“Wonder Woman: Bloodlines” animated movie

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If the posters are any indicator, this looks to be great! Looking forward to see Wonder Woman’s villains teams up against her!
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Not so thrilled about how the latest incarnation of Silver Swan looks a lot more like Harpy from The Hulk.

The whole idea of the Swan character was supposed to be how a girl changes from ordinary, shy and ugly into a beautiful and powerful Swan with an amazing voice, a perfect body and luxuriant hair. This is a power fantasy, with equal parts male voyeurism (transformation fetish) and female wish-fulfillment (a female counterpart to, say, Shazam) to which we can easily relate on the Forum. To quote the character's Wiki page: "Alexandros, Beaudry and Kapatelis all believe they are undesirable or unwanted, only to find themselves transformed into extraordinarily beautiful (and vengeful) super-powered women."

Over the course of several iterations it's strayed farther and farther from the initial creator's intent, and this current incarnation of Vanessa looks like the usual tendencies of some Current Year uglification (for example, the gym-bro She-Hulk in the recent Avengers comic). Certainly this character never had 'claws' before, or a shaved head with mohawk.

Otherwise than that, though, the villainesses look great - even Diana still looks gorgeous even though she's more covered up than in the past - and I'm looking forward to checking this out. Hopefully it's nonstop action and adventure!
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That's one of my least favorite Wonder Woman character designs. It looks like a bad Wonder Woman cosplayer.

I prefer her classic look, but if you're going to give her a sword, why wouldn't you use the movie costume?

Silver Swan? More like Turkey Buzzard.
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I'll pass. Really don't understand why they persist in putting her in this fugly costume in the animated movies? DC made a big hoo-ha during Rebirth about how they were aligning their comic-book properties to the DC movie-verse, hence why Diana (out of nowhere) suddenly ditched her New 52 costume (no loss mine you) and donned the Gal Gadot version. So why do they continue to depict her in this X-Men -esque get up? It's NOT Wonder Woman.
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Are those the Golden Kneepads of Aphrodite she's wearing?
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