Stargirl's Election day disaster!!

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Stargirl had just turned 18 6-months ago and was beyond excited that her birthday also coordinated with a major election year, she felt like she was getting a double whammy this year with being the daughter of a super patriot and her being seen as a symbol of freedoms and patriotism, what she didn't expect was that one of her worst enemies, Hexxx, an evil voodoo witch, also knew she planned to make a spectacle of her voting act & planned to take advantage of eliminating this little blonde heroine at her prime when she least expected it!
It was well known around the villain & villainess scenes that Stargirl was the probably the purest of the pure super heroines and everyone, man or woman alike wanted to take her down and out, but not before sampling a piece of her delicious athletic body, after all wearing those skin tight biker shorts and sports bra short as your costume with shiny red knee high lace up boots left little to the imagination when she was in action, her body so petite and tight since she was a world class gymnast & super powerful with her golden rod. Often times when she was seen fighting, flying through the air, her golden blonde hair looked like magic itself and her legs wrapping around the body of or drop kicking a villain was a show worth any price of admission and Hexxx was ready to cash in her ticket to play!

Hexxx knew very well that Stargirl & Patriot would probably show up together so she had arranged via her magic to secretly conspire an event, televised of course, for Stargirl to come to a special precinct to cast her vote & gloat in the spotlight, since she wanted every chance to steal the glory from the other Blonde heroine with red boots and a smoking hot body in town, Supergirl! Hexxx also knew a very important secret about Stargirl, she had been spying on her and using her magic mind reading abilities to find out Stargirl's darkest deepest secrets and fears and she was shocked to discover that Stargirl would spend time viewing porn, hardcore stuff like bondage & humiliation but that it was the Interracial images and movies she discovered was causing Stargirl nightmares & sick twisted dreams where she found herself helpless and in an orgy of interracial scenes, one after the other more intense until she snaps out of it or wakes up, worried that she may fall prey to this fantasy that is making her mind swim. Hexxx knows this secret fear, possibly this secret desire & plans to use it on Stargirl to warp & break her, mind soul & body.....a complete destruction of the city's most pure & wholesome heroine.....soon to be an election day gangbang slut or worse!!!

Election day arrived & Stargirl was thrilled beyond belief that she was going to be voting, casting her choice for the leader of the free world & as she grabbed her voter ID card, conveniently magically altered to show a different polling place, she jumped up, kissed her giant robot bye and flew out the window on her staff, headed to a soon to be nightmare that she has no clue is about to unfold on her.
It took her only about 5 minutes to arrive at the voting place listed on her card, she didn't even stop to think that the location was not where she would normally expect it to be, like a government building or school but instead it was in a part of town known for porno shops, strip clubs and gang activity, a place she has avoided to fight crime instead sticking to the "safer" areas of the city she thought...even though in her own mind she thought she was tough enough to handle anything, anyplace or any villain....but wow is she about to find out differently. Landing in front of the building there is a crowd gathered as she anticipated and including cameras and reporters, but what she failed to realize is they were all holographic projections...illusions to fool her into a false sense of community, that people of all races, religions and income brackets love and adore her for coming out as the pinnacle of patriotism...the crowd is very convincing and what she fails to notice is that they all are recordings of previous appearances of her throughout the city, even the news vans and the dialogue, but since her desire to get all the glory and glamour she pays no attention & walks past them, waiving, smiling & blowing kisses to her adoring fans & paparazzi.As she strolls confidently in the doors, where no news crews or her die hard fans are she follows the signs directing her path down a long hallway of the huge manufacturing facility, she thought it was odd that a factory was being used as a polling place but paid no attention & kept up her walk until she reached another set of double doors and the 2 guards standing there greeted her warmly with praise "Welcome Stargirl...we are so glad a heroine, a citizen like you came out today to cast your vote showing the American people what freedom is all about!!" They handed her the ballot and waived her on inside....telling her no need to check her ID, her costume and glowing golden staff proved who she was, they did however tell her that her staff would have to remain outside, no weapons were allowed in any of the voting booths to prevent any voter fraud or suppression to happen....with little to no hesitation she handed the uniformed police officers her staff & inside she went, setting in motion her own demise & not even realizing it. As the doors closed behind her the holographic projections faded including the signs, tables, vans, cameras...everything except the 2 very real guards who were Hexxx's henchmen.

The room was small and empty except for a single booth standing in the middle of the room with a sliding door to seal off the voter from the outside distractions or influences, or so she thought. Confidently stepping into the tall slender booth, Stargirl looks at the touch screen panel in front of her and see the START button highlighted in bold flashing green, & so with the her gloved little index finger she presses the button and the door quietly slides shut with a vacuum seal sound, encasing Stargirl in a now completely enclosed & air tight cabinet, of course she has no idea anything is wrong just yet since the touch panel has proceeded to the next screen with audible instructions. "Please select your Party" the feminine computer voice stated. "Oh this seems easy" She said to herself & pushed the Red Republican party button. "Now select your candidates" the panel spoke again. Stargirl read thru the list until she found the name she was looking for & with no hesitation pressed the name. "Good....Thank you" The automatic voice said. "Now let's decide on social issues up for vote" it continued.
"Social issues?" she said out loud as she looked at the screen & checked out the box she was in to see if there were posters or flyers on what these issues were. "Ok" she she pressed the next button & the screen now had a list of items she was kind of surprised to see in what she thought was a general election. She read down the list & found
1. Should Pornography be outlawed? YorN
2. Should Super Humans be required to register their identity with the Government? YorN
3. Should humans be allowed to marry machines or robots? YorN
4. Should Stargirl be captured & put into a hardcore porno? YorN

As she went down the list selecting No for the first 3 options, her eyes bulged when she got to question#4 & she felt her stomach turn as if telling her something was not right. "What the fuc......." slipped from her mouth & she turned to open the door but it wouldn't budge but she noticed the exit button, pressing it did nothing & when she pressed it a second time the recorded voice came back on & said "Please complete your voting process, the machine will not register or allow exit until you have completed all questions"
Turning back around she sees question 4 & immediately pushes N then sees the response on the screen turns red & the voice comes back..."I am sorry, that is not a valid selection, please try again" So she presses N again and the same thing happens, after a third attempt she says fuck it and presses Y, the screen proceeds to turn green & advance to the next with a new set of questions & audio response. "Now select at least 2 of the following options"
1. Lezdom Bondage
2. Gangbang
3. Interracial
4. Orgy
5. Threesome
6. Lesbain Strap-on
7. straight 1-on-1
8. Transexual encounter
9. Machine sex
10. Straight Bondage
11. Glory Hole
12. Public humiliation
13. fetish
14. All of the above

Stargirl now realizes this must be a joke or a hidden camera show & without her staff she is powerless to open the door, its sealed tighter than her pussy since she is still a virgin & even though she fantasizes about these very things, she still has never had anything penetrate her beyond her own fingers. "Ok assholes....I will play along!" She pushes the exit button but again the voice prompts her to make her selection so she turns & for ease of selection she presses # 14 & the panel once again proceeds to the next screen informing her she has made her selections & to press submit vote to complete the process & open the door. She presses SUBMIT & then the voice again says "Thank you for voting Today, your ballot has been submitted & you will now be registered for the next step of the process."
Stargirl turns to see if the door will open & when she presses the flashing green button she presses it only this time no voice but instead a hissing sound as a thick white gas starts to fill the voting cabinet from the floor & the ceiling....Panic hits her and her eyes widen as she gasps a huge breath thinking it could be her last as she pounds and kicks on the glass door keeping her inside but to no avail!
Within 5 seconds the cabinet is completely filled with the thick gas & Stargirl is starting to feel the effects, her eyes burn and her lungs hurt and she immediately starts to choke but the next 3 seconds finish her off and the gas has worked, knocking her out completely, sealing her now slumped over sexy body in its very own vacuum sealed transportation box. As the gas dissipates the door allows the evil witch Hexxx to stand in front & take pleasure in seeing the beautiful young blonde now totally helpless and powerless, ready to live out her greatest adventure of all & knowing that she even allowed Stargirl to select the method of her own demise.

"So kinky little freak, you chose all of the above, well you will get all of the above kitten, I....WE...promise to uphold & support your vote!!" And as she finishes her victory speech to a passed out Stargirl, the case starts to lift from the forklift behind it, ready to load the package on for her final destination.....a movie studio specially prepared for any & every scenario that Stargirl thought she was jokingly selecting....instead she chose her own path & will soon realize the importance of voting correctly!!
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Very enjoyable set up. Being it's her first time voting, Stargirl wouldn't know what a voting booth would look like so it works for me. Hope you continue this.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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whoa! Outstanding start Batgirl! Can't wait for the next installment.
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Stargirl begins to slowly awaken from what seems like a very long deep sleep, unsure of even when or where she is at, but soon to realize it is a place she does NOT want to be....especially once Hexxx comes into blurry view. Hexxx walks up to the sealed tight glass container keeping the delicious little blonde vacuum sealed for freshness and kisses the glass in front of Stargirl's face leaving a bright red lipstick stain right where the heroines mouth lined up with confusing her even more as to why and who this evil looking witch of a villainess is. "Welcome to your nightmare Stargirl, thank you for doing your civic duty, now you will get to witness first hand the results of your own election results, & I must my little doll must either be extremely kinky or extremely stupid!" Hexxx tells her causing an immediate reaction in Stargirl's now clear eyes as she suddenly puts 2 and 2 together to realize WHAT exactly it was she voted for.

"Who are you and why are you doing this to me?" She boldly commands thru the glass as she pounds it with her tiny little gloved right hand, not even making a crack, just a dull hard THUD as she is powerless without her golden staff. "My name is Hexxx....yes I know that rhymes with Sex....that is the point you little hot thang & the reason i am doing this to you?....well do i really need a reason other than you are a gorgeous petite super hot & sexy do-gooder heroine who needs to be tamed?....I mean come on girl, have you looked at yourself lately?" Hexxx jokingly taunts her. "I plan on making your dreams....or nightmares come true for you now Stargirl, every sick or perverted sexual scenario that you mockingly voted for is going to happen to you, and we are going to film them all, but don't worry, I promise it won't be painful....well maybe the interracial gang-bang might be...oh and the bondage session we have planned for you, and maybe the robot/machine fucking you are going to endure, but I promise....your first time will be something you will remember forever, that is if you make it out alive!" The costume Hexxx was now wearing made it very clear she was all about sex and domination, leather skin tight thigh high boots with spiked heels, latex shiny garters, a harness around her waist with a special ring for attachments and a belt that has various chains, whips, clips, beads and those special attachments dangling from well as a matching shiny black bra type garter with spikes and buckles and collars....a real Dominatrix witch & she looked like what you would see on any porn site focused on this type of genre, her jet black hair was also long and braided in a whip like itself, ready to use or be used against her unwilling captives!

"You evil witch!" Stargirl again uses both fists to pound the glass but still nothing happens, over and over as she kicks and screams at Hexxx protesting what she has been told is about to happen to her! "Protest all you want, many people are now as well with the election results, so hey, you are just adding to it baby!" Hexxx again mockingly tells the helpless blonde in her air tight container, like a sweet spice ready to be tapped!
"Let's voted on option 14 which as you know meant ALL of the above, its a wonder a dumb little slut like you didn't try to write in some category, but oh well, we have plenty in store for you here at the studio, so now the real question is what do we start with first? I mean I know you are a virgin, so I have to really take my time with deciding how I want to steal that little fruit from, how to pop that cherry in a way you will never forget and that will ever corrupt your mind craving more and more I let a Tranny fuck you & take it, or a let huge interracial encounter take it...or what about a giant strapon dildo? What do you prefer?"

"You are SICK!!! You either let me go or when I get my staff back or Patriot finds me you will be destroyed, not prison or anything other than destroyed!" the muffled voice screams from inside the box. Hexxx laughs and says "I know....we will put you through some hardcore bondage first, no fucking or even penetration, well maybe an asshook, but nothing in that sweet little pussy yet, just bind you and beat you silly into a babbling submissive little idiot!"
"No....God no!! Please......." Stargirl starts to beg as she can clearly see the studio room has rotated into what looks like a medieval dungeon, with a rack, stockade, an iron maiden, some cages and other torture devices that look awful....including a Guillotine!!!

With a wave of her latex gloved hand, a magic spell opens the glass cabinet and Stargirl makes her attempt to escape only to find herself snatched from behind by 2 large men, one grabbing her arms, putting her in an arm lock and the other grabbing her ankles quickly so she is almost immediately floated horizontally on her back, with both henchmen holding tight on to each end of her.....they quickly take her and force her on her back onto the rack and before she can struggle further Hexxx has already started securing a wrist into a tight old leather cuff, secured to a chain and keeping the girl's arm outstretched to the left of the table she is on, then the next wrist is quckley and very tightly secured in the cuff....the first henchman who is no longer required to hold her down has already started turning the wheel that tightens the chain one link at a time until her arms are both spread tightly to the table....this allowed Hexxx and her other helper to each work the kicking legs and ankles of Stargirl into the awaiting ankle cuffs....once again the wheel is turned so fast that Stargirl didn't even have time to really struggle....her legs now also tightly pinned and pulled making her look long and lean even though she is barely 5'2.....the cuffs grabbing like mighty hands around the shiny patton leather of her bright red knee high lace up boots and her little red gloved hands holding tightly with an almost death grip to the chain that is running from her wrist to the rusty old crank behind her head, she can hear and smell the wood and leather as each turn starts to really tighten her up.

"GOOOD!!" Hexxx exclaims, "I have you right where I want you now sweetheart, that skin tight costume just makes you look like a little firework reayd to explode, but where is your wick to light? Oh that's don't have one yet!!" and with that proclamation she pulls out a large candle and 2 smaller candles that cause Stargirls mouth and eyes to widen in shock or terror since she understands what is probably next....some good WAXING!
"Lets slide these cute little biker shorts down just a bit to see if you are already waxed...ok?" Hexxx whispers in her ear as she holds the candles in one hand and the other finds its way to her waistband, each finger working under the tight belt holding her shorts in place like they are painted on to her body, once she has worked 2 fingers under, she realizes the belt must be unbuckled so she lays the candles on the captive girls chest, all the while she is begging and pleading for it to stop but the hands of the dom slowly unbuckle the red white and blue belt and slowly snakes it apart, removing it from only one loop just enough so the button and zipper can now be undone....and with the skill of an expert Hexxx has the button unsnapped and the zipper already on its way south using her teeth like a pair of pliers....Stargirl struggling to hold her head up to see what is going on before she feels a hot meaty hand on her forehead forcing her head back down to the wooden table and another pulling an old leather strap over her neck then one over her as her own belt is being unbuckled, these 2 sinister belts are being buckled, one freeing her the others binding her.....a deep manly voice says "uh uh don't want to see what is going to happen to you do you?...I know I wouldn't want to if I was you!" it said...and fear struck her as she started to scream out, the same hot hand quickly covered her mouth. "Mpppppphhh" is all that could be heard now followed by "Here....put this on her mouth!" Hexxx handed one of the huge jawbreaker looking ballgags that hung from her belt to the anxiously awaiting hand of the other goon who wasted no time shoving the ball into the heroines unwilling clinched mouth, the ball found little resistance since he forced it so hard it would knock her teeth out if she kept her mouth closed, she had no choice but to open wide and take it all in, a small scream squeaked out just as the last centimeter of the ball filled its target like a perfect fit!. The leather straps that hold it in place tight where also buckled, another belt buckle taking away her last remaining freedom, beside she guessed her sight and sound, after all she could still see somewhat and hear everything. But for how long she panicked.

"Mmmmm....well well well....guess what boys? Our little slut here is ALREADY waxed, but of course i already knew that from spying on you Stargirl, but I figured what the hell, a little extra waxing never hurt anyone, maybe you will be the first it does!" And with this Hexxx has now pealed her shorts down exposing the beautiful smooth sight of a tight very well shaven pussy, being held tightly in the leg straps and cuffs, the cranking of the chains have slightly made her legs spread, keeping her pussy still closed but enough room for the expert fingers of Hexxx to find her slit with no trouble and find it she did, the heat from the struggling has already made stargirl so wet that the gloved finger of Hexxx slides effortlessly up and down opening her pussy lips with each stroke and each time hitting her little exposed clit. Hexxx desperately wants to dive fist first and face first into this delicious little twat but snaps back to control herself and does what she intended to do by exposing her hole, the WAXING! With expert care the large candle is slide into place....between Stargirl's legs splitting her pussy lips open but not inserted into her pussy, more like a pole spreading a sheet the candle was long enough to bottom out on the table leaving the wick about 1 inch from the tip of her clit, just perfect for what is going to happen. "MMmmmm Hexxx, light her up....we want to see this firecracker explode!" the goon says as he is down there putting pressure on the wheel keeping constant pressure on her limbs...not quit pulling them from their sockets but enough that she is starting to really feel the burn.....a pun that she will live to regret hearing maybe...feel the Bern she thought to herself as she wished it was just that back to her college dorm and worrying about that instead of worrying about this. "Of course...lets see what we have here!" and with a snap of her fingers the candle lights itself, the wick burns to life and the blood red candle wax starts to soften, the first drip was not that hot as it found the x marks the spot on the first drip, her clit! "mmmmmmmmppppp nnnnnnnnnnn" is all that escaped the ballgag as the second then third drop also land on target each hotter than the first. Hexxx goes on to explain that as the candle melts each drip becomes hotter and hotter until its covered her little twat in an encased candle all its own, each drip remelting the prior to give a constant burn to her labia and clitoris,soon it looked like the candle was dripping very steadily so Hexxx and her other goon turn their attention to her little a-cup titties.

"Ooooh let me suck her nipples to get them wet and ready Hexxx...Please?" The other hencheman that was working her arm cranks pleaded to his mistress. "Why of course....lets get to work, we can each have one of these wonderful little nipples, maybe we will get some reaction from these little fuckers!" She says as she once again skillfully puts her fingers to work lifting the skin tight sports bra type of shirt that is also almost painted to the petite body on display before them. Stargirl attempts to struggle and moan as the hands fold the bra upward, letting her tiny boobs to be free....stretched tight from the expert racking she is being given and her nipples immediately stand at attention like little flag poles waiting to be saluted by the vicious tongues and fingers of her captives.."Delicious!!!" The man says as he is face first biting and sucking on her right tit, each suck making her nipples harder and hard, the other being tweaked by Hexxx's fingers, rolling and pulling it before it too finds itself inside her mouth and between her both titties being sucked and bitten by these fiends....each drip of wax sending pain and shock thru her pussy and clit as her boobs are being covered in spit and slobber but are they too soon to be waxed? Yes they are as she finds out fast!
" these nipple clip candle holders and lets light this bitch up like a sparkler!" Hexxx laughs as she clips on one and the man clips on the other...both tight little gator clips holding the red white and blue birthday candles made of special sexual sensitive wax are put in place and magically lit she has her pussy and titties literally on fire....then the fun begins!
"Now let's see if she cracks like a firecracker!" Hexxx points to each wheel and commands them to crank and keep tighting her down....each turn pulls her so fucking tight that she can almost hear her bones coming loose from their socket when all of a sudden WHAPPPP....the first of the leather cat o nine tails lands on her tightly pulled legs, then another, then another....until her exposed legs between her shorts and boots are as red as her boots and the pussy wax!
"How does that feel bitch?" Hexx leans in and asks, knowing the girl can't anser but she keeps on asking and asks if she wants her to stop..."yyyyyysysysyysysys" muffled cries can be heard but she just says "I am sorry, I can't understand you....are you saying the safe word?" Or just shake your head yes if you want it to stop.....oh thats right you CAN'T move your head!!"
WHAPP WHAPPP WHAPP the crops land again but this time it is on her exposed belly, also pulled so damn tight her six pack rock hard abs are like a waiting wonder to be explored and licked by the whip!

STAY TUNED for more.....writing this one did me in two times already!!!
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Cannot Wait !!!!
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The whipping continued for what seemed like hours to Stargirl but in reality it was just a few minutes, after-all Hexxx has a full agenda for her little actress so she starts whipping the flogger on her titties so it knocks the candles off and starts to chip away at the crimson colored candy coating of wax and Hexxx actually reveals that the wax is in fact flavored like cherry to add a little more spice to the events unfolding, flavoring Star's body enough so the taste and smell will linger for hours to anyone who licks or gets a whiff of her scents....delicious!
As the whipping stopped a new sensation hit her body like a truck, it was the head of a magic wand massage device landing directly on her swollen wet clit , wrapped in a shiny tight rubber condom, obviously a sign it has been used before on other pussies so at least she is being sanitary with her virgin captive...or is she? "feel good sweetie?" She whispers in Star's ear as she signals the goons to keep turning the wheels tighter, stretching her body to the max so the head of the magic wand can continue its work on her sweet spot. With one hand Hexxx fingers herself as she skillfully guides the wand over the pubic mound, up and down with each one spreading her lips open but still not penetrating her, just enough to make her feel amazing but not enough to make her cum.
By now the smell of her own pussy mixed with the red hot cherry scent is filling the air and driving her captives crazy with even more lust to bust her own little cherry, but suddenly her nostrils are filled with a very new strong but very familiar aroma, pussy! But was it her's or Hexxx's? As the smell got stronger Stargirl realized it had to be Hexxx's pussy juices that are now filling her senses since she can feel the gloved hand holding 2 fingers directly under her nose, forcing her to enjoy the musky odor as she herself is still being forced to take a potential orgasm soon from the magic wand but it seems just as her body wants to release the devious dom knows exactly when to remove it to stop the sensations from exploding, that must be excruciating on her delicate mind and body, given the situation she is in.
"Ok Stargirl! You little's time we give you the first of many orgasms we have in store for you Tonight, so let's taste that sweet prize I am about to hopefully make squirt!" Hexxx gets up on top of the stretched taut girl and in perfect 69 fashion positions her own pussy directly over the face of her sub as she dives in like an eager beaver, tongue first into Stargirl's beaver! "Mmmmmmm, damn you taste good, like a cinnamon cherry red hot twat....I need to bottle you and sell it, this pussy is so good it melts in my mouth AND in my hand!" Laughter is heard from the trio working the heroine realizing this girl is so sweet and delicious that soon her porno film will hit every network & millions of fans will get to experience seeing America's heroine in every possible porno scenario imaginable...a delight for all for sure and they are so excited to experience it first hand that they can't help but laugh.

As she continues to eat out this delicious dish Hexxx again brings the magic wand's head to the waiting pussy in front of her face, using her tongue to rim the wand's head as it bobs back and forth side to side over the clit....driving Stargirl stark raving mad with pleasure ready to explode, and Hexxx knows it, so with a swift move she swings her own body around, so now they are pussy to pussy with the wand's head strategically placed hitting both of their clits, Hexxx stretches her own body out flat and lays on top of the helpless blonde beneath her, her hands holding the girls wrists as they continue to be stretched and allowing her to work the ballgag in the girl's mouth with her own mouth, drooling her own saliva around the poor girl's lips, licking her face and her nose and eyes, working side to side nibbling on each ear and then she whispers so lovingly into her ear, "Are you ready?" "Mmmmmmmmmph nnnnnnnnooooooo" is all that could be heard from the behind the ball, but she knew it was time.

"Ok boy's lets do this....give her that final crank until you hear it...." and with 2 more turns Stargirl can feel her arms pop from their socket, then her hips....the pain at first is excruciating but she almost immediately feels her pussy explode in a massive orgasm as the magic wand is buried between her folds....driving her mad as she is stretched to the limits in all meaning of the words....but wait...just as she is slammed with a mind numbing Orgasm, Hexxx using her magic puts Stargirl back together again, all joints in socket and back to normal..."How was that doll?" She asked her blonde slave, breathing so heavy that her taut body is shivering in its binds on the wooden table and her question was only met with fluttering eyes, and moans of pain and pleasure, mixed to the point that Stargirl probably had no idea what just happened and Hexxx knew it so she takes the opportunity to fucking do it again! "Round 2 boys!! Snap her!!!" and with that command Star's body once again is cranked beyond its own limits and POP it happens again and just as it does another orgasm is quickly yanked from her body, this time sending her eyes back in her head and causing her to pass out but thankfully just as before the magic is applied and BAM back to normal she goes, still tightly bound but everything where it should be.
"Damn much more do you think this girl can take? I think you broke her the second time?" One of the slobbish men asked. "Fool....she is not broken, she is in a place now she will always remember, something has just happened to her body that is magical, the pain and pleasure, mixed with the surroundings and smells and sounds, she is now going to crave this, desire it and every time she will experience even slight pain she will become a mindless dribbling babbling fool for my magic spells I am using on her keeps her safe, after all I have a LOT of work to do to her tonight, she hasn't even tasted her first cock yet, I can't break her this soon!" Replied Hexxx.

"Time to set you up for scene 2 act 1 Stargirl....are you ready?" The Heroine replies the only we she can, with silence and no movement but she does feel the chains loosing up and her tight body becoming flatter on the table, the cranks being turned in the opposite direction freeing her to be able to move, if only she could but the stretching has left her numb and sore, along with a bit of euphoria from the massive orgasm she just rode out, any woman, let alone someone as inexperienced as her would be drained. "Here let's get this pesky ballgag out of your mouth so we can talk about this, ok?" Hexxx unbuckles the straps from her head holding her down, followed by the buckles holding the ballgag securely in between her lips, letting it fall to the table, covered in slobber and spit before she picks it up and hooks back to her belt with some of her other torture devices. " God...Please stop this, you do not have to do this, I will leave right now and I PROMISSSSE you will never see or hear of me again, I am done!" Stargirl says sheepishly and in such a subtle voice as if she was pleading for her life and not to just keep her virginity intact. "Now now...listen, we are not going to kill you & I promise what you just went through is probably going to be the worse that happens to you and that smokin hot little body of yours........or not!" Hexxx laughs as she starts to unstrap the leather bindings holding the girl's wrists and ankles, allowing her to slightly move and start to set up, Hexxx knowing she is too weakened now to run or out up much of a fight let alone stand on her own.
"Noooo, seriously....I will do whatever you want me to, just let me go or at least let someone know where I am and that I am alive...pleassse." Stargirl again begs as she struggles to sit up and swing her legs over the edge of the table, the 2 goons helping her on each arm, like she is their date for the night and they are helping her up from the table...instead they are just getting her ready for scene 1 act 2 as Hexxx called since Scene 1 was a bondage torture one, she is starting to assume and her mind wondering if act 2 is also bondage as her eyes catch a glimpse of an old guillotine, menacing the room it stands in the corner like it is just waiting for its next victim to be secured in the stock, neck thru the hole for the blade to eat its way straight through!

"This next act we are going to call the Blades of Glory, we see you voted for something called a Glory hole so with this you are going to get both....Glory through a Hole, we just didn't specify which hole?" Hexxx tells the limping girl as the 2 henchmen slowly walk her to the padded sawhorse seat the victim is secured to before locking them in place beneath the blade.
"Oh no....NOOOOOO....You fuckers better stop NOW! Do you understand, this is too far now and you will pay for this!" Stargirl demands as she is trying to swing her arms and legs to attack but she is so weak and the goons hands are so big that each of their hands can firmly fit all the way around her petite writs and ankles, and then she feels Hexxx kick her leg from behind her knee forcing her to stumble to the ground, caught by the 2 huge monsters that are carrying her to the blade of glory! The men both force her into a position on the padded seating area, on her belly, legs straddling it and it puts her in a laying position, very similar to how she sometimes rides her staff or her motorcycle.
The dominatrix wastes no time in hooking some thick black leather straps around each ankle, one at a time, locking them in place, forcing the girl's ass to stick out like a perfect target, her shorts still on but pulled down now, allowing her little balloon knot of an asshole to be exposed to the air and everyone to see, glistening from the orgasm that just drenched her pussy, now providing a desirable target that is sure to soon be hit! "Why are you doing this to me? This will surely kill me, I am powerless without my rod, please stop...I beg you..I will do whatever, anything, fuck anyone or anything you want but not this..." she begs as she wiggles on the black padding making a nice squeaky noise as her moist body slides across the vinyl her hands being forced up behind her back in a reverse prayer formation, she can now feel someone sliding on a set of leather belts or straps, each one tighter up to her elbows forcing her to painfully pull back up of the pad for a second but that doesn't last because Hexxx then takes her head and pushes it down into the curved wooden indention where a victims neck goes before the top piece of the wooden stock is lowered and locked in place. "Goood....look at how cute you are...just your head sticking out of this hole, that little bitchy mouth ready to work wonders on something...but what?" Hexxx taunts her as she strokes her blonde hair back out of her face, pulling into a tighter pony tail that will eventually be tied back to her toes!

Stargirl is now fully bound and secured onto the guillotine, ready for her blades of glory act to begin, but not before more taunting from the bitchy dom. "So for this act you have to use 2 holes baby, any idea which 2?" ....No...and i don't fucking want to know....I want you to let me go now!" Stargirl protests. "Ok, well if your not going to guess I will just have to show and tell you....see this shiny little hook and ball? Kind of looks like a big fish hook don't it?" she says as she holds a stainless steel looking hook with a big ball on what would be normally the pointy end and Star had no idea what it was for...for her mouth? Her pussy? Nope...she was is for her ass! "This little toy is what i am going to use to keep the blade up, what i am going to do is lube this up really good...hit has to be really slick to get in a butthole that looks as tight as yours, I actually hope we can get it in, if not I guess this ends real quick for you!" Hexxx tells her as she uses her other hand to spread a large glob of anal lube from a squeeze tube onto the hook and ball, making sure it is spread and coated thick, ensuring it will glide into even the tightest of assholes!

" ready? You may want to hold your breath for this, it sometimes hurts...." and with that the silver 2 inch around ball is put up to the little brown wet opening and pressure is started to be put behind it, enough force to it to start spreading the butthole but not enough to plop it in place....."Well fuck! You ARE Tight babe, guess i will have to also put some of this INSIDE you first" and as soon as she said that Stargirl can feel the cold anal lube being injected into her asshole from the pointy insertion tip, designed to fill a person with enough to make them like a well oiled piston hole, ready for fucking or other things. "Have to work this thick slimy shit in there sweetie so don't worry, this is just my finger...not the hook!" Hexxx tells her as Stargirl starts to widen her eyes in terror and screaming no the entire time, she realizes that nothing, not even a finger has been inside her tight butt and there was no way she wanted to be put into any anal situation, never! "Fuck....into a knuckle soon, I have seen this stuff work miracles, its so good I think it would allow a watermelon to slip past this little love ring...guess will see now!" and with that statement she forces and shoves the hook in again, this time the ball spreading her ass like Moses parted the red sea and at the same time forcing her body to shake and quiver and her to scream out over and over but the padded neck collar holds her very still, unable to see or move much, even when the ball sucks itself inside, it makes a vacuum tight seal, all the way up to the shaft it buries deep inside her, snaking its way inside to fit the curvature of her body perfect!
A well placed gloved finger is also rubbing her pussy as Hexxx uses both hands to work on this sluts holes....fingering her just enough to get her aroused again but not deep or long enough to make her cum again. "There we go doll....this hook is in GOOOD and will do its job, I hope..if not you loose your head!" The hook also had an eyelet at the non business end and Hexxx threads a rope through it tying into a tight knot, then running the rope up over back and up to the blade, the other end tied loosely to the blade in its drop cradle to keep it up in place. During this to show Stargirl they mean business the goons put a special lock on the guillotine so if the blade does drop it stops and does not slize its victims head off, then Hexxx tells her the deal...
"Ok...Like I said this is the Blades of Glory, not Gory so we want you to make it, we really do, but thats up to you...the rope hooked to your asshook is what is holding this blade up and not dropping, so as you can see the more squirming or lack of control holding it inside your ass will cause the blade to drop and BAM...but thats not a happy ending so we don't want we?" "Oh no...noo nooooo please....stop!!" tears start to form as the blonde realizes now just how helpless and dire this is and thats when she feels Hexxx start whipping her ass cheeks with the cat o nine tails again, luckily her shorts are still on helping to not only hold the hook in but keep the leather from tasting her flesh, but the whipping picks up pace and without even realizing it, her body has tried to force the hook out and pops out from all the squirming and struggling she is doing and the blade slams down but stops short thanks to the lock in place, "See? I am not fucking joking with you, its very important for you to work as hard as possible to keep that hook in you or you understand?" Hexxx asks her while at the same time injecting some more lube and fingering the huge silver ball back inside again making another vacuum suck sound...."Yes.....I understand but still don't understand...why? why would you do this...?" Stargirl squeeks out... "Seriously? Still you wonder why we want to break you? You are America's sweetheart, not as hot as Supergirl, and not as strong but that is lucky for us, we want to break you and let the world watch, plus make millions doing it, besides....I think you are hot and i have a thing for blondes like you...if you survive Tonight you become my permanent slave pet!"
So now that she is fully locked and loaded onto the guillotine, and have had the Blades explained to her, now comes the glory part....or better yet the Glory hole part!
"This is the fun part, you see this will be your first taste of cock, I know...I can read your mind with this special hook, if you refuse to suck any dick presented to you or if you decide you want to be funny and bite one off, there is also a deadman's switch the owner of the dicks you will be sucking will be bite or wrong move and its lights out...also if you move around too much or force that hook out or let it work its way out....its also lights out.Just imagine Stargirl, you haven't even had a dick in you yet and this about to happen, are so lucky!" Hexxx laughs as she fingers inside the helpless girls mouth, allowing her to taste the pussy juices, slobber and lube still on her fingers, finishing up running her finger around her lips telling her to proactive making an O face, just to make sure she knows how to do it. "Oh yeah I forget, this little thing is called a butterfly, I am going to strap this on you so it stays busy buzzing and vibrating on your clit and pussy lips, not penetrating you but enough to keep your mind occupied with an worrying about another orgasm or causing your asshole to expel its visitor,....buzzz buzzz baby!!!" She shows her the clear pink little device before she walks around and straps it on her, laying it perfectly on her cunt so it covers it fully and when she turns it on, it hummms and buzzzes to life, making Stargirl squirm at first since she is still sensitive from the previous 2 orgasms, for a virgin she is taking it all like a champ!!
"Hexxx, what do you want from me? what do you want me to do,....I will do anything to be free, anything!!' the blonde captive says, "Yes.....yes you will do anything and its time for you to do just that." Hexxx says as a group of naked men enter from the dungeon door, each lining up to take their place at the face of Stargirl, her awaiting mouth at perfect level so most of the men can just stand there, put their cock in her mouth and fuck her face senseless until they each cum. "This bucket is not just to catch your head if you do end up loosing it but also every drop of cum these guys are about to spill, and if any is in that bucket, you WILL be drinking it with this thing called the Dong bong, so you probably want to swallow each load quickly, otherwise it could get a little messy for know what I mean slut?" "ok...ok...I can do this...if I do this is that it that what you want then will you let me go?Pleasssseeee???" Stargirl begs...but again Hexxx laughs and says "FUCK NO!" and before she can protest some more the first dick is already at the tip of her tongue and being moved in for the first of many many blowjobs...."gggagagagggg" Stargirl makes the most horrible sounds at first like she is dying or gagging from no air, but her eyes roll up to see Hexxx flick off the safety lock and give the switch to the man, so he controls the blade as well as her own ass controls it, which if either will betray her and let the blade drop?
"Mmmmmm, you are really looking good at this, you have already got this rock hard dick deep inside your throat and not gagging now...good for does the butterfly feel? going to make you cum again? Huh?" Hexxx asks her as she gets up from in front of the guillotine and walks to the rear....."Nothing like a little incentive...some pain to go with that pleasure right>?" hexxx exclaims as she begins working the girls body again with the cat of nine tails, something unexpected from Stargirl, she had no idea this was coming! WHAP...WHAPP....WHAPPP....the flogging continues as the first man is still trying to get off inside her wet mouth, telling her to use her tongue and lips and that the faster he cums the faster her whipping stops, she can feel the leather whips hit her each time and with each hit the hook feel like it is also trying to escape her asshole, panick sets in...she thinks "If I can suck them off faster maybe I can survive this....gross" and with that the first man's balls tighten and he unloads his seed deep in her throat, not really even allowing any to get on her tongue and she tries to swallow as fast as possible to avoid just that, but she was not so lucky with the next guy who had already been jacking off in line, as soon as the tip of his dick entered her gaping mouth it spilled and spit its load coating her tongue, dripping out each side and all over her was so thick white and hot she had never imagimed it would be like this or taste like this and with that the first orgasm slammed her....her eyes slammed shut too and her butt shook, pushing the hook out further allowing the rope to slack a little but she quickly tried to squeeze it back inside with her asshole muscle, and it did,,,,it seated itself back just as deep as before....making the current orgasm keep on lasting as the cum drips form her face....then #3 adds insult to injury by using his own dick to work the drippings back up off her face and into her mouth again, giving her added flavor to his already hard was again only a few minutes in and this guy shoots his sperm also into her throat, bypassing most of her taste buds, then the 4th guy steps..."Ok slut, you ready for this?" and he holds his dick just to her mouth and tells her to tongue it, inside and out and lick off the precum he already worked up....she complies but then he slaps her face with it, something the others have not done, he didn't want a blowjob, he wanted to coat her face so he takes a step back, grabs the back of her head and jerks off until he shoots load after load onto her face, getting in both eyes and dripping down her nose into the bucket that she realizes she will have to swallow later...."Fucking gross!!!!" She says..."STOP THIS NOW you mother fuckers!" she yells at the group only to have the next dick shoved into her open mouth, this time it was a black cock and her eyes about fell out of her head, it had to be at least 12 inches long and as thick as her way that fucker was fitting in her mouth..."Open up you little bitch! Take this BBC DEEP....I am gonna go balls deep in you bitch, load that belly with my cum!" he said as he too holds the back of her head by the pony tail and drives it past her cum drenched slick lips, the previous cum shots lubing her mouth up enough for even this monster to do just that...go balls deep gagging her, causing her to cough and chock and cum exploded from both nostrils as this big fucker came deep inside her....filling her up to overflowing, again dripping into the bucket that will be her dessert.
"Mother fucker she is going to pop if they keep loading her little belly with all that protein, don't you think Hexxx?" Goon#1 asks,,,,"Who fucking cares, she voted for it, she gets it...GLORY HOLE....better than the BLADES of GLORY I guess for her..." hexxx tells him then asks if he wants a blowjob too from the little captive...of course he agreed and dropped his pants and dove right into her wet mouth, hand on the switch so if she tries anything with her head! The whipping and the sucking continued and it was time for big O #2 on the guillotine...the 4th of the night so far and this time it was too strong for her....a hook in her ass, a vibrator tering her pussy up and a huge cock in her mouth with a belly full of warm cum, this orgasm knocks her out, her head falls limp and mouth left dripping loads into the bucket, by now she has already given 30 BJ's and countless facials...she was a wet disgusting cum covered mess and the asshook started to slide out...inch by inch it unhooked its way from her asshole slowly until the ball started to seperate her hole from the inside out...exposing its shiny head until Hexxx grabs it and jams it back inside telling her ..."Good Job slut, you successfully sucked off or took cum shots from over 50 are good or gross depending on who ya ask!" Bwahahaha...she laughs. "Oh but wait there's more!" as she holds up the dong bong, taking the dick shaped mouth piece and sliding into Stargirl's mouth, strapping it in place so she cant spit it out or let cum escape the edges. The lock is still off so she is still in danger and knows she must eat all the reaming drippings...the left overs from a bukkakke buffet in her face, she wondered how much more she can take and soon finds out as the bucket is poured into the funnel, filling the 3 foot long hose as it is is overflowing now, Hexxx can tell Stargirl is either not able to or not willing to swallow it all in bong fashion, so a little help is needed..."Ok bitch, lets see if this helps!" and she reaches down, pinches Stargirl's nose shut and all of a sudden in a panic and gasp for air, eyes wide open and a deep breath and a swooosh down the bong load goes, all it followed by the next orgams. "Fuuuuuuclkk" stargirl utters to herself in her mind as she gags and tries to concentrate on keeping her ass shut so the hook wont fly out....and with that the bong is dry, all of it...every drop of cum is inside her stomach.
"And that's a CUTTTTT!" Hexxx screams as she flicks the switch on the blade dropping it into safe longer able to drop and remove her head, the dong bong is unbuckled and pulled from her mouth still dripping a thick nasty clear white and yellow concoction of many men's seamen...." that it now Hexxx? Am I finished?" Stargirl asks....."Oh sweetie who are you talking to? You don't address your mistress like call me mistress and m'am and still have a full night ahead of you, better get used to this new formality dear." The leather and latex Dom commands to her! "Now lets get that nasty fish hook out of your butt....sound good?" and with that a small whimper of a "yes....mistress..." slips past Stargirl's cum stained lips..... "Good.....good! You can learn to be my slave, and you WILL love it!" Hexxx concludes.

"Scene 1 Act 3 ready!" A voice cries from the all of the now limp dicked men exit the door they came in thru and in walks what looks like a 6 foot tall blonde woman, all dressed in skin tight silver morph suit, painted like model and painted on her body, her huge tits behind the shiny tight silver second skin, only Stargirl's eyes dropped directly to her crotch and could clearly see what looked like a HUGE dick...but how? "Well Stargirl, this is the next act, the IRON MAIDEN....yes you heard me right, this is Tamara, he/she really wants to take you to some medieval times sweetheart, and I guess we are going to let her, but don't worry...your pussy is off limits to her, that is still being decided how I am going to pop your cherry and it won't be in Act3 yet...." Hexxx says. "Oh my god...what then? I have already sucked the dicks of 50men and been ass fucked by some metal hook and this damn butterfly thing keeps making me cum, what more do you want?" Stargirl asks......"Well I am glad you asked, its your tight little ass that i want....and i plan on burying so deep inside your ass that you won't walk for weeks!" Tamara says in a very stern voice..."Hexxx won't let me get up in that twat, so your butt's all I got....and got it is!!! I am going to make you look like a puppet on a stick with my Iron Maiden cock!" And with that a special hole in the silver suit is opened and a dick at least 14 inches long and thin pokes erect and curved it looks almost like the asshook only fleshy!! "Cum and get some baby!!" Tamara says as they start to unstrap Stargirl from the guillotine and they lift and carry her to a stockade where she is bent over, her head thru a hole with both little gloved hand also thru a hole, at least she is now able to stand a little even if bent over with her ass exposed still, what is the worse that can happen she thought and as soon as she says that, a penis gag is slipped in her mouth and strapped to her face...."mmmmm God now what!" she mumbles to herself as they strap it tight and then each of her ankles are lifted and put into ankle restraint stocks, like her wrists, now keeping her bent over perfectly with her asshole exposed and dripping from the lube still, this time the butterfly is removed so her swollen pussy lips are exposed to the air...taking in what little freedom they have as her cunt also drips....

"Shit, that is sweet...I can't wait to bury my bone it her!" tamara said as he/she strokes her cock getting it ready to tear up its waiting target, she aligns herself up, puts just the tip of the dick head to the butthole, puts on hand on the back of her own hip and with one movement she slides in at least 6 stroke and in that deep....Stargirl's chest raises and lowers quickly as this time its much harder than even the hook and a new sensation hits....a burning her asshole didn't feel before and just like that the Iron Maiden turned to solid steel...yes her super power is to turn her entire body into the same color and material as her costume....SOLID STEEL! "Oh fuck yes Hexxx....THANK YOU so much for this....with my metal cock, this tiny butthole is just what I needed, I have never fucked a blonde virgin before so I LOVE THIS....I can't say she probably feels the same way but...." Tamara jokes as she rocks back and forth each stroke going in at least an inch deeper than the prior...slowly he/she gets up to a full 10 inches inside when Hexxx walks over to inspect, holding what looks like a handheld scanner or x-ray device, and it does reveal that indeed it is an x-ray, they want on film just how deep and how much damage Tamara can inflict on a persons asshole, especially if that person is a 5'2 petite blonde virgin superheorine!!!! "So Stargirl, by now you are probably wondering how this is happening and also why...well Tamara is an alien from a planet that has been sworn enemies of Krypton before it was destroyed, she is a race called CHROMOSAPIANS, beings much like Martians that can shape ship into anything, male...female...both...since they are made from a living liquid metal substance and THEY love to eat Kryptonians after they attempt to mate with I know, you are not a Kryptonian, but Supergirl is and Tamara wants to practice on you first before she gets her hands on Supergirl....of course I am not going to let her mate OR eat you....just what we have going on now.!" Sound good?" Hexxx asks Stargirl as if she has any choice in the matter.

Hexxx positions the handheld scanner device next to Stargirl's hip and turns it on, the digital image flickers to life and you can clearly see the metal/organic cock a full deep length in the girl's ass, moving in and out with each thrust the image shows that Tamara is probably beyond where she should be, shoving Stargirl's insides to the limit and then something different happened. "Oh fuck Tamara, what did you just do?" Hexxx asks her as she notices the cock has changed shape into a long strand of metal balls, each one bigger than the next until the last is the size of what looks like a large tennis ball....a strand of anal beads attached to the alien instead of a dick.... "Fascinating,,,,I never thought of that but I LOVE it....!" Hexxx says as she ensures the camera is catching all the action on the scanning device screen. As the beads are pulled violently in and out, tamara continues to morph her body, her suit has now become her skin, her silver tits now end in morphed nipples that have become super sharp spikes, very dangerous for anyone she has under her and her finger tips have become long needle like objects she is using to scratch up and down Stargirl's exposed body, leaving incredible trails of pain and pleasure....."Now check this out Stargirl...this is going to rock your world babydoll..." Tamara says as she moves one hand up to her neck area inserting one of the needle fingers inside her skin, and almost immediately Star's body starts to shiver and her pussy starts to quiver....she is cumming harder than she has so far. Apparently Tamara has tapped directly into a nerve that controls a woman's sexual bam a third orgasm hits the captive heroine and her eyes are fully slammed shut and tearing badly. "That's great isn't it baby?" Tamara said as she continues to morph her dick into now various shapes ensuring each thrust hits every nook and cranny that it shouldn't be for a human body, but this alien doesn't care and keeps on until a 4th then the 5th orgasm causes Stargirl to go limp, lifeless in a state of sexual exhaustion. "WOW!!....We really broke her this time Hexxx" the Goon said as he is loving this Act more than the others so far. "Oh but I am not finished yet Hexxx, I still need to leave my seed in her asshole so give me a second..." Tamara says as she quickens her pace and her dick has morphed back into its normal shape, her face expresses when she cums inside Stargirl and when she does Hexxx has put the monitor back to see what happens inside her and her own eyes about fall out of her head, As Tamara starts to slowly pull out of the girl's ass, her cum is still attached to her penis, following along but still very fluid until it reaches the ring of muscle and with a thought the cum forms a perfect form fitting buttplug, leaving a perfect smooth man-hole cover on the asshole of the person it is in, keeping itself deep seated in place until its removed only with a great amount of force, no chance this one is going to just accidentally fall out!
"Holy Shit!!! Look at how beautiful that is!" Hexxx says as she continues to film the encounter and running her gloved finger around the exposed end of the plug keeping it in place, making sure to trace the entire circle before she leans in to lick and kiss it....then giving it a little tug to ensure Tamara was correct and that it would not pop it, and sure enough, its in TIGHT!! With Stargirl still groggy and passed out, Hexxx unbuckles the butterfly from her pussy and also directs the goons to unhook her from the leg stockades then do the same with her head and arms, get her out and ready for the next encounter. With her virginity still intact, the group stand her up and hold her up as they straighten her costume pulling her pants back up and rolling her shirt back covering her nipples so she is still in full costume even if she is a cum covered sweaty mess of her former self. "Ok, lets get the gag out of her mouth, I don't think she even realized it was in this other girls ass dressed as Supergirl, did you sweetie?" Hexxx asks her as she holds her head up by the chin so the straps can be freed. "Yes?" She tells the girl as she uses her pony tail to shake her head up and down like a doll or a puppet in agreement. Stargirl starts to become more aware of what is going on and when she does she sees a perfect clone of Supergirl standing before her pulling her panties up from the face fucking that apparently she just gave her, to her surprise she is an exact copy, except obviously she is not super powered at all? "Who....who is she?" Stargirl slurs the question to Hexxx. "Her? She is Supergirl of course....a perfect clone of her and her costume, but without those powers so we can keep Tamara alive long enough until she can down the real Kryptonian!" Hexxx tells her. "So now that we finished 3 of the scenes you voted on, Um...Lez BDSM, Glory Hole, and Tranny what next...3 down and 10 to go! Wow maybe we should clean you up for the next Scene and let you recover some?" ..."No...Fuck it...I will just use magic to make you ready...why wait!" and with that and an outstretched hand Hexxx casts another spell on Stargirl & she seems to shake off being sore swollen and tired, able to stand again and some of her fight even returned since she tries to swing at Hexxx, obviously missing but still the spark is back in her little body, ready for more action. Just as her energy returned so did the man handling by the goons, both of them grabbed her by the arms and legs again, taking her down to the floor and pinning her in place, what is in store now she thought since her body recovered from the scene 1 but not her mind, she was still fully aware of everything that happened and is going to happen still.....the fighter in her keeps struggling until Hexxx walks over and stand over her looking down and says "Well...I guess we need to get this cherry popping over and done with, boys, ready the robot, it's got a job to do!"
"Noooooo...Please not this...I do not want to lose my virginity to something as cold and heartless as a robot, I can't handle that....pleaseee...." Stargirl begs but before Hexxx can even respond the room has rotated to a backdrop of a spaceship with all the props and sounds, including standing in the corner an 8 foot tall robot that looks like an Endo Skeleton she has seen before...was it from the Terminator movies or Metallo!! "Metallo? Really? You expect me to Fuck THAT?!!" Stargirl starts to play cocky thinking she may be able to get the upper hand but nope, the robot is active and walking towards her and on her fast! The henchmen and Hexxx have now just step backed and letting this one play out for all it is while capturing it for all to see. At first Stargirl is nimble and agile enough to avoid the grip of the robot's hand even landing a couple of swift blows and kicks to the metal monster, not even making a dent! The robot's voice buzzes to life and says "Stargirl, give have no chance for escape, comply or else!" as it is able to land a back handed hit to Stargirl's legs knocking her off balance just enough for it to grab her left arm and lift her off the ground, her feet now kicking rapidly trying to land a kick to maybe a vital control or something to slow it down but nothing works and within seconds it has her arm now in its grip, lifting her straight up farther allowing it to grab both of her arms at once with only one of its enormous mechanical hands, each finger the size of a hot dog bun it is easy for it to hold her tight in its grip as it uses the other hand to begin pulling off her wastes no time getting her butt naked but it is only focused on her pants, not boots, not top, not gloves, only the has one job and only one job to do...FUCK STARGIRL! "Noooooo! Stop this! Now!" Stargirl screams as the giant robot has her dangling like an ornament in her bright costume and boots. A strange sound is heard from behind her and she looks to see it is a table that has slide from the wall, it is where it is taking her to lay her down and take her virginity. The struggle continues but quickly it has her on her back, arms pinned to the table above her head with one hand and the other hand has now reached down, grabbed an ankle and pulled her leg up behind her head to where it is at her ankle, then with the next one it does the same so it now has her pinned on her back, positioned with both legs open exposing a beautiful shaven pussy that is about to be busted, the excitement from the endeavor has her pussy still wet from both anticipation and sweat, but mostly from being aroused that she is about to be fucked senseless from a brainless soul-less machine, she never thought her first time would be like this.

With no escape in sight and unable to fight off the thousand pound machine, Stargirl tries to ready herself for this as she can clearly see what looks like a mechanical penis is between the legs of the hulking robot. At first it does not appear to be massive or dangerous to her but then she witnesses it continue to grow to its full potential then back down to a size it can manage to fit inside her. A laser guidance system beams its red light toward her vagina and with that the robot is in position ready to enter her sacred womanhood and make her truly a woman. "Ready Stargirl?" the robot hisses as its hips move into place and the hard dick aligns with the folds of her pussy, she can clearly see it begin to insert itself and spread her labia ever so slightly before it stops and the machine confirms it is correct, followed by what looks like mechanical pre-cum or lubrication dripping now from the entire length of the metal cock, & its tip, a perfectly shaped penis head bent and designed for hitting a girl just right everytime, Metallo thought of everything! Once the dick has dripped its mechanical goo and oiled her twat up enough the first thrust is given and the penis glides effortlessly inside Stargirl, it only takes 2 strokes of the robot to get itself balls deep inside the girl and she immediately screams understanding that she has just had her cherry popped by a cold calculating machine, not the man of her dreams that she has always longed for...."Ugggnnnn you fucking fiends, you will pay for this!" She screams at them as the robot has now picked up its pace fucking her, each time having its shaft as deep as it goes with its special shape, each time it bottoms out, Stargirl moans and her head rolls back, its to intense for her to take much more, so what happens next is worse....the robot voice clicks on again and says "Initiating stage 2" and the dick swells while it is inside, spreading her lips to an unbelievable width....not only gaping her pussy but gaping her mouth with shock and surprise..."Its not the length...its the width that'll get ya every-time girl!" Hexxx laughs at her as she watches from the chair, filming and fingering herself as she sees the triumph of her efforts and watching the Stargirl begin to let it sink in that she is now a slut, a real porn star without even knowing what has happened. The new width of the robot's penis is making it really hard for Star to even concentrate and it picks up the pace still trying to go balls deep inside her, it has now let her hands go and and her legs have found themselves wrapped around the robot's waist now..more so to steady herself than she enjoying it but she also in a vain attempt puts her hands on its chest, as if trying to slow its pace and stop but it keeps on going and going and going and makes horrible sounds as it fucks her driving its special head in hitting her G spot every time when it says "Initiate stage 3!" and all of a sudden the dick starts to vibrate and not only is the width widened, this time it also lengthens, ensuring it will bottom out at her cervix if not going further! "Oooooooooooh fuck!" She screams as it only gets 2 strokes in her before she cums and it is a mind altering experience....she screams but at the same time moans and starts to fuck the robot too....against her better judgement she rides it out until it makes her cum again, this time she somehow has managed to get her gloved right hand down between her legs rubbing her own clit making her experience one she will never forget!

Applause could be heard from the audience of villains as they watch with awe this superheroine fucking with the vigor and stamina of a seasoned porn star until after 3 orgasms she begs it to stop and the robot says "Thank you, Metallo will now comply....shutting down process" and the robot slows to a stop but still full balls deep inside her and vibrating, causing her to quiver and shake and moan as she tries to push it off and out of her but it doesn't budge, she is trapped beneath it. "Perfect you little slut, now this last 30 minutes was probably the best 30 minutes ever captured on film, I know it was for me...thanks to you I pulled 2 orgasms out of my own pussy....mmmmm! Damn!" yells Hexxx. "please now just get this thing off me have what you wanted, my cherry, now let me up!" "No, not yet baby, still something I have for you!" She pulls out the scanner again and uses it to determine that metallo's robot cock is in fact far enough inside her, it has opened her cervix and its head is perfectly positioned to deliver its special package. Hexxx opens a cooler on the floor next to the robot that the goons brought in, and pulls out what looks like a gallon of milk and some clear tubing and a funnel, all she could think is that she was going to make her drink more cum or do a milk challenge or some other stupid evil shit, but that is not nearly as devious as what Hexxx has planned. "See this? Its a special mixture for you, we took extra effort to sneak into Arkham and well lets say, have some donations made and deposited in this jug....that's right! This contains the potent seamen of nearly every master mind criminal that was able to provide a specimen sample...was fun!" Hexxx laughs as she hooks the hose up to the back of Metallo and starts pouring the concoction into the funnel held up by Goon#1

Stargirl can see it start to drain into the robot's body, but what she didn't know was that it was a direct link to the penis and would flow directly thru into her open womb, filling her with a possible toxic mix of criminal cum! " ae going to far with this will not get away with this and you know it!" she protests but the shaking vibrating robot still has her mind buzzing with the girth keeping her open so even her slightest movement almost makes her cum or pass out the mixture finds its way to the target Hexxx puts the jug down watching it all disappear into the robot and then into her, knowing there is no way for the captive to escape the results of the seamen....she may in fact not only loose her virginity but get pregnant all at the same time by a cold heartless machine. "Ok...looks like the package has been delivered Star...Now lets finish this off!" as Hexxx presses a button on Metallo it hums to life again and slowly starts fucking her some more....going deep again each time, only this time cum can be seen and heard dripping out from around the massive silver penis drilling her, all whitish yellow at first then turning to some crimson tints, indicating her cherry has in fact been popped...."Oh my god yes...would you look at that?" Hexxx moves the camera in getting it all on film seeing the creampie emerge from Stargirl's tight twat until the robot finishes the cycle and extracts itself, leaving her pussy gapping open and dripping, she reaches down to feel what the damage has done and her own hand accidentally triggers another orgasms, she bucks and wiggles and rides it out until she just lays on her back, exhausted and unable to move, metallo stands, again thanks her for it's service and walks back to its storage unit.
"Damn girl, who do you think the baby's daddy will be? Will you say it belongs to Metallo or a bastard of Arkham?" Hexxx laughs as she is fingering in droplets of cum on stargirl's thigh, admiring the crimson streaks and even sampling a taste or two before slapping Stargirl in the face and calling her a slut.

So our heroine has now endured 4 of the 13 choices she voted for including the latest, a deflowering by a ruthless machine, leaving her a creampie mess...what can happen next!!

"Stargirl, the night is quickly escaping us so I think its best we break and leave you alone for a while, but don't worry, 2 more of your choices will be on you while you sleep or whatever the hell it is you heroines do at night!" Hexxx explains as she opens a duffel bag on the floor, in it full of bondage gear and a costume like catsuit, but what could all that mean if they plan to leave her alone for the night? "well we are going to film you for the next several hours after we put this latex body suit on you, its the perfect FETISH gear, then we are going to hogtie and hood you for the night, so you can sleep easy!"
Stargirl doesn't seem to like that idea so again the Goons have to subdue her and bring her to the floor....this time the backdrop has rotated again to a new room, a medieval castle bedroom with candles and a huge chamber style bed, looks alot like Dracula lives there! "Let's get this costume off, and get you mummified for your rest sweetie, I promise it will be comfortable for you! NOT!!" Hexxx says as she peels off the shirt first, yanking it over head in-between the goons holding her still then the shorts next, followed by her gloves and finally Hexxx works the laces on the knee high boots, loosening them enough to slip them from her sweaty firm athletic legs, allowing them the freedom her toes needed since she has endured so much. "Look at these 10 little piggies....yummmy.! Boy's get to work on those toes while I slip this suit out if its bag and then on to her bod!: Hexxx instructs them what to do and they each take turns sucking her toes, one by one, fingering in-between each toe, working them like a handshake until each toe is slobber covered and wet, smelling horrible yet wonderful all at the same time. "Ok Mistress....slip her in...." Goon2 says as Hexxx positions the catsuit and lovingly glides the girl's legs one at a time in the smooth suit, and once zipped, the suit is so tight it looks like an oily second skin, her pussy is easily defined with a prominent camel toe and Hexxx is sure to smack it with her little crop but the job must be done so Hexxx zips her up to her neck, now every inch of her naked smooth skin is covered in black latex except her head....and soon that too will disappear into the darkness.

"Any last words before bed time dear?" Hexxx asks her and Stargirl responds again with a plea...."please....please let me go have stolen my virginity, beat me, used me, everything...and now I may even be impregnated so please..." And before she can finish from behind a skin tight smooth form fitting hood is quickly pulled over her head...making her head look like a smooth black glass mannequin ear, mouth or eye holes, only 2 small holes for her nose to breathe thru and think padding over the eyes ears and mouth so she is in essence deaf dumb and blind....for the night at least. Hexxx next pulls out a set of hogtie restraints and motions the goons to carry her to the bed where she will be secured tight for the night.....once she is laid out flat on her belly still full of cum, she looks like a wet weirdo ready for inserting into something else, instead Hexxx has them pull her legs up and arms back and slips on the single sleeve armbinder, zips it up, buckles it on and then attaches the ankle and wrist cuffs in place to attach to the heavy chains that will hold her all together....then once she is in the perfect hogtie position they attach the final chain from the eyelet hook on top of her hood all the way back to her ankles, pulling her in a horribly tight position that only an Olympic level gymnast or athlete could do...but they do it anyway! "Oh FUCK!" Hexxx exclaims, "I totally fucking forgot to pull that buttplug out of her ass!...Oh well fuck it....that should keep her mind busy all night!" And with that she leaned in, kissed the black hood where her mouth should be, patted her on the head and the ass and whispered goodnight before leaving her to endure this for the next 6-8 hours....killing 2 birds with one stone, FETISH & STRAIGHT Bondage scenes...The cameras rolling to catch it all, any movement or struggle will be on film for them to enjoy the next day.
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