Superheroine School

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Wonder Woman smiled as camera flash after camera flash bounced off of her. Subtly, the superheroine arranged her stance into a more camera-ready pose - chest thrust out slightly, feet apart, face at just the right angle. Years of being bombarded by the paparazzi had taught her quite a few things in that department.

As usual, every inch of every detail on the superheroine's legendary costume was perfect - from the red-and-gold bustier that held her sizable breasts, down to the blue, star-spangled panties and red boots, and up to the tiara that held back the Amazon's flowing locks. Rounding out the outfit were the bulletproof Amazonian bracelets and, of course, the golden girdle that gave the Amazon her legendary superpowers.

I wonder how many of these cameras would still be here if it hadn't been me who caught these fine gentlemen? the Amazon thought idly, casting a sly glance at the "fine gentlemen" in question.

Said gentlemen - four in all - were currently standing to Wonder Woman's right. And they looked ready to start cussing up a storm any moment now. As was natural for a group of counterfeiters who had plagued the city months on end, only to be brought low by a single woman.

The five of them were slowly marching toward police headquarters, flanked on either side by a seemingly endless sea of reporters, photographers, and ordinary sightseeing citizens. The four men were all bound in Wonder Woman's legendary Golden Lasso of Truth - the end of which was tightly held in Wonder Woman's right hand.

As they neared the enormous building, several officers stepped up to meet the five. The most prominent-looking of them - Police Chief Chester Bailey - saluted the superheroine.

"Thank you, Wonder Woman. The police can take it from here."

Wonder Woman nodded, and slowly removed the lasso from the four counterfeiters. Their freedom, however, was short-lived; seconds later, the other officers snapped steel handcuffs onto the criminals' wrists, and marched them into the building.

Chief Bailey gave the counterfeiters' retreating forms one last look, before removing an envelope from his pocket and handing it to Wonder Woman.

"The mayor asked me to give this to you. Said it was found on her front desk this morning."

Wonder Woman raised an eyebrow at the envelope, which was indeed addressed to her. Fan mail for her was certainly not uncommon, but the post office had a specific system in place for it. Putting an envelope on the mayor's desk - which few people could even access in the first place - was definitely not part of that system.

Shrugging, the Amazon opened the envelope and withdrew the letter inside. Quickly, she scanned the contents:
To the esteemed Wonder Woman,
You are undoubtedly this city's - and perhaps, the nation's - premier superheroine. However, there is still much for you to learn. Come to the superheroine school at the intersection of 32nd and Brooks, where a cornucopia of crimefighting knowledge, not to mention a thousand fun experiences, await you!
Class begins at eleven A.M., sharp. Don't be late!
Wonder Woman's expression grew even more puzzled. Was this a prank letter or something? It had to be. A trap set by one of her many enemies would have threatened innocents - or offered valuable information on some criminal's whereabouts - as collateral. As this letter was written, the writer had absolutely no guarantee that she wouldn't just toss it aside.

But nevertheless, her curiosity was piqued. It was only a few minutes to eleven right now, and there didn't seem to be any other emergency present, so maybe she would just go check it out...

"So, what does it say, Wonder Woman?" Chief Bailey suddenly interrupted the Amazon's train of thought.

Wonder Woman shrugged again. "Just a prank letter, chief. Nothing to worry about."

Before the chief could inquire further, Wonder Woman tucked the letter into her girdle and flew away, heading for the intersection of 32nd and Brooks.

And as the Amazon sped off into the distance, one person in particular - inconspicuous in both characteristics and outfit, and flawlessly mingled with the rapidly-dispersing crowd - cracked a devious grin.
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You've gotten the hook in well now keep on posting the story!!!
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About ten minutes later, Wonder Woman began to descend from the air at a steady pace. Soon, the heels of her red boots touched the gravel beneath her, and the Amazon stood before the vaunted "superheroine school".

Or, according to the nameplate sitting right by the three-story brick building's front doors, Charles Moulton High School. A name that the Amazon had heard about a few times before, though she wasn't familiar with it by any stretch of the imagination. From what little she could remember, it was a middle-of-the-pack public school. Few truly stellar students, but no big disciplinary problems in the last decade or so.

As the Amazon approached the front doors, she noticed that a piece of paper had been taped to the inside of one of the doors. She walked closer, and read the words on that piece of paper aloud.

"Superheroine School..."

The two words were written in fancy cursive, but that did nothing to detract from how crudely the "sign" had been applied to the school. Wonder Woman grinned, and fought back the urge to roll her eyes.

Whoever this prankster was, he or she was obviously working on a small budget. Or maybe it wasn't a prank at all, but an overly-elaborate way of gushing gratitude and/or asking her out. Hera knew the superheroine had seen enough of those in her years of fighting crime...

The Amazon shrugged her shoulders. "I've come this far, and I've got a bit of time to spare, anyways. Might as well..."

With that, Wonder Woman pushed the double doors open and walked into the school building. Her heels clicked on the tile with every step, sending loud echoes through the halls - only natural, since it was a Saturday and no one was inside.

Turning her head, the Amazon saw another piece of paper taped to the first door she saw - this one bearing text in simple print:
Superheroine School 101
Helping you be the best superheroine you can be!
Class Hours: 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Refreshments Provided
Wonder Woman gave a rueful smile. The least her mysterious prankster and/or fan could have done was present something more enticing. Or, at least, that made sense.

As if I need any training. I'm perfect - or, at least, the closest thing to perfect that they'll ever see.

But nevertheless, she pushed the door open and entered the classroom, driven by curiosity, pride, and a tiny bit of boredom. To her mild surprise, there was no one inside - desks and textbooks galore, of course, and a multitude of posters hanging from the walls, but no students. Or teacher. Or... whoever it was that set this thing up.

"Looks like they're going for the surprise route," the Amazon muttered to herself. "Or maybe they just got cold feet..."

With that, she crossed her arms, leaned against the closest wall, and waited. She resolved to stick around for maybe ten or fifteen minutes. If any emergency popped up, the chief or the mayor could contact her through the special communicator in her tiara, which was connected to special hotlines in both city hall and the police headquarters.

From her vantage point, Wonder Woman had a full view of the room - and despite the promises of the sign outside, the only "refreshment" she could see was a pitcher of water sitting on the teacher's desk. With several paper cups surrounding it, of course.

Wonder Woman gave the pitcher a quick moment of consideration, before shrugging and walking over to it. She poured out a measure of water into one of the cups, and slowly sipped the cool liquid.

Never did she suspect that someone was watching her every movement from the school's security office, having turned on the closed-circuit security camera wired to that particular classroom. Never did she suspect that that someone was smiling with pleasure as she drank a glass of what she believed to be completely ordinary water.

"Yes... drink up, my little Amazon," that someone chuckled. "Everything is going so beautifully..."
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Wonder Woman sipped her third cup of water in as many minutes, smacking her lips once she finished. It was less that the water was just that tasty - it certainly didn't taste horrible, but it was still just water - and more that she was bored out of her mind. So far, the pitcher had proven to be the most entertaining thing in the classroom.

"I shouldn't have to put up with this..." the Amazon muttered under her breath. "I'm a superheroine - the best this city's ever seen. My feats are legendary, so why in the name of Hera would I need schooling?"

Despite her impatience and annoyance, however, the superheroine resolved to remain inside the classroom for a few more minutes before departing. By now, she was really itching to see the fool who had set all of this up. If he or she didn't show his face soon, she just might be tempted to search the entire school until she could drag the little prankster out herself.

And now a dull throb had somehow managed to find its way into the back of her head. That just made the Amazon even testier.

Two minutes and two more cups of water later, the Amazon found herself wanting to leave the room for a completely different reason: she really needed to use the bathroom.

But out of pride, she crossed her arms and remained rooted to where she stood. Bladder be damned, she was going to see this through to the end. Somehow, she just knew that if she left this room, she would lose. Lose at what, she didn't know, but she didn't much relish the idea.

"Just a minute or two more," the Amazon promised herself. "Then-"

She suddenly paused. A sound outside.


All thoughts of her bladder forgotten - for the time being - the Amazon placed a hand to her ear. Yes, those were definitely footsteps out there. Ones that grew louder by the second, too. She was quite familiar with that specific sound - it was the click-clack of high heels on tile.

Click clack click clack.

The Amazon unconsciously clenched her fists in anticipation. Finally, her mysterious benefactor was here. Which meant that she could finally give him or her a piece of her mind. Maybe even throw a charge or two at them for wasting a superheroine's time. Nothing serious - just a light fine or community service.

Louder and louder the footsteps grew, until the Amazon was sure that the person making them was standing right outside of the classroom. Not surprisingly, they suddenly stopped, only to be replaced by the sound of a doorknob turning.

Wonder Woman breathed in sharply and drew herself up to full height, chest thrust out and head held high, as the door swung open. The superheroine raised her forefinger as well, to better complete the imposing image. Her mouth opened, with about a dozen stinging remarks on the tip of her tongue.

All of which died unborn the moment she saw the woman on the other side of the threshold.

"I see that you have received my summons, Wonder Woman."

Into the room stepped a tall brunette - as tall as Wonder Woman herself. She looked beautiful, but also the very definition of intimidatingly stern - from the foreboding horn-rimmed glasses to the strict bun hairstyle to the slightly upturned nose. Her outfit consisted of a white blouse and black dress; her mile-long legs were sheathed in black hose, which led into a pair of black pumps.

Suddenly, the Amazon found herself taking a few steps back, her posture unconsciously shrinking under the brunette's disapproving gaze.

"Punctual," the woman was saying. "I like that in a new pupil. We shall become very familiar with one another indeed for the next several hours..."

She took a single step forward, the heel of her left pump making contact with the classroom's titled floor. To Wonder Woman, it might as well have been the crack of a whip, for she flinched and began to shrink even further from the newcomer.

"For now, you may simply call me... the Schoolmistress."
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Excellent I wonder what was in the water?
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Great story so far Omega!
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oh, c'mon - this is great stuff - keep up the writing!
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Great story with great build-up. Can't wait to see what happens next.
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Great build-up. I wonder what's going to happen next to Wonder Woman. I wonder if she'll ever get out of this at the end of the day!
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The Schoolmistress.

It wasn't a unique word - or title - in any regard. Rather unimpressive, really. And yet, Wonder Woman inadvertently found her heart hammering at it. Far from her usual self, the mighty Amazon now felt like an insecure little high school student facing the strictest teacher in the entire school.

The heroine then noticed that the Schoolmistress was making a beeline for her, with those high-heeled pumps loudly clacking on the tiled floor every step of the way. The woman kept her intimidating gaze trained on Wonder Woman, those sharp eyes never wavering even once behind those glasses.

Finally, just as Wonder Woman was sure that her heart was about to give out, the Schoolmistress came to a stop. There was now less than a foot of distance between the two of them, and Wonder Woman could feel the other woman's body heat. Vaguely, the Amazon noticed that the Schoolmistress was actually a good few inches shorter than she herself was, but that did nothing to make the woman any less intimidating in appearance or presence.

"Classes have begun," the Schoolmistress said coldly to the Amazon, and pointed toward a desk in the very front of the classroom. "Take your seat."

It wasn't a command. The Amazon nearly tripped over her own feet in her rush to get to the desk. Once she was actually there, she found it a bit of a challenge to actually squeeze herself inside - the desk was evidently meant for people younger than she was. But with a bit of effort, she did managed to get herself in-between the table and attached chair.

The Schoolmistress walked around to the front of the classroom herself, once again treating the Amazon to the click-clack of her heels. After what seemed like an eternity, the intimidating brunette stood right before the seated Wonder Woman, with her back to the teacher's desk.

Wonder Woman barely fought back the urge to gulp; now that she was seated, the Schoolmistress physically towered over her. And that displeased look on the brunette's face didn't make her feel any more confident, either. Desperately, the Amazon tried to think of a way to please the other woman.

Several seconds of silence passed, before the Schoolmistress' austere look softened just a fraction. "You look tense, Wonder Woman. Would you like a drink?"

As she spoke, the brunette gestured toward the pitcher of water on the teacher's desk, and the remaining paper cups surrounding it. Wonder Woman's gaze followed the gesture, and quickly fell upon that pitcher.

Involuntarily, the Amazon felt a pang from her bladder, and remembered that she had already drained several cups' worth of water. More than enough to quench her thirst, and enough to have probably filled her bladder at least halfway. But then she saw the Schoolmistress' face again, and all other thoughts were overridden by the desire to please the woman.

"Yes, please," the heroine blurted out.

That brought a small smile to the Schoolmistress' face, which in turn heartened Wonder Woman greatly. Reaching over, the Schoolmistress picked up the pitcher and filled one of the paper cups, which she promptly handed to Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman quickly took the cup into her hand - trying not to grab for it - and pressed it to her lips. She drank quickly, but not too quickly. The Schoolmistress would not be pleased if her student drank too quickly. And that would be very, very bad for her.

Again, the Amazon felt a dull throb in the back of her head. But this time, it didn't bother her as much. In fact, it kind of put her at peace, away from life's worries. Her eyelids began to droop slightly, until the voice of the Schoolmistress brought her back to reality.

"Now..." the brunette stated, walking around the teacher's desk and over to the chalkboard behind it. She picked up a stick of chalk, and began to write. "Do you know why you have been summoned here, Wonder Woman?"

Wonder Woman thought for a moment, finger pressed to chin. The first thought that came to her mind was that she hadn't been summoned here at all; she been given an invitation, and come of her own free will. But she discarded that thought as quickly as it had come to her, and selected a more pleasing answer.

"To... learn how to be a better superheroine?"

"In a manner of speaking," the Schoolmistress said, placing down the stick of chalk. She moved out of the way, so that Wonder Woman could have a clear view of what she had written on the board:
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More!!! Please.
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Very well written, and en excellent plot so far. I must ask myself however, why did WW submit so easily :question:
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"How to... be... a better... super... slave...?" Wonder Woman asked slowly, reading the words on the chalkboard one at a time. The Amazon's voice sounded downright timid now, not at all like her usual confident - sometimes bordering on arrogant - tone.

The Schoolmistress smiled at the sight of the once-mighty Amazon sitting before her. The drugged water was working beyond her wildest dreams - and from the looks of things, Wonder Woman had drank a lot more than she had expected. Six or seven cups, at least.

Yes, with that much in her system, the "retraining" of Wonder Woman would over and done with in the blink of an eye.

"Very good," the bespectacled brunette said to the Amazon dryly. "You have all the reading comprehension skills of a third grader."

Instantly, Wonder Woman shrank back a little in her seat. The Schoolmistress smiled at that, before turning back toward the chalkboard and underlining the words that she had just written.

"Wait..." Wonder Woman said, voice hesitant. "I thought I was here to learn how to be a better superheroine...?"

Instantly, the Schoolmistress' eyes hardened. "Who is the teacher here: me, or you?" she demanded. She was careful to not raise her voice, while still pouring every ounce of authority she had into her tone.

The effect was predictable - and amusing. Wonder Woman quickly winced, as if she had just been slapped by her own mother. The Schoolmistress' eyes then traveled beneath the desk, to see that the heroine had pulled her knees together, as well.

"For your information, Wonder Woman," the Schoolmistress continued, reaching over to pick up a wooden ruler from her desk. "Where you and your incompetent ass are concerned, learning how to be a better superheroine and learning how to be a better super SLAVE are the same thing!"

She punctuated the final word of her sentence by slapping the wooden ruler on her desk, producing a loud CRACK that echoed through the classroom. Upon hearing that sound, Wonder Woman nearly hopped a foot into the air.

By now, the Schoolmistress could have sworn that she heard the mighty Amazon whimper. That sound alone turned her on something fierce, and she was soon feeling a warm, pleasant sensation in the space between her thighs.

The bespectacled brunette, however, caught herself just in time. There would be plenty of time to enjoy the submission of the new-and-improved Wonder Woman later, she reminded herself. Right now, she had to focus on completing the Amazon's "retraining", before the drugged water wore off and the Amazon returned to her senses.

And on that note, it wouldn't hurt to give herself a bit more insurance...

"Would you like another drink?" the Schoolmistress stated as she put the ruler down and reached over to the pitcher again. As before, she made every effort to convey that it was not, in any way, a request.

The Amazing Amazon looked at the pitcher helplessly as the Schoolmistress poured some more of the water into a paper cup. She desperately wanted to refuse, what with all the feelings in her bladder right now, but she just couldn't. Not if it meant defying her teacher.

"Drink up," the Schoolmistress cooed as she handed the cup to Wonder Woman, who took it with a trembling hand.

Wonder Woman regarded the cup with a pained look on her face, but one look back toward the Schoolmistress dispelled any thoughts of refusing to drink. Closing her eyes, the Amazon threw her head back and drained the cup in one gulp.

Almost immediately, the heroine felt the effects. The feeling in her bladder seemed to double in intensity. Desperately, she pressed her eyes shut and began to rub her thighs together in an attempt to stave it off. But that, if anything, only made it worse.

Finally, the raven-maned beauty raised a hand into the air. The Schoolmistress raised an eyebrow at that.


"C-can I go to the bathroom?"

The Schoolmistress allowed her mouth to curl into a diabolical smile, like a cat that had just found a canary taking a nap in its open mouth. Wonder Woman was now neck-deep into her trap, and too stupid - and too drugged - to even know it.

With that wicked grin still on her face, the bespectacled brunette gave her answer.

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Nice slow build. Looking forward to more.
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Awesome so far - can't wait to read more!
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A well written story and fun, we'll see the reaction of wonder womam.
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"N-no...?" Wonder Woman stuttered, as if it was the first time she had heard the word in her life.

"No," the Schoolmistress said firmly, hands on hips. She leveled a glare at the Amazon over the top of her glasses that made Wonder Woman draw her knees together even more tightly. "You read the sign on the door, Wonder Woman. It clearly said NO bathroom breaks during training."

"B-b-but..." Wonder Woman helplessly stuttered.

"No buts, missy," the Schoolmistress cut the babbling heroine off. "If you knew this would happen, then you shouldn't have drank so much water. Learning the consequences of your actions is one of the first steps to being a good little superheroine."

Wonder Woman made an inarticulate noise, somewhere between a squeak and a moan. But she dared not defy the Schoolmistress. Still, if she didn't do something soon, she would explode!

Then, she saw the Schoolmistress turn around, to write something else on the chalkboard. A sudden, desperate idea entered the Amazon's head. Now that the Schoolmistress couldn't see her, maybe she could dash out of the room for a quick and much-needed bathroom break. With her Amazon speed, it shouldn't be too hard...

Her mind made up, Wonder Woman began to rise as quickly and stealthily as possible. But alas, she had forgotten that she was squeezed into an undersized desk - so when she rose, the desk rose with her, staying around her hips like some kind of bizarre skirt.

And as luck would have it, the Schoolmistress chose that exact moment to turn back around.

"WHAT do you think you're doing, Wonder Woman?!" the bespectacled brunette demanded, eyes flashing. The tone of her voice made Wonder Woman instantly freeze in place, all thoughts of escape (mostly) forgotten.

"Ah-um-erm..." the Amazon Princess mumbled, tripping over her own tongue. She hung her head, feeling her cheeks heat up something fierce. "G-going for a bathroom break...?"

"Evidently, your hearing skills need some instruction as well. I said NO bathroom breaks, missy, and I meant it!"

Shuffling her booted feet, Wonder Woman sat back down, the desk following her with a loud thump. But she had been too careless in sitting down - the impact jostled her bladder mightily, making her urge to pee stronger than ever.

The Amazon felt her head begin to swim, and pressed her eyes shut in an attempt to alleviate the feeling. She couldn't even concentrate on the board anymore. She needed to go SO badly!

She continued on like this for ten seconds more. Finally, she couldn't take the silent suffering anymore, and raised her hand.

"Yes, Wonder Woman?" the Schoolmistress asked.

"C-can I go to the bathroom?"

"I don't know. CAN you?"

"M-may I go to the bathroom?"

The Schoolmistress shot her another smug grin. "No."

Wonder Woman made another moaning noise, this one sounding even more pitiful than the last. She didn't know how much longer she could hold it in. Certainly, she was an Amazon Princess, an experienced warrior, and a respected and renowned superheroine, but even she had her limits...

The Amazing Amazon peeled her eyes open, looking for something - anything - in the room that she could look at to alleviate the feeling. Naturally, her eyes fell upon the Schoolmistress first. And then the desk. And then the pitcher of water and paper cups.

And, as if she had just read the Amazon's mind and probed her worst fears, the Schoolmistress reached over and grabbed the pitcher once again. With her other hand, she grabbed a cup.

"Come to think of it," the bespectacled brunette said. "I'm a bit thirsty myself..."

Slowly, and in full view of Wonder Woman, the Schoolmistress tipped the pitcher over and poured the water into the cup. Wonder Woman looked on, horrified and yet unable - or unwilling - to avert her eyes. She felt rooted to the spot, unable to move a muscle, unable to do anything but watch.

The cool, clear stream of liquid spilled out of the mouth of the pitcher, straight into the waiting cup below. As soon as the water hit the bottom of the cup, a familiar and satisfying noise seemed to fill the whole room. Wonder Woman had heard it hundreds of times before, but they had never been this loud...

A bead of sweat trickled down the side of her face. In desperation, she bit her lip. And still, that fire in her lower regions refused to leave.

The Schoolmistress was still holding that pitcher there, still pouring. What was she doing? Shouldn't the cup have been filled by now? If she kept on holding it there, wouldn't the cup...

No sooner had that last thought entered Wonder Woman's mind, did she see it come true. The cup was running over, water pouring over its edge and falling onto the desk.

And just like that, the Amazing Amazon felt something like a dam bursting deep within her. She tried to seal it back up, but it was no use. She had lost the struggle in body, mind, and soul. Soon, she could feel the warm wetness spreading from her core, between her thighs.

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Wonder Woman panted as she felt her overfilled bladder relieve itself, heedless of the situation that she was in right now. The harder she tried to contain her flow, the more it seemed to speed up the process, and the faster she seemed to piss herself. Soon, the mortified Amazon Princess could even hear a faint trickling noise.

The desk she was sitting in blocked her view, but the Amazon could already imagine what her star-spangled shorts had to look like right now. The crotch - and maybe the entire garment - was probably soaked through by now. And she could feel beads of liquid on her thighs, trickling along her thighs. And quite a bit of it pooled onto the chair, forming a little puddle.

For what seemed like an eternity, the mighty superheroine sat there, wetting herself. Wonder Woman squeezed her eyes shut, willing it all to go away. The desk, the classroom, the Schoolmistress - everything.

But still the piss came - so much of it that the heroine was beginning to wonder if her bladder had somehow turned bottomless. Eventually, however, a sense of physical - but certainly not emotional - relief overcame her as she felt her bladder deflating.

Inadvertently, she gave a little sigh of relief. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe the Schoolmistress wouldn't notice...

"Wonder Woman, WHAT are you doing?"

The voice was like a whip crack to the Amazing Amazon. As soon as she heard it, her heart fell straight into her boots.

Soon afterward, she heard that nightmarish sound of stiletto heels on polished tile. Again. Louder and much, much more terrifying than before. Had it not been for the fact that her bladder had just been emptied, she was sure that she would have pissed herself again out of pure terror.

In seconds, the sound had stopped, and she was sure that the Schoolmistress was standing right beside her. Wonder Woman dared to open one eye just a peek, and saw the austere woman kneeling down, until most of her head and body were obscured by the desk.

Quickly and skillfully, the Schoolmistress reached out and inspected the stain on Wonder Woman's star-spangled shorts. Her fingers poked at and stretched the fabric, feeling it. Wonder Woman just sat in her seat, and trembled, every muscle in her body tensed.

Finally, the Schoolmistress let go of the stretched fabric, letting it snap back into place. Wonder Woman felt a sharp sting in her pussy as it bounced back, which made her press her eyes shut all over again.

Another, much louder noise forced her eyes to snap open. When the Amazon opened them, the first thing she saw was a wooden ruler. Then she saw the hand holding it.

Trembling, Wonder Woman forced her eyes up, up, up. Past the ruler. Past the hand. Past an ample bosom. And all the way up to the Schoolmistress' displeased face.

"So," the bespectacled brunette said, her voice deadly calm. "So."

"I-I-I-" Wonder Woman stuttered, unable to even get her tongue working right. Down below, the puddle of piss she was sitting in suddenly felt much, much hotter. Almost like a pot of boiling water.

"So," the Schoolmistress reiterated, slapping her ruler on Wonder Woman's desk a second time, making the Amazon jump. "It seems that I was wrong about my overconfident little superheroine after all. THIS level of education is CLEARLY too advanced for someone who WETS HERSELF during class!"

Wonder Woman just sat there, eyes downcast, heart heavy. This was the ultimate humiliation for her. She wondered if she would ever be able to hold her head up again after today.

"And now..." the Schoolmistress continued menacingly, tapping the ruler against her palm. "There's only ONE punishment for bad LITTLE girls who wet themselves during class..."

Wonder Woman gulped hard. She already had a good idea about what that punishment was going to be...
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That's what we call a controlled heroin :rolleyes:
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Excellent work!!
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are you going to continue this story? its amazing so far btw :D
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Wonder Woman trembled like a cornered, helpless bunny rabbit. It was hard to believe that just this morning, she had been rounding up a gang of criminals and bathing in the adoration of hundreds of citizens. By now, she barely felt like an ordinary woman her age, let alone the nation's premier super heroine.

"I'm sorry, Schoolmistress. I'm sorry, Schoolmistress..." she chanted under her breath, as if the mantra would somehow keep her punishment at bay.

"Not yet," the Schoolmistress hissed, smiling sadistically. "But you WILL be! Stand up, Wonder Woman!"

Hanging her head, the Amazing Amazon did as commanded. Slowly, she managed to extricate herself from her undersized desk, and stood erect, with booted feet close together. The warm, damp spot in her crotch felt more uncomfortable and shameful than ever.

"Turn around!"

Once again, Wonder Woman obeyed. She was now facing her desk.

"Bend over!"

"O-over the desk, Schoolmistress?"

"No. Over the moon. Yes, over the desk, you Amazon bimbo!"

Shuddering, Wonder Woman awkwardly began to bend over at the waist, until her torso was pressed tightly against the desk. Her large, round tits were partly squashed against the desk, but mostly hung off of the far edge. Last, but not least, her head was hovering right over the chair portion of the desk; when Wonder Woman opened her eyes, she had a clear view of her seat, including the small puddle of piss in the very center.

The Amazon's sharp ears picked up a distinct sound from behind her head. Wonder Woman's stomach turned as she realized what it was: the Schoolmistress sweeping her ruler through the air, making practice strokes for what was about to come next.

"Let's see, now... thirty strokes should do it," the Schoolmistress sneered. "Oh! Almost forgot..."

With that, the wicked woman reached over and unclasped Wonder Woman's golden girdle. Wonder Woman let out a little gasp as she felt her superhuman powers rapidly drain out of her shapely body; truth be told, she had quite forgotten about her "power belt" since the Schoolmistress had set foot in the classroom. Only now did she remember that with it on, she might have been spared the agony what was about to follow.

"And I expect you to count every one of them, Wonder Woman! You do remember how to count to thirty, don't you?"

"Y-yes," Wonder Woman barely heard herself whimper.

Without warning, the wooden ruler lashed out and hit both of the Amazon's butt cheeks in one stroke. Conveniently enough, two white stars on the heroine's panties marked the exact centers of her butt cheeks.


"Aiiiiiiieeeeee!!!" Wonder Woman cried, a look of pure shock on her face.

"Start counting, my little Amazon delinquent," the Schoolmistress growled. "Or I'll make you lick up every drop of piss you've scattered around your desk!"

"O-One!" Wonder Woman sniffed.


"Aiiiiiiieeeeeee!!! T-two!"


"Aaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeee!!! Th-three!"


"Aaaaaaaiiiiiiiieeeeee!!! F-four!"

On and on it went, the Schoolmistress exploding into a furious whirl of spankings. To Wonder Woman's surprise, every stroke seemed to hurt more than the last one; her ass wasn't even numbing itself to the pain. And the thin fabric of her panties provided little protections against the onslaught.


"AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!!! T-twenty...!"


"AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!!! T-twenty-one...!"

By now, Wonder Woman's brain had entered a hazy place, where nothing existed save for her smarting rump and the cruel wooden ruler smacking it. The Amazon felt tears flowing from her eyes, and did nothing to stop them. Time seemed to stand still for her, a second stretching itself into an eternity.


"Th-thirty..." Wonder Woman breathed at last, too tired by now to even scream. Her throat felt incredibly sore.

No thirty-first strike came. The Amazon waited on tenterhooks, until she finally managed to remember the promise that the Schoolmistress made: thirty strokes, no more, no less.

Panting heavily, the Amazon felt her mind making the long, disorienting trip back into reality. The full force of just how much her ass hurt hit her, making her whimper softly. She knew that she wasn't going to be able to sit down for at least another two or three days.

But at least the worst was over now. At least...

"Now, for part two of your punishment..."

"P-part two...?" Wonder Woman repeated the words dimly.

"Yes, two! The number that comes after one!" the Headmistress sneered, shaking her head in disgust. "Honestly..."

Without any further words, the wicked woman reached up and grabbed the waistband of Wonder Woman's star-spangled, pee-soaked shorts. Immediately, she yanked down, dragging the flimsy blue garments down Wonder Woman's toned, mile-long legs.

The Headmistress left the panties around Wonder Woman's knees, enjoying how utterly ridiculous and powerless the once-proud Amazon looked now. Wonder Woman was trembling worse than ever now, and both of her butt cheeks glowed with a rosy red hue.

"Part two: thirty-five strokes with the panties off," the Headmistress smirked, readying her ruler once more. "Same rules as before. Ready?"

"N-no..." Wonder Woman sniffed in a tiny, tearful voice.



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More!!! Good work!
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I'm not one for spankings usually but the way it flowed was superb. Nice work.
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Sargeant 1st Class
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Christ, that was unexpected :D. This mistress is one hell of a bitch.
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Great story! How the mighty have fallen, and WW hasn't even hit rock bottom yet! Please continue if you can. I love it.
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Wonder Woman blubbered pathetically as the thirty-fifth stroke finally landed across her round, firm ass cheeks. She was an Amazon Princess, royalty among warriors and the top super heroine in the country, if not the world! And now, all she could do was lean over a desk while this wicked woman spanked her like a misbehaving schoolchild.

And worse - she was beginning to actually like it. Her ass was glowing red-hot with pain, but slightly further down, her womanhood was glowing red-hot with something else. Her juices were flowing, beginning to trickle out of her core.

There was a clatter from behind her - the ruler hitting the floor, she hoped. Then she heard the Schoolmistress' voice, harsh and sadistic as ever.

"Well, I hope that you've learned your lesson, Wonder Woman. Next time, I will not be as lenient. Do you understand?"

The once-mighty Amazon sniffed. "Y-yes, Mistress."

"Aww..." the Schoolmistress cooed. "Does it hurt?"

Before Wonder Woman could respond, the bespectacled brunette reached out and slapped the Amazon's still-red butt cheeks. Almost immediately, Wonder Woman gave a little yelp of pain. It took all of her willpower to not jump ten feet into the air.

"Don't worry..." the Schoolmistress' voice grew lower, but no less sinister. In fact, if anything, hearing it made Wonder Woman even more uneasy. "The Schoolmistress is here to kiss it all better..."

Wonder Woman soon felt a strange, warm, tingling sensation on her pussy lips; it took her a bit to realize that her tormentor was kissing her pussy.

The Amazon froze in shock, unsure of how to react to this new development. Meanwhile, the Schoolmistress licked and nuzzled the unresisting heroine's twat, humming happily as she tasted those love juices.

Finally, the Schoolmistress broke away, licking her lips lustfully. "My, my, my, you really are a little punishment-loving slut, aren't you?"

Wonder Woman stayed silent, fearful that anything she said would only bring greater pain.

The Schoolmistress chuckled. "No worries. Now that you're all nice and lubed up, we can get to the fun part..."

Wonder Woman gulped, breaking out in a cold sweat all over again. Behind her, she could hear the Schoolmistress' heels clicking on the floor, getting farther and farther away. A desperate thought entered her addled mind: should she make a run for it?

But all too soon, she heard the footsteps returning, and she knew that she had missed her chance.

"Turn around, Wonder Woman."

She obeyed, heart sinking. It only sank faster once she saw the new addition to the Schoolmistress' attire: a ten-inch strap-on dildo, thick and shiny, was now buckled around the sadistic brunette's hips.

Wonder Woman's eyes widened in horror. The Amazon shook her head from side to side, desperately mouthing the word "no".

"Oh, yes, Wonder Woman," the Schoolmistress commanded, her voice brooking no argument. "This is my classroom, understand? You, a good little student, refuse me nothing... or it's back to the ruler, got it?"

The mere mention of the ruler sent the Amazon's mind to a dark, dark place. She bowed her head, mumbling, "Yes, mistress."

"Good," the Schoolmistress smiled. "Now turn around. Over the desk."

Heart hammering, Wonder Woman assumed the dictated position. She could hear the Schoolmistress maneuvering around behind her, getting ready to enter her wet core. But she couldn't stop that invasion. She wasn't even sure she wanted to.

An eternity seemed to pass by. Then, finally, the cold, hard rubber tip pressed against her most sensitive area.

"Uggghhhh..." she groaned. "Too... too big..."

"Nonsense," the Schoolmistress purred. "It's just right."

"G-Great Hera!" the Amazing Amazon cried as several inches of thick dildo filled her twat. Every additional inch seemed to bring its own little simultaneous burst of pain and pleasure.

In a matter of seconds, despite herself, Wonder Woman was thrusting back against the thick rubber shaft, moaning lewdly.

"As I suspected," the Schoolmistress smiled smugly. "Super heroine my ass, you're nothing but an immature little slut... in desperate need of a real woman to tame you."

With that, the sadistic brunette thrust her hips forward sharply. Wonder Woman squealed, baby blues growing wide.

"Now, who's your mistress?!"

"Y-you are!"

Another thrust. Even more pain and pleasure.

"Who are you?!"

"I-I'm Wonder Woman..."

A hand came down on the Amazon's still-smarting ass cheeks. She yelped, and tried to blink back tears.

"Wrong! Now, who are you?!"

The thrusts intensified, as if the Schoolmistress were literally trying to fuck the life out of Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman panted, feeling her entire body jiggle to the dildo's rhythm.

Finally, the Amazing Amazon could take no more. Raising her voice to the top of her lungs, she screamed her new place in life to the sky.

"I'm a dirty-dirty little slut, mistress! An immature little bitch playing at being a super heroine! I'm no crimefighter! All I did was get lucky a few times!"

"That's right! And now, under my supreme tutelage, are you going to be a good little girl?"

"Yes, mistress! I will... beeee... a good... little... GIRRRRRRRLLLLLLL!!! AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!"

With that final declaration, the Amazon felt all of her previous identity as an almighty Warrior Princess, as an unbeatable super heroine, fall into nothingness. At the same time, a powerful orgasm tore through her, shredding the last bits of her dignity and self-respect.


She came again. And again. Not that the Schoolmistress minded.

The great Wonder Woman had finally fallen. Now, all that was left to do was for her to pick up the pieces... and build something new, something that would prove more... agreeable to her employers.
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Hours later...

The Schoolmistress wiped the sweat off of her brow, grinning contently despite her exhaustion. When she took on a job, she always made it her policy to see it through to the very end... no matter how much effort she had to put into it.

Besides, at least she was in better condition than Wonder Woman was right now. The broken Amazon lay in a heap on the classroom's cold, tiled floor, looking barely conscious. Her blue, star-spangled bottoms lay a few inches beside her, discarded and forgotten. Somewhere during their little punishment session, the Amazon had managed to lose her red-and-gold top as well, leaving some ninety percent of her body naked.

And what a body it was. Those firm, round breasts... that toned yer sizable ass... and all of it covered in a sheen of sweat and love juices. The Schoolmistress licked her lips at the sight; had she herself not been so damn tired, she would've strapped her little toy back on and fucked the Amazon's brains out all over again. But as things were, she had just enough energy left in her to initiate the final step of Wonder Woman's downfall.

She summoned all the authority she could, and growled at the semiconscious Amazon, "Did I give you permission to sleep, Wonder Woman?!"

Despite her exhaustion, Wonder Woman's response was still almost immediate. "N-no, Mistress!"

The Amazon scrambled to her booted feet, teetering for only a bit atop her tall stilettos before standing upright. It mildly impressed the Schoolmistress - how used was she to walking in those heels?

"Put your uniform back on!" the Schoolmistress barked at the fallen heroine. "Have you no decency?!"

With a stammered apology, Wonder Woman quickly crouched down and began picking up the discarded pieces of her costume. With only the slightest hesitation, she pulled her piss- and cum-stained shorts back up her legs until she could feel them snugly between her thighs. She then donned the bustier top, trapping her large and still sweat-shiny tits back within.

Once she had fully redressed, the Amazon stood at attention, a nervous look on her face.

The Schoolmistress gave her "pupil" a once-over, and nodded with grudging approval before speaking. "Well, I hope you've learned your lesson."

"Yes, mistress."

"You're no super heroine at all! You can't even call yourself a woman, much less a Wonder Woman!"

The raven-maned Amazon bowed her head in shame. "No, mistress."

With a grin, the Schoolmistress whipped out a white, bulky, adult-sized diaper. "So put this on!"

Raising her head, Wonder Woman saw the humiliating article. A fresh look of horror and shame spread over her face, but she offered no defiance as she reached out and took it. Slowly, she slid it over her star-spangled panties and fastened it, before allowing her arms to droop limply to her sides.

"One last thing," the Schoolmistress added, holding out the Amazon's sacred golden girdle. "I believe this is yours."

Wonder Woman showed no elation as she took her famed "power belt", and clasped it around her waist - just over her new diaper. She immediately felt a thrill run through her body as her superhuman powers returned, but she felt no more powerful than before. Her spirit and confidence had been utterly crushed, and all the divinely-granted powers in the world couldn't change that. She was helpless as ever, a pathetic little girl with none of the agency needed to wield the abilities of a top super heroine.

The Schoolmistress felt a pang of satisfaction at the utter lack of change in Wonder Woman's expression. That was the final evidence that her job had been done - and done well.

"Listen well, student," she commanded, watching the Amazon perk up in attention. "From this day forward, you will no longer be Wonder Woman. Instead, you will be Diaper Girl, the most helpless FORMER super heroine to walk the Earth. You will remember what you once were, and be ashamed of how far you've fallen, but you will make NO attempts to regain your former status or confidence. Understand?"

"Yes, mistress," the newly-Christened Diaper Girl whimpered.

"Now go home, and NO more crimefighting, ever, or a recording of today's events will be made public to EVERY news station in the world! Class dismissed!"

With a submissive bow of the head, the humbled Amazon awkwardly stumbled toward the exit. The Schoolmistress watched her go with a pleased smile, and prepared to pack up her own things.

About ten minutes later, she heard her cell phone ring. Flipping it open, she immediately heard a familiar sound.

"Is it done?" came the voice of Police Chief Chester Bailey.

"Oh, it's done, alright," smirked the Schoolmistress. "My services are the best of the best. I gave her the full works - played on her confidence, tricked her into drinking water laced with my special submission drug, and made the effects PERMANENT with her supreme humiliation and a good old-fashioned lesbo-fucking."

"You know I paid a pretty penny for your services. If-"

"Chief, I've got extra insurance - I had the whole thing recorded, and I told her that if she ever tried to fight crime again, that video's going to be sent to every major news network around."

"Mm," the Chief's voice came in approval.

"Relax. Your boys in blue won't have to worry about some star-spangled broad coming in to steal their thunder again. Diaper Girl is out of the game for good."

"Uh? What Girl?"

The Schoolmistress laughed. "Sorry. Private joke. Maybe I can explain... over dinner?"

"I like the way you think. Eight tonight sound good?"

"Eight sounds fine, but it'll have to be tomorrow or the day after," the Schoolmistress said. "I've got another client who wants me to take down some snoop running around in Gotham tonight... wears a mask... I think she calls herself Batgirl or something..."

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Diaper Girl would be some superherione
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Outstanding WW story. You should post a copy of this at the Wizard's Lair. ... e_Page.htm
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Millenium Member
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Awesome job Omega Woman, love the characters and the punishments and the dialogue between heroine and villainess.
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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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