Please Welcome Our Newest Story Mod - Disciple!

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Hey hey hey! It's time to celebrate! We have a new story mod, Disciple!

Im very pleased to add Disciple to our ranks, as I am sure most of you are aware of Disciple's previous work, The Index Of Stories (And if you haven't, check it out here! viewtopic.php?f=9&t=24334) Which I am sure we can all admit was no small task!

I think Disciple will be a great fit. There are other plans in the works and I know Disciple has a few things they want to tell you as well so I will turn this thread over to our newest story mod, Disciple!


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Welcome Disciple to our growing band of whatever we are.
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Good day, good day to you all. Name's Disciple, pleased to be here.

I'm probably not surprising any of you when I say the Stories board isn't much what it used to be. I'm not sure there was ever a time it was actually the biggest draw on this site (let's be honest, most of us probably gravitated here following one of MH's delightful videos and became regulars on the Releases board), but by now there's not even a facade of that. Most of the old authors have faded away, most of the newcomers are more interested in that newfangled RP stuff, and the inbetweeners just kind of shuffle along, politely glancing at whatever new stories trickle in before hopping onto some more exciting site.

Maybe I'm blowing all this out of proportion, like folks my age are apt to do. Still, I drafted this list of future attractions(?) for the approval of not just MH, but for any of you posters who've still got any level of interest in the prose side of superheroine peril. I think each of them could stand to make the Stories forum - maybe even the site overall - a more attractive place for the next couple years or so.

1.) Slowly move stories from the Heroine Dungeon back into regular ol' Stories, with the eventual goal of abolishing the Dungeon entirely.

1.5.) Merge separate chapters of the same or similar works into one thread. Seriously, I can't be the only one annoyed with how badly [Name Redacted] has choked up the Dungeon by making a new thread for each chapter of his stories.

2.) Institute a tagging system so people can weed out stories they don't want based on characters, elements, etc. instead of some arbitrary "darkness" level. I understand this will take an especially long time to install (if at all), so perhaps as a temporary solution I'll just put unofficial tags on my shiny story index.

3.) Split the story forum into two - one "main" forum for the actual stories, one "supplementary" for topics merely related to stories (research threads, requests, etc.).

4.) Maybe roll out a "retirement home" subforum for stories that have been wiped by the original authors (I believe all of cthulhu1's stories fall into this category; there are definitely others). I suppose the Phantom Zone would do just as well, but I want to keep open at least the dream of the original authors coming back one day with something bigger and better.

5.) An even bigger maybe - do some outside advertising for this forum on fanfiction sites like Archive Of Our Own. Exposing our fetish to outsiders is always risky, but right now Stories is crawling along at a snail's pace... surely gambling on some new blood would be worth it?

In addition to the above, MH himself made every effort to focus my attentions on the mostly-ignored Stories blog, which I've also been granted mod privileges over. According to him, it's an easier way of getting our beloved stories within sight of someone on a casual Google search, which may be for better or for worse. I'm banking on better, and as such have been trying to port over at least 50-60% of the stories on the forum. For now I'm mostly doing retired/semiretired authors, but sooner or later I'll probably get to active authors like @Abductorenmadrid or @Void, so if you guys have any reservations on how you'd like your stories posted please feel free to contact me.

That, by the way, goes for anyone else who wants to chat, about stories or anything else. I'm not much the people person my fellow mods are, but hey, practice tends to...

What's that? What do I know about writing stories, anyway? May I present, Exhibit A...
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Fine! I'll make my own forum! With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the forum!
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I got no issue with what you propose apart form point 1. I think the Dungeon does serve a purpose and I think it makes sense to differentiate between stories where the heroine might get bit roughed up but lives to fight another day and those were she gets raped and decapitated.( or 'decapapitated' as was originally written).
But its your area and you can run it as you see fit. Maybe run a poll to see if people favour a union or not, as the original split was in response to a demand for the Dungeon? As I say, up to you.

All the rest is fine and good with me. One thing I would suggest is scrapping the 6 months rule on posting comments on older stories. God knows its hard enough to get anyone to say anything even when they like it without putting a time restriction on it.

Doc and I are about if you need any help in the general mechanics of things. So make sure you ask HIM anything you need to know! :yes: ;)

Good luck and happy modding!
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Welcome to the club, Disciple. You're index of stories is a mainstay of the story section and I can't wait to see how you handle things from here on. Glad to have you aboard.
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That all sounds fantastic to me. I'm sure there will be complications and general difficulties with tagging the content of stories, at least in terms of elements, but it would be a very welcome addition to help navigate the stories - especially for the older stories that lurk many pages down.

I think the dungeon makes sense from a distance, but the distinction between the forums is only visible at their most dramatic poles - where vanishingly few stories hang out - and disappears altogether when you look closer at stories hovering anywhere between those poles. There's never, for my money, been a clear and satisfying line laid out that distinguishes one from the other. The plan to add tags to the stories resolves any issues that could return for merging the forums, allowing people to avoid or seek out 'harder' or 'softer' content without the need for an actual partition - as well as generally making the site a million times easier to navigate and to track authors or characters or types of peril or whatever key interest you have. Sure, that's a daunting task, and I have no idea how deep you want to go on what tags to use, but generally it sounds like a brilliant addition.

A useful distinction, however, is the one between actual stories and threads that relate to story topics, and that would indeed make the forum better to navigate. I'm on board with it all - it all sounds really sensible and positive to me. All hail the new king.

P.S The stories index is *amazing*. Ultra-thanks for putting it together.
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Disciple, I'm grateful that you've earned your title as a moderator for this wonderful forum. You have truly earned your stripes and we all know that you'll do great honor to this wonderful title that you are now in possession of.

Congratulations my friend. May the force of the moderators guide you in helping to guide others in the works of fiction!
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Gah - the notification thingy said someone said my name and now I am paranoid! Who, what ... why .... ooooh .... look... a story mod! Awesome! And it's Disciple no less!

Congratulations Disciple, a well deserved promotion, especially considering the gargantuan effort you put into assembling a list of stories by author. Taking your points in turn as best I can, I don't mind if all the stories are dragged into one spot (1). And likewise I think it is a good idea to have posts that are actual stories and posts "about" stories being separated (3). With (2) tagging you at least understand why the Dungeon was required. If all the stories are going to be together in one section we should at least have a way to let unsuspecting readers have control over what they see. Right now at least they have an opportunity to choose NOT to go to the dungeon where, to be fair, writers of the darker stuff place their work. Even I have a little regret with what I wrote in the dungeon, so, I wouldnt want to have someone stumble upon it without being aware of what they were getting in to. I do have another suggestion regarding the tagging but would like to do that in PM at some point.

With 1.5, I can understand that point a bit, especially if there was no need to break up a given story. However we should treat stories that were poll driven, and hence needing a fresh thread at every turn, with a little sympathy. I will also put my hands up and confess I too had a multi-thread story, but that was due to the file size limitations I was dealing with, experimenting with including audio with the story.

Item 4, fine and maybe even consider incomplete stories here - or if not - have an "incomplete" or "In Progress" tag for the stories in the general population. I am sure there are readers who would like to know something is finished before reading.

Item 5 I am not sure but would be open to the idea.

= = = = = = = = =

I think I am unique in that in the stories index that was so patiently crafted my work is found following just a link. It wasn't that I was shunning the idea of being listed, rather I felt that being the owner of the work I was in a good position to present it in a good order and with some detail, something I would not expect Disciple to do for each and every writer. Maybe other writers would like to do the same, with a link pointed to them from the index? At any rate, I think the review that was done of me was when I had only a little work done, maybe I deserve a review-refresh LOL
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tallyho wrote:
6 years ago
You're fired
I was sure from your management style I knew who you really were ..... I should have known!!

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Congrats on your appointment. Was it hard to get enough Senators to vote for you? Good luck.
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I've been hesitating on whether to comment on this or not. I'm not one of the old guard and have only two stories on this site. But I do agree that something needs to be done to help authors and their works.

So before I continue allow me to say thank you for taking on this important but potentially thankless task. The Story sections have long been neglected. Works in the Dungeon (as the name implies) often get buried and forgotten.

What worries me, and I hope I'm wrong, is a fear that newer writers won't get a fair shake (equal exposure) compared to older, retired ones. Perhaps I'm reading into things that aren't there (apologies if so).

Having said this, I like the tagging idea. I wasn't crazy about abolishing the Dungeon at first (like others I believe it serves a purpose) but tags if properly implemented would seemingly alleviate these concerns.

P.S. If what you have planned remains in the spirit of your Index then I'm sure all will be well. Good luck, Godspeed.
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GWalb wrote:
6 years ago
Congrats on your appointment. Was it hard to get enough Senators to vote for you? Good luck.
That would imply that we actually have senators....and now that I think about it, maybe we should!

But you're right, he;s going to need all the luck he can muster!
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