Who is your favourite Superheroine?

General discussions about superheroines!

Hi I have moved this post as well now ok I want ro find out this:

- Who is your favourite Superheroine and why?

Mine is Supergirl is you didn't guess and because she is soo cute and her outfit is the best!
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i like supergirl also. she's strong and looks good on her classic outfit.
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For me Superheroines used to be just female versions of Superheroes. They seemed to have the same type of powers, origins and personal life issues in general. Eyecandy and sometimes love interests, nothing remarkable. Then, something impossible happened! Something that wasn't even human, a protoplastic lifeform from another dimension, scarifies its life to save a simple human girl. Linda Danvers, an average Jane with normal every-day girl issues. She had involved herself with the wrong crowd and started messing with drugs. It ended up they were a Satanic cult and Linda was their sacrifice!

What nobody knew was that, when someone sacrifices absolutely selflessly; when a being puts the existence of another before its own: an angel is born!


Earthborn Angel Supergirl! My favorite superheroine EVER!!!

This comic was just awesome! Unfortunately, missed by the radar of mainstream media (so far... it seems they are using many of the elements on the new Supergirl TV series :yahoo:, the pliceman father, for example). The main plot was based in Christian mythology: angels vs. demons. The elements of good vs. evil is treated masterfully. Linda is not the usual "good girl" you expect from a heroine. She is a very dark side to her. The Matrix side of her (who is the prototypical good superhero) has to deal with that. Buzz, the antagonist is awesome since Linda does have a thing for him.


Then, at the end of the firs saga: BOOM! The Matrix side is lost on the battle with the main villian: The Carnivore. Linda retains some of her super-skills but not the transformation ones that were exclusive of Matrix. When that happens, in the midst of action, Linda spots a store with a bunch of Superman collectibles and TA RAAAA!:


... I mean... TA RA!:


A costume for the ages! (an yep, in this case it's a blonde wig!)

So yeah. This was the comic book that made me a hardcore Supergirl fan. The intrigue, the drama, the issues of self image, love and family specific of women. A realistic girl facing dealing with lack of confidence, treachery and manipulation and redemption to become all that she can be.

Wow that looks cool you know loads about her!!!
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JessSupergirrl wrote:Wow that looks cool you know loads about her!!!
Well, I do own the whole volume. She's the reason I keep looking for books with female leads. Interestingly enough, they never seem to become very popular. It was the same with Mayday Parker's Spidergirl. It was a great way to move the story forward and retire Spiderman... but they decided to marginalize it to "another Universe". Currently, the new 52 Batgirl is, IMO, the best mainstream lead in regards to realism (I like Wonder Woman, but she's too good and over-powered to be my favorite). New 52 Supergirl comes close in second.

Wow well I got into Supergirl when my mum made me watch the original 80's film and I loved it ever since and everything that goes with her, she's soo cool and cute!
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I would have to say Batgirl...no powers but she has a good head on her shoulders and combat talent. BUT I dont like the new look or the Hipster selfie thing DC has going on with her charactor right now.

Batgirl really noooo lol I know well I did ask for opinions so will let you off!
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lol well Supergirl is my second choice.
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The Fox Features version of Phantom Lady.

She's the daughter of a Senator who fights crime in a barely there costume and a mysterious black ray device. Her lack of superpowers makes her vulnerable to being captured which happens to her a fair bit. She's largely forgotten now but if any character deserves a franchise reboot it's her.


Hi Havokglad to know Supergirl is up there yippee!! And drgoremd I have never heard of this character but sounds cool thanks for the replies didn't know if anyone would!
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Like you, Jess, Supergirl is my favorite heroine with Wonder Woman coming in a somewhat distant second.

SG because of her remarkable powers, her cute figure in that iconic blue, red and yellow costume, her heroic and plucky nature, and her golden blonde hair. Plus her captivating weakness to kryptonite which reduces her from one of the most powerful women on earth to a mostly defenseless creature of stunning beauty.

WW because of her god-granted beauty, speed and grace, her imperiously royal attitude and a costume that just doesn't stop giving us breathtaking views of her incredible ass-ets. :thumbup:
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Hi DrDominator thanks yeah I love how cute Supergirl is and can totally see my body in her costume! She has been a hero of mine now since I saw the original movie about 2 years ago with my mum. After seeing lots on these sites (which I never knew existed until a few days ago!) I to love it when she starts out strong then becomes weak it's soo cool and cruel on her!
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Screen name may just give it away but I'm gonna go with Supergirl as well. The Helen Slater version of Supergirl introduced me to the character.


Her tight uniform and great body attracted me to the character and I've been a fan ever since.

I am greatly into the superheroine peril so her vulnerability to Kryptonite is a major plus to me. How she can go from top of the world to weaker than a human being is a weakness that is horrible for her but great from the villains.

And welcome to the forum!

Hi Supergirl77 another fan yippee!!! I know it's amazing that's true that she is strong but then gets done by krptonite I didn't realise how much it is used with her until I found these sites on here there are some amazing movies here I can't believe it all right now!
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drgoremd wrote:The Fox Features version of Phantom Lady.

She's the daughter of a Senator who fights crime in a barely there costume and a mysterious black ray device. Her lack of superpowers makes her vulnerable to being captured which happens to her a fair bit. She's largely forgotten now but if any character deserves a franchise reboot it's her.

I can't argue against the appeal of Supergirl as she has always been a favorite of mine. But Phantom Lady also holds a place in my heart. Maybe it was the barely there costume that just about every incarnation of the character has worn. I loved that she didn't have any superpower, that she relied on her physical abilities and weapons in her fight against crime.
hqdefault.jpg (44.05 KiB) Viewed 7223 times
Bill Black's version, The Blue Bulleteer was especially sexy.
Femforce_38.jpg (96.33 KiB) Viewed 7223 times
Plus the fact that Phantom Lady was often captured and placed in bondage.
Phantom_Lady_Dee_Tyler_007.jpg (52.16 KiB) Viewed 7223 times
3681400-phantomlady_bizarrethrills_no1_1977.jpg (163.79 KiB) Viewed 7223 times
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Bill Black's version, The Blue Bulleteer was especially sexy.
This was a neat little piece of animation that was done a few years back featuring the Blue Builleteer:

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Wonder Woman, because she's such a haughty cunt and it's a joy to watch her horrified incredulity as she eats her own hubris and gets her shit wrecked.

Thanks guys this is awesome I have never even heard of Phantom Lady or The Blue Bulleteer but cool clip drgoremd!
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My favorite superheroine is Supergirl or Batgirl, not sure which one so I'll pick both, Spidergirl is hot also. For supervillainesses evil versions of Supergirl and Spidergirl, also Catwoman is deviously sexy! What's your favorite villainess or villain SuperJess?

Hi Evil Spider oh wow my favourite villain I think someone like Bane from Batman is really scary so some type of character like that definitely!
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Supergirl is my number 1!!!
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I bet SuperJess couldn't handle both Bane and Evil Spider at the same time, no way possible!

Cool Penguin81 yippee and lol not a chance I doubt Evil Spider!!!!!!!!
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Well Bane is quite badass when he's pumped up, even SuperJess could have trouble with his strenght. Also my sticky nets will slow you down and you never know when something green is pulled out.
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Love Supergirl! My favorite is still Wonder Woman, there's something about that lasso! Lol.

Lol noooo Evil Spider if I was Supergirl I would defeat Bane for sure. I have my 2 secret weapons!
Hi teech22 and nooo you were right the first time saying Supergirl!
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You might be able to defeat Bane, but you'd be weakened enough so I could ambush you from behind and deliver my venomous bite on your little neck!

Evil Spider you are evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What would a venomous bite do to me from you then now I want to know!
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Oh I am evil indeed! Are you really sure you want to know the effects caused by the venomous bite? Before I bite your pretty neck, you need to get the sexy Supergirl costume.

Evil Spider what costume are you talking about there's loads of Supergirl costumes lol!!!
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The costume of which you posted a pic on other thread is amazing, leotard for Supergirl is supersexy but with shiny pantyhose even better. I like the Superman style blue suit and red pants costume on a woman too.
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My choice is Supergirl. Loved the 1984 movie and thought it was unfairly panned. Yes the love triangle was not needed but it was still very good. I am so looking forward to this series.

Evil Spider I know that costume is my favourite of all hers I have seen, soo awesome!!!
Hi Bronson yes I love this movie as well this is how I got into loving Supergirl when my mum got me to watch it!
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Jess if you pull that Supergirl costume on, I will ambush, bite and web you for sure!

Lol Evil why do you want me in it soo much? I don't think anyone else does! And what does web me mean?
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I bet you're sexy in Supergirl costume, also it's quite hard to try to lift off and escape when you're webbed.
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Is supergirl no longer kryptonian?

Pretty sure on earth - she's kick and spider-person's ass! Biting would break teeth and webbing would literally be like cobwebs to a kryptonian under earth's sun.

Kryptonite, my good sir - you are in need of it!
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Drinking some liquid kryptonite has amazing benefits.
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Evil Spider wrote:Drinking some liquid kryptonite has amazing benefits.

Don't try this at home kids!
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It's not so dangerous as it sounds, wouldn't you trust on Evil Spidey?

Lol you are mad!!!!
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You're welcome to my dark & devious spiderlair SuperJess, we could have tasty kryptodrinks and who knows what happens after that...

Kryptodrinks? That would make Supergirl weak though!!!!!
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Well I wouldn't want to make Supergirl weak, would I?
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Keep the dose small ;-)
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Thinking back to what was about when I was a kid then Spiderwoman (cartoon version from the early 80s?) and Firestar from "Spider-Man and friends" (similar era) are amongst my faves. Of course SG played by Miss Slater features high amongst my favourites but she came later, I wasn't aware of the character as early as the others.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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I hope this roleplay isn't an Operation Yewtree sting?

Now then, now then, SuperJess. I am the sinister Mr Fix-It with my gold chains and big cigar. How's about that, then?

My associate Glitter Man will coat you in liquid Kryptonite. You will be in our gang. (Oh, yeah!)

Sorry, I'm talking nonce sense.
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Ok now I am getting totally confused!!!!!!!!! So Evil Spider you do want to make me weak and Swampy why only a small dose and Heroine Addict I am completely lost! Arrrr help!
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Basically only a small dose of kryptonite will make Supergirl only a small amount weaker - normal human strength instead of superhuman strength :-)
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