Wonder Woman: Crisis on certain earths

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OK, while I gave up writing stories a long time ago (since I'm not good at it), a friend of mine on DeviantArt has given me permission to post his stories on here. So, without further ado, here is his massive Wonder Woman story.

Prologue + part 1, taking place after the Justice League movie:

"How pathetic." The evil ruler of the ruined world of Apokolips: the new god known as Darkseid, said as he turned around and headed towards his throne.

His master torturer: the new god known as Desaad, just stared at the remains of Darkseid's cousin: Steppenwolf. He had went to Earth to conquer it for Darkseid, but he failed. After coming through a boom tube, Darkseid had stopped the parademons from attacking Steppenwolf as he told Darkseid what had happened. Darkseid rewarded his loyalty, by giving him a quick death via disintegration via the Omega Sanction.

"So, what do we do now master?" Desaad asked.

Darkseid sat down. "The kryptonian interieges me the most, I would like to take him on myself."

"He would be the most fun to torture." Desaad mused.

"The speedster sounds pathetic, he never even fought. He will be easy to get rid of."

"Especially easy considering he was almost carried away by just 2 parademons after a minor leg wound." Desaad almost laughed.

"The atlanian will also be easy to take care of, just keep threatening his home and he will not interfere until it's too late." Darkseid announced.

"It sounds like he's too obsessed with fish." Desaad sneered, he hated fish so much that he went on a killing spree until all of the fish on Apokolips were gone.

"The bat person relies solely on technology and has no superpowers of his own." Darkseid reasoned. "See if you can apply the Anti-Life Equation to technology. And if not, then he will be killed easily anyway, same goes for that cyborg." He clenched his fists, clearly anticipating the battle, before calming down. "The Amazonian seems to be a threat though, I have no interest in fighting her, and it seems she will do anything to oppose the Anti-Life Equation, and might actually succeed".

Desaad nodded. "How do you suppose we should handle her?"

Darkseid thought for a bit. "Let Granny Goodness convert her into one of the Female Furies."

Desaad nodded and walked off, going to see Granny Goodness.


Desaad found Granny Goodness training her latest batch of Female Furies and told her about Wonder Woman.

"Well, if it isn't Darkseid's favourite boy." Granny Goodness sneered.

"Don't forget where you came from, wrench." Desaad replied. He knew that she was trying to one-up him and try to become Darkseid's new general, not that she would ever succeed.

"Whatever, what do you want?" Goodness demanded.

Desaad explained what Darkseid had told him.

"Consider it done!" Goodness replied, she could tell she was going to have fun.


Later on...

Granny Goodness and the Female Furies were standing on a boom tube pad.

"Go on my children, make me proud!" Darkseid boomed.

The boom tube activated and suddenly, multiple holes among the tube.

"What's going on!?" Goodness shrieked.

Desaad quickly did some calculations. "It seems that a black hole has opened nearby, causing access to the multiverse!" He cried out.

Darkseid smiled. "Well, it seems like an opportunity has been opened." Everyone listened to him. "Go to these other universes, and observe the other versions of the Amazon that is commonly referred to as 'Wonder Woman', find out who their enemies are, recruit them and bring them back here. We will discuss the future then."

Granny Goodness and the Female Furies nodded and disappeared into the boom tube.
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Part 2 (season 1 of the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman show):

Diana Prince was sitting in her office at the war department, when Eta Candy entered. Diana felt sorry for Eta, not only was overweight (and that was putting it nicely), but she also had an eating disorder, where she was eating something every few minutes. At least we're not in Europe, she would probably starve to death! She thought.

Diana was about to talk, when Eta talked first. "Hey Diana, I need your help!" She proclaimed.

Diana hoped it was that she wanted to lose weight and needed help with it. "What's the matter."

"My neighbors have been arrested on suspicion of being spies!" Eta explained.

Well at least she got straight to the point, and I suppose her weight loss can be delayed until later Diana thought. "And your certain that their innocent?"

"I've known then for years, I know their innocent!" Eta protested.

Diana sighed. "Alright, I'll investigate."

"Thank you!" Eta said before leaving the office, leaving Diana all alone.


Diana's first stop was the police station to interview the neighbors, who seemed to be innocent, so she went to the warden of the prison where Baroness Von Gunther, the only person Diana could think of being responsible for spies, was being held in solitary confinement.

"And your sure you can trust the Baronesses confession?" Diana asked. She was cautious of the Baroness, considering the last time they met, she was Wonder Woman and got tied up in uncomfortable chains.

The prison Warden shrugged. "Well those are the names the Baroness gave us after a month in solitary confinement."

"And your sure she was telling the truth?" Diana asked.

The prison Warden sighed. "Well I suppose you can question her."

As Diana and the Prison Warden walked to solitary confinement, she saw a suspicious-looking guard. Diana would have said something, but she couldn't quite decide what was suspicious about the guard, so she didn't say anything. They reached the cell, it was empty, except for an unconscious and stripped guard.

The Prison Warden quickly ordered a lockdown of the prison, but it was too late. The Baroness had escaped, and she was the suspicious-looking guard Diana saw earlier.

"How on Earth did she escape!" The Prison Warden ranted later in his office, at the guard who had woken up and has a severe headache.

"I came into the cell to get her for you, when she slammed into me, causing me to bang my head and fall unconscious." The guard explained.

The prison Warden nodded furiously and the guard left. "This has to mean the confession was fake, right?" Diana asked.

The Prison Warden paused for a moment. "Possibly, but we can't rule out the fact she was telling the truth." He turned to Diana. "You have 1 week to capture the Baroness, or those girls will be going to prison!" She nodded.


Not sure on how to capture the Baroness, Diana returned home, and encountered a pleasant surprise. "Drusilla!?"

Drusilla, A.K.A Wonder Girl and Diana's sister, grinned. "Hey Diana."

Diana smiled as the 2 hugged before talking. "What are you doing here?"

Drusilla shrugged. "Mother sent me to pick you up for the Diana's Day Festival."

Diana was confused. "Diana's Day Festival? but she never celebrates Diana's day!"

Drusilla sighed. "Mother has decided that she worries about you. So to celebrate the first anniversary of you going to man's world, and surriving, she will have a day of celebrations."

Diana nodded. "All right, what exactly will happen during the celebrations?"

Drusilla grinned. "You'll see."

Diana sighed, but then got an idea. "Will the celebrations require energy and exercise?" Drusilla nodded. "Then can I bring Eta Candy with me?"

Drusilla thought for a moment. "The one who is somewhat overweight?" Diana nodded. "Well she isn't evil and not a man, of course she can come!"

Diana beamed. "All right, I will let Steve know where I will be over the next few days and get Eta, you pack my bags onto the invisible plane."

Drusilla nodded, they exchanged info as to where they would meet for the invisible plane before going their separate ways.


Diana went back to War Department before going to Steve's office and changed into Wonder Woman and hiding in the closet. She waited until Steve came into the office alone and came out. "Hey Steve."

"Wonder Woman!" Steve said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to paradise island for a few day for a celebration, which means that if anything bad happens, your going to have to deal with it on your own." She explained.

Steve sighed. "All right."

"Do you think Eta Candy would be interested in accompanying me?" She asked.

"I'll go get her" Steve said and left the office.

He came back a few minutes later with Eta Candy, whom Wonder Woman then explained what was happening. "So do you want to come?" She asked when she finished.

Eta squealed with delight. "Of course I would!"

Wonder Woman smiled. "OK, just agree not to tell anyone where you have been and where it is, and then we can be on our way."

Eta nodded, then asked. "What about all my work?"

Wonder Woman smiled. "I spoke to Diana and she agreed to cover for your work while she was ill at home."

Steve grew concerned. "Is she OK?"

"She's fine, just don't go over to her place, if you want to catch the illness she has." Wonder Woman explained.

Steve nodded, it wouldn't be good to be ill while Wonder Woman was not available.

"Anyway, I believe that you 2 have a meeting with General Blankenship right now?" Wonder Woman asked, Steve and Eta nodded. "OK, you explain to him that Eta will be visiting relatives for a few days and the state of Diana, while I use the meeting as a distraction to sneak out of the building." She explained. She told Eta where to meet her to go to Paradise island and Steve and Eta left the office. As soon as they did, Wonder Woman changed back into Diana and went home to start packing.


The next morning, as Eta was loading her bags into the car, she didn't notice someone sneak into one of the bags as she put them into the car and drove down to the docks, where she met Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl.

"All right, let's go!" Eta said enthusiastically, as they put their bags into the plane.

Eta hid her car in a safe location and the invisible plane took off.


The invisible plane landed on Paradise Island a few hours later and they got a warm welcome. Various Amazons stood around the plane and welcomed Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl back after an abscenese, and Eta Candy. It was nice seeing a woman from man's world who wasn't evil or corrupt. None of them noticed a woman climbing out of the plane and dashing into the bushes.

I'll steal some clothes and wrist bands to look like these other women, nobody will suspect a thing! she thought.


While Wonder Girl and Eta accosmed themselves to the amazons, Wonder Woman visited her mother: Hippolyta, who explained what exactly was Diana's Day Festival.

"You are to play the part of the goddess of the moon: Diana." Hippolyta explained, since Wonder Woman had long forgotten about the day. "And since she brings gifts to all on Diana's day eve, you will wear this mask." She said, producing a silver mask and placing it on Wonder Woman's face. "And should anyone remove it, they will take the place of goddess."

Wonder Woman nodded.


Wonder Woman decided that the first girl she would bring a gift to, would be Wonder girl. She entered the room, but Wonder Girl was ready.

"Off with your mask!" She said, and leapt at Wonder Woman.

"I don't think so!" Wonder Woman said, side-stepping to the side. She then grabbed Wonder Girl's arm and tackled her to the floor. She then grabbed Wonder Girl's lasso of truth and wrapped it around her wrists.

"If this is how your going to deal with all of the girls who fail at trying to take your mask off, then your going to have the funnest day ever." Wonder girl stated, as Wonder Woman tied her wrists so that they were crossed like an X. She was so busy, she didn't notice a woman with black hair so long that it covered her face, sneak into the room and produce a knife.

Fortunately, Wonder Girl saw the woman through the mirror. "Look out!"

Wonder Woman spun around and the woman threw the knife at Wonder Woman, who blocked it with her bracelets. This caused the woman to retreat from the room, Wonder Woman untied Wonder Girl and the two of them went after the woman, who got away.

"Maybe it was just a prank." Wonder Girl suggested.

Wonder Woman nodded, but she wasn't convinced.


The rest of the night passed without incident, and in the morning, the amazons got ready for the next part of Diana's day. All of the women who tried to try and take off the goddess's mask was forced to dressed in leather bikini armor, and not allowed to carry any weapons.

Hippolyta explained what was happening to Wonder Woman and Eta. "As punishment for trying to kidnap the goddess, which actually happened, by setting them free into the forest and all of the amazons who didn't try to kidnap the goddess will hunt them down and tie them up until they learn their lesson: stop trying to usurp the goddess!"

Wonder Woman and Eta nodded.

Wonder Woman then took Eta to where everyone was getting ready for the hunt, and presented her with a horse. "Since you don't do much exercise, the only way you'll be able to join in on the hunt is by riding the horse and shooting them with these." She got out a bow and arrow that was modified to remove the tip and was instead made up of a lasso of truth. "Shoot this at an Amazon and it will wrap her up in the lasso." Wonder Woman explained. Eta nodded and took the bow and arrow as she got on the horse.

The hunt began and it was absolute chaos. Lassos, cries and running could be heard all around. Wonder Woman leapt into the trees and scanned the area with her eyes, and saw her sister, Wonder Girl, scanning the area with her own eyes. Wonder Woman grinned, she knew what to do. Slowly, she took off her lasso and spun in the air and threw is around Wonder Girl. Wonder Girl yelped as the lasso wrapped around her with expert levels of throwing. The lasso started by diagonally wrapping around her ankles before diagonally going all over her legs before being wrapped around her waist, trapping her arms to her sides and hands ensnared by the lasso, some more of the lasso wrapped diagonally around her breasts and it ended with her being yanked up into the trees and ending up upside down, staring at a smiling Wonder Woman.

"Must be my lucky day." Wonder Woman grinned. Wonder Girl just rolled her eyes.

As Wonder Woman carried Wonder Girl back to where the hunt began, she saw Eta capturing an amazon and smiled. At least she's getting some exercise.

After all the amazons who were tied up were brought back the where the hunt began, their hands were placed above their hands and left hanging from trees.

Queen Hippolyta walked up to them, sword in hand. "Have you learnt your lesson?"

The amazons cried out. "Yes!"

Hippolyta stood still for a minute. "Very well, cut them down."

As the amazons were cut down, somebody came up to Wonder Woman from behind. "Eta's in trouble, come with me quick!"

Wonder Woman spun around, but the person was already running away. Wonder Woman chased after her. Something about her voice sounds familiar. She thought. And that hair, she's the woman who tried to stab me last night!

Eventually, they reached Eta. She was mummified to the tree with a combination of a magic lasso and normal white, nylon rope. A scarf gagged her.

The woman turned around, and Wonder Woman gasped. "Baroness Von Gunther!?"

The Baroness smiled. "Hello Wonder Woman, haven't seen you for a while."

Wonder Woman was confused. "How did you get here?"

"I have a number of false confessions I have planned to avoid torture, and one of them was that a college of Steve Trevor's neighbors are spies! Afterwards, I waited for the physically weakest guard so I could knock him out and steal his uniform so I could escape. Afterwards, I disguised myself as a cleaning lady to infiltrate the War department where Mr.Trevor works to try and find out where Wonder Woman was so I could get my revenge on her. Imagine my luck when I overheard Wonder Woman invite Eta Candy to Wonder Woman's home, how could I refuse?" The Baroness explained. "So I sneaked into Eta's luggage and hid there until we arrived. I waited until nobody was looking and I sneaked around until I was able to find some spare clothes and bracelets so I looked like everyone else on the island."

Wonder Woman nodded. "And then you tried to kill me."

The Baroness shrugged. "I was angry, but after I failed, I realised I could humiliate you and that would be more satisfying."

"So you kidnapped Eta and used her as bait." Wonder Woman finished.

"Yes." The Baroness said, taking out Wonder Woman's magic belt. "I took this off you while you were distracted when the queen was talking. Now let's see if the rumors about you being weakened without this are true." She said, putting the belt away.

Wonder Woman leapt at the Baroness and tackled her. The Baronnes was prepared for this however and kicked Wonder Woman in the stomach. This caused her to spin around to try and get away and think of another strategy. Unfortunately for her, this was the perfect opportunity to jump up behind Wonder Woman and smash her head into a tree, causing her to fall unconscious. The Baroness smiled, knowing what she would do next.


Meanwhile, while all the previously tied-up Amazons had now recovered. Wonder Girl could not see Wonder Woman anywhere so she went off to look for her in the forest. She was about to call out, when she saw Eta tied to a tree. She also saw Wonder Woman being tied up by an amazon that Wonder Girl had never seen before.

I better go get help Wonder Girl thought and she slowly sneaked off, making sure not to make a sound before leaving the forest.


Wonder Woman woke up, and groaned at her situation. Her magic lasso had been used to box-tie her arms behind the tree opposite Eta and were impossible to untie herself. However, Eta was now tied with a lot less rope any only her major limbs were tied. Unfortunately, Wonder Woman was now mummified with the rope, and also gagged with a scarf.

The Baroness was standing in front of Wonder Woman, smiling. "Now this is what I call satisfying." She smirked. "Now I'm going to steal your invisible plane, fly back to Germany and we'll use the plane to take over the world!"

"I don't think so!" A female called out. Wonder Woman, Eta and the Baroness all looked to the right, where Hippolyta and loads of Amazons were currently standing there, weapons in hand.

The Baroness held the knife to Wonder Woman's neck. "Take 1 step closer, and Wonder Woman dies!"

She didn't notice as Wonder Girl snuck up behind Eta Candy. "I have a plan, OK?" Eta nodded as Wonder Girl explained and slowly untied her.

The Baroness didn't notice. "Bring me the invisible plane and I will let Wonder Woman go!" The Baroness demanded.

She was quite surprised then, when Eta headbutted her and sent her flying into a tree. She tried to get up, but then Wonder Girl wrapped her lasso around her, trapping her hands and arms around her body. "Curses!" She muttered.

All of the Amazons quickly untied Wonder Woman while making sure the Baroness was restrained thoroughly. "Are you Ok my daughter?" Hippolyta asked.

Wonder Woman nodded. She didn't want to admit that she liked being tied up, just not involentarly, if only she wasn't too scared to tell Steve and enter a romantic relationship with him!


Later, Wonder Woman and Eta were flying back to man's world after saying goodbye to everyone.

"What's going to happen to the Baroness?" Eta asked.

"She's going to be reformed and forced to change from her evil ways." Wonder Woman explained. "And before I left, I recorded her saying she was lying about your roommates being spies and she would check into a rehabilitation centre under a false name to reform herself."

Eta nodded as she decided to take a nap, and decide on how best to get exercise.


Meanwhile, Lashina, the leader of the female furies, had watched all of this while disguised as an Amazon. Lord Darkseid is going to be pleased with how easy it will be to capture and brainwash this universe's version of Wonder Woman! She thought as she used an invisible boom tube to go back to Darkseid and report her findings.
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Part 3 (Based on the awful 1967 pilot):

It was a sunny day, the trees were tall, the flowers were blooming and the sky was clear; except for Wonder Woman. She was currently flying around the city and thought about how she got here:

It was a boring and generic day on Paradise Island, when a pilot known as Steve Trevor landed on the island because he was lost and asked for directions. Wonder Woman felt a childish urge to go with him, as when she was younger, she banged her head and got brain damage. Fortunately, she wouldn't get any physical side-effects. Unfortunately, her mental ageing was damaged, meaning she would have the mental capacity of a child for a long time. Her mother didn't like this, so she created a clone of herself and sent the clone with Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor to man's world. She also gave Wonder Woman the ability to transform into Diana Prince, a young and mature woman whom Wonder Woman could transform into when living a normal life. Together, they moved into an apartment in New York (with some help from Steve Trevor) and began her new life.

Returning to present day, Wonder Woman landed on a roof and surveyed the city below. She heard a loud noise and flew down and hid in a tree. She saw possibly the most ridiculous bank robber she had ever seen. He was wearing gold boots, gold wrist-bands, gold belt, a black and gold cape and a mostly black costume with a giant lightning bolt in the middle, he was also bald. He was accompanied by a woman. She had black hair, was almost as tall as the man and was wearing a blue dress and sandals.

Deciding to end the robbery, Wonder Woman leaped from the tree and into the bank via an open door. "Stop it right-there you evil-doers!"

The man spun around, and laughed maniacally. "Ahhh, finally you arrive!"

And before Wonder Woman could respond, the man and the woman flew off. She quickly took off after them.

The bank manager was happy. "Yay! Wonder Woman showed up before anything was stolen!" He cried out. "Let's have a party!" And with that, everyone in the bank started partying.


How could anyone see where their going in this? Wonder Woman thought. She had been chasing the man and the woman for about 10 minutes at this point, and was currently lost in a cloud, making it hard to make out anything that wasn't more cloud.

Maybe I should go home before mother gets worried and try to find them tomorrow Wonder Woman thought, when suddenly...

"Nnnnmmmpppphhhhh!" Wonder Woman reacted, when a strong female hand clamped chloroform over her face, and legs wrapped around her arms, making her defenceless.

The man flew up in front of her and smiled. "Finally, I have my prize."

His prize? Wonder Woman thought as she fell in the depths of unconsciousness.


When Wonder Woman woke up, she just groaned. There were silver shiny handcuffs secured around her ankles, as well as her wrists behind her back. There was a leather collar around her neck with a chain connecting it to the door. The man and the woman were standing over her.

"And now I have nothing left to look forward to." The man said. "Because I just got you."

"What do you want from me?" Wonder Woman asked.

"For you to be my slave for the rest of time." The man boasted. "From now on, you will call me master, and her mistress." He said, nodding to the woman.

"Yes, master." Wonder Woman choked out.

The man smiled. "Gag and blindfold her, while I think of the first thing for her to do." He ordered the woman.

The woman obeyed and gagged Wonder Woman with a ball-gag and blindfolded her with a leather eye-piece, making her completely helpless. She could only hear the man and the woman leave the room, leaving her to her thoughts.

The next few days were an oddity for Wonder Woman. Neither the man or woman came to visit her. In fact, only other slaves did, and that was just to feed her. As soon as they finished, they would re-gag Wonder Woman and leave her alone again, confusing Wonder Woman.

Eventually, she concluded that they were just trying to break her spirit by isolating her from everyone and everything for a few days, and it felt like it had worked.

All is lost She concluded. The rest of my days will be spent as a slave, serving a guy with big muscles.

Suddenly, the door opened. And the woman who accompanied the man, whom Wonder Woman only referred to as mistress now, came into the room. "Well slave." She said, "looks like we both have our troubles".

And to Wonder Woman's surprise, mistress removed the blindfold and the ball-gag. She felt like celebrating, but decided to wait until she was out of danger. "Why, what is wrong mistress?" She asked.

"It's the master." Mistress explained. "He can't eat, he won't sleep, he seems really depressed and I'm worried about him."

"Why is he feeling so bad mistress?" Wonder Woman asked.

"It's you." Mistress explained. "Ever since he's captured you, he has nothing to look forward to." She took a deep breath. "Look, I'll make you a deal."

Wonder Woman got her hopes up. "Yes mistress?"

"I'll unchain you, if you promise me that you will let me tie you up with your magic lasso." Mistress explained, taking the lasso from Wonder Woman's belt. "Blindfold you and take you back to my apartment, I can't afford to let you know where the master's secret base is." She explained.

"I promise." Said Wonder Woman. "And superheros never breaks their promises".

Mistress nodded in satisfaction and proceeded to unchain her ankles, neck and wrists. "Once we're in my apartment, you have to tie me up, so the master won't suspect me of helping you."

Wonder Woman sighed. "I suppose I'll trust you." She said, getting and stretching after being unchained for a bit before putting her arms and hands behind her back. "You can tie me with the lasso now." It was one of the two ways to make her powerless, the other was being tied up by a man.

A thought then occurred to her. "You don't have to gag me once your done, but I'll understand if you do".

The woman said nothing as she wrapped the lasso around Wonder Woman's wrists into a box-tie. "Oh my." Wonder Woman responded.

The woman just replied as she tied off the knot before grabbing the blindfold and ball-gag that were on Wonder Woman and put them back on. "Come on, let's go before the master realises what's happening." She responded, and led Wonder Woman away.


The next few hours went like a blur for Wonder Woman. By the time she could see again, she was in an apartment and being untied.

"As you can see, we are in my apartment." Mistress explained, fully untying Wonder Woman and un-gagging her. "And now it's time to fulfill your promise."

Wonder Woman nodded. She grabbed some generic white rope Mistress had on the sofa and tied her wrists in an 'X' position behind her back. She could hear the mistress softly moaning in comfort. "Tight enough?"

Mistress waited a few seconds before responding. "Yes".

No words were spoken as Wonder Woman wrapped rope above and below mistresses breasts, causing her to moan a little bit louder.

Deciding to make the next part easier, Wonder Woman lowered mistress onto the sofa and tied her ankles. "Do you like that?" Wonder Woman asked nervously.

Mistress nodded. Wonder Woman then surprised her by sticking a pair of socks into her mouth and securing them in with a scarf. "That gag you used on me earlier was unnessercery." Wonder Woman explained. "And so it this one."

Mistress didn't seem to mind, in fact, she seemed to be enjoying herself.

"Anyway, next time you see your master, tell him I will be seeing him again." Wonder Woman said and flew off out the window, leaving mistress to struggle.
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Part 4 (sequel to the awful 1974 pilot):

Wonder Woman pulled up on her motorcycle outside the house, as lame as ever. She dressed as if she was Evel Knievel's sister, or a moon main from a 1950's B-Movie. She didn't even own the bike, she stole it from Abner Smith and using it in a boring chase before arresting him pathetically easily. Afterwards she kept the bike because she couldn't be bothered to buy a better one. If Wonder Woman knew what was lame and what wasn't, then she would know she was the lamest superheroine around. Ignoring her lame costume, she was not very hot. This was rectified when Queen Hippolyta placed a beauty potion on Wonder Woman, causing EVERYONE (males and females alike), to ogle her.

There was also the issue of her non-existent powers. If she ever met anyone super-powered, Wonder Woman would be dead almost instantly. The only training she had was from a blind martial arts teacher who was dead and she couldn't remember anything about him. She had an invisible plane, but still landed it at airports, for some inconceivable reason and she couldn't even climb over a gate, she had to hotwire it instead.

Anyway, Abner Smith was released from prison 5 minutes after he had arrived thanks to his lawyer (which Wonder Woman should have predicated, given the look he had given her once he was arrested and confessed his love for her, despite only meeting her shortly beforehand), before going into hiding and she was now tracking him down.

Wonder Woman had an anonymous tip, saying that Smith was hiding in a generic house, which she had arrived at without even bothering to consider if it was a trap or not. After looking around the house twice to make sure that nobody was around, before using the golden cable she kept concealed in her belt, she used as a grappling hook and climbed through an open window.

It was a very generic house. The walls were white, and the carpet was grey, and the furniture all looked like it had come from IKEA.

Wonder Woman looked upstairs and downstairs, there was nothing to indicate where Abner Smith was.

Suddenly, a figure leapt out of the cupboard and knocked Wonder Woman to the floor. She tried to get up, but the figure grabbed her wrists and secured them with zip-ties before rolling her onto her stomach. She gasped when she saw who her attacker was.

"George!?" she cried out.

George was a henchmen who worked for Abner Smith and was thought to be dead when Wonder Woman blew up a helicopter, along with his twin brother.

He shrugged. "I was tying my shoelaces when the helicopter blew up, shielding me from the blast. Too bad my twin brother couldn't have had the same fate." He mused, Wonder Woman felt sorry for him.

George then reached into the belt, brought out the golden cable and began to mummify Wonder Woman with it.

She struggled. "What are you doing!?"

"Mr Smith decided he needed some leverage against you so that you would not go after him." George explained. "So I left the anonymous tip that brought you here, which was pretty easy since you spend about 80% of your time on the phone, and I am going to take photos of you while your tied up."

Wonder Woman realized the rest of the plan. "And your going to leak the photos if I come after Smith again."

"So you're smarter than you look, too bad our still lame." George mused, he finished and Wonder Woman looked like a golden sausage with a human head.

"Your so lame, I'm not even going to bother gagging you." He decided and took the pictures. Wonder Woman tried to avoid the camera, which was impossible because George kept moving around to match her head movement.

When he was finished, George said. "I'm going to leave now, I'm sure that since your so lame, the universe will find some contrived way to free you from your predicament."

He left and Wonder Woman was left to struggle. She tried get up, but she felt to exhausted to do so. She tried to roll around, but she ended up banging her head and decided to rest until it felt better. Eventually, the universe got bored and the cable and zip-ties became magically undone.

She she got up. "George was right, the universe was so bored that I got out of my predicament, if only I could meet a personification of it and say thank you." She mused as she left, unaware that she was being watched.

The universe hadn't been the one to free her, it was a member of the Female Furies: Lashina. Since she had Steel Charged Whips which were electrically charged steel whips that could extend, retract and wrap themselves around targets, she used them to wraps them around the knots holding Wonder Woman and pull them, freeing Wonder Woman. Lashina then hid in a corner until Wonder Woman left.

If this is the standard of the Wonder Women Lashina thought, the lord Darkseid will be very pleased! She concluded as she went up the boom tube and back to Apokolips.
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Part 5 (sequel to the awful 2011 pilot):

Wonder Woman knocked at the door.

"Come in!" a voice said and she entered.

A generic psychiatrist was sitting in a chair. "Hello Wonder Woman, I am Harleen Quinzel and I am here to give you a psychiatric evaluation."

Wonder Woman sighed and laid down on the sofa. "Remind me why I'm here again."

Harleen nodded. "Senator Cray was concerned about your methods you used taking down Veronica Cale."

Wonder Woman looked at her questionably. "What about it?"

Harleen looked at her notes. "You started by chasing a drug dealer through the streets of L.A. and caught him by throwing your lasso around his neck, almost strangling him to death."

"He was going to outrun me!" Wonder Woman complained. "And getting into my plane would have been too much effort."

"I see." Harleen said, starting to get concerned. "You then drew a blood sample from him and when you gave him to the cops, you implied that him getting a lawyer was a bad thing."

"He's a criminal, criminals don't deserve any lawyers!" Wonder Woman argued.

"Many people would disagree with you on that." Harleen explained.

Wonder Woman waved her off. "Well their only human."

"And your not." Harleen stated as a matter-of-fact.

"Of course I'm not! Although mother was very unhappy about me using the name of our home island as my surname and name of my company, but I told her to shut the fuck up because I was in man's world and she's not. We haven't talked since." Wonder Woman responded.

Harleen wanted to ask more, but was starting to get to scared to, so she moved on. "You then publicly announced that Veronica Cale was guilty, without providing any evidence."

"Why would I need evidence?" Wonder Woman questioned. "It got her attention and she visited me, and I got to do one of my favorite things, argue with her!"

"Right." Harleen replied, struggling to see how Wonder Woman could have that perspective. "And then you tortured a criminal in the hospital."

Wonder Woman nodded. "He deserved it!"

"But you had the lasso of truth with you." Harleen pointed out. "You easily could have just used it on him and avoided the torture completely.

"He deserved it!" Wonder Woman argued.

Harleen sighed. "And then you stormed Cale-Anderson Pharmaceuticals, injured countless employees, killed others and broke Cale's back.

"She deserved it." Wonder Woman insisted. "And she was guilty, so, no problem."

Harleen decided to end the evaluation before she was hurt. "And I can safely say that you are a psychopath."

"Thank you!" Wonder Woman said and left, looking like an action figure designed for perverts.

Harleen sighed. I better leave before she decides to make up lies about me and ruin my career. Maybe I should move to Arkham Asylum in Gotham, I heard the Joker's hot!


Wonder Woman arrived back at Themyscira Industries and Senator Joseph Cray was waiting for her with Wonder Woman's assistants: Eta Candy and Henry Detmer.

"I've just received word that Dr Harleen Quinzel has resigned and declared you completely sane." The senator said, obviously angry.

"And your point is?" Wonder Woman sauntered up to him.

"I will be having a press conference soon, and I will have you declared legally insane." The senator stated.

"I see." Wonder Woman said. She then looked at Eta Candy and Henry Detmer. "You know what happens next."

Eta Candy and Henry Detmer ran out of the room. The senator looked at Wonder Woman in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Wonder Woman smiled evilly, and the senator suddenly felt very, very afraid.

1 hour later...

"And your not going to say anything negative at the press conference about me will you?" Wonder Woman asked.

The senator nodded nervously.

Wonder Woman smiled. "Excellent! Now go home."

The senator ran out of the building. Why is Superman too busy having sex with Lois Lane to stop the world from living fear of Wonder Woman!? He thought pathetically.


Now that the annoying senator was gone, Wonder Woman could now change into her secret identity. While the public knew her as Wonder Woman: A.K.A Diana Themyscira, the owner of Themyscira Industries, in private, she was Diana Prince. She had a apartment, she wore glasses and had a cat. Now, she had tried to copy Superman's secret identity, but failed miserably because at least Superman's secret identity wasn't Super Kent. The only reason why anyone had not figured out that she and Wonder Woman were one and the same: were because they were too scared of Wonder Woman to do so.

The reason why Wonder Woman claimed she did this, was because she wanted to try and have some semblance of a normal life. And if your idea of a normal life is staying home with no boyfriend, doing nothing but watching crappy romance movies with your cat while drinking wine, then she would have succeeded. Truthfully, she did this because she was trying to copy Batman, and ended up becoming Batman if he was boring and stupid. Besides, she broke up with Steve Trevor to protect him, even though she could just date him while as Diana Prince!

However, tonight would be a shock for her.

Diana had just entered the apartment, and had just closed and locked the door behind her, when suddenly, somebody grabbed her wrists and duct taped them behind her back and and wrapped duct tape around her waist, forcing her wrists to be stuck before she had a chance to resist.

"Damnit!" She cried out. Her one weakness was being tied up by anyone and anything, with any type of restraint.

The person who had tied her up then grabbed Wonder Woman's elbow and threw her onto the sofa, which caused her to get spun around and see the person. "Catwoman!"

Catwoman smiled. "Hello gorgeous, I see you've heard of me."

So she doesn't know I'm Wonder Woman, maybe I can use this to my advantage Wonder Woman thought. "I've heard rumors of a poorly-dressed woman robbing houses all over the world for a few years, and you certainly match the poorly-dressed description."

Catwoman was currently dressed in black bustier bra that revealed her midriff with 2 black belts criss-crossing and connecting with her ripped black leather pants. She was also wearing black high-heel boots with exposed toes, as well black leather gloves with diamond claws in each finger and a black mask that only covered half her face with pointless cat ears on it.

She hissed. "Shut up!" And stuffed a cloth into Diana's mouth before wrapping duct tape around it.

I'm am so going to get my revenge on you! Diana thought as Catwoman then wrapped duct tape around her ankles, knees, thighs, and above and below the breasts.

While she was doing this, Catwoman started talking out of boredom and growing tired of Diana's muffled curses. "If your wondering why I'm robbing you in particular, it's because I've decided to take a break from big heists like museums and start robbing the homes of pretty people."

This made Diana curse a little less.

Catwoman got up. "Anyway, I am going to go look for any valuables, don't go anywhere." She said with a smile and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Oh you stupid bitch Diana thought, as she slowly made her way off the sofa and onto the floor and slowly wriggled to the desk, where, with some difficulty, she rummaged through the desk and retrieved a pair of scissors before cutting herself free with them.

Now, it's time for you to pay! Diana thought as she quietly climbed out of the window and into her car, where she retrieved a briefcase with her Wonder Woman costume. While she was adamant that her identities remain separate, she was not stupid and knew that she might need to turn into Wonder Woman at anytime, so she kept a version of her costume close at all times.

Diana changed into Wonder Woman, jumped back into the window and waited for Catwoman to return.


She only had to wait a few minutes, Catwoman entered the room. "I'm back..." She started, but her jaw dropped. "Wonder Woman! What are you doing here!?"

Wonder Woman had come up with an expert lie. "I was in the neighbourhood when I saw you tie up the owner of this house. I waited until you left the room then freed her before taking her somewhere safe until I take care of you."

Catwoman laughed nervously and got out her whip. "I get to tie up 2 pretty women tonight, must be my lucky day."

She then lashed her whip at Wonder Woman, who grabbed the end and yanked it forward. This caused Catwoman to be pulled forward and smash into the wall. "Ow!"

Wonder Woman then grabbed Catwoman and smashed her into the wall again, causing her to fall unconscious.

"Bitch." Wonder Woman cursed as she grabbed the duct tape and began to tie up Catwoman. Silence enveloped the room while Wonder Woman tied up Catwoman the same way she had tied Diana earlier, while making sure that her clawed gloves were removed so she couldn't escape. Wonder Woman then grabbed a pair of underwear and stuffed it into Catwoman's mouth, before wrapping duct tape around her head, silencing her. She then sat back and waited for Catwoman to wake up.


Catwoman moaned as woke up, she had a headache and tried to move her hands, but couldn't. She then realised that she was tied up, and went to claw her way out of it, just to find her claws missing!

"Well, well, well, look who finally woke up." Wonder Woman said mockingly.

Catwoman just growled at her.

"Anyway, I'm going to call Batman and tell him your here, he's going to have so much fun with you!" Wonder Woman revealed.

Catwoman felt scared, her last encounter with Batman wasn't pleasant and now he hated her. But before Wonder Woman could do anything, a hand went around Wonder Woman's waist that trapped her arms and anouther filled with chloroform that went over Wonder Woman's mouth.

"Hmppph!" Wonder Woman screamed into the chloroformed mouth. She tried to break free, but felt her strength vanish from her and she fell asleep almost instantly.

The burglar then lowered Wonder Woman onto the floor and began to mummify her with a combination of the lasso of truth and Catwoman's lasso. Catwoman just studied the burglar to try and figure out who they were. But she couldn't, as they were dressed head-to-toe completely in black. They finished mummifying Wonder Woman and then pressed her back to back against Catwoman and then wrapped some duct tape between them, connecting them. They then picked up the bag full of valuables that Catwoman had filled with earlier and her diamond claws. "You have 24 hours until she wakes up." They said, in a modulated voice. "I recommend you escape before then." Then they left, leaving Catwoman to struggle furiously and hopelessly against the unconscious Wonder Woman.
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Part 6 (the DCEU Wonder Woman):

Wonder Woman finished climbing up the hill and looked down on the small town and smiled. It was Halloween and she decided to dress up in her normal Wonder Woman costume. She hadn't been able to wear it for a few years since she had been in Vietnam for a while, but she decided not to think about the atrocities she had witnessed there and decided just to have fun. So she jumped into a bush and joined the massive crowd of people dressed up in various costumes roaming the streets.

"Hey beautiful!" A drunk redneck called out. "What are you dressed as!?"

Wonder Woman thought about what to say for a moment. "A warrior woman."

The redneck just laughed and continued drinking, Wonder Woman just shrugged and walked into the bar. She ordered some generic alcohol and sat alone at a table. She looked around and saw various couples making out and having sex. She closed her eyes and remembered the last time she had done those things: about 60 years ago with Steve Trevor. She remembered how amazing that night in that hotel room was, about how the only time she had ever had sex was amazing and the sensation of being tied up and being completely helpless. While there had been various myths about how she was helpless if she was ever tied up by a man with any kind of restraint, that wasn't true. She could only be made helpless by being tied up with her lasso.

While Wonder Woman was drinking generic alcohol on her own and wondering if she should try and be with someone romantically, a group of rednecks burst through the door with massive shotguns and a few fired shots at into the ceilings and windows. The noise died down and everyone just stared at the rednecks, which included the drunk one from earlier.

"Ladies and gentleman!" The redneck who seemed to be in charge, as he was in front of the rest of the rednecks. "For anyone who's new, my name is Brother Blood and I am the leader of the Church of Blood."

Wonder Woman paid attention closely.

"And once every year, we require a group of sacrifices in order to keep the mayor in the mood to continue protecting us from the outside world." Brother blood explained. "So, anyone not native to the town will be a sacrifice!"

Since there wasn't too many new arrivals, including Wonder Woman, they were all brought outside, while the town's natives went back to drinking and partying. The drunk redneck waltzed up to Wonder Woman. "I have a feeling your going to be trouble."

"What are you going to do, tie me up with my own lasso?" Wonder Woman teased.

The redneck smirked grabbed the lasso, and stopped, Wonder Woman smiled. Her lasso compelled weak-willed individuals, mostly people being mind-controlled, into not tying her up with his lasso.

The redneck let go of the lasso. "No, you probably tie yourself up often and have practiced getting yourself out of it, so I'll just have to use my own ropes."

Wonder Woman kept her smile hidden as the redneck evidently had no imagination as he just lazily mummified top upper half of her with ugly brown rope.

Better this than my lasso Wonder Woman thought as she examined her bondage. Ropes were trapping her arms at her sides and lasted all the way from her waist, to just under her neck.

"I could do better." The redneck said and forced Wonder Woman's wrists behind her back before wrapping them up in rope, right where she could just cut them with her sword.

"Nice bracelets." The redneck said, admiring Wonder Woman's bracelets. "Where did you get them from?"

Wonder Woman didn't answer.

"Well, since you don't feel like talking anyway..." The redneck trailed off as she stuffed an overly big cloth in Wonder Woman's mouth, causing it to fill out her cheeks and make her unable to make a sound. He then secured it in place with a red handkerchief. "There we go, perfect!" The redneck boasted as they, along with all the other sacrifices started walking up a mountain.

While walking up the mountain, Wonder Woman silently and stealthily got used to being tied up and got ready to break free and get ready to defeat whomever the mayor was. While most bondage isn't as loose as this, I still might need some practice with bondage and escapism in case this scenario comes up again and my captors aren't as relaxed and drunk as this.

Not too long after having this thought, they arrived at the top of the mountain. There was a house there, and a generic looking man in a suit was standing in front of it. Reminds me of ares. Wonder Woman thought bitterly.

"I gather these are the new sacrifices." The man said, and the redneck nodded. "Very well."

Suddenly, the ground started to rumble, and the man slowly started screaming and yelling as his skin turned orange, his head gained an extra set of eyes, ridiculously long blonde hair extended out of his head, he grew to a very tall height, ridiculous looking silver boots appeared on his legs, silver bracelets that were similar to Wonder Woman and a large silver axe appeared on his axe. Wonder Woman realised how it was. Trigon!

Trigon was the leftover evil that was exorcised from a group of pacifists many years ago. Ever since then, he had been looking for a way to turn back into his evil demonic form he briefly held while in the group and eating these yearly sacrifices put him closer and closer to his goal.

"Ahhhh, I will have fun eating you all." Trigon boomed out and slowly bent down to eat his first victim.

Using this as a distraction, Wonder Woman used her sword to slice all of her ropes off and leapt at Trigon. And before he could do anything, Wonder Woman sliced his head off!

"No!" Trigon screamed as he fell to the ground, missing everyone as he fell to the ground dead. And as Wonder Woman was pulling her gag off, it started to rain. Since Trigon was a fire demon, his weakness was water, and it caused his body to disintegrate.

Suddenly, Wonder Woman sensed one of the rednecks aiming his gun at her, so she quickly used the lasso to grab the gun of his hands and smacked all of the other rednecks on the head with it, causing them to fall unconscious.

"What do we do now?" One of the would-be sacrifices asked Wonder Woman.

She shrugged. "Your free to do whatever you want."

And with that, Wonder Woman leapt into the air and disappeared into the night, only stopping to retrieve her shield, and headed off for parts unknown.
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Part 7:

The female furies returned to Apokolips and reported their findings to Darkseid, who sighed. "These are their best enemies." He felt like face-palming. "Oh well, I suppose I could just give them a major power boost, bring them here!"


Baroness Von Gunther was currently sitting in her prison cell, awaiting her introduction to rehabilitation, when a bright light appeared around her.

Well, it can't be worse than being on this island, she thought.


The mistress was currently sleeping alone, since the master, A.K.A. Black Adam, had been looking for Wonder Woman after she had 'escaped'.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared around her.

What's going on!? she thought.


Abner Smith was busy smoking a cigar in his hidden office, when a bright light appeared around him.

This is going to be interesting he thought.


Catwoman was scared. It had been 23 hours and Catwoman had made almost no progress on her ropes, and Wonder Woman was due to wake up soon.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared around her. Probably less scary than Wonder Woman when she wakes up.

As Catwoman was transported away, the ropes around her and Wonder Woman became undone, something Wonder Woman noticed when she woke up shortly afterwards.

I guess Catwoman and her partner fled in panic! Wonder Woman smirked as she got ready for work.


The redneck was too drunk to notice the bright light.


Everyone woke up on Apokolips, and panicked.

"Where am I!?" Screamed the Baroness.

"This is a very strange place." The Mistress commented.

"This is the strangest place I've ever been." Abner Smith commented.

"Still beats having to deal with Wonder Woman." Catwoman commented.

"I must have had too much to drink." The redneck mused.

"You are on Apokolips, and I am it's ruler: Darkseid!" Darkseid boomed, before explaining what he wanted from them and why.

"I see." Abner Smith said, cleary terrified. "I agree."

The others agreed, partially out of fear and partially because they wanted a chance to get revenge on the Wonder Women.

"Good." Darkseid said triumphantly. He pointed a finger at Catwoman. "But in order to stand a chance against any of the Wonder Women, I will give you superpowers, allow me to demonstrate."

Omega beams enraptured Catwoman, and once they disappeared, Catwoman looked different. Her hair was white, her entire body was covered in black leather. Leather gloves, leather high-heel boots, and leather cape. Her eyes were constantly glowing white and she had a headache. "What did you do to me!?"

"I gave you the power to control the weather." Darkseid explained. "Knowing how to control the weather can have massive advantages. Which is why you'll all have training with the female furies, so you can use your powers to their maximum potential."

Darkseid then shot his omega beams at Abner Smith, which caused him to gain big muscles. "And you now have super strength, always useful to have."

Darkseid then shot his omega beams at the Mistress, and once they disappeared, the mistress didn't look that different. She had sandal boots, a white cloth skirt, golden belt, golden bracelets, white skirt top and black long hair. "You have the Power of Isis and have super strength, super durability, super speed, super stamina, super wisdom, flight, psychokinesis, telekinesis, healing and elemental control."

"Impressive." The mistress replied. "How come I get so much power?"

"Because when I conquer the multiverse, your lovers help will be much appreciated." Darkseid explained.

Darkseid then shot his omega beams at the Baroness, turning her into a witch who wore black velvet. "You can now use magic."

Darkseid then looked at the redneck. "Your useless, the female furies can take care of your version of Wonder Woman." He then killed the redneck before looking at the others. "Go train, and I'll make preparations..."
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Part 8:

Wonder Woman woke up with a headache and had no idea where she was or what happened to her.

Last thing I remember is I just finished defeating a group of villains, then there was a big blue light, then nothing... She thought.

She looked to her left and saw a group of woman, who looked similar to her were looking at each other. One of them shrieked "Who are you, and why do you look like me!?"

30 minutes of introducing each other and calming down later...

They had also agreed on how to refer to each other as to avoid confusion:

-The Wonder Woman who got tied up by the Baroness would be referred to as cheesy Wonder Woman.

-The Wonder Woman who had been tied up by The Mistress and Black Adam would be referred to as childish Wonder Woman.

-The Woman Woman who had been tied up by George would be referred to as Lame Wonder Woman.

-The Wonder Woman who had been tied up by Catwoman would be referred to as Crazy Wonder Woman.


-The Wonder Woman who had been tied up by the drunk redneck would be referred to as Powerful Wonder Woman.

"OK. Now that we know who we all are, why are we here?" Crazy Wonder Woman asked.

Powerful Wonder Woman took a deep breath. "There are 2 planets that exist outside of the multiverse, New Genesis and Apokolips. And New Genesis are peaceful and good, and Apokolips is the opposite of that.

"I'm assuming by the amount of red, we're on Apokolips." Childish Wonder Woman suggested.

Powerful Wonder Woman nodded. "The ruler of Apokolips, is Darkseid."

"That name sounds familiar." Crazy Wonder Woman commented.

"That's because he's one of the New Gods, powerful beings native to New Genesis and Apokolips."

"And this explains what we're doing here???" Crazy Wonder Woman asked.

"Darkseid wants to conquer the universe and eliminate all free will and sentient beings." Powerful Wonder Woman continued.

"That sounds horrible." Cheesy Wonder Woman exclaimed.

"And he wants to achieve this by using the anti-life equation." Powerful Wonder Woman continued.

"That sounds dangerous." Lame Wonder Woman commented.

"It is a mathematical equation that can control the minds of sentient beings and is rumored to be a mathematical proof of the futility of living." Powerful Wonder Woman continued.

Crazy Wonder Woman then started to put the pieces together. "And Darkseid has brought us here to try and corece us into helping him find the anti-life equation."

Powerful Wonder Woman nodded. "Unfortunately for Darkseid, most of the pieces are on Earth. And because of a peace treaty he signed with New Genesis, he can't invade Earth. So instead, he uses his brainwashed servants known as the Female Furies to go to Earth to try and look for the Anti-Life Equation."

"And Darkseid wants to turn us into the Female Furies." Crazy Wonder Woman realised. "That fucker!"

"I don't think he'll succeeded though." Powerful Wonder Woman commented. "Since the Anti-life equation is technically just a form of mind control, and since we're immune to mind control because we have the spirit of truth within us, it means it won't work on us. I wonder if Darkseid even knows about it..."

"We have bad guys incoming!" Childish Wonder Woman called out. The other Wonder Women turned and saw 5 different, yet oddly familiar villains emerge from a boom tube.
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Part 9:

The boom tube disappeared. Powerful Wonder Woman recognised that some of the villains had enhancements done to them. "What has Darkseid done to you?" She asked Abner Smith.

Smith shrugged. "He gave us powers to get revenge on you all for constantly foiling our plans." He then paused to look at all the Wonder Woman. "And it's nice to see that all of the Wonder Woman look beautiful."

This made Crazy Wonder Woman angry. "How dare you compliment any woman who isn't me as beautiful!?"

She then charged at him, only to be blasted unconscious by lighting from Catwoman.

"And now we have equal numbers." She announced. "Now, let us fight."

The villains all charged at the Wonder Women, who then fought back.

The mistress and Childish Wonder Woman started pushing each other. "When did you get powers?" Childish Wonder Woman asked.

"Recently." The Mistress replied. "Let me show you my true power!" She screamed and shoved Childish Wonder Woman to the floor, causing her to fall unconscious. The mistress just smiled.


Cheesy Wonder Woman was facing off against the Baroness.

"What exactly are your powers?" Cheesy Wonder Woman asked.

"I can use magic!" The Baroness beamed and started shooting fireballs at Wonder Woman, who blocked them with her bracelets.

This caused the baroness to become frustrated. Cheesy Wonder Woman used this to roll out of the way, and threw her lasso around The Baroness, causing her arms and wrists to be trapped at her sides and stop the fireballs.

"No!" The Baroness screamed as she twisted and turned while she uselessly to try and get out her bondage. Cheesy Wonder Woman just smiled in satisfaction.


Lame Wonder Woman faced off against Abner Smith.

"I don't want to hurt you, you're too pretty to do so." Abner Smith explained, as he approached Lame Wonder Woman.

"OK." Lame Wonder Woman replied, and kicked Abner Smith in the groin, causing him to fall to the floor in pain. "Now stay down."


Catwoman was facing off against Powerful Wonder Woman.

"You may have defeated your universe's version of me, but you won't defeat me so easily." Powerful Wonder Woman warned.

"I don't think so!" Catwoman screamed, as she launched lighting at Powerful Wonder Woman.

Powerful Wonder Woman just got out her shield and blocked the lightning, causing it to be reflected back at Catwoman.

"No!" Catwoman screamed as she was hit by the lightning and fell to the ground unconscious.

Powerful Wonder Woman stood over her in triumph and concern. "That was to easy."

Suddenly, boom tubes appeared and disappeared, taking the villains with them. Crazy Wonder Woman woke up and looked around, figured out what happened, then realised something. "Where is the child!?"

The other Wonder Woman looked around. "She gone!" Lame Wonder Woman reported.

"They must have kidnapped her." Cheesy Wonder Woman realised.

"And that means we have no choice but to take on Darkseid and his forces to get her back." Powerful Wonder Woman concluded.

Crazy Wonder Woman shrugged. "Fine by me. I've been wanting to kill the bastard ever since I got here."

She ran in a random direction, hoping it took her to Darkseid's palace, the other Wonder Woman barely being able to keep up with her.
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Part 10:

Childish Wonder Woman groaned as she woke up, and to her surprise, she wasn't bound and gagged. She looked around and saw that she was in a throne room, sitting on a red sofa, and Darkseid was sitting on his throne.

Childish Wonder Woman gasped. "Your Darkseid!"

Darkseid smiled. "Indeed I am."

"Your evil! Me and my sisters will stop you!" Childish Wonder Woman stated.

Darkseid just laughed. "And what makes you think they care about you?"

Childish Wonder Woman was confused. "What?"

"They let you get captured, therefore they don't care about you." Darkseid lied.

Childish Wonder Woman thought for a bit. "Your right, how can I get my revenge on them?"

Darkseid smiled. "Listen carefully...."


Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Darkseid's palace...

Crazy Wonder Woman returned from her recon, while the others had been resting and gathering energy in case they had needed to battle any of Darkseid's forces while waiting for the recon to be over.

"As far as I can tell, there are 3 entrances to Darkseid's palace." Crazy Wonder Woman explained. "The front door, a remote cabin and the back door." She then pointed at Powerful Wonder Woman. "Since you are the most powerful, you will go in through the front door. I am confident that you are powerful enough to defeat any threat."

Powerful Wonder Woman lifted any eyebrow. "Even Darkseid?"

Crazy Wonder Woman shrugged. "You might need some help with him, but hopefully by then we would have rescued the child and then, he'll be a piece of cake!" She then turned to Cheesy Wonder Woman. "Since you said you can jump really high, I feel confident that you can jump the wall at the back and sneak into the castle."

Cheesy Wonder Woman nodded.

"And I will go through the cabin, there's a secret entrance tunnel leading into the palace." Crazy Wonder Woman explained.

"What about me?" Lame Wonder Woman asked.

"In case the child escapes, I need you to wait for her, tell her what's going on, and then come help the rest of us defeat Darkseid." Crazy Wonder Woman explained.

Lame Wonder Woman sighed, but nodded.

Crazy Wonder Woman grinned. "Alright, let's go kick Darkseid's ass!"
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Part 11:

Powerful Wonder Woman slowly walked to the front gates, and kicked them open. The female furies were staring at her, weapons in hand.

Powerful Wonder Woman smiled. "Let's do this."

They then started fighting.



Cheesy Wonder Woman sneaked to the back of the palace and observed the guards for a bit.

They have a predictable pattern, which I can use to my advantage She figured out.

She waited until the guards were looking away and she jumped on the wall. She then used her Tiara as a boomerang and knocked out the 2 guards.

That was mercifully easy She thought as she made her way over to a door, when she stepped on a trap mine.

Oh no! She thought as gas poured out of the mine. She forced her body to move away from the gas, when the door opened. Before Cheesy Wonder Woman could turn around, she was chloroformed, by a strangely familiar presence.

Why do I always get chloroformed? Was her last thought before she fell unconscious.



Powerful Wonder Woman was starting to struggle. The Female furies were starting to grow tired. Unfortunately, so was she.

I need to defeat them, and quickly! She thought.

Suddenly, electric lashings wrapped around Powerful Wonder Woman, causing her to drop her sword and shield.

"No!" She screamed and realised that this was the doing of one of the female furies, and before she could grab her sword, she was chloroformed.

No, it can't be! Powerful Wonder Woman thought as she fell unconscious.


Lame Wonder Woman had fallen asleep with boredom, so chloroforming her was easy and just done to make sure she couldn't interfere.


Crazy Wonder Woman entered the cabin and looked around.

"Where is that tunnel!?" She bellowed.

Suddenly, she fell through a trapdoor and landed hard on her butt before being chloroformed.

The child she had betrayed us! She realised as she fell unconscious, and childish Wonder Woman watched her, smiling.
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Part 12:

Cheesy Wonder Woman woke up, and groaned. She was in one of Darkseid's dungeons. The good thing was that there was no dead bodies, the bad news was that the disgusting stench of death still hung in the air. And her bondage didn't help. Her lasso was currently tied around her crossed wrists and connected to her crossed ankles, putting her in a hogtie. However, it didn't help that somebody had then used a normal piece of rope and tied it into a crotchrope, and then connected it to her wrists, making it impossible to try and move without feeling some pleasure. It also didn't help that rope had then been wrapped above and below her breasts, which led to them became exposed, as the tight rope had caused them to expand and force the armour down. She felt very embarrassed.

"Are you OK?" A voice from above asked.

Cheesy Wonder Woman looked up and saw Powerful Wonder Woman was tied much tighter than her. She was tied to a pole and her lasso had been used to mummify her torso and trap her arms at her sides. Then rope had been used to mummify the rest of her, everything from the bottom of her heels, right up to just below her neck.

"I think so, but it's very hard to concentrate." Cheesy Wonder Woman admitted.

"I can see why." Powerful Wonder Woman admitted, looking down at Cheesy Wonder Woman's breasts and crotch.

Cheesy Wonder Woman Blushed and decided to move on to other topics. "What about the others?"

Powerful Wonder Woman looked at them so Cheesy Wonder Woman wouldn't have to do so. "The violent one is lashed to a pole like me. Her lasso is wrapped around her neck and chains are wrapped all around her. She has also been gagged with a ball-gag before being wrapped in duct-tape. The blonde one is eagle-tied to a bed with rope and the child is nowhere to be seen."

"That's how Darkseid must have gotten her to turn against us, use her childish mind against us!" Cheesy Wonder Woman realised.

Powerful Wonder Woman nodded grimly. "If only we could talk to her for a just a few minutes...." She trailed off as she began to struggle again. "I like being tied up, but I don't want it to be the last thing I do!"

"Nice to see that I'm not the only one who likes to be tied up." Cheesy Wonder Woman admitted.

Powerful Wonder Woman just blushed. "How often has it happened to you? It has only happened to me 2 or 3 times."

"An embarrassing amount of times." Cheesy Wonder Woman replied.

They then spent a few minutes sharing their bondage stories.

"I see." Powerful Wonder Woman admitted. "Have you told Steve about your feelings for him?"

"No." Cheesy Wonder Woman admitted.

"Do it as soon as you get the chance." Powerful Wonder Woman commanded.

Cheesy Wonder Woman nodded. Suddenly, she threw her head back. "I can't hold it in any longer."

As she screamed in pleasure, Crazy and Lame Wonder Woman woke up. Crazy Wonder Woman started to struggle, but was forced to stop because of the rope around her neck. So she was reduced to muffled curses, while Lame Wonder Woman couldn't be bothered to try and get out.

As Cheesy Wonder Woman's orgasms were dying down, Abner Smith entered the dungeon.

"What do you want?" Powerful Wonder Woman asked.

"While I love crime and money, I don't want to see the multiverse be destroyed." Abner Smith explained.

"And in return?" Lame Wonder Woman asked.

Abner Smith walked over to her. "You don't arrest me and I get to go out on a date with you."

Lame Wonder Woman sighed exasperatedly. "Fine. But no kissing or touching unless I approve of it!"

Abner Smith nodded. "Acceptable terms." He then started to untie Lame Wonder Woman.
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Part 13:

The female Furies stood outside the dungeon, waiting. Suddenly, three lassos of truth came out of the dungeon and wrapped up the six Female Furies, since they were standing so close to each other, and the Wonder Women holding them stepped out, along with the one who wasn't.

"The lasso of truth compels you to tell the truth." Lame Wonder Woman said. "Now, tell us everything we need to know in order to defeat Darkseid and rescue the other Wonder Woman."

The next hour was spent on all of the Female Furies telling the Wonder Women everything they needed to know.

"I see." Powerful Wonder Woman said and she turned to crazy Wonder Woman. "Go and secure them, I will talk with the others and Abner Smith about our next course of action."

Crazy Wonder Woman grinned as she grabbed Lashina's Steel Charged Whips and extended them around the Female Furies before removing the lasso's and dragged them to the dungeon, where she took the chains and wrapped around their necks.

"Move too much bitches, and you will all die." Crazy Wonder Woman grinned. The Female Furies just glared at her, but stayed silent.

Knowing that she was once again, the superior being, Crazy walked back to the others, who appeared they had finished talking.

"We have a plan." Powerful Wonder Woman announced. "You and me are going to defeat Darkseid, while the others are going to go after the child and turn her back to the good side, and Abner Smith will stay here to avoid suspicions if any guards come."

"Sounds good, let's go." Crazy Wonder Woman agreed. And the two left.


As Crazy Wonder Woman and Powerful Wonder Woman were on their way to Darkseid, they came across the Mistress, Catwoman and The Baroness.

Crazy Wonder Woman grinned. "Time for a good fight."

Powerful Wonder Woman shook her head. "No, we need to save our energy for Darkseid."

Crazy Wonder Woman just sighed, but nodded. The 2 of them got out their lasso's. They threw it around The Mistress and the Baroness, trapping their arms to their sides. They then slammed them into Catwoman and the 3 of them was unconscious.

"Well that was easy." Crazy Wonder Woman commented once she and Powerful Wonder Woman retrieved their lasso's and wrapped them up in chains against pillars. "Now let's kill Darkseid!"

Suddenly, Powerful Wonder Woman chloroformed Crazy Wonder Woman.

"I'm sorry, but this necessary." Powerful Wonder Woman explained.

Crazy Wonder Woman gave her the middle finger as she fell unconscious.


Meanwhile, Childish Wonder Woman was in a control room, when Cheesy and Lame Wonder Woman came in.

"Darkseid said you don't care about me!" Childish Wonder Woman screeched.

"But has he proved he cares about you?" Cheesy Wonder Woman asked.

Childish Wonder Woman broke down into tears. "He hasn't!"

Cheesy and Lame Wonder Woman comforted her and hugging her.

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong." Cheesy Wonder Woman assured her, everything was going to be alright. Plus it gave me the best orgasm of my life!


Crazy Wonder Woman woke up, and was annoyed. Her lasso was currently tied around her crossed wrists and connected to her crossed ankles, putting her in a hogtie. However, it didn't help that Powerful Wonder Woman had then used a normal piece of rope and tied it into a crotchrope, and then connected it to her wrists, making it impossible to try and move without feeling some pleasure. It also didn't help that rope had then been wrapped above and below her breasts, which led to them became exposed, as the tight rope had caused them to expand and force the armour down.

Powerful Wonder Woman was standing above her. "I'm sorry I had to do this, but I don't think we can beat Darkseid, not without lots of death and destruction."

Crazy Wonder Woman just shook her head in anger. She tried to curse, but then realised she was ballgagged, muffling whatever she was saying.

"So I will make Darkseid a deal, one he will not be able to refuse." She then turned around, revealing her crossed and lasso bound hands. "It wasn't easy self-tying myself, but I managed. See you later."

She then walked off, leaving Crazy Wonder Woman to struggle. She tried to untie herself, but the amount of struggling meant her crotch-rope did the job it was intended for. This caused her to orgasm multiple times and eventually pass out.


"My lord, we caught one of the intruders." Desaad revealed, with Powerful Wonder Woman coming in with multiple armed guards flanking her and her hands still bound behind her back.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Darkseid asked.

"I will make you a deal. Leave Earth alone and we won't tell New Genesis what your up to." Powerful Wonder Woman stated.

Darkseid chuckled. "And how could you possibly do that?"

Powerful Wonder Woman looked up. "Are you in position girls?"

The loudspeaker responded. "Yes."

Darkseid was angry. "What!?"

"You lied to me!" Childish Wonder Woman said over the loudspeaker.

Darkseid sighed. "Oh very well, you can all go home."


All of the Wonder Women were standing outside their respective boom tubes, ready to go home. They had their villains bound and gagged with their lasso's. With the exception of Abner Smith, who was completely unrestrained.

"Next time I meet you, there will be hell to pay." Crazy Wonder Woman told Powerful Wonder Woman as she went into her boom tube and left.

"I will be less lame!" Lame Wonder Woman told Cheesy Wonder Woman as she left.

"I will be more mature!" Childish Wonder Woman Said to Cheesy and Powerful Wonder Woman as she left.

"I will tell Steve how I feel!" Cheesy Wonder Woman told Powerful Wonder Woman as she left.

Powerful Wonder Woman just smiled as she left.
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Crazy Wonder Woman stared at Catwoman as she was led away, anti-lighting restraints being used to prevent her from using her powers.

If I ever meet the most powerful of my sisters again, I'm going to embarrass her so bad that she'll regret existing. Crazy Wonder Woman thought as she went back to everyone cowering in fear of her.


Lame Wonder Woman walked out of the clothes shop feeling better than ever. She was wearing a blue jacket with the logos of the other Wonder Women on it, black sports bra, black shorts with white stars on them and flat short black boots.

Now this, is not lame! She thought as she ran off the fight crime, oblivious to everyone staring at her.


Childish Wonder Woman was dressed up at home. She was wearing a black dress that looked like it had been designed by savages.

And now I am going to stop being childish and have sex with Steve Trevor! She thought as she left for Steve's place.


Cheesy Diana Prince knocked on Steve Trevor's door. "Can I come in?"

Steve nodded and Diana came in. He had all of the shutters closed because it was summer and he was trying to stay cool. "What's up?"

Diana simply let down her gorgeous hair and took off her glasses. And before Steve could say a word, Diana spun and transformed into Cheesy Wonder Woman. He was speechless. She just smiled and kissed him on the lips. He kissed her back and they slowly sunk to the floor...


Powerful Wonder Woman returned to her time.

"I hope I see them again, especially the one who had the orgasm." She said to herself and wandered off into the night.
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I haven't finished reading this yet, but the basic premise is actually pretty cool. The story itself is pretty good so far, though I have only gotten up through the end of part II. One note: if using the 'magic belt' feature from the Lynda Carter TV show, it was the source of her power when away from her home on paradise island -- hence Diana would not have lost her powers when it was removed on the island, which would have been a really neat plot twist.
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dravatar wrote:
4 years ago
I haven't finished reading this yet, but the basic premise is actually pretty cool. The story itself is pretty good so far, though I have only gotten up through the end of part II. One note: if using the 'magic belt' feature from the Lynda Carter TV show, it was the source of her power when away from her home on paradise island -- hence Diana would not have lost her powers when it was removed on the island, which would have been a really neat plot twist.
Thanks for the feedback! Diana was still tied up with the lasso (which is something that never happened in the show) and I'm making it so that it makes her lose her powers if she's tied up with it, regardless of where she is.
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