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Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Please don't start with the politics. Let the cloud of fog settle. NOBODY is the good guy. Nobody.
Don't be absurd. Every D.C. local who stayed home at the mayor's request yesterday to avoid confrontation with Trump's mob was a good guy/girl. And every one of the shit-for-brains rioters that stormed the Capitol Building at head-shit-for-brains Trump's request was a bad guy/girl.
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Bert wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Please don't start with the politics. Let the cloud of fog settle. NOBODY is the good guy. Nobody.
Don't be absurd. Every D.C. local who stayed home at the mayor's request yesterday to avoid confrontation with Trump's mob was a good guy/girl. And every one of the shit-for-brains rioters that stormed the Capitol Building at head-shit-for-brains Trump's request was a bad guy/girl.
Peace out Bert. Things will get better.

280,000 new cases. 4,100 deaths. 140,000 jobs lost last month, marking first overall decline since April. Active discussion of using 25th amendment or impeachment to remove the president from office. A slew of high level resignations. The market is up again.

From nine months ago when Donald Trump didn't want to let a few hundred people off a cruise ship because it would cause America's case numbers to rise, to yesterday when over 4,000 Americans drew their last breath and died of covid-19, Trump has either done nothing to help fight the pandemic or actively made it worse. He has personally hosted a large number of superspreader events. He has not only resisted modeling good behavior by rarely being seen wearing a mask, he has made resisting mask-wearing a political statement of support for him. He has even mocked people for wearing masks. He has railed against testing over and over, on the grounds that identifying more cases makes him look bad.

The results of Trump's lack of leadership and action are undeniable. For every Canadian who dies of covid-19, close to three Americans die. That is a staggering failure.
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Starting to see the Christmas aftermath now sadly. I expect daily death records to be set from now on.
Hope I'm wrong obviously
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Bert wrote:
3 years ago
The results of Trump's lack of leadership and action are undeniable. For every Canadian who dies of covid-19, close to three Americans die. That is a staggering failure.
There's a similar ratio of per-capita deaths between Post-Brexit Britain and the Republic of Ireland with approximately 2.5 dead Brits for every Irish COVID death. It seems bizarre that neighbouring countries with so much in common can be coping with the virus so differently.

Surely there are lessons to be learned from the relative successes of nearby countries? Sadly, I think both Britain and America have such a warped culture of exceptionalism that neither could ever acknowledge that its own COVID response was anything less than "great".
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Starting to see the Christmas aftermath now sadly. I expect daily death records to be set from now on.
Hope I'm wrong obviously
Agreed, the authorities may have given people respite from the rules over the holidays but the virus wasn't going to rest and sadly it looks like the numbers are going to show us what happens if you let your guard down.
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Record daily death toll in UK Monday at 1610, over 90,000 total dead now thanks to the fuckwits in charge. 33,000 daily hospital admissions.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Record daily death toll in UK Monday at 1610, over 90,000 total dead now thanks to the fuckwits in charge. 33,000 daily hospital admissions.
The incompetence of Boris and his goons is always the fault of whoever expects them to take responsibility. They're basically Schrodinger's Government; holding high office while simultaneously acting as if they're the plucky underdogs.

Brexit is a fuck-up. So blame the "Remoaners" instead of the people who were actually supposed to implement withdrawal.

The Covid response is a fuck-up. So blame everyone except those who actually made the decisions.

The buck never stops with Boris!
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back to basics
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1800 + UK deaths yesterday.
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dlo005 wrote:
3 years ago
back to basics
That's a very grim video. It's also a warning that viruses can jump readily from these conditions at any time. While I don't approve of taking away someone's livelihood and there are different mores between cultures, if nothing else, there needs to be a system of separation between the animals here to prevent the next worldwide pandemic from originating under such "benevolent" conditions for disease generation.

Of course there's also the moral ground of turning sentient animals up the food chain such as dogs and cats and pigs into food products but that can be a slippery slope that vegans would argue can go down the chain to chickens and bats and sheep. But that argument can be held elsewhere.

The world is suffering incredibly from this pandemic and millions have lost their livelihood as well so taking away the Chinese wet market worker's "rights" or at least making them adhere to health codes certainly seems a required step I'd say.
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i agree doc. some years ago i spent 22 months in southeast asia in the us navy. ive been to some wet markets, but nothing as dirty and crowded as what i can see in the wuhan videos. they need some health rules. hard to beleive it exists like that in 2020.
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I'm afraid to say where it comes to the 'animal cruelty' side of much of this... I pretty much firmly adhere to the 'Fish gotta swim, Birds gotta eat' camp. Human beings are omnivores, and thus both meats and veggies are modes of keeping us fed... and in many places in the world there simply is no infrastructure for anyone to be choosy in how they acquire the food they need to survive. Veganism, vegetarianism (or heck even whatever the 'all meat' diet is) are luxuries for the wealthy and developed corners of the world. CHOOSING what we wish eat, simply is not a universal truth shared by all.

There ought to be some health codes to prevent places like these from becoming VIRAL super spreaders and that is a DEFINITIVE concern... but somehow the slant of that video seems really more to be 'look at the things done to these poor animals just so that some human beings can eat!' Which I've never ever been adherent to. An Animal life, simply does not in any mode stack up to a human life by my metric. I will almost always send the Trolley to run down a pack of dogs before I ever send it down at a single human being.

What I would be more interested to know is how many the Wuhan market feeds IN RELATION to the WASTE, as the adage of 'people gotta eat' does NOT apply to waste. Care should be taken to try and keep a market like this providing only what it needs too and not tax the global resources beyond their limits... and that is as much for animal protection as it is for the fact that we don't want to put extraneous strain on those resources. If the vast majority of all these unfortunate creatures are destined for the garbage bin, that does makes for a more tragic situation... though I fear it is probable even the systems a people would need to put in place in order to keep track of that are likely just as much 'luxuries' that aren't within the means of many a populace... not that CHINA should have much trouble doing that?
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100, 162 UK dead in total since March. Over 2,000,000 dead globally since the start of the outbreak.

Hang in there everybody. My mum had the jab Friday. Felt a little giddy for an hour then fine. One or two have felt a bit groggy for a day or two but no major side effects. Alarmingly a friend whose a hospital nurse in the Midlands still hasn't had hers. Shows the fuck up this government has made of rolling out the vaccine. I'm glad my mum had the jab, but no way should she have had it before front line nurses.
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I am really pissed off. I was on another site ruminating on the death of Hank Aaron when some bloke chimed in with his assertion that the 86 year old Aaron died from taking the COVID vaccine. After making the argument that playing the percentages, that taking the vaccine will to an extremely overwhelming degree will prolong one's life rather than precipitate death, I decided to research Aaron's death and found that the county medical examiner found that Aaron died of natural causes, not COVID. I hate all of this fear mongering going on about the vaccine, and the fountain of disinformation and fake news that follows these falsehoods, tall tales, and rampant speculative nonsense. The more vaccine holdouts there are, the longer it is going to take to put COVID in the rear view mirror.

Agreed. And vaccine hesitancy is a problem on the left and the right. Certainly Donald Trump hasn't helped matters with his crusade against covid precautions, but there are plenty of people on the other side of the spectrum who also distrust vaccines.
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On the Beeb yesterday they reported 72% of black UK residents were against taking the vaccine. On a day when we pass 100,000 UK dead from the virus compared with zero vaccine related deaths its a no brainer ffs
They are in the very demographic that's most at risk. It's bloody retarded.
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
On the Beeb yesterday they reported 72% of black UK residents were against taking the vaccine. On a day when we pass 100,000 UK dead from the virus compared with zero vaccine related deaths its a no brainer ffs
They are in the very demographic that's most at risk. It's bloody retarded.
hard to believe but true, im hearing similar rumblings here state side (people fearful of the vaccine). i know when it is available ill be among the first in line.
Last edited by dlo005 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Yeah, that's a particularly nasty problem. People of colour have a longstanding suspicion, extremely well deserved, of government. Their distrust is understandable, but tragic regarding the vaccine since they are the very people most at risk (which relates to why they are suspicious in the first place!).

This is wildly racist and utterly impractical, but an interesting thought experiment. Imagine if you forced people of colour to line up for vaccine shots, and right next to them was a voluntary lineup of white people. As each person of colour reaches the front of the mandatory line they are asked if they want the vaccine. If they say yes, they get vaccinated. If they say no, the next white person in the voluntary line gets the shot intended for them instead. Human nature being what it is, I think this scenario would go a long way to overcoming the inherent suspicion people of colour have of the system.
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Coming soon, Anal swabs for better detection of the Virus. They have developed methods to test sewer systems at the source of pumping stations to detect levels of ths virus and determine geographical areas of concentration of infected residents, no shit! I shit you not that Anal swabs are more accurate measurement of an infected person. This is starting to be more of a concern depending on how long it survives in the water....we have given it a new nickname here since we think it may be able to be transmitted via farts....yes farts...we call it a stink joke!!
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batgirl1969 wrote:
3 years ago
Coming soon, Anal swabs for better detection of the Virus. They have developed methods to test sewer systems at the source of pumping stations to detect levels of ths virus and determine geographical areas of concentration of infected residents, no shit! I shit you not that Anal swabs are more accurate measurement of an infected person. This is starting to be more of a concern depending on how long it survives in the water....we have given it a new nickname here since we think it may be able to be transmitted via farts....yes farts...we call it a stink joke!!
He who smelt it dealt it.... measuring it in waste water has been an idea for a while. You get a objective measure of how widely it is spread in a community. The problem with testing individuals is you only find people you have a reason to test. People who aren’t at particular risk go undetected and don’t think to take precautions seriously, then when they show up to over throw the government, they infect police and other prisoners.
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Seeing a lot of resistance to the vaccine in the US, especially among medical professionals, which is quite alarming. Unfortunately I think this thing gets a lot worse before it starts getting better. Nasty new strain of it in South Africa appears to be the 3rd major mutation and it's safe to assume we'll see a couple more mutations as the months continue to go on. Hope everyone is staying as safe as they can, but given the behavior I see within my own circle of friends and coworkers I think we are a ways off from overcoming this.
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Well the US gov imposes a strict FDA process that requires years of trials and close the half a billion in cost to get through the process then this is bypassed for the vaccine.

So yes I can see someone who had faith in the FDA process being suspicious of a drug that did not go through the same multi year trial process and was rushed into use and now maybe mandated or you will be denied access to certain things.

So it begs the question if the US system is too onerous to be useful given Canada and Sweden and Denmark do not do this level of checking and yet people use their drugs. How many cancer drugs have been held up. Also WHY haven't Canada, Sweden and Denmark come up with a vaccine if they are also drug makers unless there is a vaccine we don't know about.

I will not be taking this vaccine. No way am I trusting big pharma on this.

Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Well the US gov imposes a strict FDA process that requires years of trials and close the half a billion in cost to get through the process then this is bypassed for the vaccine.

So yes I can see someone who had faith in the FDA process being suspicious of a drug that did not go through the same multi year trial process and was rushed into use and now maybe mandated or you will be denied access to certain things.

So it begs the question if the US system is too onerous to be useful given Canada and Sweden and Denmark do not do this level of checking and yet people use their drugs. How many cancer drugs have been held up. Also WHY haven't Canada, Sweden and Denmark come up with a vaccine if they are also drug makers unless there is a vaccine we don't know about.

I will not be taking this vaccine. No way am I trusting big pharma on this.
Sweden did develop a vaccine. Astrazeneca is a co-Swedish-British company. They made a vaccine.
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A lot of the multi year trials are sequential, waiting to see if one element works before progressing with the other. These trials were run in parallel for expediency sake. The other big difference is the standard trials compete for investment before progressing to the next stage, here the costs were underwritten from the start which allowed quicker progression.
Plus the Covid virus was well understood in its earlier forms so a lot of the basic elements had already been done.
They've given it to the Queen and she's in her 90s. They wouldn't have gone anywhere near her if there was the slightest doubt of its safety.
If you won't take the fireman's ladder out of the burning building you can't really complain that it's hot in here. We all virus up with a vaccine, we head back towards something approaching NORMALITY, we dont and this nightmare goes on and on.
(and normalcy isn't a real word god dammit. You have a total eclipse and totality not totalcy, and you have normal and NORMALITY.)
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Damselbinder wrote:
3 years ago
Sweden did develop a vaccine. Astrazeneca is a co-Swedish-British company. They made a vaccine.
Yes they did.

Also Pfizer's (multinational pharma company) vaccine was first developed by BioNTech, the German biotechnology company. BioNTech started developing their vaccine in Jan 2020, and partnered with Pfizer in March to 'scale up research.'

Here's a good vaccine tracker at New York Times...

NY Times Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker

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Thanks Scribbler
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The South Africa variant was found in two people in South Carolina today, neither of them had travelled outside the US, so that strain has already made it here unfortunately. There's also apparently another nasty mutation of it in Brazil.
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News this morning that the Novavax vaccine has had 89% success and works against the SA strain aswell which is good news
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3,843 Americans died of covid-19 yesterday. By the end of the month total American deaths will surpass 500,000. These are staggering numbers. Deaths per 100,000 are about 2.5 times higher than in Canada. The United Kingdom's numbers are even worse. Sadly, vaccine hesitancy seems to be a significant problem in America. But gun sales and corporate bonuses are skyrocketing, so hey - bright side!
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Bert wrote:
3 years ago
3,843 Americans died of covid-19 yesterday. By the end of the month total American deaths will surpass 500,000. These are staggering numbers. Deaths per 100,000 are about 2.5 times higher than in Canada. The United Kingdom's numbers are even worse. Sadly, vaccine hesitancy seems to be a significant problem in America. But gun sales and corporate bonuses are skyrocketing, so hey - bright side!

half a million people dead who wouldn't be dead otherwise.
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Hospitalisation and death rates both dropping in UK as 10m have had the first jab. (Roughly 1/6th population)
One family of 20 got together at xmas and they HAVE ALL Had COVID, 3 seriously ill and one 56 year old member dead.
Bloody idiots. They will have to live with that choice that killed one of them every Xmas for the rest of their lives. All because they couldnt wait a few weeks. Well Covid doesn't give a shit if it's Xmas or not and likewise it doesn't care that its the Superbowl. Stay away from each other this year guys and then you can enjoy many more future Superbowls together.
Stay safe.
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In about 15 days, we will have 100k deaths here in Italy. The city where i live is about 100k too... this gives me the actual perception of this (still ongoing) tragedy.
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Very promising news from Isreal, but obviously an extremely small sample ... -recovery/
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Hospitalisation and death rates both dropping in UK as 10m have had the first jab. (Roughly 1/6th population)
One family of 20 got together at xmas and they HAVE ALL Had COVID, 3 seriously ill and one 56 year old member dead.
Bloody idiots. They will have to live with that choice that killed one of them every Xmas for the rest of their lives. All because they couldnt wait a few weeks. Well Covid doesn't give a shit if it's Xmas or not and likewise it doesn't care that its the Superbowl. Stay away from each other this year guys and then you can enjoy many more future Superbowls together.
Stay safe.
Yep, for the first time in my life, I was alone during Christmas. Normally we are 10+x, but I just didn't think it would be ok to meet after all the weeks where I meet nearly nobody at all. Of course, it wasn't a good Christmas this way, even I watched the best X-mas movie (Die Hard). But it was the right thing to do in my opinion.
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Still staying away from others, I'm in the middle of rewatching the entire Marvel cycle from Ironman to End Game. Enjoying it very much!

Staying safe here in New Jersey.
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DrDominator9 wrote:
3 years ago
Still staying away from others, I'm in the middle of rewatching the entire Marvel cycle from Ironman to End Game. Enjoying it very much!

Staying safe here in New Jersey.
Don't go to a Super Bowl party

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It was going to be just my son joining me from PA but the weather isn't cooperating so I'll be watching it with him and talking via the phone for a good chunk of the game. Rooting for KC. Brady doesn't need another ^%$#@ ring!!!
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DrDominator9 wrote:
3 years ago
It was going to be just my son joining me from PA but the weather isn't cooperating so I'll be watching it with him and talking via the phone for a good chunk of the game. Rooting for KC. Brady doesn't need another ^%$#@ ring!!!
Yes he does.

Just for the Monday morning meltdown for the Brady haters on ESPN and FSI.

But I do like Mahomes as a player.
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Tampa win is sadly turning into a mass spreader event in the city from watching the footage. Its so stupid.
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Yup, Superbowl parties are gonna be Christmas part Deux. Probably just as bad since a good percentage of 'Football' fans are the sort of people who really want to believe the baseless dangerous lies about the virus.
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Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Yup, Superbowl parties are gonna be Christmas part Deux. Probably just as bad since a good percentage of 'Football' fans are the sort of people who really want to believe the baseless dangerous lies about the virus.
As a lifelong football fan and a person with a semblance of education and more than my fair share of erudition, I take that comment as an insult. I also stayed at home and watched the game. Of course, I could be a bit cranky, Femina, since my favored team did not show up in spirit or skill.

:evilmad: :ras: :weep:
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DrDominator9 wrote:
3 years ago
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Yup, Superbowl parties are gonna be Christmas part Deux. Probably just as bad since a good percentage of 'Football' fans are the sort of people who really want to believe the baseless dangerous lies about the virus.
As a lifelong football fan and a person with a semblance of education and more than my fair share of erudition, I take that comment as an insult. I also stayed at home and watched the game. Of course, I could be a bit cranky, Femina, since my favored team did not show up in spirit or skill.

:evilmad: :ras: :weep:
Nobody expected that result.

But can people stop saying Andy reid is a great coach, he is average at best
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Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Yup, Superbowl parties are gonna be Christmas part Deux. Probably just as bad since a good percentage of 'Football' fans are the sort of people who really want to believe the baseless dangerous lies about the virus.
You and I may see things differently at times, but I have always and still regard you as one of the brightest, most insightful, and fair members on this board. I think you might want to walk that one back though. That comment is such a sweeping generalization and I find that characterization unfair. Some folks might make the same argument about BLM marchers, of how they repeatedly congregated in the hundreds and thousands, that they buy into these BS lies and misinformation about COVID, but I would say that in regards to the BLM marchers and "a good percentage of football fans" that we don't have enough information to make such a baseless assumption about these people.
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bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Yup, Superbowl parties are gonna be Christmas part Deux. Probably just as bad since a good percentage of 'Football' fans are the sort of people who really want to believe the baseless dangerous lies about the virus.
You and I may see things differently at times, but I have always and still regard you as one of the brightest, most insightful, and fair members on this board. I think you might want to walk that one back though. That comment is such a sweeping generalization and I find that characterization unfair. Some folks might make the same argument about BLM marchers, of how they repeatedly congregated in the hundreds and thousands, that they buy into these BS lies and misinformation about COVID, but I would say that in regards to the BLM marchers and "a good percentage of football fans" that we don't have enough information to make such a baseless assumption about these people.
I mean... I might but I'm quite literally still receiving texts from that side of the family upset with me for not coming to the annual Super Bowl party. The same end of the family who whine about masks... all while they invite over all the weirdos in the surrounding foothills, like that guy who I had to drive to a medical checkup once for an excruciating half an hour discussion about how we should just round up all the terrorists and dump them on some super secret prison island we must surely have in our countries back pockets somewhere... *shudders*

I don't mean to insult anyone partaking of Sundays festivities alone and responsibly (or you know, with the people they already live with anyway)... but I'm gonna call it how I see it here. I know a 'good percentage of Football fans who are responsible as well, nevertheless, too many super spreader parties were happening on Sunday. We're probably just lucky the Raiders weren't playing this year...

Sportball - bringing out the best...and people since the time of the ancient Greeks. Soccer hooligans, hockey moms and gymnastics coaches the world over are suffering tremendously by being forced by circumstances beyond their control to not behave abysmally.
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Femina wrote:
3 years ago
bushwackerbob wrote:
3 years ago
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Yup, Superbowl parties are gonna be Christmas part Deux. Probably just as bad since a good percentage of 'Football' fans are the sort of people who really want to believe the baseless dangerous lies about the virus.
You and I may see things differently at times, but I have always and still regard you as one of the brightest, most insightful, and fair members on this board. I think you might want to walk that one back though. That comment is such a sweeping generalization and I find that characterization unfair. Some folks might make the same argument about BLM marchers, of how they repeatedly congregated in the hundreds and thousands, that they buy into these BS lies and misinformation about COVID, but I would say that in regards to the BLM marchers and "a good percentage of football fans" that we don't have enough information to make such a baseless assumption about these people.
I mean... I might but I'm quite literally still receiving texts from that side of the family upset with me for not coming to the annual Super Bowl party. The same end of the family who whine about masks... all while they invite over all the weirdos in the surrounding foothills, like that guy who I had to drive to a medical checkup once for an excruciating half an hour discussion about how we should just round up all the terrorists and dump them on some super secret prison island we must surely have in our countries back pockets somewhere... *shudders*

I don't mean to insult anyone partaking of Sundays festivities alone and responsibly (or you know, with the people they already live with anyway)... but I'm gonna call it how I see it here. I know a 'good percentage of Football fans who are responsible as well, nevertheless, too many super spreader parties were happening on Sunday. We're probably just lucky the Raiders weren't playing this year...
The same thing happened at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and it wasn't just certain segments of society, Whether we are talking about SuperBowl mega parties, political rallies, marches, protests, and assinine, crazy lunatics storming and congregating on the Capitol in insanely large numbers, ignoring social distancing norms in the process, these ill considered and unsafe gatherings transcend ideological, demographic, racial, ethnic, and social lines. I am sorry your family asked you to attend such a potentially dangerous super spreader event and hope they don't contract COVID because of the unwise decision to have a big party.
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Femina wrote:
3 years ago

The same end of the family who whine about masks... all while they invite over all the weirdos in the surrounding foothills, like that guy who I had to drive to a medical checkup once for an excruciating half an hour discussion about how we should just round up all the terrorists and dump them on some super secret prison island we must surely have in our countries back pockets somewhere... *shudders*

He's not so crazy. That island exists. Its called Manhattan. Check out the documentary "Escape from New York"

Infection rates still dropping in UK. :thumbup:
Still a long way to go.
Don't understand the SA position of suspending Astazeneca jabs as they don't seem as effective against the SA strain. It protects against the normal virus which is still prevalent in SA and lessens the impact of the stronger strains so its still got to be better than nothing.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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