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She was trapped! She could feel the four smooth walls of her lightless prison but was unable to see a thing. Desperately she pressed her gloved hands all around her, searching for a way to escape. Fighting against her rising panic, she forced herself to relax.

But it was no use; nothing she tried seemed to help. Just as she was about to give way to despair, suddenly the back wall of the enclosure sprang open, catapulting her backward. Her nylon-clad feet were unable to find purchase and she tumbled to the wooden stage floor, landing hard on her backside. Her eyes narrowed as she saw HIM standing beside the newly created opening.

“Brian! I swear I’m going to kill you!” yelled the disheveled seventeen year old Tina Drake as she picked herself up. She tried vainly to brush off the dirt, as well as the embarrassment, of her situation. “If you think I’m ever getting back in that deathtrap you’re out of your mind!”

“Geez Tina, I’m sorry,” whined Brian Lawson, the erstwhile amateur magician. “You know that The Disappearing Cabinet trick will be an incredible finale to the show.”

Fuming, the beautiful girl replied, “It was almost MY finale! Where was the hidden release button that’s supposed to be on the back door? Did you buy this thing from the cheapest magic shop in the city?” Tina knew she had made a mistake agreeing to be ‘The Amazing Brian’s’ assistant in the Gotham High School annual student talent show. Just as she feared, not only was he a lousy illusionist but he seemed to get even more distracted by the sight of Tina in her sequined leotard and tights costume.

Glumly, the boy in the oversized top hat and tattered cap replied, “Um…, I didn’t buy it. I had to build it myself from plans on the internet. I guess I forgot to put in the interior door release.”

“Last year your birdhouse project in wood shop almost put Mr. Harrison in the hospital. What made you think you could build a disappearing cabinet?” asked Tina.

“It was the only way to get one! I went to 15 different stores, but every place in Gotham City has had to close down because of all the magic shop break-ins. Come on Tina, please don’t quit. We’ll practice again tomorrow and by next Friday we’ll have it down perfect.”

Distractedly the young girl replied, “Yeah, sure Brian.” But her attention was now on what her rather inept magical partner had just said. She remembered reading something about one or two of the magic shop robberies, but she had no idea the problem was as bad as this. There had to be some connection and she knew just the person to investigate…

Later that evening, the beautiful high school student Tina Drake had changed into her alter-ego, that of the young crimefighting superheroine known to the world as Robin, the Girl Wonder. She now wore a bright red vested tunic with yellow laces on the chest and her famous “R” insignia, short green sleeves, green trunks, boots, & gloves, short yellow silken cape, small black eye mask, thin utility belt, and sheer tan tights over her trim, athletic legs.

She sat at the control station of the powerful Batcomputer, located in the recesses of the Batcave, the enormous headquarters of her legendary mentor Batman. She pondered this latest criminal conundrum.

Using the powerful computer’s vast resources, the beautiful young heroine was able to determine that every magic shop in the city had been hit by a powerful criminal, whose aim seemed more to force the shops to close than to actually steal anything. There was a definite slant towards destruction and intimidation, more so than towards burglary.

In each case, either witnesses or surveillance systems reported the presence of a dark, shadowy figure, accompanied by a pair of shapely associates. Shopkeepers told tales of
supernatural powers and spells as their stores were ransacked and they themselves frightened beyond belief. While Robin had faced her share of criminals and villains, their powers always relied on technology, tricks, or brute force. She was skeptical about these claims of “real magic.”

Suddenly the teen wonder noticed a small icon appear at location near the city’s business district. It seemed as if a new store specializing in magic and illusion had recently opened, and had so far gone unnoticed by whatever criminal forces had plagued all the others.

“Hmm, Abracadabra, Incorporated. Illusions and novelties,” mused the young crimefighter. “Well, they’re somehow involved in this mystery or are about to become its next victims. Either way, I think it’s time to pay them a visit.” She decided against trying to contact her mentor, Batman. She didn’t think a minor crime spree like this was worth interrupting his current undercover assignment with the Justice League.

It was almost completely dark by the time Robin was parking her RobinCycle several blocks away from the newly-opened magic store. As night wore on she slowly made her way toward its location, carefully on alert. Until she knew the story behind this new shop, she wasn’t taking any chances.

As she drew near she saw that Abracadabra, Inc. was the first tenant in a newly refurbished business plaza. While all the other spaces looked to be in differing states of construction, the magic store’s windows were already filled with posters and merchandise. The sign on the front door indicated that the store had closed several hours ago.

After doing a careful check of the building’s perimeter, the lovely young heroine made her way to the rear door accessing the store’s interior. Detecting no video cameras or entry alarms, she used the lock-pick set she kept in the utility belt fastened around her trim waist. She was able to defeat the lock easily and silently made her way into the store’s rear door.

Refastening the door behind her, Robin crept along the back area of the shop. In the dim after-hours lighting she made out the normal things you would expect to find behind the scenes in a normal retail store, as well as stacks and shelves of boxes of merchandise inventory waiting to be sold.

Silently she crept through the partition of hanging beads into the public area of the store. Making her way up and down through the rows of items, she could find nothing suspicious. It was looking more and more as if this were indeed a legitimate retail store, which made it all the more possible that it may become the criminal’s next target.

It was then that she heard the sound of a key being placed in the back door lock. She quickly made her way to the beaded back area door. As she watched, three figures entered from the outside.

First came two very shapely young women that looked to be no older than twenty. One African-American and one Caucasian, both wearing long-sleeved gold leotards, covered with flashy sequins, and flesh-tone footed tights embedded with small rhinestones. Both girls also wore small ballet-type slippers.

They were followed by a mid-thirties male with dark complexion wearing an old-fashioned full tuxedo, complete with an elaborate boutonniere, top hat, and long black cape, carrying what could only be described as a textbook magic wand.

As the teen superheroine watched, the trio made their way over to the back office table. Sitting, the nylon-clad young women looked expectantly at their male counterpart. “My lovely assistants,” he began, “you’ve done very well. In just a few short weeks we’ve eliminated all the so-called ‘magic shops’ in town, leaving us the only true masters of the mystical arts around. People will now come to know the true nature of real magic.”

Robin was almost disappointed by what she was hearing. This was nothing more than the simple crimes of someone who wanted to get rid of his competition. She knew that taking down these three would be an easy evening’s work. She readied herself to end their criminal schemes.

Boldly the teen superheroine emerged through the beaded partition. The three villains whirled to see her assume her classic hands-on-hips stance. “All right you misguided magician,” Robin said forcefully. “It looks like the curtain is coming down on your performance.”

“Well, if it isn’t Gotham’s own Robin the Girl Wonder!” exclaimed the dark skinned male. “To what do we owe the honor of your presence?”

“I’m here to put you out of business,” replied the beautiful teenager. “And ensure that the legitimate magic shop owners of the city see justice done.”

“Legitimate?!” cried the rising magician. “It is only I, Merlin, that can lay true claim to being a real practitioner of mysticism! Those other charlatans are nothing more than fakes, unworthy to gaze upon my greatness!” At this grandiose pronouncement the two obvious henchgirls stood and applauded their criminal master.

Oh brother, thought the teen heroine. Talk about delusions of grandeur. Aloud she said, “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you Merlin, but I’m afraid that ‘your greatness’ will be spending the next few years in prison.”

The villainous magician’s eyes narrowed as he regarded the Girl Wonder. “My dear little girl,” cooed Merlin, “I’m afraid it’s YOU who are about to be disappointed.” Gesturing to his shapely assistants, he said, “Hocus, Pocus, let’s take care of our uninvited little guest, shall we?” With that, the two henchgirls launched themselves across the table toward the solitary young heroine.

As the villainous vixens approached, Robin leapt up, grabbing the door frame above. Swinging her nylon-clad legs forward, she delivered a powerful kick to the upper chests of the beautiful villainesses. Stunned, they toppled backwards, landing on the hard store floor.

As she released the door frame her gloved hands became entangled in the strings of beads hanging down. As she worked her hands free, this gave the evil Merlin an opportunity. Trotting toward the momentarily distracted teen heroine, he reached his white-gloved hand toward his left sleeve cuff. With a tug he sent a stream of colorful scarves shooting from his left sleeve at the struggling heroine.

Just as she freed her hands from the beadwork, the dastardly scarves reached Robin and began encircling her entire body. She began to frantically struggle against the silky fabric as it entwined her arms, torso, and legs. Within just a few seconds she was wrapped within this slippery, colorful fabric ribbon.

Desperately the trapped teenager spun around with her back facing the oncoming villain. She then purposely fell onto her back. Using the limited mobility in her hopelessly bound legs, she planted her booted feet against one side of the doorjamb and kicked mightily. The silky bonds holding her allowed her to shoot almost frictionless across the smooth concrete floor.

She slid directly between the recovering henchgirls and several yards away from Merlin’s approach. As she slowed to a stop on the other side of the large back area, she noticed the scarves had loosened their evil grip during her slide. She was able to quickly shrug off the silky bonds and regain her feet.

Looking up she saw the villain and his recovered henchgirls drawing near. She was being backed up toward the looming shelves of merchandise. With a smile she reached above and behind her, her gloved hands finding a large cardboard packing carton. With a shove she pulled the carton forward to toss it onto the evil trio.

But just as the heavy carton cleared the shelf, its bottom gave way. Instantly the teen heroine was bombarded by hundreds of small stuffed white rabbits. She was unable to keep her knees from buckling under the oppressing onslaught. The henchgirls were quick to take advantage of Robin’s misfortune. The beautiful young girl suddenly felt the powerful grip of the villainous young women as they grabbed her forearms and pulled her roughly forward.

Still dazed, Robin was held fast in the grip of Hocus and Pocus. She struggled weakly but needed a few moments to recover. Moments that were not going to be given to her. Merlin was instantly before her and raised his magic wand. “Oh, that was very naughty indeed my girl,” crowed the magician. “I think we need to help you settle down just a bit.”

He placed the end of his wand against the buckle of the weakened girl’s utility belt. With a small spark, the Girl Wonder’s belt buckle parted, allowing her fabulous utility belt to fall to the floor. Robin gasped as she became a truly helpless captive of these evil magicians. “Stop this!” she pleaded as she struggled futilely within the grasp of the powerful henchgirls. “Let me… go!”

“Not on your life, Girl Wonder,” replied the maniacal Merlin. “But I do want our time together to be pleasant. How about some nice flowers?” With a flick of his right wrist a small bouquet of colorful fake flowers popped out of his sleeve and into his hand. Knowingly both Hocus and Pocus turned their heads aside and held their breath as Merlin brought the flowers close to the captured heroine’s face.

Suddenly a small puff of gas shot forth from the bouquet directly into the powerless teenager’s face. Unable to avoid the spray, Robin felt suddenly very weak, unable to keep her eyes open. “No… please,” she moaned softly. “Can’t… stay… awake.”

Powerless against the effects of Merlin’s knockout gas, the beautiful helpless teenager slumped forward in the henchgirls’ grasp, completely vulnerable to whatever evil schemes awaited her at Merlin’s diabolical hands.
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nice intro, good to see you back in the mix again...
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Very Sweet Sign!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Gradually consciousness returned. Slowly the fog within the captured Robin’s mind began to dissipate. As it did so, the first thing she became aware of was a smell. After a few seconds she was able to identify it: sawdust. Groggily she began to open her eyes, blinking slowly to clear the remnants of Merlin’s knockout gas.

Becoming aware of her surroundings, the teen heroine realized with a start that she was unable to move; that her wrists and ankles were stretched out and fastened to a flat horizontal surface that seemed to be coated with a fine powdery substance. As she tried in vain to free herself she realized that the powder all around her was the sawdust she had awoken to.

She could see that she still wore her gloves and boots and feel the presence of her mask, thank goodness! Remembering her capture at the hands of the three arch-criminals, a glance confirmed that her precious utility belt had indeed been removed. Her struggles were to no avail as she remained helplessly fastened to the flat surface.

Trying to calm her rising panic, she began to take note of the room around her. After looking at the unused construction materials and unfinished walls and ceiling, she realized that she was being held in one of the unfinished retail spaces adjoining the magic shop. Her hopes were dashed as she looked and saw that the glassfront windows had been covered by construction drywall, effectively hiding her predicament from any passersby.

Just as she was drawing in a breath to yell for help, a voice behind her said, “Don’t bother screaming for help, my precious little bird.” Merlin’s smirking face came into view as he rounded the table upon which the Girl Wonder was hopelessly pinned. “Today is Saturday and there’s no one within five miles to hear your cries.”

Robin tried to sound defiant, “You know you’ll never get away with this, you magical maniac.”

“Oh, I’m truly hurt by your attitude,” chuckled the crafty criminal. “Especially after I went to all the trouble of luring you here. I would think that you would at least appreciate the effort.”

Robin’s cheeks blazed red with the realization that she had once again fallen into a villain’s well-planned trap. “So what do you want with me?”

It was then that the villainous magician’s shapely young assistants, Hocus and Pocus, came into view. They smiled down at the helpless young superheroine’s predicament. Merlin said, “Oh, it’s not you that I want at all. You’re just the bait for a somewhat bigger fish.”

Robin’s despair grew as she saw herself unwittingly used as a pawn to further this madman’s schemes. She said, “You may have captured me but Batman will never fall into your evil traps.”

The criminal trio all laughed at the teenage captive’s false bravado. The beautiful African-American henchgirl spoke. “Merlin, she thinks we’re after Batman! Isn’t that a scream?”

Greatly amused, the criminal mastermind said, “Yes it is, Pocus. A true ‘scream’ indeed. But let’s be careful and not reveal too much to our young prisoner.” He refocused his attention on Robin’s lithe body, struggling to free itself.

“You fiend!” the helpless Girl Wonder said. “You can’t use me to capture someone trying to rescue me. Who is it you want?” If only I could free myself of these restraints, she thought desperately. But it was no use; she was completely within their power.

Wagging a finger toward the struggling teenager, Merlin said, “Now, now, let’s not worry ourselves about that. Besides, we need to have a little chat.” Turning, he gestured grandly to the anxiously waiting nylon-clad henchgirls. They in turn walked behind Robin’s head, out of her field of view.

After an anxious moment they women walked back to where the prone heroine could see them, standing at the foot of the table holding her captive. Robin’s struggles renewed as she saw that Pocus was holding her utility belt. She also saw that standing beside Pocus, the red-haired Hocus was carrying a small plastic container.

“Now, my struggling young friend, I need your help,” began the magical criminal. Standing beside her helpless body, he gently tapped his ever-present magic wand on the beautiful teenage girl’s trim waist. “I need to know how to activate the famous rescue beacon you have hidden in your fantastic utility belt.”

Shocked, the teen captive replied, “I’ll never tell you anything! You’re insane if you think I’ll help you capture someone!” Her mind raced as she tried to figure out who in the world would even detect her beacon, since Batman was well outside the area.

With mock sadness, Merlin replied, “My poor dear, in a very short while, you’ll be begging to tell me everything I want to know.” And with that, he glanced meaningfully at Hocus.

With wide eyes the captured superheroine watched as the beautiful henchgirl reached down and removed Robin’s boots, exposing her lovely wriggling nylon-encased feet. “What… what are you… going to do?” asked the now frightened Girl Wonder.

Tossing the boots aside, the alluring villainess carefully loosened the top on the small plastic container. With an evil gleam, she moved along the table to stand beside Robin’s upper thighs where her shapely nylon-clad legs emerged from her bright green spandex trunks.

The helpless girl watched wide-eyed as Hocus began shaking a fine powder lightly over her struggling legs. The villainous vixen slowly applied the powder down Robin’s right leg and onto her foot, and then onto her trapped left foot and up her left leg as well.

As Hocus resumed her position at the foot of Robin’s prison, Merlin began, “You see my lovely young Robin, you will tell me. Everything.”

The look of fearful confusion on the teenage girl’s face was then replaced by a look of pure horror as the sensation began in her legs and feet. “No! You monster, you wouldn’t! You… uhhh!” She instantly realized the vile nature of the villain’s diabolical torture. “No…! Please…! Not… itching powder!”

Robin’s legs became engulfed by the most maddening itching sensation imaginable. Her back arched and her struggles became violent in her futile attempts to relieve the feeling of ten thousand ants crawling across her tights-encased legs and feet. “Aaarrggh…! Noooo…! Please…!”

Ignoring the anguished cries of the tortured young superheroine, Merlin said, “A quite nasty little form of persuasion, I must say. Using my own brand of super-strong itching powder will render you quite unable to resist my questions. Now, I’ll ask again, how do I activate your rescue beacon?”

Driven into a frenzy by the itching powder, Robin’s struggles only allowed more of the evil substance to slip within her tights and increase her torment. “Oh God…! No…! I… can’t… help… you…! Please…!” Tears fell down the beautiful young captive’s cheeks as she pleaded for mercy that was not to be.

“I can end this pointless suffering my dear,” the evil magician said all too calmly. “Now, for the last time, how do I activate the beacon?”

The battered young girl could no longer hold out against the devilish torture. “Oooohhh… nooooo! In the… third… compartment… on the left. Ahhh…! There’s a… hidden switch. Press it… twice… and… the beacon… activates… silently…! Please…! Make… it… stop…! Oooohhh…!”

Like a loving father, the evil Merlin reached down and gently stroked Robin’s cheek. “Thank you my precious. Pocus, if you would be so kind?”

Seemingly oblivious to the thrashing of the helpless yoiung heroine, Pocus found the hidden activation switch and depressed it twice. A very faint humming could be heard emitting from the utility belt.

“Excellent,” said the villain triumphantly. “And just to show you I’m a man of my word…” He reached with the end of his wand toward the Robin’s vulnerable neck. A slight spark seemed to jump from the and to the girl’s unprotected flesh, and instantly her eyes rolled up into her head and her thrashing struggles ceased as she fell unconscious.

“Perfect,” Merlin proclaimed to his eager assistants. “Now, let’s move quickly. Our next visitor will be here shortly.”
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Great update sign, I wonder who is going to fall into the trap? Can't wait to see
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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“…and on behalf of the entire Justice League, let me again say Thank You to everyone here at Gotham General Hospital for their work on the new Heroes’ Memorial Children’s Wing.” Thunderous applause greeted the superheroine's closing remarks as she shook hands and posed for pictures with the various dignitaries along the stage. Within a few minutes she was able to make her exit and leap gracefully into the air for her flight back home.

It’s nice to have a really positive mission once in a while, the beautiful blonde superheroine thought smiling. Dressed in her traditional uniform of blue bodysuit, yellow belt, flesh colored tights, and red cape, skirt, and small ballet-like slippers, Supergirl enjoyed her leisurely flight home. She liked the way her cape and skirt fluttered in the wind.

Just as she was leaving the rural outskirts of Gotham County behind, the teenage heroine’s super-hearing detected the faintest of audible signals. Hovering in mid-air she turned back toward Gotham trying to make out the sound. After a moment her eyes widened as she realized the source of the noise. “Great Scott!” she exclaimed. “That’s Robin’s emergency rescue beacon!”

Instantly the Maiden of Might flew quickly, racing back toward the city, concentrating to locate the source of the alert. I’d better be on my guard, she thought, realizing that Robin’s mentor Batman was out of the area on assignment. She wished she could know the nature of the predicament the Girl Wonder was in.

Supergirl adjusted her course a bit as she homed in on a shopping center in Gotham City’s business district. The sign above a middle store listed its name as Abracadabra, Inc. Magic and Novelties. But the beacon seemed to be coming from an unfinished area next door. With a burst of super-speed the powerful young heroine crashed right through the roof of the unfinished store, intent on catching whoever was inside by surprise.

Coming to a fast stop inside the space, she saw what could only be described as a tuxedo-wearing stage magician and his beautiful African-American assistant as they spun toward her in open-mouthed shock. She instantly noticed a large table in the center of the room. Beside the table was a large circular saw, its razor sharp blade spinning hungrily.

And lying trapped beneath the blade she saw the familiar form of Robin, struggling against bonds holding her gloved wrists and booted feet fast to the table. The blade was poised just inches above the utility belt around he Girl Wonder’s trim waist, its beacon still emitting the alert call. A black executioner-style hood had been draped dramatically over her head.

Without hesitation the Girl of Steel used her super-breath and propelled Merlin and his henchgirl Pocus across the room to land roughly against the far wall several yards away. In a burst of speed she was then beside Robin’s struggling form. Using her invulnerability and super-strength, she grabbed the spinning blade and ripped it from its housing. She dropped it to the floor beyond the table with a loud CLANG of metal on concrete.

“It’s OK Robin. I got here just in time,” said the relieved Supergirl. Bending forward she gently pulled the black hood from the prone girl’s head, saying, “I can’t wait to hear THIS story.”

As the hood pulled away the blonde heroine gasped in surprise, for beneath it was not the short brunette hair and masked face of her friend and fellow superheroine Robin, but the unmasked unfamiliar face and full red hair of someone she had never seen before.

“Oh, it’s a great story Supergirl,” said the leering redhead wearing a duplicate Robin costume. “And I can’t wait to tell it. But the name’s Hocus.” And faster than the confused kryptonian could make sense of what was happening, Hocus pulled free from the bonds which she had only pretended were fastened and slipped her hand into a slot in the table.

Her hand re-emerged and reached directly toward Supergirl holding a brightly glowing green stone. Supergirl’s expression turned to one of pain and weakness as the small chuck of kryptonite had its effect. “Nooo… Kryptonite! Getting… weak.” She felt as if her strength had suddenly dropped away and she became woozy in the presence of the deadly radiation.

As the blonde heroine’s eyes narrowed and her nylon-clad legs began to buckle, Hocus put her free arm around her new captive’s waist. The evil henchgirl slid herself off the table’s surface and at the same time pulled the moaning weakened young girl upon it. Keeping the diabolical green stone close to Supergirl’s body, Hocus pulled her to the middle of the table, where she herself had laid moments ago.

“Yes, Supergirl, kryptonite indeed,” said a recovering Merlin as he and Pocus made their way to the table. “One of the so-called magicians here in Gotham had that little prize in his display case, calling it the Mystical Gem of Al-Kazaar. The fool didn’t even realize what he had, and it fits so nicely into my plans.”

The superheroine had been rendered completely powerless by the kryptonite. She was as weak as a kitten and totally helpless. She breathed, “You… fiend. Who… are you? And what… have you done… with Robin?”

“I am Merlin, at your service milady. And please don’t worry dear girl,” cooed the evil illusionist. “After she so kindly told us how to lure you here, we gently locked that delightful little birdy away in one of my special disappearing cabinets. She was merely the bait, whereas you my darling are the real prey, thanks to your well-publicized visit to Gotham City today.”

At a glance from their master, the henchgirls Hocus and Pocus each moved to opposite sides of the table. Placing the kryptonite stone on the table a few inches away from the captured heroine’s waist, Hocus, and then Pocus, placed firm restraining hands on Supergirl’s forearms and tights-covered legs. “What… are you… going to do… with me..?” asked the immobilized young teenage heroine.

Smiling victoriously, Merlin gazed at his helpless victim. “I’m going to become the most powerful magician in the entire world. By using my magic to absorb your amazing powers, I’ll be unstoppable! Even your vaunted Justice League will be crushed by my awesome might!”

Unable to resist, the powerless young girl watched as Merlin moved to stand beside her head. He raised what appeared to be a magic wand and began waving it over her weakened body. She gasped as a bright glow began to emanate from her body and she felt suddenly as if her very essence were being drained. Barely able to breathe now, the captured heroine helplessly laid there, feeling as if she might fade away at any instant.

“God, you’re worse than that geek Brian,” said a familiar feminine voice. Merlin’s head spun around as he saw the beautiful form of Robin standing behind him, still missing her boots and utility belt. He was too stunned to move as her gloved hand shot out and grabbed the wand from him and snap it over her nylon-clad knee.

As fury began to replace surprise, Merlin stammered, “But… you’re…”

“Really pissed off,” finished the glaring Girl Wonder, who then delivered a lightning fast kick to the magician’s chin, knocking him out cold. Turning her attention to the remaining henchgirls, Robin said, “Now, as for you two, leave… my… friend… ALONE.”

The Girl Wonder then leapt up, hands outstretched and did a perfect handspring onto the table, snatching at the stone that was robbing Supergirl of her powers. But the evil women alongside had other ideas. Just as the teenage gymnast was vaulting over the table, they both grabbed her shapely legs, robbing her of her forward momentum.

Thinking just alike, Hocus and Pocus then used their strong grip on Robin’s legs to toss her across the room, landing stunned against the wall. She struggled to clear her head and stand, watching as the menacing young women moved closer. Holding a small metal can, Pocus tossed it toward the recovering young girl and said, “Here Robin, have some candy.”

The small can hit the floor just in front of Robin, and broke apart as several large fabric-covered springs burst out and encircled the surprised young superheroine. “Uhhh… Can’t… move!” Robin gasped as she tried to free herself from the dastardly crushing coils. She fell to her side struggling hopelessly against their grip. The evil henchgirls smiled as their smaller captive lay before them.

All at once Robin’s writhing body stilled. Hocus and Pocus looked at her curiously as one of Robin’s gloved hands pulled slightly free from the entangling coils. Robin slowly smiled as she opened her hand to reveal, pinched between her fingers, a small glowing green stone.

The villainous vixens stared at one another for the briefest instant, just as a red and blue blur swooped upon them and powerfully slammed their bodies together, knocking them senseless and dropping them like a ton of bricks.

The still entangled Girl Wonder then flicked with her wrist, sending the kryptonite fragment to the far corner of the large room. This allowed Supergirl to close in and easily tear free the springs that had ensnared her helpless friend.

As the protégé of Gotham’s greatest hero kneeled over the unconscious form of Hocus to retrieve her utility belt and boots, she said, “I’m sorry I got you into this Supergirl. But if you hadn’t come by, I would’ve been finished.”

As she carried over the evil Merlin’s sleeping body to await the authorities along with his beautiful assistants, Supergirl replied, “I’m just glad I was able to help. But I have to ask, who exactly is ‘that geek Brian’?”


Thanks for the kind words. After a much-needed cruise vacation I am back. I'm enjoying writing stories of the female Robin. And it was fun to try my hand at Supergirl, although there are other writers here who do much better with her than I ever could. As always, your toughts and comments are welcome. And thanks for spending time in the worlds that I and the others who submit stories here create.
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Story General
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Great Story Sign! And you did a fine job with Supergirl so don't sell yourself short. If you don't mind me asking do you plan on doing another Emerald story any time soon?
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Thanks for the kind words. Yes I do have some rough preliminary ideas for more Emerald adventures. My biggest obstacle is my perfectionism and not wanting to duplicate or seem similar to what I or others have done before. But I am looking forward to having Emerald face off against some more villains in the near future.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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