Love at First Fight (Superman & Wonder Woman custom story)

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Doctor Outcome
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Hey gang, how's it going? My homegirl and I had watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith a couple of nights ago and while web surfing I showed her this picture:
superhero Superman and Wonder Woman ae551614ba57015dcbe3c0ba6f2cc2fe.jpg
superhero Superman and Wonder Woman ae551614ba57015dcbe3c0ba6f2cc2fe.jpg (201.43 KiB) Viewed 2284 times
Instantly, we got the urge to cook up a custom idea with that picture as well as Mr. and Mrs. Smith being the basis behind this colorful and delightful tale which we're hoping you'll all enjoy. Plus, we're trying to take a break from the script format to try 'story mode' for a while so please give us some time to adjust to that format while reading this.

Aphrodite played by Kendra James
Diana Prince played by Christina Carter
Clark Kent played by Charles Dera

Chapter 1: “Express Yourself”

Somewhere on Mount Olympus, Aphrodite the goddess of love is dressed in a pink, sexy bikini outfit, sitting on a pillar in her private temple playing her golden lyre.

“It’s Peyton…it’s Peyton on Sunday morning,” Aphrodite sings and then begins snickering playfully.

“Ha, ha, ha. I just love these mortals and their modern day commercials. Such a trip.”

As Aphrodite continues playing her lyre, something causes her to freeze up and she looks upward at the temple ceiling as if she’s searching for something.

“What the…what is that?,” Aphrodite asks with curiosity.

Suddenly, an ear-piercing whistle tears through the room and Aphrodite drops her lyre and grabs the sides of her head as she cries out in pain. She gets up and begins staggering around the room clutching her skull with both hands as the whistling gets worst.

“Oh for the love of…NOT AGAIN!,” Aphrodite cries out in despair. She can suddenly hear two voices in her head arguing back and forth and the more they argue, the more the pain in her head gets worse.

“I don’t…I can’t believe those two! They’re going at each other’s throats again?,” Aphrodite wails with disbelief. She quickly stalks over to her throne, grabs her see-thru robe and throws it on.

“If I don’t get down there and stop those two they’re gonna end up coming to blows and caving each other’s skulls in!”

The goddess of love puts her hands on her hips and in a flash of light she teleports out of the temple.

Crossfade: Suburban Area of Metropolis

Married couple Clark Kent and Diana Prince (also known to the world as Superman and Wonder Woman) are in their civilian business attire, having just gotten back from couple’s counseling with Dr. Chase Meridian who was visiting Metropolis for a couple of months to help with a relationship seminar. Sadly, the counseling they got from her didn’t improve their marriage, instead it just made it worse and now the two are arguing back and forth like a cat & dog.

“I have never, nor have I ever been so humiliated in all my life!,” Diana thunders with fury.

“Well it’s your fault, Diana. You were the one who insisted that we go to the homewrecker seminar, I was against it,” Clark replies glumly. “And while we’re on the subject, you have been humiliated numerous times in your life…sexually that is.”

“Clark, whatever in Hera’s name possessed you to divulge information like that to complete strangers?!”

“Like you didn’t, Diana? Come on, how do you think I felt when you told them that I wound up being Poison Ivy’s personal bitch?”

The banter between the couple continues back and forth with neither Diana nor Clark willing to cave in but as they continue to argue, their words begin to get more hostile if not aggressive.

“I can’t believe I wasted six good months of my life with you Kal-El!,” Diana thunders. “Here I am, making Greek pasta salad, cooking brownies and for what?! A man who doesn’t appreciate me enough to do something simple like clean the dishes! A man whose not even a man ‘where it counts’ if you get my drift!”

Clark’s face turns bright red like a bing cherry with embarrassment and it was obvious at this point that Diana had touched a nerve. But he composes himself and straightens his dress shirt a little before he calmly ‘castrates’ Diana verbally.

“You wanna talk about business under the sheets, Wonder Woman?,” Clark continues casually as he attempts to remain calm. “With all the female villains’ in this town and in Gotham who have taken their turn at bat with you like the door knob that you are…”

Diana gasps with shock at this comment as Clark continues and his demeanor is getting heated as he speaks.

“…a man would probably need something preferably ‘battery operated’ to get a rise out of you in bed. And by the way…”

Clark goes over and picks up a plate of cold stale brownies that Diana had made earlier in the morning.

“…WHERE IN THE HELL DID YOU LEARN TO BAKE?!,” Clark thunders at the top of his lungs as he throws the plate of brownies at Diana as hard as he can. Diana dodges to the right as the plate shatters against the wall, smearing chocolate fudge on the wallpaper.

“How *dare* you speak to me that way you insolent Kryptonian pig!,” Diana retorts furiously. “I am Princess Diana! Daughter of…”

“Queen Hippolyta, ruler of Paradise Island, blah-blah-blah,” Clark growls. “Diana, I think I speak for everyone in the known universe when I say, nobody gives a *damn* who your mother is.”

“That’s it Kal-El, you’ve really crossed the line this time. I mean it’s bad enough that you don’t even support me in my work but now you have the nerve to insult my mother to my face? Dr. Meridian was right, you can’t do something simple as support your woman when she needs you!”

“First of all, you’re not very supportive yourself Diana and I know because Dr. Meridian said so. Where were you all the times when I was hurting and suffering? The answer is you were never there when I needed you. And the last time I checked, you were a grown woman who is more than capable of taking care of her own shit!”

It is here the gloves really begin to come off and Diana decides to try once again to hit Clark below the belt in a desperate attempt to ‘save’ face.

“You know Kal-El,” Diana begins as she takes off her glasses and sets them down on the table. “The last time I checked, you were married to me! So unless you wanna start fucking that shrink…”

Clark points a threatening finger at Diana, cutting her off and shouts, “Don’t Diana! Don’t you dare finish that sentence! Because I’ll have you know that when I was in my Superman persona, Dr. Meridian actually did offer herself to me when I rescued her from Two-Face’s henchmen after they abducted her for ransom! So I’ll tell you right now, *do not* tempt me with sleeping with that woman, because how you have me feeling right now…I just might do it!”

That response really rocked Diana’s world and hearing it come from Clark’s mouth, it felt like she had just been stabbed in the heart with a jagged sword. As the two continue to stare hard at each other, Diana can no longer hold back: with an Amazonian battle cry, she charges at Clark like a linebacker, picks him up M.M.A-style and drops him hard on the coffee table shattering it to pieces.

*Express Yourself (Moccean Worke Remix) begins to play in the background*

Diana is on top of Clark like a wolf on a T-Bone steak and with her hands wrapped around his throat no less as she attempts to choke the life out of him with the strength of a hundred Amazons.

“You red, white and blue cocksucker! I can’t believe you’d actually think about screwing another woman behind my back!,” Diana wails with fury.

Gasping for air, Clark places both feet against Diana’s cleavage and pushes her away with his super strength. Diana cries out as she goes flying across the room and hits the wall hard, leaving a dent in it, while Clark gets up and takes off his necktie and then tosses his glasses aside.

“Diana, don’t push it! You’re trying my patience,” Clark warns.

While on her knees, Diana takes off her high-heel pumps and looks up at him with a scornful smile.

“Oooh, sounds scary,” Diana replies mockingly. “Whatcha gonna do boy-scout? Tell Lois Lane to write a memo about it?”

“Watch it Diana," Clark warns. "Don’t think that because you’re a woman and Hippolyta’s daughter that I won’t kick your Amazonian ass all over this house.”

Diana foolishly tries to put that threat to the test and she charges at Clark again and when she does, Clark shuts his eyes tight before opening them wide and Diana gets hit hard with a nasty blast of ‘heat-vision’ to her chest which sends her flying back again. However, Diana has more than enough fight in her and she charges with the speed of a jaguar and tackles Clark again. As the super-powered couple are wrestling around the house trying to subdue the other, the living room is getting totally ransacked: chairs are being overturned, furniture is being broken, expensive china is getting smashed and so forth.

During the fight, Clark gets Diana into a choke hold in an attempt to sleeper her out and Diana’s face turns red as she struggles to breathe.

“You had enough yet?!,” Clark thunders.

Diana answers that question by sinking her teeth into his arm and Clark cries out as he struggles not to let go but the pain of being bit was more than he could bear and he turns Diana loose. While Clark examines his arm, Diana throws a nasty front kick to his face and her pantyhosed toes hit him right in the mouth and he can actually taste Diana’s foot odor. Clark is momentarily stunned by the attack but when Diana tries to follow up with a nasty left hook, he ducks, picks her up and body slams her down on the floor. Diana retaliates by throwing a reverse round kick to his stomach, knocking him back. Popping up, Diana throws punch after kick at Clark who just blocks the blows and when he sees an opening, he backhands Diana across the face knocking her down again on her knees.

Holding her cheek and sobbing with despair, Diana looks up at Clark with hurtful eyes and says, “Kal-El, how could you?! I’M A WOMAN!”

Feeling guilty, Clark tries to approach Diana and begins to apologize but before he can finish his sentence, Diana strikes him in the groin as hard as she can. Clark doubles over in pain clutching his ‘jewels’ and Diana uses the opportunity to leap up and finish the job: with a knee strike to the face to stun Clark, she then leaps up with a scissor grab, locking her ultra-toned thighs around his neck and takes him down to the ground putting him in an arm bar hold so he can’t get free. Meanwhile, somewhere in the sky above, a pink orb of energy was racing down through Earth’s atmosphere like meteor straight toward the Metropolis area.

“Batman was right, you *really* are a boy scout,” Diana declares with triumph.

Clark still has one more trick up his sleeve though: bawling up his fist, he strikes Diana right in her pantyhosed cunt and Diana howls in pain, releasing her hold on him and Clark grabs his throat as he struggles to breathe and Diana is holding her vagina in pain. As the two stare hatefully at each other they each grab a piece of furniture and with angry battle cries, make one last attempt to charge at each other but before they can attack…

(Earth-shattering kaboom, song abruptly stops)

…the pink orb of energy that was soaring through the atmosphere had materialized through the roof and knocked the fighting couple back away from each other with the force of a ballistic missile.

“Alright you two, neutral corners!,” the pink orb commands.

As Diana and Clark compose themselves, they look at the orb of energy that then materializes into the form of Aphrodite. The goddess of love has her hands on her hips and she looks pissed.

(Tight on: Aphrodite, whose lips are pursed and her eyes are narrowed)

“Aphrodite! What are you doing here?,” Diana asks with surprise.

Aphrodite looks around the ransacked living room and replies, “Obviously getting here in the nick of time. Diana, Clark…I don’t know what’s going on with you two but from the looks of things, there is too much testosterone floating in this room and not enough loving going around.”

“What do you suggest we do about that?,” Clark asks as he rubs his chest.

For an answer, Aphrodite uses her telekinesis to make the overturned couch turn back onto its legs.

“Alright boys and girls…we’re gonna sit down…and we’re gonna have ourselves a little talk,” Aphrodite replies with a stern look on her face.

Cut to Black

To Be Continued…

*Express Yourself resumes playing over the end credits*
Last edited by Doctor Outcome 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Millenium Member
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Wow - Aphrodite has her work cut out for her. Surely WW and SM are under the influence of something to behave so badly! Whatever, I hope Aphrodite can help!

Glad to see you write in a more traditional story style - it may make you work more accessible to even more readers.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Doctor Outcome
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:Wow - Aphrodite has her work cut out for her. Surely WW and SM are under the influence of something to behave so badly! Whatever, I hope Aphrodite can help!

Glad to see you write in a more traditional story style - it may make you work more accessible to even more readers.
Thanks madrid, I'm glad you enjoyed the story we put together for this as much as we had fun making it. Yes, Aphrodite's gotta undo some major damage that 'Dr. Meridian' did to our super-powered coupled, but it's nothing that a little love can't cure...

...or in this case...*lust*. :giggle:

Stay tuned for part 2, mi amigo!
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Doctor Outcome
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Chapter 2: “Making Up is Easy to Do”

Having arrived just in the nick of time to stop a nasty fight between super-powered couple Clark Kent and Diana Prince, Aphrodite is listening to the couple’s problems as they explain the reason behind their heated confrontation. As the goddess of love listens, she uses her X-ray vision and catches a glimpse of something black slowly growing on Diana’s heart as well as Clark’s and she’s instantly alarmed, but doesn’t show it.

‘Oh my goodness! That’s the seed of discord,’ Aprhodite thinks to herself. ‘But how and why in the world is it growing inside of Princess Diana and Kal-El?’

“Aphrodite, are you listening to us?,” Clark demands, instantly snapping Aphrodite out of her train of thought.

“Oh yes, of course,” Aphrodite says with a smile. “Look Clark, I think you and Diana are blowing this whole thing way out of proportion. Couples have problems all the time but you don’t solve it by trying to throw your partner under the bus like this.”

“That’s what I said,” Diana growls and folds her arms over her chest.

“Un-un-unh Diana,” Aphrodite says with a wave of her finger. “Clark’s not the only guilty party here. You’ve been neglecting your duties as a housewife also.”


Aphrodite goes on to explain that while Clark hasn’t been pulling his weight with keeping things in order around the house, Diana has been using her new position at the I.A.D.C. to avoid intimacy with Clark. She also points out that after they tied the knot, they never ‘consummated’ together on their honeymoon.

"Oh. So this is all about me satisfying your needs, Clark?," Diana scoffs. "You're saying that I'm the reason we haven't had any intimacy together?"

“That is not what I meant at all Diana,” Clark replies. “Remember what happened on our honeymoon at Calypso Coast?

“Clark, I already explained that to you and Darkseid is the reason that vacation was a disaster, not me,” Diana replies with frustration. “We had to rescue an entire resort together because of him and it’s not my fault that he can sniff you out like a bloodhound. That’s part of the reason why we can’t have any alone time.”

“But even when we do have time to be together, you turn me down for your job Diana. Remember the luncheon we were supposed to have together at Chez Josephine? Do you know how hard it was for Bruce to get reservations for that place? I waited and waited and you never showed up.”

“Clark, you know my job as I.A.D.C.'s head consultant on Diplomatic Security Services is important. We have dignitaries coming by to visit Metropolis in the next two months and I have to ensure they're safe and secure during their stay here in the States.”

Clark just sighs and Aphrodite can see the turmoil on his face and Diana’s as they avoid each other’s gaze. It was really hurting Aphrodite’s heart to see two of her favorite people in this situation but what came out of Diana’s mouth next really had her in a state of shock:

“Aphrodite…there’s no other way to say this but…Kal-El and I want a divorce,” Diana says with a glum expression.

Aprhodite gasps and then at the top of her lungs she screams, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” before she blacks out and faints.

Cut to Black

Fade In

Clark is cradling Aphrodite as Diana attempts to revive her with sweet-smelling peach salts from Paradise Island. After a few moments, Aphrodite stirs and moans.

“Look, I think she’s coming around,” Clark says as Aphrodite slowly opens her eyes. “Aphrodite are you alright?"

Rubbing her eyes, Aphrodite gives a small chuckle and says, “Oh Clark. Yes I’m fine, I think I just had a terrible nightmare. I dreamed that you and Diana were fighting and Diana made this joke about you two wanting a divorce.”

“Umm Aphrodite, that wasn’t a dream and I wasn’t kidding. Kal-El and I *want* a divorce,” Diana replies.

Aphrodite screams in horror again and she passes out in Clark’s arms. With a heavy sigh, Diana uses the smelling salts to revive her again and she repeats that they want a divorce to Aphrodite’s dismay and she climbs to her feet.

“I can’t believe this! You want a divor-…a divor-…ooh the ‘D’ word!,” Aphrodite cries with disbelief. “Diana why?!”

“Aphrodite I’m sorry to disappoint you but this marriage just isn’t working out. Kal-El and I are just two totally different people. We can’t see eye to eye on anything like we used to before we became soulmates.”

Aphrodite notices that the blackness in Diana’s heart and Clark’s appears to be getting worse, signaling that the 'seed of discord' within them is getting stronger. She realizes that if she doesn’t take action now, there’s a chance that they may ask for her ‘blessing’ to be split apart.

“Have the both of you given any thought that there’s a chance you won’t be happy with anyone else in your lives?,” Aphrodite asks with a nervous but hopeful smile.

“We’ve made up our minds Aphrodite,” Clark replies. “We need your blessing to do this.”

“Are you sure there’s nothing I can say or do to change your minds?”

The couple shake their heads ‘no’ and tell the goddess there’s nothing she can do and that it’s better for everybody if Aphrodite just nulls and voids the union between them. The goddess of love sighs and turns her back on the couple for a moment with her hand on her chin and Diana and Clark are worried that they may have upset her. But then suddenly, Aphrodite turns around with a big smile and says, ‘o.k.’ to the couple’s confusion.

“Okay?,” they ask at the same time and Aphrodite nods her head.

“That’s it? You’re not gonna try and stop us?”

“Marriage isn’t for everyone Diana. Some people are ready to jump over the broom and others aren’t. If you two feel that this isn’t for you, who am I to stand in the way of your decision to separate?," Aphrodite says with a warm smile.

“Soooooo, when can we do this?,” Clark asks with curiosity.

“Oh, we can get this party started right now Superman. Follow me, please.”

Aphrodite seductively walks back towards the bedroom with her hands on her hips and Clark is about to follow but Diana quickly grabs his arm and Clark stares at her with confusion.

“Diana what’s going on? Why are you stopping me?”

With a suspicious look in her eyes, Diana shakes her head and says, “She’s *up* to something Clark. Aphrodite never gives in this easily when it comes to people wanting a separation.”

“Diana, let’s not waste any more time than we already have, okay? The sooner we get this done, the quicker we can go our separate ways,” Clark responds. “Like you said, we’re just two different people with nothing in common anymore.”

Diana sighs and says, “I guess you’re right Kal-El. I really wished it didn’t have to be this way.”

“So do I princess…so do I.”

Seeing no other reason to discuss the matter, the couple adjourn to the back so Aphrodite can commence the ‘separation ritual’.

Crossfade: Bedroom

Sitting up in their queen-sized bed and leaning against the headboard, Clark, who is in bed in nothing but his navy blue speedos is being tucked in by Aphrodite. While Aphrodite tends to Clark, Diana is stripping out of her half-torn business attire.

“Aphrodite I don’t get this. Why in the world do we have to be undressed for this?,” Diana asks as she removes her dress shirt and then proceeds to take off her skirt.

“Yeah, I mean this is a little high-maintenance. Can’t we just sign a divorce scroll or something?,” Clark asks as Aphrodite pulls the sheet up to his waist and straightens the covers out for him.

“It works better this way Clark, trust me," Aphrodite replies as she finishes tucking him in. "There, all done."

Aphrodite then turns her attention to Diana who is now standing in just a powder-blue satin bra and dark satin pantyhose (and not panties). Aphrodite looks her over for a minute with admiration and she instructs Diana to turn around for moment and with her back turned to her, the goddess goes over and begins to undo Diana’s bra for her, to her chagrin.

Diana gasps and squeals, “Aphrodite what’re you doing?!”

Once the strap comes undone Aphrodite slips the bra off for her and Diana covers her massive but gorgeous breasts with both hands with a shameful pout on her pretty face.

“Aw come on Diana, don’t be so shy. Be proud of that beautiful body girrrrrrrrl,” Aphrodite coos in a sassy voice.

She gently takes Diana by the arm and leads her over to the bed where Clark is, who gets a quick glimpse of Diana’s right breast and instantly he gets turned on a like a light switch as Aphrodite pulls back the bed sheets for her. Diana gets into bed sitting up beside Clark and Aphrodite pulls the covers up just a little, making sure that the top of her beautiful athletic body is still showing. She notices that Clark is still eyeing her breasts and Diana pouts and folds her arms across her chest.

“Clark, don’t look at me I’m embarrassed,” Diana sulks.

“Why? You’re beautiful Diana,” Clark replies.


Aphrodite is grinning ear to ear, confident that her plan was already starting to work. The goddess of love picks up her Cupid Longbow that she brought with her and with her back to the couple, walks to the foot of the bed, explaining how the ‘separation’ ritual works.

“Aphrodite, why in the world did you bring Cupid’s bow with you?,” Diana asks with confusion.

With her back still to the couple Aphrodite responds, “Well Diana, the way I see it there’s two ways for this process to work: there’s the slow way…and then there’s the fast way.”

Clark sighs and says, “Well, we’ve got nothing but time on our hands so I guess the slow way will have to do.”

With a mischievous smile on her face, Aphrodite holds up her hand and a golden arrow shaped like a heart materializes in her palm.

“Oh Kal-El…I was *so* hoping you’d say that.”

Aphrodite draws the arrow back onto the bow, turns around and aims it straight at Clark to his and Diana’s horror.

“Aphrodite what’re you doing?,” Clark asks with worry, as he knows the Cupid’s bow can be fatal to Kryptonians with the right kinds of arrows.

“Exactly what it looks like Kal-El…my job,” Aphrodite beams sweetly and then she lets the arrow fly with a whoosh. The arrow finds its target, hitting Clark right in the chest with a loud thwack and then disappears in a puff of gold dust.

“Unh!,” Clark groans in pain and grabs his chest.

“NO!,” Diana screams as Clark doubles over holding his chest. He looks at Aphrodite with helpless eyes before he groans softly and passes out. In a panic, Diana tries to shake her love awake, desperately calling his name but Clark is totally unresponsive to her cries and she looks over at Aphrodite with disbelief.

“Aphrodite what in Hera’s name is wrong with you?!,” Diana roars with horror.

“I’m only doing what you asked Princess,” Aphrodite replies innocently as she sets the longbow down at the foot of the bed and approaches Diana.

“I said I wanted a divorce, I didn’t mean for you to kill him!,” Diana wails with despair in her eyes.

With a soft voice Aphrodite whispers, “Shhhhhhhh! Trust me darling, this is for the best.”

Aphrodite goes over and straightens out Diana’s hair like a photographer getting ready to do a photo shoot and she adjusts Diana’s head a little so that she’ll be looking straight ahead.

“Now, could you hold your hands up high for me please?," Aphrodite asks sweetly. "Pretend that a robber has you at gun point, we're going for a sort of damsel-in-distress look for this photo shoot.”

With a worried yet awkward expression, Diana does as the goddess instructs and Aphrodite says ‘perfect’ before she gives Diana a big juicy kiss on the lips, to the Amazon princess’ shock whose eyes get wide as pool balls. Aphrodite breaks the kiss with a juicy smack of her lips and she gently pinches an aghast Diana on the chin before she walks back to the front of the bed and picks up the longbow.

“Now…,” Aphrodite says as she draws the bow back and another golden arrow magically appears and she aims it straight at a horrified Diana who still has her hands up high in surrender.

“…say cheeeeese,” Aphrodite beams sweetly.

Swallowing hard, Diana nervously says, “Cheese?”

Aphrodite lets the arrow fly and it hits Diana in her left breast with a thwack and disappears in a puff of gold dust. Diana cries out and grabs her chest with pain as Aphrodite lowers the weapon.

“There, all done,” Aphrodite replies happily.

Still clutching her chest Diana moans, “Aphrodite that hurt you biiiiiii…”

Before Diana can finish her sentence, she blacks out and slumps over with her head resting on Clark’s shoulder and they’re both snoring lightly.

“There, there now boys and girls, you'll just have to trust me on this. It's for your own good, "Aphrodite tells them.
"Now you just have a nice nap while the 'real' love doctor sets the mood for you two.”

With a snap of her fingers, the goddess of love disappears in a puff of pink dust and hearts, leaving Clark and Diana unconscious together on the bed, totally unaware of what was going to happen to them next.

Fade to Black

Subtitles:To be Concluded…

Love will lead you back by Taylor Dayne plays in the background as the end credits roll
Last edited by Doctor Outcome 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Indeed love does cure all ....
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Doctor Outcome
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Abductorenmadrid wrote:Indeed love does cure all ....
...and a little lust too of course. (We got something special planned for the conclusion to this) :sneaky:
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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Heroine Addict
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It's a fun, quirky story. I'll be interested to see where you're going with this.

I haven't seen the Mr & Mrs Smith movie, though. So I'm probably missing out on some of the easter eggs.
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Doctor Outcome
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Heroine Addict wrote:
6 years ago
It's a fun, quirky story. I'll be interested to see where you're going with this.

I haven't seen the Mr & Mrs Smith movie, though. So I'm probably missing out on some of the easter eggs.
You should see the movie. It's kinda fun. Here's the fight scene from it. The 'Express Yourself' song is what made my homegirl and I love the fight even more as that's our favorite track. LOL!

We're brainstorming a conclusion for this now, even as we speak.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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