Heroine in peril looking for writers and world creators!

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Hi everyone!

I'm new to the site (been a member for some time but today is my first day as an active member!) :)

I'll make things easy for myself and paste in my introduction I wrote earlier today! I hope to meet a lot of you and hope to make a lot of creative and fun things in the future! Hope any one out there is interested!^^


Hi, Everyone!

This feels kinda odd, not sure exactly what to say but wanted to try and introduce myself anyway!

My name is Hanna. I'm a heroine in peril roleplayer and writer/world creator!

I've been roleplaying online for about 5 years now after finding out about the roleplaying and heroine in peril community online and that there was a way to have an outlet for all these ideas and fantasies I've been keeping to myself since my teens!

I've been a part of a few different communities for roleplaying but a lot of them has felt like they haven't exactly been the greatest fits for one or another reason so it's been hard to find "my place" in the HiP-community.

I have an original world/universe feating myself as a superheroine inside it that I came up with in my teens (i'm 32 now so it's been going on now for 10+ years haha). It's something that has stayed with me and been a huge part of my normal everyday life. The idea behind it is that it's a mix between my normal everyday life combined a heroine universe. The universe, my heroine-self, the other heroines inside this world, the world itself and the villains are all very heavily inspired by the old cartoon show "Captain Planet and The Planeteers" not so much that it's a complete rip of, but more that me and the other heroines have "borrowed" Captain Planet's gimmick in a way so we are all "eco-heroines" living in a world that is also very inspired by the show and featuring villains from the show as well as original Captain Planet-inspired villains! The main thing or "kink" as some say that it's all based on is energy draining, plain and simple! Most of the energy draining is much like everything else inspired by perils from captain Planet but I also love villains like Parasite from Superman, he is abbsolutely one villain I could see doing a crossover into my universe also! As for my attire and the attire of the other eco-heroines, it's very untraditional and actually comes from my real life costume, I created for myself way back and is something that has followed with me ever since, so no spandex and leotards for me I'm afraid! :)

Recently I've gotten tired of the traditional "roleplaying" thing with back and forth messages between people with just a very basic understanding of the other person and the characters involved, which is why I came over to this forum and decided to get a bit more active! :)

Instead of roaming around looking for roleplay partners, I came here hoping to find writers that would maybe find my ideas and world interesting or something of a challenge. I've found a lot of amazing writers online and I'm sure there are a lot on this forum, and hopefully some that might be interested in teaming up with me!

I really hope to find people who are interested in helping to create stories, branching storylines original villains and character developments for both villains and heroines. Like I mentioned rather than just roleplaying I've felt that storywriting together with someone else is much more fun and creative and helps build much better stories!

Wow, this became a very long presentation and I guess it wasn't as hard to write this after all! If this was a bit too much for just the introduction section I'm sorry and if this was supposed to go somewhere else, I'm sorry for that also haha^^

The last thing I'd like to say is that I hope to be as involved as possible here on the forum and any help directing me to where I might be able to find writers that might be willing to take me up on this is very much appreciated! And if you read this and you're a writer yourself, please send me a message and I will gladly tell you more!^^

Thank you, everyone! Hope to meet and talk to a lot of you here on the forum!

// Captain Hanna
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We also have an RP section specifically so gonna move a copy of this to there
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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hi again, tallyho!

Haha thank you for all the help! I appreciate it very much!^^
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Nice to meet you Hanna, out of curiosity, what do your costumes look like?
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Hi, Femina! Nice to meet you too! :)

Thanks for asking! Here's a picture of my costume from my DeviantArt http://fav.me/dbhdami

And a few of the other heroines costumes http://fav.me/dc1mozz http://fav.me/dbnthgh http://fav.me/dbntopb

As for the reason for that style, it's because it's from my real life, back in my teens I decided to create my own costume and took what I had in the closet, the combination from my attire picture is what it turend out to be. Not the original pieces in my attire picture of course, but pretty much the same as the original. It's a pretty original and civilian looking costume style, but it stuck with me and as time went on I started to imagine other heroine characters in the same costume style but with various color combos.

Today it's what makes me "me" and the other heroines "them" :)

Hope that answers your question! :)
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Hello, I think it's very interesting everything you said, the disguise, although not conventional, is quite sexy, I only wonder if they wear masks, I assume it's not because you did not mention them, but I ask only for doubts.
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manuelmen wrote:
5 years ago
Hello, I think it's very interesting everything you said, the disguise, although not conventional, is quite sexy, I only wonder if they wear masks, I assume it's not because you did not mention them, but I ask only for doubts.
As a youngster I never saw Captain Planet and so out of interest I went over to youtube and checked out SE01-E01 to get an idea. From what I can tell there was no "disguise". You had the heroes in their street clothes plus their special rings which gave them their individual "elemental" style powers. On top if they wanted they could collectively invoke the titular Captain Planet who was essentially a "Super-" type (whose kryptonite appeared to be toxic waste - lovely) but while he was in play the team's rings were rendered powerless, an interesting trade off.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

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Hey, Manuelmen!

Glad you think idea is interesting and happy to hear that you liked the costume styles! :)

No harm in asking and yes, you are right, we don't wear masks. We have a bit of a Clark Kent/Superman-thing going, you know how for some reason all it takes is civilian clothes and a pair of glasses for no one to recognize Superman?^^ It's pretty similiar for us eco-heroines, when we are in our normal everyday clothes we we are just Hanna, Sara, Katarina (a few of the other heroines names), but as soon as we get in costume, even though we don't wear masks and it's just a clothing change, and even though our heroine names is just our regular names with "Captain" added infront no one seem to tecognize us and put 1 and 1 together^^

if you want to know more I'd love to talk sometime! :)

Hey, Abductorenmadrid!

It's cool to hear that you actuallt looked up a Captain Planet episode just because of my post! I can totally understand that it might not be something you were familiar with since it's more something that we around 30-ish today saw on TV^^

But you got the idea of the show right, however it's a common missconception that I've had to clear up quite a few times in the past when it comes to my "Captain Planet-inspirations". A lot of people think I play a carbon copy (or rather a female copy) of Captain Planet but it's more that I take a lot of inspiration from the world and themes of Captain Planet rather than playing a direct copy of it.

For example, the costumes. We eco-heroines wear our own costume styles rather than a Captain Planet inspired costume. In my "world" we also don't have those kids "Planeteers" that wear rings and has to summon us. instead, like I told manuelmen, we have a Clark Kent/Superman thing going where we are part time "civilians" and part time eco-heroines! :)

What I do take directly from Captain Planet is the overall theme, and gimmick of being eco-heroines, the idea of it, and also his powers and most of all his weaknesses (since it's heroine in peril stories), so toxic waste, radiation etc is our weaknesses just like Captain Planet. The way the toxic waste and radiation is portrayed in the show is also something I use. For exmaple Toxic waste being more like colourful sludge rather than clear chemicals that can burn through your skin or something horrific like that, and radiaiton being shown more as bright neon electric bolts that can be projected rather than the real life invisible type that can just contaminate an entire area and make people sick. So more "Captain Planet"-esqe rather than realistic when it comes to those^^

When think about my own and the other heroines adventures I've always had this add mix of cartoon and real life when I imagined it, me and the other heroines being our "real" and some of the suroundings while at the same time imagining some villains for example as more cartoonish/comic-like!

Another thing I've borrowed from Captain Planet is that I use a lot of the villains from the show and brought them into my universe along with other, for my world, original villains. The Captain Planet villains that do teh crossover retain their personalities, skills and roles like they have in Captain Planet but with small tweaks to fit my universe and the different kinks and differences that sets it a part from Captain Planet^^

Just like manuelmen, if you are interested at all in knowing more i'd love to talk sometime and fill you in! It's hard to write a summary of it on here in one forum post since it's something that has been in my head for over 15 years now^^
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So, Hanna, which cartoon episodes contain your favorite story/peril elements or do you find most inspiring?
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There are a few Imagineer, SInce my teens I've enjoyed dressing up in my costume and acting out "scenes" at home that are very much inspired by some of the Captain Planet scenes. The ones that I think stand out the most is for sure the scene in the very first episode that Abductorenmadrid mentioned in his post. Where Captain Planet confronts Hoggish Greedly, the villain of teh episode and is hosed down and drained, that is what sparked it all and a short scene I love to do.

Another one is from an episode called "Deadly Ransom" the fifth episode of the first season I think, where Captain Planet is lured into a trap and held hostage by Dr. Blight and Duke Nukem (not the video game guy haha) and is drained by the villains in their secret base. it's another thing I love to both act out and have used in various ways in rps and stories in the past!

There are a bunch more, for example scenes from an episode called "Bug off" where Captain Planet goes up against "Toxic bugs" and gets captured by the villain controlling them.

Those are some of my absolute favourites that I like to draw inspiration from but I have a lot of original ideas, scenes and themes that might be a bit to risque for a kids show haha!

Being drained, captured and held prisoner is a huge thing for me and a big driving point! I have a DeviantArt page where I have a few short gifs of some Captain Planet-peril scenes that I love if anyone would like to check it out also!^^

In that album I also have a few "celebrity eco-heroines" in an album but I preferee to use my own original eco-heroines over the celebrity ones, also try to keep the world containing me and the other original heroines separate from the celebrity ones so they don't get mixed up :)

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And do the different colors worn by the eco-heroines have a thematic significance, e.g. related to a unique power/weakness each heroine has, or to the source of their powers, e.g. brown for earth, red for fire, teal/aqua for water? Is there a fixed number of heroines that always/need to work as a team, or do they often work solo?
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The costume colour as just estatic nothing more and I just assigned them to that specific heroine whenever in time she was created, so it's not something that was done randomly or can jump around, all heroines have their certain two colour costumes that is very much associated with them, allthough some heroines wear the same costume combo^^ But short answer would be no on the thematic significance.

All heroines are all the same as far as powers/weaknesses go, the differences come in personality, skill level and experience level. Their civilian jobs sometimes also helps to form the heroines and define who they are! :)

About the number, that can vary a lot depending on what mood I am in or what mood my partner i'm writing with is in! Some stories work better with a heroine going solo while some work better for a team of 2 heroines for example and some might work best for a team of 4.

I've also done stories where a lot more heroines have been involved in soem way. One in particular being that all of us eco-heroines were captured by aliens and forced to participate in an intergalactic game show where we were all paired up in teams of two and had to compete agains eachother in different "toxic/pollution" themed challenges. Each time would have one of their members competing in the challenge while the other member of the teams would all watch with the risk of being subjected to some kind of weakness expose like toxic waste or radiaton. So the the member of the heroine that would win the challenge got out of the "Punishment" while the other members of the losing teams would all be subjected. That was very fun to do :)
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I should add though since you asked about the colours and if it had to do with any special weakness and not only a certain power. I do like to assign certain special weaknesses for each heroine, some type of special thing that they can be associated with. of course every type of pollution works wonders against all of us but there are always those things even better against certain heroines. Something the villains like to exploit also, and something that can help build a very close and special bond between a heroine and a certain villain that may specialize in her special weakness! :)

It can be anything from "radiation" overall but also just something as simple as "brown Toxic waste" so you don't have to be an expert chemist!^^

When you say you're "looking for writers", what do you mean, exactly?
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Hi, Damselbinder!

Well what i mean by that is that I'm hoping to connect with people who are more into story-writing and world building, the ones that like to create depth to the worlds and create relationships between the characters in it. People to be creative with and think it's a fun thing to come with ideas, thought of how to develop worlds and characters further.

Why I differ it from "roleplayers" is that a lot of the times roleplaying is more about back and forth posting and reacting to the other persons post there and then or via messages/emails. It's more "live action" and it's in from my experience harder to develop long-term storylines that way. I enjoy planing and brainstorming a lot so that is why I'm hoping to connect more with "story-writers" :)

Hope that makes sense^^
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CaptainHanna wrote:
5 years ago
Hi, Damselbinder!

Well what i mean by that is that I'm hoping to connect with people who are more into story-writing and world building, the ones that like to create depth to the worlds and create relationships between the characters in it. People to be creative with and think it's a fun thing to come with ideas, thought of how to develop worlds and characters further.

Why I differ it from "roleplayers" is that a lot of the times roleplaying is more about back and forth posting and reacting to the other persons post there and then or via messages/emails. It's more "live action" and it's in from my experience harder to develop long-term storylines that way. I enjoy planing and brainstorming a lot so that is why I'm hoping to connect more with "story-writers" :)

Hope that makes sense^^
OK - I think the gap that just needs filling in is; what do you imagine the final product of your efforts (you and your collaborator) will look like? Is it going to be something that will be posted as a story, or perhaps you fancy something that will become a "film script" style thing, or do you just something more nebulous like going through the ideas for the fun of it?
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

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Well, even though I think that planning and going through idea, just brain storming and being creative and comming up with things is sometime just as fun and in a lot of the cases MORE fun than actual rps, I'd have to say that the end product would hopefully be stories that would come out of all of this.

I'm hoping to further "my world" and get input and ideas from others and create a world/forum for the stories that will emerge from this to happen in. Developing relationships between characters and giving the the characters som history, stories and events that will tie into eachother and give things more context.

One thing that I grew a bit tired off with general back and forth rps was the whole "random heroine taking on random villain" with no backstory or foundation to it. Just some heroine taking on some villain.
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To help people get a better understanding and view of what types of perils from Captain Planet I focus on I thought I could send a link to my DeviantArt gallery featuring some gifs from Captain Planet scenes.

I Think this could maybe be a good idea since I've gotten some questions about the weaknesses and the perils me and the other eco-heroines might find ourselves in! So to clarify it's things the gifs in this album that I focus on, primarily "Toxic waste", "radiaiton" but also "Gas/smog" allthough "Gas/smog" is in a distant third :)

Would also like to clarify that my world is not a carbon copy of the Captain Planet world, I only take a lot of inspiration from it and it's themes, so no planeteers running around, no power rings and no summoning. Me and the rest of the heroines instead have "civilian lives" a side from being eco-heroines much like Superman/Clark Kent has :) There are also a number of other things that differs between my world and Captain Planet's world but that might be way to much to go into here in a forum post :P

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If your still around, I'd love to chat...kick some ideas
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Hi, lordgriffin!

I'm absolutely still around and would love to chat, brainstorm and see what we could come up with! :)

I continue to be amazed at the variety and specificity of fetishes that fall under the HIP banner. The Captain Planet inspired universe, populated by a team of female eco-warriors who battle evil polluters and risk being drained and captured...that's just awesome! I also love that there are women who harbor these HIP fantasies. Somehow that makes me feel a little less...guilty I guess, about my own fetish life.

Cap, I'm glad you joined our little corner of the internets. I hope you find what you're looking for here. If you're open to suggestions, why not write up a story about your world and share it with us. That might be a way to spark some interest in the sort of collaboration you're looking for.
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Hi, Bert!

Haha, well I am glad I can peak your interest with new and different sides of the HIP genre! I truly believe that there are a lot more people "out there" who are into these sorts of themes (HIP), and the different sides of it and different ways of doing it. The main obstacle is that a lot of people feel ashamed for having these interests and kinks and spend their lives keeping them to themselves, I know, cause I was one of them. Most people don't see reaching out on the internet to forums like this as an alternative or even know about it. They just assume that they are "alone when it comes to this".

I can also let you know that I have spoken with A LOT of other women in varying ages over the years who have had these interests and kinks, and it's not as uncommon as you would think, quite the opposite. In my personal opinion, these things as a whole are generally viewed as deviations and us who are into it are "weirdos" for liking it. With that said there is also this strange perception that while this is something "weird", there is one more step to it and that is that "only men have these interests and fetishes", like a stereotype, which I can assure you is false. Sure, the majority might be men but there are a lot of women out there who enjoy it also. It's just that it's even more "tabu" in a way for women to be involved and interested in this.

That is just my take on it at least, based on personal experience!

Thanks for the welcome, I hope so too, I have already met a few people who have shown interest and had a few very promising conversations, even found one person who's mind work very similiar to my own and had no trouble imagining all the things I do! So very positive experience there! Allthough I know that I haven't put a lot of info about myself and my world, which is cause I haven't been sure if it would be to peoples liking here on the forum since it is quite different and stray away from a lot of the main themes, kinks, scenes and actions that are very central for people who have an interest in this genre in general.

However, I won't rule out putting up a story on here sometime in the future, one that I am happy with and feel that I want to put up for public display. Who knows, some might hate it and think it's aweful and some might think it's great and it sparks their interest for "my world" :)
Last edited by CaptainHanna 5 years ago, edited 3 times in total.

Well, as someone who recently threw my hat into the ring as a fledgling HIP writer by submitting a couple of stories, I can tell you that the reception is probably better than you might expect. There are real fans of heroine fiction here who respond with encouragement and suggestions.
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Hi again guys!

Something was brought to my attention just now that I wanted to clarify! I WAS a looking for roleplays and was a very active part of roleplay communities but today (and here on the forum specifically) I am looking for people who want to collaborate with ideas and thoughts, people who would like to know more about my universe and help further it with fun ideas and characters :)
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Im interested, wanna try it out! Like the costume as well
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Just FYI, Hanna, if you haven't stumbled across this video, "Pristine," yet, I have a feeling it will make your day. http://shg-media.com/Default.aspx?PageI ... b1f26716b9
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Hi, Saxman!

Believe it or not, I've been sent links to that video before. So I am aware of it, seems to include some thing and scenes that I'm not super fond of personally so haven't seen the actual video. Love the overall idea behind it though, obviously!^^
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Haha I believe it. Small community, even smaller pool of producers. Hopefully something more aligned with your tastes will come along soon!
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Haha, absolutely, very very small community! Because of the size and that most of these videos have these themes that I'm not super into kind of as standard things that are almost always featured, I'm not holding my breathe haha. Just try to focus on my own stuff and my own OC universe instead!^^
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Bumping to see if there is any interest

I like the idea of Eco-Heroines. You've told me that you don't want your heroines to have masks and bracers. Have you considered opera gloves with a color to match the heroine's bottoms or boots?
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I have not, however in certain instances (or instance) I have added, regular rubber gloves (cleaning gloves), this was for someone who was very VERY into just gloves overall and it was something I could be ok with adding. However we agreed to it being those types of gloves to fit with the hold "take what you have from your house hold" kinda feel, if you're putting together a costume at home from what you have in your closet and around the house those would make a lot of sense if gloves would need to be added :)
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(Already posted this in the "looking for roleplays" thread but think it should be here as well)

Hi everyone, I recently started working on a handbook/manual about my Eco-Heroine world. I've gotten a lot of suggestions about writing something like this to give people a better picture of what I do and what the world is all about. This here is just the first draft and of course there are things that can and most likely will be added, things I have missed or things that are unclear (which I would appreciate if you guys would bring to my attention also if that would be the case!)

Anyway I thought that posting the first draft of the manual here would be a good idea to show and hopefully spark some interest etc.

Please keep in mind though that I am not posting this here for "critical review", allthough I do appreciate the affort in it my intention is not to post it here to be analyzed like a school assignment but rather to give you guys something more to go off when it comes to me and my "world" :)

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I am also very well aware that some points are mentioned several times throughout the different topics. Didn't think that mattered to much and was something that could be there cause I felt that it was more important to try and be cleear and drive home the point of each section :)

I like the idea of a villain using suggestive methods as weapons and not an act for pleasure. It's humiliating for a heroine to admit defeat like that.

I am more interested in your heroines. There are not many heroines with elemental powers in SHIP. Most writers create heroines with generic powers such as super strength, enhanced agility, and invulnerability.
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Absolutely, I am a huge fan of attacks that are very suggestive and sexy from the outside looking in, cause or panties are our "weakspot" the most effective ways of draining a eco-heroine just happens to be very sexual or can be seen as very sexual since it targets that area! However I really have to point out that when it comes to directly sexual stuff it's never the villains doing it or at least it is extremelly rare unless there would be a villain who's whole thing is that she does sexual stuff like a dominatrix type villain or something like that, who's motive is to capture and dominante the eco-heroines via very kinky means just as an act of dominance :)

Glad you like the elemental powers! It's borrowed from Captain Planet, allthough unlike him us eco-heroines just have one elemental power of the four, we do also have the generic powers you mentioned too though! Super strength, enhanced agility, invulnerability and also flight :) All these of course until we get weakned :)
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https://www.deviantart.com/hannaheroine ... -817806595

Wow, you've put an enormous amount of thought into this Eco-World of yours and this manual lays it all out very clearly. How open are you to having others write stories based on this world of yours? It's intriguing to think of all the heroines you have created profiles for launching into missions to protect this planet from Eco-Terrorists.
Follow this link to descriptions of my stories and easy links to them:

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Hi, Dr. D!

Thank you for the reply! Yes, i've put a lot of time and thought into it. It's really something I have been "working on" for 10-15 years or so, even if it's not in written form or anything, just in my mind :)

I am very open to have others write stories inside my world, I am here in the forum to hopefully find "collaborators" and people who might just be interested in what I do and even if they don't want to write stories themselves, they are more than welcome to say hi and hopefully influence the world with thoughts and ideas, I love interaction and it's a big motivator for me as well to have others taking an interest and having fun and creative discussions regarding the world with others! :)
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Sorry to anyone who has tried to look at the eco-heroine world handbook/manual and not being ablee to see it! Due to the nature of it I had to set it to "mature content" which means you have to have a deviantart account (with a confirmed accepted age) to see it! I have changed some things now, removed the mature content check on it and instead added (18+) behind as a substitute. Hopefully anyone who wants to check it out to learn more about the world I'm trying to build can see it now! :)
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saw a captain planet redesign over at Artstation

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That's cool! A lot of talented artists on artstation for sure! :)
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Allthough more looking for likeminded people overall now rather than story contributers.

So if you are a fan of energy draining, the peril that was featured in Captain Planet, scenes or stories with no nudity or references to nudity and more focus on costumes, which in this case is very untraditional, just say hi. Always looking to connect with new people, Not necessarily to do RPs but just to talk and brainstorm casual stuff which can be just as fun and in a lot of cases even more fun :)

Do you really need TWO of these threads?
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More is always better
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
Do you really need TWO of these threads?
The idea was to try and reach people from both sides. I know a lot of people who have a lot of interest in stories (writing and reading) but not really a big fan of roleplays so they don't end up on the "looking for roleplays"-section.

Same for people who like being involved in story projects but mainly look at the "looking for"-section since it's usually there people who want to collab hang out. So just trying to not miss anyone.
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Hi guys, little update here. Doesn't need to be other writers, I'm more than happy to find other people who fans and into the peril style that they did in those old Captain Planet episodes, would be nice to meet some other people who share that interest since it's not that common (and yes I know there is a reason for that most likely)

Anyway, if you are a big fan of Captain Planet peril, liked the show and kinda wished that Captain Planet was a heroine rather than a hero, please don't hesitate to say hello, either answering here or sending a private message :)
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Giving this a bump to see if anyone is interested.

If you want to see some more about the eco-heroine world heroines, you can visit my deviantart page
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