Perils of Supergirl

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So been a while since I wrote anything so thought I'd give something a go. This little idea is just a sort of free writing kind of idea, using a Superman/Supergirl peril I've seen and doing my own take on it. How many more of these might I do, not sure but thought I'd share the first one of these.

This is based on a scene from Lois & Clark. The characters are from the Supergirl TV show but not in their same roles. Hope you enjoy!

Supergirl landed on the balcony of the hotel room she had been invited too. Kara kept her face passive as she settled on her red knee high boots and looked to see a blonde girl in dress, suntanned pantyhose, simple heels collecting some papers in the room. She looked to Supergirl and nodded, "Supergirl, Ms. Grant has been expecting you." She looked Supergirl over. Kara was clad in her iconic costume, blue leotard with red stitching, a red and gold outlined S on her chest. A golden belt went around her waist and a red skirt swished over her thighs as she walked into the room. Supergirl's red cape swayed behind her as she walked, her perfect legs clad in dark sheer tights, and red knee high boots.

"I'm Miss Tessmacher," the blonde woman said, "Miss Grant's assistant." Tess lowered her voice a moment, "Just curious...where did you get those tights?"

Supergirl gave Miss Tessmacher a bit of a bemused look. The assistant sighed and turned to lead Supergirl into the hotel suite. Kara didn't see the smirk on Tess's face as she walked ahead of the Girl of Steel, don't think you'll be so stuck up for long Supergirl. She stopped at set of French doors which were opened, Tess gave a thin smile to Supergirl, her hand sweeping to offer Supergirl entrance to the sitting room. Kara walked past her and saw the woman she had come to meet waiting for her on a leather couch.

"Well, we meet at last Supergirl."

Cat Grant spoke with the usual air of authority and confidence Kara recognized from her many press appearances. The veteran reporter had darker blonde hair which went right to her shoulders. Her dark eyes held intelligence but also, Supergirl had trouble pinning it down, superiority? Kara wondered. While she was older than Kara, Miss Grant didn't loose anything in age. She showed off her body with a black evening dress, which featured a dipping neckline, bared her arms, and went down to Miss Grant's thighs. Cat had her legs confidently and seductively crossed. Supergirl saw they were dressed in black sheer pantyhose which seemed painted on Cat's legs. Her feet wore high heels, one which was being played with by Cat, dangling from the toe of her stocking feet.

"Miss Grant," Supergirl answered hands on her hips. "I hear you''ve taken quite the interest in me."

Cat just smiled, her eyes though looked to Miss Tessmacher who moved and closed the doors behind her. Again, Kara didn't see the sly smile on the blonde assistant's face. Now that they were alone, Cat got up and stood on her feet. "Yes, I take it you've hear about my latest story."

"Kara Danvers told me," Supergirl answered. The fact she and the National City reporter were one in the same wasn't known to Cat Grant. “I’ve come to inform you Miss Grant that you’re wasting your time.”

Cat walked up to Supergirl, confident, almost sexily. “I think you wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t on the right path.” She looked the Maiden of Might up and down, “Don’t be coy with me Supergirl, we both know you down wear that cape and those tights all the time.”

Kara shook her head, “I don’t have a hidden identity Miss Grant.”

Cat chuckled softly walking away from Supergirl towards her liquor cabinet. “We all have secrets Supergirl,” Cat poured herself a drink, “It’s just a matter of finding them or hiding them.” She turned leaning her bum against the cabinet, legs on display as she stared back at Supergirl, “I’m very good at finding them.”

Supergirl crossed her arms under her chest, not looking to be intimidated by the journalist. “I don’t have any secrets to hide Miss Grant,” Kara declared.

We both know that’s not true, Cat thought behind her smile. Supergirl had secrets, one of which Cat intended to use against her tonight. Cat was honest with her statement, everyone had secrets, especially her. Supergirl had no idea that Cat wanted more than just her identity. Cat walked forwards a bit, “I will find it Supergirl, I will figure out who you really are.”

The normally controlled Cat said the last part with a hint of more emotion that Kara expected. Supergirl saw for the first time, distress on Cat’s face, “Miss Grant, what’s wrong?”

Cat tried to deflect, “Nothing is wrong…” she turned and looked away.

Kara, who was very good at picking up when people were worried softened her face and asked, “Miss Grant?”

Cat sighed, turning back to face Supergirl. “Alright Supergirl, I must admit the truth…” she looked to the Girl of Steel, “My story, to reveal your true identity it’s…a desperate last gasp.” Supergirl was puzzled. Cat continued, “I’m getting old Supergirl, old and there are all these young, attractive girls who…will just take my place.”

The woman slipped into a chair, her head hung low, “All my accomplishments as a reporter, as a woman, lost because I’ve got a few lines on my face.” She put a hand on her face and closed her eyes.

Supergirl lowered her arms and Kara could feel for Cat. She walked forwards a bit and put a hand on Cat’s shoulder, “Miss Grant I’m sorry, that’s not fair to someone of your accomplishments.”

Cat shook her head, “You’re just being polite, I know I’m a washed-up reporter.”

“No,” Supergirl shook her head, “You paved the way for women to be taken seriously in journalism.” Supergirl knelt a little so that Cat could look her in the eyes, “You’ve still got plenty of good you can do.”

Cat smiled, “So that’s why they call you Supergirl hmm?”

Kara replied, “I see the good in people, it’s what I do.”

The reporter nodded and stood up, Supergirl rising with her. Cat walked over to where a mirror and dresser were. Kara noticed the make up there but didn’t take note of the black tube of lipstick on the dresser. Cat picked it up and looked at it. The ends of her lips curled up briefly, I’ve got her. “You’re such a lovely person Supergirl, and I just don’t mean your looks.”

Cat uncapped the tube of lipstick and her eyes glanced down at it. The tip was green and glowed faintly. Her eyes darted for a moment to the mirror, which had Supergirl in view. Supergirl was thrown off by her comment, but also, a flicker of discomfort went over Supergirl’s face. Yes, I’ve got you…

She put the green tube to her lips, allowing the special lipstick to coat her lush lips. Cat rolled her lips covering them fully in the substance that would ensure her biggest story ever. Finished she capped the top and turned back to face Supergirl. Kara meanwhile was wondering, what had caused her to feel a little sick there. She brushed it off though to just a long day.

“Thank you, Miss Grant,” Kara answered, “I hope that you can find a new story.”

Cat began to walk forwards. Her movements were seductive, almost like a practiced model. “I have to thank you Supergirl,” Cat replied coming closer, her voice soft and seductive.

Supergirl blinked a few times, feeling a bit off. She had no idea it was from Cat’s special lipstick. The distraction allowed Cat to step right up to her, mere inches now separating them. Kara hardly realized this till she looked into Cat’s dark eyes. “You, you don’t need to thank me Miss Grant.”

Cat pouted her lips, “Why call me Miss Grant, please call me Cat…” her leg brushed Supergirl’s.

Kara sighed, she’s brushing my tights, Supergirl tried to say something but the odd feelings coming over her along with the touch to her sensitive legs caused her to gasp, “Cat…what?”

“Hush Supergirl, let me thank you properly…” Cat said softly, seductively, as her lips leaned in. Before Kara could protest, Cat Grant had begun to kiss her.

Rao…she’s good. Supergirl thought with shock, so much so she didn’t try to push Cat away. Cat, moved an arm to Supergirl’s back, slipping down and holding the Girl of Steel at the small of her back. Her other hand, went down Supergirl’s side, all the way down to her skirt and then, brushing her stocking thigh. Supergirl sighed as she was lovingly kissed, never…been kissed…like this, feeling…feeling, uhhhh. As the kiss continued though Supergirl felt the pleasure replaced by something else, weakness.

Cat sensed this, she pulled her lips back, stayed close though, “Ahhh…you taste delicious Supergirl.”

“Miss…Grant…uhhhh,” Supergirl struggled to speak but she felt herself growing weak. Kara wondered what was happening, I feel…weak, sick, uhhhh…losing my strength. Supergirl gasped as she tried to hold onto Cat, but her stocking clad legs turned rubbery. She dropped to her knees, weakly holding onto Cat’s form, a hand slipping down Cat’s tights.

“Supergirl, did I take your breath away?” Cat grinned.

Supergirl weakly looked up, “What…did…you…do…” Her head dipped and she struggled to stay upright on her hands and knees.

Cat stepped back, admiring the sight of Supergirl, helpless at her feet. “Just one of your secrets I’ve discovered Supergirl.” She brushed her lips, “I gave you a little kiss, a kiss of Kryptonite.”

Supergirl’s eyes opened and she used the couch to haul herself up, but her strength was fading, and her powers were all out of whack. She stared at Cat with hazy eyes, “You…poisoned…me.”

“No, well, yes, but not enough to kill you Supergirl,” Cat sinisterly answered. She walked towards Supergirl who stumbled and tried to get away from her. “Just enough, to make you weak, sick, and easy to find.”

“What…do…you…” the realization came over Supergirl and Kara realized the danger she was in.

Cat chuckled softly, “Yes, you won’t be able to hide even in your secret identity. I know you work at the National Tribune, I know someone there is Supergirl.” Kara pushed her way through the French doors but dropped to her knees. Come on…fight it…Kara, she told herself. It took considerable effort but she managed to get to her feet but it was like she was drunk or disoriented as she walked.

“Miss Grant,” Supergirl struggled to say as she reached the balcony, “You…don’t…want me…as an enemy.”

Cat smiled, “I’m not afraid of you Supergirl, besides I’ve already got you.”

Supergirl gave her a final, weakened glare, before throwing everything she could into flying into the air. So weak…can barely fly, not even…sure I’ll make it home. Supergirl shook her head, struggling to fly. Her hearing though that still worked and she could hear Cat, imagine her standing at the balcony, drink in hand, watching as she flew away.

“I’ve got you, under your skin…” Cat told the receding form of Supergirl.

TBC? (I don't know)
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Millenium Member
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A seductive opening scene which gets to the peril quickly. How is Kara going to get out of this? Hehe. Anyway, nicely done so far :)
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Elder Member
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Very nice start!!
“Yes, you won’t be able to find even in your secret identity." "Did you mean to write" “Yes, you won’t be able to HIDE even in your secret identity.
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tmon wrote:Very nice start!!
“Yes, you won’t be able to find even in your secret identity." "Did you mean to write" “Yes, you won’t be able to HIDE even in your secret identity.
What tmon says, times 2. :)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Aahh, the old kryptonite in the lipstick holder trick. Loved it, as usual sgwriter.
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A seductive opening scene which gets to the peril quickly. How is Kara going to get out of this? Hehe. Anyway, nicely done so far
Thanks AB, it's been written sort as a long shot so might not continue this particular peril but it was fun to write. Glad you liked it.
Very nice start!!
“Yes, you won’t be able to find even in your secret identity." "Did you mean to write" “Yes, you won’t be able to HIDE even in your secret identity.
Fixed, glad you liked it.
Aahh, the old kryptonite in the lipstick holder trick. Loved it, as usual sgwriter.
Thanks Dr.D, yeah I've always liked that scene from Lois & Clark so definitely have wanted to use it with Supergirl and an appropriate foe.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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SGWriter wrote:
Thanks AB, it's been written sort as a long shot so might not continue this particular peril but it was fun to write. Glad you liked it.
Might not continue this particular peril? What? You mean you don't plan to carry it on through 30 to 50 chapters? Ye gods! Is that actually an option? If I only knew that sooner!
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Yeah, I too hope you will continue. I am interested on how the K lipstick will make SG "easy to find".

Radiation tracker? Is there really something physical under her skin? I will not be able to sleep with these deep questions unanswered. :fun:

So, get back to it Supergirl Writer :cap:

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seems a shame not to follow thru given such a strong start...
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Excellent start SGW! Hope you do finish it. Glad to have you back writing
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Very nice story... hope you continue the story... Loving it...
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