SG&The Broker: United We Stand

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In Tokyo the traders were settling in to their new day, they followed their usual rituals, scanned the headlines, read the reports and prepared to execute their orders as best they could. This morning the main event would be the publishing of the quarterly balance of trade report and later in the day the interest rate meeting was due.

Expectations had been set, results anticipated reactions plotted, usually these events caused a little jolt to the markets as the equity traders sized up what the figures meant for the future and the currency traders sought to manage their exposure to the changing trends in the flow of money.

There was a low murmur in the trading halls and floors of the various brokerages. From the basement mail rooms to the executive offices of the top floors the atmosphere built as the mini flurry of action was preparing to be unleashed. The currency traders at the hedge funds prepared to re-balance the ballast tanks of their money laden enterprises while the investment bankers eyed their portfolios preparing to cut the dead wood and buy a potential rising star.

The key financial news ticker began, the digital Kanji script paring down the report to the key pieces of meat.

Exports Up , Imports Down ,not unexpected but the values were a shock. Buried in the imports report, key items like raw materials and energy were down heavily . The weak currency had stifled buying opportunities abroad and that was strangling the economy at home.

Trading became mute, uncertainty brewed and in all minds the thought was to wait and see what the interest rate meeting would decide. The sensation was though that while no one had screamed 'Fire' there were a few sniffs as the great collective wondered if they had sensed smoke.


Kara could only wonder what was going on behind her, Kimberly had drawn up something to sit on and had laid out her cables and prepared her inks and then had sat in silence. Kara could feel the slight sickening feeling of the green aura in the air around her and could only wait for what was to come.

Kimberly had her eyes shut as she sought a moment of clarity. Below her was the sound of the sea as it pounded the supports of the structure and she drew in the scent of the salty air, the new smell of freedom. In her minds eye she could see the design she wanted to put on the stretched out body infront of her and her eyes wrenched open as she superimposed her vision on to smooth perfect skin of Kara's back.


The tattoo gun came to life and Kimberly leant in close to Kara who flinched at the sound of the tool coming springing into action.

"Ngh...fuck" protested Kara subtly as the needle and its ink burrowed into her shoulder blade. She twisted to look behind her prompting a rough hand to make her stand still once more. One of Kara's booted feet rose from the floor as her body momentarily tensed before she stomped it down again, almost as a means of relief.

Kimberly gauged the blonde's reaction to the needle as the fine dots of ink started to form the foundation of her latest work of art, a sort of half smile, half snarl appearing on her face for a moment.

"For someone who probably hasn't felt pain before you are doing well ....." Kimberly said slyly as she placed a fraction more force into the machine as she continued her work.

Since her first encounter with Selena the heroine had truly learned a whole host of new sensations. Defeat, pain and humiliation had been inflicted on her but she had learned to embrace those feelings and accept them and by doing that she had tamed Selena just as Selena had tamed her.

Now Kara could feel the burn of the ink as Kimberly worked, it was just about bearable and Kara's eyes stung with her distress. Kara's mind whirled as she took in the reality of being marked, tainted even by Kimberly's artistry. Would Kimberly's great work be forever, the ink trapped beneath a layer of invulnerable skin, or , would her physiology destroy the ink that was trespassing into her body the moment her power returned?

"What will it be ..... when you are done ?" Kara asked, trying to take her mind off of her discomfort. Already she could feel the burning sensation starting to intensify in the area of Kimberly's focused efforts.

"It will be a surprise ....." Kimberly replied curtly, pausing a moment.

Kimberly resumed her work and Kara's flesh reddened in protest as Kimberly focused her sinister imagination into the pores of Kara's pale flesh, the merciless hum of the machine scoring out it's path along the heroine's back.

"Fuuuuck that stings ......." Kara protested.


Although it was mid Sunday evening in New York Bobby had remained at his office as he waited to see his plan take fruition. The epic war chest of cash that Mike Loughlan had assembled for him had been converted to Yen already and he was waiting to see if his plan would succeed.

Gradually their was a hint of movement on the dollar, the euro and the pound as well as other major currencies. The rumor was that there would be a backlash, that perhaps these other countries would seek to re-balance themselves with Japan or worse, Japan would fix the situation by themselves with an interest rate hike.

"Yes !" grinned Bobby as he could visibly see his gains accumulating before his very eyes as the uneasiness in the currency markets took hold.


Lucy looked up at Lisa, her eyes struggling a moment to focus on her tormentor.

"Wow .... this ........ went straight to my .......head ...." Lucy frowned as she tried to make sense of her situation.

Lisa placed a kiss onto Lucy's forehead and began to tug at the zipper of Lucy's suit.

"Oh sweet Lucy ......" smiled Lisa ".... cant you tell what I did ?" Lisa asked.

"Wha ...... what have you done ?" Lucy stammered as her eyes tracked Lisa's hand as it dragged down the zip of her suit, exposing her unitard underneath.

"Quarter of a roofies ....... into your drink ....." said Lisa as her hand plunged inside the suit coming to rest over the Asian's underarmour clad pussy. Lisa gently stroked at the channel between Lucy's legs and gradually carved out the groove marking the frontier between Lucy's labia.

Lucy's head flopped back submissively as she took in the sensation of being gently played with, completely powerless to defend herself. Her mind was dazed and it was hard to focus yet she knew she still had options to escape provide Lisa didn't find all her tools. So far she had been stripped of her hairpins and picks hidden about her head and ....

"Lets get you out of these clothes ....." Lisa said mischievously.

"Mmm.." moaned Lucy as she struggled to focus on her escape plan.

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Kara sweated from the pain she was enduring, Kimberly at times wiping the heroines skin dry with an old rag as she progressed across the blank canvas that was Kara's back.

"Please ...... stop ......... I need a break ...." Kara pleaded, her back was on fire from Kimberly's attention and nothing she could do gave her relief.

"Hush my pretty, you don't want to stop me now when it's going so well..." Kimberly replied as she continued to draw out her design.

One of Kara's thighs trembled with her discomfort and she stamped down again in frustration causing the grid floor to rattle beneath their feet. Kimberly glanced down and shook her head, a smile on her face, the superheroine really was powerless to stop her, just as all her other victims had been.

"Well ..... could you .... just ....... god........." Kara stammered.

"Could I what ....?" Kimberly grunted in annoyance.

"Something cool ..... just to ......." Kara continued.

"Fine ....." Kimberly snarled.

Kimberly shut off her tool in annoyance and rose from her stool like seat and kicked it over as she moved away, trailing away the tattoo machine with its cables. Kara flinched in fear as she realised she had angered the giant who was unseen behind her.

"Please ... I only want you to ....... " Kara panicked slightly as she could hear the anger in Kimberly's foot steps alone.

Unseen behind Kara the powerful framed Kimberly had found a fresh water hose that was to wash down equipment that had been immersed in sea water and turned it on. The long flexible hose twitched and convulsed as the water flowed and Kimberly directed the jet at the heroines back.

The freezing water gave a millisecond of relief from the fiery pain of the tattoo work before it became a whole new torment of its own. The heroine clammed up with the extreme cold, her breath was crushed out of her lungs by her convulsing muscles while her outstretched arms pulled taught at her restraints.

Kimberly trained the jet back and forth over the heroines back, Kara shuddering with the intense cold as she slumped down, her weight held by the eyebolts driven into her bones.

"Is that better ?" Kimberly asked almost innocently.

Kara convulsed, her legs buckling as she struggled to even breath.

"FUCK ..... YOU .....!" Protested Kara one forced word at a time.

Kimberly flung the end of the hose down and turned off the water while Kara's drenched body dripped, her wet skin glistened with a hint of green reflecting the power sapping glow around her. Some water had fallen into her boots and her feet grew numb as a result but all she could do was shiver uncontrollably as she took weight back onto her legs. Kimberly folded her arms as she looked over her victim, a stern look of disappointment on her face.

"Now you are all cold and wet ...... Ill have to fix that ..." Kimberly said calmly and walked away leaving Kara alone, mostly naked and shivering.


Lisa knelt astride Lucy who was docile naked and cuffed lying on her back on the sofa, the effect of her spiked beer taking full effect.

"Now, your highness, lets see what else you have here ...." Lisa said with a wide grin on her face.

"Good luck ....... you ....... you better find everything ...... or else ...." Lucy said with great difficulty. She was barely coherent, her mind wasn't gone but everything was an epic struggle.

"Oh, so there IS more ..." teased Lisa as with slow gentle strokes with her fingertips she began to seek out any hidden little lock picks.

Lucy groaned as she realised she had inadvertently confirmed what Lisa suspected and she could only lay back as she felt the search resume. Lisa began to run her fingers down Lucy's upper arms and forearms down to her hands then carefully between her fingers then back up again.

"Oh ..... whats this ....." Lisa said with surprise.

"Jeez ... too much time ..... with TSA ......." moaned Lucy.

In the crease of her skin where her upper arms and forearms met thin ceramic lock picks were hidden under a thin flesh coloured layer of painted on liquid latex. Carefully Lisa picked at the film of latex and plucked out the little lock picks. They were tiny yet no doubt they could be used to wedge open the ratchet mechanism of the handcuffs.

"I bet you have more .." Lisa teased as she resumed her careful search her hands carefully checking the almost shelf like grooves around Lucy's collarbones before working lower, using the search as an excuse to explore the Asian's breasts and .....

"God dammit ......" protested Lucy as she felt Lisa catch the edge of a pick that lay vertically in her cleavage between her breasts.

With one hand Lisa gently picked away latex concealing the next little implement as she leant forward and kissed Lucy who moaned at the duality of being sensually disarmed.

"You are a very sneaky princess ...... if you're hiding stuff up here" Lisa teased as she tweaked a nipple as she continued.

" then....... what are you hiding ..... down ...." Lisa said as she loomed over Lucy, their eyes locked together.

Lucy's eyes widened as she sensed Lisa's free hand settle out of sight onto her bellybutton, behind Lisa's back. The fingers almost walked spider like , lower, lower, lower towards the short soft fuzz around her pussy.

Lucy's legs squirmed with pleasure as Lisa's fingers gently combed the short downy hair before cupping Lucy's intimate spot. Lisa detected Lucy's excitement straightaway but she wasn't going to get distracted so easily and gently checked amongst the folds of soft skin before removing her hand and licking her fingers.

"Just a few places to check and then I think I can safely say you will be ready for bed ..." Lucy grinned.

"Bed .... but ......." mumbled Lucy, barely able to concentrate.

"Uh huh ..... " Lisa confirmed "Didn't you know, I don't work tomorrow but Ill be on call over next weekend instead."

"So .... " frowned Lucy drowsily.

"That's right .... you're all mine......." Lisa said as she dismounted the prone Asian.

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The build up is killing me :evil:
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Hi all - I know its been a little while, Summertime huh !


"See ..... I did not let you down ....." hissed the voice from the darkness.

"What have we done ..?!" whimpered Bobby

"I am doing my part ..... and she lives ........ now you must continue to do yourssssss"

"She lives ..... you swear ....?" Bobby pleaded.

"It was our bargain ......" the ominous voice said as it faded away.

"Bobby ..." said a new voice warmly.

"Wha ...." groaned Bobby.

"Bobby ...." replied the voice more strongly.

Bobby flinched, his eyes snapping open in an instant, the momentary confusion of not understanding where he was was evident in his reaction.

"Bobby .....are you okay ? Did you stay at the office all weekend ?" Gina, his personal assistant asked with disbelief.

"Oh ..... wow ... what time is it .......?" Bobby replied as he begun to make sense of his surroundings.

"Its eight thirty .... Ive sent someone to fetch you up some breakfast .... " Gina continued.

Bobby's eyes protested at the daylight a moment and then noticed the suit carry bag draped over Gina's arm which she hooked up on the coat stand in the corner of his office.

"I thought you would want your emergency suit .... the press seem to be gathering even more after what happened this morning ...." Gina continued as she checked on the progress of the coffee she had begun to make in the peculator.

"This morning ...... has something happened to my sister .....?" Bobby asked, he was confused.

"No , the markets... I think they've forgotten your sister for now ....." Gina replied "I'll make sure the restroom is kept clear so you can clean up ..."

"The markets ..... oh .......... ok ......thank you Gina ..." Bobby said as he finally rose to his feet. He must of fallen asleep as he had watched the trading day begin in the far east and now here he was starting a new week.

Bobby wondered what had happened while he had been sleeping and glanced around for the TV remote which had become jammed into the folds of leather of his office sofa. Bobby freed the remote from its trap and hit the red button that summonsed the TV to life.

The news ticker ran along the foot of the screen as the muted news anchor spoke, images of stock market screens ran blood red in the background before a Dollar Yen exchange rate graph appeared.

"Jeezus Fucking Christ ....." Bobby said as he felt the hair on his arms stand on end. He rubbed his eyes and looked again to confirm what he had seen.

"GINA !!!!"


Lucy's eyes fluttered open to be greeted by the stabbing pain of the morning light, her hands instinctively raising to soothe her sore ......


Lucy's hands were snatched back from their movement by the handcuffs that bound them together and ...

"Oh ... that ..." groaned Lucy as she tried to reassemble the pieces of the memory jigsaw puzzle circling her shattered mind.

"That's right .... I was drugged ...." Lucy recalled as she began to kick off the bedding from around her revealing her mostly naked body.

Glancing at her wrists she sized up the restraints, these were good solid cuffs, the prisoner restraint belt was good quality too, she should know, she used it on Lisa one time but now the tables had turned.

Lucy's cheeks bulged a moment as she probed the inside of her mouth with her tongue looking for picks she often hid there when she was facing trouble but they weren't there.

"Fuck ..." she exclaimed as she resumed her search of her own body. Twisting herself she checked behind her knees in the joint of her leg .... gone....between her cleavage ..... gone.

Frustratingly she was encountering the little flecks of skin coloured latex she had used to paint the picks down to her skin yet the picks were gone, Lisa had found them all. In that moment her heart began to race as she realised she truly was trapped, then she felt that excited sensation below.

Lucy flopped back against the bed, Lisa didn't appear to be there in the apartment now and she was naked and restrained ....

"Fuck it ..." she said resigned to her fate, she might as well enjoy what was to come.

Her restrained wrists drifted down between her legs and she closed her eyes as she began to tease herself, imagining what wickedness was coming her way.


Kara focused one eye the undulating water far below, the white crests firmly slapping into the support columns of the oil rig causing wisps of foam to break away and drift off on the wind.

Kara was layed out on the metal grating floor with a blanket beneath her body which was partially wrapped around her although Kimberly had kept her work area free, Kara's back. Kimberly had worked relentlessly without a break even as her prisoner had escaped into a exhaustion induced sleep every now and then.

The hum of the wicked tool confirmed the ongoing pain was still being delivered as Kimberly added more touches to her artwork before finally with a click the machine stopped. Kimberly cocked her head as she took in the sight of the finished section which ran the width of Kara's shoulders to the line above her toned buttocks.

Kimberly's dark and soulful eyes took in the image trying to make sense of what she had created. When she had been working it had been in an almost trance like state and only now was she able to see what she had been drawing. A lazy tear ran from one eye as Kimberly began to decipher the message in the ink covered flesh and she did nothing to stop the tear as it progressed down her cheek before it fell onto Kara's back.

Kara felt the small splash of water land on her body, then after a short pause another landed.

"Are ..... are you done ?" Kara asked, daring to take the risk.

"This part ....... yes .......later I will do more." Kimberly said with difficulty.

Kara wondered what was going to happen next but she hoped to be able to at least re-engage with Kimberly somehow in order to escape, or at least delay until rescue, assuming rescue was coming.

"May .. May I see it .....?" Kara blurted. Kara was in a lot of pain, her back was a raging fire but she fought to put it out of her mind, complaining to her tormentor put up walls, showing interest might tear those same walls down.

"What ?" Kimberly said with surprise.

"May I see what you have drawn ....." Kara ventured. She sensed the surprise in Kimberly's voice and anything that took her off guard might open new avenues of opportunity.

Kimberly was surprised by the superheroines' request. None of her victims had ever shown interest in what she had drawn but this one did. Oh how their screams had driven her to despair but this one was so different.

"Yes ... if you want...." Kimberly rose to her feet and sought out the tablet computer that had been given to her on her journey from her former prison to this new place of her brothers' choosing.

Kara sensed Kimberly's footsteps through the metal grated floor and could tell her mood was calm, peaceful, much different from her enraged pacing before she received the wicked hosing down with water.

Kimberly returned and stooped down over the prone heroine before firing off several photos of her work before placing the tablet down by Kara's face. Kara's eyes focused on the object placed in front of her and gathered her arms close to her body to push herself onto her knees.

The wretched looking Kara, her tangled hair over her shoulder huddled in the blanket and examined the first picture while the powerful set woman stood over her, gauging her reaction to seeing her own tormented flesh.

With her fingertips Kara manipulated the image until she could make sense of what she could see. Her hand ached with the bruised tender sensation caused by the metal eyebolt driven through her wrist. Kara was Shocked to see her back was almost entirely covered with ink, the image was composed of various shades and her natural skin tone was none of them. There was a person in shadow on their knees in the center of a small ring, large sinister and shadowy faces surrounding them.

"Who is that the middle....." Kara asked as she stared intently at the figure.

"It is me ...." Kimberly replied

"And the others ........." Kara asked as she glanced up. She winced as she moved feeling the burning of her flesh more intently than ever.

"Those that judge me ......." Kimberly replied ....."For the things they think I did ....."

"But aren't you doing the same things now ? To me ?" Kara was confused by the odd disassociation Kimberly had with her actions.

Kimberly glanced at the shredded heroine's costume and saw the hacked up "S".

"You cant help but judge ..... it is in your blood ....... I am going to rest, you should do the same ..... we will continue again soon." Kimberly growled as she turned away.

Kara gripped the tablet firmly as she saw Kimberly walk away, perhaps she could use it to help herself escape.

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Welcome back! And a tasty chapter it was. A few delicious hors d'hoeuvres prior to the main feast (perhaps?) ! :D Unless SG suddenly escapes. :no:

Interesting to see what might occur with Bobby's finances, too.
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"Yes ...... Yes Karl ....... I understand ..... I'll do what I can to help......yes I expect the Fed will do more of the same ..... but it didn't seem to the Europeans much good .... ok.... we will talk again soon....ok ..bye" Bobby said as he gently placed his phone down on its cradle.

Glancing across the city skyline Bobby could see the Helman Brothers tower near the Chrylser building and could imagine Karl hanging up the phone over there in the top floor office. It sounded like pandemonium had broken out at Helman's and Karl was hoping to get a favour to steady his battered ship until the storm calmed down.

During the night as Bobby had slept and Wall Street slumbered a crack had formed in the usually glacially slow market, there had been a rupture of epic proportions and the Dollar had tumbled violently downwards. The European central bank had tried to support the dollar by buying it up but to no avail and now the DOW had been hammered on the open.

Foreign investors, their shares priced in dollars were getting pummeled and years worth of gains had been wiped out and then some in one bad morning session. Selling had become widespread as investors cashed out and of course they pulled their money back to safer shores, casting off their depreciating dollars along the way.

Bobby knew everyone's share value was down but that was trivial compared to the epic gain in value all that Yen was going to bring him if and when he could trade it back.

"Dammit, I wish Loughlan were here......" Bobby muttered. Loughlan, his dependable lieutenant knew how to fight financial fires and put them out. Now with Loughlan alienated and gone he would have to put his faith in his own strategy. Bobby paused for a moment then reached out for his phone, time to make his next move.

"Gina .... get the senior trading staff up here please ...."


Lisa secretly watched her Asian prey as she reached her intimate climax, her eyes clenched closed, her restrained wrists between her bare legs. Lucy let out a moan as she reached the peak of her efforts, her quivering body betraying what she had achieved using her imagination and her physical touch.

Lisa had quietly returned to the apartment as Lucy was finding release and had secretly observed Lucy as she had began to work herself into her sexual frenzy. Seeing Lucy find release Lisa ducked quietly away and bit her bottom lip, eyes wide with excitement. Lucy truly was in the right frame of mind and Lisa was going to press home her advantage to the fullest.

Taking a breath Lisa looked down at the plastic bag clutched in her hand and her heart raced as she contemplated what was to come next. Lucy, the sexy spy, the royal princess hidden in plain sight was going to be temporarily knocked down a peg or two ..... maybe three. Inside the bag was new attire more befitting Lucy's imminent change in status, Lucy may well be The Broker's unseen mercenary but right now she was about to become Lisa's plaything.

Taking a deep breath Lisa reached into the bag and rummaged around the contents and pulled out what she was looking for. Putting the bag to oneside Lisa held up the item she had pulled out, the pink broad leather collar felt like it was good substantial quality. Lisa held the collar out flat and smiled as the faux diamonds sparkled at her, the little fake stones spelling out "Princess" against the pink leather.

"Perfect" Lisa mouthed quietly to herself before summonsing the courage to move in and take charge of her friend. Lisa pushed off with a step and confidently stormed into Lucy's refuge to find her curled up in a peaceful pose semi covered by the bedding, resting after her orgasm.

"Wakey wakey............" Lisa said with a slight giggle.

Lucy flinched defensively a moment before relaxing almost instantly realising it was Lisa.

"You ... you're a wicked woman .... detective Kozny" Lucy managed to say referring to her spiked drink from the night before.

Lisa planted herself on the bed and looked down at Lucy who squinted up at her, her sore head maintaining her aversion to the light. Lisa empathized with her friends suffering and gently combed the Asians hair back with her her fingers revealing more of her beautiful features. Lucy, eyes closed, seemed to almost nuzzle into Lisa's touch, until Lisa, having revealed more of Lucy's face leant forward and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I have something for you ......." Lisa teased.

Lucy opened her eyes to see the collar splayed out open in front of her. It took her a mere second to understand everything, the girly pink clashed with her more tomboy nature and of course "Princess" was there to mock her real status.

"I guess I deserve it ......" Lucy groaned. She knew she was paying for that night of cheeky rebellion, pretending to follow Lisa's orders while in the bathroom and again, using Lisa's own bag of tricks against her. It was lucky she trusted her captor because she really was unable to escape this time.

"I expect you want me to wear that ......" Lucy continued.

"Damn right ......... and the rest ....." Lisa said as she began to press the collar to Lucy's neck.

"The rest ?" Lucy stammered, her eyes flashing a hint of something previously unseen by Lisa, fear, nerves ..... she wasn't sure but she felt empowered by Lucy's vulnerability, a vulnerability she had brought through her hard work.


Kara replayed the video of Bobby Sanderson on Kimberly's tablet one last time if only to dispel the sensation of disbelief. His video was essentially his confession, he had helped Kimberly escape, he had created these chains and had given Kimberly the insidious dust, he even knew what the green poison could do to the superheroine.

She knew of Bobby Sanderson, hot shot of Wall Street and financial muscle behind high technology. His corporation had been in the news just recently, his space program cleaning up debris in orbit had .....

"Oh my god ...... that must ......" Kara stammered. She recalled her first encounter with the dangerous rock in space many years previous, how she had shattered it to pieces before it had sent her crashing back down to Earth. Bobby had collected some of the pieces somehow, either intentionally or by chance and now......

"Got ... to ...... get out .... of here" Kara said weakly as she looked through the settings on the tablet once more. Making sure she had turned airplane mode off and turning on the Wifi she waited impatiently as the whirling progress icon spun on and on.

"Come on , come on ....." Kara whispered to herself.


"Dammit ....." Kara hit the refresh button and grasping the tablet held it aloft above her head with difficulty.Kara's limbs ached, her wrists especially so, the odd sensation of the weight of the eyebolts and chains screwed into her very bones making the task even harder.


Kara grunted ..... "Got to do this the hard way huh ......" as she curled her legs under herself and summonsed the strength to stand. Hitting refresh once more she stood on tiptoe and tilted the screen trying to see if the wifi managed to make a connection to anything.


"COME ON you piece of ...... !" Kara growled before restraining herself, taking a deep breath. An avenue of escape wasn't coming via the tablet it seemed and so Kara wearily sat down on the metal grating and wrapped the blanket around her body. Kara looked around herself despondently at her situation and decided to see what else of amusement she could do with the tablet to pass the time.

A mistimed button press caused the photo app to appear again and the first image of Kara's tattooed flesh appeared. Swiping the image aside a second appeared, a zoomed view one of the people who was judging Kimberly from the shadows.

Kara frowned ......

"Wait ...... isn't ......that ......"

Barely visible in the dark shaded ink work, a pattern, a squiggle, a symbol ......

"Del'Tak ...that's ....... that's a Kryptonian symbol .......a family name ......but how ......" Kara's mind was whirling. Kimberly had drawn a scene from another world, it should be impossible and yet there it was right in front of her. Was Kimberly Kryptonian? But she had a brother ..... he seemed human enough .......

"What does it mean ?" Kara whispered to herself as she she swiped to the next image.


Selena sat her computer, it was a new day and she browsed the news and her data feeds for any new opportunities. The array of screens in front of her cycled through the news but the big headlines were with the financial news.






The name Sanderson caught Selena's eyes. Lucy had said something during her report on her interrogation of Mike Loughlan which seemed hollow at the time but now sent a chill through Selena's body.

"If....if you see even a hint of success for Bobby in the better pray .. pray hard because out there somewhere is some poor woman suffering " Loughlan had said to Lucy.

That time was now and if what Loughlan beleived to be true was real then .......

"I hope it isn't true but ....... " Selena paused as she glanced at the little triangle of miscoloured skin on the back of her hand, a reminder of her damaged past, her time of suffering. Selena felt a wave of responsibility fall on her, if someone was out there suffering at Kimberly's hands she should at least try to locate them.

"OK Kimberly .... let's try again to find you ...."

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Chapter XXXIV

"Bitch !" growled Lucy playfully.

"Bite me ...." Lisa responded.

Lisa had stood watch over Lucy as she had showered herself all the while wearing a pair of handcuffs and now, towel dried, Lisa presented the pretty pink "Princess" collar to Lucy's throat.

Lucy merely rolled her eyes as she observed Lisa's triumphant smirk as the collar went on and then poked out her tongue in protest which merely drew on a broader smile from her tormentor.

"Now what ....?" Lucy asked in a challenging voice looking at Lisa via the reflection in her bathroom mirror. Lisa's chin rested on Lucy's shoulder a moment and the pair gauged one another, testing if they were both still in safe territory.

"This ....." replied Lisa as her reflection ducked out of view. Lucy instinctively started to turn her head but met with with resistance as Lisa grabbed a handful of her hair.

"Ah -- ah, eyes front ...." Lisa retorted before bobbing back into view.

"Oh my god ..... is that ..." Lucy began as Lisa began to place the cold chrome like metal to her waist. Lucy recoiled back into Lisa's body for a moment and found herself trapped in Lisa's embrace.

"Yes ....... a chastity belt ..... but you wont be chaste ......" teased Lisa.

"What do you mean ......" protested Lucy before Lisa produced the tiered insertable metal dildo, short black and red cables with connectors dangling from the base. With its curvy narrowing tiers, each stacked above the other, the dildo measured about 5 inches, its shiny surface reflecting the ambient light.

"Oh fuck ....." Lucy managed to say, her breath faltering. She understood well enough the significance of the cables of the metal menace.

Lisa planted a kiss on Lucy's shoulder blade, pausing a moment before asking.

"Hey .... you ok ......?" Lisa said, almost falling out of character. She had had been ruthless in her planning and execution to make this scene perfect for her friend and she wanted to be sure everything was still good.

"Fucks sake ! Put me in it ...... don't give me a choice !" Lucy exclaimed with a faint laugh, she was in heaven.

"OK ...... you asked for it .......bitch" said Lisa as she began to draw the metal waistband around Lucy's waist.

Lucy could only watch her reflected self slowly become enveloped by the metalwork and began to feel that special tingle begin down below. The shiny metal contrasted against her dark flesh and she recoiled for a moment as she felt its cool embrace, her eyes widening in response. With her hands planted onto the marble washbasin counter top Lucy's eyes locked onto the padlock placed in front of her as Lisa continued to take control.


Kara, exhausted had drifted to sleep, ushered into her dreamworld by the sound of the sea washing around the great columns that held the oil platform high above the waves. Kimberly climbed her way down an access ladder and paused mid step as she glanced over her shoulder at the blond wrapped in the blanket.

The tangled messy blond strands of hair were all that were visible of the person that made up the huddled mass. Kimberly glanced about at the dangling metal rods each with their green glowing point bathing the heroine in their de-powering radiation , all were accounted for in her mind's eye.

The blond mass barely stirred as Kimberly stepped down onto the grated floor of the deck and she quietly made her way to her stack of equipment and opened up one of the many cases that held the tools of her trade.

The piercing needle, clean, shiny and new waited to be christened and Kimberly let out a feint smile as she glanced at the heroine. For Kimberly the heroine represented a blank slate that she could make better, improve, modify, enhance. She had already painted the blond's pale back with her story and now she was going to adorn her body with rings.

With a lazy finger Kimberly drew along the plastic lids of the little compartments of one of her storage cases. With a moment of thought, she flicked open a lid and pulled out a small clear plastic bag and studied what was inside.

The metal ring with its perfect circular cross section was flawless, the join marking its break point practically impossible to see. Kimberly marveled at the purity of the form of the ring, its eternal symmetry, its never ending surface, all the while her eyes slowly glazing over in wonderment and yet it was almost like she was reliving a memory ....

Suddenly she snapped out of trance and she was back in the moment. She glanced down at the many small compartments of her storage case knowing each held more rings, different sizes, different weights and different styles. It was time to make the blond pretty ......

Kimberly spun around, her heavy oil worker boots clattering on the deck as she did so.

"Rest time is over ...... up on your feet ....." growled Kimberly.

The huddled form of the heroine had barely begun to stir as Kimberly reached down to her and grabbed a large handful of blond hair.

"Wha ....." moaned Kara as she was rudely awoken.

"I SAID ..... UP !"

Kara felt herself being yanked up and tried to put her hands beneath her to help herself rise rather than her head of hair taking the entire burden. Her arms protested as she felt the weight of the chains on her forearms, the wicked eyebolts that had been bonded to her bones reminding her of her bondage.

Rising to her feet, hair imprisoned in Kimberly's grip, the blanket that had protected the powerless superheroine slid to the floor leaving her naked beneath the emerald glow surrounding her. Kimberly with her free hand drew up the slack of one of the chains, hoisting Kara's right arm into the air, the remainder descending into the seabed below.

"Who are you, Kimberly, really, and where are you from ?"

"You know who I am ......and I'm from a small town called Daventry ..." Kimberly replied sincerely as she began to draw up the slack in the second chain which drew Kara's other arm up above her head.

"What you tattooed ........ on my back ........ how do you know those symbols .......?" pleaded Kara.

Kimberly glanced at the heroine in annoyance and checking that the chains were secure once more rummaged amongst the remnants of the red and blue fabric, tearing off a strip of material.

Kara tracked the menacing form of Kimberly and realised she was about to be silenced by the knot that Kimberly was crafting into the strip of red and blue cloth.

"You said it was in my blood to judge ........ and the family names ..... how do you know .... ?" Kara begged.

"Enough ...." Kimberly snarled as she grabbed the heroines hair firmly and forced the makeshift gag into Kara's mouth. Kara's eyes went wide in fear, as she contemplated the suffering to come.

Kimberly left Kara's line of sight for a moment only to return moments later , two metal rings in hand.

"Do you like them ?" Kimberly asked as she held them aloft. The question merely provoked a shake of the head from her captive.

"I'm sure you will once I have fitted them ..... your body is so plain ...... " Kimberly said calmly as she held the rings against the nipples of the heroine.

Kara looked down at the round rings sat against her flesh. The rings were thick and a little large, she would certainly feel their weight once in place. Kara's eyes burned with anger knowing that this monster sought to continue to alter her body.

"I guess you have never felt your body being changed before .... only now with the gift from my brother can you enjoy being improved ...." Kimberly said as she admired how the rings sat on Kara's chest.

"Perhaps you think they are too big .... perhaps once I enhance your breasts they will not look so out of place......"

Kara's face revealed a confused frown as she contemplated the word 'enhance'.

"The medical supply cupboard holds an ample supply of saline .... and I'm sure that...." Kimberly continued as her hand gently cupped one of Kara's breasts.

Kara snorted through her nose in apprehension as she realised that Kimberly intended to use saline to swell her breast size to who knew what dimensions. Twisting her body Kara momentarily snatched herself from Kimberly's light hold to highlight her rejection of the plan.

Kimberly's monologue ceased, interrupted by Kara's firm rejection, and so the powerful framed woman slapped the heroine across the face.

"If you wish I can include some of your favorite green dust with your rings, I'm sure the colour will only serve to make you prettier still...." Kimberly said angrily.

Kara had already experienced an array of unpleasant sensations whilst under the influence of the wicked green glow surrounding her and the thought of having it against her body filled her with dread to the point Kimberly could read it in her face as she shook her head.

"Good answer .... lets get these on you ...." Kimberly said as she glanced back at her box of tools, the waiting piercing needle glinting beneath the lights of the deck.


Dr Molly Matthews strode into the hotel lobby, large leather bag in hand and glanced around. She made for an eye catching figure, her figure hugging jeans and close fit white shirt revealed the fine figured lady beneath. She had slowly been exiting from her shell, learning the true beauty she possessed though she still somehow managed to be hidden in plain sight, her 'plain Jane' hairstyle and glasses somehow cloaking the beauty beneath.

"Mo ..... Molly ........ ?" said an unconfident Professor Schneider, it had been a while since he had seen his former protege in the flesh.

"Oh ..." Matthews flinched in surprise, Schneider had been sat on a sofa in the lobby drinking a coffee as he thumbed through a magazine and rose to his feet seeing Molly arrive.

"Wow you look ....." Schneider began as he took in the image of the woman in front of him.

"Thank you ....." Matthews cut in.

Molly let out a shy smile but resisted Schneider's charms. Several years ago when she had studied in the good professor's classes they had begun to dabble into more than just a teacher student relationship, one that Schneider had terminated when it became apparent that Molly wanted more.

Molly Matthews had suspected that she was just another young woman in a string of students all seeking his attention and going steady with her meant losing out on the next batch of fresh faces coming through year after year. He had told her he didn't want to wreck his career or tarnish her reputation as a student but she didn't believe him.

With a mere gesture to the lady behind the bar to the side of the lounge Schneider ordered a coffee for his guest and the pair took a place on a plush leather sofa facing each other across a low table.

"Thank you for seeing me ..... professor .." Matthews said as she unzipped the leather bag by her side, pulling out a lap top. Her emphasis on Schneider's title intimated her desire to keep things professional.

"Ah, the data ........ good ......." Schneider said as he snapped out of his thoughts a moment and shifted his pose, leaning forward towards the coffee table.

"Yes .. it's not a great deal ... the material all got put under wraps quite quickly but I think I'm going to get a research budget out of it and do a study." Molly beamed.

Schneider nodded as he grabbed his own laptop and opened it up, placing it side by side with Molly's which had been placed in front of him.

"Hmmmmmmmm, let me see now ......"

Clicking away Schneider began to look at the various data that Molly had extracted from the analysis of the green dust.

"You know ...... you were the last ....." Schneider said as he glanced up a moment. His voice sounded sincere and yet ...

"So ?" Molly said sternly.

"Well .... I just ...... I just wanted you to know ...... I've been waiting .... that's all ... I swear.." Schneider said before continuing looking over the data.

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Kara's own drool ran down her chest, her eyes wide open with apprehension at Kimberly's powerful form in front of her. Kara had resigned herself to what was to come, she was weak and restrained by the impossibly strong chains that were driven into her bones at her wrists and Kimberly had now even bound her ankles to the chains which were driven into the seabed.

Kimberly studied her targets closely, the two small pea sized nipples and decided to help draw them to attention. Using the edges of her index fingers she slowly stroked over the tips of the nipples in unison, feeling them harden quickly.

Kara grunted, it was all she could do to protest yet her humiliation was doubled as she sensed her body responding to Kimberly's touch. Kimberly was unmoved though and continued her teasing, after all, every one of her victims had responded the same way, their grunting saying no while their body said yes.

A few flicks more and the nipples were standing almost erect in the cool sea air and Kara's heart sank as she saw the satisfaction in Kimberly's eyes. The moment was fast approaching that yet another mark was to placed on her body, the nipple rings.

"This may hurt ..... for someone who probably hasn't felt pain ......" said Kimberly sinisterly as she admired her piercing needle and the pair of tweezers that were going to restrain the nipples before their permanent guests were to be fitted.

Through her nose Kara's breathing was very pronounced, in, out, each intake seemed to be deeper than the last, her subtle muscular abs and the feint line of her ribs accentuated by her fearful drawing of air.

Deftly Kimberly gripped a nipple and held firm as Kara recoiled slightly before she reached the limits enforced on her by her bondage, the dull ache of her restraints tugging at her bones. The women locked eyes a moment before Kimberly applied the tweezers to the soft dark flesh and placed the head of the piercing needle to Karas flesh.

"You can close your eyes if you wish ...... you don't need to see me work ..... but you can admire yourself afterwards...."

Kara looked at Kimberly, then down at herself, the head of the needle waiting, the puckered flesh vulnerable, drawn out and bathed in the green glow.

Realizing the inevitable Kara clamped down her eyes, her head flopping against one of her up-stretched arms in a weak attempt of separating herself from what was about to happen.

"OK ....." nodded Kimberly as a broad smile appeared on her face.


The black porshe came to a rest in the parking lot but the occupants stayed inside, the driver's head flopping onto the steering wheel.

"Oh god oh god oh god ....." Moaned Lucy.

"You mean, oh goddess ........" Lisa teased as she held the remote like a weapon, pointing it at Lucy menacingly.

Volts of electricity tingled between Lucy's legs, the deep metal intruder held in place by the close fitting chastity belt delivering its debilitating currents into Lucy's body. Lisa gently guided Lucy back into her seat then placed a hand on each of her knees before forcing them apart.

Lucy had been dressed into shocking pink close fitting pvc jeans tucked into black boots that showed off her figure without revealing the steel restraints below. Clipped onto her waist, the power box with the connecting wires that disappeared off down into her crotch and another set that trailed up inside the matching pink top.

Lucy looked back at Lisa with desire, she was being totally owned by the cop and she loved it. Lisa tweaked at the remote and Lucy's hands instinctively cupped her own breasts through the pink pvc top in response, her tits feeling the contorting sensation of electricity passing through them.

"So , Princess ....." started Lisa mockingly, referring to the pink collar spelling out the name, "lets get some coffee, shall we?"

Lucy's eyes were wide as she contemplated being seen and and controlled in such a way in public but .....

"We can do this the easy way ...... or ...." Lisa said as she dangled a pink nylon leash in front of Lucy's eyes.

"Please ...... not that ...." moaned Lucy as she felt her pussy and breasts tingle with the electric currents passing through her body.

"Well then ..." Lisa said with a smile as she she cast the leash aside before fiddling with the remote once more, letting up on the taunting electricity.

Lucy nodded reluctantly before taking in the sight of herself in the rear view mirror and letting out a deep breath that had built up inside of her. Composing herself a moment with a quick tussle of her hair and a quick sideways glance, first one way and then the next, she went to exit the car.

Lisa scooted out her side and stood up closing the door behind her then walked around to the other side and opened up the door for Lucy. Offering out her hand Lucy accepted Lisa's help to rise to her feet which was not easy for her. The knee high boots featured heels that were challenging even for the fashion adept spy and now her height rivalled that of Lisa's.

Lucy clung to Lisa's arm a moment and her head rested on Lisa's shoulder as she composed herself ensuring that the various cables were tucked out of sight.

"Ready ..... ?" Lisa asked confidently.

"Yes ....I cant believe you're making me wear this outfit ... I look like a whore.. " moaned Lucy weakly.

"You like great.... it'll be fine ..." Lisa said reassuringly and somehow she was right, the Porsche driving pink PVC clad socialite in bustling New York oddly seemed to look just right.

Lisa blushed in shame as her hand settled into Lisa's and the pair made their way towards one of their favourite haunts, the coffee shop of K.Thrace & Sons.

The pair approached the glass doorway of the shop, the window displaying the cakes and sandwiches, salads and wraps and Lucys heart fluttered as she took in the sight of her own reflection in the glass.

Lisa leant forward and pushed open the door and Lucy ducked in, eyes averted from anyone and everyone she could as Lisa followed inside. A small queue was already ahead and so Lisa calmly glanced through the glass counter top at the food before looking up at the drinks menu, a hand settling onto Lucys bottom, her thumb teasingly resting on the metal strip between the Asian's behind.

"There is a sofa back there , claim it ..... I'll get your usual ...." Lisa said quietly into Lucy's ear.

"OK ..." whispered Lucy shyly as she prepared to edge past the queue towards the back of the shop towards the sofa.

Lucy sat herself down carefully, the metal probing dildo making itself known as she settled into the deep soft leather seat which contrasted with her shocking pink outfit. Defensively Lucy wrapped her arms around herself and waited while Lisa ordered and it was then she began to feel the sensation of her burning breasts and the deep penetrating electrical current between her legs which provoked her pussy to produce even more liquid excitement. Trapped beneath her pvc jeans her crotch and thighs were becoming a sticky mess and he desire to have Lisa get her home and finish her off was building exponentially.

In the distance, arm hanging down by her side, remote control in her hand, Lisa smiled as she placed her order, her thumb tapping rhythmically onto the button that now controlled Lucy's desires. Lucy's eyes fluttered downwards, until she found herself with her eyes closed, subtly grinding her body back into sofa, almost wishing Lisa was on top of her doing her worst.


"Tell me again ......." Molly Matthews said as bit into the pillow once more , she was laying face down on a bed, her arms splayed far apart bound to the corners of the bed.

Schneider who was naked on top and behind her gently and rhythmically thrust into Molly's body, his head resting on her bare naked shoulder.

"Like I said ..." started Schneider as he let the tip of his shaft hover provocatively at the soft labial lips of his protege. "In my theorized world ..... all her energy .... would become bottled up ..... restrained ......"

Molly felt herself moisten at his words only to feel the feeling of him pushing at her outer defenses and slowly into her body until his torso came to rest against her back.

"She would become powerless ..... vulnerable ...... to anything ......." he said as he delivered a firm blow to her behind causing Molly's head to rear upward a moment in protest.

Molly closed her eyes in ecstasy as she sensed her former mentor slowly draw himself upwards, preparing to thrust into her once again. She merely moaned as she prepared for the next invasion and Schneider was more than willing to deliver. A gentle nibble on Molly's neck drove her to moan for more and he drove at her once again.

"Oh god ... don't stop ....tell me more ......." moaned Molly as she sensed Schneider burrow himself into her once again.

Schneider felt himself glide into the younger woman even deeper, aided by her increasing excitement, and continued to whisper whatever he thought Matthews desired to hear ...

"Susceptibility to heat .... cold ...... hunger .......weakness .........tiredness ...... exhaustion ...... even pain ....... would befall her .........." teased Schneider as he felt Molly's muscles deep within tense up, clamping up on his hard member deep inside her.

Schneider couldn't believe how the evening had changed, from the moment he had begun talking to Molly she had slowly melted as he talked science at her, it was almost like an aphrodisiac for her, listening to how the observations of the green dust fit into his theories of the science of the superheroine.

Bound to the bed, Molly let the villain of her fantasy continue to pound at her as she let the whirl of emotions run through her head, being bound yet in charge of the encounter she found herself in.

"Yes .. yes ........ yes .............." urged Molly as Schneider continued to have his way.

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I was drawn to this story for Supergirl but in this chapter, I've got to say, Lisa and Lucy were where the heavy action was! Captivating work!
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"Please ....... no no no no more........" blurted Kara as she trembled in her restraints, one leg twitching uncontrollably as she slumped down bringing all her weight to bear on her cruel wrist bondage.

"It'll be the last one for a moment ....." said Kimberly matter of factly. She had a antiseptic wipe in one hand and carefully cleaned away the traces of her previous effort, a small ring through the heroines labia, to match the previous 5. Now, two rows of three hung neatly from the heroines tender flesh and Kimberly set her sights on the next target, Kara's clit which was already engorged by Kimberly's attention.

Kara felt the cool refreshing sensation caused by the alcohol within the wipe as Kimberly cleaned her up before working on preparing the last ring.

"I don't know why you protest so much, you look so pretty ......." Kimberly said as she looked once again at Kara's pierced nipples and their newly installed rings. Kimberly gently put one of the rings between her thumb and finger and admired her choice of metal work, her eyes glazing for a moment as she was lost again, mesmerized by the pure shape of the ring.

"Kimberly ..... please ...... I ......... need to rest ......... I hurt ........ please let me down ......" begged Kara. Her arms ached, her legs were exhausted from standing in her spreadeagled position and her breasts and pussy felt bruised from Kimberly's handiwork.

"Soon ......." Kimberly said bluntly before she set about cleaning her piercing needle.

"Would you like to choose your next ring ......?"

"I don't suppose you'll let me go without ....?" groaned Kara. Being changed by this psychotic woman was one thing, having to choose her torment was another.

"Suit yourself ...... I'm sure I'll find something suitable ......" Kimberly said with a menacing tone. Kara wasn't sure what to make of her words, Kimberly seemed so deadpan sometimes, sarcasm didn't seem to exist to her. If it were Selena then Kara would know 'something suitable' would be the worst thing imaginable but with Kimberly .....

"....perhaps this ......." Kimberly spun around from her box of accessories, arm outstretched.

Kara recoiled for a moment in her restraints, her eyes widening in terror as she took in the sight of the ring with a tiny green gem set into it. Kara was already repelled enough by the unpleasant sensations of the green glow surrounding her but to have that green poison anywhere near her was .....

"Oh don't worry .... its not this stuff ...... " Kimberly said as she circled a finger in the air indicating the various hanging wands and their green poisonous tips. She had read the face of the heroine like a book and realized what she feared.

"I don't care for the colour ....." grunted Kara.

Kimberly smiled as she produced the green gemmed rings slightly larger cousin but set with a red gem instead.

"So then this one instead ....good choice ....." Kimberly said innocently.


With a subtle tremble Lucy's hand placed her empty mug down alongside her small plate which played host to a scattering of crumbs, the only remaining evidence of the chocolate muffin she had consumed with her coffee.

Lucy's hands dwelt a moment on the low coffee table, the remote control for the tormenting electrical stimulation affecting her breasts and pussy tantalizingly within reach. Lisa had set it down for Lucy to see, a small switch set to "constant" and a power setting dialed in at "3". The sensations had been subtle yet over time had become cumulatively more and more difficult such that beads of sweat had formed on Lucy's forehead.

"Don't ...." Lisa said with a smile observing Lucy's lingering hand.

Lucy's hand retreated and settled on top of her pink PVC clad thigh and felt the warmth of her own flesh which had built up in the material.

"Well I hope you've brought the keys with you because I need to go to the girls room " said Lucy as Lisa supped the last of her drink from the over sized mug.

"When I've finished ...... THEN we will go together ....." Lisa teased.

"I think you can trust me to go to the bathroom ......" Lucy responded, she used a tone which suggested she would behave.

"Can I ?" Lisa said, she sounded doubtful.

"Why would you think .......... oh ......." Lucy began. She was being earnest, if Lisa insisted then she would dutifully remove and replace her bondage but that would be now, Lisa was referring to before, her deceit from the night of the party, feigning her obedience.

"Exactly ..." Lisa winked as she leaned forward and lightly touched the power dial edging it barely beyond 3 towards 4.

The change in power was subtle yet noticeable and Lucy felt herself spasm gently below as her body responded to the stimulation by producing another wave of sticky mess between her legs. She had been sat with her legs splayed apart, her booted feet nudged provocatively apart by Lisa, the pink PVC jeans revealing the subtle outline of the close fitting chastity belt beneath which held the metal intruder prisoner inside Lucy's body.

Lucy's eyes fluttered a moment as she sought to manage the sensations affecting her breasts and pussy before mustering the strength to speak.

"Please ... I promise to be good....... " Lucy said as one hand rose instinctively to her breast, the other between her legs, as she sought to protect herself from the electrical stimulation, an impossible act.

Lisa's eyes flashed wide in surprise as Lucy's hands momentarily settled on her body quite provocatively for a second. Lucy's hands recoiled from herself as she remembered she was in public and they fell back on her splayed knees, almost like she needed to hold onto them.

Lisa was taken back by Lucy's loss of control even though it was barely for a second and in her heart she knew it was time to relent, but only a little. Lisa placed her bag on the table and pulled out her cell phone and a bundle of wires which were her earbuds and then a jumble of keys. She unclipped a key and placed it on the table, sliding it along to Lucy.

"Thank you ......" stammered Lucy as she reached to accept the key.

Lucy began to unravel the coiled earbud cables and plugged the jack into the bottom of her cell phone.

"Call me ......" Lisa said calmly as she held out a lipstick in her open palm.

Lucy understood everything, now she was going to have make amends for the events of the other night. With her body already held at a high level of excitement she knew she would easily achieve exactly what Lisa wanted. Biting her lower lip in acceptance Lucy rose to her feet, key in one hand, lipstick in the other.


McGee hopped into the rental car and sat down, promptly adjusting the seat to accommodate his bulky frame, glancing upwards a moment as the roar of an ascending plane filled the air. Opening his briefcase that he placed on the passenger seat he quickly looked through a folder with photos and papers inside, they were about Matthews and Schneider. He let out a subtle sigh as he recalled his previous meeting with them both, his mind fogging a moment as he involuntarily conjured up the memories he had stolen from them.

They had both helped Selena, The Broker, in creating the probing weapon, TERESa and it's more potent spin off, REAPER, which served to unlock the secrets of some of the inner workings of the superheroines powers and then rob her of them at will. Now a swirl of technobabble and unintelligible mathematics came to the fore and and with a shake of the head McGee dragged himself back to the present.

"What the fuck was that ..... " blinked McGee as a incomprehensible formula faded from his minds eye.

"Frikkin' geek squad ...."he muttered as he put the stolen memories to one side.

McGee's little side quest was to determine what Matthews was up to, Selena was keen not to have the scientist inadvertently re-make her discoveries and her being in close proximity to Schneider might fire off that creative spark. So here he was, looking for Matthews and an opportunity to take just a peak in her mind to see what she had been up to.

Ahead of McGee lay the journey to the hotel that had been the source of Molly's last credit card ping and so, starting the engine of the car he mentally began concocting a cover story for his impromptu questioning session.

"Hi .... Doctor Matthews is it ? I'm Agent McGee ....... no ...... ......... Hi I'm Agent McGee ...... are you Doctor Matthews? .... .........I'm here to ask you about ...... no ....... may I ask you about ...... gee .... how am I going to ask about ........" McGee said to himself as he rehearsed what he was going to say.

"I'm here to ask about ...... a matter of national importance ...... fuck .... no ......... umm ..... I'm here to ask you about .......... fuck it .....I'll wing it "

McGee pulled away from the airport rental parking zone and began his journey.

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Kara lay huddled under the rough blanket, a cold miserable mess shivering from the constant soaking of sea spray. Her aching limbs and bruised flesh continually reminded her of the danger she was in, as did the sickening green glow surrounding her. Finding a comfortable position had been difficult, her bruised breasts ached under their own weight, the slightly weighted rings tugging at her. Her clit throbbed and positioning her thighs so they didn't press into her new labial rings was a challenge.

Nearby, Kimberly was setting up the next step of the superheroine's beautification process, her powerful frame shaking the grated mesh floor as she moved. In neat clusters, like grapes on the vine, bags of medical saline solution hung, their drip tubes clamped off waiting to be released to continue the young blonde's physical transformation.

Kimberly's fingers danced lightly down a length of the medical grade tubing as she admired her handiwork. She gently squeezed one of the saline bags, gauging the weight of fluid she was about to use to enhance the heroine's body. For a short span of stillness, she seemed to get lost in the moment, staring through the crude assembly as her mind drifted once again.

Kara, stared intently at her foe, measuring, assessing, analyzing.

"Where does she go?" wondered Kara as she watched Kimberly mentally drift away yet again.

The pause was punctuated only by the sound of the sea far below and the vibrations within the oil platform. The mighty structure easily resisted the blows delivered by the undulating sea against the huge framework's supports.

Kimberly blinked as she returned to the moment and glanced over her shoulder to the huddled up heroine under blanket. Reaching down at the heroine she grabbed a handful of blonde hair again and began to tug firmly.

"Hey ... I'm moving, I'm moving ..." protested Kara.

"To your feet ......" Kimberly ordered.

"What are you going to do to me now!?" Kara begged.

"You'll see .... now on your feet!" grunted Kimberly as she began to exert herself, drawing the heroine upwards.

Kara winced, sensing her her face going taught as her body weight was drawn up by her scalp. With a clumsy movement, invoked by the weight and discomfort of her chained wrists she began to rise once more.

"Owww .... please ...... do I really have to stand up for this .....?!" Kara pleaded as she tried to demonstrate her difficulty in moving.

Kimberly paused a moment as she processed the request, leaving the poor heroine suspended mid-way between upright and a low stoop. Kara felt Kimberly coil her wrist round and round in her blond hair and then felt herself be yanked back towards the floor.

"OK .. stay there then ...... it makes no difference...but no tricks!" Kimberly abruptly released Kara who was left on her back beneath the frightening collection of saline bags. The large woman gathered up two of the tubes that dangled down and began to fiddle with them until it became apparent she had connected the needles ready to do the next phase of her work.

"This won't hurt much ....." Kimberly said ominously as she squatted down alongside Kara, the medical needle for the first bag firmly in hand.

Kara raised a hand defensively dragging slack chain with it causing her to flinch in discomfort. Kimberly cocked her head, her face revealing her displeasure which caused Kara to lower her defences. An investment in accepting this discomfort now might pay off in the long term and so, reluctantly Kara placed the palm of her hand back on the cold metal deck of the oil rig.

"Better..." Kimberly said almost kindly as she prepared to deliver the needle into Kara's now-vulnerable flesh.


Selena had be searching for clues as to the whereabouts of Kimberly Sanderson, escapee from the surgical strike at the jail which had held her. Despite her "awaiting trial" status she had been kept away from the rest of the world in a very secure facility. Now, however, her much publicized escape still resonated in the news.

Despite the high profile of the case Selena had failed to uncover anything during her digging. Usually she could at least find the hint of a clue within the murky depths in which her contacts and sources dallied but this one was a total blackout. Selena found herself once again giving up her search although she had satisfied herself on one thing. This hadn't been a contracted job. Usually when someone needed something doing they would send an intermediary out, ask questions, find the best people for the job, make contact, organize money and resources and so on. All that left tracks, tracks that people could cash in on by selling information to those who cared most.

"No.....this time it was like the mind thinking about it and the hand doing it," muttered Selena to herself as she slid the laptop away from herself on her desk and frowned deeply. "These links, these tracks, they don't exist because the mercenaries responsible and their client are tied in .... very closely."

The disgruntled beauty rued another day wasted and swatted at the remote control of her TV which brought up one of the 24-hour news channels.


Selena rolled her eyes, the financial news seemed to have dominated the entire day and she was tired of seeing it and she flicked the TV off again in annoyance. Bored, Selena checked her emails and notifications and saw something that caught her eye.

"Oh .... what have we here ......" Selena quipped seeing a cluster of encrypted video and photo files waiting in one of her surveillance files.

A video began, two frames either side of each other, one showing the smiling face of Lisa the other blacked out.

"Don't be shy ....." teased Lisa which prompted Lucy to appear in shot in the other frame of the video.

Selena looked on bemused as Lucy, holding her camera facing a mirror appeared in her close fitting pink PVC outfit. Lucy seemed to be in a rest room of some kind but Selena didn't know where.

"Oh ....." Selena said in surprise as she took in the princess, former spy and now her operative take on yet another role.

"Unzip then ....." said Lisa coyly to her friend at the other end of the line provoking Lucy to tug the zipper of her top, slowly revealing her flesh, slowly going lower exposing her breasts and ....

"Is THAT what I think it is?" Selena squinted at the video feed. Two wires connected to Lucy's breasts coiled their way down the Asian's abdomen towards her waist and ...

"Oh, my ...." grinned Selena as the waistband of the chastity belt appeared, the control box clipped to it with another set of wires running off down to who knew where between her legs.

"Now write me something nice" asked Lisa in way that seemed to taunt Lucy.

Selena let out a light smirk as she noticed the collar with the word "Princess" studded onto it. If only she could get away with keeping her Super pet collared like that in public. Selena shifted lightly in her seat, a hand rising to her breast, another dropping between her thighs as she took in the show. She was in love with Kara for sure but she wasn't blind either and the stunning Asian in a moment of submission was a captivating vision of sultry obedience.

Lucy deftly uncapped the lipstick she had been given and began to write vertically down her torso the words desired by her tormentor. Although it was mirrored Selena could read the words quite easily and smiled as she saw the pleasure in Lisa's eyes. Lisa's Bitch

"Yes ... it ... it is a sweet gift, isn't it," Selena said to herself in quiet reflection. When she had exacted her revenge on Kara in what seemed an age ago, it was done out of malice. But now so much water had passed under the bridge that the cold dish of revenge seemed worthless compared to the sweet taste of the heroine's submission.

"When was this?" Selena wondered as she looked for the time stamp only to discover it had been hours ago.

Selena fast forwarded the video to the point where Lucy was left a panting wreck having masturbated in front of the mirror for Lisa's entertainment. The chastity belt was still around her waist, but the crotch strap dangled free, un-padlocked, the mounted metal dildo swinging free from her body.

Lisa could be seen blowing a kiss silently into camera and the feed ended leaving Selena flabbergasted.

"Well ... that relationship seems to be going well," Selena declared, bemused by the course of events. She had sensed the Asian's slight hint of submissiveness some time before when they met on an airplane. While Selena felt it would be a good fit pairing the comely Lucy up with the more dominant cop, Lisa, she hadn't realized the slinky super-spy would have caved so quickly.

"Dammit, this is unfair! Where is Kara when I need her," pouted Selena even as her face broke into a lascivious grin.


Matthews and Schneider glanced at each other with shy knowing smiles as the waiter presented them with menus. Their evening had been filled with science and then unbridled lust and now they were unwinding in the hotel restaurant, ready to satisfy their other appetites.

The waiter made his exit and the pair glanced around a moment before initiating conversation.

"What will you do now that you know more about your little green dust," Schneider asked.

"Well, I've got to get it back first. The boss of my boss of my boss of my boss took it away with him to do who knows what with, but he practically promised me I'd get another bite at the cherry ....." Matthews quipped as her eyes scanned down the menu. "And you?"

"Me? Well, it's a new year and another influx of students, so there are more courses to teach, more papers to write....." Schneider's voice trailed off with a small sigh. Years in academia had begun to weigh on him.

"Perhaps you should move out into the private sector, like me," Matthews replied. She had seen both sides of the coin of working in academia and for a private company and she knew where she felt more comfortable.

"I guess I just like the security of my ivory tower but ..... doing new things, I guess just 'doing' anything must be exciting ... making new discoveries, tinkering, playing, exploring ....." Schneider mused as the waiter returned with a basket of bread and pitcher of water which was dutifully poured into two small glasses.

"Are you ready to order .. ?"

"Yes, I think so ..... uuuhhm...yes" Schneider began, seeing Matthews nod in agreement.

Beneath the table Matthews played footsie with her companion and before the pair knew it the order was made and the waiter gone. Schneider's wide open eyes revealed the extent of Matthews' exploration, her bare foot now settling between his thighs.

"I didn't realize you could be so .......... intense ...." stammered Schneider. He had felt oddly under Molly's control during the whole session of love making even though it was she who had been restrained, not him. Now here she was setting the agenda again.

"The private corporate world has helped me sharpen my claws," giggled Matthews.

"And what about us though ... I mean ...... I swear I've ...." began Schneider.

"Ssshhh, don't ruin it. Lets just enjoy our time together and see how it goes," Molly teased as the heel of her foot undulated against the hardening member between Schneider's legs.

Schneider didn't know if could survive another round in bed with Molly again. She had almost been like a demon and despite riding her hard she had only demanded more. He had been left spent at the end of it all and now he could sense she was already hungry for more once dinner was over.

Little did either know that at the hotel reception McGee had arrived and the helpful staff were already directing the agent towards the restaurant.

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Vel Yor'Tel found himself being dragged down the corridor to a cell, his arms cuffed behind his back. The guards who gripped his upper arms were strong and what little resistance Vel had left was futile. The trio paused a moment at a cell as one of the guards used a keycard to depower the forcefield before bundling their prisoner inside.

The force field re-energized and Vel dejectedly sat down on the simple plain bench within the cell and stared dejectedly at the wall, he was mentally numb to the whole situation which still seemed surreal to him.

After what seemed an age Vel realized he could hear whispering voices, at first he had merely understood what the sound was but hadn't paid attention but suddenly, snapping out of his trance he realized the whispers were talking about him.

"What ?" asked Vel in confusion.

"You are the scientist, aren't you ?" said a confident voice from the shadowy corner of the cell.

"What does it matter ....." Vel replied despondently. He knew his name, his skills, his brilliance, they were just labels for the dead man in limbo that he now was.

"Are you him, or NOT" barked the voice almost, it was powerful and commanding.

"Yes, yes ...... I am the scientist ....... Vel" responded Vel a little shaken.

"See ..... I told you ....... he could be useful .....when the time comes .... " whispered a female voice from the same dark corner.

"What time ...... when ?" replied Vel. For him time was now meaningless. Soon his mind was going to be preserved, his body destroyed. Would his mind measure the passage of time while he waited for them to solve the conundrum of his 'condition' or would the transition from being in one body before reappearing in the next seem instant. Regardless, he was sure that it was all irrelevant now that he was sure a terrible cataclysm was coming and no one seemed to believe him.

"The time for CHANGE" replied the male voice.

"Change ?" Vel frowned, shaking his head.

"Yes, don't you feel it .... sense it ...... we have been governed by the same fools, the same oh so noble houses for so long, we have grown stale, unimaginative, WEAK ... we have to CHANGE .... you're the scientist who has predicted terrible things, yes ?" the male voice asked.

"Yes, but ..... they wont listen ......" Vel stammered.

"And are you not surprised that you, a man that has cast doubt onto the establishment and its great noble houses is now here ?!" said the voice.

"But, I killed those women ........ didn't I ?" Vel said with doubt in his voice.

"But DID YOU ? Don't you see !? You threatened to disturb the order of things with your theories and now you are here .... convicted of murders that you don't even know you did ...." said the voice from the shadows.

"I .. did kill them, didn't I .... or ....... gods ........ you think this is some conspiracy to silence me ? What can I do .... they hold all the power ..... they are our justice, they are our government , they are ......"

"But ..... what if it was ME in power and not THEM ....." urged the voice.

"But we have no time .. I'm ...... this is insanity ..... I ...." Vel drifted into helpless despondency again. What good was it to him to finally have a believer now that he was a condemned man.

"JOIN US ..... and .."

"Shut up with your treacherous rantings ....." quipped a guard's voice from within the corridor. Unseen a group of guards had approached the cells and were now opening the forcefield at the entrance.

"Where are you taking us ...?" demanded the male voice as he emerged from the shadows. He was in dressed in black military fatigues, his bearded face and jet black sleeked back hair framing his piercing blue eyes.

"Sentencing ....." quipped a guard as he entered the cell.

"Very well, we ....." began the man before lunging at the guard.

"Ursa .....NOW" scowled the prisoner as he pinned the guard to the inner wall of the cell. Vel recoiled a second as the scuffle broke out and as another guard moved in the source of the female voice emerged, her short dark hair and deep dark eyes momentarily glancing at Vel before delivering a crushing blow to a guards chest with her booted foot.

Vel looked down a moment as a weapon from a guard's holster tumbled to the floor, it looked like a stun gun.

"QUICKLY, SHOOT HIM !" urged the male prisoner over his shoulder as he desperately tried to keep the first guard pinned, the pair entwined in their moment of struggle.

Vel, like a deer in the headlights was almost paralyzed by the turn of events. Maybe this stranger had an escape plan, a safe place to hide, somewhere where he could prove his innocence or merely wait for this great 'change' the man was offering.

"SHOOT THEM !! ....." urged the prisoners again as they grappled with the guards.

Vel reached down to the floor with his cuffed hands and clumsily grasped the weapon. His heart pounded, what he was about to do seemed so wrong, and yet it might be his only chance. Raising his arms he tried to aim the weapon so that he wouldn't hit the other prisoner.

A guard, realising the danger yelled out for help ...

"ZOD is escaping !!"

"What are you waiting for .... SHOOT ......."

"Guards !! Help !!! ZOD IS ESCAPING !!"



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Come on, Vel, shoot that guard! What's the worse that could happen, anyway? It's just a stun gun so how bad could the repercussion be, huh? :evil:

I'm enjoying the delicious way you're drawing out Supergirl's torment as well as how you're weaving in and out of the other subplots. Nice job, AEM! :thumbup:
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Thanks for the comments DrD ! If anyone else would like to comment please leave me a message here or in PM, it is really really appreciated.



Selena her eyes clenched shut, her face betraying her ecstasy as her emotions raced on up the hill of climax. She was in pursuit of the release that came with the leap from the hill top and the explosion of pleasure that came with it. She was lying under satin sheets which outlined her lean tall figure and the form of the large wand vibrator that she pushed firmly against her clit. In Selena's free hand was a scrunched up copy of Kara's blue one piece and Selena pushed it firmly against her face, taking in the scent of the absent blonde.

The one piece that Selena had was a shiny spandex copy of Kara's suit and Kara had worn it during one of their sessions. Written with black marker pen all over the surface were words that the heroine could never openly admit to liking but had provoked excitement during a time of blissful powerlessness. Now Selena sought to bring that moment back to life albeit briefly in order to satisfy her hunger while the heroine was away.

"Nggghhhhhhh yes yes yes yes ................." screamed the red head as every muscle seemed to compress inwards, her body almost imploding to the core, the center point of which seemed to reside within her clitoris.

Selena panted as her body went limp though she had just one last bit of energy left to switch the wand off with her thumb. Slowly she begun to curl up just slightly and embraced the one piece tightly to her chest as if it were the blond herself who was there.

"God I need to you to come back soon ....... I have such wicked plans for you ....." Selena said quietly as she squeezed the onepiece tightly.

Selena's breathing subsided and she nuzzled into the one piece before noting the whirring sound of her mobile phone on vibrate on her bedside table. It was a message for sure, but from who ?

A reluctant sigh signaled Selena's effort to reach out and drag the phone to her body and with a lazy swipe with her thumb she unlocked her phone.

"Oh its McGee" Selena said quietly to herself. She had been expecting to hear from him so it was no big surprise to see he had sent a message. She had sent him off to keep tabs on Molly Matthews and her mentor Schneider. It was important to Selena that they didn't accidentally reproduce the research that had led to Selena obtaining the TERESa and REAPER devices which could de-power her superheroine lover.

Opening up the message Selena's heart raced when she saw the words,


"Fuck, what's happened this time!" Selena said as she quickly flung her body upright. Her mind found instant clarity as her deeply ingrained conditioning came back to her. Quickly accessing her security logs she opened up the image capture of whoever had been using McGee's cell.

The image loaded and Selena gasped as she took in the sight of McGee, blood literally weeping from the eyes in the swollen mass of his face.

Quickly Selena dialed out and waited patiently as the call began to be put through. Patiently she waited as the ringing tone began




Then silence, a hint of static .... was she connected or not ?

"McGee ..... are you there ?" Selena asked with concern in her voice.


"MCGEE " Selena insisted.

"Owwww ...... oww shhhhhhhhh .... keep it down ...... I ........" McGee replied, his voice rasping.

"McGee ..... what the hell happened to you ... are you ok ..... where are you ?" Selena said hurriedly not realizing the questions had begun to tumble from her mouth as she tried to make sense of what had happened.

"That woman ...... Matthews ...... I ............" McGee managed to say, his discomfort evident in his voice.

"What did she do to you , don't tell me she beat you up !" Selena asked, still unable to come to terms with what was going on.

"No ..... I ......... I went to do a read of her and .............. she just poured her mind into mine ..... I ..... I need to decompress ....... I'm trying to manage it but .... I need you here ........ I need to off load some memories ....hurry.." McGee said with a struggle.

"OK ... this is what I'm going to do ...." began Selena confidently as she glanced at the time.


Kara lay below the cluster of saline bags and groaned in her discomfort. The tubes that led from the saline were fed into her breasts and labia which had become engorged and tender. Kimberly had constricted the blond heroine's breasts with some rubber hose and now they stood like tall domes bloated and swollen to their limit.

"Why are you doing this to me ......" whimpered the blond as Kimberly swapped out one emptied bag for another.

Kara drew her aching wrists up to her body which dragged the super strong chain along with it onto her cold torso. Kara's hands began cupping and supporting her now weighty breasts in order to ease their suffering and Kimberly merely glanced at her as she set the flow rate on the new pouch of saline.

Kara tested the weight of her breasts in her hands and knew they were well beyond her regular size and she decided to explore what had happened unseen between her legs beyond her now mountainous chest.

Wincing she brushed gently at the ring that had so wickedly been inserted into her clitoris and a finger explored her saline bloated labia and the rings that now adorned them. For a fleeting moment she imagined what it would be if Selena had her like this, what would that have meant to her, and why should it be different because Kimberly was doing it instead ??

Kimberly stooped down besides the heroine and explored Kara's sea spray soaked body with her hands. Kara's limbs ached and she felt powerless to prevent Kimberly doing whatever she wanted and closed her eyes in an attempt to block out her pain and discomfort. Kimberly weighed and measured the changes she had made to Kara's body, gently squeezing and prodding her most intimate places.

"You are so much stronger than all the others ...." Kimberly said quietly.

"The others that you killed ......" Kara said accusingly. Kimberly hadn't been tried in court yet although the evidence apparently was damning enough even without Kimberly confessing to her right there and then.

"But YOU will never die ..... you will LIVE like THIS ......... forever ....." hissed Kimberly.


Lucy found herself facing a wall inside her apartment, palms to the wall, legs spread, and now completely naked save for her collar. Her head craned back looking upwards slightly, held firmly by her hair as Lisa wrapped her free free hand around Lucy's waist whispering evil sweet nothings into her ear.

Miss Asia's darker skin looked flawless, her sporty lines, the contours of her subtle musculature, the line of pebble like undulations in the channel defining the curve of her spine. The two red spheres that were her buttocks glowed angrily, the feint traces of Lisa's hand prints were testament to the spanking she had received after being stripped of her pink outfit.

"Are you having fun ..... I know I am " Lisa asked rhetorically as she let her free hand slide down the Asian woman's abdomen, over her soft neatly trimmed fuzz only to find the stringy liquid excitement hanging from between her subjects legs.

"Oh so you are ....." grinned Lisa at the discovery as she raised her hand to mouth and licked her fingers, tasting her friend. Lucy moaned in pleasure seeing Lisa's sexual appetite in full flow and desperately wanted Lisa to use her however she wanted.

"Hands behind your back ..." ordered Lisa as she pulled cuffs out of her pocket. Lucy, exhausted from her mistreatment pushed away from the wall and crossed her wrists behind her obediently her eyes locked on Lisa.

CRICKCRICK sounded the ratcheted handcuffs as they first opened to receive Lucy's slender wrists before closing again.

"Oh god, Lisa, you better be fucking me now or ....." Lucy began, her eyes pleading. She had been electrically teased all day, and needed Lisa to finish her off.

Lisa placed a playful spank on Lucy's behind then used the double lock on the cuffs before rising and dragging Lucy away by her upper arm towards the bedroom.

"Come on princess, lets sort you out, Ive got the perfect thing ..." Lisa said, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Lucy found herself on the bed, on her knees arms still cuffed behind her back, her left cheek resting on the surface of the bed looking off to the right. Behind her, strap-on over her clothes, Lisa gripped Lucy's waist as she let the shaft of the strap-on tease Lucy between her legs. Lisa had one foot on the bed in front of her pinning the raven hair of her now vulnerable partner to the bed.

With a soft gentle motion Lisa let the shaft glide back and forth over Lucy's soft wet flesh, teasing her gently, hips thrusting softly back and forth as her claws sunk into Lucy's waist.

"Ohh ... please ...... just ......." moaned Lucy.

"Before I ..... put this in you .... and ...... I'm so looking forward to it ..... promise me I get back my mischievous, almost unobtainable friend afterwards ..... I like a challenge ...." Lisa said, her strap-on almost marking the pacing of her words.

"Trust me .... once I get out of this, you'll have a challenge...." Lucy said with a mock sinister voice.

"Good girl" Lisa said before delivering a firm spank to the Asians behind and finally letting the thick silicone shaft drift from being a lazy instrument of teasing into a slow penetrating menace.
Lisa felt the satisfying soft resistance that gripped the shaft deep within Lucy's body. The thrusting action was neither labored or too easy and carefully Lisa upped her tempo and stroke forcing herself deeper and deeper into Lucy's body.

"Oh ..... god .....fuck me ......" Lucy moaned.

"With pleasure, your highness .....and if you beg well enough I might even ....." there was only a moment of pause as she drew the shaft nearly all the way from the Asians body before placing the pad of her thumb over Lucy's anus which clamped tightly in surprise.

Lucy barely could twist her head but her expression revealed the blurred emotions that went through her mind at the very thought of Lisa taking her that way.

Lisa winked then resumed thrusting .... "Well, we shall see ..."

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With a groan Kara rose to her feet, helplessly suspended from her chain bolted wrists until she was stretched almost taught. Kimberly wanted to inspect the totality of her work and like an artist who saw her work being mounted in its frame admired the overall look of her art.

Kara looked down at herself. Her engorged breasts hung heavily, their recently fitted rings teasing her nipples. The unfamiliar weight of the labial rings tugging at her swollen flesh was also oddly stimulating and all this was against a backdrop of the tender sensation of her back, the flesh still protesting from the extensive tattoo work that now covered it.

"Wha . what now ... Kimberly ?" Kara asked aloud. She wasn't trying to goad her host but in her heart she sensed that she was now in uncharted territory as a victim of Kimberly's handiwork.

Kimberly seemed un-phased by the question as she circled the powerless blond heroine who seemed to somehow maintain a quality of nobility in the way she tried to carry herself. Kimberly studied the heroine's form, the artwork, the rings, the changes she had made to Kara's body.

"Kimberly ?" Kara asked again weakly.

Kimberly appeared to glaze over again as her thoughts overtook her once more .


A dejected Vel stood in the archway of an entrance to a chamber, his wrists and ankles bound, a guard on either side gripping his forearm. Ahead was a large circular chamber with some kind of examination chair in the center and above it a ring of lights and scientific equipment. A technician seemed to be preparing the chair and after a short pause beckoned to the guards.

With a nod the guards acknowledged the technician and began to lead the reluctant Vel to his fate. The technician patted the chair as if to confirm this was his final destination and with assistance from the guards he was placed in the chair and restrained to it, first by the ankles and then by the wrists, his transport restraints then being removed.

"Sign please ...." the technician said as he handed a data pad to the guards who logged the hand over.

"Here you go ......." one of the guards said as the data pad was returned.

"Well, you have fallen a long way Vel ..." said the technician as he tracked the guards leaving the chamber.

Vel looked back dejectedly, no doubt the technician, whoever he was, was going to gloat.

"I studied your your theories, even attended one of you lectures ... I cannot believe you are sat here now ...." the technician said coldly as he began to unhook tubing from the apparatus suspended above the chair.

"Just do it will you ...." Vel said sorrowfully.

"Oh, why so downhearted, come come my friend, you think this is where you have come to die ? Oh no, the purpose of this is to preserve you ......" the technician replied, pausing a moment to study an implement of the process that was about to be undertaken.

"Preservation is all well and good but what is the point when ....." Vel replied matter of factly. He knew that while preservation of the mind was so far a scientific reality, the curing of minds was not yet possible in every case and restoration to a new body had yet to be undertaken.

"That is not our concern now, is it? Every day they get closer to achieving Restoration, and already there are great minds that have been cured of their ills, their degenerative diseases and so on. All it takes is the final leap and they can be returned to us, albeit in new bodies." the technician explained boastfully.

"Do you really think we have time?!" Vel scoffed.

The technician holding an implement closed in on Vel's bald head and placed it against the side above his ear.

"This will hurt a moment ..." the technician said, changing the subject as he went through the motions of his job

The tool began to etch in a bar code like mark into Vel's skull leaving a credit card sized area marked in black alien text. Vel grimaced as the tool worked for five or so seconds and then snatched his head away in protest.

"What is that for ....." Vel grunted.

"It is a legal requirement, the skull and limbs are to be marked to prevent any parts of you being used in the donor market ..." the technician replied as he placed the tool to one of Vel's forearms.

Vel blinked, truly he was seen to be a monster, his physical destruction was to be complete, not even the donor system would accept him at death.

"Does ..does..... the process .......hurt .....?"

"That is not quite the right question ....." the technician replied as he began to mark Vel's arm with another bar code.

"Unghh" protested Vel as he listened, the marking tool etching his skin.

"The right question is 'can it?' and 'will it?' You see, there are people brought here who have not committed crimes, they are merely ill and need preserving before their body fails them. Then there are others, others like you, criminals, who perhaps one day can be cured of whatever malady they have and restored to being productive members of our society.

"The former, the valued sick and infirm ...... they feel no pain...." the technician explained as he crouched down, marking one of Vel's lower legs, just above the ankle.

"but.. the criminals ..... ?" Vel blubbered.

"I can only say the process for them is considerably less comfortable ....." the technician said.

"I ... understand ..... " Vel gulped

The technician, with a cautious glance of his surrounding leant forward closer to Vel, and with a pause, a moment of contemplation, spoke in a low voice.

"I .. I heard what happened...about what you did in the cells..... you could have escaped ...but you did not ...." the technician said, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Only one thing seperated me from being in this chair or on the run ...." Vel said quietly back, almost like a whisper.

"What was that ?"

"The name ..... ZOD, I would rather die a thousand deaths than have his escape on my conscience," Vel said.

"Well ..... you have my gratitude family were killed by the general, during his insurrection .. I cannot make your transition to preservation totally painless ... they have not provided me all the medication required to do that .. but I have a single dose of suppressants .... I can ... I can take the edge off ... during the worst ...." the technician said before snatching himself back upright.

"Tha .. thank you ...."

"I have to begin installing the lines that will infuse you with the capture matrix ..." the technician said -- like he had snapped back into his role as executioner.

"What does it ... do ?" Vel asked, his fists pumping in their restraints.

From above Vel a large surgical like drip bag hung, a green gel liquid inside. A myriad of tubing was attached like a loom to the bag and the technician began drawing the first down to the waiting prisoner below.

"The gel will run inertly with your blood up to the brain. There the gel breaks down and begins to merge with the neural net of your mind, creating a readable map for our scanner. The scanner burns a copy of the map inside a crystal matrix which is then stored in our vault for study," the technician explained, his tone neither callous nor kind.

Vel listened but he had nothing more to say as the technician slowly began to insert the drip lines into Vel's arms, the green gel flowing from the sac above into his body. Vel sensed the passage of the mind-mapping ooze enter his body sending shivers through his skin while the pupils of his eyes widened fully open.

"I ... I ..feel it ...." moaned Vel quietly, "it ... it hurts ..."

"I know .. but ....hold on ..... the longer you hold on the better we can use the drugs I have ... we don't want to use them too soon .."

"ok ... I ...I ..I'm trying .." mouthed Vel as he felt the icy cold gel tingle at his spine.

"Listen to my voice, Vel, look up ...... look up at the lights ... do you see them ...." the technician asked, his voice calm, but now slightly warmer than before.

"Y...yes ......yes ......"

"Do you see the rings that they form ..... the purity of their shape ..... their perfection ...." the technician continued. He knew with every moment that Vel endured without medication the more comfortable his passage would be when he truly needed them.

"Yes ... they ... they are ..... so beautiful ..... one ..... after ...... the other......they .. they are infinite ...." Vel said with a struggle, the pounding inside his mind increasing with every heartbeat.

"You are doing well ...... the rings ..... the circles ...... the pure number ...... how far did you ever get would have tried ...." the technician whispered as he prepared a needle with the single vial of suppressants he had at his disposal.

"The pure number ..hundreds of digits ......"

"Recite them back to me ...." the technician said as set off the scanner to map Vel's mind.

"Three .. poi ..... point .........."

"uh huh ..." said the technician as he placed the needle into Vel's neck, squeezing the contents into Vel's system.

"one ..... four .........five ........ god it hurts ....."

"I know but I've just dosed you... it should get easier ...." the technician said as he tapped Vel on the shoulder.

"ni ..... nine ..... two ..... si .... six .......fuck fuck fuck ......" Vel grimaced as he sought to remember the many numbers in the sequence.

"Keep going .... " urged the technician as he watched the scanner software map the brain of the prisoner in front of him.

"Ha ..... ha ...... you think you are going to ESCAPE ME!! " hissed Vel, his face transforming a moment.

"What?" the technician exclaimed as he saw his patient almost seem to change personality in front of him.

"I AM YOU ...... who .. who are you ..... I AM YOU .... you're the thing ... inside of me? They are going to cut you out of my mind ........ NO THEY WON'T .....yes.... you will be gone and I will be put into a new body ...... ALL THIS WILL BE GONE BEFORE THAT HAPPENS ..... no .. I .... I ........................" Vel slowly fell silent, his face becoming a slack mass of motionless muscle.

"What was that all about?" the technician wondered as he examined the body of Vel.


"Kimberly?!" Kara asked once more.

Kimberly blinked and stared back at Kara causing the heroine's heart to skip a beat. The powerfully-framed serial killer seemed to be almost possessed, her eyes burning into Kara's mind.

"This is all wrong ....... I must see if we can start again!" Kimberly grunted with an angry face.

Kara turned her face in fear. Kimberly's mood seemed to have turned on a dime and she was scared of the consequences.

Kimberly turned her body and began to gather up the thin wand-like metal rods with their green-tipped poison and re-positioned them further away from her prisoner. Kara sensed the retreat of the green aura surrounding her and she could feel a gentle relief throughout her body, almost like she was thawing out in the sun.

"I will return later ........ no tricks or there will be trouble" Kimberly growled as she made her way up a service ladder towards the decks above.
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Supergirl hung from her restraints but with each passing hour she felt herself recovering from her ordeal. Her back which had been rendered raw by Kimberly and her wicked tattoo equipment had started to feel normal again and she contemplated the idea that out of sight the ink had been destroyed by her invulnerable cells.

Gradually the young heroine felt she could stand on her own two feet with ease and the ache of her arms gradually subsided, as did the discomfort of the eye bolts that had been driven through her forearms at the wrists. She started to at least feel a fraction of her super strength evident within herself and for a brief moment even dared to expend a bit of her regained power to use her vision, testing her limits.

The wicked green dust flooded her field of view with what could be described as static interference but at least she could see it, before her vision had been limited to regular wavelengths that anyone could see. She considered next how best to use her renewed power, she might get very limited opportunities to try again and the moment Kimberly brought the green poison closer to her she would be rendered powerless immediately.

She had tested the chain before and had ended up crushing the oil rig into the sea bed, or, had the sea bed risen towards her? Whatever had happened the chain, whatever it was made of, had held, something the heroine had never experienced before. If the chain really was that strong she couldn't afford to waste energy breaking it again. If she was going to escape she would have to first take out Kimberly with the green de-powering dust away from her body and then with her free time begin to work on releasing herself unmolested.

Like a clap of cymbals the deck made a metallic crash sound and vibrated with the echo of Kimberly's feet as she stomped back down on to the deck from the access ladder. Walking confidently, the deck reverberated with every footfall as Kimberly approached the heroine and she planted herself directly in front of her victim to study the state of her recovery.

"You are healed !" Kimberly said, it was almost with a hint of surprise which was a first for her. Up until then everything had seemed cold or matter of fact with her.

With a cruel hand Kimberly reached forward and grabbed one of Supergirl's breasts and gripped it in her hand. The saline had been fully absorbed from the heroines body by her metabolism, erasing the physical changes that Kimberly had enforced on her. It was then that Kimberly noted the piercings, the rings had been sliced apart as Kara's skin had healed through them and now sat on the blanket beneath the heroines feet.

"You are dangerous .!!!" Kimberly said as she spun away and began to head towards the perimeter of green tipped metal rods she had suspended around the heroine.

"Kimberly ... NO !" Supergirl ordered, the suddenness of the situation forcing her hand to act.

Kimberly stopped mid pace and glanced over her shoulder, concerned about what was going to happen next. With a scowl the pair made eye contact for a split second just as Kimberly began to reach out an arm towards the nearest rod.

Supergirl gasped in realisation that it was now or .......

A well of red filled Supergirl's eyes and she unleashed what power she had at Kimberly, squarely hitting the powerful foe in the chest sending her stumbling backwards onto her behind, her arms stretching behind her, keeping her sat up.

The beam from Kara's eyes poured into Kimberly, and then something unpredictable happened.

Kimberly seemed to radiate out into two other beings, just as the green tipped rod had done when Kara had used her energy vision on it when she was first captured.

Kimberly's eyes widened, her face revealing an almost childlike fear painted onto an adult's features.

"Oh god .. help me .......... let me out !" screamed Kimberly.

The form that had begun to radiate strongly to Kimberly's left was like the man Vel that had spoken to Kara before.

"You are doooooooomed ....... she is my vessel now and you are mine foreeeeeever" hissed the bright form of Vel.

The second form to Kimberly's right was so feint, barely perceptible, its voice barely could be heard but its face seemed more friendly, kinder even.

Kara felt she was exorcising some demon from Kimberly's body and doubled her effort with her energy blast. Kara could almost see the two copies of the man who had identified himself as Vel being forced towards the green tips of the metal rods.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo" screamed the angry copy of Vel as it felt its grip on Kimberly loosening.

"Pleaaaase get it out get it out get it out get it out !" screamed Kimberly.

Kara felt like she was crushing a sponge of every last drop of water, but it was her mind that she was crushing and the energy blast from her eyes was the water.

"NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!" Screamed the angry energy form as it resisted, the mirrored pair converging back towards the prone Kimberly who cowered in terror at the approaching energy forms.

Kara's face was glowing red, her face seemed almost volcanic as she fought to drive the demon away from Kimberly but her reservoir had started the battle almost dry and now ....


Kimberly and the two copies of Vel collided into what seemed to be like an implosion of green and red light sending a reflection of energy back towards the heroine. Like a rag doll Kara's head snapped back from the force and her body slumped cruelly in her restraints leaving her hanging by the cruel eye bolts and chains. Kara had lost another battle and perhaps with it, the war.


Lisa stared at the empty space in the bed along side her again. It had contained Lucy, sweet, submissive Lucy, the one she had worked so hard to impress, so hard to tame, and now the cute Asian was gone. Not because anything had gone wrong, but because of the phone call from Selena. Lisa closed her eyes and inhaled the last molecules of the perfume that Lucy had been wearing and let the memory inducing scent work its magic.

Lisa had had Lucy eating out of her hand, literally, M&Ms to be precise and while on a leash in her "Princess" collar. It had been heaven and Lisa had felt like a goddess of epic proportions, such was the ego boost that Lucy had gifted her, and now for the time being at least it was over.

And why was Lucy gone ? To rescue McGee, AGAIN.

Lucy and McGee had first met, for want of a better word, as part of a prisoner exchange at some dockside. As the pair began to cross paths during the handover Lucy was shot to death, or would have been, by a sniper right in front of McGee's eyes. Luckily for Lucy, the bullet, now a splat of metal on a chain around her neck, was intercepted by none other than Supergirl, leaving Lucy to suffer the indignity of an exploding blood bag bursting out of her chest instead.

That was all in aid of rescuing McGee from the evil CrewCut, and now Lucy was off again, this time to rescue McGee from what sounded like a bad hangover.

"Fuck", Lisa protested out loud.

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Lucy glanced at the text message again and confirmed the room number she was looking for before turning at the junction in the corridor. Time was of the essence she had been told, and so she strode purposefully towards her destination, room 138.

Lucy reached the door and tapped lightly with the knuckle of her index finger and waited. From within the room a groan could be heard and a dull thud, perhaps created by the feet of the occupant as they hit the floor from their bed, Lucy wondered.

From beyond the door the uneven heavy steps of a man grew closer until the familiar rattling of door catches were unlatched and the door swung partially open. Lucy peered into the blacked out room and saw the outline of McGee in front of her, a small blood soaked towel wrapped around his head, his bloodshot eyes about the only visible part of his face.

"OH MY G..." Lucy began to exclaim.

McGee winced and placed a finger to his hidden lips and emitted a rasping "shhh" as he ushered Lucy through the door.

"Sorry" Lucy resumed in a low whisper "What has happened? Selena hasn't told me much ..."

With a painful groan McGee slumped onto the bed and pointed at the small writing desk, his finger stabbing insistently for Lucy to go. Lucy with a frown went to the table and saw notes written on the hotel stationary.

#1 No talking and no noise, it'll kill me!

#2 If you want to save me we have to trust each other.

#3 To save me I need you to concentrate and imagine a day, any day, in the future. Don't think of the past! Choose a date, an unimportant date, not tomorrow, but maybe next week or next month. That day will be mine to offload into all what I learned.

#4 Once you've chosen a date lay alongside me, relax, and begin thinking of that day from beginning to end.

"Oh my gosh, he needs to do his thing with me,the memory trick" Lucy said to herself. She had become aware of his powers on the day they met, she had been 'killed' and her pursuer, CrewCut had been put out of the picture. She was grateful to the friendly good natured man for having helped her find a new future and decided she had to act.

Lucy glanced at the prone McGee, his large bulky frame occupying a large fraction of the bed, his blood soaked towel hiding his face. Lucy realised McGee needed help and fast and took in a deep breath before she mentally fixated herself on some day in the future. She randomly chose the first of the next month and then carefully climbed onto the bed alongside McGee.

Reaching across, Lucy's hand found McGee's and the pair locked fingers. Lucy began to concentrate, what should this phantom future day that McGee needed her to create be like?

With a gentle squeeze of her hand Lucy indicated to the gentle giant that she was ready and slowly she began to imagine that waking moment when the fantasy day would begin.

Eyes closed Lucy's world was at first black, then slowly lighter and lighter until ....

"Hey, you ok?" beamed McGee from across the small dining table, he looked completely fine compared to the bloated bloody mass his head had been moments before.

"Uh.... Where am I ... McGee , what are you doing here ?"

"We are here to find out what ...." McGee paused dramatically ..."she has been up to."

Molly Matthews appeared and sat at her dining room table, bowl of cereal in one hand, spoon in another and begun munching on her breakfast whilst staring blankly into the distance.

"But, you asked me to create a day in the future ...." Lucy stammered "I don't even know who this woman is!"

"You've already done the fantasy day thing, this is the stuff I couldn't see before which was crammed into my brain.." McGee explained as he watched Molly munch away.

"So, where is the stuff I came up with? I don't remember anything!" Protested Lucy as she took in her surroundings.

"Well, what was your memory, your imaginary day, is in my head, and what I tried to extract from Molly is this...." McGee said as he gestured with his hand at Molly.

"He likes to meddle with your memories..." said Molly between mouthfuls. Her tone was almost empty as she stared off into the distance chewing the cereal.

"Wait, she sees us?" Asked Lucy.

"Umm, well not normally quite like that, no, she isn't interactive, this is a memory. It's just, weird I know, but it's like her internal voice, I don't know why they talk at me like that but , it is what it is..." McGee said trying to sound confident whilst evidently being phased by what just happened.

"So who is she?" Lucy asked studying Matthews.

"Suffice to say she is someone who The Broker wants us to keep an eye on, she could be dangerous" McGee said as he too studied Molly as she ate.

"If she's that dangerous I don't see why The Broker wouldn't have her eliminated" Lucy said coldly, lapsing into former mercenary role for a fleeting moment.

"Someone can be dangerous and still be totally innocent...that's what this one is. You've not been with our group long so maybe you've not noticed it yet but we aren't into assassinations and executions." McGee explained.

Lucy recalled how her former colleague, the man the others only knew as CrewCut had been gunned down, not at their hands, but by the police in some shoot out. CrewCut had evaded justice for his murder of an FBI agent by getting killed but it was his choice in the end. They had tried to let justice happen naturally but no one mourned CrewCuts demise.

"I guess not ....." Said Lucy a little apologetically "so why are we here?"

"It's this he's interested in ...." Molly interrupted.

The scene almost seemed to blur from one place to the next, as Molly, Lucy and McGee ended up being seated in a similar arrangement as before but now in some kind of laboratory.

"Is she meant to be, you know, talking to us?" Lucy asked with a frown, she found the experience disconcerting.

"Well, you usually get a commentary, thoughts and stuff but this one is a bit more assertive..." McGee said as he began to get an idea of his surroundings.

"Well, what do we have here?" McGee said aloud as peered at the various screens and instruments around the lab.

"This is why I needed to speak to Schneider" Molly said as she glanced at a monitor showing the camera feed from the robot in what was the hot room nearby.

"What, this?" McGee probed as he looked at the monitor, a feint green tinge could be seen on some blueish grey grid background.

"What is it?" Asked Lucy.

"I've no idea wha...." Began McGee before he was cut off by Molly.

"It can kill her, you know, the Super Girl, at least make her powerless, Schneider told me so." Molly replied innocently as she seemed to carry on going through the motions, oblivious to her surroundings.

"She's lying, nothing could do that...." Lucy said confidently. To her the superheroine was indestructible. Without thinking Lucy touched her chest and felt the metal splat dangling on a chain around her neck, the large sniper bullet that had been destined to kill her until it was blocked by the superheroine herself.

"Remember these are her memories, to her it's the truth, she believes it." Cautioned McGee.

"Ok, well, what is it, why can it kill her?" Probed Lucy, if this green stuff could kill her super powered saviour she wanted to know everything in order to protect her.

"It has a strange radiation, unique, to us it only exists theoretically, there is a paper about it by Schneider, I should ask him" Molly said in a monotone staccato manner.

Lucy raised an eyebrow at McGee inquisitively.

"The Broker prefers that Schneider and Molly here stay apart, together they could pose problems. When I began to probe Molly about why she was with Schneider her thoughts turned to this day and then I went into meltdown" McGee explained as he continued to study the camera feed.

"Oh so that's what this is about, Selena wanted you to find out what they had been up to together" Lucy exclaimed, the jigsaw puzzle was becoming clearer.

"Yes, when she discovered they were in the vicinity of each other she wanted to know more, it was meant to be simple but, well, you can see the mess I am now ....." McGee started.

"You meddled with my memories ..." Said Molly as she carried on with her work.

"So, what went wrong?" Asked Lucy innocently trying to ignore the unsettling behaviour of Molly.

"Well it was like I got overloaded with information. Usually I have to exchange some random memories to make room but whatever I got given took up much more space than I could process all at once." McGee explained as he toured the laboratory, taking in what he could.

Lucy paused thoughtfully as she tried to take in how this dream world worked before her super spy side kicked in.

"Ok, so it seemed her day started dull enough and now she has found this green dust.. so, where did it come from, where is it now ....?" Lucy asked aloud.

"It's extraterrestrial, it was somehow embedded onto a solar array of a satellite. Our satellite recovery program brought it back to earth for recycling..." Molly said in her monotone voice.

"Oh that,the ClearOrbit programme...neat.." Lucy said calmly, she had read the news about how the government had begun to fund programs to clear up space junk in order to free up space for new satellites.

"So.. where is it now?" McGee insisted.

The scene seemed to quickly morph again and now Molly was sat at her workplace canteen eating lunch while looking anxiously towards a group of men at another table.

"It all got given to him, he literally owns all of this .... I want a research budget to study the stuff , he says he will give it back ..." Molly said again as she stared off into the distance.

"Wait, that's that guy, Sanderson, Bobby was his sister who broke out of he was here?" McGee asked almost in disbelief. The FBI chatter of late had been all about Kimberly and her epic escape, she had become a high priority case.

"Oh my god, what was it Mike Loughlan had said .... every time Kimberly made someone suffer her brother Bobby got richer ...." Lucy stammered, she could see the pieces of the puzzle falling into place by the second.

"Well no one is getting rich right now, the financial news have been full of bad news the last ..." McGee started to say as he came to a stumbling halt. Both he and Lucy knew that it was quite possible, in fact very likely that someone could profit from a market that was doing very badly, even Lucy's brief financial education had taught her that.

"Shit, that's what's going on.... Bobby has given this stuff to his sister to overcome Supergirl with .... we've got to get out of here" Lucy said anxiously as she looked around for an exit from her virtual adventure.

"Wait, I don't understand, this Loughlan guy, what does he have to do with this?" McGee asked confused.

"He works for Sanderson, he came up with some kooky bullshit, said that every time Sanderson hit it big his sister was carving up her latest victim and then when the corporation had a bad time his sister got found out then captured." Lucy explained.

"Yeah, that does sound like bullshit" McGee replied but now he could see doubt in Lucy's eyes. "Hold on, you think it's true, don't you...?"

Lucy glanced at Molly, then Bobby and remembered how Molly seemed sure how dangerous the green dust could be to the blond superheroine. If Loughlan was right, and if Kimberly now had he superheroine in her grasp the consequences could be enormous.

"We need to ...... I need to go ...." Insisted Lucy.

"But where? If Kimberly has Kara we need to know where to go .... " McGee said wisely, his cop mind engaged.

"Where did they go, Molly? Where ?" demanded Lucy of the phantom Molly.

The scene changed and there was darkness, only Molly, Lucy and McGee remained.

"Fuck, what's this?" Lucy asked, frustrated by a lack of any clues.

"She doesn't know, this is like a blank spot, you're trying to see something she doesn't know..." McGee explained. During his years of experience peeking and probing, sometimes even swapping memories he would often encounter these dark empty spaces of ignorance.

"Look at this, this might help ..." Molly said blankly as she offered up some large book.

"What is it?" asked McGee as he reached out for whatever it was that Molly offered him.

McGee took the book without thinking and stared blankly into the pages that fell open for him, one hand supporting the spine of the large book, the other helping to hold the book open.

"What does it say?" asked Lucy

McGee seemed entranced by the unseen contents of the book as Lucy looked on waiting for his reply.

"McGee ?"

"This..." began Molly "is a picture of me when I was a day old ... this a week old.."

McGee stood transfixed as Molly continued to speak and Lucy felt that something was going badly wrong inside the dream world. As Lucy began to move towards the pair the space between her and the others began to widen as if space was being put between them.

"MCGEE!" Lucy yelled in a bid to snap him out of his trance.

Molly continued to monologue in a staccato robotic tone, on and on she spoke progressing through the large book in McGee's hands.

"This is me when I was five at my friends birthday party, and again and again, here I am Disney World with mom and dad, we took lots of photos. These are pictures of me during Halloween, I had lots of candy that year. This is me at my grandparents for thanksgiving, this is me helping to carve the turkey. This is me with a snowman I made at Christmas and here I am opening presents ..."

"Oh my god ..... is this what went wrong?" Lucy asked herself. This phantom Molly was pumping all these old memories into McGee's mind, or wait, was it her mind now?

All Lucy knew was that this moment seemed wrong and her instincts screamed at her to drag McGee away from what she sensed were toxic memories. Lucy began to stride purposefully towards Molly and McGee fighting against this unseen force that seemed to continually to expand the distance between them.

"Molly, STOP" Lucy ordered as she grimaced from the effort of trying to cross the gulf forming between them.

Molly seemed to pause a moment from her poisonous stream of words before casting Lucy a wicked smirk, her words starting to flow again remorselessly.

"Bitch!" Lucy uttered under her breath. With all her concentration she began to will the space between the trio to shrink and her eyes widened in surprise she discovered that the dreamscape was hers to command. Slowly the space contracted and she saw a moment of uncertainty in Molly's eyes.

Molly picked up the pace of her robotic voiced poison sensing that Lucy was closing the gap until ...

"NO! Leave him ALONE" screamed Lucy angrily as she flung the book away from McGee's sight. McGee seemed to blink and break free of his trance just in time to see Lucy deliver some kind of martial arts move on Molly pinning her to the floor.

"Enough .....! " Lucy said angrily "now, where are they, where did they take the green dust?" she demanded.

"I don't know where they will take it" Molly said in an innocent voice before her face seemed to transform. Terrified by the snarling apparition Lucy flinched, turning her face away.

"But I know the Super Girl will suffer ....." hissed the voice before the scene faded away into total silent emptiness.

Slowly Lucy awakened and found herself alone on the bed she had innocently shared with McGee.

"Oh god that was horrible" McGee grunted as he returned to the bedroom. His head was damp and with a clean towel he began to dry himself down.

"Oh, you're awake, thanks kiddo you saved my life in did you find anything out?" the big friendly giant asked of his Asian counterpart.

"But you were there, don't you remember anything?" Lucy said dumbfounded as she tried to come to terms with her experience.

"The Molly thing? Not a thing .... I've got your fantasy day up here, remember?" McGee said as he finished drying his tender but now now normal sized skull.

"Remember? Well not really, it was gone before I knew I had even imagined it.... I think" Lucy replied, confused by the turn of events.

"I know, it's a head fuck isn't it?" McGee said as popped out of view returning his towel to the bathroom.

Lucy glanced at her watch and realised she had been out for about an hour and tried to raise herself from the bed before her sore head advised her to stay put.

"Jeez my head ... " Lucy grumbled.

"It'll pass, well it did the other time I did, what's the story?" McGee asked again, he was curious to know what Lucy could see that had failed to.

"That Molly, she says she found something that can make Kara powerless and she give it to Bobby Sanderson. I think he has given it to his sister ...." Lucy blurted.

"That Kimberly woman? Why would... well ok, if she's the sicko we think she is, but what's his motive? " McGee puzzled.

"That's complicated, I should go back and ....." Lucy attempted to stand and immediately regretted it, slumping to the bed in a daze. Then she realised exactly what McGee said seconds before " wait..'the other time' ... you've only done this once before? But I thought you've played with memories hundreds of times?"

"Hey kid, I can be in and out your head in the blink of an eye when it comes to simple Q and A stuff , seconds to swap out some course of events, but I was pumping memories out into nothing, that fantasy day of yours was just a vacuum for me to inflate with whatever was in Molly's head." McGee explained boastfully.

"So, who was the other person you did this with?" Lucy inquired.

"Please Lucy, I ..." McGee said defensively.

"McGee, you owe me, tell me and I'll tell you what happened in your head that exploded your brain ..." Lucy said assertively.

"If... I tell you and anyone finds out .... "McGee replied nervously. He was curious to know what had nearly killed him but worried about the cost.

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"Selena, it's me ... I'm on my way back ...." Lucy said as she passed through the VIP security section at the airport.

"What the hell happened, is he OK ?" Selena asked.

"It's complicated, but listen, we have a problem, Kara is in danger , SERIOUS danger ...." Lucy said firmly.

"How .. what sort of danger could she possibly be in !? Wait ...has ... has Matthews and Schneider ..." Selena paused mid sentence.

"Them ? No, they haven't done anything but Matthews discovered some green dust, she thinks its alien in origin .... it can drain Supergirl .." Lucy explained as she walked towards the departure gates.

"What ? How ? Where from ?" Selena replied, she sounded anxious.

"It was embedded on some space junk they pulled down, that ClearOrbit program, Molly was working on it when she found the stuff ..... I don't know how but, it feels so real, I can sense it, like I know it's all true ......." Lucy said, concern etched into her face.

"Wait ...... you said .. you said it's green ?" Selena asked as if she had moment of realization.

"Yes .... it was embedded in a solar array ...." Lucy explained as she showed her identification at the boarding gate.

"Wait .... where IS IT ?" Selena wondered aloud. Surely Molly had it, or .....

"I think ..... I think Kimberly has it ....... Kimberly Sanderson ...... " Lucy replied, knowing those words might be like twisting a knife.

"What , how does SHE have it ?" Selena sounded almost desperate for a moment.

"Molly's boss ........ it's BOBBY, the brother .........!!"

"Oh my god...come.....come back... I will see you when you get back ..... hurry ....." Selena said and quickly hung up.

"Oh ...." BEEEP "Okay ..." Lucy tried to say as Selena promptly hung up.


Selena closed her eyes in deep thought before she started clacking at her keyboard of her computer.

"ClearOrbit, ClearOrbit ....." Selena mumbled to herself as she began to dig through her archives.


"Hawkeye One - launched, 1981 .... fuck ...... when was that incident ....." Selena muttered to herself as she focused her memory.

Selena had gloatingly explained in vicious detail to the heroine her tale of "Divide and Conquer" , how she had worked on figuring out how to destroy her nemesis and her passing interest in the asteroid that had come from deep space. The heroine had intercepted the rock but went off the grid for some time afterwards, perhaps weakened by her encounter. Supergirl hadn't told Selena at the time what had actually happened, only saying:

".... If you do love would promise me you won't ever seek it out, whatever it was...please?" almost as if she was begging.

"Oh no no no no ....." murmured Selena. Hawkeye-One had been up there when Kara had destroyed the asteroid, the green dust and the asteroid, they were one and the same thing and now that stuff was on Earth.

Whatever it had been and whatever it was now, Kara had been afraid of the green alien material and now she was missing, Kimberly was missing, and ....... and .......

"Bobby ...... you son of a bitch ....." Selena shrieked as she fumbled for her remote and turned on the big screen in her room.

The screen came to life and Selena started to cycle through the financial news sections.


Everywhere she looked . SANDERSON !!

"Oh my god.... it ...... it really is true ..... really works's really happening!..." Selena's jaw hung open and the remote in her hand slowly slipped from her grip as she stood frozen looking at the screen.

Across the globe the financial chaos had been continuing and amongst the winners, Sanderson's financial trading business. Right now he was making a killing and everyone was clamoring to find out his opinion on one strategy or another.

Right now though the winning strategy seemed to be giving people more rope to hang themselves with. Selling everything not nailed down seemed to be the only way to cover debts, IOU's and and reluctantly other firms were trying to escape from the black hole of bankruptcy by raising cash.

Bobby was already liquid in cash, Yen, and others wanted it so, now the tide was changing, Bobby was trading for one thing in particular, gold. Not exchange traded gold, not pieces of paper that had some claim to some unknown gold, he was taking delivery of the actual real deal and with every passing moment currencies were being crushed in value as the race for precious metals exploded.

Selena broke from her trance and glanced at her watch, it would be a few hours before Lucy landed but when she did they would act together. They were going to make Bobby talk.


On the deck of the oil rig Kimberly knelt of over the body of Supergirl who lay unconcious. It had been hours since the heroine had unleashed her attack and lost but she was breathing, she would live. Kimberly had wrapped her prisoner back up in the blanket and waited patiently for her to awaken.

Then, slowly, the heroine began to twitch and stretch with her limbs, her mind rebooting from her ordeal.

"Nghhhh ..... where ....... where am I ?" she moaned as she opened her eyes.

"You are with me, on the oil rig ..... remember .....?" asked Kimberly as she looked the heroine in the eyes.

"So dark ........" whimpered the heroine.

Kimberly frowned as she glanced about herself...

"I will let you have an hour and then we shall begin again ...." Kimberly said coldly, her voice backed by the sound of the sloshing sea beneath them.

"Where are we now ....... I ....." Kara mumbled, her eyes darting around.

"We .. we haven't moved ......" Kimberly said with surprise.

Kimberly frowned at Kara's odd behavior and with a thoughtful pause she placed her hand in front of the prone heroine's face passing it across her line of sight, left to right, right to left.

"I .... I can't ... I can't see ......... I ..... I'm blind ....." mouthed Kara, her eyes misting with fear.

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Selena paced the room of the hotel she had made camp in, a black holdall bag on the bed alluding to her intentions. She was going to be running an op - a hastily put together op. If she was going to make Bobby Sanderson talk she was going to need some pursuasive leverage and the time to use it.

Choosing where to get to Bobby was going to be a key decision in the plan of attack. Bobby's home was an unknown quantity right now, he could have armed security, dogs, laser perimeters, anything ,she just didn't know . However, the reward to cracking into something like that was that you then had him in a private, secure environment where, with time, it would be possible to break him.

His workplace was another alternative, the building was tall, had its own security obviously, and no doubt a floor full of executives and attendent personal assistants to get in the way. The advantage to hitting him there though was that fortunately,  with all the people working there it was easy to blend in. You could be cleaner on the evening crew, or someone from the mail room, at a private home the options were much more limited. Even better, plans and blueprints had been easy to obtain, big buildings, big staff, big leaks.

Selena decided it was time to start fishing for information.

"OK - who am I ...." Selena thought as she flipped open a laptop and pulled up what she called her spoof list.

"Hmmm not them, not them .... oh ....... definitely not THAT network ..... umm ok ... well ... they probably don't interact with this one too much ...... perfect ......" Selena mumbled to herself.

Selena opened up her holdall and pulled out a small black case and unzipped it around its edge and opened it up. Inside, held down with velcro straps was her phone spoofing kit.  A USB cable here, a few key strokes there, cut and pasting of a number and ....

Selena opened up her list of exclusive phone numbers, a list of numbers cunningly pulled  together over time by Lucy doing her party circuit in the big city, a list of movers and shakers that she had slowly begun to woo with her fun, good nature.

"Sanderson, Sanderson ...... ah ... Gina ....."

Selena began dialling and paused. It was early evening and with luck Gina was still there working away like any high powered PA would be. 

"Deep breaths ..... and ..... dial !"


"Bobby Sandersons office, this is Gina ....."

"Oh hi ....... this is Pamela at  BFNN, yeah British Finan...... yeah that's the one .... hey I know Mr Sanderson has been popping up on CNBC .... we were kind of hoping he would share the love ............... uh huh ....... well .......yes ..... I understand that ..... well ......  we were hoping ... if he  could do a live interview ....... uh huh ........ no I mean, to fit in with the UK timings ...... well we could set up a crew at his home or ...... work ...... uh huh .... oh ..... really ? He hasn't been leaving !?! All week ??! I see ..... ok ...... oh shoot, something has come up , may I call you back then we can schedule something then ? .......That's great Gina .... thank you .....yes bye ...."


Selena hung up the call, at least if Gina did a traceback on the phone she would end up bouncing back to BFNN's New York office thanks to her phone spoofing effort.

"He's not been leaving work this last week .....perfect !"

Selena reasoned she was going to get the best of both worlds with this scenario. Hitting the office in the early hours while most people were out and Bobby was snoozing in the executive suite was going to be perfect. Cleaning staff often bugged out by early hours and security were at their worst at that part of the day.

"OK  - google maps .... do your magic ...." Selena said tapping on her keyboard as she dropped to street view.

"Underground car park entrance, auto barrier ..... main lobby and security .... service entry.... ......."


Lucy walked confidently from arrivals lounge and made her way to the VIP parking representative, her phone bleeping intermittently as it began to draw down all the texts and messages she had received while it had been on flight mode whilst in the air.

"Hey, missing you already, call me when you get back first thing..." said one from Lisa.

Lucy grinned as she read the message, Lisa's hunger for her had grown in her absence it seemed.

"Hello, how can I help you ?" asked the smiling blond representative at the desk.

"Hi ..... you have my car ..." Lucy said as she handed over her check in card and her driving license.

"Ah Miss Wuan , yes we are expecting you ....." said the representative as she picked up a phone at her desk.

"Bay 67 please .... yes ........thank you ......" she continued as she smiled at Lucy then hung up.

"If you go to the VIP collection area our driver will return your car to you shortly." the representative said as she  pointed the way.

"Thank you ......" Lucy replied then headed across the terminal towards the exit. As she walked she flipped open her phone and with a knowing smile dialled.


"Hey, you ....... good trip ?" asked Lisa.

"It was enlightening " began Lucy sharply before she corrected her tone.

" Anyway .... you asked me to call when I arrived" Lucy continued coyly.

"Yes . ... first thing ...." Lisa hinted.

"Uh huh .... I noticed ....." Lucy teased.

"So ? Did you ....?" Lisa replied back.

"Well .... if I said no ...... I would no doubt be in trouble .... because I didn't do as I was told ....." Lucy grinned.

"And if you said yes ......" Lisa probed.

"And if I said yes , you would say I was a liar because you were hiding behind the column by the AVIS car hire booth watching me....collecting my car first thing instead....." Lucy teased.

"How did ..??... You minx ......!" squealed Lisa as she hung up.

Lisa, realising she had been found out caught sight of Lucy looking over shoulder and at her and blow a kiss before resuming her confident walk towards the exit and the VIP car collection area.

With a steady trot Lisa finally caught up with Lucy and settled into her stride alongside her companion.

"Hey" grinned Lucy.

"Hey" replied Lisa momentarily out of breath.

The pair smirked as they glanced at each other, each the others naughty kinky secret.

"What's the plan ?" Lucy asked as the automatic door opened and the pair stepped through.

"I came here by cab, we are to pass by your place and get some of your gear, Selena asked me to give you this list, then you go to the hotel I've written there and hook up with Selena ...." Lisa said, her tone changing more serious as she passed Lucy a small square of paper.

"Lisa .. you know you have to sit this one out right, I know we do stuff together but, you need to stay clean ....." Lucy said as she glanced off to her left, the familiar sound of her Porsche approaching.

"Uh huh, I know, anyway I've not even been told what you will be doing ......" Lisa replied as she noted the arrival of the gleaming black car, the driver stepping out in his smart black shirt and trousers.

"Miss Wuan ....." he said as he acknowledged the two ladies in front of him.

Exchanging keys for the VIP card the driver gave a polite nod and left and the two women climbed into the car.

Lucy glanced around the interior of her Porsche and pressed the button for her programmed seat position then confirmed her mirrors were set right.

"Ah that's better..." Lucy said before firing up the engine.

"Not going to clue me up?" Probed Lisa, she was partially interested in what Selena and her lover might be getting up to without her but she understood that as a cop she had to be kept isolated from the more suspect activities of their group.

"Lisa, this , this is serious, really serious, and I'm going to need to make someone talk..." Lucy said, her tone grave.

" mean someone is going to get a hiding?" Lisa said with a wince.

"We've no time for good cop bad's a whatever it takes kind of job..." Lucy said.

"Whatever it takes? I'm not sure I like the sound of that..." Lisa said glancing at Lucy trying to look her in the eye.

"Well I'm not going to kill anyone but....well I've said enough" Lucy glanced back at Lisa a moment, her eyes trying to reassure Lisa of her intentions.

"I hope this is worth it ...." Lisa replied.

"Lisa..... there is a reason I need to do this, just trust me." Lucy said as her free hand rose from the gear stick and felt for the metal splat dangling around her neck through her top.

Lisa saw how Lucy acted and could see she was emotionally close to whatever the mission was. She often saw Lucy reach for the metal splat formed from the bullet that had been destined to kill her. Lisa felt it served as a reminder as to Lucy's rebirth, she didn't realise directly why it was significant this time.

"Of course I trust you....just as you trust me, I mean I don't go around putting roofies in just any girls drink... they'd have me locked up!" Lisa quipped trying to lighten the mood which provoked a knowing glance from Lucy. The hot Asian had lapped up the attention from Lisa during their last playful session and having been drugged by Lisa so she could have her way just heightened the intensity of the scene.


Selena had formulated her plan of attack on the Sanderson building. The google street view had shown her a rough view of the situation and her building plans helped complete the picture. The ComplexSecurity Solutions keypad at the service entry point was the best place to enter, it was a system well known to her and as for Lucy, she could crack that in her sleep.

Once inside, the service elevator would take them up to the utility section at the top floor. Normally elevator movements would be locked off when not in authorised use but this system had a hidden flaw. The Westinghouse control systems for the service elevator had a maintenance cycle , auto diagnostic routines and a calibration test. Trick it into doing the test routines and the security desk would not be suspicious when it began to move on its own, all they would know was the movements were part of the automatic routine.

Once onto the utility floor which held switch gear, water tanks, aircon equipment and so on, the pair would cross back down a regular shaft and voila, they would be on the executive floors and within range of Bobby Sanderson's office.

Selena noted a gentle tap at her door and went to it, peering through the security spy hole before opening the door, it was Lucy.

"Hey...." Selena said as she glanced beyond her colleague.

Lucy merely nodded as she ducked in through the doorway.

"You sent Lisa away?" Asked Selena.

"Of course, no point dragging more down with us" Lucy said begrudgingly.

Selena frowned noting Lucy's slightly curt tone, trouble with Lisa perhaps? Whatever it was it could wait.

"I think I have a way in, I'll go over it with you before we go in, the target is just Bobby Sanderson and we are getting him at his office." Selena explained.

"Show me .." Lucy said firmly.

Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Lucy rolled her eyes when she saw the CSS keypad responsible for securing the service entry point of the Sanderson building. The strength of the system against the majority of wrong doer's was good enough but there was an increasing number of operators who were becoming capable of breaking it, Lucy was one of those.

"Really!?" Lucy exclaimed under her breath, the vapour of her breath revealing the cool late night air.

Selena glanced about the pair as she waited for Lucy to make quick work of the lock.
A swipe of a specially coded magnetic strip security card, a few special key press combinations and the unit guarding the door was put into sleep mode. Meant for temporarily disabling a door while frequent foot traffic without full credentials needed to pass by, doing renovation work for example, the door was rendered passable.

Inside, the pair noticed the quiet hum of the lights, the buzz of the motor that controlled the closed roller door access to the internal loading dock and the large doors of the service elevator.

"This one is yours" Lucy said as she kept watch.

Selena deftly began to work on the control panel and soon the doors pinged open. Entering the service elevator Lucy chocked the doors open with her kit bag in case they needed to quickly exit. Both wanted to be sure they had the system hacked and under their control before getting locked inside, that would make for an embarrassing way to be captured.

"Oh!..." Selena said, hinting at a problem.

"Ah!" Lucy followed on.

Inside the elevator by the door front was not the old Westinghouse control panel they were expecting, this was a shiny new Hitachi Industries unit in its place.

"Done H.I. stuff before?" asked Selena.

"A bit .... you?" Lucy replied cocking her head sideways at the unexpected box of electronics

"A bit .... " Selena replied echoing Lucy's sentiment as she went onto her knees in front of the panel.

"So, usually it's ....the four corners yes ?" Selena started.

"Yes, 1,3,7 and 9 together on the key pad ..." Lucy nodded.

"And then usually it makes a ...." Selena paused.

BING! replied the panel, MENU appearing on the display.

"Ok, now you are in the menu mode ..... and it's usually keypad 2 ...." Lucy said, eyes closed as she tried to remember the sequence.

Selena hit 2 on the panel and the digital display showed TEST much to her relief.

Lucy struggled to recall what came next and it was written in her face.

"What's wrong?" Selena asked.

"Well, normally the engineer has a flow chart for this and I'm doing it from memory, and I know the test options include firing off the alarm. "

"I think on H.I. they tend to set that as option 9 ....." Selena said, eyeing the keypad with suspicion.

"Oh ok, just I know with older stuff it used to be 1 or zero..." Lucy replied.

"That's a problem, I think the test cycle we need is either 1 or zero." Selena said, concern in her tone.

"Ok well this model number looks newer to me.... so I guess we want 1 or zero and 9 we avoid..." Lucy said glancing between the keypad and Selena.

Selena took a breath and positioned her thumb over Zero.

"Here goes, trying zero..."

SPRNKLR TST .......3.......2........

"Fuck !" Selena muttered.

"Zero to cancel I think...." Lucy said in a panic looking up at the sprinkler head.

Selena stabbed the zero key to cancel the sprinkler test to no avail and down came the allotted 10 second drenching built into the test.

The pair of women shook their heads in protest, driving off the water from their heads as their black combat gear began drip with beads of water.

"Ok, so Zero isn't cancel...." Selena groaned before using a lung full of air to vent water from her face.

"It's probably been put to 9..." Lucy said as she wiped her face of water with her forearm.

"We're still in test mode though" continued Lucy glancing at the panel.

"Ok, so, option 1 then....." The wet and bedraggled Selena said as she pressed the button.

"Uh huh...." nodded Lucy.

FLR STP CAL .... 3.....2.......

"That looks like the one ....." Lucy said, interpreting the message to be correct.

"Yes, un-chock the door." Selena replied, a hint of concern on her face before the doors closed and the elevator begun to move.

"This should do a floor stop calibration test, it'll remap the deceleration and stop points for each floor on the way up to the top but the doors won't open until it reaches the machine floor at the top." Lucy explained.

Selena glanced at the display as it read the status of the elevator as it made the climb, accelerating, decelerating, stopping for a moment before accelerating upwards again.

It was going to be a slow meticulous climb of the tower and as the pair making the ascent realising they were in for a long ride they began to settle inside the elevator.

"So then......" Selena began.

Lucy glanced back at Selena before attending to her kit bag. She was hoping to avoid small talk with Selena following what she had seen of "McGee's Story". Her mind was still trying to come to terms with some of the many disturbing things she had seen. Of course that was all compounded by the whirl of thoughts that came from her brief encounter with Selena on a plane some time before. Selena had been planting her "Seeds of Deception" and the pair had had a subtle moment of sexual tension together.

" and Lisa....everything going ok?" Selena asked knowingly.

"We are good, yes..." Lucy replied curtly.

Selena sensed a hint of hostility in Lucy's tone which she found a little surprising and sought to find the source of Lucy's ire.

"What's wrong Lucy...I know the way I....well.....recruited you was a bit rough but.." Selena said trying to initialise the conversation.

"Selena, Broker, boss.... I am grateful for everything, you've given me more than just a nice roof over my head and material things, you've given've given me a family" Lucy said with a hint of a 'but' to come.

"So....?" Selena probed gently.

"When it comes to family you can't choose, family are family whether you like everything about them or not.." Lucy said, her eyes almost seeming to lash out at Selena.

Selena thought for a moment, things seemingly had changed since Lucy had visited McGee, was it him, her, Lisa or Kara who had become a problem?

"What happened with McGee?" Selena asked as if she was changing topic though of course it was a tactful way to probe Lucy's problem further.

"McGee? seems for some reason, somehow, that Matthews woman, she must of had a lot on her mind when McGee was fishing in her head because she started to fill him with all sorts of memories on top of what he had asked about..." Lucy replied, relaxing a little at what she perceived to be different subject.

"Oh... what sort of memories....?"

"Childhood ...." Lucy replied abruptly.

"Oh, strange...."

"Yes, but, I think we kind of blocked off that spurious knowledge, I can see it all clearly now, it's's strange......" Lucy said as her eyes darted up and away to the corner as she recalled the implanted memory of eating in Lucy's work canteen watching Bobby at a nearby table.

"Well ... I'm glad he is ok.... he means a lot to me..." Selena said glancing at the panel for the elevator.

"Yes, I know...." Lucy said a little firmly.

"Really?" Pounced Selena sensing a new opening for her questioning.

"Oh, just it's the second time we've rushed to save" Lucy said trying to close the door she had accidentally opened by her comment.


TST CMPLT said the display.

Lucy's eyes revealed her sense of being "saved by the bell" and Selena knew she had lost her chance, for now at least.


Bobby Sanderson stood hands on hips in his dark office bathing in the glow of his bank of screens gauging every movement of every currency, every commodity and every index in the multitude of markets, it was as if he was absorbing the essence of the markets into his very body.

The yen was subsiding, the dollar recovering and the euro still struggling to establish its true value. Bobby had led the charge from the dollar early before it began to collapse based on all the bad economic data and now as a series of bank implosions began to happen institutions were scrambling for cash.

Now Bobby was liquidating his Yen, but not for a return to dollars, he was trading for gold and those in need of cash were throwing it at him where they could, he was paying a generous price to get it. Bobby in his subconscious mind had seen the pattern, the financial system was dying, a new system was coming and there would only be one solution to reestablish order, gold.

Bobby knew he wasn't anywhere near close to owning all the gold in the world but he knew he could begin to rival the holdings of a country, maybe even the United States or those in Europe. Once at those levels, being a former holder of billions of old dollars would pale in comparison to his status as fourth, fifth or sixth biggest gold holder in the world when the new financial pecking order was established.

Without thinking Bobby pressed his intercom and waited for a reply from his Far East Trade desk.

"FET Desk...Gordon here...."

"Gordon, it's Bobby, the Yen is going to drop through a support level in 5 minutes and those guys at NorPac-Asia are going to start bleeding bad, remind them of my offer from last night....and tell them I won't offer them nearly as good price again."

"Ok, our guys felt the support line would hold but if it breaks we're on it" replied Gordon before hanging up.

Bobby returned to his pose in front of his screens and let the charts and graphs wash through his mind once more. The markets appeared to be in chaos but deep inside Bobby's mind it was beautiful, ordered logic, encoded in a way he could now see so clearly.

What Bobby couldn't see however was the two women stood behind him. Glancing at each other one gave a subtle nod while the other raised something like a pistol and....


Bobby began to convulse, his limbs flailing as he crumpled towards the floor and



Bobby Sanderson woke with a sudden spasm only to run up to the limit of his restraints that he now found himself in. On his side on his leather sofa and in only his socks Bobby was tape gagged and hog tied. Sat opposite him were the two masked black clad people who noted his awakening.


A quick yank and the tape gag was gone and a whimpering muffled Bobby suddenly found his voice.

"Who the hell are you?!" he grunted.

One of the black clad figures clicked their fingers and a second fiddled with some remote control box prompting a sudden indescribable sensation down below.

"Owwww oww oww fuck.... Fuck... what the hell...." Bobby wailed as his body endured this new sensation

"YOUR BALLS ARE HOOKED TO THE MAINS, NOW WHERE IS YOUR SISTER?" an electronically changed voice said.

"You're kidding ..." Bobby protested.

The masked Selena glanced at the equally concealed Lucy and clicked her fingers again.

"Owwwwwwwwwww holy fuck......" the hogtied Bobby protested.


"I don't know, she was in prison, I ....." sobbed Bobby.

"LIAR" retorted the voice.

"I don't know ...."

Bobby felt his member clench up, the throbbing of an erection making itself very known as Lucy began to work her electrical magic between his legs. The pain, or was it pleasure seemed to be driving him towards firing his load and yet....

"Fuck, what are you doing to me?" Bobby growled as there was a pause in his torment.


"Fuck you..." Bobby retorted.

Selena clicked her fingers again and Lucy let Bobby taste her wrath as she kept him at the wicked edge of denial, his balls desiring to unleash their load while his rigid member was forced to hold fire.

"Ow fuck......fuck fuck fuck..." Bobby said through clenched teeth.


"Plu...please .... I....I don't know ...." Muttered Bobby while shaking his head.


"You... know..... about.....shut up shut up shut up, but..but they know ..... I....could tell you...but...she....I'm afraid.....she's in my head.....don't you tell.... I'm trying not to tell....shut up shut up shut up.....don't want you in my head.... I should never have....." ranted Bobby in confusion.


"Fuck fuck fuck..... she won't let me tell.....hit me hit me hit me.... don't you dare tell...must tell.....DO NOT TELL THEM WHERE WE ARE BROTHER..... zap me it, do it , do it....." Bobby struggled to say.

Selena glanced at Lucy who looked at the control box and unleashed a volley of pain at the bound man.

"Fuuuu-rig..........fuuuuuu-oil........rig......yes yes yes......"Bobby grunted, his back arching as his twitching member began to drip pre-cum.


"For the love of god yes......"


"It's her out of my head...." Bobby grunted, his back tightening and tightening in its painful arch as one of the black clad figures loomed over him.


Bobby felt a prick of pain in his neck and a sleepy sensation as his lights went out accompanied by the pleasurable release of cumming , the gift of release granted by Lucy.

"How could I have been so blind, of course, the rig" Selena said with her own voice now that Bobby was under.

"But it was Loughlan who blew it up...." Lucy recalled.

"I know, I guess Bobby decided to let his sister use it once it was abandoned but... dammit, I even asked Kara to check out the rig.....but..... did they know she would go there? Are they clairvoyant or something?" Selena was perplexed by the odd interconnections of the story.

"The way he was talking at the end, it was like he was schizo or you think it's part of the link thing Loughlan told us about?" Lucy wondered.

"Yes, it was like it was he and his sister share the same mind, if it's true we have to assume Kimberly knows we are coming..... come on, let's get him dressed then get out of here, we have a superheroine to save...." Selena said with renewed determination.

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It was rapidly approaching dawn and Detective Lisa Kozny closed the front door of her apartment and kicked off her shoes before trudging towards her bedroom. After she had parted company with Lucy she has been called out to a robbery homicide in her precinct.

A liquor shop had been robbed by a masked man who had pulled a gun on the store owner, killing him without mercy. The money stolen amounted to a mere hundred bucks, apparently worth killing for in someones eyes and Lisa had spent the early hours starting the pursuit of justice. Securing and managing the scene and coordinating with the uniformed officers that were available had been the first steps.

The initial groundwork had been completed and now she could grab some shut eye before resuming later. In the meantime the lab would be processing prints, DNA and ballistics evidence while no doubt the pathologist would use all the Latin applicable to bullet wounds for his report.

Placing her gun, cuffs and badge on her dresser Lisa slowly stripped out of her clothes and threw them into her laundry hamper before walking towards her bathroom. Naked in front of her mirror she admired herself a moment before brushing her teeth and then started to return to her bedroom.

Turning the corner into her bedroom her heart leapt into her mouth as she saw on the dresser that her gun, badge and cuffs were gone.


To her the terror of having an intruder in her apartment was real and so to be naked and defenceless too only amplified her moment of fear. And now, in her moment of realisation of her situation her exclamation had been cut short.

From behind a firm shove had put her to the wall, a hand covering her mouth as one wrist felt the cold steel of her cuffs wrap around her and then the room was cast into darkness with a click of the light switch.

There was an odd pause as the moment sunk in, Lisa was half way to being restrained by an unseen attacker and yet there seemed familiarity. The warm scent of the hand over her mouth, the deft move with the cuffs, the stealthiness of the takedown, each were like old friends.

The attacker felt the fear of their prey subside and uncovered Lisa's mouth before drawing the second arm down meeting the first and placing the second cuff onto her wrist, two extra clicks denoting the double locks were engaged.

Lisa panted in fear, her cheek to the wall, she had capitulated to the unknown assailant.

"Lu.....please tell me it's you..." Lisa began.

The next thing Lisa felt was the cold steel of the muzzle of her pistol against the inside of her thigh and her reaction of twisting her body was quickly stifled by her assailants free hand.

"Lucy....if it's you just, just say something...please.."

The muzzle slid up her thigh, higher and higher until the length of the top rail nuzzled between her pussy lips causing Lisa to squirm.

"'ve got 5 seconds to give me a sign or..." the terror in Lisa's voice starting to overtake her.

Lisa's mind whirled, was this like some high octane game Lucy was playing with her, a sort of revenge for her previous play, was it even Lucy at all? Her gut screamed that it was Lucy but if it was her lovers silence put her in an mentally uncomfortable place.

Unseen the assailant placed the side of their head close to Lisa's ear only the warmth of their breathe, its calm tempo, unique like a finger print, it was. ...

"Lu!" exclaimed Lisa with certainty.

The assailant grabbed a handful of Lisa's hair and pointed her at the direction of the bed and thrust her onto it, the cop shuffling as best she could on her knees before stumbling onto her front.

In a blink Lisa felt one ankle be enveloped with something like velcro and a strap threaded over her shoulder, under her throat, then to her other ankle and then tightened up.

Lisa found the position difficult but not impossible but she needed to work her thighs to keep the pressure on her throat manageable. The unseen assailant continued promptly, blindfolding Lisa before the familiar click of the light switch told her that the room was illuminated once again.

Lisa was totally focused on her predicament, back arched, breathing restricted she was totally engrossed in the 'now'. What was the least she could do with her legs and still keep breathing? What was the least amount of air in her lungs she needed so she could conserve the strength in her legs? Suddenly this critical equation was the single important thing on Lisa's mi.....

"Nnndghhhhh ohg ghod" gasped Lisa as the warm rubber dome of a vibrator pressed up into her crotch and was fired up.

Eyes wide behind her blindfold Lisa found this new predicament too much to take. Like a moth to the flame the pleasure of the vibrator seemed to override the desire to save her own life, her thighs giving up the struggle with the choke harness she was bound in.

Her breathing straining, the pressure in her head rising as her cheeks reddened, the dizzying approach of a blackout and blissful death could be imminent.

With a yank of the hair the pressure from Lisa's throat was relieved as the assailant supported Lisa just long enough for her to realise there was a battle for her life to be fought. Slowly the assailant let Lisa's hair go and now enlightened by her near failure she struggled for her life once again while resisting the siren song of the vibe between her legs.

The assailant rolled Lisa onto her side, a firm hand tracing the contour of Lisa's arched back with a palm at first and then a slowly-tracing finger. Struggling and grunting, the tightly-restrained cop flexed her toes and fingers in a frantic bid for freedom, heaving desperately for air. Wild-eyed, Lisa repeated the cycle of her battle beneath the vigilant gaze of the assailant.

Lisa's legs fought then tired, her respiration faltering before her legs recovered in time to save her from taking her last breath and so she would fight for life until she tired again. Each cycle grew shorter and shorter while the orgasm that approached seemed more and more certain to come with the moment of what would be her last gasp.

And so, legs trembling, the orgasm about to obscure the moment of death the watchful assailant performed their act of clemency and released the choking harness and pulled away the blindfold.

Lisa blinked in confusion and her fuzzy head began to clear just as the silhouetted assailant clambered onto the bed with her and leant down locking their lips to hers.
The warm delicate kiss, the sensual lips, they were magical and Lisa knew for sure who had taken her down.

Lucy shuffled her knees and interlocked herself with Lisa who was still on her side and their soft flesh met as the kiss ended, Lucy dragging Lisa's head back by her hair.
Lisa's eyes widened as she locked on to the sight of Lucy who had her at her mercy and moaned in pleasure as the Asian began to grind against her.

"Oooh...god......wha......what's gotten in to you......." Lisa said head flopping back.

Lucy leant forward her forehead resting on Lisa's, the pair eye to eye....

"I've got to go away ...... I have a mission....with Selena......she's making arrangements....." Lucy said with determination as she sought to engage her body against Lisa in just the right spot.

"How oh god that's long" Lisa moaned.

"A few day....oh yeah that's right, just like that......a few days......if it goes ok..." Lucy said, her words almost following the rhythm of her action as she drove herself at Lisa.

"Ok? oh don't stop....that's it...." Lisa's eyes clenching as the pair found a mutual pace.

"It's risky....."

"But you'll come back..."

"Trust me I wan......nghhh....want to...."

"So this is....."

"No not goodbye......not even a gift......."


"Why? To remind you I'm deadly, Lisa Kozny...." Lucy said as her hand clamped onto Lisa's throat gently applying pressure. "I could take you here, I could take you in the street, I could take you a hundred different ways before you even made it to your desk...."

Lisa, eyes closed in ecstasy, biting her bottom lip nodding in acknowledgment while she continued to work her hips against Lucy.

"So I want you to know it is ME that is going away, it is ME who is taking on the mission...the weak, leashed 'princess' is for your eyes only so..don't be afraid... understand?"

"Under....oh fuck.....under....stood....." nodded Lisa, eyes clenched shut.

"Good..." Lucy said as she renewed her enthusiastic effort to bring Lisa closer to the orgasm they were going to have together.

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Kara replayed her failure to escape through her mind again. Everything seemed to be against her, the green dust, the wicked chains that were fused to her skeleton and of course the behemoth of a woman, Kimberly the serial killer. And as for what had happened when she unleashed her attack, that was a whole new level of problems.

From Kara's first experience using an energy blast at the green dust it seemed to emit two equally strong personalities. Now Kara had discovered that these personalities were somehow embedded in Kimberly too, the underlying woman seemingly an innocent vessel. Unlike the personalities from the dust though the snarling monster seemed much more powerful inside Kimberly, the meek and polite twin was barely visible.

Had the dust somehow contaminated or infected Kimberly ? But, then again, the understanding was that Kimberly had been killing for years. If that was the case then she must of been affected long bef....

"Oh my god ..... what if?" Kara murmured to herself.

With a dismissive shake of the head Kara returned to the moment. In her current state her ears were her only real guide to what was going on about her and now she really appreciated every sound around, the jingles accompanying the sway of the chains about her, the movement of the sea, the sound of the generators, one of which she was sure had a bad oil seal around the third cylinder of .....

"My story, I will re do it...." Grumbled Kimberly as she knelt astride of Kara's back, the blond heroine prone on her stomach partially covered in the blanket.

Kara barely responded, she was blind and though she felt if given the opportunity, she would recover, a nagging doubt always hung over whether she could heal from one injury or other. The eye, a gift of Mother Nature, is a delicate thing, to think it could heal from every injury would be taking things for granted, wouldn't it?

"If you wish, I will take more pictures when it is done..." Kimberly said matter of factly.

"There hardly seems any point if I cannot see...." Kara retorted harshly.

Kimberly seemed to hardly notice Kara's protest as she mentally mapped out her new vision for what was to be committed to flesh with her inks.

"Which you did to your self....." Kimberly replied calmly.

"Don't you remember anything at all about what happened ..... you're possessed .... didn't you see the others?" Kara said, turning her head to hear more of her surroundings.

"Others? There is only you, me and the sea......for now" Kimberly said calmly as she traced an area of Kara's skin with her finger around the heroines shoulder blade.

"For now ....? Who is coming, Kimberly?" Kara said with a little concern. Were these 'others' real or a figment of Kimberly's imagination? And if they were real would she want to encounter them while in her current condition?

"My brother tells me that two people are coming for you...." Kimberly said, her dark soulful eyes tracking the contours of Kara's back.

"Told" Kara's mood lifted slightly, if there was a means of communication on the rig there could be hope of rescue.

"Oh I hear him, he told me you would come and so they will come too..." Kimberly said somberly.

"What..what will you do to them?" Kara asked, afraid to hear the answer.

"If they are worthy I will use them....make them pretty like I tried to help all the rest..."

"And if not?" Kara said, her hollow gaze looking into her own personal nothingness.

"I won't need them.... the sea is vast and no one will miss them here...."

"Please, don't hurt anyone else....they are only trying to help me" Kara pleaded.

"If they are not worthy I will end them swiftly.. but it won't come to that.... we think the two who are coming are women...young enough is the eyes, the other the sword..."

"No...please.....let them leave... I will tell them to...." Kara begged.

"Ohhh no... is too late for that....they have hurt us....they are dangerous....If they come I shall keep them..." Kimberly said with a hint of sorrow.

"Your plan will fail Kimberly, I will free you of whatever has control of you.." Kara said with an element of conviction in her tone.

"No, my work will continue...I am already working on my trap.... you will be their undoing"

"No, it's not true..." Kara said, her head shaking.

" is."


Detective Lisa Kozny's mind was a churning mix of emotions as she tried to make sense of recent events. Lucy had screwed Lisa's brains out after an overwhelming take down and reminded her who was on top. Not everyone had the honour of having a top grade international super spy wanting to fuck them senseless and so Lisa felt elated. On the other hand, having said super spy then be required to go away was a big dampener on her mood.

With a small smile Lisa pulled herself back to the moment and begun to go through her checklist of things to work on from the liquor store murder from the early hours. The reports were in and the ballistics alone threw out a few leads, as did the fingerprints but, as it was a liquor store it was no surprise to discover this quality of clientele had frequented the place.

"All of you, stop what you are doing and listen up..." the captain said, clapping his hands a moment to get attention.

The detectives at their desks looked up from their work, the murmur of the office floor falling into silence.

"Thank you. Now then, some of you have probably spotted we've been handling more petty crime recently. Many of you have also commented that you've noted more general trigger happy intolerance. Well...the problem, it seems, is cash is getting tight out there. ATMs have been running thin on cash from some banks and, well, we all know the dealers, the pimps and our ladies of the night prefer cash. The good news is the theft of goods is dropping because the fences have no cash to buy. The downside is theft of actual money is increasing..."

Lisa frowned as she pushed herself back away from her desk on her chair.

"Sir, you mean, the street is running out of money?" Lisa asked in disbelief.

"That's right Kozny, that little crisis they are having in Manhattan, it's starting to hurt banks, physical cash is drying up out you may not have noticed, what with your debit cards still working and so on but, I dare you, go try get cash from an ATM and you may have trouble." The captain continued.

There seemed to be a low grumble in the large open plan office as other detectives aired their recent experiences while others expressed surprise.

When had she gotten cash last, wondered Lisa. She couldn't remember but sure, she would try an ATM at some point.

"Well, regardless of your experiences the news this morning is that one bank is being wound up today, our precinct alone has four branches of that bank. Today we need to provide officers for crowd control because lord knows that folks are going to want to get out now rather than wait for the FDIC to come into effect..."

The precinct was full of groans as detectives knew their cases were being put on the back burner, even worse, they suspected that anyone who was due vacation...

".....and all vacation time is suspended...." continued the captain, crushing any poor unfortunate who had had hopes of getting away.


Selena glanced at Lucy who was sat on the opposite side of the aircraft cabin, the young Asian sat eyes closed in thoughtful silence. Selena let out a faint smile, how often had she done the same, or Kara for that matter, when something had troubled them?

Selena's troubles had been during the cold nights in the cells at Guantanamo or while on the run after her escape, then there were those times as she plotted her revenge, or as she lay thinking what she was going to tell The Tailor.

Kara had often closed her mind from the world as Selena had tested her. The many humiliations and physical challenges that the de-powered heroine endured required that she replay the moments trying to make sense of them, all in order to justify to herself the reasons for her surrender. Even after the revenge had ended Selena knew that Kara had shamefully plotted her own self inflicted torture in order to try and relive the magical orgasm only Selena could give her.

And now Lucy, was doing the same form of silent contemplation yet Selena wasn't sure what troubled her. Was it her new life that Selena had given her or was it trouble with Lisa, though that seemed unlikely. Then again was her recent trip to help McGee free up his mind the...


Selena realised that Lucy now carried the memories of Molly Matthews in her head and that might have added something new to the mix. Selena had doubts though, Lucy had indicated her problem surrounded her new 'family' and Molly didn't know anything that could tarnish that.

Selena decided to let the moment go, for now at least. Her thoughts turned to her plan, their private jet would do a fuel top up at Newfoundland and then fly on to Iceland ahead before changing transport for the last leg, to the oil rig. Selena could imagine hearing the voice of the man she was going to meet in Iceland, a hard as nails ex S.A.S. man.

Selena had first met him through her headset as she had guided him through a hacking procedure. He and his team had infiltrated some remote enemy base that was part of an old soviet designed integrated air defence network. Hard wired, it was impossible to remotely hack, you needed direct access to crack it. And so, Sgt George 'Dragon' Dunn found himself in the young woman's hands as she guided him through working on an old Russian terminal whilst in the presence of the six dead elite national guard soldiers he had stealthily killed.

Iceland, a calm peaceful place, was perfect for 'Dragon' to accumulate a cache of arms and equipment which operatives could buy and collect en route to their objectives. Flying from the US meant not bringing too much high profile equipment and especially not weapons and so it was necessary to restock once outside the US.
Selena had already arranged funds so it was just a case of meeting up, gearing up then getting over to the rig.

Now it was Selena's turn to close her eyes as she focused on what was to come...

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Delicious apprehension of upcoming peril as well as that which is now occurring. Poor SG has little hope it seems, with her very bones welded to her chains and blinded. And her friends coming to save her being set up to fail... Doesn't look good for the good guys. :no:
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Kimberly seems to have no fear of who is coming for her. It obviously has made SG concerned.

As a reader it makes me wonder how she can be SO sure that she can handle them, even thou her brother has met them. Seems that Kimberly has some more tricks up her sleeves.
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Kara flinched under her blanket as what sounded like a tonne of scrap metal fell to the deck nearby. Shrouded by her own personal darkness, her blindness showing no signs of recovering, the sound was terrifying to Kara.

"Kim..Kimberly.....are...are you okay?" Kara asked nervously. Kara was totally dependent on Kimberly and if that crash of metal was her, falling to her death then....

"What?" Kimberly responded with a grunt causing the concern on Kara's face to promptly vanish.

Kimberly had once again worked her tattoo gun over the heroine, harshly and without remorse as she sought to re-illustrate her story. Now she had taken timeout to work on another pressing matter as well as escape the continual protests of her uncooperative canvas.

"Kim...Kimberly, what are you doing?" Kara asked, her empty gaze tracking the sources of the various sounds around her.

"Your friends are coming... I need to prepare..." Kimberly said gruffly.

"Please, you don't need to hurt them.... I.... I'll do whatever you..." Kara pleaded into the emptiness in front of her.

"Yes, I know...." Kimberly cut in coldly.

Kara realised she had no power to bargain with her captor and fell silent as she sought to reorganise her thoughts. Her situation seemed bleak, Kimberly could take what she wanted when she wanted and Kara was powerless to stop her. No amount of pleading was going to protect any would-be rescuers and her realisation was written on her face.

Kimberly glanced over at the huddled form of the heroine who had wrapped her arms around herself with her blanket in a bid to stay as warm as possible, her back exposed to the air as the raging fire of her tattoo work continued to subside. Kimberly read her captive like a book, all the women she had ever taken had shown the same expression at some point, they had known resistance was futile.

Kara turned her head to face the source of a sound akin to a bag of spanners being dragged around, her imagination running riot.

"What are you going to do...?" Kara asked.

"My best chains hold you and I was not expecting guests... but this tubing and regular chain will take care of your friends....." Kimberly said as she kicked at the heap of metalwork.

"When.... When you catch them, whoever they don't have to...mark have me for can always start over with me..." Kara said, a hint of desperation in her voice.

"I will make them pretty like all the rest...." Kimberly replied calmly.

Kara's heart sank, Kimberly seemed set on repeating her torturous work forever on every woman she got her claws into, all to perfect her vision of ....

Kara leapt on a thought.

"You... you want them to be perfect.... don't you?" Kara asked gently.

"Yes...." replied Kimberly bluntly.

"Then....perhaps, you should keep practicing on me..... save the others for when you are ready..." Kara tried to explain without triggering Kimberly's wrath.

"Why should I wait, I can practice on you all..." Kimberly replied with an unseen frown though Kara could hear Kimberly's uncertainty.

"Yes, but you can only practice on them ONCE, you want to be certain before you mark them, right?" Kara said, her confidence rising.

"Then, perhaps I don't need them at all if I have you...." Kimberly replied, a sense of realisation in her tone.

Kara panicked, she had inadvertently led Kimberly down a logical path of not needing to keep her next potential prisoners alive. Kara needed to think fast before this line of logic became permanently set in Kimberly's mind.

"But...if anything happened to the dust....your work could be erased from my body, like before..... if your story is to be preserved need your work will survive forever." Kara pleaded.

Kara was left in the silent darkness for a moment before a crashing wave broke against the supports of the rig sending a shudder through the structure.

"Fine....when I am ready I will make them pretty, but until then you will suffer in their place" Kimberly said coldly.

Kara seemed to somehow find relief in knowing she would be suffering in place of someone else and she found herself crumpling back to the deck in her foetal position seemingly exhausted from even this briefest mental engagement with her captor.


Carrying their hold-alls Selena and Lucy emerged into the small arrivals terminal at Reykjavik.

"Hey Buttons" came the friendly call amongst the small group of people who were waiting for loved ones to come through the double doors from their flights.

Selena looked about her and saw the muscular set man, his salt and pepper hair betraying his years, his features hidden behind a grey beard though his piercing light grey eyes were very evident.

"Hey..Dragon" Selena grinned as she saw her old friend and the pair engaged in a firm embrace.

"You look great...." Dragon said in a low voice as the two patted each other on the back.

"You too..." Selena said as the hug broke apart.

Lucy stood back at a respectful distance as the old friends got reacquainted again but let out a light cough to make herself known.

Dragon realised that the young woman was with Selena yet glanced up and down at her, sizing her up like an opponent.

" with you?" Dragon asked with surprise.

"Problem?" asked Selena with a surprise.

Lucy cocked her head to one side. "Yes, 'she' is with 'buttons'...." Lucy said with mild agitation.

"Sorry, Dragon, Lucy, Lucy, Dragon" Selena said trying to break the suddenly appearing iceyness.

Dragon grumbled to himself for a moment as he glanced at the young Asian then reluctantly beckoned to the pair of women.

"Fine, come on then...." Dragon relented as he spun around and led the pair away towards the exit and his waiting Range Rover.

Lucy glanced at Selena, her eyes like daggers, Selena merely able to shake her head apologetically while mouthing "I don't know!" to what she perceived as a question.

Within a few minutes the trio were in the Range Rover and heading down a snow lined highway and headed towards Dragon's remote farmhouse nestling on the Icelandic slopes.

"So, I saw your shopping list..... going Dutch huh..." Dragon said, his eyes darting into his rear view mirror, catching sight of Selena in the back seat.

"That's the plan but I'll take a pistol too, just in case"Selena said coyly.

"Dutch?" Frowned Lucy.

"November Lima - NL - Non Lethal " Dragon scoffed.

Even amongst professionals in the same field it was possible for a whole alternate set of jargon, acronyms and slang to develop and Dragon had exposed which set Lucy was lacking.

"We used to just call it ..." Lucy tried to explain.

"Null...huh....I thought so.... you look like one of those sort" Dragon cut in.

"And what sort is that?" Lucy said trying to keep a friendly tone in her voice despite Dragon's apparent hostility.

"You're a merc ...." Dragon said almost derogatorily.

"As am I, as are you...." Selena jumped in, defending her compatriot.

"Yeah Buttons but we served once, I doubt she even knows what that means..." Dragon quickly cast his eyes at Lucy in the front passenger seat before looking ahead again.

"That's enough, Dragon.... we're on the same team talk me through the ingress plan" Selena said, trying to change the subject.

"Fine,'s going to be tight, and we are relying on the weather....." began the former soldier, his eyes darting between the rear view mirror and the road ahead.

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Bobby stared intently at his bank of screens absorbing every move of the markets, each of which was twitching and convulsing in response to each other. Small investors had bailed out first followed by their more moneyed brethren. Now, small brokerages were getting out of dodge until they hoped things would settle down and even pension funds had begun to seek cash and wait on the sidelines for when the turmoil ended. Ironically those with cash didn't like the look of the market, even the bargains seemed overvalued, the best way to invest cash right now was ....

GOLD .... UP 3.5%

Bobby ground down on his teeth, at any other time having your investment go up was good but he sensed that the dollar value would soon be irrelevant. It was the absolute weight of the shiny yellow metal in his possession that Bobby cared about and with every increase in its value the more difficult it became to buy.

"Problem, brother?" Whispered the voice from Bobby's inner darkness.

"NOT now...." Bobby murmured.

"YES, now.....your plan is wavering and your success is tied to my own fortunes" hissed Kimberly in his head.

"And your butchery is tied to my profits...." Bobby snapped in return.

"Very well brother, I shall make her feel it....but you...." Kimberly started to say.

"A few misplaced words in the right ears and I can cause a rout in my favour" Bobby replied like it was a certainty.

"WHEN?" demanded Kimberly's voice.

"Soon, a day or so,the market is almost ready....." Bobby said confidently.

"I hope so, brother, our new guests will be here soon...." Kimberly hissed as her voice faded.

Bobby blinked as he looked over to the leather sofa where he had been bound up and tormented. He was sure the intruders were women but hadn't even bothered to report what happened, not even to his staff. He didn't want to attract the police to what had happened, he had already deflected them from their interest in him with regards to his sister.

"Time to shake the tree...." Bobby said as he stabbed at his phone.


The helicopter was a large personnel transport, the type the oil companies used to ferry crews to and from their platforms out at sea. It seemed ridiculously excessive in size but it was one of the few types capable of getting to the rig from where they were.

Ahead was a hop to the Faroe Islands for a quick refuelling stop then on to the rig. Dragon was to hover above the helipad at the rig and the women would hop off before he flew on to Oslo and await instructions. The oil rig had sustained damage in the 'accident' that Mike Loughlan had arranged and to put the helicopter down could lead to disaster, who knew what shape the structure was in now?

"I hope you are right about the target, if they are waiting for us all tooled up then we could be in trouble." Dragon said through his headset. The idea of hovering in a potential hotspot while piloting a huge bullet magnet didn't appeal to him.

"We can't ever be one hundred percent sure but we think there is only one person there and our intel suggests she isn't armed" Selena replied as she glanced across the broad horizon.


"A fugitive..." Selena replied with a subtle smile.

"Oh I see, need to know, huh, Buttons, don't worry, your secret is safe with me..." Dragon chuckled.

"That's right, need to know" Lucy jumped in trying to get one over on this newcomer.

Dragon cast his eye at Lucy before focusing back on the instruments, confirming his course.

"Don't you have some things to check on back there?" Dragon said with annoyance.

Lucy was about to protest but Selena's eyes seconded the request. It was evident to the Asian that they were going to talk about her, not to her and she reluctantly unclipped herself and turned to pass back to the main cabin areas where the gear was stowed.

There was a respectful pause as they made sure their passenger was clear away and then Selena broke the silence.

"Say it..." Selena said bluntly.

"WHERE did you find THAT woman?" Dragon said bluntly.

"What is your problem, don't tell me you're a racist and I didn't know it..?" Selena replied in disbelief.

"She's a fucking merc!"

"We're all merc's now......remember?"

"They have no sense of loyalty.....I'm telling you, money is the only thing they know, the first sign of a better deal somewhere else and she will ditch you..."

"People I trust have said she's different....have a little faith in me, won't you?" Selena said in her own defence.

Selena had a peek of Lucy's even handedness some time before she had blackmailed her into joining their group. Later, Kara had confided in Selena that her experience with Lucy had at least been 'professional' as the Asian drew out the secrets hidden in the heroines brain. As mercenaries went this one had seemed to be a 'keeper'.

"It's not that I doubt you, it's her I doubt. We were both in units once, with people we relied on, people we would die for, like some died for us.... your friend back there is only loyal to the next pay check." Dragon insisted.

"If that's your experience then I'm sorry..but to me she seems solid and I ask you to cut her some slack, anyway, we are all slaves to money aren't're hardly doing this for love.." Selena said, trying to bring the topic to an end.

"Loyalty trumps money, Buttons....else we wouldn't be up in the air..." Dragon said with a wink.

"What do you mean?" Selena frowned.

"Your fund transfer, it got hung up, the international transfer system is all screwed up, I'm covering this lot for now.....but you won't persuade me a merc would have done the same...that's real loyalty, Buttons, understand?" Dragon beamed from his high horse.

Selena looked ahead in silence, if the payment clearance system was seizing up then things were getting critical, and that meant that Kimberly really was ...

"Tha......Thanks Dragon.... I wish I could tell you how important this trip is...." Selena said as she reached over to Dragon, her gloved hand stroking the mans upper arm in gratitude.

"I know lass...... and don't worry, you can pay me later, I know you're good for it ..."

Further back inside the helicopter Lucy listened intently to a headset she had found inside a storage locker. She had found it quickly and had found the jack socket to plug it in to.

Lucy had heard most of the conversation, even Selena's staunch defence of her but now Lucy sat looking despondent. Lucy was torn between between a new secret motive and the guilt of her ill thoughts about Selena who in the meantime was defending her. Worse, Dragon had risked damaging his friendship with Selena in trying to warn her and he was right, albeit for the wrong reasons.

"Fucking Dragon" snapped Lucy as she ripped off her headset in annoyance.


Lisa Kozny slowly slid into the hot steamy water and threw in a large purple coloured bath bomb into the far end.


"God what a day ....." Lisa said as she sunk in the fizzing hot water, effervescent bubbles and foam swirling about her as the bath bomb dissolved.

Today had been a riot, literally. With all available manpower committed to the streets to keep the mood calm the pool of detectives had been used to help bolster the ranks. Lisa had been riding shotgun in a squad car with a uniformed Corporal, his regular partner helping marshal one of the many queues around a working ATM machine.

All had gone relatively well until a supermarket began to have problems with their payment processor and some types of credit card. That was the cue for abandoned shopping carts, disgruntled customers, flustered staff and some short tempered wrong-do'ers. It was no surprise then that the store manager had to resort to calling the police for help when looters tried to take advantage of the chaos.

One unruly stampede later and a mountain of booking paperwork to follow and one battered and bruised detective was ready to relax for the evening. Bruises developing across her body like some flesh borne photograph in a dark room Lisa tried to let the day's events melt away like the bath bomb was doing. With a pleasurable moan Lisa closed her eyes and ....

"Lucy..? Detention again?" Miss Kozny asked over her shoulder as she rubbed the class chalkboard clean with a dusty eraser.

"Yes, Miss Kozny" blushed the young student, eyes averted in shame.

"I see...." Miss Kozny said as she walked in front of her desk and leant against it, her arms folded. Dressed in her close cut white blouse and pencil line black skirt and black high heels Lisa Kozny cut an impressive figure.

"And what brings you to my detention session today?" Lisa asked.

Lucy, producing a note, stepped forward and presented the slip of paper to Miss Kozny.

Student : Lucy Wuan
Detention Duration : 1 Hour (Miss Kozny)
Reason: Non Regulation Uniform.

Lisa glanced up and down at Lucy and......

"Mmmmm bad girl..... what are you wearing...." moaned the detective as she slunk further into the bath, her hands vanishing beneath the frothy waves of the bath water.

Lisa glanced over the cute Asian stood in front of her and assessed her uniform. The white shirt was not buttoned to the top, her tie knot untidy. The skirt was the regulation pattern but the amount of thigh on show was not. And the footwear? The heels on those shoes were scandalously over height limits.

Lisa glanced over her shoulder and saw a standard wooden ruler, a foot long, and picked it up then used one end like a pointer, one corner resting on the uppermost fastened button.

"Undo it..."

With a shy smile Lucy used her thumb and finger and pinged lose the button, revealing her cleavage.

"And this one ......"

Lucy repeated the act one row down and now Lisa caught sight of the white leather crossing over Lucy's flesh. Lisa's eyes widened as she dragged the ruler lower and lower and Lucy pinged the shirt open down to her belly button, the white leather slave harness becoming more and more visible.

In the bath the water sloshed as Lisa sought a comfortable position, her hands playing wth her breasts and pussy as she let her fantasy continue.

Coiling her hand around Lucy's tie Lisa dragged her student around and the pair switched position, Lucy now leaning back against Lisa's desk. With a fluid movement Lisa stooped down and placed her ruler against one of Lucy's heels then rose to her feet.

Marked with her thumb on the scale of the ruler Lisa showed Lucy the result of the heel measurement. A broad green band marked "regulation" had been easily surpassed, Lisa's digit resting decidedly inside the "slut" zone.

Lucy bit her bottom lip, her eyes widening at the result as Lisa crouched and placed the scale against the inside of Lucy's thigh, one end marking the Asian's knee, the other under Lucy's skirt threatening to touch her most intimate places.

Using her free hand Lisa marked the height of the skirt above Lucy's knee, Lisa then feigning shocked disapproval.

"Whore", announced the scale.

"What do you have to say for yourself young lady?" Whispered Lisa as she nuzzled into the side of Lucy's head with her cheek.

"Sorry for being a slut and a whore miss Kozny." whispered Lucy.

Lisa let out a hidden smile while her hand snaked inside Lucy's skirt and towed down Lucy's cotton white panties.

"Lose them, only regulation girls get to keep them..." Lisa ordered.

Within seconds Lucy found herself stood bent over the desk, legs spread at an impossible distance apart in her heels, her panties in her mouth and her skirt rolled up about her waist.

"Nghhhhh fuck.....why did you have to go away!" Moaned Lisa, a tsunami of water sloshing over the sides of the bath as she convulsed in her first orgasm. Her fantasy self hadn't even fucked Lucy yet and....

Suddenly Miss Kozny was armed with a strap on as she began to swat red ruler marks all over Lucy's behind.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck......" squirmed Lisa in her hot bath, this was going to be an epic 'O'.

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The helicopter was at full speed and skimming close to the water in the darkness, its downwash creating its own unseen pattern on the water. Anyone high up on an oil platform would never see the aircraft against the ink black background of the sea and sky save for a few remaining details.

"Ok - go dark checklist -" Selena said glancing at a clipboard resting across her knee.

"Go - checklist" Dragon squawked back over his headset from up front.

"Transponder - Off" Selena barked, her index finger trailing down to the first item.

"Check" Dragon threw a rotary switch to off, the LED display that had showed the helicopter transponder number now only reporting " - - - - -"

"Radios- Off"

"Check" , a mere throw of a switch killed the radio, no unwanted tell tale radio interference was going to accidentally give them away.

"Active nav aids - off"

"Check!" Dragon silenced the active navigational aids. No more traffic avoidance gear, no more direction finding, no more terrain radar, no more of anything. Only the compass was left and the course of 121 degrees magnetic that it showed was all Dragon needed to get to the rig, well that and his altimeter that he kept within double digits of hitting the water.

If mercenaries were out there waiting they could be sniffing for stray radar pings, radio bursts, anything that bled out a signal, but the helicopter was now as electronically invisible. as a regular transport could be.

"Strobes to off"

"Check" the belly of the helicopter and the tail each had a coloured strobe light and both went dark. The pulsing beating heart of the helicopter snuffed out, the familiar flash of light from the underside of the blades and the coloured fuselage was gone.

"Port and starboard nav lights - off..." Selena said as she continued to run down the list.

"Check!" Gone were the cherry red and radiant green lights indicating port and starboard on the outboard undercarriage mounts.

"Interior lights to night mode"

"Already done but check" Dragon answered as he instinctively glaced at the switch anyway, confirming what he already knew.

"Checklist complete - you'll remember to turn all this back on when you're gone right...?" Selena quipped.

"You're lucky I'm stuck flying this thing or I'd give you a hiding" Dragon said gruffly, his smirk hidden from Selena. The flight had been hours and while there was an autopilot of sorts it still required that Dragon be in the hot seat the whole time. Selena was in the back with Lucy, geared up and almost ready to go, and they had a checklist of their own to go through before boarding the rig.

"Ok - I'll give you intervals in the run up but otherwise I'm silent - good luck Buttons" Dragon said before his feed clicked into silence.

Selena looked at Lucy who was sat opposite her, the pair bathed in the red night lights of the cabin interior.

"One - We secure the helipad first - lethal force as necessary to do so, we have to assume a risk of resistance on contact - agreed?"

"Yes, understood , we may need lethal force to secure our landing" Lucy nodded.

"Two - Once secured on the helipad transition to Null"

Lucy nodded and patted her black tactical webbing, she had a gaggle of Tazer pistols strapped to her and an array of snap on reloads and battery packs.

"Three - Recon " Selena said with a hint of concern.

"Two minutes" interrupted Dragon into the internal comms.

The two women paused a second as they took in the notification, after what had seemed an infinite journey they were now two minutes from arrving at the target.

"Yeah this is a problem, not knowing the numbers against us, but my gut says she's alone. It's like I know it..." Lucy said with a frown, almost looking off to some distant point.

"The investigation of Kimberly's break out from prison indicated a fair sized team sprung her, we should at least establish if they are there, we need to do a sweep and count Tango's and find our girl."

Lucy nodded but her gut was screaming that this was going to be an eerie, quiet, environment, the den of some strange psychotic killer, not a base full of mercenaries.

"We will establish a more detailed rescue plan once we know more of what we are dealing with and confirm Kara is there."

"And what of Kimberly?" Lucy asked.

"If possible , alive, it's probably what Kara will want, that she face justice." Selena said thoughtfully.

"Understood" Lucy nodded.

"Sixty seconds....." Dragon signalled.

Selena glanced at Lucy and the pair could see that they had both heard the call. There was a moment of silence as the two women looked into each others eyes. Trust, doubt, confidence, nerves, they all flashed past the eyes of each other.

"Ok, let's prepare for dust off....." Selena said as she lowered her night vision goggles to her eyes, Lucy following Selena's lead.

Lucy tugged gently at the velcro strap keeping her pistol in place, testing its resistance as she left a small section stuck down. Checking the pistol's safety was off or that it was on single shot or that a round was ready in the chamber was all unnecessary, Lucy's pistol was an extension of herself and she knew exactly what state it was in.

Selena flexed her fists in her gloves before placing a hand on the sliding door mechanism of the helicopter, bracing against it like it was some kind of medieval shield while her free hand rested on her pistol in its holster.

"15 seconds, no contacts, November Victor go" Dragon barked.

November Victor - night vision, Dragon was confirming the helipad was dark, the women wouldn't be blinded by artificial light on arrival and no contacts meant he could see no one ahead through his own night vision kit.

"Five ....." Dragon uttered.

Selena put her shoulder into the door and drew it open, the downdraft and noise from the whirling blades above making itself known to the passengers inside. Her pistol rising from her holster at the same time Selena began to rise to her feet ready for the word from up front. Lucy, like a compressed spring also waited for the order, the ripping apart of velcro signalling her own readiness.

"Go go go "

Lucy, her pistol aimed out ahead, hopped from the helicopter to the pad, aware of Selena arriving at her side. The helicopter rose immediately and once high enough spun away from the rig and quickly sped off into the darkness.

The women spun around to cover a full three sixty arc and saw no one. Slowly their senses begin to pull in their new surroundings as the helicopter faded away, the smell of the sea, the vibrations of the waves striking the structure and .....was that a generator?



"Switching to null, me first..." Selena ordered.

"Check..." Lucy said calmly as she covered her partner, the sound of velcro confirming the weapon switch over.


Lucy, with a fluid motion changed weapons. Now, both were limited to short range, non lethal weapons, committed to taking down whoever they met without deadly force.

"Stack on me, one eighties...." Selena said quietly.

Lucy placed herself alongside Selena, left hand gripping Selena's belt at the centre of her back, the pair scanning a semicircle of the view around them.

"Oscar Mike" Selena said and began to head to the nearest structure.

Holding on, Lucy walked backwards, sweeping her tazer pistol left to right as Selena did the same until they reached the structure at the end of walkway from the pad.


Lucy released Selena and backed herself to the wall.

"Opening..." Selena said quietly.

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Selena and Lucy quietly and cautiously swept through the admin module of the rig. Inside it was akin to the Mary Celeste, each room, office and passageway a frozen snapshot of what was happening the moment the explosion had shut everything down.

A cup of now very old cold coffee sat on an office desk next to a ballpoint pen that had been scrawling notes on a notepad only to be interrupted mid sentence. A large data printer stood with a long length of fan fold paper dangling from it like a zig zag tongue, its operator no longer around to tear it off for filing. A phone, a partially dialed extension number on its display, hung off its cradle, the dialing tone warbling on....

The sweep was exhaustingly slow and meticulous, the pair of women having to assume that any moment they may stumble into a group of waiting mercenaries, each room and passageway needing to be cleared like it might turn into a battle at any second. Eventually the pair reached the mess hall, banks of stainless steel tabletops caught in pseudo clean state, no plates, no cups, just a thin film of dust, shaken down from the blast, evidence that the blast happened between meals.

The pair swept slowly through the area until....


Selena clicked her fingers, Lucy glancing back at her to see Selena pointing in silence behind the serving counter. With a frown Lucy advanced to see what Selena had seen and caught sight for herself Selena's source of concern. A cube shaped cardboard box, lid flaps pulled open, sat on the floor and inside the box ....

Stacked neatly in columns and rows was tinned food...and the lids ....

Lucy's eyes widened, her stance becoming more alert, her sense of danger stepping up a notch. The layer of tins on top was shiny and clean, everything else in the kitchens and mess hall had a film of dust. The box was recently opened, the contents having previously been protected by the cardboard lid. This was proof of life......

If the pair had been lulled into thinking they might be alone on the rig this hint of life quickly dispelled that thought. With a rotation of her shoulders in their sockets and a quick gyration of her neck Lucy limbered up, preparing for the newly discovered threat.

"We should move on ...." Selena announced calmly though there was a sense of hopefulness in her tone.

The pair proceeded onwards through the module, the helpful green signs leading down to the medical bay.

The large double doors that marked the entrance to the Medbay were carefully opened, the women entering to find a bank of neat and tidy beds and a partition wall and doorway that led to an emergency room. If a medical emergency developed on board it might be necessary to treat a patient before moving them back to shore, and with the unforgiving North Sea just beyond the robust walls of the module it could be some time before transport to a full hospital was possible. In short, this Medbay was well equipped.

Laid out on one of the emergency beds the women found their curious and sinister discovery. Divided into six piles were saline bags, tubing, intravenous needle kits, anti bacterial wipes and so on and between the fifth and sixth pile a cautionary note "REORDER FROM SUPPLY SHIP".

"Oh no...." Selena said quietly as she inspected the supplies. From all the news articles and the police reports Selena knew these items were part of Kimberly's routine.

"Look, it's a good sign, if Kimberly has all this planned ahead then Kara is alive, I'm sure of it..." Lucy responded, her weapon still raised covering back towards the one and only doorway which they had just come through.

Selena stared intently at the collection of medical consumables, vengeful hatred brewing behind her eyes.

"Focus on the mission... let's continue the search..we must be getting close." Lucy glanced quickly over her shoulder at Selena before vigilantly focusing back on the doorway.

"Yes, you are right..." Selena said as she turned away from the bed. "I'll take point this time."

Working their way through and then out of the admin module they could tell they were approaching the production areas of the now abandoned rig. Made safe after the accident everything was shut down save for what sounded like a generator in the bowels of the module, and now the rescue party were destined to enter and explore further.

Cautiously crossing a gantry towards an area marked as "Prod Mod B" Selena stopped dead in her tracks, forearm raised, fist closed.


Lucy paused, dropping to her knee with unquestioning trust.

"Lights, check to my three..." Selena said before dropping to her knee too, focusing her aim ahead towards Module B

Lucy cautiously peeked over the railing to Selena's right and took in the view, far below was a large deck bathed in the glow of lighting. Raising her night vision goggles atop her head Lucy placed a small pair binoculars to her face and scanned the point of interest down below.

"It looks like the drill assembly deck...... there are some light rigs... I ... I see ... I see her ....she .. she's alive...." Lucy said, trying to stay calm.

" I want to see .." Selena replied as she maintained her position , staring ahead down to the sight of her weapon, her left hand now reaching behind her back, beckoning Lucy to hand over her binoculars.

"OK ..switch with me ..." Lucy said as she placed the optics firmly in Selena's grasp then passed by her to resume the vigil ahead.

"Oh my god ...." Selena murmured as she cast her eyes over Kara who was stood splayed out in a taught spreadeagle, her back a tapestry of black ink. Selena and Lucy were high and behind the superheroine and could see the chains that somehow held her in her painful appearing upright pose.

"What ...are those.... is that the stuff ..... the dust?" Selena wondered aloud.

"You mean on those little rod type things hanging near by ... yes, sometimes you can see it glow, or catch the light,'s weird, isnt it" Lucy confirmed.

"It probably explains why she can't break loose ..if it does what we think.." Selena said with a frown as she scanned around Kara for signs of anyone else.

"Well, the chains are not just ordin....umm.." Lucy replied, a hint of confusion in her tone.

"Go on?" Selena's eyes parted from the binoculars a moment as she glanced towards Lucy who was still looking dead ahead.

"I .. I just thought I remembered .... some..something ... I ....forget it .....what are we doing .. we cant stay here" Lucy said.

"We need to keep watch, see if we can find out who is here ... I don't like guessing ...there are windows in the module ahead, we can probably establish an O.P. there ...." Selena said calmly.

"OK ... we should move on .... ready?" Lucy asked, her legs preparing to thrust her upright again.

"Yes ... move out ..." Selena passed back the binoculars into Lucy's waiting hand and began to rise.

"OK, Oscar Mike ...." Lucy confirmed as she rose up and led the pair forwards to the production module.

Bobby Sanderson stood glaring at his bank of screens with his phone handset to his ear waiting for a voice at the other end as the markets continued their dance across the various charts in front of him, a sea of red numbers and plunging graphs punctuated by the occasional green positive number.

Bobby looked tired and gaunt, his skin hadn't seen the sun in days, and despite Gina's efforts to keep him fed and watered his clothes seemed to hang off him despite having been tailored to him. The once kind, friendly, man had the appearance of someone who had sold their soul, he was tired, withered and a kind of ashen grey colour.

"Now you listen to ME, Watanobi San ... and I will use simple to understand language ok ? No .. shush .. me . talking .... you listening then ... me .... the shareholders ... not even the God Almighty gives a damn if the inventory you are holding there is in ISO Standard Format shapes for delivery purposes or not. It could be shaped like fucking mushrooms for all I care ... get it ? Gold, is gold, you've got the serial numbers, you've got the weights ...... get it loaded or I will happily tell everyone the deal is off and that you are naked for cash. You understand? That's right ... I knew you'd get it ... now good day to you ....."

Bobby hung up the phone then resumed his vigil. Normally a bust up like that would have really bothered the mild mannered man but it was more like a trivial distraction compared to the intense mental work load he was subconsciously processing. Beyond the glass walls of his office Gina, his P.A. looked on with concern, where had the Bobby she had known gone?

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Hang on, Supergirl, help is on the way... I think, unless they get waylaid somehow. Good tension in this chapter along with a cool special ops "Zero Dark Thirty" feel to it.
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Agree with Dr. D, nice job of building the drama of what is to come.
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"This stinks of a trap ...." murmured Lucy as she gazed down at Supergirl with her binoculars.

"Agreed ...." Selena said ruefully.

The pair of women had taken turns to watch over the heroine and check for the coming and going of anyone else and so far they had seen nothing. Both women were patently aware that their arrival probably hadn't gone unnoticed, at the very least suspicions must of been raised with the close passing of the helicopter. Now, hours into their observations of their objective they had not seen anyone save for poor Supergirl who was being dangled like bait before their eyes.

"Well, I guess to get the advantage back we will have to spring the trap ......" Lucy said as she glanced back at Selena a moment who had laid out some of her gear on a work surface.

Selena looked back at the Asian, their eyes betraying to each other that springing traps was usually the more unfavorable option.

"If we do that and end up being outgunned it's over .... I'd rather ...." began Selena.

"No, I will do it ..... alone ......if it is a trap at least it will bring them out into the open, and you can do the rest ...." Lucy cut in. There was a hint of nervousness in her voice but she was a pro and understood the risks.

"Lucy, you don't have to ...." Selena started to say. This mission was about getting Supergirl back, not just because it was Supergirl, but because it was the woman she was starting to love.

"Yes, I do ...." Lucy cut Selena off again.

"That bullet thing really got to you, didn't it? You do realise that was nothing to her .... to catch it I mean...." Selena said, cocking her head to one side. She had seen Lucy thumb the metal splat on the chain about her neck, the flattened bullet that had threatened to take her life until the superheroine had caught it.

"I . I know .... but .... now it's my turn to give back. When I first met her all I did was make threats and torture her on that damned plane and all she has ever done is help me. She rescued me off that rooftop in Madrid with a kilo of semtex locked inside me and yes, there was the bullet ..... so of course.. it's getting to me ...." Lucy said as she watched on at the suffering Superheroine below.

"She still doesn't fully understand what you did for her, on the plane .... Cornell, you stood up to him .." Selena said as she mentally tallied off her gear, deciding the best configuration to repack everything for the current situation.

"And I don't want her to know .... that was a disgrace what he did .... I should have done something but .........." Lucy stopped herself, she didn't want to say she had been a coward but that was what she felt.

"Lucy, we have to choose our battles well ...else we won't be left to fight the battles that really matter ...." Selena said wisely.

"Well this next one matters ...." Lucy said confidently.

"Ok well we need to do something, we don't appear to be achieving anything while we are watching ..." Selena said as she began to repack her gear into her webbing.

"I have a few ideas ...... but won't like any of them ....." Lucy said calmly.

Selena paused cramming some gear into a pouch as she looked at Lucy whose back was still towards her. Lucy was in a different league to Selena, cool, honed and certain, surely Dragon had underestimated or at least misunderstood her.

"OK ....well... let's hear them ..." Selena said thoughtfully.


Lucy crouched in hiding, she was tantalizingly close to the restrained Superheroine. Lucy could see the blond was bound at the wrists but didn't quite understand how, she would have to get closer to find out.

Glancing down at her watch Lucy saw the countdown continue towards zero, synchronized with Selena she was prepared to act the moment the rescue plan began, well , rescue plan "A" at least, got underway.

"Ten ........" Lucy thought to herself seeing the number fleetingly appear on the display of her watch, her free hand ritually tugging at a strip of velcro on her webbing.

"Nine ....." Selena whispered to herself as her hand rested on a large red handled lever.

"Eight ...." Lucy's hand seemed to clench and release, clench and release on the grip of her tazer weapon.

"Seven ..." Selena tested the resistance of the lever, would it swing easily or not? She slowly ramped up the pressure, waiting for a sense of movement.

"Six ......." Lucy began to run through her checklist one last time in her mind, mentally mapping the hand movements required to get to a reload or her multitools.

"Five....." Selena continued to tease the lever, it was tight, maybe rusted, it was going to need full effort to swing it.

"Four ....." Lucys heart stepped up a gear as she began to pull her nightvision goggles lower.

"Three...." Selena sensed movement in the red handled leaver, a metallic grinding squeak confirming that it was rusted.

"Two ..." Lucy's eyes darted about taking in the view othe platform once again, just to check for threats ....

"One ..." Selena began to grunt as she gave the fuel cut off lever a good firm yank.

"Zero ...." In the distance Lucy heard the generator spluttering and saw the lights on the machine deck dimming....dying ......

With a tug the night vision goggles dropped over Lucy's eyes and her surroundings immediately became a world of shimmering green and black.

"Oscar Mike ..." Lucy whispered as she rose from her hiding spot and moved forward. Her ears listened intently as she gauged her own noise, the sound of the sea making it difficult to tell if it was covering her tracks, or possible those of an enemy.

Cautiously Lucy approached, the vertical supports and machinery on the deck providing some cover until she was in the more open area of the drill assembly deck at the core of the platform. From here the drill operators would have attached the ever lengthening drill shaft to the cutting head as it drove its way to the oil bearing rock. Now, threaded from far below was the wicked chain that had been locked into the seabed by the PETROFORCE product.

As Lucy closed in on her target the usually reliable green image in her night vision goggles began to falter, the image almost blanking out in a wall of green or worse , manifesting a kind of static laden image.
Lucy remained calm, raising her goggles, her eyes blinking a moment at having to make the rapid adjustment. Lucy paused midstep then resumed as she sought to reach Kara who was starting to stirr in the almost pitch black.

"Kim .. Kimberly ...?" moaned Supergirl groggily.

"Shhh ..... I am here to rescue you .." whispered Lucy as she reached the heroine.

"Contact Hotel !" Lucy rasped into her throat mike for the benefit of Selena.

"It .... it's a trap ..." groaned Kara.

"I know ! How many are there ...?" Lucy asked calmly.

"Only Kimberly ......" Supergirl replied.

"Tango's one" Lucy said quietly, a message for Selena.

"I'll get rid of these damned green rods and ...." began Lucy, her logic was that she could instantly re-power the heroine by putting distance between her and the dust.

"Forget it .... it takes me hours to recover after this much exposure ..just get me out." Kara pleaded.

"OK , keep a look out while I figure this out ...." Lucy said as she tried to figure out the arrangement of the chains holding the heroine.

"But ...I .. I can't see ...." Supergirl groaned.

"It's just dark and the generator has stopped, the lights are out..just do what you can.." Lucy said as her rapidly adjusting eyes began to reveal the truth about the heroine's bound wrists.

"No .. I ... I'm blind ...." Supergirl said a little more assertively.

"You'll get used to the darkness ... what the fuck has she done to you .... is that a bolt ?!!?" Lucys eyes widening even more as she realised the gruesome truth.

"You're NOT listening to me ... I've been blinded somehow ...." Kara repeated, a little more forcefully.

Lucy paused a moment as she understood the message but this new information didn't change too much. She had learnt how to lead hooded prisoners and hostages and help them keep their feet as she marshaled them, this would not be much different.

"Fuck, ok ..we are getting out of here ...." Lucy said confidently.

"Is ... is .... Selena here .....?" Kara asked hopefully into the nothingness.

Lucy looked back at the heroine, glad of her predictability. "Listen ....." began Lucy as she leant in closer to the heroine.


"The Sword .... without her Shield ..." whispered Kimberly to herself. She was crouched, hidden, a deck above the duo of women, one her hostage, the other ..... about to be. The would-be rescuer leaned in closer to the superheroine, no doubt asking how the bondage had been achieved, or checking on her condition.

"Where is your friend, The Eyes ?" hissed Kimberly.

If her expected third guest didn't show up soon she would have to spring her trap, she didn't wish for her prisoner to be freed, not even temporarily. Now she watched on as the first new visitor began to help her prized possession escape.


"This is going to hurt ...." Lucy said with urgency as she drew her combat knife from its sheath.

"Just get them off me ..." Kara insisted, her blind eyes tracking towards Lucy's voice.

Lucy presented the handle of her combat knife to Kara's face"Open your mouth ....and bite down on this... .. understand ?"

"ok ...." Kara nodded into the nothingness then felt Lucy wiggle the handle into her mouth, side on, Kara's face almost looking like a snarling monster as she gripped with her jaws.

Lucy pulled out her multitool from her pouch and winced in sympathy to the anticipated pain she was about to put the heroine through. With the tool's pliers Lucy gripped the hexagonal headed nut that was semi bedded into Kara's flesh and began to turn it while holding the eyebolt still on the other side.

"Nghhhhhhhhhh" grimaced Kara as she bit down onto the handle, her outstretched limbs writhing.

Lucy had tried exerting the minimum amount of force required to get the first nut moving, trying to balance the resistance in the eyebolt on the reverse side. By avoiding putting too much torque on the heroines body she hoped to minimise the pain.

"It .. it's starting to move .... you ok ?" Lucy said to Kara who was nodding furiously whilst her face conveyed her suffering.

CLUNK ......

A heavy metallic sound from above seemed to send a shock wave down the platform.

"What the ...." muttered Lucy as she stepped back away from the heroine looking above her for the source of the noise.

CLUNK ............ CLUNK ....................

The same sound .....

CLUNK .........CLUNK................. CLUNK ....CLUNK ...CLUNK

The sound, the vibration, seemed to get more pronounced, the frequency gently picking up pace.


"Oh shit !" Lucy thought to herself.

It sounded like a battleship anchor was being played out on its chain, its acceleration as it was let loose creating the rapidly increasing beat.

Lucy looked about herself in confusion, she could sense that something big, metallic, maybe mounted on a chain was descending rapidly from above, maybe towards her, but all around her there was vibration, movement it was as if ...

Lucy had a moment of instant clarity, it was like a flashbulb had illuminated the scene and frozen the moment so it was there for her to totally understand.


"Oh !" was the last thing her conscious mind came up with while her instincts tried to help her prepare for the situation her subconscious mind had seen.


Kara heard the sound of Lucy's body smash against the metal grated deck which rattled like crashing cymbals before she was dragged to one side and then ...... where?

A blind yet wide eyed and terrified Kara snivelled with fear, still gripping the knife handle between her teeth. Her rescuer had seemingly been snatched away from her, possibly to her death.

With a craning neck Kara carefully tried to toss the knife clear of her body and listened, only to hear the previously present ambient noise of the sea.

"Lu ...... Lucy ...... are .......are you there?!" she asked quietly.


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Kara recomposed herself and listened intently for anything like a sign of life, she was hoping to hear a groan, a moan, a cough, a splutter...anything.

"Please don't be dead, please don't be dead ...." she whispered to herself as she turned her head this way and that, trying to tune her hearing to anything resembling Lucy's presence.

Then, in her own personal darkness she could hear it, the footsteps, the angry, determined footsteps of Kimberly. Walking on a deck nearby the metallic clunk of her heavy boots grew closer, closer, closer, the vibrations of each step echoing through Kara's body until....

"I told you........" began Kimberly, her breath cascading over Kara's face ".... that you would be their undoing."

Kara flinched hearing the woman's voice so close to her, her head recoiling in fear at the unseen woman. Kara's mind raced as she tried to reconstruct events, her mouth reaching a conclusion before her head had considered her words.

"Their?...... Their undoing .... but .... I ... I only heard one voice ...." Kara retorted.

"Yes, I have her and the second will be with me soon enough ...." replied Kimberly as she grasped Kara's face with her over-sized hand, roughly turning the heroine's blind gaze to face her.

Stooping down, Kimberly plucked up the knife that the heroine had held in her mouth and turned away.

"Now .....let me see what we have here ...."

The heavy footsteps moved away to one side, Kara tracking with her ears, her blue blind eyes serving no purpose.



"Whaa....what are doing ?" Kara asked finding herself turning one of her ears towards the strange sound.

"Taking her toys before she wakes ......." Kimberly replied as she began to peel off what sounded like velcro.

"She .... she is alive?" Kara asked, her eyebrows rising, her brow furrowing before her expression revealed her relief.

"Yes ..... but she took a knock to the head ...." Kimberly said after a short pause.

SHLUNK - A collection of what sounded like clothing fell to the deck but it was hard for the heroine to tell.

"What ..... what was ... that?" Kara flinched.

"Just her equipment harness ..... " Kimberly replied in annoyance. Kara tracked Kimberly's voice and footsteps moving away only to hear her captor toss something down and return to her previous position.

"Now let me see what we have here .... nghhhh ......." Kimberly said as she began to exert herself.


"Ugh...this is tight ....."

"Kimberly, what are you doing to her ??!!!" Kara found the situation really distressing only being able to listen but part of her wondered if she would want to watch if she could.

After a few grunts of physical effort there finally sounded like relief in Kimberly's voice. "I want to see what I have to work with no more questions..."

Kara listened intently as Kimberly seemed to shuffle about and she felt sick in the stomach as she heard the sound of chain work being dragged around on the deck.

"This one is smaller than you, her skin feels so smooth......she will be so pretty when I am done with her," Kimberly explained as she continued to restrain her new captive.

"Unngh............." groaned Lucy as she began to rejoin the world of the living.

"Lucy ?.... Lucy ! .... Are ........ are you okay ?" Kara cried out as she tugged at her bonds.

Lucy's mind was slowly coming to terms with the situation. Her head pounded gently and she felt pain in her feet, especially around the ankles and now her shoulders protested.

"Fuck ..." Lucy groaned as she came to terms with her entire situation.

"So......your name is Lucy ..... " chimed in Kimberly as she stepped into Lucy's field of view.

Despite the darkness there was enough light for Lucy to see and her eyes confirmed what her body was telling her: she was suspended upside down by her ankles above the deck, the top half of her body naked. A loop of horrible oily old chain was tautly wrapped around her waist and looped around her wrists binding them together and closed off with a padlock.

Lucy scowled as she took in the sight of Kimberly in front of her, her black combat vest, t-shirt and under armour firmly held in her enemy's hands. Kimberly crouched down in front of Lucy and grabbed a handful of her raven black hair, swinging her closer to her face.

"Where is your friend?" Kimberly hissed.

"What friend?" Lucy retorted.

"You are NOT here alone ...... where is she?" Kimberly asked calmly.

Lucy's eyes were like daggers as she remained silent and the pair glared in silence at one another. Kara was blind but she could sense the tension in the air, her imagination running riot about Lucy's predicament.

Kimberly released Lucy's hair and gave her a shove setting her body swinging gently on the chain that suspended her. The upside down Kimberly slowly approached and retreated in the Asian's field of view.

"Where .. is ...she ?" Kimberly asked coldly, her head tilting to one side. The low-lit body of the suspended prisoner looking like a pinata.



Kimberly had wound up her right arm and delivered a firm gut shot with her fist sending the Asian swinging back away as she twisted on the chain.

"Unghhhhhhhhhh" groaned Lucy as she took the blow to the stomach. With her hands bound behind her back she had no defense. Her stretched out torso was unable to offer any resistance.

"Where she?"

"I don't know who you mean ..." Lucy wheezed as she gently swung from her chained ankles above.


"Ungghhhhhhhhh" Lucy grunted once more, too much wind knocked out of her sails.

"Kimberly ...... don't ....." pleaded Kara.

"Fuck you ....." protested Lucy as she regained her composure.

"WHY DON'T YOU COME AND SAVE YOUR FRIEND!" Taunted Kimberly into the darkness.

There was silence save for the sound of the sea and the gentle creaking of the swinging chain holding Lucy above the deck. The pause seemed to last forever as Kimberly looked about her unimpressed.

"Call to her ...." ordered Kimberly as she looked down at Lucy.

"There is no one else ....." Lucy said.

"LIAR!" - WHUMP!! The angry Kimberly drove a blow into Lucy's exposed torso again, the blow this time landing a little closer to the ribs.

"If you were here then who shut down my generator, up there?" Kimberly asked confidently.

"That .... that was just ...a...a...timed explosive bolt...." Lucy bluffed, and quite badly.

"Bullshit!" WHUMP!! WHUMP!! With a quick left and right combination Kimberly delivered two firm blows to the dangling human punching bag, the giantess sending the hanging woman swinging and twisting from her chain.

"Unghhhhhh - god ..." Lucy groaned.

"Don't make me break you permanently ...." Kimberly growled.

"Kimberly please . you.... you're killing her ..." a frantic Kara pleaded.

"If I have to ....." Kimberly replied with a sinister growl.

Lucy seemed to cough painfully to Kara's ears and she heard her friend spit liquid from her mouth, the splattering sound on the deck seemingly confirming what her imagination had conjured up from all the violent sounds.

"I ... AM ... ALONE ..." Lucy said defiantly as she emphasized each word.

"My brother told me there were two ........ where is the other ...I know she is here......summon her!!" Kimberly ordered, her fists flexing at her sides.

"He was wrong ...." Lucy said weakly, panting in her discomfort.


"Oh god . Kimberly ..... please ......!" begged Kara again. Her imagination was running riot with the unseen torture playing out in front of her and in her mind Lucy was not looking good at all.

FPUH!! Spat Lucy, more blood emanating from her mouth.

"See...... now .... now you've made your deck all bloody .." mocked Lucy defiantly, a sick grin on her face, seemingly mocking the monstrous woman.

"Perhaps one of your own toys will loosen your tongue ....." Kimberly said menacingly as she spun away.

"What . what are you going to do ?" Supergirl asked nervously as she tracked Kimberly's footsteps.

There was no reply from Kimberly as Kara heard the woman rummaging through what she assumed was the pile of kit stripped from Lucy's body. The approving grunts coming from the behemoth of a woman put more fear into the superheroine's mind.

"Lucy .. are you okay ....? What .. what is going on .... I .... I can't see"

"Ju..... just as well ....... I'm ....." Lucy began as she spat more liquid from her mouth ...."I'm not at my best .......... right now ...." she managed, each word sounding painful.

"Perhaps this will loosen your tongue ..... " Kimberly began. "OR PERHAPS YOUR FRIEND WILL COME OUT AND END THIS FOR YOU ......" she shouted into the structure.

"Kimberly ....... don't ......please ......" Kara pleaded once more. Never had she felt so powerless to help another person. In the past her own powerlessness had prevented her from saving herself. Now her current inert state put her mind in a place she had never had to deal with before. Every cruel attack on Lucy was an attack on her psyche.

PHUT! Lucy saw a flash as the neon green plastic caps of the tazer pistol burst off the capsule holding the darts, a puff of confetti-like paper emanating forth chased by the glint of the metallic darts as they unsheathed themselves from the sterile caps that had held them. Trailing behind, the neatly folded zig-zag pattern of the thin conductive wire elegantly unraveled as the darts flew closer and closer...


The two flying darts impaled the dangling super spy in her stomach before the tazer pistol unleashed its volley of incapacitating electricity into its target's body.

"Owwwwwwwww...G0D!" Lucy shrieked as her body clenched up a moment, a ripple of muscular convulsions racing across her abdomen revealing her subtle six-pack.

Kimberly looked coldly at Lucy, then at the pistol and the fine trail of wires across the deck admiring the combination of complexity and simplicity in the design.

"WHERE ........ IS ...........SHE ..........!" Kimberly demanded again.

"Go ...... fuck ....... your .........self ........." Lucy replied in tired defiance, her breathing faltering.


"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" screamed Lucy until the electrical discharge stopped. Ragged deep breaths marked the moment she had enough control to refill her lungs.

"Perhaps, once I put the rings into your body you will appreciate this even more, but for now another will do ..." Kimberly said as she wrenched off the spent cartridge on the head of the tazer pistol and snapped on a fresh one.

Kara stood shaking her head in disbelief as she imagined poor Lucy, her body laden with piercings and rings in her most intimate places and connected to a tazer pistol. The heroine tugged at her bonds sharply and winced as she felt the metal eyebolts pinch slightly at her skin.

"Don't!" begged the heroine.

Lucy's face snarled in protest as she looked on powerlessly between Kimberly and the heroine while Kimberly begun to take aim once more.

"Don't make me damage you ...... I only want to make you and your friend pretty ....." Kimberly said as she cocked her head, firing the tazer with no sign of remorse on her face.

PHUT! - The crack of pistol was heard once more as the sterile holders, the confetti-like wadding, and the silver darts emanated from the muzzle with the conductive zig-zag of wires chasing behind.


"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" shrieked the Asian causing the superheroine to turn her head. Kara was desperate for release, her tolerance to this sort of experience was incredibly low.


"Fuck ..." began Lucy as she summonsed the breath to continue, the blood almost gurgling on the back of her throat. "..... you ......"

Kimberly top lip snarled up as she activated the weapon again, sending another volley of electrical pain down the wires.


"Aaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhh" screamed Lucy again as she twisted and turned on the chains holding her from above.

"Kimberly ..... can't you see ........ she ......." Kara began before cutting herself off.

"Don't ............... don't you dare ......." Lucy managed to say.

"Don't she dare - what!?" Kimberly leaped in, detecting a chink in the Asian's defenses.

Kara, eyes open yet unseeing, felt the tension in the air: Kimberly had sensed a weakness.

"TELL ME ....." Kimberly roared as she coiled up the long zig-zag cables and yanked on them heartlessly, pulling the four impaled darts cruelly from Lucy's flesh.

"Mother.....fucker........NO!" screamed Lucy in protest as she felt the metal darts ping out of her flesh and fall to the floor.



"Can't you see?!" Kimberly said as she pointed at the restrained superheroine, "Your resistance is pointless, I have broken her, I will break YOU!! Do you not wish to be made pretty, like HER, or will you die with envy!?"

"So .....TELL me what I want to know or I will drop you over the side ......" Kimberly threatened.

"N.... no ...." Lucy said as began to splutter, a lung full of air being used to expel more blood from her mouth. The liquid splattering from her lips was all too apparent to Kara who was listening intently to everything.


"Unghh...." grunted Lucy again as she took yet another blow.

Kara instinctively closed her eyes and turned her head away. She wanted it all to just stop! Being forced to be a blind witness to Lucy's suffering was torture for her...and she was cracking. Lucy hung silently in the near distance with only the creak of the chains squeaking in the air. No words came from the tormented spy and her breathing sounding difficult until a cough blurted up what the heroine guessed was more blood.

"DO YOU WANT HER TO DIE?! IS THAT IT?" Roared Kimberly into the open air as she spun away from the suspended Lucy.

"Can't you see ...... Kimberly ...... she would come ...... if she could!" Kara had finally broken, she couldn't let Lucy continue to suffer.

"Nghh .. n ...... no......don't.." groaned Lucy.

"What do you mean?" Kimberly asked as she lumbered up to the spreadeagled heroine.

Kara's mind flashed back to the moment when Lucy had been about to start undoing the bolts that held her to the chains on her wrists.
"Is ... is .... Selena here .....?" Kara had asked hopefully into the nothingness.

Lucy had looked back at the heroine, glad of her predictability. "Listen ....." began Lucy as she leaned in closer to the heroine. "She .... she hurt herself when we boarded the rig ...." Lucy explained quietly into the heroine's ear.

"Is ... is she ok ...." blubbered the heroine.

"It's ok .... but ..... her foot is like a balloon ...she can't move....she's hiding out by the medlab.." Lucy explained.


Kimberly grinned wickedly as she listened to Kara unknowingly retell Lucy's deception.

"Lucy ...... forgive me ........we will find another way ..... she was going to kill you .. I ...." Kara sobbed, tears running from her face. In Kara's mind there was still a chance Selena might take out the lumbering menace that was Kimberly.

"Now I have you ....." grunted Kimberly as she looked up to where she knew the injured Selena was hiding, near the medlab.

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good to see SG still has her wits!
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ksire_99 wrote:good to see SG still has her wits!
SG, or Lucy ? Who do you think was torturing who ?
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:
ksire_99 wrote:good to see SG still has her wits!
SG, or Lucy ? Who do you think was torturing who ?
Very True, Lucy was quick to turn it against Kim.
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Lucy hung in dejected silence as Kimberly looked at her in triumph before turning away, Lucy's pistol in her hand.

"I will be back ..... LUCY" Kimberly said with a menacing tone before lumbering towards one of the stairwells the led up.

Slowly the footsteps receded as the behemoth of a woman left the area to fetch her new prize, Selena.

"Lucy ... I ..... I'm sorry ..." Kara said into the nothingness.

"I know ... it's ......... it's ok ....." grunted Lucy in reply.

Behind Lucy's back her hands worked discreetly, her thumbs working the back of her index finger, rubbing away the fine flesh coloured latex paint sealing the ceramic pick to her skin. With a deft move she plucked up the pick and grasped it between her thumb and second finger.

"What have I done?!" sobbed Kara as she hung dejectedly from her chained wrists.

"It'll be ok ..... just ... just hang in there ..." Lucy said, trying to console her comrade, her face revealing her concentration.

"We, we will figure a way out, I .... I'm sure ......" Kara said, desperate to justify her action.

Lucy focused as she rotated the ceramic pick between her fingers and then began to hunt for the opening in the padlock behind her back.

"It's ok ... Kara ..." Lucy shot the heroine a sideways glance, her tongue extending beyond her lips in deep thought as her hands worked unseen.


Kara twisted her head, her unseeing eyes gazing emptily beyond the Asian as she sought the source of the noise.

"Wh..what was that ..... who's there?" Kara asked in fear.

"It's nothing ..... don't worry ..." Lucy responded as she eyed the small padlock now on the floor, its rusted old clasp coming in and out of view as she gently swayed upside down above.

Twisting at her wrists Lucy felt the chain loosen slightly as the links began to slip one over the other until finally she released her hands. Her shoulders protesting Lucy winced as she brought her arms back in front of her ready to make her next move. Tightening her already aching and bruised stomach muscles Lucy began to curl her torso, her chin to her chest.

Reaching to her combat pants Lucy hauled her upper body upwards until she hung like a U, and then summonsed the strength to reach, one hand at a time for the chain that she was suspended from.

With a snarling grunt she took hold of the chain in her hands and continued to haul herself up until she started to take the weight off her legs and the crude loop that held her by the ankles. With an angry kicking motion the loop began to slide apart and her ankles became free.

Lucy grunted mildly as the blood returning to her feet sent them tingling and the bruises that marked her adventure with the chains began to form around her ankles. Lucy wrapped herself to the chain and carefully slid down as far as she could and then dropped the last few meters, her numb legs buckling clumsily as she landed on the deck.


The metal grated deck rattled as the raven haired Lucy hit the deck.

"Shit .... Lucy ......... Are you ok ?!!?" Supergirl said with surprise.

"Shhhhhhh" Lucy protested.

"What ...... what are you doing" Kara whispered, correcting herself.

"Escaping ....." Lucy retorted as she painfully made her way to her gear that had been left in a heap. She hadn't told the heroine of her attempt to escape up until then, not wishing to dash the heroine's hopes if she had failed.

"Oh than ...... thank god ....." Kara said, her eyes looking away in the wrong direction, her fists pumping in their restraints.

Lucy found her multi tool tossed in amongst her things and a small first aid pack and made her way back to the heroine one more time.

"Do you think Selena can keep safe?" Kara asked frantically.

"We ... we'll see, she's well armed ....." Lucy said, her eyes glancing up at the modules up above to where the other drama was going to play out as she placed the multitool against Kara's restraints.

"I ... I let you down ....." Kara blubbered.

"I'm going to do the first nut ...OK?" Lucy said trying to change the subject.

A nod and an anxious face signaled the heroine was ready and Lucy began to turn the hexagonal nut. The nut moved but tore cruelly at the top layer of Kara's skin, but Lucy sensed Kara's bravery and kept going at her grim task until the nut was finger tight and manually spun it off.

Pocketing her tool, Lucy pulled out some medical gauze and tape with her free hand and then began to wiggle the shaft of the eyebolt from Kara's wrist bone, quickly packing the wound once the bolt was free.

Kara snarled in discomfort at her release and Lucy cradled the heroine's arm a moment before guiding the palm of Kara's hand onto her head.

"Keep it elevated" Lucy urged as she changed position and began on the second wrist, Kara nodding in compliance.

"I'm sorry I had to mislead you ...." Lucy said as she considered the benefits of distracting the heroine with talking, her multitool seeking purchase on the second nut.

"Wha..what do you mean ?" Kara said as her blind gaze turned to fall on the Asian.

"I lied to you .... Selena is ok ......" Lucy said as she began to rotate the second nut.

"Wha....what ..... why ?" Kara replied, her face cringing as she sensed Lucy begin her work.

"We figured you'd save me before I got beaten to death taught me a good lesson on the plane .... remember .... you told a lie like it was the truth , because you thought it was true ...... I fell for it once and now Kimberly has fallen for it too." Lucy explained as she prepared the next set of gauze.

"You ..... you knew you would be captured ..... that .... that's why told me ....?" Kara said as she felt the hexagonal nut slowly loosening.

"We had to plan for everything, we didn't know how many people were here, we couldnt fully we decided to use me to spring the trap. By lying to you, if Kim used me, or beat you, you had something to tell her, we knew she would buy it coming from you." Lucy said as she winced, seeing the mess that had been made of the heroines wrist.

"Are you ok ...... you sounded like you took a beating" Kara asked, her blind eyes closing, a natural reflex to sensing the imminent pain.

"I am going to be black and blue ... sorry for the sound effects though ...I needed it to sound bad for you ......" Lucy said, the cadence of her words slowing as she focused on wiggling free the bolt.

"Bad? It sounded like you were coughing your organs up ..." Kara said with a hint of a nervous laugh.

"I had four blood capsules jammed in my cheeks ... they taste disgusting but .. well it worked .... gargle with those for a bit and you'd think I had Ebola ...." Lucy said as she slid the last of the bolt from the heroines arm, quickly getting pressure down on the open wound with gauze and taping it up.

"Ahhhhh thank you ....." said the relieved heroine, finally freed. Lucy cradled the heroine's arm then gently guided Kara's hand onto her head like the other.

"Let's get you sat down and I'll free your feet, keep your hands on your head ok..." Lucy said as she wrapped her arms around Kara's waist and guided her to the deck.

Kara could feel the trickle of blood on her forearms but she wasn't afraid now. She should be as good as new once she had time away from the green poison suspended around her although she still feared for her eyes. Lucy picked up the blanket that had been Kara's companion and wrapped the heroine in it before working on freeing her ankles.

"There was a tablet caught up in that .... yours ?" Lucy asked as she began to unclip the crude chain work that held the heroine's ankles.

"Kimberly's.........we need it, it implicates her brother.... he ..... he helped Kimberly escape"


Kimberly stomped angrily towards the Medlab, Lucy's pistol in her hand. She sensed her wounded prey was near and she was going to snatch her away to add to the collection she had gathered down below.

Turning a corner Kimberly saw Selena through the glass windowed double doors, the red head, dressed all in black, sat on a bed, one of her combat boots on the bed by her side, furthering the illusion of her fake injury. Kimberly, sensing she had the drop on the other woman inched open the door and entered, pistol raised.

"Well, what do we have here ?" said Kimberly angrily.

Selena flinched and rolled off the bed, landing on her booted foot and as her hand fell onto her holstered tazer pistol.

"DON'T!!" ordered Kimberly.

"We meet at last ....Kimberly" Selena said, her fingers dancing on the side of the tazer's pistol grip.

"You are going to join your friends down below, I never had a red head to make pretty before now" Kimberly said in her cold calm manner.

The words sent a chill through Selena. She had never been face to face with a serial killer before and to feel Kimberly's gaze upon her knowing the thoughts the woman had about her, it was truly terrifying.

"That....that .... gun ..... it's Lucy's ..." Selena asked in fake horror.

"That's right, I capt......." began Kimberly's boastful reply.

"Good ....." Selena said coldly, that was what she wanted to hear.

Everything played out in slow motion for the pair as the battle began.Selena snatched the tazer from her holster and begun to raise it to fire, Kimberly's eyes widening to the danger. With an increasing pressure the index finger of Kimberly's right hand began to squeeze the trigger, the mechanisms inside coiling up ready to unleash the hammer.

Selena squinted with one eye, aiming with the other and fired her tazer, the tell tale neon green plastic cover bursting open to reveal the shiny darts as they flew at Kimberly. Seeing the danger Kimberly pulled at the trigger unleashing the striker towards the waiting round in the chamber and ......


The weapon didn't fire !


Kimberly growled as the tazer darts struck, firing their charge into her body and yet she barely reacted to the electricity. With a yank at the cocking mechanism the first round cycled out the weapon and Kimberly took aim again.

CLICK - responded the weapon.

"ITS A TRICK !" Kimberly raged as she flung the useless weapon away, her teeth bared as she began to move forward towards her attacker.

"Oh Fu ..." Selena fumbled for her second tazer pistol and fired it with one hand while pushing the wheeled hospital bed at Kimberly to keep space between them.


"I will break you, Red ....." growled Kimberly as her steps faltered, darted and tazed by the second weapon. Selena looked on in disbelief as she saw Kimberly shrug off the second volley of pain like it was nothing and then wrench out the barbed darts from her body.

Selena fumbled with reloads on her previously fired pistols snapping the new modules onto the weapons.

"Why won't you go down?!" Selena said as she raised the two reloaded tazer's and took aim.


Selena had hit Kimberly with all she had and for a split moment the monstrous woman seemed to emanate a terrifying green aura.

"YOU .......... LOSE ....." grunted Kimberly as she ripped the second group of darts from her body.

Selena relented, she had done everything she could, now came the last resort ....

Selena's right hand dropped to her right thigh for her holstered Glock and raised it, the giant Kimberly looming closer and closer. Raising her pistol to get in a shot Selena managed to only angle her weapon high enough to ....

BANG !!!


Instinctively the now freed Supergirl wrapped in her blanket and the re-dressed Lucy turned their heads to the source of the gunshot echoing from above them.

"Oh no ..." murmured Lucy.

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When I first started reading about Kimberly I hadn't realized just how large she was in relation to others. Maybe I missed the early descriptions. Only when it got to the later parts on the oil rig, after she'd captured Supergirl did I finally understand she was so huge. In any case, I'm enjoying this story very much. The tension of the cliffhangers is just right and the characters' behaviour (free extra "u" for the Brit!) is totally believable. Nice job!
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Swatting the Glock away like it was a bee that had stung her Kimberly's other hand grabbed at Selena's neck. Selena could only grasp the wrist of the hand that grabbed her, her strength no match for Kimberly's who drove Selena up off her feet and slammed her into a wall by her throat.

"Uhhhhhhh......" Selena's breath was crushed out her lungs from the impact against the wall and her eyes went wide in terror.

Selena raised her right hand which had had the pistol before it was knocked away and she went to try and wrest away the hand that pinned her to the wall but Kimberly caught sight of her move and used her other hand pin Selena's wrist to the wall.

Selena now only had one free hand and she was using it to try and break free from the hand pushing her throat into the wall. With a moment of logic she decided to try something else and clenching her fist delivered her left handed punch into the side of Kimberly's head.

"Nya !!" grunted Selena as the first blow landed.

Selena realised that the punch was ineffectual, only causing the giant to get even more angry. Kimberly knew both her own hands were busy, one pinning one of Selena's hands, the other holding the red head to the wall and decided to turn up the heat on her opponent. Raising one leg she delivered her knee into Selena's groin which would have forced her to double up in pain save for her being unable to move.

Feeling her face reddening, her lungs straining to breathe in the choke hold Selena firmly placed her free hand to Kimberly's face, her thumb quickly settling over one of Kimberly's eyes which then quickly closed. Putting firm pressure on the eyeball beneath, Kimberly felt the extreme discomfort of Selena's attack.

"No!" shrieked Kimberly as she rotated at the hips and flung Selena off to her side.

Selena stumbled back, bashing into a bed then rolling backwards over it, putting the bed between her and Kimberly. Selena gasped as she took in a good lungful of air as she settled on her feet, the pair looking at each other for a moment. For both of them there was a sense that this was going to be a fight to the death, they could see it in each others eyes.

Kimberly had taken a bullet wound to her left thigh but moved as if it didn't trouble her, she seemed unstoppable. Slamming the hospital bed away the obstacle that had been between the two women was gone and Selena summoned up her courage to fight once more.

"I'm going to fuck you up " growled Kimberly as she paused a moment looking down at her own thigh, a crimson splat showing where she had been hit.

Selena's fight or flight response kicked in, physically she was no match for this monster, her tazer weapons were not going to stop her, only something more powerful was going to do the trick but now she was disarmed. All she could do was hope the plan had worked, that Lucy's self sacrifice by deliberately being caught now allowed her to have time to free Supergirl. With her back to strength she was the only one capable of stopping this monster.

"Run!" Selena thought to herself.

Turning away, her eyes locking on to the exit Selena had decided to run. With her adrenaline pumping as hard as it had ever done, Selena began to take her first steps only to feel Kimberly lock her hand onto Selena's wrist.

"No you don't!" grunted Kimberly as she flung Selena across the room. Banging her head into the wall Selena slumped down to the floor in a heap, a cut above her eyes marking where she had contacted the wall.

Kimberly looked down at the red head, her rage bubbling up inside as the gunshot wound burned at her leg. Lunging down she clamped her hands onto Selena's combat vest and lifted her effortlessly from the floor and flung her onto another bed face down.

Selena's head lolled to one side, her jaw slack as her body resembled nothing more than a rag doll. Looking around her Kimberly saw the pistol that been used to shoot her and plucked it up putting it in the belt of her rig worker's overalls.

"YOU are beyond ... redemption, Red .." Kimberly grunted as she grasped Selena's belt buckle and wrenched off her holster harness before drawing down the black combat pants revealing Selena's long thighs, her black under armour cycling shorts highlighting her athletic figure.

Kimberly grabbed the gusset of Selena's shorts and with a satisfying ripping sound she tore the shorts apart at the crotch revealing her rag doll prisoner's soft vulnerable flesh. Finally, like all her victims of before, this woman, gradually stripped of her weapons, gadgets and toys was rendered just the same. Unlike the others though Kimberly decided she wasn't worthy of being made pretty, in her rage her hunger was something much more primal.

Glancing at a set of doors a wicked grin appeared on Kimberly's face and she yanked Selena from the bed and slumped her over her shoulders carrying her into the next space of the small medical center.


Lucy had a firm grip of Kara's upper arm and navigated her firmly up the stairwell into the stairwell.

"So .... you..... you pulled your firing pin from your gun ?!? What if you ... if you needed it !?" Kara said sounding astounded at the audacity of the plan.

"It only takes a moment to put it back, Selena would have moved into cover me after pulling the generator. If it had turned into a shooting match she could keep me safe until I had put the pin back ...." Lucy said as Kara checked the route, finding the green cross symbol pointing on towards the medlab.

"But why not just come down with you ?! She could have ended things right away ..." Kara said, confusion in her tone.

"Imagine it ......" Lucy began as she held open a door, guiding the blind Kara through it " and me captured and Selena comes down..and so Kimberly threatens to break one of our necks.... what could Selena do ? - No ... better to separate you and Kimberly so I could get you out."

"You could have been killed .... and ... what if couldn't escape ......" Kara's mind tumbled on about how the plan could have gone wrong.

Lucy paused at an intersection inside the maze like structure keeping Kara safely tucked in behind her around the corner while she checked the coast was clear.

"Listen - that's in the past, now we have a different problem, that gunshot would be Selena's pistol, and if she resorted to having to fire then we could have a problem - I've not heard anything on her radio...." Lucy explained as she shot a glance in different directions before deciding it was safe to move.

"Is it far now ?" Kara asked, her eyes gazing blindly towards Lucy's voice.

"No . we are nearly there ..."


Kimberly had finished taping Selena's wrists and legs to a dental chair in a side room of the medlab as Selena began to regain consciousness. Selena strained at her restraints as she started to become aware of her situation but realised it was hopeless to escape.

"Welcome back ..." Kimberly said calmly as she snapped a latex glove onto her hand.

Selena glared back without words, her mind whirling as she came to terms with her situaiton. On the one hand she felt the humiliation of her defeat, despite the best planning and best equipment she was now in the hands of her enemy. On the other hand her mind clung to the idea of victory, that despite her own situation it was possible Lucy and Kara were free or were about to be because they had outmaneuvered their foe.

"If you think I am going to make you pretty - don't, Red, you are not worth my effort..." Kimberly began as she picked up some ultrasound gel and slicked up her gloved hand.

Selena could only glare, her eyes burning with mixed emotions. She wanted to fight back with words, to tell of their deceit, how they tricked her, but knew if Lucy was still in the process of escaping it could jeopardise the plan.

"Oh I see your resistance in your eyes ..... it will soon be gone ..... and once I have broken you and taken your life I can go on to make your friends pretty ....." Kimberly said coldly as she approached the prone Selena in the dental chair.


Kimberly slapped her cupped hand into Selena's groin mashing the handful of gel into Selena's soft tender flesh before working her first two fingers at Selena's pussy. Selena turned her face away in disgust, her face revealing her revulsion at the assault.


Kimberly's lubricated fingers worked at Selena's pussy working her open bit by bit against her prisoner's will, testing and teasing her prey's opening waiting for the moment she was receptive to her first two fingers.

Selena gasped in horror at Kimberly's efforts, the normally pleasurable sensations of being touched in her most intimate places being twisted in her head by the sense of the wrong being done to her.


Selena had summonsed up her courage and spat a mouthful of saliva at her foe, her only means to fight back. Kimberly replied by lunging her free hand to Selena's throat and begun to squeeze while her other hand continued to work Selena open.

"FUUUUCK YOOUUuuuuuuuu" Selena wheezed out of her voice box from the limited air left in her lungs.

"Did .... did you hear that ...." whispered Lucy as she was preparing to open the medbay door.

Through the window of the door Lucy could see the room was in disarray, there had been a struggle in there.

"Selena ...... shouting ....? Yes...just ... just in there .. is ... is that it, the medlab?"

"Yes .... stay close ..... are you feeling any better yet ... I could do with some of the old red and blue right now..." Lucy said as her eyes scanned the visible parts of the room through the window.

"A little ...." Kara said hesitantly.

"A little !?" Lucy whispered back incredulously. On the scale of zero power to full power, Kara being a 'little' better could mean anything.

"Uh huh ..... a little ...." Kara said with obvious uncertainty, while her gaze which was obviously off in the wrong direction didn't add any confidence in Lucy's mind.

"Great ....." Lucy said barely convincingly, a thin veneer of sarcasm in her tone.

Lucy ushered Kara carefully into the first part of the medlab and saw her pistol on the floor. Her heart skipped a beat seeing her weapon discarded, and picked it up, her first act being to get the firing pin back in.

"OK - My gun .... I'm back in the game ..." Lucy whispered as she glanced over the weapon.

"Lucy ..... give .... give it to me ......" Kara said.

"Wha ..... what .... why?" Lucy whispered incredulously.

"Because ..... I'm starting to feel bulletproof .......look ....." Kara said as she tore off her bandages on her wrists.

Lucy took Kara's wrist into her hands and saw Kara's skin was healed and yet ..

"But ... you can't see ..." Lucy protested.

"It's getting there - just give me the gun ....."

"Fuck . I .. I can't believe I'm doing this ...what do you even need it for ........" Lucy said as she placed her pistol into Kara's hand.

"You .. you've done enough ...... now it's my turn .... besides .... I still want her alive ...."

Kimberly poured more gel onto Selena's groin as she presented four fingers against Selena's pussy and drove her hand in, her thumb settling on Selena's clitoris. Kimberly's efforts were a hideous mix of torture and rough pleasuring which Selena resisted with all her energy despite the wicked breathplay being inflicted on her.

Kimberly twisted her hand a little this way and that, desiring to open up Selena that last little bit before she could inflict the final humiliation before death, being fisted by her enemy. Selena clenched down on the invading fingers wanting to keep Kimberly out but as the darkness of unconsciousness approached her resistance began to ebb away. With fluttering eyes, with a weakening gaze, Selena's body began to offer no resistance, her body flopping weakly like a rag doll once more.

"Now I have you !!" Kimberly gleefully exclaimed as she withdrew her four fingers and half her palm from Selena's soft innards, sensing the moment she could deliver her coup de grace.

"Kimberly ! STOP !" came a new voice into the room.

"YOU ?!?!" Kimberly said in surprise as she turned her head.

In front of her was the naked superheroine who walked clumsily through the swing door into the room.

Seeing the gun hanging in Kara's hand by her side Kimberly rose quietly from by the prone Selena and produced her own weapon which she pointed at her vulnerable red headed captive. Selena panted as her fogged mind emerged from the edge of blacking out, her eyes almost bulging from her skull.

"Selena .... are you ok?" asked Kara, her eyes looking vacantly into the distance.

Selena glanced curiously at Kara, then back at Kimberly who aimed her pistol at her head. Selena puzzled at Kara's state, was she blind? Was she powerless? It certainly seemed like it, and now Selena assumed her silence was being bought by Kimberly at gun point.

Kimberly also wondered what was happening, what state was the heroine truly in ? Her blindness persisted it seemed but what of her other powers? She could see the heroine's wrists were healed from where she had been bound and so she felt threatened by the blind peril in front of her. Dare Kimberly move or speak and give her position away ? And if she fired at the heroine, would her bullet now just bounce off?

Selena panted, as she sought to recover her breath and Kimberly could only stand frozen as she considered what to do next, every moment that passed was a chance the heroine could recover, Kimberly's only leverage was the threat she could make against Selena, one she couldn't even verbally express without giving herself away.

Selena could sense it, if Kimberly killed her now nothing could come between her fate at the hands of the heroine. If Kara was only blind then perhaps .....

"Ka.....Kara .....?" Selena said weakly.

Kimberly's eyes widened as she shook her gun in protest at Selena, powerless to speak, powerless to move. Her mind was paralyzed by being unable to find a logical solution, so many unknowns playing out all at once.

"Yes .....?" Kara asked as her ears desperately searched the room for signs of Kimberly.

"Which one is me ..?" Selena hinted whilst Kimberly could only cock her head as she tried to understand the meaningfulness of the question.


Kara's mind flashed back.

Kara was in Selena's playroom, a blindfold over her eyes, a nose hook holding her flared nostrils wide open, the heroine was in her own personal darkness with her mistress. Over and over she had been tested, ahead of her she presumed were Selena's two index fingers, one had gently been teasing the cum from the heroines body, while the other had done the same with Selena's.

Now the test would come, success would remove part of the wicked clothes line zipper from her body, while failure would just make it longer until it would eventually be yanked clean off.

"Which one is me ..?" Selena asked.


Kara gasped in realisation while Kimberly was left clueless. The heroine's brain had begun to regain all it's sharpness and she worked it all out in an instant.

Selena's voice was accompanied by her own scent, something Kara had only subconsciously registered, but now she realised there was another source nearby which was more at chest height.

A head ? Probably not. A hand? Yes perhaps a hand. So a hand on the end of an arm then? Directed at her ? No, but at Selena ? Yes ! Was it the hand that held the other gun .. Selena's gun ?

In a blink of an eye Kara raised her pistol and with all her superpowered instincts, blind or not, aimed ......

"Fu ..." Kimberly began to say as the thought of shooting back at the heroine came into her head.


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Kara's shot rang out and her ears tracked the round as it spun down the muzzle of the pistol towards it's target. The round with a clatter smashed through the barrel of Kimberly's pistol knocking it out of her hand.

"Grrrrrrr....... I should have known you were not worthy !!" Growled Kimberly as she lumbered towards the heroine.

Kara tossed her own weapon aside, she was in no need of it now, Lucy was safe, Selena would be safe and as for Kimberly ....

Kimberly lunged at Kara with both hands reaching for her throat and clamped her vice like grip to the heroine's naked flesh, squeezing as hard as she could. Kara stood motionless like a rock and grabbed Kimberly's wrists with her hands. Although Kara was only a fraction healed she was more than a match for the powerful woman now, blind or not.

"It .. is . OVER" Kara said as she slowly applied her strength to draw Kimberly to her knees.

"Nghhhhhh nooooooo" growled Kimberly as she found herself looking up at the naked heroine. She had never found herself overpowered for as long as she could remember, all her victims having fallen with ease to her overwhelming physicality.

"It's time to face justice ...... but not for you Kimberly .... but for the monster lurking within..."

"You know nothing ........" grunted Kimberly, now rendered inert by the blind heroine's eternal grasp.

"I think we know everything ...." Kara said as she looked blankly ahead while Selena smiled back weakly. Selena could see that the ordeal was over, especially when she saw Lucy arrive in the room.

"I think I am ready to go home now ........" Kara said as she gazed blankly towards where Selena was in the room.


Chased by the rising sun the helicopter maintained its course towards the Faroe Islands and its scheduled fuel stop before resuming its journey to Iceland.

Dragon glanced at Selena who rode up front with him and noted her brooding silence, something he hadn't seen from her before.

"Penny for your thoughts" Dragon ventured.

Selena seemed to break out of her trance and returned to the moment.

"Sorry, I ... I just had to think it through ..... it got a little ugly back there.." Selena explained.

"Want to talk about it?" Dragon asked with concern. As a soldier he was used to seeing others going through these brief moments of reflection after action. To understand the close calls one had been in and to acknowledge moments when death was close was healthy for the mind. To ignore those thoughts and feelings completely was dangerous and to brood on them too long, unhealthy.

"Maybe .. maybe later .... " Selena said.

" So, your passengers.. which is which ....." Dragon teased, changing the subject.

"The fugitive is the one with a hood over her head ...." Selena said, a smirk breaking out on her face, Dragon fishing for information again.

"And the blond?" Dragon probed, he had noticed her in some oil workers overalls as she stood on the helipad deck ready to hop on board.

"Team mascot ....." Selena said with a grin.

"Fine Buttons ..... fine ....and your merc ..... how did she work out for you ..?" Dragon's tone turning a little more serious.

"Two words ...... Wooden ... Horse ...." Selena said boastfully.

The tactic of putting an asset on full show, to be captured and to reverse interrogate the interrogators was known in some circles as the Trojan Horse, or the Wooden Horse, a dangerous and courageous act. Dragon was impressed to say the least.

"REALLY? - Fine .... I'll shut up ...but ....just be careful, eh?" Dragon cautioned.

Selena shook her head, it was as close as she was going to get to a "you were right - I was wrong" from him.


In the back of the helicopter was a drugged and unconscious Kimberly, hooded, shackled and lying flat out in the floor space of the helicopter to one side while Lucy and Kara sat facing each other on the opposite side.

Taking her little flashlight from her medic kit Lucy leant forward and prepared to test Kara's eyes once more.

"Now squeeze my hand if you sense anything .." Lucy said.

Kara nodded, her vacant eyes looking through Lucy. Lucy using the little torch light darted the beam into and out of Kara's eye and felt Kara gently squeeze her hand as the pupil reacted weakly to the strong beam, contracting slightly in protest.

"Oh ... yes .... its a bit fuzzy but ... yes ..... it all went light and blurry for a moment ......." Supergirl replied with a happily surprised face.

Lucy grinned, elated. She had carefully gathered up the green tipped wands and found a metal box that they had been stored in, protecting the heroine from their insidious effects and so now it should only be a matter of time for the heroine to heal.

"I think you're going to be OK" Lucy beamed.

"And you... are you alright ?" Supergirl asked, so much had been about herself and now she remembered again that others had suffered to save her.

"I'm going to be colourful for sure .. I think Lisa.." Lucy cut herself off prompting a questioning frown from the heroine.

"Lisa ..... she .....she is the detective you are helping, right? I guess ... you are doing ok ... with The Broker's plan then ..." Kara asked gently.

"Uh huh've met Lisa .." Lucy began. Lisa knew she had met Supergirl but had no idea what happened, her memory had been stolen by McGee not long after "The Get-Away".

"Yes ...." replied the heroine ruefully. Supergirl had been told on a few occasions how this Lisa character was a good cop and yet she had treated the heroine, well let's say it had been in an unsympathetic way.

Lucy read Supergirl's expression, she could see the memory for the heroine was troubling.

"I don't know what happened that day between you both but .... it was all part of a plan...I guess Selena's plan, and you don't know what Lisa had been told that day ... just...give her a chance, please?"

Supergirl thought for a moment, the whole plan to plant the "Seeds of Deception" had in the end been created by herself and Selena. The whole scheme hinged on Supergirl being able to sell a lie as the truth and so Selena had crafted an entire alternate reality which the heroine had thought was real just to pass a lie detector test. Who knew what Lisa had been told to do in order to help forge Selena's vision.

"Sure ... of course ..." the heroine nodded although in her mind she remembered vividly, in her desperate moments and in need of rescue, how Lisa, who was then a TSA agent had dragged her from the X-Ray machine at the airport and assaulted her in the examination room.

Lucy sensed that now during this moment of open reflection she could reveal another subject that had dogged her.

"Kara .... can ... I to you ...... in ...... in confidence ....?"

Kara seemed surprised at Lucy's question.

"Lucy .... I owe you everything, of course you can ......" Kara replied, her head tilting to one side.

"I don't know where to begin. You know, you saw, how I ended up working for Selena and yet ... she's given me something amazing, a family, a great job, something to live for, so I don't want to be ungrateful..." Lucy said.

"But ..." Kara offered out her hands which Lucy grasped.

"I am scared ....... for you...... I can't tell you how I know ...but ... that place you had showed me before ....I understand it now. I don't know what hold she has over you, but if you need to escape, if you need to break free of her, I am here to help you .... you are not alone." Lucy said, almost pleadingly.

The superheroine had taken Lucy to the concrete vault where Selena had gotten her revenge but hadn't told her everything about what happened there. Now, courtesy of McGee, Lucy carried some unpalatable imagery in her head from what Selena had done to the heroine and so this formed the basis of her new loyalty to her.

"Oh Lucy ... trust me, it's going to be ok ..." Kara said as she beckoned Lucy into an embrace. She had known of what it was to see the un-tellable, the world of dark secrets, misunderstandings and miscommunications, and on top of that the power of McGee.


Bobby looked at the news ticker tape slack jawed, his ashen face unblinking as the news washed over him over and over and over.


"That's right Larry - In what can only be described as a miracle for the financial markets we have just received word of a shock overnight agreement. The agreement covers rate setting for the major currencies and a stability pact for foreign exchange rates ........ of course Gold has reacted strongly negative on the news as .............."

"KIIIIIIIMBERLY !!!" Screamed Bobby as she threw the remote at the screen, causing it to shatter into a colourful flickering kaleidoscope of shards.


Mike Loughlan looked on at the news, he knew that for Bobby this could be a critical blow for his empire and his gut sensed that perhaps, Kimberly, wherever she was, had been stopped, perhaps killed, or maybe captured.

Everyday since Loughlan had walked from his job he had mourned for an imaginary victim, whoever it was that Kimberly must of been torturing in order to make Bobby such an incredibly powerful man and now that victim must be free, either in death, or in life. If Kimberly was captured then Loughlan would be there, no longer was he going to hide in the shadows, he, and the charity he had helped, "The Victim's Voice" were going to loudly push their case.


Dragon looked at the refueling tanker as it hooked up to his helicopter and the crew began to refuel the aircraft. Signing a document on a clipboard Dragon shook hands with the tanker driver and returned to the aircraft, stopping by the rear door first to check in on his guests.

"Hey ...." Dragon said coyly.

"Hey ..." Lucy replied.

"Good job ....... back there ...... thanks for bringing Buttons home ....." Dragon said in a conciliatory tone. Although it was Supergirl who had saved Selena she had only been free because of Lucy's efforts.

Selena had finally begun to open up to Dragon about some aspects of the mission and told him what it was that Kimberly had done to her. Now, with her unpleasant experience told Selena was already feeling relieved of her burden and could begin to move on.

"Can I ask .... why the nickname 'Buttons' ?" Lucy asked, finally feeling she could speak with the previously unfriendly man.

"Oh ..... cause ..... when she used to run missions with us, all we could hear on the headset form her end was her bashing her keyboard ....... all the teams who used to work the area called her the lass bashing the buttons and ... it stuck ......." Dragon explained as he tried to peer past Lucy to see his other passengers.

"Ah I see ....." nodded Lucy.

"Errrrr ......... where are they, the others ?!?!" Dragon asked in surprise to see the remainder of the capacious cabin space was devoid of passengers.

"Ummmmm ......... it's complicated ....." Lucy said with a wide grin.

Last edited by Abductorenmadrid 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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The truth and essence of human interaction is never easy to recreate in any fiction. To find it so eloquently detailed in an SH peril story is simply miraculous. I couldn't be prouder of a fellow writer. Well done, AEM!
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The demonstration had left the defence lawyers, the team with the district attorney, a representative from the victims families and the myriad of experts all astounded. Supergirl had stood before the specially assembled deposition and carefully demonstrated at a safe distance the split personality residing within the green dust and mimicked the test on Kimberly and Bobby too.

The joint conclusion by all was that the the mind of Vel was in both Bobby and Kimberly, and the mind of Vel was that of someone with some kind of multiple personality disorder. One personality was the mild mannered genius, the scientific and mathematical mastermind while the second personality was the terrifying psychopath.

At one point there seemed to be an almost coherent conversation between some of the assembled experts and the two entities known as Vel and it left the whole legal mess in the air for the lawyers to try and figure out.

"Well .... what the hell can I do .. I mean .. she physically did the crimes but ..... fuck this is a mess ......" protested the District Attorney. He sensed that in their current states there was a strong case for the defendants to be released due to diminished responsibility.

"A prosecution would be on rocky ground .... but ..." one of the defence lawyers began. His mind was whirring, what was the defence for being possessed he wondered. Physically the two human beings, Bobby and Kimberly had carried out criminal acts but under the influence of something else.

The representative for the victims was the most confused of all. He had gazed angrily at the two defendants, wanting, needing to get justice for the families and yet there they were, victims themselves, prisoners in their own bodies. Kimberly most of all seemed to be completely distraught during the brief moments the superheroine had carefully separated her mind from the two invading personalities before they all snapped back together again.

"If ... if I were able to force the minds from them both ...... what would happen then ?" Supergirl asked.


McGee sat inside the large booth of the diner drinking his coffee while waiting for the others. He wondered what it would be like, all of them together with their different personalities, their different histories and all their hidden secrets.

Lisa Kozny entered first and glanced about and saw McGee. Today was their first meeting since he had asked her questions about some passengers on a flight during her time with the TSA. There was recognition in her eyes and she walked up to the booth, greeted by McGee who rose to his feet and offered his hand.

"Detective ..." he said.

"Agent McGee ...." smiled Lisa.

The pair sat down opposite one another and started to make small talk while they waited for more coffee which promptly arrived.

"So .... I ......I heard you're a hypnotist or something ...." Lisa said, her detective mind fishing for information already.

"Something like that ...." scoffed McGee as he imagined himself doing some parlor trick with a pocket watch, extracting the memories of others.

"Can I ask you .... the stuff ...... the stuff you made me forget .... it's just ...its driving me nuts .. I ... I know I met ...'her' ..... you know ... but...I don't know what I did .........if you know ... please tell me ...she ... she is going to be here any minute...... " blurted Lisa. Her missing knowledge about her encounter with Supergirl from long before haunted her it seemed.

McGee nodded sympathetically although he looked serious.

"Lisa, you've got understand, you treated her how you were TOLD to treat her ... thought you were helping get rid of some child killer, ok ? That's why you did what you did ..." McGee explained delicately.

"Okay I get that but .... 'WHAT' did I do ...?!" Lisa protested.

"Well .. look .. you just got a little rough handed... that's all" McGee dodged. Supergirl had been powerless, imprisoned in a painful to wear latex catsuit which was bristling inside with wicked spiked ceramic studs. Lisa had wickedly groped the heroine knowing full well her predicament because she thought she was actually some serial child murderer.

"But .... but she's ok with it, right, I mean, someone told her .....?" Lisa begged.

"Well .... perhaps ....Selena.." McGee nodded in the general direction of the entrance as Selena arrived.

"Hey ......" McGee said as he stood back up to greet his old friend, always the gentleman.

"McGee" Selena said as she pecked him on the cheek before doing the same with Lisa. Despite Selena's dark past Lisa was comfortable with her pact with the devil, Selena had helped get her old job back, in fact she had rewarded a lot of people for helping that day of the flight.

"Lisa was just asking me about, you know, the day of the plane journey ..." McGee explained.

"Oh ?" Selena wondered what the problem was.

"Please .... just ...... just tell me she is going to be cool .. with whatever I did....." Lisa really felt nervous it seemed.

"Ah ! Oh ...... oh dear ..." Selena gasped as she realised what the problem was. In order to get Lisa's cooperation she had told her some nasty untruths about the passenger that they were going to usher onto the plane that day. Like a loaded gun, Selena had literally pointed Lisa at Supergirl and let her do her thing. Unfortunately no one had gotten around to telling Supergirl that Lisa had been an unwitting actor in the whole charade.

"What do you mean ..... oh dear .....?!" Lisa said in a panic as she looked her so called colleagues in the eyes.

"It'll be ok ...." McGee started to say.

"Oh for sure ...." Selena followed up.

"Yeah .. for sure ....." McGee glanced nervously at Selena.

"It's not like you did any......thing .......too bad.....or........oh" Selena began to say McGee seemed to wince at every word which seemed to insult the truth.

"Well ... errr ...., she kinda did ......." McGee cringed.

"Oh .. Lisa ..... I'm so sorry .... I promise....we will fix this ....." The red head looked on apologetically at Lisa.

"I'm fucked !" Lisa flopped back in the booth seat gobsmacked.

"Oh look, Lucy is here..." McGee quipped as he saw the hot Asian enter.

Lisa managed a smile as she saw her partner in crime approach and rose to her feet with the others to greet her.

McGee glanced at Lucy and Selena gauging their body language. He had been gently blackmailed by Lucy to share more of his memories and he hoped Lucy had been discreet with what he had revealed.

There was a pause as knowingly everyone gauged everyone else. Selena already knew of Lisa and Lucy's secret games meanwhile Lucy took in the sight of McGee and Selena, their glances between each other taking on a new meaning to her. Had McGee molded Selena into the sort of dark sided crime fighter she was now ? 'McGee's Story' seemed to suggest that he had served to eventually become a good moral compass for her and yet the vision of Selena's vicious imagination gave her chills.

"'ll remember me when I'm gone, won't you!?!" Lisa said trying to make light on her own nervousness.

"Are you going somewhere ?" Lucy said in surprise, casting an accusing glance at Selena.

"Oh don't look at me ...." Selena replied defensively as McGee scoffed. In his eyes it was Selena's omission that was to blame but to him this was funny, not serious at all.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked in all seriousness as she tried to sense what was going on.

"Lisa and SG, they've only met once before and ... well ... it didn't go well" McGee explained.

"Oh on the contrary ..... it went very well for the plan ...but..." Selena cut in.

"But !?!?! I think I'm about to get vaporised - shit .... that ..... that's HER, isn't it !?" Lisa said wide eyed.

Passing through the doorway was Kara in her skintight blue jeans, black knee high boots and red long sleeved top, her blond hair cascading over her shoulders. She looked radiant as she entered, her friendly smile on her face as she saw the group waiting for her.

"Hey" Selena said as she diplomatically placed a kiss on Kara's cheek. Secretly she wanted her prize on a leash and on her knees there and then but these little moments of normal life made the moment of submission all the more beautiful. There would be plenty of time to put Kara back in her place later.

"Lucy !" beamed Kara as they shared an embrace causing the Asian to wince slightly.

"Oooh sorry..." Kara blushed.

"Trust me, I've had worse" Lucy smiled and the pair shared a knowing look at each other. Lucy's pledge of loyalty meant a lot to the heroine and as for Lucy's self sacrifice to rescue her, that meant even more.

"McGee...!" Kara hugged the big man firmly and held him close, it was him who had shown her the truth, the dark places that had twisted Selena in ways that the heroine hadn't known, and given her a reason to forgive the villainess.

Selena glanced as the two hugged a moment and she remembered what McGee had shown her of the heroine, the horrible place she had sent her to, a place she had hated when she was there herself and which ultimately led her to also forgive.

Lisa stood nervously to one side and eventually when the heroine broke her embrace she let her eyes fall upon the detective. Kara, her senses heightened could hear the heart of a frightened person in front of her.

"Hey ..." said Lisa defensively.

"Now Kara .... please don't .." Selena began as all eyes fell on the heroine and Lisa but Kara merely smiled and raised a calming hand.

"Lisa ... it's ok..... we can talk about it later ..... if you want ...." Kara said quietly.

"Sure .. I .... I'd like that ..thank you.." Lisa said looking down at the floor with a low voice.

Kara leant in to Lisa and the pair finally embraced and to Kara's ears the subsiding heartbeat told her that the cop was feeling better in herself already.

There seemed to be a collective sigh of relief and everyone glanced at everyone else, the family finally all together at last. Now was a chance for them all to finally learn the part played by each other in the jigsaw puzzled adventure. Each had stood united and strong with the rest and although no one was thanking them the group was starting to realise they had saved the world from a terrible financial armageddon.

"Are we good ?... Because I'm ready for pizza !" Lucy said breaking the impending silence.


# TWINKLE .....TWINKLE ....LITTLE........STAR ...........#


[WAITRESS] ....and two fudge brownies .......and one cheesecake .... OK . I'll fetch you order in a moment !

[SELENA] So the personalities .... they are completely out now...?

[KARA] Yes... Kim and Bobby are free.

[McGEE] I don't know what to make of this Vel character that had taken possession of them..what happened do you think ?

[KARA] I was able to control my power at just the right level to be able to converse with the sane version of Vel. As a punishment his mind had been put into a crystal matrix to be stored, presumably to such time they could cure him of his mental disorder. Apparently he had unknowingly murdered women on Krypton, presumably while under the control of the darker personality. We guess the crystal was flung into space when Krypton was destroyed and flew on until it burned up in Earth's atmosphere. From what we can see, the sane and crazy elements trapped in the matrix somehow infected Kimberly and Bobby to differing degrees.

[LUCY] That's incredible ... but ....what will happen to Bobby and Kimberly next?

[KARA] Witness protection... new lives, new identities.... Bobby's personal fortune will help keep them safe.... but without the mind of Vel he is not the business man he once was ....and poor Kimberly ... she will need some therapy but she is slowly losing the memories of what she did while under Vel's control.

[LUCY] And what will happen to Bobby's corporation?

#HOW........ I........ WONDER.......... WHAT........... YOU ARE !....#

[LISA] I think they are dismantling it .... so much of it is profitable though .... that Mike Loughlan guy will run much of what is left.

[KARA] Do we trust him ? After what he did with the oil rig ..... he should ...

[LUCY]I think I can encourage Mr Loughlan to stay on track!

[LISA] Hmmmmmm

[SELENA] We shall see ..... but he is one to watch out for.

#UP........... ABOVE ..............THE........... WORLD......... SO........ HIGH ..........#

[LUCY] So what now ... I take it the green dust is under lock and key?

[LISA] Green dust ?

[SELENA] Ah yes ..... while I remember ....... McGee ........ I want you to do some sessions with all of us except Kara ..... I want that set of memories gone .... understand?


[McGEE] Hey, don't grumble all of you ....I'll be gentle... I swear!

#LIKE............. A............... DIAMOND........... IN............ THE............. SKY#

[SELENA] So ...any other loose ends?

[KARA] The people who broke Kimberly out ?

[SELENA] True - but any useful memories about that might be lost with Vel's mind.

[KARA] Talking of which, ....... if .... Bobby and Kimberly were affected by this green stuff ....... there could be more like them..... we need to be aware.

[SELENA] Indeed .... I guess that's possible.

[McGEE] But in the meantime ....... dessert is here !!

[EVERYONE ELSE] Awesome !!

# TWINKLE ..... TWINKLE .... LITTLE................ STAR ...........#


"Oh .. how I truly understand ....... what ... you .... are !" Said the lab coat wearing Molly as she finished her lullaby while staring into the emerald glow of the tiny green speck. By her on the desk was an opened UPS box and in her hand a note.

"A diver found this submerged at the foot of the drilling column at the site of the PETROFORCE test accident - we thought you would find it interesting"

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This was just terrific, AEM! Superb storytelling wonderfully plotted. Great work.
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So good, on so many levels. I was asked to check out this work and to start at this particular chapter, and I am glad I did. I love how every chapter is like a movie script. I could totally see it almost frame by frame. I do 3D art and to me, scene is the most important part. If you don’t have the ambiance right, then it does not matter who is in it, it will look off. You brought in the details that make the characters blend in with the environment. I could picture the peril that Supergirl was in, when she was bound to the rock in a way that was just… wow. Body transformation is an art in itself, and I am curious what will happen to Kara. I do hope she can heal from it though, but still, I want to see.

The contrast to how Kim treated her and how Selena did, was perfect. I could feel how torn Kara was when she was bared for Kimberly, and how the same scene was similar with Selena. But it was not the same thing to her. She offered herself to her desires with Selena, where with Kimberly, it was forced. I especially liked the grape scene with Kara and Selena… that was soooo good.

I will continue reading your works, AEM. You have the right amount of peril, sex, and even show her powers some. Though, I think she should show them more, but who knows… I am only on the first part of many. Here is too hoping that Kara kicks lots of butt, even while chained to a wall.

- Kara :)
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Wow, you got through that fast but I am glad you liked it. The reading order for the series is found at my page here; ... 70&t=24569

and you will see the next in my SG series is here....


It's what Lucy Wuan got to see inside McGee's head during United We Stand.

And if by then you are still interested, there is my other heroine Spydra, to come, though, to many she will be known as Hockey Girl ... you will see why!
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

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