Supergirl Captured by the Mob-Story

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Location: On the Border of the Neutral Zone

Taking a Nasty Hit
Part 72

Out in the restaurant’s main room, Don Tomas Baldini is hearing how Lex Luthor stole Superman away from Tony as well as some of the inventions that Luthor had provided to the young don that helped overcome Supergirl. He also hears of a fast-acting aphrodisiac that would improve productivity in whorehouses.

Despite his brashness, the young don’s achievements greatly impress the thoughtful mediator. At the moment, he’s not inclined to punish young Bonano much at all. A slap on the wrist at best. The Families needed new blood to keep it fresh and vibrant through the coming decades and certainly the Mafia had seen more than it’s fair share of notoriety. It could survive. And with young guns like Bonano, it could do more. It could thrive!

Baldini looks at Gino Lupenzo and sees a man younger than him but yet calcified in his thinking. And power hungry to boot. The man is a rude boor and there isn’t much besides a killer instinct and a keen shrewdness to recommend him as the head of a mob family.

“Tell me more about this fast-acting aphrodisiac disc that Luthor and you developed, Don Bonano,” Don Baldini urges. “It’s most intriguing....”

“But Don Baldini,” Gino objects, “aren’t we getting off point here? There are grievances to be settled.”

“Oh, don’t be such a wet blanket, Don Lupenzo. We’re taking a break from your little agenda. Eat your spumone before it melts,” the elder don waves away Gino’s complaint.

“My little agenda? But...” With a cold eye from Baldini, Gino goes suddenly silent and digs angrily into his ice cream.

Avidly, Don Baldini turns in his chair more so he can face Tony who’s sitting in the chair directly to his right. Tony is blowing on his cappuccino to cool it down. “You say that women get aroused in less than half a minute, Tony?”

Don Bonano shows a small smirk. The old don is getting comfortable enough with him to the point of using his first name. Things have definitely swung back in his direction.

“Yes, Don Baldini. And that was on superheroines. I can only imagine how well it will work with a common whore,” Tony suggests gleefully. They discuss the prospects quietly between themselves for a few minutes more, until Gino rises.

“Please excuse me, gentlemen,” he says, his dessert finished. “I need to use the restroom.”

When he returns a mere couple of minutes later, the planted Glock 27 has been retrieved from where it had been taped to the back of the vanity drawer and is safely ensconced in a hidden inner thigh pocket sewn as a lower attachment to Gino’s regular pants pocket. The small gun doesn’t show when he walks and when sitting, the bulge will be concealed by the table cloth. It will only take a second or two for Gino to reach it when needed.

* * *

Taking on Sergei’s challenge, Randy makes a lunge at the man’s right hand, the one currently holding the knife. At the last possible second he veers to his opponent’s opposite side, going for a hard kidney punch to Sergei’s side. But the savvy Russian mobster manages to twist away from the major force of the blow. A grazing thump does little damage but Sergei’s slashing arc easily slices through the sleeve of Randy’s jacket and cuts a shallow wound into his right biceps muscle.

“Hssss!” Randy mouth blows out a rush of pain as he quickly spins away. He dashes to the living room, right past the very passive Amazon sitting on the couch. She turns her head nervously as she watches the fight unfold. She hopes that this bearded don will live but doesn’t hold much hope in her heart. Sergei is unbeatable. And this poor man’s jacket arm already shows a spreading stain of blood around the raw edges of the sliced fabric. Wonder Woman trembles with fear. She just hopes she can mollify Sergei by sucking his cock or presenting her rump to him and letting him take his pick of her holes.

Meanwhile, desperate for an edge, Randy picks up a long, thin table lamp and holds it high over his head as Sergei stalks into the living room in pursuit, grinning at his prey.

“Already I have wounded you, big shot hero man,” the Russian gloats as he goes past the couch to stand in place about five feet in front of Randy and a mere three feet away from Wonder Woman. He has his back to her. He’s completely unconcerned with her being a threat and much more concentrated on the big mob don standing before him waving the lamp. “I have years of training and countless fights in my past. What have you got? A lamp and a prayer? I tell you, I will not offer you the opportunity again to drink together and fuck that spineless bitch on the couch there.” His hand not holding the knife swings backward to indicate the fearfully meek Amazon with her shoulders hunched, her head down and her eyes barely looking out from under her furrowed brow. “Will you join me or not?”

“I’m not going to drink with you, fucker. So let’s just do this,” Randy declares.

“This is to be your funeral.”

“We’ll see about that,” Randy replies as he starts walking toward Sergei. He swings the lamp on a horizontal plane first wide to the right then wide to the left so there’s no easy opening for the Russian and his knife. Randy’s face is taut with tension. He is about the same height as Sergei and carries about 35 pounds in extra bulk over the Russian.

He’s trying to figure a way to bring that weight difference to his advantage when Sergei suddenly steps forward and kicks at the lamp shade. His left foot goes up high and Randy swings the lamp that way to block it. Not a good move as Sergei once again lashes out with the knife in the opening provided. The blade carves the air a bare inch away from slicing another wound into the young man’s other arm. Leaning back just in time has saved Randy from what could have been a devastating injury.

Regaining his balance, Randy swings his left foot up in a path toward the Russian’s crotch but misses the mark as the twisting Sergei moves his body to the side just in time. Randy’s subsequent swing of the lamp at his opponent’s head however does connect with the man’s brow. Because it’s only the lamp shade and not the heavy base, the blow only causes Sergei to reel away unhurt but shocked at Randy’s speed. He goes into an ungainly spin and, unfortunately for the black-haired Russian mobster, he collides with the end of the large couch. This sends him tumbling face-forward onto the shocked Amazon, knocking her on her back from the hunched sitting position from which she’d been hopelessly watching the battle.

“HUUUNFF!” Wonder Woman grunts loudly as the six-foot tall mobster lands hard upon her figure. Sergei pushes himself onto one elbow and smiles down at her. He is about to say something cute about a soft landing when he realizes she is grimacing up at him. Together, Sergei and the Amazon look down to see his knife embedded in her soft belly. The bone handle quivers in place six inches above the cheap Girdle of Power knock off. Bright red blood wells up out from the wound, a growing dark stain on the red fabric of her bustier.

“..w..w..what have you done...?” Diana’s face drains to a pale whiteness as she weakly struggles to push the big Russian off her. “ me....” she whispers in stunned disbelief.

“Oh, this was a mistake. The blade was meant for....whoa!”

Randy hasn’t noticed from his perspective what’s happened. He’s so focused on defeating Sergei that he’s bringing the lamp straight down in a mean arc right at the Russian’s head. The lamp with it’s shade now knocked off is a deadly weapon. Seeing the incoming blunt instrument, Sergei instantly rolls off the couch, bangs his left knee on the coffee table and lands in a painful crouch. The Russian looks up to see Wonder Woman take a glancing blow to her head by the lamp in the large don’s grasp. It knocks the jeweled tiara right out of her hair onto the rug beside his foot while driving her face hard into the couch cushion. Instinctive reflexes alone allowed her to move just quickly enough so her brains aren’t served up as guacamole, but she is clearly dazed. The look of horror on Randy’s face as he stands hunched over the Amazon’s twice-wounded body is priceless, and it’s all Sergei needs for an opening.

Three consecutive thundering straight jabs into Randy’s gut followed by Sergei’s other hand grabbing his collar and heaving him upward, has the big bearded mafioso flipping over the back of the couch and landing hard on the wooden floor behind the furniture with a loud grunt as his head and body hit hard on the parquet surface.

Sergei stands up and pulls his knife out from Wonder Woman’s body. He begins to circle the couch when the wounded Amazon warrior furiously kicks out her boot and drives her heel past the arm of the couch and into Sergei’s already smarting left knee with everything she has left. The shocked Russian collapses to the floor with a shriek of agony.

Her sudden movement floods Diana’s head with a wave of dizziness as the wound clenches at her body. Her expression goes from rage to agonized grimace to slack, overwhelmed bewilderment. And then her face rolls onto the edge of the couch cushion. Wonder Woman fall into completely senselessness for the moment.

A stunned Randy now lies on the floor behind the couch trying to breathe from the powerful blows to his stomach and to not lose consciousness from the nasty jolt to the back of his skull. He’s barely succeeding. Sergei is curled up on his side on the rug clutching his knee and rocking in pain as he floods the air with sporadic Russian curses. Wonder Woman lays prone on the couch staining the cushion beneath her with her pooled blood steadily dripping down her sides in a semi-conscious daze.

“What the fuck happened here?” Carlo stands several feet away on shaking legs taking in the scene of the two disabled combatants and someone groaning behind the couch. His head still aches something fierce from the choking knockout by that big don and he’s holding the taser in his hand.

“Oh, you’re shitting me. Is that blood?” The videographer sees a wide dark red circle on Wonder Woman’s bustier and spots her tiara lying on the rug in one area and a bone-handled knife on the rug in another, right beside the curled body of a big man with dark black hair. “Wonder Woman got stabbed? Man, Tony’s going to...Fuck! I am so fired!”

“” Wonder Woman moans weakly. “...i’m...bleeding...”

“No shit you’re bleeding, bitch!” Carlo walks closer to the couch and now sees the gut wound and all the blood seeping out of it to form a growing stain on the beige leather couch cushion underneath her. “Like a stuck pig. Oh, this ain’t good. This ain’t good at all. I gotta fix this. HEY! COULD YOU SHUT UP, ASSHOLE? I’m trying to think here and whatever you’re sayin’ I don’t speak that shit.”

“I am saying,” Sergei growls through clenched teeth, switching from Russian to English, “that when I am able to get up I am to be killing that Amazon cunt!”

“Oh no you won’t, you prick. Wonder Woman here is mine. I say what happens to her.”

“ The blood...need to stop the blood...”

“Right. I’m on it.” The stocky thug dashes to the kitchen, grabs a small blue dish towel, then speeds back to the couch. Going around the coffee table away from the now softly cursing Russian, he presses the towel against Wonder Woman’s belly.

“Aaaaghhhh! Too hard,” yelps the heroine. “...gentler...but it to me...” Pushing away Carlo’s palm pressed against her stomach, Wonder Woman holds the cloth against her abdomen and hisses at the pain as she tries to staunch the flow of blood. Her other hand grabs Carlo’s shirt. “ call 911...” The towel is already showing bright red as it soaks up her life force. “...I’m bleeding out.”

“Fuck me. This ain’t happening!” Carlo rushes to a table on the far wall and picks up the house phone there. He is about to dial for an outside line and then 911 when he stops. Bringing the cops into this situation is probably the last thing Tony would want. Nervously he glances over at the couch and the pale face of the stricken woman lying there in what might be the most famous costume in the world. Bringing the cops here would link Wonder Woman directly to Tony Bonano, something that his boss could not tolerate. He puts the phone down slowly, trying to think.

Sergei sees this from where he lies curled on the rug and groans, “What are you doing? Call an ambulance, the whore is dying. And I think she destroyed my knee. We need doctors.”

“I can’t call 911. It’ll bring the cops. I can’t do it.”

“You’re not so dumb as you look,” Sergei says as he pulls his body across the rug toward the coffee table.

“ mercy...I won’t last long,” whimpers Wonder Woman. “I...i...already feel faint...”

“Call them!!” From behind the couch, Randy yells out in frustration. “Call a doctor. Any doctor. We all need one. I’m too dizzy to get up. I may have...a...a concussion.”

“Fuck you, Don Lugese or whatever the fuck your name is,” Carlo snaps back. “I couldn’t give a shit about what you have or don’t have!”

“For Wonder Woman’s sake then, you prick,” yells Randy. “Or for Sergei. He’s Tony’s top man I hear. You both work for him.”

“Shut up, Lugese! I’m trying to think,” Carlo shouts.

“Clearly a task to which you are ill-suited,” grunts Sergei as he pulls himself up by his arms until he sits unsteadily on the glass coffee table. “Call this number. It is doctor. My guy. He can be trusted. No cops! 914-555-0909.”

Carlo stands by the phone biting his lip and trying to piece together a strategy, not pushing any buttons on the phone whatsoever.

“Call the fucking number now,” commands Sergei with a snarl, “or that taser gets rammed up your ass, you fucking pussy!”

“Who died and made you....Wait, you’re Sergei? The Mad Russian Bear? Weren’t you a blond guy? We met briefly about a month ago. Just when I came on.”

“...please...Sergei...kill that moron,” Wonder Woman rasps faintly from the couch. “If I live, you get....hand jobs for life....just please....get me help....”

“Oh, like that’s anything special, you cheap whore,” Carlo snaps from across the room. “You give out hand jobs like they’re penny candies. Champion of All Women. Hah. That’s a joke. I’ve had you plenty, Champ! And a lot more than a measly hand job. I’ve fucked your twat, your mouth, your ass more times than I can count. And lady, I gotta say, you’re not that great! You’re pussy’s tired and loose. You’ve got a big ass and your tits are starting to sag. Supergirl is twice the cunt you are. She’s young and tight and her blowjobs are...UUNNNGHH!”

During Carlo’s rant, Sergei had surreptitiously slid his knife over with his good foot closer to the cocktail table. Then he pretended to bow with his head between his legs as if to gather strength as the pain dispersed. And finally he had straightened up and viciously hurled his favorite knife directly into Carlo’s chest. The blade quivers over the shocked man’s heart and now his shirt begins to display a bright red flowering stain.

Carlo’s breath suddenly wheezes out of him, followed by bubbling spurt of blood that drips down his chin. His eyes roll up under his lids, his legs give way and he collapses to the wooden floor with a loud thump.

“God, was that sound what I hope it was?” The voice behind the couch calls out. “Carlo hitting the floor?”

“Da! The asshole is dead. This inferiority complex of his, I have solved it.”

“Good riddance,” both Wonder Woman and Randy say together.

And then the Amazon shifts her body too much and cries out in pain. “OWWW!” This is followed by a whimper and a plea “ ...owww...ohhhhhhhhh....could somebody....please call I’m... feeling..i’m...feeling...” The raven-haired heroine’s irises disappear under her lids with only the whites showing and her entire body goes suddenly slack.

“Don Lugese, we must call a truce. The Amazon does not look good. At all,” Sergei says, seeing the blood collected in a small pool on her belly and beneath her on the couch cushion.

“Deal. Help me up back here, I’m still shaky.”

“I don’t know how much I can help. You are not being a lightweight and Balloon Tits here shattered my knee with her boot heel,” Sergei groans. “But I will try,” he says as he rises and gimps over around the couch with a strained face that drips sweat.

Together the pair get Randy to his feet and, with a good amount of grunting and groaning, they support each other as they circle the couch. With a loud final moan, Sergei is deposited in the arm chair next to the couch. Randy then turns to look at Wonder Woman and his face goes almost as white as hers.

“Oh, god. She’s going to die! She’s lost so much blood.”

“I have seen worse. But da, maybe.”

Randy kneels down and presses the bloody cloth against Wonder Woman’s stomach as her hand had slipped off when she succumbed to the fog in her head.

“We have to do something. Immediately!”

“It is too late for doctor I am thinking. And Carlo was right about not having cops here. There is nothing we can do,” Sergei shrugs. “A shame. She was a great fuck.”

“Some fucking eulogy,” the large mobster growls, shaking his head at the comment and at the sight of all the blood. The head shake after the hard knock to it when he landed on the floor doesn’t do him any good and he fights down a wave of nausea. That concussion might be real and not just a ploy to get Carlo to call a doctor.

“I have to see just how bad this is,” Randy says, concentrating his attention on the pale beauty before him. Removing the blood-soaked towel and dropping it on the couch at her side, Randy then reaches behind Wonder Woman’s back and un-clips the cardboard fake belt and removes it from around her waist, dropping the useless thing on the rug beside the lost tiara. He then pulls the bottom of Wonder Woman’s bustier out from where its tucked into her blue briefs as gently as possible. A tributary of blood seeps out and finds a new course down her hips to the cushion below. Carefully, he draws the sopping wet red silk upward exposing her belly. He pulls the bustier’s soaked fabric into a wrinkled roll just below her breasts. The stab wound, positioned a couple of inches above her navel is nasty and deep. Blood steadily wells up out of the small vertical slit. He quickly presses the dish towel back in place but it’s thoroughly soaked and a fresh one is needed.

“It’s not stopping,” bemoans Randy.

“No. My favorite knife, it does its job and I was coming down hard on her body. Too bad for her. You need new towel. Go, I will hold that one. Top drawer between dishwasher and oven.”

Sergei gingerly limps over from the armchair and takes Randy’s place sitting beside the unconscious beauty. He holds the towel to her belly with one hand while the other jerks up on the bustier’s bottom hem several times until it’s clustered in a roll around her shoulders. Wonder Woman’s exposed tits jiggle and sway in the open air and Sergei heaves a sigh that mixes appreciation and regret in equal measures.

“You fucking pervert,” Randy barks behind Sergei’s left shoulder. “She’s dying and you go and do that!”

“I’m am simply to be giving her magnificent breasts a farewell viewing. They deserve this, to be remembered..”

“Get out of my way!” Scowling, Randy kneels down beside the couch after Sergei moves down the couch a foot. He switches out the towel, dropping the used bloody one with a splat onto the glass coffee table and then leaning in to press a new yellow one against her abdomen. Holding it there with firm pressure, the disgusted mobster pulls his eyes away from the admittedly impressive naked chest of the weakly moaning heroine. He turns his head and looks at Sergei’s profile as the Russian gazes at Wonder Woman’s huge boobs with a strange expression. Randy reaches over and thumps Sergei on the side of his head with his palm.

“Hey!” Randy barks, “Look at me.” This causes the Russian to turn his head away from the astonishing view of the incredible tits on this famous woman who is now dying before him. He looks at the big don with the cold eyes of a snake but Randy’s concern for the heroine puts him beyond caring about what Sergei might do. His anger speaks for him. “You’re damn lucky that Wonder Woman doesn’t have her powers, you sick prick, or she’d knock the crap out of...” He stops his tirade and both men’s eyes widen simultaneously.

“Her belt,” they say in unison.

* * *

When Supergirl steps out of the bathroom stall she is immediately confronted by the vision of Scarlett O’Shea’s shapely buttocks filling out the silky fabric of her tight red dress to perfection. The twin globes of firm flesh are perfectly defined by stretch lines that show off her ass, not to mention the shadowed valley between the rotund cheeks. Kara stops in her tracks. She doesn’t go for women in that way but if she did, this remarkably shapely rear was awfully inviting.

Leaning into the mirror, Scarlett sees the blonde behind her stop short and hides her smirk as she turns her head while tossing away the napkin with the blotted impression of her lips into the trash can to her right. Then she stands up straight and adjusts the neckline slightly of her dress, pulling it flat so it looks perfect. Then she turns from side to side examining her chest in the mirror.

Turning sideways toward Supergirl, thrusting her chest out and pushing her tits up right at the Maid of Steel with both hands, Scarlett asks, “‘Ah was thinking of getting my boobs done. Going up a size. What do y’all think?”

Flabbergasted, the blonde teen’s face reddens a bit and she blurts, “Why, they’re perfect! Gorgeous! Nicely shaped” Stammering the blonde realizes she’s been gushing and gulps shyly, saying, “I wouldn’t touch them.”

“Not unless ‘ah gave you permission, you wouldn’t. Which I might,” Scarlett winks slyly. “I love your tits too, blondie. And judging by those protrudin’ nipples of yo-ahs, you’re not even wearing a bra. Great set of knockers. Really!”

“...i...uhh...thanks....” mumbles the very flustered teen.

Scarlet then begins to primp her hair with fingers at her bangs. In the mirror the women’s eyes meet for a second and there’s a moment of awkwardness that has Supergirl lowering her eyes quickly before she walks past the redhead with her cape swishing behind her to stand at the second sink.

“Those mob guys are little more than boys playin’ at bein’ big shots, ah declare,” Scarlett sighs. “And that jerk with the haircut who felt us up, what I wouldn’t give to kick his balls back to fourth grade!”

“It took every ounce of willpower I had not to fry his ‘eggs’ like the breakfast special with my heat vision,” Supergirl replies, running the hot water tap, waiting for the temperature to heat up. “Nevertheless, they may act like boys but they’re all capable of sudden acts of extreme violence. Both of us have to be on our guard. The tension’s pretty thick out there.”

Scarlett reaches into her small purse, retrieves her hairbrush and begins touching up her hairdo while Supergirl washes her hands.

“That’s for sure but as ah’ see it, your fella’ Tony, he’s going to walk out of heah’ smelling like roses. Baldini seems to be takin’ a cotton to him and he sure doesn’t think much of old Gino from what I see.” .

“Gino is nothing but vermin. He deserves to die. If I didn’t have a code of honor....” Supergirl quivers with disgust as she rinses the soap off her hands.

“You won’t get an argument from me. He’s 100% asshole but he pays well. But your Tony, he’s very dashing. You fucking him?”

Taken aback once more by her boldness, Supergirl blinks twice, speechless before composing herself to answer. “More like he’s fucking me. I haven’t had a lot of choice in the matter,” Supergirl says, indicating the control collar with a little arc of her neck. “You’ve seen the kinds of tools he uses.” She wipes her hands on a paper towel then tosses it in the waste can as Scarlett continues to fuss with her hair. She seems in no hurry to return to the table, especially after that putdown from Don Baldini about how she shouldn’t chime in and for her to just look lovely. Supergirl can use the break as well and she waves her cape to the side and hops her shapely rear end onto the long gray and red marble counter. She watches Scarlett continue to tease and arrange her hair, now flipping the brush through the bangs in a way that shows she’s not happy with the results.

“With the way that man looks, doll, it could be a lot worse for y’all. Some big fat gumbah with bad breath and the mannahs’ of an ape could be the one controlling that collar. Like that guy with that godawful haircut, Ricco, for example!”

Supergirl blanches at the very idea and contemplates what Scarlett is saying. She’s probably getting some very good advice here.

“You best think on that and thank your lucky stahs y’all getting boned by that fine looking stud. Hell, even that Carmine ain’t too bad lookin’ and he’s got the mannah’s of a true southern gent to boot.”

“Not always,” frowns Supergirl recalling the early days of her capture. Not Carmine nor Tony nor anyone had shown her any manners back when they first captured her. It was all throat fucking and rapes and drugs and fear. Things were better now, but it had come at a very high price.

Scarlett notices the frown on the troubled teenager’s face. She points the hair brush in her left hand at Supergirl and says, “Look sugah, I know y’all have had a tough time of it. I’ve seen your videos and you been rode hard, sister. Real hard! But ‘ah have hung around these guys enough to know that Tony is the cream of the crop from what ‘ah can tell. You best appreciate him because ah’m tellin’ you, you could do so much worse. So much worse that it just ain’t....”

Without warning, a dart rockets out of the hairbrush into Supergirl’s famous S emblem. It jolts into the inner curve of the distracted heroine’s left breast before she even realizes it’s there.


“...funny,” Scarlett concludes her rambling. She studies the blonde’s face with satisfaction as it switches from bewilderment to doped confusion. With it’s kryptonite-tip and it’s powerful kryptonite-laced sedative, the dart sticking into the shocked Maid of Steel’s right tit has done it’s job in the blink of an eye. The heroine had been caught off-guard by the red-head assassin’s breezy Southern manner, her embarrassing brash talk and her vain feminine concern about her hair and looks. Supergirl’s eyes glaze over and she starts to tilt forward off the counter before Scarlett smoothly steps over and steadies her slumping body with her right hand clutching the collar of the slouching teen’s bright blue spandex shirt.

“Easy there, sugah. Y’all are feelin’ pretty sickly right now I know. Better let Scarlett take care of you. We don’t want you to get hurt.”

Scarlett calmly places the hairbrush down and then uses both hands on Supergirl’s tits to maneuver the blonde beauty backward on the counter so her back is pressed against the mirror. The famous Maid of Steel’s arms hang limp at her sides and her head flops over to rest limply on her left shoulder. Her bright red boots dangle off the granite counter with the toes pointed at the floor.


“I swear, darlin’, your weakness for kryptonite is going to get you or your cousin out and out killed one of these days. It’s just so inconvenient, I don’t know how y’all stand it. However, don’t you worry none, Supergirl, my contract doesn’t call for me to murder you.....this time. For now, I’m just going to let you rest a bit here on your side while I get a few things from my purse.”

Quickly guiding the limp superheroine down to her right side, Scarlett makes sure the helpless blonde won’t roll off the counter. With her cheek pressed against the cool marble, Supergirl’s eyes wander in opposite directions and she moans again, a bit louder.


“Dear me! Hush now, missy!” Scarlet suddenly takes the end of Supergirl’s cape and stuffs it in the blonde’s mouth. “You’ll draw too much attention. Okay, let me take care of that little issue first then, proper-like.” Scarlet takes out several items from the purse and puts them on the counter between the sinks and away from Supergirl’s reach. It’s extremely unlikely that the Maid of Steel could muster enough energy or mental acuity even to try to fling her arm toward the small collection of tools but Scarlett is a professional and doesn’t take such chances.

Scarlet takes a silver-plated Stratton powder compact from the inventory she’s set on the counter and opens it up. Taking the thin round applicator pad in hand she puts the case back down and steps closer to the girl lying helplessly on her side. She pulls the crumbled red fabric of the cape out of the dazed teen’s mouth and then squeezes firmly on Supergirl’s jaw, forcing her mouth wider open. The redheaded hit woman then places the pad on Supergirl’s tongue and pulls on a small beige thread at the flat edge of the cloth applicator. With a loud whooshing hiss, Supergirl’s mouth is suddenly filled with a fat cloth ball gag lined with a hard inner mylar shell and enough helium to keep her mouth stretched around the uncomfortable orb for hours.


It’s so tightly crammed in there, there’s no need for buckles to secure the ball from being spit out.

“That takes cay-ah’ of that little problem,” Scarlet says, patting the heavily-drugged heroine’s bulging cheek. “Now let’s make sure you’re trussed up nice and tight while the serum is still at peak potency, shall we?”

Scarlett bends down and reaches for the hem of her own form-fitting red dress when she hears footsteps approaching the ladies room. Instantly straightening up, she punches Supergirl in the belly. The savage jab forces a squeaking cry out of the blonde champion and bulges her eyes wide as a frog’s.

“Is everything all right in there, ladies?” Don Baldini voice is filled with concern through the sacrosanct wooden door of the ladies room. “You’ve been in there quite a while.”

“Yes, of course, Don Baldini,” Scarlet replies, the soul of sweetness. “I’m sorry, we just got involved with girl talk. You know how it is.” The blonde champion suddenly wheezes heavily through the ball gag and Scarlett improvises without missing a beat. “It’s Supergirl’s time of the month and she’s just a bit emotional. I’m giving her a shoulder to cry on. We won’t be much longer. Two shakes of a lambs tail, sugah! I promise. You boys all settled up out there?”

Ignoring the question, Baldini hears the whine of the blonde heroine, shakes his head and scowls, then simply says, “Make it snappy” before heading back to the table.

“You heard the man,” whispers Scarlett who’s bending down again. She reaches under the hem of her dress and pulls on the end of a thread hanging there. And she keeps pulling until she holds in her hand a loop of 15-foot long ultra-fine 150-pound test fishing line she’d secured there earlier in the day.

Working quickly Scarlett rolls the blonde girl’s flaccid body so it faces the mirror. She flings the cape out of her way and binds her wrists behind her back in tight circles of clear nylon line. She then binds the heroine’s ankles together, the clear nylon pressing slight dents in the thin boot material. On a good day, the powerful blonde champion could snap all this strong nylon line circling her limbs by barely flexing her muscles, but this was not a good day for Supergirl.

Getting into a crouch, the redhead slides the bound teen off the counter onto her shoulder. Her arms wrap around the thin waist of the blue and red clad beauty and Scarlett carefully lowers the helpless figure onto the dove gray tile of the bathroom floor, positioning her on her side. Once more, the hit-woman has to fling the annoying red cape out of her way to get to the remaining nylon line coiled beside the teen wonder’s prone body. She connects the bound ankles to Supergirl’s wrists, threading the fine line through the circled nylon bindings and tying them off with a quick series of tiny complex knots, completing the hogtie. Then she turns the gagged and securely-trussed teenager onto her back with her bound arms and calves pinned underneath her. The young heroine’s neck is arched and her heavy head tilts back against the bathroom floor. The heavily-lidded eyes show limited awareness in the flat blue irises and a thin line of drool begins to form a tiny puddle. The older beauty then scoots forward until she’s kneeling right next to Supergirl.

“Here comes the part ‘ah know you’ll like, sugah.”

Reaching up to the marble counter, Scarlett pulls down the last two items she’d taken from her purse: a black plastic tube of lipstick and a yellow plastic cylinder of lip balm.

“Those morons searched mah’ little purse thoroughly, girl, and found just the everyday contents that any woman like me would carry. No metal parts to any of my toys, I’ll have you know. High tension plastic springs in the hairbrush, pvc dart, and these little beauties,” the redhead boasts, “powerful plastic windup coils, no motors, no wires, no metal. But all fun as you will soon discovah’, dear.”

Taking the lipstick in hand, Scarlett depresses the bottom of the tube and cranks the base of the smooth ebony cylinder counter-clockwise several times with a ratcheting motion. She repeats the process with the yellow tube of lip balm.

Hiking up Supergirl’s silky red skirt until it’s bunched around her hips, the hit-woman then takes hold of the waistband of Supergirl’s panties and pulls them down so they’re positioned snugly around her spread thighs. Drugged and helpless, the Last Daughter of Krypton can only groan miserably as she feels the air circulating around her lower body. She’s cognizant enough to understand that her pussy has been exposed.

With no time left for finesse, Scarlet spits on the forefinger of one hand and slides it into Supergirl’s slit, briskly rubbing it all around. The hit-woman thoroughly massages the labia, the inner walls of her vagina and her clit. The forefinger on her other hand receives its own measure of spit and is rubbed in hard little circles against Supergirl’s asshole. Scarlet’s finger work is fast, highly invasive and most effective. With no mental resistance to fall back on, Supergirl gets aroused quite quickly. Her pussy lips gleam with the slick juices of her excitement.

The redheaded pro then starts up the two miniature vibrators with a push on their bases, then inserts each one deftly into the teenage champion’s wet twat and slippery anus. After burying both plastic cylinders deeply within the moist cavities, Supergirl’s panties are pulled back up to help keep the vibrators from being expelled. Scarlet pulls the short skirt down and gives it a quick smoothing motion against Supergirl’s thigh.

“There. All set, sweetheart,” she declares.

Once again Supergirl’s eyes wander and her lids flutter. Confusion and pleasure begin to take over her mind and body as the mechanical relentlessness of the two thrumming plastic vibrators send signals of delight through her that are far beyond the drugged heroine’s ability to cope. The Maid of Steel begins to wriggle and shiver on the cool tile, her fingers twitching and her thighs quivering. Soft muffled moans are all that get through the expansive cloth ball jammed into Supergirl’s mouth.

“Those little devils will keep you busy for a good ten minutes before they run down, sugah,” Scarlet says as she gives her hands a good quick washup. “I hope you have a spare set of panties because that pair is going to get very, very sticky! Ah’ll see you around sometime, darlin’. It’s been a pleasure. And it certainly will be for you,” she says as she tosses the paper towel she’d dried her hands with into the trash.

She then picks up her purse and takes a special plastic bullet hidden inside a tampon and loads her hairbrush with it, ratching that device’s spring back to full tension. That done, the gorgeous redhead then twists and pulls on her nipples until they poke through the thin silk of her dress. “Ready, girls?” She smiles widely as she smooths her dress into shape, knowing she looks incredible now. That done, she opens the bathroom door and lets out a loud laugh that everyone in the restaurant can hear.

“I do declare Supergirl, you are a caution,” Scarlet’s voice says with a trill of delight in it. “I never thought you’d be such a funny girl.”

Scarlet was not wrong about the pleasure in store for the Maid of Steel. During the next seven minutes, while all hell is breaking loose out in the dining room of Anatra, a tightly-trussed and drugged Supergirl will coat the crotch of her red costume panties three separate times with heavy surges of her strongly-scented cum. The devilish vibrators will wreck havoc on her helplessly bound body, sending constant lightning strikes of pleasure to the heart of her pussy and her ass until she is overwhelmed with a crescendo of hip-jerking, muffled shrieks of blinding joy.

Eye-rolling white-eyed orgasms crash through her like thunder on the mountain. Each climax looms bigger and grander than the previous event until the tightly bound figure can only writhe and whimper on the floor. Her elbows and boot tips bump on the cool tile in spasms and jerks and fits as onrushing tidal waves of absolute ecstacy drown her in complete oblivion. By the end, the crotch of her shiny red panties does become thick and sticky and pungent with the juicy expulsion of her sweet feminine dew. Her heavy panting and final long pleasured sighs are the only noise in the ladies room.

* * *

Sergei stated that since only he knew the combination to the safe in Tony’s suite he was the one who had to make the trip downstairs to retrieve Wonder Woman’s power girdle. Randy had willingly let him believe this. He had his mission in mind and thought he knew a way to get the Amazon out of the Pleasure Dome building. He knew he was gambling on Wonder Woman being able to hold on until Sergei returned with the belt but it was a risk he felt he had to take.

While the Russian made his painful gimpy excursion, Randy was left to tend to the fast-fading Amazon. Before he took up that responsibility though, he waited until he heard the elevator descend with Sergei and then dashed over to where Carlo’s body had fallen and pulled the taser out of the dead man’s hand. He put that device in his pants pocket and then used his cell phone to call the number for the doctor that Sergei had shouted out to Carlo. It was easy enough to remember, the local area code, three fives and the repeating sequence 0909.

All Randy told the doctor was that there had been a stabbing and a severe knee injury to Sergei. At the mention of Sergei’s name, the doctor agreed to come immediately to the Pleasure Dome’s address with no questions asked. He said he’d arrive in about 20 minutes.

With those matters handled, Randy crossed back across the room and attended to Wonder Woman. After setting the tiara on the glass coffee table, he had pulled her bustier down to cover up her breasts but left her abdomen exposed. He wanted to be able to check her wound without unnecessarily disturbing it. Then he easily lifted her out of the bloody puddle and sat down with her at the far end of the large sectional sofa. Her body rested in his lap, her back leaning against his shirt while his arm held her around her waist, his hand firmly pressing the yellow dish towel against the puncture wound. His other hand brushed her hair off her forehead. Wonder Woman regains consciousness as he does this but her voice barely rises over a whisper.


“I am Don Leo Lugese. One of the most important...”

“...cut the crap...” Wonder Woman interrupts him. “I...i...don’t have... the time.”

“Name’s Randy. That’s enough for now. I go way back with Tony. He asked me to come East to pull you out of here. He thought things might get messy tonight at the meeting. He didn’t want anyone else to get their hands on you. I’m supposed to let you go if things don’t go well with him and Carmine.”

“...and if they do... go well. What then?”

“He didn’t have a Plan B. He didn’t expect them to go well.”

“...that’s odd.....sounds unusually....fatalistic... for Tony...” she sighs and then grunts with a nasty twinge from her perforated belly. “Hera...what’s taking long...?”

“It’s only been a few minutes. Don’t speak. Don’t strain yourself.”

“’re...awfully nice...for mob muscle...”

“Not the first time I’ve heard that. Supergirl said something similar months and months ago.”

Wonder Woman’s eyes widen slightly as her warm body presses against Randy’s. “You’re him. She talked about you...once or twice.....what’d she call you? ...Can’t remember.”

“Marshmallow Man.”

“...oh...yeah....right...she liked you.... even with all you...did to her...”

“Be quiet. Just rest.” Randy’s eyes well up but Wonder Woman doesn’t see it.

“...’kay...” The Amazon’s voice can barely be heard now.

After another three minutes pass, Randy is beside himself with worry. “Where the fuck is that damn Russian. I should have gone and gotten your belt instead. You really did a number on his knee.”

“...belt...getting me my belt.?..” Wonder Woman feels a measure of hope for the first time in ages but then grimaces in agony as her stomach spasms and grinds fresh tears out of her eyes. It takes her a minute to get a measure of strength back. “He’s doing that...for me..?...” she murmurs.

“He is, but if he doesn’t get back with it soon, it may be too late!”

“...tell me something....i...don’t know...”

After an interminable wait by a fretful Randy and a barely breathing Wonder Woman, the elevator doors finally slide open. Sergei shuffles out with the Golden Girdle of Power in his hand. By now however, the Amazon warrior’s complexion has gone gray and she’s lapsed into a deep wheezing stupor. Thin, tiny bubbles of blood pop on her lips that Randy has been wiping away with a handkerchief from his pocket. The once pristine white cloth is now as spotted as a measles patient.

“About fucking time! Get over here with that!”

Hobbling forward with a face shining with the sweat of pain and exertion, Sergei crosses the room, hands the belt to Randy and then retreats to collapse in the armchair with a loud groan.

“I don’t know why I am to be good Samaritan this late in life. Is not my style. I don’t even like this cow that much.”

“Shut up and come here to hold her while I get this belt around her waist, she’s at death’s door, goddammit!”

“Do this yourself. The cunt ruined my knee for good! I am exhausted.”

Glaring at the slouching Russian, Randy is forced to handle the limp, blood-soaked Wonder Woman on his own. It takes some fancy hand coordination and grabbing of fabric to keep her from falling over but he finally does get the belt clasped and secure around the Amazon’s waist. Randy anxiously peers down at the famous beauty slouched on his lap, her deep cleavage looking like a canyon from this over-the-shoulder angle. The light wheezy breaths do not slow down and she does not stir, except for the rise and fall of her expanding breasts.

“I don’t know. Nothing is changing here,” Randy says. “She may be too far gone. I can’t tell if she has a pulse here,” the worried mobster says, his fingertips feeling her wrist just where her bracelet ends. “I’m getting nothing!”

Frantically, Randy pulls the limp Wonder Woman off his lap and slides her directly onto the couch until she’s lying flat against the cushions. He kneels beside the couch and puts his ear to her heart; listening, waiting and hoping against hope. A full half minute goes by and Randy can hear no heartbeat. He lifts his head up and shakes it slowly, crestfallen.

“So! She is dead,” Sergei intones coldly, his head tilted back and pressed deeply into the back cushion of the plush armchair. He merely looks up at the ceiling and says without a hint of empathy, “Well, we tried. Can’t to be winning them all.”

“...your touching....” mutters Wonder Woman as loudly as a butterfly slamming its wings shut.

“What?” Sergei’s head snaps up. “What did the cunt say?”

“She said you’re all heart,” Randy paraphrases the sarcasm.

“I do what I can,” the Russian replies and then sees Wonder Woman begin to tremble and shake on the couch. Her bright blue eyes go dull even as her pupils widen. Her breathing rate doubles and she begins to pant, her breasts rising and falling very rapidly.

“Oh no! What’s happening now?” Randy asks, watching the famous beauty’s teeth chatter and her muscles spasm before him.

“She is going into shock, I believe,”Sergei answers. “Get her a blanket. Quickly! The bedroom.”

In under twenty seconds Randy returns with a brightly-colored comforter, wrapping it around Wonder Woman’s shaking form and then rubbing her shoulders briskly. But the heroine has lapsed back into unconsciousness.

Sergei rises out of his chair and limps over to the couch. He looks down at the prone form, the rapid breathing and the ashen face. Leaning in, he places his palm against her cheek which is cool and clammy feeling.

“Yes, this is shock and she is not to be responding.”

“What do we do?”

“Pull off that blanket and get out of my way.”

“But you just told me to put it on her!”

“Da, and now it comes off. Do it!”

Randy pulls off the blanket and then steps back so Sergei can do what needs to be done. The tall Russian leans over the beautiful Themysciran princess and puts both hands on her tits, squeezing them hard through the bustier. There is no groan from Wonder Woman but there is a growl from Randy who grabs at Sergei’s right elbow, ripping the man’s hand away from the unconscious beauty’s bustier.
“You prick! Even now you’re taking advan...GHUUUNH!”

Sergei’s elbow jabs into Randy’s gut and the big man goes down to one knee beside the couch, gasping for air.

“I am testing her awareness, idiot! It is bad. She needs CPR immediately.”

Sergei crosses his left palm on the back of his right hand, straightens his arms then presses his the heel of his right hand onto Wonder Woman’s breast bone. He pushes down hard on her chest, beginning the compression routine he hopes will help bring the Amazon back from the brink of death. With the first push, however, her wound spurts a short geyser of blood that knocks the kitchen towel off her stomach.

“Get that,” nods Sergei, before he does another compression. Randy quickly circles around by Wonder Woman’s head and reaches across to press the blood-soaked cloth back onto her belly. Sergei starts up the CPR once more. His hands ride up and down on the rising and falling chest and he counts his timing and his strokes off softly to himself, keeping a careful eye on her face. After 20 compressions, when she still doesn’t revive, Sergei removes his hands and backs off.

“Oh, this bothersome whore! She is to be the death of me! Look, I’m not getting a good angle here. And this is not working on the couch. Get her on the floor. But here is the thing, I can’t get down on my knees or I will pass out from the pain. Lugese, you must be taking up the CPR. Quickly!”

“But I’ve never...”

“You saw my technique. There’s no choice. You try or she dies, da?”

“Da! Fucking da,” Randy growls as he quickly picks up Wonder Woman with his hands under her back and her knees. He swings her around takes several steps away from the couch and lays her out on the carpet in the middle of the living room. The big man gets down on his knees and begins the compression routine, copying what he saw Sergei do. The Russian has maneuvered himself so his legs stretch out parallel to Wonder Woman’s while he props himself on one straightened arm while his other is bent, holding the bloody towel against her stomach. Sergei grimaces from the continuing pain in his knee but nevertheless helps guide Randy through the CPR, counting aloud and advising him when to give Wonder Woman two long breaths by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and when to restart the compressions.

After three minutes, Wonder Woman begins coughing and her eyes flutter heavily and then they slowly open. She’s looking up at Randy’s drawn and sweaty face.

“...ohhhh...” she groans aloud then murmurs, “ get the...number of that truck?”

“You had me worried,” Randy says, his eyes shining down on her. “Don’t do that again.”

“Do what? What happened?”

“You went into shock, stopped breathing. I had to perform CPR.”

“Ah, so that’s why your hands are on my tits,” Wonder Woman says. Caught up in the excitement of her revival, Randy had never removed his hands from her breastbone. As she started coughing he had merely moved them aside, cautiously poised there, waiting on her ample curves if he needed to restart his compressions. His palms remain flexed against the soft silk even now. But at the smirking beauty’s comment, he snatches them off her as if yanking them away from a hot stove, his face going scarlet.

“Sorry,” he blurts.

“I’m not. You saved my life.”

“As did I,” Sergei chimes in.

“Is that true?”

Randy nods. “He even started the CPR, knew you’d gone into shock. You wouldn’t be here if not for him.”

“No, I wouldn’t,” Wonder Woman says. She grimly eyes the Russian, weighing her emotions. They are very mixed. “In any case, you copping a feel seems like small potatoes.”

“Big potatoes if you are to be asking me,” Sergei says with a leer at the now steadily rising and falling chest of the Amazon.

“No one asked you,” Randy and Diana say together, then grin at each other.

“And I suppose you are not asking in interest about your wound, Princess?” Sergei has lifted the towel to reveal the puncture. It not only has finally clotted but seems to even have shrunk a bit though it’s difficult to tell for certain with all the matted blood. The belt, it appears, has finally returned some of Wonder Woman’s powers to her beleaguered body.

“Can you stand up?” Randy holds out his hand and Wonder Woman takes it.

“Yes, I think so.” Slowly the pair rises while Sergei stays on the carpet, sitting up with his legs fully extended. Wonder Woman is not completely steady on her feet yet and Randy helps her over to one of the two armchairs. She settles down and takes deep breaths and just tries to compose herself and think what to do next. She’d been through hell and was still somewhat disoriented.

Standing next to the chair, Randy asks her, “How do you feel? You want something to drink?”

“Just a glass of water,” Wonder Woman replies. “And if you could get me a clean wet towel I’d like to clean this wound up and see where I stand.”

“You can be helping me stand up at anytime, Lugese,” Sergei suggests from down on the rug.

“I can but I won’t. Not just yet anyway. The lady comes first.”

“The lady cums all the time from what I hear,” Sergei shoots back. “And from what I am to be remembering.”

Wonder Woman turns her head to see a wolfish smile on the assassin’s face as he stares at her with contempt. With everything almost back to normal, both parties realize they are back to being at odds with each other. Yet with their injuries, it’s a tricky balance of power at the moment. The staring contest extends for quite a bit, the Russian and the Amazon weighing strategies as Randy runs the water in the sink and soaks a clean green floral print kitchen towel in hot water. They’re still both avidly focused on each other when Randy starts back through the living room.

Sergei wishes he had his knife in hand but, foolishly, he had left it sticking out of Carlo’s slumped body across the room. A mistake he usually doesn’t make. Wonder Woman suddenly bows her body forward, snatches her tiara off the glass coffee table and hurls the headpiece in an elegantly smooth effort that belies her wounded condition and speaks to years of heroic muscle memory. Her simultaneous battle cry fills the apartment with violent fury ringing in the ears of her foe even as her weapon spins like a Frisbee on steroids, aimed right at Sergei’s neck.

The Amazon threw her tiara with the full intention of mortal injury, decapitation if possible. It doesn’t happen. The Mad Russian Bear had expected some sort of attack from her and his body flops onto his back as the deadly silvery jeweled blur whizzes over his head by an inch at most. The chime of ringing metal is unmistakable when the tiara sinks into the steel railing separating the living room from the kitchen. It had only missed Randy’s legs by a foot of airspace as he froze in the middle of the room when Wonder Woman let out her war cry.

Lying flat on his back a mere two feet from his shoes, Sergei looks up at Randy with surprise. The Russian hadn’t thought the man was that close. Randy drops the warm wet towel on Sergei’s face; another shock in a series of them for the unlucky hit man. In fact, when Randy whips the taser out of his pants pocket and pulls the trigger, the two leads sink into the man’s chest and the device pours nothing but shocks into the jerking Russian’s body. The 20,000 volts do their merciless work and the twitching villain is reduced to helpless spasms that lock his body into a rigor of pain that rocks his world. His jerking spasms flex and wrench his knee at incredibly wrong angles and Sergei faints dead away with the agony that explodes in his head.

Randy leans down, pulls the damp towel off the unconscious man’s face, removes the taser leads and puts the device in his side jacket pocket. With the damp towel in hand, he then continues on toward Wonder Woman. He gives her the cloth and she begins wiping her stomach, cringing at the sensitivity near the wound. It has closed up somewhat but it’s still painful.

Gingerly she pulls down the bustier until her abdomen is covered and she looks somewhat presentable. The wide red damp circle of blood is noticeable but there’s nothing to be done about that. Angling her head back, the beautiful heroine looks up at Randy with a weariness that fills her to her soul. Meeting the kind eyes looking down on her, Wonder Woman says, “Can we get out of here now?”

“By all means, m’lady,” he bows and reaches out his hand to help her up. And the two of them head for the elevator before a still somewhat disoriented Wonder Woman remembers her tiara. She goes back and, with a huge effort barely manages to yank it out of the metal railing. She grimaces as her stomach complains about the exertion. But she wasn’t about to leave the headpiece here. She affixes it back into her hair then heads back toward the elevator. She suddenly stops just as she passes the unconscious Russian mobster prone on his back, his legs spread. It was just too inviting! She turns toward the body, looking down at Sergei’s face. It was cruel-looking even in repose like this.

He is a brutal and cruel man. If he saved my life, it was because he felt somehow it was in his own self-interest. He deserves this payback for all he did to me and he’s going to get it!

Wonder Woman lifts her boot high and stomps her heel down on Sergei’s manhood with a heavy thump. Even unconscious, the body jerks in reaction, the pelvis rocking a bit until the toe of the grinding boot swings to the side and stops the motion.

“We’re still not even,” the Amazon says with a glare down at her oblivious foe as she pulls her foot away. And then the elevator softly chimes. Randy immediately pulls the taser out of his pocket and stands to the side waiting for the doors to open. Wonder Woman stands where she is, right over Sergei, her body poised to react. Anybody could be in the cab. Their escape isn’t completed yet. When the metal doors open, a man with salt and pepper hair, round rim glasses and a gray goatee steps out and turns to look at Randy. He notices the taser in his hands but simply asks, “Sergei?”

“You his doctor?”

“Dr. Kreshnekov.” There are no handshakes. Randy simply nods at the body lying on the floor and the man with the black bag rushes over to it, clucking his tongue. “What have you gotten yourself into this time, you fool?”

“Tasered,” Wonder Woman says, “plus a knee that suffered a nasty kick. Oh, and he might have taken a shot in the nuts.”

“All you?”

“Not all, but I helped.” Wonder Woman gives the prone figure one last good look and turns to go, her shoulders straightening with pride, her chest thrust forward.

Looking back over his shoulder at the retreating shapely rear as it shakes it way toward the elevator, the doctor says softly to himself, “I wouldn’t be surprised knowing Sergei. Especially seeing that!”

The doctor looks around and notices a dead male slumped against the wall with a knife sticking out of his chest. He’s about to take smelling salts out of his bag but thinks better of it for the moment. He’d rather examine Sergei’s body in a calm quiet manner, something that’s virtually impossible when the edgy Russian is conscious. He proceeds with his examination.

In the elevator, Randy presses the button for the floor one below the penthouse. “We just have to make a stop down in Tony’s bedroom to get your lasso from his safe.”

“Thank Hera! You DO know the combination! You let Sergei believe you didn’t.”

“One has to play one’s cards carefully if one wants to win the game.” Randy extends his arm to guide the way once the elevator doors open in Tony’s suite.

“I can see why Kara spoke highly of you. But you certainly don’t seem like you belong mixed up with murderers and thugs.”

“I’m beginning to think you’re right, the large man nods, “but getting out of this business isn’t as easy as waving thank you at a retirement dinner where you get a gold watch.”

When they get to Tony’s bedroom, Randy pushes a small set of dice on a miniature replica of a craps table on a shelf beside Tony’s bed and the still life floral oil painting hanging over the television opposite the bed swings opens revealing the safe.

“I know a lot of good people who would be willing to help you make the transition, even via the Witness Protection Program if necessary,” Wonder Woman offers.

“I may take you up on that after we get through all this tonight,” says Randy thoughtfully. He quickly spins the safe’s shiny steel dial back and forth until it clicks and he pulls the door open, looks into the safe and reaches inside it.

When his hand comes back out holding the golden lasso, Wonder Woman snatches it out of his fist in giddy girlish glee. “It’s happening! I’m really getting out of here! Oh, thank you. Thank you!” She leans forward and kisses him on the cheek even as she attaches the lasso to the loop on her belt. She feels even better now, her costume finally completely intact after so many months. “But we have to go now. Kara could need help at the meeting. We’ve got to get there as soon as possible,” she declares turning around to head back through the suite to the elevator.

“What? Wait, that wasn’t the plan,” Randy is adamant, grabbing Wonder Woman’s elbow and turning her to face him. “Tony said get you to someplace safe that even he wouldn’t know about. And lady, that restaurant is about as unsafe a place as anyone can be tonight.”

“Please take your hand off me, Randy,” the Champion of All Women asks the big man politely. The tone is non-negotiable and he does let her go. Immediately. “Will you be joining me at Anatra! because I’m leaving now? Supergirl probably needs my help.” Striding over to Tony’s closet, she rummages through it, swiping hangars to the side until she gets to a long trench coat which she puts on to hide her costume.

“Anatra! Is that the name of the place? How do know where the meet is?” Randy stands in place, a bit bewildered now.

“Supergirl whispered the name of the restaurant to me along with the address before she left. Just before you arrived. Are you coming or not?”

Without even waiting for an answer, Wonder Woman heads for the elevator so that Randy is forced to rush alongside just to talk to her. She pushes the call button and the doors slide open immediately since no one had called this private elevator since they’d gotten off it. They both get in and Wonder Woman pushes the button for the lobby, then thinks better of it and pushes the one below it for the garage. The ride down will take less than a minute but both of them cross their fingers that nobody gets on the elevator with them.

“Seems crazy to go to the trouble of escaping just so you can dash over to this place and possibly get recaptured. I’m just saying.”

“Be that as it may, it’s what I’m doing. I can’t let Supergirl face this on her own. It’s a heroine code thing. Oh, I will need you to hot-wire one of Tony’s cars when we get down to the garage,” Wonder Woman says, tying the trench coat’s belt loosely around her. It’s clearly oversized for her even though she’s the same height as Tony.

“I don’t know how to hot-wire cars! And by the way, that’s mobster profiling and I find it offensive.” He grins at her.

“Oh, you’re a keeper. You’re going to make some moll very happy one day,” Wonder Woman answers playfully. “It’ll be very sweet. You’ll come home after a big heist and she’ll have the burnt meat loaf all ready and waiting.”

“You’re a riot, Alice,” Randy replies, doing his best Jackie Gleason impression. The Honeymooners show was a favorite of his dad’s. “Pow! Zoom,” he adds. “Anyway, I didn’t think Tony was going to tell her where the meet was. He was concerned about security. She wasn’t supposed to know until they got there.”

“Well, she has this little thing she does. It’s called super hearing.”

“Handy,” Randy says.

“You ARE coming to the restaurant, aren’t you?” Despite their shared jocularity, Wonder Woman is worried about the odds against her when they get there. She hasn’t nearly recovered from the stabbing to be taking on a roomful of mafia guys with guns blazing. Having Supergirl should help if she’s not knocked out of the fight by that kryptonite collar. Anything and everything could be going wrong. She pushes the down button on an elevator already descending and Randy sees her looking up and nervously trying to will the floor indicator lights over the door to change faster.

He takes her hand in his saying, “It’ll be okay. I’ve got a good feeling.”

“Don’t do that,” she barks, yanking her hand out of his. “I have to be ready to fight if someone gets on at the first floor. Get your taser ready.”

“Yes, boss,” he smirks. “If the maid gets on, you want I should kill her.”

“If it’s Large Marge, that’s a pleasure I’ll reserve for myself.”


“Never mind, it’s just somebody heinous from what I desperately hope is now a former life.”

The doors slide open at the first floor and both Randy and Wonder Woman tuck themselves into the front corner of the cab. They both hold their breath while Randy gently taps the “Close Door” button and waits. Finally, the doors slide together and the pair begins to breathe again. But Diana says, “This is a private elevator but the garage is serviced by the full bank of them, this one and three other elevators. So, we could meet some resistance down here, especially if Sergei woke up and alerted his security people. Be on your guard.” She realizes she needs to untie the belt if she has to quickly shrug off the coat and resort to deflecting bullets. Her confidence in her ability is not very high. Randy fingers the taser in his side pocket.

When the doors pull aside, everything is quiet as a morgue and the twosome cautiously exit the cab. There luck is running good. There are no people around whatsoever. Two Lincoln Navigators are parked in the small lot, one black and one white. A red Ferrari Testarossa is neatly angled in its own prime spot and Randy looks at it with fondness. He nods at it and says, “I’ve fucked at least four different women in that baby. Tony let me use it about once a month back when I first proved myself reliable. Not real roomy inside but nothing gets a woman’s panties off faster than that car, let me tell you.”

Wonder Woman is staring at Randy in head shaking amazement at this pronouncement. He glances over at her, sees the incredulity plastered on her face and then goes scarlet remembering with whom he’s sharing his idyllic stroll down memory lane.

“I...uh...I mean..that is...there was some...heavy necking...nothing serious...”

“Oooh, did you cum, baby? Oooh, didja? Was it good for you too?” Wonder Woman’s husky-throated mimicry of his reminiscence is so spot on accurate that the two of them can’t help but burst into howling laughter in the vacant garage. They fall together and slap at each other’s arms in riotous relief from the tension of the elevator ride.

“Let’s go find a cab,” Randy says, still chuckling as they head toward the ramp that leads out of the garage. Just as they get to the street level at the top of the ramp and face the rolling steel garage door it seems to magically open for them. They both back up against the front wall as a black Chrysler 300 drives down the ramp. Blessing the gods, Wonder Woman and Randy make their escape through the open door, unnoticed and unscathed for now. The head toward the corner where there are likely to be a good number of cabs cruising for fares on the main street that goes by the Pleasure Dome.

Randy looks at his watch. It’s 6:49. Tony and Gino’s meeting has been going on for nearly two hours if it got started on time. The big mafioso wonders just what’s happening at the restaurant now.

* * *

Shaking her head and letting out a loud chortle of amusement, Scarlett O’Shea walks seductively towards the large round table, drawing the eyes of everyone seated there to her stunning figure draped in form-hugging red silk. Her breasts and aroused nipples push against the fabric in ways that inspire daydreams of total carnal abandonment. The sway of her hips and crossing action of her legs as she moves forward induce an equal lust. Her right hand holds her hairbrush down behind her right thigh as she steps up near the table. Her left hand is extended outward, holding her small red sequined purse, her finger pointing at Tony. This directs everyone’s attention up to her hand. Tony half turns from his interrupted conversation with Carmine and looks up at Scarlett with a touch of annoyance.

“Your girl in there, she’s a riot, Tony! I thought superheroines were all stuck up bitches, but not her. She’s got a quite a sense of....”

Out of nowhere, a hairbrush produced at Tony’s chest level gives off a loud twang and there is a cloud of red mist as Tony’s mouth drops open with a grunt. His hands move to clutch his chest and he topples out of his chair to the floor in an ungainly sprawl. He doesn’t move. From under his body, a puddle of red begins to spread. There is a silence in the air as the moment freezes, a tableau of absolute shock on everyone’s face and in their posture. The only sound is Scarlett’s hairbrush dropping and rolling under the table. And then everybody begins to move at once.

Gino, shocked at Scarlett’s violent move against Tony, scrambles from his chair and ducks down behind the table’s edge for cover. He hadn’t ordered the crazy redheaded bitch to kill Tony. He can only wonder if she had her own vendetta against the young don as he hastily retrieves the Glock from the hidden pouch in his pants and watches the deadly blonde assassin survey the room for anybody moving against her.

When Edward, Don Baldini’s big black enforcer, starts to pull his .45 caliber Beretta from beneath his jacket, Scarlett steps forward, tosses her purse under the table and snatches a steak knife from Tony’s place setting. She heaves it across the ten-foot gap at the mob guy’s crotch. He turns just enough for it to miss the mark but the blade sinks into the meat of his thigh and Edward goes down to one knee in severe pain, his head bowed.

Just to her right, Carmine has retrieved his ceramic blade from the hidden compartment in his belt and swipes at Scarlett’s throwing arm. He misses as she moves it out of the way. Her other hand grabs a wine bottle from the table and swings it Carmine’s head. He jerks his face back just in time but his chair tips backward from the momentum and the heavy man and chair both collapse on the floor in loud crash.

“Freeze, bitch,” yells Ricco, the man with the bad haircut. His arms point straight out, his own Beretta, a match to Edward’s, is clutched tightly. His eyes bore in on her luscious figure, one whose tits he’d felt up not so long ago. He didn’t want to put a bullet into this babe but she doesn’t freeze despite his command. She drops to one knee and then, her reflexes saving her life, dives under the large round dining table out of his sight. A bullet smashes into the far wall of the dining room, passing through the space she’d occupied one second before.

In the middle of this sudden outburst of violence, Don Tomas Baldini has remained calm. He’d simply risen from his chair and moved over by the long bar with his back to it, watching the proceedings with grim anger. This wasn’t the way he wanted things to go at all, least of all having Tony Bonano blown away as the opening salvo. When Ricco sees his boss standing across the room, he leaves his position against the wall beside the groaning Edward and runs over to help protect the mediator from any possible assault on him. He covers the room with his eyes, his gun sweeping left and right.

In all the confusion and attention drawn to Scarlett, Tony has managed to crawl his way under the table and when Scarlett joins him there, it’s a surprise to them both. She looks at him and he gives her a thumbs up, then presses another steak knife into her hands that he’d palmed from Don Baldini’s place setting, whispering “Get Gino’s man, Basso.” He nods at the brown pair of pants kneeling on the floor to Tony’s left. As she crawls forward toward that goal, Tony waits for her shapely rear end to move past him, sighs in admiration, then quickly edges forward to the squatting blue pants to the right of Basso’s. His own ceramic knife is now clutched in his left hand, his right hand flat on the floor helping to propel him toward Gino.

Tony’s life-long adversary had been cautiously watching Carmine extract himself from the broken chair. Gino’s old friend from the neighborhood hadn’t made a move toward him yet, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t. Gino thought that Carmine probably assumed that he’d ordered Scarlett to take out Tony and would be seeking revenge for his murdered boss. He doesn’t want to kill Carmine but he keeps his Glock pointed at him as he warily watches the older don get to hands and knees. He’s wavering there with labored breathing. His face is ashen and his eyes bulge slightly. This wasn’t something that his fall out of the chair had caused. Had Carmine been wounded somehow in the confusion?

Basso sees this too, and the left-handed mobster raises his .32 caliber Colt to put Carmine down for good, something he figures Gino would want. Just as he’s pulling the trigger, Carmine groans loudly and collapses down from all fours, spreading out onto the floor with his arms splayed forward. The bullet meant for him passes over his body and buries itself in the wooden floor.

Basso frowns at the miss and draws a second bead on Tony’s sprawled old don when he feels a jolt to his stomach that takes all his breath away. He looks down to see a hand reaching out from under the table. It’s a woman’s hand and it’s holding a steak knife, one that has been shoved into his gut. The stunned Basso is even more shocked when the hand yanks the knife out and plunges it a second time into him, creating a new opening. The sudden twisting motion finishes the job and Basso collapses forward, falling out of his chair into a heap on the floor, his gun clattering off to the left. The bloody puddle under Basso spreads quickly across the floor.

Gino, who’d been looking over at Carmine’s collapse, is surprised to see his right hand man, Basso, suddenly lying on the floor beside him.

“Basso, what the fuck,” Gino says, noticing first that Basso’s Colt had dropped to the floor beside his right foot. He then sees the pool of blood beneath his bodyguard. Immediately, the nervous elder don bends down and picks up the gun. He’s going to need all the firepower he can get if Basso’s out of action. Glancing forward, a horrified Gino sees Tony Bonano’s sparkling eyes under the table as the younger don rises up toward him. Even as he registers the danger, it’s already too late. The ceramic blade jabs forward into Gino’s neck and sinks into up to the hilt.

“UUURRLLGKK!” The gurgling don reflexively fires his Glock into Tony’s gut and the younger don is knocked backward, his head knocking into the table, his body suddenly collapsing to the floor. But Tony’s razor-sharp knife has done its job. The spray of blood from Gino’s neck creates a fan effect across the white tablecloth. The large red arc of droplets is arrayed across the expanse of pure white cloth, the plates of uncleared food and the gleaming bright silverware.

The wide-eyed old mafioso drops both guns and pulls out the blade with shaking desperate hands. The spray becomes a pulsing spurting fountain that jerks blood out of the body even as it crumples to the floor. Death looms in Gino’s shocked eyes when they look ahead under the table to see Scarlett kneeling there. She shrugs at him as he dies, his stare becoming completely vacant in just seconds.

Scarlett gathers in Basso’s Colt but can’t find Gino’s Glock. It must have gone spinning off or he’d kicked it somehow in his death throes. With the Colt in hand, a hunched-over Scarlet peeks out from under the table and sees Edward pull the knife out of his thigh with a grimace and drop it on the floor. He limps two feet to an empty table and sits down heavily on one of chairs surrounding the pre-set table for the dinner crowd. He quickly snatches up a large cloth napkin and ties it as a tourniquet around his thigh, trying to stem the heavy flow of blood.

Seeing he’s out of the fight for the moment, Scarlet lays the gun down beside her knee, and bends over to check Tony’s condition. He’s wheezing heavily and his face is pale and drawn. Gino hadn’t gone down without a fight and the redheaded assassin is worried for the semi-conscious don’s welfare. Had the Kevlar vest been strong enough to withstand the impact at such close range? With Tony doubled over, she can’t tell.

“Come out from under the table now Miss O’Shea. Slowly with your hands up,” Don Baldini demands in the sudden silence. The only sounds heard are the wheezing gasps from Tony and the slow murmuring moans of Carmine. Edward has laid his Beretta on the table and is sitting five feet from the restaurant’s front door, wincing as he tightens the napkin on his wounded leg a bit more. Ricco stands by his boss, his gun still ready, pointed at the dining table that covers Tony and Scarlett.

“Yo’ah man Ricco is going to kill me if ‘ah come out,” says Scarlett, her loud voice quavering a little for effect as she removes the cell phone from her purse and dials a pre-arranged number.

“Ricco will not kill you. Ricco likes you,” Baldini says quite calmly. When Scarlett’s call connects, she whispers “Come now,” ends the call and replaces the phone in her purse. Seeing the hairbrush under a nearby chair, she puts that back in her purse as well. “In fact, I’m sure he wants you badly, don’t you, Ricco.”


“Y’all have him put down his gun. ‘Ah don’t trust him. Or you,” Scarlet says, her voice pitched high, waiting to see how the mediator plays this. With both Gino and Basso now dead and Tony and Carmine seemingly out of commission, the tension in the place has been lowered. In fact, only Scarlet remains a threat right now and she knows it. She’s not sure what happened to Carmine. He’d played the role they’d planned for him perfectly with his swipe at her and falling off his chair so he had a lower profile, but after that she’d been a little busy with Basso to follow what had happened.

“I’m sorry Miss O’Shea but I don’t trust you either,” Don Baldini declares, “especially after your callous attempt on Don Bonano’s life. By the way, is he alive under there? Is Carmine? And even if they’re alive, I hardly think they’d be your allies after what you’ve done.”

Scarlett casts a fearful glance at Tony. He’s not moving at all now and the wheezing has stopped. She picks up Basso’s Colt. She doesn’t have to check the clip since she knows he hadn’t fired a shot yet and wouldn’t have come into this meeting without a fresh clip. There’s at least a 9 shots left in it based on her knowledge of this model, more than enough to take care of Baldini and his two men should it come to that.

“I don’t need allies, Don Baldini. I took out Supergirl,” she calls out very loudly, boasting triumphantly and hoping her yelling covers the sound of her ratcheting the hairbrush and loading it with a one more special dart. “I don’t think your lackeys will pose much of a challenge compared to that!”

Ricco and Edward share a fearful look across the room. It’s true, the blonde heroine had never returned from the bathroom! Nevertheless, the term “lackeys” doesn’t sit well with either of them. Ricco’s trigger finger twitches with nervous energy. Edward shifts his shooting stance to give himself better balance. The knife wound is still dripping down his pained leg.

But Don Baldini is the epitome of calm. He even puts his hand on Ricco’s arm, squeezing it slightly, his eyes meeting with the hired muscle’s own, nodding in assurance. “You do not hold the winning hand here,” Baldini asserts steadily. “Now come on out, young lady, and face the music. But before you do, toss out both of those guns you have under there. My two men are excellent shots. I’m sure you don’t want to go down in a hail of bullets, do you? You’re a professional, my dear. You know when the odds are too long against you. You’re too good to go out this way. We both know that.” Baldini takes his hand off Ricco’s arm, just in case his persuasiveness doesn’t carry the day.

“What’s going to happen to me, if you’re not going to kill me? I won’t be Ricco’s plaything. That’s non-negotiable!”

“You should be so lucky, cunt!”

“Ricco, please,” utters the slightly bemused don. “As much as he burns for you, I will not allow him to have you, Miss O’Shea. Nor Edward or myself. I guarantee it.”

“I would be free to go? No strings?” Scarlett thinks this is too good to be true but listens for the answer hopefully. There was no guarantee she’d come out alive from a shootout with Ricco and Edward, no matter what she’d just boasted.

“The only string would be your lost reputation, my dear. I’m assuming the recently deceased Gino paid you for your services and you turned on him, or at least his man Basso as near as I can tell. That sort of turncoat behavior does not go down well among people who would pay for your services in the future. I would never hire you or recommend you, I promise you that. However, there will be no repercussions from me or my men now or in the future. Unless you cross our path in the course of your work. Isn’t that right, Edward? She did, after all, cause that injury of yours.”

“She has my word, Don Baldini,” grumbles the big enforcer reluctantly, then adds “I won’t stab her in the back with this same knife as she goes by me out the door. Really I won’t.” His smile is not pleasant.

“Is that sufficient, Miss O’Shea? Will you come out. I need to clean this place up of incriminating evidence before the police arrive. I can’t imagine it will be long before we hear sirens.”

“Check on Carmine first. He doesn’t look well.”

“No. Guns out first. You’re trying my patience, Scarlett,” Baldini says gruffly.

“Fine, I’m tossing out one gun, a Colt,” Scarlet says. “I don’t have the other one. I don’t know where it went.”

“I don’t believe you, bitch,” Ricco shouts.

“Edward, can you see it from there?”

“No, Don Baldini.”

“I’m afraid nobody here believes you, Miss O’Shea,” Baldini declares.

“I don’t give a shit what you gumbahs believe! I don’t have any other gun beside this Colt of Basso’s and I’m sliding it out now.”

She’s putting her life in the hands of Don Baldini. Her trust of him isn’t absolute but coming out from under a table with guns blazing is not a winning play. She gives Basso’s Colt a good push and it slides along the hardwood floor until it comes to a stop against Don Baldini’s brown Bruno Magli loafer. He bends down and picks up casually, then says, “And now the other gun, Ms. O’Shea.”

“‘Ah don’t have it, old man. Are you deaf? And if y’all three with your own guns can’t even stand up to one little pretty gal with nothing but good looks and fluff between the ears, then y’all ain’t nothin’ but dickless mob goons who deserve to die!”

“Oh, let me waste her, Don Tomas! Please,” whines Ricco.

“No, no! The lady makes a good point, Ricco. It’s three against one,” Baldini nods. “So come on out now, miss. You have our word we won’t shoot if you come out with your hands up and no tricks. I see something quirky and that remarkable body of yours goes from heavenly to hamburger in five seconds. Do we understand each other?”

“We do. But please, have one of your men check on Carmine first. ‘Ah think he may have had a heart attack.”

“His bad luck then,” snaps Baldini, impatient once more with Scarlett’s delays. “Now come out immediately or Ricco puts a bullet in him and ends his troubles once and for all.”

“Okay, ah’m coming, ah’m comin’, don’t shoot.”

Slowly, Scarlett takes up her purse and makes her way over to just under the outer edge of the round table, the cloth hanging down before her face. She takes a deep breath, steadies her nerves and goes into a low crouch then waddles out step by step from under the table until she’s crouched down five feet before Ricco and Baldini with her hands up.

She carefully rises out of her crouch until she stands straight up, looking the old don in the eyes. Her beautiful figure is all the more enticing as her dress has ridden up and bunched around her hips in all the commotion and crawling. With her dress hiked up all the way to her left hip and it clinging alluringly to her right thigh, Scarlett’s red thong panties are showing. From across the room Edward gets the eye-full of a lifetime. Her wide soft cheeks are separated by a thin strip of red nylon that just about covers her essentials, with the shape of her pussy outlined through the semi-transparent cloth. When the lithe redhead asks to be able to lower her hands and adjust her skirt, Edward groans audibly even as the old don crushes his man’s spirit by giving her his permission.

“Okay, Ricco, I’ll chaperone the young lady,” Baldini says, taking Scarlet’s elbow in a firm grip and keeping her in front of him, her back facing his front. He motions with his other hand toward the heavy body lying beside the turned over chair. “You go check on Don Vega there And then check under the table to see if Don Bonano is still among the living.”

Ricco cautiously walks over to Carmine’s body, still lying inertly face down on the floor. He points his gun at the man’s head as he goes down beside him on one knee and roughly pushes on the body’s arm to turn the big man on his side. The face is stiff with eyes bulging, one hand is a claw pressed against his chest, the other covers the missing Glock. He may have meant to get off a shot during the firefight but his heart attack had been too sudden, too agonizing, to final for him to succeed. Ricco lets the body roll onto its back and picks up the gun, waving it’s muzzle back and forth in the air.

“I found Gino’s Glock. And how the hell did he get this past the metal detector?”

“It was a plant,” Don Baldini scowls. “Somehow someone got notice to Gino that the meet was going to be here at Anatra before we arrived to set things up. I wonder who that could have been?”

He gives Ricco a piercing stare and then moves on to Edward but both are so surprised at his suspicion that he judges them both innocent. That left only one other person who knew the meet’s location: his nephew Frankie. The 50-year old was currently back at the small “Heart of Queens” social hall that was Baldini’s headquarters. The greedy son of a bitch had tipped off Gino. Tomas sighs. He will need to have an earnest discussion with Frankie about loyalty and family later tonight. Then he will need to send flowers for Frankie’s funeral in the middle of the week.

Ricco gets down on all fours and crawls under the table. Once again, with his Beretta aimed at Tony’s head, Ricco turns the second body on its side. There is a huge blood stain in the middle of Tony’s chest that runs all the way down to a hole in his shirt. His eyes like Carmine’s are wide open and they stare at nothing.

“Bonano’s dead too,” Ricco says, letting the body roll back onto its front.

Scarlett is shocked to hear it. But she suppresses her reaction. Tony’s plan hadn’t worked after all. The gut shot from Gino must have been at too close a range for the vest to prevent his death.

“Can I go now?”

“By all means, my dear. In just a moment,” Don Baldini says, pressing Basso’s Colt firmly against her spine as his free hand casually roams from the curve of her hip up to the curve of her breast. He slides his palm over her left breast, slowly caressing its smooth rounded shape while Scarlett can do nothing but let him have his moment. His hand moves on, passing under the v-neck collar until it surrounds her right tit. He savors the feel of her, fondling the bare flesh beneath the cool red silk. “You’ll find I am a man of my word, Miss O’Shea. You are free to go.”

“Not quite. Y’all have to let go of my boob first, sugar.”

“And being a man of my word,” he continues, ignoring her protest, “I would caution you to remember what I said.” His fingers slide around her nipple now, clutching it between thumb and forefinger while the knuckles stretch out the dress’ clean line with vulgar intent. “But if you take a job against me or any of my close associates, your tit will be caught in a wringer next time that it can’t escape.”

Don Baldini pinches Scarlett’s nipple as hard as he possibly can and she gives a squeal of pain, her sensuous figure writhing against the old don’s as her eyes flow with salty tears of pain. “Understand me?”

“..y...y...yes...” she whimpers with a nod of her head. And the hand immediately withdraws from her dress and the muzzle of the gun no longer presses into her back. She takes one step forward when the hand reappears behind her, giving the red-headed beauty a short smart smack on her ass.

“Off you go then....sugar!” Don Baldini smiles wickedly as Scarlett walks toward Ricco who now stands between the table and Carmine’s body. He doesn’t move and she gives him a scowl and starts to move past him, close by the edge of the table. When his hand goes toward her waist, she stops and turns in place, looking down at the offending appendage, inches from her body.

“If you want to lose that hand, I can arrange it,” she says, coldly with pure venom dripping from her words. Thinking better of his impulse, Ricco pulls his hand back and Scarlett turns around, heading once again for the front door.

“And just where the hell do you think you’re going,” Supergirl says from the back hallway near the restroom, her fists on her hips, her eyes blazing dots of blue neon.

“Fuck me, ‘ah should’ve been out of here ‘bah now,” mumbles Scarlett to herself, a mere four steps from the front door she’s facing

“Yes, you should have left earlier. And now it’s too late,” Supergirl calls out in reply, her super hearing working just fine.

“Maybe not,” the red-headed vixen utters, her smile unseen by the blonde taunting her. The female assassin reaches into her purse and takes out the hairbrush then suddenly rushes toward the front door when she slams into Supergirl standing right in front of her. It’s like running into a brick wall and Scarlett falls back three steps shaking her head, woozy from the collision.

“Maybe so,” the blonde says. “Superspeed. It’s handy.”

“So’s this,” Scarlett says, triggering the hairbrush straight at the Maid of Steel. The dart flies directly at the heroine who catches it easily in mid-air.

“See, I was ready for you this time, bitch!” Supergirl gives the despairing Scarlett a patronizing smile.

“But not for me, my dear,” Baldini says from across the room as he savagely twists the dial on the remote control to Supergirl’s collar.

“AAUUGGHHH!!!” With the dial rotated halfway around, the blonde champion helplessly collapses to the floor on her knees in agony. The collar sends spikes of radiation into her nearby head and chest and clenches her gut with waves of nausea. “....n...not....again....” she whines, tears of frustration draining out of her tightly closed eyes. She wavers there before a very thankful Scarlett who reaches out with both hands and easily pries the dart from the devastated teenager’s hand. The redhead calmly replaces the dart in her purse and then walks once more toward the door, waving to Baldini with a backward flip of her hand.

“Thanks, sugar!” Scarlett opens the door only to have Wonder Woman blocking her exit.

“Nobody leaves this place unless I say so,” commands the Amazon, who grabs the assassin’s forearm and tows her back into the dining room. Her timing after leaving the cab with Randy is providential.

“Motherfucker!” Scarlet is beside herself. She just can’t make a clean getaway tonight.

“Supergirl!” Randy shouts her name in alarm, seeing her suddenly collapse forward onto all fours right in front of him. She is moaning and dry heaving. He quickly bypasses Wonder Woman and Scarlet, rushing over to the blonde champion to kneel at her side. He puts his hand on her back and rubs it, hoping it does some good. He knows this collar. He’s seen it in action and looking across the room, he sees Baldini with the remote control.

“Turn it off!” He screams at the elderly don.

“I don’t think so,” Don Baldini calmly declines. “Who are you?”

“I work with Tony and.......Carmine!” Randy suddenly spots the large body of the dead don sprawled out on his back, his eyes staring at the ceiling.

“Oh my god, who killed him,” Randy demands to know.

“No one. He had a heart attack,” Edward replies. His gun is in his hand again even as he remains seated at the table three paces away from the moaning heroine who collapses flat onto the floor, retching loudly. “Now step away from the blonde, that way” he commands, waving the barrel of the gun at Randy, indicating he should move to the center of the room.

“No! Randy, stay behind me,” Wonder Woman says, letting go of Scarlett and striding forward to block the big man from the angle of Edward’s gun. “Everybody remain calm. We need to solve this peacefully. I can see there already too many dead here tonight.”

“So what’s one or two more, cunt?” Rico fires his Baretta directly at Supergirl, hoping to make a name for himself as the man who killed the famous Maid of Steel. He fires three times at the prone teenage heroine but Wonder Woman is right there, her bracelets flashing as she blocks all three shots. The bullets ricochet in all directions, one goes whizzing past Edward who ducks out of the way and then fires his own gun at Wonder Woman. She blocks this shot too. And then she feels a jab in her side and is suddenly swamped by a wave of dizziness. Looking down she sees a syringe sticking out of her lower back and then looks up to see a grinning Scarlett O’Shea waving her fingers at her.

“Night night, champ. Wonder Woman go boom.”

The mighty Amazon tries to clear her head with a shake but she can’t fight a sedative strong enough to take out Supergirl. The kryptonite additive is incidental in this case, it’s the heavy tranquilizing dosage that does the damage. It’s more than enough to even overcome the strength her belt now provides. Wonder Woman wavers badly in place, her knees wobbling as she tries to remain standing, but it’s futile. She buckles at last and takes an ungainly sideways sprawl and rolls over onto her front, drugged into woozy incoherence, her hands sprawled to the sides, drooling as her eyes flutter on the edge of consciousness.

And with that, the redheaded assassin finally makes it out the door and melts away into the night, which isn’t easy considering the dress she’s wearing makes her standout in a crowd. Even as she turns the corner at the cross-street, she draws the attention of the ambulance driver who’s headed right for an emergency call at Anatra!

With the threat of the Amazon negated, Edward grimaces and puts his gun back on the table and once more tightens the tourniquet on his thigh.

“Where was I? Oh yeah, I was going to kill Supergirl,”Ricco says, taking aim once more. The writhing blonde hears her name and turns her head to see a gun pointed right at her.

“NO!” Randy screams as he stands up.

“No!” Don Baldini orders, starting to place his hand on Ricco’s shooting arm.

Ricco pulls the trigger and the bullet hits Randy in the stomach. Supergirl sees the big guy take a sudden pausing halt and then his body jerks. But the big man doesn’t stop rushing forward. Suddenly, a horrible new wave of pain twists Supergirl’s head to the side and she groans loudly, nearly fainting away. She doesn’t see how Randy continues his mission to save her.

A second bullet goes wild as Baldini’s hand ruins Ricco’s aim. He yanks his arm away from the old don, caught up in the fear and frenzy as this huge foe bears down on him. The third bullet pierces Randy’s chest, puncturing his lung and causing another jerk of his body, but by that time, he’s on top of Ricco, crashing forward with arms outstretched. His hands circle Ricco’s neck and the fall backward onto the hard wood does the rest. Ricco’s neck snaps loudly and his head falls to side at an impossible angle.

But Randy’s not finished. He rolls over against Don Baldini’s legs, his weight easily knocking the much slighter elderly don sideways. With his bulk trapping the fragile man’s feet, and the old don’s body twisting awkwardly, something has to give and when he hits the floor, it’s Baldini’s hip. It shatters like an old china cup and the squealing don drops the remote and lies on his side broken and groaning and crying in agony.

“Get him off!!!” Baldini screams. “Someone get him off.” But Randy pulls himself off the old don and crawls the four feet across the floor to where the remote had come to a spinning rest. Happily he twists the dial to the off position and then smashes the device against the brass footrail at the bottom of the bar. The big mafioso then rolls onto his back and takes a very loud wheezing breath. He’s actually surprised the pain isn’t worse. He doesn’t feel all that bad considering everything he’d gone through this night. He wonders if he does have a concussion because his head’s getting foggy again.

Across the room Supergirl stops groaning and writhing and just lies there for a moment, trying to recuperate. Wonder Woman lies face down in her drugged state, mumbling nonsense.

Edward hears police sirens and ambulances and through the windows sees flashing lights coming up the street. He stands up and as fast as he can, limps toward the back. He passes through the kitchen where the owner and cooks and waiters watch him stagger by before pushing out the back door into the alley and hustling off into the night. There was just too much heat to take on this one, even for Don Baldini to save himself of him. Edward considers retiring to Florida and helping his brother with his deep-sea fishing charter business.

When she’s strong enough, Supergirl stands up and walks over to Wonder Woman. She kneels down and tries to help the Amazon sit up but it’s like attempting to stack a bowl of ziti. She doesn’t seem to have a bone in her body, so Supergirl snatches a nearby napkin, folds it and puts it under the face of the drugged champion.

Then she surveys the room. The dead and wounded are everywhere. She notes that both Scarlett and Edward are no longer accounted for and she doesn’t see Tony at first but there’s Carmine lying face-up. She doesn’t see any wounds on him and using her x-ray vision sees his heart muscle is badly compromised. A noisy Baldini is whimpering like a baby not far from the bar. Ricco and his broken neck are nearby. She sees Basso crumpled near the table in a pool of blood and his boss Gino in yet a bigger pool of blood nearly on top of his bodyguard. She wasn’t sad to see either of them dead, she had to admit. But where was Tony and who was that big guy smiling on the floor over there looking at her with glassy eyes and moonstruck expression. He looked very familiar.

Sweeping the room with her eyes once more, she suddenly sees a leg sticking out from under a table, it’s Tony Bonano’s body. He’s staring up at the bottom of the table but that look of death is familiar. She’s seen it before. She doesn’t know how she feels about that. She doesn’t have any emotional reserves left at all in fact. She feels numb to everything..

The loud noise of men pouring into the restaurant turns her head to the front door. Policemen, EMT workers, ambulance drivers all flood through the front door and they
stop, all them stunned by the carnage before them. This was the equivalent of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre before them. And standing in the middle of it was Supergirl looking dazed and bewildered.

“What happened here, Miss?” One cop steps forward, asking her in a quiet tone.

“Huh? Oh, it was just a meeting. A mob dinner. I guess the problems solved themselves,” she says, arms lifted indicating the bloody result. She shakes her head and then says “That old man over there has a broken hip. And this man over here needs attention.” Her x-ray vision of the big mob enforcer’s body shows his wounds are fatal. “But you won’t really be able to do much for him I’m afraid.” She goes over to comfort him in his final moments. She squats down cross-legged beside him and takes his hand as two EMT technicians check him over.

“Do I know you?” Supergirl asks, looking at the smiling man’s eyes. There was definitely something familiar there.

“Yes,” he wheezes softly. “We shared a moment a long time ago. You tried to tell me I was a better man than I thought. Even though I treated you so cruelly. So cruelly.

“I’m sorry...I don’t...” Something in his tone and his manner rings a bell and she suddenly gasps. Randy?”

“The one and only. Marshmallow Man. That’s me.” And his cough brings up a splatter of blood onto the front of his shirt. “Oops,” he grins.

“Miss,” one of the technicians speaks up, “we need to get this man to a hospital now if there’s any chance...”

“Hey, Dufus,” Randy says to the EMT, “we’re talkin’ here. Besides, I’m a dead man walking or sitting. I know it, all of us here know it. So, go work on some other stiff. This one still has important things to say.”

“What...what are you doing here?” Supergirl asks.

“I came to save you. Tony brought me to save her,” he says, pointing to Wonder Woman who is being given smelling salts by two additional EMT workers and is now sitting up with help. “but I came to save you. Cause you tried to save me.”

“ took a bullet for me,” she says this flatly, unbelieving the content of her own words.

“Two bullets,” he corrects her with a gentle smile.

She bows her head suddenly, her eyes filling up with tears. “Two bullets,” she repeats, gripping his hand harder. She tries to talk but can’t. Then she feels him squeeze her hand back and gets the courage to look up at him and ask, “Why?”

“‘Why’ she asks,” Randy smiles at her. “Because you’re Supergirl. You’re the strong one. You need to keep going. You’re the inspiration the world needs. I wanted to help you do that.”

“I’m not an inspiration to anyone any more. I’m damaged goods.”

“Nah, you’re just having a down year. Things will pick up. They” Another cough brings up blood that’s deep red with oxygen. “Chin up, sport. You’re young. You’re allowed to make some mistakes. Just keep trying....”

“I will.”

“I know. After all, your super....girl....” And then Randy’s gone.

“Yeah, that’s me.”

Wonder Woman’s shadow moves across the pair as Supergirl puts her palm on Randy’s face and closes his eyes. The weary Amazon looks down at the pair and chokes up on Kara’s behalf. “He was a good man. Not like any mobster I ever met.”

“He wasn’t a saint,” Supergirl says, extending her hand so Wonder Woman can help her up. Neither of them is all that steady and they hold each other up by wrapping their arms around each other’s waist. “But he seemed to be heading in the right direction at last,” Kara muses softly. “And I think he gave me courage to try to do the same, despite the reputation I have and you have.”

“Well, that may be so. Hera knows there’s a lot of rebuilding ahead for both of us,” Wonder Woman says glumly. “But right now the best direction I think is back toward Paradise Island for both of us. We both need the Healing Ray and we both have some very, very bad habits we need to kick.”

“Are you referring to drugs or wanton cravings for sex?” Kara’s eyebrow goes up.

“Yes,” The Champion of All Women replies.

“No way, this one’s going to make it to the hospital alive,” one EMT technician says as he passes the two heroines. He’s holding one end of the stretcher with Tony Bonano’s body on it.

“You mean he’s not dead,” Wonder Woman asks, increduously.

“Not officially, but like I said, he won’t live through the trip there. Vitals are for shit.”

“Hey, Bruce, have a little respect,” the technician on the other end of the stretcher says as they maneuver Tony through the front door.

“For him? Why? He’s just another mob guy who caught a bad end. Big surprise, huh?”

“Actually, I’m surprised,” says Supergirl.

“You know, I am too,” Wonder Woman agrees. “But we should be glad. Our nightmare is finally over.” The two women hug each other closer and then Kara puts her head on Diana’s shoulder as they walk out of Anatra! and into their future.

End of Chapter 72

This is not quite the end of this series. There will be an epilogue of several chapters that will involve an attack on Fortress Luthor by Supergirl and Wonder Woman in an attempt to rescue Kal-El, Supergirl’s cousin, the beleaguered Superman.

If you like this series or have feedback that you'd like to share, please do contact the author here with a comment, or via PM, or at [email protected]. Thanks as always for your support.
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The fact that Tony 'respects and adores' Kara actually makes him even more scary and a creep seeing what he has done to her and made her life into. imagine if she had been taken by someone who didn't share his fondness of her. I guess that's pimp mentality, she is valued product, his measure of respect and adore is vastly different from the norm lol. Although i have noticed that after there capture, Diana has seemed to get punished more and insulted worse than Kara was at various points. Even Sergei's treatment towards the girls seemed to be aimed more at Diana.

-Okay, now on to the read and review simultaneously-

Hm this is actually going in Tony's favor. The mediator is looking at the benefits of Tony's actions while Gino is left to stew. They would make quite a pretty penny if they managed to mass produce the aphrodisiac disc of Luthor's. Considering what it did to two empowered heroines, one could only imagine the effect on would have on a regular person. Well it looks like Gino doesn't care how things go and is prepping to light someone up regardless.

Randy is pretty nimble on his feet but is still at a disadvantage without a weapon. or help from Diana. Ya know if Diana does make it out of this situation and maybe even make it back to her home, her mother is gonna have to whip her back into shape to shake off the fear Sergei has installed in her. I take it at this point, telling Sergei that he is acting on Tony's orders wouldn't help much eh? Got to give it to Randy though, a lesser man would of taken the drink and free sex and avoided squaring off with the armed Russian.
"Together, Sergei and the Amazon look down to see his knife embedded in her soft belly." Well and here i thought it would be Randy who would be getting the blade, damn lol. Diana has the worst luck, always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shot several times, beaten up repeatedly, addicted to sex and drugs and now stabbed. AND THEN she gets clocked in the head with a lamp by her would-be savior lol. Girl is gonna need the longest of vacations after this. Well that is a bit of payback on Diana's part, managed to tag the Russian. The shock and pain managed to momentarily override the fear. And yeah Carlo, considering Tony was pissed before he left, him coming back to finding Wonder Woman bleeding out would result in far worse than 'firing'.

Jesus i laughed at how all three of the fighters were happy that Carlo got killed lol. Like imagine being so unbearable that 3 people who were trying to kick the crap out of each other can come together and agree that you ass needs to die, even the heroine wanted him gone.
“Her belt,” they say in unison." I could actually visualize the light bulb turning on above them at the realization. Maybe the belt will give her the edge she needs to back up Randy and get out of the dome. Although she has lost a lot of blood as well.

Well Scarlett is certainly pleasant on the eyes that even Kara gets flabbergasted at the sight of her. So Tony is the best Kara could have hoped for in her situation which is quite worrisome. Well that was clever by Scarlett. Now she can add taking down Supergirl to her resume. Heaven help the hero community if she ever decides to go full tilt Super-villain. Hiding all that tech disguised as a lady's items is pretty smart. I do so enjoy how Scarlett gets her job done with just the right amount of sexiness and savagery, always a pleasure to see the woman work.

"He didn’t want anyone else to get their hands on you. I’m supposed to let you go if things don’t go well with him and Carmine.” Ah well that answers my previous question about Tony's change of heart, in the off chance he bites it, at least someone like Gino wont be able to swoop in and nab the girls, or at least Diana. Wow, Sergei actually being really helpful and begrudgingly taking steps to help Diana. Hah, Segei isn't so tough or cocksure of himself when Diana gets a measure of her powers back and he has a bum knee. She tried to take his head off lol. Ooh, he is gonna be feeling that when he wakes up, Diana is still a straight lace hero seeing as how she didn't take the opportunity to break him in half which no one of the planet would blame her for doing. Looks like Randy is actually starting to rethink his life choices, good on him. Again with the mention of Large Marge, did she show up at some point previously or is it one of those things that happened offscreen during the girls confinement? And now she is finally out of the dome and on her way to back up her friend.

Now all hell breaks loose and damn Scarlett is badass, using skill and sexual appeal to give herself an edge. And Gino bites the dust with Tnoy more than likely on his way out as well. At this rate by the time Diana gets there the dust will have settled.
“Motherfucker!” Scarlet is beside herself. She just can’t make a clean getaway tonight." honetly the best reaction lol.
THREE, Scarlett has now dropped 3 of the worlds most powerful capes with relative ease. She is the MVP of her profession. Can't say i am surprised that Scarlett managed to get away despite all she has done. Karma simply cant touch her lol. Well Randy went out doing a good deed, that has to count for something i suppose. And he managed to destroy the controls to the collar and regretted what he helped do to Kara.

Well both girls are finally free and off to try and fix themselves and there reputations and then it's off to save Kal.

Loving this.
*Edit- had to make a small correction since i accidentally put Tony instead of Randy as the one who died doing a good thing.
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Supergirl Captured by the Mob

Epilogue - Part One - Breaching the Ramparts

After so many chapters of having both Supergirl and Wonder Woman unable to use their powers, I was so ready and thrilled to finally show them off at their full strength, doing their superheroine thing to their full capacity. Of course there's still peril but this time the playing field is much more level. I hope you all enjoy the show. There will be five chapters to this epilogue, fyi.

“Do you think he’s still alive?”

“Who? Tony? Not likely. I was pretty out of it that night but I heard no heartbeat so...”

“Not Tony, Kara. I was referring to Kal.”

“KAL?” Supergirl’s shout within the enclosed canopy of Wonder Woman’s invisible jet has the Amazon princess wincing. “HOW CAN YOU ASK THAT?”

“Don’t bite my head off. I love him too, Kara. I just...I’m just...considering the worst case scenario...” Wonder Woman frowns as she looks at the fuming face of the blonde beauty sitting in the co-pilot’s seat.

“Kal’s NOT dead!! He can’t be. He’s...too...important to Luthor. Baldy may be a madman about Kal but he’s never been stupid.” Kara’s eyes flare brightly.

“But he HAS tried to kill him on so many occasions,” murmurs Wonder Woman. She checks the landscape below and with no cloud cover in this region, sees the wide oval of Lake Ontario below the belly of her jet as they pass into Canadian airspace, undetected by either country’s radar. A moment later Toronto’s famous landmark, the CN Tower, points up at them as the invisible plane passes overhead.

After mulling Diana’s comment over, Kara answers her friend in a dismal but confident tone. “Yes, but he’s never had him in his clutches like this. I’m sure he’s enjoying tormenting my cousin with experiments and whatnot...immeasurably...too much so to kill him.”

“But it’s been months... I just hope he hasn’t outlived his ‘usefulness’ to that bald bastard,” Diana says.

“I would have felt something I think, Diana. I really believe that. We can only hope for the best at this point. I’m just sick that it’s taken us three months to get back to being ourselves and off those horrible drugs. Even with your people’s healing ray and all our incredible strength, those cravings...they were so, so strong.”

“The physical addiction was bad but the emotional pull...that addiction...the nights were the worst for me.”

“And the way that the crack was so powerfully linked to sex...for me that was the worst part. I’ll never be able to thank Hippolyta enough for allowing all your Amazon sisters to help me in the gradual withdrawal process in the sexual needs aspect...never.”

“I’m sure it was their pleasure…and yours,” smirks Diana, recalling the almost nightly screams of pleasure resonating throughout the palace walls.

“Diana, really!” Kara blushes a deep red as she playfully slaps her friend on her shoulder.

For an hour or so, while the state of Michigan unrolled beneath the speeding jet, the girls discussed a variety of topics, including, near the end of that hour, Kara’s career options now that her identity as news reporter had been exposed to the world.

“I did love that job,” Kara sighed. “It gave me great leads into where trouble was occurring not just in New York but around the world. A news station is a hub of information and I’m going to miss that.”

“Do you really need a secret identity at this point?”

“I like New York and I need a job. Being a superheroine doesn’t pay the bills.”

“You know that mom would love to have you stay on Themyscira. She thinks of you like you’re her daughter, my blonde sister. I’m sure the rent would be reasonable,” Wonder Woman grins.

“You’re mom’s great and everyone’s been so fantastic but if I have to take part in one more archery contest I’m going to scream until someone’s eardrums bleed and nobody wants that.”

“So you find Paradise dull?”

“Honestly, Di, yeah I do. I’m sorry but I’m used to a faster-paced life: the nightly patrols, the action. You know what I mean. Don’t tell me you don’t miss the hustle and bustle of D.C., stalking some master villain, or even just chilling in that snazzy apartment of yours in New York when you have to speak at the U.N.”

“I can’t argue with you about that,” Wonder Woman nods. “I miss it, it’s true. And I don’t know for sure what I’ll choose to do after this raid. With my reputation in flames, Ambassador of the Amazons at the U.N. is going to be pulled. Mom has no choice about that. I think she’s considering a successor to me as we speak.”

Diana’s expression is glum as she continues. “As for my own secret identity, it hasn’t been revealed like yours and I had Diana Prince send the IADC a long letter about taking a sabbatical to get a Masters degree but that’s pretty thin cover; especially if we both return to duty at the same time. So I don’t know what’s in store for me yet. But I do know that I sure needed my time on Themyscira to get my head back on straight.”

“Well, I did, too,” Supergirl replies, “but I think we’re both fully healed. I, for one, am looking forward to some action and taking down Luthor and dragging his sorry ass off to jail is just the tonic I need.”

“I too am looking forward to it.”

Below them now in the early afternoon sunlight the rolling hills of Wisconsin slide by with its countless dairy farms, its green and beige mosaic of plowed and fallow fields of corn and wheat and soybeans, it’s meandering rivers and the endless gray ribbon of federal highway 90 cutting diagonally across the state.

Diana checks her flight plan, nothing she’s filed with any aviation agency of course, just her own mapping, and says, “We have about another 45 minutes before we get near the location of Luthor’s hideout according to our email tracer, so let’s talk tactics. He’s certainly not going to roll over, even if we are able to surprise him.”

“That’s for sure,” Kara nods, “but coming in at him the long way around from the northwest should help. I’m sure he’s aiming his equipment to detect anything from the east. He knows you’re based in D.C. and that Paradise Island is probably somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. When we get close, I’ll drop out of the bay doors below and see if I can disarm his weapons.”

“Do you think he has anyone else in there with him?” Diana checks the fuel gauge, noting she still has over three-quarters of her tanks filled. The jet’s masking technology includes the cooling of expelled gasses to help keep the jet’s heat signature low. While it couldn’t be 100% effective, someone had to be looking very closely to find the invisible jet with thermal sensors.

“No clue,” replies Kara. “Luthor alone is bad enough especially if he’s in that armored super suit of his. I can’t think who else he might have around to help him.”

“You do realize he’s probably got enough kryptonite around to make this a very dangerous situation for you.”

“We’ve gone over this, Di,” Supergirl sighs. “The belt from Star Labs should provide the dispersed lead shielding I need to protect me.”

“And it doesn’t affect your x-ray or heat vision?”

“Sure it does. It cuts them both down to half their normal strength. But the modulated phase projection of the lead atoms is worth that restriction.”

“So what, you won’t feel the kryptonite at all?”

“It feels like getting pinched. Slightly annoying, but nothing more. We tested it out in the lab when I flew over there last week,” Supergirl answers. “You know, I’m not the only one who’s at risk here, Diana. You can’t take fire from multiple automatic machine guns or whatever he’s got ready and expect to block everything with those bracelets.”

“Why do you think I brought you along? I just wish you had a bigger chest when you’re standing in front shielding me. I’ll just have to scrunch down a bit.”

“You bitch!”

Wonder Woman lets out a hearty laugh, her eyes twinkling as she banks the jet slightly to a more southwest heading as they pass over La Crosse and nip into the southeast corner of Minnesota. A minute later, Wonder Woman banks left. Three minutes after that, the jet streaks into the northeast corner of Iowa on a bearing for Cedar Falls. When she’s about fifty miles away from that city, Diana will bank again and head straight for Dubuque out of the northwest sky.

* * *

Superman is dripping with green slime. Gripped by titanium tongs that have hoisted him by the shoulder and waist out of his tub prison, his disheveled blue and red uniform is coated with the slippery kryptonite gel. The glistening coating reveals his muscular physique as it hangs defenselessly in the grip of the overhead mobile crane. While the once bullet-reflecting pectoral muscles have gone somewhat soft beneath the famous red and yellow “S” emblem with the months and months of inactivity, they still retain some impressive curvature: likewise his muscular legs. Nevertheless, the devastated hero is too weak to even attempt raising his hands to pry against the titanium tongs. He just hangs in their intractable grasp docilely as they move along the ceiling track towards the imposing chair across the room.
Long, dangling strings of the poisonous goo fall in trails of splattered green drops on the white painted cement floor passing beneath him. He is mid-way between the tub and the containment chair when Lex Luthor stops the crane and speaks to his dazed and defeated prisoner.

“You’re looking rather more pathetic than normal, Kal. Feeling blue?” Dressed in black dress slacks, a white shirt with its long sleeves rolled up and sipping from a large china coffee cup, Lex is the picture of calm supremacy.

“ long....” wheezes Superman weakly....”do you keep this up, Lex? Am I be here forever?”

“Probably not, Supes. I’m getting bored with you. I’ve taken every tissue, blood and body fluid sample I can think of. I’ve run over 385 tests on them and have patents pending on more than a dozen medicines based on your blood samples alone. And that signature you gave me during one of our more strenuous sessions together makes it all nice and legal. A part of the proceeds from any drugs I develop will even go to charities you told me about in one of your night ravings. Don’t you love the irony of that: the fact that your legacy of hope will live on through me and my genius? Isn’t that great news? You should feel good about yourself, Superman, not all mopey and sad.”

“You’re a deeply disturbed man, Lex. You are beyond sick.”

“Now, do you mean sick the way they use it in today’s vernacular as a good thing? Or the old-fashioned way between me and you as in diseased sick? You’re tough to read sometimes, Kal. I just want to know.”

“Oh you know, Lex.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right. There are no secrets between us anymore, big guy. I know all of yours, down to the atomic level. But you may not know all of mine. For example, I’ll bet you weren’t aware that I even have an allergy medicine in the approval process before the FDA based on your snot. Bet you didn’t know that did you?”

Feeling more awake as the green slime thins out to a shiny veneer over his limp physique, Superman croaks out with anger. “There’s no basement to your evil, Lex. Every time I think you’ve reached the sub-sub-sub level, you’re building another one. Doesn’t it disgust you?”

“Disgust? Hell no, my drippy friend. It intrigues me. It enriches me! In fact with all the innovations I’m developing based on your physiology, Superman, you’re going to make me an even richer man than I am. Oh, and let’s not forget those 170 or so tests on you and your powers. I’d say that I know more about Kryptonian physiology than any other man alive at this point in time. Information that I hope to put to good use against that pesky but pert little cousin Kara of yours.”

“If you harm a hair on your head…”

“Oh, spare me the clichés, drama queen! There’s not a fucking thing you’ll be able to do about it. But as for fucking, well, that goes without saying doesn’t it, when it comes to sweet young Kara.”

“….nothersubbasement…” murmurs the sullen figure in red and blue.

“I missed that, champ? What did you say?”

“ANOTHER SUB BASEMENT, YOU PERVERTED SCUM!!!!” Superman’s face is red, his eyes bulging as he screams his frustration to the world. He’s been held captive here for so very long. No escape possible. No hope. His mind is hanging by a thread.

“Oh, that reminds me,” Luthor says with a smirk and a nod at the raging hero dangling helplessly before him. “I’ve got a few more psychological experiments planned. Not many though.

“So, to answer your original question: no, Kal-El, you won’t be here forever. Maybe another month or two tops! When I’m finally done your body will be disposed of in some untraceable way. Certainly in its current weakened condition, that won’t be an issue.”

“No souvenirs for you,” snarls Superman, “my uniform, my skull? You don’t plan on retaining some keepsake to remind you of your glory, to stroke that scarred and fragile ego of yours?”

“Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the tub today,” Lex says, eyebrows raised. “What’s the matter, Superman, are you getting as bored with this as I am. You want me to finish you off?”

“I want you to burn in hell, Lex.”

“Tch, tch, tch. Temper, temper, boy scout. You’ve got a reputation to uphold. Besides, you’re in no position to issue demands. However, since you bring it up, burning is the much more likely end-game for you rather than myself, champ. But you do make a good point about keeping something of you as a trophy? Your pancreas perhaps? Your boots? I’ll have to give it some....”

A sudden loud beeping from his control panel stops Lex in mid-sentence. He presses a few buttons and frowns. “Something the Northwest...? A glitch...,” he murmurs to himself. Lex had programmed the normal heat signatures of all aircraft coming into the nearby airport and this was outside those parameters. “...hmmm...a drone maybe...” More buttons are pressed and more frowning done.

Superman looks at the twenty-foot-wide display panel with its myriad separate display feeds blinking and changing, a stream of static shots and live videos offered up from cameras all over the complex. Kal had observed the screen many times in his trips between the tub and chair and still didn’t have a clean idea of where he was other than in some medium-sized Midwestern city by a wide river, possibly the Mississippi. Now, however, a new large feed that he hasn’t seen before occupies the middle of the large panel. It shows a dot incoming on a thermo-graphic display. Kal then notices lines on the display and realizes they are the imposed borderlines of states: three of them in close proximity. Noting the winding river on the east side of the state that forms the natural border of Iowa, at long last Superman knows his location.

I’m somewhere in Dubuque!

“What the hell is that?” Lex’s frustration shows clearly as he tracks the blip on the large screen. He skims his hand over his bald scalp and shakes his head angrily. The glowing blip gets closer and closer to the center of the map that indicates his underground fortress until it suddenly disappears. “Fuck! Now I’ve lost it! He presses new buttons, twists dials...searching...searching... “No, wait, it changed course. Could that be...?”

“What’s wrong, Lex. Come up against a problem you can’t solve?”

Jerking his head to the side, Lex’s eyes bore into the face of his life-long foe suspended before him in goo-slathered helplessness. He notes the gleam of hope in Superman’s blue eyes and knows exactly what will snuff that out. Luthor gives a broad smile of triumph. “No, I think not, Kal old pal. I think you’re about to be rescued. Well, a pathetic attempt at a rescue at least. Why not hang out and enjoy the show!”

Lex presses a series of buttons and then dramatically lifts his hand and presses his finger down with a vehement stab at one larger red square button and laughs aloud. “It should be a bang up time!”

Superman stares at the thermo-graphic display in horror as a new glowing red blip appears, heading straight for the first one. It’s closing the gap very quickly.

* * *


“What’s that?” Supergirl’s blue eyes widen as the cockpit fills with the sudden alarm indicator and a flashing light appears in the control array before her. Diana quickly turns a knob and the round display lights up with a radar screen and a blip headed directly at the center, her jet’s position.

“Incoming bogie! Hang on!”

“Open the bay doors, I’ll handle it.”

“Too late, it’s already here.” Wonder Woman pushes down hard on the yoke and wrenches it to the right. The jet noses down and spins hard, cutting a death spiral in the bright blue sky. Outside the jet’s canopy, Kara see’s the fin of a thin four-foot long heat-seeking missile go screaming by her. And she sees it start to circle back in a wide arc.

“It missed,” she says. “But it’s coming back around. Open the...”

“Let’s hope its brother is just as dumb,” growls the Amazon as she pulls up on the yoke now and banks to the left. Kara has unbuckled the seat belt and is half out of her seat when Diana pulls this second maneuver. Grabbing the seat back, Kara easily fights the tremendous g-forces as the invisible jet tries to touch the sun with this sudden aerial ploy. Once again, a missile of the same design streaks past the jet, this time beneath the belly.

“Will you open the damn bay doors and give me a chance to do my thing,” the blonde heroine pleads.

“A little busy here, Kara. These things are heat-seekers. We’re not done with...OH HELL NO! Where did that bastard come fr....”


An unexpected third missile that came from out of the glaring sun in the western sky explodes just as Wonder Woman presses down hard on the yoke but she’s too late. From only fifteen feet away, the fireball engulfs the tail of the invisible jet and shatters both stabilizers, sending the wounded plane into an even steeper spiral than Diana had planned, one that she cannot begin to control. She fights the yoke for 15 seconds but it’s hopeless.

“I’ve lost the plane. I’m going to eject, Kara. Just fly out when I blow the canopy. I’ll be right behind you. You may be spinning. Don’t get tangled in my parachute.”

“I’ll be fine,” nods the blonde.

“Blowing canopy in 3..2...1..”


Supergirl leaps off the seat cushion and soars high above the spiraling jet as it gets closer and closer to the patchwork of green and gray that comprises the outskirts of Dubuque. She watches as Wonder Woman’s seat is flung out of the crippled craft by powerful explosive bolts, the clear plastic-backed chair doing cartwheels in the sky before reaching its apogee. Then it begins to fall faster and faster and Supergirl is about to streak over and catch it when the colorful red and white parachute finally deploys. Kara takes a breath and flies over to the dangling chair, her bright red cape flapping behind her when she pulls up to the grim-faced Amazon swaying back and forth before her.

“That jet’s been with me for 20 years. I just had the avionics upgraded in it, for Hera’s sake! I really owe Luthor a kick in the....”


A blazing green light from a bursting shell overhead drowns out the end of Wonder Woman’s statement and Supergirl’s eyes go wide with alarm. “Damn. Gotta go!”

“What the...” Diana watches Supergirl drop down hundreds of feet in seconds, twisting like a corkscrew in her own version of a death spiral, when the Amazon princess is suddenly inundated with a scratchy mist of glowing green dust. She immediately understands her friend’s sudden departure.



Two new overhead shells burst a lot closer to Wonder Woman as her chair slowly sways in the breeze under the billowing red and white canopy of her chute. The Amazon realizes she’s a sitting duck in this position. Looking down between her boots at Dubuque several thousand feet below, the nervous heroine knows that flack only hits a minority of targets. She takes very little comfort in that. She expects more green dust to sift down to her but this time it’s a gray cloud that she sees drifting toward her. As it envelops her face, Wonder Woman begins coughing and her eyes tear up.

Tear gas now? That Lex doesn’t miss a trick!


That shell pair explodes a mere 10 feet above her parachute and tears a small rip through a red stripe that Wonder Woman can see sunlight stream through. Her rate of descent increases a bit. And yet more choking grayness descends toward her in her swaying chair. Diana holds her breath and squeezes her eyes tightly shut when a sudden hard gale blows her hair all around her face. It keeps up for several seconds and then stops. Wonder Woman opens her eyes to see all the tear gas has been dispersed. She then turns her head to see Supergirl hovering just behind her.

“I’m beginning to see why Kal detests Lex,” Wonder Woman says with a grimace. “The man’s a menace,” Supergirl agrees, “and he’s relentless and he’s just too damned smart for his own good.”

“No argument here. I just hope…LOOKOUT!”

Yet another shell approaches from below, this one taking dead aim for the pair of beauties. Before it can explode, Supergirl blows it away with a gust of her super breath and it shatters a hundred feet off in the distance. Its twin brother, arcing up from the ground in a parallel path but slightly lower, is detonated a good fifty feet below by a red hot beam of heat vision streaming from the eyes of the staring Kryptonian beauty. Both shells send gray plumes of tear gas out in futility, far too distant from their intended targets.

“More incoming,” Supergirl says and zooms downward to intercept another round ball before it comes to close to the ever-descending chair carrying her friend. Intercepting the steel globe’s path, the Maid of Steel kicks it with the side of her foot soccer-style and it flies off in an opposite direction exploding harmlessly a mile away against the background of an azure sky.

“Kara, be careful,” Wonder Woman shouts. “The next one could be another one with kryptonite!”

The lower globe of the pair is backhanded away by the blonde champion and this too explodes into a harmless gray cloud in the far distance.

“This is getting tiresome,” Supergirl declares. “Let’s get you out of that chair. Unbuckle that seat belt and I’ll fly you out of range.”

“Good idea. Just keep an eye out for more shells,” Wonder Woman replies unbuckling the restraining belt and reaching up to hold onto the parachute lines connected to the top of the ejection seat.

“Don’t worry about that,” Kara shakes off the concern with a wave of her hand. “Now that I know they’re inbound, they’re really too slow to be much of a threat to me. It’s you I’m concerned about.”

“Well, there are two more of those bad boys coming this way, so look lively,” Diana nods at the steel spheres streaking up towards them.

Supergirl flies down to intercept them when both explode at once, their timing sequence obviously changed by Lex from the ground below. One shell sends out yet another cloud of gray tear gas but the other one as predicted sprays out a thick plume of green dust. This plume isn’t a circular cloud however but rather a focused green beam like a ray of sunshine through a Venetian blind. It envelops the surprised teenage blonde in an instant and with a cry of pain Supergirl begins to fall from the sky.

In a desperate act of faith and hope, she uses her remaining strength to direct her heat vision at the cords holding the parachute to the ejection chair. She has enough energy to succeed and suddenly Wonder Woman is plummeting in her chair through the sky sans parachute at 32.2 feet per second.

“Oh, Kara, Kara, Kara,” the Amazon gulps, “what have you done?” That said, her chair unluckily drops straight through the thick gray cloud of tear gas and Wonder Woman eyes blur and squint in teary distress even as the mighty Amazon gasps on a full lung’s worth of the choking gas.

* * *

“That Amazon cunt sure can fly a jet,” Lex says with reluctant praise. “But she didn’t see my third missile coming out of the sun in the west. Oh, so sorry, Wonder Woman, but that famous invisible jet of yours is toast! Let’s see for sure…”

Lex expands one of the many camera displays on the huge control room screen. It shows the flickering image of a clear but badly damaged jet falling nose first into the wide river not far away from their location. One of the wings shears off upon impact. Superman’s face goes pale at the visual shown on the big screen.

“Yup! Right into the Mississippi!” Lex is beaming. “I guess we’ll see some military arriving on scene shortly; a helicopter no doubt.”

“They’ll be knocking on your front door anytime now, Lex,” Superman declares, trying to put a positive spin on the crash of the jet. “You’ve blown your cover and Kara and Diana have just begun if I know them. You’re in for a lot of trouble now.”

“Not from the military, you jerk! You don’t think I’m prepared for these contingencies? My launchers are electronically masked and camouflaged. It’ll be quite some time before they can begin to figure out where those missiles came from, I assure you, Kal-El. As for your girls, I’ve got something special planned for them. Just watch.”

Lex now enlarges the view of a red and white parachute drifting slowly down through a clear blue sky. “I suppose it was too much to expect that those two bimbos died in that hit on their aircraft. Oh well, more fun for me.” The bald scientist presses another few buttons and the screen shows the air filled with exploding bombs, one after the other that has Supergirl diving away in a panic at first before recovering. She returns in less than 30 seconds, quickly kicking every bomb flying their way; knocking each of them away from Wonder Woman as her ejection seat slowly descends via parachute toward the ground far below.

“Hmm. Cousin Kara is quite the cocky one, isn’t she Kal? Let’s see if I can’t take her down a peg or two.”

“She’s too fast for you and those flack balls, Luthor.”

“She’s also much too overconfident. I think a change in the detonation timing might catch her off guard, especially when I mono-direct the discharge programming.”

The camera view 90 seconds later of the resulting effect of Luthor’s modifications brings Superman’s heart into his throat. Luthor had played things perfectly! The horrified Man of Steel watches his lovely cousin suddenly sprayed with a violent plume of glowing green dust that has her faltering and then falling like a gun-shot duck out of the sky. In the last moment, parallel red beams shoot from the dropping blonde heroine’s eyes, slicing the cords holding the chair in which Wonder Woman helplessly dangles.

“What the fuck?” Luthor’s verbal explosion of shock at this act is matched by Superman’s face, a mask of stunned disbelief. “Is your cousin purposely trying to kill Wonder Woman? Hell, she’s put her at death’s door and sent her through a cloud of tear gas for good measure. I think Supergirl just panicked like the rookie she is, Kal. She sure hasn’t your experience.”

The two men watch the video screen as the ejection chair with a blinking wobbly Wonder Woman trying desperately to clamber to her knees descends toward the onrushing river at an incredible rate. Below the chair, Supergirl herself is now spinning haphazardly, end over end as her head and panties and legs and cape twirl and spin and flap in complete disarray. The fall continues for an endless 15 seconds, with both the Maid of Steel and the Champion of All Women plunging helplessly to their doom.

“Rao, no. Not this way,” mumbles Superman as he helplessly watches his only other living Kryptonian relative fall irretrievably to her death, too weakened from the cloud of kryptonite to control her flight, to save herself. She is being chased in her fall by Princess Diana, one of the few women in his life that Kal truly loves. The heart-broken Man of Steel watches in terror as his rescuers, his adored pair of beautiful compatriots, his very life and future plummets into oblivion. He can barely look.

It’s only 100 feet above the river when the tumbling blonde suddenly thrusts out her arms and legs and impossibly pulls up into the smoothest arc of flight one could ever imagine, yet never envision from such a ungainly position a mere half-second before.

Luthor growls like a mad dog and pushes a button on his control panel. Clever bitch,” he shouts at the huge screen, “but not clever enough!”

On the twenty-foot visual display, Supergirl catches the ejection seat in her widely spread arms. Still weakened by the spare amount of kryptonite dust clinging to her uniform, the blonde champion is pushed downward toward the surface of the river only 80 feet below. Standing on the seat, an open-mouthed Wonder Woman is facing outward, gripping the top of the chair in her two palms, arms stretched out behind her. She’d been poised to jump from the chair even as the river rushed up at her at a deadly pace. The sudden jolt of being caught by Supergirl breaks Wonder Woman’s grip on the chair and she is catapulted out into mid-air, with Supergirl left holding the empty seat.

* * *

Realizing she’s holding nothing but an empty chair now, Supergirl drops the ejection seat and dives after Diana. The river is a mere 60 feet below now but the blonde heroine is smiling. She does maneuvers like this all the…


One final flack bomb explodes a mere 20 feet over Supergirl’s head. Five feet above her, the falling Wonder Woman’s head jerks up even as she straightens her legs and points her toes, ready for the impact into the river from this nasty height. Supergirl looks past the dropping Amazon and grimaces, another large plume of sparkling green dust is rushing right at her. Kicking forward, Supergirl grabs the waist of her falling friend, ducks her head beneath the wide breasts and twists her body violently away from the deadly poisonous cloud, making a u-turn that has Wonder Woman’s face blanching white at the g-forces involved. The green cloud of dust passes by a mere two feet over the pair of heroines descending at a steep angle down toward the river, now only about 35 feet away. Supergirl picks her head up, smiles and shrugs slightly at the ramrod straight Amazon in her arms like this is an everyday occurrence.

Looking down at the river passing so closely underneath them, Wonder Woman then smiles at Supergirl. “Nice flying. Cut it a bit close though, no?”

“Too dramatic?” Kara grins. “I guess it was but that cloud was very….GHUUUNHH!!”

The bright purplish Tachyon beam lances out at the duo from somewhere across the river, striking Supergirl in the middle of her back. It knocks her head and feet backward in arc of agony. She loses her grip on Wonder Woman and both females are sent tumbling like falling bricks into the river. A surprised Diana still manages to control her body enough in mid-air to ultimately strike the water with her arms together and feet stretched out behind her, although not clamped together.

Supergirl, on the other hand, after a fall of 30 feet, slams into the river face first, her body arcing awkwardly behind her in a wrenching twist that has her back smacking onto the surface milliseconds later in a huge splash. Both women quickly descend into the murky depths of the Mississippi, stunned and disoriented.

Back in Luthor’s fortress, the control room is deathly quiet for a full ten seconds as both men see Supergirl knocked out of the sky by Luthor’s weapon, and then watch both women hit the river’s surface from a precarious height at awkward angles.

Finally, Luthor pumps his fist, saying “Yes! My tachyon beam worked like a charm!”

“NO!” Superman shouts in horror at the thought of Kara having to bear such pain right in the moment of her triumphant catch of Wonder Woman. She looked completely unprepared for the sneak attack and Kal had even winced when he observed how badly his young cousin had struck the water.

“That little baby is far too strong for Supergirl to withstand I’m afraid, Kal. I pumped that weapon up with more than enough energy to disrupt even her cell structure. And yours too as you’ve discovered in some of our more recent tests: very painful as you recall. Your screams put my earplugs to the test certainly! I doubt she lived through that. Between the force of the beam and the impact with the water, I don’t see how she could possibly have stayed conscious through all that. “

“Don’t take your bows just yet, Lex,” Superman sneers. “We Kryptonians don’t go down so easily.”

“Well, secretly I’m hoping she’s not dead, Supes, because I’ve been dreaming of having that Kryptonian cutie definitely going down…on me, that is,” Luthor proclaims with a chuckle.

“You never were this twisted before, Lex. You’re getting more insane with age.”

“And you, you green-faced stooge, have gotten tiresome beyond belief.” Lex presses a button on a nearby phone and the sound of ringing is heard on an overhead speaker.

“Yes, Lex?”

“Roxie, be a doll and come to the control room with a #3 ball gag and my #8 injection kit please.”

“Right away, Lex,” answers the feminine voice which then clicks off.

“It’s too early to put you back in the tub, Superman, but I’m certainly not going to put up with you yammering away at me and spoiling my fun or distracting me when Diana comes to play. And if little Kara somehow manages to make it this far, so much the better for her to see how I treat Kryptonians who displease me. You can be a nice object lesson for her.”

“Some day, some how, some way, Lex,” Superman vows, “you will pay for all this evil.”

“You may be right, Kal-El, but it won’t be you presenting the check, I can guarantee that.”

* * *

Chilly water surrounds Wonder Woman as she gets her bearings. The water is not overly murky and she can see several feet ahead through the greenish river, her head swiveling back and forth in a search for Supergirl. They landed many yards apart and her blonde friend is nowhere to be seen. Kicking her feet, she swims up towards the streaming beams of light overhead and breaks the surface with a hungry gulp of air.
Pivoting her head, she sees no sign of a figure in red and blue floating anywhere nearby. The alarmed Amazon shouts loudly, “Kara! Kara, where are you?” She hears only silence punctuated by the sound of water lapping against the river’s shore 30 yards away. Off to the north, the fractured tail of her invisible jet sticks out of the water. The river sluggishly pulls it down to lower angle but it’s close to shore and the entire plane has broken up badly. Parts of it float past her in the fairly swift current.

Following the water’s flow with her eyes, Wonder Woman sweeps her vision to the south but there’s no sight of Kara anywhere. Frantic now, the raven-haired heroine takes a large measure of air and then dives below the surface, frog kicking her legs to propel her forward toward the center of the river. Her powerful arms pull her along as well while she scans through the greenish water for any sign of blonde hair, red swirling cape or thrashing blue-clad arms. She sees nothing and dives down toward the river’s bottom.

Fear fills the Amazon’s heart. Supergirl had taken a hard hit from whatever that purple beam was, and though Diana hadn’t seen her hit the river, she knew it couldn’t have been good. After diving down for 25 feet, she passes over the silted river bottom with strong kicks of her legs, her boots snapping together behind her with a dull thump in the water.

There’s nothing to see but rocks and some half-buried tin cans and an old sneaker protruding from the mud before her eyes. After another 15 seconds, Diana kicks off the bottom and rises swiftly to the surface to refill her lungs. Off to her left she hears a splash nearer the western shore of the river and snaps her head around in a rush of hope. It’s only a large bullfrog going after a dragonfly. The peaceful lapping water contrasts with the desperate thumping of Wonder Woman’s heart.

“Kara! Supergirl. Answer me! It’s Diana. Answer me! Please…please…” The drone of a helicopter in the far distance pulls Wonder Woman’s eyes to the sky. They’d be here too late for Kara’s benefit. She turns her body toward the western shore away from where she’d searched, gulps as much air as she can and dives deep again, kicking downwards with all her might.

At the river bottom, she glides forward, seeing more rocks, some jet debris leaving trails in the silt, and a huge ugly sturgeon that has to weigh 50 pounds or more. It flexes its body and easily moves away from this large intruder. Watching it swim off, Wonder Woman’s gaze suddenly fixes on a blue cylinder beyond the great fish. It’s an arm and a limp hand and then the rest of Supergirl’s body! The Amazon powers forward through the water with grim purpose, snatching the limp floating figure in one arm and then kicking hard against the spongy mud bottom. She strives up toward the light beams with her friend in tow, lungs straining as she prays for a miracle.

When she reaches the river’s surface, Wonder Woman rolls over onto her back and puts Kara in a cross chest hold that keeps her face out of the water. As quickly as possible, the worried Amazon swims toward the western shore of the Mississippi River, her arm pulling through the water with fierce focus, her legs thrusting against the water’s resistance as she closes the gap to the thin edge of muddy flats that line the river’s edge in this area. The moment her heels touch the sludgy bottom, Wonder Woman turns, stands up, hoists Supergirl closely against her left hip and walks out onto the muddy strip of land next to the tangled underbrush that lines the river for yards and yards in both directions.

The beams of sunlight falling on the Amazon’s glistening shoulders do little to warm her heart. Kara is very limp in her grasp; deathly still in fact. Wonder Woman shakes her head and flings water out of her hair in all directions so she can see better, then she scans the area for someplace appropriate to her needs.

The Amazon’s long legs are set wide as she easily holds the dead weight of the unmoving Maid of Steel on her hip. The river water slides down Diana’s powerful thighs, down her calves and over the ankles of her boots. She is a vision of dazzling beauty even in this darkest moment. The magnificent heroine’s shoulders are thrown back in regal stature as she scans her surroundings. Though her famous red bustier with its golden fabric eagle sags from her exertion and from Kara’s body rubbing against her top on the swim to safety, she looks no less a hero for it. Her heaving breasts rise and fall in arches of golden flesh as the tired warrior stands on the soft muddy strip and gathers herself for what she must do.

The champion of Paradise Island is weary from her trials in the river’s strong current; in the missile-filled sky; in the fore-knowledge of Supergirl’s desperate condition. But Wonder Woman is also resolute in saving her companion and she spots a flat dry area of caked mud and gravel. She strides forward with incredible grace and power toward the small strip of dry land and upon reaching it, lays down her beautiful but languid burden, arches the blonde teen’s neck just so, checks for obstructions in her airway and immediately begins to give Supergirl CPR.

Lips lock on lips and Wonder Woman’s powerful lungs are put into play. She breathes oxygen into the body of the gray-faced Kryptonian and prays she’s strong enough to fill the air sacks of a woman this powerful. Several strong huffing breaths are tried but there’s nothing from the prone body but her the red and yellow emblem on her chest rising and falling from the forced efforts of the Champion of All Women.

Chest compressions follow, with Diana earnestly leaning hard against Supergirl’s sternum. Prayers and tears fill the distance between the women as Wonder Woman looks down at the ashen face that is not responding. Kara’s face is wet from the river and Diana’s tears falling down on her.

“Oh dear Kara, breathe! Please sweetie, breathe for me. Pleeeasse!”

The blue eyes below her are flat and dull while Diana’s shine with the tears that won’t stop falling.

“For me….sweet Kara.. for the world. For Rao’s sake! BREATHE!!”


Leaning in, Wonder Woman pinches the pert nose shut and presses her mouth against Supergirl’s yet again, forcing her air into the lungs along with every fiber of hope she has in the world. Once, twice, three times she blows and then rests.


Back to chest compressions, Wonder Woman leans in with all her might against Kara’s sternum again and whispers one final prayer… “Now…Hera help her. Now!”

And finally, at long last, Supergirl coughs up water, sputters and gasps and opens her eyes. There’s confusion there at first and then understanding. She looks into Diana’s blue beacons of hope and their sudden embrace would crush metal were they wearing armor.

After a much needed 10-minute rest, hidden by the river’s bend from the helicopter hovering over the carcass of the invisible jet, the two heroines gather themselves and head inland toward Lex’s hideout. Their steely resolve to continue their assault on Fortress Luthor remains undaunted. In fact, the flames of their anger are fanned by their recent trials and by their fear for Kal-El’s very life in the hands of this madman.
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Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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Well nice too see the girls back in shape, both physically and mentality although only time will tell if they have shrugged off the all the effects of there months long treatment at the hands of the Mob. They are gonna need to be at 100 % if they wanna square off against Lex and get Kal back. Took them 3 extra months to get back in fighting form and i'm sure all the girls on the island were more than hapy to help Kara shake the physical aspects of her condition lol. Sucks that Diana might lose her position as ambassador for the Amazons and birthright as Hippolyta heir due to actions that were not her fault. At least she still retains her secret identity.

At least Kara is prepared this time around and making sure she has a way to counter any kryptonite that Lex most definitely has. If regular baseline human thugs have been giving the girls repeated thrashing over the months, circumstances aside, then they need all the prep work they can get if they want to try and attack Luthor.

I am honestly surprised that Clark has any semblance of sanity left after months of prolonged torture and near constant exposure to kryptonite. Pretty impressive that he still has that spark of fire inside him despite having no reason to believe any help would be coming. Lex certainly is one sick puppy. Although nice to see him lose his composure a bit for once when Diana and Kara showed up in the jet.

Well bye bye invisible jet. And theres the Kryptonite AND tear gas. Lex wouldnt be Lex if he didnt have a plan in store for the girls if they ever came knocking on his door. Ouch, super powers or not, a drop from that high up into water is gonna hurt. This rescue isnt off to the best of starts and the girls have already taken a bit of a pounding and they arent even inside the compound yet where Lex more than likely has dozens of other traps waiting for them. Hell i half expect an enhanced Sergei to pop up under Lex's employ since the man was still alive after Diana got away from the dome lol. Or Scarlett for that matter since she is also in the wind and unaccounted for and has shown herself capable of taking down both Kara and Diana, albeit when they were at less than proper condition.

Whatever happens i am excited to see how the girls fare once they enter Lex's little den of horrors.
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Supergirl Captured by the Mob

Epilogue - Part Two – The Essence of a Superhero

It wasn’t an easy passage for the two heroines through the thick underbrush. Not wanting to be sighted by Luthor and his devastating purple beam, the pair hitched their bodies off the strip of sand lining the river, clambering up the steep embankment and into the heavy growth of scrub pine and mulberry bushes. They stayed low with Supergirl leading the way; pushing her invulnerable arms and body and costume through the close-knit branches with Diana following close behind. Occasionally, a branch or thorn would snag on Wonder Woman’s bustier and she’d have to stop a moment to hoist it up with both hands, smooth her golden eagle in place and move on.

After going through about 20 yards of these dense brambles, both heroines were just about fed up with the slow pace and were discussing an alternate plan of approach when they pushed through to a clearing. Before them was a set of railroad tracks.
Kara crouches low and looks everywhere for any glint of a camera lens or anything else that might smack of Lex’s outlying security system. She doesn’t see anything so far.

“Let’s cross these tracks quickly. Those woods over there should provide decent cover,” the pretty blonde indicates the trees 30 yards ahead with a quick tilt of her head.

Diana nods and the duo dash up the gravel bed, over the steel rails and down the other gravel slope. In less than 6 seconds, even in boots with 3” heels, they’re in the shade of the woods and proceeding west toward Luthor’s place.

Supergirl sweeps the area with her x-ray vision. She sees straight through all the trees and bushes and posted tin “No Hunting” signs but when she casts her vision downward, it turns fuzzy and unclear, blocked by the heavy concentration of lead underground.

“It figures Luthor would situate his fortress in an area known for lead mining,” the Maid of Might grouses as she comes to a halt by the trunk of a towering oak tree. “I can’t see anything below ten feet down. If he’s got traps lower than that I won’t be able to spot them.”
Diana stops beside her. “You’ll just have to use your super speed to avoid them, Kara. My, you’re so nervous. That’s not like you. Besides you have that belt to shield you from kryptonite. That’s half the battle, no?”

“Oh! Rao, I’m an idiot! I never turned it on. I didn’t want to drain the battery while we were flying here and forgot all about it. Jeez! I never had to be afraid of Luthor’s kryptonite flack shells in the first place!”

“Well, it’s been a while since you’ve had to think like a warrior. It’ll come back to you when things get busy, I’m sure.”

“It better,” frowns the blonde teen. “Luthor doesn’t give you a lot of second chances.”

“Now you’re making me nervous,” Diana scowls.

Supergirl reaches behind her back and under her cape. She flips the switch on the small box nestled in the small of her back. Nothing happens but the Kryptonian beauty knows this doesn’t mean its not working. Star Lab’s technicians explained to her during the testing that the belt’s sensors would only activate the molecularly-thin lead bubble shield in the presence of kryptonite radiation within a harmful six meter range. The bubble itself would protect her from the deadly rays within a two meter range of her person.

“Still, this belt won’t be any help against that purple ray of his. I’m pretty sure it was a tachyon beam since that’s the only weapon with enough compressed energy to really hurt me. If he used it on Kal….well, I’d hate to think what state he’s in.” Kara’s expression is tight and uneasy.

“Now don’t start that. You’ll start crying and we don’t have your oil can with us. You’ll rust completely,” smiles Wonder Woman.

Supergirl giggles at the Oz reference and gives her companion a huge hug. “You’re the best, Di! I’ll be fine. I am fine. I’ll use my anger to keep me sharp.”

“Not too much anger. Just enough to keep you focused. Sharp thinking will save us as much as your powers, right?”

“Right! Let’s keep moving. I’ll keep looking for his security. We can’t be more than half a mile from his place now. Unfortunately, now we’re approaching from the east where he’s setup most of his defenses. I’d feel better if we were coming in from the west like we planned before he shot us out of the sky.”

“Are you planning on bitching all the way to his house?”

“Sorry. I guess I am nervous. Maybe I should fly up to a height of 50 feet and draw his fire so we can see where that beam is coming from, and then we’ll have a shot at taking it out.”

“But that beam travels virtually at the speed of light, Kara. If you’re not looking in the right direction, you could be knocked out of the sky just like before. I say we stick to the plan of sneaking up on his place from the ground and taking out any obstacles we come across on the way. Between the two of us I think we have a much better chance of success.”

“Okay, yeah, you’re right, of course,” nods Supergirl as they continue to pace through the huge grove of oak, maples and pine. The forest floor is thick with fallen leaves and pine needles that feel soft under their shiny red boots. The patches of sky seen overhead are still blue as the afternoon wanes on and the girls march through the woods. Wide beams of sunshine streak in through the partial canopy above and light their way, giving their trek the feel of some ancient holy quest.

They’ve walked at least two-thirds the distance to Luthor’s lair and Kara’s head swivels constantly now, searching for security cameras and still seeing nothing. Diana is looking around as well but even as sharp as her eyes are, they don’t compare to Supergirl’s abilities so she lets her companion do the heavy lifting.

“We’re getting close now,” Wonder Woman says. “I’m surprised there’s no security at the perimeter by this poi…AIYEEAHH!” The Amazon princess’ head snaps to the right and she goes down on one knee. “MY EYES! Some beam! I CAN’T SEE!” And then Diana feels a sharp jab like a pin sink into her chest. “OWW!”

“Where did it come from? What happened? Are you hurt?” Supergirl looks all around in distress. “Point to where the beam came from and I can…AAGGHH! THEY GOT MY EYES TOO!” Supergirl hears a small whooshing sound and feels something bounce off her left breast.
The laser units, painted black and cleverly camouflaged inside knotholes within nearby tree trunks, had used high-efficiency directional microphones to target the heroine’s audio signals, tracking their voices and firing at a point four inches above the signal source. The two units’ aim was flawless. One of the bright, wide red arcs had stunned both of Wonder Woman’s retinas. From a nozzle mounted below the lasers, a specialized dart launched from a powerful CO2 cartridge and targeted 10 inches below the audio signal had struck suddenly into the blinded Wonder Woman’s right breast.

The beam aimed at the Maid of Steel hadn’t damaged her eyes at all but it had obscured her sight long enough to have the knothole covers close and two more open up in other nearby trees. The dart just bounced right off her chest.

“Stay put, Diana. I’ll find the source of these beams and…ARGGH! DAMN! AGAIN?” Supergirl’s head instantly turns at the clicking sound to her right and she fires off a red beam of her own. After a microsecond of blurriness due to the laser to her eyes, the blonde heroine’s heat vision focuses down to a red spot that leaves a black burn mark and smoldering hole in a tree trunk ten feet away. While she’d been burning a hole into the bark, the blonde heroine had seen a dart come toward her and she snatched it easily out of mid-air.

“Missed the laser thingy but I caught one of their darts,” she says with some small satisfaction. “Anyway, now I see that there’s some metal device buried in a knothole so I can….SHIT!!” From yet another direction, a laser beam focused in a short wedge of red had focused on Supergirl’s eyes and created yet another sudden annoying blur spot in her vision. It quickly fades away and the heroine easily grabs a second dart in mid-air. She tucks both of them behind her belt for the moment. “These things are starting to…”

“Kara! Shut up!”

Diana is back on two feet and motioning with her wagging index finger in front of her mouth to a startled Supergirl to not speak. Then she makes circles of her thumbs and index fingers and sweeps them back and forth to indicate that Supergirl should search the area for any of the devices she just said she saw. Supergirl nods in the affirmative but Wonder Woman cannot see this, her vision still not working due to the stunning initial attack on her.

She stands her ground, waiting for her friend to find all the hidden weapons. Meantime, she feels with her fingers along the small dart she’d pulled out of her breast. There’s some gooey drops leaking from its tip and this brings a head shake and a frown to Diana’s face. Not good but she doesn’t feel dizzy or drugged in any way. She wonders what might be the purpose of the dart.

To her left, the scowling Supergirl does her job with a vengeance, spying out every one of twelve different laser guns and frying them all to dripping knobs of metal and plastic goo.

“I think that takes care of all of them,” Supergirl whispers. “How are your eyes?”

“Not great,” Wonder Woman frowns, “but they’re starting to clear. They didn’t get a direct hit on my retinas thank goodness but they sure sting.” The Amazon’s eyes are tearing up and spilling down her cheeks copiously. She knows this might help her eyes but Diana is a bit shamed to be seen crying by her friend. “Sorry, Kara, I need a little time here before we can go on.”

“Oh, Di, don’t apologize. We’re a team and we’ll go forward as a team. I’m sorry I didn’t spot the little bastards sooner.”

“Luthor’s very clever and when you don’t know what to look for, it’s hard to protect yourself,” Wonder Woman replies, blinking her eyes and testing them on a nearby bush, focusing on the red berries and seeing them slowly come clear. She then looks down at the dart in her hand.

“What do think these are supposed to do?” Diana holds up the three-inch dart for Supergirl’s examination.”

“I’ve got a couple of them,” She replies, holding up her own samples. “The first one bounced right off me and I caught these two. They contain some kind of sticky liquid. In fact,” Supergirl holds up the darts to her nose and sniffs, “they smell kind of nice. Did you catch yours too?”

“No, I couldn’t see it to block it with my bracelet. It got me right in my tit,” Wonder Woman says, indicating a tiny brownish dot in the upper part of her right breast.”

“Do you feel drugged in any way?”

“Oddly, no I don’t.”

Supergirl bends forward slightly and smells Diana’s breast. “Mmm, nice. It has the same kind of pleasant flowery smell. How odd.”

“I agree. Sorry I yelled at you before, Kara, but I figured out that the lasers must have had some sort of audio tracking mechanism. They launched their beams and darts by tracking our voices.”

“Whoa! Really? That’s so…so…devious. Cool that you figured it out though.”

“Well, not until after they did their job. Let’s just hope we catch Luthor’s next defensive salvo before it does any real damage. Anyway, Kara, I’m good to go again. Be on guard, sweetie.”

“You too, Di.”

After proceeding cautiously through the woods for several minutes and another 350 yards, both heroines hear an ominous buzzing sound which Supergirl tracks to a man-made white wood beehive, a small square structure of four feet high set in a clearing off to their right.

“Those are bees over there, we’re hearing,” the pointing blonde declares, “but they won’t bother us unless we disturb their home.”

“You sure? They sure sound angry,” Wonder Woman replies.

“Well, I think they may be those African Killer Bees. They can be more aggressive. Let’s just keep moving,” Supergirl nods forward and gives Wonder Woman in the lead a gentle nudge.

Having proceeded just a mere five or six yards ahead, the loud buzzing increases in volume and Supergirl sees a brownish cloud of the insects rise up from their home and begin to head in their direction.

“Now what’s got them all riled up,” she wonders aloud.

“I don’t know but I don’t like it!” Wonder Woman begins to trot forward at a steady clip and Kara dashes to her side, running along while turning her head back every other stride to keep an eye on the cloud, hoping the swarm was heading for some favorite meadow somewhere. But they’re not. They’re picking up speed and coming closer to the dashing duo.
Not wanting to dash headlong into any other defensive emplacements that Luthor may have set up around his fortress, the two heroines stop running and turn to face the onrushing horde of angry insects.

“You think these are Lex’s bees?” Wonder Woman asks nervously as the swarm comes at them.

“I do and I’m pretty sure now why they’re so interested in us. Those darts contained concentrated pollen I’m guessing,” Supergirl shouts as the noisy cloud descends down toward them, a mere 15 feet away now. “They didn’t dose me at all but it’s probably in your bloodstream. I’m going to blow them away from you.”

Wonder Woman just nods her head in reply. She’s in her basic sideways defensive stance with both fists raised but she’s not sure how much good that will do her against this threat. She just hopes Kara can handle the majority of them. A few stings won’t kill her.
Indeed, the gale force winds that surge out of Supergirl’s mouth blow virtually the entire cloud directly backward toward their hive. Those bees that aren’t knocked up against trees and left stunned on the ground in twitching little circles of confusion, regroup into a much smaller cloud. They hover over the white hive for a moment before heading back toward the two heroines. The pollen draws them like a magnet.

When the cloud gets closer, once again Supergirl blows the bulk of it away but she’s not nearly as effective since one third of the bees veers off to the right and buzzes around the wind shear she’s sending out.

Several dozen of the angry insects bear down on Wonder Woman now and Kara can’t blow with her full strength without forcing an off-balance Diana into a tree trunk and knocking her silly. She blows at one-quarter strength and it’s still enough to set Wonder Woman awkwardly spinning backward several feet while pushing a cluster of bees a few dozen yards further away.

When she stops blowing, Kara sees that bee cluster aims right back at Diana along with another small separate swarm from those that had veered off. Meanwhile, the stunned bees and those that had been blown all the way back to the hive were returning with a vengeance, the buzzing sounding like a motorcycle in the distance.

Now assaulted by clots of angry inspects from multiple directions, Diana is swatting away at a cloud hovering around her head and body. She’s taking multiple stings on her face arms and legs. Her eyes are wide with fright as the pain of several stingers sinking into her exposed breast flesh turns the normally composed Amazon into a panicked screaming victim.

“AAIEEE…GET THEM AWAY! OWW! OHHH! YAAAAGGHH! KARA, HELP! KA…ALWWGGKK…HATTOOEE!” One bee had flown into Wonder Woman’s mouth and she almost choked on it before spitting it back out.

Diana feels an arm flung around her waist from behind and before she knows it, she’s being dragged high into the sky, straight up at a speed that leaves the bees far below. Those remaining insects that had landed on her body are swept clean off her by the wind tunnel created by the speedy ascent.

“THE BEAM,” screams Wonder Woman. “WATCH FOR THE BEAM!”

“I know, Di! I just had to get you out of there. How bad are you stung?”

“Lots, but I’ll live,” Wonder Woman says, “and I’ll take it out of Luthor’s hide when we finally get there!”

“I’m just getting us out of range of those nasty bugs and then I’ll get us down to the cover of the tree line. I’m getting mighty angry at Luthor.”

* * *

Lex Luthor stands at his command console and looks up at the large video feed in the center of his hanging wall screen. Supergirl is flying toward the secreted camera. It shows the scene of her toting a very angry Wonder Woman across the sky. They have made it to about a quarter of a mile away from his fortress and his defenses haven’t stopped the heroines, only delayed them. He zooms in on Wonder Woman and sees a myriad of red welts all over her body and he relishes that picture.

“Looks like your girlfriend got herself pretty badly stung there, supes.”

Eight feet away, now secured firmly to the titanium chair in the middle of Lex’s control room and facing the large display screen, the Man of Steel is incapable of replying to Lex’s taunt. His head is pulled back by the hair by Roxie, forcing him to watch the events unfold before him. His mouth is jammed tight with a fat, hard rubber ball gag. His lips surround the bright blue orb and several strings of slippery drool drain out of his mouth. Dark brown leather straps lead out from the ball past the sides of his mouth and connect to steel rings on both cheeks. These rings connect to other straps, one that passes under Superman’s chin, one that circles behind his head and two others that run up over his temples and attach to yet another ring on the top of his head. There’s no possible way that the defeated hero can “spit this bit.”

Superman’s eyelids are fixed at a druggy half-mast, his irises a flat blue with confusion and weariness. The Kryptonian hero has been injected with a combination of an aphrodisiac and a mild sedative. Roxie’s right hand is buried in his trunks as she strokes his rigid cock. The outline of his large dick and her rising and falling fist shows through the slippery dark red material of his briefs. A long helpless groan of pure satisfaction issues loudly through the gag.


“I’ll bet you’re feeling pretty guilty,” Lex taunts, “to be enjoying yourself so much while your rescuers are getting their asses kicked, big man, huh?”

“…ot..” mumbles Superman, shaking his head as much as he can within Roxie’s grip on his hair.

“Not feeling guilty? Really? I thought you had higher morals than that, Kal. How disappointing.”


“You’re such a stickler for facts and details, you dumb ox,” Lex grumbles playfully. “Well then, fine, maybe not quite yet but they will be. Just watch. If you liked my bees, you’re going to love my drones.”

Lex moves both hands down to his control panel and flips switches, presses buttons and then gently toggles a joystick that commands a set of five drones he’s started up. Each of the five mini-copters has two-foot rotors, a ten-inch-wide pentagonal-shaped main body complete with an automated and manual override guidance system, on-board camera and two laser guns, one for wide angles and one for pinpoint accuracy, and landing skids. Both laser guns run off of Lex’s newly-engineered rubidium micro-battery and offer a high-powered laser with or without kryptonite-augmentation.

He watches the small display screen on his control panel for a moment during the takeoff sequence and then feeds that visual to the large hanging screen before him, looking up at his toys with fondness. With all five drones hovering at a height of 75 feet, he then sends them eastward toward the two heroines he’s now tracking from multiple ground-based cameras.

“Go get ‘em, boys!”

Superman’s eyebrows rise up as he watches the drones go from hover to a speedy forward motion. But with Roxie pulling his pecker, it’s hard to know if it’s the alarm at his friends’ impending peril or the pleasure of her handwork that sends those eyebrows skyward. Certainly the thin lines of drool draining down his chin are no indicator. And the man’s long, low pitiful groan only adds to the confusion about what he might be feeling.
Lex concentrates on the screen now, watching intently as Supergirl bleeds off altitude quickly as she carries her shapely Amazonian companion down toward the treetops.

“Oh no you don’t, you Kryptonian cunt. You don’t escape me that easily. You’re heading right where my cameras are nicely concentrated. Let’s have some fun, shall we?”

Lex presses a button on the control panel and the drones separate. Their flight formation now features two drones coming in from the right, two from the left and the final one streaming straight toward the diving blonde beauty. Their automated targeting mechanisms are armed and ready.

“Let’s just see if we can make you drop your chunky friend,” Lex chortles as he presses a green key on the wide panel before him.

All five drones shoot wide angle rays at the Maid of Steel, bathing her and Wonder Woman in a glowing bubble of bright green. The belt does its job beautifully. None of the lethal green kryptonite reaches the blonde with all the dangerous radiation being completely blocked by the lead shield the belt provides. Supergirl blows at the drone now hovering ten yards away and it spins in a crazy counter clockwise maneuver before bouncing off the branches of a tall oak tree and getting hopelessly entangled within them.

“What the hell?” Luthor shouts at the screen in dismay. “She’s got some kind of kryptonite defense shield? That little bitch!”

The grunt of satisfaction bursting out past Superman’s gag is triumphant. But so is Roxie’s handwork so the issue of what the Kryptonian is celebrating is very much in question. Lex gives the chair-bound hero a glare and sees Roxie’s fist pumping away inside his briefs and mutters, “Don’t get overly excited yet, Supes,” Lex calls out. “This game’s not over by a long shot. I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve yet, and Roxie, slow it down there. We don’t want our guest shooting prematurely. I want his ending to coincide with his cousin’s: Both going down in a blaze of glorious defeat and humiliation.”

“Sure thing, Lex. I was just about to start sucking him off. Guess I’ll put that on the back burner and just tickle his balls a bit.”

“You’re the pro, my dear. I trust your judgment completely. Just watch me and I’ll give you the signal when you can pick up the pace.”

“Okey dokey, boss.”

With all five drones shutting off their kryptonite-infused laser beams while Luthor repositions them for the next attack, Supergirl’s belt no longer needs to extend its bubble of protection. Since she’s free to use her heat vision at full capacity, she does so. Taking direct aim at the drone caught in the oak tree, she lights it up with her eyes. It glows bright red for two seconds then explodes in sizzling display of sparks, fire and a hint of green dust. Supergirl blows out the small fire started amongst the leaves and the green dust is scattered to the winds.

“Kara, set me down,” Wonder Woman declares. “I’m just cramping your style hanging here, plus I can split some of Lex’s attention. Teamwork, girl!”

Lex scowls heavily at the destruction of one of his air force and aims the four remaining drones’ lasers at Wonder Woman just as her boots are touching the forest floor. Two of the pinpoint red lasers are deflected away by the flashing bracelets of the Amazonian goddess and two are blocked harmlessly by Supergirl’s body.

“These two do-good cunts are getting on my nerves,” Lex barks. He aims all four drones’ pinpoint lasers at the blonde and presses the kryptonite augmentation button as he fires. Once again the green rays are absorbed by the protective bubble and Lex’s test of the device’s power is confirmed. Supergirl’s shield can handle a direct hit by four simultaneous high-energy laser beams. This result makes Lex a very mad mad scientist.

“That device must be something out of Star Labs. Computer, add a reminder to my calendar: Destroy Star Labs!”

“Yes, Master Lex. It is so noted. Will that be all?”

“Yes, for now. No, wait. Prepare my battle suit. Confirm full charge and all weapons operational.”

“Very wise, Master Lex. I report the loss of another drone in the field of action.”

The explosion on the big screen from Supergirl lighting up one of the drones on her right side flares brightly in the control as Superman, Lex and Roxie all watch as shards from the destroyed device fall from the sky like a fireworks show, draining downward with a shower of golden sparks.

“Damn! Another one gone. These things cost me 80 grand apiece! I’m going to take it out of those cunts’ hides!” Lex’s tirade is met by yet another grunt of pleasure by Superman whose large dick is straining to push through his costume. “Roxie, no! No more for him! Hands off entirely. If I’m not happy, he’s not happy,” Lex says pointing a finger at the stupidly grinning champion in the stained blue and red costume. The hero’s eyelids are jittery with pleasure.

Roxie frowns and draws her hands out of Superman’s trunks. She had been enjoying herself. It wasn’t often she got to handle a foot-long dick. She crosses her arms, almost as upset at the two bitch heroines as Lex. “Hit ‘em with your Tacky thing, Lex. That’ll fry ‘em,” she grouses.

“Maybe you’re right, Rox. Let’s overload them with some real danger.” Lex dials a knob, pushes a lever and hits a button. The purple Tachyon beam streams out of an elevated perch designed to look like a transformer on a utility pole. Supergirl hears the hum of the power amplifier kick in just in time and spins to the side as the purple ray streams between her elbow and her ribs. The sizzling heat of the air as it charges the ions in its passing widens Supergirl’s eyes in genuine fear.

“You missed Lex,” Roxie declares.

“Tell me something I don’t know, bitch!”

“Lexie!” The distraught peroxide blonde’s lower lip begins to quiver. “I thought you liked me…”

“Not when you point out the obvious. Just keep quiet for now, my dear. Lex is working and can’t be disturbed, yes?”

“Yes, Lex. I’m sorry.”

“So noted. We’ll kiss and make up over the dead carcasses of these two in no time, I promise.”

“Cool. Hear that, Supie? Your girlfriends are going down,” Roxie beams. “When Lexie gets upset, people tend to die.”

Spurred into action by the near miss of the tachyon beam, Supergirl dives downward, landing on the forest floor and scanning for where she thought she heard the hum of the deadly ray originate. She can’t stay there searching for long however because the remaining three drones are hovering over Wonder Woman’s head. They have her flashing her bracelets in defense, the gold Feminum metal gleaming in a blur of motion in a beam of sunlight.

The Amazon warrior gamely deflects the bright red beams all around the clearing in which she stands, leaving deep black smoldering burn holes in trunks everywhere. When one beam almost zaps her thigh, she makes a sudden twenty-foot vertical leap straight up and clings to the branch of an old pine tree. The drone misses her but unfortunately the branch from which the agile Amazon hangs has a rotten middle section and the crack of splintering wood resounds in the air. Wonder Woman drops right back down to the ground yet she lands gracefully on her feet.

“Oh, a nasty miscalculation there, tits,” Luthor grins and fires all three synchronized drones at her at once. Once again, the bracelet on her left wrist comes up and blocks away one of the beams while Wonder Woman blocks the rays from the other two drones with an impressive twist of her wrist. The thick branch she’s holding takes both beams in a one-two punch that has Lex howling in anger.

“Damn her and damn her fucking reaction time!! This isn’t fair.”

Roxie wisely refrains from reminding Lex he’d sent out five drones against two women. Hardly fair there either! But Roxie is disappointed too. She’s looking forward to playing with Wonder Woman’s astounding tits. The sooner the better, she thinks.

“Your girlfriend is real fast there, Superdick. I’ll bet she’s fun in restaurants. She can give you a hand job under the table even before the waiter finishes pouring your water.”

The drugged and horny Man of Steel visualizes this and his prick rises against his trunks, drawing Roxie’s gaze. “Down there boy,” she says, patting his pants surreptitiously, “we have to wait ‘til Lexie gives us the thumbs up. You’d better hope he scores a hit on Jiggle Tits there or your cousin or I’m afraid your balls will be blue enough to match your tights. Guess that gives you some pretty mixed emotions, huh, Supie?”

The ball-gagged superhero just drools away and sighs in dazed exhaustion as he continues to watch the battle on the big screen hanging before him.

Just as Lex is about to press the button to fire all three drones at Wonder Woman once more, he sees one device suddenly rocket forward right at the long-haired beauty. He didn’t hit the thrusters so he’s not sure… then Supergirl comes into frame with her cheeks puffed out wide. She’s the one blowing the drone right at her compatriot. With despair, Lex sees Wonder Woman swing the tree branch with a mighty turn of her body. She connects with the fat part of the branch and the device is suddenly launched in the exact opposite direction from which it was blown. It screams past a ducking Supergirl, gaining altitude as it does. The two heroines are horrified to see that, in the distance, the drone is on a collision course with an army helicopter that is hovering directly over the site of the downed jet, now clearly not invisible.

“Oh, no. That’s not good,” Diana says. She feels as guilty as teenager who’s knocked a baseball through the window of neighbor’s home.

“It’s going too fast, I can’t get there in time,” Supergirl groans.

“Wait! Look,” Diana says, pointing. “They see it coming. They’re maneuvering out of its way!”

Indeed, aboard the helicopter, the head of the intelligence gathering mission in the copter, Colonel Norman Griffin is commanding his pilot to “move his ass” even as he swings his M4 automatic rifle up, pointing it at some shiny incoming object. To his left, a corpsman is busy photographing the wreckage of the jet tail mired in the mud below.

“Flash, take pictures of that incoming bogie NOW before I blow it to bits.”

“Yessir,” the photographer replies. He swings his high-speed digital camera up and switches it to video mode.

He captures the remarkable marksmanship as his Colonel gauges the speed and direction of the incoming object like a clay pigeon and fires a steady burst at the now looming object. Weakened by the battering of the pine branch and subjected to multiple impacts from a hail of bullets, the hurtling drone breaks up into a number of pieces, some of which pass under the twisting copter, some by-passing the tail and one small jagged fragment lodging in the metal skin just five inches away from the open door in which the calm and collected Colonel is standing.

“Corpsman,” Griffin says to the pilot, “radio base and tell them we have an active situation here with possible hostiles. Request another chopper with a squad aboard.”

“Yessir,” the pilot says and then flips the communication switch and talks into his headset.

“When that other chopper arrives,” the Colonel says to the photographer standing beside him, “I think we should head over to where that bogie came from and see what the hell is going on down there. Do we have some sort of terrorist attack going on in Dubuque?”

“Seems unlikely, sir, but who knows these days,” the man nicknamed Flash says with a shake of his head.

* * *

Back in his command center, Lex breathes a sigh of relief when his big screen shows the drone being destroyed by the soldier in the helicopter. As much as it pains him to lose yet another expensive piece of armament, he’s thankful that a U.S. military helicopter wasn’t knocked out of the sky by one of his toys. Far too many questions would be posed that he didn’t want to answer. As it was, he expects he may still be visited by someone with epaulets who will have to be bribed or dissuaded from suspecting his role in everything that has occurred today…and what yet may happen.

Meanwhile he still has two drones left and he plans to target Wonder Woman once again, knowing that, unfortunately, the flying super bitch was impervious to his kryptonite-augmented lasers. But before he unleashes the pinpoint lasers on the Amazon with her big stick, he needs to distract Supergirl so she can’t help protect Wonder Woman.

“Okay, blondie. Let’s see just how quick and agile you can be when I target your ass with my Tachyon, beam.”

“Ooh, didn’t I tell you, stud muffin, that Lexie was going to fry your pretty little cous’. Takes a lot to make him lose his patience but I think we’re there.”

Superman’s head just rolls on his shoulder as the dual narcotic in his system keeps him slow-witted and still mildly aroused. Roxie grabs his hair roughly and pulls his head up straight.

“Look at the screen, ya’ big ox. Otherwise I’m sure Lex will be happy to slide you back in your slime tub.”

The fear cuts through the drugs momentarily and, in fact, with Superman having been out of the tub and washed down in transit on the way to the chair, he actually is getting the tiniest fraction of his strength back. Lex has been so occupied with the two females coming for him that he’s gone over the usual time span of the tub recovery period by 10 minutes. The sedative in his system prevents Kal-El from devising any plan and the big galoot would have to be out a full hour extra for him to even be close to having the strength to break the titanium shackles.
Still, Roxie’s mention of tub has Lex looking at his watch with a frown and noticing the time overrun. Yet he has more than enough time to see to this new attack on the heroines before he needs to initiate the sequence that will put Superman back in his cramped slimy prison. Besides he still wants Superman to see his cousin and girlfriend get defeated while he cums in his costume. Lex is all about breaking down the Man of Steel psychologically at this point. The physical domination aspect of his work is completed. Game, set and match: Luthor wins in a total drubbing of the mighty Superman.

With a flip of a switch, Lex puts his tachyon cannon on automatic, locks the weapon in on Supergirl’s thermal signature and presses the key that initiates the attack. Then Lex moves to the controls of the two remaining drones. He separates them from their synchronized subroutines so he can control each unit independently now. It’s something he’s practiced before. Five drones are much too difficult for one person to manage independently. Two is more than doable and Lex takes the two palm controllers in his hand with their laser buttons and prepares to poke holes in the Amazon while her teenage friend Kara is flying and fleeing for her life.

“This is going to be great,” Lex says with a wolfish grin. “Okay, super cunts. Let’s play!”
Watching the screen, he presses the joysticks in opposite directions and they hover to either side of Wonder Woman whose head turns from side to side nervously.“Uhhmm, Kara, I may need a little help over here. Lex is pulling a flanking maneuver.”

“Okay, Di, I can’t find that Tachyon cannon anyway. I’ll take the drone on the …wait NOW I HEAR…AAARRGGHHH!!!”

From the top of a telephone pole the purple ray lances out at the targeted thermal image hovering eight feet over the forest floor and the software notes the body pattern cycles once then drops suddenly from its position.


“Kara! No!” Wonder Woman sees her companion knocked into a helpless somersault and then crash onto her back to the forest floor in stunned sprawl. The alarmed Amazon turns to head over to help when the two forgotten hovering drones fire at her from opposite positions. One spearing ray of thin red light is reflected away by an instinctive flash of the Feminum bracelet but the other wrist is a hair too slow to block the second deadly beam. It sears into Wonder Woman’s thigh, drawing an agonized yelp from the raven-haired beauty.


“Bulls-eye, bitch!” Lex gloats and maneuvers one drone between the two heroines while the other he pulls up an extra ten feet and then pushes the joystick forward to send it rocketing out of the preoccupied heroine’s view. The drone that’s hovering between Kara and Diana he fires again at Wonder Woman who sidesteps quickly and blocks this beam deftly. Glancing at Supergirl, she sees the blonde is badly stunned and sprawled on the ground, her arms and legs flung wide apart as she’d hit the ground hard. She’s not moving at all.

Lex takes his hand off one joystick and quickly turns a dial that controls the intensity of the tachyon beam. He doesn’t want to kill the young Kryptonian, just take her out of the fight completely. He smiles as he sees his targeting software do its job to perfection. The screen showing the viewpoint of the tachyon cannon shows it bathing the thermal signature of the alien frequency with a wide beam of reduced energy.

Out in the forest, a mere quarter mile from Luthor’s fortress, his defensive weapons are playing havoc with the two desperate heroines. Wonder Woman is now warding off the one drone’s constant barrage of powerful, pencil-thin red laser beams capable of slicing her flesh with the skill of a hibachi chef while the most powerful girl on the planet is engulfed in a wide purple beam of debilitating tachyons that disrupt her Kryptonian cells with powerful energies that even she can’t withstand. She lies on the ground with her body bucking and shaking in spastic torment.


Completely unable to control herself, Supergirl’s hands flail wildly as her back arches and her spittle sprays in all directions. With her eyelids fluttering and her heels kicking, the mighty Maid of Steel has been rendered completely impotent by the bright purple beam bathing her in its glow.

“Kara, hold on! I’m trying to…AIEEYAARGGHH!”

From out of nowhere, Lex’s second drone has swooped down behind Wonder Woman and shot a beam right to the back of her head. A sizzling puff of smoke rises out of the black hair as Wonder Woman’s back arches and her face tightens to a harsh grimace even as she turns to fight off the sneaky invader. While spinning however, the first drone drills a line through her bustier, the powerful red beam searing a straight cut through the garment and slicing across the top third of her breasts with deadly precision.


Wonder Woman screams in agony, her arms crossing in front of her chest too late to protect her from a searing wound as she stumbles backward. Suddenly, there’s no forest floor under her feet and she topples backward in horror. Distracted by the drones and Kara’s predicament, Wonder Woman had been cleverly maneuvered next to a deep tiger pit dug 10 feet down. Her stumbling legs tilt her helplessly into the opening and with her arms crossed the Amazon warrior cannot move them quickly enough before smashing her head on the steel reinforced upper edge of the pit.


Wonder Woman’s skull receives a nasty gash as her body falls to bottom of the pit with a loud thump and then nothing but silence.

“Okay, Roxie. I think you can finish off Superman’s pleasure now that things are well in hand,” Lex Luthor says with a wide grin, “just like we discussed.”

“Sure thing, Lexie,” Roxie nods happily and immediately whips out Superman’s dick and begins to deep throat him with great enthusiasm. She’d been waiting to do this for hours and gives the drugged Man of Steel her utmost attention. Her skills are considerable and even Kal, shocked and horrified as he is by the scenes of his cousin Kara writhing and trembling within the tachyon beam and Diana lying inertly at the bottom of a deep pit bleeding from a head wound, cannot fight the rising pleasure that Roxie’s mouth brings to him.

“OOHHH! Damn you, Lex. Damn you to h...UUUHHH…ooohhhhh…aaaahhhh….. stop…don’t…..” The aphrodisiac and the sedative work their magic in Superman’s rushing bloodstream and, bound rigidly in the chair, his head falls to his chest as his breath comes in harsh, raw pants. Roxie’s fist holds his rock-hard cock tightly as her head bobs rapidly between his legs.


Roxie is a woman possessed and her tight throat clamps onto Kal’s dick like a velvet vise even as her fingers tickle and caress his balls with spidery finesse.

“Don’t fight it, champ. This girl is a true professional at the top of her game. Your jizz is going to come spraying out of you like Old Faithful, I guarantee it, Superman. And how will you feel after coming like a firehose when your dear cousin and your lady love are lying there so helplessly right in plain sight on that monitor there, bigger than….oh, wait, what have we here?”
In the center of the screen, the camera showing Supergirl’s distress within the purple tachyon beam now displays the visual, almost larger than life scene of the Maid of Steel, arching her body with her head thrown back, only the whites of her eyes showing as she spreads her legs wide apart. With her skirt flipped up over her stomach, the camera shows Supergirl helplessly releasing her bladder. The crotch of her bright red panties suddenly goes wine dark with the heavy rush of urine. Incapable of controlling herself, Supergirl’s hips buck and jerk as her pee inundates the fabric, the rank fluid draining out of the side gaps, forming yellow puddles within the bed of leaves beneath her.

“Well, that’s something you don’t see everyday,” Lex declares with unabashed delight, “the world-renown Supergirl pissing her panties. See, Kal? Everybody has a breaking point. You just have to look hard to find it.”

Reaching over to the control board, Lex flips a switch and the purple beam cuts off. In the harsh afternoon light, a nearby camera catches the drawn face of the blonde heroine as it goes slack and her legs flop as wide open as physically possible. Her sensuous body drops to the forest floor in limp exhaustion. The red, orange and yellow leaves beneath the heroine reflect the golden glint of her urine puddles as the mighty Maid of Steel slips into unending black nothingness.

And still Roxie works over the defenseless Son of Krypton, her mouth and hands rendering him stupid with pleasure. His cock throbs like a drum even as his head picks up the beat of his rushing blood.

“oooohhhhhhh….” Superman shudders with near orgasmic delight and then Lex changes the view on the central visual of the big display screen.

Supergirl’s inert splayed porn pose is relegated off to the side as Wonder Woman’s predicament is featured mid-screen. The tiger pit is lit up by floodlights pointing down. The Amazon warrior’s head wobbles heavily on her shoulders as she tries to regain her senses. With her calves resting against the walls of the tiger pit, her boot heels pointing at the sky and her arms akimbo, the famous Wonder Woman’s tits have flopped out of her laser-parted bustier. The dazed beauty’s nipples are pointing up from the cold and on the smooth concrete floor of the pit, a puddle of Amazon blood forms just beside the heroine’s neck. The bad gash in her skull reduces the moaning beauty to a bewildered and defenseless shell of herself. The hovering drone at the lip of the pit scans down at the view. Lex gives a dull-eyed Superman a smug wink as he lines up the crosshairs on his control screen and presses the button on the joystick. The thin red beam from the drone pierces downward and the targeted nipple suddenly sizzles as Wonder Woman’s shrieks and her body jolts in place. Her legs splay apart to opposite walls of the pit and her sweat-stained crotch glares in the light. Her head bashes hard against the concrete and the mighty heroine’s face spasms in a grimace of agony and then goes blank as all expression drains from her face and her nose drops sideways into the shallow pool of deep red blood.

“Another sight one doesn’t see very often, eh, Kal? Wonder Woman’s tits splayed out while she spreads her legs and shows the world her damp cameltoe. Quite a day of firsts, I’d say,” Luthor says, beaming. “Roxie, why don’t you finish the poor man off like he deserves. All this excitement of watching his two favorite people in the world reduced to porn queen poses must have him desperate to bust a nut.”

“I’m on it, Lexie,” Roxie declares and goes back to sucking on Superman’s cock and sliding her fist rapidly up and down its impressive length. Despite the two devastating scenes of defeat he’s just witnessed, the speed and tightness of Roxie’s mouth and hand draws him back to full hardness in seconds. Drugged by a powerful aphrodisiac and relaxant, Superman cannot begin to mentally challenge the pleasure with which Roxie floods his mind and body. Deftly breaching his guard, Roxie shoves her hand between Kal’s legs, slides it between his damp buttocks and jams her forefinger deep into Superman’s anus. His eyes go wide with shock and joy as the bleached blonde targets all of the hero’s pleasure points with sublime dexterity. The warm wet mouth clamping the full length of his dick as she takes its throbbing tip deep into her throat and fingers his balls drives the Man of Steel over the edge of pleasure into total ecstasy.


Roxie gulps down the tiny first spurt of his ejaculation, pulls her face off the pulsing cock and squeezes it hard with one hand as she pulls her finger out of his ass and yanks up the red trunks of his uniform. Helpless to stop himself, Superman cums inside his costume trunks for one… two…three...four huge jets of hot spunk. His hands flap and jerk inside the manacles. His chin thumps on his chest. His boots kick the floor and his penis fills his pants with a sticky swell of white paste that stains his trunks with misshape splotches of dark shame. The sound of ragged panting fills the control room as Superman’s body sags weak and spent in the titanium bondage chair, his pleasure filling his mind with drifting white clouds of confusion and a glimmer of despair.

“Well there you have it, my dear Roxie, each in their own way you’ve just seen three sterling examples of the very essence of failed heroism: all spilled before me in tribute to my genius. A brilliant wet offering of just how heroes lose.”

“You’re the best, Lex,” Roxie says, licking a trace of Superman’s cum from the corner of her mouth with her dexterous tongue.

“I am. And now I’m going to go out in my Battle Suit to retrieve my prizes. Put out the champagne I’ve had chilling, my dear. I want to celebrate.”

End of Epilogue – Part Two
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Millenium Member
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Is the battle over before our heroines even began!? Lex seems to get all the best toys, unless you are Roxie of course, she seems to be having the best of times with SM. Now I wonder what our heroines can do versus the Battle Suit? Or will Lex be licking champagne off bubbly drenched heroines in celebrations of victory?
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Superman isn't Roxie's only toy. She swings both ways and is keen to get to work on Wonder Woman as well. Salivating about it, actually! Stay tuned.
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Neophyte Lvl 3
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OMG Kara didnt even have her belt turned on lol. I suppose one could forgive the blond moment after being out of action for so long. Luthor with all his toys is certainly starting to ware the heroines down bit by bit. Wouldnt expect anything less though. Now using bees as weapons is certainly thiking outside the box, poor Diana has the worst luck. At least now equipped with her belt she will heal from the stings faster. Lex of all people complaining about whats 'fair' when his tactics arent working lol. Wonder if those military guys will be any help to the girls.

Well that rescue just went sideways. Can only imagine what Lex has planned for the two now that he has put them both down and out for the moment.
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Epilogue -- Part Three – Seesaw Battles

Armed in his green and purple battle armor, Lex Luthor smugly struts along one of the hallways on the lower level of his fortress toward his control room. Under each arm dangles a limp superheroine, both easily carried thanks to the power augmentation technology of Lex’s super suit.

Swaying from his left arm, with her urine-soaked panties exposed under her disheveled skirt, an unconscious Supergirl has the tips of her boots bumping and tapping along the tile floor. Her powers have been rendered inert for the time being, every cell in her body shocked into submission from the damage caused by Lex’s tachyon cannon. The tender breasts jiggling under the red and yellow insignia serve merely to mock the promise of that famous emblem as the mighty Kryptonian drools in mindless helplessness. Her red soggy crotch with its fabric clinging tightly to the swollen curves of her pussy leaves a trail of yellow drips on the white tile as the senseless blonde beauty is toted toward a kryptonite slime tub of her very own. Her slack fingertips pass a foot above the floor, arms waving pathetically with every stride of her haughty captor.

Under Lex’s right arm, the slack Wonder Woman leaves a different trail: tiny red drops from a nasty gash on the back of her head. Matted with blood, the tangled ends of silky black hair of the slack-faced Amazon lightly swings back and forth as Lex makes his way toward his control room. Her boots drag behind her as well, with the longer legs of the taller woman causing their tips to point in opposite directions as they scrape along the tile. The generous ass cheeks of the famed heroine wobble and bounce, and the deep cleft of her camel toe shimmers with each step Luthor takes. Likewise, the naked breasts shimmy and shake with gelatinous quivers as the unconscious form of the Champion of All Women is hefted towards her appointment with Lex’s titanium bondage chair.

“I love my life,” announces Lex as he enters the control room where Roxie has just finished moving the dazed and jizz-soiled Superman by the automated hoist back to his kryptonite slime tub. As the glass cover slides over the top of the tub, the helpless champion’s eyes flutter and close in post-orgasmic exhaustion. He is unaware that his two female saviors are being unceremoniously dumped on the floor not twenty feet away from him.
With the two heroines piled like so much dirty laundry at his feet, Lex smiles and saunters over to his control board. He presses a button on it and a door lock opens with a clack against the far wall.

“Roxie, be a dear and wheel out that second slime tub I prepared for our pretty blonde Kryptonian guest. You can put it right there next to her cousin’s. It’ll be just like one of those Cialis commercials: side-by-side tubs.”

“Oh yeah, they do that in those, don’t they,” Roxie replies, tittering to herself as she goes to the just unlocked door. “Boner pills,” she calls out,
“Glad you don’t have that problem, Lexie!”

Her killer body, clad in a clingy black satin blouse, yellow vinyl miniskirt, dark taupe stockings and matching yellow pumps, sashays to the cabinet, her plump rear end stretching the slick skirt with a heart-thumping rhythm that explains all-too-well why Lex has no issues with hard-ons. The eager bottle blonde quickly maneuvers the tub into position across the floor while Lex watches his two captives. Neither shows signs of awakening.

“Excellent, Rox. Now quickly, remove Wonder Woman’s Girdle of Power before she awakes. Lock it in that security drawer. I’ll handle Incontinent Irma here in the meantime.”

“Girdle? Wonder Woman doesn’t look like she needs a girdle, Lexie. Heck, she’s got like a 25” waist! I think you’re mistaken, sweetie pie.”

“Her gold belt, Rox. It gives her all that legendary strength. Take it off her now!”

As Lex hefts up Supergirl by grabbing her by the insignia on her chest in his left fist, Roxie squats down, reaches behind Wonder Woman’s back, finds the tiny hidden clasp and slides the wide golden belt off the unconscious woman’s waist. She drops it a nearby drawer in a white metal cabinet along the wall and presses a small chrome button that engages the locking mechanism with a tiny electric whine.

Lex Luthor surveys the dangling heroine he holds before him. With her head flopped back, her arms dangling, her tits accented by stretch lines, her panties dripping her pee down her inner thighs, she is the picture of defeat. “Well, let’s just see if I can tell where your protective shield comes from, blondie.”

Pointing his right arm at the swaying teen, he bathes her body with the glow of the kryptonite beam from his specialized attack glove. As he shines the green ray up and down the teen’s nubile body, she doesn’t react at all but a misty gray bubble prevents the deadly radiation from even drawing a moan from the unconscious Kryptonian. And to Lex’s consternation there is no obvious source from where the bubble originates.

“Damn!” Lex peers at the body carefully, turning it slowly this way and that, but he cannot see how her protective device works without further study.

“Hmm. Perhaps a session in the tub will be enough to drain down your little toy’s battery power. Either way, it can’t be good for you. Let’s get you in there and find out, shall we, Kara, before you wake up?”

Leaning over, the evil genius presses a button and the glass cover slides down toward the foot of the tub revealing a deep reservoir of glowing green slime over 2 feet deep. He lifts Supergirl’s body higher until her boots are just above the rim of the tub and then lowers the famous Maid of Steel down into the thick muck. Her boots disappear into it and then her smooth bare thighs are submerged as her body is slowly lowered into the devastating ooze. Her entire lower torso is covered in slime as Lex continues to let her body slip under the surface. Suddenly, Supergirl’s two hands fly out and grip the rim of the tub, preventing Lex from lowering her any further. The grayish bubble continues to surround the teenage champion as her ice blue eyes spring open and fix on Lex’s own deep brown irises.

Supergirl is awake and fighting Lex with everything she’s got. Her arms quake with her effort, but the Tachyon beam has left her far weaker than her normal self. Working against Lex’s second hand pushing down on the top of her head is quite a struggle. The power of his battle suit has helped him fight Superman to a draw on more than one occasion and she’s significantly weaker than that right now. Helpless to resist, a grunting and struggling Supergirl has her entire body slowly and steadily pressed below the surface of the kryptonite sludge and held there by Lex’s hand on her chest and on her head.

“This isn’t going to end well for you, Supergirl,” he taunts. Within the thick slime, the girl hears only the muddled sound of a haughty victor. She bends her knees and tries to force the issue by pressing her boot soles against the tub’s bottom at the same time her hands push against the rim of the tub. Unfortunately, the slippery mix and the smooth metal surface give her no traction whatsoever. She flails and fights, her kicking boots splashing green muck everywhere but she still cannot force her head out from under the glowing green soup. Luthor’s constant downward pressure keeps her submerged. Bubbles, thin and waxy green, break the surface as Lex holds the struggling heroine down. Supergirl is clearly running out of air. And, though Lex has no way of knowing, the battery on Supergirl’s shield device steadily drains down as it protects her from constant immersion in the kryptonite muck.

Suddenly, Supergirl’s white knuckle grip on the tub’s rim begins to tremble, her hands shaking violently until, in a helpless spasm, her fingers flex awkwardly and then uncurl. Quietly, her hands slide limply down the inside surface of the tub, dropping below the level of the slime with a plop. Luthor holds the teen down for another 20 seconds before yanking her upper body out from the thick sludge. Gasping, coughing and sputtering, Supergirl draws a hefty gulp of oxygen as she hangs limply in Luthor’s grip.

“I don’t want you dead, Kara,” Lex declares. “I just need you not to be any kind of threat to me.” He then pushes her back into the tub and holds her down for another full minute. Her body bucks. Her arms reach up pitifully for a grasp of the tub’s rim but the slippery ooze prevents any kind of firm support. After the first 40 seconds, the teen’s knees flop apart, the stream of bubbles rises and the small figure goes limp once again under the glowing green surface. At the one minute and ten second mark, Luthor pulls the slimy heroine’s upper body out of the muck. Her head hangs back until she turns it sideways and spits out a sloppy spew of green gunk into the tub and wheezes loudly. Supergirl’s eyes are half open and her body is dead weight in Luthor’s hold, his fisted hands gripping her hair and her bunched chest insignia.

The bald scientist studies the listless figure and still doesn’t like the anger there in her eyes and thrusts her once more down into the slime and holds her there. This time the flailing appendages, the bucking body and the bubbles last for only half a minute before he yanks the slippery heroine up out of the muck. She is a limp, sodden, dribbling mess. Green rivulets of radioactive muck oozes out of her mouth, drips in gooey strings off her cheeks, coats her hair and neck, and soaks her costume so thoroughly that every feature of her breasts from the raised circles of her areolas to the twitching of her cooled nipples is clearly seen through the nearly transparent blue fabric. The rising and falling chest shows she alive but there’s precious little other activity from the languid body: flickering eyelids perhaps.

“Okay, champ. This strap around your neck will keep you from sliding down into the slime and drowning,” Luthor states as he lets go of her blouse and wraps the leather neck harness around the dazed blonde’s throat, fixing it in place. He lets go of her hair and the famous blonde’s body slides down until the neck strap stops her short with a gagging grunt. Her trembling chin sends ripples across the green slime as Lex pushes the button that slowly closes the glass cover, imprisoning the listless Maid of Steel in the tub right beside her unconscious cousin.

* * *

With the wind whipping at his hair in the open door of his helicopter, a second copter hovers into formation as Colonel Griffin gives orders into his helmet-mounted microphone. “Take us half a click west, Saunders. I want to see if we can locate where that drone deployed from.”

The two machines whirl off to investigate and when they get closer, the sharp-eyed soldier spots a large white object on the ground below in a small clearing in the trees. “Hand me those binoculars, sergeant.” He turns the focus ring just enough so that a square beehive comes clearly into view, a dark cloud swirling around it.

“Take us further west, slowly… and bring us down to just above the treetops, Saunders.”

The two copters circle and search for 15 minutes but the frustrated Colonel sees nothing of note. He sighs as he recognizes a large compound nearby, belonging to the area’s famous industrialist and Dubuque’s benefactor, Lex Luthor. Reluctantly, he gives a command to head back to the downed jet in the Mississippi so they can check with the investigation team floating in rafts nearby. There was no way that Griffin was about to raise a fuss with Lex Luthor, killer drones coming from his place or not! Flushing his career down the toilet for some possible mishap in a new weapons system was flat out dumb.

* * *

While Lex was occupied with Supergirl, Roxie knelt down and got busy un-wrapping his gift to her: the scrumptious Wonder Woman. After pulling her legs straight, and positioning her arms on the floor by her side, the blonde moll grasps both sides of the horizontal splice in the famous red and gold bustier. She pulls hard at the torn garment with both hands. The golden fabric eagle folds over on itself in one direction and the shimmering red fabric rolls down her belly in the other direction, exposing her full breasts completely. Roxie sits back on her heels, stunned by the perfection of this set of tits that still hold their shape with only the faintest hint of sag. Perhaps if the belt were still around her waist, even that little touch of relaxation wouldn’t be happening. It’s an amazing thought.

Licking her lips, Roxie leans forward and palms the two great globes with a shiver of delight. She squeezes the fruit and feels their supple firmness, savoring the press of Wonder Woman’s nipples against her palms as she rubs her hands in circles and gently caresses the amazing tits with heady pleasure. The mighty heroine remains completely unaware of her compromised situation with the bad head wound keeping her unconscious. The roaming hands slide over the generous curves and cup the massive melons from underneath, squeezing them again and again like an indecisive shopper in a grocery store.

“What a pair you got here, Wonder Woman,” Roxie exults. “I never felt up such a set like this. And I’ve felt up more than my fair share of titties, girl! But these, well, you win the grand prize, sister. Grandest of the grand,” Lex’s henchwoman babbles as she mauls, fondles, caresses and squeezes the merchandise with impunity. She gives them a hefty slap to both outer sides at the same time, then pushes them together before they spring apart and dance on her chest like over-filled water balloons. “They’re just so much fun to play with. I feel like a guy getting to first base for the first time in his life.”

Sighing heavily, Roxie suddenly leans forward with an idea. “Taste test!” She locks her lips on the left nipple and squeezes down, enjoying the firmness of the bud before opening her mouth and curling her tongue over the brown nub and licking it slowly. The nipple hardens slightly and Roxie begins to suck on it strenuously. “Mmmmm,” she moans with delight. “You don’t disappoint, Jugs. Not in the least. And that perfume of yours, what’s it called, Eau d’ Slut? It’s driving me crazy: that and the enticing aroma of your sweat and blood. ”

Roxie buries her face between WW’s breasts, shoves them together and breathes deeply, inhaling the scent like a fine wine. “Delicious! Now, let’s check down below, shall we?” Splaying WW’s legs apart, the besotted blonde positions herself on her knees between them and begins grazing her face down the Amazon’s body, luxuriating in the moment and the magnificent body laid out for her pleasure. When she gets to the blue-covered crotch, she buries her nose deep within the sweaty camel toe she finds there and inhales with gusto before pulling away.

“Mmmm. Superheroine tacos! A fucking buffet of them!” Roxie’s thumbs edge along the leg bands of the famous blue panties with their white stars before they slide underneath and stretch out the fabric so it clings even more tightly to the rounded shapes of the famed Amazon’s pussy. She goes in for another deep inhale and her eyes get dreamy with torpid satisfaction before suddenly lighting up with lust.
Busy hands suddenly pull aside the crotch of Wonder Woman’s panties and Roxie’s tongue thrusts deeply between the slick labial lips, licking all along the outer rim of the forbidden tunnel. She begins to suck and lick and nibble with gusto, going so far as to hike up Wonder Woman’s pelvis for a better angle. Roxie is voracious, eating out the Amazon for all she’s worth. She can’t suck out enough of the strongly scented juices she finds there, can’t stop herself from sucking and twirling heroine clit with her dancing tongue, can’t control her need to bury her face in paradise, can’t resist moving her right hand deep within the satin panties and jamming her finger high up into Wonder Woman’s ass and twisting her wrist. Roxie does this maneuver for a good fifteen seconds before she has to withdraw the finger and return it to the heroine’s crotch since the rubberized fabric threatens to close over the world class snatch she’s savoring. In her fury of lust, Lex’s moll stimulates the unconscious beauty to consciousness, albeit the very outer edge of it.


The moan from the prostrated Champion of All Woman freezes Roxie in place, her mouth sealed over the soft pussy like a rubber plunger in a clogged sink, her fingers holding the crotch of the panties to the side while others splay apart the tent flaps of the heavenly opening to their fullest extent. Roxie’s eyes search upward but from this vantage point can only see a furry plain of black curls, a belly covered in shiny red satin and tall mountainous naked tits in the distance.


“Uuhh oh,” Roxie mumbles into Wonder Woman’s snatch and that causes the dazed beauty’s thighs to twitch and for her to raise her head to locate the source of the tickle down below. Through the fog of her fuddled mind, Diana sees a blonde’s face buried between her thighs and reacts with vigor. Her thighs snap shut and she rolls onto her side pinning the stranger between her legs even as she draws a squawk out of her.
With her head and hands stuck for the moment in the vise of Wonder Woman’s powerful thighs and forced onto her side, Roxie has no leverage against this suddenly active dynamo. She yanks hard on her hands and pulls her face back just enough to release the crotch of the panties. It snaps back in place over the prize, covering it neatly. Roxie’s palms now press against Wonder Woman’s inner thighs, trying to spread them open. While at first her hands are immobilized against her own ears, the panicked moll begins to succeed, pushing apart the thighs inch by inch, straining hard until slowly she reduces the pressure of the vice they had become.

Both women grunt and fight for position: Wonder Woman with her palms against the floor, Roxie trying to maneuver her legs for better leverage, even going so far as to butt her head hard into the apex of Wonder Woman’s crotch. When this draws a loud gasp from the Amazon, Roxie has found her tactic of choice. With a powerful heave of her body, she plants the crown of her head hard into Wonder Woman’s groin. The mighty thighs spring apart with a howl of pain from overhead and Roxie is free!

She gets to her feet immediately to see Wonder Woman still on the ground bent into a moaning ball and clutching with both hands at her crotch, trying to soothe the radiating fire there. Seizing her opportunity, Roxie kicks out hard with her left foot, the flat sole of her yellow pump smacking hard into Wonder Woman’s forehead. This knocks the unsuspecting champion backward, knocking the wound on her head against the hard tile floor and sending shooting stars of agony into her vision. The raven-haired beauty’s arms flail wide apart and her legs flop open exposing her crotch to her foe even as Wonder Woman fights desperately not to pass out.


“I don’t know why everyone says you’re so fucking great, lady. You sure don’t seem so tough to me!”

Reaching down, Roxie yanks up on the long black hair and pulls the stupefied Wonder Woman’s face into range. She lets go with a vicious bitch slap to the left cheek that snaps the Amazon’s head to the side while sending out a spray of saliva and blood from her mouth. Shaking the hair until her foe’s head comes back to face forward, Roxie delivers a backhand to the opposite cheek that draws a cry from the defenseless heroine. And then she releases the hair and Wonder Woman’s body thumps to the floor, limp in defeat.

“Yeah, not very tough at all,” she confirms. “What do you say, let’s tenderize that ass of yours while we’re at it, hey, champ?”

Rolling the torpid figure over on her front so her ass faces the ceiling, Roxie enjoys the view: wide cheeks filling the blue and white briefs to perfection. The two perfectly rounded curves invite molestation and Lex’s henchwoman accepts the offer with an almost carnivorous joy. She kneels down once again beside the groaning figure and grabs the cheeks in both hands, rubbing them in opposite directions. The warm feel of Amazon butt filling her palms brings a sigh of satisfaction from Roxie and a moan of anguish from Wonder Woman.

The moan becomes a sudden yelp when Roxie takes her hand off the right cheek and slaps it hard with the flat of her hand. When the heroine tries to weakly squirm away, Roxie takes up a fistful of fabric from the back of the bustier to hold the enfeebled beauty in place. With her other hand and a series of yanks, she quickly works down Wonder Woman’s starred briefs to mid-thigh, exposing the two moons of Themyscira to the open air. A helpless Wonder Woman is too queasy from Roxie’s earlier beating to defend her rear flank. She can do nothing as a cannonade of hard spanking smacks to her bare buttocks resounds through the control room.

Again and again the open hand raises up and comes down hard, punishing the whimpering Amazon with a spanking she won’t ever forget…at the hands of a mere mortal woman. Her prone body jolts with a dozen ringing smacks. Again and again the hand goes up and comes down hard on shaking curves of naked Amazon flesh. Soon the bare butt cheeks are as red as the prone warrior’s face cheeks. With utter pleasure, Roxie completely humiliates the famed Champion of All Women.

After more than two dozen spanks the barrage is over and Roxie gets to her feet. She looks down at the beaten champion in triumph. Wonder Woman’s inflamed ass is completely exposed; her naked tits are squashed against the floor beneath her; her tangled hair is a rat’s nest sticky with blood; her face is pressed against the cool white tile in dazed groaning defeat.

“Nice work, Rox. Exemplary,” Luthor declares, stepping up beside his moll and putting his arm around her shoulders. “Let’s get her into the chair there. I’ve got a couple of psychological tests I want to run on this sanctimonious cow now that you’ve knocked her down several pegs.”

Roxie tilts her head sideways and kisses the battle glove draped against her collarbone. “Oh, Lexie, that was like the most fun ever, ever in the history of ever. Thank you for giving that moment to me. I’ll never forget it. You’re the fucking best boss on the planet!”

“And you get a 401K pension plan as well,” grins Lex, “so yes, I suppose I am.”

That said, Lex bends over, grabs Wonder Woman’s red and white boot by the ankle and begins to drag the bare-assed heroine face down across the white tile floor over to the titanium chair. He never gets there.

An exploding shower of glass that used to be the cover of Supergirl’s slime tub rocks the control room with noise and a cloud of nasty glimmering shards. Several sink into Roxie’s arms and even Wonder Woman’s raised legs. Roxie yelps while Wonder Woman grunts. The shards harmlessly bounce off of Lex’s battle suit but he has stopped in his tracks at this shocking event, holding Wonder Woman’s leg up while his head is turned toward the set of tubs across the room.

“How the fuck did she …UUUGGHHNNNNN!!”

The red and blue and greenish missile that screams out of the tub gives Lex no time to react. Supergirl hits him with the crown of her head in his armored gut, denting it even as she wraps her arms around his waist. She powers forward, smashing him into the far wall in a driving tackle that knocks all the air out of Lex’s lungs. She gets up and leaves the gasping, wheezing man sprawled on the floor as she speeds back to Roxie. She grabs the moll by the front of her black satin blouse and lifts her in the air. The blond henchwoman’s feet dangle a foot off the floor.

“You’ve got a lot to answer for, bitch, but first, where’s Wonder Woman’s belt?”

“Jeez, Supergirl, why would I know?”

“Because Lex was busy with me while you were playing with Diana.”

“I was just having a little girl-on-girl fun. Harmless stuff. Lesbos, like your Amazon friend there, do it all the time, I hear. You into that? Girl on girl?”

“Make me ask you again where her belt is and I’ll break this arm, girl-on-girl style,” growls Kara, grasping Roxie’s wrist and twisting it enough to draw a shout.

“Top drawer, there,” nods Roxie toward the far wall with a grimace. “Middle section. Right next to where Lexie is. It’s got a special security lock though.”

“Not an issue,” Supergirl snarls, dropping the blonde to the ground and knocking her aside with a brush of her shoulder that sends Roxie sprawling on her back to the tile floor.

As she gets close to the designated drawer, Lex’s right arm extends and a red ray floods Supergirl’s body from his attack glove, bathing her in its rosy red kryptonite glow. Once again the grayish bubble forms around the blonde champion, protecting her from whatever heinous effect the odd element might have had on her. This draws a harsh expletive from the still-seated Lex.

“Sorry, red k doesn’t get through any better than green, pal,” declares Supergirl. “I thought you were a quick study, Luthor.” The heroic blonde kicks Lex’s gauntlet aside so hard it smashes against the cabinet behind him. “Guess not!”

In a rare moment of pure luck, the broken security drawer holding Wonder Woman’s Girdle of Power springs open when smashed by Lex’s glove. This exposes the golden belt to Kara’s astonishment.

“Wow! Gee, thanks Lex. Such fast service,” the Maid of Steel grins and turns to return the vital piece of her fellow heroine’s armor to her: a bad error in judgment by the blonde.

Lex springs to his feet and jams the 10-inch curved blade hidden within his attack glove into Supergirl’s back. It doesn’t penetrate her skin or even tear a hole in her costume but the force of his lunge pulls a barking grunt out of the stunned Kryptonian and knocks her to the floor on her hands and knees before an enraged Lex Luthor. Her famous costume is soaked through by bright green slime that oozes off her, forming a wide puddle. Kara shakes her head to clear away the pain and the mental cobwebs.

She looks up to see that Wonder Woman’s golden belt has spun away across the floor and landed at the side of its dazed but rightful owner. Now her friend simply has to have enough sense left to reach out and grab it.

“Diana! Your bel…..UUNNHH!”

Luthor’s blade jams hard into Supergirl’s neck, forcing her forehead to the floor with a loud crunch of tile that leaves the blonde dazed. Her rear end faces upward, prime territory for Luthor’s follow up move, a swift kick of his boot to the unsuspecting heroine’s crotch. The kick sends the blonde head over heels, flying in a somersault eight feet in the air until her body slams, upside down, into an island cabinet filled with myriad pieces of equipment that come tumbling out of doors and drawers, scattering on the floor around the stunned teen. Her legs collapse forward, her boot heels facing Luthor, as Supergirl’s eyes flutter in a momentary senseless fugue.

But the Maid of Steel’s earlier shout had done its job. Wonder Woman’s grip after reaching out for her golden belt sends a surge of energy back through her body. Her head still aches pretty badly but the belt immediately helps clot the blood and close the wound up a bit. When Roxie makes a dash for the Amazon to grab the belt out of her hands, all she gets for her trouble is a spin in place by Wonder Woman followed by a sweeping leg takedown that puts the henchwoman on her back with a grunt and a sigh when her head knocks against the tile floor. Roxie’s head flops sideways. She is out of her senses and out of the fight.

Wonder Woman gets quickly to her feet when she sees Luthor striding toward her compatriot, who is on her back with her legs folded over her like an upended turtle.

“Luthor! Face me like a man,” Diana shouts, stopping the scientist in his tracks and making him swivel his head. He’d been so focused on the Kryptonian he hadn’t realized the Amazon had recovered already. With Roxie flat on her back with her eyes shut, Lex realizes he has to deal with the Amazon while Supergirl is still dazed.

Lex turns toward the Amazon whose naked breasts jiggle before him ten feet away. Only the tops of them are covered by the wrinkled gold fabric eagle she has pulled down. The nipples are fully exposed while the lower half of her bustier is bunched in a roll around her abs.

“Very well, I will…since you’re facing me like a woman…or should I say like an overeager whore with your tits out like that!”

“Do they make you nervous, Luthor?” Unfazed by his taunt, Diana stalls so Kara can recover her senses. It shouldn’t take long.

“Hardly,” replies Lex, raising both arms, palms up, “but they do make…


….nice targets!” With a twist of his right wrist, his attack glove’s blinding yellow energy bolt has struck Wonder Woman’s reflexively crossed bracelets with enough voltage to knock her into the wall of cabinets behind her. Never having fought Luthor in his Battle Suit before, the Amazon warrior doesn’t know its many capabilities. Her reflexes save her from a scarring chest wound but the crash against the cabinets leaves her awkwardly defensive and vulnerable to another blast from Luthor. A second yellow blast sears the air itself with a sizzling hum of power as it streaks toward Wonder Woman’s legs. The blue and red streak that intercepts it is knocked backward into the Amazon and together the two heroines fall to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs.

Lex switches tactics and instantly bathes the pair in his green kryptonite beam to see if the tub and his red kryptonite ray had drained the battery of her shield down to levels where the radiation would slow her down. Sadly for him, Supergirl’s defensive gray bubble is still working. She gets to her feet without any hint of pain. The charge of his energy bolts has already dissipated as well. The Kryptonian stands before him with a triumphant leer.

“You just can’t accept the fact that your little toy isn’t working, can you, Lex?” Kara extends her hand behind her and Wonder Woman pulls herself off the floor with it, her blue eyes icy with rage at all that Lex has visited upon her, from her downed jet to his bees to Roxie’s humiliating spanking. The Amazon’s lip curls as she prepares to launch an unholy attack on Lex and his Battle Suit. Bare tits or not, Diana does not even consider retreat.

Supergirl is equally furious at the treatment she’s received this day. Being blasted out of the sky by his tachyon cannon, nearly drowned, and then being so badly damaged a second time by the debilitating ray that she had helplessly wet her panties; it was too much to forgive.
Although they had recovered from their long abuse at the hands of their mob captors, both women still harbor a furious rage about their captivity that a mere three months could not fully dispel. Their souls hunger for retribution for all that indignity and, unfortunately for him, Lex Luthor is the convenient target for that. Standing there before two of the earth’s mightiest female heroines, he thinks he had an even chance to win this battle. How wrong he is!

So when Lex unleashes another yellow energy blast at the pair of resolute beauties, they parry with a vehemence that shocks Luthor to his core. Wonder Woman leads the way, carefully deflecting the rapid-fire barrage of Luthor’s yellow energy attack with flashing wrists. She never allows his power bolts to hit full force directly against her bracelets, so she isn’t forced back. The glancing energy charges spew away in every direction in sparkling, sizzling gold bursts. Meanwhile, the Amazon warrior stalks forward toward her foe, advancing with steely-eyed determination.

At the same time, hovering just off the ground from behind Wonder Woman’s flashing wrists, Supergirl lets loose her own barrage. She blasts Lex’s Clear Carbon face shield with her heat vision, bathing it in a red glow that obscures his view completely. When they get within a few feet of him, Supergirl launches herself over the Amazon and comes down feet first on the top of Lex’s helmet, pile driving him to his knees before flying up and out of his flailing reach.


Not giving her foe any respite, Wonder Woman ducks low and launches under Lex’s arms, shoving her shoulder against his waist and driving his body backward so that he’s pushed into a wall with a thundering jolt that has his helmet cracking the cement. Supergirl’s mighty follow-up kick to his head sends Lex falling over to his side, dazed and motionless. Wonder Woman stands up and backs away while her blonde companion lands quickly in front of the fallen scientist. Supergirl bends over and grabs his collar to rip the chest protector section off. A powerful plasma charge knocks her onto her back a dozen feet away. The suit’s automated protective shielding has done what the sluggish genius could not; it stuns Supergirl into near unconsciousness. Lying on her back in a shallow green puddle of kryptonite slime drippings, the moaning beauty tries to raise her head but slumps back into a dazed stupor on the white tile floor, unable to rise.

“Kara!” The horrified Wonder Woman turns her head, watching her friend land hard. Once again, a heroine turning her attention away from Lex
Luthor proves disastrous. Weakly lifting his attack glove, he fires off an energy bolt that burns a hole in the side of Wonder Woman’s bustier, leaves a smoking red welt on her skin, and knocks the screeching Amazon to one knee.


“Stupid cow,” murmurs the still dazed Luthor, who fires off another round at his quarry. Wonder Woman parries this blast with her left bracelet and quickly hops to her feet, wincing from the burn in her right side as she does. But her blue eyes drill fury into Luthor as she steps forward to his slouching form lying on the floor. Another bolt is sent scorching off to the side from her right bracelet and then Wonder Woman’s knee connects with Lex’s face shield.

The combination of her immense power with the weakening effect on the Clear Carbon by Supergirl’s earlier barrage of heat vision shatters the shield and it flies apart. One tiny shard embeds into Luthor’s cheek and he turns his head aside in pain and alarm. Wonder Woman’s fist plows into his exposed face, knocking it against the tile and sending Luthor into a swirling gray fog of pain and confusion. This leaves him too stunned to do anything but hang helplessly in the snarling Amazon’s grasp as she hoists him high into the air with her left hand around his now exposed throat, his feet dangling inches above the floor.

Considering the considerable weight of his suit and his 6’ 8” height, this is an impressive feat. Even more so, is the thundering clang of metal as Wonder Woman drives her bracelet into Lex’s thigh. This shatters the armor into chunks that flake off onto the tile floor with a loud clatter. With that done, Diana digs her nails into the soft thigh muscle and twists, drawing a spray of blood and a scream of agony from the thrashing Luthor.

“Shut up, you sniveling snot rag! If you’ve permanently damaged either Kara or Kal, I will rip you apart like burnt meat!”

“I haven’t! I haven’t,” pleads Luthor, his face a mask of pain. “Those two are far too powerful for my power bolts to do anything but stun them.”

“Perhaps that’s true, but you’ve had months to work over Kal-El. And I suspect you used every resource at your disposal, you filthy reprobate!”

“Just some tests to validate a theory or two,” Luthor replies coolly, his pain and temper curtailed

“Validate this, you disgusting pig!” Kara’s shout from behind Diana precedes her flying pile-driving punch into Luthor’s chest. The intensity of her rage and the power behind her launch from over 10 feet away is more than enough to create a huge dent in the battle suit and a massive shower of sparks that spells the end of the armor’s usefulness. Wonder Woman releases the swaying figure and Luthor collapses to the floor in a stupor.

Supergirl brushes her hands together and stands with her hip cocked in obvious satisfaction.

Taking a hard-won object lesson from her friend, rather than trying to lift up Luthor by his suit, Wonder Woman decides to throw her lasso over a stunned Luthor’s head. She cinches it snugly around his exposed neck and commands him to remain in place on the floor. She then glances at Supergirl standing beside her with concern.

“Kara, are you alright?”

“I’m fine. I just got my bell rung. I’ve never fought Lex in his Battle Suit before. I can see why Kal has such trouble with him.” Supergirl studies the scientist with the wobbling head to determine if another blow is needed. It’s not. “Still, that bit of revenge felt very, very good!” She nods down at the groggy man at their feet.

“Well, I’ve got him under wraps now,” says Diana. “I was about to command him to stand up now, to get out of the suit and to open your cousin’s tub so we can get him out of there.”

“That’s a good idea, but may I suggest you drape my cape over your…uh…chest there?” Kara unclasps her cape from her shoulder and hands it over. It’s a heavy sodden, slimy green mess that Wonder Woman looks at askance but when she peers down and realizes she’s been fighting half naked all this time, she shrugs and reluctantly takes the foul garment “Yes, I guess that would be only proper. Kal might be too weak to withstand the shock,” she jests.

Remembering her cousin, Supergirl dashes over to the other side of the room and examines the lock holding the glass cover over her cousin’s slime tub. Using her x-ray vision, she checks for any kind of trip wire mechanism that could explode her cousin’s unit. The lock is covered in lead paint however so she cannot be sure it’s not booby trapped.

“Bring that pig over here. I have to question him about this lock. We need to get Kal out of this tub as soon as possible!” For the first time, Kara looks through the glass and really sees her cousin’s face. While his unconscious repose shows no immediate signs of pain, the wide strong face she’d known all her life is drawn and gaunt, a sadly emaciated version of the Man of Steel. “Please hurry, Diana. He looks just awful.”

“He’s alive. I’ve made sure he wouldn’t die and he won’t,” Luthor proclaims as he steps down and out of the lower part of his suit and moves backward. His 5’ 11” frame is much less imposing out of the 6’ 8” battle suit.

“If you’re waiting for a thank you, you’ll die before that happens, Luthor,” snarls Supergirl.

Wonder Woman tugs Lex along by her lasso she’s replaced over his body after he’d stepped out of the suit. His white dress shirt and suit pants are somewhat wrinkled from the fight and, wearing only his socks, the man’s gate is a bit tentative due to Kara’s green slime trails on the white tile that he’s avoiding on the way.

When the pair arrive beside Superman’s tub, his shapely cousin grabs Luthor by his shirt collar with her slippery hand and yanks him close to her body. “Unlock it! Now,” she demands, nodding down at the tub.

“Sorry, sweetheart, but it’s on a timer. He just went back in there and can’t be withdrawn for about another two and a half hours. A little safety precaution of mine in case old Supie here got some strength back or someone such as you showed up.”

“You’re bluffing, Luthor.”

“It could cost cous’ here his life to find out. Want to take that chance, blondie?”

“Override it. I’m sure you can, you bastard,” Supergirl says.

“Nope. No can do. Like I say, I expected you to arrive like the cavalry. Your pretty friend here though, she’s just gravy,” Luthor replies with a raised eyebrow and a grin at Wonder Woman. She yanks down hard on the lasso and Lex Luthor is forced to his knees before her.

“Show a little respect, you slimy worm,” the Amazon demands.

“And yet two are the ones covered in slime. Let’s just call it even among the three of us and have a cocktail and discuss this. We have plenty of time before the automated lock releases. What do you say?”

“I say I’d rather take that time and use you as a punching bag, Luthor.” Supergirl’s eyes are on the edge of glowing red with heat vision and Wonder Woman steps up closer to her, whispering in the blonde’s ear.

“Steady, girl. We still need him. Don’t kill him.”

“I can’t wait here for two and a half hours with him looking so smug.”

“This lasso compels you to tell the truth, Luthor. Is what you’ve told us about the time lock true?”

“Absolutely, ladies. Like I say, she was expected,” Lex says with a nod toward the blonde. “Perhaps you’d two would like to shower, wash your uniforms, and maybe have some food. It’s been a long day for everyone. I’m feeling a bit peckish. What do you say?”

Supergirl just glares at him. Wonder Woman fumes. But there’s nothing the duo can do to rectify the situation. A groan from across the room from Roxie draws everyone’s attention.

“What the fuck? What’s going on,” the bottle blonde holds her head as she gets up and stands on shaky feet.

“We’ve got company, sugar plum,” says Lex. “How about rustling us up some dinner?”

“Dinner? Fuck them,” Roxie declares, leaning forward with a squint. She simply sees the two women in colorful costumes standing beside Lex and shrugs. “They’re too much trouble. I’m going to get an aspirin, Lexie. Please kill them before I get back,” requests the moll, too out of it to realize that it is Lex who’s been captured.

When she takes a step forward toward the kitchen area, she suddenly bumps into Supergirl standing there.

“Hey! Get outta my way,” the surprised whore barks and pushes against Supergirl’s body blocking her way. The mighty blonde heroine doesn’t budge an inch, but Roxie recoils in disgust. “Eeeuuwww! You’re sticky too! You got some of that stuff on me. Gross! Move it, sister before….Uurrggkkk!” The hand clutching her throat silences Roxie with a squawk.

“Where’s the shower, slut?” Supergirl lessens her grip so the woman can respond.

“Slut?!! Lexie, she…wraaullgk!”

“Lexie’s not in charge here anymore, you idiot! Don’t say anything, just point.” Roxie does so with a flailing hand behind her and to the right. Supergirl tosses the moll aside with a flick of her wrist, sending her flying into a nearby leather sling chair. The badly stunned blonde stays draped there with one leg over the metal arm, her pink panties showing and her bright yellow vinyl skirt ripped open. Supergirl heads off toward a much needed shower as Wonder Woman pulls Lex over to a companion set of chairs near Roxie.

“I’m going to take this lasso off you now, Luthor. Try anything and I’ll rearrange your body parts,” Diana threatens. “Understand?”

“I won’t attack you,” Lex replies, still under the influence of the lasso. Nodding, she slides it up and over his head and then coils it and hangs it off her hip.

And then they both sit down and the three of them sit there in silence for two full minutes just eyeing each other before the scientist speaks up.

“So, what are your plans from here out, my dear,” Lex asks: “The usual victory parade?”

“Quite possibly. Freedom for Kal-El. Prison for you and Brainiac over there,” answers Diana calmly.

“Bitch,” Roxie mumbles, coming fully out of her daze now. She testily pulls her leg off the arm of the chair and straightens her skirt, attempting a very belated show of modesty.

“A happy ending for one and all, I’d say,” Diana declares, leaning back.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Lex frowns.

“Neither would I,” says a voice from behind her. Startled, Wonder Woman turns her upper body to see who had snuck into the room. Her mouth drops open in shock. Six feet away, Tony Bonano stands there smiling right at her.

“..T…Tuh…Tony…?...” Wonder Woman is at a complete loss for words, merely mumbling the mobster’s name in confusion.

“Surprised to see me, sweetheart? I can only imagine. It’s not easy to fake your own death with two superheroines in the room. Being smarter than both of them put together helps of course.”

“I don’t know what you’re doing here,” says Wonder Woman, recovering her poise and standing up to face her tormentor with a cold fury, “but you will pay dearly for all you did to me and to Kara!”

“Oh, I doubt that very much, Jugs,” grins Tony who nods at Wonder Woman’s breasts that are barely covered by Supergirl’s sodden slime-coated cape. “Giving them a little more air than usual, aren’t you, Wondie?”

Looking down at her chest and realizing she still hasn’t fully covered herself after her fight with Luthor and Roxie, Wonder Woman’s face reddens and she pulls the cape tightly around her body with both hands. She stammers out a halting explanation. “H..his..l...laser…and she … she.. p..puh..pulled open my b..bustier…”

“No need to apologize to me, Jugs. I like this new look of yours. But what I’d really like is a nice slow blow job from the Champion of All Women. You’ll do that for me, won’t you, my pet?”

“Not a chance in hell, Bonano,” declares Supergirl as she strides into the room in her now clean uniform. She’d stood in the shower wearing it and soaped it up completely at super speed before removing it, rinsing it, finishing her shower and then blowing it dry with her super breath.
She stands four feet away from Tony with the look of a woman who could chew steel in her bare teeth…and has on past occasions.

“Hello, Kara,” Tony says, completely unfazed. “Nice to see you looking so… healthy.”

“You’re going to prison, Tony,” Supergirl says, her hands on her hips in her power pose. She’s less unnerved than Wonder Woman about the man’s sudden appearance on the scene. She’d had her suspicions over her months on Paradise Island that he was still alive but was too busy concentrating on healing herself to give it due consideration.

“You two gals seem awfully fixated on getting us behind bars,” Tony smirks, but I’m afraid that’s just not in the cards. Now if you just wait a minute, Kara, while Wonder Woman here sucks my dick, we’ll deal with you right afterward. You will suck my dick, won’t you Diana of Themyscira, princess and daughter of Hippolyta?”

“That’s enough games, Bonano,” growls Supergirl. “There’s no way your twisted dream is coming true. Tell him, Diana. Show him who’s boss!”

With three quick strides, Wonder Woman moves over in front of Tony Bonano and looks him in the eye, her blue irises blazing at his own unwavering brown ones. And then she drops to her knees and unzips his fly.

Supergirl gasps in utter shock, even taking a step back in horror. In that short time, Wonder Woman has pulled out Tony’s cock, jerked him off with six quick strokes to get him hard and is now deep-throating him with moaning delight.

“Mmmmm….good….tho good…” she sighs between loud sucking gulps of Tony’s rigid prick.

“Diana!! Don’t! What’s gotten into you! STOP!!!” Supergirl rushes to the side of the kneeling Amazon to pull her away only to get a vicious backhand to the face from the head-bobbing beauty. The stunned blonde heroine goes spinning off to the side, knocked to the ground by the incredibly powerful and completely unexpected blow from her dearest friend. She lies there for a moment on her belly, too dazed and shocked to rise.

“GO AWAY, KARA! I NEED THIS…..SO…MUCH!” Wonder Woman’s frenzied shout ends suddenly in a loud gulp when she takes Tony’s penis deep into her mouth once again. She swallows the swollen rod whole, taking it in so far that it touches the back of her throat. She then forces her face even further forward into his pants, making the bulbous head of the mobster’s cock press down into her windpipe. Her throat’s velvet vise-like grip brings a shiver of pleasure to a widely-grinning Tony hips. With three, four, five successive gulps, she bobs her head forward and back, creating a glorious friction that pleases her and Tony to no end.

“…uulk…uulk…uulk…uulk …uulk …” The Champion of All Women works over the hard swollen cock like the most seasoned whore in a cathouse on the old Barbary Coast. Her hands reach deep into Tony’s boxers and cradle his balls, fondling them with dancing, feathery fingertips. Her need to please Tony and herself has Wonder Woman deep-throating the Italian with every fiber of her being. Her eyes roll up slightly under her lids as she plows her nose into his pubic hair again and again with repetitive gulping moans of absolute pleasure. Her heavy breasts sway back and forth with her steady rhythm.

Back on her feet, Supergirl is ashamed for her friend’s obscene performance and rushes over once again to pull Wonder Woman’s face off of Tony’s gleaming pink spit-shined shaft. This time she runs straight into the Amazon’s suddenly-raised leg, the rounded boot heel pounding hard into the crotch of the heroic blonde. Supergirl collapses to the floor with a cry of agony and grabs her groin in both hands.


Writhing on the floor in torment, Supergirl’s eyes well with tears of pain and she curls up into a fetal ball, her hands smoothing up and down against the crotch of her panties to ease the throbbing. Lex Luthor sees this opportunity and rushes over to his Battle Armor to retrieve his attack glove. It doesn’t offer the full power it would when attached to the full suit but it may be enough to knock out the Maid of Steel and regain the advantage against both heroines.

Meanwhile, Roxie dashes over to the array of equipment that had fallen out of the cabinet that Supergirl was upended against. She sees a three-foot section of 1” diameter pipe that hooked into one of Lex’s force-feeding machines that he’d used on Superman during one of his unsuccessful hunger strikes. She picks it up, enjoying the heft of it in her palm, and walks back over and behind Supergirl while Lexie approaches the curled up heroine from the front.

Tony’s gaze shifts languidly over to what Lex and Roxie are doing even as he holds Wonder Woman’s head in his palms and enjoys the feel of her lush bobbing mane as she kneels between his thighs and delightedly sucks him off.

The post-hypnotic suggestion Tony had embedded in the mighty Amazon’s brain with her lasso so many months ago was working to perfection. All that had been required was the exact phrasing of her name that he’d just used on her and the auto-suggestion kicked in like a charm. Her deepest desire at this moment was to please him and herself with the best blowjob she’d ever given anyone in her life. She was fulfilling her role exactly as he’d planned. He hadn’t known when he would need this ace-in-the-hole but this timing couldn’t be better. Wonder Woman’s throat relaxes a bit and she pulls back for a moment, suckling firmly on the thick pole before her. She works her tongue around the shaft, then licks up and down its length with a fevered devotion to detail. Then the world-renowned beauty opens wide, takes the head of the bobbing penis in her mouth and grips the bottom edge of his glans firmly, twisting her head back and forth several times. Tony’s knees shake at this so Wonder Woman stops, not wanting her partner to lose control too soon. She releases the head of his prick, puckers up and then slowly presses her full lips against the cock’s tip, lavishing the shiny purple mushroom with a flurry of fawning moans and subservient little kisses.

“Tony,” Lex calls out. “Tell Wonder Wankmouth there to hold up for a time. I have something in mind.”

“Jeez, Lex, you’re killing me. Don’t you see what I’ve got going on here? A blow job for the fucking ages! Don’t ask that!”

“10 minutes. Just have her fondle your nuts for a while. Please!”

“This better be worth it, Luthor,” Tony snarls angrily. “Okay, you heard him, Wondie. Tickle my balls with your tongue and your fingers until I say otherwise. Be creative.”

“Awwight….ath you with…” mumbles Wonder Woman, her mouth already filled with Tony’s very fragrant nut sack. To her, it tastes like toasted chestnuts.

Across the room, standing over the curled-up blonde heroine still incapacitated by the blow to her cunt, Lex Luthor aims the battle glove he’s slid onto his hand directly at Supergirl’s head. He unleashes an electric bolt and it creates a yellow halo around her head that pulls a cry out of the defenseless teen.


Raising her head with a grimace, the blonde retaliates with a beam of heat vision, focusing it at the glove’s control buttons. Weakened by Wonder Woman’s low blow however, the beam is too weak at the moment to do more than warm the glove so it’s almost uncomfortable. Lex frowns at this and shoots another energy bolt straight into Supergirl’s face. It rocks her head back but the power of the glove alone isn’t enough to knock out the Maid of Steel. She fires off another blast of heat vision at the glove from her eyes while blowing at it with her freezing breath hoping the combination will short circuit the controls. It doesn’t work.

In desperation Lex watches a huffing and puffing Supergirl painfully rise to her hands and knees, so he tries yet once more to bathe Supergirl with a bathing ray of bright green kryptonite. With the thin grayish bubble of lead atoms still protecting her, the beam causes no reaction in the Kryptonian and Lex yells out a curse as his relentless nemesis wavers before him, gathering her strength to stand.

“Sorry, Lex, your kryptonite rays still don’t affect me,” grunts Supergirl as she starts to rise. “You’re finished, Luthor!”

“Damn you, you stubborn cunt, stay down. Stay down,” he demands, continuing to wave the green beam up and down her entire body.

“YEAH, STAY DOWN, BITCH!” Roxie parrots Lex with a raging roar of her own, seeing the tide turning against her lover. She raises the pipe section high in the air and brings it down hard, aiming for the helmet of long blonde hair before her. But Supergirl rises to her feet with a surprising burst of speed and the bar misses her head, coming down hard on the small of her back instead. The moment it hits her invulnerable body, the pipe bends in half with the end of it smashing hard against Supergirl’s belt. Roxie drops the bar with a scream, her hand shaking from the impact, unable to hold it a second longer.

But the damage is done! A shower of sparks suddenly flares out from under Supergirl’s yellow belt followed by a puff of blue smoke. Her protective gray bubble disappears as if it had never existed and the glowing green ray now yanks a howl of pain from the teenage champion.


Overwhelmed by a rush of nausea and incapacitating weakness, Supergirl immediately collapses back down to her hands and knees. Her face is lifted up, staring at Luthor in horror, the green glow casting a sickly pallor to the skin that all too clearly matches the wrenching twisting feeling in her gut. Unable to even maintain that position, the once invulnerable beauty flops down on her face, her arms sprawled out, legs in spasms, boots kicking helplessly against the tile. Her breath wheezes heavily out of her lungs as Supergirl suffers horribly under Lex’s unrelenting beam of green death.

“Well, look who’s just lost her precious immunity to kryptonite. I guess my toy beats your toy, huh, champ?”

“Ohhhhh…suh….st…stop…..please….” groans the Maiden of Might.

Lex simply reaches down, grabs a hunk of Supergirl’s hair, pulls her upper body off the floor about a foot and a half, and simply plays the green beam around her grimacing face in small circles.

“….owww…..aagghhh….don’t… more….aawwggkkkk…”

Supergirl tries to grab at Lex’s hands but is too weak to grip them. They flop to the tile with simultaneous thuds as the heroine’s eyelids droop with exhaustion. Her face feels like raw exposed nerves, the worst sunburn possible. And when Lex aims the green arc of light downward onto the famous red and yellow diamond emblem on Supergirl’s chest, it feels like she’s placed her bare breasts inches away from a red hot sunlamp.

“AIEEYAARGGHH!! STOP…OWWWW..OWW…owwwwww…no..muh…more…”

After another 15 seconds of dosing the limp figure before him, Lex is satisfied Supergirl poses no threat and turns off the kryptonite ray. He then releases the clump of blonde hair he’d been using to hold his helpless captive within its devastating glow. She drops to floor with a thump and long, loud moan, completely immobilized.

“Great job with that pipe, Roxie! Now be a doll and get the special Supergirl handcuffs out of the drawer right next to that broken security drawer. I think it’s time the famous Maid of Steel joined her friend Wonder Woman over there in little contest of “World’s Best Cocksucking Heroine.”

“….i’ll….bite yours off….Luthor…” mumbles a weakly defiant Supergirl at Lex’s feet, “before… I ever….. suck it.”

“Actually, I don’t think you will, Super Slut. I think you’ll open wide and gobble my knob as eagerly as your whorish pal over there.”

“…don’t know why….Diana….doing that for Tony….” Kara whispers hoarsely, “..but… I’ll d..duh.. die first… ‘fore I give you….a bj….. you sick….bastard!”

“Wrong again, Pissy Pants. But why argue when I can easily prove my point. Thank you, Roxie,” he says taking the greenish manacles from his moll.

“Put yourself down for a 20 percent raise starting your next payday, my dear,” Luthor adds, pulling Supergirl’s rubbery arms behind her back. He snaps a pair of synthetic kryptonite handcuffs around her wrists without any resistance.

“Thanks, Lex,” Roxie beams. This was turning out to be a red-letter day for her. Munching Wonder Woman’s carpet and getting a pay boost. Could it get any better?

Lex hoists the cuffed and groaning blonde to her feet by her biceps and leads the stumbling drained heroine over to where Wonder Woman continues fondle and lick Tony’s nuts.

“On your knees, Kara,” says Lex, easily pushing the woozy teen down to the floor. “Roxie, hold her in place there for a moment. I’ve got to go get Supergirl’s gift. Be back in a jiffy, toots, and don’t bother, Diana there, she’s got a nice steady rhythm going. Isn’t that right, Tony?”

“Uh huh,” grins the Mafia don as the legendary Amazon warrior enthusiastically debases herself between his legs, holding his thighs in her arms and licking his hairy sack like an obedient dog.

Lex walks over to his control panel and reaches underneath to unlock and pull out a small thin drawer mounted beneath it. He picks up a tiny glass jar with an orange lid and closes up the drawer, then walks back to where an exhausted Supergirl wavers numbly beside the drooling, cow-eyed ball-sucking Wonder Woman.

“This little jar is the reason why you’re about to have a serious case of penis breath, my dear. It’s my special aphrodisiac salve. It’s one that was tried on you before, quite a while ago. You may recall it didn’t quite work last time it was tried it on you. But I’ve added a new special ingredient that I think will do the trick this time out; provided especially by your cousin Kal.”

“What are you babbling about, Luthor?” Supergirl’s energy levels are lowered to those of a very sick teenage girl and her frustration is clearly evident. Roxie easily holds her in place on her knees by her shackled arms.

“I’ll explain it in detail to you after we test it out, blondie. Now stay put,” Luthor advises. “This won’t hurt in the least,” he adds, dragging his forefinger through the orange paste inside the tiny jar he holds in his palm.

The teenager fights and squirms despite his caution but as weak as she is, she’s incapable of breaking out of the sudden firm arm grasp of her head that the scientist has added to Roxie’s own grip on her shackled arms. Luthor quickly smears her lips with the thick salve, running his finger all around her mouth, leaving the pale pink lips with a heavy orange coating.

“I’ll fight this, Luthor, with everything I have.”

“You’ll try, missy. You won’t succeed.”

Supergirl’s lips immediately start to tingle, then tickle. Her mouth twitches and she quickly licks her tongue around her lips, trying to remove the offending salve from them but it’s far too thick and greasy to succeed. She just smears it into an ugly orange, clown like ring. And now her tongue tingles, too. She spits out the very tiny amount collected in her mouth and suddenly her cheeks begin to feel tingly and then her entire mouth feels numb.

“…whuz…in…ziss…sdufff….” Kara mumbles almost incoherently. And then without warning her head jolts back and she feels hot and feverish. And horny. Very horny. Her eyes widen as Lex stands before her, unzipping his fly.

“It contains all the same ingredients I used before with one special additive: Male Kryptonian semen. Your goose is cooked, little Kara!” Lex lets out a hearty laugh as Supergirl’s eyes glaze over and the tip of her tongue slides out between her teeth.

“Give little Lex a lick, why don’t you, Supergirl. You know you want to.” Lex angles his pelvis forward, his penis hanging right in the face of the befuddled heroine.


“Sure you do! Look, Wonder Woman’s going to suck on Tony’s,” Lex says, nodding at the mobster to give the Amazon the green light. “It’s only fair you suck on mine, right?”

“Okay, Wonder Woman,” Tony announces, “you may proceed with cock suckage! Now!”

Kara tries to lean back but Roxie pushes the champion’s face forward until her lips almost brush against the head of Lex’s slowly swelling dick. The distance between lips and cock is miniscule. There’s a heady fever of imminent sex in the air.
The excitement of what he’s about to enjoy is rushing blood to Lex’s groin and the effects are obvious. When Roxie pushes on Supergirl’s back just an inch further, her lips finally graze against Lex’s expanding penis and it’s like an electric charge through her system. The head of the awakening dick smears the salve roughly against her mouth and then carries the orange glaze over in a straight line across her cheek as Roxie pushes her even further forward.

Kara suddenly wants this man’s cock in her mouth. She can imagine its taste, can feel the thrill it would be to feel the hard shaft pressing into her cheeks, filling her throat. Why should she wait a second longer? She doesn’t. She rears her head back against Roxie’s grip and opens her mouth wide to take in Lex Luthor’s rapidly growing dick. Her eager maw welcomes him home with a moan of deep satisfaction. Her lips clamp down and Supergirl begins to suckle eagerly on the succulent taste of Luthor’s cock.

By her side, the loudly slobbering Champion of All Women is already busy face-fucking herself against Tony Bonano’s rigid pole. The race is on to see which of the two world-renown superheroines can swallow a thick ropy cum load first.
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Gonna read and review as i go.

-Love how in depth you go into the various states of our two heroines, especially after a solid takedown, has really helped to paint the scenes in my mind throughout this story. Great attention to detail and really makes for an enjoyable read.

-Lex is cerainly a formidable enemy and is certainly a step above random mob thugs in terms of being a threat to any super powered individual. Even had a second tub prepped out and all sorts of toys ready for if the girls ever came to his doorstep. Roxie is such a delight to read, not the brightest bulb in the set but is damn good at her job when she gets to it, unfortunately for Clark or anyone who underestimates her lol.

-Kara still has a bit of fight in her even if it is a losing battle in her current condition. Would the belt shield be able to protect her from ingesting any of the kryptonite slime as well? I know its good for exterior protection but i dont recall if it was mentioned on what would happen if she got that gunk in her mouth.

-Well Roxie certainly isnt wadting any time on sampling a bit of Diana while she has the chance. Bit of a backfire though what with waking the woman up. Well i suppose we can add getting messed up by Roxie to Diana's list of unfortunate events in this fic lol. I mean a spanking is one hell of a humiliation(hot though) that she wont forget but i suppose having a head wound and no magic girdle and having already been put through her paces by lex's traps that Diana wouldnt be much of a threat to even someone like Roxie.

"the two moons of Themyscira" Hah.

-Say what you will about Lex, but he knows how to ensure loyalty in his underlings. I mean if your down with doing villain stuff, he is a pretty decent boss, letting ya have your fun and paying you for it lol. And Kara back up for more and even managing to land a blow. But even with the belt its not a smat move to take her eyes off the main threat that is Lex just to threaten Roxie. Wow the girls are actually getting the edge in this fight and fianlly getting some sweet measure of retribution. The Nob was only able to hold them for so long and even take Supergirl down due to tech provided by Luthor so he has had this coming.

-Well fuck, honestly didnt expect Tony of all people to be alive and lurking about. Figured Lex would have employed either Sergei or Scarlett but this is a nice twist. Wonder if Carmine faked his death as well somehow. And okay, that was pretty smart of Tony to have a trump card like that ready for when he ever faced Diana again. she is gonna be equal parts pissed and ashamed when she comes out of it. And now the tables turn as Kara loses her fancy tech. Roxie is 2 for 2 now in her super heroine takedowns lol. And out comes the drug to make Kara more compliant to their wishes.

-Well both girls got pretty close to actually getting a win there for a moment but get outwitted and overpowered once again. And now there former tormentor is back in the picture as well and they are both injured and powerless in the middle of Luthors stronghold with no help coming for them. Wonder if those military guys will be of some help or be too afraid t cross Lex. Humiliation and top tier peril with slim chance of turning things around for our heroes it seems. Especially of they decide to film and release whatever they are about to put the girls through to the world.
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That is a no on Carmine faking his own death, too. He really died of his heart attack.
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Epilogue -- Part Four– Several Command Performances

Both women’s eyes drift dreamily under their heavy lids as they suck hungrily at the warm swollen penises in their mouths. Their keenly intelligent minds have been badly stunted by commands outside their control. Wonder Woman pulls her cheeks in hard against Tony Bonano’s cock, her lips squeezing tightly as she bobs her head in rhythm to a need deeply imprinted on her by Tony’s use of her magic lasso. Supergirl’s talented tongue flexes and twirls around Lex Luthor’s rigid member thanks to an overwhelming other-worldly aphrodisiac. She leans in to eagerly bathe the fat tip of the penis with her dripping spit. The two heroines moan with utter delight as they greedily service their foes, kneeling between their legs, completely lost in a moment of absolute sexual sublimation. The gurgling sounds of cock-gobbling, sighs and satisfied grunts fill the air.

“Now this is how superheroines are supposed to act,” grins Luthor, reaching down to pat Supergirl’s head like a pet poodle. “Good girl, that’s how to do it. Nice and wet and willing.”

“I think you can go deeper, Wonder Woman,” Tony cajoles with a smile. “Really push your nose into my pubic hair and get that cock waaaay down that throat until you...”


“Exactly! Gag on it, bitch!”

The Amazon beauty pulls off the bobbing cock; her viscous drool stringing along behind; her eyes crossed in distress from the gag reflex; and her tiara askew in her hair. She wheezes loudly, drawing in greedy gulps of air for a moment. Her deep breaths swell her massive chest and her bared tits that show through her badly torn bustier are all but forgotten by the Amazon under the influence of the lasso’s command.

Just beside her, Supergirl grabs the base of Lex’s cock with both hands and impales her face on his cock. The Maid of Steel starts jacking her head back and forth with gusto and Wonder Woman takes the challenge. She gathers herself and dives back on Tony’s dick with her mouth wide open. Her hands grab the back of Tony’s thighs to bury her face flush once more into his crotch. And she starts bobbing her head once more, inhaling his shaft to the depths of her throat.

“Auwgk, auwgk, auwgk, auwgk, auwgk, auwgk....”

“I’m thinking this is a win-win situation for us, Lex,” grins Tony with a wink.

His bald-headed partner just lets his head roll back on his shoulders, his eyes cast dreamily upward as Supergirl’s head blurs at his crotch with her super-speed blowjob. Lex’s hands clasp tightly behind his back while the over-excited Kryptonian teenager debases herself at his feet. The feeling is far too intense for Luthor to withstand for another second. His fists tremble. His torso freezes and so does his cock. He looks down in utter joy and lets go a loud pleasured grunt as his penis erupts in Supergirl’s mouth in a hot torrent of jizz that coats the back of the blonde’s throat and rushes down into her stomach. She swallows almost all of his spunk with a loud gulp and adoring eyes scanning upward into Lex’s beatific face, just a droplet of cum on her lower lip.

Wonder Woman hears the sexual climax beside her and, after resettling her tiara in place, redoubles her efforts in the service of Tony’s hotly pulsing cock. After pushing away Supergirl’s slimy wet cape that’s obstructing her arm movement, Diana’s hands reaches into the fly of Tony’s boxers with her right hand and gently fondles his balls. She then licks the forefinger on her other hand, reaches further around and slides it up against Tony’s ass. She palms it firmly and then caresses it in circles before inserting the wet forefinger firmly up his butt. Her mouth tightens warmly around the hard prick and she plunges into the act with frenzied commitment, bouncing her head back and forth into Tony’s crotch with absolute abandon. With hair flying, barely-covered boobs bouncing, mouth sucking, eyelashes entwining within the mobster’s pubic hair, Wonder Woman proceeds to give the blowjob of her life. The sucking sounds from the heroine and the groans of the mobster don mingle loudly as the Amazon warrior proves herself the equal to any whore living or dead. Her hunger to please is relentless and her mouth and hands are equal to the task. Frozen in pure ecstacy, Tony’s balls boil over and he shouts out in triumph as his cock hoses a hot stream of pleasure into the waiting gullet of the Champion of All Women.

“YESSSSSS!! YESSSS!!” His palms grip her hair and he holds Wonder Woman’s face against his groin as he bucks for several seconds, his hips jerking in place as the kneeling heroine swallows his spewing seed in spurting blasts of unbridled pleasure. The raven-haired warrior twists her finger in the dominating don’s rear and willingly sucks on his cock, milking the man of all his silky content. He shivers in place and groans again, his knees unsteady until finally Wonder Woman disgorges the slackening tool and looks up in befuddled surprise. The command is done and she is suddenly free to be herself. Sagging back with her butt on her heels, the famous princess wavers in place stunned by what she’s done. She glances to the side and sees Supergirl also wavering in place on her knees, a tiny white stream of Luthor’s cum dripping out of the corner of her mouth.

“Kara, wh...what...have we...d...done...?”

“You just blew these two guys like the professional cocksuckers you are, ladies,” says Roxie who stands behind the two dazed heroines. The bottle-blonde snatches a befuddled Wonder Woman’s golden lasso from off her belt and quickly ensnares both heroines, pulling it tight . “Now don’t make a move. I’m sure Lexie would like to give you some more orders,” the moll exults, handing the lasso end to Luthor.

But he waves it off, too spent to deal with anything for now. “No, Rox, they’re yours to command. I am going to go lie down.”

“Me too,” murmurs Tony. “Be careful though. They’re tricky.”

Both intensely-satisfied men wander off in slow patters of dragging feet to their separate rooms as Roxie looks down at her two immobilized captives.

“Hmmm. Now what games can the three of us play?”

* * *

Submerged in the kryptonite slime tub several yards away, an exhausted and drained Superman has awoken to the sounds of shouts and moans. The dazed hero works to open his eyes as the fumes from the glowing green surface of the poisonous liquid makes them tear up and burn his nostrils slightly.


The thin bubble of slime on Kal-El’s lips breaks as he speaks, trying to lift his head to see what has disturbed his lassitude. Through the glass cover of the tub, the Kryptonian sees Roxie’s back, the curve of her shapely rear in her short black skirt pulling his focus. Beyond Luthor’s henchwoman it’s just a blur to Kal’s impaired sight. His tears and his exhaustion can barely make out a smudge of colors: some red, some blue. The shapes aren’t moving. He’s not even sure it’s people. Could be yet another test of some kind being set up for him. It’s just too exhausting to try to concentrate and Superman’s head drops back against the curve of the tub with a light thump. He sighs heavily and drifts off into unconsciousness, a semi-permanent state for him between the horrors of Lex Luthor’s endless experiments and gloating.

* * *

“Okay, ladies, here’s how I want to play this. Since you’re both on your knees, I want you to stay there except now the two of you will bend over and touch your foreheads to the floor. Do it now.”

The two heroines do as they’re commanded. Wonder Woman’s breasts slap against the cold tile through the wide gap in her ruined bustier and she shivers a bit.

“Excellent! Now both of you put your hands behind your backs, wrists together, asses up.” Both famous crime fighters hesitate, trying to fight the commands.

“Come on, bitches. Do it! I haven’t got all day,” Roxie barks... and the two women comply, their rear ends high. Supergirl’s crotch is prominently exposed but Wonder Woman’s rear is obscured by the slimy wet cape that Kara had lent her for modesty. While the shape of her rounded ass is alluring through the wet fabric draped against it, Roxie wants a clear view of everything that’s going on as well as unobstructed access to the Wonder Cunt she’s going to violate. “Yo, Wonder Wuss, I give you permission only to take off that disgusting cape and toss it off to the side, it’s blocking my view of your huge tush, and that’s saying something!”

Diana unties the cape from around her neck and flings it away with a heave that ends in a wet slapping smack.

“That’s better, Di-di, now assume your previous position. Excellent! You two will remain motionless for exactly three minutes. I am going to go get some toys and you are not to try to escape or move or talk until I return. Nod if you two cunts understand me and will obey!”

Both women nod, their heads tapping against the cool white tile. Roxie nods back with satisfaction at the view, then hurries across the control room to the built-in wall unit. After pulling open a lower drawer she looks over the wide variety of sex toys within it and contemplates her choices. After a moment she takes out two large cone-ended butt plugs, one clear lucite and the other a neon yellow. She then extracts a generously-endowed crystal strap-on double-ended dildo finished with supple wide black leather straps and featuring two attached clit stimulators.

“Hmm. What am I forgetting? Ahh! Two sets of nipple clamps and, oh, silly me, I almost forgot the ball gags.” She takes out one featuring a pink rubber ball and another with a neon yellow ball that matches the butt plug. Gathering up all the sex toys, the exuberant moll trots back to the two hunched heroines. With the lasso encircling their waists, neither has moved an inch as commanded. Roxie dumps the toys on the hard tile with a clatter that has both beauties flinching.

Taking up the end of the lasso again, Roxie speaks to Supergirl. “Hey, blondie, are you still feeling horny from that lipstick Lex smeared on your mouth? You gotta answer me truthfully now. That’s the lasso’s rules, not mine.”

“ don’t. It’s...worn off...”

“Good to know. Thanks. Okay, here’s the deal,” Roxie replies, issuing a new directive to her two captives. “You Supergirl and you Wonder Woman are suddenly feeling all horny again. This lasso is making you all hot and eager for sexual pleasure. I will be providing that pleasure. You will willingly accept my attentions. In fact, you will crave them, you sorry twats! Starting immediately!”

Both women begin to twitch with desire and each starts to rise off her knees toward Roxie, the three minutes now completed.

“Whoa! What are you doing? Stay put,” Roxie yells. “Both of you back to the position you were just in. You stay there until I command otherwise. I’m runnin’ this here show. Not you two bimbos. That’s right, push those pretty asses of yours up high. Whoa, that’s quite an expanse of rear end you got there, Wonder Butt! I look forward to working those meaty glutes over big time! Now stay in those poses til I give you permission to change. Say ‘yes Roxie’ so I know you’re obeying my every word.”

“Yes Roxie,” the pair replies in grumbling murmurs.

“Good girls. Now, before I get going, I think I better remove this little item from your costume, Princess.” Roxie quickly unclasps and slides Wonder Woman’s belt off her waist and tosses it off to the side. The anger in the Amazon’s eyes flares but is quickly replaced by a shifting look of despair. “Can’t have you being all powerful and steroidy on me while I’m teasing those lady bits of yours, girlfriend. Now, let’s get started.” Roxie puts both hands on Wonder Woman’s hips, taking the waistband of the starred panties firmly in hand and roughly yanking them down until they cling at her legs, mid-thigh.

“...guurrrhhh...” Wonder Woman growls at this sudden indignity.

The view of the Amazon’s pussy in the wash of light from the overhead fluorescent fixtures catches Roxie’s breath. The pink fatty lips, the pearlescent drop of moisture, the dark shadow of promise: it’s entrancing.

“Ah yes, not quite ‘paradise by the dashboard light’ but it’ll do,” she jests. “Now, Wonder Woman you can use your hands but only to separate those wide cheeks of yours. I need to get at your asshole. I’ve a gift with your name on it.”

Slowly, the hands of the raven-haired beauty move from mid-back to her rear end. Gradually, reluctantly they spread her cheeks and display her pale pink rectum. Roxie works up a generous dollop of spit, thumbs it out of her mouth and rubs Wonder Woman’s asshole with the slowly circling digit.

“Describe your feelings, Wonder Slut.”

“ fear ....n..n...need....”

“And yours, Supercunt?”


“Don’t worry, Super Quim, you’ll get yours soon enough, but it’s Wondie’s turn first.”

Taking up the neon yellow buttplug, Roxie spits on its tip then rubs the slickness around and around. That done, Luthor’s pet trim wraps one arm around Wonder Woman’s waist while her right hand slowly and steadily presses the bright yellow cone against the heroine’s defenseless anus.

“Relax that sphincter, champ, and let the toy do its job.”

Wonder Woman’s sigh of resignation says it all. Her shoulders loosen and her hands grip her buttocks and spread them even wider apart to assist in her own defilement. Her pendulous breasts wobble slightly with the motion, the heavy globes rubbing gently against the floor, the hard nipples tracing against the coldness and sending a shiver of pleasure through the defenseless Amazon warrior. The one-time role model of millions is helpless to do anything but comply. Her body is utterly out of her control.

Pressing steadily and firmly, Roxie watches the sex toy widen the opening bit by bit, the balloon knot gradually accepting more and more of the rubber cone. It drives forward ever insistently, Roxie’s grip on it confident and practiced. Supergirl watches Diana’s eyes widen and her mouth drop open. Then Wonder Woman’s blue eyes flutter and stay at half-mast, her tongue lolling out as the pleasure of the smooth tool forcing its way into her moistened opening makes her spine quiver.

“Almost there, Poop Chute Princess,” Roxie chuckles. Then with a sudden final shove, she jolts the cone past the point of no return and it’s buried deep within the walls of the famous heroine’s ass.


Roxie twists the butt plug clockwise and Diana’s eyes widen again, all her feelings and emotions centered on the sensations in her ass.

“Thoughts, sweetie?” Roxie asks.

“..f...f..feels....whuhhh...wu...wonder...fullllll....” Diana gasps.

“And that’s not even the half of it, beautiful. There’s lots more holes to fill before I’m through with you,” Roxie purrs eagerly. “Now put your hands together behind your back, clink those bracelets together just like before and stay put. Just concentrate on all the thrills this little rubber ass cork is giving you while I plug up blondie’s hole.”

“..mmm...uhh...huuuuuhhh....” murmurs the aroused hunched-over Amazon compliantly, her attention focused on the pleasing sensation of the smooth rubber sex toy filling her back channel.

But when Roxie takes up the clear lucite butt plug and tries to use it on Supergirl she is completely stymied by the heroine’s resurgent super strength. While the lasso is magically keeping her in check, her Kryptonian physiology prevents the willing heroine’s body from being penetrated. Even with the mighty teen willingly relaxing her muscles, pushing the thick plastic cone against the tight orifice is as successful as trying to open a bank vault with a stuffed toy.

“Shit! This ain’t working.” And then Roxie gets an idea and tells the hunched over heroine to stay put until she returns. Getting off her knees, Luthor’s sexy moll quickly proceeds across the way to the second tub. She carefully reaches through the broken glass cover and scoops out a full palm of thick green slime. Though she spills a bit on the way back but there’s more than enough of the deadly kryptonite goo to do the job she needs.

Back beside the hunched champion, Roxie kneels down and smears Supergirl’s overtly presented crotch with the slimy sludge. Her hand works the thick green muck all over the shiny red fabric, inundating it even as the grimacing beauty groans in torment, commanded to immobile helplessness by the Amazon’s lasso. Once the material is soaked through and sagging with the weight of the poisonous green gunk, Roxie pulls down Supergirl’s panties to mid-thigh and then slides her palm tightly against Supergirl’s crotch. She rubs it up and down across the quivering pussy and deep between her cheeks, going so far as to drive her greasy forefinger into the now weakened anus and twisting it there to spread the salve into the opening of the trembling teen’s butthole.

“Much better. Now let’s violate this perky ass the way it’s meant to be,” Roxie exclaims, picking up the sex toy and pushing the rounded tip of the crystal butt plug between Supergirl’s shimmying cheeks with a hard jolt.

“Gaaagghhh!” It’s Supergirl’s turn for widened eyes and then murmured sighs as the conical crystal toy is rotated, revolved and worked back and forth within her rear. After half a minute of going round and round with the crystal toy, the entire cone is ultimately pressed far enough into her rear that only the round knob at the very end of the butt plug is still visible. The Maid of Steel’s entwined fingers shiver and tremble with the pleasure it’s providing.

“...uuuuhhmmmmm...” she purrs with her forehead pressed against the tile floor and a sliver of drool hanging from her lower lip.

“So all those DVDs weren’t specially-arranged special effects after all, were they, Supergirl? You really do love taking it up the ass like they showed, don’t you?

“Uh huh...” she agrees dreamily.

“Man, this is so much better than any Christmas morning. I can’t decide which one of you super-pussies to fuck first,” Roxie declares. “I’m guessing your twats are equally tight. Eeny meeny miney moe...” The kneeling moll counts off with her right forefinger tapping empty air back and forth between the two beautiful creatures displayed with their holes wide open, moist and ready for her. She reaches over and pulls the double-ended crystal strap on dildo closer to her and then ends up her air-tapping aimed at Supergirl.

“We have a winner! She hails from Krypton, likes to fly over crowded public spaces with her skirt flapping and her crotch on full display, plays with herself in the shower and answers to the name of SuperCunt when properly motivated. Clap your hands together and let’s hear it for everybody’s friendly neighborhood nympho, Kara the Super Whore!”

“....yaayy...” murmurs Wonder Woman, her palms patting softly together as directed, the lasso pressing against an unknowing Roxie’s calf and compelling the champion to obey.

“...yaay me...” mumbles Supergirl.

Roxie looks down, sees the rope lying against her leg and lets out a huge guffaw. She quickly unfastens her yellow vinyl skirt, lets it drop to the floor and, still giggling over the heroines’ pathetic applause, steps out of the puddled garment. She then strips down her own pink panties, kicks off her shoes and straps on the double-ended dildo. She decides to leave on her black satin blouse and dark taupe stockings thinking the feel of these heroines writhing against the smooth blouse and her silky stockings will be a major turn-on. Slowly and smoothly, the eager moll inserts her end of the crystal phallus inside her already damp pussy. She was very much looking forward to drilling these two lovelies. The feel of her own channel being tightly filled by the hard glass penis makes Roxie shiver with pleasure and when the tool is deeply imbedded inside her she rises quickly and eagerly saunters across the room once more to the second slime tub.

After filling her palm with a scoop of viscous green goo, she carefully returns to Supergirl’s hunched over form, kneels down and slides her hand beneath the blonde. Cupping the heroine’s breast and squeezing, Roxie smears Supergirl’s tit with the sticky jelly. With a sudden yank and a command “Upsie daisy, ditzy,” the peroxide blonde pulls Supergirl’s torso upright, centering her body to rest on the dildo in her crotch. Roxie rubs the groaning teen’s chest in a wide swath, pulling the goo harshly across both breasts. This inundates the thin fabric with a wetness that gives it a kind of transparency. The nipples enlarged by this sexual tension poke obviously against the cloth as the aroused blonde groans in helpless pleasure at this rough assault on her tits.

Roxie fondles her relentlessly, crinkling and twisting the famous emblem of the House of El, treating it with all the respect of used toilet paper. But the over-excited Supergirl displays nothing in response to this shame of being so thoroughly disgraced. The pleasure sweeping though her brain from the lasso’s commands and Roxie’s busy hands crowd out all thoughts of humiliation completely. The constant squeezing, the smooth caressing of her abdomen and crotch and butt cheeks, the endlessly enticing hands utterly dominate the blonde teen’s body and thoughts. The Maid of Might groans loudly in helpless delight and then finds herself yanked even more tightly against her captor’s body with a crude familiarity that unnerves and confuses her.

“I just need you to bend forward a bit, Supes, I need a better angle on that cooz of yours. Ah, yes, there we go....” Tilting her pelvis forward and centering the glass tip of the dildo on the sweet spot between swollen labial lips glinting with green slime, Roxie presses herself against Supergirl’s back, grips a tit in one hand and a thigh in another and thrusts forward while pulling back on the blonde’s lithe figure.

“HUUNNHH!” Supergirl grunts harshly at the forced penetration at first but when her nipples are softly twisted and the hand suddenly disappears from her inner thigh to arrive home to flick at her clit, her body jerks with joy in Roxie’s hold and she gasps in delight. “YAAHH!”

The pleasure spasm jerks the dildo in and out of both pussies in Newtonian delight and both women grunt with joy at the wonder of physics. And then Roxie goes to work. Settling back on her haunches and pulling Supergirl tightly against her, Lex’s girl tilts her pelvis back and forth, pushing and pulling the double-ended phallic joystick with smooth slow, decisive strokes. Both women luxuriate in the sensations of their pussies gripping smooth crystal rods. The spiral ridges on the dildos twist their minds like barber poles as the phallic toy moves in and out, over and over, time after time into their warm, wet channels. In under a minute’s passing, both women are panting heavily.

The kneeling Supergirl mindlessly lies back into Roxie’s hold accepting her metronomic fate with woozy delight. The lightly bouncing head of blonde hair, the heavy eyelids, the dulled blue pupils clouded with dopey satisfaction: the once-mighty lass from the stars is a pawn to her own body’s pleasure as Roxie works her nipples and her clit to perfection. The fat plug filling her ass serves to heighten everything to a new plane of pleasure. Supergirl feels the tightness of a climax rising within her, the ecstacy within her calling to her, surging in her blood.

Luthor’s pretty lieutenant’s pleasure is no less apparent with her own features somewhat slackened as her body’s rhythm beats out a steady tempo of rapture in her writhing and pushing and grinding against the beautiful body clasped in her grip. But as the driving force of her own joy, Roxie realizes she has another toy to play with, so with a cruelty that leaves Supergirl weeping in anguish at the near crest of a climax, she abruptly pulls out of the Kryptonian.

“Stop whimpering and get back in position, forehead on the floor, hands behind your back, bimbo. Now!” Supergirl complies albeit with a choke of frustration. “Your turn, AmaCunt!” Roxie’s wild-eyed flash of domineering delight is unmistakable as she lines herself up behind the raven-haired warrior and takes what she has deemed as hers: Wonder Woman’s vagina is noisily impaled with a loud slurping thump.

“HUUHNNN!” The grunting shock of the sudden thrust into the very heart of her femininity breaks the now fragile balloon of the heroine’s ego like a pin...and she begins to wail at her defilement. It doesn’t last long. Yanking up hard on a generous clump of the black silken locks in her fist, Roxie quickly changes the direction of Wonder Woman’s head and smashes it against the hard tile floor. With such force, the tiara’s shape is imprinted into the flesh of her forehead in a red welt. The following moan is muted, stifled by the force that drains all reason from the beauty and leaves her a limp, lolling figure without purpose. Roxie sits back on her haunches and hoists up the seemingly boneless doll by the hair and slides her hand through the wide hole sliced in the bustier, gripping her huge tit and pulling the slackened form against her own.

“Waking the boss is a no-no, bitch. Now just rest here against me and, for chrissake, take what’s coming to you like a hero for a change, yeah?”

“...yuuhhhh...” mumbles the barely conscious Diana.

Roxie begins to undulate her body against the slumping form in her arms. Working in a wave motion from her breasts to her abs to her hips and then back up her body, the experienced sex vixen has the crystal dildo driving into and out of Wonder Woman’s vagina in a pleasing rhythm that goes on for several minutes. In and out, back and forth, the fat glass probe fills her pussy like a pacing prisoner in a jail cell. It’s relentless. Slowly, the dazed Amazon’s awareness returns and she feels the ridges of the dildo twisting their way into her senses. She quivers with joy as the firm sliding glass rod fills her up and then retreats. The movement combines with the thrill of the steady friction inside her of the dildo passing against the hard rubber butt plug in her other channel. The steady rubbing of one against the other so closely packed within the neighboring passages builds to a small crescendo that shakes her torso with a sudden mini-gasm. Like a current of electricity, the jerking movements of Wonder Woman’s excited body transfer through the dildo into Roxie’s cunt.

“Haaaghhh!” Luthor’s henchwoman yelps out excitedly as the dildo flutters back and forth inside her twat. She loves the feel of the warm sensuous body quivering against her, the teasing delight of the back of the heroine’s bustier slowly rubbing against the front of her black silk blouse, the pressure of Wonder Woman’s strong legs shifting in sexual pleasure offering passing caresses against her clingy stockings. Pulling the softly moaning beauty closer with one palm against her tit and the other cupping her inner thigh, Roxie grinds her pelvis against the dazed woman and savors the sensation of the double-ended dildo penetrating both their pussies to their cores.

“I’m beginning to see why your home is called Paradise Island, you delicious fuck doll. Having a whole island of such easily-mastered Amazon twat toys sure would be heaven on earth.”

“” mumbles the writhing Diana in erotic defiance even as the dildo thrusts forward forcing a grunt of pleasure from her twisting mouth.

“Yeah, you just...keep on believing big-bushed bimbo,” Roxie taunts between pants as she grinds her pelvis against Wonder Woman’s naked backside, working the dildo deeply within their mutual channels and savoring the rising tide of an orgasm.

With her hands slapping weakly against the tile floor like flopping, dying fish, the champion who could once lift tanks over her head can do nothing but groan out noisily as her senses are inundated to mind-numbing befuddlement. Her breasts are now being worked to distraction by Roxie’s fingers twisting and pulling on one nipple and then the other. The huge tit that is not being aroused bounces and sways on her chest with the humping motion of their joined bodies. Unencumbered by the ruined bustier, Wonder Woman’s bared tits are poetry in motion, each massive globe offering blurry, dancing accompaniment in its turn to her unending defilement.

Roxie’s fingers on her other hand have not been idle. They’ve been busy rubbing, circling and tapping out tunes on Wonder Woman’s engorged clit and the Amazon princess is now on the brink of a huge orgasm with all the pleasure flooding her brain. She moans and gasps and shudders helplessly against her captor, not just defenseless to protect herself but commanded to experience every iota of joy visited upon her body. From her breast, from her clit, from her cunt and from her ass, Wonder Woman’s body parts send flashing warning signals of complete and imminent overload. She lurches and gasps, struck to her soul with ecstasy from which there is no escape. Diana’s irises roll back under her lids showing only white as she succumbs completely to the blinding light of the onrushing orgasm. She freezes in Roxie’s arms, gripped by a paralyzing wave of pleasure that blasts her senses to smithereens. She jerks and cries out; then she bucks and moans; then she floods Roxie’s lap with her rushing climax, the juice of her loins spraying out in pulsing rhythms of utter joy.

Roxie joins her in her own climax, she too is unable to withstand the thrusting dildo pumping in and out by the mindless spasms of the climaxing Amazon. The moll pulls the warm creature close and bucks in unison with her, adding to the sticky puddle forming on the tile between them. Groaning out in ecstasy, Roxie rides the surf of their mutual orgasm, her arms quivering, her legs trembling, her body folded back on itself as the two women pass the moments in blinded, endless warmth.

Hunched over beside them like a quivering jackrabbit, a very frustrated Supergirl’s hands twist together in anguish behind her back at the noises and the thumping heat of the two bodies so close and yet so far away.

After resting a blissful floating five minutes, Roxie extracts herself from Wonder Woman’s sticky hole and gives Supergirl the finale she too had been commanded to desire. The pumping pelvis, the twisted nipples through her slime-coated tunic, the endlessly teased and tingled clit and the never-ending sensation of both channels packed to tight fulfillment sends the Maid of Might over the edge with the same rushing climax as her sister in justice. And Roxie again as well. Both women end up dripping with satisfaction from their pulsing pussies, sagging against cool tile in utter sexual release, blind to the world and limp without a care.

Fifteen minutes after that finds both heroines settled back in their hunched over positions, paired together side by side with their mouth’s forced wide by ball gags harnessed to their faces.

The two heroine’s foreheads are not touching the floor this time but are tilted up slightly to the ceiling, the mighty champions’ necks craning forward slightly as commanded. The duo also sports paired nipple clamps that compress their pink buds into flat pancakes that have their eyes tearing with torment. The wash of salty tears drain down their mutual faces to join the puddles of drool that have formed on the tile surrounding their knees.

Luthor’s moll has been swatting away for eight minutes at the bared buttocks of her charges with the loose end of Wonder Woman’s lasso, first swacking away at the Champion of All Women with her own weapon and then at the Maid of Steel’s tenderized cheeks. Roxie had shown the insight of coating the end of the magic rope with a quick handful of kryptonite slime to ensure the maximum effect of the lashing. The two champions have been flinching and groaning in helpless agony through their ball gags with every snapping flail of the painful rope. As the ninth minute of their lashing comes to an end, Roxie lets the end of the lasso drop to the floor and rubs her tired arm.

“You two losers are just pathetic,” Roxie sneers. “Heroes? Hah! I’ve seen more defiance from girl scouts I’ve teased by not buying their cookies.”

The leering woman bends down on one knee between the two heroines and rubs her palms over the roseate glow of their aching behinds, feeling the ridges of the welts she’s raised in the tenderized flesh. The whimpering beauties can only endure their torment in muffled groans and sobs. They have been commanded to concentrate on every sensation and the stinging whip end of the magical lasso has done nasty damage to them, their exposed bottoms crisscrossed with a latticework of stripes. The slick end with its kryptonite coating has ensured that Supergirl’s glowing fanny has felt every bit of the snapping pain as Wonder Woman’s red rump.

“I think you two have suffered enough now but I have to tell you what a thrill it’s been to reduce you two cunts to crying little puddles of tears. The two world famous champions of might and right yeowling like helpless babies before me. Makes me kinda wet again, ya’ know? You two care to go another round with the crystal wand of whoopee?”

Both heroines whimper and groan, shaking their heads in pitiful misery.

“No? Just as well, I’m kind of beat. Let me just pull up these drawers of yours, ladies.”

Roxie pulls up the heroine’s brightly colored bottoms, Supergirl’s drenched red ones dripping with green slime and Wonder Woman’s blue briefs with their display of white stars. With their panties pulled up into place, the bulges of the butt plugs’ rounded knob ends stretch out the fabric in a most humiliating fashion. The peroxide blonde rubs at the knobs protruding bulges with a gentle rub, her lingering caress sending a clear message of absolute dominance over the two disgraced beauties. Supergirl yelps through her ball gag as the kryptonite jelly is smeared over her painful welts.

“I’m thinking the guys should be coming in any moment. I hope they like this little display I’ve set up for them. Two ball-gagged, nipple-clapped, butt-plugged superheroines ready for more sex play. I may get even a bigger bonus from Lex than before,” Roxie giggles.

* * *

“Sir, I have something strange here within the avionics,” Technical Sergeant Williams calls out..

“Don’t keep me guessing, Sergeant, spit it out,” Colonel Griffin answers tersely. The downed jet has been settling in the thick Mississippi River mud, shifting every now and then and creating balance issues and a sense of urgency. It’s too shallow to fully submerge but it is capable of tipping over and so the colonel is kneeling in a yellow raft beside the plane as his tech officer has been climbing around inside the cockpit checking out the gear.

“That’s the thing, Colonel, I can’t really explain it or its function. I’ve never seen electronics or circuit boards like this before. Hell, even the material of the motherboard on this sucker isn’t any kind of plastic I’m familiar with.”

“Can you remove it without damaging it, Sergeant?”

“I’ll give it a go sir. It’s the damndest thing...”

“Do your best, Williams but be quick about it. I don’t like the angle of this tail. Looks like it’s canted more than before.”

“Roger that, Colonel,” the young man calls out and gets busy extracting out the invisibility device from Wonder Woman’s fallen jet.

* * *

Superman is awoken from his exhausted sleep within the kryptonite slime bath by loud noises not far from his tub. There is some sort of commotion going on. He hears shouting, a female voice screaming “NO!” Was that Roxie’s voice? Then comes the sound of someone being slapped. His heart jumps. Maybe it’s Lex’s face! He drags himself to full consciousness with an effort, thinking this might be a razor-thin opportunity to escape.

He’s been drained to virtual immobility by his extended time in the tub. During his six months of captivity by Lex Luthor, Kal’s never been given the chance to fully recharge. During so much of his time, hours and hours while Lex is off somewhere in this fortress playing with his whore Roxie, he’s been kept in a darkened control room with no sunlight allowed to build his strength back up. The deadly sludge surrounds him for endless periods, sucking the life force out of him, sapping his will, incapacitating his ability to think or plan. The exhaustion of his cumulative suppression in these draining tub sessions has reduced him to a thin, worn, pathetically defenseless shell of himself.

Many times he has reached the very depths of depression where he expected or even hoped that Lex would finally slip up and kill him during one of his experiments but the man was a genius at walking the line with Kal’s physiology and so he’s been kept alive throughout the half-year of his incarceration despite himself.

And now he thinks his chance might have come. He takes a deep breath, willing himself to some semblance of strength but that is a mistake: the fumes of the debilitating kryptonite slime fill his nostrils and send his head reeling back against the rim of the steel tub. His eyes flutter and just as they do so, he is shocked to see his cousin Kara seemingly attack the glass cover sealing him inside this infernal prison. Her body sprawls across the top half of the glass, the breasts pressed flat, his family’s emblem shining down on him like a beacon of hope, just as it’s meant to be! It looks as though she’s trying to wrench away the glass. She’s trying to free him! His cousin has finally come after all these months. It’s a miracle!!

That miracle is doubled by the astonishing sight of Wonder Woman grabbing onto the lower half of the glass shield. Diana, too: She’s come along to help break him out, to save him from Lex, to return him to his life!

He knew there was no way Lex and that man Tony Bonano would be able to keep two of the most powerful females on the planet down for the count! Not his girls! Kal’s heart swells with hope and he reaches up to the underside of the shield, pressing his slimy palm to match Kara’s own palm facing down. He can almost feel the heat of it. Superman smiles up at her, willing her to yank the cover from his tomb, waiting for his life to begin anew.

He is surprised when Kara does not return his smile. And then is horrified when her palm is yanked away and Lex’s face suddenly looms over her shoulder. He is the one smiling, laughing. He is the one whose hand is sliding across the glass now, the back of it facing Kal, the front of it grabbing onto Kara’s breast, squeezing it, defiling the symbol there!

Kal’s jaw drops in horror! And then he hears a thump and his attention is drawn to the foot of the glass cover where Tony Bonano’s hand has slapped against the glass before sliding across to encompass the naked breast dangling there! Kal suddenly realizes that Wonder Woman’s costume is a ragged mess and Diana’s eyes are wide with anguish as she is fondled right before Superman’s own eyes. Kal’s eyes almost pop out of his head with shock.

This is no rescue! His two saviors have been bested somehow. Luthor’s infernal genius has out-matched his final hope! Kara’s face twists into a grimace as her arm is twisted behind her back and her cheek is pressed flat now against the clear-carbon cover of Superman’s tub shield. There is a flash of gold as a rope is wrapped suddenly around Supergirl’s neck and Kal sees it then looped around her other wrist as he hears Luthor call through the clear shield.

“Tell cousin Kal what’s been happening to you, Kara. And tell him what you’ve been doing in the coarsest terms you can think of, hero!”

“No!’t make me...!...”

“Tell him, bitch! The truth. All of it!”

“....i....i....sucked Luthor’s cock...Kal....he..he made me...but i...i...liked it...his penis tasted...good to me....”

Superman’s face goes pale, filled with equal parts outrage and disgust at this news. But the litany goes on from his cousin’s twisted mouth, her cheek still pressed against the clear cover by Luthor’s palm.

“I...swallowed his cum...almost all of it...tasted fine to me...there was some...some sort of aphrodisiac, Kal...please forgive me...”

“Skip that touchy feely crap,” Lex snarls, twisting up her arm behind her back even more and drawing a yelp from Kara. “Tell him what else happened.”

“Roxie...she punished me...but forced me with the lasso to enjoy it...”

“Details, cunt!”

Kal blanches at the treatment Supergirl is receiving at Luthor’s hand. His heart is breaking at the sight. A glance down the length of his body at Diana shows she’s being kept immobilized against the bottom end of the glass cover by the extended end of the magic lasso held in Tony Bonano’s grip. Her two massive breasts form flat pancakes as big as dinner plates against the clear shield. Even the nipples are pressed flat as Wonder Woman’s hair and her head are held still in the grip of the widely-grinning mobster.

Kal is devastated. How I hate these two monsters!

“She shoved a...a....butt plug up my felt terrific....”

Kal looks away, unable to meet his cousin’s glistening eyes.

“...then....then she fucked wet pussy...with a crystal dildo. That...that was...even better...” Kara chokes out. “I...i...came like a fucking virgin a porno...Kal. I was..dripping was Roxie.... it was....incredible. Multiple orgasms....lost count....I’m sorry...Kal.”

“He gets the picture, Supergirl,” Lex taunts. “You came to save his ass and failed miserably; both you and your fat-titted friend. Speaking of which, let’s hear Wonder Woman’s take on how things have gone so far in their rescue attempt.” Lex pulls Supergirl off toward the top end of the tub so Tony can deftly manhandle the Amazon warrior closer to the middle of the glass cover giving a better view to Kal-El.

“Come on, bubble butt, tell lover boy here all about what’s happened,” Tony says, clamping his palm around Wonder Woman’s neck and bashing her cheek against the clear carbon shield.

“...uuugghhnnn...oww!’s been...relentless...Luthor shot down my jet...Kara nearly drowned....there were bees stinging me...a tiger pit and a head wound...drugs...Kara pissed her panties I’m pretty sure....then Roxie stole my belt, spanked me, beat me down and ate me out.... and I loved that...she...she’s so good...her twisting tongue and finger play...magnificent...”

“Once a carpet muncher always a carpet muncher, eh, Amazon,” Tony interjects. “That island of only women, what do you expect, right Superman?”

“But then...then Kal...we gained the upper hand. Kara and I had him, had Luthor beaten..defeated.” Wonder Woman’s voice takes on a slight lilt of excitement at this. “She even had a special belt that protected her against kryptonite. Everything was good and we were just waiting for the tub’s time lock to release you and take you out of here. And then Tony showed up and....and...”

“Oh, don’t stop there, jugs, tell him what you did for terms a whore would use,” Tony urges with yank on Wonder Woman’s scalp and a tug on her lasso.

“I blew like any good hooker would until he...unloaded in my mouth like a fire hose....and I swallowed his cum load like a proper whore...”

“And it tasted....” Tony says.

“’s supposed to...” Diana blurts out.

“...but why did you do that, Diana? And Kara...why...didn’t she help...?” the dumbfounded Superman calls out from within the tub.

“Tony had secretly programmed me months before...a mental command he revived with a chosen phrase. I was helpless, Kal...HELPLESS!” Wonder Woman’s scream of frustration and anger surprises every one in the room but Tony yanks her arm up behind her back even tighter and pulls sharply on the lasso with a bark of “Behave, bitch!” and the tantrum is over that quickly. “And Kara’s belt was broken by Roxie. That put an end to our rescue for good!”

“Well said, Ultra Jugs,” Lex announces, pulling on Supergirl until the two women are bent forward side by side across the clear cover of Superman’s prison, facing each other with fear, their cheeks pressed flat against the glass. “Just a couple of losers who my man Tony and I are about to fuck like whores for your benefit, Kal. Your cousin and your girlfriend splayed out before you and you’ve got a front row seat to the Shame Sisters Spectacular Sex Show!”

“Luthor! DON’T! PLEASE!” Superman yells out his plea and it just brings a leer of satisfaction from the scientist’s face so he looks at Tony. “BONANO, You’ve won! There’s nothing left to be gained! Nothing!”

“I wouldn’t say fucking Wonder Woman is nothing, Superman. You don’t think much of your friend here. Besides, you’ve had her. You must remember, way back when Luthor arranged that foursome with you ass-fucking the mighty Champion of All Women. You know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout, champ. Don’t pretend you don’t. You know the pleasure this big ole’ fuck doll offers. Me? I’m looking forward to thrusting right in and savoring every inch of her. Do you feel me, Supes?”

“Yes, do you feel us, Kal-El?” Luthor’s mocking tone is like salt poured on an open wound.

Superman can only look at the tear-filled eyes of his cousin and the red bloom of shame that fills her face. He looks away from the scene, his face turned in the opposite direction. The famed Man of Steel deeply and truly prays for death rather than experience what will occur in the next several minutes. But twin screams of agony immediately turn his face back to the scene of the two heroines positioned helplessly over his tub.

“Look away again, boy scout,” Luthor snaps, “and these two jizz pockets get cut and disfigured permanently! We clear on that?”

“Yes, Lex,” growls Superman.

“Terrific. Then just lie back and enjoy the show, Kal-El. I know we will.”

The next fifteen minutes entail a memory in Superman’s life that he will try to bury in his mind as deep as any he’s ever had to endure To be forced to watch his two most treasured female friends forced into sexual complicity in their own rapes while he lies less than one foot away from them, helpless to prevent it in any manner brings Kal-El to the darkest night of the soul he’s ever faced.

Deeper than the deaths of his home planet and all its souls, deeper than that of his biological parents and then his foster father, this wound cuts to his core more because this is one he feels he ought to have a chance to prevent. The other events were out of his hands, cataclysms beyond his reach, facets of history forged on the anvil of time. But these desecrations, these abominations occur in his supposedly mighty orbit and he is too spent, too weak, too defeated to do anything more than raise a feeble hand and smack his tired fist against unbreakable clear carbon. Before him, Supergirl has her top yanked up in a roll around her upper chest, her soft teenage breasts flagrantly bared before her anguished cousin who dares not look away.

A few microns of thickness is all that separates him from trying to come to Supergirl’s and Wonder Woman’s aid. There’s nothing that Kal-El can do but lie in a sloshing tub of poisonous radioactive slime thumping pitifully on the cover as he watches their arms, compelled by Lex’s command, bend into position behind their backs even as their underwear is stripped off them and their privates exposed.

The lasso in Luthor’s command forces the two helpless women draped with their naked breasts pressed like dough balls against the clear glass to spread their thighs wider apart for easy access to the treasured halls of superheroine cunt. The leering scientist and his mob partner have each pulled out his engorged prick. In unison each man strokes his pole slowly and lasciviously against the heavenly portal before him. For lubrication both women have been generously slathered with pearlescent green kryptonite slime from the second tub nearby. The lasso infuses their brains with the stipulation that every sensation they experience is the most enjoyable delight they can imagine. As a result both women are infatuated dusky-eyed pleasure-seekers avidly awaiting the impalement of their moistened entryways like a pair of blushing virgin brides on their wedding nights.

Neither champion of justice displays the slightest shred of resistance as she is effortlessly violated by the throbbing prick of the man standing behind her. Lex and Tony smoothly slide into the two beauties like perfect keys into expensive locks. Bare ass cheeks wobble upon entry. Pleasured groans match swiveling hips, both sets eagerly rotated by the two thankful heroines. Superman watches in disbelief as both Kara and Diana tremble and shake against the glass cover, their breasts rubbing in circles as they both open their mouths in unison, each of them moaning in sexual gratitude for the gift of rock hard cock. The concept of rape has been banished from the two women’s minds by the lasso; but Superman sees the truth of all this and it burns like a branding iron on his heart.

“NO!!” He shouts and pounds on the glass in despair but the faces before him simply go all cow-eyed and dopey from the sensations of lust as their pussies exalt in the driving rods filling their cavities. Thrust and retreat, thrust and retreat, the invading pricks storm the battleground of the two heroines fragrant passageways again and again. The assault waves of this army are relentless and the maiden’s gates are thrown wide, two defenseless castles of virtue overwhelmed by the horde of sensations assaulting their treasure rooms, looting their very souls of all that is precious. The exclamations of riotous joy from both the sacked and the victorious fills the air.

Screams of pleasure stream out of Supergirl’s mouth even as Lex Luthor squeezes her breasts tightly and savagely plunders her vagina over and over. Helpless to resist the endless salvo of joy, the blonde champion’s eyes roll up and her body bucks back and forth against Lex Luthor’s pelvis, jerking in wild orgasmic delight against the glass of her cousin’s prison. Kal looks away in desperation, seeking out Wonder Woman’s condition only to be greeted by a matching face of absolute white-eyed, tongue-lolling ecstacy. The Amazon warrior is in mid-climax too from the endless nipple play and relentless humping of Tony Bonano working his magic behind her. The arched necks and spasming bodies of the two gorgeous beauties before Kal-El is a searing vision that would match the horror seen by Oedipus himself. The Last Son of Krypton would tear at this own eyes if his elbows would bend to reach them. As it is, he finally can only close them and shudder in absolute despair as both Kara and Diana are released by their rapists and allowed to fall to the hard tile floor, thumping down on it like heavy sacks of flour. The two figures lie in tumbled heaps of arms and legs, their battered pussies dribbling out small rivulets of white cum issued from the loins of their grinning ravagers.

“That was a hell of a thing,” sighs Tony, bleary with satisfaction for the second time that day.

“Yeah, yeah,” agrees Lex, leaning against the cover of the tub in which his defeated and shattered enemy lies. “Wasn’t that something, Superman. Did you enjoy the view?”

“Probably not as much as this view,” says Supergirl, coiling the lasso that neither man currently holds. Lex turns in horror and is immediately rendered unconscious by a hard uppercut from the Maid of Steel. Tony turns to flee but is grabbed by the collar by the lightening quick hand of the furious blonde heroine. She smashes his face against the clear carbon shield on Superman’s tub and Tony’s forehead sets the shield vibrating for just a moment. Kara drops the unconscious mobster on top of Luthor sprawled on the floor.

“No lasso, no control, you pricks,” growls Supergirl. “Diana, get up, it’s over,” the haggard blonde says, kneeling down to pat the cheek of her tired friend who groggily stirs to bleary wakefulness. “Luthor, reset the time lock on Kal’s tub and he looks horrible,” she says rising back up and peering closely at the locking mechanism. “I don’t know if Luthor was lying about the explosives in this tub so I don’t want to force this lock but if Kal stays in there for too long without being taken out, I’m afraid he’s going to die. We have to figure this out.”

Looking down into the tub, Supergirl sees that Kal-El’s face is upraised. His eyes are blinking and huge tears are flowing down his slime-splattered cheeks. Once again he raises a tired hand up and puts his palm against the clear shield and this time his cousin smiles encouragingly, places her palm against the cover in a matching spread pattern with his hand. She nods her head and says, “We’re going to get you out, Kal. We just have to do it right!”

He nods weakly and his arms plops down into the thick green muck with no strength left in it. He’s been in the tub for an hour over the usual extraction procedure and his gaunt face shows the strain the poisonous brew exerts on his system.

“Diana, get up, hurry! He’s dying! We can’t have come this far to lose him now!” The depleted Amazon sits on the floor shaking her head and trying to gather her senses. Without her Girdle of Power, all the exertion and orgasms have left her befuddled and exhausted. “We have to do something! Hey! Roxie! Where is she? Maybe she knows how to counteract the timer. I have to go find....”

Roxie has found her. As Supergirl turns on her heel, she sees a sight that freezes her soul. Luthor’s henchwoman has come out of her bedroom after resting up from fucking the daylights out of the two heroines. She has changed into a form fitting black leather catsuit with wide gray accent stripes running on the outsides of her shoulders to her elbows and along her legs from her hips to her thighs. And she’s carrying a rifle with a flared muzzle that Supergirl remembers from that fateful night long ago when she was first captured by Tony Bonano and his men. It’s the very same weapon pointed right at her now that took her down eight months ago, starting her on the road to a nightmare that won’t seem to end. The Maid of Steel’s eyes look into the dark hole of that flared muzzle and all the horror of the past year floods through her. Her body begins to quake and her bladder drizzles slightly into her slime-crusted panties.

Supergirl sees Roxie about to pull the trigger and she bolts in an absolute panic. The wild-eyed teen races away from Roxie, mindlessly dropping the magic lasso and dashing down the hallway that Luthor carried her through when he first brought her inside his fortress.

Chasing after the fleeing blonde, Roxie bends down on the run and scoops up the lasso and, just before Supergirl turns a corner, fires the rifle. A stream of kryptonite gel smacks against the same corner wall right that Supergirl has just disappeared around. A tiny droplet of glowing green slime splatters on the retreating Supergirl’s shoulder and she shrieks in terror, running as fast as she can. The kryptonite slime lining her panties and smeared across her breasts prevents the mighty heroine’s powers from returning to any great degree. She has the strength of two men perhaps but her panic has gotten the best of her and she speeds down the hallway looking back over her shoulder as Roxie’s load footfalls in the echoing hallways pursue her with a vengeance.

Back next to the slime tub, Wonder Woman has finally gathered the strength to stand up, although she leans against the tub for support. Looking down, she sees that Kal’s eyes are closed and his chest seems to be heaving in a staccato pattern that does not bode well. “Damn it, Luthor,” Diana snarls, kicking the unconscious body at her feet with a sharp jolt of her red boot, “If I didn’t need you, I’d kill you right now, moral code or not!”

She kneels down and shakes the bald-headed criminal but he’s completely out thanks to Supergirl’s angry punch. And Tony is no better. It’s clear that both men are lights out for a while. Rising up and shaking her head to clear the cobwebs, Wonder Woman is startled to see that her magic girdle has just been left on the floor, kicked aside under an ottoman with just the golden end sticking out. She hurries over, picks it up and fastens it securely around her waist. A rush of strength, vitality and confidence fills her being like a single match sets a pile of charcoal briquettes doused with lighter fluid aflame like a sudden bonfire.

“I’m coming for you, Roxie. You’re giving me back my damn lasso, bitch!”
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Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
Posts: 29
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-And now with one humiliation done, Roxie gets to play. Really drives home how much clark has suffered over the months, perhaps maybe even m ore so than the girls in some regards. So long as they were compliant to Tony's whims he for the most part didn't damage them and provided them with some potent mind numbing drugs to curb the emotional pain and some pleasure. Kal hasnt had that mercy since whenever he is out of the tub its for another sick experiment by Luthor and Roxie and then its either back in the tub or some other kryptonite laced prison. The fact that he hasnt completely broken is amazing.

-Wow Diana's lasso has certainly been more to her detriment than her benefit over the course of this story lol. Seeing as how anyone can use it against her and it has screwed her and Kara over quite a bit and she just cant seem to keep a hold of her power belt. Was wondering what Roxie had in mind for the girls and you didn't disappoint. HOT. Moral issues aside and not the brightest bulb she is damn good at her job and knows how to drag all the right reactions out of her toys be they man or woman with the right combo of pleasure and pain.

-And just when he thinks he is being rescued, Clark gets his hopes dashed again and is forced to once more watch his friend and cousin get treated like toys. And the girls being forced to reveal all that has transpired.

-Well well well, the girls managed to actually turn that around, if for the moment at least. That must have been soooo satisfying for Kara to knock both Lex and Tony's heads lol.

-And the return of the gun that first brought Kara down at the start of all this. Roxie is proving to be quite the threat and wild card and things will go downhill if she manages to catch Kara. Gotta give it to Diana for still having that fire inside of her despite all that has happened. She is holding up better than Kara at the moment.
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Here is the link to the concluding chapter of this series. I separated it out for those who want to read how it all turns out without getting tied up in the long "slog" of things. Hope no one minds.

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Just great! Like all your other stories. I'd love to see these stories adapted in movies divided in several parts with the same actress for each heroine. The only thing missing in your story is a cover. For example a cover with a picture of Supergirl and the main antagonist. Dark One do that well in his Ms Amazing saga. That just help to get fully into the story if you can see what exactly the heroine looks like.
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Thanks, Jigoku, for the comment. Since I made no money from this (or most of my) stories, I never thought to spend money on an artist to create a cover or scene from the story. Usually the reader's mental image is better than anything an artist could devise and more personalized to boot.

I will be using artwork for a series I'm planning for the Fall however based on my original Destiny character from Wonder Woman and the Superheroine Serial Killer. Having a clear idea of her looks and costume will help readers visualize a new character better in that case.
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I can visualize the story itself in my mind, but I think it would be less difficult if we had a real picture of the heroine the way you visualise her. For example, in the case of Supergirl, it could be the 1984 movie's Supergirl with Ms Slater (but the costume seem different), the actual tv show's Supergirl, an animated comics version, or any other Supergirl we can see in adult Superheroine in Peril video played by various actresses.

I'm sure you had the face and the costume of Supergirl in your mind while you were writting your story. Otherwise you could not write such a good story with all the détails you put in. And it's this picture in your mind a foreigner reader like me would need in order to get into the story more easily. Especially for the face and the costume.

Divinity is a good example. I never could visualise her face and her costume in my mind so reading her part was difficult. So I'm glad about your plan of using an artwork for her in the future. Nevertheless, you do great job. Great talent. Go on like that. Sorry for my English :)
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When I started writing SG Mob around 2001 there was no tv show, no New 52 costume, nothing but the Supergirl movie and of course the comic book versions which included the early all blue version with a skirt as well as the later red skirt version. (Not to mention the blue blouse with smaller insignia on her left breast and red hotpants which I liked but didn't use.)That traditional version with the red skirt is what I always pictured except with separate red underwear rather than a continuous blue leotard.

As for her face, I never really pictured Helen Slater when writing Kara. It was a pretty and youngish looking 19 year old blonde. I never described her facial features to be frank, preferring to let the reader fill in the blanks in his or her own mind. I was far more focused on the characters' behaviors and keeping them consistent over time. The characters' action only changed as the pressures of their captivity and drug addictions kicked in...and even then I strived to keep them heroic as much as possible otherwise, to me, it would have felt watching a superheroine video after the whole costume is pulled off...just another sex story -- which was the last thing I wanted.

Even when SG or WW were engaging in "voluntary" sex acts it was vital to me to maintain their identities and heroic natures as much as possible in order to keep the story intriguing.

I hope that answers your question as well as providing insight into my creative process.
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Okay! Indeed there was not yet the tv show. Good thing because I don't like the costume very much. The vintage costume used in the 1984 movie is more to my liking. My favorite in fact. So the costume you pictured in your story is a personalized costume in some sorts, but very close of the traditional version. Thank you for this explanation. I totally agree. If the costume is gone, the interest is half gone. Unless the loss of the costume is temporary and necessary for the scenario but that must not exceed the half of the video or the fanfic. It is a fact that we have perfectly integrated in our heroine productions in Japan. But some US producers sometimes miss this essential point.
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A great, epic story! I'd love to see you tackle something similar set in the Marvel universe, but I'm guessing you're more of a DC guy. Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your work! :)
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Thanks exxxidor456 for your comment. Its true I'm more of a DC fan but I might give Sue Storm and her fellow Fantastic Four members a peril story of their own in 2018.
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That would be awesome! Roll on New Year! :)
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DrDominator9 wrote:
6 years ago
Thanks exxxidor456 for your comment. Its true I'm more of a DC fan but I might give Sue Storm and her fellow Fantastic Four members a peril story of their own in 2018.
Oh please....pretty please....I would LOVE to read you work about god!!!! You know how much we and I al love SG VS THE MOB ....but Sue.....thats something I would absolutely love
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Especially the drug angle. It would be so out of character for Sue and that's what makes it perfect. :)
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I've done the drug angle pretty thoroughly in SG vs the Mob so will have to find a different sort of peril to inflict on her and her team. As it gets closer I may drop a hint of what I'm planning. Til then enjoy the sweet anticipation. :yes: :elephant:
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Oh, we will, we will! :D
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I want to thank DR. Dominator a truly epic story.
This might be one of the best written erotic stories I've had the pleasure to read.

I've been reading chapter here and there over the years, and now finally reading it all the way through.

Currently I'm up to chapter 22, and I've been greatly enjoying it so far.

I feel captures a darker fetish many have about corrupting the innocent, and forcing strong woman to submit.

Supergirl is both innocent, and strong, so she is a perfect character for such a story.

Violence level is very hard and disturbing , especially with Sergei threatening Supergirl , and beating the ever living lights out of her.
While it's very unsettling to see such a sweet character as Supergirl to go through this, it also signifies how much it took to break her, so her submission is hard earned.

So far all guys, except Randy, have been complete assholes to Supergirl , even when she tried hard to please them.
Randy was the only one who had descent human response to her, and I see why he had to be removed, since it's not really a love story.

Excellent read so far, and apparently I'm not even 1/3 through.
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I normally post comments on most chapters as I read stuff, but I finished reading all of this before being able to post, so you'll have to make do with this tiny one at the end.
Great story and writing, your mind is dark and full of twists, and I love it.
Overall I really liked the Supergirl parts of the story, even in the parts where you managed to make my principal feeling Sympathy and pity. The WW parts felt a bit rushed at times, but were mostly quite good too (I'm not as familiar with her as SG so that probably had some impact too).
Thanks for taking the time to write your stories down and sharing them with us all.
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DrDominator9 wrote:
9 years ago
Supergirl Captured by the Mob

Part 1A --- A Surprise Attack

This story has been posted over at the Wizard's Lair for quite some time now but I thought those who haven't ventured there might be inclined to read it if I posted it here for you. I hope you enjoy the intrigue and would love to get feedback about this work.

Damn what a story! I picture this as Helen Slater’s Supergirl. Phenomenal story- got my imagination really going!

Note: All characters and names are property of DC Comics. This story is simply meant as entertainment and should be read only by consenting adults of 18 years or older.

Linda Danvers has been following top Mafia boss, Carmine Vega for three months, trying to gather evidence to put him behind bars for life for murder. Now, on a cool evening in May, following a tip, the persistent girl reporter has shadowed the crime kingpin to an old factory in Soho where he’s supposed to meet with Tony ‘The Wire’ Bonano, the head of another Mafia family, to work out a protection racket on their common turf.

Dressed in a burgundy mid-length slit-skirt, matching jacket, ruffled white blouse and matching burgandy pumps, the cagey brunette hides in the shadow of a garage doorway of the building next door.

Carmine’s long black limousine has pulled into the factory parking lot where it now sits on the tarmac flanked by two mid-size gray sedans. Leaning against each sedan are two burly bodyguards a piece wearing dark suits and sunglasses. An eight-foot high chain-link fence topped with thick coils of razor wire surrounds the parking lot. The fence gate is open now, awaiting the arrival of Tony Bonano’s car.

Up the street, a red Testarossa screeches around the corner. It roars loudly down the blacktop towards the factory, then swings hard into the gate and comes to squealing stop next to Vega’s limo. A tall, dark Italian climbs out of the sport car and walks over to the back door of the limo. Its blackened window slides down and Linda sees the silver-haired Carmine lean forward to talk to Tony the Wire. She focuses her attention forward to hear every word.

“Why you gotta be so flashy?”

“Hey, that’s my style,” Tony says with a smile. “You got a problem with that?”

“Don’t get hot.... uh, where are your men?”

“They’re around.”

Linda is surprised to hear that and looks all around for other faces in the night but sees no one. Was Tony lying or were they all that well concealed? How many men did this guy have in the area, she wondered.

“Let’s talk business,” Carmine says. “Get in.”

“It’s healthier out here,” Bonano counters. “Stretch your legs. Enjoy the night. I’m gonna make you a rich man.”

Linda focuses on the conversation.

“Is that right. How you gonna do that?” Carmine stays in his car and talks through the half-open window.

“First, I’m gonna clear out the dead wood and troublemakers around town so I got a clear field to work on. Then, you and I are going to move in nice and polite on all the big businesses on our mutual turf with a little deal they can’t turn down.”

“What kind of dead wood you talking about,” asks Vega.

“Supergirl,” Bonano says with a very self-satisfied smile.

Linda’s eyes widen in surprise.

“You nuts?” Vega blurts. “How you gonna do that? I hear she’s like a steel wall, totally impenetrable.”

“Interesting choice of words. But hey, Carmine, we all got weak spots. Even famous fuckin’ Supergirl.” Tony says with an evil chuckle. “Believe me, I know a few things and I’m telling you we can take out this gullible, over-confident little cocktease! Trust me when I say, Carmine, that this super cunt is like a wall only in one way. She’s got a nice, big crack. A crack that you can stick your dick into! That’s right. Fuck the famous Supergirl! It’s not impossible.”

“Come off it,”snorts Carmine derisively.

“Look, I know it’s hard to believe, Carmine, but I’m here to tell you that we really can get under this famous teenage bitch’s pretty little red skirt and get her precious pussy hot, slippery and poised to please!”

“Give me a fuckin’ break, Tony!” Carmine scoffs.

“It’s true,” Tony snaps back. “Get out of the fuckin’ car for a second, would ya’, this is important.”

Vega gets out and draws himself up to his full height and stares straight at this flashy prick’s face. Could he actually do what he claimed?

Tony puts his arm around Vega’s shoulders and leans in.

“Okay, Carmine, here’s the dope. According to my sources, Supergirl isn’t nearly as intelligent or as invincible as she wants everyone to think she is! She has weaknesses, like kryptonite, for example. You heard of that, right? And she has patterns of behavior that can be exploited. And she’s just like any other female in the all-important way: She’s got tits and a cunt and a clit that you can stimulate. You strip that girl of her super powers and you’ll find out real quick that there’s nothing so special about what’s between that busty blonde’s long, pretty legs. Big shot heroine or not, I’m telling you that I know a way that we can get to this bitch’s snatch and tease it until little Miss Wonderful’s silky costume panties get damp and sticky from her own cum!”

“Tony, please!”

“I’m telling you the truth, Carmine. I can make Supergirl so horny, so wet with desire that she’ll get down on her pretty little knees and give out blow jobs on demand!”

“This is bullshit!” Carmine starts to get back in his car but Bonano grips his shoulder.

“Carmine, Carmine, Carmine,” Tony shakes his head and earnestly looks Vega directly in the eye. In a conspiratorial whisper he says, “Listen, this little lady puts on her costume panties one leg hole at a time. But I’ll tell you one thing, my friend, they’ll be coming off her both legs at once -- stripped off in nothing flat -- when I get hold of her. Before you drive off, just think of this for a second: your long-time rival reduced to a whimpering helpless girl with her pubes pointed right at you. Ready for fucking.”

Linda seethes with anger at the vulgarity that this thug is using to describe her and his plans.

“Gimme a break, Tony.” Carmine is getting pissed, too. This guy is all talk.

“Hey, have faith, Carmine,” Tony vows. “I’ve got a trick or two up my sleeve that will outsmart even Supergirl.”

“Yeah? How the fuck did you get so smart about her?” sneers Carmine.

Linda concentrates closer than ever to the conversation. Had one of her friends given some information away on her?

“Paid informants. Cost me a pretty penny, too. But I’m coming into this deal prepared to take it to the limit. I want this deal between us to work and I’m backing my play with all I got. You just got to agree to share the turf like we talked about.”

“Mmh.” Vega nods, skeptical as always.

“I’m tellin’ you, I’ve got blondie covered, Carmine. Before that big-breasted slut knows what’s hit her, Supergirl is gonna get a nasty surprise that even she won’t be able to handle!” Tony grins evilly.

Linda shivers at the smarmy description used about her and focuses her hearing in a tighter range so she won’t miss a word.

“Look, Tony, you always did have a good line of BS, but I ain’t buyin’. There’s too much at stake. We need to take a low profile on this plan.”

“Low profile? What good’s a low profile if we’re in jail ‘cause Superslut charges in and blows the whole scheme to bits? We gotta take action and make it stick.”

“There’s so much downside if it doesn’t play.” Vega frowns.

“Downside, huh. Carmine, tell you what. I personally guarantee it! I’ll put up $100 grand – no risk on your end at all. I prove to you that this dumb bitch ain’t indestructible. She goes down I get a $100 grand in addition to the split we’re working on between our two territories. You know the bounty on her is ten times that. She don’t go down, you walk away with a clean 100 G’s. It’s a no-lose proposition for you!”

“You make a tempting offer, Tony.”

“I’m tellin’ you, I know what it takes to knock the gullible little pussy to her knees. I’m putting Supergirl’s brain on ice. She’ll be so stunned she won’t know what hit her. I’ve got all the inside dope I need! With my plan, those famous powers of her won’t have time to come into play! And then her silky costume underpants come off and Tony Bonano gets to stick his prick up that greasy tramp’s cunt! And you too, Carmine! Imagine wetting your wick in Supergirl’s blonde bush!”

Linda stifles a growl of anger as she listens to this filth coming out of Bonano’s mouth.

“I got it all planned, Carmine. Little Miss Super Sunshine is gonna have her pretty little costume skirt pulled up and her panties pulled down so fast, she won’t know what hit her. Then I’m going to spread her legs in the air and gag her wiseass mouth shut. She won’t be so high and mighty after I get her in that position. Just let me handle her. Everything’s already set. When she ain’t suspecting anything, we take her out. Simple and quick! Then we conduct business in real style.”

“You’re really full of shit, Bonano. How are you gonna hit her? You forgetting about her super powers?”

“Fuck no. Like I said, I got the bitch covered. I’ve been working on this stuff for a year now. Be cool. I’m gonna dominate Supergirl like she was one of my own stable whores. She won’t know which way is up! I’m gonna fuck with that girl’s head like she was a fifteen year old bus terminal runaway. And then I’m gonna drive up under the dumb cunt’s skirt, fuck her cute little ass and ride her all over the room if I want, pulling on her famous cape, squeezing her lovely tits and belting out ‘Home on the Range.’”

Even Carmine has to laugh at this visual.

‘The beautiful thing is,” Bonano gets serious, “from the very second I outsmart her, and the so-called brilliant Supergirl won’t have the strength or smarts left to do shit about it! So, come on, Carmine, she is only just a girl. Show some balls, huh!”

Carmine bristles at this and begins to say something when suddenly, from behind Linda, a pair of powerful hands suddenly grabs her arms, pins them to her side and spins her around.

“Hey!’ She’s blurts out as she’s spun roughly around. Linda is staring straight into the wide, round nozzle of a very strange dark gray weapon with a large cylindrical reservoir. A tall pale man in a gray suit points the strange gun in her face, five inches from her nose. Behind her, a bearded man in a blue suit grips her biceps in a steely hold. She doesn’t want to blow her secret identity, so she decides to play this out and see where it goes. Tony and Carmine stop their conversation and look over. The pale man next to the thug holding the gun on Linda speaks steadily.

“Eavesdroppin’ ain’t healthy, lady. Don’t move a hair now or you’re...”

Even as a gaping Linda Danvers is berating herself for focusing her attention so much that she let these two goons sneak up on her, the tall pale man holding the gun unexpectedly pulls the trigger. A thick, gooey stream of glowing green sludge suddenly splurges out of the gun’s nozzle and drenches the beautiful teenager’s face with a foul smelling, greasy muck. The green sludge completely blinds the startled girl, clinging in heavy clumps all in her nose and inside her open mouth.

“AULLLGGKK!” Linda gags loudly as she yanks roughly away from the bearded man. She takes a step forward and doubles over, her head swimming in dizzy confusion. Rao, no! Kryptonite! Sick...I’m going to be sick!

To be continued...
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Mlod wrote:
4 years ago
I normally post comments on most chapters as I read stuff, but I finished reading all of this before being able to post, so you'll have to make do with this tiny one at the end.
Great story and writing, your mind is dark and full of twists, and I love it.
Overall I really liked the Supergirl parts of the story, even in the parts where you managed to make my principal feeling Sympathy and pity. The WW parts felt a bit rushed at times, but were mostly quite good too (I'm not as familiar with her as SG so that probably had some impact too).
Thanks for taking the time to write your stories down and sharing them with us all.
Sorry that I never thanked you for this comment, Mlod. Glad you enjoyed the series.

Sure wish I had the drive I had back then.
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