror.

Tony reaches down and pulls the damp red satin crotch of Supergirl’s panties to the side. Her vagina gleams in the light almost as brightly as her eyes as the eager heroine watches Tony lower himself. With his dick held like a relay baton in his fist, Tony gently rubs his penis along the pink, shiny pussy lips of the nodding, excited blonde teenage girl beneath him. And then he stops. Ever the predator, Tony Bonano speaks, albeit with a rough and lusty tone unusual for him. “You want me to fuck you, Supergirl?”

Unaware of the absolute humiliation she’s opening herself up to, the sexually-supercharged heroine grunts in total abdication to her need. “Oh, yeah!”

“My penis? You want me to slide this long hard prick into your precious super snatch?” Grinning like it’s a big joke between them, Tony continues to tease and arouse the oblivious young blonde, still caressing her soft labia with the tip of his cock. In her delirium, Supergirl, of course, falls for the bait and coos obediently to her new lover, “YES, OH YES. PUT IT IN!”

“Man, oh fucking man,” says Stevie in the control room, “I can’t fucking believe this is happening.” He works the controls to the cameras with delight, zooming in here and there as needed. Randy checks the sound levels. He turns them up a tad just as Supergirl reaches up to Tony’s collar and pulls herself up to his ear. “I really need your cock inside me now, Mr. Bonano,” she pleads in an easily heard stage whisper, then licks all around his ear with a long slow pass of her wet, pink tongue.

“Did you get that, Randy? Please tell me you got her saying that?” Carmine implores.

“I got it, Carmine.” Randy grins. “Supergirl ain’t never gonna live this down.”

“Well, then, I’m all yours, Supergirl,” Tony says with a triumphant smile as he slides his rock hard penis deep into the famous blonde teenage heroine’s pussy. The well-endowed Bonano pushes the full length of his cock into Supergirl’s heavily lubricated vagina until his balls press against the crotch of Supergirl’s panties. The bright red costume pants, pulled unceremoniously to the side for easy penetration, no longer protect the Maid of Steel’s precious feminine treasures. But she’s too revved up on the powerful aphrodisiac to care.

“Mmmm....yess....that’s...nice....very...nice....” She moans softly, lifting her legs and now wrapping them around Tony’s waist. “Just what I needed,” she murmurs happily as her shiny red boots rest against Tony’s back. “I think it’s time you use that thing for what it’s good for, Tony. I can call you Tony now, right?”

“For now. Sure.” Tony begins pumping his hips and the Maid of Steel actually yelps for joy at the sensation. Then he raises his arm, makes a fist and circles it in the air.

“That’s your five minute notice, Mr Vega,” Stevie reminds the large Don.

“I’m well aware of that, youngster. Your boss is a fuckin’ genius, by the way!”

Back in the jail cell, Tony is hovering over Supergirl’s sprawled body, slowly sliding his cock in and out of the teen’s pulsing vagina. His hands are all over her blouse, squeezing and fondling her sensitive breasts as his hands stretch, wrinkle and crush the famous emblem with rough, humiliating familiarity and a callous disregard for all the honor and strength it represents. Supergirl couldn’t care less at the moment. Lying on her back with her legs wrapped around Tony’s waist, the heavily-drugged teen is moaning softly in total abandon to her libido. Her head is turned sideways, her hands are thrown backwards, her beautiful blue eyes peer out from under heavy lids in a stupified erotic fog, even as her mouth forms a shockingly raunchy grin of sexual satisfaction.

“Oohhhh....You’re very good with that cock!” She pumps her pelvis twice and then grinds her hips a bit.

Tony gasps in delight at this surprising talent. “You’re...not so bad yourself.” He withdraws slightly and, not wanting to lose control, distracts Supergirl by pushing up on her bright blue blouse until it’s bunched in a circle and her soft full breasts are completely exposed. “Let’s pay a little more attention to these lovely ladies, shall we?”

“By all means,” the giddy blonde giggles as Tony begins nibbling at her left tit, biting softly around the aureola and licking the very tip of her nipple even as his right hand cups her right breast and squeezes it firmly.

“AHHH...HMMM....OOHHHH...” Supergirl arches her back in a helpless jolt of pleasure as Tony applies his own talents to the moaning girl’s over sensitized body. “’re...good... at do...” the blonde heroine murmurs throatily.

“We do our best.” Tony raises his hand in the air and points his forefinger skyward. The one minute signal for Carmine. “Speaking of best, I think the best thing for you, something that will give you a completely satisfying sexual experience is having that gorgeous mouth of yours filled with cock. What do you think?”

“But I love having your cock inside me,” Supergirl pouts, her eyes swimming with desire look deep into her man’s face for understanding. Tony gives the girl a quick triple thrust with his hips and smiles as he watches her neck arch, her eyes flutter and her mouth open in a gasp of sensual delight.

“Oh, my cock isn’t going anywhere.”

“...g....good....” the blonde girl murmurs softly as her neck relaxes, her face turns to the side on the floor and she drools a little as the mighty teenage superheroine wallows in a helpless haze of erotic bliss.

“But my friend Carmine here is very good with his ‘tool’ too.” Tony gestures back behind Supergirl’s head. She turns it slowly to see a large Italian man standing over her in pale blue jogging apparel. He smiles down on her, but it does not fill her with warmth.

“He is?” The blonde teen looks doubtful. Tony, sensing this, reaches down and rubs the distracted girl’s clitoris with a rapid rhythm that brings her head around and locks her eyes on his smiling face as she gasps in unexpected joy. “OHHH!” Continuing his quick fingering, Tony lowers his face and softly bites the highly sensitized nipple of the heavily moaning girl.

“...ohhhh....mmmmm.....ahhh...” Supergirl’s head settles back on the floor, her neck arched slightly, her mouth open in erotic rapture. Her legs are too weak to hold on to Tony’s waist right now and she lets them slide off his body and splay lewdly off to either side of him, knees resting against the cool stone.

“Come on, Supergirl. What do you say, let’s give Carmine a shot.”


Carmine, kneeling behind the unwary blonde’s head, takes his cock out of the fly of his jogging pants. It is not overly long but quite wide. He cautiously slides forward, nestling his crotch against the top of Supergirl’s head and places the tip of his penis against her quivering lips. Currently raised to a height of ecstasy she had not fathomed possible by Tony’s thrusting, ticking and kissing, Supergirl snakes her tongue out in an unconscious act of innate sexual need and licks the tip of Carmine’s penis. It bobs on her face and she licks it again, finding the slight saltiness of his dick pleasing. Another bob of the rigid tool knocks against Supergirl’s lips. That’s enough of that!

The Maid of Steel arches her neck slightly more and captures Carmine’s pecker in her lips with a quick grab of her mouth. Pushing off the floor, she slowly works her face backward, swallowing Carmine’s tool in her mouth with obvious pleasure.


Tony beams in delight watching his friend Carmine’s eyes bulge in surprise and delight at the warm mouth now slowly sucking on his cock. Cameras all around the room capture the incredible scene as the famous Supergirl is sprawled out shamelessly on the floor eagerly taking one man in her mouth while another is pumping away at her pussy.

The thrill of having Supergirl’s soft wet mouth surround his cock as her tongue begins to lick lightly along his shaft makes Carmine grunt with joy. “HUNH! Wow...who would have thought Supergirl would be this good at blowjobs.”

The hyperstimulated blonde is too engrossed to care about the absolute debasement she is a party to. All her supercharged libido cares about is continuous sexual gratification. And having her mouth and vagina filled with warm hard cocks puts her in seventh heaven. Right along with her two captors. She bucks her hips in rhythm with Tony as he his behind jerks and circles in his efforts to work his cock in, out and around Supergirl’s love hole with every bit of skill he can muster.

Meanwhile, Carmine now gently holds Supergirl’s head in his palms, her hair overflowing his hands as, upside down, she rocks her head back and forth, taking his member deep into her throat and out, deep in and out with genuine enthusiasm at the sensation this wide tool sends to her giddy brain. Her right hand fondles his balls, squeezing and stroking them to further stimulate the man’s cock so it fills her mouth to its full potential.

Drowned in an aphrodisiac-driven flood of sexual desire, the girl in the world-famous blue and red costume draws both men deep into her with wildly spasming muscles of her groin and face. Her shapely body writhes, wriggles and rocks against the two men, her short red skirt flapping wildly as Tony bumps away with grunting satisfaction. Supergirl’s bare breasts jiggle and bounce in the air with enticing rhythms all their own. Carmine’s cock disappears and reappears like a magic act the Girl of Steel has invented with her mouth. The mob boss' face is strained, flushed and smiling in a rictus of sexual fever he can barely control. Both men look at each other and nod. Tony lifts his hand, holding up four fingers. They were both close and the girl, obviously was too. Slowly, Tony folds each finger down as he straightens his twisting hips and drives himself deeply into Supergirl’s tight, pulsing pussy. His hand is under her arched back now, pulling her closer to him and his mouth finds her breast, centering on the nipple and biting it with rough abandon. Tony’s final finger folds down and it all happens at once.

“AWWWMMMM” Supergirl’s eyes flutter in untold ecstacy at Tony’s brilliant maneuver. The heels of her bright red boots thump and jerk in staccato rhythm against the floor in a helpless release of pleasure. Her arms, clad in the tight blue cloth of her sweat-drenched costume let go of Carmine's balls and reach up to enfold Tony in a desperate clinging embrace. Coupled with the feel of Carmine’s firm hands holding her face tight against his groin, his scent filling her nostrils with a heady confusion, the overwhelmed blonde finally feels herself falling over the edge of some cliff in paradise. Her body now freezes in a rushing torrent of ecstasy as both Carmine and Tony fill her mouth and vagina with rushing jets of salty semen. Grunts, pants and moans fill the air as Carmine grips the blonde head in his lap and feels the constricting throat of the renowned Maid of Steel swallow his spunk with eager grunts of pleasure. He pulls himself out of the surprised teen’s throat and degradingly sprays jism all over her shocked face and hair.

Why would he do that when I was already swallowing his cum?

Suddenly, Tony, too, pulls his penis roughly out of Supergirl’s tightly embracing vagina and shoots his sticky white cum all over the front of her panties and her skirt.

“What...why’re you...doing this...” the frustrated blonde gurgles through the clumpy cum lining her throat. Tony hoists himself to his knees and slaps Supergirl’s face with a sudden swift forehand.

“UNGHH” Her face rocks sideways in stunned disbelief. Tony then grabs the blue tangle of cloth surrounding Supergirl’s upper chest and pulls her blouse down over her naked tits, covering them with a harsh yank.

“Cover yourself, you shameless whore!”

Bitter tears leap to the wide stunned eyes of the flabbergasted girl.


“Why does that not surprise me?” Tony looks at the girl with total contempt. Searching his eyes, Supergirl slowly begins to swim her way out of the ocean of sexual frenzy that she’d been drowning in.

From behind her, Carmine suddenly grabs a handful of the sweaty, stringy blonde hair spread out in a tangle before him. He leans forward and drops his semen-coated cock on Supergirl’s cheek and rubs it all over her face, leaving slick trails of cum on her chin, forehead and nose. He straightens up on his knees, tucks his prick back into his fly and stands up.

“You actually have a shred of talent at sucking cock, Supergirl. Keep it up. Shows promise.” Carmine walks out of the room smiling away and out of sight from the horrified young heroine lying on the floor, who’s just now realizing the absolute disgrace she has become. The aphrodisiac’s effects have been dispelled by time and this sudden mortifying attack.

“OHH....NO...NOO...RAO...NOOOOOOOO!” Supergirl screams and curls up in a ball, wanting to shut out the world. To crawl away and die somewhere, somehow. She’d been so badly tricked, so cavalierly used, and so thoroughly dishonored she knew she’d never be the same inside. Her very soul shrinks at the shame of all the acts she’s now recalling, all the humiliations, all the wanton and degrading sexual desires she’d exhibited. She shakes but does not cry. This was beyond tears. This was hell!

Tony stares down at the fetal shape on the floor at his feet. The mighty Supergirl, silent, depressed, near catatonic. He believed he could crush her spirit with this training session. Clearly he had succeeded. The rest would be child’s play. With the dildo, the supply of crack he’d be dosing her with and the variety of sexual devices he had planned for her, this teenage heroine was going to be a well-disciplined crack whore in just a week or so. And Tony was going to enjoy it tremendously. The incredible profits he’d realize would be icing on the cake.

Now he had one final point he wants to make in this training session. He needs to show Supergirl that reacting with any kind of violence against Tony or anyone else he introduced her to would be totally unacceptable. He reaches down and yanks hard on Supergirl’s hair, hoisting the listless blonde heroine to her knees.

“It’s not sleepy time quite yet, pumpkin,” Tony snarls.

“..huh...whut now...? Lethargic and withdrawn, Supergirl’s eyes open is fuzzy confusion as she wobbles precariously before Tony with one hand balancing herself on the floor, wondering what he wanted from her now.

“That little punch of yours to my nuts earlier today, Superslut. NOT ACCEPTABLE!” Tony screams in the girl’s face and her eyebrows rise in confusion. Was that today?

“...what....when...i...don’t...rememb....HUNNNFFFF!” Tony buries his rock hard fist into the kneeling girl’s abdomen and she instantly folds over like a cheap cot, falling face first on the floor in a gasping wheezing hump of blue and red.

“Thought you’d be tricky, huh, you pathetic excuse for a champion.” More hair is yanked and the dazed blonde is pulled from a gasping coil of tired muscles to her knees once more.

“...dhun’t...” slurs the breathy teen, weakly putting her palm out to fend off her attacker.

Tony yanks Supergirl’s hair so she bends backwards, her entire body exposed as her palm waves pathetically in the air in front of her.

“Let’s see if you like a taste of your own medicine, champ.” Holding her off-balance and easily by-passing the outstretched hand, Tony drives his fist into Supergirl’s crotch.

“GUHHNN.” Her face goes white with a painful grunt as Tony releases her hair. The defenseless heroine collapses forward in a limp-wristed swoon, her forehead thudding against the floor. Her shoulders collapse and Supergirl topples sideways in an inelegant sprawl. The teenager that the unsuspecting world worships like a goddess lies in a tangled heap on the floor of a secret Mafia jail cell. Her skirt has flipped up to her waist, her cum-stained panties are showing, her blouse with its yellow and red insignia is all askew in a wrinkled mess, she’s got obvious streaks of cum marking her worn face and thighs like a badge of dishonor and her cape is thrown haphazardly over a chair across the room.

“....ohhhhhh....” The moaning blonde tries to focus. So many painful bruises assail her consciousness. With the glowing kryptonite-filled dildo buried in her, there’s no way for the Maid of Steel’s incredible healing powers to work. She knows she can’t escape. She’s got to try to think how to make Tony stop this beating.

“How does that feel, champ? Hurts doesn’t it?” Once again, the angry Mafia don pulls the grimacing teen hero to her knees, this time by her collar. “Want another?”

“No....don’t...” she grunts, wavering on wobbly knees before him, her head hanging low.

“Oh, that’s right, I forgot. You prefer a loving touch, Superslut.” Without a shred of resistance from the once mighty heroine, Tony slides his hand under the famous blouse and crudely mauls her breast. There’s no refinement here. This is an act of debasement pure and simple. The palms squeezes her tit into a thick wad of flesh. Then presses it flat and hard against her chest, then squeezes it again like a lump of Playdoh. “Yeah, that’s what gets Supergirl hot. Playing on these luscious bongos. Ain’t that right, sugar?”

Supergirl bites her lip and groans in despair. The pain was manageable. The memory of what this man had done to her body, of what she had liked under his once gentle hands, that is a torture that wracks the girl’s body with guilt. She whines, her ego blasted to nothing.

“And, of course, no slut worth the name can say no to a nice cunt rubbing, right, queenie?” Again, without the hint of defense, Supergirl sags by her stretched collar before the dominating man as he sticks his hand down the front of her panties and rubs his palm all around her crotch like he’s looking for loose change.

“AAHHH...OWWW...” the grimacing girl yelps at the indelicate probing and prodding of a dry forefinger at her sore and overworked clitoris.

“What? You a little too tender to go to work right now, Superslit?”

“” whimpers the dangling teen. Tears now fill her eyes again. The disgrace. The pain. The hopelessness.

“It supposed to hurt, nimrod. So does a shot to the nuts! I’m trying to make a point here that your tiny little blonde cranium can retain, Supergirl. You take another swipe at me or my men and you’ll wish you were dead. You won’t be dead, since you’re worth too much to us alive. But you’ll sure wish you were dead. Is that clear enough for a big time Superheroine like you to remember?”


“What? I can’t hear you, beautiful.”


“Yes what, cunt?”

“...yes. Yes, Mr. Bonano, sir.” Dangling by her collar in Tony’s tight grip, Supergirl sags on trembling knees, totally spent. Mentally vanquished, the girl is a shocking portrait of humbling defeat. If he weren’t holding her, Tony wouldn’t believe it himself. He’d truly done it!

“Fabulous!” He releases the girl’s collar and she sags to the floor with knees spread wide, resting her butt on her thighs, wavering in circles in dizzy exhaustion. “Now get on the table, Supergirl, so I can strap you back in for the next training lesson.

“...soo...weak....too...weak...” she mumbles, swaying on her knees in a stunned stupor.

“It’s always something with you, Supergirl. Say, I know, I can have Randy help you. Would you like that?”

The bedraggled blonde’s head comes up in slow awareness. “...rhandy...? him...”

“Well then, get up on the table, champ. You can do it, you’re the one and only Supergirl, right?”

The miserable young girl pushes her rear end away from the backs of her thighs and gets to all fours. Slowly, she crawls across the floor to the table five feet away. Tony watches Supergirl’s cum-stained panties shimmer in the light as her exposed ass wobbles noticeably beneath her skirt. The cameras record the humiliating crawl of shame from every angle: the drooping breasts under the disheveled blouse, the head hung in humiliation, the whitish streaks of dried cum on her thighs. Maybe even the teardrop gliding down the semen-coated cheeks of the demoralized heroine.

With a mighty effort, Supergirl reaches up to the tabletop when she finishes her crawl. She hoists herself up, standing on trembling legs for merely a second before she grabs the far side of the table and pulls herself onto it with a clumsy grunt. She turns her body slowly until she’s spread out on the tablepad, her legs splayed on the V-shaped back end and her arms resting on the open leather shackles at the front end. She turns her head facing the wall away from Tony and her cheek presses into the tablepad with the weight of the world pressing down on the beautiful defeated superheroine. Supergirl sighs deeply and then, mentally and physically exhausted, she slips into sleep even before Tony finishes buckling the straps around her arms and legs.
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If I were a villain I'd never share! If I were a heroine I'd try and forment jealousy. Is the sexual alliance that Tony has forged versus SG worth the risk? We shall see.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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I have read this story years ago and I tell you...its fabulous....fantastic and did something to me....thanks for sharing it again its awesome
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:If I were a villain I'd never share! If I were a heroine I'd try and forment jealousy. Is the sexual alliance that Tony has forged versus SG worth the risk? We shall see.

I like your ideas. Yes why would any villain want to share her when she could just be his prize and his alone? As for her pitting them against each other, that sounds like a great idea.
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Hi AEM and Bronson881. Thanks for the feedback. Carmine is Tony's mentor and the younger don feels a debt of gratitude toward the older Carmine, hence the sharing. In addition, Tony wants to fast-track SG's humiliation and subjugation and making the young teen take two men at once is a powerful tool to that end.
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Bronson881 wrote:
Abductorenmadrid wrote:If I were a villain I'd never share! If I were a heroine I'd try and forment jealousy. Is the sexual alliance that Tony has forged versus SG worth the risk? We shall see.

I like your ideas. Yes why would any villain want to share her when she could just be his prize and his alone? As for her pitting them against each other, that sounds like a great idea.
Taking into account my comments were aimed at the principle villains and not the story or the writer, one of their goals is money and so sharing their prize is a consequence of that. If only the muddle headed heroine could see the potential wedge she could drive between the axis of evil!

Let's see what happens next !
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

All Kinds of Trouble with That Crack
Part 8-A

It is 8 o’clock at night and the vanquished blonde teenager heroine strapped onto the bondage table in the jail cell within the basement of Tony Bonano’s headquarters continues her troubled sleep cycle. Moaning and murmuring in frightened yips and gasps, the once mighty Supergirl is, no doubt, reliving the horror of the last 24 hours in her nightmares. If she hadn’t been strapped down, the anxious bedeviled teen might have even rolled off the table during her frightening dreams.

Watching the monitors in the control room next door, Carmine Vega, Tony Bonano and his two associates, Stevie and Randy, are planning the next several training sessions. The overall program is designed to use crack cocaine to turn the beautiful and celebrated Girl of Steel into a horny, weak-willed, subservient crack whore willing to do any act, no matter how perverse – just for the promise of another hit of crack.

By the look of the blonde’s drawn and haggard expression on the monitors before them, the girl is definitely on her way. Tony believes it probably would pay better for the little tart to actually still look beautiful to the johns she’d be doing, but he wasn’t sure that was going to happen. She would probably look decent enough. That would serve. And, of course, the costume was crucial. Everybody got off on the costume.

“Well, naturally, the crack is a definite for this next round,” Tony states. “We’ll shoot her up with the good stuff again, but we’re not going to go all hearts and flowers like the last time out. We’re not talking love-making at this stage, we’re talking grunting quick orgasms under the influence. Multiple orgasms when we can using vibrators to get it done real fast. Connect the drug with the sexual thrill. Tie ‘em tight together in her mind and her body. Chain her need for one directly with the other. It’ll take a little doing with this cunt. She’s got a will of iron, even if we have been able to cut her down to size over the last day. But its critical that we can’t let her build up any emotional or physical reserves.

“Doesn’t the kryptonite prevent that?” Randy asks.

“For the most part, it does. Still, I’ve seen this alien bitch get it together real fast over the last 24 hours when I thought she was down for the count. It’s fuckin’ spooky how determined this cunt can be. Now we’re gonna concentrate on breaking down that psychological foundation of hers, every day in some way or other. And that’s already started. The point is, we all still got to be on our guard whenever we go into that room. Okay?”

Everybody nods in agreement, and then Carmine asks, “How long you gonna let her nap in there if you don’t want her reserves building up?”

“Well, it looks like that’s not the most restful sleep she’s ever had. Plus the kryptonite in the dildo is still doing its job, so I don’t think there’s much to worry about right now. Fact is, I’m liking the fact that little miss sunshine in there is getting a little green around the gills, so to speak. The kryptonite is slowly poisoning her system and it shows in the tint of her eyelids, the greenish tinge to her lips and in her fingernails, too, I noticed. Naturally we don’t want to overdose our young protoge. That works against our entire plan, but it certainly is hard to know just the proper amount and blend of krypto-slime and deutronium to use in that custom-built double-length buttplug of hers. We’ll have to keep a close eye on that. But, to answer your specific question, Carmine, I’ll bring her around in a couple of minutes and we’ll start her next training session. It’ll be very short but effective.” Tony pauses for a minute and takes a sip of coffee he was holding. Everyone had taken a couple of hours off after the last session, so the group was pretty well rested.

“Now Stevie,” Tony looks at the amiable young hood. “I want you to handle the crack dosing, including the precise amounts, the different ways we can get it into her system voluntarily and involuntarily. Rocks, serum, different crack pipes and shit like that which we talked about. Use what you think will work best. We also need to keep exact records of the schedule and dosages. Randy, that’s your gig. Both you guys know more than I do about this shit. That’s why you two are on the team; in addition to your good looks, boyish charms, and, of course, Randy’s gentle, persuasive way with assertive women in capes.”

The pale, brutish hoodlum grins sheepishly.

“Alright Stevie,” Tony says, “get the first injectable dose we talked about ready. How long you think it’ll take for bubble butt in there to feel it?

“Well, last time was about 45 seconds or so, Tony, which is, like, fucking unheard of. With a normal girl of her age, it usually only take about 8 to 12 seconds at the most. But this one’s a bull. It’s hard to say.”

“I don’t think our young friend is feeling nearly as bullish after what we’ve put her through, Stevie,” Tony considers. I’m thinking ten to twelve seconds sounds about right for our guest to hit the heights How long will it last?”

“Again, last time we had her going for about 15 minutes. That’s the normal timing.”

“Great. Let’s see, the sex toys are all in the various drawers of the table she’s strapped in, so we’re set there. Carmine, you’ll come in with me.” Tony pulls his fellow Don off to the side for a moment while Stevie and Randy go into the storeroom to get the crack from the safe. Tony had given Stevie the combination and he felt proud that Tony trusted him that much.

“Carm, follow my lead in there and don’t be gentle with her,” Tony then comes up with a slow smile, “I really loved how you humiliated Supergirl with your dick in her face at the end of the last session. Not to mention the look of shock and disappointment on the slut’s face when you wouldn’t let her swallow your whole load. That was priceless. You see the replay on that?”

“Only six times.” Carmine grins as Tony chuckles. “And you, Tony...well, when you punched out Supergirl’s lights, using that overconfident cunt like a body bag, and then forced that two-bit little do-gooder to crawl over and climb up onto that table on command, I was high fivin’ with your two guys like crazy. You really taught her who was the boss!”

“Some fucking mouth on her though, huh?” Tony asks. "Like a brand new Hoover vacuum, eh?"

“Fuckin’ amazing, Ton. Under that stuff you gave her, it was like nothin’ I ever had before. Even from some pros. Course, the fact it was, you know, ‘the Famous Maid of Steel’ was part of it, I know. But still, she’s got some real talent there. That bitch will bring in a lot of dough when word gets around the street that Tony Bonano’s got Supergirl tucked away in a private whorehouse giving out amazing blowjobs!”

“Wait til you stick it in her pussy, Carmine. She’s got game down there like you wouldn’t believe. Fuckin’ slice of heaven. Took all I had to pull out on the sorry twat. But that hurt and stunned look of desertion when I sprayed my cum all over the front of her skirt and underpants, that was priceless. You and I, we brought that pretentious, oversexed bitch down hard!”

“Everything seems to be going too good here, Tony. It’s got me worried.”

“Carmine, I know how you feel. But we’re being very careful here, right? You’ve got a good look at how I operate by now. You know I’m careful. I think things through...well, most of the time. That strangulation thing got a little close, but it worked out great in the long run. It’ll be okay, Carmine. Really. We’re going to be millionaires. Think about that. And about all the different ways you’ll be getting into blondie’s pussy in there over the next year. That’ll take your mind off your worries.”

“True enough, partner,” Carmine replies. “True enough. Now let’s go get Supergirl hooked on crack.”

* * *

All of Supergirl’s arms and legs are held by giant jungle vines. She is stretched out in every direction possible while small, smooth tendrils of some hideous plant monster explore her body inch by inch. One tendril is forced deep in her ass and another is about to slide down her throat when yet another tendril rises up and slaps her rear end. She yelps but the tendril comes down with another painful slap.

“...up, Supergirl. Wake up and join us,” Tony Bonano says. He gives her a third stiff whack on her butt.

“OW” she blurts through gummy, rubbery lips.

“I think that one finally did it,” Carmine says, as the shapely blonde strapped down to the table beside him groggily lifts her head and blinks at him with a dumb look of simple annoyance. Who was this guy?


“Rise and shine, sugarplum,” a voice says brightly behind her. “ It’s time for your special twilight training session.” Slowly, the dazed blonde turns her head and sees Tony Bonano standing over her.

“...buh...nan...oh...” she mumbles.

“Mr. Bonano, my dear. Remember?”

“...y..yes...sir...” the wakening girl recalls, coming to her full senses slowly. She turns her head to look again at the man standing on the other side of her, between her and the wall.

“...vay....uh...Mr. Vega...”

“Wow. What a polite little whore you got here, Tony.” Vega reaches down and squeezes the flinching Supergirl’s cheek like some old proud grandmother from a childhood she never had. “And cute as a button, too.”

“I’m not a whore,” replies the blonde teen without hesitation, coming out of her stupor fully and assessing her situation. Dildo still there. No powers. No way out. A deep frown crosses the tired girl’s face which Carmine picks up on. He presses his advantage.

“You are every inch the whore in my book, girlie girl. Anybody who sucks me off like you did, honey, is certainly a qualified professional hooker in my eyes. As a matter of fact, I do believe I felt a little trail of cum on your cheek here, Supergirl, when I squeezed it just now.” The girl lowers her head and takes a deep breath to calm herself down. “And look,” Carmine continues his psychological assault, “there’s some more dried out cum that dribbled down your chin there after I came in your mouth. Just another aspect of being a pro in the cocksucking game, right sugar?” He scrapes the crusty residue off with his fingernail, then squats down so he’d directly in her face. “What, you don’t remember swallowing my spunk, Supergirl. You should, ‘cause your breath stinks of it and your hair is splattered with it.” Standing up, he winks at Tony. It isn’t seen by the girl staring straight ahead, marshaling her resolve, holding on to her courage.

“You drugged me,” she says matter-of-factly.

“Maybe,” says Tony above her, “but you sure took to sex like a bee to honey. I was trying to keep it slow and romantic, but you couldn’t wait, Superslut. Had to kiss me full on the mouth and grab my cock like some cheap barroom floozy.”

Supergirl continues her resolute stare, her lips compressed into thin pale pink bands as she tries to shake off the memory that Tony’s dragging out of her subconscious.

“ was all the drugs...ton...uh...Mr. Bonano. I...I...assure you.”

“Great. Then let’s get back to the drugs, by all means.”

“What?” Supergirl turns her head towards Tony just as his arm shoots out and his palm seizes the side of her head. “Wait....don’t...”

He presses her head firmly against the tablepad. “Carmine, will you keep our blonde friend’s head steady for a moment.

“Glad to.” Firm hands circle Supergirl’s head and press her cheek even harder against the tablepad. The pressure of Carmine putting his full body weight into his arms keeps the wide-eyed blonde’s head from moving an inch.

“Don’t...Tony...sir...Mr. don’t have to do this...I’ll...I’ll have sex with you...”

“And everyone else, too, I’m afraid, Superslut.” Flicking the syringe he’s holding now with his thumbnail, Tony smiles in a very unpleasant way. “Because we’re doing things my way, blondie. And my way includes crack.” There is a pinching sensation in her neck and Supergirl grimaces in anger.
These bastards are drugging me again, dammit! If I had my powers for just one minute I’d......

“AYEE....WHOOAAA....wh...wh...what...a....a....feeling.....” Supergirl blurts out in shocked delight. The intense high that this pure crack creates sends Supergirl into a whirl of cloudy bliss she cannot begin to resist. The harsh hands pressing her head down disappear and the blue and red clad teenage heroine lies on the table in a slack stupor of total joy.

“Nine seconds,” says Tony with a smirk. “Let’s bring out the toys.”

“.....mmmmnnn....” the contented champion moans softly, happily unaware of the devices being readied for her training. Tony straps a small electric massage motor on the back of his hand and flicks it on. A low buzzing hum erupts from the device and Tony holds his middle finger out to see it vibrating in a blur of flesh.

“Oh, you’re going to enjoy me giving you this finger, Supersnatch.”


Carmine picks up a purple candy dildo wrapped in plastic that’s six inches long and three inches wide. He tears away the crinkly wrapping, licks his finger, swipes the shaft with it and tastes the flavor. “Grape,” he says with a grin.

“Okay, honeydew,” says Tony with glee, “it’s time to pull down your panties for some crack super sex!”

“...oh....really....” sighs the uncomprehending superheroine. She feels her underpants being pulled slowly off her rear end, the cool air surrounding her buttocks gives her a wiggle of pleasure. The panties are pulled down to the backs of her thighs. And then a hand is at her crotch cupping her sex. It’s pulsing and shaking against her, the warmth of the palm holding her firmly, the fingertips tickling her bush with inhuman speed.

“OHH....AAAH....Whoaaa...” Tony feels the girl’s pussy moisten almost instantaneously. She writhes in his grasp with repeated moans of excitement. Strapped down and unable to reach out or participate actively, the gasping girl arches her neck, her eyes clamped shut and stutters...”...slow...slow down....tuh...too...intense....”

“Try this dick, Superslut,” says Carmine. “You’re going to love it.” He rubs the tip of the candy dildo around the lips of the panting teen’s open mouth. Immediately, the eager tongue swipes all over and around her pink lips leaving them with a glossy sheen.

“....mmmmm....” she purrs.

Carmine puts the tip of the candy dildo against the blonde’s slightly open mouth and holds it lightly against her lower lip. Without hesitation, the aroused teen slides her tongue out, licks the underside of the candy tip and then flutters her tongue rapidly against the tasty treat. Carmine pushes the dildo forward and the quivering teen takes the whole tip eagerly into her mouth, sucking on it with delight and moaning with pleasure.

“AWMMM.....OOMMM.” Supergirl thrills both to the sweet taste and generous width of the dildo. Carmine pushes it in further so it fills her mouth. The once innocent Maid of Steel rocks her head back and forth with mewling grunts of pleasure as she savors the flavor and sensation of the candy cock as it passes across her lips and tongue. “mmmhhh..mmmhhh”

And then Tony puts his middle finger against her clitoris and Supergirl jerks with joy. In seconds the pulsing, humming, twitching finger is flushed with the teenage heroine’s musky juices and the air is filled with the perfume of her desire.

“The crack is accentuating the sensitivity of your body, Supergirl. I hope you appreciate what I’m doing for you here.”

“..yheth....yhethh ..ah...dooo.....” replies the world-renowned female hero with the candy cock in her mouth. And then the planet’s shining example of purity, truth and justice slowly and deliberately grinds her pelvis around Tony’s buzzing finger – first in a small circle to the left and then to the right. There’s no mistaking this shockingly vulgar act from the gorgeous writhing blonde on the table. She is wantonly demonstrating just how much she appreciates Tony’s efforts. Even more so as he slides his palm over her rear and massages her ass with firm round circular strokes. She moans in delight at every cycle of his warm palm. This man knows what I want before I do, thinks the crack-addled heroine. And then a second finger slips into her vagina and begins to circle there in dizzying spirals, even as the other humming digit remains unerringly yet lightly pressed against her clitoris.

“...oowlmmm......oowlmmm......oowlmMM......OOWLMMM...” the frenzy builds quickly as the helpless teen is relentlessly stimulated at both ends by the two determined Dons. Carmine tightly holds the squirming young woman’s hair and looks searchingly into Supergirl’s famous blue eyes. There he is thrilled to see that, from under listless green-tinted eyelids, the irises that once radiated love, honor and unending inner strength are currently little more than dull, flat windows into a surprisingly boorish stupidity.

“Isn’t this just the best tasting cock ever, Supergirl?” Inundated with crack-induced, irresistible erotic needs, the one-time champion of the people is, at this moment, nothing more than a gullible, doped up teenage girl whose only concern is how much pleasure she can channel from the attentions of her two male friends.

“Ghhuddd,” she replies. The sweet fat dildo fills her mouth and withdraws, fills and withdraws, its syrupy slickness staining Supergirl’s lips a deep purple. Thin lines of purple drool flow out of the oblivious girl’s mouth from both corners, dripping down her face and sliding in twisting streams along her neck in rivulets of purple passion. Supergirl’s body jerks and trembles continuously on the table. Her full, rounded breasts hanging beneath her shake and wobble heavily within her skintight top, the protruding nipples prominently displaying her arousal for the cameras.

With Tony’s fingers vibrating continuously against her clitoris and within her vagina, the mighty Maid of Steel is helpless to resist the overwhelming surge of sensations flooding her brain anymore. With a keening shriek of delight, muffled by the candy dildo filling her mouth, the blonde shuts her eyes and succumbs body and soul to the orgasmic tsunami that sweeps through her being.

“EEEEEMMPHHH....EEEEEMMPHHH...” Tony feels the flood of juices gush against his hand and slide all over the tablepads. Carmine pulls the slippery candy dong out of Supergirl’s purple stained mouth and drops it on the floor, but continues to hold her head up by the hair. The panting teen moans and gasps with rippling waves of pleasure.

“...OHHH...AAHHHHH.....ohhhh....myyyy.....myyyy....godddd...” Still with his hand cupping her crotch and his two fingers humming in her snatch, Tony watches Supergirl freeze in place, trying desperately to find a hint of control. But she can’t.

“..doh...don’t....whhayttt....stuuppp...stop...stah....STAHH...AAAIEEEYAAHHHH.” The overwhelmed blonde in the tight blue and red costume shakes and wobbles uncontrollably as she climaxes for a second time in the hands of the Mafia kingpins. Tony pulls both fingers out of Supergirl’s snatch and smiles at his partner with a nod. Carmine then reaches his hand down to the sticky collar of Supergirl’s blouse and slides it underneath, moving it forward until his palm slides over the curve of her rapidly rising and falling breast. He squeezes it firmly.

“....uhhhh.....huhh...oohhh....” Coming down from the heights, Supergirl languishes in the afterglow of her climax. She felt like a melted pad of butter in the frypan of life. Carmine squeezes her tit harder and draws a gasp from the breathy blonde.

“....aahh...oww....” Carmine grips her hair and squeezes he tit harshly again. “OWW”

“Now listen up, juicy,” Tony is declaring loudly behind her. “All that pleasure only comes with crack from now on. Understand? Crack and cum. Cum and crack. They’re a team. No crack, no cum. And vice versa. Okay, let’s go, Carmine. This slut has had enough fun for now.”

Tony puts the massage motor back in the drawer. Carmine pulls his hand out from under Supergirl’s blouse and wipes the sticky purple candy slobber on the back of his hand in Supergirl’s hair. The stunned teen watches in bewildered confusion as the two men turn to leave. Then Tony pauses and says, “Oh, and I’m leaving your panties pulled down, whore, so I can have you nice and easy whenever I please.” Without another word, Tony and Carmine leave the jail cell and Supergirl lays her head on the tablepad with a heavy sigh. Still heady from her two orgasms and feeling only a little pain in the tit that Vega had mauled, the blonde heroine shivers with one last aftershock as she lets herself drift in an pool of unrestrained pleasure.
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Veteran Member
Veteran Member
Posts: 324
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Very good. You are correct if they are planning on making money making her as their hoar to pimp out he would not keep her for himself. This story is wonderful.
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